Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1862, p. 2

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______________________________________ I _________________________________________ r chblof mas58tLJoltu, andl nov iegibst i enipreieit-it se>.fane>.; ie &fter tae andl rougiti me hacla, wôuld bave dune nmy ove heurt andabc seannee me wth toars ysmles. That îwiit after oar Jwus a golden boar. -Ld. le a è vaat ia, the min o adrs mpan mai Ilure st. - Raee vent mandtt laid ber Land apon bia brow. * oy cutI ho la1" sit- ercled. faitar, yak. tipI Don't, yea fatert' t uyard ber, Hanr fater coalel cmr hear an>. sound cf eathly. Hoe w* $One te Amy.-,WLoecau Svoice. sul alled ii ? WLat Lshd -beckoeed fren thîe aunset- iel bi b>. Amy'a sido, in te quiet ard,. v.her thee aiiuv.fakeâvoqtl l4r witte inandieaboya îthem la ier ; witeie th. sumnimerinds lo, send tLe aimer hindi would vý%ecr titeir deait te>.were not id s. lai-ing borea lbvolt, for site knev bed uavneufor tLe reatîlted, cnes ?ri; Raid ce earit my love conifent- 1 vas cico mon>. vweeka Lefore site my i>.fe. Steelit lu pea.lan .1>. mansion, ubare hanrnieiher' bad waitod fer iter an mac>. >eara. uas nonadcd u ll itanti beantifal ýy. asked nônmere of fute. I tent L te>. cippleul foret, in> ,ai, for My souPa tlifseaswuighi fei , te peth vitereiî Racisel andl raling onvard le the woend lyhuug ivas liglitteaed t,>.Heaven's cvii itimmar vau net ever telen an un. otng leter cain te me, le my gi. Ad. Site biadwritten previenal>. gratulations on mni>. niage, andl athon te brng ni> brida te New As slitevas iel a freqnent lbiter- 1bruitete seal yuLh considerabla, r. The Contients vere sau, bat îLe>.. , te ke>. in a abaracter I hLad ex- esireul tocotproelund. knev iiov,'" sie vrule, tCvLy Ana-. tJette diel nct cane for yoa. A iîle ago. a >.euig man, lte saper- f a t-tiàtu, vas reperted-as ]uat aI 1 hLm it camue out. Ste Lad kpeve -o lier fltier WsM porer-vitea e-Lth' aitldren indeoul, andl Lad m feLihftl> ail lter life. Ha vais id ber fauter opposoul ft; Lui she Lent tai ferego weattit and lur>. ahe. Titey vere waling tiltihle die eioug totemarr>. respertabl>.. 5why - ah. vasalvayo 1me ceclinh Y~ou knew Loy ubse lepi ten>. distance. XIt eems ite sav Lis a paper, aiel lb lterally Lrolce ber SLe vas fonuld wliL-the bliodul 0v- .itasen tide fret honrntoutit attd r lutclteel le lier bandl.-In titres vas dtead. Tite>. anh-item erao- Peur, protu, -breken itearti-1-. ustisia St. John l'O ig Lad rndaulthe latter oesm i 1foit ber tears upon ni>.ceeot, tare-e, le han tender, pityieg fragment troua a ballai-e!bt- v allrr cîn In el. Gou kcowa. - tli t1ii. viiter ecitas,- c fieur ti ftewers gnov ripa fan sitidre Ii at ri an veititraeauId- orl a r ui ti it ilig" 111VL-'iidu he Eltaory of My 'YaleI 1 e andd nl -Trunsu-aeui. pie-ce of matrintoilaI fol>. tai Ured un] île fitig -eliîdris cf atera of Parla life, la the' mar- eaatifai, bt ipencilss gi »rl cf ona ofIlite iateat cf tbe striai- bs of thte Panisian Bourse, r. t.he oçiog-inrian bride- i 'tat love of tîtanîica fféet i' eFrencht Leart, jiiul il d ove, etsuble condition of the sliî ýe yonng I laoaul ear, performance cf thte - Mamnitge i simpe dressa ai viite tarlatane 1Nw Advertlsen am Ais, TL. Peupleii' Great Boks-q. B. Pot.- ter. À work of absortiîg iitret-do. $b eward. Straycd l'enjes. Malt Lue ocfstages- N. Ray. Assignee« Notice. Balaie cf Bette.-Wm. M. Clark. Bargains in Harness-J. R. Phiip. Mowers &-Reapers-Br.!owa &Patterson. Thrsshiog machine-do. %ard-J. C.:Wediey. Gihh et al vs. Burton-on 4th Octobor. Smit-vu. Brtoun.- * llrasr-vs. Buroa ual. " Foréiaaa-.-va. Haaily.- U Ne uraî-vt. Jewett. - ONLY ONE -DO-LLAR A YEAR Whlty, TuurdayJute 26,1862. PEaTra NoMnATux.-The show cf haid w a fvor ofr.M cFMoarlane, wllio bandsearas i. po nt ýf Mr. Daly. Ma -Jàxrs Cutre.Bai, cf the fSrm utf Meurs R. & J. Camiphelt, 3erchants cf this twwa, tahes Lia departaro next week for Europe te parehase iheir fait stock. Fait BAnGAîxa IN CiiICIÂCE Uss ~-See Mr. Phitp'sadvertisemeit.- MNITaor.Mirta.--The Premier, Hou.__Sandliéld Macdlonalduha accejîed te office of Mister cfi Miitia. SSnc advertieeetiît cf nenw arrange. tuent 1Ra'S mail ligce cf 't1e. OTtrlw Coutifflo or 0FIxQt'îml.- Mr. Wilson cf Londua, (laiyer,) Mr. Sht-ard of Foronto, (arcbitect), Mr. Bourjeau cf Moatroal, are tLe cumma-ssloaers appointu.d on tiâI enqniry. The selection, appears vory goaeraliy approved. Tac QGcveaxea GrECIL la>te visit Méon. treal on tLe lat July, anid on the 2ud Le witt- hoid a ievee, and on the 3rd be pre. seat ant a pubtie dineer te ha given ia bis hîteor. Afterwards, EHisEcetteecy, h. is said, witt ertend bis trip to Otlawa, andt thence te Uýper Canada. TnusGRuÂADExcuRSIO o eNiÂ.àie FALLS We'I'ouId agitin remicd cur seaders that The. Amertcun War-approelaesiOIi5 £ut the Arsay Of the potomac. AU 'orthe*na Bca0litstb ree 1t àt tn oral McCilt)qs's grand army la in imetilent danger beftse Rehmodi aeu itk la ucO. diately re-ii oreed.- It aow appeara that the tasir of aiarchiag tw Richmond was, in the firsi intance;,uertu1oen' witlâ an l- adequate' foraeto d ie work requîred.' RaWaced atiti furtber hy the loases sustained duting the tanipbig, whiicbar e etltited at not les than tweltîy.flve th.onsaud amen, the grand army nuw eppeara before Ricli- tnond iun uinbers not taure thais equal, if not inferior to tho Coaftderate forces. Thas w. -înd ;MeClellan acting on the0 de- fensive, wbile the Confeder4ites bave -beet the attackin, party, la allth-(e recent mole menta. Thtis ~is unti uooked- for lstate 0Of tlinags la the- North. RItchmond, we were asaured hy Nort.heru anîbûrities, every day ainec iMeCtettan appeared hefure ii, woutd ha takea la îweuî-fouar bourm, iben furi>'- cighi boura was tLe lignit for catpuriag the city, seautering the,* Sôuter araviy te the wiaids, and end'ng the rébellion. Days, and weeks hava a.inco p:îsjsed,over, nd the chances of iakin l lichmond appeur tb Le Mach more remnote than ever. Indeed ap- prehensions for tLe tsaff-ty of the beaeiging army appeatu L, e rtucb mure serionsty en- tertained ' tha a auy chasnce of auccesln :aklag RIÜ&hmoud,.with tLe present. inade- qaate fôtce puduer Getieral MeClltan's coummand. The New York papers are beseeching re-iuorceiuents fur dule army cf the Polo- Mac, and the ncessity muat ha great and pric w len wa linul n leading Northeru Journal, liko îLe Ncw York JJ'ord,asound- îug îLe.alaruw as follows: PEPwA119TO £1,YlJST "W. do'uci wi.tIiîto bho alarmisas, but webelieve ihat the latter frotn Washino>n which -we publiah h itrmring recites facta which ashuudié b. niversîîly ktn0wn. TLey deiuand etirnest atienltionaiidlpromipt Be tieni. A hutidred bousaiàd more soldierg are'neceded thii very hour. Gen. MaClai. lan's -amy ùs in daneger, flot, iudeed, of defeat la hattle, Lut uC failing te accm- pliait tLe object for 'vhiçh ik made is vain- fuI Pou ress to is prcsnnt poaîot. A doubîf treSait Or diaWn game M RIichmondl would prolnnthr e'war for another full yo ar, wlîL the poaihiity, tLe a1ntoat -cer- tainty, of foreiga interférence before is close. SO costly a caiamuîy muet Lte pre- vented,-if prêenetiôn -ia withip- the compass cf humait effort We Laye fooIîshly un- demraed'îLe stireii>gîh -ud piuck of tLe rebela; Ywé fooilablohy stopped recfltiting I we footiahly reitixeul our effforts under the earcilement cf car western vctories. wbule Mnr. JeffroY.s excursien comas off un. Tues- 1tIa ee2y> redoabird Lis andl reuerted teaa day next. Me-. Je¶iray Las spamed ceiher wloeae conisamiptiona; ve foutisitl>. eait- pains non expense inu empliicg ail tLe eneel te ayan. îePotenise b>- disiler- ne U&y aragenen, t 1tae monder the trip sue andl division cf contuanda, s-Lilta Le a pleaesai eul slifsaon>. SW b.Lt army ny aVinginia vas streegbencul by a plmntandâatWctoy 'ne. La!- ,gorou c oncentration. lBai ibese bitund.rs renais nasanu-edfer ladies. - beong toe i.paat. 1Thea present lu tee Axovrsa Exaî'csiex v Tioàa crowddewvit acteniidaties ta leavo an>. -W.arene-uesed o aaletua ~za:tInte for- inculpations. 'Ttc goveramnta -Wearer-euetedta tat tat o Êc- a'ittdo ail itcinta Lurepair its errons, Lai Bioua tta tthe Fall a tsbr-en projocteul bythe teir pover cf efficient action depiids on offleera cf tLe Meeiaaies' batitute, wltich îhe promnpt ce-operatemi cf tLe people. iitoe-oruide t.. .j.. L u- ail t-sve-y Munei le eNortcf -saitabie miii- Lda5out Ibe midduOcf At FATAL Tintxu-M.~ bridge, wires fourit desu liis (%Ved nesdit,) n îuîerniuug, eit theuoa-ot cor Bruokief. The reg dcaised mnat cuming lette WLitby viit a n tont] cf lunîbar, and il appearet thatinl Iar coung deonBuorna' Liilho aippat fr-j cf thue veggon paqsing- en t1i body..-An itîquesi la aîuw being taken by Corciier Baito. Deacasat bavçs a fil>.. lt lliouttx I>PriaTÂNT Te Ftàuueuî.-Fbe annoanicentent cf Messrs Brewa 4 Falter- men' elsevtere ia tbese celumea is a igLi>. fCc iportant ena le farmners. - The> - hava foi Reapers seul Movers cf the hast deserietiouî.- - tioat anti no cter orna- eutcffhei or~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u itnd îia it ue-ti ova muerir Maaufaectur1 oranul thLil th wel eavttintreet>. fer deli-er>.. Tite>.are aisoeangageel untet, fron tbîe ra-piakintahîe manuf'acture of a superior article lu iuît eter~ betieve taiself Titeahing Macines vlticL farnergw vit id-FOprou>. bride conaulitteir an nterests viii taire tLe tintile grouse cf tarlatane, trouble te examine bafene going' awa>. front bears, te ,le aiowed îo whtite s11k atint-Tite bonis. Fn>. tLe Whiîby Fouddrs-, and en. unis, anul cousins, att joie- courage licme manufactaue. ste tose ofîithdamnsel;---~--. bruiter vas obdenai., anti, IliAttuRCKET a-CLVIa-We aaegiadtot failuit te seften is de- noticeithe reorganizaioa cf hëmrfrlna cased s tresseamU, fil fer lte Reacit Cricket Club. At a Meb 1tint- prepareul for -lis yett fatieu iWm cuCVauralkt aneitset for bhran azag nt of joeis. Bai Le w Prineelbert, ce Fr2ta>.ovnieg isst Mr. Nff. Boyaton, jr., was electoul presadeat, qu-. John Piiîippo, Vice, ýant Mr. John 3ain pheil, Secreti'.and Treasurer, The beboit boys, ve Lave ne doabu, vii givoa 90c0d aCceunt. cf*theniscîvea te pretett oison, ant i viiinet alow hiemacîvea be bý ot-si-reaciteu l itatet-er quarter lL.ir umiagensa aya> conte froua. - SÂD Accînta, cx Biaaum Lt-Fi-m MËNu DaewurED I-A correspondmebat Bi- tan informan us dtst Macom clMaian and nutie.. -he vacce powverof> tnenatioun iiauld nuv Le put fot, ant malte thte s8uit vhicitaov Lange -doubtfai ai icit. tond a grètît andl cnowîing viclor>. for tLe, rnis Of the Uiion .Te admission tite>."have andernaicul îLe cuveran peu ici cf the -nees" viii net me vtray veit reliaheaihy Nortitenta tomacits. aij thte whotesome Iratraquires te ha Dilu. (leneral MaCleiiansa ria> is ini dan- er IlOae' handradtiheusanud men arm- raed'5te re-inforce Lhni. WitLili the 'Cafederales be tohuG in eanîlune tîntit rein - trceuaeats'arive,? The question lacmi LATEST .ACacOUxST froni MeCiellen's art>. repent skirnialing going ce la LIs front.-Titq rebats are- asuming a m~ore meaacieg attitude, aniîis atitougihtt vit oona! is agenerai engagemient. -Up te mitaighticf lte 24iLh, ne batilleur engagemient inanay> quarter are reporteul. Iaiiiet e-îows (rota Europe.- FThc question of Burepean intervention ini Anterican affirs-is revit-att A Frenchb paper-tLe Patrie asserts'tLai Franîe la about le asit Bugianul te joitrhem in an ai- tempi at mediation. The Lonbo n Tinues apprevea of i, setdmgays titat Euroeoucgiti te lok calmnl> on ne longer. Titis is lte most importent item cf nova by tLe Etuna anulAuabia, wib anivet on the Imiagration. Thte important stibjeci cfrXaliiraeUun te Cannda te likely-uîîden tLe nui Millis- try-tG ocapy a mach langer itlata or attentioin, tit h as hitherto raeeived at tbe tautds ef a Canadiad Caýinlet. The Frauident ocf titeCoanail, wito is aise iead cr tLe BýrauoaacfEntignutîon, Las nMade tLe àubject ie Ls peatar atady. As CLair- man of tLe Rigration Coainittec la the Rouie, Le L as shewn aun encaîinterest ie ,î and, an ecquahetance witthe sabjee cf Emig-rathon i l ait ls ramifiations and de- iaule,mybiais proveira emittenily>. fluted.,toe tLe behd cf suaadepartuneuti. He la "the Ï.-it imacnla'interigbi « pluc."1 G:eat ltiaga are expected frôt "Mn. McGtîC since Litttdveui te 0fTce,, anulwe feot certain tliat it eafly reqaines tinte te sitev ihaï la LIai, at leat, publicex«pealation wyul'net Le 1 La hnoi., .u i. - --'1 tL. balance lsataIai doaiîtful, and thug Canada la the loser. ieov tits.r, McGee, vite baudevod do mach of Lia tinte teutthe subject of emi- gratlon,.bua the opperttunit>. cf ongaaiizieg tîte Lapitard exention3 witieh wa bave referreul te, and cf elevatiag îthe dnbion*u system t tat hLasprevaileul le ofcf saie)til- fia centeai., ive hope te aee sometingia.- poitans. dutie lante va> of eînigration.- O? course, sa era, Leý Mitielma4a eleètiôitis beiag Scancel>. evqu, notîiîg cat yet ha eletermineul on, but no tinte uituld Le lest.- The publW ic md la Engrlàad delaewboaré" requimesase waL-eaiug w îLte aulvantges, o f antignatien.IL.eUie la ail pncpiiiues for i, and wltiu forciLle appeat backed by stat-tliag factse-iht oiuld' Le ahewa that tLe difficulthai ttast feomail>. met tLe CanadIen emigrani Lave been ne- met-cu, toua cf titousanda vould Le indaaedIte fdock talites. sLor-ý, anul tLe fureat wontd soca in vittiî a toit wbî-i wnuld apeediycounveit tem nt ao sntiliuîg *Pastutres or vaviîtg gràin fields.ý tLe LondonFa Pr.,,,-OiTtna setne sné- Frein the Jitait Cotambla Part?. gestions on ibishead> , viih -araeveil wotit>.attentiive penuadL t"Up t' bte present tme ileý bas bae dîme la Cannesa te ràhae immi;ration 10 a saientifia stttu. HuItanrte it luta bet trealed inlaa v-tyiapitazard vuy.. andl tougit painpltiets have, been compiteti unI tLe subject, acud iransatet into varouas liragnages, ageàta possasing more or ts cltacieua> appoined, acnd suie celunin- tien reads openieu, yoî ï'la llli naintua t malta seulement la Canada as attr active as it nighttLe te the Euroîteae...lA, free grant cf landl" sounda ver>. vo i,tir ate car, opens tLe eyea 'of ibeuiaids Ofthçese Whv ho o red.vie iane-en itopaul teoit-n a foot cf anul cter titan the at-itable six fret of soit whicht.liecomea aonear unlutter tLe ptîrion et us aIl. Buiittane- are tvc ettu'juitîos wiitaitnatarail>. sngge--i5ttlient- soit-es te thos o ta vom iis graluilur prize la ofèeeul-First, luv î rcancitthe latuel ad seaoedty, wvitlkinul of a accep- tion, avalîs tLe nov corner ulictabis arrivai? .Lsitenl>., îLe inireignaïiota te Canada las ensibl>. fallen cff' adthouhtî1ropulatil mg tLe great vant cf ^îLe day, îlaetief uit- jeci a yoang flation sitoalelseck Io protacie, efforts te reinac't andl reîrairm , tit Mf beu spasmodia andu tcertain. h Legitua0te eI feit, thenafore, tat thora 1-e.s taitîeed cf a toroagit reonganîzabieruattd exPaîuîlen of thoie tienôs wviici have for Item clject ttc dttraction of setiîra. .* It la nci enougit tesa t>.th îe laborinx mace ln Great Britain, "Coins uver atid help uSý," citenut ai tLe sanie tinte wva d .onethtng t aust iii hocoiil. Flihe caruhags cfte ciais of peup)le vitonitlicn cuntrysitudameut le net-ed cf, ace au 10w la Beltian aind on thte continent, t'it it hi Le- contes aluncat nposaibli for a large- eum- bar te conte aI ail. TLe iaçÎzngS vtici a' mian turing but a amali faruil>.cutm akti cul cf a veeki>. pitxuatce cf tvoc iloliars, wviilaabout te at-enrge agea,.inust be ant ait indedu, amati vien thte cuitcf reacit- iag a ueponrt an thîe expease cf cressing lte Atlatic are takea jute accouai, a ,stneng printar>. reaiaii -mode cul fer 01Q paoaiîy cf contai-wof thé iglai tamp. Let a mae La as frugal as Le màai ill, vii>eb laie 6vte >.oara t4) board a sulticaney of mPaey Lt emeet tLe leevitîfle oxfenes, lne iouneauviaiae cenditiu.m ofbiariig an omipiy panse. Autel tu-ringtbaî penhmd dat- neso unet alier ill mehavuviae Mm.,,Otto, cne of îLe'part>. for British Coluèmbia, vite lefit thi-m tuvîmi, wvniîea to Lis brother anden date lai .Tno, tiýtti att vwre veL-. - leaya titero ni-e one ititidret atnd fifi>. meu going thme jorncey wiii thIem, ced ail are ini te. bea of ispîili. FL.>. vere te teaveL'unt G-arrn>otheuit3rdite. îakitîg -4 xen autel4 varisa nmu200b4 cf fleur, autel TOia 1pt-tnciti for tiait am181 tuitides a Ilri-g. uppl>. cf uther articles. Wttruv Moda> Ei'gJiutîa23. ;iTh 't u tiieil iuc-î. t (ilue Tou-lvi 11uet a o ~ock l"neuîMn. Pciry tî:uIg tuyor Jiluta heimii;) lie--s. Mruedoici, tVîusuc, A Ire-itiion ud Mm-. <t-o oriitet,, l'ty a of reilquerti. *eara i n-utî-d ry ltr.Mte-u t-il, ankiuug fer a s-lewaik front hi. Il. I<aa'- aeNriitL-î: Wilt %(.u41CULTUttALl,'CtV l» mtioanrofhu-r, tacaîonli.iidna eniilc ter,n r ciial'uiuti-eiri-i'f Moir$-îr t. 'u i-n, I a ntid îi i rrvî r, tu d titan tu-til thilru idrtîiui A àl 4îrirti I»i île Curant>. tgrwrujtunt surei r In-' féeneirca t isnaruîqjieiu îtesiil tL e l"ii meueting of the 2~t~i -SIiaEiAt.K Tet-ir eAu-Tncist7liei Mn. M sdrtcli, aeieti Nli-. It urii tuoeit a-the aieov:lk tote a la-iLs Chiuiialîtaaý-nia tnorlilltd i'th 1tia. su-Tmýic1l aýsu itai aaid iuk itîtt lîrii-i d 1 t'tic rtiiptyeîî of the Cetrie Warrt,tiu-c thue saine ire paid fur w-rofte gu-inivut -fula cforite iewtî.Il r. Mctrel-t ex. plmtonri of lis nanan insiu. ntalitiiui it-ýriai rxtepayens cf liii Vardani Ld exlinr'uetl tllernset-cu&aggnieNea-id t iaute Uuuof i Cetîccil ili t lliatttten. A. ,i %%îîlktas ucultnre viti od l uiter jt aai L.e canaithail to lae R-pt'aît Chueit ;'-tle I ;~the ctiiuuittion - cf lte iîievtk I froua Keit's the Baurrntt'tO Centuei.' Stîret, arît there Wici the siduaek frein Cconmaak's' place lu Dt o Ita n Grevin ,it-cet, vîii ta-re tutti el-oredenlJu. - Iltitastts lie pjirîqa-Cteelsidun-nlk wtt ltu a publie uldn-a l ike ai.1l11 . c 'ia 'aitags, la-ex iaarh euiatal q1tucatelbh.defriyed oUt cf lte geccrel fond i te t ovît.: no#ller 1reasun aa tai ha (Nim. 3! adiutil) watcejte :C frein titi a cpo- rt flua -'r'i ittiiî~teF'; it u fLe111tta18 su)w ani;ntwl iu 1that %wURt lii!ti ei tli umuulit (liAi Ltii-tu-1tt; r titîk ibat i ha aevnearl>. six c46 inces vahava Lad a copionts rein 'andi bal>. once <uring that titne' have we Lad aeythiug like et-en a moderato aitouen. T. oasefquo11e eofitis proion&gd drqugt yuLh bigit Lad winds, Las percitod np near- 1>. alîl e gits: s, acnd aruestad Negeaioc, andth îe ceunir>. insee~-ef preseaîing lte beanifuit deep grecai, vbicb la preper wte scason, caluibits 'is mnany places a pale yel. 1gw, sumcthing like uchre-, poahîlvel>. dia. bressing to I)bold, FT.efa-raie Laaete ,go ln man>. iastanc" te distant Lt-oo'a-s to wat,-r *heir catîle. anid the nosi palýnfa anxiety la faIt respeclung îLe La>. au-up), vhiah iii tiis district ta general>. abondant îeýt It 'la aaiuiom ha>. tonaLesover $14 ce $15 à toit. - '-Ver>. happît>. there las a>large surplus froint ast yeam, and ifve ýshulu seon ha lesaed vit ptentifîit sLaonese Mnay yeî escape ut dearîh cf forage, biut titeto is ne doubt ai ail tbat lte prospaýcla are à:ny>thin,- rathuer titanoeieragîirug. Prayerssend ineereiîssiunt arencir -maeleil ail-th L-Aburches for raie, andti aianti atuxions eye la tukned firsi thiitîu the nterfniug towards iL. >Sky te saeif lt ea l promise cf, relief..- Fines aergl0 i bhe weeda aroend, andl mati>.ma) ha se-en fron t IWtiy ; Laitiislanul îLe wost.: fer fines bave hee iragiîîg le the tLe ail>.funrma forneiphi or mcro; and as yoiv bave leutnut fient e*n pepers vo Lave Lad îvo van>. ex- tenisive oeflagsrations b>. vbich .full 1,000, cf the Iruing cla have lostthem Lentes, anttin laoaue cases their little ail. The va- Ine cf lte bonzes consanteulla eut ver>. great, probabi>. net mach cirr$100,000 witL ncte $10,000 or $15,000 vet cf funiiture, clctiig, Suc-, Lut theleuswili Le muait mor éï-severel>. faIt ltanitoIn tintes te anteunt Lad baeen deatrnyed it tae commercial pari of ithe City.. Xi vis tral>.distressing teuad te scores -cf iîttie cLild7ren saattered about on the tisyd suc- ceedibg the fies, ainutsidestitute ofc i ti ieg ;'Lui on ltecter tand iis ver>. gratHflang twkeow ltai pubhlic !ynpailuy tas Leen argaxly exclted, and à titlvan>. largo quanîhîhes cf clotting Lhava been dena- ted lu ite satIrers. FThe satscriptiona la mone eae aise c'min- ha fre-el>, atnd I ap- preLeùad ibàt Ly tLe une tLe commibuaca L ave pefornaedthei dalies a ain viii h. gathermeultcgether viiaLwilt ver>. cotusider ahI. aid le rebnildiag tite bouens. Of course aftem thte departure cflte' inemers cf Farliameta. ver>. greai tante- cesas scceede tîe exciièentetandbLaideý aonscqnrcb pon the clushag scene cf te session,. Luti h is a feuiL hat netwiitsltand- ieg the Change cft.Miclstry., tLe polilicui pulse b eats ver>. freel>.. - Fle Caniadiena anulîLe .ourrsal are,-doing therheLest te eilven 'île aomniuty, - b>.pitctfmtg ie tLe perties te vichih (ey are respectavely epposcd ; but as thrio tucuhrationa are unit mach reau b>. tLe Bnglish portion cf tLe people, îhèy Lave nuo-ver.. censideratle af- fect. Fruet t teir professions, te boat- on (lovenameeew lb.theOppesitiom-Lave îdiacourageel ail abtempta te boter ithe-new. Mielsiors at tLe eieclions. andl îLe cunie- qeence la, tital iiey are about ail retumneel b>. acclamation. TL.e ames cf îhe Otta- wa Contnissieners cf inqahn>. have heen ga- zeited Te îting was te Lae over in a mentit or oe,Libtaecotamiaioners vili ha-o . à.,thpirt *m5sif f..âIMM te d Caud 1inrake Lowld ile tiîrbl- lin yen wIdh a few l qin e ltuf cf 2 soiiany Por eraythar beicîtgi u, te e town, wLho irc left out in îLes cowld n-7 cared for, and ni glocted ini tLe nirrt on- christain way. -I mane the îcwn pumit, la the 14orth Wand,>athtbéwôn cafninil t the Tlown Hfall. 'Tis a hi-, sactit leu tirai>., air, tLe Laît ibratemîz -tLey resavo. The hatîdle cf the pour pumnp ik trned lte- wards the sentit, and, prç>3eLka- ovrl(lie arossin. For titis raysen 'tite L-enged mnore than 20 limes a day he avery>.atuin fel- lcw iliat pasflies ; indeed few cen beluave themasulriosedacint as te p)a.ss h Ly quiet. 1> idbiout ,-uînin a tilt aýinst il ; an wiit toey (u se, insîed or îtpturdoki polite- lyttey walup lthe tindlier hatelle sj vilenîl>. agifîtthîe pntp, Ihuit titi noise 1I eut cfrilh. araythuWre'saide ih Iit-rttakiitu Lean, ail' the lngide Ley -C seiun't fit for a Layîhin te listen wo. BrIn the ladies, au suinocf îLe ver>. b"t t f m we-zîy gutin -tîg hat would net Le considhered qitlite plasiti for .peut. ears tu hear, wben they keock tLe puerliandie about lt passin. On more than une ocuiin, I~ve see.n ladiea dliressed oui lile Mrace herses, buit widitiun tintes nmcre àaotbranuints ce their Lacks, giv lte Landie a Lob front Le-Lied thea conserfuenco heIn ltat tlé,iahdltre8ses; 90t tom, te the encounîher ; an;,-ltv Ina, tit if yce meav tim ta siait- a Iime, an' Lerd witat bte> said, yca wcuid nol Le- lit-vo titey were îLe angia yen think t iii. Bul tLe wersî cf allit h lin a dhnunkhni lsR s gmp15K l'oame if a dark tuigLi, (ant' a dark aigLhti la the nigi tîLe>. are saLune i abuse fer titeir doles,) rulla fuwi pr u pump H. estitries it mi otîmunerai- füll>, andl avares worse iti ua titr'ouper. Titi atutTerias'cf the pour ptintp are mie0ilong er bereable. Thte pur thing lt riearly k-ii frfitn ailîLte beýtitte Il gels, an ttc loupeyr able te ,hetp iteirtf. Th.e Cerporastuti 'iteuld Come t te Ils slsiAnce, att, la cent- pasitun, turc 1 h. ,itandle beltind ii. wiia mizlt iihore lis pIroteakaitun for a tinte. An the îcwn cenln-thit brave place cf enduiance îLe! rtred lthe royal aalate for tLe Fritta.cf Waeea -lt nov lesprune in ltA giliter-a artelexetniifî.'aslîun c (f-tLe mutbun cf grate thinga-pven framyous gugs-ltligta urndane afaro. ma.t-elof bein right royallyîno)urtted tis a terer te evil-deera, an a warnia te e ladiers cf 1 our aoantliny. ik la autowed to lie prosibrate in tLe mad, a snhjeck for tbe'jbe an jokes efthe youegsthora of tire tove. Tite va>. ie witichit lrii îirated somctimne-,puts rme le mînd of tLe fayble cf tLe doneue>n thé, dead lion. -IJf the detidcait rise agie, 1 aituuldn'bvoaditer leu &e, itris. up somne day anl take ditrenelt'en-,InCA UP411tthu4e vwho new use ise ignojneensiy. L.ýt car et couehleors'-seveithem chàniaaciiters; let tim not LecaiteleîLteTnaine cf thLe obstinai. Lbute tbal kiekeul thit dewt Iiun,hut lut tititn placeour towne anic la tthaipro- atineîtpea)Oiahnbefore thîit.ppoplewiticlu sMo retewned a Plcee cf ordutance attoulul oc- cap>.. Anu if îLe7 don't î d tthis, tetilient Lar>. h eut cf aigit, anul censitta il toi bt ehseurity, in wiethatîe ondfiiaties tend calmnons if the lova -deaarve té e e feid. Thnasîin lthat Bsrne filantitroio eu pe- thriotic counicilion vili presint a juelishun otn bebaf ef the îvu objeaka of corpornihuu atîýmpasitun aboie mnectjiued. Iant, inshuLr adithttr. * Yen îtruetfrimtd, Il1e k euec tibe Gevernor GClerr1,i Shah" -l>4.b11,"AethJi)atîocutilti iieU jj4nslile "ILLEt- - - - - --ellit11 u1 llu lUbUàU --- I acunlI iadti îleobiecilo'ni'-l,- _. ieag peelet cf bitai siiitl>. requitet' tuim %fr- 'e.ý'oi.i po- nepea eîîdiîîg ii Iut. nion %wvuuse eandL c L irltehe rrtî ~-t4~ bae paapen's grave. - itîra. had nonf1 n u:~s4< - l H s WVLat ihoasanda cf puch people waet iha ,Meein--n lltb (en' in lar the Leipiag tianda e eighittte. 1F, m acrial Pet> o41tai ers dulis for exaemple, assistence vere eneredtu aTalisar-riolu I i twnillamttaentd<f ctn.qntséi( etiable faill cmo een - 10 atuAfisar a fre-a enta literaI. Mtcdunéll hwsf agedte alote ua tber tu laîîd ais a ter ef cross the , sest, viti a namber -wcold bci oic u~e of mtion. Mtaotei. Li l. neadt te siepoceboard at one- The t-Oi->. On motion ofMr adnl itth prespeai cf a cange inla lit>, resuliltngwork b tuatti- roceedi-d maittif urtil tLe e-- the in a great ant intuediale aagmntatihicf rolutiont of wit-tuaithlite Aiî,ve no)tice tlatj ad l agos, wuma Id alunee laduce large cruveli di berr ivten wiuhu brou-lit i p. suoe Lait Canada i"pas novsand happay tacul ,' Me. Làinag erhjclet, eund asleu thle yeas vii be ondth Leyoutvitg are preparnug te do as anit iays. MforcetrBuîe eu them fathera dia before illem, and te-lire BWalteoande aud die as îLe>. have lihed ont diet, veaul Was. L~ aiî ta apatr gladI>. accepi secit adi as veutd tratiafer Cariat. 0sin( ltentfron thîe limita o f tlteir pariai m ih r ÂYÀNci<Pl- to e cot>. tothîe langer ase uore profitable lMn Trowc, Citit-in of Élita ontiteing 8l flitf cf penalienvwhichu this country if on Fintance, suitiedti4 ethe r ,I imentof lte ver>. j fords. If, for exemaple, tLe iteusanuis and Cotiiitttaeiras dulLa nedt intil tteClOe-ri feareul tLOnsands of penada viiclu Lave lbren anul Lad tintie t tina!,e i~ilai âportion-ef 'the fit' the alre Mtill, beicg apan-inlacenvtyin leters tôevi-bt iti) siretirolli, whi<clt Lad bo4e s ar acroas'theLe uanr ere devuiet li cbelengia- ansiaýxegt In tLe iuwsc fuor ktslipuripotii5.a np peurso re, Lev mach ictar vntoeid O uolt r n uftuccl iean Th~e-v beaume. Fbe cs rmimotly r$10 wvas crelreel b Le P ut IK.J,*Wilson),Tie prettan enia>, tEsq., Solicitor, ira fullt pruît oI- f ae- tWi uI siibsidy u a s llailet, fer-bte transmission comti cf letters, vetulu Lava saîficeet up lttis 1 It TOWN tsAttY. moeaï lime to hava bronght esmfront Britii A coitf r.?oiayof$1r10th îe ter Ponts fal>. 230,000 pensonis; and ubea us AccineksdfMr dnylîoint. f .1 fr Sm Ïzttrmmembred tsat Alisenstâta e aont-aîmsIior, . aBroy'-tuitoved shipi each iadividaat contribales $2 lier annatt a raititiutma offemring $15 in, ful paymeni, amiga taLon la reeaaming (Lhe soit, ih vhltLebueen glven up tte Ladies Benevlent Sociela n Içj1 Loy greai sa1euron suait 'n eeîlay would viten dereintoti. Agreeotle. u ait-e tue tcouantry. To aid deservin r teoel ee u ugestiong ý ý Ill- ;ýl 'l ý ý Ilt - ., * - ' - . ' , 1 > "Il,"",,", . 1 - 1 ý;,; - - - 1 '- , ' Îl-.- 1 tltie of Irelniià-Mniirè tril.s, Tlh. condition cf wanly or the seethter counities la now deservitiîg and ohtai1 th~~îe merioca ciiîderadin cf t ~l0 The baeeftii systesncf "aciia Iaa'ista. tion" a g ilafult uporatin: Ih laf> at quistion cf lutconceivathle iriciief and of absciate danger to imany. lIis ramiic. tions arei evary 4ay exte~ni. - #Staen tackcpoole, Bsq., of Rockold', ,near (Cbtra, dlevin, ie the baroey Of'Clonlitkç, on Sater. dii>. hast, roeiovecl a threateniug Iter threuju h theShinrOne Pcitoffic. ,Fie fe~wngl cpyefîenotice wltieh wai poted a ier~oc!a:- Cz)PY:-."Tako- notice, Mtr. 8tackpoore, doni't beromne ,a tyranti over yoar teneitta lm tters before you ; yoa are paid as& -11 as AnY olter niit it the co*ntry; or if yjoa ietend. te) Irreserve or eppresa ycur -potr el ea tunes y00 wiltL e sorry.'l Mr. StacJelk' hus recently served cait or tew notices te quit o11tvIouants for aet4-payrnetea(if rent, and Ibis la thé cause assigned 1fur a.ninr lut this missive. ht appears tluat un 1;the eveaieg cf theith of )<cvemher, 1859, wiîen John Hartew, tie Bailiff Mýr. Stackpoole, was sîUcncing 'at LIa own 'gate at Coorauclevine asufired at and severe- ly woanded. Afier ii recover>., Hrlow having received letlers t.reatenieiig hlm with deaili, Le resigneul (Lesiuaticn'wiuich Le hetd Inuder M r. Stackpoe.1-DuuNj A few weeks tig, e, illiaii Grimes, .a canetaker ia tLe enîpie> of Roeatt Roe, flq.. cf Lorn Park, receivedaft&tnin 4 leiter, aed VGrimes la net aware 1len'what mauerbhe bas vendeneu Liniseif obnoxiou Io tLe agrarian' leglalatora cf ti isirtiat. It las sateul, adseul ieved tw ha mua, that - many more lanq1ords and law agents la Iing'a Coantyanul Tipperaryliave recently receiveul thraatentng letters caautiing te agitinipresèaaîing law-procoedings againat diefalting tenants aIt ite approachieg Quar. fer Sessqions, t o Le helc ai IL.eed cf Jane and Leinniuig cf .uly.-JM4.? Corea, Friday, May 30t.-A letter bam been reoeived by Mr. John Conro>. Brown, cof Yoagbhal, tho-local agent t6îba Ponanot by asIate, thireatWsna witit death Lirriseif aud .lis son inecauehe ventues îe put ilu excption about seveal>. dereçs,- ubtained at a laie sessions agaiesi tLe tenants un thait estate. The decrees were fer an aver- age ocfahout bye yeara' sent. Ane investi, gaion Lbs been pendîn. for aurne ulsys, tLe panîlculara cf wich are net known, but it la strongly belioved that the. latter Las net conte frout an>. of tLe îonans.-Cork Ez'. The Cork ExaMiner of Satînn ikv evaà 10 Mn. XD. L. Leahy>, t Leoeathte maglirates Office. After a six the Magisînates decideg tiens Againsi six cf ti able ite hene xb'A8 pri.soner send bye of th cul on bail, Mr. John sec, -Morgan O'Cennell custoul>, avaiting dire Catie. Mi-. J. (1C.I lit a laet

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