s. ast mb&-A. TLogn. it-.Stammulrm. res-Mecint ins Tsituito. 4-Sanml. Mmik Lble Prupnerty fur sae-G. hlall. 'tt's Cocanine. [ýY ONE DOLLAR-A TEAR by), Tlturs,!a3, clobinr 10, 1$61. e quescrtiola o? réliesiag Ilise defaulttng ýcipailities of Uiîiper Canada frofu tiseir 'tednrIss, '>'lh iitieitterferance, la wlti et te nuirit public in L t tise preipetit mment. Tihe preas 9 Pro iac, 'iti seureel>' mn ebrep- 1* engaged tua lis discuss1ion 4;iad the e Oijcî o? aituiii,t tinudktedacss, municipal telie? i la 'ne tais tkel>'la gm Itle attention cf Ilie egiolature le Cuur'for tomc lime ta came. Ies~e flclinan. lie memaben for ijoa s ?srmlosit i l e Mai-emant, on If f tuat eut>' lmailton i teel> ta- suVlnd,'o? course mouit atî-restea ini r,g ot s-cas;e ita tîs ov bbal?. Aud f raob fcw iuit o rdi amow!.ts ta îî4 dii' vin. u large %vochi IanerXpd b1'pa. iag-îiot alone the. ai0 tË -e e (tof lniloa-,itthose er>' ýoîlst- rAlîuitiuig unicipuliîy tn rovise 1p Thsis i i ti s uism adculs sc'Mr.B uetitnu'*s argasaset.-. ont 6 sIlavî a-sus nt aprapouitton sua d, i i t bîîcauiw, n taunicipalit>' 's~içiulis (IlAqili-vaItI ls- uuilit>' pas>' Ille ca)tutîvr>' muaI ehn'der the en, nve %wîll îîruîc-wita claie a few tbt1i u discui'sirmofIlle? iii.shjii attusss3 vitli thity ci>of hamilturiinis si im Busuo u l viile doiiag su Nssît foprget titat il h oé of its owa a ,. 'fhe enttrprise ofipt. citlsna olin'4 Ile intenti-fts o? tii tC ciYl>'tati 'm-es tlgmmeadable.ËuJt ' v ies P l&sra . epcseif 1hcin oli ,rwe regard the initeresasoc veuaon titipruserration- rlcelx for titi'production of whielon itrcsarc forruci sias' muid illages, or tic tres whitdafle iibaijaits n!nia,-localities arecusI- uniae avadisi arequirad, legîsînture lias tic paver sud 'ati othier pinces mncst 3 n cnder ta es'týilish a il>'oe? Hamltonl? Ilai.M mît ti, ti er unicîpalities ie enjoyedti lIa iseîft cf of ilue moeys isarroveti. wedtsiaa>' -t1it>' have lin. evof *heir -propertes, ad vitig trd.efron teiter Ie. V-<bat ilt s crinust-etiantid d the tuivitoti:ot mwicditi SiS thoaue lanuce, te eute a stick 'ta bent enrsIyes 1 Again let us tà kt~e cil>' or Tironto.- Tolr64aý3ittbacrbed £1001000 stock intahei Çand.Triuîk 1lway, West. , This stock could a e. itim X-)îsvp be-en soldat a ýO mfini. Mtr. George Bjrow-tbe mvil ge" aiea oft CRaeade.-..nnd okhers of hies tripe steP>ied' lnanad oppos1ed the. sale ;-the stoeck ii now wortluleu ss. it tge b.argsied tint the. Province mns't Ouw tome frwau'd axu iulmufy ii cl> oToronto 1 With equal rnoason mtgit il b. *ontiîdOd thaï th, Go#ernmcnt shouldtstep ia ndshietd nny pient. tadivuenifrorn the coûsequcso ces o? hie ova btcudering igudnnncte and But if Municýipalitiesî, On acodant c.!f Raiwayind½tenesuare to e reievre., boy wilI the justice of tii case appi>' t4 ,Cout Couneils WwIici lite made immense e xpenditures on.grarel rosiS, s"d dune as muccl, on more tben railroade in opeang up und settliing the euntry ? The. colin- tics et Northuinbetlaud and. Drham ex. penclcd 4120,000 inta king gratel esi; Hiastage laid -oct £30%OO-and tlii ronds narre ; Grey' is eow ,xpeading £50#,OOO, ,and iu ait prohabilît>' £.ýOOOO imore wil [we requireti before tiey«are completed, on ils raoads T'iue. roiids are as mucci ad- eoîautage lu the. -cuntry ns aay railnoa ssii are not tiie Mimicipnlities.maktng the. expendilare as wélIl en.tled te relief aad assistance as lie ýci>'o0. Hamilton ià ? 6 lspposin- the. claire af gray( rnd te GovertimcLt nid andi sscie, admitted eqcally 'wiih!funicij.alities which bave as- aisîiedin building rmuroadu. baye not Road Comnpa)ies an equal dlaimi te Corerumeat nid? About ttpa years' mgo tlie Gavera. ment saidthti varions public rands la the Province to privat.eampaniee et à a-'hi-gli fgurc- Tiiu sale vwîis ercel>' campleted wlien provincial aid wmu given ta îrailwâysý -uso4 Véry' ailwnys iiestroyil!g,J'a corne * iInaces, the prtîpetiy ot he icad campa. nies nniii<pfciauing îtlýe stock in *ait o? thins. Thues tic apt oÉ,; tic Goyemament iwn iS id tao.jnlwà ys, las utteri>' de- strayeîc evalue df stock iu Rond Campe. nîis i aîd the staci holdens t ins. camp D*CS'iteans good,if jit e etter daim thaet iielftltine M ~ipipalities ta Gavera. MeOIî-meiier. At ihe lime of thl writing, t'ue !»Qîrdà za4swd Git rond s heen euta. Ad b>' ihc Gaverament, ad iste ain miter. tised for sAle. The atockhohdens t in t road diii at rmcciifor the imp;atemnt of lii. count,~ as if tie rend hsd ~el Klong ea Goverament roud, Th it just then t i'uiuttcpivt tiudrthe na pub)lic rpet, the. Mstieipatiticg to a u>'tiir ive cents in titi'! Iln--cmetL1esst phyto the emount of their nbility ;or extend thie measure o? e- lie? viichtiey sook te ml li tk-to the prl- Vtle compatîtes as w-cIl as lie pabtic bodites and at lie sanie lime 'gives jtist eqniieett to Sucb Coantiee es Onars'a-ilhat are nat - in de'bt, but on tise contrary, as ta its case, have Sereti froni the.extretegais and ùnuidit>' o? tlicirneuighibors. J.,- W. Caaito? Oaa annon ce hemr I'a11 Itnpoitats'ons tan other eolumaa. 'ýhey imsport direct fmom the. Britih-Markes- thecir large anti enemasiug trado read.ning -r mecssary fer them Io have one off the. firme ti tttiniace tiees icitg tIo sason ta utlýce. gotis. y h>'tts.-'ineans 'iie>' are Cus*bled ta pt-ouine tie. ist sadchoice3t da-ecniptioa o? stock aiteble to tlue rade. Tic>' protmisee hat parties 'vis do filetas- .,e. tie justice to tait and.i îuapect thse stocek w-ilmme liow maaey ca'bu sasvd. ')la.RÂAXIraI,'m. '. iP. is-ie trouble. 'He 4as-ieen arrested ta Toroento for 'eltaoz ~It% forenon 1 met Jamees Wdlueft Dr.s Gunn's corner, T Papsed lm-7ti'ý ithCùt 80o muckas lootciag it hlmr.» 'just a T PaUed hhe b>' I vws hnoeltedownseess1iy a boa"y cis lubKielh e crried i bis band?, h. strudc une an the ' 1aIr jPre.of tie hctîd1 aud thître is uaw a' lump osnIo place where tise blow was eceted, vIrile downy lio came on la tié-sud strucek me and Itiete. e4 me anid eut mi hp ad broke part of My teeti mad tîtjýmed My noce vues bled freely.>1 &&d, u,youvillian Wallmce are yoa - goîng ta mnïdeé !n."-Mri.Gunn thon cu1lW e6 ont M. Wallace are yoc gaiag te mur der- hum1 dont yo tiiiauk of ygcr f4mil>'- After tls 1 dont rememiier- Mr. Wîilac'eC as ben athe. habit ot 'thrcatcaing mtac. It vas just on thse corner ofr the sidc-walk1 vica I met Wallace-I à diinet put ny> foot before Mr. MWallace. Signcii9 W. iH -IOGIN.xs WSLLSÂ~B*n-irs ietag avnasaiti 1 sSw tie. igie. beiveen Mr. Wallace and Mn. trigainai MUr. Wallnce took INr. t- gins by the. cone.und struckebit asud tien threw biîrn iown and kiclici hlm, 1 wà ï -et viran'@ lia siop, Wallaeeandi Iiggini wero on tise sude.weik neer Dr. Gann's I did nat scetiera befare ti.y met, T saw Mn. Wailace pick up à ctivkhen ho came awy-I ont>' saw Wallace kick hi-giuis once, lI suivhum steike Hiiains two or three times, Hîggias vas a n the ground w 1 en Wallace kitked hum, The %frst i'I suiv was Wallace bhnvîng bahof Ho iggins, 1 did nrot sece Htggias sttike Walluice' 1 beardndgau onds,. Wallace pickcîl tp li cane ta . tudule cf'lie'enossiiig,. Sigaci iWM. DARNZES. Mus. Grwe isworu saili :-I saw part o? te iicult l' elveen Wallace maid lliop gins, I. 5mw Wallaco and Ii-ýins 'eamit 1 li6 a>' i ack ta <hem visea lie>' met, 1 then en bad a ene noise and env tluem dawn, smv Wallace and liga smgla. lig. g9ins trie6 te get-up and al4ce struck hlm cevera1Ilimes. Iddimt sec Iliggins sttrite wll-e I calîci oct 10 Wallace and -ho stêpped and loolcd' arounti to seo who spok anud thon struck fliggitis just ns ho vas ta Ilue met ofiing, s cid 'Mn. Wallace deî't do tint. Signed A. 7IN CÀTBE:atl-%ECitomxsahein,,,surona saiîii: -r caw the frit> betwcen Mn. Wnltace2sud Mn. liggias, 1 frt smw tic grentîcuan it dmkclohes lnyiag down .and te tii. c in u igit clothes lcanitg a-rer bita and striki'ag ima tise nt tbii, I samw as Mn. Wallauce geiag away-whe-n ho (Wallnee) sai donit shove mrié,oÎf tii aide i*wmlk again-1 thou-h"iiw-ben' 1 sav the peron ti luIt clothes leantigzaaahe cone ta dark-cloîbes liat be vas beating a daguaffh. vaîstsîik-ý tmg mepidi>', tbey> were at tiecocrner o? Dr. Gan'. fence.--Cros.examied-.I lire vùh'Ma'. Ford, tiie cane in Mr. Wallnces band vas' liglut coloned, I 1 aw it ta Mn. Walce iand iien ho' vent away- 1iM CÂTHERT!NE>ý CIOMAR. mark ?Mms. Pbwjc,î. . eora seitti:-The it-st"T sà w vau t am-tin<tank cicties dowa on the eide-wt'lk and' thetrmatiliglut claties atmtkisag '1iý ia'wtIh Li ft iu tic face, 1I vaâsfiandi4g lani>' ava doeu.yard, I tien suiv Il>.maP ta dem-k laties -et uap dg o SwayT Siasild îhiuîk hiere vuine ttînee blovaý given. 1 se#, ne kicke -ivenTsi ecn catit eeh loak ttîeir canues- sud waîkci ava>'. I first samytitiaieathtIe crasiaf nar Dr. Guna'.s fone-« ar the. dîtci, I diii net sc Mr.m.-tgjiui malte an>' effrt. ni al'.- Sigaei -MIM. POWF4LL. TnoxAs Waimx uorn sailli : -I unew $Oof. thcf- a lm botweea Wallatie, and fHig'g Iua, T vas stanvding nt Mn. 'oune'c fenceei. e I Iseard vas saie nen bol. lering,. 1 tien mev tb. manrintelight clairas dava viti the manin ia rk clolles, the ma ti htgbt clotbe-vms upps-mo i nd strilcisig thse other abaouttltm hîcad witIi bis thc cuise Ibmjurm' cemed te coincidýc, -and, titi> braag-hi il nVerdict of gnilly.' . The QuCC?5 VS. V4wtrd pAeriUii.- Juse. as Ibo prisotier's tria. lte irt inte dictaient ag-ainst hui wesi nishcd 3Mi. tVm. Cole of Toronto, au important vituesâ wgainsî he prisuen, arrcedintaCoct g and, tie prisener was thon pet lippu hl ia the seconid ludièt' otitniýaî iihii t, hlm for'cattle-stealing. Mn.. Coo procutl tiat» fauding tteis nenr trysag t la sttie5 Ceutle 'suar Toroato, et a price muci love; titan viatthie>' wero Worth, -and ti prisa,- uer net gîvinc na litiaractor>'mciu îOf boy he got. t Lhm mMr. Cee lta ied ut.arrest- cd,.lviientitiprisoner i'menediaîeiy "umfps- cd tint b. and oe huston lid stotern tl, ' caittle tcerettier ta Whitby, sudà tii. prison r luus&go0ne to Ta rant., to soIlt ticui, vbto Huston vus lrvin,, uigt nentmore. When ilitkî ev.ideusse carne ouithle pril$oncis c001511 sel abandoami tie defcncP, tand th< jury -uit ,once focaîl the ptisonen giii>. -The pri. seller n-ustien acitnceii on the Lrst con- vtction te tire yemr ürs * *imentabard- lubot' la tic Refonmatory- Ili ion-for.*[p'ier canada, içi an1tile Second 'convictionu tu elle year's imiieuuont bard liîimiti titi sanie place, lu commenice ut tlioet~ira.. tio lus forfmr Sentence. 7t/e Queee» vs. James Du Rrkcai.,4Tlis prisanci- vas indicted for 1tpc n- Rmu RenLd, gi15yrsbano in mii> for Iles tri'al t vas l'ut. of mili z'si zt.s, and ieho vs remiieati taitl andtIlue wnsesfor the. Crownt veré bmniuidos ta appearmid give evidetec rnni'sat hM. The Court ien adjounned. Cou-irr'r a'ONTt*'.o, Tie Cmiii Junors T'a Wri 5o? '_unr Lady tihe quteen ipon thcîn oastiprctent-Thititin confuoraniîv vitb younrd1iscane land the. ceui prictie e qted b>' Gi-'andt Jurais, thieiv uhaviuited thlic nt lis Cosunty, aihave great nîcîsliun ii cýiort- itg huit th ii. tunst aiesion la pei l tiih Wallis o? tihe utii t(!a, persnss iierein confiutcdi ctuitile vith Il, c siîtiîî,:ý tiud tie intention of the lan t hît b0 ! i lut your Grand ýJurera îe4îort viida pilnsure tint tit irea-cnul 'te crimtlai!i, as fut-mer GnndJurors liai, oftthe want of ncoondîoifnclassification oh pri' suera fon tic gaol lias butin rec'onstniic- ted in acul a sntnnrns to.malie il lui ever>' vu>' n building, awccre, healhb, anid cou- veillent ;cand trust tint ns thte accotùinoil;i- tions lare nutapie naproper clagsificnuion of .the pisoners mn>' for thé. future îah-P' pluce. -GEORGE IhRABAZOY. Grnd Jury Eoita, ' To th.e Edilor of the IVld4qj Chronkle. hie osca igniorace, ho tries to fastea lits l1undemiag oa n mdi iipriaters ;:but haut fan 'hc viii ibc Eucessful, 1 leav ' eta haonesî, iitelligetlit we1ti tays>. is absumnd use c? tic vrord "produced" ausi>'excites miîtti, stnd lis equttll' absund ettempt nt] pnovin, tint lie hius nant i jrsipeni>', anl> excites pit>'. But tlae sio)rt-si,,Ited edtar, in. the. icat'cf lisni t,îhils hbclias amehiè'v- ci a grent victar>'. Wcll. ]et lsip'a ftilus80'i but ao educatc ekta will uga-c i stus im. This saptint uaid1honiorable editor, et-mves sbsolution for the typaglrapisica, aid cther crnt-os itli' w1iiehls uslB xhntdre Article" ta pregant; but bha viii suot or- tend lIme came coortes>' 10o ïhri whcieh denais for Iimslf-O! hase &cuorlsbIe. 0 oUa wmagumasimouul0 ! le mporal 0O1 More*I -1 Buait the. faeL is, tii.aforesi, eculor vas not secammedi af,'nom hlamed for typo;mnapht- cet ernars. lu vas on higlîtindiimanier grounds lina thioso, tisaI I bah hiii ta tesi-It vas'-?fnr siï relcis t-d rmapar, mati wOmeawiiOdams Tn mat eaammûrais'uhI cmtîs, ei tal~csvung au insertion of tlis latIer. r na'ieà ttilcle, Tutisi beibre, -()et. 8, 1861. BLUE BEÂRD. TWPeAitack ni Juuuem Wallace un 8evai Mr, McÙlllasu. ? t..EdftarftA the Imab ,chronicle. De-t'ai S :- i heeditgr cf thiiciteheina ies tint he lins scetua letter fnom Revcf, 3r,' tcCclla ttu-Jeunes Wnllnecouîraiiictiîg, 145> stelnetiu intathe C "om aevs nta Wmlaces tircaîs of uiasaltin-g tic rever. 4na geuîleqau.' Nuaonc knowiang thn mati, 4r us muid dupa, NWmllnCeý vililic likél>'to fikle IoStatement o? tic edUcer (1) for" truti. Bath aruc'a ZUCit. tu uo ntooss l expeet tint. Wtll the. IVatcItsuan pmbltsli R'evd. Mn. MCeli' leton? If proof t~e neces3an>' t en-.be atply ýSst'p'ti by, Sir, YottmCornesplondeuit, XRoc Arcnluaî fei Xy TiecFual Eibuition ai the .Àgrt'ctltural Society' o? the Township Pi oiuc totek- lane, on Mouîd.îy lI&t.ï An iU gcar- rtispoau<teut limasea t uS Istie lai, ' saies lItitishe exhiition vas a ver>' gutu anc. hho shov o? Daim' yPnoducc nul Douacîtie Manufactures vms excellent, and in lomes nindCaîtie cc' u IllTe venthen, hoveven, procci niiarornlI, vud dcîu'Jicisounwhatfrot, the dtephi. Dest 31are %'îtiai uInt foo-t int lot, Johît Sltedde,î ; 2nddà -eilsw 1h1. iteet ta-O yearoi o lt-Ieîstry. lutt Wmn. Furgasoti ;2iad lijoute. -Boit tino yeaî- 0oh Fill>-3 ettries. Wui. Baitird, ist ncd 2ad. lez-t aie ytestr O5î Cà lt 'n Flly-3 ew tries. iât IDonaldi Carniciiel ;.'2sid, Jas. lt ocf 1V$61-4 catrie..'lit,- Aricev 1h11 ; 2ud, .lulin Sb'dîeat. Best alan n-uikin-.4 Hae nses araeau 10 euiiniuis. -'lit, Jas. Doble; 2 ilý J.uiiiý Vaiciiyne 3r:în, jes. St.-Jo, îu. CÂTs-LE. B.ull, (agetl> --2 enaine,.lot, JA~it Allen; 2u îsdWt. PJilp; 3rd, auaý. - ' Tan ycmr o BtulBul-4 narIé,s- t:i, fius. liaabazona; 2ad, Don iahi <aroiciiael- Sull cf IS61-2 cni-ts. ist, .nnt -gEii; I2na, 1). Camiinétia. Mîlci. Cow-h) enîries. lI, Oea. lira;, hazomi; 2uti, Jtohnt Allen. -Tira year clii Heife-1 enta.. lt,- Gea. hocient; 2ad,toi. (ta, yenrA ld ieifcm-1 cliutnie.lut anti 2usd Johin Sieuica. - 1Thompsou ; 2d, Joli-s Allen &,Chas. Keelor,- Ew Ev. Lmbs-4 catits. lot aiià 2nd B.aiu, ad) -4 entnies. lI,, James Thoinîssoti ; 2nd James Dohlia , Sliear-liag IRta-2 ecitries. >Ilt;Joimn Allen ; 2ud, Gea, Brabazou. 1 -- 1Ram l imi-6 catrici. lit, Charlei licIter-9 -ent-ries. Ist, D. Cammîcismel ç 2nd, Chms. Keelcn.i 3nd, Jas. Speiaitîg. Chees-3 enties. t, 1R.Il * Wny /îppe-4 caîtnies. loi,«Wum. Batrd; 2usd, James Devis. Flanne-9 tutrie. lut an 3ré Allsà . el-est Qarric, by Mcllu.-b, ipoJames oha MciMoliena, oves, seeoniioi eo~e Sratstiotlit .co)Py, _o edag'o?' ts14 eetiag, sentî t5 ;t it ho. v;11 publiais the sani.- <llienedj*I A. KFNiNât'Y. JAS. McPItSO.N, Socrctany. W. Cjî MziMullen mares, -seonded b>' Mmr. Stratiera, tint Mr. IÇt-nnedy do aaw' leune l -tc a lr, aîîdtint Mn. buil I han. rigtan do takethe ,ame.-Carricud. Moi-cul b>'Gogy uipo ~qse- condeIis-e Mr. 1lîralfonid tbat'-the tîsauikof tIbis meetitng bc given ta Mr. K yuned>' for lii cundct n Iseçiîr.-~Caried. Mn. Zciicudy retîsrticd tliaii ein ashort 'appraprint . maniioti. -- liceiiBrock. W.ventir prtlat'at rît a vury llcaisitit cele- b-atim nt ite lamai,'o? tie ttc-i linulu Cuaanlull, cf Ille citlireli o? Scutîrîndinî the. nbive Towiilihip, oit Tiieia>'thse 2wd inat.-Tise circaumslance: isiir giuvc use, ýo tic saine as the cuniploof ?un ex- cîllit reSidcuîtto<i-r 1tuas>'asiL is termn- .6, for the. use ai th is ntister. Thse build- ingt is, situatL'i on -m plat o? 20 aires in tcfrotit o? tie 2tud concess'ion o? 'Ilrock,' aitutt ire.'nmiles veut o? hie Taliine aif Minioin, mailandmjaceal ta un chevaled tract of cosntny kacùPiwrui i tise laulity a mis îe "Vtsi m eitemeuit. The catira cumtio? thue "tnaseltais ant -£500, ctrrency-thi fuian mai min'ithe-w-orkmttîip decis- 1>' gsoil. he conpan>' meton tt -.i o ieur- berail aboui300 persons, cluiefi> muimbcrs and nub c th Ie cigmelgatiita whIiclî Mn., cittnuphiÉ asintaters. vocalandsinii. Sî-umeuultal itsie t inWiels Mis. Cuimphbcl, ati Mr. uidMýina Davti hore an1l,01aîdae it partebitul tea oi e fr tihenci,- tusciuto? thé euwiy, 4usd teicîl nsxily îo eep îliem ins goodilelirit3, nvuiiciy uo? airs sîtditentl evattanial, grave,ail, tnis uîiliiut, Iessperci itî ilisal and 1,atrn4)tie, tî1pe aluil lu ticb une sami as,î'ic'iatio-as o? ail viso n-tre îsncsett 'l'ise -ouais, iniici are spaciouis, vend deciecnled in ilifrcent places vllît-les as-atS said es eo? tiem, ti a llili de.1iee tsteful ;' amnnathe ssand-o? tfic spaenchoir, thcra are7reo, lupcdja nsîutnal usuinacegraefu -arcýhes o? eer ul'-us ausd floral-wvrvatlus sparisîng Ilue fi-suit, witi a ivcIl desîigtîèd cravii with thec uiiinls uof I'oyaltl executcdil litluCýLtS-ua. style, litnesttg-tht ll i e'- oiuîs us sar it: A tacalsair to? lie ColiagrL1egattan presidéll n cîuniimioaamand noverai speak-ers adlieýsed tic cuopan>' on varions iubjects, ciiel> o? a-scit on ecclesias3tical llerar. Atu ample cepsnse. pnviied by itire aiaging comasiitte, vas dona ample jitsv t, b>' Ille comptuf, ailyeî the suplh>' sensfan frotlbeiuig exiussteii, seti oA iap poiiiieuat'Sca'siuid ta ho fel y tiiose eni- trulsta i eith ilnanlangoet o? theniusn tisatIsle nllownusc totQu.-lilar"ts, lia i nt stuuulcc as! duse te crouti ndvoeaier iaviaig heen lent fmvreunbcthau as id tien 1nuticipatetl. -Natiibstndia's ilis patial 'Uaiv backç, lawevem-, ihuse presetik seeeed ite ha aîneb 'cnstisfid witi tie celebtrtuitî, 1111dbctweoii'speceSe, iuisie,iniii c uon.- vensatiosi, promeadinig. amilnring tie "talnase," muid eoligrntulmuimg thiiiule, sud cacli otlier sipon eucreaâiuîg' comort 'ulin luiece to pv.tsa ver>' pleasasit day Dli7îsten <iourl;issanty uof Yorjc. W. cadlerslndattit the, fatiser in 1mw cf W55 nt ~lIyinteres3ttOe E. )u@V, pre.ne.&s'.,' ha-itsWas in faittthe best Cô~nition ; e o Sayür n gas is weII knowri, consideraMiile rnid-'f)J for-iniduliTlg in coî,viviality sad-Inte hoùm' tbiuÊ gis indomitable bull-dçg courage, tremnee h tlon.ly powerui hittin toough' 1ifèe!P 5Cori practicat ga yij&Wvl'c is qc ft t fie âliapplt. I af authourit' had eh. wasJy and vdry'f filtiga>terii{7ic bit from eidei ;Db? the liauctioncer" aon the throat, knocked ther.' la> ti e!vnç unil nbroad; nod unabla La cohm 0 ,gnîû mrrdered to.the scratch. As soon ns h. wLs over lestes ahiu Tom wasa mun,'th~e fliztim ~8Vofto step'-et1riý br!~< ~llî'a~iA~ oqi~JlJla ni eetd'chikd. nib2sity hvigevnporated aontii. ieet of inidiofecrua bis aritagonist. savers hiiuscir diii net ealit~y are OBC.O t Gliclas i~e flp@addlisi- ve r>' m lïi ed his 1"dent" w ýith bis iageros ltt ae mr5 intr bis "mark' very legribly, w1aile Tom symLpathie Showed tii iVrihe lad badth alfor. fiamillybut itteis ccn1lid, 1sy tii. cxecutioiï daae 1'fen iýn is op)ponLent. seveiral mil heLondon .Sporling iAfel ini its ire. almiSt:v rnnr1csieup6ïon eenian's chitljci;kat iii v'hiehhalai waxe agppeai'd'in lila weék*'.iS Pýirt7'c,,iintt lion of'in.; upoiltheopiniion eijPressd y b>'e Anerli - cji clumiiatt hdid nul iiitjik M*ce e"was the bljcttman il] îls D, ad Cali-C. CIL>Z tuot see on what grolunds he haï formcd ii utt 5u2h nl judoremet., If tithotre circucmstivicp %-.1 ieno iîCori cet ndfrom lithe'sourco w. have 1di,eredit it, wa i e of upin it<>nt:tilc11.11, s wa ef C1 oVre-t* . nliiî i tuî.deomer.CUntile mace ; for we kuow tint whefn, ina 'bis L a ex çlnilleiige of 4ii'îst 15, ibise n thi.excel 1 S51irl, lie plaint>' sîiîte4 iiat "î~'dnô't think MIceE Ellglanid'sbest imar," h clld enoasît cd to Tom Sayers as betîîg. in is opinion, citivens ni tic .lettcr 1pu 'itietand mo itr kjtfal ',bter. inkuiig a 'On ï(bis iPoint we are nwnro; thnat Ia91g1tat regtlaidî 1di'crsitY Oaf'jiilon existe, a~nd by lnany' ie tl > Peoptee tu le relit l eô à ed'tave twillt ii 'lot l4 coraaidered tsdee.isive of thiletion as sukt 1 At ait events, corisideriîîg the . eavy anad Tt h but ji mUinous1 -1ec-uinry'luosa lhAt Siyers-3 would this schoc suitaîn b>' tàs .nerinig the ring again, WC ~sc~m 1do nue. ticiipate nny furtiier ddis o othe he relativepugilistic eriots of iii. two cbnni ý -pions ini th, ropcdl nrenat. iv rr Terrile and Fatal Accident. text book! À M.ANi Cri TO 'wn.n 'l TS il n a i'rroin t..ti 0'.t Poî t. r3.1 finit in po A rmclancholy accident occureii n fcw o«rer;ilg t' miles beyonîl trtfoii onîiu lin, aof the of study il ButTlala mnd LaketeHuron Rtiian>, on.Mýon- i eni 1daY ningit hui, b11'wbich aut mrxitainedinprna John- Rbsi, a breakeumnîî (n tlue nigîut sld>' neql tu"4i telst Iib irehf. How (ie .accidlenit oc tie ddti carrcd noue can tell, butit is spos man sce' thà t t stcpi'ng rom une car ta tbe ýutiien.*wochii sei2 be? felI itltuveekai tsema nid ngrant hpartut- the tratin jsassii acer litit. -Sionîl>' afte lcnvitug Stnatfuucd, th iigenlacer et-'tc on- dlueton nbucitlise iglit o? tIse haitern s-atis tivenjbrah-t-sman carnies au ni"iit. Ituwms! ai oncu sospeeted tint s.cho m vronaieeumilthe train vas '4uuppîed. %,Thes man ws en set ssd, amtit ,lrch w.4vut ie onice uidtifan tIse bGdy. Afier procerd- tn asck soma distance, tihe'* bdy>-off-the unlontuutetL vasfauad 'lyinug omu2the tmckct n p lsU*leor fônatcltu'pieces. -it is epoe SIPIICitint lac ssut have uhe frtu aneafic front, c'amsanad thut a'ear. 1>' the s vh iGtrain paszei aven tue baoly-, - Tîs- ~.ut aii tu -.id -'- - -.. Iti n.- L lisce a portion ofitie rouf pnjeceting a t efncis end, à suli tlscîwhEcx tli Carsmn an n: a uav'ycatsusgo thme chut!era. T nor nmsm ithloui a lyârllln V a olighupqpus amut>'SaTnrLemON11 Co,ua..m.-Wlsen .utioti finie. carnei îiempmkesî -of thét li-citzenis rear pi, for theic 10,- lsciecu3 55as ;periment, and 15 it.4linsate 1>' prullmuticnt TBnt, yana l'tubluc spirit fon whic: ee n otati, tic>y-'ave thse icaty suppo)rt-a StUPP ta sm>', ths>' isnvcontiai tii voth>'insiutiosn o?'à n pemisseenrt positionan nm just, te cm>' tint-tue foaul o! bave not been content Il o? speculivtiîneraI>', bu re lin A otiem M l11.gtEin i depantiÈnt ofÎeduattiou. taied ta tic puie a ce çs, viicli are suiactioacd acs ntishoity as tite trait tishe v-a i wich 1gaverttaic s. Asn ttlià institution s1 oint o? time, se it was tic to tIse puca systematii nci ccc usitaï, in mw, tin- anil anip md ita-&Iltheuhmn juiVed for he proper diaclu i of merrAtntilelire. XO ti( r raies Mys> leti