Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1861, p. 1

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Part of the. W'orlt u11e%,ho s*UV Ptiurvrdiagit crnet utaltl a reiulitiaildri foir bet elier O0N, 49 Hast OeesoSire ct IMPLEMENTS. 'ashing [achLnos, ýur318, &o. tiet eue liiauloltuaee l ul iie' PliciaI, Wiii,'e [cela pre. il 'flers ui lus iuc itli lsmuhîatiî,mud it îîricestlmit stuiuatrii, C4114 troue hI - i bi llaa îti týitio andes ~tuud% asiniiîiîsati a-rc16titte, i iipes te ry fcaîîaiil hylere bitter le -JAMMES CLAY r oN, lt"e téett & iîtof t. ra hôra tel 5<il -28-Bsn (11? 17N'Iri1:4 OFt XL &,,0 YZIO siniîvr, iuaailcs taithie lu q C'niclem f vrît, Pel'i, aird kp,ý1 1 iciii enîîebeficra >utt ier saUIYIc.cit ia cilclac î xt> icurîc titecut . - ethorias hal take te ~M'OAuctienc', .E.. .....'rg .i ( lhrle(ficuuuiauii lc, aut'uaeal to. lre~ ornmont Agency. orfFjiacfcd wtl tllt N' LAND iid itlîar RPARTMENTS. I t ictra t r et, and.2 Aaîuite 1 OFFICEi . 5 rance Anuities.o RtO O L. r R E A:L, îc '"s. Cliirrinra htian àThîîuînns Esq., 1t-imsnr, , 'aitak. f arad (eneral Agen*zi aux F 'tà, FjAX PEtRY. SOM. 2-m 31101. i.rs. ip a JOHN McNAD, saocx svuCet, vrnvnî', JAREîSTER> ATTOUNEY, aie. Office- 'O~<~t fmla oet. Conr tCicrd tCouirt Strcetei, (opp [cJco H mlon&Rbers ie thme Cab tn, Torcrto. JAMES CROCKER, WILLIAM TEMPEST, M.e1De Propricter, IGSTEET, OSHtAWA, CANADA t[AI TRAVELEUS WILL FINI OS i. J tcomvustraaaî toppitîg at titis hotel, Do W,.Il*TRF.MAX NE tie>' eaailenrra from tîae K'egistem Book klept na thae bar tlîa routes takee by tihcir pmdeessorsç DAlilIilTEtl COUNTY CHOîWN ATTOIt Tire proprietor takes tus oameaion to tmni .ajrae>, a&e., mle., tase meuîovad ote t ons icîsutiniernaig patrons snd, friande fur the oer Loves & 1 I'oel's Store, Mesuras. MePiier- lhUeraI patroiange healuvoti on lîltaiPince tIhe seis Brick Blcek, Bro(-k-tit. couumenceunntofis burluese ai Whltby, Wbltby, Aog. a, 18010. 4 Good Btabling, andi attentive Oulliers. AMUS Wi CRON, Wlîitby, bMa>'1860. 1-tf SICIIITECT, CIVIL ENUINEII1. ANDý Itatat, g aWhait1i 1 TUgg TERRAPIN. i. D ILNET, a Cr. - îE PROPRIETORS 0P TIltS WELL ~fANUACTU1Eli NI) DEALEX8 IN -L1 ienovu Salon are nov litsoceuprt01o Cl ars, uit ecafToî i aime W isoVllpi, the oit ST. NICIIOtcAS. King treet, Tomonto c.b & outf;nct 'othoe ,unàyk¶aL by kMn. liur. The preunises e.hs t;r(w, Pot 1 ýiao bcen ewi renvatd trengiont, anal Par Hoe, aîrhuttî, lichl. w-s v 1>' fittait i'si-In tae firat style, Evar>'proceiîrbie -- - -____________ delione>' lis eauca. A cigar divan fittet i up se- ROJPERT J. WILSON. paraLel>' Into vial noue but the beit brande BARiI81T c & ATI't>INEY AT LAW, arc permîtteti to atnter B oileltut .cî Calcair &o i. Whitby, C. W. 28 CARLiBSLE ai MOCOi«ET. OJffice- Waîhace's Blockt, l!rock Street, W ltby ____________ -- - -- - Grand Trunk Ratlway Motel. Re J. GUNN, M.e1D. WeIf EIN, TO TIR CQUNTY GAUL, (Seudla ide oRailwcp Papes, Pers W)tiby.) ke Byron Itrect, Wlalth>. A T , UNDERSIGN FDBFIS TO INFOR31 EAST WINDSOR IIUSE, WhIITDY lTus tfrictat andthticpublic, tbat bli sîov Itn posseslsion or<ifteîa boya luotel, Lh. business vuf. Oai)OStunrr ono. ofvwiia lic viii Iri tuture carry on on hiii, ov MIEabove itutel la ntuatet lisie pleaeautaird atceotît. Gooti Lîquors, Wlues;aust Brandlies, r retirut part oftlae1utovr, on thae front rond. Cigare &oe. Goot a'oauii, toi artravehlers. Got Exscellent etnbliig-o-arefoi attention for mnu t&blluac narîtlatteatira osilens. 22 anuithorue. t tors, curncer u' Yootag anti lProut Street». Toronito, 0. W'. là D"'htFFINt iciLUuulM PKLI<IN0. GQVD Ïuctnontca ir Tricvillerm. W. CUTIIIERT, 4e' Bita 1roprictor. AL IIIW.TEI /LTVORNY AT LAW JOIEN lUcGILL. - L IENSIIA Fi>t4EhFO)RCANADA L West 9'lûrsça, e qrvIces tcî thla lîcl Latte or <ittitarloossitat Dl>iiiia oartîc, o ah- to.i- Iutalci, t,>Auiitl'cn llouschohl Furîaituire, Merecý i iclizo anuither ell'ectm, tccl a rnual -' JOIIN M ETC A LI, ErLEiK 0F TIIE t'FTI lVISla),tOUl', C oeuupriisig tua Trovnstio4pbrock. Ad- dree rCeIiatgo 14 -~A. K. RICE, C ABINET MAKIIX, Ul'laiSfTERiI C, aie., or Uoerrilu's àitl', 13 ront trecci, Wlitb4. 's- IENEY IIANNAM. ÇMERItt OF <'OIINTY ANI) SUPERiIR i. Also plaina aud oraaaîuental Icinter, W lit A. PRINGLE, MjERCIîANT TAILaiII, BIttJCK STREET, ]ROBERT MI'EARS., C LEIC AND TILEASIJIEIi(Y aITE Townalalp of' xbmilgt'. AitdIrems, Uiridge. CflAnLEN C. KELLER, A TTIOIINEY AT LANW, SillTltIN .M iaicory, Coaivevai ccir. d&c. Iilc- Victeria huilig, 'cr lioce <'/crci'e ofceu, Brook treet, Wý'lWy. Aio s abraiîl îlli l Ic e viîlire ofB1eaiver- hoit, Tuwîaslcip aof 'Iorisla, aaîad UCuttt of ual. tarin. 4 . HJAMEIL G REEN WOOD, A 'r'riltNEY-A'r-1.A W. S0oh1iaiTa PîtIN Vliaicirv, Nctary Paublic, Ccnire> caccer, aie., W h141y1.Y .W%. l1uc»IS, iuc Victocriai lilcelc, naxt to e iginar>' 4Ihîe. oitc ric(,k tr 49 DItS. FOUTE & IWARREN, IIItooKLIN, c. W. J. FO(>TE, M. D. ai. WARR11EN, M. D. W. 0. EANTWOOD1, A. 13. M. D., -COltoNERt, l'Il YSICI AN, SUIICIEON &ci.. HURON JIOUSE, I'ffSiiEcnlerigned lis taîken thie ahove Ilote], wiliichi liIas îawly llttecI np litic - liet maniner fcor thie eet'ointiclatlnc, of the puie c- Gooti stabllng. flue rccacmy alacas, andave r> at- tention paî41t lutii iiand umaito W he . es vinesg. liquors snd cigairs aith tce car. WILLIAM TIIEW ANGLO-ABMERICAN JIOTEL. PMNCetALaEJiT. T surbiteriben llia itttet i p theai aove oit aal»tabllsilied liotel, wii thie viev of attording ever>' aocomaiodatioa tu tuhe travelling publie. Gir. lain a cash. Goot ,tehîing aind ostiers;. 16 __________ I'lITH AS iloGoitiDGE. JOHIN DLLLINGS L AW, CL1ANCERY, & CONVEYANCING Offiee, lPrince Albert, tvo doors ve3t of T. C. Forma's store. 12 W. Ross ne D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHER Mia Clarement, C. W. 20. ROUGE HOTEL. EPH MOON LATE OF THE NON. quon MHotel, ana fornîcrl>' of Whatby, on- nonueu lie frendsensd the publie, thait he bau rente th ue ebove vaIl-knovai hotel, vhleh là nov lu tirat rata ordar ton thea reeeptioai of gueetsv Wines, Liquors sud figeras. Goodm etabling andatia attentive O tler. 15-Y STEAK IJOAT) HOTEL, Goot 28 e1 1Wlîîtby, Jeu. 19, JOSEPII RUEBOTTOM, ,1860. Ppier UNION 1STATION MlOTEL. F OOT 0F YOR E COND 1iroUt Board, $1 per (day. Mouie Llcte. ood tat ligli.W. OSwO1le lB Prcpri'etor ALBION MOTEL, or travellers. Bs jE 10. ab- lu- )rt îl BIRITISH AMERICAN MOTEL, saux sratuYT, ooscAvA. T IIOMAfI DOWNING, (late ltltond 1îotei Wlîiîiy.)Propriator. Best s, laes anâ Gcod t St.ting, anti attentive Ostierst. 7 BLACK98 1MOTEL. C7raasqfr orck and f)unda*a truts, WAtt pi. r'IlE ABWE W ELL KN0WN, ANI) CEN- £ t all itiitted hlatel lina beau uevi>' flUet nîu, inuulrevoî'aatecl in ci mont comfcrtnbi mnata- uier lyy tuse hrocent occupnt. Nu expc' itara beui aliaret to luaiarete ail gucosuanal visitera Ti. beit braiadao! Wines, Liquots sut Ci- Btuomy stnt eonuronierat »ie, gooti etublan ait attetir, oetieras. Thlîliucteî lea ituatetiluntLe ver>' iaart cf ihe Tovîî of Wliltby, anditvlI b. foaut lu lc Lie mont conovualeaat stpping place jfor franere aud travellerà. JAMES BLACK. THOMAS DEVEREILL, B UILDER, &oaie., GREEN STREET, I11. W. WOODWARD, C OMMiSSiON MERCIIANT, INSURANCE V alGierai Agent. Ooilo-Laieiy omis- piecd b>' Jnmee llotgssot, Whltby, 0. W.t I<varnmax.-lutnsCiarksnEqPro- aldtit Iloratiof'Trate Toronto; .-, seia Eaq Maniager, ItiîL B. N. Ansrire. Toronto W. W. RIinmot%, Eamaager Qulece Btik: To>ronuto- W.(-tUibî, q., 1Miltoa MIII. Tu- ronito; Iioi. P. Mlhll, i'realidcnt lBatik culi~oni trecîl, Mireu;ni; es4ris. Ntuitlifnd, T>Iee ai Ilateîiisn, Turnti;MesArs. Aradersou, Erntup & L'o., Maîaitrcuel; Misa4or,. W. I'rice &i Soaî,Qîue- bec . Memora. IH. J. Nuacl t& Co. 6.1-1>' NOW 1% TIIE TIME. (;ET YauUlt LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark'@ lat Prix. Picture Gallery' TFyua lciaire a correct sud hifo-lika Aitubro itp,aCnnco)typo, lettorgraph, or Leathccr 'fmaismfer, or a Lik enese ihi a Lilckeh, Ilroach or Ring, for J. A. C. unaisdo itl n te 1h tstye etît ait mshort Inotice.elstsie WtLKINS<)N'8 BLO<'KI, as Btrook .ftrei Whitbp. H.I. COCHRIANE, L. L. B. BAlilISTEC ATTORINEY A T LAW 90- liciter i Iai rk No'arY7Publie lie - attlcc-in Bigeluiv'sew evBuilding, bandes Street, Ph itbvY. 42 S.'BARNETT,0 m ANUFACTUIEll AND DEALER IN Cigrs and Loai Tobaccos; aieo Whipe, John tit, Port Ilope. Port lIope, Miarci8,1860. 1>' ZWICKEY'S HOTEL. T IIEsnubscriber désires to ii forn hiu trientia and tha travelling publie, thaet he bas nev- ly papereti, paiat-iti anti furnished the abeve hotel tormaerly oeenpicd by M1r. Atkiaison) anti that tiie travelling oerniity wvill finti con- fortable accommoato B ndrate rates. The table la well suppled with everything in Lb. spot.JOHN ZWICKEY. Saddlei-y and HRnefs.. T ME, underelgnea I AlO beges teetate that h. continue& hie business iu Lb. aboreliue, anisradtonply ever7 article tithe trade PrOmptl>' and vith punetuaiAt>. JOHN ZWICKEY. Manchester, Ms>' 1, 1861. 14 UNION HOTEL. MANCHESTER EACH. laie y. RtTeWSL'.) T RIsbatellesoeutra eltuateti anti poseseges everY scOcmnctiatzn IL heubeen nevl>' fittetiu nd ranovateti. Bout vine, liquore, anti cigare. CHAS. McCLEWE, 27 Proprietor-, j; Tb» prove by. BrickL )Orne ,%r ONy. bleh h6-. -19 WESTERN ASSURANCoECOMPAN CAPITAL £100,00(% NbUIIANCE eflaoted ounDaitigi sud Li.r coontet. Evory lnforillatioaa sjuppliet on JOHN AGNEW, a Travelling Agent, Byron Stneot, Whltbî New Taioring Establihment 1 - SIMPSON & FERGUSON. UESPECTTJLLY anueunco tu the in. haiatcf Whitliy anal surrenting ountry, tht tlacy have openoti a n Tatlor'. $hop on Brook Street, opposite the "Ontarie o tel" ere âaIl oraers entrunteil Le thern vilI bo donc vitb 6neatness anti tespatcb. Whitby, Oct. 20th, 1859. 60. Whitby Drowery. T IF' Subacribers are nov prepareal te for- nisih e patrons ;of the W hithy Brever>' vihaua excellent article lai suci qiientities as me>' le naqul'et, eandoa torins te suit pur- eliasermi. ButtIld aie quai te thhisportet article, CLARK d& W(OlWARl) Wlisthy, Nov. lstlî, 1839. 68sa-44w. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. Aa anu YN retnrtilg thauks lu tuhe Patiigi for tna hl- iberal patroitage blias uwroeivet inecoin- Il.cueing busIlness iii Mr. Caldwchl'a h13ock, hegst laee10lliîîîaaite that hoehis renotet laiis Ar broîypa (Jailier>t" tua roins over tuie stoure cil Mltoan. Loves di Powell, Ilrock street, whare, lie is prapareal to fîîrîaislî .4îcibrvillpe Likeiesecn lna the. best style. Mnr. Gricama'. preseait roine ara ilighteil front the top, are ver>' upacioîas, aeuttoasiu al chie aýjohlunecs for tiikiir~ the mont lurfeel ilc-lc. Whi.by, May' 2s, 1860. ]FARM ]FOR SALIE. - NX tue Tcuiilp or l)arlnigtoti; bcin< tt JL liorth arCt oflot No. 84 ini 4 2nd toCmea. sioi, coiataiciiag 70 acres, witii 2 dveliicac lionses, bluir naît saiedi., draviiig lea, voual- %bo' t! lîs&!tirua Tîjere are télso 2 arellâ a spicaic oroînird, aand a tiever-fning streain vbeh ciosues thae l'ai. It la heanulftully mit nitteti on the Kinigstoni andl Toronto rad,tbroc tulfles front 051mtwp,,snt six frii Bowiuaivrllu. 'fIis ln an opoulig solent offercd, Titie pur- fect. PrIe. Moderato. Terma euis>. For par- iculars aie., appi>' te E. R. B. RAI, WAIII Trenton, May 14, 1840. TrnoC.k r WILLIAM KAUFFMANN ARCHITEOT. b-144, Bay Etreet Toronto. r J ai Employment 1 $40 a Month, AGIENTS WANTED 1 t W E vent agi active Agent in ever>' Connty ILu the United States and Cotinda, to sedi tlic Frankli Sewiaîg Machine. Te % liberal itumber of Travellingj Agois, wu wiîi puay a maiary 0f $40 per NONTII and ail Expense. s To Locial Agents a commission of 80 per cent. -on ail sçales. Erer>' machine le warrantod teogive universal sa:ifaction, esud kept an repar aix montia.- Itecent iînprovcanents render liais machine thie ,.armoiat ppilar in the market. 1eor fiil partictu- lraada permanent business, addren, with stamp for return letter. HIARRIIS BRIOTHIERS, Sole Agents Franklin Sewing Machine Co. Box 186 Boston, Mess. Brooklin House. T IIE Subscriber bavinff icasatithe Brooklint iIousec, and iltied it îap asa tirai Claiss Motel, la nov prepared te accoînmodnte the trave lig Publie, Where the>' wil l iaid the beat quaity of Liqnoms,and hie table provided with tilaeboitthe eatinoatafords, with caretail ostier andl himseif aiuays on hand, lie soicit a share of the publie patronage. GEORGE MoLEAN, Proprietor. N. B.-AIso on hmnd Morses aud Buggies to drive traveicrs tu any part of the Count>'. Brookl, Mareh 27th. 1861. il 1 VINEGAR VINEGR!!1 q EUDERSIGNED 19AS FOI: SALE o.Vnea f the beat qualtt>, manufactureal ryhims-el--on the premises rear of Beattie's bT«eSehofield's) Store Brook Street, Whitb~. Sd in large aud umaù quantities 'wolcsue sud rtaal. Bn>' a cheap, aud realiy good sr- tlole,--an article found b>' ehenùcal testa to be te boît ever prodned li the town. MICHAEL SCHNAPPAUF. Wbitby, Jul>' 9, 1861. 24 OFFICE FOR TIIE ISSUE 0F MABRIAGE LIOENSES (Dg 4utaority.> AT THE ]POST OFFCE, WHITY. A. MePHEESON, 61 Agent. FOR TRE COUNTY 0F ONTALIO. B GMs epetfnîi1 te returu their air lac lu » o heinabitants of the Coua t>' uf Ontario, for the Liberal support they hav receiveti troin thein, aaad wonld kîndi>' isoliel a further continuation of the sanie. Haviug Lieaie for the vliole Couuty, the>' are prepai cd te attend ail orders with promptucas and 0 liberai terme. Addresa, ALBERT SPRING, T108. MYRP, -Uraenbank, P. 0. Wliatby, 1P. O. DRAIN TILES. TRiE subseriber lias; for Sale et the TTue Yan J.4tli Con. Whitby, (imiaiedlately Easto Mlr. G. Ogs4ton's Farma) a qusutit>' of Drid TIles, aIl sizes, aand et moderate prices. Thi rules have been pronouneed o>' competer nudges Io b. of the ver>' be-t qualit>'. 1,00 1les will lay 70 Roda. l'rice liat fairnital ond orders taken bj Me!iars. lleanilltoaa & oberts4. Wlîitby. JAMES SMILLIE. )eeeanber, 1860. 4 J)ENTISTIRY!1 DRS. CALLENDER & CARD suigeons, Dentlutv, &c.9, borna over Mfr. Carleton Lyndes Store DUNDAS STRLEET, WIIITBY. T FETII filledin uthe Most perfect millier anîd noue but tihe bcst end mnont approved nieturial unsed. Vlielonigex ,erience of Dru. Cllender là cer frantlartroiighbleksiowlcdgo !thîe pre tic ofDen lsrycitbletiteni to appreclae te izrait t eliefito to be derivcd Iroin a erefuipru-;, mervasîioa ut tiiose all-important, anxd bea2ahtl' organs. tlic tecth. Upon their preuervation à greut Jeal oftlîe liculth, aua, and coinfort or' ilnunliaddepeiid. 'riacîr operatious litim i hrîanch of the professlion cantt ail to give sat- isîntctlon. Ut t he aatlicted with diaeaae-d tectb, only vixit thonsî lu tiîno, bofore the ditsontç,gotb tu firin ealiailal AliTIFICJI ITEETII insorted itiiiold Sil ver, IPlatina Il'ktc lo npoia the ceelbratcâand iulyrecun ie ticd vulcaaiized base, afttar'tiis ~ntettaiîd mont approveal itiothoals îulopted by the profession. The )peritl(,iis of Drlé. Calleil dur & Unrd tire su cretilyIpcrt'uriiaed, aad no perfect iiti nse ethait îot oilly tho aaatur. uI expression isi pres4erved.i.ut Miîeease and coin- fort of the wourer of their artificiul teeta, il; pr9. inotc'i ut tlic saietine. Inia laeduraability oi the inaterlial useal, and tlic harmuouy in tlic biendilig Ofeolor, tbe grcateat satisfaction will bc f'.,îîîul. Prartit'iiîar atteintion given to thae cur.eand reactutii of cliaidreu'oo teetia. Parcnta shoulci attend tu tiaisas a very iinpcartit dut>' tu tiair utffipriaîg. Ail oiierationas warranted seatioi&ctory. Tarin resunablo. consuitation frace. 20 Farm for Sale, JNthe Townaship of ikrnbancmo ci1.1 of part of Luot Il iIn theiuS cura, anti No. il n ithe,,tI, con, containlinq 12X acres of land. The above well l nown faîrn adjoins the Jroperty of idr. Alex. L>aalop, 011 tho wcst,and an su wcli knuwn ans to reqatiro no furthor des- rition. For particultarsa pply i l'e ue1ost Of- IFAMRBANKS & MÂCDONELL. iumlsslon Mfereliants & Auctioneer6 1 Co BRUCE STRIEET, WIltT8Y, c W. (Oppoisite liegsir>'Ofihce.) A RE prepeeal ta attenîd SaIes ira ail parts ot the couiatry. L. FAIRIBANKS, Jr. D. C-.MACDONELL B.'Warrenc, Esq., 'Nalaiagr Otitarlo Banuk ;D,> F. Buarke, Esq., Oshiava; J. Iinlop, Esq., Ualb- RUSSELL'S HOI-EL, QUE ý'BE1ýC. MjIE uudersignet lroprietorm or tic nbovo tî1 ainod 1101RE, beg respectful>' to apprize tic winler, arlîci enablas tienu nov te offer ho thîe Meib.e of the Logialature, aind the Tra- rcliug Publie eunarior accormmodation. lIn addition tlate apertnîents tht>' iad lest wvin- tem, the>'hareo î larions and Ded-nooms in a large i.cuae near the hlctej v wiel, for eomnfurt anti cmaraiience, erp uraaurpasaed in the cit>'. Wl!. RUSSELL &i SON. Quebce, Mareh 1l, 1861. 9 Bakery and Confeotionery, RD 1CHARD SNO W desircesto inferrn bis Ilnamerous custemners anthe publie, tint .ha@ ramovet froin bis oIt premises eatt hc Bna', ant ini nov locateti on Dandas atreet, in tiae premiaaes latel>' ocoupiqb Mr. J. Amnahl Ail ordera in bis leieo attendetto viii pune Lnalit>'. Suppara attentat anti sujuplîcti. Oranges, Fru i t, Cand'ces,anti (onfeetione.a ofaîl kinde 4-> WHISKEY! WtKE! BY TIIE BARREL, AT FAIRBANKS d& MACDONELI, ASuporior article cf Famil>' Fleur, Cbcap j A1 for Ceuh, ai FAU'mBANK5 d&MACDONELL'S. House and Lot for Sale. J. H. PERRY rebruar>', Ttb, 1881. i I g. ast And I nov frevoi My cherlneetpipe; CI 1 uianuit dl*isàte; Fporç a,., aige ytobsece lips I&âren tit for Vives to ILiu!1 Aiamuet Jbave a opec i nchie, -ytitge are Sa iitld- heVUabachlo. es bleyon deys. of youth are gene, e.iglerlons aeysof yOre Anti sînl> èeeet h au flovn - oanle da Me no more. e remaueeoC 1 e ddet ilite as Vaeiti efrei neye id 19"1eathbdreu e eunl'love It kt deva of Paradis. - InIbor Place the cobler forme f vvrth anti beaut>' stand, vomn le-ada me Iucaveuvarti lth eoît, caresinli and. *baatcunnDerve te am bille ber "0 tlus uay ilfe lite blexoed 1 vhen trie storins of sonrow corne, iîfOllde me lu lier Lrcaut I XîLi,"4OS~Oting an Anacrîca. of LWParty carnies a pan cf l'ire, vhi ', scinates the guano anti bringa il Vit hl -ngeOf the gns. Iotlievayvwitbthe diwaBn ou My sliomier, keepiaig the tire insfrup Vel vith piteli pine, kuots Stoktccn iglit ,lichit with bis rifead JaLe keeping vithin siglit in terear. We lied gene about a mile or 00, and# pan began te, grov baavy vben 1 sutde~ felt Stockton's baud on iny slioulders, ,Jompetîiug me te stop, andtihîe crack oUiis rifle frein under my airn toli' me thatbhobad iredjet a deer tat I lied net "ec. IlThet tuer alicar up briglit, anyliev," said: heiîn a tev, self.eatistied toue, as h. prd ate loatiMe- gu, I"eny to ge« net leave there untit thère le another set legs unter hum. But corn e Ilm rendy." Se aaying, ve sterted in the direction of car pnize, vhen, to eur joy anti surprise, we liclelt anoîlier bIne light, apparautly juat boyenti the spot vbere ley our fatien deer- Stockton &gain fireti, anti eut Vent tho tiglt. 111 haust hot ithe do.," lie remarked wbite delilicrately loadiug bis rifle, "enud the buck woulti net Jouve lier." Again ve eterteti. but lied net talken a tiezen atepa, vheu, le anti bebotti 1enether oye eppoarati. 61It's ticuceti atrauge,9" sait Stoakton, quiekl', a licreiseti bis gun ta bis uhoulal. air actiiet I bave accu but eue eye each timo." 1"Perbapa tbey bave al bien aceitientally standing sidewise te yen," I replieti. "Mie or front," lie answeroti, l'Il black tliat felIew's oye l'or lin." Crack yen the rifle, anti tovn Vent thc oye W. bat net arriveti et the place wbere ve snp. poseti tho tiret te bave falîcu, anti matie searcit for it, but noarbore vas tlie gaine te lie feunti. Turniug frcm the place, imagine our surprise et again beholtiing that single ticny bail glering upen us with the saine itenticel motion cf the others. Stocktou mechenically raiseti bis rifle, but pauseti as lo ie ttio. As for me netbing proventeti my tbreving devn the ffre-pan anti giving "lceg bail" but the tiisgreeabio conteinty cf not bciug ablo te retrace My- stops. I ren back in mener>' ta ehildbooti's heurs, aîd recalietheii olti nursery tales I bocard cf beurs, liens, anti bgolilins, uratil Ivas satiaficti boyond a donlit thet Stock- teu Led becu shoeting et the dcvii I1I vas,4 Iaowcver, arouseti frein my reverie by bis excieiming ,"Ha1 I arn a pretty feol, semetbing La the malter vitb aMy rifle, anti E have been eboeting ail this time nt the seme deer. Here, gire me yeurs." 1 dit 8e, but ceulti net heip tbinking that the dcer vas a greeter fool by fer if lie lid, steet te man> shots. The e>'. vas nov iddien by cerne buabes, but seon appeereti î5ein, vîcu Stockton, aller a long anti Ieiiberale aim, diseliargeti bis piece, The eye immretiately disappeareti, aiti ho tairnet overti me, trinamplantly nedding bis bondi ai e .cainiu,-H-' et h. At. .n- vil; but I arn iery volt satifieti the devIl y: tei me. Here take this rige, andi vleu el eagein shows bis eye de yoetcim lc ire iL. l'Ilholti the light." Pi I cenît net refuse, anti se I teck lt.elie Ln, eut vas alovl>' anti reluctsiully raising pe 7t o »y 40lt i a isbebjnd aturacted an) atsnUio sud looldns am 1 perceived, Jakq oumîting himself sqlirniaud holdig-On hle stomaci if h. had th@ olei U the tjimà n a à oe. if ohokiziè 'Iwill yen oulaI @âb. l'Ïidaoa stop tbat inferclachatte, t" ad: Ste. aharplyi, a D.igaaa.iately, "Th ieis-now sive t hian." 1 vas again rsawng, the rfe to any oi der, but vas z tsec ond- lime deferred- I I1 my purpose by a pel or y.11 of augl frein Jate, sulicient te ave frighuë 07Mrydécor vithia ton miles Of For Stocktou and mytoel4 however, th vas né sncb îhing as laugh;j but, on1 centrary, wscm bet more inelined te tg a row thon b. lauglied i t; and Stockt graaing bis son by the shoulder, int% sien exclaimed... " lWhat the devit Lar ail tlis , temfeol about?1 Say ? Tel!metib is tant,1 or F'il 'beet' yoîi clear hoe.', "Ha! bal 0 Lordy 1 Hal Amelia Iightliouse 1O0Lordy l Did ever 1 Five miles!1 Ougi- my pi aides fi' My curiosity van nov excited ta utanost, and I turnet to Steccton fer explanation. 1 shallnet attempt to il enibe, the.expression cf bis countenence. Mirth and augver vere nevx- se velirm gled hefere. IlJakson,'9 s mitilie, ilnaly, "vIww à, pair of jackasaes, andi have been shoot: Bt the revolving liglit on the .&melia ljig bouse, five miles off!"1 -Then, sndtieuly dropping the flre-pi lie ran to wvlere bis ion vas kiclcing a sereaming about on the grofld. Ho pic ed him up by the ceat coller, sliaking i iuta silence, anti then saidp, UNow lai ber. if you say eue word about tbis clieme, as sure as I'm yeur father, yee ai neyer fire à gun au long as yen live."- Chrles Wlitelead. Doestlcks on s"Uhoddy."t Deesticks, vlie claima te liean Ellaoo Zouave, thua narretea the experienceeof1 ltegiment, after receiving their uniforu frein the Military Board : The. uniformes sent frem New York we the trashiest tbings possible; tliey veulti stand the presaure-tbey woulti'nt stai the pressure. A genla wiud woulti ll a insu'a cent inte rags in hall' a day; vbi if hoe ventured ont of doora in Ba tiT broc: bis reti breechea would tear out into lot red glags, and in ton secends lho voultoc 11ke a velkiug flag-safF, with a signal s for aINever mind the Commodere, oId fe 1ev, but sal in and tiglit on yeur Oî book." Ne man balihat a vbole suiti clothea for two montha. Wo'vc gene0 guard dresaed only in overceat and mnske anti ve've dene scout duty in the easy an elogant attire of a revolver and on. pair( -, ti-he aiea. -Whoun ve've van to Ietsaextra fne fr yaevice ve' sake-vlwheu hb.1preaehe-tauds inu empty porhbarroltet bide bis legs. I ealledl on tho Colcele yestertiay, dres cd eraly in a bayenet; anti that conaitierat olticer admiret i airy costume mucb, bu seid it better kilt a few accesgher,1an vhen I beggeti oue of My ovu size, 1 mige laelp nayacîf to bis breeches. When ou whele cempany latcly appiiedti t bis fo clethes, lheaiti bohad'nt é ret any for un but lie scnved eut fifteen reunds aof hal cartriiges te ceela, and gave ns Icaveo c absenace for twe days, anal tolti un te buti aIl tha seceulacra vo killeti, se as îlot 1 lumber up the country. Mout of the fl lova gut gooti suite of clothed, but Bol Brown vas s0 uncemanonly particular,thai lie did'nt suit hinuself tilt h liid killeti fivi foliows. Witb nay usuel luck, 1 ceuli'i tind a l'elleaMy uizc-tiey vers ail toc long or tee shoôrt. Wheu eit lest 1 titi lind a foliow tive feet nine, anti lid juat got1 good eim en bina, lieraised lis heatin diacioeai the neleemet feet ubet it wt one cf cour ewu sergeaats, Jus, my luec -lie liedt on a Ioecly suit of grey vuec vonît have fittcd me to a bair, andi if 1'd been hall' a second quieker, ou thea triggei -'it Of INICIL a.1 K ws vs idetl d me ITa h -i& A ertel en ploting the accessuio!of Y yln4, ,ounti sud th co5sqta t wf ting, of -W auhig. 1 laa vasl uwmnîbe," ugh t10 îink that Oi!froin th. Unio 1 , thgkJaettet Amrim.om tlÏ"offbprng Of acam. Yrii n ~rhCavo' j hdet aeSdl mou Englii a k- er b u t m r e .4< Re toubtleu believe, beweyrel0t at their natal soit with .acil otheai'e blood -glavery voult ini.du lime conreri,èvr Butaà atilI môre dallumI onsidarst-ion SWOBlatre tBI.th i eeadee~lo.. o 1gseti It i f b u r ders l t e latter Of . 2 b a1 iktou th., f*w om posut i, The ' gVoatie U m aimu r o ! dh ie u. h ovie re ac hull i n th é T e .o vaîp o a.. .yj, vile ex.. flet a i. ouh.crSa$1,anI .ger e to ta fuilr l.nacroicoep a drp of LOIIi jein lua mortal combà, ilit i the to0ps 0f atar coulainiug ffasoafa. yen îctrcduce ~r ean the Pd eral g ov ru w a4it are Iris liae u. . a g rain -o f soit, the ee t see n il l b lieh liter 1 0W-île other purt, vio bas no'bar o'nstaniateouedeatit ol' these croaturea.- le thSi.vtp.iut, ii Capt. Thias ofThe kovege of ti propeni>' of sait ana> u.Meeglier, Col. O'Gormanl, Crea Csylisuut t couLi erlvj h ere anti the hundred a e! -O s an ti Ma lc, v e y a tosg the res , ih ugge sls an excellent th prend tramnp, as *ie' mareletideve Eroat. t*411-povder. If it le true, as suslertei, raie wY, lmot oôokAstr iocuontof tstht th. matter vich is fornioti onj di. aise; wameatshef3o Aste Hou. ont ef ieteLe.lh ha the receptable cf afimnalcades, And p & bayonet tu bay o t, it w olt bo a deuit th t the e are th o real agents ia preucîn c o n i i t ; a n i î e'y1r - ~ L e l r s î c a r i u s t e e t , tip ý a m o is t n e ti b r u a li a m l e r >' s e lf te c isi e 1y o un c th e r id e " ï-. il h . - - c o r n n c e s a , 4 a n tiy e n b1a v e a t o n c e îlb e air> grand Anelicen triumph, Eut the klîjacti clapest andi xnostproenvative ef'tootb.' anti vounedton lotitsites vili lb. Irish: eaes laibrethers anti neiglibôrs, long separateti, anti ATdELN ccr~ia.field i wh v ohave ften jea nnedtte re e v Q ît frint. readt in e bout travellin g or vs es t 0 co r b h ip s, m eetin g t îc , f r th e ir t im e aiter nak e a m oat accep t a ble gifo te fi e t mauy yearu, te ia> one anelber lu a strealea. t fin île ger'u cause. muied bout toing sei-if shte proposes visiting a anilra eîeafallwaleringpDlace, or veulti like 6"scteliug an 'biscOusdertionmon ad a fail nie t hav îleh ceunr'lalt lber Ir>' des-intres totheAnirican fend in the anindu one of Burcou'ç Toilet Compaiaions, con- 4- cf thle ialipeople. Eren 1Barba deO net îainug&abaiLle cf lbis CocoI«ze, vhicb nw iglit againat Svisa, unlesu in ointl bravI,- dresses tice lait perfl>, vitîcat9 greas. In forciga quarrels ilie> teke a aide-meut. ing, drylng, er stiti'enira iL-a aon / rere 1> a bat ie ; but e>' are steatfa niFlrm4eetepc bv fac=-ole ling fiîlfui te itp standing abo nder t e s ou ier han tkerch lf tliciously -o ' Kal - in eer> daner.ton, Ibethe ea'csretie ira ti. -vorît,, anti Our erratie countrymen, ntefergetlfng. on.etfthe ,Orienital Tcot1b a Ws, Is athe elenîentary training of their beyliôod, rprai. aec apoei fhess aut aente carry te factionfiglit pnciple anti aIl tIaitbtey profesa to bc.-PI&Qdel. ick. mb othe big are of continents. s"Neih.phia BudIflit. in or' cltiullY seem just as resy te, rush oek intO batIl in America, Ton motuel alaugli A MonteRY Wî.î.-Tle foliowing Io a ut tan, as iha>' varo tc cutiget esel ethen in a ccp>' cf a vilIlcft by a man arbo chose ta all fai, I"fer love i' at Bontisekane on Trece. bo bis ova lawyer :-"Tlis, the lest vil! WbOre is Mr. Jolie Miteliel, ve beg anti testamnt cff me, JuIn Thomas. 1 leave te tek, ail ibis tino 7 lId there ne gime 8al ny 'tliings lu na>'relations , teli Alabama iquadren mwaiting bis master- divititii among tiiem the best way the>cei -bant anti master-minti, te set il in tle fieldi N. B.-If arîylioti> kicksa np a revo or rtli against Mgler, of the svrd ?-Dublin maks n>' fusse isut to lnve nytling., bis Eznig M i . Signet b>' me, Jonor"souî. ina Rt<uîru Fom MàxiNG ATvLatna-Tske Two cliiltlren htivirirg Intel>' duca in tort- a hantifui of the vine callei Run about- tien, île police, in tryiaIl to final ouf the ure le ime uanit> of le eotcaltti im.cause ef their teath, 'discèoveret ibuat their 'ut bic longue-a spnig cf the lierlicaîlet narente beongedtiLuaeseet calliet&(The uI Backbile (et ciller before or after (Io, Nov Lighta,l" wbo îbink4t-a -iôe tb use [ow elaya) a apocuful ef Don't ou tell it-Bix an>' meticine, !]od alune beitag.»c arbiter ilo dirachimaelfMalice-'a fov trops cf Eivy.cof humaiue nite1 ~ ' -- ZO(vhiel enu ho procuret in aa-y quenlil> et )ng île abolp ef Misle Tabitha Tee table) Stir A mat a s lelping Mn. 1lank to get ut oke tIen w0iI tagether, anti simmer tbcia for saler in hie Office one tiay, antdriot hein,, setlef-au heur over the tire cf Discontent, nequaintei with lte artiele, enquied arbai et.- kintiledti va elittie J&alowyp-theu agrain iL vas for?7 "To preverat paupers anti wu iL tlaroucmb lb. rage -cf Miscontructùun. ollier articles viaieli are placet utl it frein Of Heng itL en lhe skeiu eof Street parn, hein-g butaiet in ca3e of tire,"si Mr. B. ou Shako il eccasienall>' fer e fev taya, anti "An' sure wilII aotlaing iver hurn tint is et. viiili e fit for use. Lot a l'ov trops lie put in thatmting?" " Iu." "el, Ibmi ual taken before vatkiugot, and 1'the subjeet. yer honoun, ye'ti botter bie aflien gttiti cOf vitt b. enabîed te uapeak ait mane&of cvilinto tht'siewe 0t cutinnai>'. ~A little boy atkecl lis futher tint fool on tCanyen tmirv-yeung miseIl" incjuircti livet iluext toor. 'No fuel lives ituera tiamt iq Qjuilp ef an -epplicarnt-fen a privat. inter- J.ktiow cf; wv lteenaksc aqu- au sip. "Certainly," replioit tc anidt, len ai La îîbe. nWoi be ard mnse>, "eat ton years of age I coulti tnaw eider, àaIthn olier dta'lIai Yen weretîl e Dxit our se. tarelve, a pieture, et ifteeu, a lanticant tc a foot!' vas, île repl>'. ite loa ticti ith cab ages, -'t sixteen, a u ii. . ..... lut fenenco, at ivent>', a blt cf orclange. If yong Indcpeuitent preaibr, il, oe id 1 vere au ector, 1 believe I coulti draw thie ef bis discoumaca, preecleti a doctrine le ýht largeat kinti of e bouse, but beiug a teach- direct confliet ivitI thue piaili wordc of .9t. or er, I an content totu-av a saler>', eudthîe -aul. Upoa bciig retidd Îfdi, l or biggr the botter."'P Yu'Iltd,"' saiti ver>' ceoil>'ronitulcd. Ye, but tbnî's 8, Quiîp. "'Censider younaclf cnraaged.it wrlere Paul anti I dutYca 19 - Ma.FoLEr AMIvUE LEAEÂMoSalll.Or mUt Tfîey grant pensions in France on ver>' ryGmtRIT.-Tbo Lonten rePress thinka mai prvocatiuu,ý Tie pagj wlo anour. o Mr. Foie>' woulti mele a gooti Ojpoâitioai cedt w theo Nfuuicipàlî Council the birtb utf kleader. ThoeNczcs of tint town considers Niapolcoiu's 1 suai-ibe King of Ratme- b this impossible- Tbingi are ia a beautifal recciveti 10,000 francs per mauum0 au i at style in thec Ont canap, île>' laving ne po. munntro vas airent>' ld for boriaig the e lie>; n e leader, anti no respect cf or o e artesian el t Grenelle, . 1,000 fra nic. nt anetlier. Peverful Opposition h-Brant.-----b0 )o ford Courier. Tho Bolcemiait, ini coînin, np te Mon. Aud treal, railaground nluar the le nt of La ko a uabseont naindeti professer, in geiag 'St. Peter (atfthe White hu>' thrce miles ad eut et Lb.h gateaa of his collego, rau belea rea). The agonts litre with , reat against a cow. lu the confusion of the promptitude gut mutlî of'thae crodhr .k Momenat, lie maiset lia bat anti exeîaimctl, get lite the propeller Whitbly, vliicb basc 'Ibc- your pardoni, madame;' soon afior, errivetiet 3Mantreal. edlie sînnbeti eaint a lad> in te sree; - - i n s u t i t i u r e c l l e c t o i u f is lo r ne r m i - T i e P u i d l p i a ur- , .a.s.t i*t-t h ratetnetep>'i' fil ollowiuag îii-a m>'he rendi vith ,profiL b>' cn>'ctmators for chuaîai: a Aiea recct examnination ini the primr>"y aei'sii l ii. -~çjc.iiL s departueiit of a choo, Le istters vamp Urcrwt the saccIt cî.c e b o u g h t d o w n i b 'th e a n e r o f &aJ u n e i e A i. c ~ r t c l vien anketi cf vhat use whcales vore. One ,locdjit au ial i6 i littie riss rpii4edthlhîtFe>' vre good for 'Lov much can >ou îcîay us ?-what i hoopet iakirts Il car. yon ofl-ir in the. Puuud l' decoauceti e 'Sire, eue word,' aait a saldier oeendy the creditoriie hca a:îkiupt larcuer, 1Aca t o F r c t r i c k î e r e a t , v e n p r e s e u t i n g t e g e t le m e n , t. 1 l 1 r u :î J li .i y c, i.b a d u i k i- r i n 1hlm a roquait for hoe brovet of alieuten0ant. inthaput, eidco ,ia- arciu 411I yen s e>' iv ,' said t hîe k in g , &I i i b a e u l C.r linei'4S', rpit the soîtior. Ail 1 ail ai]l!" exclauned a me-r>-cuck- The king saea, vlistletianti signeca. n>,a'eenee ibrroutiaa. fua A solier ho vas ounedetnla btle, hall' ozen of is cumudei. Tu bis ur.- s e t u p a t e r r i b l e e l l o i c g . A n I r i s h a n a n p e0I a b e a r m u e i g î e j y vIe la> near vit1 ioth legs ht off, ia. acclamaton for an ore, immdatly set metitel' sug et, Bat eckte l. h-esa giaue ef fozàminig aie befere each. cf ye-tic yen tliuk tInt udbedy la kilt but An oIt malt, irlie las ler eles a little yerself V" siteways ou matrintouy, aaya, the:coure of The folloing is .unl Betgsj'e escripticu iis vr àLa ît it ivilI male 50 aryid i. f bon mikmeu ;c lIe La th~e ilanet man 0555, vlo illie tilerce te gel *mamietianti in th e vo n t 1" a e e x c la im e . f " He k im a v bo 1 m e v 1 m ev t e d o i k Mô d e s t ,, ir s i ii bis milk ou the top, anti ther leoLma- estanti ne chance et ail. it ov-ir ndu aime the bottean."tý8 1 Corne, air 'hbave yonr, eyes about jeu,' Fifty tho msa uti d llars baîcging t e il. exclaim ed an oflcer o a priv te of ise Confetertea vre sizeti et Nea York on Green Ie' a aix 'thon,t replicti Pat, Saturta, in thq Park Bank, bj Marsal ',anti about, wo ase d'ja îink Idt bo aft9rý Murray. - lving thea.9 c - ~ 5 55 PORT PEIlE. 1'DýWARD RAY; PROPRIET(>R. JUAccommodatioins. - 1 1 - 1 ---- ýj nierppe ibin r e sienuoe"b Atr tle, ipint g f sipritin Europe. fe m o he in pitrnt o ianitybut er ie sem si tho in Glean!g ,an tianciaterin kirrespindacang fe, r timen. Tuir oresendofte e Ln TnUies, aHo isa agrebr cfnthe Lndte Unicstan the *gthrcfa kuvonlume entilent"Casntry Life in Piedmeont.', The chief editor of lthe lforizing éSar is an Iriabinan ; s l th editor te the Mark Laite Express. One f the Londoen proe, a Dublin man, (wc rrget bis naine), lias matin censitieraile rpuletion as a letter vriter te thie Irishi utd Scotch press. As for tha assistants na Lontien Jeu-nels, iL lied passeti inte a roverli that "latt the portera anti reporters i tliat ciiy are Ir-ahi." À Touia rDsn7TýY*.-When Seth get orne frein maekleriug, li souglit bis Sarah Inn, and feund that she, the heaitless eue, uid fount another man. Anti then moat kful tiglit liegel, and te0lie vent avsy, id beunti hiauseif ta cut live oak avay lovn in FIentda, lie pineti upon the live ak lands, lie veudereti in thie glaties; his xe grov beavy in bis hauts aIllei the ilti voot ehaties. Moaquitees bit liim 'erywbere, ne cemfert diti li get, andi oh, ivw terrible ho'd gai bit. At last, tien. siriug of relief, anti wiahiug bimscif deeti, vc wnt intoe le veti a piece anti chop- 4d off bis lica.

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