Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1863, p. 2

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Groceres Crokery, oots ad Shos- conistent in itseen waThe Seaker ook th evsiram threoobut tnhde pros he Minstryefrttheroextrvaganop.ulatendnthiHoue fortwieh thuthe bout to rod.-Carred. Ge Hooke hat ben in wron b oclek, nd fte rotin buines t e ct f ere, last rme ps4etunfope t Ej n nted he d ilieovsscoddbyJe rwoda onuttinw , , tay in ans. h osepa é t ainisEclecyH ota asmtin c rmi l iatdor pokend gansted t woumen. t nend etheam by trkgouthnme ogh ha eReve rnt isrdr ad eeayofW . Twoveriemar I erd Bosan 1oý_ O ell -ind, iearheada nd soetiemig. The theeoa ndwspesdt ert hersn rewihsaendith a e sir fr te ppont enttoJo n eore sElegteeo.peosfrthnolown acuns: at tgetlhnoroe dsipi Diio lort-yBrha.right-mninded "e e" a roe tthat the house puirposneilapplying them- as âtthe ra it." H stry gwere as rotten the office of Solicitor.Glineral im a new The motion was carried, and the Clerk P.Cmblrmnato asPlCek mieoasaeofeicn Medicl Hall, Nooklint-John Dawei. s0.f a time server. A mean and shabby, wthzaltote*ishrge fthi1enyo Msrs. a e the Adress, app o over ofénsts of mae th e retic n rY atne ad$toGPhlp frw kdne nth kn ntee. E eii Cantott llp St ohnJr.tlfne-server. Think f the same -,Leader" ' On tri t heLgsatv onei ougal --the latterhaving dee red tha_ policy. The House thea 'roceeded with the de. 9h n$ os se ufrada a Caui Bnnes eeahiCak ht risdan ppadeÇheft. coahn- Chametrstni ng committesawierCnie struck d never sustahn a government that M. Robitaille1 believed that the colonists bate on the addresý in reply to the Speech Brogst) xeddb i o h omtoi n h u tion tha excsed he-shrD-cmingnofCnathecontngen i ex eeswf the Ho .uo d ta s bprt theimeasure. He b. were bound to do nomethng ini their own fromt the Throne, and en the-H-on. J. I.bnfLo hs ttr nidgetprogosit h ofdr that governmnen,that defended their acts nstningodesan riae ils nten were sa e re t the aishtea dmonistra.dfene, iadbciequetlyess otIl ed ifavorCameo'pmnmntt h r aa-$2.n oJafacarmneainmntd upnoeyoccasion, that ,exposed Mr. t1boP st and commenteso, n e nourn fthigta ol oda o b o o dth i ts eutgra .t- OnTuesday night, a division was taken 4i i evcs sLcneIsetr1Gieo cui i s Wash1ington McDougall, that rebuked Mr. iug.p the ountryi but oniOud not elay as mauch cd 'to the Intercolonial project. He0 hait on Mr. John Hillyard Cameron's amend- M.Cmbl oescne yJs oehn ftepsto, Adam Wilson, that sneered'at, and domied Hon'. Mr. Ferguson Blair introduced a oa l ir scessli o i h v sow upr.chasusectie tait oulDeuseo de pol imet. Thes otesod3 frln 1p.CcrnthtteRev es h o h ofdeae.Or 8 M. oater General Foley's talent and bill to amend the act containing certain t sr l terprvms r- ia ege bta M oio adAeagis, sfllw:nothl f h id od ewenlfssaedtegeea ipo patriotism,-and, in fact, f we remember8provisions eln oteH ueso a-ee dhsigned, thé diffleolty about the inking fund Yar-uir~ neroAut gano.3 n 5i h t oo h on ne eea tiea, ONLYONE OLLA KYER coreed too himto tsk a bei tollament. -ir e la &i ohad awlassup. 'was taken au an excuse for abandoninZ the aown, Burwell, John H. Cameron, M. C.shpoWitytoJlElifthtoeeasineiinyt Hon.ONEDMr.R Alexanderct introdbneucedak a aebil.théPoredrl y oWin lpopulaton.Te work ; and now nothing was heard of but CameronCarhing, Clarke, Cockburn,Twsi fW ibfrtetr foe TesemhpPcfc Th1 MnstralPsi o, ma haugt ohaebena-atoi-fo Heblt.rMr. ltanein oduheep ilperreason why the demrand for it was increas, a plan for opening uip the north-west terri. Crawford, Daly, Dunsford, Ferguson, Har- yerthretobe3teti erobe he 7hasrre. ... thnk of he sae " eaer" eing the Canada.o 'we aste epdminsrtion n h ort bdtotns t o. the Ibeled th a ytheabd on. ourti, ltlan, oorri, ocson, VMat-a, rsre. Care* h Biihsemr Tho prodeedings in the House on the Re- organ of the present government inUpper lion. Mr; Currie introduced a bill to re- admithetatin d ton Whae t hrad th- atmntaof h e nüelonia poRieroad Lower eenieokelafr, ori, R Mrri Sn at r; Mvdb-.BrogseoddbYr ewt 0 ae fc prese")ntt question disclose what W'e allCanadhi It is a big stretch. But (hi.lieve tugs from the operation of the act penditueand add to the debt n ox aaahdbe ue. H pk of the kobinson, Ryidzig erai nwaaerso, Ryker Seatcherdi illistatwhn htioucitajorsitHaantrehdethno, along eared hiinstershave poved n. fat is tent. h a ' relaing t the ispecton of Oteamrs iry T Y ha filldbua. nastyesubsdezinecertmunewpapersickerood, omernle, Sirton, Stree, stads adournedpntinthe frst M ndaydi gunbat frmothetim3. worty f e truister bvepvd o .file d spatnt eTo Globe never suP. also, a bill rela'ing to convictions undervotry eypthaprtetisasw a ndwhi lked ery munschtikesor s rupi N has a hit. AbTt, ll achfndtentnmetatnolcki M bietileneintheh wOtYO h ràtwe placed la thom. portza the present Adm inistration. The the by-laws in Upper Canada. Mr o hen Art a cdndgaa. andth og elicrtaindtranation so as eofar, W aly,-MabienR. Abbot, (Y Alle rrrAc.teTwkal. Crid onwsfo oiehd Tie Upper Canada section of the Mmmktry, I"Globe" did,-as we have said and allow. Hon. Mr. Akins introduced a bill t- 4s M r John A.aconald sai tat if the ougt i c i indga ti o.craentspokeofb autBe uslbieni,.B,(-lan rk, ) oniBajundonesonso badt More eapecially, 'have abandonied every ed ourselves-gave the administratio n a lonable municipa!ities in 1Upper Canada hav. prtGerment a ppointd t e daofpartizans th lcertamdismissa pls te G o tvemenTwhi saR.Bl(Roussel) Beo.itr, authon,veydw eat. pledge arnd promise they ever imadie. fair trial. But it neither ht.miliated,itsielf, in.-surplus reserve promises,. to apply the Auhter tesoso)priaT.- heHlleged owere fo r oliticar e r als oussan, DCuron. artier, Canachn uoenBsneswsssedd nor orgot ta saineposition ornalduence--srestriecert.i .Mr. McKellar contrasted the two Ad. past eleven o'elock. erville, Decazes, Cesaulniers, A. A. Dorin AIFx Fb.2 wsgod rPledges on the representation quéstan The il Leaidei' has fallen. In publié In reply to the. Hon Mr. àMoor, Hon.muutain, 0s htth athdQrEm, Frn. 20, B . Dorion, Dostaler, Drummond, Alex - Th sea hp4CaadfrmLv- FrtMnoeb23 made. On, the floor of the House, did- estimation hereafter, it will bc just taken, Mr. Testsier said that the report of the Ot- o r R.bu ersentation byPoultion ?3The Speakd er ook te har tay at ns anetufresnoe,Joeh D urne, D ankin o7t h i ueson 8h rie ekyyyie h they declare that no governiment, an<d no like the man-the present government_ tawa Commission was in the hands of the T ng: buofthlefItoit anoe qu attopn.- 3theolo n f t e rrowu aeftin prceengsEvaue, Foeyrder, urniG.a 1ti .m e aeswr n h otenCneenv Pamrty should rceive their support, votes, mani Who asked in the "Colonist " IWhith- printers, and he hoped it would son fbtin e Mo the but hallnet ba ne uthoderof thedca wasM.caldfrate re.n urJýî, Jaad oe , H r erHnuowi n ui we atrta hs araya ad. md-h ue fantb influence, or favor, whodid'not makte the er arts we drifting," who worked on the -hlst, aedof orwade s st natheprsnaio yP uain HedfnHsmto o h ebt nMr aeonsJbiJl, oe.Kirkwki ngt, TeaCaaa as1saenesfr a adpitdche ic ts en aid befowr the Houas ae . Rpoenaio iPouato, He-dee- . eldin, and, no membhers were called Labechre, Viger, Laframboise, Langovs otn n f9 Lnahr prtvsoe h adta nacr representation question a Cabinet qucgtion. 1-i lobe,"wowoefrte' dr"TeH uo hnajoreddit torailitia policy of the Government, iii, and the House dlivided on the amena. Loranger, John A. Macdonald, J. S. Mac, sno ntbisBretCut. Th w rnea o l t courseawestill r eertotheUplerCaaa? f h s oindorn otaincr, andumer LGhLA IVoSSOtLYtawa buiidings. The reason that he Y£&1s.-Anderson, Ault, R. Bell, (N. donald, McClann, McDougal, McGee,. Me.insta8 emrspoe ob h h-rs ftebokdn u secton f te Miisty. owerCan<lins o Goernentcnomisi s Th oer"ea-Qvu:c, February 19. supporte te present men was that they Lanark) Beaubien, Beaudreau, Russell, Lachlant, Morin, 31unro, Notman, O'Iallo.n."eto. Nw elarwt 'sepirmo n fa iitfu Loerustadn. Mr f" o • The debae on the-adresshwascontinedwere reducing the expenditure of the conne -DeBoucherville. Deenzes, Dennis, Desaul. ran, Patrick, Pope, Poupore, Powell, pro. Tefloigi hr aetnw i antuhtn hpwss Will M n ad f.t- et hertrs r.a.otisrptto -larnlTescn aagahwsare owt-try. The right men were in the right niers, Renmat, Blanchet, Bourassa, Brous. vost, Price, Rankin, Remillard, Robitaille 9'ntw -Ii r. odmgi h and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrodm W lowr-teluet <il. B taan-ewl tttegm e n edte In.M .lachnmoe esr Ifytng e tnisetr inle, eDaws, Tron, Brie l,Camron . J. tII. scoe, o ne Iynal, Smard, Scm .W nrotPtnhdbenknb he o oánsip ny vi Winothm entht Mv r. crielutfo ep ire- i too t nd re. 'Tisopl ayed out Let tea dso n n n f the H ue hihws wul eto teMnsry ttesa e Cm rnM . arig Cake ok on rihSans Pshra, asRssasatr agiar ate - h n ro-ldbu(otj nttion bym popuation in paouturrla etr- i s -avethe"s(pa en' 'Tcncrrd nan te oue dj redats time he,thought it would'be a mte fbrCwn rafrDlDcsn aibridge>, Wilson Total 81. isret eedsesd hybogtu rncas oppostion Mr Mp oula ion nMpr len-î d «aeth l b, -yes, a ithousand aqurerpna ten. gjuried reatyeègret if the Ministry were destroy- Dansford, McDonaiD . . Mcenzie, 1 h-Uied Sae-Cnu-a-adif-hchte--mdatl i opoiin r cogai, M. eLY, and times oiver, thtan any time-serving renegade. To-day the Speaker took thle chair andt rfeoeeterhtt nuuaea MKle, orslriof wt arik oteE io fteW ityC rnce wie htnoCneeaevse slig utew eoc osy Mr ison, as eministers, im the face of th • he 'lc, n hrl fewrthehesounid system of retrenchment. HIe allud Ryerson, Rymal, Scutchered, Sherwood, CI-.therasep td. Tevssli rusin tih tamrP nc sRo House nd th counry, inorin all teir m Scuot..- lettr fro itrHo J. A. acd o l t his sen fythe ed to the charge made last n -t by the Smith, J. S, Sommerville, St-rlinsi, Street, Slm:-,fr rybeogdt Baim ruti .th m stp ci scrg ta fermer Ipromnigssand professions, vte ast woor , H minxplytosoere mak n frt iesnehs eunfo nge, rubrfo o htth otatr Wairde ash ht, W iht_ I eeecet h ujcto h etr iintl ngldi h irzla rd. hrein ascpue h againstthe vey samemeasure -againt o r ica nnNic ta o tereve atolar n ttte mid s ludc lapi n o nds frm the General hwi turnedà out the M:. Mr. Free. Total, 43. signed "Anlo"l in the Chronicle Of lat t s ase ed ha l' nc h d akd by a F erl u ba, nd her t resolu inend to re ain i tn o pulictio. I haiappear next Opposition membersm' p aseroeYrkile NtsDfrsn. . D frseJ. un w e erntm ttsy httneohte pantosedbak e toosooCohi logsdeo te hre ad lbn. M. Drum ond mved tht the . !!vlard Cameron demied that he kmn, Evaniturel1, l'uf-, Fortier. Fortnier. dreospeie otechrhoa'g Cia n haSan rpidtm h atoiisa hretnw dEce, iswal.ow their own very word.; now. O--c-n-Apoint ent. lon. Mr. Galt, a membler of the South eaithrg tal Hiad i4ws G nn G w.' umdn olJns neturil Svc es st Iaytes disticty ntatwoudrsettetetÎh a onlddoie atrvlead I'hey nre mnstr.Circumstances do aller Leeds Election Committee be excused from e t ie Mr. - e x orhtis agter, wot Kgiero d K i, fmos, f r an. it antt eusdfr"n ta i n ,wt htconr.- yt n itrou rncas cases. A fair trial Ithe enuntry conisetted to Is Excellency the Governior General frther attenidance on the Comnmittee, so as scha lrd te dutierahtwa red ou et 1ednacJ A ni bpizd"Th imsstts ha t s rpre hrfrmtht ubot bt gve thema. A fair trial they got. T1lin habeen pleased to makae the following tMarw.itig o heCmmteet tk yt e y jutmstfe heeral. (eau.glln., Mcf'n, 0. WDo n oug l&l cGe, T serie t t selfis c wontutdi te tat nofrwsmaesm w oth h are utt ea e hav bentidi h aac n om ponmns i: 'place during the absence of lMe, Galt i r 'lyjsiidhscu setn iLuibo.in, 'HaeoranrP<,apor e, princileta ttedinr w hm iti ued agob eti ate nPrs o neo rieta esrbtte . Aplfred E. Eckrod, EqM1.,As.Egln. AtrC ,m icuso, teMr. Freehad. lHehadt acted te e-Rankin, ei.ni!hnrd, Robitaille, Rase J h',enamte no teCrsia it on frteCneeaeGoen ol nofca nur s l i ebegil ti - ra th a ld nw e say bt ant A lfred E . 'E ek-royd, E sq., M . D ., A sso. Ew an of no ie cdsc si û t e to m u ni c o, said - M r . iF ane - has m so , ta res, S yl i , ascht e reSi a t u, lr ym A n dould eve r u it o e nyt at o f o t n a d prn, t e h l e h v n a e e e s a o a l ofle isatonup n her ar- i b fo e u Cooner, county of'Gey.Ontelrerb ingratfrtoesm. b e be t the o tsp*ici i o ,Vi r S-oatin 4, he knes t ua d e w nitout uch anisio th e pinafet etan 1 iro x.ors nc ,K . e .4 l lth o n rt 7 e y have exhibitedthe rwn. Johned N . EReid , &q., M . D ., A s cae" i noat e a j u ne.e a e n t e A dr s nn y v n a H r fic e d e fi e he U p r CaaOnfbs n r m h nnantt, thicec.i n e de o ha g n i c to or C n e e at o dtftihitei e c ro s r sem was the last show. A d a ' POnel. M r. . . aern, mve dscnny ad quietlyeocketing he emel n Wilzson, V HowLan , acet, M rtn, h n- ot f the heli rvceing, idn t hsbe atal cetd ntebreso u eG as at con tytwo about t h bie he dE 'Mori, N. R, . A ., nd D .,mnic dard e nt t'othe ad3uneddparah:"th e es an h wstremoves e diaccrdingly s, one Set-Vacant. »P"Anluean f " scho uldaof he beendtfresse tinth HosofLr.e rasaetraenn Lx tro tem ut Bu h oly ada orat oaer< . Un t ounbe Additior ninalM . hal gvt e rmSt e pec tfl tenin o, r Cmro ai ha he Pst M.J.H Cmro he ovda h prnt efrete etho techl.ohfQen' pechhdeen eivrdivdinvlg.n I vil soenl ore toshwsAd.odns%.s)f h Snae ofth nieriy f n m asr frtheemooufarladrstm n mas t eneralperm te ed r. lnd' rgs at h wr d 'in achsect ft he Ie pu a m, of Sitr r, and sye ntotblh lso "ad"N - T eJ unlas ers 'kno, w oodhen and ll ashewssa.An rcney To rn. . o rimenthyrre sentatwionw ihHi ag te odscagaheds nre ' rvicannh eon ie b m teaormaihulea S oia'nhdQe-s S eeh cn ta 0idar w r tN o~~~ ~ ro, Orwoe oseo nA--prCaaa edmn f0te reion betwe men trmaster (Generalhad isnsed r. m. He 's 4-' h itebwhrsiearovidin for nofeh anSirfrn tkn n tpwt iwt nue ra erM ia tion ~ ~ ~ br fooohf hreaeteteomhn p e Sanaa. fth publicyof 81y enuiiyi eaintdh d insr-pibt a arg roetymees * per andarwllal o rsevete, Your Fai63 l Statebcuei a oj tsendt omdbeoe wo n he rrsentatio A nd g io o jstietoth rgitraio o ttls n a ountth t iry• ,Ilfedrainc thcte fteeitn no,.' . •hrta n uh oetrs cud b t h e orl lan mciossa o nan as t an cks h- aBeknl rno .eaesneeygadt idta h Onsietion,rwe ustexprss urpis sting rto th t t ofh soewe nt anth roincaeintheLegirs1eati eonnei, lv n the char. entedpmtn afr hc ilta i eeteavne of othngels wth hic t crdi thm. Geoty wil agan ohBave tebn Eßt ofMr. tht sExle celle cyas ot b enai d fri s, ed ab outtecnrl y iagurating Orang e tr. Cam ero stdhe wud o hv mv ntsofte at etigredanbp-rge n hsergin, n seha ites.00 ofeeatOitowee y : te L w t c o n P bie i 8 elasta chi3 o th or utbe matr. uso eal ad d ouge im y l a hiep oîi - f r s c n d rm th b n o eue Na lry, Cniiete iesphy ao e. MreGereBrw yse-dyletT ro . C nada ofnthe m nhr f'Feuay 19 1 rmoetbcisoena ad fuh r to . hy ihth v o ite ta te ry ratfrttdea d x mpa eseaso T rccerts Oautei o w pre eno eo fm p ran ced - e C an b h a ra t e oint e s o p p l ton i p er tan a ( r. wa c e) _vsa tb e f th s -M r "7 M aorit y r a d tor ep ar atioe i tsco l sMany E ayi o e nld to h p t at hi su er n a d d s. q a r re n dv ed f t te ould mount ato. AThe i A iir cm iis .TarîtratL w cand anyPbli yen ,773 satnthetakng ofthe euerus o m bth hdaae rper mite e mbraatpasdte tonyGeeadi o'Pfe rs r rte inse hn nrainUfies niiullad cl in mpenseCncu eofpeplwh pu-b85.ie t ltins evi nta the d iioton staeinUpra-l prCanada. h as o i ossec, buthe (Mr a meo)apone owsireasurerhe ; of Andr83. ernhtsm reea fe ti for ntlymo re an anyth s oaig te- h eig t o'lc h o n H l otin nanj tceof taisystem w ihgi ve ti o the poin eals opp n ntu n dttrlybeam.te fo raide spakia gainstfthe le ar ti G itof R. W hii t saig tabeappoinet Col in itit.a u. L T S V A IHV 'On the. Tey ena freA d bt waorwedt xes oharMBowwectionsèv av aneMrn.ero ersn-Opsto o w sidt b rig uch arges as Pre bc i er, m e yein gars a, h eroiedthlect or;o rni aft ryn o b n teH ueo od h iC N A 'ho el re e pesiCenedaup on the eui .A aveieEqna ale ot ties? in th ega tre, s in e of hsw ena cud e claly etalshd whnth enu so eda væ odeace ap in sssoolT.Brethado; heigo n drs nr yt h f thecounry, e miht lugh t thm -ah , e g spoke an hur tese actsmaniestl unjst ad frught h thhlatenred i taep Poea nuftpoulaton IsfavorOffUppeeCand m prtn thepoPt.oSeech.eEariDeryhsad hehad o obe th ins nts ttac Gran 'hira principe s aou n ju rs o few o- bic ffrés i th igeat fe indt hia d-theGo nsi e nataonger tot e re e and pgood amoun t hMr. Doonr îh ad e n in ar rearsg e M .C r wouldathe se nt a vyC a .Bre, J ,R noiMno e rv he A e tte o e n n h r id. ~~~~outey ped g ninbh v cordial suppof r .t w as lenyhs not een avsd orcomn te. (Cisoash h.) I sc io. Btno ntedo flbin hi sn skn o eapooe Asso ;o rac n h ttm thwee 1Em . e.7.Spo We nohavge wthd and wate dititentl carri era verwn helmn ao-1. frou1dpin0o emaur o eur hre wr ruhtaanthi hyb tors the .rmed m terel a ea:jt en t Jon Elispk(r rdang the d c uoun tohetasle toa eta risieadcesto P n uo heR sinFriir use, Mr.Bro n t mak anallsio ta he eCot cnsp 2d it the bens T ereto rec o h, c.wl orday n rand rneLodgr etig-W strS outhshlrgepopoaton f U perCan e l e rà n toallde h e rn cPooh ouaini ah eto. T i hmt ra lo nebtwe oaN iii nha ol ed h w ate ort esa fac om this4Ref ' . . m ._ reresett. in a h erjs iflncin M.Jh A. adoadaid i asnt ht h g aerte oultonte ratr Oiverand 2On rthe r oraingiafo rais- ofthewrí hc1hyaeegge.H ru srFb- h t orm Adnlie he miestryanve Th. eorgrthn a sson of he oR. n.the Governn t.olh rgtbtth uyommmesootrpeentatio. If he mebers rom61nce oilChas. Slatr iondien erson ; nd edb prvnih ons ftea byhs eemndtitte are~~~~~~~ waMern.atdi an hr rndOag og ftems etr n oigteaedet esoea h H ose tobrlng hres tagat the entral Canatd ailvot e against his (Mr.Ca e laof Thos.Hdsnln a.Dyepa.lrmnnh mrcnqeto.adesda u y te the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ad eiee Itino on r or. se iOn f iUpperivCa n c ome nd at c oera laegtio thUperquCtin.ada iitr. I rnghdbe dn tws ro')a edwnun naanteGoen n Or h f Tthe TownshI,,,, i H a fo r Te 'i ea o a nurcin n sol.edfrtad ti ce ela v the y fn r ii eor n p r ta -nce ram t n, , on T u e vd a as t aat 2io l o w as ,hum il itghe sa i, fth s c e n s i m proe ra dfo tr th o a t e r G eer al ofto em e n olicy'they m i h e t n êhy e e rll ing thi r re seci v* ecom pae sj'of oA rt e C ocn C i a dtde p r t t ac n dnth o s d r m bypoplaton menlyandmisrbl non. her wa a arg attndaceandMr.Macougll nd is ppe Caadin rtor bys riningc-hrgeeagininth lae rvetngahaisauonhheirownteefoHrsmlisoomon he owe dor, s arepst.lhie nc(focr.Sevre ghtng had- BaraSebd Te Be l arg a oin o e e r , eassi ngs hed cotimnseanc re of oca l erand ogs. o ve the2. les en egadst o tdsrrutian 1 tratin hd dne, bit shount se rr e a a coutnsn t t a tm pr ise e avin te re- CBun ll reslvei telfint lA mme e r; piie ihhayls aedysedy codn .o L h e i c o m i s ii o e n ; h a v c o t d r c u n t y c o p at î e d h i m t o - h e oy a H o el m i d i s b i n - g r e ,: C e v r y e a r a n d t h a tw T'he tè inton States that the City andwau th the Preident eo arrny indicate e, and givon pro. ýCY never before ons are imaking inenerny, e p u. e is nen ry terý wmirably agan force and plans caval ry armny has ement, and now ay safely be said o that of Stuart. ýromn Hlama, on icee, from ?&. ýto, arrived at having Aseena starting -rom ,rbor Of Havana. transpIired, but le Alice looiked at HLaanat ealth of the city -The Richmond' th1 ins.tant, says has- lately been imposition. It ain nighit our Charlesiton, had dispe-rsed the tdron of4 Char. lpain but cer. nk-, none disiab. rt, was done to hich, consgistinle ed a fight twith idiciously untili of their own ti that the Hri. al. ladea. with (ever entered enhtbefore -tat shle was thiat the naval re made aware situation, and d1id lnot lescue llowed hler to would. rather truth mulst lbe to be maude of terprize which gain. -The Jourrud portii conjern-. lof dte state region. 'Thle that the Con- ngton, Frank. by telegraph ehelsville ye. be -about de- exin'gton rail- ihe belief that ion is a very at the ighlt Confederates was believéd of about 10 marching Éron d of the Coni- fe Dcidra, Ie ad le hoped-sch wnud 1not be the course of the anything good in)- their constituin ewa Commiýtee rose and reported the follow.D $5,00 uaar'ra dthe w fosakenthed" 7Ad.Mtcl.Heiered y Mr Wilontye r, ganspchMinistr, for it did not redouýid to their willing to copy it. Mr. Cameonnetng'siÙn-'DaGos.Aatory P o rmed he y . ut tcory we . MtW. Erel aan rsra-F.E.r.. ilmedmn t o tere adjust- credit. As for the conduet ùr the late proceeded to comment in #eevere terms Resolved. That the body -of' the TownSoraï.,SethewekaneMr T Fe ver eeted brae te. ABuilk -purse an. rns. DPT RN , F-P .Ment o PalamendtareretaàtfrPostmnaster-Genieral, he (Mr- Macdonald,) upon the conduet of 'Mr. Medongall and Hall,-together with the small room on the Olenumpa ,emnldarv n h håeo fe ee bexpce maetef A s's-ear fs ch Cris. W1E TmanMAra-Ad peofrlCanad, nthr e runtatihe had without a knowledge of the facts, was not his colleagues for their desertion of lower dloor, be placed t the disposal of New-'yrkfoCairnahangnhe yeotcofis ninto ma as William McDougali and Mr. Michael Srca.not given up the hope of an acknowledg- prepare nhis dbe aode n thalle. rinciple on the Gepæs ento ques. Mao Drëa nd Cthodg rs tv on, -fo te osssoldh wale t$-0,oiein-o Mnšr bu >1ey e canot epect o mae honstIR W. GPaanE CUÀFAtIx--Rev. Wm. ment in full of t.he principle of Representa- getlens.Hich abee ardfragainst th in.He at tckedthe Gvrnmeranti Pre$ OrUiliang eathirgtieircompa-. goldswth odaŠsle onadda Ki em 9 nö Dic ui The ct tGundy. - sttion by Population. He quoted also from agentemn. Heal prepcared s fore ae.therad it onthhe GandTruk nes ftei alitimdeepoi g theirar lodstothvhe o the00 oe seU hiiis Th onry is weary of the R. W. GiuaNDEoTrAaY--John Coyne. a speech delivered by Mr. Foley, in which antonfalthofialctofheat-rgdnghirpointment of board of provided afe shneigte ev h ,on recigti1iysedpstl -nothings and the know-niothingsê, com. ER. W. Gr.ao TBEAsU»El-Capt. J. H. a strong demand was made for lRepresenta. isr.Årirtr uhdeam' ö niceas- seats andoer Eurs f heal i VublSwIiteGrsncnu o ae sing (his Ministry-again our reference Bessey. tion by Population, concluding with the Mr. J. S. Macdonald thanked the memn- ed postal subsia si ncRdd por t rner t. hethn ouhton hr ncdoprtte&t T connedtotheUppr anaa scton.GL. W. GRAN LEctuaEa-Nossan C. declaration, "sink or swim, live or die-, I her for Kingston for his temperate remarks ( riiisngth'ntritogRalwy eor rceyd ndaopte- a1Banebd ginJelysteettte nteW]c t u hve hecaaciy ndthetaen ofown.stand by Upper Canada." (Lughter.)- eeceo h PsmserGnrî.onin.M.9cr a'ne yt, o-ine- abJ ith whuom ept lelgdt tat ?tuntryveabhecandfitathe to d of R. W, GaAND DiaEoToa OF CEaEMxoWiEeThe benorable gentlemen had sunk, but They were nesessary, in consequente of t.JCsnsonddM.Gmrnse aproi t aownsvhripgrk-in, atherl'berpos[ann-tið0 Bouyabeadftetead minister -Newvberry Button . not in defence of Upper Canada. (Hlear the charges made by the member for South motion, and repeated his argumenta. toapoit T wnsi lr and other hlmie osssoadte pstoh -e country'e affairs. Let us pULuaide B. W. DErtvzY GaAND SUCamTay... ear.) He went on to say, that the coun. cm e atnghwospokei oti-.QEEFb wship o Afiet tt- tredad h bl è it ,i a eŠ e e e - of an Administration. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~Julian Sale. try conld not gain respect where her pub sligmne fMsr.FlyadWl o-M.¢dmvdfra dress" ra e. onto*h stiÍs e m z ee o an A m n s r t o . D ' r T a x u P A N y s i m n o h a e o ii e R d n y son. T he m anner of his speech w us m ore pra yi g for a , etu rn of a ll th e lan d s sold me.as e i e s e ec d e by -g SOEf-h oireo in connect<on with Davis.- deserted thir principles, and.proved,te. insulting than the motter, and alu ost juti;. en Mace during the lutsthree years, and the .Bragíthtt topr.Cmpso s Canada Presbyterian Church in the Il. W. GRAND TYLEP-Charles Smith. selves deyoid of h9nor, bonesty, and truth, fled a litle warmth on the part of the . e onditioe of sneh slese.-CarridTws gQacdgead ht h hei 'nofWh.tywhe cmeof o Mn.-The next annual meetng is to be held He. believed- that Iho Lower Canadians mo"ter General.oon. Mr. Alexandfei eNN 11chrs,,bags4ý Vnig "lt rd nkwsebm f Ha-coplT C CADAt h fa h . d et g a presentation Ey : OPUla. ,Mr. Ferguson siihadno 'desire tu üs eon emigrationt wo& se ¡cltaideiy ve mrad ýe stateof in cliitti. agreaOne

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