Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1862, p. 2

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-D. Srnth. 'r ln WhiulîlsJtVue »la,~.-JTamies Bromr, hu-.Crocker. &.À igesW. W. Saleofe Lads in Vicoia-Crovn Laids Ilupartmncn. Card..-Joieph.kDey- Noiee-Wbhibhy Gymnàasini. Notice-D.,P. Dolliangls - - Toy àl i ancy Store-P. Kîne. ?*aicc-1Y. Mclinnon, , Cru-Join A. Wood; ONLY OXE »OLLAR A YZAR WVlîiily, Tkurs'Jay, May 22,' 1862. IDI'EAT 0F THEi MINISTRY ON THE MILITI.i.BILL. On TeeSdmy evening Ion. Atorney qencral Macdonald more! bç second rend' Ing ofthie Milîia bli. A- dvhaqion wax ~tkun wihot debate vlanm île motion IV88g negtive! -on s, vote'd 41 l lu 4. V,.sMsn.Alleyn, AîiitBiby. Belu. -Canieroni, Curling. Canron. Çîtien, QLulon, Clapais, <lerkqc1 Ceekbnrun, (rnatet.i!, Dýivaesn, Pecazea. Punim, l)e iaunînieraq, Dota-cana, Dunkin, I)unn'ford, Fergneaon, OetiL ilaeim [hooper, Jacý.- "an, h.angevin, Aîty. Gun. Mce'ui >.lchJann. M tLactllin. Sel. han. Marfia, ý%5nrr. MaNfris."tiaornn, Pape, Pantman, Pouicîe, Pnieu, Rahilton. , iuleToe Rycnsan. llykenm. ScatSimipson, Smith, Somncville, Strpet4 Tgse, TeL4t, -ao iu s-Muar. Allatt, Archaffitaîlt, iien. Bell, (NoKnuL Tnanlu) Beaudneeu lroqmaeAuz, Burm, Burmehi. Con- ovan, Daouut, DBubrilbk antaon, Dostlet., Droniunond. Alex- Duafremne, Evuintainci, FuleCy, Ionien, ha, Gaigtina udet, .Hcler4 Iow- Ihtiutsington, flIot, Jobin, JolY, -or,- Donald hiaclnal!, J. S. Mac- 1, ki-Renzie, MeDougail, McGee, lut., Mon tenis, Mutina, N',)tni'îî, cran, Pa-tricle, Prevost, Rankin. o 1J.- J. IRase, Ryrnul, Scateiten!, SSimnas'!.Siarnes, Stjnton, SylIvain, maa, Wellbdge, White, Ifliseýn nl t-6. .ît.nev Genenal aariier lînnieli' mneîed îhe adiaounent oftîbe flouxe. . tle crcuaa.sîncua t hi a Xprele!é le only course aopeun for île %Ministry 'asigo. lion. hi. Sjcoiîe and lion. ley,- ara spakan ut as tle coning l'i atny uvent lI ea-abineitnuit we n'eaces in Ibe Lover House, uan! in îhe Upper Honse, bave lae ili ouced respecclu,r-l e leetien etfRItuven jicé fo fou, an! again frornfour ta lAret, mîglil indeed rncnsnably dter anyma tram voting fthîe. lecti%ot ru of dupiy neuves. lhin 4'r' e# tht an incemapetunt bunglurè "ýr. Reon bas prove! imel be, dla1e. n dertaken 10 amen! aur municialaiasein Ibis articular. The. eleciion oetneuvegs and d epuy reeus irecuiyly îlte rata- payers is a seuni!, an! vou! prova a sain. tat7 mneasre. Ti youd! h. the n'eues et pi%4nà 3& lest mahna scorporation-et. nt ef,,ilt e payers-at, the leai ofut -affairai; rhereas aillhe ll.-uoL î.hma tlt-prehdi ne offihaline uer unuicipal bodies ie more ,freuntly the 'mleeft tvë>smen and eiucted hy lig ove v oie'Weu h - aýj brdiofore svocatni! île paineiple .o1Oo mensure, an Jilaisnov un'- uieelaty W r -repeat ilheangumanis then urged h i t avor. Ral a aleMple clme .'.pýouiding Irle lectien ut Récî'c ly Mie dcos', v'ýihonietaialintentering iii> the preuet ve yards an!:cunneiiore, -n tluvuship aud vilages, bi! aintnei!nced sud aise providiîg for tleeleciaztofutà dffuîty fSweby'île ,ývie çDuscflflo-(bn lt e avy th aitneuves &aenaîow .ev.c -tcd)-ae soon as a ouniclpalily vas 5en- î%ici! to e lpuy-xe teal Doefidenîtnt tise prnociple wvold! ruceive the support aoi! sanction-ofthre.Leglalature. -By ibhe plan neo exie ting wani! arrangements woeld bu jisturbed, an! île change ý!uld le su astuotl an! graduai iti ne ju couvnenoc voule b felt by local corporations. The' eleîtore vaul! have une représentative ln tle ceoty cancil, wvIe vou! aise le the le.ai i-thslocal municipalhty, an! ths tww-eshp conocil wir ani vu ils uipresuc' talve in îhe pereon etf the depniy neuve. vht as aur plan fsrn îlte finst, an! va vould bu gIs! te sue sanie :b'uber try, ie c-emper cf Lhe Hanse on -ibis viev ut 14e question- biù. 'Mn. Ân3os Marrison, memoler for Nari-h Si'coelbas change ur au importanut Me&- tuna, provdine ton île sale of non.reaj!dent luds fan taxes enpi! huw euaro, instua! ef fan years accur!ng teté existing lav. Tbs change we ceusider mut important, andi une gttatly detre! by the aa lova. alijia. A -vry great lar!ship ià feli by -'-e s5etliers in w ou' aviahia, ram tle ici lhtItîhey buve te pay aul île rates forile s*oktowanship, fat. Cpnlty, Town- bbhi' Local, titi! seool rates. Umder any cr=einst5ties ieue re, rire berdentome on theseoi reggling'aciiler je thé, back voois; ,Wîtitheuviias getly aggravasî ei! la b oui only las Mi thy îe tazee, n hî uvu propanly, but, aIea las te aouance île- txes for île pt.operty oethis-e o-resident specuilar. TIc ps-usnt lau' lai preeîsely tb*, eft'ect. Forinstance :;AÃ"aOe tounl4,ot tIi3 lanÛl ie a tavashlp ii ccupe4 ly sf eeta. aà! three-founlis in theiba ds o« Reglstry Act. Ur. Crawford, and!'Mr. weuld appeur te bu the truc prieiple,- IMai 'hcannes out île original etjeci et île Ragistry laws. Regiaturs are 00Vr mercI7 netice. A. ear ncbhe aReghsii'yi office allurding not unfreqneutuy ne' inter-9 mutian vlatever as te titis of propeniy. A lenonial ef an instrumntu can nouv le drawn oet sud recorde!, and trant i S "4Philadeiplia lauyetr" ceul! net tell vIeller h 'was a ieemiiial ut a dpa, mort- gage, buon rleue~, aid ascenlain nothing vlatever ifthle covenants contaiaed i hel origialdocumient in Je l.vent oethîe loua or desutuon oethîe" original dace. ment~it vinle la gene wviti. Il je des- ,royred wyt the instrument itiaif. To te- inedy ibis dat-ctinhoaur p r'ucnt net it is suggeitedly meusr. Wal ai,! pCrawford, tini alnra certain date île dacumnents ali4il le recorde! *ai lengîl, und4jnni!eplii ee. Inibis vay île patienlare ofeacii tilla «an le as cettait.ei! lu a eutaînty, vIe- iler the original document bu forilcon'ing et. net. The principle et duplicata regis- iraiions is, vu lelieve, tully concerrcd in Iy legal ganitlemen, yulh scancely an ex- ception, an! tîcre can bc ne question bel, LIatit hioul! giveenreesbcaaé. ThIe oiy objection tint mglt bu sadvanced! aigainst tle principle is-ilat inparticu' lar instancesit might le desirablu not ilu lavea thîe conditions in a trust deepen to .pllie craminaian. ho sncb cases a i!aclaratioo et trust, coul! l e aitacladin t île original, an! notice> ghveo tInt the con- veyance vas matie coder the trusts ofthîe detlaration i tàc! dthoeuto. la md cases tis voul! givu aIl tieeeesas'y cunity for privacy. Bei for oui' ordinary daily traus- actions i lu s eeu, -iy ailrueans let usý bcle t, aescerlain tIheiiflerence letven a '< Quit cîtin," an! ',fu covenant" due! Iy uxaminlu; tichrt-carde! memomad. TIc correct registration ot titles.as propurty encreasuaionvalua je beceming et tle iret importance. Properly jesoecash>y obtaoa leatliai lmet every hua! et a tan'iiy je the Province is powssedcofetmare or less mal eltais, at! caa>uquntiy le di. nectiy intlresto! in the managameit ut Rcgislry offices. We trust the committe to when' ibose billesn'ay bu referred viii earetnlly' examine imt ite îlelce question, and bring in sudh a mea.anre, amendiug an! caasulidaling onr Bèegîstry lave, sim- plityig mie procesa et negietatiou,- aud ai time saunetii?. giviug ihe talles aaecuniy ta property bei!ers as wili meet îhe requins. muais of the countiy. s'r I a£ WOOoeaar Re.wf-Scalrsu corporation orien amygw rARbAva ,nRYih . b The'. were eoofetelva -'oeè>FIapa ratdiie or uk ouc fi oDSOOUO afO~e seeseientnie - - , egllConnespCel 1n7 e Àemhy wich m e aot vssut idiTi ut uytvi> ntfneiba aoao by~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ube an ?terzeaes ci<iIktbrdn fNw tgnd h Ma,d1862joi aud eeree t buchrcicl4~ ul aune'hi Saic nd- ncder,"oWthe ie r en 'wrnierary R£u, beLon -cô4fb 1vlasdurit eriLo ften sywo bae ly bn habut Truma diP.aed 'Wht, Eîbaceunid deini. plbud le refinctl.- oir We ae botrp onacuito yBassu, Aint, imst or i g 0àtreï5 hietiae, '1i heeat n! tle i nke uelor wu eWned4They bttiyvu es, lee th sieuls';ae crne owo BollOw $20.0Oorewy ent182,ha r ete. i Iboi l ems, toista t h e i vev bone rthe aev8ersaeai oalahry doiofhew reurvuand hm cdngly th hav ne a dehes tateachIbanice s-itaxable n 94 aided10 l. vd olumdera vorda, Pt ea n c iern valee, btonvh lnj nf-tcb ldrs> cf d sib i moe iiof 1 y OhIifwhe i ereut ity padinedit intecoi, os d « - uÉt h ea cbtbu ooertabc wuotrm- 1u inb ain te nsbrty te pa te, f far ues I cao tree r i, e avme e e nk. I~~~~~~~ ar tyngtefetfu t1 en he "niorcsnientmorethen ever- &eesor i00.0forshe yejerf l"2anic w ho tebuuanhrpy n'ytou propertyandustice Sîgtrieet hurle Màe heteaoe aurit for Satopryettl $ mut îîyrpubiin I fany he id 4~ar laa 5îanier apdîasoé hetI oine ordsn-,et c osA ni! 0 <h e h r, 1 a,,no azalern- Wof she cisi entn c>o cnegboa ta acquwira eprty, yvam di& eo aing cond d1or lt the fi As- ticrn e by i luwtally aira oi ohes ou mce ol u cana hv ne ted o rain> bu~~~~~~~~~rp cfore n e q~r ou rCnda Purejstheneevea, thave olai e Mounva, ia aurbge o- nc mteus htel eie ming lovheir eamplificaon, beîutueurIptronage upos Th bae r Ilaetbacoe le a ar a thekr Pt in htavelle l cum e a ih. voii esasn w sar thrn n vr hne Now Sir 1 Yonren sOt nIt eaebt ybe u t r stUmanzing cf-i aiie rdo i t,u atntryii, tafi-c ror i IoRe er q nll foy w el i p M e l tpers ar a mIrrougINham. - ken. .Uut. nul le athzaeurhilanthropany it ou ! dt so Mr.ldpy do n e xsOte c lagngtiier .iof nbatcoostlue a s t foreg main ' aejuceSiar il je lg her. TIing on atea înelre i 1 c y thene oruid dte bis aîran -hilodha er, I sl i preteni ugirethen ardiei lhughImbeie roigies or "jeu'. act -eder. for co nton jeserne 018" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sot ott.trtvae.ij iko hsecbonae ar teot.u wî île illosîrtanit Sarnuel Sliek, Esquiri. 1 LNVOKCi. Sicvil "can oues Sa uté obre, ythbi cae th.raeture, a nde! atnkiog eestr! bamrbltafuin ont oaels e ut John ileaye re n, toat heterens us msvs, ef f laiue an! AndrewHubhardan iuselagor ers ed artce.WIn oder aifiatini On o îlohiptoMn.ag pon, 0"e 'aeu e n, tmr Fadiotl e n b e lld-'and jeï ' vasinarucu!te'grat ls verlu avr brr n waîs augw endini vybus, b. e l bamaiovelle for inle snetnnmabuitroe!bbsfahnbîo dolrfrtcrlefuOt. ervat thpesos eni etnesbo ui. u ofpan ib nol et *~~~~~H Ocn.tenetM.baraô le un' e uboot i Lrds Oeta teir liersi otice $10 va orur! t bupei favi 01. ble paînre on tn idend etHn chiiSsiisat f aBrougam sno. or. Marc, el gtun e a eigen acx Mr. î>ln Miieraîîede4île ounilken.dit n e Pubaili l3our l dins a u and wlad plon r. nîe4no ubaif o e. net wa.Thc h. oe ladunthe.n hie ç Magn'As vansena deittu poner- an e pnray. fromot thpe beho r cK teiora Lthe iogdre fe rse.tapebistibaa renontdeai e ssebl , hetipla iîni! o% vasy an id an tenfmeuol.teul in texgactdly in furle Boardo Ws onke ai cborc i se!the ter ta i se! r ,cr thinôi> or I b uekoe ao. B oft1. Mr wuîbîle iev t nakin enqiry I he Caucbn, briosSel Stick o? hiereiscfl Le ou~a b plcdupa ciai t sper91igkvîlle le papore, s tu batnhias On motioM~,n M. punb-la hy78, srpa ris, prehenîing ta modes. docu. (ahmv lsutm)s amndaed a trigcaue mente semamieraxbecndfupsi . ùTb»easof3rJoh n! Boealy, rcyIre-,a flu e trçep bma fuehrucul nd b le 91in uame nta,'nwa a.n bis ts-in nvo mrand wmintesudtarticuar maner, al ing thcm. Su fanri cerns dent. eonugh lIai tIoeslbas beýen unjuqtiflaIiie ouilays1 'ndi unjustiriabie prices paid, but j it ilbe sa Weilite.Wait uni t l-prties impilated - ara huard befere a eveeplng -eondernan i in pronomincei! againmt tIen'. The auluma cr àLmaigamatiîoa letween 4iu Grand Trunk1 the Great Western and tle! Buffao and L.i H. Riivaye vas recejved wyul deriaive1 cleers tram membera on bath aides et thei Uuuse wb#a ils secue! nreading vas u>eved j by Hon. J. S. Meoenald ; sond Mr. Net., man of N. Wenîventt, maved te give it i& quietes by tbe hesi-atfte thioni et buogmen, but- utile b7 itile -A more caieus feeling'-began toebeow îscîf, land, afttr debate ihe Bouse adjourned, vithout coming te a decisien. 1 îbink -il possible tlat ibe bill wilI bu ruai! a second lime with île nndeatandiag that the Hous k net jn tny vay comutitet te principle.ý Mr. Hooper, wbe replaces ibai capital aIod tel!aiv, !avid Roblin, lbu maved ta bring Mr, Itoblinla san, vho vas Reinrniog 0111. cer fer Lennex and AddîngtontaO hiebar for making a epecial returo vhecoAi w as cleur tht bi(Hooper) bai! a considerable niajorily, an! semne fi end ort)fr. Rilin hai* pet a resalutirn nthe back etf that cnlliog for sniee vtneuss vIao are expec. ted, 1 snupose, te have somethin4 ta say in excuipation utf hie conduci, vîcreupen Mr. Hlouper moves again for fürîher wit. tiesses, wba, I suppose, wiii try te neutrni.- tac îthe tetimany et. Mr. Robin's. su vu geint! I suppose a couple of niglîtwili bu. mpetit upon the allait.. Tharu ana a vuricty 'né,'oaliter points. I mgît tendh upon, but I leute bmakerMy letlur tbu long, 80u1' ,ninit burry ta a dose. 1 nec! eny nu more aibout the deailref Mr. 'Lindaay, tic Clenk aofI lie lieuse, titan tînt hle vas %Il his fiiiîds say of him-an exemnîlary OfFicer and a Iman out aterlint iîtlgrity. Oui nii respect te hie mennry l oa dior ed un Tbîirsday, atnd on Satuiday lue ne- mains vere tollowed te îhe oarrew honse appointed for ail living, by a vcry-large CulicoUrsie d. On Friîlay aftcr lte routilue, Mr. Gaît, au vas expeclti opina!d IM BUDQET. Lady Muîkand ber clnugliter, grace! the aide scats at tit right ofth li peaker ou tIc occasion, and for [brebouri thîe modal mrniisien utFitiance- kepi the large audience in the lhuai possible, liistening attitude, 1 cunuol stop ta uiîfold bis policy, an! I suppoethere 15 îeneci! eftn aydoiitg eo, ns you viii no douhbi makn it the subject et editonial cenniietît- Uamans McOce, McDeugall, Siçotia, iPatrick, $, .MýeDunni!, Rose and Foiey, cadi, wwnke bri#ffly after Mr. (hait, the iret, îlîird, fitî und ésvenîti,, namned -enilenien stoutly rejecte! -th e Belerne unt'lded, the others gising it a ce;.itjenal support. Thà clos.- ed the binress efthîe vcek, and na 7<50 wiii bave abservu! sevenal vnry sîoprtnt aubjecîs. are bel! aven for conedeation.- The Militia bll icoines up I unuerand te. nierrov nigli. Tours, I&c., To the Edigor of thL1A, JYiiby CIrraicIe. WC unhestaingl "era th e grand! felurum ocf aur tbeery, ýthat every man has a ric <n to dovInt he lkes yUl Ii o; perpetuai ibreale. 1, for ene proleni. aur lotycr e "ianieu deti0y"tingeles un-t pletilngy Im1etwist dinit, atlentus nie ta bulieve thûtthîe 1separatiOof tihe Nanih 'ani! South, vol!geographicaliY and comn niurclaliy,tend valy ta secere ont. Caniadan frernth buambitions longigofga nmaiun-. soiepuloue neiglîtbur. -Thntijeexpressione i flot vantooiy, un uojustly applie! I1n'es t lisit. 11ev vas il an île eîîlistreni ais, surdiîy, when Mr. Cramnpton waqeInllip!, atit! recalîni! ? 1ev vas it.pending the flce strngglein btbo Cnîmnen? Or bau' npa:î the paltny question et Sun Juan, viien IHarney, the valiant, ewaggencd away vitis hui 150 soldicne? -Nor is.it simply on 1 these facte lIaI 1 base n'y convictions ef mallie.prqenss iinîsue and eppartuni. '17 sihah suit. Dace nul es-cry journial, vîcîber ha the Empire .Stute, (ast lu ponp- ansly proclaîimse- if lalic) or n île fan affit (eei, brenîle hiatre!. deriancp an! re. venDge? lias il flot bean hin vain that lrIn tatiti,, orely ternpied nss ee va by Sauîbenî all-àe re e t raîin,hns mainetaisied lber lion- arable consjsltency, an! aloi ber cars lu the cry o et1r.hit t an7iïiei! apera' li yeti?1 Ail '18 ignare!, aIl kis ipjcecl. Far liertarbeanance sîle receive! mnu, fan bier ncutrality ibsldry, ftanlier gord laih lduflance. Thure la nieiler deceni reurvu non guarde-! expression. Day fol. lavel day, andl ne abstement efthîe nei. mation. Nay in New York ane salitatry Journal, hitherto nmarhue! fer ita ganeral .proprieîy ef lone an! its catisarvative tan- .deney, lias vit., bo a-day an tva proclairne! 64"titiî hapoles ta conceai, tIe nngry feelings efthle Natît lu tdemandsa t LRugian! sai! proclaitu eomething more r.Ositis'c tIen mure uCinrils'qi, il dumanuls fanapotltllt i llîc liaI! mnarsbal henacîf, for or againsi 1 Manry fanl- cuinnup I lut, ibis la aL pretty r-eturoi for lier forbearatice, a pî,euty toreclaof awvlat ina meditaLte!, vlien, if ever, the Seoulhîcru giant shahl e ivanquishu!d. IHa, if anticipatinô Joa. tlitiî's pruclaime! and reitenate! intentions the golden olpaorlunîty fer reslraining île blastening batnocers shoult! be seize! y IFrance an!d England ? IIov, if insl3,ring, a rightcaus and rigid clause in bebali aI 1gradual en'aticipatio andjlnai extinction -siavcry, thcy aliauli! fertiwith acknevîe(dgeý 'the South ? loy)%, ifthel~ Northi Weeernl 1States enbbed, ridicule! an! rifle, nas 'th e y m l a n d k bo y t h crs ei. v e e t a le, b y * thnir casterm magters vore ia sel ep con 1tiîeir own accounîs ? Ho if thi-e State an the 1'rcific abauli! furnish one able an! aobitieus ma, and eut uha cè>incotan? Migît not tlese rihtuous m-tibuiuna corne 'more itiy thinl e "manite8t !estiiiy" gentry voul! exactly ie ? An! ounl! vu beere i n Canada fuel very sorry for sai! consemnotiana ? Fer . the balance of 1Puiser, oceana aif bleu! und pyraiitsor' Itreasure bâve beau ahed anil expended.- .11ev if a îhof ~ t hesanme vaîtf aholuni eanue a metamarphlse, sonuvhat ackin ta i-lai 1 bave tercahadoved? An! if it vene se, WIe, vbcthen borniin Caniada, or adapte! hoinait,eLle jèrenis, veul! rend bis bain, eat aibls, on assume lis maunning cloal.- *Nul. J, amsurcdhy for .one. Sir, 1 bave sai! oMysay. 'Yommr conatLan reader. .Dualt ofthelite erk of vite Lcgtkatvre :l nil w mîiiuw cu aîe ie,.ou2ir.- seithcr side appean In bu ic in teeg-eut a htirny. A panmic'is Saîd ta prevail ai tn, tarunA-En Erearni7t.$12.527,000 -OlitFridaj eenliîîg thie ]busle veaut In, ta Cnîitea'Supply, wliNlMr, Oilt upene! île thebudgetIle canimcnce! ii aitaiuiot o thebfraînicidar var nagýiii b îlec Statual, nirntrking jItht invineo t we liadi 1aionly io previda for expensea -ý necessary in iile ef pouce, buit at-ho for chéirges incidentai te alitate etfvus. Fat. tle linel lime aiios inbaur histery ve lad to canlêmpînie the possiltiiity o*fi, an! nivu uitahlu preraaiune agitigsscb min evii cunitilii011,y. lna compatre! the.dehi an! annual expenditure ton dillEneiut yee.s, 11to l, 1 l", Canada ccupie ! s v ay fa votahe 1iaitiu HL,1etIen ientere!ioa 8t stis ieshobw iai there van an bicrt-Lise nayt aOnyiythle Population ot tIcheitontry, but in îhele In! under cuitivatian; vIn-ai an! ujtier produce riai!, live stock, &C., arg'uiog tram thesa tfacts tInt tIecocaninyI v8 tt.richer thný t u an tomoran ive-yeans ega, ami!buter able tlurea theonen plae! poi itl h vas b(ecesis-lhe kbey ti iitua ha prod u lhe difficuit cmr- cuimstances nanlun wlî,lfiho made the pre.' suait elatemeni. We are nov eutlerni i n.czny respffeta iltheviofea staie van, tliough net engage! in it. We fin! ne- venue taulling aft nuiously, an!d onacquent. Iy if wa lad a diîliculty les.t year it waul! nccetsaiiiy bu enhaince! ti jear. It was lunossible uîîer theIti Xiting lave ta suaIs8 pt-uv sien for île wvant£& of I862i. Me pro. cede! ta state usatin à ddition thîe on- dkiiany-wata a f tle generai guvcrnment *bic.li, acodiîgleestimalus bu Lhad brongîit duvo. li )a! amounici t ô e7, 1.2,000. The Oovci-mcnt propane! the tlvbgapproînatiiaus vhicI vr'uld bave te bu pnuv'ndutifar :-Mblîiiia 4850,. 000 ; Ottawa huild;ngs, $700000 , Le vas go tbé eumiy and ICTÃ"* ing is sortieyear lunîlilt a vota Nyswu onue foesrlh.-c occupied, an! fArte-for aises - .esidente, vIa hav anthe lhim tanýes,the reua i for thél" on900y pay lIait. ae ber foir tes, lut have salt wd tal i saum te make up ils. ru nul non-osi".q. Tru,1 al aels. i t loit, fer ;t viii tunancea.1 qreî lu be pabd ta it of tbe al hi&a jaa-hardshhp gômen io exist aday 110187 nuv countiry1 is ovo nhes ete e i-'eon ,e 1 ion ur paying forn of thse taniLur dravî eus ut for five Y"a! . npii.esi4q$il acte. ablaîne quitel dlvi- ~ vuumenü«1 ire etiie<dtilseIuday morulug vben hi vas sailugciebhîe train vîih el u on' îlai iay. A lange qeantlty ut timben sud maay teacesansd bilding& have beeai dwshroyed in loti> towusîlpe. Mr. , . T Haurion, oftBrooklie, losi s large quandi. ty uf -tavebhle. Thea sllgle tactory ut Mr. Campbell, the respecte! rea et Beach, vas aiea in grast danger, ana! vomi!! hava fslleusaprey te the flamea,. but fîsr'tIa tiusely assistansce ot neigibuns vIa Roekel te bils assistance, and ly wvces Ielp the praparly vas savu!. Borne a tae' liese, our eorrespondeut status,,. have besa lamne! oiut fhoue. an! lame. The lus amoçtm out e rnhIousansedof pounds. Tuz LamnoN QUAsvsauv fot Apnil bas buen received frotn thîe publislers Meusrs.- :t voie id de.ý niteu ; but them in-italeb, and id it vas thuna reju ausson L is te sr.se

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