Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1862, p. 4

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1111 DrI ie Mc itTehoî me ~ theatr*wioti« mart\8<1r iIh<) wd<ubthe 4de"'ras h oornum«ed lSquare Timiber and Rhinelé e ýptiin f <ry foriht ib , it c>wemrful i flico rih .aig8<. -<d o 1.r119 ~r~r <gp1 . oqtilY litra hp4 murdorier, thhiTf10fi ino«ig.. n.pn~~il4 ati oepolàbçrade ns a nd ~ CM~FL ~~~~h«~~~o 41 20T ontee, 1. o oelies .filiiiv1 of ' <kluenlrndr, where li hoB'T & fOE éhMer îiWtVO150 resid ' ig< , pet belt~'inu~q irrtp. V e eigraited ltLo A Wv Y ri-,inMay, 1852 ; lhence.4 b wentA~ t-O Phiildeiphili. whlere lie liçied for nearly LEATHEER "tDING9, fîvef véam. When bt marr*ed t4e deceewid, *<eeyAeuto, lie v a whinWMï, w i.-ii0 l tîlf *ài-y teo n ft <a<ily. and i se WiUa tWiow 'villi fOltei < no < d1 té threp sons; 0: one ofwhorii8nov serving in .>îîtirio ,i1 D5.'y < teFedera ay'py, <lie Othtliretwo aving np BOkYI" & SHOI S<TOI to Olis Unrivdw;th theïr aiifpfatlî«-r. ;ilo<~W npio4<eleîWrf Th y~og~t nf1h qsos tpnrnty bot aldWaýllts 'Bok, Brook 14.yvamra O. l "lie yougst of bip ?ald'y <n.yei.-Ir ' r V.l4.fh1WiC liv thr decêfnse 1< an chilti bont ei;zh1eefll' «eoibuî a141l&<tie oflffnt tie mortili< f n;'u-thbeleder!t, abolit ei2htFid<l Rd <lie * WILLIAIt BUR Yeatfs.t wo<ld ho dilfienIttô t ev the %Vlitbv, NOV. 6, 18"<.4 lr.eslOO eyesterdny vbon IlleOornier'a Jury viiiied t andi of hp litîle licIple 3 gtoup oz Ã"riili<,.i <1 ihl surrounded the <Itn2led w1CT'<T ut1Iav<nd T«er fheý bn13 v of 1% motiher <ot) lem belot.. tie.44 iii <t<otilie n 0t4, iu tîe iJ rd. i ' of a fýtter'scrimne Aiîd 1 l-iî < 4 Al kiiidm of m-ornoïoil, ievitdunt <at <is was but t'he culmiianip rhol .rlea ,of otbler criminal tcte i <liahtd escapeiJ L R .& I A IE di.teuon, but i lhbyl-pave thC way in a- di-sbQ>îored graVe, fOr in thO 1 e.l.v ~lTafres.< f I 5s<IS PREd IEt hOus8e 'vre founti after ha ff placeti11 < .144 r So#rienk8t Il«t Witby. ilosîqndv, nu meçous articles <Iissed nteth<le WIlnBu. 1140f ~ U" 0i h een h s ?î.sloa SO'LIF AN4DA1LOTELE1R K<?DOF' Mese Sf Mr. Renry q peror tt<woed Leatl<er for kalit atheiW Brpvnlee b~le, eider of 'y ,I'ney thl«tep $0 ng.man Who had a îery ion, %yer. taken eJi1 utsto werthote. obI;eriei. , . ICT E<t AR!-Ân amuaiqtcolloquy L off recaitly a t Ilue Suppr i-tabléenu< rd ne ofounr Eaqern stea<nbuats, bp n 'a BouIorL exquisite, reeiig witl<1 .011 and-logCêtne, ,ieo 'vas nssuming eutise.qutiti<l airs, and a rs'v Juna< -who sat by lis side, dre2set'in hotné. iT rning Io bis tt.,<-aT.Ji frjend,4 to)rner1ýonted_ tloi e1d finger,, andi ,49 Ilutter, ahi!' -l<4< T ji i ýy replietl Jbnathan. il Bdit-, - ah, -1 v its2 - gçiod -.1 first rate artCele,' ohî lIv reitcratrid bpmespu. "biutter, ýI yoi 1" t(hundeed the exquisitç inbili lr'îotis, pointinl-,wi<b slow, homoviflu r hike <nîîsand sceviin.' lipon bis «bor R-9 if Ect 'oulti inaibilate 11.- nil, sohet of it,< now- yelIed tle diovo er, getGii-, ii <ande up in tur- ir didn't thik JIîou lue lorlard? ho Dablln Fre<ung IMqil pin oun-e de.tiîof Ln t> l<îeMwJalethe age., 10)op Yfillaloe, vwha, fll beeilu ina ~os tat, o? healj.h for somtim ue. weIhom n, 1 I781, oonsecri.ted ~s# Khr i13 t4 ocee u 111117 QI <lii %nit fi( ql;<orte aaing br 1ubmini eeausle Lc. vo<udd not alow ber <o <tpp1>' ber - I n t toi l I<«lisses jug evcry 'ime Mle - -- T<viiitotik ciurchiyard fîiraisbe« <the fol-. 01 Ilero 11<4 Be"t.seýy (Srden; - ,- She $n-ood a livod but. aIe cootien, - -Two3s na e gicf onasorro<v as made. ahe-. - But 4ar bad lAgs carîd aIe avay." jl4dtng! a enred man, witing a a 1rI-ect.mn, pealuiig a rea5*y imaniu, -thinlein-IL great mlan, and prayig a gooti t-I Y- T~IT4JJ <.91< ALL jkLi~L1lt< 4.9<A Li.i(. - -TEA <a- T) TO, '<lit. INKS. t E W JEWTRLLEKY »- T 11lE a«tilberir hno-vwon isn<l, a ful1 an.. iorttnei t t - FINE GOLI? JEWZLLMYO Rings< ar, nIbhLever, aD W1SS wattI !S ENGLISUA A ERIOANI P3latedJewe1Ierv. J, jet Gooda, Saf,.làclsyMlIver IpÃŽated Wutt-huink a14¶ er nd 1OE 2A s tt<niern -Je Sk, 4 4. ~' =4. <4 TIIO$rt. iio hAVE NoreTILOvULI) TR i~'TTflT TW13TACK TEAýS. - 4,000 Gallons of Primo-Whîskey. 150 Gallons of 'Fi' otie 100 Gallons of Tine. Sherryr Wine. 140 Gallonis of ýJaMacaReum. 150 Gàilons- of Rolland Gin, Consati~g< f UbuouTt~t~Wite Itih,- MiIckerel, Cod and flering. Asuperior lot of FRESH Sugairs, Fruits,1 C, Candicd luemon, 'Orai1ge 1111Citron IPecls, AI- - ' nonds, &,l&c, RdceiNsed'dhret fr$xn Baltimore, at prie3 defying 0'eompetitiol.. - - t - .Also a superior lot of - - Càanadià'aunl'T-weeds, DeSkis -C1t1~, StinTte I('anls 3lr tJ3ffalo Robes, &c., &Ç., whidi will bc-sold-at a smlall advance advanico on cs, fori-ah - .<'T.. 11. ol% 1LA N. WIl iltby, NO V.. 1861. -. WM.e ýII 'b - MANUF4CTU1RBIR 0P AU L-RNJ - ~- -AND- ôffers for'salea aver/largeand exelle OBFG lit t1il .21 'Lot 1ceu4 Il 1<4 iii <'t g TNeIPRA'Ui ncer a" Ac-t 61 tim T<rd IS.so Çtiie Eli.vesntlî roy*ùw1al larIia .ment of IppcrCanadc. CAPITAL £100,000. breurance etueicd on Bilditiu andthetf.! etoittctp.IFivery inoriu<ton *ïupliesI oinp- *plikbation to tlie nliermiiintd. Marne Riiki.frt< eso r(rnt Trartiliiz Acnt, Bvrbllîu18t WliftbY L AC,ÃŽS SOCK A'ND 0QT(i ATPST ??I~Variety in tVeStove- Furueititre, Tii wae c en bc guen nt the St,,ru -of thé, 1ltii4( 1'eveyy elylé «nd rqînltioP t ail TIWKfNfVOV F s7y9vE'S,;ý IliON VDUKB, i *GRANDTrRUIJ<, PRINCE ALBERT, DA V Y C'R0CKE , PRO TEC7'JÃ"NIS 7, c L4» Cati and Sue. 45 Br*ek-ât., W hitire. IRSALE, T UFS .Ill~1owin<1tfmallilplirecln orcially 111>t- -ej pî,snnd ,ýreun rao I, ons ti er I< -, , - 0 f - 'm' n *t aî.v~blo t -"> e.<tînjoî. v7titin « c hfb.ti 4 1 0 TOWwUP OP MRA dit,11( < ànà'itTiell «1 4. 100 rotTOWNSHIP P F RA.7 129L. 15 0 i 4< 4 .............. ' 1?. ~ < " . ........100l erd nbrtli-1.alf ......0 COUNTY_0F VIOTORIA" 1TO:UNS]flPOF DEXLIEY. GnU ti~r lot No. 18.............150 . lu ........... '~' No.rth cuet Ilsý .«le4..............7 4 ....... .. _1 14 U en 4 ............ ..lo let n"i T.4t h p4t 4... *....ý... ..... 4th '~ 12 .... ........ 0 ~ I~ uo 11< . . . .<. ... .. 8rd Col, rn-t -Il alf N. 1. 1 fi< Iloîrthin1 . 0 TOIVNS*IP,0F YVBRU LAMff 7<1< B~iroko îî,1 No..' 4 S'UMMERVILLE. 13.1 Lot Nq. 1 4.1.......... ...2 COUNTY (0FGRY TOWNSHIP OFCO<iWÃ"D "vi lý;,r1îp:rt bf No. 1'2 ... p77 TOWNWI1'OP BUfIRASIlA. 20,1 ' . o ) o...... ......... 9 - 11VNS111P F WLUTIIER. 1 i4t InNo- là...............2I stî<l <' < Il.... .. ... 24 l lo pt uufrti < 14 ...... 11)0 lie Iith «« 2. 20 îîh « l th 1 .01 ,elf « <t.. 00 tlth « north-lt<......3 . 1X0 12th "Itth-bhf <' 18 ... 1 b) 12th *< untli-IP.df « 14 . 104) « ,, yiii n iii mrliux r.i -lîî<g <h 1nn 4mifl tli u e CIl-r.t it,:e' trid <li'-n lbr priceiuand 40U1N- IIANI PEILUY, W1itliy-14, No(v. l5 61.-4 IMPIRQVED F-A RMNiS .i A~ Ar,,,n «flTAn<1..45 nrf laul <<D 14 Alhri -Cttion Agaiaels Couîerfeiats. ýThc h144<1< n.i<e und cxicf-lvu <1< fMN& i< te -VWlganU f(ointe uppi «he puWI e ltr. «ndi gpurirîes- _pctomIiu< irnm-ti V earra5«i Mn erry bkg 101oiat,rnOnmiA pirchapw«g thuir mmeirel ilitui aiený n reri<5ne «<les t<lu nuaienltzni n.tre cf<t. &kf E'RV& o.. ti. affixed On 14 t<ielUle f ea<èh 'n> perof<te (4<inlei lliit S u<i<nid 1Dclers<ve }Es- Omm anuihiirmmriiqtd<r<v. u"dalI«o thai otîille <e- d"Im..Le lW lwt nîLrbttin e i1<atte wt<iehix afeimiy-;- am].til a aidlial P« t dntn lcrr«i rneikiiien <uin< Aua.ailises. Ç, hira. «nid ll , <Ih, 4Tpia <ie hcwOel li.14nre plFthi. <naiîin e dmlelt rrn «-e milt< i<nî1. Il4wh<ih «<ofutidrd i n <the price elxnitrIfe,l <r - dil., . stliCy ii44'WC, ululer4 1 44 4fTIi4<iIii, ta i cober et boas. 7ii>ltflmai «1 «'y lerct.Y maison tht palie apiin ieytiur eo «4< lieir awue.< iThegrentt M 31dkii Diaco<ery out<he -A.ge. J4., 11<4. .9<4 - i~i«TAiit i I 11k...4~.i....4.... ri3TT.T.T3XO1170 <f7l'< a. «<%du ()IAl)Mr. NIl U it;rt)t, .782. forPAGESo N-U IZA 7,CFS fiigiii< t $1. 'yT1Fl ZE fn C nI eO<eteýl .i.tlie «Ot£nrL'e t R104 til LI>58145 1n id withont re f,,rqnce tthJord ÃŽ Il Londoni11 H. W. wOÃ"ow-%,%u. Comininqiner Aerducîît, 1 Vlri 1 y, Aen tmt, Conni04j fOntrjý.- Whitby, A ne If), 185 9 FÃŽEANI)IFE 0F ENGLÂWD<, Roy/albrurnerifigifpo C AP I T AI, TWO MILLION S STEUJIING, AND LA15(.E RE-lET1VE FUN19S. FIREDEP ART MENT, drei.4î4tiot1 of 1<eperOv rndrî1 tLnne 0- PDauuuzg hglère, OttruîO «<440< (1 ero'2Terr. A<I ii«t 14<4.4<444 îroiret! * vpe<tle14, %witI<oll le-o LIFE DEART«MENT, ;t<«44< i.TvL<l 1 o0 0<Proýfite con<4o.te4<t ip44<141 rv mr qixenofitl:<1 £200,000 STERLING! i ro i i i n iî-eemnse é iien vr toe e £25cl 348,es i yc aoé,o Thé f<in<'e <q li bndîl xced £700,000e -S800001' -ll ae,('oiltit<'pr I lotle senm r, x1 ampile 4det<dh< of t'< ln;<< p 4i lOD l<1 - <tro,'înîof fir riýlc( ttt JOJINS & CRZOSLEY%' Trî<. Chenlt2st ii'<n .4 d ýI Ipti Ral<foofing ii nu roenn.4 îdi mr.' t,<14< 'm,1 ntonal~ «t on e W e e ri «i St lt .i <4' Ili vpi4'4< %4<1444< I7ru CY' <<ilOu "< .<4 ' .4f th" <44001 4ou<icu441r 1<44 14 t, r i W'r '«'o eee<î -ho<u NI,ti par ro'i; loiSrMDE :i '% i-0 io rlie 44004 Pur nhi 4<' u.t«4!Oe4 <«1 41 ily$u Ie" t « i oy't lo ug coi 1 clic a4/< iii 31 NISfr-tm r) p 4444<4 DRSI-O'~1 n. Lii t ut <il pot 'ui ,a-i<200 - <o. Feniebo 1 ConL.. t ne., E ,A,(cet '1414)"; of Prk lut off Gi «Ci '1«ilîlugi sitsuntle s, re n's'vriiÀrsPu orl.wild Ilande rety, W(l <11e- 4 <ine<oyr rcrknan- h..<<44 nianufac< r<z taT eawyrlike de lshea? <4 0 id de -îutijee<, lPoîp.'<- e4 niga, etiuine dey 'e - ý a a i h- --0 A wvitltit-nt'nr,1<1;~4 lii<4e, - WOoL4-e', fanexectili<t «<'l, vith te fiic. "reha'rI of <eii04 pp1.î tf4e3, &c.. 0m;<the petfIlhi-Pstein W1It14! rJ'S (IrArc.q<<tes fi< of<r il <d. Al1a.i , v4eïtiit<'to "t if i im erc. li-f whe <nl bc so<d -pet1orogtî, to si<5414444.5 id r, 1o<'epa11lo<.wn, <Cie lzmice 4in 14-me44'yuair FARM FOR tSALE. 4<1 e<birihc ofurnfor salelotn-r.2,< iiln<niîi4g ) he tn'.eor u-h <,oi<t 1t, r(oaL fro<riî îLîtbv i ~s540,wy« s'îînufor mîal kti<gu zpPLdîco'. T4'ro<<$50 <e i, hue ,re<nc.,r to -nit <the il

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