Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1863, p. 4

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t tice Spencer house îppng-retncrned-br is-8eequiet1! lip: t articles-retirull Broadwa-got into 'the Spencer-itliool ked a boy if scewui said ye, ul fully lie toid him tol eaù dlsrobed îmnd got Î huasanci momeclai occupant of 48 Mcdis ut, eturneti frocu it.-quietily woctto ro ep. Thte account1 TO BE LET e-ten. tcelujg part eof lot 15, th Ccnosslon of Pel>ekeripg, eoiaortable e lou ad oit-offloçs, riepocsesalon of tho uland rc e hail nt ~n lime, ýpoCI anti of ch. dwellng and offices oun ibe Thlrty- d f ret o! March. Application lnc WhItby 10 beW. H. HIGGINS, EsQ'., ýked. . 0 Chronicle Office, in un' ler onto tity on, te pro- lihe tva reposai!tera aide hy nly a fcoo! ofepaccc ittwcan concious o! encit other's pre- it exactly kîcowu, but prubably oan, viten n tremendoes nuise n- te aparmect, frcum ceciicît aies issueit wildly, pienciccgty I a in ulîproar prupietore. Prs, porters indtguOt, desseci vc'eecI the doon cfcIl in a fcv minutes, ilcckieg ccp , anit skliicg eclialiter enger- sg the me-ten?" iFor God's vicat is tite trouble 71, ie o! tuis aulcny me-y ie imeq-i bride hit awakoee about inid- putiug lier baud aven lienrlins-' 1nipou tae ndien'e face, andt su tondit amunse inahlm t oece. undentand it exacîly, tongli dislîke il lIns. R.aaid cI My bande wliene have Y?libeaunal d,"ý echoed te arche-nI, ba- se, 1ke Lord Tii.al, ttthli a oetal titcmklie era "'l'e isbccud uI reckon, my dean nie- ra in lice wong bcd."1 roug beit-ionr <f barrons, c bride. WVit wo uimi ler liege- wouldtaincs voni! ecy ? R. screaedlenribly and! epranci uccl ju as lier companio-c dici i. e wau ficty asmucli alarmaci entreated ber 10 give hMnlime U14 leave te Apanîmeni, al- as lb. one b ha iSecngad- osîli ta tiat. scenc, ecrea-t u aste oniy i kindty prepoaltiOri. A, madamo, don't yetlz a0 I You te hone. Il&resanibîc; 1 onl7 a ilîe. lRave somte itae coîca-qencea. I dacc't 't yccu, 1 awecc 1 dotî. You'Il , andutyounef- - clu junclune, the crovi! outaide tâeaf et te door, andi bêeld vriog- ini onc corndor xenciaiiuî msagniricentty, vii e- ailiacl an han furrun anuit tud, icîithlie -a miidle of heta ocm cccnî'ip- -retauit cjaculaling, cNl tn dont." - ct propitor, Dr. Cauihî. saa ce ame misaelce, and raquasl. crs to ratina, calia thlie murcit- nt. viih him jta another noacu, arued tewitohcc tury. Tite isent one o!fte usdi a or hie .-IL?, andithtie enire afcin wus -teet ly b lion relief, tugh rwiteVmed vitl onuio ta cttnight have ruinait lier unr life,. e eort o! flice Doelon, itle vac o the "Spencr" vihene thce q found-pIacinig the corridors,, C mien, and laI!crazed it ti e yterione disappearauca af loin ho believaul liaitbeen spirit à villain, on munderec for lhan iiis Iinrerrnel city," wvtas diblet. iey voulit kilt 4 ollar àey - ime.- as hob beleld hie spouse, lie o bis hctosomn ad vapIt ike a- vas inette it vili otpinesse-i ny, sud tllaier that lie lad acity for intelligence of han inl valn. LEOIt> STÂeVAIN'îo IN1fTUS Norîliern gentleman writing i,,ý respeetcug wli e «W inl rèlcenty Bays: optle are fan more lu action ound a tliu voare liere ; îley do ;yone for sbusing Jeff Davis. ndei un wo yecrs, thie marchants to pal aillcahy owe untthem have pienty onc hund to10begin houastly tell you one ting, h ave- pleuly o! everyhig; of collon i. uflticougli t'. 1o eau raise ucuaet corn, lare. f, hogs, &c. I ste -botter teer, 1park e-I Roçiîey, titan I ever t connty bfane. Thoyv iti ut' LArîT.-Two are pooing over tite c f !u <crpapens, tand cg Latest" sund ie. it fVery a Ltet,"e r C Au' shen, Tira, plahn' ite-I ttitis s -dai, s- aya Tue, tan ezplane Ibat to i what cames ln lime he vlry lateel iswaa j ; P., for King's by te ladies O 'Ouce seneen <of iu oak, richly N irins of Pplsnd- xeedework -of HIENRY HOWELL, On ltce Plemies. Falcnary 9t, 1868. 8t PIRr4TPRIZE SEWJNG MLACHINES WANAri'ils CONDlINATlOX & premium gewvlng Machines ---0- TE LEoNLY PRIZE nwitdedl for FamiiY T sowiIIL' Malchinies iovthe Jiidge et the Proviniïoal Exhibition, hcid in London, Set 21tne 25th. 26tn Rail etê7th, vioc given te 11. M Wicîîur & Co'e, They îlo tcok the irst priza fer Fanil%- 41ew no alilîre 7switli R. MNIVcnzer & n. Combiîatien, at thl 'revifciail Fair ield nt Torontl Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25 aitd]2Vi 18%2, ind aite iret prizo wes pm-ardud lu thoir Singer for inaentîietory The l'iraI Ëtra Prize 'viceabiogiven for Nus. andoi 2 Slnger'a Mnufacluring Machucces, Prize it sainilrchs:acter vere alsoawardcad Wsnzerbi & Co l'q Family SevinirMachinc ami' Wanzar & o' Singer'e Machines over al othere, by the, honni of Arts, and Manuac- trrec, cllcMcit iniItituite. Toronto. The%- aIgo t.iok Fiit Extra 'rize etthlie maveriil Conntv Agrictîcîtrcl Faire-at Hlatnîl- tou, Perie Gali. St. Thomna, Boacifle, Whit- by, Cobuug,llowmnvitie ; lnu tt, oJreiv place where ther hcave beeuectiibited. t'W Wanzer & t'u.'s Comuliccation and Wanzer -& Co.' 0 Singer, E(xcel any Machines thut ever wore naiutaclured icn the United 3Iticec or Canada.' Rl. M. Woicar & CJo., have iaucoeeded ic uni- tinigth linoct valluauie properties of the wheel- or & Wilson caSn- erNMechioe, ead raenio- .g tîcoce pointe wiccl ere nul deairablin ia Fre iis t unaicrcc by e ding moine new invenitionm (for wiich tliey havegeecutediI patent lii Canada)licavti cuecoede inluprouccing n pterfecîlSe'ticir NMuchine,wiieh bcb in sile li ta }îinciplu esl au nderatond, roqacrîclg 1e,, tliin an rditiary acontuf akillin liils uiîerlîlion. îlne eccurate Coîcimraielcinrecders il littie hiabla lu gel ont ofrepsair, ccid ltic e îlal ly ecjusel. The public, oit exanineitln,%-iii le convcricti uft il' dvicnîcges aver il oclicre 00wic c-c. l"very fcic~aniye ild have a Wall cor & <'uet. Cmucr iiiî,i tccniiy Macie. Ail (4eclinie Wecz.'ýr & Co'SwiiMacine- beur lice stamii of E. M Wenzar &o., itLecîcil ton, occ1lice plate. 6 JAMES Il. GERRiE. * Agenct, Whihby. JMUIRIt LLOENSED. AUOTIONEER, POU THSE (OUNTY OF ONTAUXO, IJROOKLIN, C. W. ' OFFEILS hici gcrviees ho the pubhie; and fr .3iheconvenienca oflic3ae desirintgtce sauce, a re iuler tof ila cguO daye viii )0kort At the toreof r. T J.oiday, Brooktil, wlciai eau ha s'ferred te by pacties proviens te Lsaving their bille prinlti. MU IlrooklInc, Sept. 9, 186. 8 Sheriffs Sale, of iLands. nccity0f rOnt.ario, 1-%N Salnrday, lice 28rd T 1W!; "'. day of Mevy, A.D. 1868s 4 12 o'cloek. nmon, viibe éeuId by Puablic An*. tion l my offie,n the Cort Hupse,u theTown o! Wcilb-, lenlice iounly u&'Ontario, lice night litho andIt ntrest w.-ie hlie undu-rmentioxcec defitidaccle aevercîly pensoacs, inlice undercuen- ti oceci lands and tenemnets thaeo, aezed hv ,ne, unoer andi hy virtue of certain writj; of Fiei Fccciacc, iz: IunteCouert of Qecen'. Jleneh. The Ontariu Banki, I Defendicucl lu te Court of Commun PFlou. cTe -Banku of Motitroal, Vu. Geore Walece, - Defendant. lc11lice Cour of Queen's Benet.- Joitu Warren, Paîtf George Wallwel- In the Court o!f<Jemmon Pien. William Warren, - iTecanca. We-llciie. lu the Conrt o! Comm on PIoC", Tite Batnitot' Isotreai, l'S. George Wullaae aud George Anderson, - Defenitiqt. lenlice-Court tof C<loncun ie. JameslHamiton and Obarls E George Wallace, Deficudaut, FARM FOR~ SALE., RiE REnthacîf ofLo 7Icth T 14th Con.BrockZ.01on11111,1ic1 100 necrea, 85 acres l'aie. < ad in a agod to'ulvîo.Good Bîildtîc s', welt wAtered, vîtix anicalliau you g rela, blng 1 mile. froti<Canning- To m vry ibteraI sd caay. Appi y, (it' ly itter, l>oct'pstd,) ta TIIIOS. MULCAIT[, wchewe,ý C. W. Weekiy Globe cpv1cDr ix woek a, and eccic axoitt h o siove atlrce E i- ~m ~M - ~e . ~ c~- ~el AND > -JEWELERY,i KI TRE LîTEST STYLE JAMFS JOII.NSTON, Wîteliucakccr ccTavcnd n ilrock Sitreet, W 1lci1thY. Tailors, Shoemakers, Carnage Enilders, Dresa Makers, and Heads of Familles Generally. Oeil et NWANZAR & Occ'. eicz Maclice cIlIce, Wlcittir a ï. cmcî l < lanr e i ortuiticc of FaccccI.a aîc'Mc.ctfaatir'iig S FI WlN G MXifil NEg,8 Waiu i.eat um!tprorenc1udut Iclfiw pnces. JAMES il. GERRTIE, Agecnt for Coccuhy <nlca. Matchu 24, 1662. I STOVES!! pLI VLÂRG IBT STOCK AN~D G IEAT EST. .[Vcriety iu Bloveapý, Slave- PennPaijre, Tccc- ware, &., eeiaoccsehi. ut te Store oh tlio Uudcrnigued. - teeoa' f ave vy style andt quallveit-V l tal Pricce.. 'Lie popular uew jîsîeru Etoaca es Timm - &Vgbr g qg lia been introducn incl ,ect lCer varletias: MUE KING OF Slt>YES, IRON DUKE, - GRAND TRUNKE, PRINCE ALBERT, DlA Pl'CROOKE, PROTECTIONIST, JOHN BRYÂN, Buooci-t., Witby. Oshawa Âdvertisemonts. WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D. 'K 0STE ET, OSHAWA, CANADA F. LA.MBERlT. T AIL/lE and t>RA.PEII-KiigSt. Ohswa. (larmecîts inada 10 order l ic e becil style snd facicion. 47 S.1B. FAIRBANKS. SOLTCITOR, NOTARY PIIBLTU, &c.,&o. lJOshawa, C. W. JORN McG;ILL, TTCINSED AUCTIONFER F'OR CANADA JL W.ct, chfers hie .ervices te lice inhahi taule of Ontario and DuTbaonC <Juinuam, W t, c tend gaies by Au tion Houme.elcd Fcreiticre, bMerchaxize and other effecte, ua ressonable comnlgaaoci. 10 Octhava, Anoea-t 1 50 INSURA.NCE & GENERÂL AGENT T[IF SUSCRIBER 18 PiIEPAiýED TO Taeffet Plire, LIfe aud Marine Insurance Riaks At resoauîbl e rate, aud iu the most reaponsi ble cuapctcies. E. E. SICAE -sicava, Jnly 2, 1 61. 2u LYXAN BNGLISH, L fiE., A TTO)RNEY AT LAW, Solicitor ii Clccn- fl.cayConvePner, &c. . 'ia. crtbear fa'Oc>r adotat aley CI Asural4!9 ffeced alions couidoctei lacd. Wlitliy', Ant 6, The Velebrsl <'UIZES culs, buz tl late eaiestr aIl Itioda ý;Ot voundR TVie remody ila lu udl citle Fanffetingi Prom th<iualuds lue ave hreena elfe 6L1)ave amed !9t cM atisi thistitI cota, nuit cariu'ig eqnaiy gt esltapplllÀ To A. KeowLE.25. iceigFeb.1 c juamtIce te yo public, 1 tlhucck 1h CelCalccl GeTiut vercl%,accudau lsetn va. coublf-al, Ut- yonr Oh sgite ixs10 Plekerncg, J aluc lie iu geneu'ai. T tl yon elabrateitGe entis 1b5UaitOI»t1 clus whter appl ,whilicy ýuds. >r tesllng, an&l beasî. WÂÀTED TT Â I r U IRCIIASE a I»ura Devon Bell from8 K{AI IU4 xcpriace yadreiîgWu "pierGRE CL1 ÀA IING À E c, loi,,M. & IL A. $, Atiîre U Poat Ofile,P RE te sie ad;pra4., epwn PEIOUIS TO TAKING STOCK (talin nic e su giici will ha atîeýnded 100 Aticcrity, Maredi litlî, 1546 1 LADIES IHEELED, [JST RECEIVUPD AN 4.tSORTTENT et' LadiesBlack KH~ 4LNB9114 'W Vfl lltEIr ca DANI'. WfctîbAT Fe Iic A1.2N'S4 li The. Toronto College, eW II$ NSTITUTION, tocittecin hi ie MF-. criANICS'INSTITUTE, TOMNT linolcc ii ad ded le BRYANeT, 81RTO & JYi ciift f i rcuerciltCoilaenai'- lihhed ii -2eunO 'PkBrooky ïm1ez Imityt, Troyu4fZ, , c("q i cuOS.JAiu, Pmwland aced pro yce. Lieobject of thee <oiegeci c ,p5l0 1'onng meenult LRa!e,., ticorig dni. ci inetructil, ilictllîcok-keeiicc nn.c'l aw,Cccucrial Altletic, Sj e riai l in- sinecit l'ecimaccnholp.Cepeci ec., sud taO fit ticecufer aîy departniecct of ikes îttcey mc haine. Schcoleniiictp. ecca I %cUcds. ' wihctittle e tudecit lu ecio tîifenc icn ay Colege -01 tht hstîl, !4 versaff, witlcoul ctictiiliucai charge. Citgel oen I)ccycci iand P. ng. JAi E. DAY, Regidui ecipai. COLLEG-E TEXT KS. Brvhn'& l rutt'Cl'o(uniner vlil14W Icîvo icgra. Le oo k- ieeuing, ' ci i 'cnmer iiitiiI lre £Ix icinx scl, ArIl cIMiilr ELq , ln.Illm-ier, C. Lu. Jicciocic'Jici. lliclimai 1, Coice. or anlfor rce ciicnlr, ii- teîciic l t rOit îc.cce I tcîill il W ITIl 1E511 Ai ki, (j9e, <au amen cJ lied AJfcuîe ic up acU lie5'1 .ctiolie ccO cocii.i utii i o (4iHc pr<-' u'iccicg,tL rao t atagýea aAre eccliit li t' roic $. ta 6C dc 1 coal ici' li ctlicile PiaivIî.tcl t'c ac a ciotccea; by ler, tecd lplcni c a.ccglccccie con c, dc u a iI ce lcaua i c ccc lite mitil dous ircculi-tli il lin for p' :8 iicufici t ii -ci clmr l, mic InrOy e nor Aci;ienso frtr ctcI -'~ LitedIlce 0o -fb1y mci, il Dr. Divia9 ' Felaie f q eh Plles# A t4icfe ndccirelithlumlr cdilY lst acindii i-ecncc]lccan ~ic $ýze lte ucy Pd- drecce cfflt fi-c i 1iclaui Ilac arece ctiah lcO coûnas e <r i stage- AdIcl.creniclat beC PÂ ed, (lo,ctlcid,) '. P)aria, bM. 1)Torcto,,.W. aiccd cutacn e pîsu4tîLLCcre allpif n IIM' nquired. cîclc Siions li dLeci8 a.1114 p lt Torliit-o, N1Mc Ii Lc itI, 1)y sCOTTISU IA ESTABLI 8G lncorporated by P!lSmIl 1Capital One, Million Sterling. Iuyvsted îin Canada $400,000 C AN ADA- ý-A. DavlidsoflParkert, *ecretccry. British AuiericfAsmourant e Compacer, INOIIPORATED cider un Ac t lice Tiird Sesscion of tico EiIée1Ui Provincial l'entan ment ofTIlppercullada. -CAPITAL £100,000. Irsurance etleeted on llui!hccgs snd ticeir oontaixt#a. Every icîtorid.ittiiocu pplieit onap. plication te lte undereigiceit. Marine Riski. for thce Seeson or for Pnrts. JOHN AGNEW, Travelliucg Agent, llvron titreet, wltbY cund TUMBEII IEIICIANT Csrpenter, ai iiîg -L Joinee, Green St. Wiity. A tange qnai rs la ily cfcall kindA of'inmitarconcclantly on icsuci 4 UNUE RTARING. F UNERiA]LS fulla appclcd dttemded 1 ehuit notice. (biffino , epI coustaitly c lice band. unr WIl ciarie tob lîlton 'liberai termes. Sce- GEORGE CORMACK. cf wtlicy, Feli stit, 1862. 4-1 aire iiow offeriîîg tule baincé of their WNin- ter Gootis at gî-cutly 1'Cdtil prCes for Cashl Only. -aeCloti.ti il oCre a r FRESII TEAS AND FAMIIJY (fROTERIES -Koci. 1istl 2, lPil c' ulc]iictg, Febî1ci>. WI 100 bai'rels Prine ('Iipp;-ýmw h iskey. 75 g>ai.à fine (Ad UnieyCog:,ag,,vittag-e 1860. 200 grai Medjtit I1enrn(sv s q('o, mn ac. 300 gai. Love Mediumn 1Te.ntiesys(?gc 100 g-al., fine oid Port Wirue, 90 gai. fine be Sherry IVine. 100 1-i. fine oh(.Ad Ra um.- 75 gal, HoII.and's Gin. EN GL 1,U1 AkCK AN)GRENTEASi SUJGAR3, COFFEES, &o. PEIIRY'S BUILDINGS,?- J3rock Street, Whitby. 4o I J 1 RICHIARD> SNOW. BAKEBR, OONFF<JTIONER, a-e. To lirock Street, ibuuth l lcc0 itl W hiftby, Juiy 150, 8 2 FOR SALE OP. TO RENT'. 52ygrm eouorpriuig the Nuttll-W951 crner tf LtNo. in lte itcoýnceKsinO I leler- i c g T l e r c I a o u i l c e a Banll s i, a n d o c t - otlsmAeo acifrge tsud fcîp riai. ,lghii aîcre!§ ot l'cci W hiast on tlie Farta. Thce preun'acaire we11 vaterci, and FItncxted lu a fi c o it 11 4 iuce i c i c i c lt y vw i t h u n i 1 0 m ile s - f t ilt T o w cn o f W l itb c . 'rT i c i her s . P o sse s io n icncneelately. Appiy 10 Wlcîtby P. < 8 O r l it în LVs0ronkU 4Office, ]DRY FEET. WTATr eau oiii te eecceummittel 10 FII icth,îlîeinlice icecpili lte fel 01ü ign hoU cl us iat flash le1o-i ice1.'lct c 1itaon Tcle eciclitile c uciah avltlic t -e t nusici icîil os 1'iiii- the Clcr recclcoct ici lîg lî s iu', :111 dhici ,IiUmdti ke pi oli Ille ival, coud ratlicitue lie- intlite IccsproviMed tlie Cccy iy eefc rnecy.le lin*c itI lis ctttellsivo 0BOT KNB HOE« F ilcai lcc er $1 alof DBitsaccm Shock; syct op)eni, ici c utt . )raccn;r Ladies', Mens', Womens', & Cliidrans', 4 0 CENTS PER GALLON!1 GOOD IROCK OIL. nth hie ibona cnt 10 flucrrelciFirt.Cla. WLîs ro-c-id îm L'aii iiil, c 'aucp aI GEO. YLME'S w itiaa, MIncel 5_f'19 1'2 MONEY. X f I I N E ti n l ia cc nt ' cc c . p r c c t n i "t icl1ie 5 tipt, i lcrvil'. 1,11Al ioti Appl3 1 JOHiiN 1,EYSI, 'Limant(. MESSRS. CARD & HIAWKE, l>ENTI6'rS, iasliM te all nim vit lilonexcemeicct artie me-y hié teu'mand -c; 1 1 Tho' euiîcricuci4 piciice li mIe p ise-i caciml e icchiii-t rconcccccîclclic eaec reapecl wlc.'rcctlcyol bml O ,er vIîi mnlccee B"04uduria tnk llnocck Street, - CSHFOR fI[E EP SI(INS&I1DE S W'ILLIAM 4BURNS,- llrock Street, Whibily. IMEDICAL HALL, BR OOKLIN. o ielei i <lus Dyci SîccIfs, ('oilfcc- t'WauyItorc acc 5ùMdcuceceawieyis ccc Lri 'ic,(. .,F tA'. 2"1, ist*I.c 150 bushels Early Kent Pea* Fcýr Sia cbY' lie Sul,, r'cbcr JOHN S. .bLi. ILLCOX WlÏitby Brewery. B E I iocrn tligiiùcdiii citi of hia 'l'ci-'c cci ',c mud icc c iliv, Ilicci i 1<> la-mu ecîcrei'liti. copcrci.tnrlip iici thoe iiiclcîl 'ro-1 luesio imilicim1lie icuhapy)u.'c iel -uciiciccio'm dans ecncteal t liIieir vil'. i iiczal Teetlî iicerrlci oui (iccd, ilvcr r un utiie ticliclr ilac. Tecttî filicd min cîr.tvieil icn lie ixestlibaic i>eniiicliv attecclinl i, i ic te net c1a i o Citilfdrei'm Ta,-týic.111 wcuni; a-i tft W. Il. OAlII> G. W. IIAWKYL F ELING tlic- m cc"iîiici-ss e nieitilVie uciaacdof ut1cmoliei cve procreil ticc tce persoci cf Mn. li ivîc'.aaicîî1cm I lat' p irc in ictrscdciîcgu irr te uccccny tîicci aa-hiîtvae h'cticertm givocivue thi maiiponl. itr. Itccwke ccumes ciel rccineilimacc adlie d adui'e e icîce or! ar ern veure imtha p rcetsicn t r. Sch tkilcks tr t'o uiicomrci, ccci ceaial t'on Ille ceiid l lcdc o f t'hie mcicci Iliilie lic cocue, Iic4g ta eucîcfi, I'. C AlI) Wllil)YFeh.25, 5(-I ý tw-caii ana see. Plalntifft, ' 1 ý 1 -

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