Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1861, p. 4

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A. ttfrrimlItle peuuîkl tfe ")r ji o~ ttrio>, otît i it - Ilnl'lio 'e t 4jelo 0ttt ig00 i t'O o J300T &srSHloEsý SI, mo i ' w91 e4 otwide m4litti Sti t , ii i" to 'liai', ao ttto i)ou tt E3toîlii~fimot Whitttyý rî iiaii41f*t 'i.mttuiý' o otu r ii>tcreuaitltere- tou, Il ioo t i ttt.1. lo utî.:a'l t t~tta to.i.t ii ttii 'oto M y ti lîttîio oti tttota SI,, ri lI' C. t0. C'r1. ort. WIVLLIAM BURINS. f ott' i Otit.11 it ojoov'rt or~~ ~ ~~ tl.ît. lîei. And uImpr toîoidLof Fori n aor oool m tlltt it O UI EYSTCEEfTEB TORONTO AGENCY.ý BEWINê IMACHINECO'Y. 4Kaug Street imt, Toronft. N1.ilt 1iiiwm t sare roce,tnrnetltt 6 50,0io tc 0itiotlo'r'itol o ei l Itotorto il] Vu liou v ttlire io tir h te I A11 iitdtiti --' for dtti ci:m1t1, Saio cic aniY itiattnlgeoi, hI lmitechiboLl tt onî<tI ttttoperaoltte tm. TIi -mnotilc aloelllp tir 1(loh aitelia0 wlich la stU i i-ii iv lth i not iup oumramilf,nnde ga$ir-r corl, uit.otoI work citkoal ve O mtiil ootiteil o, i l iL lt »otîtl, t t pThvy eeiv fiîiiîirotho Ii bir gb ,olu htoiýr w1ahlit uiîteil ' 1 or~rAi c ooiruteat Ttty t.il iart il bfite ,oaîî eoT~li~7 1titioo t t-- io prcÀ tiioe t ;11 lW bý1,1eli li I,, wito agl ,trtoe. N. - (ýletou tolOOiiwMmtiters raiidiug noitho tond eositofTîctoiitehuo Ki tn parrrtaeaunilne for tVpr ùmoitiaop' Ilho ýalll rwedtheincae oLia eAtliEaril, t4cy I-ler iroan 'te 1ltilu&et irers.ý Our bManufactuig Maohine9 Arr tlito m iti toi iti nrîtifl e lite oo rt Sut ig r' itild ojiittot qmýit i ti %il iat hui l 1 Vla.aorkhi frii'u.Iii 1tit ioi tit trotlc ufottanu t t'aihI-I rlot.Oe oreint tril tinai S. S, àmARIN (leumirotI Ag 34, IKiiitg St. Fa, A. . S8afi, 1B. !l lod Generat Commission Agents, 15NL SON STUiET NEiýT DOOR .TO, DÂWE'S OTEL, 'TORONTO, 0.kW. NEW JIÉWELLER-Y T I -tbtiicrha oo liagd, afilm- FINE QÙLD IBWEI!4RY Brooches, Neck, and Vost Chamns, &c Engliýsh lever, aud SWlss Waltdes, W1ilti liatvitoy er r fi'ti t I <ooled oi a tolit.of t'lictt qîtiity ENGLISII AND AIVIRIOAN Plated Jewvellerv. Jet (#oonuo, Spectacles, ]Silyer Flated Pà i....anetn. .ALC Bth W ' w teipm-toi o', .we lmr, seipt. end, I841. tat cir : - c Ageuit for te Coiutyof Otilo. -r . tuoLend oui oprovedlFolrllla .a'IZ Bht'tWN, Broker, Land, Euat Un~d Z;9 ' tiiA titi:, %oouîuii î.nlt, Toroiit L) 5 CO!#SVLT TUE OL.D ENGLISII I?IYSICIANS' FOR kli., 13U1FALO 4p ü. " dutir-el De&Uly, F Jý-rr and r, à , f - l- "Cv % ua o OlàaZ~04 , v1 ,E#vrie4aa. (hwni )oot OP1>AU 1tNDtiATTTE TV' A» UOFej";ý'4JVEIIOUSE. TIIOSE Il 7 1AVE NOT, IOTLI T .RV ENGLISIL BTACK TEAS. - 4.000,Gallons of Prine -W.h.*key. 150 Gallons of -Fine Port Wfino. 100 Gallons of Fine, Sherry Wino. 140 Gallons of JaMaca 'Rum. 150 "Gallons of Itolland Gin. 30 BARýRELS-,OF- FISU, Oonsistiù g of Slon.0Trot, Whîte Fish,-, Xackerel, Cod anid Herrings. A uporior lot cf FRESH ffIHB, 4 'A B JPN TEA&I Sugars, Fruits ,Candieýd Lrnon, Or.1nge ain Citron> Peel, AI- , nd, &, & Received direct from Baltirnore, at prines dlefying competition. Also a supeior lot (if' >Oanadfiani Tweelds, -Doe Skins, Cloths, Satinetteqs, E'atiînes, I3laukets, BuiffaloPRobes, &C.'-&'.1 whîch will be sold at a timl advae advance ou cost, for Uash. Ti.-M. MCMIIJLAN7.* Whutby, Nov. 27. 1861.t MIANUFACTUTRE!R 0F ALU~ INOS 0F > 1t.4 * ~ *~ 1lan Offer s for sale a very large and. excellenti assor-tient of Parmaý SOFAÀS, IUREIJS, LOJJNGE S, 1m Boedsteade, Tablesi Wardrobest Chiests of Draiwers, Lookinv Glias Iook casiesMtai, Parlotr, aruol lrnwimig R ont lCitairs», Rockitag Chairg, Office Chairs, Caniooeated Chairs, Tctiet Tables, 'Ttitwel S td-z &c., &z, in grýeal variety, aud 1 il greatly ecouced pricos. NWairratt2d lte bcuntadoflthe bet4 nato'illand werkman. aLE Of shoop. lirempaoi:fülly invites au examunînntioa ofhi-h;a stock. Every £rÉ*cle 18 manu(ac- i:mreoiu ludtr bis oistperini:oudence, tond = car, edepoeded u itjdo i C -q T lF - flo-c1A ol.tiouAcricluitrat ilonds., are oitereol loir sift 0lit etfi 1')w 7rico., 'ri 1haIns tonre roryl uily- ihmiapete t, lt'itaooonI3îotu1tItportion hofrnthey were ptobttiiiat iitUe adîli oti .tflertht ___ ema.permaltiaoqoliu mic.wia ln vtmtoa a tav,,rtlo tr 03 o iror.V soiomtwi omu 1*01vfflU OF, OUiWiAc.-q. i.!. Cui. eLta.hIllito No. 28 .... . 100 rs mtia eooth-iaai- 14 .....loi TOWN14111P OF' l4COTT. 71 o litif t . N . . lot - TOWNSIIP o0F-RAltA. Ylat O 'iottiit lot ltN .3 .. 5 -.%, la lutsi i 7 it 1 .3 10 0 ......... ... loi.10 B su hoîioil o14. ..........44ij I. ".......... 1001 ...40 ...........l»o F il &L .t . . . . . I '34l No.,0 1............ lm~ L tg .itt ............~1 Foti WC gyi1 ...... o dru~ ooti.tot.1.......... lt100 Jet C'onrilot Ntpt. -4......... ...87 I l si il 20f) - Il5 Ntrto N~Vhy 14......... .51 url ai t -ti c I.....si.........pJý )a:th 24rt loI 4. .....7 4tlo.......... ..........2)l Tti itt-tl ~B...........3.201 1liI...... lf c,1ý...... 7 . TOWS*I I P 0FELUONAS. 44'oî,ooo-ttl't. N .D....... TOWNSIIIP o Vr Uir L fi ISh 'lot!ot 4............ 201 2tl 1 V 44 v-......... .....4O rOW-VN-SIIP 0FrLUT111 . lai: Cl i:Ntl.iýi t o....... .....210 1to 0 0 .6 - il . ............ 1 00 Siti Il Il.. .....;O 11 1 i kn i teir-amo urlrt i f,0.. r10)jhi 11 o th it oeoitlî:lf Ill: to .. . 'liih i ao'tîttlialtzf & - 1.. -.1mof 132ihî ' 'tiitlihiiolf O 13-. 10) tw'¶ituditîg Prliaooa ili nave tiý»Oe ton3 trouble loy loatnttoe-tamiigtholnsdain itlite llr.t aatotenid thîeilor lioiand pictta m oly (if IItftor, prepnit3X it. - JOlSHN1AI.'hlPERRY. * - ldltby 14, Nv 81 h. ila f att I 48 are eboioO n- i. ic4 ecm c1coleeo, eomnpoaedIofitheî of E7, in thIat ci:ooueoaaiou of tlhhridga- wttna ilthiiaD.ellingieunse., Framîne lflLO LANDS. Ç o. 2-,inte I) 1ttCon. Eutîtanjtrea200 îu. 14, in thêa lMtho Cou. Bo'morvlle, 2(» !ougat.,of VlrttrIA. 1 I L) Noi:~i. Z60in tlt :Con. 'eueloo, I.Q Lot -'. 1 -,, tùOa lth Con. Port,. oO'iamrcta, otinhy of iruone ý < Lot No 28, uni:hte l9tIt Con.' Wawa- û3u aeraA, cclaity 0f1MHuron. ~<Lot No. 18, inîthe; 9t1 Con, Pavot, o Oonty <f Lanîbt9»r usm m £1e IN w um mçlîmw ST5lll Nl5 GR Ce ATEST tart, &C., eoui bit ito oit tht.SVol-0-oi Vio JI$toc vot f iry tjýelltyo ot îoiitv ando tà:ail ieemt. Tite poputtar oîow p.atorli S'toCo Inahicn otii'itoodatnnýt a her variotiaun: ,THÉE KINU 0F S7Y)YB$'4 MRON DUXE, GRAND 21RUN4, PRINÇEý ALBERY, DA VY CROCKE T, ar'Cail artl os 45 * Iîtl-.,Whitby. FO 0Rs A lE. îi'011i'vtg itiit (te-ît lamiobo AI ao, a tit ii.t I ý1haiff iiiore. trieiV0 four tthe Ilutixito a114oL ot ;. elle- tllrd wo ha paid dtowtt, Itlebioaaiin une ayonr frMn the Iateuîloî'ýr. Ooitobiur iirOl, fl.t ,41 . FA [RM FO) W SALIE thet ILo oîî. tif thutj iwliiior Wlithv,_ oontiing z <»cor0nmorio (tr luita.AbOlt !5ho Cleartd aallaiilu 1to giotol tit t'if tutoitita,titlii, reifittuer 'Tbe a loveflrmtitt li O f'tliehýctl t ttltoîî o.Iip ' iiliz 1iitcooiosd l iii - t we tit'ot i ogtî rt,14 fîr tmuorktaîa rdoo dworiiliteFriE lîto ti liIorltid Tarno t.tO o, itiýt rono~tr ii it t4oi pmmooto.For toartloc'r înli'tir ppiy oit tepretoliilea tu JOHN MeLMNE. 14 Albxn Ho.use and lot for Sale. ANEW TWO tiTOUiY larzgo brIck A rdwlo it, troUfluiri'sedla itvnry1 lo ÃŽ. a l,, 0 (iii. qtrtpr âmooro1,f land tttoihool , , gotitot (r oto o i tarimttîa'iirr linto wtill wil l pttoIt. Tuii'iolo.ir ittictt mit flroek Sti, hl toioi t %%W'trtl id îlimîiîtditt ly oioiot'111U 1Il roilot."Torima Oirlttt For> tirli i aftdfîtrtlîttr îîrticoilai ap yto~v Attotioneerti, Wlîitlîy. gMtrdi), 28, Itflil.2i4 Thizo llitreptittrw ooami satle ntori.e-ol. Pet.j vitilcililij qot t .l"ri t r l i toît' il ito a rn ttt o lut nt. ete- ti ltir otttitv aolli MF-oit ralitth l i yllîo it ghotl tw oo tt' toi , i Toio iU F-c i ai , Filoî amq itoiîtn nlMoti.Pirt ta'if tial. & 1, Ae otin.Jtmollýi Cht tol hos r 'laoîl'î ao-i vii I. i ti l o olot rtop.aluio i., t 'lfil tieOli ltin .lomadittti-oon . nttttaollt'o.ot!o n1x oaî l a.1 pnaok l ant hou .leltin nromponnotlîy aotdo the l phti-t.rîtl'îmyltiot it-ail ri l e t iî F ient i g iohl ir lantu drtt lot i thtail;pier ehmo rg l ktt fi offle Iul4b t yn 2nilliIg inlt--3;mi Nfeo«r*. IL. & 1,. Potai kCo. arir ielit hocoi. etillti au i trtt N- ctlt.19, Ieaitttit ", ni.. da, %o hey nover. atolor ii tttttfaOoitia rau'tt either sthlea hroi!al,.ti lhvy hooity oiautioithe I pleae qm m oy perool tîuwg ilr uame. The grentest liedimial 'Diacovery ofthte Âge. (QAPITAL £100,000. Irat~amîee~lteced n-]3uilclligga tnd thoit çUltteoltoit. Every i mîfrpIii appliol- ona pi-ato11 uo t tlie m 'in e d. 14 r;ooi i(liaktofo r ltei t oçiior faorPortý,. Traeliîîg AgntBItrora Ittretot, Whiitbi Phoenix Fire Âssurance Co. OMnAlioTittlTU Â ND COIAitiNCo}ROms4l10 LOCN FI5TAUJI IIE D IN .782. GILLESPIE) MOFFÂT k&0CO, jXtruiîtitfor (uinîadn. toara OSSby FltE aed1 Io itdithe Vit os! fitorWtie 'ternisaoqç L0Sm pnaid witiîotit relferenctiootthe loutrdLmrt Il. W. WOO0D wA rD , £'amniegioner lMrciant, WIlV Aben e, <ownnly j Ontafrlo. Whitliyi Au-Ior ii 1811- PIRlE AND -LIVE INSURANCýE COMPANY 0F ENGLAND. Rod imurance Liiofoverpooil N.20, Lomtoltrd S'reet, Lon'don. TWO 1YILLiONïSSTERLINOI ANI) LAMtîI EVKEUIa F'IRE DEPARTMEN15, Thoi t topo' atî. itîit ' tît%, iail titor byo Pire, ttton the o oir.LTre Thie lanrgo copU1l andljtttlta înleu 1-PI ODE PA RT M ENT, Ionrguitoîaoî ttot o Plrofut4 lta tIl-t - ittl o ie ti.i.it v îîoA tomfaý,1i ttt cm-o hî - to bî'aj. Rra' 1tt iir Nt I' f;ao.attt lt tii i tlihe açpeety e t*i Joali',bu prive A. î.nrV of theo TO TIFI niloititfi - Voir atinL ro itavitotol toie À Tra 7iti9 don iuis(en Il iPitt bp Sii 71 ondtl ln "', "t- "' 1,;IA t te The Vite iitlittor. tittiti CtOilttl £20 0 000TRLNG Boiutnîor Ixaî)taclo in t-romi ail;tortalu 80 rO, ttoor it È800,0001,I E'luhitig a eotlso i e imo o ite yarlitnoW11;uo evryr.eoaaon4ry iforaîalÃ"a lroiuo Içý tet ie oo lita JOH1N ÂGNEW t mî tond Jeru Aoittfor Town ofWhVlltby. 0~îagd101 Wltii:tby Fr. 25t, liOti> lglrtm JOHINS & CROSLEY, Scole Manufooturera of thejmproveti - kuotot tni GUTTA PERCHA ihoeti Th e COul i o of Tià, amu CH Ait] OÙf UE IPH-OLST-ERY IN Cali and comparpe aud be satisficÉ 1'l

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