Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1862, p. 2

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N~W Ad L1enunî t .s ay. The-site sot the V9uet7 Agriduitural 'Andita 8Report - uîy Ontario. As wiil lit se en from a report ut the pro- A.sieti And llal)ilities -Do. eedinga whicls we p1î%bkinannther col. R, t41-lbt . apioi nta, tbe-Agricelînral Society have aceept. l3t-An Texamnts- cd Ilie Town Hall and btarket block as the tleed pehtntoe-A. Loran, jte for holding ilicir exhibitions. The OG1tarieflIotel-C. Dalkes. Town secures a leasofor les years of two) Cour-, of oi~n-enli fWity acreq ft-o'm Mr.. Worden$ adjoining lte Spru~lnnrTuinsR.antIJ. Camp.- present two acrçs. ,cempesing- the Market tel1. bioock, for the Society, and in addition gives j!Icazdy einae clotliig-Da. a money grant of $UW0 îowards fencin, Or orcries-Do imProving, drai.ning, &o., Thtis is certain- Tavern Staud for Sale -Aes.TlnmP. Iy clealing iibereliy itb tlie Agrienlturalists "n- «40Ilt ave,, w.tink, oniy eviuced a just (rnton -NVM. Clegg. appre-intion of the offiers before tbcm in. &'wng achnes-'JIH florrie. ateepting Iliat of tlie Town. Tune otiter C'ard -Win. %Vebber.. localiîy could the internats of lte Saciloi V'biîty ace;-Otitarlo Turf Clib.1- a e wel served, or tuie publiecacnveni- Court oflRévision -Town o? Whilby. suce me wcll auited as iiilte Tuwn for tîto Dcig est'-holding outlite Fairs aîîd tmeetintgs oflt AUCTION SALES. Agriculturai Society., As Ilie County toi of Twn Acrelt, lîroljr*ty nut in ltnr h ua-Lt onc tit nesl tur.tl plices nsweli Roît Cînp1ny, at Towin HlT, wbitlîV. 1 as te bet Iliat could Ilt-vec uil sclected. <lu' IrI Jînc. Il'garding tte nost aitalhle Iorality 'itin (14 Acreat mu(r0ai sn4 VîlI tg.]iL'f'. n Aat ,î . . .,.. 'unuttiunaI- lof - 1Mr t'hiidreit. As utiîti las-e licou xpccled uIl av'erage îîtîî'tdttiie foi- lte pît avet dop.siit i-r lte saine W41.1 piroportion tto theaî toied niier ut' ciiltlren stio îiittded lte scTooI,, durinc lte sanie yoîsr iTîsiulie aîverage aîîetdîiuce o? tle precediug -,ear doesIo0Illte totaliitttttiier of scboiers lito atcedeýd lte aeliooltî duti- lict ux a.- For-itet-aisa, lite as irae o for I 61 %vas bt 320. it i-Toîld liav-e I-eu 357,. 1usd lita n' gtt-tî-*ity of te îittdausre for ltai rtar tisona great as îil -w-for 1860. lcre art tii-noliîi-* iîdt-It-ito lteptf-c wolti if uth Te sctoitis of a.1 k-t- mîttutýe to th-ît jult ins'îitntd ant i -het1t114 it chtassiî %ilii h. 1 liudo- to-tue ,mut-lttont thit eitb'ilii-n o- a eisse lte scltoil bt-toto titi' regutar Isour of c-iisîit,,n!tinof îlot 'C)ine atiflt titl len, sîlieiniy -ct1> a titai t-t> tisas' h iera 1wutitettily witcti 1< lai opt'td. "'lite onlt'rî'ttttcTic-s 1 cat ai p)ýci itt i U,:»t--ifor titi'f-si t -nh idevil are wc gis-e rewardt fttr reztiitiîty of atte'nd-l. accu ntit'!t>reî1tire lte tî-trlî'r t c;dI ons or Oite roIl regulutrly <'tcit diat aise ic hu-$ of t1ilih ie . taitl tîtepus., itule inie Iime- iîj t heîi à.tt.itiltaner tf(j t TIr-i'i"n ii 2'hA}iil .1îua V .',lW )pmînwe kiiui' tiieriî%re ititer-i- ruh C s t' ttphiîin. Not tIe icat tObjectionîsîlo tn thtIcMarket sito e inthiettccessity cOf ~~1Iitb fIr.~...~~AIA leasing frimu ilr- Wordcti for tao short a ~ 1) 0~~UI Ltt. iodas teti vears. Ot Itis accouuti.peu. -- ~ tapa lte offie-- f t Keuit prnperly wouid ONLY 0NE DOLLAR A. TEAR fhlas-e Itoulte e stî duarulîle for lia towtî iubtil un'!cUbto'!y 0U Id bu ltse lestsuiti- WVhilb, Thitr,'!ay. Aptil 24, Ïr%î 2 d fur tht socîe'v. llotis-us-r, a -mejoril>' Ci-S Surîiaicent. in.;'lte ilis adoce iots->an'! meIliaso 1 o11!y lu fcrget Dur dîIffrteo'*&,and misi thtt Cti3ee Prorramme -O? Whtbv tlyTtý «.tit y cifir' aesa lt inte site selocto'!. ThbeOxfotrd proloersor au»4te ColOnI,. Boa 1rdtr tch(Ol irntcea - ilpcrîn. Frr lehts et' the lais, cumn t jlid'tlIcuot vie cre' t teAtlatittie, mitiessautile Tosît ilaili, lVtity, Arnpt u. sismat-hi I -lqr i unr Conad;iui eltrs. rThe Itoard mat autlte usinaI ieaihle ýro t>11 as ss-1î ikt sparce population of îimieai-nn. TItefoilowiîîg IReport itrea millions, ait'!an exp~osed fi-onîier OfSpeitednW, . - I î-tî-tîu, , setvis rend!, an'!ont motion 2,01, mtilos, tu, t ntit', -ucbile nu 01(1-- r-ift-c u oa s1iecria tumtttt, mit in- re-iltilo.,ifitin, i wssith ail due d.t'ent-useî'structii tu 1 Iitîtlri tTîure'oi, ai.tt( Ilxt te thi learnekl QOxford Pi-oft-snr, atitý i- nt-it. reenonatl ils ipraciiealtliu. We cI enô ttnv .i làrdc la'!. W avlkne tînt hirîslyWî cî,Maret10, 18362. millilons (itfk an -.-We Ihave 'iot tI 17b te Board sioSch-mîl- 7I-uutc$ Of the l<asy, ttîct ii ccii t'iîittwc.udLs-e iwn of 1;'Iîfîby eFaI, lt lnI tit te tý1iler. W'C lias-e fé-y udai'! resîîactt'uIis- leg leave tu jubtuit la i yet but. 1Ie!p manuactutreu' ii unr s-onIllte foilowsing ltepïor of lite coutIl reTentee-maI s vl aeomila lîtutionut of tise Sehîoats of te Tu-isn i, uht W-c ntv pttuel1rociiur r tt-itit tti uts saggi'ioits fotr your eocisîdaraiiott tu adol lts ttîx't Ut lt' etfinlÇi.t~r ~ ciilt-uluLttrd l t-u dr ilteut mare, cffcent, "Don acicînltue i indtIn licttc d tr i t-ate tIc cuit-f lindrauces htttir M s iu.hi'. w su-e n-.siuiak plaiitlv; tint1 5 tt ai. -tîi' 'id i-t thi- cr>tiuIn'-to? tlese Pt1s11m J lir it' rs laeilut s hbut jutît th ue urliuii' t1v ec't ciia etsarves as nt-l- 1 h achcirs l ttut islo:iu'd reide'!r îhenut titis dite s-týt it-t, Rt g nul tulutI tt't Ilisi'hrit 1 %llbis-fttttltt1 Liave-e uituerved hua iciti. uttei-'!lis tise -unî-'Pt îtf >ge r. diîtiiît use si t a lii tti' differant tt-hiouti',1 TPic teie it-ni---t C. 't, c hdi nutt bc - itttnte o'uttiîttliitn Of' 1tiis neuIict ,itiVerrî-Ittr. i, tnider n-h q fil t~Ii-selttil -ttt 0 tite îtmî.sortîiy ru i-e- it- sitti u-a s -tie ve ý1siiel nurî-îs eh tI ul hi ttri, ais iesclt-rs,1lut-y Thasve et-:lt ad it 'Itiitduirnred la di-eTarelti 'islu'? leitti'-]f' a-s'i'iiug uetute ,st -aidi-tas PiiuitetIy as tpossible. tnt-. îti-tti.~tt-t' ritîli tust- art i'-dvo ait uatit~îe dlliIismtsiil ilt-îive Tu c c e i)Ia-eis'cial or nc-ti-- bist'Iia#ý!i i)ci eruid. "he tasiti 1ih:-it? StuülI we surt *a -irai ft-itlicrer îtint of tii -t iUbeltî#ýR, a Id the usealî w ic t- 1 iinÀ( tî11tar it llteir g+eàlealt 1h,ît f ,-tnt i iy baoînluru tr Ainerie.uii tiu sîiitait ii> Iefuri. i-ounas clear- t-u , ii? 7 Tlit i hnfttssor Uînsuif et i Ina Itint iabia. c ;)!%tiy salit- isquisliurft;lut, 'anit'1lie Trver>' celio!tr, durin th tlîo ime liei c'nm-laat1irrita tint '!cit-taus out ii, r oh lij.e1 to icutin ivitia lte scllantdoors, nutAnl.ýFor ourtleives-, mi iic ttua Id tu' h u~tcoistintly at morts. V, tinos Aitale i'iehuvutlls clipjert lle itiiiosptlere of ascool hs-tow lîsi se ott\tsualcom wt-n î,tntloravirbatiinuniter of hours i 'l lte u rittitordetr of nature'.titis iuîaîi-ty, durîig su ilt-t he lu for any considera- table utic'sit> ' miti.arise. "Te chlli 'il iii lo cwtt!Itof litt Iliot Aprofiîably engale'!,, uul-grow biiiis cradie -,uh lBritain ssiia &hal l si#Îliîiit Ou Iti i grititouon*wro)ny cniifinitonelt ait'! iuttitiity - tîtjîre tîte1 havte pI tnîîed, rt-aredc, futsted, an'! prntr't-- heusîti of hu i$0Y focr Itis lie uniion- te'! lsdurion uritttancY, iii ttever' lt" aiTv rutalistés; if I Miay le uallOe'! the e~ grii u Ite tiigitîs o? matttou'!. ie pression, b>' irunîItiý ditider ait'!cou- lt-ual tiait tterna1 aiuy5çendu-ing frieîîd-ftusiont u in the iieO0i, lii!'reventing otliers tith, conttsîli nebtut of social ki'!- fot usug ieîr uu'!tvmdud attenton ta iitetted iuwa cmmeciilteir atudues. lis mind laistislaiujure'! b> ites, înu mtîti cttmeîîalacvaîtagsthe dsaorderîy auit'!ieJ habitits limi n.u s-Uvel cromn a happîy future, Iif dent-'. Nom it mnuitst eortur iifî_' lOe tsuniiot- lhope tu sE our- chidrei niya>' Stoe WoM-ititgitO liii'malter a ecrefiti yot bebî>1d. Witt'îler,,as ut- bas-us sil tidiit ilt itîin i:aluoit m-here otte tItis yolun; N-r) rnEul esitaliassume teatîer lureqtiteul ta oprt-aursa gotut order, a f-derittii'c aundpreaîulentuil(onr, ii cdi- osixydlrniend e tu lcesp or t ie ijtusily, cao rehei'! a rhti-rinn ena"e'!, lue mus nit l îy casie enconoter Proximitj te Americctbe tomming livinîg sonte dtffic ulty lu pcrformitîg)lis tusk, even tille of iiiuan>'hues itiiour yaî to bue peopie'! tlîon!h 11le puPils Of thes15(ou0î aie so- fz5r off mst1 t te tiatural tîn' sulent imOu sifiucha cre engae! Uiter lu itepste- ence o? titat proximily and commlixîlire, u dv of the r t he leowei-branchtesOn- vmelI as othier curru'tta it thie stream of 1>' of a common achool L-ducîoti.îB-ut if oîpiniotn im-y havte imnpurtaitt resuitý ta hlt ititis îl oithe cae ;i - fhi8u ffty deciý;ion. lWhuliat <l'!recollections are ycîoe sxl seiiiaae e ,n a ie is unelfacaîl aitndid vlîi' rtu Ii5î ? haStliag o k , ýme in ilie Secini, att'! ame ilu - I ieThhrd, other nialethe Fourth Book, an'! lesatis milci aur auscetora ihave imparte' othars agait l, the 1Fiftiaif èàme are otîîy ta us, nre yet vit-id1 flin woîîTd outt aspia lann l ~îpîtton table white otl- tisa pot lot Mena rdical Insti(tutions ers nre morling ont lte ni ost diffi~uitt s-ies Fain saouul'! me litepéta suecan ofsitlot i > n iftietic, or initritate prelulelis o? Etq. of ur vloed içtria caledhy he ni-eh'!, 'andlthe 1Ik e diapanit>' existi belmecot o? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h un eae!Vcoicie ylt n-tcadvanceemet of lia s'ariOU5 pupi'la lu Versai acecott o otrconteris Coury te o thar suitjects of, Ihait'-studiýsa, tlierer- asstu le îehq!,mederale an'! bVteS- maiaceo f, liiitask i¶ iilis' sgofnpeh moire ciii fot o? a tg»deat reutaruchy Mit i i d let that hl i st ftail in a greut Inca. vasttcni t Mor belted Etlan or Ca- siiréta jcopit a lu PTQP<n li t ou -hog lie shluidexet'tftî>àeIf 1 lite ututoat la co1 u' Lrsirsne t! -- li'tscescieuîfious e eaçoii o etpaform 11. AI we arc 3-1tt Ii trespects, se mivlil -lu is eer, îhéot, tîtatif nasperfect a chas- Fî 'tit~,April 22. tiicatt- b> lue Mayor lu dicovoer ,-Ile Un> 1 'l'itre itcittgDon quorum on Monu'iy I 'ieCuil l iru s'jtir-d utîtil Mon-J lseuti lîle ronnil i ajournc'! tili 10 dytoweé o'cioeia -tutn"uesd;iy ,marning. At ic !îlte tît-ust Itour fpuîîPdllleîi tMayoer look tlie -Chair" ~ ' ~ - i tuere beîîîg pi tîtînî, Messrs, Bilifgs, Cam-,!ettigo ltSOti nini anct - urmet 1ioiit . eanind, r. ('irî,u-t, Wt5iriont lifsc-hnd cli enitI )tct Il t iutier Ille' r'utiing ait'!appronc rt'tI' o fiiiti ti lue-sitm !eit.I itit. ties mnlitts rit tiit aq nmceine llthi$vo-sîui î Iffî-n-uit. siettis ::to Il ite i iuîe sc-u-tI lie Ma u t*etiitce] frtîîîin i nt i te il îtiottiltl- - tclxultens<f Ilite Cauntil tu caltit-erfroinglu lt rrogtil 'îti nîttitoi' tlit-'r- -telalut %'altttr IoIO iaEq -, of Pictnîi. relatise t i sttl-it-tuî i-tsu'ii iuut tutr- tmu ecotidtl îtreositiou îof As&- Vot-ilcasai t-f i i il, i e ri tf tte gsiit. roiuu ile l fri:Ii.-u ate taeln us <tinu ajond lii0) i' (0il 'b ,Il. let' urttpiul'l.it itttJ ittg Ilte M1i-t0îutho lb--Towil fur a It Iic 11;111ht-- i l-tt-'er.îV u ube!ti tet-lu orl I-t y-arý, at a rutuitlof $16 lier tih"-îuueuit1tt-r, i'it thcut-ciir il>te Pt'5i- srn.Alsau to n letter fi-outIllhe Tuiit( Idi. Ttuî 1t111îîdliS'itur o- ~~~~-ui t i'ut i lrittis. 1Ti-10 tc ii-tt tit sz-ei fi oiitiý t ('otitiily lihiiiuK tut-ou I lt -uti ii it o igiutrdrr, u ttl ex îîlalîîcî t O>ihuurio ut ret- t 0 Irck tel r'it-t-t, lt utitittut tii feii'riflttitic and'îi :uIo Masyor aino a ct'!thue atttention of i' titi ojeititiil îtf ttta amt'ui ittitttu Cnutciil t)-4 iit -iretitnm itue if ut u-iiluh lit suitilth tIi iitu of Iltett c i Uki-icf-rti ltasitg ,beou foutu'!thie, put tt--citi tutu itttitu ttt-r,!ituitir Jîtuics, atutti ttiihii- t, The wýi foui lroIl 'lu-ptilo u'-Cte'Contha(tist1u-îi-r-ii oini- t'tftii ur iti Su- lui ( ennui for funincrilmse oSaiurî-, wist, tun Jciott-t tt$ti- t:itiii of-tu lita utirlut.e il motion ot - hMr, î: ae'!conïcli, rfreltt iii ,eli!etiiig a 1teitfTtfotr ttt- i-m-t'if-il special Conumitieeta10report auit hu e tatJ oîf ltentinil-Ltitu!liu f ->r ithe;uuut A nesohution 1>' Mr. illling.i mSS car- - î- lt tiiu- u lu -pirt<fsut rie'!, gravelle-litas-e to Ille County'lti-tnt~ >;igiitt ot îîuiit<siîtt iencr-tn butld a eik-icuessen frotttth is ui it1Itlu su'In iti n ui ttiuitn t-steit- t>' Bui;ldings ta lIracit Street, thurottght l c--tl. t uer t ,Ci t- ti ut: u gis-t. tid s tlac atreci.. ivt le) li -~t - itît rs t-uc bo-il.uî1 SOCIETYvtti.t. t'ncicfetuuîlecd ur iiusixtutftuç Iitit, ul is -Mn. Mcltelrose an'! cal'! tiat le iho lbtt-ie t-t-C. elugtt ttlt Viieis' i ok i a res,ýroîln to un>'beor-a thse QoUuueil, uin utua cati, kusu.u-tttt nluto uu.n t gar'! te tl'ist rapo:silion Of ,Wr-ptu it-r ailt-ltîîîtnsl. c den Et. I rlr1i 0 aEi fr -llit hcti)"tii ud's .-C. liai. ltat hiebelieios-ed ould infett lei- iippro- TKsdnWliBil,4-oneSI. v al. Hti i lie lielbeieve'! tain l ,vouîl!leitîit.C.Sjuuter. àolui 0,uii Ji'. * acpe yfour-futits of ilto ratepayers. Miith llraTtii.Mile-'ot-A Tttiî resalutlota piopos'! te aý-cict tthe îcîttslui eîî u the 1 t oifvr r-n tuci luase o? Mr. Wnr'!enofo? -atare.sifor ton OItusia lPsu ycarti ai a renttsI i4r$16, an'! in occerleato'(sTs s'ti.11h uul. . t luiidutce tlise Acn iculturnl Societ al> iiol'! -.Si-st: -I have ivet unti io-ili) eyl liteir Shaws itere, lusgive itan thti sa o ut'cncil oft? clctiporaiin4,17fle sîll- telO tic Towtn Hall and! an'! attacliad titareto, (l5iu-tsva un <uffur tutietle2ugniilut raîd:4ciutv' toeetiter uit -ttce üdditiniial tuso acref, an'!'o? South t lriiu le ose of tive scrt'-uof alot)p at ihieir diâj>osI î$400 uuder 1î dît hs -ll-ut-.hrle# T cîre! o also Ii lîlac filei- prponse tof ht-Ittlhii-Aer Fuaire.t hiereau. certaitn conditions- ltaIailtte fuirs ofthet t pruus-îted the situiuty a Ioue 5 boi eir f 1 Society sionili e iteld on tîae gruoun'!.an'!, Fe i. atO$tia' tut' tilefutiure. f, their replTar meetings IcI'!in the 'rouîtf t 1Inuise )7,)Ur,_,. îy liatti.- a (iai . B FAhItliAN3, Mi-. l'at); Sui' tuias tuq morse pro. rcn rpsto ri l ile [ position îtau lue ftrsî, for itl 1iowse4l tutot rpsithnîs l fren the puiule Tu le -uiv-I le Society' $400 uuicou'!iîîtioaluy Buhhn tii iruasa tlt urn- as .c, uluera tIti>' siul'! uc meuthé teny. îa lt etJ exen! fuVit estoIhuiitji-'elio 1,îîsglte p-OPOi-ha It aes tiut- ôhi o? us bonus ltgo lt S-tioti Of tlue conît r.oioîn '(if tîlie. Tomilt ! eiety for huolihuî teir Caira bie for icia l j ie(cl icll] e foîttuil amen"-lte j ycarsi espcciaily is-en me take Itle ceai of pt-ot- dinjitSnit Islea'efois mi ,utiai'cthers-itt-f te niastlor Ot' laeliiind it!fenliing jll t e r colitîtin) ih-mua «ext r-iln îePietç coiisi'i-tatlin, an'! ha objecta'!teîi. -jdenl, aitseehi ell ta,ýsoit-of re fronut privat Mr tliffiga as iu faraor oh fr. 1 r.tt -lTnt ielm eutc! ~ m '!uti'a proposition, lut a clause enuglit oLe ve r 'cutissttlyi-aciipeo nisoilt iirttrie'!ilu t'se icasa, gîrmne Ille town lite ou r-a-litsait'!pceuliar a attgsolfie aif? ni'ut topitehas. 1e obectol u gîCng rrart oflers <laidi' tî-fre llie séeiug ; fans- $400b la the Secity', iesiaies cooflnimtic>' j on,!llte too liiîtat slwkatu l in whhT coporation to île-use o? thte Tow en ie11 wert Mites-s. Alatxatter ofJirooklusilcahBi>il onTy'mlien it would ualt inttufere uli ltee o!chitlllInS zCurîaimterlf thie 15» 1Agniiuttîn raI Socialty. hL'.IiIh ilrkhtlcteso h Mir. Carpenintrtou-11ttwemeii-'t b'he Wiiti>- îownsblip. Lori-eBrouwni 0faeo,, liberal mithout heiu- tea iberal. le be-Hiuci?(olntu;4.To'cvi fI t el Iy tfi%%-n,ýÀttd thc$ 1a' esu .luig.apnd haýve'! titsth(, lawu mas givinr lte n tCre-i o~ iwsCunii sesas te impreive ailier nten's propert>' bai'! oui>' piesent and! gave-R aiil exjsiatsuttono f lte oni Ifte c,,',lhsal $300 unuittibcie cceitentlo t1c h ît't%, tiitttilîiinthe e'elit to i etheoi~ ety. jortheliuecnrIiitig a eed ta i heteotIroui Mr. Macdonel sai t tat gentlemen ougtithie poruuo'o? Itlilaten eu'an. Y EACES, -À ren %rUi POU~ er suggestion lbore occura T10tMe wbieh 1, or imrlaps, evea iayssann honpe înay not be ont of place ; the is, if aguthent eutirely to yonir jndgnîent, conlfi- a union, saaisfactory in olîter respects, could dCltt liey wiII meet witb the fite wliiçl be arranged betîcen lte grammnar and lieY -may deserveata yonribîads. la- con- common scltoihs of îlia tewn, the classifi- Clusionl, genlaînen, aiîow mue 1o relern yoî catinoa al theo papilg miglit b. made stilii MYtianks for ail thte kindnessba sve re- more perfect. T'le building at present OC. ceived (rom te members of your board dit- cupied as a grainînar scltool,, if fished tingthlim ine T have -served yeît as, 1rai atnt repairai1, muid probaltly furnisit ouf. sttperitttetdit, sand t0expres MY regret ficient accommodation for ali the mor-e ad- hait in cOuseqnenlee of my. timo, beinz se vance'! pupils of the toWu sFcisoole, in bell muclit Itken îP by lte performance o? oth- grarmmar and common schteols, gaey eilor more itilperative duties , I shaul not be ihosa Whto have blipromotecd ta the Fiftîtadle cuy longer Ici contifnue iu the- ctame Boîk, Who 0seilit bu ittstrncted by one eou)nectlion sitit J'on tlitî1 bave for- lite grmmat * achoci teiclier, and One finI sstdIwO Yeerse ud illiwiich 1 iîad every. dlaïs common qelitnol leadher. 'md' ce- reesoàn 10 it i s6(fid. mei-nder of the pupilq migit itan bu langil -Ail of whicb id respecftiiy anlimite'!. by femaleand second clans maIe teaciters. %V. O. EASTWOOD, M. D. Tii-sadt'antucges of sncb a graduation. o? &PPO5ITMCN*T OFc arPEPnTïsivErTix. -titi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l silr nyîtsle mmdp lI. O motion lte resignatboît of îhe laie l.iui to taclierlinivin; a foirer nunibar ni local superintendent was ,nuceptaîl, aind sutbyfeîs 10te tacli, and, consequentiY C Mr. Dasvid IBeacht appoiîuted lunliis stecîl - ,$Mailer tnmber of classes utîder lius ntper 'Te taîte of te board icere iendercîl the v$ii, wontd lie able to devote more inte lite sulierithcdu'nt. t uncd titerefore, also, to render bisi inirtUictiruns nmore sItorotith.. 2îîd, The emount reqnired to provide for t a y Iesoluttions passed Ordî-ring Payaient o? ntent of te salaries of comuson schooni tiltitti f TD. Tharit, $1 25 - rs. Weblt tc'uclirs ouId lie dhiiahsled iin ns Muue- ber, '$I ; G;eorreC îîrut-îî:k, $50 21 W as a lots nîs*mliî-o Osi lisat"hpaO.ftitiwntit, ,10 - laîtit U. C. 32. srudle iteedaîl. 3-ýd, ,lThe busineoss of A ieitiîî i uho pzw«fA i t1iiti a1 ccc licuboo îuld tec c:tducîed ilit a lest is ciicntsiçe ho drassvup li an iîittel degIrea o? ulsrder anîd contueîan. e6tiiialifor ite torrenit year. ht' Îh %earê tiîouglit tlt-uirable ftuai o f cl}arItststTlAC-Ieg. loi rate Might, lu the osent of a union ArsliîinTîssdforhiddîtîg teacîtera sîtllthe cgrimnar ti-bO'ha itstjed on <f or t t-it coîts tt Il n, hu nees foin all iliete lits elim-njth îe Tîaîtii it ,fîteir <itiiees îtitout ,icaseuf rom. tuit ourd ?the intstrtcttotts Ur lite grtimmîsr sciool or titichairitais,excî'pt in cas ou' r leaiClier, etçcepl îî sutiîl nuittitir, 'sho isigiti, ties. on it roii.of lte pas-cri>'of isoir parets, A resoli:îiosu 'a-as atioadoptedsiitil. Or ilteir omu metils. havse sboiarsTtips Cowt- ,ta certain oîd.r ofibusinesto ihie oit ferî-iîdon thent. atîîiiting tleute tafrit ui- sers-ad i.tti- rnîtings; of ilin ,oiîtd. titu in flite grammar sehootl. Adjournaîl ta first Tuesa.y lu May. 1 -Tereia ieanotter great ohalacle tate efiî'tvof our scînos, mstîcli demintd~ your seoicitiatteintion. 1 refar ho the- Tos Cumcipci.cetg r d froutithe wonet untise iroît vs-esels lu eursetittt uita. lTie Sunmter mils stliI eat it'!ean'! ch Tisscatr-uru t Ahgu'serhs ouaIthe 3i-d. 'ie ticrcau ti-a. W'tiits-iApt-il 2h. A Tribnett espaiet sayuit--Thae Nor.. ,',k Day Boa?; o? Stturda>' cumains ilie ]ucoxvri.ru, Apnil 18 Cspjt. Ashit>, commandeug 300 nts-ilicry, itloumlîerted 750 Liicoiiies 8fampdimg for Ketueik yyeer!ay, -oéarJachks.benrotin'. lie>' taa'! anditte' te and ll,Itfor -two hours and he-iueceedad inr:kuiingc about 75 îýid -taking 500 priseners. 0ur bas la8utaue _17; l-o'i" te, Twn I*1B 'nd limdds et- lacbed Iliereto, for Ili ' public lîus8incss of te town, wlien ard en. orteunas ilie tise envd occupation of lte ant will not in any way interfere wilitIhle inîlerelEs of said .Aguieaul. toral Saci-ety. Tiy tis iation binditng itseif to make, sncl impl-ovemients as wili prevent lte overflior OC wtefr from thIe ed' jacent Tends. Theite id' aura of $300, lie et ,pended by snid Socièty upen the laudi and rremisesa aloveu ofered lîy tItis Côrpo-. ration. .Mr. Macdonell moved, secondcd by Mr. Biliing% , tIlite Mayor lie entliorized to, otl'er Assa Wordan Egq., $1,000 for lte tiro acres adjoinin;igthe nmarket block, tl-ike ýpaid for in debenînres et tan er.'s. Ou ýmotion of Mr. Meedonelilte Cierk was ordete-d topiepare aC copY. of lte reso0 Tittin ns amended an u anh l lesema le thie Presidet o f lte Southt Ontario Agrri- culîtural Society. Oit a motiîn lisa auljnu te Mayor rase n! said lie Iioped before titis Coucou al-n; jcsurniiin tt tlii'y wîttilîi te întîn coiisiderft lion thue .sthbjeet o s oume pritsovi iiig mnail- foi.thqtiti le t-buI itwaa ,fooitd d-titIiii otue of. ilic iýtiilhie sîreettu 1 1 ii4 1roposnîiof ;1i0e ?.lyîir prodnôèed a goL n îtîtT ti 'tl iitîîonking couI>nanesn< îîrnurid tîtelboardl. tiîe ofilte ri ininlers ap- ltesriig îtrej-ared bt ake the ititiative aos In itow tut-y tit'uiid rovîde for tlîî i litti. tvii nid ullîriîciiouq lif le rllt,,t of thp Cor- itrtt. At let~lî Nfr. L'tiiig itjii-osýet litat the inittfr of tIi" ceiîiid stituld ha re- f"t-eîl tI Ille cortîuihtee on town pi <teî'ty. M iýhîedoif-tIlssugeîe hat l1sW Maîr britig tht' stillijet liefore te Fsth l lid- sipvsolcit Socetty tif the Town, auda4cer- tain chattitb-y vottid doivil, huntil lte ttCxtt-tinci iof Itle Citricil. Ilte apeil inii te niait tom Iltuae ve ky effort woeid Meg L-)ntonethi- arrîivai o' teir Spriii Fîrger -asýortmitCt than uigua, whicit thfey3 oifi" s-i0u wtîTorouitoto e rny ôîltcr Tuss'uî in stylai,; in lires GodaBonnets, $hawls.its; Mantîci;, Ewbbon1S, Fict.iryvs, %VTsiite Cottons, <Striped Silitin1g pet; TsoîuilsWilidow Net.; adMuI jl"c <mulId irect spiciti attetion ot i extensive as.ortmnent of Brond CiotIls., ci lltCaps, Shtiruts, Ulider Gilohîng, G<alar lu Men ursd Boy's Goals. ve!zt;and Pâlit lis t chutas icou ried Ia itl miteor Q sesmers %utld amttfurieu a baud el e pofuir a u ai d i)l)aucippçî Sud arue O'a. ira'tideu-l ies, IL ic ailotiai.tlime ils-ai teuhoIe cemnutî <h tul'! us dlite tuîa i tissuiject-for Sioteror ate tIe qtalttu uasi bc soIr.'!, - '~t~tLt>, uira hupli r The Puýféà su t'llaisr>' suouhii faince ouri-ldep-Iw 4 iëo&UvupJ l ns af euw,- Itappily 'homever lhie îuun rfsu e rm iIae e'IhtnAs ta oui- (atbedeandi t wilî t'oi Un1 i mI prtrciphatioti, or - ît-nasua- T ueis teaeiîtrTi t-nIe advanced1 piuly bintuI.r- fi -st elan ritend tnlyiv Co c tic lirogre&5 o: boueçt -r,rcecI' tise teatclisr mi an'! ui!', if oceuli>' mitre c fore, utanifesul lihe t-laie cf a Fitt-Abont 4wôo ockl on Stinday i rning the smalivacarnt bouse adjoining C CHRIaONICLE o e %waadiscoverOd to b. à irç.s- .The alarin aroused severakof our ûi zens wbo hurried te the apot, and te w iose praigewortby exertions the saréty of r. D,'aper's office on tio one aide, and of t e ] nrgem. block in .wbich thie CiRaoNîci»F> '4 tee ii situatcd, is owing. Thte building [dsiroyed weasone or tlie oldest, ini the low,' tî d almost worthless,.it vois to bave Iteen m r dewn on linnday inornitug. to giî'e p ace Io a ncw brick building v.lticl is ito 1) erected on its site. lMr. Daiftrd handI rsome lime prut Oenpied il as eaw*04~ s op, and 'wva regret te atate iliat lie lies 1 St ini tOO1syand mAcle franîcesa, aitd'sashea, properit amoning in value b nupwerds of $ 00 The premiaca blclongced to Mr. Perry. FIUEt-Iq EST.-Dr. Eastwood, Cony <tromer1 hcld an i oquir) ile the origiri of t te ablrive lire, on Tueaday vveninp. Wfo 1 'd nane pre"~nt-fronaibti.- offie, lîrar- i 1', nuiting ,but t he tattr, nd ,vr irù'niîtg that tit, occasintwould hbe an.adL t tesîîber' of Cor Inr Jqupst. Ve re unablo iherefore-to ale uatu hse in- s noce tuie 1 nqnest was lield, or îvmt n'as t hdfrý5iit the evidance oit the otcaiorl. his ,nuchlievtr. we do stito, tîat the ir11 CUE It UNTA~IOTURFE GLUBI Wedneday, Thurs(lay, and Frida:y, 4îh, 5flîa ciidi Ch, June, 1862. t5ttt5 Ji ta ti q, Prm iittil t e' -'tir--r. -1' f, Utc. 'l'avis , It-citilt; ti.Ilirtt i wfI;1SoMLt DAY." Id bonue OMStnt mrittwoanisrspciliiiiturttiitlVit i ttIu ni' luuit the plittg ItIloin: Io theecx- 1, c - s ra tlet ia Icýhrà i ot] Trottisig Puir4,$50.011, oiit" %0at tiitt'i'auiy proccdiig. l te i ltO~i'- f ittti'. I i mutrio, iîultuî , t'l'tri.' I!To*is'nCotnci!oloo inuit siuiiîn 1 E- 'rkniîîutbl-IeitidC. tI'!A lithet aaccounU is r tht expoe CbtP 'ui" $10.l,-OuctIitt fnme Itîfur tliern leprolesl agnitisi clair. iliver (tnp -alue4 023.00, out lutt îligIl tu Iai fluîîd3n lui a u ch il!egîti- Pu'rîttutîî,u t-l ti (e-u nîty ut-ut$a tale luuia ii' gntt-ntt: rdea h~'î'l'utîsoAiultiu feinuale infIat, Ilurfft ii<' a l 819l0.00, olti-Il li niurIuyaout a ftîrtigltt ni'!, wIsi; tin' -ltg siQ îîîte. i minstîr ku it îuîr thea ruiai't'ice of?)'!.Ieatî>', itlctti littgt " tuii lie ltluit u ta n h rg h I <feau;%111,, t c i'f i - I t 01cs. tlt'. lr 5 ini loi tîrs-.,11~'tkLi lucilutre t' M- ro 1 vieeIl nillcnp of $80.00, ~u-i td m . T ematît-r nuis <etferut'! to an t iial t-ii t-i l r-i tmc e, h it uItuSii ueed nittui;ittdeTownit Cattun ui pi' 'ULES t>', hiSelbi arsiIip Mrîunu-e<l 10 Cotul,R L ith MiiiImiluts of' lite mt'u-sai'u ' - y 'h'trc- tir- u iiutk isf-l, tt't- tit în lit dhîîuuaai u' ~tri isrti r< i - 1,11ti lit- ti, ,1' lit 0511Cr. j hi-lt--t-a tniilic- ittîîue îrac lii-aessiCîly. If Xw York- tir- -_________ vyi Saît 3uidIolkue iin eadyrAh'slî 5~ 4pari ldouthle DutIinau tut' aeunu. Ttc naw isctamnpr Oki- iitc , tfotr tsar - - ceai hicievetî ITto monT'go to Tiarmtidt )n ait tutusirauioit'!dtrutie à Ilite Amideo-' t i c i-it'tUt as a sitntl i n pirate. - > Ilr i )U- - t11I ',t -:[, ' it l! 'lite satînr .,u1,ea limuer il"t bloet t W tuti-tfi IV t ii ' tiii' Ii tt l1i le ai, ýChaiiiirhrt-tuand! arris-.ai Livrpool 1I:1y.1v 2)of tr itht 9,000 blth-iorfCotton. îiîh.îf~1h ~'y IltOM jtii-ti ews is utimspotantt. iiliit'l--.. iutleT'-nlitIrto lie !nfmitdy «anlicituged.-' Palsissqufit an'! stcit'!s.u ilt5tC i'ttt. - )iýius e 'don Ttasiiy ts. Tejur itactiea'. at. W'itatîî dulI ~~ta\gaît îuî vî î;i: su] sia'>. ('orit quiet. lie? tiiW iUAt )f' i 'tut--iija iti lii'iN 'i ead'!. li c uie' ttrad.quiet nuil stowln- t'-ut . r.îîîs- l-ti ttlCli aliow (i! dntl 4I -15s 6,3. Suar stea iîti tuishtjIn~~<uîTî-ud y. Ci)offse quietnd uneianged. Iliote I$uoLze 4tl.tsctt. h 'rTA qneatinnon f iroî catislips and mo -tt l ~ ut-ht u i Viet-iu- -t~i Omoit- bouc its coun lu uoccup~y thte 'ttitue: itt-tit'tt e tu'iiot ihe touernmrent. A fIii îtîz -t.jt-tluftr-Citug o ur Ile ssphh u hîea a 5ibeau transfiet- i4g tiftlt, -Iy Ipui-il Car titid'ai, an'! etaernti stuillt-r f lite hi! been absntt otilie pcchgduuy utc da-s; if su, ta otîtaut tome sa1stiîýftsrlry arrutîthe tccause et' sîeuilch t-,an'! f l -ccep a rt-cr'! tf the tuaine hoaIt suit itil in'!lua tliuue'!fi taIoyour honora- blc Laattid et the c-us'!rtif cetquaFtlr. l'or the Iwou lsatter eosatua rt-mu'!>' cluc natufisîT>' urct-sh$tglself laIo nîtote no pu- liii. tg) listunl tîseI sTîsns af uthe saul eitior b>' itatiîi Lt ielore lthe îe;tinlr luur, eert-cuon îicout of' som ru uet tut-iia tyu o? thetc;teait>' Of tuiel ti t cluer miuaI lu satîictd, or hy cnîariîg lthe acluol doorsafaier ile hropoer situ nîess lie bê hi shait'!l aiso be ic ýduîy of lthe teadIter '10 Iuforta ta p arents of tee abiaatee of tair ciuldrian lueser' case lunsîticliée hl"an rciinas-n t-osuapeçutai îl te>'arech- nerat of suit làactuece. 1 haveitou, miii. i'ulicient cleaneea I trust,' lai'! before you lIachîî> dîtleuliassettit t wieTiitn My op- itîholithe ileaders, o? 'Dur commaut sebools have lu couteti'!ilu thc dhielarge oft' luir Acei but befone couteludin-thts rnoier tiece-ctire luo eothier mataters to chicît i1 sitoulu 11ke itrieIl>' tri c-aItyonr attention. 'bi'it în'îod imuittt-'!lupusil years of' exý iîitii; tte acioinrsant!d latributin pun zes set-tus îa nit to le susceptible ut? itu- proyemeut. l'le eluief iiinetleiai effettoe the itsomal n oi in lu iEthe iîeiueîueuî 10 reiteseciduiatecicati'! btuttr conuîîci ti s Tîroduce'!. Thisi effe.ct lia itta tt)tora licita very miaieilhy lmu-aliCOcîl lq lte unceertain- t>' an'!,d4uubts wchichist aihave e.xiste'! lu the ntinî's ofite pupit la itlter juihxta wuuti le distrlitute' et ltane e x aaiaîiu.-If t ite saemiana ti tifore wene eqnîîioy,'! 10 ablain theiaecessary fuuids, ta prizea îiundhsu ssine'! ta the vrions suhîjicts, hibellacl, tcltîllue! to Iille iseltlolars atlit omnerptto? leacithait' ytar, anudkepit i the hAisainitin, a mudli better remult uuul' 1iaet # viîted, lie oh- IsimuIeil.More'irer, tic distrlibtion c? tie prises sltut'! ot, 1 îhiik-,Aiepen! an lItae suit, cf ltheexaiîtnatioit ltuionii, lbut atIicur on thte numai- ror ttebpllin' 1'eacui scitalar d'!nrlthîe pt-eéedîitis ix atontits, a-heu o ogit 1 le a melisure or in'!ci enj ot hIsý prarea-s for-lIatÉetuied. More limue sheni'! ha set a aàrtCforWtl'!ieg tle ex- fatiiattns, Iich in lie eu-eut of ':a ni eus beiug ettecteil mita-the grainear ýcbeoh mOsigit be arrLInged in tbid vay : Thl~e pu- pila oý, lte -gu-atmman sehecl eta e axamin- ed by 'tise locasl muperitendant ati' othors A New andi Lxcet Assrtmmiuttof 13 BIBLE S & TESTA-M lENTS JJ V Y iieenjr ei el tito heI>l$ 01.I lRED :STORE, 'luîdiçtreet, Wiietî. I'lWtlEXE -A EY '~ Briiilh & Aîncrfeian Express Co, YîJlelOi-pan S1caM.s!ip 00.,a-ni] UiagwLne Steamiers, L15- 1 ji'111'0F REYIS1ON, .)"itî'f f1s i t ,ii i e owtî Wldit tî is-ili~~~~ iutlcIrlcu elit rin ilil, ii asi'fwu, can Friday, the 2nd of May, '1862, - Tolit CIlark. CAOUTItON, e t-tr ur - u -tciate ,rw aa ;nui 1;ritîiia Il~ I, 1ttîs, monîl St Il -' 16 FLOUR, BRAN & ýSHORTS. 5 )ÂKtCo. WîtiApril u t- 1-E CO' .IE. 5 ltit pl-r çwitrl. ean - ec i idi lu iaîe Si "it (l> nteli, u-C ron- P tre-k tItiol l tîb r' 'tt , A> rit tii, ISit14 i SALIi'LA ST JER C. DRAPR.-

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