Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1863, p. 2

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iwMpanyling ise- c>' aiseexpet t. Tise toit s cifferont M e ,.rre-,i. (Y. Up- s miss tise Brillis Ro- LY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR tb, Thiur4ay, Junei, 1863. lTse cemainder oethie Count>' proceodiags %vili bus ginen in ful .1<. Theleagtls lu ihicî tise dis. on lhe R'isd andi Harbor lias 1, ans! kaovimg thse mIesest ah,' ah large eviacca' la obtain- ùIl anA accumatte, report, ex- nuah tstivoe d lusa'. Thte port fi; la itsesf as damnn; al evidence as colti bo produaced t t e partlnllt>' of n corrupt andi un- )st Ailminlstralir.n, ans!tise de- knasery o! tise anprincipled 11111e guos vio mlarepresept, anti e» 'o ruila tbe Comparny. 015- fromt Globe of fîtî Meay, M82.) te tison is the polie>' o! tisew~ laîsition. Are tise people ut' Up. asis preparotl te accept sucS a f Are lise>'prepacesi te surren- tomr chai to tepresenlation la met, mass la mua, ivisLover à, ans! accept tise iocsiwstes o! i.Sicatte ansi S&ndfielMncdu-i iaI tise iserent prineple of tise i i equalityP Are tise>'viling te 285,427, tsafranclsiàedl isiabi- of U>pper Canada, ,,iaut renuain abîmes!? Are thoy content tisai Frenchs Cansiliant ushait miels! politleal pover wtti four U~pe ses 1 v 0 bey williug that Loter Canada e shah continue dosauin at ise neait of 'Unitedt Canada ? Tisat i ifluence sisail maire ans! mat Lbiuets, select oarn reu Ministers, tise conditions of tiscir obtaaîug as! contraui tise political, financi. commercial polioc!tise coan- lie ve are mure vasti>' numeroue, y Iliree.fcuirtha o! tise taxation ? ta perfect!,' unuersand ihat 'vo tt' If tise peuple o! Upper Ca& ré propares! lo agreo tu alI 1h1, are preparesi lu gise up lise con- sb.>' am prepares! tsrens!er at on to Lover Canasie, ans! iuimbt>' .r lei. letus' underatand ih. -IKrn ~ .......... 220ten 1Brooklin ........... 1 Tatano! .Whlby ...122 181 Colaus.....s.... 142 -S 19 Oshawa............. 13Is 42 ThiS Pleces (r.Mc.Iownas alority t 479. Ia '58 1fr. ,Movat polie s n>'as 184 votes wtiti'Mr. Lstng thon. conlest- os! thse Ridissg vilS hi».. Th'5711i. Morv-. at i'ecived4bo6 votes, and lan '61, 1085. The ffual abews a uecidoti falling off, le Mr. Kovat'. supporteiec Il wu, onl>' aC tise nomination, aithtietlut moment, tht Mr. Laing dêclard h1mnelf a candildae.- Dr. Gunbail tise >léld )h fis ieOppoition inteceat, and MrX. Laing, iviso hasi' been te Moisreal, on)>' learassi on lise sorning 01 tise nomsination, apon bis celarnt IiN tisai Dr. Gan Ws! caices!. Wilbot or- gsnizatloss o! an>' kl»d, Mr. Lalsg -poiles! tise respectable nassbero<f 159 votes. T '61 lise naniber ,polied~ for CupWan Rote vas bat $7 , Tis @ ib*i a.'Oôsseatire, gain, sineïe héui 'of4Uô5. Anot1soee1ecti0ni, it la coafidenlly asàem4t i o&MelSouths On. lario lu Mr. MawaÇàd astrog ceaident candls!tC--;ssAogll- d-it ar tise dus>. Retalrd. t A Rewar4, i~~vjù ien Kîvch for rpeve- rai planica nov MUaiag ffu tlie Clear Gril platt'orm, upon which lise undeciga. e tusa>'have n chance ta astand.' Ecutis ans! tlstbor willi hie oisi cieap for cash, or excisangeti for voe4. Appi>'ta' MIOS.' DOUGALL, North Onterio. Clear-Gr 5it sgctitaste. Mnr. George Curnie, o! Prince Misent, stands imonggt tise ats.sscisalof reform-. era An intelligent mendiant aofguS!o oducation, gouui nsa;andl enlat-ges! ibenal viewsa a rcsidenit haviag peculiar dlaims apun bis part>, ans! the tucsltin a icis ie rcsies. Tisecharge o! peliticel incaur- aisîsune,, or fattlcieaa sto'principle, tirs ner beon irethed agalast hlm. Th'e abject and ungratefel (rit-lbe pretenil. ors te reforin principles, reject 1fr. Currie, at a pretendoil reforus conventioni, ands aulupiIMr. Williams MeDougnll, a mani vis bas proves! falsett erer>' pinciple hoe even profeeein lis u h!; ad vso bas butIa,' eut oser>' - filons! tisaIever trtsted la ii. Tise renegade ta priacipte ilaa polilical adventirer; but in office: lise respectable rotet.ecatdises noC bapposi te b.clanoffce. But tise un- grateful Grils, la tise certain siefent wiie80 su sl>nwastte es, tilt find Ibleir puisisment ITa Mr. Chrrie, Mr. Causcron Frousîs!fins! a erisaMpo osformidable 'op. panent la Norths Ontario. To bonI tise 'candidate tise>' have seiecte, il, nbseait eau' las. In prouf o!fte relative popu- Tise report ufthie Treasaror' Sisesiag tise stale o! tise finances > oftise Cossai>, wa read: Thre Wareeiseas! a minute a! tise Exec. utive Coancil, i la rence letiste -Whitby Rond nnd Harisor Compani>'; àlscs peitions' of George Làemsk, -Levi Cari!, and ochien, in rofereuco b tise extension uft lme for uelecting, 'and paylng ocer 'tise Townîship or Scott assess mont. A OO"STY POsiOtiSSU. Mr. Sangalter, secondes!b>' Mr.Iretisoar, pioreu for a commitîe lu enquire iatu thé deaicaisilit>' and prncticabiiity o! ettablisis. ing n Conuat> Pour Houas, or, Industriel Farta. Iu daig su, lise moerisewes tise grovirig evil visicis las! arsen duriag soma yeavs pu ' , vIert iaspcovltleut "kd goos!. lor.,sthing posins noglectesi lu provide foc tiseir familles, ans! t- eft tisenudépendent lapon private chanit>'.Tise asmsant pais! siuriag tise pat >ear; )ie saisi, vas'$82,i wisicis if expenledin iitlie iniprovoment ot' a fsrm, waulsi yield no inconaidenable te- turni la fact, after tise firat expeatiltace,, ouls! naise sncb a project profitable,,eue- have a teadeac>' te pruvent permuaiiseWh net nogleet lu provisle for tiseir (amilies,- front imposiar aupon tIhe chanit>' f tise publie. There vers, be saisi, mn>'pur. sens vis, eore tise>' avare tisaIwisen tisey~ auglis for eh-nrit, tisey 'wouhW l; oi,Éaul tise opportunity of earniing broasl for Ibsir familles b>' inilasîn', voulu be driven from b.d isabita, asnd parsae a mone vicînous :~ orse tof life. IHo names!Ummena.Tisoap. 14Wisteafini Cmpbell, esa cOmsssttee, ho wricqstise name cf tise sauer-was a!- tortrardsadules!. Mn. Tisompuon approves!o e isobjeet in v, viicb, hovever, iras ouI>' a pro. iminar>' atep, a ns! ho aboulul ho glas! lu set on tise committee, PRTav vais Rato 551>BÀsBVii. Mr. Ganibie, secondes! by> Mn. Mars, -mures! for a'apecial . -ommittee tu be com- poses! o!f Mes=r. lViite, Tisompsun, Bel. ton, McNai ausditise murer, tou takeise m considéeration tise malterfuthtie Port Wiiî b>' Rond and! Harboar Comspany' andti o report lu lise esuncil dsming dis present session as: te vmat action it lasiésirablie for tise eoaty'to taise. Ciptaiui Rove reusinded tise Counet lith*t a similar coumttîe vas ae rl ontst Jan, as!d liat lise motion vas voted doit, andI anaîher aubstitüîed leaving it îct the coi». mitteeonut Ronds andi Bridgeaf. Hoebas! iaoîf nuo objectiou to tise committee, fer liê desired to la ice al tise maltera li re- foreace te lise coaspan>' pininl>' bofore tise Connil, he ouasîs ioveven snggest> lise aamsao! Ivo aslditional memiera,' ans! enlarge the connmiîroe. Ho repeates tisai be vas anxious tu have tise isole 'corres- puadunce bettreen tise coaspan>' and tise goverumeel laid befure tise Council andi thé Connty ut largo. Frus a!al tisa mis- copreseahatioas tisai bad been mas!e il ira duse lutise Companti>tensaelveii as tel!as lso tise isole Couety ta have Use Itist kusuvu, ans! tisaItthe committee siseals! thisusghl>' examine inlu tise siater. Tise books of tise compay, heil accouaIsnads papo>m oul be placés! ilfore tise cous. salue., and evecv facliiiy giron hem to -slsov the tru condition o! matters and tihe Brooislii, to Uxicsge and! Scott, onti t faCtrivWiti tise viet cf extens!ing thise e ruas! ans! its branches to lithe rtisurn-tof orthie Cousit>. Mc. Ferry, reforre visa1vas tise Parlinmentary our e t pacitng of genatlemeen upoh' a Coiýn>eli favorle t0 o tiss projet en tnflaed vras> ior at leat wrormigile al prestihi tl'l1h ave a 4reaier hsuowledetic ans! intenetis tise sub;ect.. In Ti f e ail tise tacts, ise-contendes! liat thseV- "P mittes on Ruai!, and Bridgea, wus lis 0 fo per Comuisltoe, tnd thse Consmitteo ýh R hastit in liseir power lu give tis e+~d CG most satla!aclor>' information sspoýse Pl whole subject. Ho tisenefoeo mvlin cc amsendaient lu aubilitustolb.euDames 08enr lnembesi oftise standing cosamittî on hi Rassis ansi Bridges, t Mc. Bretisour secondes!theliseieft. It Mr. White ailege t iat lise argiintS asdauced b>'tise crffe o! tise tot» oflit. h liy more simpi>' ridicalous. Ti-ejýs nu0 stantding comm'uittee-)n hachions, bh s ai ans! 4his vas aaspecial tuatterr cqna i< sPO-> cmal attoatien, andi tiseattentionofai.Ile,. t cml cuommittee. At tise lumatn,e isi sais!, tise malter mas referres! Io thstls sud Bridgea cosamilîse, and titise>', t viselher purposol>' or nol, mmde ndip>rt- Anss w'iat migiîtishe coquail ex 4ow 7 'I He eoalended fcé'a slecât "m an 4sd atgted asagahust the o1jeti61iýi e hi> Mr. Perry, lisat one gentlemann thtia Round vas 5at as goond as aisorr ansi bas! sais einturest lus coasty>' rnrs. Mr. Fairbauks, (Chairman o! landuisiv Conisitise cm Boa&aans! Bris!goa1desired tosay amors!or tvoin repl>'to je aate menta of tisenoyofo!Pickering.) TaurM finance te tise pétition roferru to tise commuttes in Jannar>' lut, ans!j tatise Committe o nul aving siono thé dut>'; tise petition hisesaisi!vwu preaenlel$ Ottise 3Oîh o! Janssar>', ansi on tise follotng un>',J betoro lise commiltoss has an oponlnut>' le report, tise reeve o!, Pickeecg camer dot» vith is smollon foc a speocomnit-, tee, and! S> bis cealalion atte m p to taise tise malter out, o! tiein banda. lie coin- mittso ot' miise liai!tise isonar te hi cluirman deires! lu mais. an-ilelligent report on lisis malter, to gel eviànce ans! nuismit facto ans! nul impi>' give-heir omis sies. TisaI. committee siosires!I lu téas sucS a report as mcnld set unn that gcrounss-vsat dut-visat i4Drmation tiseir rcoommondsiona mire1, ro ded. He indignantly cepeiled thie accusat-à 1a*gait lise Standing .Cumsittee on Pkids and! Bridges ans!tise chsangeof e! irý aiiriing tise repensibilit>' o! coporing 'osManat> cause misatevor. - i Mr. Bicicoil, enslcayoret! ta rooneile the voeo mincishiegave lu Janniar', Iat, vitis <bat mincis lie intendeil togise s tise pre- ssait occasion. He tison votes! In leave tise mostterlanlise bauds of 'thse (pasmitle, o» Rons! ans!-Bridgea; theomater, ia bis opinion, Sads! ince beconie cckplicaled, andin lsviet o! tisasiimcatles, 'isicis Sas arisea. ise shoald voeofocrlise ifct cum. salues ;lise vms, isovever, infmlr o! mais. ing tise addition o!ftou otiser niemisera. Mr. Camapbell, seetinsed l '>Captin Rote, tannes! t have tisnetis..o! Meas. Fairbans, ans! Bicisotl, as!ued to thiese4t Committes. ansi tisatishe commitlee b. la. structesi 10 obtain a'fauiinnetigttiua o! thé. Conspanys'asaoosaansi the -'ocrespon- Company'. Mr. Campbsel urges!- tise neefflity <f i...... &H thinform~aintt u nlla e as passen n taw suv5nlJ""c U. nys caimi.- 1Mr. Butan, coisseides! lu the resalistiôn, i far as enereaaing tise numra<Onvti div ,oamittee, but fearesi tis aI upiang ise !ri.espondene tuais! taise ap toc0 mch of se coancil's lime. .Mr. Wlxoa, loisaa alilar ;ieW ltistai 'f Msr. Butga. Mc. Camspbsell cosaidered tisai oftise Connoil vas guiag ta interfère as a tisird part' isettreeothlie comjau>' andth ie Oov- unentithere ios shold b e aininatioflof nL tise matuerslonaserted viti tise tasc on, in-cluding tisae orrespondence. capt. Borr4 itîe4 tJslst fr U ;hetcorres- pondence* wvot, 'here irore orsi>'"lsceor esan, letters snd -sneuiorials boIves» lise goars! o! Weks ansi theCumpnily ansitise ioverument; tisaItise ibooksof lise Coin pan>' esbraceul a avoîn audit of!"risem. coants, aund tisat an examis&alianwonld îol taise, bettreen men actsstoed te businsses isaf anisaour,«ans tisat, everytisg waS. rend>' and!opens no tisaI siero isees!b. Do dola>'. Mr. gangster inti maei tisat se fac as se tras concernes!, it vwas not tisa desire o! Couacii te have the rondA, or the ivoris, tad objecte!ta1- a statement madie b>' Mr. Campbell, that, an>' anc vante! ta inter. 'ors bettreen tise Computn' and tise Gor. The amonsiment asides! twu memsbers tbon passes!. 1Mr. Perr>' aggesti tisaI inasmacs a vto menuiera o! tise standling cuniuittee on ELcpds ans! Bridges vpre nov usns<s! ppoi théd salent cosamitre ea tiid migi aima 14 mtisanitisaI gentlemsan-thse Tre's!f M!ars ans! Rasna-representiag a manCspa- lity deep>' interstiesi thie resait o! aen> action tise cent> nt igist 'taie in Ibis rua matttr, -*tiras but siue 1tahi ta bave bis naine place! apon tisae conmitW5., Ho expresses! bimsîf ta b. ratiser surprîstld nt visat feil fronthtie deput>' reove o! Ux- bridge. Wisile tisaI gentleman, sais! aci l.lat it vas not tise desire ofth ie Coant>' to have tise roasis, wisat vas bis cousire tait January 7 wis>' e vcted for a motion ta memorîinthtie goreraisieit ta give tise ronds to tise ceuni>' I Ho voted tisen tisat governmen î mgistresmne tisewirns ans! bans! tise wirnsove'r to tise Cocut>. But, tike the, Depat>' reeve of Uxbriu¶ge, ise, bic. Porc>' imagines!. isere vere ther reeves and! depat>' reevea bu ow-b1oauld cume ulovn front tise.position wicistise>' took itu January i ans! wio voulu] sa>', atbongi tise> votes! thons for tise 7gverismtr'îqi5ris susming tise irns andi iaas!ing tlsem ovr su tise countsy1 voulut not on>' riat tise County bail nu deaire-to interfèe-wiso voulu] bu found t 0Bay>'tiat fac from bnyiag tise rossi vuh tise Cýouiy'n mont>', tise>'voulu flot accept it fri» tisa Count>' as a gi't., The reevo of Usibrisige, (Mn. Buttoa,) peris vould not bo quiet so read>' 10 get ap andi support rsotrtionis btisrowth ie barde» af keopissg rondls in repair hspoa the ccunty, and dou violence ta bis oc oaeiins and préjudice the interests o!fisis corpu rationi- tise corporation whîcis ho rppresenied - for tise saisiso! n lile partira» and feeling. Mfr. Batton 1sai s uretising viicis net aud!ible at tise reporters, desir, ans!- Mr. Perr>' continues!-fle:wvsu'mot go- verneil in bis nurilans, or bis vote aI the council <board!, as tise reeve uof Uxbriige vas. He (-Mr. Ptrry,) vas u no clidetl rsprssesstatve o! tise Corporation ffr 1 wiec hbsiels! bis sent in tise Coaunty Council, ho tes qiîte! Mdind1pêest tle ne acccrdin- ta bis outr td ilT 1--ise iTa s.eret of tsae wissttiêotèd ýbiisI.-He (Mr. are usuait>' accompanies! b>' saci notifics- ti Tise Wnrden statesi tisaI le bils receires! uso dlirect officiai commuinication. .t Mrc. Fairisanhs--"d Will tise Wnrdea I state visether tise document ceas! b>' him vas reéeived fron thse ouerament at ai"- -fresa the Provincial -Secretary"s officee in tise ususui tva>', or fronts vhspin?" .-, Thse Wnrtlen replies!, llfaî'is4 ot tise do-.t cament in an -enseloipo.'0 Mc. Fairbanis- "Tsrougl tire polt Thse Wansln-No-from tise express-a man. ý -Mn, Fairbanks expresses bis u aii- mont aI so antaamodue!.of comesenieSt. in.- titis <b. boas! of a Corporation. Tiset ccp>' o! tise Ordèr iaConcil, ho ssisi!, migisî be authentie -il couisi be obtained b,' an>' ode ; but in traitisoco vasunao!f Siciai eosmunication visaloser bolveen tise Gonecaumeaî andi-tb. Conacil. He, bas!hied doublisa visotisur sis a dccumenlt wax trans- mitteul titis tiesenction or knowledgeofo tise Goverameint ai ail. Mr. White, sin rep>', saii tisat it; sut- teres! not fium visat sOar ce tise document iras receied-l'! it came lhr.oagistise spirit rappers-ae long asiti vas astientîi, it vas in posaessaico! liste Council. Mn., Fairisanlm: again contensli!lishat tise document migisi bava b.en cisan ed susr- reptitioal>-that b. vaa atsiei! tise'do.- vtreat bas! &ent tsem tio nu otification, a4ns tisatishe document bas! been iniproper. t>' ptaced befoce Ilien, in onder tu sfft some aitocior parpole.' TMr. Perry ruainlaineul tsaI lise viole value o! tise communication vas bies! apon tise manner ian whicict ilas receines!. Tise>' (tise 'Coantil,) bas! taise» il for grantesi visen the document tas fitit ruai! that 15. came lithlb.Wnrdei's hanséinlatise usant va>', ibroagi tise Provincial Secrotan>', but tbey vece al ia thse tarlr. Bot voulu! tise eceipt o! thse document, ise amau, ho entereti upon tise journals 1-net crStinly as a communication frai»tise goverimeat 10 the COcncil. Wools! il ho as a commaunica. tion fcom lise express ag-ent? If no let it, bt sacid, be se outeres! upon thier minutes. An> ot requiring it migisl get a cop>' of tise orderin 1 Cossiscil b>' appl>'ing for si for Iis oea private use;-,se ruiutt tise express -g ant. But if tise governasent <luiisouité r cusmutunicate titistise Coancil at aIl it troatti e tbnong th ie ordinar,' vaîl isnomn> chanel, ansd in doiag sà tise siets susd rendions o! the goverumna ould ho set t forvarul as an instruction to tise Coancil, gandi fer tiseir correct informnation. Uriles sthe pre&eot govecnmisnt iras diteut frois j any thbsmt errcules! Canada (Laugislr,) t tise>'moule! not mako tise express agent tise "medium of t'commusnication titistise Waculea ut' tise Coant>' ;-tseT toold nul maisuisim tiese acretitr>'o! tise Provincial Secretay r O! tseProvince. lu tise absensce of an>'1 comeianicatio tise Wariles g tise Cuancil SE idloment" reprt: Tise spall soeittý oe luvisa» vS re, ferres! ebe oruler is, counci, respectiflg tise resumpflot b>' tise Guverssment of tise Port Wbitby Harbetss and the Windsor and Laket Selsgog' rosis! itis thsevite ot' nier. iag thesa id works lu tise Corporationi o! tho Count>', aI a price and! upu» terma 10 se fixes! b> an ordinlaCuascil: report. That after isaviag examiued the saisi or- der la Council, ans! baving beard tihe state- MenU made b>'tise gaveral parties vWho bave' kept thesaaccounuscf tise Company', that have bas! Possessiori of tise>workit; ansd-iaving examineJ a statementof t neti revenue of sais! works .Auriisg-thse <velve yoara lait psst, joar Comtsnites+X* uf opinion tisat tisegeniOt'ntintè. t- 'ft ratapayers of tise Coduty, ith rI'8peot t Mas irnsaare sncb as vuld -insnce thse cosnceil to bestuir tie-moist cai,Çuil cosi. deratioti ubon sa>'offer thue Government oea, demine go mais.. Your cooimitte tiserofore recomtnd oaithstao su ouias the Guveoment shall ignif>'go tise Waraon, lhe.price andi tersas upon visici tise saisi irsa ar» to beoufforsil: that tise Wacs!ui du cal a speciat meeting of tise Cousicil for tise parriose of-conitideriaig said propu'. sition, Ali of visichis larespectfait>' sabmitted. T. P. WIIITEe C&ssaittee Boom, Jane 6, 1863. Coisaty Court ni Gesseral Court of' Quairter $eaions. Wlner, Tuegday June 0,,163 .The C'ourt opene4at,.12 o 1l1c. isi Iioaor-jtdgc Diurnisant prcsîdutg. -The panal of Grand Jurors liavîne bieu calied o<ver ttrefollowitag Gentlemen anSw- eriss te theirnamuies simd vero Sworn. John Witlis, EFgq., Forssznni. Chatrleg tsosb.OC Brand, .1. Co» elseane, IL. Dearborne, S. Deisari, tolsert Noble, W. Glein>, A. Graham), G. Ilotder, S- Hnillev, W. Holgson. A nweJ Lessk, T. Paliser, J. Plumb, J.Rsnal L. Sasago, W. Ssaittî, E. Switz!Lr, Wîa. Sinclair, Peter Tiîuaipsois. James 'rocher, V. Young. Ilis flonor congratulntteil tiaGrand .Jury on the tew casie'on tise crirsiil calenuler, there bela; only isiis! ltalîngetlser Lu b2 iipogesi uf, and] sotiof tht-riof cun unninotatclaractss'!I Roc >urgistm-Noe,$213 25, nnri aMe exemution. - R.JWilcsin for plaintiff. Kéeec.T& sIuL-cio' accosit '®rc $11>2.ExIt-cmtion un four d;îy. IL. J. Wiltois fur Plariif. JJ'se<rd ta. &ar usd~ ton onnote., Verdict for plaintill 2278s.-) 1 dat execsltion. S. H. Cochrane for pliitlfI'. Big4ow. rx.. l po..Atun oi 1Proiliiso>'Y note. Verdirt for l>ititEf P. A. i-lurd toc piaintifi. Hlarts-tk rc IVq. 011ti iiprot. tsiwsry nsole. Verdict for plaisait! for t$'029 60. 1 S. Il. Cochrane for plssliiaf. .4damss o. Colell.-Ai-oi onilproîi- 1socy ane $184 1Û. -Verdict for plasotit. 1S. U-T Cochirane for ptaiatifi. Frosi titîsNew York WorTd. On Friilaren ooauusGert. Itlosi' sun. Fronit LcO i-olU1Lý e iî Il an eneWt âh tflîss bitrii, woiild -Wà' be1ifa 1re 7,,4à'l , Gen M eCll -Je$P us, ave.s' lim by sHl means at ils dJs-tLir iut» a ýOth~e ,Atlantic, or ktowded into ' M ôc gi bay toeNict a landilg M ostr-î1i&r. h is saisi enough tu cat oaolee ye h ern netrepaperi after every battle andi re- cognin z e enri fva D1;ýtM wbo bave per ahed in front 0( thse (onred. erate cannon and bayanot, iaziiinag 10, impose on thse people of thë SaufJà týs.< hatesi raie of -N'ortiorn çatst. W49 '-avei key paid theirftingV&in l h. lamd Lot sisal sacrifice b. essoug;I, aPd4le£ 'avil asivisera home and silicna b. conltnt vi thé outpoarissg of blod -w1bih-p zay niz vei rc'trace, lubert>' and Ù*êgdom ln the- Wetern<World, s 1 s for- irbièb ffrëvnit are ta u ýÉ tosses incirod in tisarare not ta b. conceivedl; a large proportion, coae. ed rzisstlvely la tise. assitntor thé pupula. lion bas been burnê by the Iriais immigrants, oWd andi new. Let nis taise ans exemple lho'facla conneèlés i vilsone se Se. Miehi. g'an ls ltrgel>' poupied b> Irias ans Ger. mnats-la 1860 It eosstahsèd716,505 iu. habitants. Aceurding te tise ratio os. tabliised tiere vere, between the ages of eigisteen andi fort>' five, 05,.578 persons in the whoto State -lisible tludrat. tJp lu Jai>', 1862, Nlièhighln sent tauthe fiold 24.. 281 mon, ineiading rocruits: bettreen July 1 and Decomber ase foutided îhreo régimesoi Sof cavalry, ten of ilisfiiitiy snd one battéq,, 1masmnyç13,739 mna; in becembefflshe Or, gsnzdtiree regimelsin of cavair>', îwuo o infssntry, ocefutrile8 osgtebaîtries, or 4,40q men, making, vitti locil cumpanies liable, in service, a total of 45,J569, or neaui>' onéW hiaîf or theýwhole waht pupeiniJon liale.Feta service. Thi8 total does'not include tise men wbo stitisici in thse reguf ar té ,stsstea service vithin <tho Suite of Mi-chigany und it 'LcertLiinty speak,; Weil for tise coursage' of 1bho p)euple andsisheir ssitacismosi ta the~ féderal goversnent. Ltus lep iow *osuf 'of tise rgms fares!. The Vivat Micbi- gaie consistes! of 977 oflicers the mens. In thr ýccc nilaction u ail irua itis colonel, adjutant, four eap1aiis, twp lieustenants and! tisent>' une ratnkandi file. veeskilles!, a(t moce tiaha f1tise re-iînht vers wouissed' fi tisai Deceomber it basi lest bhy deatis, dieieof woasxdî, 385 mesn:tiso les& tisai - fîsurteen tiffleer. hadresigited. ' Te Second )lichig;an ri,,isnesit 1,013 stosWas re.. duces! tu 642 -in Nosoniber lest, anmd ifsscol. qusel <ied of bis truands.'TheurTbird iegi- ment iras reduces! nthe s anme monts-lir four sisîitâ-tiotn 1,040 la' 669 strong. Thei Fouurî regîmuent lest ise colonel ans! I403 oiticers and mn n l tisesne period,. Tise Fifth h isciwuise982 sîroag, lest 'its colonel anid 486 inen,-wio pert'iseu by hvee,187 discisar-ed f-or 4iùsbilit>' twenti tîbrce deîerters. 181 dropped fruam t: m et the oye or eafiTto s of tise opporlunit, of mnent man. Ida, le "T? TU

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