Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1862, p. 2

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- XJ-0w ýIUIV& Whlic lS VDRY. NO-rtOultNiro legatry Office ftgll 1- f2Another Humesr. Audltora' -Report- Îowi ai Whiiby. A ruameur bas heert goieng tise onds &sest* i d Liabiitie- ido. tut hegvue~ dsp es- Besle-, . MMiien - tabliasthtsg a Registi-> office tise XýTtI Card-.r, ttorson, ltidiig ai this cosnt.-lta oficfia tst NotIo tue Cavalry Troop -Capt. Reynolds. ha iocated inlx TJKS v1i.Ih -th a Adjournesd Quaster Sesious -Clerk ai th~ certain wortlsy gentleman at tise sorbh ensd ý;oe Lst--hoas mintt.office. Wu have ausi>' ta express aur owN PAyioraus-G. D. Millen, - bisief tisaItiser. e înii aprticie ai trssth Stailicu 1Kenet-E. Arkhsnud. ini V.1 rb and tisat it la but a repa-ti- Im5portant Sa'd.-1y$edsor Rond4 ClnpauiZj.t t ianai t sni idrumteta -b een Parachiel 3sîug-.I.Treuayr.e. a4tfobse1t reorou'ar Fctrrmfor 8Sesm-Rlchard Shier, Senr. Jfùiibuce 1VI~ar fic5aNrhOt- Whle:usle sud rioDeîu-hîius1. Tiis gtterrnment are nat quise sa80e - trcta &C. - J ordis abi k lcopinion, aud tisepublic 1ret1rc -on British Culueibian - anti Gult -Id Cà. seuiien , a toa nals<tp$îuiitment3 andi -- i~ine.eneta I fiEcs gahns tisai ýrepeatcdi>' ex- Lecur-Mc-inIcs iietitute, Pt-,Baot % olsa o f tise i4rested. Ovai AUCTION SALUS. Iand'sU ver agaun have tise peopleu uf the Unireserved Cricusi i U f ar'm Stoc, uisCOt t>, thiitgh thii, ri-spri-itntives in tibl- siL Ne , o . 20', ý5ih. Con. Wlfi t bYs', .isy Coul , ei nss.rialid the garet"is. ais11" Thsuite>, A 1it, îl prohrty U alltauiliactagaunal tise iâttblislsieof ai W1 Mye'rs Aiiut*(Tn-et'. g .$ 'Y inN orihs Omtario. liepeatetit>' have" _____ ______-ihot-orporFtotns (,r tihe nos-shorts munis- se 'ts s one tus tise h e trouble in expres. i., tllîcir oppasîtQil.itiis>' attempt l-t- sm- ~ - - ta lih a rZogisir>' afiuc fsr timus. The>' ONLY ONE DOLL1AR A YEAIÏLî îut'â aid thot, bie>' do not aeed il, titist a l ' sreglsry i an>' oue lueillisl>"nantli: ouid. Wlîtby Thîr-ia, Ari 10 L82.noS bu sea cnveaitilt ia tisat at'îis ce nîy laaîî, andti tiitcoasequeliti>' these tspýti - j S Spplemeat. would be unnocessi-y, andt aburulen,'ta ne l'l E - - 1tcu i> iuipose, iniposuti agaunqt Lier on OstIhe Tise Eaîter Reesi. 1-r.tt-pssyers. Wiît lte knuasire ofaitisesa -Pueliaruciit will adjoarus b day (l'us i-s sçts isahissg Cats bu ma 1reé nreosonabie -dlly) ta e ultsesday tise 23ld nt.,isuailtet suppose thmt the gavertsmont wouîd 6 asie stch an ap'pciasntuWiîis sucs a Tise Qutesutionsof tise Iay. 1 aîîtchfui, trtssîy represeuîtatis'c as the--pres.' - Niw thaitiseroent ceusus eiis bits a Ci eusr o at1Otaih oi iàiiauoc i spu~itia u toon i bse ter- cai-col>'bu donce otiousi consulitg bite, finlatiloef nf avr)5 of0the C,.îu - r~imt ui ii tt sqttdotsts - wishus of bisi conâtituents ust tea atvise tresanýýitathon for tiîsi iîripoilum-Oico s- t - populaîloaa-or Lowcr C-.iataià , - t ou îsstàiiistumis ow uususcesiarysud nipoplar opinkioni, batse fair anjus ( d-imus,î, ---tsIdpoeu ti bc.-b aphbec - Ilselai'ore %V11011 tise quellti<iton w uutc- oud u -cuisijroti n-st-lisoditutinî, thse justice isi the prticipe-wte husistus e tiset-î ieuiunu is lefi 5glaut Proof (roýcoati> auppîhei is>' tis e iâuiS>-ss ttsuttr l - it *isauld b. abtaissi d n lati-lt iisiei at erhs fcsiraî4el 1 > tio -ý; List-, ecunietisaItise subjectbltýk eit tt te rsut-pssvt-ist uttise tasvus, as oel tsi- -at sod eieise -ieiillurssîs ai ,i C i t> , o b.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~èV ruo luaetireaut utuial i-at lerugîtis e iiiîs iunit lus, tise tonisiO uutstcs te i - dLoer Cauaeatiisstu a 'fass is Ciiiselut ilso>' ,ýa evoî-mhsg.. isir g t-rouesati -ea u- sttg a 15 pii- s u'llyilhtscri-si ffeti ofIr, ilVerdelet ta use thon heseil ika ioupomi juâtice anid comnsîuitino sircs i rfts'c t,,z oà, slât ut, expiras- -aeîmae Tl'ise roc rît cuusus bas full ii> tp- Itioni >ft-'O c-tii li oe etitttu tet ~. Plied titislegaî es-,ie n d il htluiso sowu S nd m3îss--~e iee t wl-tale lit lpetLd tiai 1-pî r Cottiad liai m i.utlecî fis a new liAl. Mur. %Vurden Whi ~paiisatln a istti>';ii>,ttti g-caer isest atat'eeta tu I4 Ass5tif out !'sut atm>'. L,.,YerCandit.Hudnetprt-jistimsc> tid ss'isu-t ciii tic fs. sndti cherta selIor rouît passon eu «j1uaed tla hé lishtwliiit-tue propers>' Lu improve-otilfvu dosluc tn baic e imetths ->' im-ummly-e-is tîise ? lIcithikstateaof tise case- Sittu premiaetsce bf tli is le itsbe sessi istssrld susisthe Agriîtiuturi-lSociety duntsdiiig Useospaper- a l Uper UXu thie settîs-e- %1i 5550 fur t neiity /ares, wc woîuid certain-i m tsit of tise question, it isle auitsitted 1>' john ilshtiselttivoua:tesof 'tise Kenti faut of tise exceàs a' p 1,1.ntiQn befou rapttcity in givig a lirefèrence tea ta bOusIsaricawaud tit. nobe ma ste h. .AïNir. PLory reiittarked, witie its of aiu soi ve diflicu4ty. Lower Cssn:sdias b,,3 onuecase tise townvoulnd 4cu tstininga ~rlsstiît7ouldusa bu erosut, enil 1 f, ucl~ il-n-cl wo*.tt-tise price. pulifor il -11etste oud tiot ba amod,-i isJat ir i u ![l ttlonitst., ls t aler, ver>' seariyi: fti;su ttsî tuktt tisat stoii porche-se tIse frLC-, ýwQuIsl ot4e h11s phition or rigihsý, Iisi aitilit fiiî woumd bu expeîsdeîl on a reested po- Iog auasisrs. \Wo are verv côtîideetthsslca mneol-optsriûi4dlt Ilffrent tenspeýr sysulo eist iii tlise pub-is oiveyer for tise prie aindmti oosthé tts lie miinlof Lait-tr Cii sda, were -tise îui-ot 11 Ur tise C4ear (hj:t prsS of Upper Ciiiiila ; iitt.M T t - ti -iritt Mon<bu> 1ins e Ust andsti oderato ; usi tIset siitisf tiing 1-t, Nir. '11. iaigu, foruiLeri>' ai proper lOciséokeeand gusranteee-" of noîî in-1[tihs tacts, ii l i lie-i-mrer, BMr. Jutratus f irhits tis ~ eusd s-il liountoms, bous gentlemen rotusi-usd Coli- te fei'euee W l uuheiistltutioiiand is Iit fornihtns, NeWî?tc nteri-iied bts outse per- secured tsesm W-tIsle J3ritIs1l Crose t le u:i.tl fr1 uisl e-, thb i eumber iof fis-e and 1 lima tbji Prov-saoams ecodudta leGreot tret , a niplimentary stppernt tise ilritaUn, f tise>' oosuH nut fil ta rcco"ýili7e Alihon lIotel. The geîîinig tup of tiése up- tise elaus im e-ir sajie la> U"spe-r CaniLL ta p)r s ar5eltipr-omptu li. - Mue-i-s. 4tisi'tsesd eprsomte-hqs- fr iu - 4 ti}S Gaiýs-t Tisrntoti h-ling nuuiet of ibis Pl usisimnua weld bc eun -1 la Lowes, fZae, -te equality i >f tise lutter te3 r-2gitvte moiss'e- la at efui e tel*stlc againet tith Lower' CauspdLi-n inatitu 6 suli gaarantsua of &Utise igisa ciwic4J Lowear - Caia tiOO la u ati neemcy ta gss-e i-dan L a Mr. Ckimaees' prapa- hder te]is'ee ta Loear Canadas sno inttiutlen ta , tauera, itis and a bil (nauem4 h>byMWS ta aild bis thepbusit-aune t4 gisf- e diolctstiêar <ua inohaetsa a>' tce, i hie proeusas aime ait-me- a tangible prtpsltipn -vousii àioaad a iu thiéertain set- bisl quesiiost,13Y vIY re upli- kiealis 6 of hlty, and is>' up. isa jae s'ait » gotdaisense aif utia, t4è-r(ji) bI tfe d o sObtisftis.t #0l~2 ~ 1at ee1 -- t te*irebrated Lhorou'aýj. ~OisOts5ltst'Dis advèrtiikd ta stand fan mareg 14is aseasaus. Ien nett je sWW utn ;tiiiiss;4ba hlai-geai ivë b ielieve ai bis cîmtt in C«ûdata, anti ceniaotsy no bai-e on jie turf ix; ýsore ias-oraisij>knowns At tise ,Spiiig ir a qg «aif ff on the -Whtby rsioeu-s lueq tpok Isea hee-s,ý4sd a deaf bisai trami atsaâàf aeven counp&itors, ainongsi woaswm rk *mrkftianî se<lBroii ick. Tisera e wee ise-an lstnta fathbisa pus uXenedssieveiy'Ieai,'aliau - l -iit'çs an inury on tIse,,_&nkle frisas -tha îtstt, bis-,plcinc Ssthesa S pr oead bis . reoîat t at ,am wo4 as 4Us spea#. -F Itse luonsa> nd titase wÉe'jdiirisOî e 0-soved ised of hoo fq f¶ ii thetUrfpieae usiae, ai- âddle, iha» us an ecelent -a14sOni3isti fftured tie4,ea.i on ehibýgn t tjisL itôt- l'cutca e-.--. .i ci Fts as e uto.nsrrow ' Th U uxrîqeIl'Advo.ate,P' anditis u prtseft Albert 5iObserver.", Whant oa-lions figltit lblese-bd tistaial Uiqwaets t&e sbts taa8 ciiL .xt tise t tte --s-Ù cob t- -ý gi p Lt5~us c~be$1 t ti ckwoosdisbetýýtt ur tw*esIssaIr>' jcoems.-witisthe ahove isatuse. Thse qnîsr- roi doos usai aria ont af a discussion on tise artitqsity af-tise Raach rildgea, or hou' Laite- Seugog "ksum.tb*n,e-' or hasi>Josephs came ta lie i.ebisseat, (usaioai isainde "ribahlee, but biset et Quais-ce, -or tiseisome article, ho reRtores regniari>'ntai iservais 1imsefal bust as tise îsuky little Modie saY'a4 a- bout 1' whis t he mais Haiden [of tise Ob- $ee]r en, ely-i.5 ,bisl, olis regard to 41. -uj3tpavporially. - lit the absence, isèsefore, -is li w ith, elroog 5>sup- potiS e vidende, 'the Ob«uecs - bs failasi tÉ-4ÏÎ tti ,Lemoàotaates waeo la isba làMà e -t -Ad a*se t b>' set a h-- Thse AdoWiproye t 1ft r. Holdeiet one isse enttaté& uta nagotiatiotis witi 1Wiýoai tis e îedtnç ('otiset Viti Ves, ans1ue g>ôt6but tib~hoe ormere 111<1 aGI-tnp-ý .ppi t hlm as tieyaght'. We are7ieit,,hure ta lofer, isen, frain tise absence ai an>' exiplune-d on eusti prt oi hlm ai Prince Alboe-t, tisst tise oeg shtîauose feu tisrrsngi <ti aint.cf-a futappièciatioo bîe ls con-, servatires ai'tise valineof tise coinmaditv. Tise Oleseru'er ba videntt>' net at home iseur LakeiSugog, for we find han, in a leiter, invitnp Mr .. und>'of thseAdqocle, ta, jois bis in a newspeper iii Boi-mn- ville. Baitishe grisai abstacla ta overcoeau bis.. leatrsd 'Prnce Aliser mnstisîes ipie. sent$st ls v - juilt recie, a e listerisuni île .1 t rl*l Htis s er~sd, t-si1'niuiîig t.t-s-taM inet in tiawnssuiitte tbit le wants i u ecs Mous> duswüs kr une to g iIt.'t Tis ita oboa isati, olisugis ustIutocisr- acleriatie ai11 Ho JoihnsSimsaus.,' Ib is ta be hopetin, ie bai souietbsiog wiil be lousab>' tise good people ai Piince Albsert ta keep suceis a vuabie represenitativa of buis occlt u tîi utelîicre aiofbteusitiet L;i-att ions eiiiPlou:giisg aîeî toaes eithar l3oasn-ivitîe or Ceriboo. Faiiliusg tibis lias'svilie adventura, it appeana that bise Observer me-o isutisame hiies in Ils. Idissiqry'for aecoiding ta tise Adtxoxale, ho applief tae3Mr. Muisti> for au Nlehotlisti exhort"rI We do naiut ow outeu duttoare r. Mund>' but 'doktse theis apreedfti i eohogicet ligIsI, neisisardoes bis estimae-bil, hiniselfi iis bis paper, isy rofusimsg tise certificoate. Ifit Mi-- blnd>' lu aceuseu f siuppressiîsg, sehilc e Sa 5d chaigeaifbise calume tsh ie Observer, aonieai' tIse practical edituiriat, allai-tu afiihuprinscipal I Ta tiistise id vocate pleadu guilt>', and O-CetIeaed b>' nase publisinug tise suppressefi e-dicles fi-rntisheoriginal usessuecriptsa ls i. ps Ce mjiea ubiissevrtisi ses-sn. ecmeethe firat sh ic hof u fanýi tise pale aiPofuuhe AbrbC, asoe a for1 tns Gil i ie os-idn-- uerl of the foifJsei tRoru frcli n o that k wof -, 01vtuielce pýuii - %V i u'r gtiectof lb aýwopi us fr wi i au ia tie iu i-uth%- lai" ftetise- eusiejnis-siihebs tory c l. u>i a cin besai iarar>do'nattudet- ise Ob,,irsereris e- frpic ie instbtu- tiogrts"-sssirand-wh au te lia eaisisees sec forlty le people oftisentce lns a tisa$e fe he rts of lsthieiNorsh aiiis Clsrnicte or tôqj1 tise Chair:' mashera l6d mu- bled before eight, but woas'. a"e'ut c0t5tmittePièA js to 1t ra p m - P t;sru- .Porita. lleaidsthe Miaty-n?, ess.iin, Brown, Camieron, Carpeuter, Laing, Mac-r diaieli, Pli->' e-titi sonu, -wers. prescit. Absenti, fr. NMeDe-must,. Tisa Mayjr teid an the table ise petition ai Alexandeor Camai-on, Cisief Canstalsle, preyli, ,for an hucreue e ai' matai-y ae, Repart 6;f tise Auîitors. -Mn. Xacudooell brougist op tise report of' tise seiet camtisittise appaititedti l confer wot etisssmtitee aitheo Couton>'Agnreul- tunal Sach-sy, anti on sacîonItle Causîcil ivatt nia coamitîco bierean, Mr. . llintgs unthie chair. Tise repaori statofi tise ece p- tionof aIh-e propositinsfôran asite seiiclu oera taken iota rensideiatiau I& h>bie1 jtitt iTiniite-- <)newattfrein luit. Ase- %Vorsign 4ereeing ta'.lensa wo acares adujui. iiig tuar-siet block fuir fis-o yeas--, it tise1 11utiîl i-tnt ai' $8 pet' aisotîn, or a loneisi- peurkbuuti sisucb ittucrenssotirents us miglut Se usuuîrlîu-i russuusole. ThIe qtuti St-suS i fruin Mi-. If. W. Atmitc, agreehtsg 4-ta ssiI ftoit scres au S175 peur acre; andti tishlird',l wats livra Mr' Darns-Kentt, agrosing stu fdisîsosu tuf S" acres initisaNor-th Word,1 and ta ivnve tt eose seibs'a boni-sifenuet- ei,hî feet lii a t $50,tisai tisei .'griîcultuirni sîsceiy bcd tiec-idedinhsfavr'a i- i Mi-. Keîst's titc, pi-asSied sisey coclul -tith iras tise -own oms a lase for- 21 >earus nt t nominal rontS; tiset Mn. Annes' site onu, the lue-et tiesinablisofaIbtisei-e affret, aussi tisaita acuepîtishe Marets blocSksitisl Mmr. woitiei'a 500 ocres tise>' soutd ss-qsire1 tua pt- sri> ta t be fet-du levulle 'i andii dsiniesi, ausd, tieisecussar>' atdittional builti inga erected te eexpenseofai isa aown.- 1 Th'is repornt fsstisr stated àtis-tMr. Ws>)rteiot riquireti isatsea acres ta be icusced b'tise, ton andtihie fencesane-d irnprovomns mode ta Se-gis-nta plahlm ais t iseexaira-1 liisn ai the k-evii anti aiea fus-mier, tisai tise AgCriculturat sac*esi>'oubd uuticrîîskse tu put ep tisetisecesîsar>' buiittiitgs oth Ie Kent prapes t>' seitita Isali-e5t>xs feet, afi wfsieisthe tiswîs caotld umjûye. tsetse ors aili occsiobns fur publie sneeîingec, scsual sex- t embuîanu, c, and tiset ihi btîsintshe mpi-- ti ai 20 veers thse asciet>' oas t issais-cul or olfisl>' tiscmmîlanuse t l bothesir metI igs thore, lise tersiaioftise leis-se oas tut 1 cesaind tise propert>' l osetarevr rta Gthej1 tais. At tiset aioftIse put-ih ,çreiucd1 b>' tiese th ue pi-omisSes, ineledimig feus-f ces, &c., buti tîsieret up ho gooui repsit-, t-ht1 ïk)(-iety retaitiig ctise rhist ta netnsavoibeir luiiiisss. Tlise a tuet catisiteu -seirzm- 1- - mentoti Mn. Wordticm's affar au the iseat desirabls~e, n u is t h seulut iretsiithis tise olisesaOf tise A'riuslttsmnt suc-uts.t Mr. Macdottoît usovediltise adoptioni of -tise reliait. Mn. [lin -iug sietifor inforinttigss as In wvist tise-. Agittultial sachet>' siopose-l Mfr. Penny expabie t tisecAgrhcutsitm- raocityt> Sii tisaiif tIh-y gut ius pie-ce tht-y wou d ereut e- iuiling 50-SO 1 refot anitput uic cil oison necesis u id f in"~ mit tieur ose-utexpente ;tiaîso. farasi tlse musai-k t praperty îoas ocone-ned tise as cict>' seulti requslre a close boa-rd fane. cigit ft-eb higis aruunizd thse block, isa pro- pett>'leveiLimdsîsiperSe-ps iraitied-Thliset iso Mnr. Pt-rn>] oas ita e ius in lsthe comiiae, inasiuauclt as he irets it favar of' bNr e t M- r. POntiti liaMr.beibst hi t $20 for tiseiuiustandtiserabepayer,.t11-1 ; $200tfuai'hes. Kuid'u ail-. ise Ise> nd'i wetubd itte endmfishich ortheteir mancte. aie>'airl fnesuluia reidoitu athisg backîtu 2otr. , ohîe.le us ied-st ps-a bfor iie îeeusmouit neasmichae u ma->'g aipt lrordeNi. h is9nid ie-aise remum- - isu ibîaseastnienrert teir.rfeis.at The %vusueavè e atureebld - Let yeut, h susiti; -tse tao iuii-pr he rua ofrke l Thse Mayor-sspresed isestrpile. e-tise toi-msaiftise propoaition mate b>' the Asý. ricuitnnoi Society'. Ha tisought tise- if tise soolet>' accepteulli thearktet biuildinga lb wousid not be unreasçue-tlo for thisus te reoce h is bueselves; ifi tey <id t sido sa,- auss Iookiiug i tise proposition mselsb>' btr. Wortion, iwoulrd bisa oute nifbise fends ai tise tooti td me-ke an>' expendi. taracai' mone>' on tise place, andl haosiouiti be decidedi>' bin favisraifl<ent's praperi>' nas bise mass aiitahia.- Mr. Camerais saiti it appoaredti l bis as if tisa Agiicaitorai sachet>' tbongist tirai tise toset wta motaileiius ta senre iie5.- -oée-as in f'oai-fa bisamai-ket-blochr, and urged econons>' sld moderat7lon- - - 3fr. Petr>' again explaiied-said tb. Agi-louitural saciet>' saugisi nat ta til<utt un an>' mariner, but seere wiling ta tusSe ino cousliaeratiaut obe-tevor propositionr tisa ton basta niaie. TMr. Wasona, rasonueai' tisesprecoi mittie, ataedtitset hii reaison inn agi-coing ta thiseptopasa, tisai if tise Agriculsural Socieal'eccepttd tise mar-kei properi>', it seoulti ho ilmecaia al eti) tossr t. tisfusctary tus o majai-it> ai tise ratepuiyrs, tiaitla gr)on aitprelussitu; latisi. Bi3If ut. ivas4 il#_ 21r Pert-y bail atttl,vieseci 'ns9a ctonsereiiti moatter b> ise Agiscuttural. un. cilt, atîd selile thae Ketipiaperîy seid incérense their funstu oai thý aisn Isas0ltht>' woanisibc ruhusnied t tbistnti-kiq lu hoseulsi not uis tise socie:> tta utis tisliss r placp. Ttc agi-culinithesismarket po siin On tise ,rindisofaietousoniY, ais-I lue. osldsue thinT cânvitieiuug!'Y tssigitte is oSai listi ben n"eid lsy Meours. Laingi sutisi t>ni-y. *hIf lie etidtitie Ketnt pi-nen.ty wst soitii tut tie tise amaist mt olsichu i its freu. .it wus inil-etiisbtisti ta ii tin t is h aîi us-t bs'cii piçeet up b>' saue or ftisesp - le-lui-s. lie wostt ta tti-owi'nirsobsttstee ints e ws as', eltittib ise tisougbs tit if ih Oas titI for tise desire ta tecureo pi-srty ta tise toit i,%oaiti isoas oeil ta go in foir tiso ten acres.- Mr. Le-ifisg bhoued thàt e- ajorit>' tof ai' tise rupayeria seould vota ion tise mer- let blacl, but ieotwitlistanisir sialtti>' ivcre woug ustir pru sPnt eirctiotautei. Mi-. bistdoneli agreesi that if it ocre a question aif1rîvidigé a pubiclupa tes tet i ucrt-s ais tise Atinetupropers>' ,sonid bc tise jsiefui-aile nornll tise otfcr-s imatit- out tisa question oas ohat tht-y utgbt ta do es a Cîsursil ta meecûlse obsîtes or' a tsmjoity ai tIse ra tepysrs? 'IThe (ousscht ou-dt t ta voie an ibis setter, bcsas, cas trtst islej wi-shsof ai tiy af use ratepoyerx f-or tise seoro tIse pje-m t ics olsu id tise matie>' Ic ttisanut tise place olsereiss-y e-es-eilieti -t nblcdth ie be:it place ifor tise tlýicoustaj "is! lise Societ', iîmIse latter nusîsl i tcepl ai it. Ptut smpsu~tise>' porcins-seul ulu6 Keiit lti-perty ss-hat î irassuee lismsilts>'y slist the Societi> uld iet p the Iisbuil-d ii-,is? Thtî a vca-sd )ntlv derîvoeaus hn- diret-ceitft's i auy cveni, ati ts-I m 0isueatt iebtusin tetab>' is!rîiuîgtiseA-1ieuttuit-l Exlsititioi2 on the Mauriet pi-appt->rtyiti ms nt Kutît's. lThe bte sec>'8, bu beticet, woisitibe Îtamun-isthia b>' busefor Kc-nt' t so thse ratepsiyer, atditichsiles-en waytt> e> wet-sho i souhi ttu>'yea fo)rihutniesf ta t. "lise (istlcîlisui ju-it ta foi ont wlietitsur tise oflur ai' the NMirket. propersywoutld suit tise Sorctety; iticase il didnats catt tise SoOt-icI scuttl utrumtonas:thse Ke1is proeperIty, anud lisiti>' oat otldlus-st Cous' duce ta tise intter of ithse rsuiep.yers, .- T'he sole omisbssth isi -is an tlise aniiotudusiut olm fl seiadlot-md, oaie'tv Muo.Purs-y tutt Lsai-isgo tilsgfr i.l-iFhorepart- sease- (i tise nuloptiau .us es-iy stîîl fise1de- iii - topuki he eui t ta a ,run ts -il tise Corporation s l s eo wion for $1500, 31 eiet ofA i reeludëll bti dObai. taitueu, tise rnîcptsyersouglisitautiiiiltstaknî tise vote3 af tisuir i(rsitieeistsutis-es ai ah Mn. Phlung look 'tise [pporiuiit"-o ise-lt tie scatssiloru-ti tisai th, counu-il- ocre oastingr a si-s-cnt del aiftliie, ani hntning ire and Wis sta usa Purpase i0 tiuseussitsg tise m-uter. -TIse aspaîs set Out tise proposition a'ofMr. Vosden asorso t tieois , e-ni o sauoaiopin biethta -Tise disatj ta bise &fre and atijoutusei raie was te-lu féustistion a i'alios s - id The-ltti aone 1iftise bu tille. ai tise tucs e-titnin tunti in tise tisai gavortus Miniatens rt-ah hotiuu tas ~elves of thias Ehtcellcuicy- uaveeî tisih ,LIAMENTÂR'Y. aon Mr. Foley'sa emendtnent 5a 'e" resued -on Thway o1or 0 F:iday rdglit iwite thes :. iTho amenidmcnt was de. -ote of 48 to 63. Lt wu5 as ibeuse being convîneed -that 't~ saf.gsnrs ofa- tise preroxa- ýrown,. as well as or thse liber- lsises or thse people, is la ho application of tlie principle 10nt' sisould be contluetéd by onsible o th ie people', and oprsartuniy ta express ta yor)i ho regret wit liî hlt-ey .t principle violated by thse rtiunnce i Hou. Josepis C. Maisitu, tt igses-rl ciyuara in tise gavoruuneunt, ut , tiau sent i eîher Mousse o ai' tlie-, rh 'l'h-i anAttornse>'General West ruse a 6olling speechiun tiefenc aif tise positio - !fliî i mss-s ohiea-tia - un tise g'seimntett ci in goveralhinstanes iswih ecaes lied ar son sîmilat ota tafaiMn. Moi-nson, ausid rci'erred ssp ciaul>' ta tishai oftue0 pi-usent - Ai-mure> Gi aaifon fi-aenti, as seisg pt- cis ci>'anftae-g isu We arecasry tuai ou cs t ni :mas -oam ion thseautin, report, ùndt nîsuat catetit ouirsplves withiî sspar ti4n ofitb. Mi-. facdussuli-hlt caming dton tus lusYe ie>, ouaîtigise tIse ha eloti iPa- ee sitil'tu s simomsent iiiin natinis o l ceuiltît!raest belt iial positions giP- raI trqsii ug semis usnste louse ai C-suis- m5tuia-semuts ohiei l , isesd not issejus gsc3s ,ais tit ueverliseiti. Theisitittusu ctsfW., oui-e t o ai %,tia lsis-es->' Cutisrut anti S-thluhjs-u Gpen-tt for l-lui. Mr. Ltoin, OQSoli ahitor Geticral f-i- Isctîîid Wms nos in p riiiuneit ai tise tintolus1- n-as uîpaisteil in 1861, antI-bclic0es nase lits-il- iitg atilcu fa lise second yeon. histillsI olltrstt a su t. i lisis.3fr Losuiger~Iîssho e- seat iiin tisa Cmuiiset' Iliut.1. --Macdoaldait oascitiisg itis 4s Wstu i stance ofa i oa holdinug or- i ewitisusît a seat in Pas-iieot, bot-musse utce argtume t ai tiseslSous. geîutlenuîuî aas hîsnendesi ta prove tisai tIselioller uf tinioai fîçe uue-tsî t itu Legisiatur. Dr C,:uti.Il ms nat e- nuember of liait. Y. Olstts a mensl tiostîitglt îlots. Mr,. in ttheIih ,lion. Mi-I ta. !1lion. J. Iesitiuu enit .NitGec) 00e t1ltu office tif 0e-5 marceuts b ite tbet hItuI u set- (aunvih. 1 ELord M of issothe i.- hssldtilist hebu ora ieCa Mist. [Oppasi. t5uiy.-IsTi nlie angisî tu blu i. e-ciosa'I.---Ti lnt. gets thsîit YausLdIsot do. Btîst thé. .r for Nlcntreoal SVeuit, (Ms-. Id uosa s>'tisat it oounllimi.du. siiesusui îs susselIt sstre suit Attcret ilOiei-ufer li-ete-a "Iriettuit IstintIss-iof Asctit v SEii4tststs. 'IltîeAtiritye>'(t- tutitir hels io nia sîtittal plesitissi legral atisiser ai' lie Cres-m, Vtanusy e>'(tserai for Irelsuist diifott Si oi#ia. le wuam -iaer Iflime Croseti ltsii s .isembot- ai'thie IshuPihi ce- aut unee t-Wisait IseVice- (d stoad ilii tise 5susseposition1 mcii in tiss îustry. M Mcdoa-Ii----ish hou. *ltiingo o n, ii( *rgamets i f Lvs-nofatie course t ly bil - ahuet. 'Fil Lard Lieliîeiliit a Ielît- - s ép oie d iet inIsle seaili- pstioWsat (btreetts i the Sa ereign ai Losid taskii notnaie. Le insaq isi-teiltitti utdvshautb.>,Cabinet, jusI iiii1tme we' ivL us tise Pi-risce o ai s-ucua, ancui lAt-t-un- e>' Gcalero-ai Ireland w as a iuseber oit huti iu'in Me as sior i in a uneunier f ti1ctuPris-y Cour.cii-ie oasi Pa pîicet uisssslici lse same saniss as tise Lot-t Cisuî. ýellar ai'En uil oas e- politiciheu.~ WitIu tise exception os tire epuiiîtmlenlt ai tise Loard C sssvslor ai hi-eus,1 thie, Allar- ne>' teneuat for Jreistd hdl1ed Isappoit ment ofai, i e Jusiges, as bis hisn. find Mr.- Carier ansi ie (Mn. Me-cuoIoscit) iai, iea tiiiis toonsy.,Ansi bae- - Sdd se natter stund wihs Mn. . O'llaguin, iL Attoruit->' Ganeral?? îla oas appolîsteti , solicitort Geuserui i S 00 At tbust lime ha ovas nt a ieusis uofPailiameisi. andtie a. - wm5 tiiot aor ail-fours with bthai ofMr. O'liagan-and Mr. Lowson, thse Solicitor LGenaeral.aand Attorncy (tererai. for-frelantt. Tise> wene adeisters itis te cî-awn, quoati1 tiseir section ai the country, iii the saine inanner aa swus 3fr. 3Marison. Sa ilsat everything lisepreeedents ta bc iaîîîid in tâe hýoak3wore in ii fvor ai this. pritîcipie. Tlîey vfonind tlist it -lied bt-en frequently rtcted oan in regtard tus the chief ads'iseri af thse crosia.-1t oasacated onl in tIse ceeaio tihe Côlonial Minumter aiid af tho Foroiga- Mittister ini Eiglanti, and af tise Attorney Geiserai tandithe Solicitor Generalisi lsre- landi. le siglît go a- Step fui-b isemd quitte Suetti. The Lord Ads'ocato. was I Vosn ativisuir aibise erawn juoad wt lail. -Bisutlîey feund Sir Dunîcai MvuNeil, Oms "Ise O aonaisndti'trM,.undriel; ýonais for SCotintiýf, mithist sisals in Irarliamaeit, Ansd yeîtilis etae aof a Solicitor (lctieral for ait-le aWs he Provifce, lîav-îsna nosent ini 1mî1-ianIent, oas braugI)t np, for thet- cenîsure cf thelos.Tise Isall. memiser for Waterloo wwa bai-tIi> the insu an os plais t) ra ppersoîs eintig afpoiliiotlas a mihsist- aif.»e Crown wivisa -fniot et the tÎic o flmîâ appuinimnt taseat ii PtrIia- ment. Ho wosulil uy lttai>'tisaitise tîoverînhent ocre couîupel>smlta select tieir miîunbf-rissaoly frcn the Leuislîsture i P'ickering Umunci. - TisuRtStY, 3rd April, lhQ.. TIse Counuiiat tise Corporation af Pie. L-ering mfiet ptîrrsuaist ta adjoursmnets±. Miltmîs oa- lest inoitiîsg reati aîd -isp Mr. MLCrueighît nit-c stthe 1k-ove lis grssfît ais order ai thte, Treasurer ta AIc-tc. l-'egoî for tIse sutîsoa $2 buing sniaunt due lîins for services renderefi os ltetsîimug icer foir Waî-d No. 2 of fhims t ýwiîship for 156%- Cîusriei. 'Mr. Chîajsunatinuts-ecs tîat 1-It-tor liea toîi ho initroctt-d to'a tuaW. LIl giî Ille Sonsoi and , tl ît the 1-eeve do ransslt ais ut-dur aistishe Tîcitqîîrer in blls lavor for stiîd sioursî. Cuirrieti. - f Oiiitiotion oaiNMr. Chaptuan, a By.law wss paseti apîîttîting Cisas. W. Matisowsf Potsîid Kieýper fosr theirse t.sicyar. frite Coutieire-stisfdinlaCotanitto of j- tise ololes, ais tise motion 'bi Mitr WIXixs1 furr i. tIe tua-isit.p13>' .leos) Mr. %Mu- (S-iý1 ll ie chair. f 1 Tiseeusîsîs,îssec aitise -hale rase, re- 1î-rtud I)furei, alii iîkul leuvc t'O iit 1tusi- eput-t r(et:ivtcd. 1- 1- t lsîitioveo4t tisatileTrestrer b Y3 I c i-tîtuedLIta icter utis iicossuseih mît t-j- il-s ntisxt mssuetiimi tu tebe hl aonlIse l2tI-- t-LE tuu'besotaqtiu n stttut, uskttstisIt Sheiie higilus suoutist ut an it s -îe sis rmahi bsts ce-ash inmse si.isOves an-hsutose ail <seters 1 Cmoilemu-er ameS om as-eptaiDif acuii stt. 1it, --antu sitis t fr ut -, e Ci-t- sendicu ù; us u opy ai Lstis t-eiulttiui. iXt05 l2crt-esh. ie1)itriOtutilusîutieui dsst ssftiseUnitîed Mn. Uthaptritumues tbsauîtii Cuuisil 1ulsi ts Ien t35.0,0,icutis do stoîs stjaurus, ae-etastssl mujui-tie ti hI ail NoecîistrtgTrssr'Mte". 'Siurte-v-îIse 2tb îs-h ru ----'s----- -- jThé Grant-muid rwy (thle District ai Coi.- %iVarircis-s, lîlsistNoý..Li)S rinreisdered, -utumisisi. linsfowuilt oi huisofai iiditmp&ýs Stitrsig nt..i'ss fi aiut Ilsinsce ic-lfor an attec.k rmode (toera lsuheuh iitSjuU ttogtstistlta I iP o le M.is-shs-si ai tise'District un the- tieWiu)prsieitttitlitut .1)t Lolntirmi of thls'ibune.- oss e-e-suisîs >'tis oee->' htut uui , rT. 1)>. Mcete labuse quen isgrcls'bun --i-ieui siie- iller>', suppl<,,5Oiest, Idefesilmmg a.-ne-ti issineilPaîtrikIane, 'Wbo sîîld Cuti. j oaitss,'ewihtIstie iturulr ofai io. (isus-t ue suu upsrei m-e (on- Tsatifenco ouis su(!e"sil, t1so jury findinsf enutu. lOblt)prhssoltsrs utoit-w, 100 igutt.lniaernéigsi'vm ts fomus -o i1i1istithiueu ai oait st-rns, tetîts oaggouof ha haerliai iaît a situ;lu ma;ts, - - CY1, E -At st i ntise ithis inoî A - - Crit-ssus, Apilï8ity bu-ýtl.gIt fli-on amie ai <ltrsi! Griint'us taff,' lm:rd±sttttti e-ou in4b oi Iiscatuner.t. i;, Apii 0. Wnr noies.. TaultiîesmdI Prhttieu-s . Thso 1.sr Departoseuit reqties titti t llayiiise ipieeAiiis i ueur inlu h eIth le> are receiseti. Ti sec-eotar>'of ai v ut-rceiveri oaerf tiui3 p.l, iras Gccm-uit Woot ste-i;tisai ait b\o 'losyeate-tiuy, p'n,iîaiisîgý, w osipg uhgt Yot-ton, excepi prepture- tiO a3 ior etaci; tisefos-îhicalioiss, tistt tIse oensuys farce oas repartit Iota e fri 2500 30,000%Ot, anssi e-i o a'ciacie-p.m., sise. Merriusc, York!owon, Janises(awa;-, simiti ugas ee l>itgig t Cri-e>' Isuii. Tise followviusg imessage oas recciveel -b> uhe SLci-otarY o ai' W-lsh.sei'utino - - tIse nue a RIICHIARD> on tht- 3rt is raustu, on tise: 1klasi, Je-soi etocS-, ta Miss3 k o i suitef wbicissset3fortlblie U4ýsansêI&M ltussvis andt obture ibise otorwl -natëdbe Ini justice t p - iihe on -: ia-'-extract o* leU te--tieýf s regimnentusb ý' te rtu uttat ti sN V . - oýi sw i hrgi itit The .Atliengle Tetegraplt: Thescquesltioni of îele.raphic cOmnusni' caions betwee thse Q-Id sud New worlds je ssmn erved~ Ajdthis titne-strengtsened hy the experieice of the past-witil ,very Prospect of ultitoate succeas. M r. Crus W. Fieldl went, ta E1îs;i1d, arccrdlfg4 tise London S&ar, 'bearing a dpsp)atis fraie Mfr. Seward to Mr. Adants, to thea affect tiset the Federal goverseett is prepared fa ftslc Congres,,; two pet cent Upan Il capital- Of s; or seven bhtîdred îisousand potondî foi- twenty, or twenty.lIve yas, if Englaiv wcsddo tise sanie. Thse arranîgement woîîld iiie!udoe as iefare proviaoea that tise câble woulcl bieut mil limes, lin war as wel lis l, psseOP,- ta bath gOvernmens, f,>r- 0i frea dcesites af tiir messages. Enig: hirnd. it ila pri-amnad, is sised 'ùguarsai. tell the sisineannual per- centage asJs Federaval Vrimat.. 3fr. Cyris Fl~'ed [W*ns ta liklve bad oa:it i1ervils wwiîis Lord, ilali-ru iton roi this 21,,t inisît ant ril fiarn suc bleis mglie he ad oaist&iied, bu _1_ppetirsfoiehopefl Itiathibiiterview ouIl resuit fltvorublylv toUs iprujo't Wîien Ill e nt, iiportance aofile transat. litîtic telecriis is coîîsidered, it h a mat- ter uf sutue etniîiutthatthlisepublice mid hben âo ibTpasielie on tise cUbject. That catouniiesstjorsi beiweeoth e two con- tinient-1- diattirisof litffe ose,', 2,00Q , iniei-~ iluei3 pitreti41010,idoubt. Thc m etes iiei psssed heîwcnsthels (-2;etil aro] l tise resident of tise Uitlet Silites anid tlje Goverisar Gertesai ofbisi Provinice, when isheAjlarnîiec iile- waa laid a feiv vt-ars ea, Sfilciently derto6llim tili fo'ut. The Stùisseqssent stoppa-ré) of- ilhe oieeI'1îc current, i nowadmnitîd b>' eciurntilite mmn, resisî_tet pai-tly from the- wssy i-1i wisiciî tise ctiWte wos caî1issuctcd, aivi part>' Iroirn tihe iricrtier whics it w,îi, subiergelTi.'inie bas rumaot ilmusur of tIlle ditllilis which wcre etîcossntereii iii boti t1tiiSe respets. 3fr. C,'rtte Field 1* cotîfidlent <>1 tiltimatt te ucems ýand il cam- plin> hoi Elriaiîtti,; sO hopef'ut[ini the. en-' teli-i tat h js iilliiîg ta uidertako a9 Isr.,e pott;ioth ie ri.ikor the enterprise. Yariny VPunbas bail o oisfortune-a se- rions c'ne toa apersan aiof br rUze. Se bas, lait hîîsbiînd'l . 3 ftr the lest lme- Firs hba isernan ur.imspy lot. She is i - !lis-or Witlýi nîie ,,of lier reletives. Uer firsi hu.sisisiti dîsits mlier,.'Ti1e aecond founid it mraoe sleasauit 1t)livu iniariutber statu,- anil iîo% the ibir i haud catnat abidit

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