Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1862, p. 3

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WILLIAM STRACIIIAN, &C(O-, MES w nte Witiet. antd Liqiiora. Nu. 28, I 1EAKE-GREAT PLE.ASUjRIC [S APPRISNO, THEIXi N Ujl E Weti utMiuet ý1qitiare, Toronuto. ;?"F4nruars Proee, ie.,htWILL1A lIBARtBERl, i %a 15Tu-nîelling Agent.1_K â -a-ào THIE wHIT~V (EAR'EN DING 3IST- DECEMBER, -1861. Expenditures. alatifes, and former sources of ýn.8 Isit Ce. l860.- . $ 8ti44 8* A, retutnedby coliece De.1860 ......1530 u69 Iqt turrnd by colleeloi r, 18W1............ 42 10 forsue,'yu.r%, paid to eý t31st Dec, 1860. .- 40-22 ts, paid ln since iast G o.,1860.,.... ..672 Mn Cotinty Treuaurer, or1e fitilonnresîdent Cun Coumt, Treastirer uitLaçe coleLe... Ã"4 65 l2'N-ES rout16. îs,$50. .. ....... ..200 00 40............... 240 01> Licnce............131 0 , and 1 iraisifer orfsam". 202 out ouse to peddie meat I1 CO e.............20>00 rtIIetýed frtiuo rats of Town Hall for attitcltiit Ctrporation 'eeeived 011 ec¶aonlt xrju- ývem»enIt O tts..... t-d, offe rn uncaeto appropriation for 1861t, t01 Grant fur18 . 2 ilotes discouinted, eaéh ed froîn Gco. NMeGîli Col- t aeci. ta xsOn [toit for '61 'ta frtuaiqJames IRovre, o11 reLtîrliteti" ait -îreident: 8 1-5 771 728 00- si 8-b 8 00) 74 00 j - . 283 85 691 20 250 fOit - - 941 20 1500 14 416,l 1 4 - 4281 7.1 7S Jan. là, 1861., Kr Balances4 ant Liabiliies due "'1st Dmc, 1860. Paid Toiwn Officers, b.tlinnces of' Sa1ari<es for 1860............. ... .$ 43G3 601 Balance of lest yeàr.i rtit 10 Ladies BeneitoienttSociety........... 10 ttstîttry aMaTi accotInts............. 32 231 tBt-cedue onit arket Scale, tind 1litkA- ey i u. f........85 (05 tieli Keêeer, alinteace for 1860. .. 30 04> Note due Jan. 9,, 184j, and Bank Agency...;............ ~tCouty Tîçt,., îtoîtîy rates for '60 17T34 00, 't interest out Ceunty -rates for 18$60,...... ..........101 48 . -$2945 137 Paid tmaiiet Debenotre No. 5, due list Jan., 1861u.. .33 38 4Jtnuary iagîere Lon mark- e den-, tuîrcs Nos-. i5Lu1>............110 Of) uit- interat. un nmarket. debentîtres e Lo 1.... -........... ........ 100 00 Schortl uebenttîîre No. 1, due 14th Seplember, Iii...........400 10 March inteveiLt oit Sehool debttures Nos. 7 anud lot...... . ............4$ o0 Septcîîîier ilietest vet $chool Delien- turf-s;NNo. 7 <o 10............... 48 10 -- 103 1 Th-os h luston, Cierk and Treiteurer un fou.... i..................... Tlenry linnant, Assespor, i u M. . Town Audilors, iut rulîi............ R'.. Lws 1 etpcr, in fu... J.Lytît-l, Bell Ritter, 2 quarters.. Licentse iiepoctur. 3 qusrras.. Alex. Caieroti, 2itfConstalie, La 27th Miy....... ........ :.... Cordwui.d for ITown I-iil...... Siatitintry, 1,aw ,t-uîittl, &C ... ltriiîting, .i'dvea-itîîtîg. &c,. Canî:., post.-metî, snd etidry petty Discountîs, ItnkAgettcy, candi mss un u iîeîtureliL îoney............ Coroner'î, FPue ltjua ........ Sunttriesitleetitg Iur4)rs. Traxes refurîdeti...... ... .. .... . 210 (0 A-5 00) 20 001 40 *25 48 25 84 63 181.685 14 36 4389 20 10 14 (0 2 09, fur L,'tuer, itc:tsturiîtg andtti piHîi. . 6781 Tiitber for iîriîl3-e n tirbur ... 61 904 1îuiproicînenla on ituttas Strect 2313 29 liaieritîl andi ialr. t&nd on t-on' 11>2898 29i1 10 475 10 129 044 r i J - j a- -7 I. tract for iOkiiCon tBrookStc,, anti in the- difféenît trds ... Pid for salaries to Pt-ètacer-s, litor)' St., Srhttol-. ... ............ý. . (4r repaire, euntiim-ooti, &c., luetry L St-boni.....................* for salary to Te-.clier Joln St. St-huai for t'pait-s, to-lm-î,&-.,Juit Su. Ifor sa1~'-Lar t-Tathtr, .NndersoiSt. for, repirset-tt, . Atndet-sont St. scllti............. f'ut CXrdimotl tutil.utnbt-'u'fai' John j anti l'ita'v-Streett Schiooî't .... - 8rtusetec arislriies ta Stiperintviident anh Set.retary. Fia-c [îaeafee, PritL ing,~l-................... r i I -2176 87 100 1no 1(10 00 12 73 212 -95 Psdgrant to Lais'Iene.vuient Society. gat ttltr-tut' J, f ilul,tiy, fur relief tîîr Cottiti anti staitlt' expeitseiî for EV(-5x.iLECTIOs utIPENSit. 80 00i 750 10 Paid- iencrs- Hannautu, Jttî-uary eleclion in North Ward........ ........... 25 00 Extra elet-tiolit...............1 0 1). MtcdoellJaîtau-yelecini IJelitre Wtr ...........24 50 Jollua- Blow, Jariuary ehecetion in s South Watt-..............280 TOWY ittoimtLt. 21-001 9 00 sas7 $11 qat ôàj - Pnid Fire Ineotance on $-2000, to 22nd for M )or's cin ir $8. 00, repai ra $.00 billse rec'eitutbie, retireti 2nçi Oct... - Balanace ni tJtsli in bands ut Treasurer,ý - Ist[eccnibcr, 1861........... kersigned A.uditorsof the Corporation of the Town of Whitby, for the yeux l- 62, have examinîed the Treasurer's Books and AccouxtsL- for thieycar'eniding 31st Dec. ~ive found the Same to bc correct, and that the above Abstract is a, true statement and Expenditurtsof the Car ofation for the said year. p OBERT H. LAWDER, A Àditom. A. F. McPIJELSON, 221 1862. r' 0F THE ASSETS AND LLABILITIES OF THE COR~PORATION 0F THE 'sAND E 0F THE COILPItATI tNOTI-CE!- C'anL~tif ttli A idjotirntdo-dt'ir "truV ru1: > It- 4liu.ter !î'eesîttîle t ltç iii-e.îtî utu jqkir lte CUuuaiiy, ill ie iwta tt e Ct-ut itiu lte 'fuwi; tif ii'lt ty vul j Saturday April l2th, 1862.' At titll ieut- 'fi -t uiiefer ilite lui oftae audilit - tt,.,tii i ttr ' ;-r iotit ti du- Litei Ut-au elz.v u uoglîLb1o" IL jJ. MACI)ONE1L, OCrE ,aetC. 0. f- Ct- -Ct-t-t-1 blcii. lt i i'IINui taWt b-irItuit TUJESDAY, 0Srd'UNE !IEXT, At2 'eî p a wi1tî.uu¶eî t-tiot--eltettti zo b.latteie ini ROBE. E. PERRY, w I' t-fle., A .ri , 1si2. 1rs'd 1.2 I - WANTEDO US$ FRTENDS & CUSTONIEMS THJAT 5r11U STOCK OF' fi; nCo oIiet.e intail l'dlitînnt. rgoht spaio ~pt-siss, enabling us at ail timies ttopr-no od in the best nmarket, ire cars with conftidence cali çartiular attention to Dur varied and ebmpiete vphlich. ns forntt-rly, 't ofler at à C 5111, Il titnce tue mih and prompt pyittg cltî Inr. itFttnuy (Gond;; ilt' ihaveo ome rare tint-el- ies4, 1lilaîin titi Fancy- ICOBOUTRGS WIN,"Y S, GEII A 1LAID.FIIRE ORIj4 Slîwit 1idesMetis,['ittite Ptinetpts rs, Vanr-y' T[et, EbôdeitiVi-ec ace, ~ANCY WOOTJ Oï'DS,1qO .iyXGLO0v-E s Cr,~&À Flannels, lllu*îkets,&. IJITr IS inPrintqt S.hiri iieanige ~ t i pc~ S i tt - IRcgata'Shirting, V>eDnfinit, TickiiîlCoin Ii'ev Jeans, (2tîton yaînit, %whte tutnd colorail TU1E FIINt.* ONTAIITO0 TIIOOP 0F CAYALRY. Il tu i iregoittr drilil fr lte rSipba boti potý.0ltta uesîiday, 4111, J ne. 2 BIIITISIL C0LÂUMB [A N~D 'rîE xOTlD )IGG INGS! t'pilit-t-é. W. W. Clttrke, litll frottai Irititli Thursday--Evening, 17th inst, IiiiLt th etîhîtie Ibi..thj4,tt:-"Vitcoii- tvelr-4 Iisididî 13t iriliah ~withit at itceetîit lofilit' mittle-.clite liu.eoriittihing innlit!-y iltt,,i" A.liîiîiîîîîý 25 cp.tt. T1ut pîtOîeed-tkuftlittltel une, tiller tlefriiviitg exîtiee, itili Itcapjtropiittit the fbt il' lte <'tiectlîi.l itrtît, wltic lte ditt, I.y St-itiNletiei.'111. .tit elersit, hâve kitti- Iy îid~lk~ilial,.- G. I). MILLERTS G~RAND MOYI-NýePANoRMMA9 EGYPT ASI), PIlE HOLXLAND) Il Wiit Ilc ix itlihllt t e ht- Mee!îiîi&Hll %V'iiiy, oit Friday, April the llth, 1862. Ail nuti t - I; Faîiiy îîelcA 15 cni der ei-rs, h5ett-ts. Tirîttiitiit tiras-. Biidwl -lo rji;illi -ane. D>-ft - à Lli i l li~tt. be - ttiîttiLtervie tames drtgi "fl tttu 111, rot to, e ut! W i- ' e lt-tu> iLli e>tttàîeuaoitI alarge sitareno' publlic, îiaronige .rest styles, ttnd wtrrritîteil tcb gim'e satisticuo., A i rAre lot nf M In L Fzh an dF ur -aj s iiivaritiBtiffaluuRibes, Herse vr igttToatccoi, 1I ruile, .Splces, Pickles, S;îtc,llîrs àekt-i, odiilerigt. Otar Lqut. are ofr irst-ci.as.; qiialîity con-tQng of Port andt-I Sery tt- ,ieleig&Mrteii',; Pale Blrandy', itîi, Gin.. Scotch and Caitaditt i t-seys, Londonut and tii Il liorter. ýAbbot's ,;peritr tPaie Ai, &c. Fioîur. Corn, and Oatital, .A.oerltau and 0,.tnadiarî Cheese, Loge ber itti, a varieti- assortmeit oni Cbrit-tie's Prize Wioie, Stoda titit .'trroa' Ituo1. Ilscuît. ln Cana andi Ktgs rhtirsale anti rctaiT, as ecap as so.d ini thea P orlîtet. LO ES&IOE L LI FTN.BAil accouints p.-tstq per cent int3orost. e - Js nî , Mgcans lok rock 9tree>t, Whilby. ;yme bit iiqj ut.4 u tilII~ e, il Aî.ril utIlL S'RAY 11 F, 1 E c Mof i etie ) t A Two Yearl old IeiThr. Tho 4mîîr it s tceIto îtrnvu . Pe - 11 i chui ve. îund tilta ber n t-ny :othmrm iatnnl wilbi îld Lu def*rayxetsc. Lt-t rdCi. lb Partners-hip Notice eradit- ftr th, lit-tii! aitttL h i~re~ in t rtiteit ~lt- ît!:,Il-utb. lr1hr;t-i ï, y .lIiit artt-adA.ut R- 1Ltt t .....tc uî:gy ti u i...... - f .. ii ................iîtt , i tti ilirii it '- itîlîet. -tj.td. f. itidttettt iq j", 1 .'NMt(lt x11'PEl s la due, and unpaid aftar the lst Jailuary 1862,-vu be chaodttt NndI inspe llte eL-tvrlyiTp; r1 rrî ""e ..i tnivun MTa l" lielO5.ck et the fiowing t- ver liv tit-t tLtr m i htlt-t--tlc or rî'taiî for c«iasb eoly. -iI Seil, Iitengv-rin Grass S-cii, Veltes eqSt-ed, carrttSet-t-. W Turttiît St..ed, lWhite tuntiPurple top, MarugndIVti Wtttfat ertcc, FI large- LRed and W hite, cabbaige St--et.e , uso:a totOlt-IFS tt'5 l W u li sow l-tut Lii txhe tta t OI., uuulet i w- i-lt" ISPRING ANI S SMNMER h's, wbihie itilers att ie 'Idlr- oôrange ix St-ad, OuIt. 8tetd ututt $ UtteîdSeJ. ii-t-t oi ~4A P LE. andi Fut-y Dry Gonds, fa wiitba u iLsit ttention of intettdittg pLrcdlieteri.. - ~TJIOS. I. e>ILN % V h i t y , A p r il t , 1 3 6 .1 "DONO VAN, WALKEÉ & Co. Pi~ACI.ThCMAIRIAGEB UILDif Ce I3RÇR -t-TEETWU[ITI A tEW DOOiI SOUTII OP TRE MONTR' 11AVE ON antd ira constttntly nnusfsturig Carriig( &,(i lelat-st ai n oet approvvçd stylas, manu lacting anti Iuy the ehoifircst wvorkmoî'ý, beir. agcttpetent workme themet- tht-lt i(ottk ut-uT give iaifetîn b style, finisli, nfl irrabi it dulne withutit noae-, and tiaspntch. ITAYDrN'$ ?ATI'N' ky uti- right for titis C5-i or ifdeu-a ýWWSi kelie. -thatt tlit-y, are jtrepurud to r111 ail oral te for te st-noe. - DOiOAN, W.A Ires thy ff-g .n;um, . . Ail ki~s 'of îi'ok &LKEY ,IL-Co,. ÉLOUR, BRAN SUOfËS i P ARTI E ilisliutojttrehatte Pour, Il it , îtid tsýrtt, wiil eetve mney lv eaitgon theýu.wr1eý. C. DRAPEIt& C" Whtî,Aprîl 2nd, I1862. 23 FOR SALE. A PUR1I BRED Darlham ycar-. lii,il. . FARXT TO RENIT. T LZ1 A.5E for ils e 'at-stlt-Ofitret.Pnr-. tht- ~ ~ ~ J Il. fut. 1FUtIuvt-1. FANCY OODS,ý AIT TU l- titittil'ré" tt NRR"-AESALE. A. h,411iittet nt - HOUSES ANID LOTS Itvei,îttS-to i ht tlil -f .,ntsl itttt :at, l t lr letît otY o'I Touti it~tt4 t t- ah1aaut iti4. tliL t-f' L 't W1ulie, Feh. 24-h, 15642. E O SALE ORTV T TWICKI%-n tOie Tovvr,,t Dwclling haet'e and hlaitan'. miteet.ed ftut uilet.- For partiieei te pply (if 1 LatIILItI ON FIRST JANUAIR-Y, A crears of galaries ta Bil ' ayable due 4th iJounty rate for 186:L Amoaînt due Govt-ral Suunry snnl accouti latuet Debenttures,1 218 06 J. Balance, IsheýirgC -à2 -- 8448J -Liabilitjeii... 2341 61 as ail ~ b gag.etw ll u p by fltt-lsi orkn8n, inLtetnt Rendy-tade Cloting alweys on lient. Ladies Purs'it lieartîi Biankets, &C., &c. w-lu lie found Genîjine Pt-tt, Cituî,CrtusiiedRefineti andtýI ~ict Sago, Salati and Caeitor Oi,, lnîiup ianid Machine (flic, andiSalmnr rOF ... $ 888 71à for iver .. 6866 for )Ver .. 28 00 W Zl;%tý Aý,à uv E. AUKLAND 1 i'ksltawtl, 1,S4ý'-'. e ý ', !- 1 ý« w ý " 4!ýdRý

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