Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1863, p. 1

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vol. vil. LAL, iwssegtiu LIKI. rot, Tounitto. NEY1, CONVEYVb.N o 0ve?- G.(C. Gruue otea,t. Wiiy-4 lS ,y. &-o . hitl) 0 W Begia'y ifclrc 111above vel inown, <-la e%tSboa i ii-ied ___iriLl T iho'tel and p.'el1liuîeu havte heen pnre aïed lotlt aaherlluer, wient ho wiU. aiwa1a . ~be dIr trôoýo ,apioe t-- tut1 id oun Ihend ready Io ttend lPorlouMjy t) luir friexid.anSd patrpnili, that tbuy have tho ~Ile wliiîm cf im ootm', &C. rouglily eiovated theIr eotabdu1ilbaen1 d2r,ý Vt oprotiseuus been ciOieniently ,andtht wler, whiclb enables Ileti Iow tîofe.~ ,itd up.; painted, Papere &o. the Ienberm of the'tepmature, and the Tra TO TH wth 1it %'ao oft water triah u ery vellIog Pulilo ItWiioraccommwodation. x In IC modem i oett oiaeth, e favl r addiriou tethe' apsatuinentAthuy bad lut i wI- JLG homo uringbli &latamid th Tia ter, tbrey bave uow ?arlors and Bd-rmt uis iy toplîe etailthusu late ous nei ot toti.wlth fooomfo H E~ GLAND TEUNK CGMPAY bavIcgj Notce Farer " ~ on( onY,»Ieiice, tire ueurp .8 lu Ir? te cty. 'Lwithdrawmithe faciliitie affode th ie Noietoe mesan tbiýn sM. RUSSÈLL & SON. Pnuie by the ar1aneîuent mnade' with Lthe -Quebsu, Mhluai i1o. 1j619 Ort Weutern ýmpany n uMmtv Ipt, b7 hc Ilquilorut W'I"lutuiie andi Xrtali, Mort.on's eani- traveilera htlding Lime tlokebl of .111er Coup.. ~'roofhy galln or tarrl ; MuNtingioni'uuNo4hoFo lfj*i hn d the option of uxing the IUnhe ofethh Sjiet', do. i>; Iltuplorls tExtra Recilc otenIoe nnton. 0,,, lCnî'apiy b1weOml Torouto, 1,ondoun rnla #him~ lo, .lie.; belit lor'. Shierry,; and Pmnreî~hsna ttt .Opa'tpn eêro, nmUotie lreekhtail l se. hhit nolüiîOltBrawliy for the tiek, with . Atest o!abiy kenown i tel, Ibts rendered it naeeuaery for <' umvel by lie Great WetûriLine. shoni Uquonu out lid l îilloruoflte 1iii4 bundut. ooabtrbronirtiPtll~. Rebut oily ibook-te oToroi.to, <loto iwhetiue hey eau 4foitt )14ttiera nd'lorueto lu tre, diie se mo t ononuiddahle exteuie auill tud t -.rtits ftrwurd by the Great Western A. ALEXÂNDFIt. othel: altcrationil amîti improvnent. teo sem u tai whiei ave Tvronto for Stationx Wemt, itrookîltý uiiTuu. 2tth, 45, utilfar4erth',unor ae conutoduton<' id e nete it. tui s le ruvded witb ________________ BIROOKLlN DMEDJVAL HALL, the h elaitnseuum,aud non. buit tee betbrauds A tt4.nr,&e c. ro- Bb flica'runo wiuud Oqter, awayu lun atend. l ?.M > q*,' Lie. lii'3 .Prelicrhptiiînsu uIOiimtol til- ance, ituimted by Diclte hotake e charge vqftenis. ARR R N O.. 1,0 42 'à M DAVIUBI) 18110, (.an inlno. Ott. 93rrd, 1991. 41 - Tris1mketttglrent"ncio AUCTPIN KËlR, bho utn l uforin fi t uAhI&-~to5ar noieh A tîru tmo i 1tr0o linliDriaiConitieut, RVE HOUSE, wMti Wesw Centrai i(Tranai fituin fDetroit -,in tliit lie i rupr'd tu ttterad SALES iii ayMci envnml erltadIiwaie n Itirl ot ' ,o outtîe.. Alirdlerm luit C, hfýu ýiehiSan Sonîlaern Ritots. n'ý itetiri', "n tot N' TIi, hcMteunoain REathtrhc e a nnnflnrit'tu lite TI-sîq~ tf DalsritOiii, îvill hoajut tactitaiv stt'ndeci Io. a utti tutillarly 10Ilie traveling (h t anager. Darlai itaui)tu 114uo, untittiahoaitieidteaoeii- ç1 yo. ten .,live pîisnitt sa aerior Hîruu. Thu' heet t Îitn'it£om, îth Dee., iIR,. 49-lw uit aecosnMuontiuthion td every attention psid te _____ NEXT TaTuEi 'f .EU.i ngtteltve Ostie"t. The Ber euuppiod wlth bhatt Stt, tooit%, re L.c %ýrvW illestauud igiarA. W. a.; -iT AXGR HF OUS-E, 4yPoreo. Washington-flot Takeu Tot, >re <i-~ q SA AC FENT>ON, uîîtit l abcriiier hiw pireinuaed 1the O05 Eu>u iiî o E.'tA I U iCT ite'as ad ieit, xu;uuuperlrt.tom W___ n- !:.. tnt to fStuelr;gooti atohî tîg atod (l2ovey'e 01(1 :ttnd,) . É atenie tiuLt'16ln'theu Ce ntre rom,' hi,îweun Nanchiter anti Z4Q-1 - - - Bruoklin. Thse horýe smid prunuifsatelIMve boss i 'l' A 1,B13 1O %'Il OT EL. fttniushîuuet order. iual willei onua <S Tltu. vlte Ili i jutI. Nothinz vil ht wauit- a - iu'0i ta~asttr wuriu.Ina t, muet tihe q (reientheufLb trsrelling '-0_ .1 Ail hiILACK, cnsnuuunîity. 'ric te.toblnglx tf the büutS de(%~ s i tI'ruprirur. eriptiouu, ai( ln lttentiua er viii Sbc al- e o ht. . T-i- ..tut -i - _-d1.t1.--- n 1 > y SOLICITOR T b' r&. Offl-ini :Y AT [,A W, S0ý srv Pulir. &e- buiildliîtg, I>uilutem NWOOD, G.rîind Trik RafIvvny iUo<tel. T lits friti if0l( tilj.t oplhi ble. ltint ho lieiow 14PRVSoýUiý nStlli & ooro hôtel, thiebuailleg oF wlîh hwi I iil i l~tr 'i r f t oi Oïl tit owtt nieoon. (Guol Liqooo, IctttJrtuU Fxieeetffl in-- îîfîuattenltion for niHr EAST IN DSOR flOUSE, WHITI3Y, Wu. Qe1ÂtUtY. raoritKltn. u4uu1 n:uitui~n or traellierm,. uoo :îù uiiuu t tentive t tru. 1 VICTORtIA ROTI&L. AT<(.'LO.ÂRERICAN IIOTBL. t" it t 150htI twutmrig place on the Centre JOHN TROMPSON. To the Travelling 'Publie._ T IIE sutuhulcr inaring Leamr i te Frsmi- a~uiiiWocenied by T. Enililu, in tbe Vitliuxe tuf Ept oîn, ('111d 1 huivig ft-l titeit ai)~ in' u ýtt t i' t<, suips1e0% ho ncminiodte ail Ilote wli gi'a bittai ilt li îe iliteurdt >1 keepinte notbinriLfbut TUE 0flEST O'P LIQUORS à CIGARS AndMt libe viiutbcttiuuhed cawitl' aiIlue deilencie tiuf the steota. An attentive (bilet siurton latîti. rh,)-,c wlîo fuvo)r hilm itb sa etilýV1. lcv rai tîonlt ttî i~ufortahiy acuoto - Modtil aisi ld 1attenditt). JONIIAýMlLT)N, WOON'S 1HOTEL, W 0 0N &B ROTHME R. * 'r nd, .2mod tales, n e .~ ~ n a n t m i le , tdid I n t h le u r t h 1 e O h a r n , w I g l rl o s b e su tifo i 17 *thst Mrtm' Travers luforuaèd , he7oàfderpt ý! , ubratmgj eof uhusiasic glod-ona hraiaathft t-was a. eWiou, au angle, I1 belleve, mrtturbtMiss Utrvey', who vwa front orahobe xeeived the siminotes- erns sdeiteultuliste. patienti, entolo i oéu , s?, He 'wlendeavor ýbepOdie,'ueûtameshort,, 4ith, 4"My mru, otficlp saineaid à one mis seby-bd.byo - I *iri tlegotti9ver74IhtfI5i-àndhere i15 eda tdid, UatSYt"S , k w ,uhta be douetemm . wei caa&*r dsabd rê dis., b7hewyo tam ~sfrtiMtr ýj b ml<ltcouusaged. 1 remained laie ibsi -evealug I w & yii ii pe 6 ýlt asesi ta aitKemisington, talking the umfor uate subr itteétwith5tbe beai ýosuub1e grac5l h)W they peal nvmuer ovri; but hop*- alon 1 rua a mfe de. suier receivinmwsmo other explanu tepie -lutimàc for poor Traven'appaed t~imâptia- 'snddirectionu, look lItave. le, * uiiue,should Brocard,.traiist in, hiL.tae. :I obtaimiesian interv'iew withnîh iffi thehoiy 11h: in'sn"u hTe pisoner'a lodgingu , hsd buen ouithe following morning, with M\ari faiitu uu0tmtely seroed, bat no tracttooÇthe cili atbarns, jatbefore 4ffice hour, andi wmmlli 1 uin4g fourteen bummdrned punuda had been 'unelt'm absence.', Sie vas curions ho italle in Spîlagu !îi«am'Yveed ther. , "ConmtaoOê Hervey sp. tht abject of uy viiî; but ber os ircdhus 1 î,.ied to b. greatly struck witia m'y aso- tbough fret and gpy, vas cartfully gu las. roud, Ic,uwtîîof Marie Deathenupa' spperaaceeand and unrelenting, tilt1 radually amid uiatin.Ia, ' îli.uua.an d made me repeat eacth tir. omsly introdmucud tht auhject of Capf Lord, uti'utaf=Ce over and over ag'in .1 ould fideiity. Ih vas murveloug how, as âO tigitou compratnd'bovithia couid 50 tuch aentence'rell updh'htr tsi, ber igurý I iuuiutalira t s uesisah s'time. J emmtiu iÙe}ke' rigidityr-and he ~ôther1anm1,liecoard repeated 'lis matenet, ont osth, kidd with ncemy passion. Il If ibis mine mii ~ ~ n 1,impng -s treOt, au d M)r lley'is cross-exaiuWi.'1 h.e aid, heu I tessesi speaking, i *..!--...LL..- la ftI t he tutu. itou ~v~r Milch Oow for Sale. A NEWLY CALVEI)COW. APP JOHN DOTLI Wiity lce, 1, P 188. DRYFEBET, JNGM.1 jrNEV AT LAW. L1ýBROWN, inteqnt, Lunu¶l- ivi uapl toiersul Ageit, 'oct, uitihiy vopp stll litoto h4CbutA 0 viii Ili 'ted ton the 111t ronthreuitsuiesL KM. D. t.r&C. miti& «lb ý. 44 D1. ho dimis o <f NBElt. AND> 'ET, S113E RlS. R, lonvu autcars wnt p. Wiid ahie lands for clie llm a l ' ,il. «ouod t11 nuidtig ont .lrs.g -% Zic àiCBy S JnoEL T af i , ri r de,; 1--t 50 ilforuj IlSalut y-;ieaiduts itii iitjrav eli , stg îjuii ,lslt auaae - ilotel (toruuîarlxtucap M;ih lI. Akiaiaout tîlitu t i rtvelitt-.r oomuiutsiii f tut ousu, lurtstuai' uuuitimtittit at ieat(c rates. ThtVi tai telu wI eu[îpal it t e ryl ia iitee1 S o t. -iiu ztla l i t t101Zeal o ti t E os th UNION KOTEL. To. ltAl e traliy uKita fttd ni)il Il OQ 0ttssé Tevt'tueîunudtoa.It lhsa butta iswly ilttrecul 1)p1isaLitrenloested. BIt w~irwtu, li'quore, and cigare. CHAtS. McOLUE, TAST MARKET S1JUAIIE, TUUQONTO,- ii4 J.$ 15Propnietur. Excellent acca- moatatioun. Every attention puid to tiietoonfuit qj- 144, ~ ALT J. A. ci, Jtype, TranAr, Iliug, t'or sud &ktAi( 88 _ _-TIIE TERRA-PIN. rI IE PIUPRIETORS OF TRIS WgII? r .1 known Samloon tre now iien u tloau oh f Ihe oltI T. NICIIOLAS. King stet oonto (farterly Iî.pt by Mur. Il tîrle. - The premnimesm ha"e becn nlewly renovatei? throssgbont, anc Batik of fIttnd un i the hrst. ftyle. itvery procurabie delleacy lunseaaot. A diger divan fitd np se- ', perahely into *bich mnonebuht tie tuettlirandi sbre pairmitted te enter, 23 CARLISLE & MsoWNKEV- PAR ç4AjTON IIOWEL, tmined, UFFIN$ CEFIC CRTNG. GouD Or"-" 1. +esni Pruprietor. RZISI oronto, Dont

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