FAR»AM 5&,KACVDU.NX4L 'lENERAL &(3lMTS, (,'pmIissioi bejcRnhas ~& Audtlneis BRIaoCK. STREET, WIIITIIY, C. W. (qypp"îteie agiTlry ou ) tat"ed Salesnu al w r t Ulhia-o; M'ni. AI Ký a! il.WaretEaq. Itiager Olittai-leflnk ; 1 F. tirli, ii, >aiaia;J. 1lli'ahop, Ea.,0m- WOýODIIUFF & TIOP IIliaaeattlAeauctaee-ia for tte Castaitt afâena aùeniaid th, ditya of pile"ap-' aippîattid, autll iauaud. Auction 'Bugess. COMMERI'L -IHOT I, GLOBEIWTEL, BROOKLIIiCe tà rOpposlts UamiiBtoa & RflbdWtt,;M unTditthuiprm ie 'aMe bqcntilà ted * JAMIÉS COK~, tiat lie salI ayatb. outliand t), stà tlWdpr Prplta.iouiilly ta the vatîtsof Lis gneîts. - ~Ilte preatltteabhave bateat utwly patuýtol ad meiovitut liiud" or eapvy oty i Sul ocliitxbl> NI MR(IAI. TRAVELUS WILL FIND, itOc l ~aid lnh ffo i'l1 bosjpnicud au tlt cJ ilt oliii'l'ietit topjiiiig it liii, hotel, ils& mml cthé p-tmei f'I r a etdur LIf lobefl îhtey taitllierai froi ic tiue agir Puiuk icepltý,t ittel a li oe dtrilngtlaetayutilaI, frieli. Ille, lieir thtea-utti taikea by tita-Ir piiueaaa>- Tii. table 'aili alwiyp be folîad pletnttul. f lie #it-uîfrieu ttoes ti# i tn'tIi liik jýtppied -tlt Ilehe i4 t, iai'jhn iiutia hilaiiutnariiii hîtruisandilfa-ltiadia for lte e flnlgauhrijisijamo lha-,i i patrotune ojtiowô on hllm in iîtt the faielii tt te ha, vlioauinan ud ra-eii. cnniitii-iact-iii at u habtislietilu Whiuby, MeNioi-rhioni'm Leîtt Geoé Stablîagtgnnd fattenl'tio OutIera. MioaaItai aaf lllrbf Miaiaaigul ou maltithar ilileriir ehilikevia: Wilithy, Bailra149. <iià t,n.Iîolltad lilhelâit la ta0f 'ogulat - i~~ued taler Bu-ilitIi'tl s ' lta-,iioruy, undilcar f»rner o f Droi'*uad Jhu d(a dretu, Ir<itzb. Itiela .îuFadythQule- Il hE 3%IABUEWb<KO N AD C EN- ALEX. ALEXANI)ER trali '»tntedlibW hiti bn ita rely flttd ni), 2itd revolantmti] Ma Ibot tifuaemm Brook)lita J uy 29, Lt.S hae l' Uthe litete ltht N atmiia iseil i b liaiiaa~ ti tuuu'uti dIîtiit ani ~nI~taBrooklin Houa.. TVie boit branttt ofWiPLq-Imaila. tf IIE gtbseribear Iatvila Iail tîte llrooklîi ltouinm atà i enetiIalt italdi, gondittliln JI hOIatat, taîmi titatil it) as a fia-ai Ciaitat 8MIl ltati-u tiveo tléer. ltÙ t lA aw prc rriantu a itou I llîîe i Tiia hotellmha aa-1iattta ltte vary lietart iofthe'trt'ieiig laaPubli,, i'lltiy lift i lth- 'oi tif* ltwti id iililie fiiid Liûlea thtilitiit y of biuin, auid Iti.tablle lîutulitila int i0niveatieui< moppba.g plaieç ton fuiterrattd- tilelietaiteIScbitti ix ttOMRd, viil are'iIIistîer ttt-ltnt. . atoniiish'aîwi ian ani], lie soe Iu-ia ai mhtun JAM ir'S;IllA"K ot tht îiuîuitc pataonage. - EOTI- . 1 1ïlF.ANF Srnad Trtatak Raît«9v ilalol. aapht. ('Inuh #;doaifqfRtilua 'é Iete, /<iinert whim.) 'N. 1-Al-40on ilu-ià li Lhîîl a nud huoleatu F INlMiISCNI) 1~l TOIN ivot iiitiegrai t> auy Pait 2oh lIi le taly T -,I N Es1C I E ,T FR IlBrookiii, Martla t7tî, lIS6, ini poaamu.îii t tie îîhomvir atel, fite. htaiiaia'amu r 4A G-E i-io iU S E, oif whtîlielutwilI iIlettire cnt--ontiiot i tli-,wa nciinatt. ltîel'ti iouiagaaculaimtc frSaa -ISAAC FENTON, an Sonag. yeIIowiliff 110W0t5 sy 4itar Iiian ts h i uagi wveLl thae liet,v> ptalikai e ieturtli no clilly; ze theitgOn-lily. lieti smiu aiyWOUIu nêfll cf Lthe ottlluîtavesi uDigeamof tboxbeateutha, the ha-ci] ainfovor re thtetuinthi mai eilhy Le bolIy hiock. va. theaiIt 2ir ram>'; ail!Dt vat t ae - Aeil - bai For Aid t .But] Anal- whihe the tnpon Ide-- iper iutd c ia, repeuinl ai ..om à inti nat iaei ras on Lis wsj te il en board 'Iii. thrnthsegtrp td -wit.Colles,> 'rock vîithsoyoalmentorié Wiuicbell, the g'i-éatem; Ir lhmetor of chaetier in said tbait Winche.U-pa-pe ring joliest the Whitney val et tiis placeo-;-On b canWaned tva travelers rettreil, butaer asfi qnaliug oite jonEu-pli farnthelied:uAt the, op arn, 5hIm1 it vas DtSmu Guii Irave1ero were aiwail -'ieo appamed plg i bet, wauid queal', ireat ait thon on tht bed,ýthen taf in fact At e" -jpoiet wi of te pig. Our traveli the lamp, sud comme seareit lar thte pig, buAt vas a-nuont i1mwthe i but no pig vas fpaiud. hl tnaisu er e Mioved Crut 10I Il that shej vete pi tht clothes wea-t &gainî viLla no betttr maeeess; under the pile of clathi tht proceedîsigs wvas teu d eo, the unewi ngi c as boa-se, t e érltilg ofr iug of s tiger, te bIet the ta-$ug aud tritklug "aking thc gresteit up Dur iravelens becarne dfit tened; sud titre about i wbe n Wiuc-helitl ac: b. alarmcd, I arn Wia Mirnic, sud as I arn 0, thus village Ia-rnrrow - iaug my volet ,a Illtle.at Oua- taavelers iais cil, critd andl jeileil h rolling ou the floor And ail tryiug tw put their1 groatesque Shapea as tht coulil ksveo d an sd cheli vau the rarat joie li tht -ýorid.-Co(t*MI iThe Buffalo Seuuîl tien silîremescil'te tha uriaian vomtai of tht )bject which b.ieL txhthangh pré& i- h4emw.tni %a0iiIw Tecfy it-er G. C. Grose f% OLIC.-ITOR I k-uL, h&b..4& îîal-y O ie ]mic LAT S( >Lc111,01t IN e.&c. Otiil-li % it GiIIkmlIat anid Coln% t. 0ofilî- YY AT IaAW, 8)- 'atm I'tttlii, &ci 12 t, lu Via-hal Aitillu 'lnt -it,,i. 4 ,romp dramittmitSof 17 ir k-la 1it, WitLy IL RON,- Tli OFTHtErai MX-la Eer ' v cameviii adIii, -ledouitîiennt R. I> [Tiil * v im, Im5v 4ll i '@in*S&tpfr m osdg VyOLS Vm- mieu'ofor Lhe (lotinty of Ontario, and ihait lie li 1prm- tla tneuîniedibetw lMxiI a fltV pnr ~ivea totje hîiaiiîa iiidjraiin lttuf?1 of theOC uitï., 1.e ilittêra 1h l"4 'et Diti oa*Well iLs n uotlier I*1* tiaoio ,cquiting, gliabook- andl lit of engagemnent% are 1,ftn t t ieCitONICE offica, asitwi1, where êeery information 4a1i b.ae , andl arria;iire. iitits.anttertio, for xalcia attled, an well i Grecinwood, Atîgust? ¶12i. aciaer LICENSE D AUCTIONE É Us, F011 Tue. CiIUNTY QI' ONT&Rio. cutare tianiittks thtllthlaataof til4un- t rnUIlur'tîe literalxiiliort tlie%*liuvei re-etîved trou lai the. and vwoîîld klîîdly uitt ii fnirthprvi.niittuution <if tii sanae. itnlg a L.icanuei for the wjl nuoîaiy, :laaayare prepaa- <id lu rttenail i.l ort.>itli prèhalidt and on, lilacrielterni$s. %dlredï,% ALBEI;T 8PRINfI, TIB$ MIM, U ~ Ureenbanlc, 1'. 0. 0F TE nfX>UTN F gN'tendeoig nîy alnctea p tiki t ith un- I.bitaitstif dt it qitiai c f Y rk, lPeel, and Olîterlo, fo ua iii'fav aco11fc"ed iipaat mQ dirim pm> yý I a1iemadua eome beore ypxi, ln thi- filtao. It wili cer bc inyeltity t. merit tlt co& EAST WINDSOR flOUSE, WV5ITIIY, Wu. unATarn. rorten FIl E above' Ilote] isaitniated itai Pleiaiaui - nitirea-purt ail tIi, ifti, taiLhei -n m (4anl ncotiitodiltit urtiraiîellerai. linod Stabllng autltîtiten otleroti 22 T I taiderslihend Itemtaikeuîtht iitnve lltel, wlii*eh he husi tewlyIv tu in tule litait 1aaimatr fi'UVicemaco (elî]niîa iithe piuli- iJeibtlatmiliîia-, blue rniny alcita. iaevarnv it- teuit'iîupalit lta inîtîi ii lion e- Tlue lit iitie«.. liqaitr amui] igarnit ît hur. -W'11..1,lAhi TII EW BRITISH AMEWÎCAN HOTEL4 -1(MauteDOWaING, (lute o iiaitv.a. el 1 litht,) PrOjritton. lirat aliail li ior . $ -1 o u c ottiditta i ta tîra VICTOItIA IOTEL. W itt, tti it.07i~ 1i.LI-M ilCTieîs ue lîRItheR. (]te rev LJ n G ai ml.iea-iba'hi, t r id lî tlaôecia1l lp't d' , iî liat ittl. andtlirii i a d h ahrdii ,%t an ' iiiiîida l i ý I "Mt'i- ii f ii ii lri Lia ia-J.Uiilatalmlg atit ate.Ther. i L8WICN ZY'S MOTEL. T liE tiitwm riflcremritWii nm its fritae h~~~~~~~~~I papitl tuiltlail4ialimetë>l ht .iîa kt- it ws th rî liqan~ctilde,irs.t wi ut on DANhE.' RAY.f, -ltl(lltvTO. a(44tiL' ETAM flOAT MTEL. at itTidnte it rg . Vriki DAW'g M% 1TEL à ' De toi,"nCSatpion T rono Ioýd $1 i%îioîtil per fi,ii 2-er 'u.nliiîg 81w te Ilirg. ý 11 . S ]) W E , lProprietira peo1' MARKMQAUFIîJE0ON IOS J, SMIT, rUIoprietîie. Excellent acon- noilatlot. Every attention paiel tu the 00111fort TUIE TERRAPIN. I HIE ?ROI'i<TOILSOF I TES W,9LL, 'Lklno*i i aloatare îwleu ,9ççppuaIili' Pt the (,Id st. xNWIt1,Aq. Kilg ms]ýot, ToontoI1 RtOU(U I OTEL. JtOSEll Mi>4>b0I ATE OF T11E NON- ,I tlIîîwite, ami1 f44iaarl îf Wilby, ial- ý,<,iîe,- is liifrhienh iliiil ieldkUhi, Itit lit lit routai-d1ilit ahore well-kîîown itel. wlîlclî is iuw iai firit lrtortair par thiî reiiaiption of m. Vjie liqii.4org liaid (*;Kart-. Qoi] Northern Hotel Oannington. FTlsit ucetadniti m«iiîeaia.nt tlitaliovaifamor iAblt kîowiîl, han. reaaaharvd Itleaieciasmury for tisti %oitber I.o enlare ile premitae. Il e ila diale su Ii o a ieîlratl 'tuit. andie isande piîlie'rfiltcnatîoiaiiid iînproN rê'aneits, bIoettore emill fartliir t0,ctc rofort iîîmiip niîîd or n i hfi gfb4eýs. Fi t lICI$i. nWAý>,a p ni 'dt-41 Witil 01Li muxai iii ineîuîî,iaîd ulit Ifiabeit braiîdiz of Wi4et4atid 1 .1ltionua kept oittht eiie. r.l ' & %0 lui-esi-pltlwali.l.GN 1tob i,riaaîwie -tleraluwaiya i i ated- alicae, a-itated by Dia-k,.totatk liuagoficstiin. (anlluttl-ut. ,O ~ide, 'i fi'ra.î4i 1 E;DWÂRU'ÂSHTON D e$llhemto t lb4un ie Lplie ilant b. aîww pir4ejýared t,,n qcaîti' adI ordiere either iuTi T ref-t PaintitK, I %Iinr, tlaa, &te. Alil -rdtre ku icte l ie hCtaion hotel, i)cf1LIu'i. Urt-ulu',will LeT roI1)pily nta Iodi i. J)iîffli'e Crek, JuV 124, lSEfl. 28-tf WÎIi>LIÀM K-4JFEU~ A11OHtTTI-ýCT% U-~ 144, Bay EWreet Toronto. WILLIAM MOANSOft; W iOLFSALE ami] R itili Denler a-liaiti.di 1 s Bj ryers, &ci.,iîuiîfiiraro ilsî icattiouka, ioti rc Flitisi &c., No. 17, Kiic Street 'lI iut. aýltw Mesitra. A. Il. Amnutr &Co.,) Tercito, %j ai Giueral Agenit. Olice-'Lawey Oceti- pied byhee Ill Vso lliy. C. %W. "ideiîJaat of riade Toronto; )X. G, Èmi 1 -aq, Niiaiiir Iln B.aN. Anitrivha.i'fr imitu, %V. W. Rnnaiorn, Etaq.,Manaiger Qîbt tuk Trot; t $ 1.nmb(il, e, idil luilillaê,\toJj- treil, Mîttraial; Meitairai. >itluid, TylLf, & lliteliiiooi. 'ooaa~Memati. Àitiei'aui, Etaau & (2o., moutres]; bMiAira. W. Picet.& Soa,Qtie- bvec ï1tIxiiga. Il. J. Nuai & <Co. -i2-ly -VINEGARî VIN-EGAR !14 Monday'a'bairn l afiir'ot faco blI~ ayî lispî 1 o-, f<i 1pace Y wedeaaà "ý lIiiVr ýhe Irilal of wo&j' Thursdyls bairu bric fu~r tego' Fa'iday'ailbaim n lIo'ving and giviug; Saturday'uhairn worlca bùrdifôr bis liviWx; Inicdents are- tiOnalya..tjccuhià tg à NO$ 45 iiItitrate the-ilataigei of tbe navigatltaaùIotý ali taear the Niagarai river,. nSnlJ Dm11AH8 ~ ~ - the 3ird 5us t, at 0t$ 1. Hi, 'w cs, n 1ueý, A Hrat WJe. o- euraidl te Alatiwere bein *iol1ent divu i7l by'a ornaifigfç0o'PU i ageathe put À Éen tit cale4 a o e lutaie Robinaon, nitia mileî ôChippa*wa, wee, >j~ ajorn n~ ahiugton, bowtd te Chippawa (lreck. A. very itr6hg [roll, nrime and de- vhere lie baid been Le teesà beloved daiugb- outrent wu rauning as, îhe'tlti, an<LwkeIi- the *orld. IL is ter, the young vife ofonie of the toffesn- tryjng ta tic up ait chiopà *a ck ifivted thei.follow. or the Unilted ,. Bute% Atrniy. Mârried lit., 'thwt ont faileilt d 'o ete i«ape4 rRoue on bis arri- aa out e»n aionýhîi.aO, and fltruie t -'laud t bey4-aaed onau ait rallia I qe.tolté, being showii, te a- heonimm of ber natuire, site cWilneil the pli- Swiug Bridge. This they atruck; ane of lieds, one of wbicbh vilege of sharini . camp 1f, with bîer . tli 4heff clrrying away a 2 inl oi-» ebs %-hoe imrneia ia\ l ýhbîpllsbed hnabaxad, Pb fhra as the couUIl do anà thusi unchieckcta, gos into the N Sti fev mioments the sa, wiîb propieîl., t Aeodingly, wh4a hle River, aind down otatr the rapida,, 'Thi, > as hourd to imne wau oademoegtWashinigton, ible veut witb~holsutpir ad on boardl 4,200 buahols of itaite aide of thé han, aud ail tho more eagerly fa-oui iIae; bairlëy, aind- 200 bblâ. offoeur; the Atlaintic. mauj minueos beforo fact thait their engagemenit te' b. merrieui wam freighted with 120,000 feettof 1wpIler ke mand mvariog at baâlaliesaa-aetnd twao- yearb lietore by a - the, total value of the cargos. beingj t o, use, the pig militairy order whieh sens hlm1te ai posLtcon aboà 1ut $6 000. ie fbotor the bedl th~e Pitiflb 11Utt, %nd tlt,îoo, 'sithi 4¶a ictspur wn irectiy ot-r 'tb ider te lied, alla iliree of the day flxedJor ili'à ffldihî. NiagdauFaits, and the people bow av-tl1'ae- 11« hear.thétbe'qneml 'Tlis ither found l'bu child aftçrlr h 1aa hà l éelclng or pcku~the b~a-ela ara airos, lig!ated daya' efforts Le procure the needf ni pa", of gour whicit pnssed safe y i th%-UI ienceil ai Iorougli witbin one of te temporarY farti6icationms, gtt Watery oaleah. O0 board thte floisptilr. in vaint, the b-il nit far fioeWasbiugtou,thesà euu! cbeec1rful,wa a horse, whichi béeig the dainger, idle of the a-tom lcvîng, hopeful caeter. thatsb ahail ail- maiuaged to leaip out. and vas afterwsrds he clothes aud mat- wttet h vss'oiy'iat . otlquiel gtzn ua iatuiul il the bed, but ouly maie -vithin the frifiratiru but beaideas itusteti about 150 Iclit above thu P4!1i* lied tapon the pig, 'iigthe: warmth of ber fielrt LU the bavitng-ai.large pleceaf acautliug atti hed> plil tpon tbe bcd brilliant young oflicer vham ahe -laiprend te itsli aite-r. TM ôaiWmai bail toa cratch«a, jthe Pig Vould utay t cal ber huabeuil, abe bas many anh op- on it ta indiealli the -perl duà Pdiaage ità liW 5-at tiis stage of portuuity, to maltelher very humble home madle, whieh i extraordiné,j' tlaotîgb, iaoo- >a rd the bowling afi- a place cf aest aud aefremihmeut to thte iifg that, it rouitî bave gaic tomne. distanoë ýts,. the noigbiug" of -weaiied amdwouuded of aur aa-my. B«l- 1 bç; & ierachis; which litamoug the a;~ roosters -thé roar- a-j aucb oppoatun;tiy is' turued te the best The11 men on board tht ilotapur juauped off. tiu g heep ai accotant, and the father bit us with éas asis t was goîng tinder the, bridge aind the- tg of sevea-al hubiex, of' gratitude- lu bis eyes that Goil bai wifeofaithteGià ltairi, ,sund. w Il , Vct prosa- imanglabl- given him adataglter endoeeivth a geai. 'ere lu thettAtlà iitic; tve- a-. lIr y&se iScotrà gtitt and frigh. tie, womaiily beroisan, wbich mède lier an, oats, wluth 'pus t ttir relief e fter the:~ ho abandon the roomn atget, of love te lier btsbaud aud compani. so1q a i~ ~al gp(aoairly ou-liti the . iagai-, ialjentlchben dothi't on Ci arit, even vilen Raar-aude4 by pri River. TI i is laist, the Atlantic, diq iibi lfý îchgll, the Yakee vationai of the camp aud t~perils ofi vér. go over Faills, but, aisliais battu tht Catt diug ta exitibit iu -Rufflato ÂdeoWe.. withit many ailier boutit purt of it' lddgé4" eveu ing I vas srj. - - 6-- on a umèinli landain the terrible sa-tea, taz' Secroaay ofr Yrernnouary oeil a- *~ -- aa-ad, laagh.getiter witb a portlcill6çf lei cargo, -'riehi jsd ttred, llaughtmo Freemascnry aiBenjaiin n rà klin WlioItu,-d holding Ibtir ~~~~~~~~ amt, lia its, secrets. Is bu -secrets ~a.ofiaibumlistcu4t facesn mb M iadespectailar te itflseLbauL cf .bat doe'taeso casaiOf the îug lint1l!" ffRait.-r facei;ailIt oasaIgus Cbipp-Li*d irek Il liuf suobt 100 fét e ~,î lar coolieraom-mate paincipaiihy coniait 0 f They ost fsgaadbdtecpti enaie1 i uY v0wialg that Wl-a. aind toluens, which serve nas te3iimoulalil or iebit he ts-pain tedenlew. Grat' Ce all d beat uilmit character .anad qualificaitiona,:whicb -aire ouîj b. ilmgtvt p-evaiteal tht egbu -orea 5uJor . conferred ailer gdue'eoume of iexccio a-te eshoreas e catasir ohe atac<1 ~~~~n l~u'iL * sdexautlnssion, -Thbesa are of no- s î al htaoe itecuaistropitelt:t Splaies, anu isl, fr<utnnîe--tbat aufficjeci au8csÂcwus!av.value; tbe>v apesit a wilvergal Iangua-vëbsid. ttriti' in lItl ýbop Timon u.bzebseand etacfi,'itire ôrl&-Tbiey antn andocows. wbo tonlil net, 1ke the homse' ave' ie of Sataa-day ,suprto téwrl.Thycan mi aved themseiue.-'rte Preu.. e bonareil and ionlo est ma long as menorj relaies its powe. t <liaces" upon t theb poasessor of thean expatriateil, bas long refrainedIl slIPvaeciked tOrbuiPrionédlé hmle" ~~~'.è l~bYud~~Y 1L.OO.AX.%ý &lS»oilm. 1fuet Oa NoieM IdýX4a .... ».... h.arernaut.th v. [raWIÀ:sa......... .....Brnotin, tn. a ai .' ............ a-oklub . tc s Ailirderai4ot !tut the G5a'ormielai ffie'-, tihereth s Reho;trîr ul italeai ai ýu -amcrinontai, ta rit- of a arîiI kpalialI b. atiteuded ta. Frac., an ar ng1 rantteà , amdtd tlamIa tudt, %%ithocnt Z e trouble nit li-di amce iît Ma. Thiotupamont. f flCÀ-S-PBEBL L the LICENSEID AUCTIOINEER1 Chic FOR T ra9ou COENTY 0F NARIO. tbi met Rdltlucc, for thc preacaut, ut Block'it floiel, W- WlihbyîAtivioi Sauai ttceedd t Lein aI partai ofithe Citt. -pet. ]mtuiaa.l.S. fiprovîa, 11,4., .J :S.X.Me WlIitoxleaq, %%Vin.ldcox IaVbtby ; rMurtint Itanibaitîgt iand 'E. Ilcolder, Uiiiv Ilb.at Un 1 iti,-tiamin i'ianChnru t4 ùn iti and A. the TViitüi!Àtr -,ft est 1u,ùad inaiuifat-tureal bv Il tuîll -f-- t he ti prouasits e ta- of l3ai-attic'ai f1 n lite. bluîtillai$ 1ock S.1cetS1 '>î'i)Tb, 4ti C r. it1'l unLairgeand i;iitili quamutitica, whiltle n.G > suti a- tail. 14l')"a claea i tl iy good ai--j Talta, sia tilu beau ceea- prdcd lthe tovai.l - fieà vili I -MICHIAEL- SCINAPPAUF. Prit. liat Whltliy, A4ly 9. lutin - 9 ll16tis. II& LÜMBIER! LXJMIR 1, DeLielihgï rTII tsir beg iaptufoutthee iiabîitltta MA T'loi reli obte doria J iaut ipg qpe oue a .s * I-A{.KEIt PAT 17ESSON I'RQFISIE- CANTON RQTIIL, 1VFINS1 CitEEK, P]>JEWNG. GOUD 'o' acooutiaodaiotia for Traveloria. 4s-Suî rpa'~Hetor. RtAJLROAO MOTEJL,> FRONT STRET, ient the akt Belleviîha>, WM. F0 ~ IML - -- - -WIIITBI3Y, Ç W-1 rrm-- ýl-F 1 1