Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1861, p. 2

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To the exclusbn of more agreeable, und ,'tit meiy bc more interestiag rAn4 te, we rep)r4dce this dooum Ai f a ft commencesontefitpae tlI gent, informed reader, wh& 3 è;cou Pfla ge ta sit down, and road th se. Tngthy pro- diat1iln uctothraagls, wil, we gseatly f find i3 nw' n te rzul ofbisprusa, but'a pner te c.mpeueasfr vtIsa lercisaof se nseh ?pti, .IlI f e nce. The recommndstion qf an appro. rsU epriation jt9?ai*efy the,. csnan4e of thse edwh.owners auIbe fritii'h ship Pertlhi,tcue or"thY ta tdelTÀnrfnf$tn' le ntover item. WiLh thoe exeption of Ryi n ir a Liberi two coun e ?w1ich tfhe nitcd' rercsineStAt go(vernsqnt lbas Mtherto eefused to ~ seetrecoglnivz,) tbe dipowi rati uns of the tt ilita government with faoreign 'powers are tit a rMiiitniactian ed. The isfcrence he1n, hâ,i iberdets.- g t1 t -,they woe particularly, pleosing. tlsey would hâve besi duly msentlossçsd. NIot a word is eosis ai,1 about the a tking of Mesrs. luoan sd iâ DenenO Slidelt -(r m on board t ie rent . The; fi- t ce-nanes 'of thse cnty n le~iino ~ee"fthe Arrny and navy are ual>' eloogiqedi, and "eepted 1 tis4 Président -indulge8sf in the, n o ubt, pleasing, but, ta use an Irishissa deludJher- ed njson ing assertion 'Abhat "Mjgi.ou,-i, Kentucky,. Aibe ap. tand Maryland, are ssow in tise bands of tise 4ties Nè*orth." The movemeut for placing ýthe, cotat ci fonces, assuilke frontier, on a ar d tabe fàot;ng is recommended, tliere if; a short, 'Meatding but b>' no me-,,na origi nal, dissertation, i r i 0 ot 90 troduceci on tise rigis of labor and capital. mes tisat The MeF,%agu" concîmides wiîlx a pre iê- potcltian. "A.t tise end of seuvent>' yc-rs,'t a hov to t "aY,> l'he population is fossnd ta bis eight S -'tîmes as gr-Ct', as it was in thé beginn1ng," -Youth of and thoruforo, 1<'Usure are ,airnady emorst, nd ever>' us tisose, wlso,:if tise Union bc pres.ervt-d. a trained will lire ta Sèei it contaisu 2-0,00,00od of reau.people." Aslten >, a stae document, vot>' -an- Amen-. i ie, and cao 'statesmon in tise presesît criAis of hia ,bi aecouptrys a ssTa7irs, people, at horne ind it'he Pre-'a broaci, wiIl indeed bis disappointïed in tho ignisaddre,'is of, Prfesidenit Lincoln,. lt i uast h ld ri s - a l n e w i t h i ts l i t e r a r y m u e t v o o u l d a c i vet aul n, altisaugis in tii respect, it aboistiti iu o~wtîbaci grsnseser and 'vuigmsism..Tako he grade such xpr ssion s as r , iThse prudent pensiless beggrar labor rred upon for weas &-t wlilis, saris eurPînls iitb abich If to dis- tteha>' tuais or landi for himself, tIson labani îin,, and on bis1 own acconnt another iohs'te, and at mitdex Jt enth tires anathur nev bt giineir ta isul1 Byfrài Tise '£prudent pexinileas beggar,t'14 1 la- aiescadbong for wages*awel4," and tIson isbhu- >ecised. in "uis owu accouit anotler citY -ncil nds at lengtis hiring anothser new hgn te United precipienr [be.,gar1 'to elp ish 1 TuIn n Iie ,ow'w uld Iuice tise langiuage tued is:-" stiob<t ie ind in Delawazre led riglit offroinsIke firat. ' reiiance, And againi in that part of tise mes lg.e- orcu.wbich treats or tise rigihtt cf capital and "eiy f ra 4It i s n t neede ci nor fittîng b re, t iat a sst'fragenarail argument sitousîd bu made iu avas 098 appear oaÇpcped inhstttions ;but thce'iaone ite men, tise messes-re efruts 3r- thttetunigratias cof cloreti Iditiaisal retin fer visite mesn ccuin thes-e. on bawvee, ptsed thcisel nocuriur Louiuianeas-oe on commeorciat groui§tta sas'on 1n fCor'population. 01t)s ii tien itculing tise apprapra- e iti tise acquisiton of tor- su. ibisexpedenc>' amaunt ta 8sif>, tlis-si vitanut viicistIse auinaI be perptual ? Iu con- olle>' to bu dnptod forsus lasurrectinu' I have boots es-refuI liit tise inevitelsle con- urpaie shallh not degenenato irurorasless and erltian' 1Thaee ie-oam luesery t pnuopes- te keep te iutisgiity prusisetes as ibisprirnar>' cotut au aur part, learing hicis are noS ofaitalri snltitvy tise more delibeute acion atunse. i-isc af ns> beat discretibn, -d ta tise bpekade ao' tse ai suffrage, ana tun eiais fthtîe ý)OIO aIl riglit ta participatO bunlteSalctot Of public officersa, excapt thte egiSie ive boAy, adroceated, witîh laboreti argumnts ta piove the kai4giscontrol of tIse (lovren t il, thea portpleJ is tise source of ail pO1iticýl eril.~- Monasret>' itseiîf is. sansutitiss int d as as e possible refuge front tise paver -ofr tise p pie. Iunus>'prrcuent position 1T ul-scaelys fuel jnatiuled voeeI te <onit r&niai a vemu- jng voice igast tisis apprsschiof rottiri- iugr deajpotism. It is nut neodea Por fittlssg b eie tisat a geucral argument Should lie t*ade in fatr o f populan instittoiios, but' titere'ia une point wstis its cone4utions net 8o hl'kiseyed uas incstottiers, tý whicis 1 asir a bief attentian. It il% tisel'effort to place capital on au oquat Caotunk-iit, if not aba-re, labor lu tise structumt»f (3ev' erntont It is assuusid titat laiton is araseble cal>' in conuoction vitb. capital, tise tscbody lihoss nlesa aauebod>' else ov ing capi- tel sometov b>' tiseus of it lnu tee hies ta labos. This assumed, it la ne-it consis!- ered-wtei t is beat ilsat Ce *tal siall bine laborors, andi tbis duco te-nte von b>' tieir ov5 consent, or bey ihefnanead drive. î1.em into it. snthtIsueh L reliatis thaab broughit te tise break fast- table. Tn>' tiose o sltib>'Meus, as mniltun and Roubersta1 vfo uued tisenu eliciaus. O-nSTS-rs.-Tise optera sent uas b>'Messrs. Lasses andi Powell, verstishe freshbst andi bst flavared ofa al' use tieil sincis the ses- son opeued. "'Give tbem a trial ; ccii>' 40 cents SaisSu. Vcui.UsnICTEZ[tRILE COMPAN<r.--A utov rifle Company' la le ecunse cforas-ition in Witby. Tise roit hu alariati>'biets well s;ineti. Tiseidcesiring ta join Cali igun ai Mi-. Datnell's offce vises-otise lst s-e- mains. -M g ia r iurs Ts Cosm rnvveat VSUPI'i Tva1J H.LWOOD- VwNxI lsq -Tise frienJa aà Mn. 7ýwaudman, ar thtisOntarioa ank, 'q8bea, entertaisjd that gentlenawat a complimnotary Suppen, at Woon's Hote1l Osisawa, 'on WednoAday eening, tise th insmAt Âbout ilti gentle- men seat down Su a W ell proridisd 4pper, tise chair hein- accnjpled bý John B. Wear-" seu, Eaq., Manager of tise IlanIs et Oshaae, andi the Vice-.cbair ieluglheti b>'S. 13. Fainbzsks, E&q., Tosse R4ee. ~This coin- pliment vas paici ta Mn. Waodinan, by his Oshsawa Irieda, an. tise ocueion of bis ads'anceent to' the Brandi in ,Toron- ýo sel as aus expression 'cf tis e v- Thse question of the relative- igis' of lahor sud capital, vas, voteougist as tuI.-cJiieyed se asS ust ters." But, it vas rserreti fuirtise Pieoicleut cf tise United Statua, to make tise fllowing asSounflisi discoven>'. ~Nobod>' labors anIsas uonebody élseý oivniugz capital sonsehosb>' tise use of i t indoces limt 5lahor' 1 -as we bars sali, it à nt vitis titi liturar>' merti of tte document vo cave to find fault. Fronu beinning to end, h is lericient ln tisat laltinescf Iasigsaçe, exalteci expression; andi higis patriotl& sen- tfiment, visicis becume tise distitiguisised pasitions of te suAi, aud thse oession. Tt is a word>' conmeon-place jumable, atoneý ilce tise laisareti emanaticu of an ig norat ,etb r, 'ne-vr biforo oclsibitetU'a a exten- vo, verieci, and 8-uperb) a diapl a,.-of beanti-. ukgodsret~@sdêsettr- uited' to, the maeta of tiieotsty. Tl>e grocers, teas, 'lune, and 'spirit merchants, also malte ;meld aud u'pfting shows, and arn pro- mcà ýwts 'gch stores of' gaod thingei that sey-aIi!C vc. 'rrmn. "The hutelsers sand aoultorerg ait likewise et their 'be.ît, anfi' » poty, variet>', andl bUtlu aOn eve'r> siubd vp-xnieda onu contimuailly of the .èP- proacising happy îtdtnaa îtinte. lb tis nnection vis 'rnay mention îbsat Mr- Mort Cantipteli tAs fouind it neceis4ry ta lipatlh a n iei ber of bis hanmoseaPe'ialIy Io 4[ontreal, th~e prosent week, ta mnake'ad - fitioivil purcisass, in orier ta bc ful repared to suppi>' ever>' demand. Ta tise Carmera aef Reàcls, Broclc and 1rlseidoc, and ait riôrts Ontario, wv0 a> meke youir holiday purchagsast Whitby? Brin,- ;nailtousvog totaoeilta a gaod market where it wiil bring as higis a pirice as cen to pro cured in'To,.oto. ,In some riD-upeesa tise prices' 'priid in 'Wiiitsy tmarket nre higior ; and nov in the article of pork, isat aur bayers bave doteraiinodly takiep th fieldi, or perlsepi weho l aythe jteet-tbii hie case,. Hogs. large and- orail, bring ta day a botter price bu Whit-, uy tisai in tise City' of Toronto.' Boy as reli as sou e t a bouse inanlors, mand ail Witt sharo in tise benefit ' ta somp extetit, and jou yourselves, viii isobotter servecd, andi et cia ,coit, tisai gaîng Irons borneand- leav. nr your moie>' atsotgst smtrangers. Velitesttstates conrems. The 3Ttb Con-grems of thes Unitedi States optunnd et Washi ngtos on 1Monday lest eek- Iu the Sonate a 'rcSaiution aec hy ais unanumaus vole expullrng Sonlator llreckenrid,e. A bill iba ia beon jcîtro- iaced inta tise Sonate for canfi3c-atin4 rebels' property, and isettins slavreS frec This bill provides for ise abaclnte and com. pîcte foïfeiture ta the United Stetets of crvery opce f propuns>' belongîng ta pur- sons vWha, during tise existence of tise pre- eat %var sisal! tause nuparmas egainet theu Unliteld Stattos govrrnsent. Tie bil lti CorCuits tise aims orI "rehels," endthosc selso give tbron aid andi cosssirt". to tise persans tise>' hold in i.tver'. Thse billde. Clarus that slaves tises fanfoitc-d shah bç Crue, and maires it thse dut>' cf tise Presiý dentt to provide for tise utloni-iation ol socis as usa>'bu villing Lo go ta somue tropical country 'wbere 'lie>' nus' have thc pr otectionof. tisa gaverument. Tise ttle.-rnpiîc essarsisip of tise press bas beuh made thse subject of e rosolution iu the flouse oaI Rapreaozstatives, alid thse suattor bas buen neferned to, 'te Jndiciary for teela-enqtsiry. Thse'-Presidenu tus aul ndtia discussiatr sad referoîsceto appro)pnisite o aunitiecs, ofth ie vartows subjectas .biehs go to malte op lut colitenits la tise great tapic of conversatilon and cois biAOISvsAFSs' Coui-r -TEPoerterIo Joli\ et;Esq. M. P. J. P., Aý; R.&baLK CÀAu'ENTrit, ESQ.J.P.-Mary Pattersos a servant girl un tise employrner.t af Mr. D. Ford, was brought bufare tiseir Warsbipg oni Moanday hast ou a Charge - cf tur.lîwfully milking a cov,the propeit>' cf Mr, Josepi Mansfield. Mr., Mansfiold mtated isat faj a usontis or tvapint his ccv 1sd bees ,ntilked vjlulea'a1Yfnges bis Issçri an( I si 'ilut thse inaugura- wii,ter course Of lecture% h this Tnstitntiton5,toakI via prebyterian Chnrcb, Thse proceoditiga vero le President, Dr. Tucker, ucng the rieur1orge- allu~Ie to th dftite Intitut, a thetpatb cf the1fe inîvd als viapa tooo~ deroteci ýseir time and isiiq7gOSte > t . Henry' NMarsis. Ch£0-eMti'5t tatîisbnent-thie excessive castsaa e - ich Csf bf r15 ew-i. Sk script $cd be çae adv1pr aet Robert Thomnspasf 0 te ostbte ntl ie'st'sa ll'serf' ccrt c~or oftutslizatlint books purclsased,' andci té hnttery in oct.. roriiiug erder, ùietas'th thse eaptiotss-, CanuML tCILEI nes a ni fprbodingï of sainievisa migist p50- TiefIowg is> pur!>' de.4iguated "l rhps" iesede- 1trial. Adrn Scot t n o? Qsh ciaruci the whcIe affisîr su bo a piOee ct.1a pair of lc'ees. scu political pantisan4hip, andi prophissiefltfise- 'illa, thoft of a coat. 'Art imfpracetibilit>' of bsingingth ie bnttitiin'ircimrepi. Jb into a' st.tte cf healtis> exiience. Tise bhystmt o-te.J Presidhebre tock occasionto taannoOtice Pr'ince Albert, lîtineen>' cf- tia soctanàian 'religion, and pfl-tt poliesc., Patt'rson, and ltsoky Dir lidnotting vishatever to do vutiste buts uttialiug potat0es5. James B an, viicis tisesoclety vas foundeci. Lt' i-ee, aud Tios.- G. lichar wonld incisîde personi4 of different ranka,'1 hn,rape ; bath tise itter te andi cibTrent religionsi, and polltuu ciroadi- u t tise Asslzes. -,1The *ape The ltbrs>, be stated, thougts a8 ot bai circuimtanreî of an' aXravr siasI!, vas cornpo-.sed af valuable booka;, liir gcisaracter. Thie~ acte ami curre Jabnc houriten ta eXeludo e%'ri-'-Barkur ilaialegeti te baveb thing pf a trauuhy cisaracter. Tise Cow wanks upon a >'oung girl af Courte of Ccit'lesce> psiesuici, venu tise ma Jiieti, whobcisessil ps-eoduetîiûrsi or standardl aulibur%, anth Ie aonme rondi on ber va>' jorn, residue, (a lange sisejonity of tise bhach,) Ricisardîoun ta for a lîke vs, ýcomnprisoc vorkrs on biography>, trtsvei;.a dengliter, s yonng. girl arI - hsitor., 'citicism, andi science. Tise oih- cou o iotes of th liIsstitute, vre. among.4t otier, te eleratu tise tastea of the Peuple, ta take '&ot v..Knpy V up thse edacation of the youing, wviserc tise tif! £41 7Sa. Itmmdliatoe e sebh1oaucst ,r lors t asdt - put thcnuîls in a lHeMs Cor plaifthtt pyo4ition ta carry ont tisat .moat importantt (lM et al ici. ars-0 lujui f uducattiosi, vis -z - hat vbicris eteis plaiutif h>' content $3l0. i iidividuial oiT-cia fan hinisusf. ACter ne- cutiou-N GliHum for p Cesring rta saine ariser matons cannected lVay rs.Merrtin eta viti tise future prospects oCtise Intittio, pliiilif12312 145. Ismmu ~a, Ce'-ff~ct tusg ha"oin ieipovîng W,. IL Tre ayne for plaint tht- muisl, aq volt as încrtsing tise lnov 8JflJr' vsTbscns 'Ve hei-v cf tise maenuion, tise »Preaident hatro- Il.;S HCochrane fo vs-> hmetiszic sui-th'rl lon. N. Moaa, tadiatc e eucuticin. viso dtuiivered the initiato>'.lelure.' lsrlow" vaDennaîtul Thse subject cisoucen b>'tise th n. 'gentie- necocen>' of compensmatis f Man vas te "Hiatus-y uC ii- t!ts' tîmben Veitfor 1stitutui" and theirn bscsbial erects nos IR. J. Wilson for pitnitir r oui>' on mecisauios butt on the museushera. of miiine and S. 13 Fairbeul! societ>'. Thse- Iuctunn, efter de!rc* bbin, tise' Court adjaunso until tc ,pîilanithiropical oexert ions <of Dr.Bitrktseck s111fg. rapid ,41pre:aenci usefuine,,is.alîuidetita tise Pcçra modern sysietti of leuctriiug asan r admira. hibe menus <of cmmsbcs n ksoslede tai fuc .ntrMonderv, - '1ý titan 'a not hiî'eirs ccrastonuéti ta tise h o !.studion penusal of 'ioo ,no ,coixîcifuI!>'cous-' Tisr, e t acî nc tse C o pre fisil a subjoot vison expitecl iiiS s-5 t10 h pni.t voce, an di jet if tfa isn ir'Îattemiat inc a bu pri-s ut ci f neadisg, wauld tl â fi ithittet4y l. ndriter run nerence to e M . M o w a t tise rt d w u lt fo r sao n e o ute ( flan ýc1 o N » 5 b> ' M j. . ethe abjýct af lectàres, tsus4 of Muchisei'Smel ourîleac i Institutes. Ater sas-am erprescsiun of ad m iratio n fr S u g la ntit " th e b lnk er aof a nd f 2l in th ! .)t li n .,etv tise torîti,e"andi tiseotosen abodo of true Of W*IIIS. Brlay, ia râe ibentyr, ho co niplim enteti ,Ca eaitdit u afn t e us cnts-eci b>' o ntra t for w o f iburai systêenor edocation sb~iate udeatab- ot,îciî sl > s s lisisec.i. Ie tison exiserteci workbug mon Nice Ou bl, YNr ta doyote tisoir iiure tours % otise culti' satuitof mC ration of tisir mincis, andi acideuirin va iei on thse T e x a m lust ie T r ate es f S c io o l S e exeple aIcarusuora mao-n, aoo-a-tb asumoftl15, hein-rsam kers, sassa of butchisralhais--dre-sseras, : il etont&-tiiCu i1c.,' visa iad 'artainedtetaeminence in s 's r a d. anigitnall> bCeau06 lige'iuititaidate thf selves ta slnd>". f rus an unauruso' nover tutu hute ta positic.n, Mr.Mo cf Seiden, Frsstîkh: well, and Blase, perioci cf 11e, liat plucce-is 'ta nov "" aipan, anc tise ex tu enrorcue thisc tuamen ts." statf Itise hot thse An PrEsidi là. &uS, 0 s ls el "ol5 tad aof'trar se acr of ( 'eavusrsd.

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