Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1862, p. 3

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Êéaortitat it wouii 6-u01ld ?inistrZ Jd '_ The Cleveland Ilaitià&ùer ksetch,6 au ~ees~on TIi ut~t ttctdent that lately occu4t d u <ue h ueS., where toa Sud a hulload8 ruuuin. tbrougle,?hio. The éc suid a bappy tbouglst is*lttostiflk botigh it ià umperospl ne one-I dou't knom The train is rutiniug Over the' o2a4"a*t so Lsangton ; ac-cordiuug. %iWd rate. The codutor entoà"j .i1 n ùte iý onb bntfo ieeds In collect the accustorned fare."Pro. ot hoard, er-t , t. ently1ehocornes te ayo4igWom2an iudeepý Rowland was e h~n lflOÛuing, traveolling wfib-tbreo chilaren, Uti orýe WbiIî4l »t lid cale ;for hor ticket. 'Thelady elutckly Ouïe dtsinclinimion at ut lerband inoaber pOcket for the which th. aidta t nditigone, iuitb ber' wallet-containg $ide; afier aH he mnOy, w vtibhii uwL>c1uthe tick"t'bad' sonted; t loolca}ii beeh placed for.sufe-)eelfig. The, lady is '4ey a 'e.àr~l iàay t, Q fe anxceeding un Odé -o ê(rirng dispqstiou !nts anud during tis andin it lii aiteeti, eniùuuer oxplains' the cabilleteil ot a re 7,sons why chue Calmi pay hue fare. demolished. Messe a. The couductor is ofié 'oryour hard1boart- WaIlbridgo, Counior, ed lid, oile orthose ueoixuwitbout a parti-, nron, Chritie, Des- cIe'of genîle feeling uundU witbout-t4tn rp iiht censideratîlcuany et Ile pallaigcr -nwruler4,anamil, is Vt'rn8tances îlu the case, .?itkg the bell, itop. 110wh stae 1ztPed the train, aand the ý,oung w6shieiand Mowdet are e*cluki. 4r h@ l onOs were ordhrèd frnffithe Cars, ot ili 'Said leut *Pro- eeeeping aeit je eailn "in-tea ~Per- i.neoa hotiliera giv e éouti obil t'fél Under lik te iusumancèL... Mil tr 4 ý the eThé ecrhadnont beliâ hutiinintereesteu as tl1!y arecunô dotui ep oftt hie ce ne-' Ile Ii': the ýâgiUî ni Ofie u thk an aaubred to wlwre tie youiug lad~y was ià b. éëeraI diÉpos; staltàing, looking te distrtised and frieud. fi1l 'tit ýj , . Ires, T'cenoghicer hoa bg amhaî he 1 alleti govrnuttenc >Uttilng bis band jute, ;à pockr h pro. te vote of waitt oï duced a ÈftIffidollar gold picý, and hâxding iiciorateo ohuhel it te the lady remùarked- k M[etàrs. McIiald ~ tili îadam,'takethiâ,, ami get lite to develope the 'tu re aainlu. 1: htihmeYul Joti choulu! etheir tîhle ta public ihua bo :reated.") e h4aiti clear party The lady hestt-éud nbo ,il -t receitviîîg fbut 0 Baia thatt emeWualnnla déËPerâte cIraitand aller ebower- nu Rridicailfi Il ave îug untibe lessi ibanke upon the noble ou- p, a result for which 9iliecr, and! iusig.euý Ùjuuôn ru.ceiving bis late coalition. liane oand -addresà, elle rclîurisc4! ta b er eiu in théu Curs, and the trnitl went on i t way. COo0 , Àbo'nt euuiontb fronti ibis lime, th eh.c * gitteerrec ied anote requestuug bruh t IyouIb hue iA ool" ral uait ilih expess iue anud take fru ibuue pcku.e uuelcsed 'tae lluti. le i did sa. uecuLting lteo pcknUe, ue lieworîd iuow knowi; faune] it ta0 cuiltqin frfiy îollars and an ele- Stry, 1 hane 10Ob. gant guld wutch. seuýil and Iiboin. Jpon îa1ti tutiQua law, due.Illie ite-de wcw inuuerîutibe heGldcu ll-ucl, rity sheuld rule..... lbe sukutjieiîce ofr wlicli15 ta do ta oithera ring old friends te as you wib others ta o dtate IOn !groundes 1pecitied men" sbenîd be' TUE Ir'A. ilAÇi. ou«g A ceo Àprugre il, anidcil lgugciu'ilituto -ereuu&muri;. 8lcotte$re.-qtures ciurrersilotidinuu mQdeesofeduci.tiu. anud a credît te As uic ProgreAM e urdeires anud îîew wanic r Cfinaeua. Thue In. arecrcîîtusd îlean educatîonal, as Well ýnS &a saa respectable phrlîy csiuensé, and! ta e et tie esuc!c lies meu urozirious. tI, uwai imîîroved fac rîtmes for 'AUP.e ibêed the "'wodAlys PlYiu, ll-1tiulmust lbe ooered. Thiis l e 1 PCansu0, lu îtwo 0parýticularly t 4e aà regards the commrer- allui,, i those -of viol worlul. The nlreauiv immense anud. the Globe) Geo, eceuscaully il)ç rcusiný uagruituede of (Ur bis quondoirn allies Cunucîa jiesc elf Imuinls u ducaîod a viutue, if ho Ibw' uuîud euligluîeued busineâs rdmon, t ltr ir former plodgns etucce§sefilly ils beiefts. it their siiddeui ter. Cciscqueuuîly ihbecoentesthe dUly of Rthrl-i sAut/le steo e'tyy OUuJai ho boaspires le positions ebaî tbem truîy ob of houer and trust, tu prepare bimosîf Ilrt t er arnidéit this wa 1bY obtuining a thorouglu busumnékà cihuca. agnanîrnous ge7uie- thol. latot lthpeowaîîîs Mess: lryait ri for 48 boiîrs, moine & Strnttuu bave established ibvir Chaire c'fel he, yield te seces. Mercantile Culleges in frit of thue mosti iMî- t nen are doiuni4 ? portait cîtie. lTo the well directceergy si iround bine gve and pracicabl/jbilty er ilese gciulojn t anid miil, adverse le thoepublic ifdý(bted forthe establishmcntuil ith wbat celer or of mne (if the muet rreluabln. educationul al e that hlieiteuuud cuturpriss thue world bau cuer kuuuwuu . al- ýxJ;resc(d-epinionu? ý' -ua ruror" le ivideuîly A N.w F>î- A 'uucw- fosil reptile gi ty cf Words, fui cf êlppoucul li be furiiishu-d witb feuttiers," 'e il g-"1 netbiug.".. decscritwr in aRjiaper'lu the rpeul's Of the la .olud Horace buis it, Rouynl Bavarieu Acsdcîny, wbich bais lu ciiru Swiichb i'jg lrruuiSluieýtcute Il Annuae, of Naîrural Iliii. yu rituutful tuuifl.tor?'." In a cli frottm tlîelithogrpe ni a Il pckwickiaui cf Suleiuliofrtiere fcrucud veuy ritmarkluble fr iaf telleuew me - keletusis, resemling uhose of petrodacty- ut rie bed of recesIlo es raîher îbauu thosè cf birds, Jet exhibi. du . icb int-)iîleu.m tillug Clear îiluîions of liaviuug feathers, Ci, caded luy MvtY)ou. hcfth on th.' interior 11mbi and un the toi. wi À À là eiqn e. Ie Tbe ind'idual'fethere 'are cîaracterized ta îwers of rîi tonylie y t4iir fine shaffte, on ecari ade of wiuich le, ver fuagruinu as(C. the Mielle striatien of ithe veina are ceeu. il: jqiiet aiàvise thl, Thetit lfeuiuhers fertua -n-roulp, f au clou- < ihruiîet al the gecu! gfttnà,I, lenike, Ini ovnl shape. 'bc-hes- Jististrye, wbiclî je riptieuu givon Iby l. Wetto ie comparvd a lti couutry, anui. ith anothý.r Iry!Ù. Mueyer. M. Wagnier, t the, uuuber cf the puiper, je unabte te coe Mn ydurà, tu- atry flxeddecisicu oithe cribjoct , and W FAlIR-PLA'IL nsune tue fousiit nimal (xriphosaurnai «cm i C - ,riiAos, an etigma. dvsatc caes ttOs lUIÂm.Âi.-On F-niâay s large nma. e tegal sepra. e 1r etOuri- it*asworc thu-ciimte serios wL -tihot s slar'us i4 t-be report t-bat aven thirt>- Iadles jfb uîeltpa. -ciOt ie XProvidence Iiedn bau] heen lliblk, wlioe bel peioucô,>. ut appearehst an Tuesulay as te lhe sla'tns erninz* at. àalsrangeMtaîaay manifesteul è,~ Wê deenait ilgeit 'lutuug tbe biates of the Naânury itiuVsuictýori ftIi îon, tmnd]aunae thai hume mne fmweu- vhc! ethe&rexpun îauî 'iu-îy-oiigbt- etthse listerbecu! soe bîcbthed'ireeaficletlin auceesci. The cause -sas at- of'uleeuers, Èrl'eu- naled Io tute edgreen tes, but thé 1the Part Oui de. Preseers cithé'Càbdnuiàn Solusuol 6Y Mce froua, or have dîilue tleculeà. aller ou êualfsie, lIhat tbc wiîb the pre- tet, ' ieueA tbtiuiy ieletoriane. in hlOt. TeluS sisri tise calieulaor ' tmady à 'uni. kùutle, adCit Inent of Theo yrptnutss wei'épreéiiely ihase Iliat en nos ueail accoxuîpauy pcisnniur, -tuabley, 'dilatien ci' witls it. ' th 055 anil li ido,à \a!t0b -, aceiingfi)&C, We sit glaul le' state, on the liulbuai- dasortinonu!nd y of theSpe-îores. dai. tue ladi lleéie- I.The divorce ken downm se mysterionsly, are nais cen- y au! tiitirely sdru u oid*a.Moe¾Ji~è is uhat bath Adrdoto ag - i-A îlt. -' The hetpou- fi Èperôt-oet .&pan is - narried tbe dauîghîer ofi the spiritual 'Er- Cg matois came peu-au-rthce uniteul ages of bruide nd lbride. tf ' Abrabham, groom aouining te oaIy tii nî> ere. , "-Muflen" snd The Frenich Geveranmemt e serieusly ah-. kbaiinye" TËe cuîieul witlî a mchent,-for' u-planulng tho asfteui a bond mnouintains in France, tIse dimninuiti ouio a louigtu, An- tiuber tu-ces cueating ufnsidenable alar-o.- lit Mr. MssMy's The susallest baby i(lue warld, perha~~ prierate #oIdi'u. ia ow à>t Baruîums Mus5eum, Ia bc tinjeroe n hou-e ruluin h ayshw h itl el, leal cf aEt-u-aeihtebathys ouew and e itîla lo isu ' yards, (b an auten tnies-one aunce. Ian t-lisp e The TIi lu wighed shen lue was eue menbh aid. cae -t b sali .On tahe3tb iuih, Mus. ChouloteCet-tle1 ~ N~. - of'North Walsligham, elajed slth sat-a' -' ~ ~ ~ y t s he -sathue af Bau-beu-,Who came thon. an -shout timente te, u-prefflillg himself tuo ust-bn W90de be a closenteu- frernutue ÙUttdStates army. ay laut. GOne The parties ou-eappascu! w bave getio te )nglng b - (-lis the.United States. Mu-s. (attl'sfanily- siea)ts -0 coneuictions are repeclal>li, 1 tutitiebtas lia. - 1 'i- Moi i in luiIegi, î1ueilâel orirymM Fair îuuiiitîea. d.' wh-eiiî snobrare -gitaare Loex..lîo tk-o> d k it letihe 11i i hiu uat, Euuietuiue utreuguuîd lrpeîii 1we6otbluue ntuuvîr kiew-thie jn%-tq, e onld JIM urt, Uuitr Iu'u~ Li11iuue-fudir to i» Tu teîul, iP terîi i itucpathu uMfur, Fr ltei'ur4uis hluriuuggloie r e un, BitMtlle, meuert iuîiýu iil$ aspi- us ieu .Auiil iii i lihcui tlu~yîow lS e îe rowia,,lit tiitut ju oftuy iKtli. Tiuseuuegfts ae 1 Iin, anît ipcida1011iu _T1,lI't' ccviii, iertiue If> yh g i1e he irt N iiithu1%11 kul d e I l' o Igh - tiu,;M ,g Iltlth muctuiortftrue, ittu*iurg c/uiuJeisutt?>l él& t uiîJZiii- huy, i l l ii e uwa't'd Inô lp;l! tl n tArein 'ti. , iuutl Ons t wle, Auvituâi bie <,l , utdili~fuir uuui sie INeY Juil l uit,0 tbeue ow ()itriru 0104À, e 'uiriver, Nor dtu-est tlic wilvun,!1f secret ft Who cver iciitulm hrte giver-, Foir lue tltt n tiluauu huilett iuuia I-et. fil' a p iuitîiet rrow, sur 4bklit- pent returruc qi t ii , cip~u, uditur* I; ') , i "it rW tr~ret ,B JIîil i , -i t wl cXle i, ieuN u the ivr. Wlult .ui ri iuc.1 OSWALD. Enanped ii Ui Mud. ihé futlowiug f'nuy incident of camp lite, in thb htu, is front â;p1iv41'e tter of ait obilcer lu a jregiaieuit t tiîoued a t Aluièx AbXer conêl(d'ng 'uiiy 'eunitesst tIr. -. fil 1WeuSîiuugusuCitYie et out, 01u MY 1etura thhrot.b muid kniea dee1.- Prcbtily'uiight voie on, anud 1,ic-al feit m uiy o hrtu the mire. Ou lifhinA aMY fotfront ca bote in onde!,: tLàplant 1h ie anteier fui-aber on, it did'uaqt èederl s Weightyans-f exlsectOu, aud 90close li-. epecliin i foesid il nut hé Ie Dot; I tniuu lIo fliii, ilàIt tnias! ti6 teÏ of it voulu! 1 'iîcoer, id the susu'oeib, b » ~ulaIte that iîad cîoote erh.IL 1tobk4ju-tjeauiu!ilsdes-, pailr, I peor*eeivid a I~n 1Qkhi eLu-, anid grilpîng ni! wny Thronih a jlbctèr of trees, 1ca,.se8ta the dodr or f kt-ud tirmer she 1tatueit me a hîItenu tk nd cîlvk, -cdeth wbicb 1 îucecded iu flshing eutteIcoe I butîintued my jthu-n'éy.r iilding mny. self lvar 1uho vamp 1i oâig-u'ulsoed myseif oni èy goad fuituae,' hen burep 1 I had rün duit againet o inde. "Hiu1, I ex- :taimed. I"Hâilo l1" yelted as ,ie.o veu- a>- beau!. "IVbu'i thati" SaidiL "Me" said the roie. ýW.bat lara ioel 4oing there ?', I skeci. "J'aM geung cul 8ah57he il nlght, for 1 cau't finu! ry camai, I as arnesi dronmicnluthéa uid, '.loèt bath un, dicus, annd I arnalmrost f rzêiý te deathÇ cnd I hriu't guit no iutersigste pas-t-ho' u1ul se ybi ere îu-eos beiter (ban stick-- n'J n the malt. ci'<Wbat régimeut oru yod'- ûokcu1r for V5"IlNus Jerey-----"ho -efflied. 'ýWlua# 1 thaut's mli>-râ » ùmenu," 1, o1ut ut, amsd licldi1-,r an le tha peur bay's .111t'.1 ro.an-el onu! latesuglteil! he por tIas iup tue tu-ee bau! ta iclle l s1 e himîcif. After serne persuslul1, inl- soti hirn ta caine dewe and reccive the uunterejigii, acîd pes mbtlutue camp, wkicjs vas witiî o s uesth-ous ofus. ýliesse eo truc te his Irish cuuitlingta tellnme hia lme, and,]begged bIardul1Iwould cnet ell e jue tu thue boysl, -ha would -neve- tar- Ou Ficulehst, Ise childu-esi elongiag 0 Mr. 1%. JAnideuson, et Alma, by noe -ean obtînod a oulsetofwhisky, 'front vbioh eueai' t-hem du-ank se, freel>- as ta cuse i s d estth. Tue jei a tusarful waroiîg lu6 " fîils. ' i IVIClTDY MARKETS. The tendency of the iiuarket is still downward. One tdollar je thé Ihigbest for primoe .'-iunplee of FaU wwhoent-Spriiîg 85 Io 8D>. Very litile coifirg un-fruers being stil busily engitged in gettlng through thue Sprîi.g work. 1%%qý 2ý5 cents. NEW ADVEIRTSEMENTS. ,Il INK 110A. 'rteo indler wilfboào Aiuubly re>earded oni re(tiimîur hue eaeue ta GEORGE il. DARTNFL, to larrbOrr, r1iltbv iii thel4 ue cairofuul tint 1 iiii ' v bitût tho e t. 'l'li era c iiuaîiy w<)rt'.ui. Lý nueie m ,,elth osnty aiil syr-u, iine hve 14 4 >til j aid Fail Sho"îte qr Elul il -"W ÀDV»PTÏIEMENTS. MAPLESAUGAR. - UT ItFCEIVED fi-cm Lowei Cutad, (n of uke r gefin eu1Md ptuicrugaz r, in e«Mailperier A frestu lot cf CItege S-igar- 1ured 1fuiccî; aned Spire er. I r WM DONALI)SON,. ýIor, GrIn, nit lProvisioni Store,Faset cf Ir. 1ainge', Ofi DtittubteStreot. DIR F. DELLENBÂUG]g The oIl & or!gWe<eraan piiyslcian, 1X ILL hluii t4 'fîlunluo puuucelluue Y!' îseàte~pfMqy i Juuu, 186l2: 'wIluiItuY--(fu-ecke,',. lintelMev Stîtti sud 27th, MtiitLtenton'A lîl'ty29hLI!Ath Peort Pdair>-Juiiuoilu cui,4tili. Wiisyre lueecati liecuuunttd cii îll forme ut-i 1ËLOUR1NG &GRISTING I.TllFaistg l'ee u1li rrouinchgug iruUF'c, iud tdNTÂ]ÏIO NEW î1Wts, (tonrely ,luunwii Plet ' slrsMili'M 2' thugil uuo qred cf ie Ju m l iuc l; ais '&]ti livul enurnlt do 1 t huiîh ciiile l et nU uies- tuoo, laidiuul gt 1 .r.itee ettiflucuioi te ahi wlu meK <aveu- litiu, with tirair Mtronague. li0, wouul 1oaille tîoite ici the iruneusu, (ut tii.> man gel thiu wewluenî Sounre,An aiîulrl bc arnicuuiduteul Shy him onunsnereusociahis ternus asc miibo iftirtlot eiuuci'lere, aud ulwithc as guice switiefeetîci. Ttoyclu nuiave thio brun:t sud cliente fuir tl.ui r own ose. troet Whit >- Ma>-ys18"1 ýBAK R1TP S AIË,E &Cui c.li TIIE A OGF<I <CtOeuuri <lSrufier coleor fe h r sou-rut crodil, tte wholc ui' lIce large s--I exttinii-e 1u1 pc-r ctit lieleci ce-t prives. Aulc lom idirC11iml sii-teci iecîk cviii (*1 moeullit'cuî n-iliiu Iciteerve, iilit odur tu efuuuî ullc lice ou-le. Alilpondions te whothui tbKteila in-ebte,, -are requcacei t tii-citt lui a siale-urcil tirte- usille luoie aiereiiguu--l ut rince, It ou-itou-tient Oà' itecxteîttîueiti allitiee ai' the eInatde mu,> te And mnIl perecîce iiideluoîl te tIhe eutite p Iluer luy norui uu bi-i<nceo,-it, cmi reqcmeqtiht e cakre 0Iitde, tluut îl iltt. duhie e eInte t-ut ccttled lui' f(lcci '-of jrîîue iiext. sli ho hitided :>ver futiieutsi .tuiuesoriW. W. Bruown To the Travelling Piblic., T îl seneiier fbsvimg l.oscol thoPremi- ce cr-ycttploîl ly T. Entiîlu, i the Villuge cf' Epseci, moud Livin is 1tt t li op n ili 91, 1 Nty le, Îlu îuoe prtîec-d mt ncc-eencti ai t"0 '%VI g ive Iion ua <all le iamteidtt Tteb.pille uotirug but TUE DESBET-0F LIQUORS ,k CIGARS And! hliet Mowililuhe fu-ilhed witt) cil the delicueai tIste é,uc -i.*Au attentivec Oetler alwaysk on lucut. lhie whu fîtver tMonuîwiîh a cull liî ri--I loin tucuciu ifo'tti- cconi- iu! iý-d ana uitwlatieiiufin-t -. Epecru, Muey, 1s6'. - 1 TIIOlIIAS HUSTON, CJUx.'idszie, tt.cueyaner, &c., V,'xleidg. 1l SIGN 0F -TuIE É taP 44ROCK JN.Ox 1IOiS1 ý' rFIelitz, ois teue-k in tuado ici lieg in lueuiicsuthit lue hua J1114l ineil 4rge eiltliý*isd it.. iioliiius or tifFue)- Oceuls, Teycm, dt o _. 1 1 gu r e ma t v u r ie e , c un i t lîs t l iic., Yte ;u 's p é- - îuarei t te scuiciinlae t he, pulli-ep hîco jloetle w tsiiub ,f lhsiu$uî-u-,wiui evou-u- article Ilîctienleefocquirudid nr lis lue - line. 4 $uPionu]idi aceelrîmett et An', Floe fitnr Pîsculit unett. Itiri(s Misi-i lrtriteecî,Fauirv pie, 1 irzu,T luiOsuhîe IniîtauRebrOruu-e.nis, Riuizm-, Jewe-luy. Dounnuece, çcicue-rduatisd ptleua- ccarde;.-loy Ieuoktc, upe'raeluimacfihtes, teudei, pexs, bt, sntisiu, wodýdtuq sud iilcw sriue - o-ealire ormuokee, aud tAre lu, Fruiiu, andi >,nfetiurv. Alf,t low pnle.. Coliiie And 80. P.K.SPenec- Wliutby, Ifs-&y2hf, 1RA-2. i- 1 EF0hlIlli su>- percei or peu-ses puiruleing' » a e u ofe b n i l cu t nue draw îî, lir A lex.' Tliompueoisin fi-eu- et Jocoph 1Bal, l, -,i ev due Feli. 18U, boeceuse I reýeciVe i tuevalue lïur sali! iote. à$hi lONALDW:MRINNON. WH1ITBY POST»OJÏ'FICE, Departnhlt of Co1W'n Landi3. Macyz,' é Gth, 186-2. NQT±~E ilerebv piven îbi tieinfiAsi the seveuiteuitii îluy or lunb inexI,. Foir icit corlois and onîditone t'uueale,-onpply te Rtichaurd JHuegluui 'E . CrewiîL alud .tgeul, nt Buîtucrygcuu, 1.DREW 1183EL 'r i A FORhe SALi0 O imâd klie nai ol t0 a St Ind t rot or11 lmet bhi ySS'lcet %cile, eoiuiutrrtii1u j u-tei'e ltsttlicur îritlu' tire1111 hl ncli ) j O'itun lirt'u iA -ucu.~~clil large tuwu i-vlîe bu T îue,.'hetru a! üiRu. uar i th ule le usl WuuteRpuiito suei. culpiait as tu, Open chit.The hlli!le anie utable plac e fr itie hl~inug er publie nîet se dI u ii. ours.Attxuoliedltire h a tuue icichit 0 x12,Thé n ul hncicees crin- eitt cf a ihale ox 3t 0 fet aanui,! au <ouibed M1 x 30 filet. 'rhere e re algo Y4,itan acre of on Iloprv-nuîa, la uil ,wo f, hue hvt selle iii the enuicty. Altogetlier. the-Proppu-u> effeTs eue nf thie le--et aoui neet ,"tehle ctuaucee o1e I-usi Ail hiu-îber iu miat,, ~y be lailf)rein the subevrite01r oui t-l*.uu'ies, 1f Iy httiirpi- ChanerySale- IN OHAWCER'V, .tiuiiuMnii, Poberi Kniox anrd 3lalr>- James WtVmlet!and sit hori'Warro.s .Xnss, iv Bitll, et Genrté,W. Allai, Ali-eni rresell John lucu-vie. bDua Ilils KK.Itelinu, ,Jobji CuaoRcu -(tmchelî. AlexauderBfintcn. Jamtes Burntl.uc. t*e'enrge adovu citJuY. lit, rie Buink of Monufred, 1Tie li'rilreBIanki, Willieui Daritrir"nuit Tflittie t54ietou-uGorie S. lîCLu>-,- Allai N. Mlèià411; asud Wm,. Lainuy renI Lewie M-iltIvtau-t Alernîutder Muulrray isuc iielie gbulit ite ?latcr' I)IUlie, feat. o 'prciur f tut, Isevroe en i-uFrthor i j re-stiolce madit i bICouio, leva ng date thie lteventls de>- otfMu, 1861,tesu t aIrii tinter tfor- ele theu-etidate,! the Twurntv-iuiiu:'ttî day et Muimnh lit, wtti t» mslat PUBLIC AUCTIONi,,* b>- Mr.tU-vitai-uileuIu , u- t l fie r, i tîirieten ia Chsniceryý, In the TOWN 0r WHITBYt, SATIJRDÂY1hue 31NItday o? MAX, next, - A.t >1WEIXE O'C1,uwIt N N i t-b tirue otp-iu1iirtAî-*itcuîuiBiietl, Esu., Maîler in l)rdieUr, (uft (is *<ut, thue uiusw- Stueu n Nt T iN p IIIITIY, lunfouir JIcuAlwg.-AtIl,, rielit,' riche epliq netecl et Itn liilt'fs ou- hhllefe Weliut l- lae in i uil t iTt-Lot., litnt len- te--ecu vil 'ieiti- mtr, i lI8 c ceenu Tier 11i-c hue RIstirbleiange, lyiîîZý c'est cf- 11-cek ltret. riut te Toisa uor WltitIsy fmi-nl lauui e:tre vud Bnrasf micu-te .iualiiîiiul at ais uoer.- 'Pt-e- tfoeu- icuualî brio 'ueiu ; ic tht.ii-ul _I & ulïi eiiut raet u ci' lie-e uer ,5inrnr-sl,. -Thr Iaei2. tii i iit, tlttile anu iiteu-cut or 1alieil8uen,,i*ré lk.ctbidntet Wmtice, >li oiil tii Toweu Lots Ne*. (sont>- huirec msud CWt;-.eu. iirihue i-coui 'lier of îlesr'-vncDoule tag- litig w1pslit Bu-eltmt iltiq etcal 1'riwnQt Wli'tbý;fanr i tt tauit Cuitre Let, utriiiuug l ail a Au-.tite- O lI,-pitéçî, rontiiulgcri tif %oeiml it eesAlehd. -Ii'u:li0r -- Fr the li 1ctilb r tireb, ave auctie l t-r recupeuic'ely, île i'leiitilf.e I1Jul les oud<tf Asa ivir-- dn, d oni ri4u J lh>, 1s5s imade tus ce i)lid eti thi pil1nItIfi conidu.r,e1t- f-s- ) ctire vatic the f i slilrerni- t-êf in ý5c 1nt rcti eorthe wi [îOp.Otetejul 4ftal'e-huit- drv<t, fen el iltls Igtq ighlsliuir,&, andittîîtestoiîîî-a>u-c$ deyoafMai". lms , ,'i ou- bfcu-ýefreldy ofMuby, rliv Loe t bomber tiltlcBk 1, bysdtiaieqtureiaent oeus ferth of ai - au: , i1 pue wJtieltIsera lu ereocltut a PIZ ,teuft.untssu hé icllowt igfreeluolu! I cri; l',at-O own Lu i ft ui- r'.iutivl 'îlo and th t -t D n t'hé Emicge etf lowts W e t Brook Streétilu uuue csih Townl ; Comnujaueile '1 Brook it t tit tbpîhatài&sa lo two ieaîfrontthpeiriti eaceûijruIeo thie "sa t o4*irh>'euire. tàt. sutoîu m ix ta l c u l c uý I lne îte W d u t t - cle~verdÉ ieit 5n«uitn-ffcnue- euiiueîto t5tiü A~se -- - t- 't s " 3,,000 ytrds of Peel' best Prints, selling at 8d. w5rth lbd. 13 b..0 . do do ýdo . do ý74d. iw'orth 91 d. - :1,oo~~ du do do 6d. worth8d, -AlSO,1à, steèkl, a do mplete asor tment of Spring and'Su -m m er lYres GôQd , hw1s, MantieHtBnt, Ribbons, &C. A1superor Ibt of iîported and ,adian,-Tweds,,Coatsý, Vests, A large sto ck, of Pamily CGrouc ries iii eiery de r ne t L- quors, Willes, &c. Ekpeerted -to arrivýe, 100 harrels of péimiiié Whiskey, at Mf4tnufac- Wtbyr ay'Prie8.61 ST.pE: RT ALT ON S-- l Xý-" te a n u à"ui c e t - e a r r iv e l o f d u ir. S p n ud S t i rl n io r S to c k . m r c ~ g s u i v h u r c r e r ia s o r t ue r uî h ia n u s u a ! 1 -w l c î rtlc y ir e r fo r C a s h sul , a ri c rt a w ill b es r o o u p a i .-liiuTdreuuto, or ruuy- othcr Towo n We îuiCuiriat vorusistinug f et lIatest- Pre-ss Gede, - Bmnt lae Mand; - lubbuu',Pitruol, &c., &ce, tle't-îrYs, WhiteCoÇttonmu Sfiu-ueul Slirtîuug, Sliaeticug, Table Liîicii, ~rwlnucar- piru, ~ N'ndt Drmitou lu eivute aud ?J,îeliuer Mfir.ailIus Qucilîtg, Ticking, &a. WèCu-uuld direct spectal attenitiontCo the get;tleîinu's i )epnrtmuieuit coiiipriiiug an-~ crivSiV oret-ment ofi Bu-4 oa'Iiltx ,iuuic, Tweecu, (Cotton 1)r' l'u euue "1ilits, Cap%, Shirtse, IUiclr Ctcthîîug, Cohure, T'cu. Braces, anrd IÇeady-iiiaui Clethu'ng. lIn Muni sd Ieoys 's Cut, "e este u-i] ucuitm eve r-uY style and lqtuaityu niudd p '61 the premi-7cR4,ttise landi weukniinsl:îp îuuiy lubc l-igle n-l . Tise TiiieruugiD)iitruntts under the ucîclulvîueoof a First Glass Cuiler, aito - g(-ctleuueui'ujIiu'i guicsîittheir orders, niii 'rusly o u n t tiilicir gnrwutits umadel up làt weorkuîianlike mi' ' m su i ts ut'ïtcyliic'firlu>, SEEDý, -r('loyer andl Tiu'iothy, ac e wll utsa bull i&surtuiint OfGardon, SeedrI, "juet- W lu ( b , p ri 2 , 8 6 2R . 4 ' J . C A M P B E L L , ' g o tic p 2 d u e m id Wh i th re. tckBrak~ sariu!with nu FRIENJ)S AND l'EU4OW, CITIZENS 1 rLý, hi A nd theun for gétt h.dt a. ce'it-t t ( s)honorable coun ilm a iof the W 1 'O ut -v illage ofC A' aba w c * h ose rades in L c9tîau8,, b u t ti rmuglu s if sh iess , o r fca r o ui fair A nu! ni e lhu u om) corupetitiacu, Iliait.i'9ted ûngsunat Ihat uiexh. g ttî uq licenge., O ~ h u i t a p rece ue ct f ur th use ,o w liu arc w r ui t e ad m inîster q u ia ~ 2 ,~ u ulgbte r" De il knuo*; thon, tb evory îndidtrnil icnaa, andullie County cf Outenlo -Tuhue uucire1 in pirticialum,,th at i(l e"C A L IeIO R N IA I. "w itll s dI n a n d afw r -M o tîdo>- n ex t ; an ti ,, tertri mthe bili until iitr t oie.--- 'he eruuiifoaIl- Cfi 1 la nui ' o , t h o b e t -e l fle d i i' k " y f o r s Is S I 0 0 il a >'r i it th e Il à 66 1 66 mlono *ugithmiaW h ,Ickey fur - - - . 250 cesituhelheoi i 66 66 do Ryc Whinkrcyffuir - - - 24 e eevauiy 66 96 014-Boni-bau %vIuiuukett- 71 ctkbigt le iai, 66 66 plieillr Prbusf Whiesksy - - (xi)0-- 66 46 X F P a muily lsk y- - 2 25 à i d ' à P u r e S p i r i t es 5 _ _ _ _ _ ti r W in es, Uîa id i c, Hu m , G in s an d 1u l l i cud s, a h eq u ellt' r aduxcoul p içes, a lso -2 ~ MCa -- -- -- . ..... i 0 1;Ut,i Dred- *li ..............-.8 0) T e s et (riu 44 Ip u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 0 (l ' ia r cn -..........ls S O o u em . $ t 12i ... ......... TheIii eu et $1.25,q j~ 12 tume-st l ts for ...... .. ....... g as stes c i fIeite au! 81100A, a ounim' gtinlai fruiue% a tirellt lom i th v 4lIs tlic% - in* liaueim Is t'O etaila x- uiscu it lj 'uel iue*ue-- lv a g i Sia D e a-ar iaciueIt . eee . 4 puxiu, uiut ule s i' r ii en-Ntv~ ACHOIGE AND '$L - esuqrtuuisýt îfucsemren everyu'i.~ lu f146lDry (Irida aid Gu-ueem-y Hue, w1hi 0 li hu'f licou purrelîised- perricnaaly by IhtmueIt iluth MoutreiuluNlcld. By >- sîru-c iiieuinil ta tua swants eOf lusiome- un iuîi g li-ili gutcuilie ucdNr drdiang iel -)~ - hi diuc'rce a eisFiu-eo tgblIe favet. Huvi tlutrc-lre-cs- fuir tti, the cuuirtrihier le thu bot- tuer euc- l dt lît vtin'eJniu libenully. - Ti oLL)tBY' Brookliir,ýMey'14,16. 18 tuillE nîup-i'tytuf Mr. -D. G.Itou-bes, '*111 j sie,- uuuirei;tixumoest hie oweui tablb, Lotl No. 1, -th Con. Flint whittby, (a milesqqt 1ilqîcr. erju i e ilS; ilr tOi, emiaiZ6; cluigle lecIs $4 ; creîi ouinsé'êwiur. . Now Flour, Grain, Feed anid Provision-' Store. .1 titîltu -ubscu ibc nving Icuiecitht-e pri; O-iu- cccipieul bvý-Mt-. ;I Diot boters foi. estl 1W for Csh. - -c , rii t' ltic leî iu-, (am uiî 0eumi- r camillhu-ly >usiemur, 1cî~it o -17 WM. DONALDSON. lu Ut-u-- -l-u--------- " l i-cl e ofc r -WILLIAM ILENit'Y I!REILYNE, t!ialnSliV. ÈRAC7 OCK SI] FEW DOOWR E O-N liA1>, sud %, cut-he latest and! andT B bADW AY, rlust->dit ureuui, ufita e1 a i tI lie uret-p ut in il vee"k, for Ifua enmit e-co te due-es aemej CARRUIi Msu-6éh W"tITliy PI j%-, l'i)N tho ai TE

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