Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1863, p. 1

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fieit usetb a£Mets l:!, MA§ 1DOW, Manager. GLASS WORKS, BULLQCK, a, 75 Young Bîneot,,oü). & MACDONEIL, k ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SCeenty .Coituail Ontario.-- mrl [Icni%-Soutb ing. If.,DARTNELLg, TTORNEY,, CONVEYAN OfficoealG(. C. Grme'a W. XTTOR? à SA "rneje4, - C.W. ItTNE 'vit" VOL. Vil mise Printe4 words, great thoughttansd untiring iadcatrr-, we a ufe pqce, ore, WllIT~rYC. W, T-aRs. MAY 2k1 IR6% TARi &PETERSON, l.E'D'iA i tP-Wr'îi IL ~i - I - MTbew ouy Keowedge Broheros. pRA('I!lCA1LDeiteaa # Dental Rocuna, dlrectly oppo. ite the fost Olecei.-Eotrance ce 81 mec. Strept, third door nortl cf atne Ontario Bank. 4 W. Il- TàtEGEAR. rECEoftihe ERENCII LANGU.AGE& vxt btby on Monday and Thurgdaya, for the purpoicf giving ntrucnei u the ab*Ve jâFrterue apply nt Ibis Offilce, or et the Royal Rote!. 1 GLOBE llOTFIL. foîndi on hand -rçaidy to attenîd perinaUy t, the tant, cf hie gnets, <&o. The prennises ham beep convenîently, andi conifortebly fitted tp; pinteti sppred, &C. wlth clitrn'se of ot tter tW n"ee1, anPd overy moderniînprovýeme.nt to iiiaice the Tratveier -% home durin,, his etay, andi the Table boontiftil.i 1>' nupplied At Ail tini.1 Nçotice '»tarPîiynra nrad Others î Wmi i n.y. LlquoreWb niélel andi Retafl, Meetn'ls Faul- hl'Proof, by gallon or s'erre!; MeNatihîc,', PoFeCI-BROCiC (ecle anue.. lscpler'c Extra Rectil!î<i 1 Whimkey, «1le. .;0,; bemt Pot, Shti-ry anti Cegoiecit Brariîy for tIhe ick, c-îw hite t - hquors ant i igares ot tiie i-et brautis. gRY-ÀT-LÂW. Atientli-e tintlrreanti Item-es te Ii ru. ry Office, htrociz A. ALEXXAR T1TrecIrin,. .in. 2ti, T19M. 4 XPSON BROOKLIN IEDICAI, HALL, auto Buildirge 1JOHN DAIwzs, DRUGtST & A rcîhiecuar>, &o. 'li., Brnok- A. 5AMPSM. J.-'lin. C. W'. preuicriptinnec'reeX e S poiunideti., limogs, Olleanti Metiline o? en-env - -- teseilntcui.46-1 y !LLDAVID -BI$lOI», BSTEREXRAACT ER, inoga to infomtlie inhabi- EmA hnc o Iact rti, of r'Omsuulo andi Durliain Cenle,, wbîg.47 tha ls preparet te atteint SALES in env - partcfthece c'-,ntie..Ahi ou-tir% e lot aie VIV NE r.-cmtiencee, ou Lut No. 84, io thge 5tl eoncosiai6n of Daringten, c-hI ho punctually atnd tiol. OWN ATTOR Dalingtcn, Noeober, 180. 438 ýt t0h. mre,-~ resets. MPher- HALF-WAY BOUSE, TOIlE WESTEY, ?ROPRiETolt,(SUCCEê.- 1s9n. , f son te R. P. Clark.) Tilv Stages 10 the YATLW Northn, Lintisua. W hitby, antibea -.24 StetWl ;STAGE FlOUSE LIER, ISAAC FPENTOIN, OLICîTOR IN * Proprier. &c. Office-in- 1lra4îde Zic, ST Wine.i and il qnore; Mn..neor e'-omn 1>ce mo dti 0 à£0rtravel :M; g cd stabl1liitg 0,nut legse 0fBeaver- attentive l'ostler. lai 1 Ceuni>' of on-- 40 ALBION 110TEL. b.. mmo B.Ot-oa T?, vgun-sy. t? LW, s- ~JAMES BLACK, rPublic, &c. rerorr ldg, »Dlnd- EAST WINDSOR ROUSEU, WAITBY, WOOD», rhIgslcve ilote! 1, gituameti na pleareentanti J5,.retinet part. cf tine Town, octhe fronut rond. )LICITOR UN oo.i accomunnodeion for travellore. Goot <CeuvoYancer Stcilingz anti attentive cstlonin. 22 qiremi. 4* VICTORIA H OTEL. BR001 S SIT WRn-na AMSCROUKER,, PropMitore O OMXMIIRCIL TR&VXLLtu vdwllfnd eoveniont Etopfitn I int ishotel, aa tiey c"" 1a6-0 fýrointheo gi«Or ock kept aI the, Bair tii. reta talcen by their predroeseors. The prepintor takeatiti. ccainte thnni hin numanoua patient andi fiende for tige liber- 81 patronage hototetion hlmasInce the cern. nuoncennant of hie ibusiness ina Wh;thy. Goo0d Stt4ullng, sud Attentive Osiera. Wîitny, Jan., 1868, 1-tf RUS]FIL0SIlorlOlT QUE BE C. *naned 1lOTEL, t-onrrcpocîfuliy te oprize Ililfriente sud parons, tigesthey have tino- rôongbli>' onovueateter eetainlishneint duri!ýg tige vinler, thîocinotblestem nov teo ffer te tino Manîers cf tige Legleatnre, andth ie Tra-> velling Publiean>enrionacoonnrodatioo. lo aatiino te the apairtinentg tge-v ha,! lest tin- ter, tbây have nec l'aciers ani-ed.roonmc le, a large h,)ut4eoer tnee Rata*,whiicin, for. ccifffl andccvqn o re tmUmanrezuinuu bthe cit. SWtf. RtTSEËILLLit SON. lforthern Hotel Oannington. Thr incrieiug hn,ieneet tht nl¶on'e favor ably 1, -ivwn hôte!,hlas renodeiIt oneea:P f tlinesiloieri eniarge the promises. lie han donP 1ce tO a cenitîraile extent, antimatie etiner iteratione anti improvpment $q t e core liii! fîrtiuer the cimio<rt an,, secQnoiocteIto or ii L'c"ete. The table ln aivaye provitiet with til(t le'itill eeon,arid noué but the bectgraindm of w iîe-.anti Liqinere kept nu thetpromite. Tan-cm keepers"cppiiedi heoale. Gi-e a Cal, ie von peine. Bl) ie un.ro,mnd 0,11r, alway% -in attendt- 'infa, aeiuiteti by Plein, te takre charge g'fteeouc. JOhN iWAP.P, oct 23tli189. ýPropiictor. 4 REVERI irOUSE, rpgp c'nccnherhegete nnOuntiet te J. pulic, nti anticianl te etravelling tomli iiiitY, Ihut l'O fies epeneti thne ahoe ex- cf quemeditinandi ci-cmy atteintien padte1 the *tnfdrt «fgutete. Excailent Stahiing end atteivne Ostiers: The Bar suppliet titn met- Wintmi anti Cigars. 4.9-y rpetr Fothe Travelling Pubic. abHE serlinor iavinirLoacet the l'reul- Lc -uael cnciEd b>' T. F lt', I tige 1it'llle cfEpeenun, anti hsaving ltted thein up ini gl sityle, lm noni, srepared te acoonmootte ail lIonne e-lo gi-e fli a Coli. île imtends keeping noothlng bol TUE BIST 0F LIQUORS à CIGARS Aui& lie l w2inll i burninnediwtl, ail the d(tclenc cfthO eeaen. Ai atteaOlin'e Qetir aimasnthaenct. Tin-iso tio favor hlm vilh a cal! iny rclv uPor, beleg crifrtably aecoma- lno«4,i ala eilattondeàt t. Zucotin, Mgy, Ist.lroprlctcr. WOON'Cs HOTEIL, WOON & B3ROTHER. Thse Bile of BrEn eTiere canmae to beach a poot exile 01 Brin, irhe det on hiarobe It washeavy and Chili; For bie cennntr hâ alghn'd whenn st twiihtr.- T. , n' t y he. .ind.beaton I ; But thge dar-sar attracteti hie ey'e's »aI devo- For il rs. o lhieown natitelaie of )otnocan, 'Where once lue gfow of hie ,ycntleinrition Re sang thge boid atotmCf Etin go bragh. "Oh, aad ia my ft" esa dthe Ieait iroken -atraxigt? T110 tiltdtimer and wtdf te a eoi-nt osen lice: B-ît 1 have no refuge frcni famine or danger,- A ihome anil a ceuintr> rern:.iuî net for ome Ahe! neveraeain lu theo grece hidy hoerit. Wliere Mny forefatiners llv'd. chaiS!1 cpend theo seet hourse, O1 eover un>' bârp itte ige'sdsoyenflIow- And etrike thge eweet utber-,of Erin go iragh, Oh, Brin, uny coUntry i tigouth matiand forak- 'In dronna I re-visiî thy u-ce-ineten î%hore, Bot, aiase! im e fkr ditstant land Iuatkei, Andti eginfor the friande I shah mitvr s ee more. Andi thon, cruel fate, wilt thon nover rerlince in ananixfen of pece,.whero ne poil! eao clime Mh, ocrer agoin schainov brother. embrace Tlîey dieu! tc defcnd me or li*ette depiont-. Wherie net %lMyun>'chin-deor, se faît b lu'- tu tilt e-od! SiLeteru. andi ire iii! weep for its fil- Wlnere tige tontiner that ieok'd on ioy clîiltl-. And eliera la the boiicn-frlend deoaror tuant Ab, niv-ma"! cool! loiunr eunindt hy pitasore, Wby i- <nait rIent on aIîut-fidinS. treaminre 1-1 Teiur, like the ritl, 0ev l atue n -amiue, But ruptures an ot uty they ceUo m ecl!. But yct. aillie fond recoiicctotioc#î 99111Knî, Onecdyin wielîniy foudhýoeomshe.rlldru w. Brin, an exIle hequcathe tighee bis einug- LUnd 1etiîy forefaîhere, Mrn go braglil Buriet ant i Oii heniy heait stilie Iao- tien Green b h iy Ïeldt.swetopes isie of thge ocoan, Anti thy harp-strikiing barde sing alond wtll devotion, En.,, ma vournecu, Aseoct Bin go bragli. BELL MARTIN. CRÂI'TESXVII. -COMPAI<lONK NamiI vaaw about tbree yecra rosa the time tint Henry' Wre, exiled by crime from bhna home and friends, left Philadelphia, that twtc men set oonveaiing ie a pivate room of' an obscure tavere ti wbet vas ciled IlNatchez under4.be.HiIL" Roth vere evidentl>' yoneg, or, at lest, ie the eai-lieut prime aud frealinaicf .nloo- jet atroug lines hMai cre ady deepeaed on their foreh eeda, and ever, iuament of chir countena=ca insee i..4.. l tr4M&&& mevw me, if ve were to aabed Hendy, or gain~ styled binseif, turing II aboeid certsiely vau you. Bet bot di< ' Lice Mn.,Àr-tIy, a tamy moreP -'4 AntI Yen, lille Mr. tbn -s e - mntr 4 - - a- t1h. oin&Cu!.% in o are oc ltit t, altiug for us be. 1I Ihinocs. There do yen hear that bela gaie P' 1 , Yésa ijîlathe. usr.'e. Sbe. bus been ingtog for thet ivbnnanti I auppo.. yu* l get off 1; ino hbcéonnes of au heur more. Shah <get on bïoard of lier?' - i 'Moat certaini>'1 ïi - eqoieker e-e can gel mway froua bore, tk better.', Bver>' tl;ng eieg cirefunih packed ave> lne tutnla ttht o ipaniosdescented, vld&a a iaes1ndfft 'rz.inrta tIne bar- rooui,vbere 1Mike wsu buail>' attendtug tu bis customers. s be>' enten-ou, tigy e>-r. eyei scanicbiugty fnom be t t foot, by ttc ueo, vinas. appmeânncLold plaint>' enouîgi their business. WnThs scrutin>' entinuet netil Mike si- <Gooti moruirg Mr. Harti>' U Whaî titI yen have ? od morniug, Ur., Main- geetin the atret p Sac he bcd netI>' lotard hua'frieeti. ver suspect chae iL ne on.ecIa.1 <an nainac. WelI, ii ',A. 1111e brandy andi Neitber the " -ïtin nnCottcmouce ie 'sitin the doacri làonu of c-buteIntoffice Ib-f.-' S liad been directed en i vit in jtent ten li - citizen of Nt~ collision vilin lb455 bliese pensonages fl e enta, thoir &sUent it of tbeir. sercb. AsRaindy benth g t for the brandy bine - f5t ced, te aies ton,"0 ay 7'lo re 4d comprebeudicg,, tng u e r coursie of inaf a their baggage, r-t assistance be bat u ty, <neceiveti a iar pocketati villa a lan bernieti>' ate WitLbfear and ln men watt for f the boat tomi about ever>' q the toton,cutidtcers ticular, notice- S« Jinat they ver. o rd tee' Ihat nicu. h ee not'osea of g, in an>' degu-te, tino tndividualse1z ucl the>' vr-- 'esit for an assoit on cf a 'scaitn D bat conne ie gambling tebhe, V, in a et nioc thne i objeots 'e counter ho pa>' hen, he prenoun. e,- the vend. Wnke, porfectly ut g. And the andt repaireti âW-digned 'tk. la Ibo <Will that do any gootiWont as, in tact, prove a uelese lcombrance ? 1 8h. vilbe encumubraiice enougli, ne deubt. Buttwe imuet labo iteviil i th h gooti. Timat elti rascai, ber (allier, loves ber toe vol! te ]et bon be any c-bewitb. ont a liberal suppi>' of mil the mearia nec£c- sary te ber exlerna! couifont. If te geL ber out héro, mooey muat, Md iliyl follet ber.' Are yenOInuracf that' 'Merahl>' certain. i 1mevo.lai Mantie to el olt e oubt jt.' 'Wilthe leave ber chiltiren, wudcm to yon l' 'Yeo,wtlt-baifun invitation. Almcet every letter I receilv6d front ber is filteti w tb nIs or open requéeafer me aay Iconne.' 'WC cRn but try the exporimeut. But sinppe it feuls. What wl yue o itb Wb aîtui iud -vtilerP - 4She is yonr 'sife.' II Inot; But suppose she tare your tife!'Il 'I 1, wldAtiput ber intuahie se> cf getting back againe te ber chiltiren in double qaick, time.' C Rut suppose ah. vcl ntgo il ' Then 1 vould leste lier te stnty or ge, àse likei, c-hilq I journoyet eelsea.' 'My oc-n Vioc-s, -Precirel>',' sas the heatlts responise of Ware. Thet evonieg anti a portion cf the noît day, tare pamed by the tire youug men in thno busine4sof studying tbe charactee,' anti nacetaieiog, as fer au possible, bIne: leongtb cf lina puraca of the dilferent pason- gems on board the Guinare. These settieti te their satiafaction, sfan aseit tac possi- hIe for tlnemu te o sie sncb mettons, tbe next tbiug wac te lutroduce carda in a se>' that vould croate no suspicion as Io their reel design. Ibis .vaa doue on theosecond eveniug, sandi everai heurs cpenh n luays>, durncg which theo hou andi gain were but trling. On the iti moreirig, after breskfast, Carde ver. agalu resumed, andi aller more scllldspl*yed thana on tbhe vauinizpsvlos Stil.,aur voupg mon <nnAtlueméelies wa!i bc ha PO ill ta N{O& 19 ý eprueg forvard, aund graaped in botb bandas g tLeb&I hevtakes, amnaunting tao about cris bel buudrod anti sixi>' thousemitidollars. As. N be did >this, landy umped " Ithe otable, ci. cnut nineg a mont bitter imprftation, y 4d he s aptaju b>' th e thrq A ge - q oral sceeeor confuaien foli s, ishich euded ie the pafsengers 411ht, àkig sides vith the Captaie agaieat Wré sud fLedy, Who madie attompts t e esh4th kniv'e anid piste!., but vere preveuted, Several oetUui Lb. dock banda ver. thon cmhlied'in, and Col tige tve mon seouroti. Fohlovhag -tnis came tre a jury of opauegrsceileti byc.the Captain, $Ci to enquire inte tb. thole pvocc.dng tbat Cal bcd endeti go dlceaterently te tihe foollhtab0 youiig man, Wthbd beeau tnaeu ho rhck ' moeey that vas eot bis ewn. Ttc tati- vidu£is-testified, p9aitiveil, ttýat Ibe>'bat g11 observed iandrity, or Haine1asu be bati10 booket i amsîf, meke sigina *vaîieus kind as te bis c m pan îc, uring 1 I orps et qo evctj leîe--iJ1batMs'p&timi sas ihot 11 oely sech ag ta give bime- a sight cf lb.he10 Young mati's handi, but thiat ho bat, after tiý a"r> test, beeni seon eteuahbily glanuci4g h tevards hie carda. SFeuy satisleti as to their guilt, tie Cap- su tain reatoret to the Youug man the hem,>' um h b lIihat ith a ord of stvice as ti te bis future openshiona. Ho thon vont fri oet, andi remaineti about five minutes. un Whee b. came jin, heotaufoihoseti 1%>' fun- 4 atout mn- dodk and. & Thons ibo>'are,' h. eti, poiuîiug to n» W ar o and Mn t , cho ver . se ted le the th cabin titIs their arma pieloueti bebintisu' them. 'Let tbem bu put ou aboe.ea once.' Pl' 'Ntaeh igbt, Captain?' cneef the the pecactigera naid. e Yes, air t nigit. I neer ahîciet a ci gembliug aviotiler te romain cn boardth le P'ý Guhuar. more thon ton minutes, aller 1 - <oued hlm out, day or niglat. The boat Ila b niot rcuieg as-near te the aber. as pas-. sible. 0cme. mot" quick, ni>'gentle- meul'th Ttc atout feliova, at ea.b aide, loft littlo roosa for ,oslstance. Iu a few min. utes, the-compenlouinle .iI uer. hunrieti oser tb. aide of th. boat,eun oted qeica. ha lv to- thé sabrst. Th aca timar ere a lft, S r upon eomli' en relurinltui di or, asiht ut s4uahimm. r Orleans d ohaer. M yoi i&yfàL-Oei- -- EIA ITL T IIF enibriher hlciafttotn tinohe boreo it eetabliehed liotel, with thge vov ofalicrtiing every îîccmniodmçtiowîn 10 tae anoling public. Clive h luia ee . (?ooti tahllie. mit cefiere 16 - JOHÎN MO<(TRTGE. ZWIVKCltÏ IfOTECL. T frEgtlbmcllher deares to Il formm Ie frientie gild tht travelling pnblie,tlmi ho ha. noi- ly papereti, peit-i d ntirnhed the Iaboya hotel (toronorin ocgteplo by 1.fr. Atlineo) anti thet tino traveilleg eempluonisv cil l ficoin- lortahis aiccoînin o atie moloîate ritex. Tige table le c-.ll au pplioti with everyhing ho Kea iton. (ot tabling and carfel etiors cfii thc "4pot. UNION UOTEIL. D"IIS hoel lm e antral ly lînatoti anti poceee T even- c acomodation. Itlabn eo nwly iteti up 1a.tidreniovateti. Buet e-les,lilquüre, &ad aigae. CHJAS. MeCLUE. 27 rpitr ALUION UOTEL, E S ARKET SQ4UAI<E. TD RONTO,- EJ. SýMITII, lroprietor. Exc(Ailent atctint- îîodaio. Every attention paidt t tig e onfort of Crvellere.i CANTON JIOTEL, D UFFINS CREE, PICKLERING. GOOD e ccomodation fer Traveilcre. W. OUTHBERT. 4s-8nîPropriotfer. RAILROAD HOTEL, F IONT STRZET, near tige Markcet. - Wm. POWEIR, Prolpg-eton. Belevilhcllct. 2, 181. 4S.ly 31A NILLA BOUnE, XANLA. T HF, nlor5gedti boa ave 10 nform hic frieude, and he travelling publie, thal ho has taken the mv. c-ail knoov hotel, anti truteb>' strict attention t4) buainesa, anti by emaaoriiigw e tiq i n hopoer forer iacorn- fout anticd vnlno f gueste, te monit a sae of puilie patroiemaGo (boct i Lquora sutiCigang. (Teinjortable aceununetdutien for mariant borne. An rîtentive and 'crainltOir loris in eai- tondante, Manihia, fOt. 29,1lu1. ROUGE T08EPH )&ON. L, si CONWAY, i"nepitor. 49 1- 44, Bay_-treet Toronto. IMALT VINEGAIR. FA LT VINEG ARteau not h at be large oI remnalqatbtles, attîho Whitbv Brewerv. NOW 18 THE TISE. (;ET TOUR LIKENESS AT 3.A. Clank'c ist tnice Pictere Gallery T F yon teaire a correct andi life-lite Amb;onu- A typne, Cnneoîype, Les±ergraplt. or Lether Trsnasfer, orsa Likoes b ina tLeket. Broaclaon Rtingr, for J. A. C. tan do il lne g bet style, simd at shoertnticen. WILK[NSON'S 110K 88 Bnuick Sirree4Wfe ROBINSON BOUSE. T' FNfPFRANCTr iIOUSsI, BA STREET. JToronto, ea foir tore Noin th fRing Streetl. Tennis-Oedollawpe>'a. ,iAMIDB MATIIEWS, 15 Lateocf International bIItel, Propritor. NorthnBritishlansd Morcatile- Tite & Life Insurance Oom'y. BenIk oet M(nreal. gv. Whiîhy, Sept. 7,1882Q. 85 FRED. TAYLOR, P> &RLIANIENTARY, LAND & GEI<UIR- f nI Aec!i, Plsfor Croc-o Land,&eb teleti, claimne hbefore the flemarImeiit cf COînI-enLadg Palienteti, Pateuntsc neto andt Gainerai Bnsitnecawith tihe'ill fie atte-otieto1, Tille examinot ind Legal Adie gb-i-n Freeof (Charge.- Iitpnzxowce.-Hoe. (bec. S. Ilclten, Ce- beùrog- T BR Moritt, Eeq.St. <ireiine; lIon:. ùý lsnanel, Mojitreiii; Blon'. 1). Motion- #ldI. Tornute; lien. Gb- Alexn.ler. Wotistoek; lion. J.. leilîeuu, lltwk.ury-; lion, DChiris. lia, lr-tntfr rd; Illn. R. Matineaco, P'erthn:-lien.t G. J.* tIoM ue, London' lice A. Kjerzkoivekî St. Cmreu Ovvo,...éormno:-of Ruade andti port Struetpi, Quebe. i Ottobon 1,1862. 41 l kera, meeting unt heir ciota, gave effeol pelle t roml to ' the singulaî4y boIt aud forectous aspectlpresence. Of teieinfaces. lb.> sait opposite toeaecha Pt al a 8 other, et a eaelsquare table, tapon thicia theïr aqspens ver. glams endeu a decaniten, containiog. Ytbr5tions fr lnetarl aquart cf brandy. Esola vas regt- bis, aad di ing bis eibovacon thietable, eandubis chi boattwu la upoe bis hauts, and sacin'vas leoktug thse <eh geutl>' other, vile tbe>'cunverse.ti ftot tenlIse ever, untl t tl face. u-0U5 revoluti 'Wa Wbe iben l~tio dvil's carne, je te its poeo, s.1 bedoneePone of tbem aced,tena quick, the Citybogi exciteot toue, saler lhat.uiug ta sometbing dit thea je vbicinlhecîber Wd&&id. tiy bogan t "W mut teav e hans, cf coerse.u', 1'ruly dMi Of courue. But men vo get away safe. lihé transgree 1>?That'. tinoquatic.' teatthjr feui] Ili t Iiel s<o." correct anuîi 'He-?'migbt baves 'W. Muet assinesa diaguise.e cieîj, vitlitlf "Of vbakietir" meau for ou To tins the counpanioe ropliati- b>'takirig aith.more, ha fromt lis pdeket a smaih packagejvlaiclaLe lived iu thesei Carofuit>' openeti, andi eklibitet two pairs socialhpleaaur cf green spectaclas. greassboth M4 <We muet above off or wviikenu, an penalty wva. meumit a pain of spectacle.s -piace.' saiti pain ofuliind. be villa gin thetfellzatil>'shont of aemilo, eiccoiepsuiet for a'bicIn il wuasteooiot. vent aver su* "Anti, in tinat disggise, returo ta Net ces, on reInet Orleans ?l eelf-upbraitiul 4 yes.5 The excite IlBur, viii vo b. aafo bier., if Ibis fel- botb esteemoý lot sheuld takle it toto bts heet 1 taude ? uer Matit>'fe Ris connections are ricb, mand viii inske conversation, great effort. te bave us arresteV . - musing om'en ' Let mie get once iebo Nec- Orleans, villa plans foi anti l'Il def>' tbem.' repie thten compaew neader iiagise ion, gemblera b>' Just t tintmoment tine or a opau- Toteetîst tarot familiart>', aed walkiug ap te thoeu ont n tie'l table viner. lb.etc men catL eacih seiza,-A. 1lus haebw& KIStSIONER FOR litenilu LandiDivi, id (en.ral Iet t, nesnly oppunite nutimlsaiener lnQ aited on tIno niait )mpî relniîtanoe f Tuohd *&(ih M. B. 4 AiND ACCOU- Office-Opposite iiit t ibseasea cf ION, NGII4RER. AND D SURVYORS. utà,C(Tnvyaneerm tra-n up. Whhti aineblo lands for id Wootlvihlo. BURNET, Boverton. IRELL, U:%#%Onnmr-£LqJIÀ%L- 1 tàn, Ar 1- - 11,-. i«. r . ý ý 7. ý , -;- ý.. 1, 'D"X i ,-iou lut ai bencei.ii gindi st once renpciiiita y1ur dr!ii w d ,s o ne d - Sine y bn un mý 1aineau ha.improv.d a 11W., mo 15e<4 îeonragéd ta o bope< suc eee. I1 Ciao . >werer, Ieavn New Orleans for tiaepu me of ieedag'yon at'BiliWe, or &né Dterme&lge Plae. yoc u l ave 10 cura. joue. Ceon youtenture to do 00-1 fi h k 1 0 e m eÎ y . ( eG o b . B a im o rdi, .à . &kaasage for Wheeing. At Mu c n go abo ev b d b u ! à ouisPMe, front wbeide 7011 ilt c6nma di. ectiy ihre by th ue mme oefn convey' 0". '$vrite me (oaileieile 4y rit ro be(ore 70u iestu there., ad iu:jittoù buboat in which yoctIneid tsklüg~aa1' i that I coau We you on yo-r Iv.'!' iere. 1 feu el exfoltutSe aie yI boy7 happy dayse Itmut, 4M1in store far' I ie~ the laope of 800on looking -upioi our de-sr face, I nvw ay fa.eweiT. Coin,, IrriJy aU& Affadtiontely J'oUrz_ Bell, read tbt. lettar over and over n, ingeri1tag poIe*ch - passage iunshh ino eùid and a word of lillusion te herse1fi.,rnd reauring op the words-an preci-cus- 'V!iPO tilI holding in ber band, tvro litie chidren *me bouufding payflly l b. 'nthe md Mn UVrto beride. Onihe b iadéiî. vu à bright boy, ofer ithon asix annm era3r ad paaed plemand7 ;the. other vAi > [nr, with muild, pleasant eyea, amd a s v'ot eong face, on wieltem!ies played a r-éf' w rliples oser the yieldng surface of a- aiet lake. As &boew*od bliber, lokinr ap it -her oniennc, tieir eyea apanki . 'g with 61lWa confidence ad ffetion, the. ,otgbt cf lesving them omade herwvaver in"'- len purpos.. --Why nott aite them ai wl me?' 8,68, Mked erself involnoarly. 'I1o-no-no 1' waathin atpreplytoe hii. 'I have no nigit ta r'eqive hm 'om à happy home, for one, b>' mwaelI, ail intried, and wbich cosyprove, even ta uic, place of privation and wretchedneas. No, -ne-.no 1 Bfere they Moasttand schah re. nainý And I muât go. Dut>' and àeec ,on aei me, and I caonot dilrezard îhi' ummono, nor linger ie dread of thoeviet iUtlMI'hisuMotattend my suparaliun frt WHIT»YiýC@ Wel TRURSDAI ý' MA, Y 21.-1.863.

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