Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1863, p. 1

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gTathcw TeofY the Regintry Ollice. MU PER ANNUX, SEXENS! ttttlîo rate of s cents per ii 2 cee$t.s pur line, exclî ade with ncdvertimers hy ic advortisieîniiiitRt MONTREAL, As DoWV, Manager. ,AisSWORKiS. !ToINEXS AT 1l. W, LAtW. OFFICE-BROCF 1)ATOl RN E vAT-L &W. tii. ltgitry tIflice, lirî.k )-N & SA31PNON ttîcrucys. Setîcitonu., &c. . J. A. S A.1[PS8O0 . SA RT NE L L. rRAII, MSESbT ignîlier ut 1LChwoiccrv fur ,, 1roidl-t., Wdb.47 TRF.NAV NE tinc neinoveul. te tmepîItI. l' Soe, iere. MîtPler- 40 r' J. WILSONý. ,%TtO)IINETAT ]LAW, nei, iraeoit ftreetWhIhy : C. KELLER, - L\W, SOLICITOR IN ive vauer, &c. fltn rver ilIta Ccnnle offie, Iirhod Cîîtttty of On- 40 !rA, L. 1110i. &B.- .4 -ew 1Bit1,iliî, hituidite 42 4GREENWOO'D, '-LAW, 't ICMITOU IN 1,0 NE A AW, 'u Br ecie-in'tl, v' .W .' , lici t~iltll iROn, I ompit reiSttalR FOR i . DuonIui '1' unt f i i t nS Aen ttre, M.aD.opoit îII.2LT OO iii1 riaiurhoQ FON, A\D CCU ni pailt tediseases f, CROIX, ENoINEEti, AND BURN ET, -AN])SRFTR3 on., drave cp. Wiid Valetiblo iacds fan ýips. n. 11n4 Wooad'ile. r, ukNl1T,, Betkvertoi. iVEIIELL, GRQIEEN STREET, With cati Priutea words, great thoughts and mlig VOL. VIL. WHITBY, C. W., TI GLOBEHOTEL. lit tit tîiurbr wlere lie ilillwsys lbe Mit rd 01 îîittd retlly 10 ewnud prsaiiaiy t> tiic waiitil5of lit gltse., &a. foîfre ltted 11P ; ptito, pnlîered, &C. vitit ciern'e of coft- iter lu votili m nul <"env iniern iitiivottittto e at1h. 1rnveller 'q tutti. duniin hie ely. îotite Tutti., lxnt4uli- ,y etuîîil<l tal tintes. COMMVERCIAL HOTEL, Bilura ei'nitr. veniT," JAmES CRocKER, Proprietor. C IMMEICAI TRA\VELIERS vii'i nd il eoîîvcîîcutstop iet Ibis butti, eAtey tînt leirti, ront te Rogister Eseitkept aIt t1a lieLr, tjcuile taken hýy titeir predcceors. Vîie "ptmr tel.. tlis occasion ita, tiioni hîmiiiîînurott, ptrotie ud friid-s for uhe liSsr- ai pitraltIco lîetcwedoi i hl msince UIec om. ,ictiiînit fi, htia.ines it n by C.ood S.tIbling, ced Attentive Otffer. Notice to Farmers and Othoes Whilby, jan..180, 1-tf 'yCni",c i. 4. i 19Iiliitr'stii Reti k QEl 13 ElOTE (Io. ex dt uo.; hi-et lor, filet-y, 'eîid Q E 3 Cozuieeu lneîly iturIle orle, mt e a lt ' '%IE cidensligrucd Frprietors i lie beoa Li 410iture îidC" îI u 9tLIlec ostb"îîîd-4, l nailoi ITOFlL, tsegneepectfniiy ti ppila Atllu t t ieirs, anuti ors(eýtot, hua. hm ritîd iti îîl roe. that le aeto ________ lite blottrsC lLezti anr,.sd teé Tm- BRO KLI JIEDCA hAL, Vollîig publie sîitêioenîemniciodiîou. lut addition te lte spuenirmoliet Ilîi111iai lacstvie. - er. tleyyhae .nî'w Pttor* cndlled-rouims lu ra JOHN WP.'WES, 1îiregi klîîe teur tîiu lintc-. wltch, fer ennifort S ItTG GIST & A pitloonry, &,c. (&t.. Jrook. ti uel COoîv-teletî-,rtcueîîpedii te city. j i, . C.W. 1?r"mcriluitie e<-aei nttely tom- WX.'RUSSELL &SON. P01i1t i. »nigt, tilesm a dieîe-verv ttt'.crittttt4-.îy QîIec.:trehI- l. 1861. DAVSIBtifltop , M«biU n otel Cannington. MJOTtNEElb h s 1tî lfori Lt iîti A nitm (if Oti chid cu tti it n <utît, Thiti itri- nLoc l i sc ut thctkîbove ftvor t-ut lue ig 1repàind tuii îîte,îd tiLSi su llnun«, intl iýns i-eredîlt neeeeenny for part utlî- ci toîti ll A l elft.o' 11g lue tîj ri ber tue lonrethe pro m iico. liue m4.lvleei., toi L. Nut. 4, mi ii tl ititu<t'-Ctlt de ,tte o e oi re xtelit, cend made of lî%iîgu v ill tbc putîctitîîtly atit-'UiodIo. et-"rtroUons eîditnl)truciests, t teseittre lîtrlitigiti, l6îîvilntler, î t.4." cU irtier te oinifort accc cccmontlut(if DOLl'-IX N ALCION6 lbO lut-t I eii aird n0n. lluttîlli 1t-eth1 111tî3 X TOE TI TuEROYAL LY<EUMN, Kiiigtf Wilte. aîtid quonskept muiflitcprelIt'tie. 1 i~ret,'Toroitîto, te7Fruc Lune-I nveny Trvitro bot-pers itîîiwlnletlo. lice a eeieî. c -liv ii;os3U pitms. -- -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - Bol tut rol witued 04e-tr,uitysiated S T AGE H O USIE ,9 once, 4taiî.d l'y lue, tnt e licrge nftautic. JmIN WAI1T, ISAAC FENTON, Patringnur-cilçrujor.4 I> rîîî,iîtionu hur trevellers;gioi tutiiug uid ALI3IO.NHOTELÀ. Gtrand,,T r'nk Itailw.cly 11.1.1. (Sowà Me of e Rîduîitiq aPrt urîit1,) T11 UNDRSIUFI)BEGS$TO INFOlM in 0 ueu'-i-iîi tiftht- tubiovi tutt(I, lie buiteiu of tuhihi l he rvifl lu nt lure citry ut oui hie tînt eceîîîîut. Gnod-Liquenui, liine eîîd llrtîdiu-c, Evuîthîtî ,-nhing-.'aohtloliuttonfor mur ud JO$Elht REOTTOM, Whithy. -tan. 19, 1860. < EAST IVIN OSOR 1OIJSI, IiTIIY, irltu" reilpaît tuf itue Toini t . front roed. G101 utuiiîttuit foîli r oyvleot. iJo s tabliueg uI It.i C;tivo e Iti-#. ?2 vicTORIA IUO-EL. w i1MNI fCi TT, tR liiErIl Li- AN<4L.Â3ZEWAN UTEL. ol i0~utt' Ii ' tu;- tut o tlu1t, - T ~ uu til l~ '-tahltte ti tl-e 1 LjàUi j lCti lGE t Eeiiîihe isi1ele lfn elit ad r .~iti n.tgpbie, t ttIlci.Te ' lypuuidreli puuttiauJ urtie iteli ent hatelI5oricnh acciîiict:l uy M . A mi t he% I bt R EVEUJ I IOUSE, -Lol idtutiparticinnly te ietrotellihit coinstuii, tI'-tIluiie opeîed liii cInte ex- jifiui euuîlete le n uatîeir 1hluti. TI btet nt ecteoîuuui<,ault-verv tt1ittin il lef thîe cnoirî,tt"f tuit-te. EIt-ultlent $tu tlitr ltnt oiteut ve I ,tler. 'fîthçIlur ttipplied with iht-et W i" anîd Cigurs. .tAIU. To -the Travelliug Publie. T liE tîhee ibe avinitg hacd lto Preuni- sec tA'(IYeiy ~nulîcîhy4'. Euiziietu, iî te viilzleIîr(If ps, ~dIieviuîg 'lctd tli4ttui) in guhi-lylP, ilieu re1url t' ai-i-uîiruue'nt let-cîlur untlting tu TIIE BRuIT OPLIQUORS à Ç1GARS Ai i thle u lie >furni- hteîi cill, 111l hi ut-ilittu itilt uirl itîli! ttiuttiliis-cui à() 1 Itl M 1l,T<1N., WOON'0 IO0T EL, MOON&IOTER DAVtID-BEACH,, jlsoili Of NAilSICO AGE IIszs R ceidon c- Col bori Street, seconîl decr vest o? ilyren Stre-et. Whithy, Febc. 411î. 4, GREAT WESTIERN RAILWÂY ! NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. T lIE GRAND TRU9'NT< OMPAN'-Y harinrg wtltdrawt the ftîeiitie l .raed le tue llle bythe Il.. erniimtiit made wiLb iibe tIi4m 'n W1Strn Cusiiptnv in NMcv at. hliy vbl lniovcIers t lîlieg thi! tickets ýf oither Cômrpa- liv hsd tic optioni et uîiug the Lino of oithier Comiîy etwen Toronito, I don $rni sou 1,letrjit, noie-; le rpccfiillv t1véie, Iinti 1<. travel hy tlite QrettWceteru Lisie abould oniy butok to Toni.to, froîti viice titoy ea tako, tickets turwuîrd l yti' Grent Western traies, vîtieca eo Tolento for StatttinsWciit, Ar.m. j)nv iU. Arm.i. Nt b - 5>1. 5ý. . IL F LFe*ItA VTORONTO .17.00 Si1.201 .10 i1.60 . .. - .5. tRIVttS4.22N2,16e-1a ARRIVE SIA- h 8.30 Si ;ýrTraitie innîrleo il;earc iiincuinectiin iitti Wewtcnil înnd Trnnlçfrom t hItroltini Mieigat t-ttra, îtneud Nitwetik-c and Tif O. SWINYAP. Cuioji rvirt-1, Jcieral lManaer. Hanmîilton,. 1ltic e., 184,2. 49-1w, .1 Jln- 'f ci 2 - ~ PZ ie CD~ DIY EE oTe.fc b b'l rniiuift 0on til ~-144, Bay Etteet Toronto. mnee ct of Ia tftl.1Ti 'MALT VINI-EGAR. epottevsn lrATVINGA oanit be hbadin large WçZ ¶p I E57 WVhitb-v Brewer-v. liAs prov!dcd telboy ut bis eai NOW 18 TIIE TIME. PAI e,' -Ci.. C e~,eeiu~ i soii. Ucodalul ttug and eercîituae ic.iu 1110 cEn.î Vili±,LEN.Lou ft.L 5~iI~ iOIN WICEY. J.A. Ilhark's Ist Prizo Fictu"e Gahi ery -. ~ïô i iï~vTF en leire s correct acuti li-Ie Anibro- IpcCiimelypc, 1.tlorgnucpb, or tuenlier MAIICIESTR, IItCTI (lit.r. ucuAua'c. Trnetnors& Liecnes-in lua teckel, lroacli or MANCIIETER, RýCrT.Ring, for J. A. C. lise do iti liho bock. style, T11 ttel iscuntraiîv citinteuicutiitestîic cat ihort notice. cievT eotmtaIiti.I as becu nwIy svîLKlNsOS I QCK itlod t iud ronov.lted 3$ 58Bra4 6"treei Whithj. Beuitt %incg, iqcn4, and cigarsi. - ______ CHAS. 4McOLUE, ROB3INSON ROUSE. 27 liroprieter - 1110, BAY STPEFT, ALBION, HOTEL, T Tomuiine, e few doors Noîliif King llreat, T~ A 1T4AlK-ET SQUAR<E, TR 'TO,- Termes-Oea dollar pt-r day. J2 .SITII, Proprietor. beptcleît aweem- JAiNI S NIcITEWS, modtitiî. Ectcry tteîntion puid tu thi ootnfut El 35 Lnttctof Intlrnattonai hltel, Iropriotor. cf tnicitîcrti.Nortlit UitisIt and Mercantile TISE ERRAIN. ire & Lueé Insurance Oom'y. RE 11 lROPRIETOIS 0F TffltSWhlLI, -TIIOMAS 1D0W, i kuovu falomit aren 0V' ii acoupittien ot 104 the ottiST. NICIIOIAS. King tsîneet, rFonto Beank itofilutrul (ftnrinlery kejel by Mr. Hurlev- The pranellCs Wîib, i-t 'îii, -- 81y lise beenn tetvrcnocte thrcugholut, 00e fltîei il- in ta flret style. Eveor% procttrabIe F--.-T---R dciicacy'iccsentn A olgair divan'fitted uippse. RD TYO , parttcy iStîtu vheh nonubt te beeit brandm - AIT'cETIILND&GNE. are perutittedt 1encter, p oii titret, Trtontifonr w Landis oh 23 .CABLîSLII & MoCONTIEy. tîinei, eletýl er bottine)t^.Depýrtmic ofe _____________________________CrAcutin a4tid eentedl, ateiitiç of Jencir",tCI C-iANTOÏN ROTJIL, tutti i ct utul Btine.sevitli tu)e ?pui w UFFINIi CIEEK, îCEiGKliN.G 000D uttendîlfhot, Title exaiiicd td egal Advie- 1)aeiutdttl 1rTielni gfivrnFre fCitrsge. - - - W CUHEXT Rin ttoie.- (; Co. P';1kuotio,çC- 4s-eî- 1ronetr a T~i. R. Meuitt. Eeq., 1St. Cstiunines; _____________________-ion. '. P ytî.i, esle; lice. D., MoDoi RAILROAI> HOTEL, id,Teroiltou;Hou C., Alezaier. Wonotoek, MELLiuVILLE, lia, Bnuitfordcl hi<njt. Mfthýis oPrtit; 1lIen T'1<)NT STREET, nearîthe Markt. G. J. GîcLhon eudon,;flMon. Ai- glerzkowalc F' '-t. {imYilec, - O7tnel Gorner of Buado und WWY-.POWERt, i'mpittor, Fort Ftnet. t» ab4. - Belleville, Oet. 2',',1861. -4217- y (eOiSeer 19,, S116. 4- l MA-NILLA HOUSE, O E I *&-- COLLECT. i ION&C)R SII T ! begs lisveto nortn A ,biec ntem _C l ape entine, ringlt ,m inîy drctnec ievw i knov, Wide-Avcki Cr dare owcrds thon. A~ rail, éhbiren diroît, cantal curse 6y. liad ouly droien v int noir1I knom aet ti ide Av. years 500. voepicg nov, le van est al., 1her tnd 1 F&Wv my tore alsad ape, -ec im, nielatî cshow; et lvlî:t olcie triey seemed wa youtrs uile. 1toîrnicilFrccdoin's higlhtt uîîîo, l len,fctiug branui ; MS1 iO, edeitrce*ioll' hoi 4lis m plit the awm. 1 b, If I tiîc nldoui tire Th s tiîinggs iliinov I ne'ar)iad bte a Whie-o t'sie romedy. Ble Iths] F-îa.- eas iteuteiv&(and vitt ifsubat-fo u~ appolntment vhich ei ,kt.JJeL d~iJ1iL> t-sf4 n air 1 LUMA-vn3ilC taîltiilnent-, altl Iinueast tock of' Bi Qg allamono worth i tan a c Sliuuee yet opeuIt lu inîIitby ; ombrating -lus breken bis noee - miegliso, ace&imui MalsPerbapa Yen i ope Nemn, (io>d uorniog; yen1 Womens', toy pi.ecsn sd re t Cbiildrens', Sal ibeapyto ff The vi Cvi $11)e liah bigh'h e - nesi,, nti uo' tae botlelve clone, Ne, -lb. paver-,pnido, i ca,,eUure, cal -- - -hitt divine word of Mv. J. Ross Brosl rotlerhood.NeYekEat' himcIfea br 1863. NO. 6 frt oyis hw roiçin in lhi.y ____________________________________________________________ purs. ho learnefi stenoograpby, and,.ait îlw j oliWva ielancholy. 1 c old not'b t and big stp, neemuary ag it vau, compte- an e f eigten, et ont-iur W nsbingtn obsiev.il acd I confees ats the observa- ted bis rai...... IlHm ea atrong shud. where be obtained ernploymeQas--, a rf- 2OI~ cý,,,Ld me more pleasacre than pain. der strueck ber, fromt bead to foot, and 1 porter in the 'Senate. 71p, hoppd in a year Ccdib.orrow at my.departceo? We balf rose, in alarin. The next instant. sbe to lay np five or six bseidred dollars. -but et bad been daily, almc>i baerly, -companionu vas calm. theeud of fi twelve-mnonth hi% saviný,ss<amouî 'rfouf rten "'a"','and the Ourise w au n t c"Now, you kno v my history ," cnti. ed teicut fiteen. W ith this h.e sout,bn. nrsoae.Site bad clircys sihown me nued sbe. 46It is a tragedy of rosi life, ing somehaw to get as far as $-erusalem., particclear kindness, and obe 0ould neot but vbicb yoe viii do well, young painter. to Bis fonds lave out wbn lihe renchtadNe baeseon My marked preference for ber. compare vitb your wn Il' f Itb a kindly York, and lie tried ta obtain a Clerl;4hip, Ny beart boat wldly as 1 gazed on beré presure of tb. band, and a gentle @mile- but times were bard and nubody vanied 'iPale cheoit and drooping eyelid ; for oh 1 se aveet, so pure anid beavenly 1- clerlç. Sa be sbippel for a sebling voy. aaoughl nsie had beau. ctvays stili and cen- Julia PBeay loft me, whie 1 stood perfect. cge, sud for two years took pracoce.leseoina ticl1sdever seen-cartcînly I bcd nover ly awed-tbat is theouoly word 1 car, ose in the art cf scrubbiett dccks, sluahniu ootice-such eiiident trace of sorrow, as -witb the rovelation wiiceh. hebad made rosis, and tie like. His share in tho Is cv 1 b r fce to-day . ý O l, if - t vre b th et er ist ry and of ber o ve grand profit s o f the Voy ag,,e w as just stiu ficie n u for me, boy I1 vould bleus esci paog which sotil. tako him fraie New York ta Wahin.tInn> psinuedlthast-eautiful hoart 1.--bow I would Como vitb ino te My stcd>," said Mr. wbere hie pcid -bis last dinie for bsvinr bis h itli the tee-ct that felu, as if they bcd Reay, eterinx tb&ýrooc; I have a vorld îreInk ccrried. Bat the Voyage <uruish.r'1 been3priceless diamoods (rom the Mine 17 te tslk te o yn àbôu.Ye go to.iuorrov,' bit with matericis for c vcry ciever b(o bo07 1 weold jin ie ber grif and liv8 je yo u uy y Iarà s<lrry for it; b t 1 must - "Etchings et s W aing CrùisP.'. ber despair 1 t mighbt .a eut ofeil îhereoire setl. lcanss-li OI Duriui2 the eîtxt four yeart Browre vas would came goeii, aed (rom the doep dese. good titie. a." .empioyed je the ~rewsory )opartmout: V, latiee t y nsqîfi "Body" Might arise I folwed bim mecbaail, crI as gained a vifte, candslemed icPy te settle :e the heavenly bloasedoosa cof such love as ndergoing a mental castigation vhicb ra. dowa. But bce coold not rest'vithout sec. this!1I1vas iotoxioated wilh My h0pe ; lter dîsturhed me. Indeed, like c yo>oog ing Ibllestero worid t sud titis lime ho ccd vas on the point of making c publie folaeagor ie selt.roproach as je self. resalved ta reach it'bY wayetfOCalifornia. *idiot of tyseif, bot bappily some ligbç gloifcation-T vasxo ocopied je invard. Re 501oct tvitht a commissi,)n in thoc rmuant o commn sens. vws left me.- uy calling MY41~f bad ame, that even revenue service. On the wy tho espel lowveoimpatient ta learn- My fate, i we yhs cem ami5 w o as becelmed iunight of Joan F'erneidez. diew, Jolia esido ,acd, piccing myscîf *t MY nccv pieWel "The< retore of Colco- and l3rownes, iith saine otherg, puit off ine ber teet, vitile sho vas enthroned on cau, at tvo lhundred ced fifty pooîîds, te. an open boat tae sit Crcsoe'R Island. viiero limrous ottoman, 1 proteaded that mutethe(r vith an order te paint himself, hc Vofn.. ihroueh a icmarkable serin., ce y, couclodc the series of lecturesi on art, :and 1frs reay, and balf.-.ozi et their chul. advortuireq, vliîch wcrc recordcd in BRar- aie 'the boit metiiods ef ooloring, on wbich I, dre1 confesIA i iit sîhhain, that I rece- pr' Magrazioee ome tlen yecrs a te, Ar. bcd becre employed vilit er ever ince Myi7 ivd the noe like a leadon block, snd feit rived at Sait Francisco ho found that a "Yoeci ohpp o-a, is tcy"neither surprise cor joy-nat thoogh these chanige had takien place, and bis crmis. 19 Yn sem nlippyIo-ayMis Pey,"ftcwoyrds cbased me tram the gates of tbe 810oc In the revenue service vas not,orth am I1said abruptly, viti o, veico îroobling Fleet, vhether I vas fut hastening, asnd strav, tIc toud that vieshi;ng clothes and like a ï,i1rl 's. stecurad me botit position aed daîly- bread» diiving moles werc josIthè-bn the moat pro. She raised lber largoe Yes làangidlY- Thte vords -of lta bea-tifol girl vere sîillI fiteble occupalions, sud vas belcu.cing- be- ",Uthappy 1 no, 1 am necer uehtappy," s'i'e irignin je car$, mieop vitit the bit- Ivoan ilce, vbec lie received c praposi- tîti sid, qucly. tereat seîf.accusctious ;ced ltese toeother tion te report the preceediogs of the cou. low~ lier voico nover souoded 5sfil'ery uveet, shut oct ailother soucd, ovvo pe snt titolional cînvootion iviich, vas about te sia e pore and harmeciens. It fuit lilas mue ut that vas clveys My wsy. m(et If reports are true, ho vrete neesrly ou thte air. 1 vent back te London, buuibled and clilte geod speeches delivered. -Besidea I -bave, thon, been tee mucit blicded yetstreagthsled, baving learned more of heing lieedsooely paid. lha vas aetborisod by excesa of heauty te have been able te humaa nature ced tthe value 6f eventsin ~te publish the report for bis ova prafit. soc cerrectly," 1. ansereci. "To me yenou hr otight, tItan Iha.d ever dreatn. Great interesi weu toit thon about 'Caiiftor- hae u ppcared clwcyg calen, but never mcd; edne shbetfer.Tn e lsaa fyot ifor the question of ber admissio iet bot to-day tbero je a pclpable veight cf geinerally corn. in bard shape. 1 bcd Lb. Uniont , wbmn a free consittutic avas sorrow on yon, wvbich a chid miglit recd. sense eeecgb te féeol bat I bcd lea-rud pendiog. Con,,res ordered thte parchms mc It ie in your velue, cnd on yoor eyelido, mine gecîly, and tIset-Ilied caue tw b. of some theuscnds of copies at a liberal ead round yaanr lips ; it is on yec jUte tue thankIel for the mildnéss of tIse teaebinçg .prias -- mess on the yotnug rose-beautifying white Frocs e boy, 1 hecam cjdigmr With thte monoy aies earned Breve. set veiiing the dazlîug glory vitio" acrtl f ucijIie ers d. Ont once more for theEes at, ibis- liu. by A h at1yen speak far tee potically for ccary ofrienco voldhae. enabîe d e f Europe. Lccving bia$tiui1lle covu u1se," sei uliaeu, smlîug. "If yoo viii <do. Acd tue moral vbiob I1-drew vas ceoncrons if not largý, .at F'lorene, ba eedown te MY bovel fer a littibo-wbile, this, thatuner or mon terrible afflictioils, îraversed hlsly on Moit; then fo'fr"a6M and viii iaikto me rationally, I will tll e may alvays gain seme spiritual gond, througli. Sicily, anid Iheisos te. Pàltne roi- yoou myhistory. I viii tell it Yon M a 5if vo snOba thom te ho seftening and pr.The accowst of ilîla tour-id five il Iessoe fer youxel" It wicl I think il iido fyîeg, rather thas bardeciug influences "Yueft?" oneetfite- fouvr mo«,sable Daniei yon goad."over'ffl. And ûlotIsat vtile vo are booksEastern5 Orave ~in Dur l.tinge The cold chilI Ibat veut te usy oi 1- suffeing lb.he ost acuîely, vwe-y lbc sureYuscf Battra, a en ofwed drao viswh - ...,e4cnamine toth book.-,@Fut1iou'_ht to t spatiently ; à day's dis- - Iba pnoiz-i Wluby, Nov 18. Net'. 15, 184v. t -- - 1

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