.1!athow Tlady v. ~, VOL. GLC, home derln g Ietuy,sand the Table buntIfil. Ale I>' supplied à a imaline. * Notice to Farinersanm.d Others tuege. I4qîersWci,.Anesd Rtai], mteu0'sa YLui.. ____lyPl'eof, iy gallon or barail; MeNsughton's, (;tonteavia, do. do. ; Hsspier's Extra lteutiflocx . WhmLske>, do. .io.j bLït' l'o', S ay1o~ * CogulackBrudv for the siew4vll lâi vrm aud CiLpN (e t tIl,e 'et urand9 Treno n ie. lntive Ualers, eud llortes to 1tQ A. ALEXÂNDIM'R Broolfik, Jtau. erti, I 11. 4 T LAW, ftarl.- 1 3ROJCLIN >1EDICAL I L, -1J1HN DSWES, J'Y A TVi UiG IST & A #(t icary, &o. i&,e, rook- N D . lt, C. W. Prnecnilti.naa siitiirately cum. Goempeiadeal. liugi;, Gilit anal Medhcincoeevëfý -BROCK A lJCTlUNEER,bujm oihJorm the ifflsbi. -- Iatht bi.im-prepared te aîteaid $AI ES U 1 si peirt oftlésa enla.Ail enIvra ltaIt ait r.tw. maddaaava, on Lot No. 84,iauhe lb.aiaconeasien c, Brnc of t Iarliw6cton, vii hao punetuitllv attanded %o. 1 Da.rliingtli, Novemaber, 86ý2. 43 N DOLPIINSALOON, - NEXT To TIIE ROYAL LUEUM, King Suet.e;Tereute, 1là r.. eLcunch aven * eYaillaî5 -1,1Y EXTRA- ucery for itbv, 47 4TTOR 11- nasoos *MePlier- 40 ýy of Ofi 40 Diaua 42 , allecla 4R YAT LAW4 itlvvC " V.- ek-iata Wllitby 31 lUN11ER FOR t, Idancl, PINIv enai Agrent, aaly opposite to hiKese a M 82 ai on tbe nisl 1. D. riold tt (ill Y. 44 NtTY JAOL, 4 tuae--Opposite le NEEIZ, AND île. santon. STAGE HOUSE, VANILLA. ISAAC0 FENTON, BEST Wiuoisansd Il q e.; wuan oru 11no1ltilon for trav:3ilerg; 9geedstabllugsuall iLttitivehe latlr.; 16# ALB'ION -HO TEL. JýAMES BLACK, Grand Truak Raslwtay IUntel. <&9aA a14u e f ZRîay ejDpol, Port lWI.iCb.) T l.iEUND!tSIGNFI) BE(45T0 INFORM his friernd.s uod the public, thuaih(, iq. nov lpesosien ot'îlleaby lieitel, ih lit4uie et wili lie wayl liifrtutre carry ou on bis cvii aecount. God ]Lîquons, Wiues sund Brandies, sdheirse. JOSEPHIICUPBOTT<)m, Whllby, Jan. 19, 1880. frlri.-81 EAST WINDSOR H1OUSE, WHITBY, wu. GÂISYpltf.ririsnes. I l lEabo)ve Ilote] la altuateal in aplenfaatandc rLrtrLd part efthte Tom-ri, oti e fronît rond. Z10,11 *acaîîuudateion irtravellîra. Geea¶ 'itbliu« sunid atteutive ostieni..2 YJICTORIA HOTEL. WXil-lLA&I SCOTT, PUROPRIETrOP.(Lite AN( LO..AkiRICAN UQTELUr "'IlIF, snabarihan'lias llttedl op thi5 ,bove olat I. atnlblisbed lietel, witb thea iarv etffitrgi iveyv aîcoonnodalion te tthetnavllitic ppublic. 91ve bt h tlm a. Go%>dtabîiug aid osikna. 16 r ZWICKEY'8 HOTEL. TliIe sunbrlbmdaninas te il, fortu lux, friand4 Tuid Iha travelliaog jînbi,tbal hilbas uaw- Iypaleret, peîoed ud funisbled théi %bove batl (lorinerle occupieal by Mr. Aikinseul and] that ti" tniavailinia eouuuîty vilflid eouu- lortalasuomedu Lamo aterates..VTe tabla I1% weîi supphed villi asarythlne lu mes soli. Guod stablîag s ualcarefel nat«TI on tthe $pot. - JINZIKY UINHÃ"TEL. M ANCII ESTER, REAC Il. (Ie I.MY 1-. IPilIls betel la cantmallyaitueateald ildpessesses JLevan accomumodetion. It hbasbeen nevly fittedal psd renevateal. Boeat vie.., iquor.., and cigars. CHAS. meCLlUE, 27 repnieter, ABION MBOTEL, EA ST MARKET SQUAI<E TORONTO,- EJ. SUITH, Fropnieter. Excellent accena- meroataion. Evary attention paid te the conifoml et travelierot. TU-E TERRAPIN. 1 IE PRIOPRIETQ8.S OF TRiS WJCLL kueva Saloon ira enol occupationutf the 01.1i'4T. NICIIOtS. King streot, Toronto ý fw'rmany kept by Mn. HurleyTVie promises have hotu uawîy renovaheil thougbent, suc fittnd ii lu the first stylo. Every procunable dîlicauy lu seasson. 'A ulgar divan fiti.d up se- pae-ay ino *ih anoua but the boast brando% s'a pormlitted le enter 29 CARLi'SLE & MaCOXKEY. CANTON HOTEL, D UFFINS CIIEEK, PICKERING O, O0D DaccomümodatIon for Travallerm. W. OUTHBERT, RAJLROAD MHOTEL, FRONT STREET, near the Mariat. WM. POWR, Propriotor. 1 Bellavîlle.Ocet. 29; 1861. 42-17 KIANILLA ROUIE, ,vyer, le there .0. , tia.e ter, 'ey rft Qurie cme Tha ue gius ut t hue lseve favon ably kiînvu Itnla, lima maudered iAineesprv or theaaub-ciber to pl ste prm laiisý doue Mo te O da extula, lu stili Fu rtiier tli ci nfert sa snceoinriibti<r1ocf Ii guiests. Ti-ttle la rivmpuladwtl the. boain esssaii,su d in u iIt e bast bread, ut Wiîie.. and Liquehu kept ona tbe pnaaies, Tsvemn keeper, iaippled l ioeuaie. Ose a COUl as yeon pas. Bob the r-auowned Otler, alvaja iu atiaaa4- aluai, aasadb ik etalie ebairga ofttiaim. , Ca'nno n. Oc't.211rd, ISt61 41 RETIERE hOUlE, ýilEs'b*cer begs teansuainea C4lae- i. îbiandl partiaiularîy to thetrvlag ( cclnrnunlity, It lie lbas opeoed lbthe aboya oe- teQnaiva preniises as à supenton Hoiut.Thbi o et oum a nsd oveny attenticu praid te. tetla )r a.îif jnli avas. lExcelleiit Stsblinganal alueni va tîtiv ns. Tha Ban snpplied vilhbehsti Wilis ad ciâ W3LIM PARlKIN, - 49ey Propnieor. Tothe Travelling Public. Tl!, subaaeniban lsviug Jeesea] lie renll- Village elisenanl aavivI'gfitted i laen nup in ia,<t ityle, Is lin%,p pracrl 10 acciatonMoJiîlc alil hanse vbo e«I lm nEcai- l. lujtýia],. klaiing nolliinbut- TUaI DES1T OF LIQUORS Je CIGARI Andl lis t-rtbA ill iha fumrnslied Wltk' aillthe of nais tthe aeasem. Alitattenitivef 0tllr ivaa ou baud. Tlion-e çrio tvon bu vwitb a esIl i'neLy nit irnieu ac-nitentably accoua- inea]St-d nl velI Attaudeal tn. SJOILN lHAMILTON, PoitLar H ( SL, 1 Urf t -ARC HITEOT. aU- 144, Bay jEtreet Toronto. MAILT: VINEGAIR. IAIT VINEGAIIeu oint o e a inlularge Lu i nalqnantilles, sîthe Whitbv I3rewerv. NOW 18 TUE TIME. lUIT TOUR LIRENESS AT J. A. Caark's lot'PrizePicture Gallery J FYO#dasirea s uemet sud lite-ie Amnbre.. type, Csaaty pe Jettengapb. on Laotien Transfea, on a Likenes a T. e Lt, ltroach un Rting, fatr J. A. C. emu de it lu the haut style, sud'at shori notice. WILKINSONS LO , 88 BaokSfr.es Wjtibg. T MJXA HIfOUSE, BAY STREET, Teete e o brs North eofRing Street. TensO.dlar per day JAME~S MATHEWS, onf Laefnt-eratioual Ifi>tel, Propnieoen North Brirîshaand Mercantile Pire & Lite Insurance Oom'gY. THOMAS 1DOW, Batiak cfMvntteal. Wbitby, Sept. 7,18612. 35-iy- F'RJD. TAYLO»R. Lai Agent tanaclai Crown La nd aud Georalt atouded to, 1 bourz, T..] lion. L. Iteni aId, Tementeý lien, J. . e île, limutterc G. J. Gondi St. Clbanie.. Font Stceatm, -Oc cner 19, 'GENER- bands Ob mont ef Inenotion li Offices aAdvic. ic disniuî erTical Pl tk-of th .eteo nd, an aud thon a brin-J y iarly ly that1 ijiosari ru tee eba6ing bar bauds sud feet vsatar apparatas conceld i peW, bie sbiverleg a if it aigbiug daaply-niest inu leoiug out uad aeund bu she seen made tme ask nys ousy of ber wuVa o s g sud pi ty wonid basee '.1 "9But ber wealti-b tionigb.Il. Tmue abe umal gloaieusl.y aie is sciacad i but tie asgols cf social l ýp&m viii perfunied linueu, s ae may griese, main hen joyâ on mugi il Ail1 sia is ta l i nviad ah vlille 1, a vry beggar, mi Muy p1têievow Scan.thing oethl'. muigi face, as ofelYeed My aici -" unsf tteutioa-I trgoto up-oua ofther luxurions ti lng ber ciashions. Sae see nead my tiengitanashem ej 'meIanebely face; sud sà a'i -;0 1 I'vl i& erselfini ber platx - reprned te listera ta a pis '1 amiunfotunsie, aa - dunfortunate V, aie i WlaaCI miii 'yeuli sud 1 lin. ,111 nsoeif unfortuanate t aloi,, H'ru Isuntmiod betoea at2frqd1live inthto atniesphaee it the H[aug. pîîerjeoumeîf viii senti ta nDot com. Fic upen joui1-lie apen1 The. Han,,. v un eonov ows mparnd %î tie darliesi "- saignorant of ji id the. presail 1, r.spettuiiy; I but 1 n euoe 't.îd cnovingtieni, Icati ,sad me luin lit end itt*evnes. R resumuptuous -tii'» yen eau uct undergo i î lots, liitr-a.us ihsOverviela )n ha £200 oimant; jon nisybave e of 1n v tifé, but they csrnet e ho de5hleu 11aCan anjthiugoequal ti r, me-ts t alih and- esoiated he Il M hôçs Siliin thesalua impailie. the nutasted the "vont gsiafr f wavyi Loei te my the buttamuiof tlai cnp The dector at auch t que. etlife oS f a sid, thstaft attpl'.eStI9 I- ("l au teéver. Tiai POiihineDu$çPkA sirong hea ytiroirm terrible 4aqcIltion of a V [ hsa a deep Yeu thinit b-causD Yeu Se, Pneumonie osideuces off vepltb, fiai red mue tren Yeun manx, I tell jeu tri waliappy te gise »p evenj fithing of 1 hune., aud bo reduced to, * - Nafval Bagagmernes etween the ao-i -bama and $the United tates tie. ai Hatteras. By the arrisai at ibis 7por, uia ening of the oteauie ~ary A. )3ardoiau, 1roua * New Orlnadu a âKey West, va 'bave uevs frou, Galv4$n o the 17d1fit, £114 .ought to KerWet byhOUte10Mp ert1iéirn Light'via Nov Oriosum.c tstessslooiofmeateBooy ~tnd Coipa to speak te ber, aud vhon, within haiiing> distance asked who she wus; they received t by the. varmi. afier, a sheortvIia>- 'eniy theanswer i "jýer Majesty'siulop-of-war in ber chauZffC. wOIIBaUfin ng mUen, gifted andlbandsoure. Spitflre." in i a suefit- In fut, al my childçern.er allcved to b. The côtmmander cf theHHatteras tôld îbougt-vifldly verymodels of beauty. On.e etered tha ber te wiiaud ho vouid s.ud a Isoat to or diatratioa.- "0am the. thçrý the uavy. The. aldest lier, and had just lomered bis boà t and~ self vletber mj went wlth lhs,regiment,ba eCape, ubera hsd one of bis efficers snd a crew in ber deep sympatby ho twsrrie a ýwOlii5ii f#< lotVwfsuily-au vher, the steamer opened' ber brondsid e- intalDolli Oeree Pfci no blod t;hbeugb ahc sud fired itinto the fHattena. The Brook- lei vealti tP 1 4Wusdeoently Ooducte4 fer a Iov.boru lyn hearing the iring, goi under'dii ,,b n y suifer, but boy tbing as aie vos. 8he waa-vei.spcken of startà d iunpursuit of iii. stranger, tn gti Site may weep by those vie knew ber; but viat couli Coming on lest siglat of ber and vas cem< fe wipa off br hpvse ho viii a but cher for a graudiathar 1 pelled te gise up the chuse. Wheacorn. l, gold embroid- rHoweven, 107 peýr iufatutiatd sou leved ber ing back to vhere the Hatteras had beeu. but ber grief tothe lest. She wvaMn pretty, I have fonnd ber sunk iu nine fatbems et vster.'- ho mote bliastul. easrd.,youug, snd timid ; but beiug cf Th"e steamer vas ne douht the pirate AIs.' Ra aU -eusîad, sncb fearfully low erlgin, cf courue e bama. The Hatteras vws tbereby a trang. tght veit scoru conid not ba recôgnizèd by m7 haband or port, but carried four guns of liglat calibrd,- myself 1 W. forbade 107 son ai intercourse similar ta trie transport. Mccieilan. t b. seen lu my with us, nulesa i.bceiud separate biuiself DtINLFSCLA5 Compantien 5ome frcnm ber ; but the pour boy vwu perfecily At a late lieur last uigt our reporter wba4t-guîhering msd, and he pretarred tbis lo.born vift boar.aed the Marv A. Boardusan, and ob. rifles, or arraog. bis father sud mether. They hadao littie tained from the First Offcer the folloving ,eed simosi to baby vie vas sent oser ta me,,wheu ithe additionai particulara; The Mary A. ele rested on 107 wafe died-for, tban1t Qed 1aho did .die inBadanefNvOran ontelt ug abraptly ; Ila fev jears' lime. My- sou vasretred'n et.,arondeasrt Nte rensWantt, h ~~~~uu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U in.r h eorlvadh eavd our rgive or) the ID(h fuel., our informant saw Capt. ce ie a parmon nos; but vo neyer- saw hi. again. Ha Torry cf the Noritharu Ligbt. Capt. Tam- isant tale. > ook a ever ef the. country, andd-vas a ry reporte thnt on Suuday, th~e liai inst., ide," answer corps. in a few, heurs., My second, boy the blockadîîîg vessais lying cfT' Qaîveston vanl the nasy. ,-a finle bigli spiriîed fel. saw a strange 0vasse[ bosse ini eigbt. Tbi said impstiently. 1ev, vio e sened te set all the. ac;denUs -naval transport Hatteras got ender weigh healti, cau yen et lite et deflance. j couid net beliaeve in and vaut eut ta 10eet ber. Whe'a withiu rWheu tii. viole ny au ttummcemiug te lai us, He wvas "0 hailiug distance she baiied the. stranLýer you and jeu stili stiloug se bealtby, se beautiful, se bigbt:ndakdbrnna h el a e of hope, ean yen haoaight have beauenanemrtal, for &il the Majesty stsamnîsip ot.war Spitlra. Thi Va entai serrows ? elements eofclecaythat, shewed îhemnselses captai,î ti fthe Hatteras said bo vouid hand yen 1- What are in him. Y« fChia gieriens young haro vau a boat sieugaiidia and board ber. H. 1ev. ýiti mine ?" drovnc-isrecked OIT' a _corai-reat, sud erad away bis boat witb. craw aud officar Ours, madame;" 1 flunglike s veed on the waters. H.o lest lu charge. I ev 10yovu ; hbisnowvu lite lu trying tW Bave liai cf , About the lime the boat raachad the. nspesi of thair cenmeon saiîr-a piecé-_1cf pure gold vsrias called Spitfiro, vbicb is slip. By yonr vemy posi. hartered for the foulast cday 1 Tire jeans ptisedtu be th. 200 or the Alabama, opau- the sanie kiud of atter thia, my bnà band died of typhus foyer, ad ire upu the } Hatteraà . The Broklyn aing meneat tuis and I bad a nervous alla. ,frctu *bich 1 sud hbals dozan *gunboats vema lying ai evils lu jour path hav. e eve recovered. And nov, v*bat do à ucher by the.' bar ai Gaisesten. -Tbel eqîial lineu." jyoli 557 Cc'this bistr7 cf mine?7, For gev sud heard the firing an ~d -immnediate ly tha avils cf nuiued fitteen jeans, 1 have neyer beau- free 1 frein get nndar weigh. It wvs*ark beùecthé îerîh VI à be cied sormev. INo soonen did One grow s0 fa. reac'bed the place of engagemnt. The t nuanner. 14Caît ailiar te, me, that I ceas-,d te, tremble as ils supposed Alabamia vas ùutea sfui!bo'he ard jeulli'equal hideusue'3s, than another, 51111 moto terri, et steam n d eut ot reasci fut cu. whieh yo~u drink ble,came te overwhelemimmain fmesb misEry Tanx umigte ou iHt forbids ahl hope et For iteen jears, 10 beart bas nover tanas sunuk l inmna feîoms oetwaer.! Up ithe firai disap. knowu au beur'a peacea; sud 1.0the -sud oet th tu e meour informant neceived thii ýart tank vith the. 10 lite, I 8ball be a deselate, miserabie neya uc>îhing bas beu heard of 'the- crew., wracked old aga!1 bmken.heartad veman. <Jan jeu undar. They pulird avaj troni tIi.sbip s soon as ea about me the stand, nov, the salneles8uess of my riches, the llrîug ceeuanced; whetbar they as . I must 'ha happy. sud boy de3oiste 107 splendid hense must cape'd or net te unluaiwn. Thay may hase mly, 1 vould glaly seeni te me ? Tii.y have been given memetifteharonrdedubes mt Fmuy princely for- tor ne useful purpese bers or la - afier; on board the i I.tal iHtters. tha extrema cf îbay encueiber me, aud do nu te Io It is net lpusitiveij- kuevu vhh i i m usl grave theaboters. Who fite bavaeiii.. vian 1 dia'! wu a Britiesessual-or the Alabamua. The oir pour ie omy Hospitals and 8semaIs? I hate the medi. jatt, , ..a.. a. ....,t.i .nd .......l.. A aog ef b.ag prosided thea cul > sLa eraqedy.ne ia a utas i.extensive BOOT AND3 OI &Ett>]iiaiuen, aie lanycast tn ofetBo)ots ani 'Shoas% jet opaned lu Wlitby eoibracing Ladies'. & Vhldren,', st nnnsuifly 1oir Pnîcas. The o omi ig priitepelly mrdo np naidr -hi9 cvii aen inunne cm the pramlaes, aand san ha bîghîr ~~ neomadd invcry't-aap"., A 'a,Ivll ha uffimenet te sat6fy aumtomm wane they eaui bemt serve them ovu anttreet In lIa. parclasîse el Boots aud Sine. WILLIAM BURNS, WWtIby, No'v. 18. 18562. 1ampeet.a SIIEEP 8i Kcv.l$, 1852. Pro