Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1862, p. 2

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1 ec,*d.1 I cetlînua Yq - taekommitha-ÂAbnm .âLôgbba» lbrxemi*teu-ra- 1~lnr a~o94 **j7d..iie, tWmû. ltho <,aW)NICLE st Case t .â'riso, Yqeg. rell w*rtby of their ceflsd.ene. of 8tmyed sep-4oo l Emlton or cO ?c oulail!Cr il in'11 ébetonTtésd y the:8th iKtat- nelo~ *~ti.at en the 21&ut sncoreetli statedinthebRi !'oQýt DUanti Lrq.eme&c.-.Go. Yule.. Piren OHutNO8RY 8bALE9. - at.Wybt8t2isyiban s adMcotelhs m ade lyng nj .us tte ulutghing -goodi and givén au Auctanesmt. mpfttms to tiulneta.. PFor thé e ut Moal, t. ieuitaa Res!erla tst. I>oftuîiand jif Iie'legiýhnS eattiuues, tbiet' vilt! . ohers, et Whitby on Tuesday, Febrmlsry rlu Whtby. Qtls! 1862 -Fairbanks à Mscdouel tîsi' It.wll! be toteti tram au advertlaitufn 4usa.t~à u thiâ 'iseue tbiat Mr. Jacob llryan laie ai * lbth Ontario butl bas epetied à aour aud-' I~tb e <d e mi"town. ~Mr 7anm s:ne vare establshment of lis brpîiers. ONLT OX&BLLM YEe t Bào(It.-Au ccenrircorespondent, Whitby, Thaml~ay, Jau2lary 16,18~62. wr4«.ub-s~IITho saute obuiaui ' hat ear ___________________habu bis retornei, itb ithe exception of hi-e dbin W eird i a tise - ~ rçf$!8cI.p4on OPT DOL nueiliesewauwe could i inorua our naders t f aa &" o u.. f townsipcmceilof Brock. LAR Il 8i ubscripto QaICI ' Accîbrntrr.-Mr. Archibaltd i 'm AID niye(yE the 2tsd eot.,ut Eldon lie bis baud sn - - Ise a d ly l u j u r eti ou e d a y l h t ' ve e k , w lale e n . lVe - it~ oi paid à ce gaaegeéd vîth a tlir.stîlg unwulinuat Mr. TVO. DOLLARS a year.toil I rsint' af Woodville, tIsïtampautation abat'. tise setbecssiucessy bI ckoeýqed in euerg Ca". cm emxy -Part ùes indebted t10 ite, 'eii. AVclura.- uitile son pf M. Taibot, i ing rs a -disttace, îwil pleLi*5for- *of Caaingtor4 vas badly injured luat Il weeck. îHle d fotioeeti hiefatier to fssu lu îr< amnint per mail, withcout Cthé catie, and belu., mnim.ed vwufouns fut-,1kci' application, and 8ausvie,, i kî fataei s mspoe a Lick frorsa youtsg cuit,. ji<onW~1fore furhftukedl, Msao Paaëne.Tel iiuubef thse OffiaGazruUe:ùnnuncea ai1 n-e i4eni ýtoj. awillbe .. -*é-.-fi vn~4tig~Zace(Ii in,5uit. Pariiaint to the IStI, of 1'e1ruary, then 14 lft unaftved -1., utot forthie dupateis sof busines. Thse * ~ ~ * igton N#w sasys slet it vili prebably b.tIsé icdleh.of Merchsbefor -btheaw ~ iiiij'fatr notice ïo Houfsi taet..'ur -dviiopinion la thi. nt Parliamess t! ieet befcre lar.- * , fte p rUesPrebitbly tise aext Gzette vitt contain the Vi~e (LccouL fil f ailhubacribereprcatin one !)(~r ormore, in arrear, Scuts-Iisiflntiinv i1il alt<o be Y'uel httishe FMreelScbol îytea adiopted intiiiis - ~ fdnd# ir t<,wn~ilî tlove lut yeuby tise Board of Scbuol Ur ti wn sae ter.3evegtro- "irtcies v orked. él.ý Thse average ~ and ev~ themclues t ou-cnt &îeaeii puepitlibs isn sinallev<and x) 1d .,penBe, by rslI7 hq ai te<he ii. useet -fu or aeisa prpofes leu San in a eet.. . thihpreviaus year, tisu s etting at es t~Job WorkaBubcrîZi0-I fsme meisoul syafmuslitupaecadditina~l and rIrangient, Miveritiem-nts, schouI taxes ou theus, Let-I te sysu Ida' trop made a grand bumout on The U turdq ýléàt whn,notwtbltatitlib. for No W- i. L.* th iaTeaean o f te tisa -iàs gI tme mauend'rU PuLuGTios orRetise Ai)sD&avr wum.~ri ilI be-the principal bus. ie before the newcounectheettheb. IÎrat nMclss;'wIili-'tabes pioet'Mundny iext. We bave infurmrtion which lesd& s to conclude tisai hfli flwing getth nen will bu electeil. ~wtn'sv. - Meaim Camipbeulland Wliie. EAST Walirs.-MeasriR41cliff rand OislÂv.-Mr. Fairbanks. TOwN or-Waitsy,-Meanrm. erry andi Pîcuatu.-eaia.WhuIe andi Cbap. L'xaaIwIu-MeMr. Smnith ar.d Sangs 8mia'T.-Mfr. Vernion. RkÂu.-sisra (4tepheil antiMars. TAUsAND.-RIX. TrcUr. f«t -Bauce. -o account,- Fram hIt, abasue il vit! b. meen tlist suait ut tise.1ld members Win! ho metumneil Tisefollu*ing are paticules-sai tise me. urna îis uthehr COrpumatiam-ini tise Custy, o.i gven les vceS- MA"tA ASD Rau.-Meuirs D. 0. Hevet Patrick Çilark., 1Patrick, Meeasi, William Rutchie, Anups McKay. - THUsA. -Wmi. Stewart, RobertMclTag', i5fl, Geo. Proctar, jr.,. Andres e Mcab,' Johnu MeArtbur.- WVhttby Lut e neevoIent Soctry S tatemunt of Recebpl* anti Expeuditsme ,f tise Whuîby Ladies' Benct'elent Sciety, for thse year 186.--- Cashs un Isatîsilut Jasuary, 1861. $12 72 Grant frota Tova Councl. 125Dou Ijadies' MemberalÏip Fe. .....4 43 D)onation fromi AJCuclsnsn; Fiq., S 00 Ovserpaid by Treasurer. . Y '2 00 $ 147 15 Pall for fond ansi tis.i-le support of mirera! familles, iiecessary c latis. ~iàg for tiged andsicuk persns expeies of sondin; a éhilS ta tise leuse aof Refuge la Toronto, cafienfea of seoding four aicis peiso ns lu Toronto aud Kiisg. l,)u, annduaiiistiug mn building oe- boiuim ................. .$147 15 - .7rE aM. PxaaT, Ouvlà MsemsOxau.j, Scy. andi Tsas. apér. bai ,dout- Id paslibly bnp. acetîsn is d tise Mm rper bady eIme. T am'ni, and, pro- ddfwoOSit$on,Ïfl he Sbould sîrive ta adlay mlmcng feciungatid5emoothifferenmc. But tiisis aisttter tist tsla employer vt have ltemceile with hlim ; -aur duty for tise peset, i to cermect bl itre rpretentatiQ.15 Wlsen tise edlitjr ofthtie Press îtatem1tithaï Mm. Ferry' beat 1Mr. Dt-aper by omîly ton vales, in ithe North Waird, b. aoepîy statua vIsai le cuuîrary lu tisa knoovu fut. TIse figures wdre .-Perry 121 - Draper 79 Mr. Psiyr's najority being 42. Mfr. lkmnin>z palleil 111 vole; therefare itbamjurîty; aver Mfr. Draper was 32. Mfr. Carpenter poltesi 89 votes.. ausi b. içvas.visabeai 1Mr. Draper by a'majariîy of 10. Mr. Beach sud uni supply1 bis readeu utiste figures ddho do-se, b. cGutd not bat'. fibbes.-- As ta thse queslan of paehliku îisey svere not'er iceutionei durlng tise electiou5 andi vo venture luty sere net iseard of, until tise article f tise editor cf thse Presa. lM. Laitîg lesiger bcing brougiitaubeuar on tIs e eleciion, le ecuth iernvention. Andi Mr. Beach vas presect t hen Mfr. Laing asieil04 thle declaraticn of thse polil, if tisere vus an elector ie tise vai!, -caulds ay that .y sueiinlumece vas souZilI ta bcu uid by him ? or, in tact, any otsemr pecuuiary <smýpeiouet influenceiwlsaiever. %W. migisi. bad we beena sefcined, teld or>thbe nfiu- eus biouglst toa-heau c e blaf pf- Mr. D r; r$hase tiat getleman atumduti re-, liglopi serrc u i dgtbeday, ai one plaçe ut publite .wvosslp, '»d le the atternuon sud oerdoig ai olses', iie ener, as peuple saIi, Itaoablin votes. W. coulti haine tuisi ot waaiy othiqr ingeniasusmeiiod -nomie of seiicis, altisougi not altagetlser reputitile, migbt excltisthe mdît>laaghs-resorced te by 1fr Drapera frieadeip ta çvalus but ve prcfuséeéd avnldiug .ail4i-atrred allus- loue an ifrec and»i- otbiutehat w o.uld l1usd ta ut Iitroly ta kécep lait veeui, vu emii of triumph over t M auy friends of voted eaioat Mn. aready givenîn th officious îuterfèe liée'. vistlssst or cousenst,) bviftC bave tlieir suppui Perry ansi-Min. L- io, or bu As WCe saisi n tic ihouta, thse election. tise re asti -Mr Bsach'î vCow boe-bu Compassy. piUJR4~fiUni7 Os- ta. - - su Logea. - 'Uneu a~I aeWhWhY, andf Bani Whîlby. Eleetotiort Ui.. Tise annucel meeting ofthtie memiser f, tise Union Agricultumý tW b ansi Ea lWhitby, rau ,,# i tb tao 'f Ilalel, Bro akîin, on T f inst. There wee bei ý osiy andi fify peruolisipremeni. -Thi luila.fr vastalcen by John S. Sprowie, Emq., Pres «idenitJuhnà WilsE.. 5cetas-y, read ta aise meetingd Wlicl treated uistthcmebad beets c<llecied' from mùimb.rs' durinethtie year, 8221, bu.- in- in incrëààeý of $65 8vcr'tse prétcnk - yeàr.-7Jhbas;, 1ite- ;Soiety ,;siin tIse year,_scld thinue siosvot-Tise firt Sprbng- Sboy!, t Asbmr., at isih tbes-eý w*e 46 t emtrica, antI -premaiums ta-amounut ut$102 all'ereulj but oaIy $76.50 eumpetud for- and. paid. TiesesonedsiFait vasu lsiai Brook:- lin, wben thure vere 76 onîries, saut] pre. alutas to amauint oi $189 ofl'ered, of sehich - ,$161 veresaaneS. -Thse third -the Fiilli Show hela at ah ssaa, ai us' h oi sre vere J 24ll entries madle, prefmmn tetanut of $188 offeresi, anti $172 aseardeil andi paisi. Thse rereipta ansi expnnditures for the yearsere- ýCash ',estbanul 121h Jais., '1 9.0 subscriptiana $227,.- gevernient granit. $244.50, enCries, $26, forfebtesi prises, $16, cashs framu Treaauaer uf Fhst>~hty $25. PaiS prenlumi at Ashhura $76 50, Julesdinner 'and rfmebîtents,2A0 premitma t Hmac abu, i3roklin, $169. Jusiges dinner, &cý.,$e.75, - prémiumni ata l"a1l Show, Oshsava, $172, JuscXes, an re- fresismenta, $3, premnisîma plougiin; mascIs $60, lunch a: p1anglits match, 6, printhuz rend1 adeurtixing- $30. 3ý-statiaonery atîd postage $2.41, Tiscu. Pie cils remàovlmg pena 85.-Tual. $524.99. Leasing .a balance of $114.31, une the isantis of tise Mm. Siier uiated tIsa adoption ufthtie repart. Mr. IDowning cf Osawaa, objiréted, ansi calleil for explasnatuisntiegarding preiums pàîd ta atailionm visicli sud net stand lus fhe towensis. Explnatians in relation la sîreflion 1- cf Mr. Alernati- Wilson andi -Mn. Ha=siooud enanei, atter sehicis tise repart vas adopted, vitbout amnendunent. Mfr. Richard Harper grusuiblesi about the workîsg of tise Union> saidsitsaiEti b Isy wns nati atiaflesi, andi h. wu âiraid i il vulsinut do. Mm. JoIsn MeGihi saiS lu vas a lamenta- ble tact, but truc, uiat severat et tise east aide bail ithirawna hiumnamses.&tid tIse tessons satis, e iaid. thcauoe ibey coltiS nt hava everyising liseir asiseay. C(iuder- [ic tise part ha trrieuSeant tise est touit la tise malter, iso belleved-thal aise union tise peut year worites as vehi a. cousi bu cex- M 1r. Samnuel Bealvas îpcrsonafly luntasr of tise union, but be daubteds- tismt it coulsi vomit ahi igisi. Ho lufit i vitI alers ta sel muntisey tIsaagbt 1eît, :for - iisuit lho svoulsi ut aiotuat ail.lHe hasi aiready laken on oe trouble ins ar.rhgiss; about tise -union aend gai natbing but abuse. [l0»e of Mfr. Beal'g contiplaints vas tisai 5tise Secretary, Mr. Wibis, 1 ought ajentle- 5 man doun tram Wiiby vitis bin toa sasiat1 .at Osisawa,'.and ttsuastigisteti tieseecretary The nstetav"P5. ogrei of fipancial tte.4 tu f )e qàt ion q, 4y~ tghe l5a p ou' y and ipecie ainï .0 : agiuqIOI'tb PT Viaus, day. is indiestes confidence 0a1 tise part of tise publie ins,.the hanka, rand aima proves tlsat tbere is no uxtraoedinary demasd for. apecie nitiihe prient marnent. Thse fact that goisi la adllat a premiui'n of 41 per cent in 14we York merely hîdicates Iiiat'W ,su mucli bas thbtik note c:rcu. latiuss been depreciasedl by tise stoppaje cof speciupaysients Qaild bas- not U1disnced,, but -papstsisonu9 basfllen. Ne ane wan.t golsi nas. more than tisey did before: in truthi is leRs neded, for it s nrst- necex. sary for the batiks tôe keep sa much.tin their The smait. demand for specié completely setg et rest tise limera of aj very 44w per. sons~ in Canada tbsit aur batikts woàld :btu obliged to suspend specieu payments onac count of ise drain, of, gùli from their ius ta the nelghboriug States. Wie<n there, in nu exfraordinsry denarid, therecan bu na drain. When, thes war fuser w-u at its bighesr, Canadian bills vere 'refui-d '11 sortse of tise lake t&wns, and vissa apecie paymenî seaasatopped inbusNaseYork, jhn broluers en the other aide bnbt tupar bille s ftfst as thsty coul i a ct tralil here. Bu0t& sVery few daý* ha. rectifled ttus mos.. ment. Tire w-aè fever lias oane doito ; tise people in Detroit asc4 lilo have: becotun couvîncesi that the Canadians have n desigs ta est thern wfthauî sait, aend Cana dian bilîs are it as great favur as ever. - A gt.eat many have came biaek, nu douht, but tisey bave gireti net te e lýglte»t in. conventenca tu the batiks. In future it-4 open te, aur bemikeys ta contitnue their bns- ness! vith the States or tnt a. they thhsk bsest. Il the bui3 ahiain tîseir suai cirvu- latiun, they may bu used iu ie e Wet ; if îlîey c6me brick mrpidly, andl their iusue 'is ausprofitahîle, thse biiris oued net ianse billei 'in tie Sutes rit ait, but carry on their op cratIafl5 tiiere, eutireiy with. exehange. If tIse ýbnka, hoivever, seere, ta stop their sehalo American *business, lit wasîld perhapq zeduce their profita, but it voulsi not Injure Canada. TIse omitrar# wauid bu tbe result. There %eanlil bié moret money for the tnove- ment af local prodnee, if nu Canadian batik butinesa ware da-ne nt Detroit and Chicago, Supposbng tis'ec m--ircanbu-,invss eut off, vIsai danger ta tise braks caulsi arisu bure' iikcly la 1usd to thse etQppale of spes:se paynetit-? cattada is not ilidt-mted ta tise Sutes, and a drain' of repe1. conîsi bu mnade ta the ather sude cof tise linos, so ~baaks are in a 3trônger position than tbey ever seere before ; tise people have entire confidencein thetu, and tisere i3 nuthing ta calse ten.xiety or appreiensba0n. TIse abject, haseever, of tise fuew persossas visa deire a'suspension of specie payniet is piërectty evîdeat. If tise batiks ttop- ped, Ilseir bills vosîls ral in value, or, in othtr wurds, pvoperty. vould rime, asîd haldentcf graini ansiallier produce wsould reise atnd psy tiseirl1abilities a thie batiks ii tise deprucisited biills. Auy. une wlio spealizs in faveur of tise batiks siuspuudin- Ispèclu paytsienus tnay reaaunaibiy b. suspue. ted ta hald large quantities of prisdnce, or ta isave been bitten bv sorte niasiasvocàte c f au irredeemaiste paper ctirreney., h le 1tise prousi hoast of tihe Canadiùtu charteresi [rou tVie Londais Timcis. 2 Thse pf onor belongs ta the Ouards. 9Oý) el ywe pet~ and Pawpdr these cboicé troope, but whtn danger looms swpar we- tret them as a Spartan mother would treat uelv favorite child-we tend thetn first to the point of danger. Tt ih, happil, fot aften tbaitthe accaasiap has ari3en during. lie me mory of tuis generation, but it bas îappened more thbtn once. Girave men rure boyfi wher.i'tfe ffoasebold ltroops iset vent forth ta Canada, but w. can ail of us remember when, cbeering and clieered. the. Fusfiards marched thrçouzlhtbe. çarital on t'heir mfispîion ta'the t ri mesanatd we -al rmelmber, asc. with, &pride whioel4a rtu re generaiion wUll iihlaçil, -wb&p. new» . camf! liacic or'their doe& in itl is ,gýnt' ltad. Wits wbat brothoriy efantatian tbey shared LIs usoc al~aîl~and with whnt immova- Me ..sMalve t . ey withitï)od thse rush or multitudes wheg the brunt fel bheavi-ly uron their cropsi, uhuestory of Alma annsi okr- man shail tell. to ail limé. They am nn bette or braver men ilsan tbeir brethera if tIse lino, but they"are pickeI misa, We discipline the-m andi arm therm ta thse higlih. est point of soldiepr-like efficiency. andl we cai upoft ihem for deilof ý >f d1ial. of endurance, andi of duririz, aot te first sounil or danger ta aur security andi or ini. sult ta aur lionor. The Guarui are alrea dy on thieir wity tat Canada. Tle tidin.rs of the inîtilt 0 TT'r ed taoaur-fiag have bardly 'yet ruiîclfd the the more rerrote places of th(e s aind but the. transports are-. already rshing acrosi fthe oceani, andl- a littie armiy or rùsei ach as -the world canitot su rpats, le. hurryiar ta the suries of future cnfliet. They are, but thse first 1infafieflwhrethey *111 be followedl, if necessary, b'y cor:,dýs snd competitors. They will be siurroundeil, it iii true, li)y a loyal peaplc, andissshe by a Volutîtepr andi Miiitia farce Who, in point of wnlitary efflcienciy, are at least upon a par with wiy boatile levies whiih cati bu l>rouebt againat tiseii. IBut tise wurit of tbe Gtiavd'a diffleuities la tisat thuy have a Citriauliax winter between thf-m and tlreir enemy. Ir the Adriatic andi the -Parana could lsteam un witit onabatfei ipPced, and land these twa battalions ont the ba iks of tIse, St. Lawrencv, ail %voulsi be welf.- Such goad fortune, hossuever, mi that thn St. Lawrence shouisi bu clcar of ice ini bardly ta bu hopesi for - it Li more Probable thnt aur Iiiite aruiy, with 'ail ifs bcavy appliances of -uns and moîres, wiit bu oblige-dlto disenibark in a 1tower iati- tude, andi marcs upwards acri the but so)litude of ';ova Scotia andi &uw flruilswick before they reach the, country iwcy go ta &-frnd, This is the unostt rring taaic titt ejlà,,eo rDepos4sd ta a modemru ariny, and its acatpliaihnient wauld hos greater test or 1iiiilitat-y efilcieney titan haîf a dûz!n vie. to>rie aver-such a rabble- as the 1Fed.rai Suites arts likiely ta bu able ta sonetèer as nvdr.The winter anI îlsq route are aIl we fear for thu venture we have just put ta sea, The îi4sses are long put %when horse;uetiaand infantry coutld traverse con. titients with no uther burdens tIsais their swiaord., andi lanices. The time alan pas' wlsei bo tia -nccares i h'svmany fainuted h3 the way, or by what sacrifice cf f ifec the 1goal wns iyan. Ta couveaun ariy nase ii ~totuvea gea dy. We fait*i, ta o Lf ini Ilele rillea, se have done it làtv-yIyli Illia, anîd se hopte wit! bu i w sea tst w e cao do in Auserîca. Nothin, cati bc a moureiPatent fflsofo tIhe locomotive pow'er 4 tis ~couîstry thar .tIse'rapidity with sebiele iis transtnlesia 1of thse Guards las butin tiTcct'i& ThLy left Lasidoît ou Ttstraday isirnizttu; the firsi mate Our. boy ta tise ptshsic ve de anay nese-aequailusaaeee,, and' L. eametrieuSe. If' ae are tu-jide .eneraaid onquiry ferrilse piper, amt,4 ubcriberi maraisajietion ~~tlic ~ n C1eutxis oe~y grave mise puvi cftvrite. 0 weekly e nt -conetel a clique, or a they are madie tiste PUBLIC, ure, tise tiret toeuf lte Cuitol<i. g urivorsal e-émit, ii n eccp- "Osen.- paet ojf îiWsbnda-of red die Cnoxic.; TIse reisla. lie papr ntns als*e hbaSoftthe sas Ortke Pm.>eea. Thse appear. Our situeS viMi 'csp" efaarbliIy Hs1,e. l'ber excelilenL pelforq'lanc 1d4rie tise la , ansi present wveckýh u -bave been duiy ppcclsted bY large anis ap pIaudiag assdiènees. '~to ipiivitieaiia the. respctive meciti te t.Principeal 4S w-ay appoar imstidboum visere alhliel te i paru. su -ireb. But thse supéereçatingof lire. Steleon, Misn Wlliama, and ofast. Stetà@e, Mr. Keller, ad Mr. Sb.ida, in iheir -repertIve,/res, weill desorvtesapeciAl hmetntion. Being .¶eated tfen4Pi.ng, ex. cept for u ocaicsa1mopsep% in M reguhar vey, turing- tise pcrfcmtutue. we are nal compceenttu ciitlici* t t'merita 0>c thse acvsçral pieced pcd '0 -theboss-dà.- Bu h iumot wii<mmsdation, le in the 'tise peope cf Engiansi on bila e presin eloqtentin its-appre. ieesieguiamsaiiity seiicis mitleti er andi carcer cf lb. Prince, anti ta t.0 tise beart af tiie Engliis donj.iqiy New -bua sotiser Àetiar, visicli ve extreef, andi item cf wviîcit vi b.é sue im portant it bs been to let lb. dfelings inCaniada 6e kuown si -statesusa, W-vis acarel tot sens. to soutithu b. adapte, duos n 64po-3itiou." Andi amceeîy atsy-need is bi ittle reasan fu editor of tb. Press, hb beisaif. The WW Jrper'ii fearesi tisapresesl tIsera la but wvalprepa et r. D)rapu- fisermirial, ansi if rretsce lan uttr. Sirdu couhl telme fflcee ansi va. ai upii sary, if seporatioi Thsa aataur tison slatioas - osa isltie for Tise fuituwiuii wnciroff41 Or s WC fuel that tIseputpoaentesst of tise ut. tcmp tluafnex Canada bas- postpormd-te 10ig of'ibé anpd proper(y wsilib vped rer. tainly bae e alen place sfurbng -the. desper, site strag,,e e u uIst ld have Isailta inake. Andi seCaise .escive thé.t tapoatpanu tise repeal ei01the-trpaty'svill -give us imeit gefft tise ratbroad ta H1alifax hiilt,t wiich, onc on ieted,-lppr aa - il suBer Mach les tbamî til nas would by bei de. oie1 accuess for its fgrain ta tise Newe York, ihe Lurnbpsrrira nd suiReciprocuîy. TipeA!biasy :and Nese York pape rmS'y t hat (htiasît. dsriv" -great isenfit- front hin' allosvcd tf) tend lamber ie iiStafte Frite, tmde h('Raeîiprocîty ?Irï»atv. (1an td But not thse h neflt recip)ramiast. la h siat an sîdstntkge to .C112ca and Nstv. York< ta _-t ch1sspessn ner fr)i aur aide ? Of' fate yeurs, sao, qubte u xîesî. aivr trassie blas spruing up bure in léuber bru tdosen frira Michigan. Lu àt yui-r Or two 11inuru vu abonilditot bu surpriasd tsu fins haf tisaslumles, nsansî Ifauîiirud' lu t1iat 'isLtî.c cmriagfth Ie Quuebec marktet. h-)aei thý NèwYork Tribune .imaginep MIittsi,çau I Patlow ftice St. tasre-nc4ýt, tlet ta hit-eisut up? Tise more vu reflect 401iitt hjt, thle strairgur aur convie. tiomi trwsasi tiiiuthigh certain se1. pers mmsy try ta write tIse reaty dosen, sud mol) or-.ttrs fuùr!vavor to ta aip it ont nf isitCn(!11 thicir efForts %vilt bu in vairî, for~ the voiemia uf thnast- interested lai' pr" a winre Aill n iic e teiutnves 'Iouslly had alike fr) in tlib We-t andi train Newe Enia tnmd. - SÂSA.Jan. 1-,18G2. On tise 2ttisD,-cenibe)ir oms.Zise-Brii îs ship of %var Ctuiotlgumibansi 107f) men, struiezans a susukemti rock on tIse aut iau icf t ion Kef ; ainsi seen luit heari Fioima lha rouc lied pi !rcud fise, feet tismoa;zi 1(-r huîtm l'he frigateLJ utDog hbai Tii rtis h stcainer CrtadiaWer wkas 4t Nitsýuan ii to aail fer a 'ïatheiar. Tise day exPress train froua Torono. O,î - io, an ltidsiy liste, bas a very nar. row, sae rinèi;tu, an, a,,tise piziisenersbdî cithièr kiled or serilly -injures]. lýcrisuemis four ans i ve milej euti oIf St. Mairy's, twoof tise rai8son tise sauâl * ide of tise tracit Iscuaie Ismoleti. and it i r tliiuglit tisat tish eue r rst., t0kâ t Nvitit thie pusoagu e avy fregh týMj ibc rtbruas], va.- thsecause. O9ne aOflth@ ruils aq brkiaIrmiest in thsee entrëanti v.ss-throw.tacos4srIsedistanceiaoa t diti.hi. sehile about i _,; ti; o f ..th* d rusuusne crk Tht lin" He asC4. 1

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