Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1862, p. 1

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VOL. vr.' shateat, lstry Oliçiet. Â,NNUX, INTS I -d la Nnnpetr. ai 8 ents uper per lino, tach ad'rerttec-a hy tisomeuits muoit 10W, managt UDN E LL, J. tAT. iu vr -tIl citit WiJ'or 1A y NE L. i1'ý Ic iN Viti A lu., -y "c1 Itil -e, r t &c., Wtiltby -'~u N ELLER 1 k-u. &o.ithîy. 4 lieci ii lucr tic 40 IINiIj-Y AT LAW.V e.%ltc. Chi.yt.W. ut Gll tctit, ie flc, cir p tiîte iflittico eiicoUiTY (;OL,îî 4 -)' ATND , I llcdld, ititutier îlil 'Cy. vey enr !3richiit 1i6' baqtackeuu theoittictie itelliouuîvu lole, anti trolt ,' uytriet iitntion tb hcsineR,truati b, e ueavt)riiog to ih i uiiiovr fer tht ceai- fortct ticu nwtiieu ci'-winus, t10 matit a shirt (if pulcpatrconauge. (lunch Liquors ucaudiCigac-i. CoiLtblhe acciauodaii.tn fuc- cosuatuihorst. iAn I-ttetitîltuctt -tcýe ht ilralwautîs ta a~- SManiuhlit,c. 29, 1961. 9S. CON WAY, Prapc-ltc-.4 RUSSELL'jS JIO'IEL, Q UEBEO. - 9111E iutclerigoied Proprietors cf tht abatte Inttilale1O ý EL' Iheg rtpee(tfilly ta tipprize their I'icie tid îctr.n, at thty have tho- rongtciy ruttuvctd théir eétuuhtaliuuc.cîiorit.g the witîhtr, wtîiciî îcable th leiiu nov toc offerlo tht Meuuhers ni' thc ue .giicýlttrt, aud the Trtc Vetlliîg Puic llc iuerinr caccommodationî.Iii aditionto tht saparînionts thsy liehd lamt vin- ter, they lhîîve nov Paitrlor anti Bd-rooms lnaa ttrzeluîu neur ti lutlt which), for comtfort and c ltcittîe ire uictcorpcuaatuud tnthteCitcy. WM. RUSSELL & SON. Quebe, hitrcli 11, 18s61.9 ROUGE MOTL~. T08.EPIH -MOON. LAT£ OF TU I;NN WIIITBY, C. W-1 TIIIJ a ___________ -- Northe Ruotel .Oannington. Tht lncreeclng bucine8m nt the rboe f4vor ably ksio.tntotel,hbarendgred it nececarytor t4earub-cpr Wtaenlarge the premimea, Ble hem dcý%4, onsidcraltle exteut, and maede oibr lîtions sud îimprovementg, to secutre atill farther th* omufort Aue aoecnméd.tlonof hie ïcuoctm. The table 1* atwaye protided wlth the betncecuand noue but li beet brnds of, Wluand làquora kept on thé preuices. Teveru keeperýe -.pplied whol-aIlo. Cives 6êtai uc oQ peg. Nob the reuowued 041er, elwayi là attent4- ante, wc.cited by Dick, to take charge uftoen1 JOHN YWARD, 1 11ropictor. Ccnnington. Oct. 23rd, 1861. 41 <One Blick Nao th i. 3arki Sqacre.) T IIF un-ersizrotdiing lrpurchaied the nht.w.lkîo.WIIpl'eit itrm the lote gQretàicr, Mi'. l>cîwe, beitt..tnannohottuc t tiit. rimmmdthe ttiPic. tiit)ia t tr l,oitce j14 fîci "ut Cittrzot i ctien cl ttr itii, pa d pîtitifr' mer-. tutilir fr<ctîithtcttccctr%. £Ettttit tî To the Travelling Publie. tIE ibstrthr l~iÏtttr l., ae'.itl dhil'reott- tzir"od ttyle, ilu1101,1trel'Uiur1)ta ueff1unud-c 411thttue who give îu it ni!. Hoia itlikitî : Ietrpiignothtcclýzit t TREl 111EST 0F L IQIJORS Je CIGAIUS AI(! li1î. "ccI.!..wi.l ho fc.rnislic't1 11t heci it dtilccccih'ut thet. ."'.n. Au tttetit, -tic-r 8ilvs wat ý hauit1 o. Lqpwtîo favt.r MinwilIlhil cut] ly rt'illc on tt,twir c'-îulmitly ccnc ttltc-l î a telltttidrta. W\0O0N'S 1-0TI1 1,, WOOX & BROTHER. B. PATTIERSON, M. B'. OFI1C BYRON ST., WHITBY. A uIt) etAtPcince Aihert, hitiroic. MauchesterI anud Part P'r-nwueClatter piafus hc-viih, b,' icpociat rechueiî, î,y proi'eeuioruel viitt twice ini cuth ctitutît. Cliraue, suid al tttril-uicIntilIt tn tlhîît hutucîtu 'yruu lictit.(iuitioeri, dtTiitc-c ttkt.ii. ou iiiicî t-ic-ihitilînulthce utt ni'thie huii'c. S'p.Ciuut 1.ttiliititîthlidtio the tuf tu et of D cii y cuu tut. b~uAc.~c cit-silio il ti ltlucis. li tcîoîttî, i iltci'ite'u ih'itci. MTculiestec-. 'c-ucn S tii If, i c. ; ut JCeitt, llCI.ai litteti. froui tic1c. tc 1) . rM. ; Adut ilcPac-kin'i l olel. Poîrt l'c--ý hc- 1 tetii4 p. tic. Ai uconrcl iiccltper.iîioiu i'ihtul h-critrtctd iii tecieuor counatry, vith the beýt tjî'cttteti l alscee aitti ergieliactrncnenis AROHITEOT.- t: 144, Bay bEtrect Toronto. FÂR] FOR SALE. Ti] atie itýer offeort. lorgutle tin, ttî îc ai tlui, .. 1.t, u inteoth câcn. utftueTown- uîijtrTblcci, eccitctsniug kocceluuçnddcrec cif r Mct i 'nlTht. lad le hittiatLtlwitlc- iicote citf ot the village,,of 80lteii,,cPn.inwll tiuic'.c rciil tii ioer fkiicuàttreuuîn " iciWt' crtit.cc-tti1t lot. it lue in the itoinedicte vicitit*;y Focr tp.imu, wliich art. liluertil eucply (if hy let-' ter- prolicicidi I JOIIN CARTER-. Whiticy, P02t Office. 12 Brnghatt PoRt Office. FARM FOR SALE. Tri RlFE }INDPRD ACRclES of land forcale 1- hina coopo4eJl of Lot No. 0, and the rc-ar lialtIot L6c4Nu. 7 lu tht la Cori. of tht Towuu- tillîsci~.iurtrigutConditio,. 0of cuit uicfol,1 low4, hut là o ucy:-IxLUuîcr dlaedowgc and taly tirgil of ytars'foc-ill. bae. For rtt urtieâdurippty to tépnoprittor, ýjOSfIUA RICHARDSON, Wlithy, Muuylotît les1. Tw fWib MALT VINEGAR. AITVIkEGAtl cat. nov tue ed in large Witbv Brewerv. H. IV. WOODWARD, C OmM,ýISSION MERCIANT, INSURAtCE %janti Gtaeral Agent. ofleLti con- picici hy Jutuies Iodlgc4on, W hâiîy, 0. IW. l{tteutocrscThomc Cirkso , iiPro- cittut Bond of Trsde, Torouto; W. G.Cssi, Es l anager, Jl8ul 13 Airc. ; Toronto; Toronto; W. Gautebio, Esq,7 MiltonAi lîlm Ta' roitta;Io. P. ReG;iIlI Tr"idtictakof lhoci- treil, icotrel; Mtsgrc. MaitLiid, Tylto d& iiicciuacn.To-ouo; Iles.tr. AderonEvant.; & Co., Monatreat; Mcsmrc. W. Price &u Son,QCttc- bec -, ecucc . .J. Noad & Co. ôI 160W 18 THE TIllE. GET YOUIZ LIKENESS AT Jt. A. Clarkc slit [rize Pletuire Gallery' T 1b Yeu desrea icorrect and lif-ike Aimbro- IL type, Cieotvpse, Lettergc-apli. or Leatîcer Triuuistr, or a Llketcýint fnaLotket, Broacb or [Xi g, for J. A.. C.tutu do it in tte t style, sud it short notice.. 88BrBrook dlroed WA'StFq. T HE sutriber toge to announut tiut hit Stock lm noweeouplete, anti baviccirbotu purohaeti lu thtehast mat-kets, tan ho sifordeti et prions ctccfeetay to purchamua G OLD & SILVER WATCHES Frencht zutel Cioekc andi, ouf Vunic lie Patterns: Ladies & Gents Gold Mains, Rig , Brooches, Ear-rings, fniuititi itrcpatilFoc-hu, tupiuaas, l n *,tUsr Kicittue, d&t...&e. Z2r SpeecilcletuclS ait n1l Sightc. JAMES JOINSltON, S (Tr.';017 TUE LAIZGE FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &o.,, DOLPIIIN tSALOON* > NE TO THF ROVAh- LY(EUM, Ring SNIdtreirc>onow »'Fret Lunch eAvery eveuiug. 6-11Y ST AGE ,HOU SE, Préprietor. B EST Witte,; àid liiuorl'; «Iltc .or 11000M - iuodtlit lfor trace. eT5 g îtchiug aud -ALBION HO TEL. ictuND CraTti. ,W1iiTit.. JAMES l3LACKt 1 t I'ititrietc.r.- Grand Trunk Ratilwaylitel. T ttiUNI>ttslNFi>ilirT TINFOEM I is friciffltaathe i ub ltt îtic. thct ho ili>ow ti p %sietcdoîti ic tl h'cici tel, Ille huuiticuu lt'icc ie, ic' 'ltl in Ititliio c:cu rt (m on'itîi ut 11Ctttititt. (ftttood M7ti iit, W is cutiBruîithime, andi liîru. W M. . uI, t't'csrtii r ,i-ii 1 ciictt i t tir. l [ClU Ni- 1Aizo1" T .. (et '"t ry'ý04 ll" îîc'eîiicci,ît.îi i t i traceilut pub iet. lii~t toi a e.c;h. Cîîîd 'taîtiniýiiittit ttrc. 16 z 3 citE hh-L", V--t6-"-T . UXOgtt tttt'îi'lii Ptiii.tu. tf Fttîîiy (loti..'vf, ui., loi «iii iri ty. and il îit Imiielicitepic-- lite, ivcccI pthuritcr. 'f httIiim tttiSt, iritu oicry it ti ýct l:-- lieèticitired i t I la ils ltiii. At-htlouît ututoc-ituledc Aîîct lin,, ci.il,' IM11h lucitîIi nt. , ditirel CWe. Ilîiici t hic-riiuict,, t'it:4 cy ,Pilocitit te t- i' itoue*, 4Itt itit, nlicîtu Kubtutr Ortîtucenu,, iitil, Jci-ry. )îitne, eCuiiteruicluc nci plnhig zccrý ih..,uoîntu, outeglusr,-te, ulules, pecihe, peut., hck, ictic, wvoit, auiîluilttv wac-e, hîiî,ivt) crse.ic-tec-ecktr, and tirlce iet-, tAtifnottr'là-,Ie Mt', Friiittcuîct Cttafc.clcionec-y. Al eut loy pron.Colte liud mue. 1'. KLES,. lcroprjetoc-. Whîtby, Ntucî 24-, 862.10 WAN «.n- YS T 1h1i Eîiccerliic- i~-rlItfoîruiciS cisiicc bcclt. cct lliti haituli, ù1t hébaicit iut- hypîcrott utit il i ft i rtri*-lc.icic ttc ô-ibtltî ctetcriiirl N, ictiîtpied bhyMNîr.At klict iIi i l ttcttîi' truvcihhuî' etlticiiuvwill fitîcd eii-- fi)rt alilcu,' tiit iiiti tiiti t cc I îolec-ute ratesu.TV ie tabile i Is tiitupp iihiutt withc uîîciryttii ic . e mti. God t, t lug -ciîc crefcîl nlicru 0ui the JtiNZWICKEY. MANtthtE.STEIZ, IIE.CII. (lite 1. ItSAL'cSÂc-ts Il -zh--tI i. cen ttiiiy imitîiittoi idi c.i il r CHIAS. McCLEWE, '27 l-jcitt- .ALIOCN MOTEL, 'I'XT SKr"tQt'AIZE. Ttcllc>ri- ic.jcityritilc . Eie3 cttictc ciu l!ii tiuuiit oi'îrciiro. Euyatoto al otr THE TERRAPIN. r IIE l'lOPtiIETOhiS 0F TRISg WE. ha-et houa tuwi- reuovcted îhîrottiiouuî, cit fttti in iithe ditiret uttici veru itciruil duîhtlicscito ueei.elg ee anIttt cps are pcýrtntlttidtae;ietr G.LOBE lioTEL, JIRO0KU~N. T i tcie wl knwn, ocuti ,ttthiliiced it-l iilprici.le icte ichen pîuc-clcuuuc'cl h) tuet- -ctriiui', und i teilcutiregta it..lcitucte uîiccce hlydu ot n iitt -jhc ni.t*tt 1ý e Thet- ii cshauveaiceficunewciy hitul-anti cei-ci .1 iiic'u ieu l ui -iet v iiotty ttt i c fccu-tehut lltttip. tticcc noiefort iltl teuparcutionuthti paurt oif thce -tret-dit tv.ct-r ti centier lice Globe hotul a lîoîîuc- iltritilu the itcuy ofi' tisfrienihc. Tfte taid cill tuî,ht'u'lsho fatîind lùutfatly tipiotuuhtli title. io i.ecit Vie foitvitciuttrczit lst f1.1 ftque u l l ii' lcîlcltic hutiba, rhiolcisutetîi.ndretili. ttNcuutttu- letîievitt. lnrtciîts itetti 15tnnf &ctuînuulcdaoutochec- tiporior vtcimk'eyu; Olti Toto. ltictîînd (in tett brandie et ('tgnic sud otîcer lirziuihi , >ocý-t, Shrry, anti Cape liVines. &i., d&e. 'Chcl- tirs. Ganî t Sablin ict h Sandy th,3 OstIer. ALE.X. ALEXANDEII. BrotîkHiî. J-iy 29. 1961l. 29 - CANTON HOTEL, UF CIiCtFK, PItCKEIiNG. GOtth W. CUTHBERT, 4o-Cni -Proprietor. RALROAL> HOTELu, BELLIiVILi.a, F IIUET STREET, near thce Market. WM. hPOWER, Propcicr. ieitil.Out. 2 ?! 1861. 42-1,' NA NILLA HOUSE, NGINUEEi, AND [YRNET, NI) SuRvEToliI. s d'ivawI up. Wîuti P. BUtINET, GIIEEN- STREET, IDIVuSIONCOUhiT, ctshLip Brocis. Ad- 14 FURPEII tOF TIE - kitiesiuridgci. AiD $STPERIOIt ~gves., I No*3 e*lue Fboaisc; l trirecaa !eab th jrrv, top eawi, the cc-ev, iuatuy day. sstheu'altmilhdut,, vili coa, and tht beo iner home; ¶letJlrY ig-ht ihe, l'or lteho oer WCe he brt., su, lii thlicewnd te iaore. on thut gc-e Up, sîde;1 rthi vs Iuit lîir, cselier leut, ne tuat nieiy tahict ofue i tht 1ittevertt. lirre -Th, After lirs. Da- it steuit the tami iag in t] carelêsi sour-ce 0 ctepcr'a Talc. excellent mistu-ett, bis lifa for- a-botter, avec- prosperet inl d the houer of sec-v. cenfidsn-tiil hanse- seme morose aud hie sous vereaa ta hlm, puc-sing a avagance ýanti heart- ila tht tim ,Yone rtvant,'.fanc-ca-oti S,sand visitinur, anti [v Young ladies bus! !usorgnlmu- trtehoctsewoiîeu ,ry- louti, ancd vere ig woan. There Çtbe famill, an or- coacera woaliviewed Misa Maciotc's van andi careworn Iooers,' so tonuiting in 'thei Younug ;"But ber i. dIeueine tn viii et bright again, and uhellfili eut-neyer fer,11 said Martbs Wesley ta me. b,' vs, of comfart sud encouragement, 11aaw vo have got ber acueugst us, poor doar. 1 douibt houa proud Misses Dacre'. were not ovov-teader vith sucit aa oniasweet Miss ilDame' dame,,don't let 'ltattaunue of thine wag se fast," interc-upted Thonss, for ho neyer likeîd te beur people ill spokea of bebindti teir bacirs tiongit haoéould ipealu ot plainl,' enough ta, evryodps face. SA fév deys aftar Mis Mtariouns arrival nt Fairdavu (if vau just ut the bs,'.uiaking season, sud tteet-wuv.cever- basuuiful -i-d8 sing1anc andi fiowec-e boming- soft breetes hhaig, sud musical etc-tam. lots murmocing rejoicingl,' in the sinahiat) a ,>ode*trian vans ecen edvaclog Jeiliurel,' up the valle,', cauaiug ini a direction front the acigb-iug l to ava-sdistance, how- e vec-, ni' sama tilaso, anti the neac-cut poinut tehêre tho conchu stoppeti. The stratiger, 't deti in his ivittis b,a tant stick,, vas a J;icurt, thick-tttt, elderI,' tain, clati'in brava h tbiliunents froat heati ta foot; n brava iiuuad.brimiued beaver,' aunatiquteti brova iccincer (a broten vig insttni t e, omit. Ii,ý) lrovut gaiters, anti broiwn clati bootsl CQ tiipîeed his attire. RluFinnvuspot. h i'-i antifite, his couaîetance cubicuuud an crin;anti vhen ha tank off hie grtiît spectacles, a pli> ni' the cieurest atnd hicestest brow'u tye ever saetin toctsl's hst-id lookati full in tht fuce.. Ha va-s a cio-o comfortable.lookin.- oli gentleman,; :vicc a Thoais anti 1 uhougît ut tite surne tic Mntt-for Martlca vas o-il ni' the vny. 4ViýI shevet tht ýnpac-îrnr>,nftefor hiec-; the Siý-ngcc- Who gava it;nanme as NMr. Butge, i icving bacît tiicected ta aur honte b,' tht ti.'ape of tbe ian vhtrct tht coach stoppei,- who vert km ta Martita, and, veil-disposeti, ohligfing persans- gr-.,Badge >sait! héa veîtquietuese for sema veeks, sud-tht recreatott of fiîhiug; h. baW coaefrointthet tacmaitcf tht giest City' te relax ' and enjo,' hiqoif, .sud>if Thomas Wesley wvents kindl,' constat ta réeivt-him aus a lotiger', ho vould elt ver,' muait obligeti. ,Nover diti va listen la su plessant sud pbliging a monde cf spesis. ing; as!' when Mlr. Bpdge pc-aises tht apartruents, sud Mmtijcetlthtecuutr,', tht cauquest aof Tho*ta-ut'e htrt vas complete. &tBI3side.s,1'seMac-fluagtiously remuaris. -'if vais sa minth etter ta butvýIa asteas!, aid gentlema tilt. Ibisfor e lod-tr, vhea pc-tt,' isMar-lonehonores! theta as a guet." --I lhonëit sO e tqq, m doer yopa t lad-relative whp viii reside vith. ut, friands ip e amost ,tamjahle anti stiiabe you-ng lady ; and! 1 am sure. M rs. Deliorah, yeu viii become Mcuch attacbed ta be.. B,' the by, bMes Deborsh,' ha contineti, &1fier a ipSiceat nt (will Jeudo tue a faveur ta use yoqýriufuewpe ta prtvont Mis Mac-- ion freusa ceptiug any,'appointmetlfoc- the predÀsn, as aftr you aretauiahîjeetal goret, Park,1 titula1kaov cf a home that nay suithler Il 1 do nôt kuov wbieh I fait mast grato- toi or delighted top-ryna prospects, or M y dear Miss% Mcio's ; uhouttit crtaini,' hec-s verc marc vague aus! undaffuedti ian mint-fer te remluneatiatîoffares! foc- ut, sescvices vas fWr- beyond ut,' expecta jouit sud fron~Mc-l. Budgo's tlceriptiou of Soc-el Pairk il sceemed ta b'a altagethor a place beoenti cu, moat sanguine hopes. 1 saiti saiuething abut Mise.;Mecion, anti ai>ho*pe thet site might bc as fortate as$utysCif;> an icil Mc-. el- w.4happy- taeeact- as qaita fer-vent inluis resprtnscu "My i'cien'lt sait 'ho, a-t thec do t'aiettinter-view; "tiill uetalrv c--cfto Ie piÃ"ssession of'Sorul Park until yau, lirs. Deborait, hava gaitait hug in' aider ; atas Lq1I lintetht bcho is auxuaus for the lime ta arrive, lte sôtiner youî can set out on yaur Joanne thither the botteir. 1 muet alto dopart shortl,', bàt I hiopa ta c-durn b ithcc- uigain.' Importanut bunesis ce- quireti Mr. Bclgspansouitiattention, undi ini comiffunco utiitïhi; requîtet, 1 set off for Sorti Park, leaviug ru, beloved-iias Mac- ion ta the. curaeai' Thomac auttidliartita foc- the pc-sent. The oonof ai'Ibis ine place vas not as yctt knoa'n litera; for Mc-. Badge, >itring a unagitg anr, hait ta-len evor,'thi. upon hitaseli', ant iiseti oc-ters vitit as lac-ly, an air, as iftero vas naoi,'y in the kiutg' dom aiovo ti e ittie brovn ma. The houtt gttntinec-, anti somnco ai theo aliter dames- tics, inforateil meathe,' bas! berc eangaged b,' Mr-. Budge bimeeli vho, I appc-ehtutidd mate ver,' fret sud bus,' vitittht conicernea ai' bis frienti. Soet Park vus a pc-mal,tic- main, snd thtto vws a air of auîstsntiai cami'ort aboaut tht dvreiling aud its appoint- nuenîs, witich spoeavolumes ai' procai*so as ta dautestie iarragments in generah . 1 soon fo.ud rime ta write a description of tht place taeAlias Macian. for I knew i-tavw iateresteti-ea as in ail that cancererat hec- faithi'ui Dcbarah; anti I anxioni,' avaitedîlthe Lidirt,î site ha,,! promisedti t couvey-af Mc-. Bnti.e having pc-avides! as comnfactabl, fac-hiec- as hoe heu for ni. 1, st lengtit receivas fac-mal actification of tht day acand fhoteowar-oai'SaorelParkz tirpecleti la arrive, accompaniati t,' lis feinale relaive.Titis vas rather ta.lier titan! 1tidhotu led tae-txpect; but'ail- Wiîh cales priatesL wtbis, t gat tehougletsansed cittriug li JP:i~P4~ WHE1ELER &WILSON el tii Premuium Sewing IMachies afi -co- TlrONLY ititlZE awundotd for- Flatil,' sewficDyth iitJutge,% lit the n ,14m, 051h. u1titri utîtlicî, vtucgivea toit. M. i wv i.o(r & %V ~ heciec- & Willci. Ttcs ltircut Extc- tc- ie isa" iven for Nos.. as tutîîî 2 fiiugec-u!uutufitrig.fthit. taà Pnie.-ci' actîîîlcu- iît.trewre aici aewurd- 114 iYsîtirtul u Co ieuelec- u& Wilsonl, sud la Wsnzar &i < i9,.Sntic-',tc h eàliatuever aIlIo altent, -h y tlIce toa&r. nofAt-tàasud 1aaafse- to ture,ett the MuclIanictu hutitute, Toronta. TIi,ae a o -,tek Fii>t Extra Prises ut tbe Of teve;i nci.(ierc,'Aguictultarcit Faire-at itacuil- ]m ton, Paris itt t.htt. , laituvitît, t.Vhit- . hi' bur.cg,lt 'nn iii ice oery place 101 mueýt- ttueyliste b àEeexhittitei. da, WVanzer &t.u Whieer &- Wilson, antit Werau - d (C'cl inger, E 1elan,' Machines that e-vec- are nuantiitaret inlutht Uniteti Vi slp. 'ýor cuntda.li Sutte partiesc fron t tîtStuc-oc luette beota lai- portinig colile liclokliîc, externsily, %Vheter tii du Wiligocc Meehilces it, ec t>t bave recociveti cone p 'ses onulicnu, vtcich 'v2 yUll excîcange -c fac-, b, tucîn luting t -e$25 -citaI, iffrvense, lhuaisegtheg if ua wnt ctht impoýrtes! Mutehucue alt -tl îlt enoyiincituic.d lsOutntituysecit-, >c iug fluic-caschuinec taOtestatea foc- repaire.- Tht fuctiAleou-e gooti - ewiun- Iacltuc ci re e R. M. -W as citer seem tai Att G-canins 'W tit beer the uttnp tf tcun, on lte pa icceme i u issispaets tels iter, -Stei' itnuuo 1,' citiI4, ta thet tare af-he- affuent tola. an,'oet 'es. She vas a serions sud utool, but ah Mi. fectionate ma-ture; of a mast goodl,' ger iu uanteaucosud gracatul carriae ; anti I etautt os soeaes ce tbink that tht Misses tht fir icra vem jeuaus of sthe admiration site regard xciteti, antd kapt ber in, thé baclu-grounti ta o b smucai, possible. IL vas uai dilliccîlt Battge :de tltls foc- MissMariaon soglit snd rive in )veti retirement. Afte Mais. Dscre's de- fromu- mie, ahe1iad expresd an urgent desire nat rit esca h&r bruea! b,' fling fthe situation boy 1e fa gaiernes. But the pride ef the laet i sec-os rejolted ti his e heedes, Miss Mar. xsinutÀ aviws ahcmfojit, tà her unait, viien bis va,' h ccghtersv.ere abseit r oaecuiod Se iug M be tisar - yenng lad,' gev*huo ber ovu ame, ut andee ài~ tcove :10 -do ali tht:- could lforsuait e er generfus benefactar. ae sho vwas wout a timal c'O THEBUFFALO MERCANT~IILE COLLEGE, asvhdo, uiler prutext of pursuing tht, philosophical recreetion of angluog.hlow unlike t.theMq" sDapre wusthp lficr uand the gcacious creature hg erio6unernl nta Fairdown 1 And nul a lftlethoý dear d gentleman priditi haeelf ou btsé talents for what ho calledc dilomacy-caung t, i plans, ho said, nje lc okrtsc After my departnre,lho returned to Ftirt- dowu, eud caufided the - woaderfut îtdingrs tâ Thocm ensd Meiths Wesley,~ more enl' ticiusly impactiag them to Miss Marion, vitoso gerntle spirits vert more tasily-flut. teidby.,suddeu surprise. For séeveral years Mr-. Jiotg peit arn auaivisit te airdfown, 'wlen thet itiut- fisbini;sosod commeacea , sud muta,' umeful sud valu able gifls foui their way juta Thomts gcomfortaiblo hauic;ettc, preseuteti b,'dear Mites Marion. lIn the. course of tinter, he becaitno the wifo ouf ont vorîhy af fber in" eveqrj repet -their Iovely chil,tinoften spotr<vely curyunu of? tht p=de ous xarof browa r.%pae, -antd yet Utco age noyer froiug. These darliaga cluster round ta,' kueut aud oue, more demare titan t.ho .relt, thoughtrully naka:."Why ije Uncle Bîd;.e haïr not 9nowy:-wite, like youtre, dear lIcti? For Uncla Badge eays ha. le eery aId, uurld thet Got i viii fon caui lîim acrit,' froi .s. IV hy ho Ma-c-ed catIcih Girl. nY MIs. XMARCfLJt.Z'.- "marc-yaitc Irish glt W'hy, faticer," sui tht boy, "Iarn net able ta iceep tva- wtt.ý mata; If I'd mac-c-ed a Yjtnkeo . gil, I'd lie adt i tabi-oan lriah ilt taie, ti ara of' hec-.' Thera ic a hiting carc;icranant nft.crfict trnîli biJl-utici tht abatte utile -iCrap wh,!çlt wc have ctuht naii a tLttl na tuintii'i',tuu aof the îtidu aof ucivspapers. Whoui. vincclcci whitehoia&ing rit the Pale f,11l'unid vomton onemeei aoui cier,' tiis, t1itac manc wotl fc-hil it tterribleciskok10taka sud. na no foran vifCe_?Lotiowu nd tuucIei- madies, anti c-agei< ontnut ecîncealectel the pauchir or îiis or thltllftcgorit tcf Enfetu-hie1 C, 'nstilutiolne, eventi tiu4h of arcauresa'halit ciaîh andi gcaqisuruhoithî anc P,1,0 paîitî4iti u iîcesq, teith1i tliitiwooitiý - robes ofcf ritly lucidhes ihie cet tof mîhu a'rareit grutea. tîn Man,' ot' thitin wOUitl1)cýipon a 1naiuurtil vaI.îttit Mait acttutîl ttfuc aiy ,cndi sît ith their munieirocîs ap orîîtu asuýel, andi ivbAlebotc, anti tilleen Crtis doncly ai 1uhe icangmaîc's rope îtty bicîti towu taeiclici h tramework of titeir botiieq, aIii pi*(usa thir tielicate organi of lire, thut henceooth Cc-y couîinually in their aira ftaf'cll Ltntincqe of' pains aud tramnons, sud leicnet, sud indigestion, itiet dv, Jîi roora, giveasic-, or-wa pac-is, and iyocc perish, with us.i' God pity theso vamen, st vo-Crutsr suicides the,' havo places! thotusclveî e yan,1 artal nid. Safferin- ii their lot, antd heiplesunes, sud couttinatircproauu! if tltey have daredtia thiiuîk. What creatrarcs, for vives s an, thocrs I Ah, chese are tht maothoria aofthe' litt, whey fiteed, or lllai pun,' creaturca vita, tricked in aal tha brareryt of'fifh ior, lois e ut [romab8hrucloseLl windoi

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