Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1863, p. 3

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end in btands of Tresm~~r AIaEARs or CoouTY RATsa s1861. Received from Wm. Dunbar, Townahip of Pickering, in full.....................$1915 60 Received from John Foy, Township of Seu. g ug, in ful.......... ......... 298 63 Received <rom Geo. Currie, Township of b Reach, in ful.................... 2200 03 Received from .John MoKay, Township of Thorab, in full........ ........... 568 47 Received from Henry Carswell, Village of Oshawa, in full................... 393-Ìà Received from Thos. Huston, Town of Whitby, in ful.................... 959 36 Received from J. Harrington, Township of Mara and Rama on account......... 486 78 -- 6821 96 CoUNTY RATES FOR 1862. e lved fromi H. Beston, Township of Pickering, infull.................... 4554 78 ived from Geo. Currie, Township of Reach, on account............... 2214 00 Received from James Harrison, Township of Brock, in fu..............2412 51 :eceived from Robt. t)arlington, Township of Whitby, in full.................. 2024 62 Reeeived from Geo. Thompson, Township of Scott, in MI.............1132 38 Received from James Smith, Township of East Whitby, in full....,...........2061- 06 ieceived from Robt. Spears, Township of Uxbridge, in fll....................1513 07 Received front Thos. Huston, Town of Whitby, in full.........................931 37 CEIVEDS FOM oQYERNUENT FoR ADINIsTRTIoN 0FO -balanceofraudits of 1861..........827 51 audits of 1862...................907 52 mu J. V. Ham for Jury fees for 1862... 141 00 L.EoIBLATIvE sROOL ORAY ived for the Township of Brock.,.... ived for the Township of Mars and Rama*..............,.... ........ ived for the Towiaship Thorab......... ived for the Township of Pickering... ived for the Township of Ulxbridge... ived for the Township of Reach...... ived for the Township of Bast Wbitby....... ........ ived for the Township~of Scott...... ived fur the Township of Whitby.... ived for the Township of Seugog... T. 531 00 267 00 186 00 920 00 452 00 714 00 421 00 249 00 1330 00 89 00 December, A EXPENIDITURES. LIABLrrrEs INCtRRED I1 1861. $5087 27 Paid balance of Salaries in 1861 to Gao! , Surgeon, Gaoler and Court House Keeper........................... 312 50 coxxtMsstoNs, 80. - Paid 2j per cent commission on County rates for 1861, to Treasurers of Reach, Pickering, Seugog, Thorah, Oshawa and Town of Whiîtby.......244 16 UTNICIPAL sCHOOL AssEsMENT aC. Paid Municipal School assessment for 1861 to Reach, Pickcring and Thorah... -1821 00 Paid Goverhment Grant to Grammar School.... ..................550 00 Paid Local Superintendents of Schools for Salaries and atiebdance at Board for 1861........ .............170 64 Paid for Roads and Bridges for 1861....... 0 Paid for Printing for 1861.............0 00- Paid Adjourned Sessions orders for 1861 197 94 Paid Adjourned Seisions orders for Consta. bles for 1861............... 131 85t Paid Contingencies for 1861................. 28 33 4556 42 DEBENTUSRS AUSNDMEsUT. Paid 2óunty Debentures, Nos. 13 and 14... 1200 00 Paid Provisional County Debentures Nos. 15 and 24............................. 1200 00 Paid Interest Coupons on, County and Prn. visional Debentures............1764 33 \ 4164 33 JuL. rI'TABE. 5173 OF TRE CORPORATION OF T1E COUNTY OF ONTARIO ON THE 3lst DEEMBER, A. D. 1862. ASSETS. Balance on baud on Slst Dec. 182..... $5494"2 oOUNTY RATEIMUE ST MUICIPALITIES. Township of Mara and Rama ou yeari 1859, 1860, 1861, and 1862 ...............$2709 81 Township of Reach for 1862................. 898 39 " Seugog for 1862................ 335 46 Thorah for 1862............... 646 30 Village of Oshawa for 1862................. 383 56 Ainount due by R. B. Perry for land, with interest, since 28th August, 1856...... Amount supposed to be received from Gov. ernment for the Administration of Cri. minal Justice since Dec. audit, 1862... Non-Resident Fund security for Non-resident Debentures, issued to amount.,.. Gaol and Court House, with lands attached, and Beaverton Lock-up ............... - 4973.62 650 00 500 00 8600 00 16843 79 Pald Bills Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5............ 4900 00 Paid Discount and Bank expenses.......-169 15 5069 15 . CoUNrTYPRoRTy. 1876 01 --- 4159 00 ORAMMÂa SOBooL.. Senior County Grammar ........... ......... 800 00 Uxbridge Grammar ...... . . 200 00 e Oshawa Grammar ,...... . ,......... 135 00 1235 00 'ed from R. Phi ips ou Cosut> .........,,,, 1.......... unsera Laiceuses.,.. ra Licenses........... traies Fines. 130 0 210 00 119 60 127 50 . à-TnEST. ed from the Bank of Montreal on Specialdeposit.................33 75 ed on County rates...........,...,232 BILLS PATABt.E. e&-frot Soundry Bills discounted.,. 697 10 Paid Gaol Supplies and Sundry orders. Paid Repair & A............................... Paid Insurance en County Buildings........ 978 09 1173 40 109 61 2261 10 Paid Local Superintendent's Salaries and at- tendance at Bord.................499 86 Peid Legislative Sch'ool grnt to Pickering, Scott, Brock, Reach, Thorab, Ux. bridge, Whitby -nd East Whitby... 4159 00 Paid Muricipal Schtool Assessment to Brock, Scott, Beach, Piekering, Whitby, East Whitby, Mara and Rama sud Seugog...... .........-.............. 4050 00 Pard Senior and Junior County Grammar Sehools......... ................ 635 00 ---- 9343 86 coxxisiol ON ComIfy RATES. Paid 24 per cent Commission on County ratesto Treasurers of Brock, Scott, Whitby, Eut Whitby, Uxbridge, Pickering and Town of Whitby.... AMXINITiATION Or JUSTICE. Paid Tnd Pai" Jaro Paid for Pald Cou ,............ . 93 .................1826 .......... 656 orders......... 177 0F ADJ~oULNED SESsIONs. ........ 593 70 ............. 310 00 .................180 00 .................. 12650 ......... ........ 433 24 266 28 7700 001 LIABILTIES. Arrears of Salaries due Gaol Surgeon, iitd Court House Keeper.............. SCNOOL ASSEsMEN1. Municipal S&hool Assesment not paid over toThorah................... COMMISSION. 24 per cent Commission on Connty Rates to the TreaturerS of Thorab, Mara and Rama, Reach, Sengog and Oshawa... SCHOOLO sUPEITENDENTs. Amont due Local Superintendes3 of Schools for Salaries, Mildage, &c., 80 far aascertained...................... 00 Due Senior snd Junior Grammar Schools... QUARTEII SEssIONS 0RDERS, Due on Adjoured Quarter Sessions orders outstanding on 31st December 2862............... ........ WAaDENS ORDERS. Due on Wardens orders outstanding on 31st December 1862.. ............. Due Jurors, Pouk, Wood sud erus - 4 Due Selectors of Juror...........6 Bitta payable outatanding on the 31st Dec., 1862, Nos. 6, 7 and 8...........2800 County Debentures outstanding.........$15600 00 Provisionsl County Debentures outstanding 12000 00 Non-resident Fund Debentures outstanding 8500 00 Balance siowing exceess of Amets over . abilities..... ......... ........... 23969 100 00 186 00 132 12 137 00 735 00 819 71 18 $65017 7 The undersigned, Auditors for the Corporation of the County of Ontario f( hereby certig that the above is a correct Abstract of the Assets and Lial Corporation on the 31st December, 1862, as far as ascertained. JOSEt DAVID Whitby, April 17, 1863. 07 80 00, 00 Are in reccipt of their New Stock of SPIRING & SUJIIER G( Which is well deserving early attention. From th( sed facilities for buying, combined with a thoroug of the requirements of their customers, they are pr Goods, from a large aid well assorted stock, at Prl any ones most sanguine expectations. They wouild invite special attention to their a Ladies'; Misses', and Childrens' liats, Bonnets, FIot)wrs- Fe RIBBONS, PARASOLS, SHAWLS, MfAN1 IN DRESS GOODS they show a choice selectior and other makes. IN WOOLENS they have superior Broad Cloth Fancy Tweeds, Silk.mixed (oatings, Vestings, &c. READY-MADE CLOT HING in endless lariety, favorable to the buyer. CLOTHING made to order on the premises workmen. As usual, their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES large, and of the best description. IN TEAS a large stock, fresh and fragrant, at mai WINES AND LIQtUORS of the bcst. Frest F den Seeds-English, A4erican and Canadian Grow CHIINA, CROCKERtY AND GIASSWARE,:the and cheapest in the. County, in proof of which, * spection. AS USUAL THE O HEAPEST CA IN W-111TI $65017 ,7 year 163, of the said S365 71 00 20 00 60 67 90. Paid Palu! aid Co .ion, Bau ne .... = 1

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