Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1863, p. 1

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ir41t0w Teefy ort th te Regi.stry Ofiee. M" IPER ANIJX, ERTIBIEKENTS I ,tisst%(t s itmeesuredin lu par. amrgod Ut thtiirate Oet8'coe.ppr tIOn. and i2 .jents pWrlino, oacib 'mti e ~,wtb stvertisers hy~ Isootiînne ativertls;Oeuta mumi OF XONTRM&L :ONAÂt DOW, Manager. GLASS WORKS. . BILLOCIZ, .k,T 75Y uir tetTo-u tATTORINEYS AT LAW, iC uit nc otaro.-- Ir. DARTNELL, ATTORNÇEY, C>IFA r.ae. e ovlt-n, . C Grese's lrîxek 8fret, Wllt y. ,T-ILkW. OIiICE-BRt)CK îy, C, .i LNI .\TT(lliEY-AT-LAW. ýitv SON & SAMPiION Attot-rII s, Se4flliters, &0» vmierii Assmîraon-e ]Brlidiips fott), C. i1. 1,1501.28 DARTNELL, STRAI, MASTEIZEXTRA - t-,io k-t, Whitlxy. 47 TREPMAY~NE O 'T CRhWNATTOR Iasr- oett tu isr', ooi eh re , Moges.MePlirer- 11h11.40 T J. WILSON. Io ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ith celmPrittdwords, great VYOL. VileI.[r GLOBE IIOTEL, bythe subsetiber, vhoelhe vii als-sys be le'x Mdi on bond resdy te attendl pereenul]y t>~ tii. wauta cf bis guais, s&o. SThe urernisan bambeon convvwucîîtly anti eexil'rtsi'iy fitîod p ; paluteti, papered,&c. witbî c!ter's e' of t waldrtewshnti sd oetry modernIcuprovemnt te utake the 'Trnvelier a hin. dirtng zbis stay, ud tiieTab)(ýi bountifull-. ]y nuppledent &a il ies. Notioc -to Parmers and Others LIgmiors IVieli-riai,'amrul Retal, Mr'nsPni Whigkev, dc he.;boit Port, Sliert-, isui Cugniseir Branidy fer t-hie smk, viri a-tliet ci Li( mer iirmrd <-rrsof tirhee t uriîýRds Attentive datler, r, lien-sores te uit*-'. A. AE~NE Brceklit, .Jan. 2itir, i O. 4 1IKOOKLIk JIItDIUALHALL, JOUX DAiYES, Diie, C'-W.ptmaxiteiv corn-] prxiricdi. Dhrumgs, it 11S IlidTifedieînes ot'cverr di' ciription.4-i- DAVID Biutil, A CTIdNEEJI, tien-s ft) itforrrr the irixaii- Ï1ritý' ttioati tedirUtC eut î'1rrt îot' threse es. UAilpnr,' ieft u"t t-usiuirxe, (rM L-t Noc.84 1I , tic iliconreossiorn et iirirhxrgten, %viil be ixulctuaelbv ttendedt f. ihrt-iigtcîx, NI'ûtUtber, it.43 HALF-1WAY BOUSE, Th NW F.ShEV. ', HtlîElTOIî(S[7CcES. e) $or te R.Il . Clark.) Da11v .Snges to t-he Noetti, Liids" hxhby, snd iùsiiara., 24 'SA ETON, - Pr E riutX, B EDST Wiie% and l iqion--' u[perinrnaeexoir attentive hit>,let. ALBION HO TEL. i>t'.mas ertu -, wuliu-rru. JAMES IILAcK, lui lPropriro tr. *tTrOIIN£)' AT LrAWZ, i raund Trun IloRtîwae imuel, e (r,', &c. Vlritby, lC. W. ut-k Itoci StretWlrtby(îSiîdsi14 of IRilicay Vepqt ori', IhJ7tkQAh.) T E UNTE]oiNFD îBE084TOINFuORNI L & W, tlO UlMOfR IN In ixpcsîessiu ofuitthie iurxe hiirt., thue turi,r vecyacue-,ciOte 0e -hîr ets-iher ue -ti xiiuure ci , ur xcl, cii re3r the. fBreaiele ilion, asroctrrt. (lnodLiqueîrs, Wiresirrul lýtiieur Civirs (L-2. n te vilage et'Besvvu- ExMn-cirt iug-eroet' attoutc fuor mucu wrarlu, iudCoitýy of dr-u- ird hIrmre. 40 JOSEPH IIUEI5OTTONM, tA.N, L L.~ Wîittv, our.18,îS0. - Propriet-cr. r'lINET AT LAW, SO- EANT IWINDSRIUE IIIY ru, Ne'atv l'ruhtlbn. &-v. .mur--mt-r-. N'es Brxl 11 )iiui j,- iuîr ralaeîn -- ii~~~~~r>rhtrud eouiuout tr.Tw t-n, irs eî rCREEN1VOD, Srbhiitamxd onocrufecate 22Gom LAW,.SOLIM-Oit YS - -v 1'riC, fveyaîrecr, VIITORtIA JIOTEL. in -, eVietoria lhrr arlitcc ir -tt-it > 'itOi.uux- w IIIAlNI C TTl'RO' Tt.(Lri &tIifS)iWu ,tth')- ljrt (>twocfiY val of- &(L.SSRVe HTL COMMERCIAL HOTEL, n5o0z 5rum EST. EfIY JAME~S C5IOCKEJt, Froprietor. c OMMRCIALTRAVELLERS viilf ýif eoîvenictet sop1ing aSthfuis iotel, an tlxecy eau Ittaru froox i egister 1linoirkept antihe ilar the roetas takeni by thef. proecessors. Tii, pruprietor faites tliis ecrasion te tiîsik bis uxtourous patronN tsud friands for Vbe liber. al p)atronage1lsestowoed ou blus Aince. fliecoin uîeue-einexitt f hil business ilu 'ilhthy. GeedSi tslng, and Attentive OotIong. Whlitby, Jan. 1868, 1-tf RIJSSELJL'S Il O' EL. QU 2E13E (2.C irJ e JHI IdELut rpitr t to ahove7 tlieir frieuts isud patrimns, that tliy i.,is't1ie- roligiliy rivvictehotvr i ug Ille s-nerhiehi eniào(mIes tuntnos- te oiXr te Ille !tfeinbers etf the Lgn utiie, ud iiTris- cë,îiiz ublie SOrn-arunen icî. r aiýtiioliitethe o'teert fit., rait %v- ter, thryv)lave ni xrocrs eand'licd.roous iii xa ltIsr 'li uenteur me Bitel, w]rrixe, fetrcmffnrt su'!d cwlt11exxie re e.orsp Ivsd0'the rixy. WM. RUSSELL & SON. Qtrioer, NBarehil , 18101. Northprn IHotei eanngton. Tue rrxres i7x'li4 nssrt tbu rtîcrVe (iver atrr'sni-vibr eeiisqro tîiooi es. inso dn1e ' )t,) c 00114écrable tvtenit,sud rmalle iIr lt.'rtinii. anxd ipprx-us i eenri s'01i fu tI tn.c'uInt'ert arrne t' ,ecrct'f1 Iii, Ven ire table iawi rxi ieîii tixlh-'o î lnn ii ,îorxcîtil t bu-tbhrr,,oi of Wixxie, AnI lýiqîxlors lrept ce tlhepr-xh-. Tavere ki-epers s-.pplîect ii Gne.(ivr- raail xcyoix il. B,)b tire rcoxewird Otier, ainvs i'!ttn sure, n'.eitea ho- tick, te lt- ixs lrr.-îfteîxrs. JolN WAtII, (!txieîIx un. t;r.'i, l. n1 REVERE IIOUNE, ~'1~h srîe,-rhu-rhi-z, te srii,"uîrrete lii. eirr'nrî-,,flint ir.er ,,rs'rr flic hu e e x- teus , p vrîise s-sa exipeitlit i pi- t r- oe îxrr'.îîi -rTx110-vr Wte itjîooî te tie endirf r o g-. uehx i 'ihio' î To the -Travelling Publie. T-J meil Dg-h i-~ mlixe l'rrni- by h uurrnilttT, rrliiinu tire ket-pirurot ire hr-but TÙE BL>O 10 LIQIJORS k CIGARS Aur,0huin'rlie olieiîfiriireol s-0putnuime dsuiru-x-- ufti,-euri.el. Air cruirve Orohor rusurut-. trrru i orU ilttr Nr , laNI r,NVOON &JRTEe rouglts "hd uaktlag i ,BY. CI W.. "Canada, our Borae.91 PreYn the , Cnadian shoro as we iew Thon. death strugtzlem th!at untion'a_.euggd How Ruioonsly ws 'wnlt tuie Lreatiggse. Oifsa wr that soomnonver itiatine. XID the pride Ofthoier g1ory ie>' boste1 Thlat treedem 11ko theirs vaï; net on eartx But, slis 1 nil t1eir hopea are unom bui8td, lier glorieus Canada isj treedoin's thtoi W Thon Cnnda thuyguerýriojls fln, Fo lke )r redouni thow li t te lord snd nerf suait anare. While hoer. trutit snd jua-tic-c reign. Wher. naurelx primeoval feresta eone stodi Magnifictutrie.tis ad tewn qnow st:und, .Andl eh.reoditug step. orth3wildiwonËl Mark thn prlro,4-an ntt>ur prmj ,l l.d lsud 'lis the. and heîe itt a ci e 4erbeesr1 Xe i:ttter wboer t i ho njejur 1)'uh, 'Mix the land vslier. pure jnui,s nrer'd An tii.(01111dýitiwiof tru isilnrty. Cff0Rv*n-TienCunda. &0 Ohx! Ca'îsdî, (air clild of tiîtin iî WiexîîoythY son4, shutil ever tiold dear Wione nid, thonu worn and roèk-141jd foinrts tion, lms bottéd 0t, etoroîs cOf etiionaxxd yeari. iejoice. h, vo, Cen, 3ieci ror'o Thlct tth.. flng tlut wýjves Luer ltritoix'n ,Our And( le* tio h eler.;nt or ht rt. h i, n1le c B.,l eor xt sud Cý,und odal1,iOnr Ihýtllne, 1 (i'osThnCaixadv, dr BELL IMARTIN. "Then I1xvould nover rppeatt hcm again; for they mnck Yeu ntith idle feara." I beliove they do," replicti Bell,1 ralll. ing berseif wh ian, effort. "Ios- exqnisitel > %(al, that music oxpon te er softened by diïtance," remarked' Ware, viîh anothor pause. 41 tcornes like tbe swelling and nubsidingm toues of tbe *ind-tonched iElian.l" -i uscneyer cumtDC 0me wîth such sweetles! before," saxd the onaîdex,, uinn noeeoand sinxplicity. Il h secus as if I could lIÎt'enti bitfofrever." J feel the Saine aebdned andi tender impressions,"$1refflied the yong maxi, lu a bs-, sort tone. & iL3ut come," liecexdded, after a brief silence, "lwe will ho missed." "True-true 1 1 hatiforgoenu. under the aweet influence of îthe ur , tbut others are te ho îhought of and regure. The two tixen returned, slowlytarm, in arus, entered the bouse,, andt rejeineti the gay troups vithui,. i Was past tw 0 when the Ist visiteur de- pst-ted. $Mary, vrio iiad auperintendeti the arrangements ofthe paty, w Îer ail were goue and a few t1irecions hd beau eiven Kowledge, Brotherhod. ~ iii, 1~ti~. 'And î$l t'e 1Tora : liait s-asa tlou.i sutd timeibetter I She's mine as sure as fafel 1 kuOew I -cuit pt-ove iruesistible if 1 cal,' kid;tnyselt' outfofr it. I'M nef the cemtncxiest lcoking follios- fai s-lks Olest- 'mit stre-sSIi I ?11 IINO, stef b,' s tozen. 13n1,-sy, Hart-y, dit o relgak theice-?i' lies- 7" , "lDiJ yen taiklave t, ht t?", iu 0, ano 1 ouly rxtetr, sud sentiment- Lait nigiti I Opexit meat oeth le tino lu reauing ho1r -atcer, s-bld Zj fornd 1 could de as readil,' as I can t-est] s boir." "Well, les- *wt-e yen pleaet i IL11 "Aduirably, et' coent" -1 "Sbe'Il M ako jnst tue wife o en st 1' "The s-haIt'ý "Fa-Iui 1 l'usnef leokmnt' ont fer a 6 &Fat- shaý, then 11 Yo're 4uspio, Tous!IForas fortune, et' course, Itave yeunoseseun forgott1en eutC- onvrstiot'ofyestet-tay i As, te tue vife parti ne douel bat s-ili bc escll enongb, SLil l'us a littîrriti7 "0f sbatl" ~'Afrail flýat he vilIl 1ove tue hoes-cIl." thAye 1i ni-e resta s m' enly t'urr. But tat'slier 1I ct-net rmine."t "Idox'( auy partieulsr objoctior, te be yoie' a hart] as sh 'e pleane." j"Y 'r ilibis met-ont',Tom. I vouli lie 'f f TumilS ilive it,-a, n ewithbils pult-nrings- d ber os-n concerns anxd let -She uight have lier os-n site chose, aend dal it lu rle, %btat pleased. lber. 0f s-nul theo ame privi loge. at 1 nan ae ut'Bell,, aîe's ýat kinti' et' sbody, She anecsd fieleiter apre n 'hile. Would vaut te ho finies 8,ad,',t] xiii tisat Or else ibere svould lho s ion eof AprilsaIes-. Do nos- ?1 Èuit thst'a a rinir yen vili A. ceusaeqmseuce fIai usant eax't ho helpeti. Moue,'j lîltude et' sins andti uperfen-. t, Tom 1 anti if site chooses that asenfim'nqol kind oet nest take theosquua 1, çan't atomaclo il, sud leave lier bu freeloîn te he Pieses, go eut s-heu le s-latsIre pýeaâeas andi,j ineviea inuis use Min estabtiel axiy k'ruu course, -Nos-, frt atigs i kcisseil t sili,'nom constant yen nird bave te be exidur tiens."l Y' on exorcise et' talents." "SDit docs. Lot if leh las-, thon. 1 am sattl*Iled. Se sacn.as yenusmeet s-i* h att office Le suit yOU enlt Me kuos sud 1 *1iI[11ita f ltteil up banilsousiy. iu the is , tti t, , fu t- i ait m e w it b a ls i eo f s u d bkaas yen vaut,,sud tbey shall bo 1 ~ will baud yen a liâft -nurres-," te- plied Henty. Affer hait' an-hon's futLier enferexice, s-hoi auei lutio ransfereuceet' a chock toe ayeuug iman for tilro hutdt-ot dollars, ,ho loft'thfe cent>î'g reent.ý A t'es- Iturs atr ot lemtbis creny, Tom, et- Titoin Iiandy. "WeillP Tom. 1Ive faikodti t-Lie cli!mani abunttelas- effice,", sas bis salutatio. "Yoen toqxilek cxint.e tt-gger1I Hos- s-s leplesoti 7" U Ticirle t ledeatix*eof coent-s e libinks iat lIl osecod toenoeuta the bar, if 1 onytev.0te myseif te tihe profession with "lIndeedl IThat.'a latteîitgli" "' Ain'tît 7 Untirig sat andi indus. t y b O h , d e nt- I T h a t w so l ie n c a le s' trophe, as lti Whsî.de yen cai-imsay." 1' lie îheugbt ycu i selemu earuest, then ?1" "0f course. Anti gave tu soeux capi- tal gecil svir, fhocnh, fot- the'sul of me, 1 caî'f reollect s word oe t huow."-ý " No couequenco" "But 1 -tell yen whit I do rcollet."1 W' I e i l T " "Iow 1 cae yer tee nicely for a couple et' huxidreil " IV$' a fact. 1 haikeil, sud taikel, un.~ til 1 g0tL hlm lu good humor, sud camne des-n upox i binfor a chocç. li e ws com- Pbctoly corne-eti, sud vouldt sefas,'ne. Se -here's the. bnndred' I borroed frem yxin lant s-eek, and mu.ci obligeti te you. -Tiie other hundret] s-Iipay off' a stasl debt cr Is-e, aud leavc me a litfie speudiug'moue,'. My stockt van gettint' ratiter lesw1-. Whie Ireut-y- War-es-as than, in celti unixticipî, mt] eaýîies, iayiug lia plans for securing te hatâilof a pure-usinleil, intelligent, aslct'cioniýte girl, Bell'& beert was tremiblingth itxlovl'a flnst aud tender. est emotleus. The expressioni et bis fxiýce, as he looketi Into, bers, the toues cf bis Veice. if neft te, s-e-l h atiune reti, ail tolti ber that, site bail awakeued *an ltet-est un, lis feelings;-,sud evex inix uauy s t-e- useiubet-ed word, cenit] she trace s M'eau- ing tiat pliaely spoke e' love.,- She vas* et' course, lu a dresiai,, abstt-acted moud. . mat-n, s-loge ardient affection fer bis3 ehildrexi matie hlm observant et' thon, bad ucoilcel ,on tIe preceodiug eveuing tIat y ung W re sas ver attentive te el- lie s-es net piessedtu sec this, for h. un. det-stoodth fe yug miis aactet- pretfy 4îh'ctngh1y. He, &d net- supposates. at- hâve we s"en lu tlte lasi twexity yesrs, -aitI les-taas pure atnd ininocent, sud bepes as brilliaut as theeeo ou wndesr ehiltren, tht-os-wics-on freus the pinusecla ef bappi. nes sut] Iepeleas miser,' b,'mat-nage. Yen remenher Aun Mlford-oeo eeti geuhîcat sud loveliest cf ber soI ; itos ber sfl'ec- tleuss-or, s-ou by a maxi ws-bu as iel i, dt-sgg.ilberlot-dsn, devu, des-n, inte abject poverîy, but s-be uever ceulid ndinoer tili relut-n a tith ofet'hie deep love site lavisheti upon hlm- 1 met lier lu fIe street to.t]ay. lier paie, sail face, sil aifs dréius, expression, matie us,'lat tache%." lBut even if yeung Ware shoulil baveý, masde a-xiiuspkessieuon Llel's minti-sut even ifi s-et-e te exitinlumat-n-lge, wbich lceson forhidl isiten-au noyver -be roduceti te vaut, as pour Àuu bas bpeex." " lThoeois ne guarautfo ton laI, it Suci a manu as the souneof Mt. Wa-e*0 "Wby pet?" , life s-litnover eariia-dollar, tuaes driven teit byncenn;it'; anti even tbe, hIe uitile that ho vouli laie s-oull bc et' tno ancunt."- "lBut botîhbis faîhet'aud yen are ticI." "Ilchei, says f lie g.nod Boeokr, Lure f0 theinselves s-lugesuand ly aa,,Fauy." 1t& Yeur ebservation, sud niy cs-u, esait] Mrt. Matfn, interruptint his vife, I"p-ove s.bat he-elh s-hicit aceusulstet b,a usan lxi Ibis country, rareiy t-esches bis grand-hildt-eu. lu four canes ont eof fvey it is ail gene li a t'es- yest-s after -his tieath-scaîtereti hy inprovident eblldren, sbneyer havint' eat-ued a dollar, have 'ne ides of the. valuie of usene'. -ieut-y WYare 15 jnt tae maxi tesqucndet-, with, a rapit]ity four.fold gneatert- tIen ls_ fatlrer, ever aceximulatei. 1 s-lIt pass as-ay lu a brief' periot, sud se wiil thtat excellenit oit] usan bis father; sud thon, if Bel Bhonît bc bis sif,it viii take exil,'a t'es-yeas te bn-thfous dos- tes-cnt andi obseurity.- It maires usy hesrt sick, Fan,', te thinir et' it. Irs-oult] s bnureil limes rather see ber lb.es-ifet'f Mr. Lane, ihsuoet fai yeuflg spentitît-ifi. lHe, îhougrh puer nos-, isa, sa insuet'principle, anti-bas -habits cf attention te busixiee.le ust t-ie lu the s-et-bt,s-hile fthe 1othwislItas cerlaiiily siuk. in ibis ceunitry, cli men., sonxiner -or latet-, flnd tlolt- les-ci. Truc ment, unuteti writh persevet- lustity, must rise jute- po:iitions et' influence anti sealth h -ble idiexies anti extravguee mut invilably sirir- loto ob.scuriîy andi depeudenice. -1 Of co)urse Bell coniti nef fan-y lin,." 41"No, non le- Bell, I suppose.. The,' do nef uos- stand upen . tbe samo level sud vireux thro la nettIre. equalit,', there canuet hocsat-ut recipte%-l atTection. LBut do you knewfIat ble iastaken a faucyr te eut-ry" 14 Yes I leaxonoti h for th,_ fitetime feelings of pride as welI as pleure. He ia young man o ie l~m$nd, and mst soon begia to talc, a place i a bis profession thiat will niatter bis pt-ide, and spur bienion- ward te higlier stanments. This. is my calculation -andi 1 belee,1Iasmsright." Moat earnestly do 1 hope that ibis tusy b. theoresuit."- How far- the anticipations of tb. father were iu the way of beiug reslized,th t-eder wili b. abi, te judge by the follow- lng conversation, wiih took place nt Hlarry's uew office, with bis psticeler friontid ass uociate, Toms laudy. On. of the appeudages te thus office was an p pef-rdem, neatly f nrnisbed. Iu this the two Yoneg mou were assited, their fout upen a table, on wbich wera glassos -andi tvine iu coei, filuing the room vitIr elondi cf susoke frein two eaosi avanes. "64This pening iii offee is net miel s bail ides, after ail, is it, Tona 7' said yen; Waro, with a kulowing lecr, an b. slewiy drow bis segar frein ha moutb, and thetn watced tbe wreaths cf smoe, ibat be leisurely pu-Teti eut, curling up towcrd the coiling sud gradually diqsolving lua ar iNe, indeed-it's a capitl One,"' te. plied bis creny,Islytin-nsua-rs bis teetb, and sutl'ured tbe amokeconlutril, to lest in thick clouds about his beat.- "No denbt yenr ONt] maxithinlis yenu rw deeplr-iuterested in tho mysteries eof logal reports or 8no us.scb intere3tiug employ- usent. Or, Iperhsps leie lataithis very finie iusagînîug titat Yole are engýagefd with a client, wiîo, conicieus of yxur nupecrior lé- gal knnwledge, bas chozien you Lu e pýjrLsetit lüin $(u slecanne of' vant iprac~ " lAntideL*igLting Iiîieelfin mmgilsti ou, with tue Sisenation iy un;itinspech s-lt produce b "Spoea est e wrc îally efFereti you V" 1-'lshould decline iL, of court.e. I' ni nol going to saea Fuxl eonsiifI li that ceurt'roouol, Ikxs,,w I kuios-of " e unch, I1sliîiuldixiin" "About 1anîunucht uM a d'y, doe ýah ,utL Latin." Il Andi that la an much ius you initcrit t lPiely Ihave but on" caseOu haud, sud :haî's th'i nly oeue 1I-over ilu- tend ] to have. As faer as 1 aiueDceriiet], 1 believe I itu fuily reidy wu ioitini Zay pue.itition agaiutaxy oppoiît %e h,--)May present himself." "What cane la tliat, pray T iMy cane lunte -courL t'ove. "'Truej hai dforgotten."' "hI requit-et] an office. yoin Knew, t& giv m cporuiîce, and thu., enture su- eas. Wliýn that nuài I gaiuc.d,,god-i-t te las- fficP aud library. TIre7 usmy leat le the Schuylikill fur anght 1 cure." "Idvery thing s-euLt:t>a charp hlast nigbit, 1 believe V"' 0 yen, nrý funr as Bell1 i3 conceriedl. But 1 ean'lt sa&v thaIt 1 Ik-Ihie In sa,' li Marhiusud bis- wit'e eyeil mue, eviery xiow atid then. Tbey,'re a litlf suipicins i believe otfuy ]oiga . "You'1l bavi- tuo l,'tbt nny forasil" "Yen, I wiii ;.at lea-it netil I eau g.et- inho the old fous g 1ood raccs., l low cviii yen manage that ? "'vbe xe n ngovcr apl ai, ibe meraiug" "Weil, hieve yen hit epoxi anyfiiixi, ?" 'IYen-sud 1 thixil it viii du,." tN4EV AT LAW, Wliitv, C. W.-- Breek-st, Wbitby 1BROWVN, [ItITONEItTtO tant. Lauld. Tui- te'. 82 ODELL, bts elle-bcd e h ist titII promupt roinlttitnres ,A&RK, M. D. r Iarttcf Tarnolti &irGib ,r., W htby. 44 I1*41, M. D. mIE COUNTY GAOfr àilir,. 4 TER, X. B. llGEON AhýD ACCOU- su1toi. (te-dppostte utioxi paià tto ileertstoet W. CR011, VII ENGINEEIi, AND IrIJURNET, - LAND SSURVEYTORS. and Agents, (oJelnyeec pilous(tiras-n tup.Wild, id. Vaiiabla lanlde for- iren andi Woetitlo. P'. BUIINET, Beaserton. DEVERELL, &ic., GRELEN STREET, IJIPTCALP, EFTI*I DVISION COURIT, Tos-naltp Brook. Ad- - 14 i,.IIIIUtII 0:1.ur ýu,,irrolIIe and 0i.,et., lu .loli ilOÇtiIlt%'red s T t[w îletravelliirg pubîictIrît lue bla ,ics-- 1, uioeuten.., cîrd t hriliOe 'cirGe Imeel(tot-etb,'ixexpied b,' %Ir. £tkîtis)auet the thn- t-au~tuugolwxniiutevil itdd emu- totheac-cîîuneinio tic 111- rixerate rr.re'r Tire trbeis ue veit au p punit 1ith eeytiin-lu Kea sen. Ue' thle nti et'cful oxLers oit theî MANýýCIIESTFER, REACIX. (Tta sY. ROsSÂLs.) ueetyccemtunudati*0ri. Itliras beemu na-s-lO Bu tets-lues, liqee rs, anti cigsnrs. CHAS. McCLUE,, '~ATMARRET SQJUARE, TORIiNTo- L J.SMIT1I, Preprietet-.Eexttsei- useditin. Evet-,'attenrto paidto t h. omnfert CANTON BOTEL, D UFFIN-S CIIEEKt- PICKERtING. <3001) I)aceenxidatiou fer Traveilers,. W. CUTHBERT. 4,-loiPreprieler. RAJLROAD IHOTEL, FRLOXT STREET, near tiie Market. WVM. POWER, Preprictor. Believille, Oct. 99s, 1861. - 42-1,' MAIAxLLA BOUSE, >T IIE niodarsigxrietibega leave te tuferus bit J.frielids, andthe travelling publie, that he Ista-e,î t-be aboya-e1 bines-n hotel, anti tr-nta,' aiclitteution tohusiites, aud lîy eue'orilIg tode al lunlus Pow-er-for th. cous- fort- and conlveueue of guests, te merthaate cf puliepstrouiage. God Liquuerya siCigrs. cen-lertable accommoedationl for mi ndhpt-se. Au a'ttentive sud "areIni Qafler alssys ilAri- ilauiiia, (te S. CON WAY, Propni JNMALT VI'NEGý Cxn. IALT VINEGAI! '.w nos-ehsdilulargt ot-r Il. 1 niimtr lea, tahe Whjltbv i3rew.erv.- 110W 11TJ-119TillE. GET Y01UR'.LLKENESS AT J1. A. ,Cark's lat t-ie. icstino Gallery TF Fyoindoe-scrcex n'lif-ieAbd £tlý Camioîvp<. Lottet-grpli r t-leatier Trrauiret, e-'a Likeueri i s Lcek,freschiü Ringr fut-J. A. (C. rau do it in tire Iront style, anti ai siîcrtnetic.. WILKIN307çeZISTtLOCKc 88 D?-rclr sit!r Iuj W. ]ROBINSONTi lOUSEp. T ~PERANCI 1*008, BAY STIIIET,ý Tetent,v-,es dore laNort Kiuig Street. Terins-Oile dollar pet- dav. j AMIiB MATIIEWB Nor-th Brlttsh and Mercantile -Pire & Lie Insurance Ooiu>y., THOMAS 1DOW, Whxîby, Sept, ,12. 8-' FRED. TAYLOR, '1) AttL1AbtE,-TAEY, BI-lA E' I id Agent, Pitutsfer Ct-Ls- ands oh tieamsbefore theix. âtAlt.ý LIt!d ltOd, P. sa vit] caminct and one't le dersne agabtofor irfau ou r.t" MarY smilld &t titis ploasant sagly, but iBell did ntcmtleto bear it. " There, Mary, Yeu can go te sfsr.gsx. 'mg ifs IBelif yen cbose,-i'm gelug te ent-t a t'es- pleasant dreama1" site ailieil, is a lltutle s-hile, sptiugbug lighinthuo beti.; In a t'es- minutes sle Was fast -asieep, Mar17tnt-et, aid stood Ieeklug fer tomne rmoment, aI Bell, ws-le tili toit in deep r abstratioin., Thon goiug up te lber, she ld her band, gouti,' on 1er at-u, sel "Siaîl I auslt yen te unduti-s' Ifyen please, Mary."ý repliet Bell, looking up s-it a deep sigit, and flou ml.- mnlfîiug te Mary's liautts in silence. Hen i'icl attire s-ai seen dtaugeil for garunts eor suow, s-bleues., anti la Ies. site again teckilot- place b,' the s-Indes-o, anti lifiel lot face once mme te te .sky fIaivs. sparkling lu-bera,' sud brigittoots.- -4a Mary tnt-sot te leaye the ehamber, ah. feIt asit-ong relutieaice te de se. For a t'es momnents aIe liesitatei, and thon 961i9g back, site atinla arespeett'ud l'Yen do net seem like ,'enrselt'to-ulglit Bell." Theomaidoit ronsed lierof agaiuat thla, and after iooking lie Maryis facue for au instant or two, sald.1- "lCerne, and Bit des-e bore, MM.y" Mary cemplie in laehnce. -.: 'II am not uaself to-ulght- la fliat 100an a-trais.-But 1wlat ails MO ann.'et case, Earry.ý uccessik 1mustaidcItfat last hI migti stand in ic- fit.old felow't )kfing oct for an office u milti :'bide brie. -Il -but ho seon disi turimtg île next cbse2rvaticn PM-$£ - . No. 141

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