Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1863, p. 2

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i t':7 4 4ftb is DiyNorth Ontario. Defeat- ofr t83is iiiitTry 1-A. crisis t 1 heddas let iedo ~H *~~ A itP j nonc rîa~tIl ~ ttl routine busineawps 1 being  Con1ventiOn' i-te -e iIe -'nt cala. enerni ecîU»s et hani l bi temiat1 1h e , 1 T 4 ýe :pýrt Qcuaty Ontario, wti-nii mls f clclttm iu Lfbite c.Onai. ningtan on Flidav utoît fur the p rose .t- pas birec o'clock, te (enllenan ush. NFÂmbhItIes-â . of bringin'. out n Grit candidate to con . A.Uu&e predicîed luit weeh-le iMnigtry er ofit' ie Black-lt fid made hi3 appeirance. est th chilo'ansir.M.0.Canrti lias been defeated on thte vote of%. alit of w1t'il -1asgreetç dwIl vociftraus choterhtt L T'1o et hedi% lg aglncsîMopr. .objec an bero nfienc moed yHon, ohnA. Mac. and 9smmaiou'd thu n louse ta attend Hi. DM Tothi curs nGprpetobjcton na onald.e vole as àon. on Tîure- Exrcîîrocy ,the fliovernor Gencral in the c-rammi~n.ofrered. 'Our Grit f riendg have an gt elvuuîber of Ille LeEbsqlalive Cnol hr ames Long. - rigtc dnaldnTi. vle vs tl<e ii.ce.~.t ft Lsesne. have their oowyi atn d W day night, and slood 64 yens ngainst 59 thd, oye!n.ct sgve 0svss us ýiqtsa-Towut of Whuîlsy. partierular pltcltrai o ts. te we nnys. The division wua as follt>ws land] Parliamieot vas prorogticd.. ~rofeSIdd ebolel îke a I;aw hw ut "cayon- YFus.-Mcssrs. AII'yr, Antderson, lia - ce-reorr idns. lO»i t oognie1bt anrJby, Ileaubien, tBeaudi-elit, Banb Dlrot- itcotbbs,. irg Keboe. -t ' st ccianzd nla anrseau, Camerait, John IIl. Ctoo ,iMat de-Thos. Lurasdeun. thuedlegates have beso ehosen, anid wite- thew C. CdcriinX, Caron, Cartier, Cauchon, itJ4 ppliarîs Iiînt g eat- eovrosiaare H. Dârtosll. ltefr the inhole proonedings have been- Chapais, Clarke, Cocleburn, Crawford, bii ed r easro ielibnt c o ~ ~ w l .open, an ti ah ae boa rd, and n t n m re D aly, D aoust, feJ4 o ncheryîll , D eC azs, bJnitS um ad f de r o o go t it * b lu t . fmen-3 Hvel. iol-onl-coriortifitroriinain-wiitDenis, De sue r, Dostaler, Dfrvsueie tih ilifnId met;. Ailthie Lowet, Cana. LeaherJas ~mn. one or Iwo suspicions idndns This, Gaudet. Houltain, Jackson, J'ânes Inigb, drtMoserhaeîiged ln Upperj le Assuance s pnyS H. biolrever, wiilatl transpire by.mnrd.by. I la rngevin, la Boutilliber, Macdonald John Canarda ndiw men :ooeî be fnund výO wI treo the mseantime vs saay bake the liberty of A. Mongenias, Morin, Marris;, Mor;;îs tr,î istbavela occeuttt for thc tinls 4? their referring ta tse prsition ai tbe present Marion, O'Connor. Pninchaud. Pinoo. ntt, svi soi vorty rpreentalnecf ic Rloc Honemuit, Pope, Pounore. Pwl, Robiîimott. pehC ui Rotalle, Rote, Rass .J. J. (Chaiplnbî aj t e r hic 0rsr)cm bias k'ept everY Pîctge- and promise ite Ross J. S. (Ditodas) Rye#soni Seaut, Sher- mentt ittil rievce., 40 mutdl,-ta flit e ltter.- On the Re:presenta- Woodi, Siiard, SinipmqonStreet, Tasoheruu.s rirslay, May 14, 1863.lion question, tlic Sciool question, andi Tasse, Toi. Warlsh £4. i, ~u it:'t-çI w, 13. A . 4 .- _______ ~every rther question that cama before tice NAys-ýlessrs. Aibthot, Arcbtambault, 1 ti.tliitig'ritist uto'our Hlouses, niat Grildoven Cao u nd t'unît vi.it Adi, euil R.(Northt îanarlo Benait, Di -r, "RrîUotsîtît Int i. 4er~ NE DOLLAR A YEA.R hbis votes or speeches?1 Thte principles gar, Blourasta, Brao, Bocitanso, llurwell, ypnitgeet e:lotqelanthc ui<vcrsity Covan, Dawson, Dickson, Porion A AX fîV'ot olgCbitg ~r t llwi'tconsency. vitici, ho prafessetion thte hottines ho car- Porion J BlE, Drummoni, Pui'rnien-, Alex ttst'lugrdsttbAlenlJirud ried inio practice 10nte ns,, mol&ieaîîndre, Puns'ord, Evanînrel, Foloy, For- lt's trt"dh-rtltdios, pmued a birilliàllt cx- ortain Poinit, Mr. Mowet'.con, canfiiily nssistcd binburning ont a Ministry, ftier, Gagnon, Hairconrt, Robert, Howland,'ii ecedhdgrlofM h. Hoase ofai'sembly deserves miro in refîîlng ia recag)nize those princi. lihnln oî,JbiJiL.re rt'~o, rt ccuc i I-eertM eb-igerrLut' l, Mdnld J.1S. -c llirCnatonh'd1 ourg o? hi& caninituenîs. On the ples, rcfused ta do justice ta Upper Cana- Atti. (G., MacdonnailJ. WMatt-i.nzltae, Meficie. lielias cndksyd tn bis vote vms consist.ent, da. T In s, North Ontarioa liasfoiuid, gaîl, Moce, MeRellar, MeLachuin, Miîîr1w-1W dw th - bb iractîce n0 'i% en accepted ci Joint Autbority" net onîy n patriollo, 'aitt'cl, tond consist. et, Muoro, Notmnni, Olalloran, Patrick, lriî itin te lourisltitug villagerit te Brown-Darion Admini8tra. cnt rcpresentntbve, tut un able udvoeate of Preno.t, Price, Remîllard, R>kert, Rymul, Tyro.tu.. 1U5 presocriemust prove an nc- séarce-ly left hirnlecif open ¶ Iteo gisut pe aad- a ?Scabcc:-Scitie, Sicots, Aîîy. Oea. qtîi-ition Rlt iihtrroi n n )f-cangiz ueti he epreen-Someri-ille, Starues, Stirton, .Sylnain, f mo-1ti(iteîrlily wisîtbinm that abondant SUC- f-cmngng pot ut Reremn.whosc itoaesty iandfie tibilities any con-* Wallbrldge, White,,Wilson, Wrigt,-s.O.ewt iz l u tdn anlaplcto on, But on titose questions sttuency migit wtrol feel prouti, and whote An oýdjournotent of tite Hante util cannai' f;rii tr seoer. for South Ontaria whàs.Pledged nepreseotution et' Norî1lthOntario bas re- Moçnday vus immediately mared by lHon. ~Cnsoe tuent.s. Any cter course, bie deemed! ttc intelligence o? the Ridiug, and rK acinit ni geell.wila .ts bi BOtssy v Nina liae rsutet li hc 1clitcl anee il from the disgrae ofo hein,, ropro- On ite essembling of the HonteanlliMctti a."brrerntb Mr. Movugt md tuaother 0sentehe fallan icumrrent embl onvaittaslu .dat vl .nteit Oy nît oni , ulctred.bi7ot.-- Montito, it "'as nolicedtitat lte Lamer store-ilahItint blit- uritr tirb>an> onein Ma vtin Aîhe Adan wak. NrthOntriais tPo JdaIcgr be-libîtloti; noCantada members.of tbc Minisîry more flot the RtAiing lite epreslented. longer lauglied i t nbrotod lu connection in sheir pinces,,and the -nnmenr vas tîtt ~ lrvr' ieuille rtuint n rsigauin o ibir part-lad ltMon llace. tprcita tt i'itol'tt tjo-t il foc coies goerneti ii vtit its political position. Tt lu rcgespcîed, Mr. J. S Micdonnid aaid tlitt ttfore Pro-. t "sutdn cr ntig tsilii inereî o s&kea nr-and, in tte bauds of .Mr. Cameron, bas coeding', ith lte ordeoth Ie day, ht vas '1a.e Apouhttat tuatceoarp ii>. anad ho ddtiso, vbetter lte been- elenoîti ta is I'rapcr dignity amaitgst Id hie expected ltat e hionît dstute ta ilI(reWi lis -redt ac c erata. flt versmmeMr.ttte constitnencics ot' the country. Mo wiîî Hlontele tc neîiODnat whicb the Minisîry ieJ'rbrvcttb'lt eeuo r sistency ino;noiig asuitain nt 1i I.gito cyu tttl b a ]îstarrined, after ttc noie ginab> thle Corillr. ration ? Tite Admn*inistrabiou a hreuotatunît lato cfound witit'iMr. fos aiwsk MeHnt înn i trati tlirouztgIhe Sprt lmroi>' expressei ts matirit'fconfienuc 10 epreCaeron by tony portion of bis cornstituete., te g ot'io otelite r sîdeo baild AR NtEWS., ieli Me.Mioat oppnsed. The But hie vas na silentunmeatiing note. Ho occeupie th lt'roe-uuy bt-notes, and ttaning RtirtofIokr iraâtionotlircew over-b)oard, ;ane ta the fouse, it bis-owo-etoq etx prcsesuthe citecme 'ant of confidenîcecin :)o by population, and resoîted woi-ds, tisiri-aasons for lte Conclusioas ut ttc prcut-at dmncietiration, tc Gant-rn- fis arîîy erren across the -Rcpphais. -mâjority ' den.Against mtctli idment bcd deeidcd Ibat iliere ortinonalier- nsurien.-fle abondons hi deAd ad ria,4; îtedbis ien btt.hli>halarrineti. Greater oxpori. natiçe lefîtbutiîbritthIe country' sbould Rn undd.-The Usuiarces -mue/nde- -ut~ ~ ~ ~~~~ec aarîieibsoiebu coomigiet, and nu iouhit wil gine lm a paled ta, ilit ottrdeta ticeide ar-ttOa' r lsdFgrfi bscfafea alli tiane, that te douible--mm a-etîr ceight in liah a ute;boet far ero m -nIhould i ltreet'tor pouss its conSr- bth side.--Gesu. Siosean deufroya e votultihoheu prait Chah ta 13p Norît ottîtario a bs lto reonnta llud t"uîttvies. The flouse bitanqng8sa xpresseti az:e(afdrtt almyZrde On he eryfirt ocuin te wth ls eprsenatiel.itlst' wit respet ta bot ltelendig t,, l- and returns ia safey.-Intpuied f <'tt uever' b-t OcaiO tt wîl bt rpiebetitio.tics -f teotles, lte Adminisran lmuitd, baker.> ttccrrcame ta te conelusbontaet admise N' York, My7h-h olpit and inflicteti a ereniaus wroog South Ontatrio. My7h-h Erdp;t siîuuinsrit Uper canda dissolution. Ttc intentiaotofthe On-," the tolbriwitîrc :-We learr byeatrpecial oRnip:t-cscntatiuss. wih he usiemsoisoiuger thnt a gi-eut batie vas fougiltî sihI~~ ~ o? be azcciaîtiont' r Stuit Otarlnio. Iii. tia0idarieia cran-ag t ii on Touday, actul Gn. oàkor vith his talon Mrbbowet raise express. Pa-hum ntaaiy carcer tuas been so nancemnent tovard eoînpleîion, tend ta Pro- ary as <rinn bac',, across the Rinp- n, Yet, dufaer a'il tiis, e find itborigly hunet artelconsistent, as ta rog"uce 1c0Hanse ith a view ta a arl>' IYpaliannone. en. Lee mwai hcnniîy rein ileanvabn cn6dnc r'en~der i t'iiiuos ible for lan>' anietaeup- di.tot 101100 as sean ns snch business couid' force i, tondtlîo lasî rcecedtin le litter tis> .? r.luowt a. ,,'" -1 Ili itIltu ligUiedt prospect orit' t Ibrougli vltît. Thc Gonoronmoaiites u Ite ia*îuq days. Nîigyett ham ni"rlIrM.Mws a uatess. a- kiicg in tte meuntimo, for e» note of snp- hemritoard of Sionentan. It snems im- ti h focs; lieertaisd>' muet MNu,' v ue Aiewn ilaaoitr coîrumo pi>, anti sucit appropriations ttu ent lt-,possible ta dnnbîttat luean.! hisforces viii y jecon.4isîsaut iaýsQh a vote, tai ,r ort almelr>ere a xigencies o? the tiaue as the flouse ivoshocpa .- keep tihe mm - ýinitry ices otbcbcn Lit lvruorngîlyconsistent." lie 1lil'eparcd to gçrant. Ttc Goneruimpti New York. Ma>' 7, S~,20h IeUel thse inLcunol>bl , vita de-vs itgeia fcm levet nt ait ruld cut-anar te t'aciiituate tIhe perfection bise/tf jouist ricdt he t' ltavunSextra.- tailiVp9utmien tnd et e'i -ohraievi elofbbche nsures ceferred to, in i-duer tint Ulited Statos Ford, May 7, ?, n.mn.r litpdulaetui on tc. nd n lo jt era Toastnanion5 as e5Possible ths Oe y,.a' tc ecildy sorning the îrnta'swêtall-er- d te diule-ýto'ttyprici hi on ;teýesg.In ot-,-lak-cep in liotse ihould be brought te n clos. 15 dered hlack ta camip, spdbly ,dikt-li'bwoIe .~tgc44. ..i-- tctmistite - ea 1u,, ,,5mLtsKd t ejfe tbptrtre1u-1-1'aUrilltetuv-a a t tÉose 1aeasoa's extra îtai&5a r îic candmnneel, Sua-cl>'iflte Sehoul bill, wlio nbnricd Ropreseots. v hich could lie bate u np ould lî s cclias Falmonîlu. Tite vonnde&,weiat itgtit ý- nRi viti herncp e he tion hy populatioantiWhovît v ondsa oc! uitlm.ttiuo inoed fi-aDm the strità aadcnt W wasls- cal bau it&prinbplei o eîra>'e inuct ilre wouid ho luttls différence ô etinb n inta iui'nthiig o est tier sev 9, forwhet e oueiho oulTpper Cuotuelturugittu, wvîile, preter.dbng 10 opinion vitit jregard te details. Wbîle the cecpt v 5 n1,~n~ailén '~ot ly vote c.unfidenice in lte secure temn viiît Donble-Majorit5, liseGircnment desire no mecasere ta pars thaï. ocloot ilt conueinrce!rtainîigo, deluging L!be rid hetra3 Pd,or dibuovoed these Mlra- Movat acleti consistently? lias le mouad ci-cale sny paver air patroniage Ilat ronds, îearing up'te cordui'ays, swcepitg n a-cl 1fNr. Mo-at cou- nat by doung so, sacrbflc il thc prinoipîci d Flow ovexie4 t, h unI!tko oa-c, sa awaybridgeps ant i lrcatenîrg lte destru c. s wgr s UPPeItth ie mt- hvicht lieprofesse.! ta adeocate? As t'ri-asil cou ito coatrol thte preccectllng. l ion oflte Isntacnos. Tii-rvrrs lia iauresanâNe moansmre inonle te putI tefaire the. flouse great rapidît>', and soon ononlowed lte tion, titesnm of lis COCS' tcfaientet f oasuTown canlemporary, ttc action an wvibtitcoulil beiaflected b>' ende e'tcprtns edr aos0 dit, vas; a showre'e consistîrncy abane quoleil, ibat " lba Honorable, Oliver te position la uniehthet Gonerelaaeeiatood. imprecticable. Tthesipper poutoan vas W( Moval sip te his note O? Mowat wul te 1returne.d for Southt Ontaio Witit thase expîanatiauîs lic propose.! that takien up anil eseti in ieagtluning seutlthe ut te Mliniîsîrç' but that ne t yarcilamatian îi tlis a ltte to . tc positiv poe.ia fs s asi stier, and! efier severai boucrs cf vnea luxa-.!I anROut 500uoanetn tuhs ai-tiller i-y atinsio vere suutgly oner on M,,onda>' uight, After the Initie o? Suatia'. IHoaker continucil îte itrengtsei bis Iines, conîînusialîy ir~î b> tbecenr>'. Oui- actiller>' taort 11p81- 2 ion'Co inmand ing lte 1. S. Fard, ain tht erossing thons vas ofi'ected m'liont Iles. On Tuecsdey, thte Gt Corps, recrntly en1- gage.! nt Chiiucoloryille, re-crosse il eTiU. S. Ford, andl ud narciing bock hto Falmotuith. Plie retreat o? Hoolcer', a-ni>'proiluccel a great , panic ai Acqibai-etk, ea. ndery-' ttbng maneable mas pinectilo n heats. Ttc ortier for a-trnat wmansurpr.ee as it seru belbenedito lie tlie ietermination la maci ont anti alt tc erebela in tfront. 1Ttc crossing comnienceil nI 10 o'clock Tuesda>' night; ant 3 a. me. Wptinesday ail the waggons eud mule rI-ns -antiai-tiller> tati crosseti, antilthe infant-> vas coesing in twmo brigpabatutntc -fard, Coneb<es corps lnaduivnce. Ttc retrenat mas caner- cd t>' Oea. Mcalsuic tuitcarps, Lee's aitarpuitootcrs piei ail' otii-tller>'herses anti an>' mounteti offloors st-en. The rebel bat. lerim. etoctipici ail adVa.ntiaf-ous poisition-., nttiSreti nigaruisly cpon oieers :camp, but tisappc-soilnà sooit as oui- batteries openeti on itacn. At a coosunaîlon o? carpe' commanders, it n ettcitîcti-tiat, h«ern cos>"-etroôpose- erfol. Spdgcnick fauildta jobi looerr, tond tcing-hard presseti, crosseti the Rap- pnhnnnoeie ta prenoent ennitblattion-i ex-, periment costing 4A,000 maoa i Sotigalokei replulsotuaddililta ttc weak connefils of Huit. Pc'e corps8 commandera, sioilu bis (Ococral HookCrs) ccnSifdee.ee, tutt in a futal mo- mtent 'Îe Lane iortir tae tiaceato his ubrog position anti bis fortiflutticamp trnulta i-e-J treItt. Ttc nrmy vas nt pnanie striceut but grenîl>' ilomoralizet b>' tîtie inglorlousJ rota-eut. Tterc vas nut ime fi-ora Frida>' moriqnÇo Mondt> nigît btnî Hoaker cou Id have at.lacte4 aut el teateti Lces art>'. Re{ laokedtihte ability to gise thc orde r. AI day lig3ut oi Manda>' the rehels sitelicti cour trains et P.Lb".- foi-e, shicit soi-yd ta uin- croise Horker's t"-ars, tand ttc longer ho tielaye theîle lss - ý:e ble '-ta advanoe. Tite Trbune car-c.. jondent closes'- titue -"uThe airn>'is safe silth to n thcnsani foyer men in ils mules, anti a muet larger etuter uîfit -for dut>'. Hoan>' mmcet'f Tuestiay ni4pt and Wsdnectiuy have terimes-r 1>' im1tuired tte- taithaf the mon linr vore seitîtont ittltcr tents, viticitmore loft' huhinianti mou>'lest t itou- tapeekei.' Nev York, Ma>' 7îb. Tlie hJor1d's extrahuis.ttc t'uîiowing -tRichmondl papers o? th tc Oit tte tt Stonoi rns caval->'dcstroyedti al tht bridges totween ii:rnandt1i c Ilappatintsuk, tare op the i-ai-rnads, ont dosen tic tete- -grapitvies-ansd otîtturoti sithiu t fev miles o? Richimondt-, consequentiy nô coin muniicruion'e cah ail sit-li Les a ai>. ployfti his immptîse cr-ar>' for tan>' miles, foi-mipg a lido o? obstruction ta dticct np- pironchiag -dueels."l Reinfteeme i re pressing dowtt le bronglit agaiost tius fHookor iras foi-ced eca-oss ttc Rappalsannoclt i0 consequonice u cf supecior i-cIel force anti suporbor geuci-al. sltip of Le.It is ramure.! that Les mass- 'Ye3teada-,'s - Wushingten Repuién - n Stntes Chiat Cen. tonoman not, ahI eult the ail-antis an.! tegirpibtalucb-t mver tite Panmuýy rimve'r. SRichmondi papers stuie tint the rehel1 oen. Paxton wv killeti, Jackson severel>' %otundeel,-anti Gens. C. P. HlilIant ilHoulti 4saionsly mautndecj. Tite rotels state thaI heuir lasos have touai tremesailus, NuiewToi-,May' Tti.-Tte Tibn tales tat Gênerai Whtipple wa evrl mounîcti. la. a]s ttls<tatit W knuoen 1 it Head Quarteth itat Stauséman tiesti-cycti le ba-idisegon the . pdrtt. rý,ftA - -- c t .',uruoi ouutnatomhs nrs. tCyis nat tddicte.! ta intemperntu. Ircianiln and the Amnerîcan war, Cîin<tp-l t torepot orecfSaritt.ors NcWt Letter, Dublin. s It is nase pr-ett- generally kosn fluai ttc feeling o? lumîreal leEnglanda a-uic shicit hoti latîcrl>' heen reninsdin la Iis caunetrv anti ofv'llcht hors vere untistakable cnî' rdenot's on thet occasion of ttheuarlaZeof lthe Prinuce anti Prînceissaof Wales, le tte the resait af tiuacbing of emissaries seiavn passoti avec froatheticotier seeoi' tcemIes ocean, talira- bject heing tu pronokre cmi- g-atien andl gel lthe sole-hadied menc w mittin ttc test - ofte Pi-onait Maratal, seit mrnîes ti.ir'ni-rival atnd-bei-riesithem oh' ta the fSeuld -obattle. Ttc treasontate tnss-tliutg anti driiling oft' large'masses wmiicla are nacturnal>' ccnrriog in ttc ont- st-i-rit' ib is cit>' and tih ie cont-y tasens sie pi-epranor'lossans in milita-y tacties la toake ttsm tte mare real>'ta serve in tite bigades a? ttc Meaglere, tle Coi-cor- ans, thc fltulitans, endtthe teerrini-i rit icutlithe 'itor>' of 1848 records that tt>' diid net figit tut a-an tva'. Plie Yan- t-es agentsnase proshi ng nnsong ns have ausodfireethei r attention taabat halt'made var m.uterial, ttc Irish Militia. lt is mis- i-ortil tînt oumbnesof bte mon of titis forci are.,sabsidiacil teenroîlt tceyoutb ut' lhe country ta the Nationaliet Clubs, anti tîtec t-mtIem Milita-y tiiili. - En cit draft ut' emigrants vliich Icaves titis part bu te- companiet b>' militiamen, and s0 man>' o? thte latter liane al-enl> disappearel ttt tite monka of ttc regimonas seili show mark et tiefiehencios et lthe fortitcambnv niliboa trainuing. - -- Ttc exatus la caried ont lacgely b>' I-e' -sipe of lthe Liverpool, Newe Yark muid Pli- Irutelpitia Company', miase nesseis lbave tii httibar mid-weetly for Nev York ; but the nuter ni' pessengera fi-cm tte cause atone soggesteti, bas so eonaiilerîntW bu. ereasot tat supplemeatal steamers tat ot te îulaceti on the lins tact ofthe tl-es lut weneks; tnd, insteati of ttceotîmber ho- in., six oi- senen tundreti ptr veul, ttc>' 50w <oliei-ta the amount o? came foertcuu oi- sixtosa bueidrel. Titis seekl>' uuhpuur frotn tte port o? Cark, it la calculatetisll continue ting tic spring anti sommer ah bua raie o.! dams Ivelne or fil'teen tuntireti houn beings per seek. The gnîtîhiliuy- oi' ttceitombler classes o? oui- population ha deplortubîs, as l int-ae, ther a e-ati>'pi-e> o? ttc vil>'; tandti Irt btage mitaare, nom leaiîg vbtht tletu u- mcrchtaale cot- smoia>'mc>al lt e foiledi n bleui- trahfie, the dupes ni-e estrngelfroa t Ituman Catbolic prlestaoil, mtbte>' ai-s tiocet ao belieme are la the Pt'a? ofthe Britisi Ji-osn ta ilefeat reelian, anti thiat it mas1 Ihrongl titeit' tergiversation tice paeviooa rebellins -.hain -colaihat im'scarrieti.- Yoatng meu's religlous associations anti eLmperanicé meebelies, sehicb are tuiler lthe zuitiatce o? clergymenu, - a-O ua# shunte! hy ilioseimbueti vitb untiorcelistc idea, r - and certain'y the resulî seilittey telieve tiust foîlose heur or'ganizhoia s laUtopina an tIre exlreine. Wy . NiJY L jAIV, l11.A-.11. D-1 p ISCASUILGJEON, at&-', 'TR" NE. Olt)Ii:-At tflicrsienreaf WrAmi' trong, Iickiiti ppomite nrnnlTreseit9l -18-13' GRASS'1 GRASS!! it.ireetuut r of ute 1<1 GEORGE KBIITOE, TFARH FOR SALE. TIF North quurter cf Lot No. ýQ, 6501 Gon. Whf'Mitiw, 50 Acrcý. The land ix of ex- fCeitqtin1itv. ilierrfim a ofrtbCUuc >fizn 1001 r:î,'StlihIe, O)rchar.l, &(-., onf) Oir - fPcTtY. Tt lu within halfuaile rit' lt e Vii ge <if rookiilo, and <0K toile-, frein the Town of~ lFor lurther particiU1r lp IV la tP.tf.On the promuise. COUJRT 0F REVISION. P UBLiCNTIEl herehby given. tliat tltu Court of tIen ion) for tueI( willi me-t it the Tow.î hll on Thursday, the 2lst May, 1863, Ait tiuhfonr autE) 10 0incklthe forew,:on. THOMAS HUSTON, %Vhitlhy, 121h MeAY, 1863. 18 INV OHANOERy, PhiUp I. Whif6old, on be- huIt'of i'hnîseît'. 'd aillotheri, the unsatisfied, creditors of Corne in-and rontrb!,tto thLie expellles of tis suit, PMairi.- titis. %Ialcrn GiMlirijtth, and Robert I (onc, tr" r~droo t' th uAn ZNtul)m fnhot.noi ukM. Sqrîair in thc decree 'îu«î 1 r . o~,nl>fr file, rjioerindMsr ft.Coru F')RST7 DA Y 0F J U.NE, 186 3) t'r tiepot'r .sn r i iz> .t1îeir elui-s, oth(r- : Ilit, .ildee Ihitd u Whtbytit, 1tl~dav orf Muy. A. R. R. U$CONIIE, aster. auobec Goveo-nmôntýi Agency 11utos a-dmodes: to ureand, o, ima ut sereàt-tlsis connt>' fi-cm is passass4or, andl an.! han.! it onor as a reveard te thome hmita SIra-elbY figtt utier tho Republican flag. Tiis is- thte exklanhulon of "-Irelanti for thi aici," and-it isthe vil! o'.hhseisp wbichitlaJurbng u e.M hatîdretis frotu homes ai' cîtfort le perlith in the melaiiua mai-siteseoflitsinradeal Staies efthele gi-cat continent, or te abat dosen sehen drineLn farvard te face impoe- STOV1 Stilitiees, socias t'he suicid&t assut o -For iTrmeié, &c., upplPt S.i.(3t>OlANi, q. Or o B rrimaea, W litby, J. 0. DORNAN, Wiuitliy, April 30, usen. -(uts ruam COURT F- RE ISI te T Coar tw frEYSic M a- fitee~s lin, on Saturdâ y, the 16th May nezt, ttomnmeoelog nt 1P) O'Clo a. nt. . O'BRIEN, Toýwnsltip Clork. E-VERGREEN TREES p ARTIES wihbg t EBELLIqg. their grondS 1slane no1w a flnû oppornznty of eupplying ttmevswiltt tony of 0he follow- ing E1vergreen Trcec uit nmuoli Los than half the Usuai Prices 10,000 Spruce and Iflalnnn, 5 t. 8 feet; 100 for $10, 1,000l for $80. - 150,000 iSprece Uan.! Ban, 2- <o 4 feet; 100 facr $5, 1,000 for $23. 20,000 Arbor VitUe, or Whaite Cedar, vcry fine for-lleget or 8cereens, 210 3 feet ; 100 for $4, 1,000Ofor $20. Tht uhve utrn al trfy lcibpteu trwiuteplantut'3i rom the f,)rcct itheu froiri & ta 12 inches hit. .Tliey have, therefore. an abtin- dancec cf lbroits~ roots, awd with ordlirîry cure tony Ic transprntcd vithont ltr lot. or 5io i .1 týH uSacd. Th['îy turedcilly the filuet lot idf Evergren Truce.er otierLti for tit.in Ça- ol. AU Ilde faldrei.ed t; ie un,1ere-igned vl 'x, p-romrptly uttendu.l t,,, D. FISHER, IhoîntnviltA'.ilIcwîlaull C. W. Dowp3. 111-8Wri 110 IN CHANCERV. Jantes Lukeif Robinson. and George Wjj1iat : jIn,, plain- ttfs. su prepal cam-ha, baut Riel roI Itt ao~ry ItI1 pocet'Borongh le iert'c hibptrposes? Seathe lcep Ttceaueuiivli's retîofnc sounh tyIb ttecnuittno hstrati hm sOsi - gentleteme o ,ooaposed tise' -.!.Ad- mtiniIroet- oe uulpnta ,.,-,e mhil s uppor.ta. , asittration cn esi - os ,dbr h nevbsevbalntly sase bis', arauy far he cnstiueac hs tbated- m mss 1

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