Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1862, p. 4

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Mx njrý i 1èrmThos. Downing. esa1ve Au.edn Sale-teelthsg 'and nCeay Sl.e A .Rel ment.vnf . l~ lie a lt rrso . r- m Mr. DAs*s.cdCee 1 .P Mahere ieoe sdu ndrIleol teI I e L et r E. errie ia celby ie rn~h port , 1862. W ly~ to'Aroui ttc.e , . r.Ha rle. "t onlyk uei ni r'g 1ui poCts7um bu he dieebprmeIfa or misatetr Ansq bcmt'o preo tr int e Larier iin vue ludw t nd the lb ie4.t aidf wtotnembs'rar inrlan l waa lbrted Frenh pos', l ve arewh lyçgai tho ous te IV. sht Ios -Our en new utos the changt petry, bu Lvie adn, rdeerecs flt woe d sla- And a$,ii wre t"trempt en taine fouli sa aploia s whit ir. eGenb akple in te tise f-recess or Leader lu Cuve, souidu, vo sîood nt in hleboîîi1iîy teol ni 1v)iutijtea.e are Vurýt. b Mrpp . NIeGusiuui ten orle's~ill Çjrl potion of him co ou in te lýegtiunson stichane 'cnci thaideJy, oerf red.Ino uts hare pnul toieortioeîrertt e rec 10 feeund so lan po 3 0 fist se Moisl poe lusthendm eshes fo'ricdea a. ut, se mx ud so uuluckyhà epader. mi t hsever, y asv et vêrerenirly lie frmst by k. Mce ud ring tise ir fl ihiçler poriosefalinea - etse L îid ole sis ar e one s byett ill c re o re. c ifl'e re def(r.ti .d uugeen, end Mr. Me- biuririck tOrk'ted in M4bissenci. *t ofMr u. >tten cannot be wcl h. ý?f tho policy or the niniý ýof VA laid en roeeîatly be corneàa membir: but on inrned en Ille local question In thît section of country psrAculttrly, of a rger rcrrc senta"il qup pile aolitnry tombe, for Ibe ext@bivt eût t fHuron and Biuee. - in ëVr 1ý-- îî îe i maàtiy of faïe" cIectors'in shut Di,*uWon areý unniestfun- ably wilh Ibo Conseiv'ntive prinçqîes" re- pretentes hIll te dé'feied esndidsctf, Tisera l7no'detbt. but îhitaomething wilIItif donc, if flot pmcible during be prestent oresiion, ut leat utolme .D. ti ery remote àa~y, te mslirtethave ry unsatitsfac ory atate of thinir. - The peopl"f ilsose Iwo, gosnîie will fot reà at tià0'd iish nreiretêntation en fuir shnor o lhir'rursli'en stituenc'es, and itl, ispothing but sample Justice thuait iîhey ahould h, otu pon an e14 otn in the Honte, OaitIl ther etissa cfthe province. -'Tihe r ds~mn f'h er *entatien ïs a matter iht iMost soner or tlter bezmet, and the, Sonner 'it is enconùss. teredi asnd settled thsebotter for ail parties. The ofSce of Soliriter, Generai seems t* h. un.unfbrtnste uni. Pasor Mr. Merrison bad t1ssi uoat misernise luck ausong, the conatituesities, uand now ýMr. Patton basa falcil into the sauine train., of ili auosa.- The fallowing ore l:e rtres. whicls we Patton. Nortis Siuncoe. (Maj.) 154 Brnuce ..... . ...>.........u MoSlurrlck. 15 Mîju-it>- fer McNurricku-...e. 41 A. mteeiîug etrthse itialitantas of Prince Albert ' anai sicisuity- vms hild u inso ePreu. byelu hurcis in isaillgep.Satar- daa cs'etuhneIlait, ftir tise punîtose of.oretai. isng a cosnpnoy, unidsr théîteatU1nte) ta-3- tssbliob a cemet r>. There vas a,' fair af;i- teuduancýofattIse rqespabilly sud luiftene of tise lacalit>- present. T. C. Foernan, Esq. occupica tlsectsan, and Dr. Jones ae ted us clscretsimv. Tis e liairunno epiain' ed tiseujeci uf tise meeting, neteir intta the eatusta'5 ou tise taufjertu iiatiog ao itat ise Lui receireai an aller aIt fise nons of land forfan$400 for tIie pus-pose' *ýeluired fra m A., Hsrd. E4q. Tise etoclittise am- ossot of>*510 vas iunmedîitety taicen op, atua tveuty-tls'o per cent paid tisumesan, aind tise citer otfM. Iurd 1rccommeuded taolie atecepteai.-Mn. Hurd aie» gave lise uefr comîlimby t15% Itivilegeouf,cisillectittg anneals due on a formeroasie of oe o cf ttse ltt- Tie dsd v'as d'ieu s iged'pover tutety> siackboliiers, t;ad a ttunisJr etgentlemèéi appoinieci ,Dinectcs ofthtie "PIs-e au-ove ky, 8e rnisaici du dayu we are nov -csj.sylng pleasast aton- hy a m»n<rty of onest" àginst tise gov!,rt5. "e, flI#vp, loii4. andstil tier$s, ail'Of meptnt. ansd ou Wediie4y sud, Tlursutay alcibs i rtnatru enter eztensivel7 ilpto Mr. Seoutia bîil on sowprate iholit 'wa thse soin of biohÏýdý cnjÃ"yuent wbatet'er duaessèed a( en,ctb wills tllenid of tu llsa philessopism of the sn4etly utiitarian j odstan)ding trgnmfntsnallcier abichil, çvax acisool Maay UTte thse eontrary. Woe have rendi aseconsd ime anm iet to la eeuuiv had ta o e smetusi chipa in thse barbiý er ,nle yen5is einz 93; nayà il. -Least 4~. î..i,Sq« - acapti fvl.amr g. 'tiigtthe-Ailittia billCarne op, and iAftertA geci semle, a couple scofe of schooners seenseaiit, slow snd teâbous deha'ts. thoe,.fr. snd ether eruft cf "trder. The rmietiser cprsldeintion was adjôurued tili Tue&- have given a' egttte tseauron.da ding cuntry, 0 filuon City lau Tou, e. ON &gainsura 4smud ôoijeta , pleating to . s cid friend-Dôn. la a new Ilogigtrnlias Pstlr',t démand- hue, nlite,'ed iita trio'? forenan bintoffice here, basa le- <u hrnl. brougbt ont a n ~ paper wlsch tarts 10th E.i ef the.4 on thse indepetidenÏ mu'e nd i rh -spro- DEA usSin.:-YotsareAmlrny nware mises in b. a. very devoted frieud 0ut hpthat' t ft 0trm5it5Od fF>rt ie% nov hsin2 mna'de commercial afid 'intial ti elsse. As tu> hnvs>i. ise onu Ridinz of Onîuiri'S Mt youa n ay b.eui'.ptrlsaps, I l as La sa."idiue fisr Is krsînjtroe. ll dien," the od4sssof Ile Prenclth itusîti, 4hn a abe'peuple 'c, iuiaor. naduan Preâ§iaf4Aý hiinsqlis 2a con4u-isst iýunde.r rempdini gnsievancee. ta tletits1aai lent and userîsi 11fin tise serivice'Df tise for redreis.Tlsi.-éyolt i ii -o d<subt f.ay. g oeat i&)er casst- a înrty for tirty odd bu tise conmn courge of rusnýdiir,-. in years, whi'.icen linninousty ôald tu -a the calie unier conqirleraîlon haseever, tte pMrutyý of Roure Gris-i, aho1 have - l reiudy peottle bave not event ,im-ils'tnu.<i but in shows> an excellent i%posiiiti o n il >,toc~ arieii~olc.aahrsh tise wortý sttues -dpmagooeism and Re- arnuld fsîinin uva' ilstielieve ilint ae isiVe pulaisnir iwbtut as an plr.u.îto thiiIA - s sebc of psuuut-sslr tearinur anis a wronz, Rtefswue," lat- uaRctsgeof lIhee ms, tbril- enjl it hp~bcoma' iniippnrtnhle 1:înie4' fiant, dirn, buit ssaurec i uttidc lur odOcr" t<rY7 l d b'et ihere l tsi offers tise bcpe tis..t brenfter hiit i jestftnd iufor sny mlucisacss-i fàtt*ui-â ho.est4ptotr of rea'ocâble peo that thse people of Norls istnariss, iu the, litca. . j>, indcon. iwisle, do ront find ilit iiuetiitint 10ldo flotcomî1 t e"i ttry h11sins'ss 4in litlhy; fied tise mencinéç wîls thse Boueof Lards, I1m=y I r7 fIr imhalia i1c %sration it iup les *%y tisai on UtMiondu, ahen the. motion ti sneetdiatscuide tlieir oarn reeeive tise peition cf thse Grand Trtirnlc aelrssh vndx. Thia 4iq t1ise nvlotalject of isa'. andi Great Western Railsyus for imave Ici present meivrmeut- Tise coirurience ansd brnn in a billtias repou-ted by tise coin. seelfanre cf tise tafipebave uostiing -h*is. mi aid nnattemsef *iusside te berkt i ever too 0With lti hi.rh, t'Ieif hFpIriot' Lhi pies fiiss noiiicé liednol iseen given ne5<. le motiieshavrnnot the remetest cus>tec, eauding toe tti uie of tise Hanse., Iu Any lion wjeh thse dem'nud. lolitpepr; but tise objection, lifter a Tornship municipttJittes arc nov nxkpud prettypeery deisate, waionesrused ,> and Paar ol iosPrayins- for sieparstion, ieavé vrasgrantemi. l'ai9i is s smewarui I usde:îs tstatisg .-e usni nm nificant so far asi;bat Hoilse la convernod. teir rtmuurouil poteut argumnst%for and nbtwillslstndin- thsî- erc fforts uhe cisustîe tise>- re demeudin;. A4 faY bein,r malie a.azit $sîefx is&isus .q uiCc nearu Tisorusi, 'Mat» asud Rnmi apeet of ibese 0gei-etProvinciali itteres4. 1hise atrety paased ilesue r-sus1tliu.- issiee tise opinion tisai thse com1.-aiep*Thse maatsslers o ef lb. b<isb Towaililp aili unrry tise cday. Icitait tot nt prf-eet Colisiil, t I-owu ksoil eare quite enter istastise 'n i f tise prnpimaed aunai- iudutfret; auscinenukd le, tise reqlu.'st gaisusauon eCheuse,ý 1 preassaae, il jesquise weîî of acenrt uliaain ntis"', a. . ssr uttise wvea, but 1 illresuerve uny- liased'tut» room -d Bl3e cen iîia self for thse oct-aainn, ariich is l lion tic. place for the tleab'-ssulih.d essr5 of repos¶ing on tise debate iu relaition 11ad isle site isa"n i-ft ais opusn qui.,;elts tls<ueio.la, tise esaum ~e-aL ais ntiesame a i R tri-m flaiiteissts'tt, 1ib» ctCUel <ud dsiy are hatdantitiser discuasion inlus visul , s- dss1-hv iror iemse st tise govcrumetitt. hr4uýh tise Possumauter sail a ie iasdtiersltos (tiserai, vas madeisdtayield ucint. 14 l[ti What a~h.tise resus't 1 his criidot Mr. 'ieymiisuar camplainemlo ii n f iis ci.. ýhtaG-t uoer affic e sucýt rsèqirkd. Tise hy the CroiuaLtends Oificef-or tise muiti MI" le r ot tufTrpri sms ie rcn ait-ment or tise Cierizy i&-serve sd lthe- a-motsa.~ eptfsasre usadps Sehoot Funds, -alloginsurthuit tisey lisud fr. 'estecuiug tise WhJthsy oalie W1l i rn cr'ased lu one yefr frotta$1M,009) Ics $113- ers spp tti*ifrat ie ein- 000. Thsis. 1 mulet as>-. did -look ralluere'Pr' 'hviedoing sue) wuul.d 1e mhut h%» tialtsy; but thse t-xrlosnton wans giveit hy anad ujté.it praoeedsugý- But tise- gnirunt Il.tn. S Sumihs aefu3 rew w tIs sund teu îii.mcina t idm tsî mittite lts do suss in Wàý e5lfct- tihe ceom;acoupt gceto tise Crawgu erfs-e îxsl.r smiV,I' çkèli ts1< e. -4 lansd agents opou thtieamone>-. cotesssd for --r ssu.es4otfiuk , fgellin;! t4s tis osect, "1 6 p ~s~ter vent .ibutisvut I~t ua #wrs e~a'eilre Ii CÃ"otýi&snemr01 Cdown Luausdu, bout. gri. se poiatuJcsuon tlmthe tlt~sieie f >waenross. Virikouhuseu., fladissg usâtthe uirram,gas ti aiseslier respct -%e ediffeees4 itss' s>4itf t'le ititerats ici qeelicu estîiri 'ted. Our le i ci ~ luea' erpensfi#s is deprienmmrut, pruscur- h fWterl a c.401o 1. .ad1,110.s. » .en .....srap: ;ri ...n:i ..inu pro&îvitica. cHusa itt4M& facluect tise 4"Ssmitiz an snwarrantalsle ingslillOde Or.............à'.î '5a , sk . imprudenee, if I refuse ta recov"niae il, (1 , -k, awtt, sJ>orter replied No coenditon«,î Ù'~5aI~tks< ari~1I numerussseterrible dangers tinalsich oaur etiAarx aisAn±ta Mî.tW5 To 115 4$.tOo urfig mirsW Ae54VtlCII.Qtoit foti'(. j eh>-, ebafed witis syoutsg ventait samec isoatu. poitio wold uspaq ~ q. '~ -" IAnt'Ansewf'n, Wâ teaegrereports c'P- i$slin 114- Iltaîîar,-ous t ,Tburmiays 'Tise7 edo th r ca Pdotectaim ion f lu Eri 1?l182. ywet arueI"ed anottsGr iduto oy 01 rnm. çaSveng atit usent Kell's 001> ý"Aieteiinmairnittnef te 1tcàýin y hè'rm fth i5 Pr pi. bodtIa ,Ibp liêneAdditlnlonssornewx 4v tise Columil>iut nYO: isit, oaa Ottls rade iCA a, refse a scevevi it>, Y l-, 15-5tf>-tlfht tise iitvqde-s 20d S _utre i-runguuged 1Kelly 1 vss ots ndîtpoece-d 't. ;ýolarly p-t1 îîW1itY,1_,"1baem2 om A muis ehpsthtie praeptiaabulity, of env own le) is- ;' ýrstghet orsii>-su in uinipes iunstit eniwt, aîîenciyog tisein usftur cxl lt i>,aimi bîeejn epca lio ;laqttt aur usprisr l ilunseaa su sac'.scitt lriog. Ctarmn -e h der. ndenes'c L-. - Let ab tints r 'rae I altie p1siiuce i ur a si»'nars"ti siiv a-n'xepina.Théir destntieon am-Aun-er-ss amtlsssand &mio'eaan evin*Ytrtri Aits #liu e xbi gncr ofaL. r, river iwc'ue remsrved In, otir gtsnloadcR. Th1is lu ppnvëto hl, e -w o-..'n7c ~Irtr ua farntIs ~sm cusidratan f asY01111 b'~tiuttpi'b..uiuist, e11is -eiseela cent tire vattg diwu tise -ies'i -lut'1 Imptent I iL et oqdrtino nbv eelirflrge n luibru ngyn)i-'u$ h03'diiilittio rtiaan,se e t tIre 1f i) flicITT oaCIeI-n ao anc pstdct iiaîo. Tis ual itenîtrusrits'rof tise siSjl iutrftru, nR se raAPITAiL etisgti¶ apran ostrin,,m Aare flot yeteut base, aud Yeiudrove--isos frotshscmaissaHartfoi rd, oitsti wAal heehyex girau<lui sntlinn-fo>t tiseinvesîssuent of nesfinlm.- * Anrarn dilîs tir i n d a S ivlzltIoýa. aseller of iis iraitueiuid gîuoout,. ic t p% îuistr- W'l'îîter tbail a.cplldilJ5tltgn5,fçli- f ndss usIfor oiseir rllsJctta, tainicaIIe& ts elalte. Theii. dor thed-'ise You cptirÏaud -mfsnm eniiipiete lbuý.mier» mntethue lr<it-r . e niflftfil te- Y er 5f htsjsTssdIi -eoimttcimh5d Cflza.- -Stài-èt ittê'iôt 'g(igtô flagiind' ff ru >n~reJst2 unsi ainiýing, hon,,. is t ufore goiiug 1li onm n5'1<»tis, a.jisnlorfomple. iima. to eante tpwars o f alf a'illion o f usîssalptanoti. re. skoeýîjàýtioe. ftise V'roasmin'er e ptired in eu-vol- lia homte. Sane of tise teding utasses soldiers. Sainte of tissm i ll ciib. disuisiaaml, o s aypai,- I t1" Of et g llfps ts s !*tultsttt <t's-eh' Ad 1Of pauisa i sa w n ni-sdeci tise seoct M"seiig sud~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O oflmsealvetgvuqsuto eorne Oti <ltut7 1ity., "<fl5' jîss, stbai thI o thh¶lse s4'V'os ie Brillais'Nothincrienn Aas.-çasa!iî;n goiremmueist me deerniif neur7 te re- enymen are prossuofailetr aiemisaon ftise vass rlkI-k 'the steameghi p Miiip>lpaii og.- - iniip hpreucués tai tftin, isey i> - inhaesufficient ciao tin dà-blisici- 101f ie Sitilutis, 'Ausli~ d mlîlrtt f1- Il sn f" - Split t mit aInnî t sÉ tus tie tl55 jaius 55. ampant-. Iule u rapasatf-m toadsc. isin lbrttsting il¶ir tlqgers inutns nun tn . tise tilttmate tsuic-eas »ff >-uusr vuto1r. Yr-sfusu, Rsi ri a ed tiseiuissnt Af tisaeas il55. vmteo initon if<tu iisa'est<la.t ter nie asu-. lniz isarnet's ne'st, 'nd su' oin eri - Soldier.4, uîsotraruld cve>i!z ig casd f folt lsav .'suisl edonu>- barn. keb4 ifsitgauprds inisu-estandstioiser cats, tisan tlia5 4"pendesît, Canaia perpeurated sa wrongt ien> lansaisiistLoo. filsinsalerut unkssaavu. pauli m n the "ICatnada Ascency Cturti-psyuî srbiell vonlim i jstif> - a decrusrtiots of vAr jiuresentle attîflst i p 110te oiraoi. Hie ojig-NKcmYork. 7ti . the- ifivid ao.lr((n tetiiie .' h- 20 pt-r hy theUnitndStÉLIB* Onvrtimttiti'rfol. i-m sutino i&' qots teIore vos1. Tltare fllor Mttnet lietvy asI., Pend 'tc lver, cent, andti sfss' hîîra.s ai îvlis(Iei ert.ssanef 1Y lu>- d tise nitl Stuit moavruenî e o.Ou t os.ae' os stts'rly"hg. 1-ih.st adoit, ui Ir'ita 2c. lov'er, witle mmanshs nte.00 perrceut prnmiîm. Tise otL_ t>- k a nîu d ci nintmoetstia ute ir sisinrs-iy saihling doing. ofeîs s -uttienea saoreeyv W'1 flt Ilie canfin- dltrebukýen atdecotldaîtr-Buto inlynàv -'1'sngtisI k<i w:¶ ~ 'lt . .1 ta-i tamera' usase>- ia<iut! witas quasfi batik. wd ii cna.nsse. luut aInrasite (tîs a Ur,,r n rer"so tiec' t a'111s; Npiests IL.a Belie Ca. - lu- ope-rsiiaIn usIfiasisu oneaf é elhun>,! Itl.i' nci nt su qtre-r iviaiip srvanll tIce Pr peruss in l le ts'rts,gle. bil- 'i -tidtt tht-e ofint"m'u, a ln6etert n nw f lrthesrtslmI 'i - smfmuit'aasioni hy judueiow u u t a na'aIo ly'lj have a sîrnngl'r clisin tacl isenr sacssca (r.".l.s u eiiis ltie ia-u'.ivnr6,digtia'see " B ' taaff'rfrbie avsase. is lasi;i qeps-eu- wre&ýed on is'r.WasV u a seul fsorm par No itt -r nov tisal e wa-a otuld haivé'if -ea.pnrnîed, isutt II1A Jtutsas. .A.<; e andense forîîsietheia'i> . «1no n elui a-t a rl fierfypati. A osk titis s Cýf-ipi'.t fusilis>-tise, teeaînnrYaos. tr.u.catfitlsvrga pereotitii iteremt [5tmi ve unninttineci trieudi- reintians vu ' o aici lu O n atc-r lé, s ia'prar"asa and iprsos1srity aof tise ro. Ili tsit m ineS araIulci Esugand. lp A gerttlèm'vs tua on Sitntlir bi tlinil fi l.ts l i sis ;nri' let a rd su juurviiu'iut ll bouidby hépnqticn h.,orttliq tljý" loýng intervieuw withthotti-veîu-rsn $ inh, Isousui, bN isa-.pt -son lsnnoic.stealim ils . nraîf, rmesl. tit ofince.- Leader'. ,Iue ustoos of-tise veau-hin ta sté tisin n .. iuusbts.N , lt lqun- tle i lait bie ' for men ot Cuulusha Fuir sutsa. Wis trm Esglnd prnutpalIn lie prsic- . tie ttln' i eil tlÃŽl e i. tiss eAuS'«' os.u, bu-en malejs"udsi' i r- - ,PMpper advftitut~eL e ken i l of nah rt ii stey i -m.ts.s ti..Poei'i n ase s'vus- fin!* te ta'VtmgW tise Csm it ar? Wisy lias lEilani d hy tlsst fiise i'n. al-tai il si- ts'ite-ftsu susno iswr'r s irsst1eDsutAt5.lar ts!) sie tînin eui2os ridpthea sm ieevus"lsr uiddivî'i rt i viili ot a pa4îîaas toruaeah lis daisirveil NWe 1t't- nss'sîtl rlinya>- r'<ie,,s o i raniA gie ottm tise p.suerui ultnpanmt of ber tr isa th i<t. lie nfi 'Xllm filert; m's ntsilitu'.ynuip's'ur wscs i ~av-stueu fsaiiim,~a~¶ austrc mîsrni influe- a s ns autlinn, sand, usastiuu isuu dnsinoinzor eru tî ixcîs it -eli n ptml.Aih trnonnfýl -,rtrý moerin sEgiîuen Iin~u ae it >as'e ia l isSeeir ulSute aIqIlsssinsbta t~avery grpat donsaierftum 'for Isosuto--ittrcr- se~îiuv4e hai o'n.ea.îuier îs'n iihu ,',aa'i usijsfu disputes of th,- desertiiîsat<ttt'lesr-au saar- sttft~tA claim tssy îalv sdts pr ftIsai îî'ît-- ttui lo's 'ontt. ire . r.ts' 'llse Nu-spol.'uan. vi' ba.lii'Ae. 1vYe res Inl'oi i Oss 'sn te inn? lialuioe of prlwer lu Europe I Me- tnienais. cuuid 'viats. a lu' suit uts t'uea'ny-.--uuë?Da'e r 'î puii'e ol ti g rs aurassu -eil ei tuf Caandu at" ie Unuï, tr.ricawt~i'ps lie 1AT' aauassa. .Tise FliaIt erto. tos' 'o( l setIer streel., ils icta'sunte laisus tis The-ic rîsd se >- %rn»» ianutalta <1ev lo dis- n '»w- foUtiaslth.ati Mewnus i-"n,ov ~l t» arodefsllydhaturted ifisît i4en'evisy ts-t Ills srltrsaaiutefe r" u is,,, i-s nte rat» 24000 rF'Clbq Obf. !il, t ins , sp n'l s.p'ie in OPttc res1 i-iarc deturyei. ti ot; Eusflaptd, sui s-r [isui-de-r Slave Se >1'. isu uIsatisusr -t i "'0 Prfir rus,:s aîeîive!as'lln es-saineus> Ns- amuI, linstocs îsci sit take 'attrer C - fsr'm ntter'tinps.q<*:r ns a lecture in i rnttg itst it'ii <.niduiti.'a;peiin"i taadia atnIes1d)m eln atétete a $rvslivta' VMps ixmzf r lie - r T l;n qlron leO!-o li, i ta i as.eruasr:fiOtt-s hut'il, te'-t, isait namInt ta bcome an appeuduute oà j .ms 'e 't'ot --Cassiiiinttt ltapuît power that nm hav'e tise me ;sts~ l s iisl-wt. tsl 1'uutthi .sou- p r'otpiryei-ul vc"'Id. ss...i..frm a'- itel'st .'e. nmtexsifsrt. nn. l ,(t1teiasg lstm Illa lIals ±imît nng.à el u (e<itg i~'t iIL hue lîeutti' n -i tsss ttcît , su.iusti uslti - rca ilu <s-e'i ain "s an sicra.no i 5» ha. i'tt t it t ta n a.l.%n esath be on t mun 101-miedmi . 'q i enaiq-f ) ou a 't i lt Ius-satliil-isi tina com i lt eof eAtb ta i rorstie <iltiu f hss irss.ss-If-ru'lua.. .e unsar' ut na. i e iit M . lieluo t 14xitas sunaîv'ueul<uui ibn t rsll > Iug tu-gl ii it'tsiun fr ilcs rttta. ilir-s Yi-n.1'us 4e'ke tislciiclii. scre issaiiivtial tn caua nt os lsluuguWeilly sl't'aisa'u hi itul u 'tiguo-ftî. -îls"ia raiuîia s.i-t!s gel stt5seiasof Ili(-W ki li IJiiti lre n-s,.,ciao .lsu-Jetf Cm aui dsu tta m i vea are on t(1 a m bitiana fu. fi w I p Ii a 's T ' ' l i s ia nî e int bu'u s rl. j î-u c-t si% t a K u-stu s-k ' . -' e i l;,-t tie -lp ra ei o m E f" u Iistu Andt a ll S Y lii-uç -::ig....... ' in ' llfl o r - reet of r tht- bs - .Iln sue ar -i 1 tonrs.i - s i e i a s i ra' -ats n 'itsc' 's t st IIsaruteaili c s i a b I n l b> t s sien .hl, Il - a s v t u us i u a m a t , ' n s a- - at m us k ehl .ut pr lu e i set t ,i u t a o ceieciat eu-istnaiutie tane t iout a itrus-' %va' t uitîssi lt~tiru-a yur1 te.r.sc ti u-us: tuer 0wrs'cae, ttinsur u-v etn 1 'rd. th pal-ei aire r i is -lîe fdl reome, u Iin e-t -l( 1 ifs i l.snisu si5ssls sttu'îab mlserd as i y ' istA l otticef-'m Ceeit a'ndbers as-ii uasrt' -te, uu'lo lo sisaa o suIa tes eat Ii a î sto'rt r il-. aafl,, osuav utuis u 11s ns e'r reti- o gse th-n t 4trn sn . in ssll disn c nrlisuis is's tu ' peis s vsimn , - i s ' sitilAt ussuprof. abusut 's Cenhl, i uî r ssa î t s.uic. A-t1P -" z b;nlus t ubis i !eusnu bit.- brri5ht'iih, biitemsw sueîstaih m a a, ssv r .aii t i usive t isa. imm ':aa$ a leGttî st s<uhs te .n a--fîsne ivriti tn'y s ts;u s s e )e,u iç t l avis ~ ~ ~ ~ w, du imsuivi ll lue îîk s 'fsai> 'Y ie Ia a; n1ot *tshvss< ilsiît a'fAis e,'tssliud"ai ituu Iîîrs utest's-us < l. -itiin hwsu Ci, tnc iusas a e ntofnrped l as pneltq.trb&ue'Ip '.ctc ' ite auuOiriuef itacu' G 0sc~s5 ' - ,di<'s'u-uasiole csut eu, 1:1'ne I n ur .j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~) Lut e*ssaS'ourc'uciutststmnI rds-mo-us, udsti ie e ti 'eu 01-voult un qre tu. a e itiIsistt. Tiu-lh tsii. s e ui t as '1sstîitevtts'lusis iti tBIut svs t atnd;usitis _nulîs'qîsein nidt --Aa'u ts tue op rt ti Pl ,r fI ite. u sut im sa. sussuoii iotna. i usin 11a11w u-s - fii l e ts ut Iruu(nie' s'htu lc'nssn'aî e ac e t i lais i ptireuî is isO t-ie fL s-t I t~ ir s is itisil t'vas'tis w tnu "sÃŽs 5 sr-es-' T' s'tu Isi 1ar uu soi -ti t Ils-rn t. 10 j sin rnrv < ne-as' us-a < atf tiu y t Ae . pa it .on co n . fie-w s sin i s ' I'g iit . s T hf,, s ls I s's :uto n it . si g l 6 00 0 ç,!y"iu'i tu'i lt. lrOOS I ' v. .jeu a _ p st f a. e avt f cisju slý,u-u&l 'sit k ss e pua>- ou loyalu eaudspear.. S <ais suaMr. iffcr. iliteIluty Mu.MGe, --' Mn. Keliler, Postussusiter nt'O.Isuatr v euni.riiitiots or Separeate , <k'cisred - eutertàalud ut a cCmpsIimaýntr> Suipper ont ou iq bis aedpreter- Masudus>evening mmii. by-.his ftienais. anal as conîsmeai itb'e el-wiuuisera.' Tihe atpieias ocf tse ver>- -usie net a tietteu-r bo I iusnas ncs nmuIl i cuva tnt or s'lsiug representi-- . Duve'üd ae vaim s dnrkhysr mi sntsd ,if'baidue e 11r.¶iYdOd byof uie-'Ossîsii êesbsm'se a lover ntî Htai.- Dr. Gitan, tiseMuayer, prasiisd on tmîtiinstuis ot lmtise octniioi, unda Johun Fisam POTu-YaEs'., lionwit hi la hÃ"l )Cuii ise vice chair.Amlssgsî lhe iausu:hlii 'teariOînatber gussts pu-sent w tereJ,. . M , uu- . doube- ongu, aes»R.. E. 1cruy. EAq., RJ. Wilson, eq-, Il'>. lu fsos, Wbo Sceen t a î.qnIEt S. H. Cochrane, Esq., W. r aan'd"vits a areL Billings, Euq, J. B. P»velk, 'Esq.ast bimese ist.iLt im c uld uhe fii'stofutLcies & Poll, Rulti. Csimn'-- ~llutci.ua ît IsiusqPUtT. H. MeMillan, Es»., F. P. ra alliance oi, 4 anis see 0Pole, Messrs. 1lieujumin sund Jacobs stable, anud oisr word on 1>rsJuiu ibudpE.os~~ unae he tsiu'i~ issi prowtl%,. Esuq., Jus. No»n1Ïý-Eàq.. osais. Crcms.ver" samohaNatissuietl Ray, ThomsM4dAyt"ehta. C 'nuber apiritedl>- threakKele, s.,Mr 'Éi se opposite ide of tise RleEuM.Jse c 6(G!e. frchnc to' eird of, Richsmosndi H114 ..~.- - soos.e fo-- ~soe"sf Thoýjupper, iluia word, vas a jciy ene, ptcvàio o caracter, s rvatioqmandsouth a tribut, te peusonsl stkrit, and4 tm a main, arbeneveu rie rou ntmiai c 's.z W-fb venid. -tý Kelleu-I on yaati tise a.cs-egate ot tise astissuu'lapl dot. Nsstwithtmcdainsqsgthis aiptavation. visich it hOuI ito,svy fbe seessus satisutactar>- elluau4. vit i tse exceptioen, 'perhisp, -tfthe suitus fiueoFstat-14 peu-centst-the fitulit roud t 1,gqcoumuiitee, aussithe maste, La ta ti C)r len ls i nto.Yesterdy-ilie lunter ' veusiin,g da>- Seing aimat bianle in thia ! beuae -4»u. Mr 0Atexîtidur. visa ly tIse In va>- 'seutus diîposeai it a nske 'tintettasqa uteuoluapossible. usoved ifou-asu Eil 'r nu(u tien committuue ed$stssce th ie susbjeu's <su- sn s tice, wel 'conimieneut speech, %*ortty o leazcaspied sxtensively b> tise pree i;si 'tité'uoue ào a* i la nuit of great lnri'- Ehi oljeotivssa ta brinz uusder cansidens- tien uthe moins neceary tas be adopised itic procure thse emh.<nutlou t tis province ai' Isersonnaof mesiu, andI lise flouse ciseenftul--1C il7 gave conasnttef bis am'tiust.r 'hts A~iIîly a»o XnoiIlo Hasts. ise, Caèti. ue?<sied to Mr. MeUs-eu lamons si epeechoian l-lÉes,~tItpointed stut uts sâeiserrera unto ariicis<hat ver>- elener, p a~sa ~ ~ s pf, îôg it r, us' e "'btulced hlm saune- it wistelru *n 1r' î èt e n dem. - o1 nation est tise uearminister of A riculturmtu msu Lbad been a unui in offce, muid I musu pt -MY Mr. MeUt-us fuasosw t4i Ls. lbuisý-. ur . i pst tisa duuuuemliirn fýwise -sigiu-it ion Pt ace. Our- cincumi oaid aistiei cuis ad alsiunn of fa es ýretratinl:uta wroe. sus o ai i-iele, b (n fom <sakitsg for m itistied vitlsaise es-jo rid tecasissq 1 lefile rian patroatgLtbu re. the'catisstsv. nos ssht.V"~' - am. c. D J. B. it emaaii hhy, Mss Sis. ISuli8t. dtiss t-s-g w'Audlie- to ePP.trau. Wiltby & FRt n- t sJIy TuenAgg'ý Beaveru ti, "Ol/se £dmte IDetstti Sait: rd- Jaune ou tise len thea v I - 1' pis-t-in liv rscSt lty prts-e-d iv Nls ini4t bet',srfdesi lit-t tuilp- arn ouI- '1'- 1~ &sts Is np in' tis t. enva os. Ons I tise! okl

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