Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1862, p. 3

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and hi modalsi i net wero inade on twe, oeçaaino il pro nsitint'tarelats. ra 2iasots tisa M. MIercier, eh )dinitetr t' Wlashbnigton, bad a trete wth Je'. tDavis -ai Uieh. Lbat tht sep takoîa by M; Mercier y 'poit*tsealin iibtscharacttr, and wax jthie residenil Linitn. <rng Ieridd argues that froan ts of M. Mercer'4s mision to Rich. ai the begilonbng of tise end iis .lsitkL.It rues 'tiat franco and suIfer miare t(han nieutrais evor rom acny conteust, sud hotis bing ,d Ile war as intermninable sud Ti'un I>otry. m,. lireSii fl h. 0.i rIsu'le l the Cot iriiiiliî'i'lm11ilir gea ir li, rl,ltàîg ,f the ,lv.-i, Or the nnlsivii , îlea bfy boe'ul, lEU)' l.s loili îni%' jovisT1 awo 5,! Coe n ii vi.'ire,,,,~elg. liv.liit hIe htieii l,Iih%,*v. ThPl lresik )IIl, ls'. ,ad de- )r li,, granaî ,f tnd l<h.' fclle, W IIî<î,Ilis le trlîî,'a',,erbw ) Il'«S.m«< . « eeLie «lil t'l V.I c'< Ileiii, ý 1 o~we ilce, Ny bleuîîfli îy t,Wl,1! mili l,,w itiuvl. ove I 1pndr,îi >r iîin i eve<'pis- <sîlmn <r>, %ie 1 i4 .ql lw 1 fea i<lie, MIy beattiCul. 11i%.irde 1 SpiegU your Xiud toc f reely 1 It ,.pelt,,o freulY t'> 'oîîr friliîds, lr m l i lîyliv lr d il IîlIîky s itJ r i mile tiii t,i,y ou l iroî,< lleli. r lrîî,îruîî,,lins ocler frehîld, ?r Iî,~lîî hvt tilover, t eî i .rligiln, ylisem- l ,e t t 1îî>iitW-I %, f itt l iisini k and] gri., Uî,îeil sm<î rîut Ii<leîc io %in A [Iliilucl t lî. 1,îî1 ll I s11 oser. Ji"!i 1--n, Illi'tiîe, .v ' I «<<V trike 1<boute, ïie lOti i .i I1 ts lo ît uo, a 1-,irt5i2< iii il;f<r kîmw- :;e i'1 , -<r los«Y)tîm m itî teer-rvu.1, iqer ÃŽ]v' lrv'c A (seA Ut$TNI' ~'>.s'ry gccd oh. Fervairît loet thuas ausromlizs order cf cettcn- i 11 i!tîîîtî<o î" 'rd av,îrl"îîî.t'1 ;t1< wvtî t rm ît tirst r<(:î ut on i etyeît %ide-r tltri lii», dî<. i n , «r-e "y' wtii 'r li h cuiot e le' ,' 111dr«ort.ýigU 'fd lic .Lndon lieoiis (lnS,-huttit ofd Pbtmelîîr-e T (ifbîî", ie sî tiIre on saithle suIdeï-tiî fliecose a l,n battîto, nd otir Ftiroi n'iirtî ru-ititheroutid e whla for thie pluel>oL frirb te b-ai'. n ThDES P .C ut' -itotts sd t Czar c CItn. baE' cc asl> tri a tonlcStndgau cil tht> ii îîhi- lustiit ave ldinbr s boum hilone eig tîgoî<u (l onguipexy have l.,en havce crbean the case.o tAu ~iqtîr ler, c lonluîîded ton is verdia ofrece chfruein lnarlciaswad s i ItIA-T'lieOfficioqI 'a auian atiaounemlent that lu ce cftlite rcsîît Itreavomeut of Gracions Mijety tise Quee, ay. iyrl not Ist esiebrateti by ýeer Forte cf thse Province, on jutu. a3retofore. The day STORE DRY GROCERIE S, GROOKERY. REA1)YYIqADE, 'OLOTH'ING, AND MIL LI RilY! Favscy Dî'esttes at 8s 9d. Muslin Drcisses, fast colors tt 38 3d. ShawIs from 3s 9.L s1lk Maîitlci 6s 3d, -Moire Antique from, 10&. Bonîîet.8 frorn is 6d, Straw llats ils 6d. CUd Musililats ils 3l.: Bibboîe froni 41d per yard. Flowers at Id -sprig.- Ca'p Fronts nt 4Qah Steel Skirts at is Sd -Mtîslin Colars lit 7,1(l Parasols, ncw shape, 5s. Meu1s' Coats nt 3s 9d. Mensi Veats at 30 d. Mcî4a' I'aîts at 68 3d. M en et Rasts at 3s 3d. Ail Wool Tweedls 5s. * Aplendid lot of Tweeds, J fu'oin 2s 3d per yard. .AlIxacca Coatin;ýs 18 - SOAl by the 1Bar',~d Currasits (îîew frnit) 7d1 per lb. Corn Brooms from 7j~.- -Rave you heard 0f' our 4s Young Hyson Tea. Have you tried 4s 4,1d Japait'l 'ca, e-very body likes it. Have you seen Oui Sugai't 4(1 per lb. or 15Ibs for $1. Good Lighit SuLrasr, l4lbs. for $1. - Vcry inucli botter, I3lbs. for $1. You will finJ it advastageous. to pîîrchase your Dry Goods, Mil. Eiîery, Fuîncy G®jds, 'Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, &c., from J., Broom, Sehofidd's Qld Stand W- -FOR JnLEADY MONEY ONLYS ' N. B3--Ail kinds of produce taken giveii at (lie above pices. Whithy, Mity 20, 1862. (I IKJ . Ti1vUsrOt ~J(SErII DJCKEY, ini exehange, and goods 19 'Of~NSOW& f~O~ A. Roiî'oi-4i.Co. - Proprietir. Tom R. Tocs.; - - anaggr. A. UcRsCic, BNý - . Pursor. LoasItvats -Equestrain T)roctor. J. SPAS<Tsvr<,. . - Ring Master. J. . Ta.tso, *Leader of 0réhestra. Grand Combinationmof Talent Orgaîurud sud eqçýnil)epiý ne tLamding- EXI>IBIION 0; F 1862. w1ilI E'<lîbâ.t nt WIITliy, cil Trhursday May the 22ud, 1862. THi<e , IISEAT 5110W-Tut offiy Legitimato Cirounsin OUTNUMRAINUG j1WA- 1Excri.LiÉO GIN TALENT. AND SURPASSNO 1IWRE. A 114AZE 0F TALENT (lîigiiî.lk itysd Eogno. 3FICflJI) THE TALENT. Little Anale Robisn Tîiis infant l'orformer, oîîly ei-< yçts ofiage. in ler hem.itifl aiicl,<usc actu pon the .SPicl iI4lda, iii li'«< luIsupn >ltoreehatck. In eoncluim iWll ridetlier groût set ontitîtil LA GLYPHAIDE, Saiti. itbingon, 1fr. Lake Rier M1r. John Robinsmon, Di1 ouiArmstronig, Dir.Clans5. Ilrrown, 1fr.IDI. Kelly, M 1r. John Lawlow, 1r. 0. W.ý Dotigo, Mr. Chias. Scynioro. 1fr. Win.Coolo M1r.J.ebsin Prof. lIowe, Mons, Delevailo * 1Mr. E9. Stone, M1r. M5. Tiiompson, TWO CLOWNS lWMTIlE RING. John tswfoiw nti Tom Armstrong. ccciioi-S y Ný,&2 ANiO 'T r. x. t*-' Adnîimin te linx 2boct. Children ont~ der 10 yoars of tge, 12xcl. JOHN. A WÇOOD,, Court. of Revision.e PU3L.IC Notipce laherby. -gi veil tisatt!< Court of Roiteteon for the Muisletpslity cf Mara snd 1Rama willi lol'l g'- flinit î.ia g ut Xamrrth'a Tavero. $rd Con. Mari. on u trdy th imt tday et uy îîext, ut tti> 1liue ut 1lOà - cci, A, M Mra. 9Uî April, leOt. 'p 7iomk. 17 1(lu SPRING GOODS.ý TIRY BlIOOKLJN-? * FOR SALE. Aà - 41% ALOGAN, 11a 's,-] ,~uU 1 BrockSýt., Wlithy< .n .L iV - I t ~ I FOR SBALE. 0 OBB~LE~teVilla llfCaîlnbntonltbst 310O0 yards of 'Peel's bcst t'rh>ts, seing-a, d wrhb. F eoll kinowfl1rasýrn Sttijd 1.500 (do"do0, do d4 i . worth 94d. "ITBE RAILROAD H'QTEL,"_,OO dodldo do 6d. wortl .î81 nfI-fc l byii~5StO~orhv~ rlt1 'Thte 4hve goods will be 'sld for Ckh, ofly, at those prime. rcon o Ïtiie.r with thehllia whlclthi ft -of 'm an L ir ig 110w Inothld, g1,0(1 ëto whîeîî Also, inst(eck, acompiete à8sortment or pring ume lîglOWf oll. rn îîlawited. ',, rA hAVý kDress Goods, Shawls, Matities, Ias ones ibos c Gndvl' tho h1011, t.ui4 the r 'ut i'<7 )., Ie I1,, ot('- cnjlfIi a ti L 5po Ih1.. The hsl i :I1M1100.-- es14 Of fi sse ,,X 80 7,ft ttniî an C'p<lied .a superior tôt of imp-,>rtved rnid Canadian ITweeds, Coats,-Vesta, 94 X 80 foot t. hre1i ia îss < C rei rtf - lad" temib1)] 6oth tram fMJL,>& L.111u nd ., dand pants, t&C. 1on théprnhlti îuaiof tht be4ws'els intbo: 0 - tj g and inoBt #desirtible ch&n0ts-fr bl'eut- Ii = ] = lne,." lnrth (htsrio. F >~.i~ J tR ,A1l fotfiîr infuimatilnmay h bc gd frouithe*Oe at e t i gohuoriberon O Steproîi'ê,44(If by letter per A large stock of Fax'nily Groceries in c very dpriet i pi) AUEX. TILO>PSON, quors, Wincs, -&C. snnge. Ex pectdd to arrive, 100 bttrrels of prime W hislcey, at Manufac- April 22nd, 1 U2. 1 turrs Prices.T.HMcILN C .aneerv Sâie Whitbv. May 12, 1862..1 IN GHANCERYp BETWEEN John M,îlr, Ribort Knox and Mary James Wal'ac.sand flonry Warro.1 B<ll, ntGo JPWae nis K, Fethan, John Ca itobt timhlAfexsider lliintiti.lane bianti U(>rge, loyd and IJlhn y. R04Itld Ihe Bink of Moitre4lTiti (Infamie Bsnk- William Darling andi Thomas Davldon, eras eCy Aime W. Moi.emn sd Wn. 1Ls.ng, and lewàs Moilat saidAlexander Murray inada f artios Ia tht Msteras TrN Pusnsneo cf (ho Deeree on Fiartisor Di JL Yoc)tlîî, .na<lo ili ts causo, hoaring <latc the Sevottlde y cf Msv, Ïs8a, andl cf a Fiial Order for saet therein ditl tho Twenty.iîlntis daY of bMareis 1wu, vilIi ho sol< at PUBLIC AUCTION, by bir. Lvlii~lrbanks, Jr.,naSthe ofule. of thu Mî iter in Icissneery, In the TOWN OF WHITBY, 0ON SATURDA.J thé 31'>t day or MAY, neat At TWTVFI <)'OL(WKeNOON, vi&a the zjîpe. ni îscfAn4e'.e ort iel, F.sq., rvt1iOrdlinary, of ti» ls î ce, lte (cllow- Situsa t a1i TOWN ()F WilIrrY, in four Pareelx, as follow.;- 1'Âso5a -Afltht d i,t1titllansd Interest ut' Ig nnpunco' tht arrival-cf thoir Sin and Suinmer Stock, .embraei~anic larern~srtnon tnnusu' hic teolleror -h, sat >rices that wil boa, co7mparI_ "'n w ih Toronito, or any other Town in Westeri Canîida, cozsisting of the'latest s;tylesin Dress Goodq, Bonnets, Ilosiery, shawls Iatfiovs Mantcs, ibbos, Iarnsolxs-&0.# &C. P'otorys, White Cotton%, Striped ifihrting, Shcectiîîg, Table Linen, Towelinrgs, car. pets, Dainasks, Window Nets afd MoslnMrsails Quil(q, Tickin, &c. Wo w %ould direct isT)ciaIs attention t,, tliu, gel tlcîntn l>epartmcent, ccnipris4ing an extensive assortnicnt cf Jrorad ClohCsicceicdCotton Drills, Ilenîme, Ilitts, rapsý, Shîrts,, Undkër lthirig,Çr, Tioý, Jracos, su>d Ruosy-naade lothing, in Mon tund Boys Coats,, Vess-and P,i, of ovcry istyle and qusality, made up en the pîremnises, the fit sand wrkrnanshtp îna-y 4e depcuddro01. 1 he Tallorinig Depaîtmcsit is under the ,wpeinndancie of a First Cliss Cutter, and gentlemen favo"ing uts %with thieir orders, nIasy rely on hanving iBI- garmuents amade up ini :% worknanlike maur, and in the Iatest sy osf fsin GROCERIFS --A Prosh Stock of Teas, 'Iga,iTbaccos, &C., &e. *SEEDS. -0lover a~nd flnotby, ws 'well as a Juli asscYrtnirnt-of Gar-don Seeds, just reeeivet. Cail before purchasinS elsewliere- ~rjI' et i s ler R. & J. CAMPBELL, Whitby, April.28, 1862. rrysIr(kIc Brook 5Srec(ý TO cOULuOFlt ON Saturday t4è 24th may', 186e. Secondi PUrsé' $10. Roî tf iii,,ovor l4C hurdisga 5 (êt hIlI Thix Purejr,10. wo lhundrodl.j'rds, ai 1 i oiaa J Purse, 05. For tlic eet41 SIXtIa Parse, -5 For tha b"t îfif..v sqtanding JU9anîu. 1 eventh Purse, p$. Fur tho e >st ril andl Jpîop. IÙLES AND IIRGUL&TXONS t 'rlîre taîntrios foir osch Jls<ceor GUea ili bo reqnlrod. Jtîitr.,alte Ton', r eentZtriles-to ho md Waidewtt] b the .lij t ite Onfart note), bofuro 12 0ocloek un t <o day'0f lie0we. J. A IMÂYERIIOFFEP, Whltboy, Mýay SI, 16.17 'WiU o< ino 17over îheir.ot Wednesday, Thursflay, 4111, 5111and thy ,Jus Il.. hlilinge e nd 1). Kent, Ettqr liîtAi ,J. il. erry, E., Secrt sner. 1 JwnOFu8-lt. L .Dotnison, -FIRST L'A FtRIENI)S ANI) FEILLOW CIT12 IAnd. then forget that a certain (dis) honorable couaci Village of Osýawh, vIse trtsdos in Liquors, but thettuglu selfi.isues,- or opet icometition, hIrsvotuul against tisa -- gettinglilconso- Ã"h I vhat a proccderit for thiose seho arecswora fW. rigbUtSe' Bil kpown, tisen, t o vin'>'individu-l ini Cunatls, and tisa Ce ia particnla&f, thmt tisa "CALIDRNIÂ' MANN" wlseUl!iiona andl afwrisu iltll fui-tiseF oti'e. pulieilt. îîC1 î 0w releivïig f 'ront ont<avs-ei SIGN OF THE LARGE- Deparmout of rown LeJIdB. 14 A Cnuwr..AND ,SPLENDID "ROCKCING lII >SE." QuiE, I May lGtb, 1862. srtetcgod-mgvrar.i ""Il en ru Il <Ilmîa, <t rOin o. OTICE la llîorsbv gîven tillkithe lands ina betan irhudpnotulliy hy iimueh1lin le Feli«zIli, i. etvk innti, escd N 'lie 'Toushlo c-I' ildininletiîe Co,tit Matroue dreu rteit<rV t ,1.C. lIh-oe o aleo n yuiieatuii 0teat<Ieutne FANCY GOODS. T-OYS, &o., tuda"ite.tî,iy cf Jtne ieit. und Izii1>g gv'odvs1nle and fifar doiliughslies su itýlo otl td cûni1ihitiiaofmille, &p , toesrensa f puile fui. lnving »--e ,I î ileit bS Ili 14gjue.t 1<ode Lîrgi u t ni Idlirlies, E.q., Crown Land ietot, paiueba ofr eslil, the sauhucrîber im thisabet. &e.'Iîm, i îm 'iîîoh,' lvs 't Fcie, G'>v l c- y,~ I csgctor tnabled to treuet esimer,' iiboraily, .5.. i rmtv,<fe Ilislie i tu r-ADE USLJ. IHOLLIDAY. 1'rrI1v ,e"lfn'lmt ue I}lit Ciipeeit<l 5A, t '0înlmssioner Broeliiu, Msly 14, 1862. * 18 Vverya<i -le tlteuh <4 eliqmuevl t,r LiIi- lie. A splriidii ,vI ment it -TRE Tilltl>UGfl-JRED BIOÃœD [101(5E, CHOC U FLCW ERS, ICîBîI'>any ,aers rpersona paaelul-ing Aid Flos'erît,<t 'mitsu lu îns. lirild U t uile Sh ia ginet Ile drswsl, b Aloi. Ittele1- îî,îrîîîmîis. siiv <ip'aCigin-. o 'îmospaialafavor et Johopli Ilttsii, W b,etou îcliî' lidî n IRu ýr Ornaeiat eoFrIs. 1863, beimuse 1 recelved no vaiue for GA R ,B ' I. Itt lv.1- l lrimîli,?'. (,sa, Sire.Pil. mid inote. rNl m p.t LM- .',Y rt4i ltingg, J'<Iry ît])emiiees, euertuu îdl-sDO~ALD MeINNON. RE >uorh4*aetitis asasonD. s1 _ov tbe leviliîîr clrdu,t1ybq kpi' iss, LT sere . I 7th op.Teaso t hb~i-t'r,1t peîîvtlm. liens. i enui, woodeili ad willuw o J»17t o.Ttthtb> 8ple u warehob hoses>, tirecrach'er>, alisl ire flf T1TICi¶1,tf1fT1aColuuiL1cs,) (,i the foloiv' gtàemes--T0 work., Stîtioy &mî.in@ aumeroa e49*; fqyjtlîo tnsun $t;- siiigoloap Abt', Fîtil îîd Cefeeiouoy. il a 1e * -- - $4 sgrooiusi' tee. 25 oits.* itics. (3iu itul ioiry lllt uIta. îWhisthy, M , 80W Whtly My21, ltt.19 New Flour, Grain., P.d and To th e T ravelling Publie. N-t Po r ovFa io M . ai;gr on un T îlE ,ol<ucrile luî ei th1e Pierni- eautuli yuocuied hly T. Zizciih, in thse -~~iss Vilg fEuu~tdI hmving<litgd tlîèm ep - -susrbrh&igl ed *-" ta gnootistylo, i.l iyn'rfq!epe *i, ecam se -N 0 T IF0 E ! miissoceupléd bv Mr. -W. Dkron, ail Ilsuewiocgrî~ ive.1141Ils llie ittnds TYror~offors for sait icW-jor lsslt- TUE eST0f in ofthi lk C1GB POrOFFCEopens. xiy Fioer, 1BiudtWlîe4tFlone,ý,4i(W 1,l, 0orn THE BET OF iQuoit ir CGAM T -crthe dispatelsand dalivoyof mailisfont b>ea, t'-,t-arev, k)utm. Pes,, Jluobheat.- lu - 'And lieMm 5bln wllha fturei<i.id w th ailithte o~iils izauiuaSOok ..dii C B l~Slet clieiieaoiee cf thetipat- cit. An ti tentîvû 041er D. SMIU, - Salt Pork, Salt B0oc. 9' <mr sr eiiÏLàs, &&P'% alwac"e nu hsud. T), ho livo <1riei#i with si5m- -P.t1or9 tait iay ieiy iiiit<sl'eirirz cimforts11 y aýceon-_________________i_________ moi d til sud vi Ilteitl a 11<1" -' 'CA JOURiiz1AMILTON, I - Epso ,n Miuy, 18e'>-1. MqWK&RUPT SAIE STOVES, TIN-WÂRE. 'ýhri1TLSale. 1A1SDWAIcE, &. te. aS oduy4 the se# of 1 1 .

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