Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1863, p. 2

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"cvAdi-prt4sImeits ilts IDRY Sptcal intks#-Thoiilelemy Card-Pre. Vr' Arction SnIi. of lloutchold Furnitueei, ke 71&3, VT~yers. e " 1 Posîqprmed Slcriff"a Sale qf Land- N. New Ged--T'. H. ?tlcMllon. Orocerip.s, 'Liqurs, Wînes, &c.-T. H. Strayv'l Cols-WM'. 1Bynton. WhfbyTlursivApril 23, 1863 OX~LY ONE D OLL&AR A YE AR ~'I'I o sre~:î 'e F, -" . 11 Yuur original 1 lius'en"'Canada" will on appear. The DI)";blo flljqnrily Principle. Coutlil nnything more lie needed than te Iumiliating position of Ille Adminlis- tration on lte fsool bl, to show the' utter futltly of Lite Double Ma&jority principle. ? Tt waastuds)ptt'd lîy our Il Ret'urm" Govern. men as a subistitute f;ir PR"prpsentatiori by Population, Thry promiperl strict adite- lOnrCt-In ts P!o iipie. Over and over agnain cid ipr stite that te7 slould not, t'eree lo.gisi4at ion upon one section of Ille Pioie raaitbe rovtps eora majorily uof the rtprosentntires uft hat section, Ttcy aueierted that if lefi -in ariîoritr in cither opction -ministers rrprusenîing that sec- tion wouid tnt l hid office one 1heur lonL-er. Thosp virtucus lîtriots ecorn- cil te halee t h loughsu for a moment that yl strwere capable utfpocl<-etingr teini-alaries.' ithitc îjiyiicmzlte confi- douce cof titseir rouetiteients. Ttc>' aEseve- raîed i umogtî siîthsls, titat te>' se-uld net do Fa. ' lIen- lave they' lept teir mvord ? Lot tîtu rote ou the' Separate Éciotoo bilsrIhtp-usuei. ruiiuet tue rotes et' a mua, Prnit' et'otiti' repr-sc i ti' et et'Upper Ca- nisd, nwl agtiiueîtti' u'oic -rtf tltreu ftsurîts ocf lite i-opie oft tplos'n adtel îl t Titeir -prumiis s iere t deluscon. At te ime lte>' s-use inaliiiz tt-nu i i">'luîir wl Ile>' couli not lici'k It. ut île-i.>' eree - preparcdint pro-mise aid pielure auytluiug bu ce-du-r inîîuîîiuî1ttc great. lotuging inisit ef(ct' lter rts -021i-. aud te emolumnts uoffie -Inml- utunit>', ais uro slmays iued, e afuî ea d-lu -ii,,nîud ma sarl,, sud tîr Il or-"Adiitiirsion. bu pre. tentliite carri huni, is neolu-tIen. MWe It-cire tlis n-e-le, le suidretus a <cm movrde l un i ftrunu-nreaders, sud iceir n-paile sd Ititîtîtier,,re2,arâuug ite ver>' iinpe)rtaîtî a rticletif ttrodhuca narned à aithe limueseiiig et' iliepre-mitk-leIl i- a vcrr IsamImn u«tntme #e0hbn ytheiîuîi r le lite ,re in flie roll. Thte s'ereiusueper in ici iiuctusiineniku' ,up -goed iaud li reuc iy sle value eemee- )nt lie eau -fisul -dtri psy tle tarmer ite '1lA ini n-01Il'11 util>1a1th,'sarne r4nlued rate. lt lx iu cons5equeuce of thiismode pachlin; lit t tise uuaity or Cana- an boIer le se muc i tferitir, came- irdih ietit tt cIter couniries, and ltai eaverage price iii tep Lit-er'ool markcet 50 penrent heina titat ail fur Europe. mii', Jnerderte trou b10s,,sud en- nec te'value et' llîeir boîter, farmers- akcing et!uOur omu lecatity'-shnuld bear mýii ttat rscareul>' ee -&htit ' it ati it rouglitittelte Wtitty tarleet, ienaumei tome. -Al Ilue rscalis pecleet1 d shipped by the aserchtat. -Irf tarmons, ece-lI!>'those w n-lie Cslange quanîiic bsuttserpacleel i tteuiseli-es, thein Isut- m'uld bring a jeice titat-wouhlmeIl rf- tem for tthe xtra IronIsTe tulen. The it paîs le.)ep;wclcin ean icnotu or ir- a, seady for> sliiprnsnî, usiebufgr.ed u- ol saIt. The 0OooniageorcmAmeiesu r(an iifttier article,) la ttat principal.- ni use, and IL has the effect oet'deprersia- tIeqai> thie butter, WC tisese. , recemeunilte ins Liverpeel sit as itel>' superiar te an>' oseýr bunlteuMa n- ture of Cainadian butter. Cane and -linesa3 are, of et'cures, ahl-important ne-' §e-y esseulials. Ttc makers ut' thec t qutality- btter proride tite fQllowingr ilutes, HaIt'fau eutcee cf saIt to oeer ot' butter, the milIr is kept, sud lter rniug - ule in a cool air>' place, tiset kis %orleedi teromugii>'cu., sud the ter packeiiged tigbt packages. ,1 he butter tradeie sgnoiug te ho s far a ,e important branc teio usinese et' countr>' titet-miii'petsens have an>' t ot', ani ougli le cemmaneau smuehti anr shate etf public attention. To sitei d grothi antd exteut te wbiticit hî l reaclu- V, me uscd ouuhy iseflir tte r eturns for c Port oh' Menîrosi-, iere lu 1862 78,m w packages meres siipped, as against 12,. lu 1856. At Wity îhe tradeien.a*r insg erer>' ycar, and ils grewing ira. mucit deseres a nucit more exteudei m lIait me are aI pressaI ahI. te T'otlsr déTown Baby."e The eî'ergrewn aud kilîly gifted infatt Whio Pridua hlmscit' in bcing the Caltor aud proprietor of tlrnt eaxrucIztinq7yla - * entedd to ery maleeaU. periedical, ciledJ the Whltby 0amtie, lu is.ifter protetind selt-examination, cerne le the conlusion thal there ila1"somajhing ini bis hed,"- 11t th stnd mwlat bis friends tlainIc te tecontrry-the eîîly trouble being as te loin tIl geL fit et"satief.actarily I Te *titis end, lie intends te tise the firet mo:sry he receives, that. ho cao spare froinimar- bIcs andfgwec tics, te visit Toronto, andl tales (lie advice et' a sitilîful plircenlogitt, las te tlic iest n-anner etofuiereloPing the profound latent pewers thuat muet uxist in lus lieidsotaeicAere, hoe thti:îks, perliaps, in the bailur reqiosn, foi lie says illl i ren- eeuing inspira tioisare dee. We sitetlil tiik se, tee, I rom lis three or foutr long articles of criffical alttack on the (lititflMict.E in hie last, as cll i; e oneegentlemen in tomn, -ho cannît bc lt tucethse al- varutage te ho derived tfrom tîdverli&ting fl a couple of lhantfifl cf--net vers' nicely1 got up, or ver>' rendahue-lsipers prîntuil b>' hlm esvery week. Mlr. Draper stîgge-et- cd a fine lîoth comhàse the best moans nt exerting lis Ilgetting otu' idea ; butt1li declinied tlitis mode iu favoi -et'a, pracliesi Oui non- "onn Bibi'," like eflier citil lren,,le vemy tond cf pap, and -cîi llurow limecif. biz as letichse grewn, ie lte pl.-auing pos;tures of a lkitten, tle o1'tain ît; bot Clic<ltýr hae linteil te ii init the nippile ot' the pesi-nt G-s"ernment, f)r r yeam ot' tiro u71,leag, inusitc ho ruitîdr- luit afierilhtr.t limie, if flie "-flaluy4' cr- vires-lteetitting of hiq crê teeth lu Whiit-t luy, Ilcre miiiluebca profusion -et'f milkir and houey ---. - "EAsY LErs3oa x qGExrAT OGIGA. r!'-This-3le ineeot useful addition te tite sciotoob ookesiready pubished hy Mr.f linreil. Ttec "Easy 1îesqons" tfullinmett the objeçt te pubtisiser bad in view, and suppiy te chicef'requisites of simplicity snd L cemprelieissvenc. . Tte mapesud wmoud culs are cf supernr execuition, sud are sr) prepsred as net li an cari>' stage te col)- fuse te pupil n-it Mit.ute details, but te susaltte Ccxi in girng general idens-- Tite irorle is ôee evideoitly -t' great c-reb sud litîbor, and we linoir cf ne better booklc o:s te ubjuet on which l t reale, se moUl esîculateil te assisi lite youtit e the celin- I r>. "lFor 1iem," as8te 1ubîisier Irui>b eiuys, 41 it lias likel-ise tht adrantag«e cf beiiig a Canadian mrl--net seeliing lu put Ilils ceuntry nlu tndue premineuce, but alth tii8ame lima accerding il, whist se fea lext bookes dr, its due aîîd preper pusi f The publicatieus et' Mn. Leel are des- tiucd tlefrfeet a merlot' go lu thbs eouulry-muy et' tht-m are specisilly Udapted teIlIte instruction cf île- youth cul Canada-tLey ah -mallke us leknoir sud lor Canais ihs better, and ensable zis more cerreeti>' lu unie-retend item Iru e position (flot in a guegrapiial sente aluna,) ounltse m-up eut ie tril. hMr. Losueil, as a Cana. litielassiluor ouit of Parliameut. -Funhilter$priiig Arrivais. McuBS. IiàâMi.ToN& Ci., have receirci ser>' lange additions teuteir Spriuug s.tock. iu lte Milliner>' Dupertouent lteir dispia>' et' gooda cannot bo excelicil. The Seede are cf their omwis iuipuiîatiumýn, sud frome tts same parties as benelo foe, scanegua- vauteed lu oser>' respect. - a bas.i s iebis uxuail>' large sud t'anjud suppl> et'Du-y--Goerds, Mi estock ut' grecerios sud hiqucars leaucan sd- et'the tle test brande. DESTR'UCcruV9cFiat tN Toaîxs'er.- Lîtmb'e: hihacking, glue sud boue luat facton>' rear et'th le èro;îolia iras almoal letal>' de, tma>-ed by firo ou Moîsda>' uigtt. Re-impasinofhen et' Ous sTelle. Au extra oft'hie Caniada Gazette coutain- ing a preclamation for thse re-impesitian et' osf toila for 1863, t asbeau usguel .-te conmes mb fonce frein sud after lOt it a., The M1erccury says. t"On thte Weluland Canal the rates wIll te ssuitauged, muhthet.exception eof mbeat, te lollispen wmicd lus hecu roclucet! ive cefls psr ton, as compare mut lthe fermer ralés. Oc the St. Lawrence canais, aaiasures lare baen laien te equalie île r as ou 'up, sud 'domn' freigitiasd tutus We obviÎats an iucon venience micb t'onrmer-- Iy weut fan tomard lnrioig ttc huiiofet'hfe nprari cargoes frein the mater te rsail, Ths reductions au titesocanais miii average about meut>' penrcent., Outise Clambl>' tanal, tte rates as-e uct maleriall>' sItes-ed;-t whIi ounIthe Gre-e-ts'lle sut! (itawà.canii theno lsa agenerai titeugit mederato s-alec- tion. Thse Bs-rgta a te-are ne.' hucci nearl>' euet aIt'frein them pmevseua 'es-y iigli saie. As couupaneîi mIdi 101e un etiter canals, titose ou the Bur1'îugton were oppressivee hue average beisg isigiter tan tat ou thie mtele of thue St. Lawrence au-ils, Tise>'are nom pîaced ou a mode- sate sud rnomparatisely 4s- footinag. SSstousFuis ix BiticHrax.-The uteans fourin, mille, slave t'acter>' sud stingle mille iu Brightotn b<loegitco -Mr. if. G. côor fCltnnra'Y. Whiîhq, April 21, 1863. DevOKn s ls ortnvlcrE.CtiilLo, The Spring Terna et' titis Court, forrtito exaninatien cf witnesses, epened at thei Court Heouse on TuesilaIset, irlen cvi- dence ln the folewing cases iras gene - John Elford m, 711Te J)/yal Jn-surane Com 'n, ,d JassMFccers.-Tbe bill fthed luntitis cause iras for the, recore'>' cf a turt ot'Î400, l~e usU5aîied, b>'Itle plaintli', b>'lthe burning of a ssw mihI, mîiet hlue claimol te ltave heeu ervetd b>' an insuranee ritle lintIse Royal lussmaucp Compmany for thiaf nuneunt. Frem lthe uni- lune, and lthe alhcgatiouîlu inthe bihl,it appenFree l iat au appiiniti<sn titi isceu madte M-ters, - alt a st't for lte Compan>' in Iuaatil, i lue!piaiitth, seme lime lu Angt 1Sf! ; au <' (ri l iturin-" receipt n-as piren usuuil thepolie>' i4suci, a!d tlle amoittoft premisto, $10, pal.- Sse-frai applicatioins me-ru mudefer Ille po- lie-y, fron- time lat1ine, iutring thes monts ut' Octoluer, Nevemus)er, fltc-:mluer, andth ie last lime, in.Tanuury, h lu> ig ~piuitttîi"eson, sud lie irs bld lu' el'ut rt, nu-tini' là time, ltith- pul'ic-y hind ii i e-toi'dui ynlut wMatea;uu-pee. lIn.lulyirIll,, ais- n-til mas lorned deawn, sud ItîeIl)-<ucs -i it alichiIlue suin t oîirted. Fuir the defeuire, il 'ira riceuded huaI j)uahîtiff, ariadthit.' rpttusiluîki-d tb' exist- once qt' an>' e-utundl lui unici Ihuy e>'uiru bounul te lti>'Ile lu-ca. Mm. ,ePeet-rs statu'd hit lue liai net furw-arded the uitruîi 0tote, lenc tff ruce, huat i ee s lt iilic-ultios, tandrt-t îrouublud nt irIe line ,idçuticrd foreru in lthe ppicati-ij tînt itet5ri i- hiesiug tht Illiteune liid lasustl itlu wrîic i n application could ie aeted uluet t'îoui thelin-e it ual be-eu umaclhie utaîedf the fa-t Ithle plaintif, uand tld Mithuit il tras open to hîcunte t-m huis aplitia tien ; luut tuaituIle iiitiliiW itleusîstudl b" wueulul unjulidrau ute appijcastin:li-ut 'lue, (Nei'e luui-s) didii it i iu-tii- ,tîitut t Iu ilo but teli tue u-siritt h iat lue cutld gPuiti uit uit>'lime n iiii 'jut. 'lit noley n-tc nleyer t-e-turne-i. 'Mm, Iaissn, Itleilieper itt)ftthe Ccm- Pas>', shah-il tiat"tics %corn-pair luic ticno tics ut' îte upicauiun, 1tut tl1 applict- liîsprssed tltrouglt issbhands, auii tittt be-lad adjusee, and cloised up tItlle n- coutuls iueneeu steComp-any atud Me-Ve lons, out1hi >eeue,1861, su-ho titet cejSud le set as agent. Cutel for lte dufe-idîuct îid thuat tue Islilieiuldlie dlNs-ln ucauuu ieFc- ture, s-eue adise cunilutinl-d, ne interest ini the soit. Cou neel fer lte pitititbl' suiuuittel litat uls argaibuet, MeFeeten, tlus luill '-as aise a, bll ut' discover', mini eliitn--d a derec spainsi MýcFeu-tert s elslu-as e-gainit tce Clompany'.- Tîe Court deferruul giniu julzmeut, un- tif to-ýmorrea. 'sc Hnor sltatiug that te must suppose hfeFeeti'rs' eslulttue a siteert fabrication, or that there mas a witidrsmalt of the appiietition. uuii ' l enuid.rel tite pro ushillîlus lu fuiror of a niîhidraural. Ed -t ictîrd Fz-mlCous- ieIl'unr pintiff: Adam Cr>oulîs, Coulteel fuir uifendsst. &eyueds mutCoclrane, Lynde, Farqu- hareen «aud wacý, and e!hsr-Tite bill %ras Vlcion hlsf et'rtthe Coud>' et' Ontario, againRtil aedn Samsuel Cochrêsse, (as pi's5oitsl s'presu-uta- t ive ofrlthe ate Mrs.JIlainnai Keese) Jane Kenit, elierwise Fairqu!tîr&enlier iRt!ec, sud JunFarqusarnu It em buebitd, Car- leton Lyniean suylvester ]Lyute auui Jabez L>-nde, aç.luis aisigueus, pray-iug t'en île executionu.ff e-crtî li veyanceu sud orà srelcase mttthf itelu inlbed. lt np. peared thtt on tue 7îi th f' Neemiter, 1854, sthe plitIiiff andthltie def4enttafetin L.ynde, becamne uetrotfc e'82 serea, et' landi from Mhrs. iT nual Ktunthîelus- lansce o et' ita lîr-lîase moue->' of £.3,e50 mas payable lt'issty m ofl e'MA 0in lac years, £250 in tirs. yeers andlthe balance! lu tire yearg wmlïiihtere@t, sud te eecurc- mmi MeFsrs. Reynoldi endi Kint exeu- ted s merteace ou tîte lâtide. Tite blill slleged titat Mrq. Kent liai ageouts le ne leaee i1tintiffui ia hspor-tonof tlie land from ahi hiabill>'onmaceunt et' Lyn- de'$ Portioni cf tite morîtzage dehi, se iieon us a pmrlitien, ert'hie la.di teolc place. Titat a partiion dMi aCe place, plabutiff tskiug tte 41 acres East, and Mr-. Lyndo te -41 acres West- Tle Ibill further aIle- get! tet an instrout, purpotinciu to 'ise a release te lthe plaintif was exeetited hy. Mm., Ksnt, lunO'ctober 1,1559suad tit therein il mas aIso agrre t tis'an>' sum ne. qtsirel le be psiu y hi'le hastifteDaîr min K~ent (Mme, Kent's ldeat sou') steuld bc nlemed out et theýbal!ae-e-eof theo pur- ciiasa moue>'. Titat Mra. Kent lied fis Auguiet 1861, sud prier ttereîe,deruaed hier inleresc in lte mertgage It eremdaugistes- «Yane Farquitaron Titat Samual GCoch. mune wasiber execister, sud lezal pet-se-al epeetative. That lthe iuu.tiulmnta, wstlh tse exceptionu --lit alst hiun rit, sud i tar i 1u -oýA-1 s n tu Thne New, Reg-igtryýBj We are glad te N. titat il been sent te a select comm.rittee thte mt'asure ilhat iras wanled,,Rl prodtuctire Of infillite 90od.-TI1. aidu-oating the a'egintratjpu O document in duplicate, tWceg vieýw 01 Ile Suhsjeel0 pnd wet, saugeqsi")on May be adopîed, an ameudein is h~respect. "A 1 Whoe uppears te anderstand tbe , the ëYstem re)!, irrites amfolle« Leader:- 1 flol>' airee wilýh your viewsl iu -llte Lea4er or iie îl, te Ille wisdom dlIo1dayed b>' the General West, in consn1ideîing a rfePcCting the flerislratien of manrgu"mcn t of.IReg iAtry Officesi' nerai A ct. Aise iitit YeU 1 regret titat nfièr sÀ certain day, iratiennf ut' lietes is net in tire and notliet tptionial. Iný cases iku-,eof erery litdred, ltise in'- nui slitig rpai etate Ilint Ille 1ransi? ion"?cf (0 cmine a, illaier of record fo4 A meimurial in-iy really coul lett ne it rervoq nq a noticve uni;: i,; doup < lun ieap, and d-'siied purprîre, fer the men- lîunilîisss, ignorant, and pend ble always udîp)tcd si'prefervn aet esi-ir of thIlle na fuqtrat ion of Ille 1"penny w J foot.isi' m ux.m cauud nut bis sure ri6u ipne buit a in-j Illte lîtr nîirw llared cin record, mr sac)il, ln mnie ides uoft' i inture"C ltii ot -ntailled ii Illhe coliv doës ut u'-il4u-u l'nCint rsppoi.o!, utut ul ou du truste, ilturi', etee not d-iain epuliub Io The ser>' fart Ihalint lere ii jus! toikes it Sinmueli me luire ilifts inrumt ro eord,, Xa.:uinrA ehe-n îrorlerty cv' iîs"îrnnî utse d 110Wcd ot 4 R-' i Iire t e w M aitrusi's or roreinanà## propeîr t hi-u leare ilctu nu. t ment, but if thuy areý itqpe)r be conîssimediil Itseorijbi. ne împ,'rianiat tilPF'1 I inatier' rue-réorI tatlu' fillI>' parieqintuhîn ed a(itui ti-, r Poggsi,y,tIrumyb cas, otfds hcrpent eand ordinary et ac- and those ffi t bIlsalia ivay for tItis Ps tilar osas tS thal uniess duplieste regýý ceuipuis )ry it willI bi a dé& te: 1>' se. This pniet Lua -cusseil 1»' néeffut' tit Ieeis , underatatid. tdis worliiin -e r fion Isas .qthat 1 wili giê l ibis poeint al! 'iugtlh. - 'Thte prcsent systeni. Mmenais cou itutes nutlii , t of an intîcrument la regi an aIl. Min>' tuemerialssno C-ori ly coniain ntinitformaiton: teet ciaim doed froenithte mertgager. This is rever donce mitltout s,îmen, treubtle and e- pense, sud efteil cant t e ettaiued -'t auY- pice. The regîstratien et' an exact durili. ss-te of flic instrument, ,rxeeuted nt Itle 1ime b>' 411 parties, weuld Most crtaill> co rrect tItis defeet iniltae prrssent fiegisîvy Ac t. Doplicate regislrateîts ;weîid ilual caspe-gis'e a greatur securit>'1t te ltlie f 1 nd c9tiaerucntllJ' sgreater markeet value te lte estate. rÂprii 3h 83 Sincete repulise of tite Fesilerais before Charlesîton le"Wýar noms" lias been, mn' meagre, and centiists principaiiy of rumeurs, sua-di "8is aid "Tt is nôw said tiratîttere are important militar>' moeeets in pro- grees. Seven gui oît astsan three transÇ- portssi gare eMid", to ei)ai- 1iîssrdlie Con. federate batteries i ient bug. Tlere wae a rumeur titat Vieh,%siurg 1usd' been Ne-s'york, A piil 2 ~'î îlmiî lihm beet reeivedlitetu iiit tins dlu--i roue Millikten's Bend, ouiilue ltesp iteur 0--ii lenîilt ofîble I6ili Admirai Porter Rllccutldtcd iniintitîiig lit-e it t-ns ii seven tfuir- tnbomsoft' bis ,qflu,,dien sudj ilîrtê transeport. IHis tiag-sltip, ttei' Ietîto1,i toet otsssîe titho uper atîcri', lu-auing Itle lina it' -eseits before the Cîufderî,îes c'rpeued 1lite, Tltt' Coif-drraits linCon- t inu-d tlîitg frt-11Ilp. ut, fill 2 a. in., î:pon e.cdisor-eednr -sils il asrwd. Tie utîly daînago <tîne- us as the firing ut' lte-e llenry Clay. cte it' o Ile tralisports, ..iud Ilt îMyirury of llîî-ut Ille Ploruet 1 ciy, ainter transepottand 1i8e a $hut lhruuglî Ijtu Bu.îIttoslitu!l. Our li)ss n'as but ene man Liied aind i eo orilîre 'round- r>' to Thut Ceîufe-ierate ire ina,;fuir le-gs rcite- ntt. ( ire ihtîn wsm-tSuitîicititu-t. 'iny Iutec fuî I -eonrttre hoimue-sluntdelois-ltas im sl ttc uadmutît s epzîdin tu:telht lte mirer tut vrY litd t e-tiluîetlitir artill#-riîte lu pet au pend Hil be vicwa cf aur Sue-înîers us tue>' selttdomut t' ite fmt-thin range cf tlvýtnit itt. cx lie ustrr- Jut-tEurosiui. d must1 equill,' iadu a1 tel 1»' phceal letitou- sature funi doeription-- e lê isiroum recordet!. TI-edLllcuhs>" nI> our ed sia el de-ai urt' h-loi ,Sutng te ri isîsin us ; -utse~but lns tii 'elle on, aituefiole er fý;,the originali itruit bas luarteci asitiitîe estate tnerc ë ro e tbuysstsil rni rrher intenegtiut-i Irl plupem 1 c'tir mes1, Or, aui Ii il(an îaes, liouglutlel>'"Iv( Il-me-Je lteorigirial documm-t, iten aîll ri is fus-uer gss.The memorials ot' iii t nos, lbemelfotre rcoendchre se unsaI 'actsmy lthati lntu' lit - inUp ueo à damwihinot g;v ise m0 s.ttte. e-su alîlhlit i4I u4 4150 Th un fuav 10ee a- tissuse3 o tdo, t'eom ýe, bgw urizinal rvinue t t$ i -è hiviLel iuo h eser pav' l celifaie in the orictinal gra1t f romn I pains tor trouble lhave b ten ecut aud p-escrî'e thie original u t!sý n Ilte case oUreeTrut!deod 5ilter is as souteî,yneeeseAry teo exsauthé naOmO te fruste, >ufem msalts ae ua ndnliy> eordei ire-ta misell i lin t'ader tliesucimcutti sacç e o Registn>' Officg slsemug e- t unatuetrc ves-y tille iu tteC ouai>'",A ipr ian>' instances are litle r 5st n'a'd talion nud]<a sua-O. - "Th iseol>'neusedylia>'i suIie. le-o have cexactd f«ta B>' the City cf Ial anuresd tue Jura, Sthée forme-ýriut Nu-ut-Y-tu h-,uatdci elu ltte-r iii Porlndt, un îh-s 21,4ti lit-c.,- iae aie-et gImibtt acd blui-e-ut i--il iuhiveeulurtol 1» tht- ('uý4-i-î's autlmat-uts. Aui<tit- -luutu'ealxpriîutîe-r, nauieut thte Japaia, ut' Vîrgiiaiuied fnutt<m-w ode, ititsttndiug uofficiale elurîs lu Jure-- -ve'nt lien. - Thse Plttieh insurrection le rtuiut-ied l lufire lueen ec irsmn.- - Lecuuto. A1nih !)l-The Cetfelrate ltian udvanëed & p-er et-ul yuslf-ncty, eus uad vices fri-cmLit'uruuitutiitlttand scr - Tise 7'inie-s ihmseo arliicce- te titt ut lti (' nliforiîia rings -with îumeîuralioîus forc ùffensive -iti tiefciisire a-ar u-i!tEng- lanid, pebhlsui r thie iuulim4is fMr. SI-mand, for lh: crptqutni t' le-or hCulume- bia-.J tsly>s tittthé,l'fe-du-ci ovemumpnt ýet !are blildluia- ionirsfosr Ci'urttia le e ut- suidlei-4(XPntO iitither large quauuiics us et' is ensd gupoadr. me,- l------.- in- TIhe 3Mnrdetr eftlue ýotlàer anul etîîn b>- tiii otunit'jury. Th itii et- sitke 10150' dorir lse ee mt A"ànze. A lieve isere is somo doubt tehether the>' are tuman hunes nt ail, tut thut matter mil deuittUas lbe tiiereughl>' iuvestigated by ofe th eu Cenn>'Magistrales. -Globe. Tes the »Zîtao f the Whitlnj Clironicie. Ths ottr ilue e tter dcd, MTiee, sýý ig iîld .s1,l ni-OdS9 Ss-On lGeod Friday lestttse-follow. there was net semeîhiug in the wind. -)r.'D. 1 wus giad te net tihe C1roaide leSt weuild ho weelc.m send mue saine- mure ot' theni. try if îJae 1 1 suppose Cspt. W- alid lis Itîfiilly main In fc will be out on the 24th May, MaLheM'teU that the Il menst r willt e teilsere to talie my plactMr. R> witis thees. the clmpe , . joining wi B. B, MuN hal ing a% - lield by si ris i- - ', -- - - , 1 -I i siug rencontremii.W.Ilfi - iu'sP'siicjtusd ug- h ci'în'reic-dciîy oft' i th e follhe*iup !s tuira -Ilituît Itlî e c ie- i s- to! il il1u4u ut I entfltt e -s~cujse sdts i etalkiu-: pussence iru a river ste!ameLr iie L,- Meel' I ftliet lshechili Co-wieias ti mold ville-Ny. The boat mas s Jiu.tA f.rail -c, Ibis giebnî a asavre]e-u, cern sud cromiel le exct't. O oe sooi gve irh vrasa m.riedman an 1iLêhees Or eestem rivera f miAcit psuriti Cardouer ilu Mn.J. IH, Çumeroi's.'T'ise iiihave elbuaci isyseif iintu outwe ballt cc a~jprki-ltir omadea volulary Conressinl t frauT oihehatin- imetu A lus îtjruptynî'îbut siateil as a neaseui torirheli;the questiet. - uh neit)onrer oIe Ilu Juioginli ts-posestic -litaIv t0d lêtt is me albomoeeof thumse liger ierce Iooki tre t he ueuiJit htistemglliiio t of atte faer mest toith i iiubell cst j~I fiil csf clissnerusllôû-ng - teepes"e-ith îbipered -o gjt situe suldiers that liai pméi'i- ? ooif isr aBi ulidn I orot "y aoiloyosl lier a jrlin.jlhONio - (t e s-et!ut tiltsmotion oesth Ie boat wa - - -,. - unuoîsabis I mies elsîlguliete gise hu np. bluA. smse Iisîtl Iti ec autot rivisi ut L-cisrille 1 aswunt, once ompiç ivli uuCeîunttfor. lThe pitiser 's gcotilat( n ree oýepr tN8iil, a-s sentI te Dr. Ihoseit fer tnt oscoel*;al ds oercterpnasasvlet of( jsuntuula ut e se -tisetebaggsge iras tuog uyescasineti- ut ~ the cor oner, soiiat poopiuions taub - î?î- si,îir t.<y ts e- presso u<n Ilat poi pu' euxc-sut ilit irtucle fo r sitle ou ftr ai 1ima stdii dis Sifilet cati b how uti st uiselaumectue blond t h rotcl.orafwdasddd e~ leploonmlecettde' 'ilselo n tIsa Clatauteoga Rsîlway>, suteequent ate lspri.ot %ill itumi îe mf arsoreI nerwt. «' sskbr.tts-> s ait M liue LF t>' Le .1 t th m aued - ent fN 1iieo l's, res lle esi e'ts sseela 8s uddsn vaid eciathls place and bleir up teene- tashisa ategC1tlier, lias iseen to pne-dusieî etio s le'tsniweaI e h eq strong circiîtmesiuiial evidesace agItinsi 21 I.-vhttete iiWdîle tle. pisoner. Ile prîsto ta, Isemevel', ha gsuadilt froni ftuslte-r inule rwiht lte inozl; posuit'e tuier 'titat -lie ls'as in- r - -- ujnt et11er>'w ne mi toyIl nùcent as tha cli uiiorns, allat! th&le -tIcsne. trnwadutr>' oixeA- Tu4-.sifHpo ;n.nmm u C l'ati1uiameatry. F-9-ite t-ui~ ~u. il momwa"t.qmm us bu>'-; stle- rs lite y titi moullul aId be une han it 1Il?- h trust a 1- -t iug, isgisi> eeil>-iug eonversaaion 1,0o14,place A 1etsîr trolis Vmucoveris 1 Iiad,. IMr.' 1>tpKerzie stated thît n t even> betweeu, my sers-ont girl rvhileie wuiasre - ~ ienISliriff's tale wlich toolc-plaee there wus 1turningfi-ouitntltg and a mosseuger Mm,. H. Rebineen, sen of NMr. cninail ro;lwe. osc és frein Mrs. Ntctoeiutce n ~resident ,hair.dresser,of titis tisti. wrîtes the î ',te r oina pposeaheug ill.ersTl nf-woot. Mes8engee woolAroppose t.t. 1s11.ouse 'ïmitele Mcecngr-- Ar ya Mrs. l'a itusegienb-Ion-, te lus rtler. 11e !tF-9 P easssmneot lain lubileopinion, sliculd -lte semtant1" Iîitl).y itatre doing wecl, nff arnititg rsvised, as so suan>' imnoudientgsld ce Girl-" Aid sure enorugl 1 arn nd $20 ta $0 iiî cvweeleY Made tae c am tht iossonro iund il whaî a ut 7 ' 1 1.i Myfiti, iNooscec i naýýret 1-,',,Ir.,Mm. imepson leped lIte Bill would ho irant ut' a sr-tinst, she- sihigive you Iiiglier -j--wilitd:imn. Hie argued wi:i1t ietuiler wages than ylum iuuw rer-cire, audlbsidu-s, yt nI.,thave te for fLamhstbi tat td e, nip.4ment lair s1m. s luiactiv iornîneadt expt4kea li site~S jettxctr riai sdmill- tIerfnu o ifr Ii.lutintfe t i~ld hie aevised. gnod sbame utftide lieuse merklieneeif. i,,, re îen ioutdld 1 Idi iîunt leun- 51m.DicleýSon stated titit ae mutn sîtorîllyoubu disped tau enter libers-tuer T heîllrtitini m or igo te I 41 ooomaswudue te the Counii et o merds"îcu.t'C;lifiiti, eitttteîtV îl nt direct jHrr,,n 'anti Bruce b'no.eidn seo Girl - Ilarn ssquiefied uittlte pejiu-i,,yîîut îlriîue tai irite te. Iarivel nt t'je i an- lo wites ati, I ng usnltt>dey alie- jtirt"-iuetit -t iri Cot-l t sa htiuiîbt e lao. lied situie'. and hav!no tic e tetu change iilteîh e ai te-nur. 1T suppute yoi bhavec Col- liênltaia hoped îhe Bil l c d ho tiltînitiit;t Wc I'eld tîver 'Tho leu. Mr. Wilso'n eaid ittattif sales llesscuger----il01iy w< nl, M -'înî.-au ci hepit ut ,iu. 'fhpt-eite weerc vvr>'tir e taà', il. ioild tare thte A &hub elotîi' untii-Aur iae, suie-Iflite ftî umiî e îtaeepo'rt Elinuaoil, fa ntce efîet' tf1iurnwing titi' lntîs ýmp efetui ce'rt't!te o tf a inumu lire, muId liavo-e f 'ilttt til-e>n-eprîitsiîsaly t(ývï-r Qr<riîi1, i,ttib aods uopf ntr. > l linoni atdiim nsd 1would stfnrîluer liîîk At titncii thure Mn-41ts"ui ytrCtih-e Jiiet ~îuon.resiie-îtî ncitud, îîb'uuecoutid b Mqt7 toit lu Mts. N.is a -lady rît' ellieit'ur aîtîît itig luit reI Jîdmîma int A suç'd temRie rpney ity mtnîipsliîes féeling, s$ie- wuid f-'-iiiidby Ilecîpiting-, tuiu' 'Le un un a tidtnt , - 1 - util tti t-q s were paid, and the' 10 _ per tiis, lier appliieîltio ayou, etriedl>'secret""or- sIci" Iîtelimre ver' ittitîtr.1etu.prvdtdlian- pre)teeluil item fruin Now, Mr. Editor, if tiis tad be-cien t trut'leiw îrsMreestnetiîn'- emîus iEtd diingentions applicattion outhîe l'ind. i.matir alelli -kesr-3(ru icirt. lo-J. S. Maedunai- siiuke i in'l I luid itastt ai-e-n Ini.noike uf' iL;ihut 1, W'îeuire nririre-d ut EuItdunmm t ;---ur support ofilSe- mc4tsut'ofliders ,vitu hure e-xii-rienced site existence ut' tise vilin lic !ix4FSuuTt' jiipersois. A t c ; 1I u ht,ýiwiidldeu,ti aed ih er for the lusi, rn-arî,ou t iron jonW"tune et- Mn-1'rr ,iItle paYiuuuî t'ftaxes tof ev-sm> 1uTip. To the, e-nedit ocf lte lerîi>iti ' cli uig -!li uxuptifon ur-u, .tt- ni' îbiutdt itbove ltdit tu-d buiti>' îas ciii>'one tlut. etuuii-ivcit n. t r1 -S P,',~iiu'ti lîtiitoi. Ts> --ît eit n~o re-lutrve ulirTownbut é a Wu ler cou- ur.Imm, W-e urrîelat dwi.i orS Ai-- uleD in b - Omtets oftt, psuid"lteiu e lu-y e-eu-s, tise>' sm iumeroupandl sue1i Altur Iumi i the, dterulnm utsdutr«y lik id OtliAnierigits uf-prupey shead lias* bet-ituheir in-jidence, ident 1 hai -e se-u iniice R-st-b Mitiuî-uiîie. 'tc iVej4s-1ise acec, u na ntrl> pos-tathe tom i tint-uîd uan, ei.îru-ren Mny el iniheib-î- i a Le-itler pau h t isa vt~'11- lrun a y ut>Paîd ene ole in )it)isny àdAll 1 g i ii i tt tiO it l It MuI, tvint.tiuis-, îic-irtle bll i iiig lieuse, nîîd lt- uithonn re u tn iitia i~u d mm ts mitiunts tiuwcniigh jtttui vt lî-n be tlcu ltA2ii a n"q MWhrionn ui oit 2Me lu A, Mc)ouad',s Jiursutasien tîn t uisdirilsc oft' u î w«V ~ c-î--- 'rscmsigoe-tjuon '.i,"yaku lie-e1 titis iho.se or My sei ranis WorIteurrerepnertc -'~ts-i fr-e iii cie-lird?. liuulu-sue1 1 imdi-,ut. Tuas 57'; uvd ipi -,1tif l aiug giiec in 1 e-aVe, unud goemI itiu-11cr nite!rs, A tkH aAmi odr - LMn faMU Jncie isii-muveci eg- tuhilet eue-lt as ilue Sîcacit>y ut' dame iI-u---. iti, iii uc-lePOU 0it-t'y ut'ad1 e r einûr-emdobîsreceug-.-and l3rsisr-îof-ktîiikit tisi isîr-andses t temonder -vaîtl-----c-etiîin -sOuruienta su iltaif ut'iisiuik e-wld Ihaveutilt iut 1 bdail a uilAltMie-ttlis-f-l î-iir a cti1-,'ed ut hiiIlu.JS. aclnl b3-tde bau Sers-ttttiuu iatîlfor fitien% n, n hum Lte ,i-te- t'uili-. iiAice ep % LonwJtu.rs uit id t Iwisiicd. ti gi-t nid ut, tien'--e ui'l hiotînu l -aR, u-ureoi isVC h re iwu i; il ie h1a te-ne iMriepe l bserr. enn-uud-ent-"îiiisani ui -i-ni ltri tetti Iu t i-Ctntuitýee t0o ettuco mihti ould ho doue. tulit5 iit ten- oir etOceie fr-Mt lrtttnusîu ip luAiictne IJe. % Yihowu agWeiAM tsliteRlu. nuit ecnet tltr tei-'htbu;is tan !Mrn, r i-luci.but nt tiiniigi sue unî -i-a:cl(%r-mal %ct-iin lusau-'esliec w'Iile 1 titus gis'e yen lime simple t'actes- i nc" el-r, it -ttNU ati î iittie.t col nse ,i thé m. reutn iYoijucrîe tutsilu fieLto fO i u, tutu-i se i i-,tl0 - u iisî uis.-iiis i le bi js s!uti pa:d t but ssaharcei ta Y«îi, tMttby doiuig tue, gttf - n 4 i 15 e(Ma-. Mel9lr bae linilettld.np oe y ,oy ix<(SwaiOïi-O5'tt = urus, ivr offlic MIL if your utehie-ile tif rc-t'uitn-tiosiîwe-uitldifui- WhitLiy iuey e arni- lier, ,ndit soig ruitl ae i ssfysilde iehi. Aie- u ai uili uhte-ei-ràe-iîud ni the lii kitr eut. $20 clu pser meel. ei i ~nhBlepse e tlraig e-xîiedieuitt uit' cuir îuuîncier, 1ua$ a rstupaie- thiteiepituunui .laii~siieliiti i ~_____ teita ýoll txcmuepue-iit tisreo ewsC o. lii u-ii etiiug iîiipi %ce nai LI'iOT 1ATTVZ COUIJCL. heu-u h c ; ,te is :in-e t17i nue d, îuurlittohuta . -ieieilcOteshit- QtattAitrih 7- Yuîmn îl't ieri", ~ uc- us-ek. e-ur ir O noth it1en-r I l'-i- The 3c uler oelcthe rIair ;il,",o'cluck, WM.(~<ttDN. i;bue-uts25 riis U lb. lUdst $1 AZ Lo irHenltnuflu usu ee lier uall biut J., ts 2 e-eutste- ýliai Ilue ucîitibsuof lPet r lHoard-C hancit A Lette-r ro-niNa4lhvlleo luiqt lhui- t lni îîiuîl tIiut h-u-%re-cuir urc. At Criom 'ucr A $1il ;buî-.ueatd lucaosftte couit->'(if Ottaa, ray. Afrlend , Intel>'a s rileuit cf Wii mo1 utii citn-$1 75 pu-r ii. n-- eu; u wn, ttiuM ccrmu i egamieus in remard ta - ',orin. Tlnîsarcvis 2 5uiL) - ;aeiu i lii'cuduct ofthie Ilit. mpiixt leu'4e-, fumous tt s l 'it; ui le on, eecd fî!ceîîî urluoe-,, lic- ulas-. Wu. s-n-ver>' fer Juil 'e uor it - Supei r Css"ithe- district fr nm LUhis4bruiit ru.vw uis;-'n uttue iîdui-ts u-nciui uste-. iltcy iretf Gîtawliune>'bejuri t4-be ,cfrved 1 rji itebtm Lii She edjri> titittmûsue iuçr" l'hViteshailut t Iot il tCoiti t c; bet sfter deisitt liuetie oiuî o f iut 'uit - ei-~lthe ui pn la iIdan Nue vihe. - huui:t-i.urui i isilitsuty ui'î fuitetn li-iv M .Mw a tuovr- il fle. - - e Mylýtuter Iil; iiGhiIme 'SON. o.ili111t1 rate - Schoe su xsino-t e -_ inyt a . i .h--_V. ioat* -e' 10utî l 'rIicbitte lu îtei nrtectdj~s or c 1 - -l 1 ýl

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