t, ~, 8ale of Home nd Lo-e6-O@@, Que@ n Jnsurmaqw Lnwjs_44; B.8k& Gust zatera-.0: T. Tt. X UionRa ot- eot G~ *od-gobi. 'Warren. Hofuat to Let -J. Iatn PMY. ChaticeT1 Solo,Cocoderbaqa vi. uItwer, sa aid, 8olicitors._ Ifýders fi raye n'aof ONLY ONE, DOLLAR A TEAR WhltbY,, ,ThulrsIay, Jaly 13, -1861. The- Mnrkban ,*'Economist, and Mr. - Jjarker.1 TIse Insu £cosmiat coniains a 'eu-y vic. lent, andîsti nuat atid-judglng from. f<iu (aues Itfono nusujustifiable attack upe: A. lias-er, Esquire, 'of Mankham. The lucati anti front of Mr. Barher's ofrending beiisgthat lue alunt utoncet'f Mn. hne' meeétings, duA~ng tIse canviicf Host York, ]lave cuhiét attention te an act passéti last sestson nspccting mopa or plans cf tovno or villages le'U plier Canadla. Tlhe bill for îlîls pnrpsose vos iitrotiuceà by Hot l'Ir. iceesor te flé icpcn r ouie, anut thronigis]bis exci-ions passedti lst m.- Mr. Barbrulit tise meetingZ meniioncti, donosuncet illhe bill, arguitig that slnce "latd sîeculteis uant vilflage foudors, roundti f hem iy n-u- ste l igiElalure iltrous Ilîcir ites-est te have thé tiglîs of th Isl>oner anti mecbiiiie (sa/to purch/saed rit- foge lotit acces-ding Ie a plan) piocet inl jeopur-dy a nt mate subjpot te the whimuet Mu ise mi lid ont Itlé village or town j anuit ou-ttlaiiuuet thiitisis loy gave suelu a ,'jéits, ascoil ,are lIse eus-er thé power te eliange the plan ut ]lis Isieceuro ' -lu the eokise ut' Lisresuarba Mi-. Barker comdentîs:- et (lIse cnut'nof t'lIse-tlissée auoîismbéu'sfor Yerk'-sstV andstiNortlu, ton voliug in faloi' et'fiýs bil, -anti Is>'implication Mn. -Roeo-, lIse cette-jter et théerisésure.- Eur tlîis Mi-. Ilce-sur ilusliipoîsr tise Mîsirlîiluuus Et'eneuist -niaIsés us avsngé ons- oasîglut on Mr. L'as-ber. Uustir the cap- tion "A iZYAvE (ai% A Foc,." lue îvr-tà Ž e It is tficult acceuustilsg fou- faste- goule mucus uv-ns ambitions te ucquire lue usooetoi-y oflt'iaîvo, uasler thà n pas off Ile stagre sitsoni' beiu),g noticed ut aIl. otlsu'n, more s-ecisies.q, are net pasuticulsîr whethér thé>' figure as beuves or foula, or in tIse twe disaacteus comired.- To whicIuofet iese positios sour ambitions neigluior asphires. ire uill louve théescadet <e jutie. ' Ms'. ]Bus-ter lues been for somne tiun i-o vr>'active ,poltiicinu, sometimes s-e formor anui sunseitets tory. Aitluosiulu e hoins in.office utister Gorerusmeut, he lias Intel>' Iten stsssspiss Ruat York to&T,. A. Miln, thé Misisteniai candidate. At a meeting lhe't b>'Mu-. Mimue nt lRichmond- 11111, on Wétusestssy evening last, flue l'orle Jlerc-ld extra, o ut'Jl>'Bih, reporit Mr. liarlien'a apeecchitu les Ssereplète uitî faiséhooti cndtiiîssis-preseutniony tîsatire giretlise pâlliuof t'lilusthé irs of luis ousu orgue, flise lerald'a extra, ont whiclî jiidging frons thé style, lias Iseén ivrilten by thé Postauassqr lîlunseit. IlMr. hanter aciao cllet attentioni te un nct paaaed tant sessions, eîsuiîlcd 6aunetc respedtiuig Majss or Plus of e- Tovusa ou- Villag-es inrs Upîsr Ctida Our roadoîs as-e nvarl-ttbeforoftise pnssitisg et thss a6cf, îil1an1s-lt; voeesoit aecceding te c certiinussp or plîn vliucluisuadt<obhérc'-is- tered, tîscreýI)serréring te the pxrcisers n certaiusn iglut te an>' laurd laid ont for n publiclisurpose, ous sait iplan, eatdirlicIs cuit int bo tirortét fs-eue the pui.pose t1ei- îu'Iiceh il insu laidtont ; but c a, tspcurn ters crut viiss-éfenudors, have fost lsheis' ira.7 ite Isle lu,iisssînuroit uvus 1/tîfs-in. ereal te hiave th ise sitil of etitIselbos-oranui folietîie, (vIso purcissîsotîvillage lots ac- tosding te a plan,) ptîneétins jéopa-ti>, u'ud subjectt l Ie vltime oft Inn vitelait Otet téevilltcsgîson toi -the -leissrIassutý Test seffsin gis-es h/tii t/he poseer Iu c/hange thse Plsn !1 We in, on leobimîg oves- thé "4proce-ctdiligatof l>nî'iiissnest" ofthetIs6l11i Mt>' Icet, flinutflue lIsse tt-tbéssfor Yorb -- %it Vest susît Norlîs-%vero al presesîl visée tîis bill sîss-cuit a secunt andstiris- time and îîatuIaendut it a voicé raiset caiillotitearroteet tise ple nt-ruse1 Nov n liscseal>eî's as queicd tih e t Iscsoîith lese l tlîluen iJfaieîset nrs inssirupnsenîsîii en tise pus-t f Ms-. lit-bker, andti eaqsentiy the opprobniens olsitîsmus cpjsiet te <liai geetllsasu are Loeth unteservot andut uijusi. Ceming f-emal ary ous-se,snelisternis are nust un- Iteousissg astndin,,esitleiniybut mené_ Pteople mu>' bear a greot deai, bu t stic ceaduet, On tIse pari cf a public officer, is tiisgracotui suit an insuitt<o thé vhole con- mutsity.- Sidney Sussit l islkél7 tu e ie ne lievet frein lis charge of the mail bage, ie vwhicit case vo ma>' look for a change hère. I1f Govornment offiiuls wilI dop'ut 50 fan fron their tuties, thé>' shenll kruvtIsat t-Lir cilices are cet sisîccurés, but ledirocti>' jat léasi, te bc managod in. aornteo ith thse vell untierstoen} visIes cof thePeplo. W. hsave uséver taios-éd <ho American sys. tern of changini officors- wiUî ever>' change ot Govorent, nor do wo îIs$k i h Ie pre. par conueo; but la -snob cases as <bis, v cane net te vluat pont>' the cilloor boiengi,, ho sheuitl« lisniuisscd tram1 public service. îb0 î - ÃŽ èt village lote, andi the coucou ýegsl u ~*~up for nkVob ~ bèloo-f etf ir. Réuiorld'M. ielf wboae figF,34ng,on ,pla uîm 4 '* aniloof $Uagt@fwith ,cburobes 4owt'- halls, parka andtischool-house, ;tthinoer ftlutedis mor-tbïû al*tl4 netâroôu.- 1lut, b. th18a I, s. k 4 '0 sMiieritsZrk Reorý 'Paan m.?anaset isa moat u q!uteos >nce. '0n tho th, Oý1.Apeil lemblywo pointeti ont ha injusticOe iw ithé follewing Words.- "if plans of to*n.lIctsater býeiùg rosis. <'tred' ln the rgistrî 011co, arc td; hé'ntýr. il and aumenà ed, 4ets ilee1nrw "cd or close' uup îtbér loists , ,; a "teredi le seize, n, "bo u'çhaùgc41Ua id wIlieoftihe"owncëerw 'r111ientl 1_ ,t Tities iptowcaeti "village prolpertywonýd "be wholly destfoyed. To.d'7 Victoria St. "id a fine avenue (on paper), tô m'o*-'o1f "presto!I change 1 thora is ne strettherc 1 "To-day flty towrilots ar6slti acc6rdu~ "10 a plan sh.owing ta rerveof 5 or. ton "acres for a piark ; o norroW l4oCUSp3cue "pas the' park>wvitfi oneo.s t roke -of thc "pen. 'Plans once xegistercd 'should bcý "licld as sacreti and unaùécraWýýsas tifr~ 'glai."y-f asy othecr docuMnent. L13à "sharliswil! aîspreciate Éir. lccsorla cflftis Sià their beItaItf, but if sî,ccsfl tifls léy 49 wouîd relt.ly provo very, detrimnictà l, to thei public inîceresti,- What WC wrota thon lsoldà good stilI, and neetis not one word additional, ucless to again censure tIhe discreditable means t> which a gentleman in M1r. Reeser's position stoops to attaek Mr. Darker. Mr, J3arcercotidumn, what we thissk cauditi and ti sbitwedpeisis wyl admit to bc a hall net of Parliaseent. Hon. Mr. Iteesor, the author of thc oct, and editur and pruo- prictor of fthe Econoinist thercupou brings Mr. I3arkcr ta book, aund uuot content witls defvnding luià bad mensure denounccst tltronglu bis own paper Mr. Barker ns a "lfool," a "kiiavo" andi a "lliar" ;*ûid ar-, gues that because Mr. llarker Isappensta t lue Postmaster lu e houlti cet cosnplain of a bad act'ef Parliament I TIhis fa the case staled, and our residers; can judge, lsew creditaule te hinsacîf, anud the position lie occupieti la M1r. itcesoris side et it. -s.# 1 Thbe Twolfth of JnIy" uil, vhstby. TIse COlebratien cf thée iTuvelfî' lus WVlà tuy thuls yeîsr, 'pessèt off isu thé muestt qut id sîtus-est>' isasuser, acusd ithieipr- his1ts, ]cas <t<h heusîsaiensenut t'fti4ple'. Tisené tu-ss lueve-ra gootil>'gaîiserisîg utf < 'esevea érc- uies pt-cout,rsuttbe-iiuin ustise neigîshior-boot ut'fusoveusdred iset-u. u beiges uéunbletvêt-c ; -Alburn iu5Clunu bus, 13sookliiu, Greenwooti, Pickering, Dut- fsu's Csock, cati tlîe tw ire Iiîis> otges.- Thé Odhasiralud es wtnto<ohau-e teus ps-o- sur.but tttresuwet te Bevnsunu-iIe, nit cal>' Messs-s. McElroy andtiManuel, dresset le thjeir robés, ettendet fs-cm tuhe iîshut-- iii- village. Thé tiffes-eut mueles u-rivet lu teve shai-ti>'bêesoe12 o'ciock-, iitls musiceansti ninr-thuse fson theonettI frt, uut ut thein usrirai, thé>'usos-e met lu> thé W'lsltb> ludjes outito lIse tos-s, cmst aim joissotin aprocession anti luocectlet b>' thé Kiiston roai, teIoiet tlisesécomissg frtu-m le n'est, us-lieisn tîtir fuis, joituct <ho proceasimun onAflueis- arrivai, ont cl] m-îrcbot ths-eurh thteut . Dittiruue ses-et shorîl'aftreruvardi boLh tm thie Coin- mos-doal ant Albilon hote's, ccei- to vo ae-o mîet, thot about fus-o huitiet léresîs n-et-e seaie t te e nîpt nontussusénie, ps-osiled litisé boit style b ese.Crock- or anti Btack. Aflér dun nagranît ps-o- ccasion iras tormoiusheu marche-t îoîig Broeek Street te lié Bu>', asîdibock <lruengîs tisé principsal sircéis. At thé resitence et' IL. J. Miletouseit, Ei1, ex-Mayor, thé pro cession linlieti, nueus-ese atuhuesocti b> tIsat gentteman$ uautib>'M. C. Carusron,Elii,, tIsé sess-y éloctet usémbér ton Nos-tii On- tu'io, Ilurbo lappenot te lue prescuu î sn' husi$ra>' te flue déclaration ..... Iloîl genutleensus-re otS>' citéeset, eut checr ersvte caeo gircn for Mrs. bbactosiclt. Mr. Cansoren 1sidthuat nos beéisg at anorsomc ho lkusous- Ibth le houer wus i inh m foriter ers, aasuth slough is scouîJ ot malte tis n a Oseagéspech 0. ltbievcd, from vhat lie saur, hI<luhoe-erê-cweî-hy anti loyal mon be to iugthle Omeug ottier. Thé Procession attervai-tis coruiit itail toutelisustii cane te tIse rèidtuce et' J. lHum l5eury, Esq., uslure tisai gentlemn isspearet isn rèsponse le flureclers glu-en fer limst-lt, anti for Mu-s. lcrtry. Mrhi, Purry sai su i itélusso- s uiexpectcd by il1isssd tIat allunbh le vats iot an Orangueta itsî,t.hi e cemlnsn- 1«h-hn-ý-iiing iras a proof tIsat 'lie hsinla Sesui Ilyam beau-t. Attenrardà tiîc diffèt-- oeu itigéds véepcentin-eét o t fu-s, a-st clîcet-dOn c tbeir deparînne b>' thé bic- ltron of thé hotigeacf thée'TouveoetWhiîb>-. Thlune bants...these cf Ailuburn, Pickernrg anti Celumbus, accomponioti <hem respec.i luré lotigés, anti théin music a4dedzest ant i enlirenoncîte thé day's pu-ccoéiugs...., Tisé WVitbY letigés veee isappointet inle thé non.aîueccianceocf a baud frein Toronto,1 vbich beé> bailétugageti. Tise absence cf1 aIl éxotenont daunkomnen sandi qua-nreling-1 verce ise mesi ceoabio, anti nebewoathy1 fliatunes cf bIse ta>', antiporbapa from thésq, excellent cause1, <ho Twoifth of Julin 1l litb7, <bis Year, appianét ta eboelebra.1 ted vils a grentér tiegt-e- cf tamenous thon1 musal. Mr. Afozantior MeKay of Green s Wooti vas théMairohal cf téd, pr formot ussk'eistsfcoy itoo of nuent V6O8uO&w4fAwbl.jnotice at thé fCoUt7 BIsowl at obtainetia preml.m, andi bctrîtle'jý' prise at 4tb&Provia" E.Ixhibition at K4igs. ton tbat! year. -B nem'tua1t ne,:the ini striumectsa ' factured .byM>. 4jzK haegauaIly.grown inoonotice,à n'cltiow~ énjoy an énvlable amoéant of publIolfayor throughout al Parts cf thé country. AMuer thé stuceësü ofbis firt'plà no 'auntha a- knowléedr jy vri»pro n strisments,: Mv Bibei , received,: averaI ordure, atgéir o umerous th bëe ee. - * "" ' - -u ý ýd »t - eal. -ai1, - c anti oncreaséti gppiances oftrudw«-, Thl encouragemnent thiùsreceiveti, enablet i hm te exteld. bis business Iargély', andt t es- tXblias bis 'Présent maùttacdtory.*" Nov! Mr. ' siner >hà frou'a oight <oa dozés menon luhi employînuat, anti at the pre. sent :moment theré are linv'irloùé stages bespoke, witls the exception of, two whichý ara destined fçs' thervnil ibbUn te be heldat London this year; anti thse iustromeîîts, ve bolièvo, Mr. Rineià r ptrposel te forwavd te thé gréat. wordis fair, te b. hold ine London, Engliand, la 1862. It vili certaicly hé a novel-spectacle te sce piaco.fores of Canadian manîit'cure- maeufctssred it miglut 1 aiii héhck wootis ôf Canada-c4uý,xibitéd! te compete with the excellences Wlte, most reinti nations ofthtIe curtis. Ai t M- Riner's esfublshmrt, c cot- pleIe insstrument 15 mausutasctnré't- insaiiits pati -cnt éc otstetie casting cf iba beau- titul metalie bots, he possesses tise auca éxquisiîé patteras. His pricés au-c inuc bélew tisese cf imnpon'tét i imtrnmnts-in, semé instances auaking a titl'nce cf es mucb us Irons $150 <o $200 in cee inatru- metut-aît wiîh tisis ati-untage, tîsat tbose cf luis manorufacture nu-e always suporior is toue, finish, cuti turabilit>', te thse iseportet à u-îicie. A six octave-square ruse cun lbe obtuliti dfor $180, a ses-en octave-round corner fou- $250 ; a sus-ca octaite, (oer strung) $325, anti a seven anti n quarter ocînvo-over stur-dfouble round cnt-vêt legs, extra, $425. Ail lsiîsds"of str-insglus. sîrumants are ulso nopait-ct b>' Iit. L s quite n treuit te vieil Mr. Rsitucr's establishment, andi vbile the musical'écu-. neisscun iuill lec !sarmed ivith wluat lie beuasaanti&Les, thé grealusi novice' caneot fMr. , -sguss-mss aigs4 St 4-Nov tot isbouùry andi exciteuuéunt ofet <lelectioîts au-e over, andt <Iat people bau-e tiLne 'timé te lok about thèe, ve aboit nett hé se nitegteful as te fou-gel tbsusshing ttsé vîsosè obliging cis-ilir>' anti bisutués assisteti mesti lis aoisying thé ex- Citet cuniosiîy ut aIl. At Whibis>'thé te- liegi-asitb b-ougli us tIse utr ent al lueurs, anti fret ail points, andti buoughout tIse irisele tinole theholgnapls office vas le-si- cge-t b>' aîxiooa enquit-cia for flise sîto eof tIse pull. Mn. Yulé, eus, urtil>'asnd obli- gin-, Oîteralor, et VIiiby, usas lîstétati- gablitnlsati,§tying éusquiuiés, anti 1»' ii cours-oa>' fis occasiuon bas atitet eue- ther t1 tuse*seau>'obtligations wu-licl tIsé peopile etf Vlitby aIrent>'owre lin, fon coenls>'and titîéuenis b is office. "Tiré GussRT rèt" Tise G rend 1 'fi ttkItail svnyCeompany>'advenuie t-otut tilit-f-cm îu'litby 10 Qssebec et $9.25. (Ssc aqs-l). Whio rieur iililue iithol séeisug tise big aship, & îèéig ibot aussiét capital 'i l'ho tickets holti geet to 3iat Jui>ý. %luitby t toliudiitîy, Gretlng, t At tise nsetissofethtiséTowun Ceuicilt lielti on Montisi>'erouin-, lat, a son et' $100, vsvoledtle uid t ho -relief et' thé 1 snfèewa b>'the Lindtsa>' fus-e 'flue et vas uvol anti tinel>'done, udutheIsékieil>' feelinsg1 wvIicli dictatedit canDotîfniî te hare ils elléot ii pî-cserviuîg thisi frieustiinescf inteicourac tlîuî bas luIses-te existeti botuseeu the pèo- l pie et bots îowuss. Vétrust le se ciluer lecalities foilov lte goot exusmpîo sét by thé iouuu of Whitby, anitd ait in re! ioviug use disîréas pi-udoct b>' tise great calemair> whicls. lisas oeéstui-iu lte T'f oin f Linti- Nmi Pm- ]ZM-.1dwas-da, hatl>'oe ltée 3'oric Ierald, lias publiieti a uîcur Imaper ai LloyttotuscalimuthetséExamisuer. Tiesé shét la as longé. us tiseC.Itronicle, .ioobs veil, tbo mater gouti, acdth tIsone e' lité eduton Inteposutént. Wé výisîs our oufs-es-e es-or>' succesa, andt hope tisat the9 Peoplie ot Bt-ovnsnillé anti vicli>' uiliap- pt-éclate lis enterprisé us it toserres. ar Ocratztînc.-Mr. Amos Berman1 of Brighton teuvnship, Ihein gilu Whi<by a tow dé>'. ago ca-11et ai our office aûu rc iates as fdllevas Tva méen iletbat totra- sîsip us-ile vaiking aleng tise noati vone sîmuck by ligIteicg. One vas instant>'t killei, aui t-be other stnnet. TIse otani ou- speéakicg ton 1upvands cf hboit an bout, uttil a youug voaw caéte bisas&is- tance. Oe toucWne uis bisa <oteng voman became stunnéti vIilé thé mùac vas 0< coe reliévoti I Botb vers Éà tërw-aédi réstaroti.t No tieush Ibtobody>'o> tIse. una v as fillet te <ho voman vheus she- approaclued - li.1 assae mo tre weqiea»noliâhà sEtbaatôut1 dre4 tcdriud~~ veWas hed byan ere cellent bind of m noie$ ani theécarnge in ýwhieh Mr 'Cuà mno'u' O4vaswudnawn bï sspeddgryJibonué.,Mr..Camerou WAI thé tVillI Of zri ,anti passed Mu., vlth threa& cheenFonà Ilcn for Mn. Camà eso-u.;t Towa Counl. YîWgLTBY, jtontiay Ev'gJ M'Y1 tI. ,Ak ~ coc. The folewien '- Lukikýers wereq1jxsont-iDr. ~ni, wrs IruanatCi ýThé clerk rmai a petitton receivetid f-cm Mn Yile à ,reli oP,.te lis-clain airainsu thé Qorporation, setting forth that n'O défi. cite action hati bèee taken by thse iabitra. tprs inz the, natter, that they had nefuseti te -net; anti'prnyin& for the specti> action of thse>Counicil. Subsequosstly tIse councit vent intQ cern. perhoxsimly. bean4.in;UFsbor bis clim cf $40,but un 'considéra'tion tIse com mitîe rose reportet i)rrerès andi obtaincti louve ta Bit again nt thé nekt imeeting cf. tIse councli. il> TO T Rni Ooci ID. Oc )ntbéc tders of tIse day hein, calîcti. Mr. Draper expînined. boy that iaSt year it was expecctid that the township cf lVhitby voult in iewith -the lowe ini passrng a luy. luw appropri nt ing a sunt te aid la, tIse au- provemnent of the Brock rend; thut tI!at tow isbftiinet Ceme., forward as ekpc ted, but ailouvet the matter te falI ibrough; that he had tlsought it better te kcPep it alive, anti cc'nseqnently pînetibis notize cf motion on <the orders of thé day, in or- der'te sec whether the township mighbt cet bo inducedto te tue np thé subject agrain; anud tisut imasmuch as tIse people of the towusship failedttede. se, cspeciaily those ini the îseigbiborluood cf Brooliîleand iAsIt. bure te ivhoun iho ati apeen, although ho bcd urgcd them le caîl a public' meetin, and le consequenee of vhnt luati since transpireti, lue vus induce tot take tIse mater ofi'flue paper. Thé ppople cf thé township urgeti thé division cf the town- iahip;o cfIteach as one cause, alleiéiitisat if it vas dividetiL _tue custern townsbip thé, ccouneu vas avare lîrat niatten isastila. tà se& f,-2hat. ç$inca tisen the Cosut>' tieon--5ne s got a oee soIl thé toiu' couit oxpeet-unt fur thein assistance le secuunlng it the liéese anti Deputy RBéés- tuïourcd the tbauuka et the-Cot-poration - anti noter' liese circums'tnncca hé ouiti more that tise ou-ton lau iscîsoret. Tise os-ten vas disehargét aceorting>'. THusLISuysAY 'r 5t-sD O o r1ERiE11t. Dr. Gun,scnded b>' Mn. Pont->, mos-éd thé fehlouving résolutonu viicli vs cnt-net unsanimoual>'. la meving the réSolution tIse Doctor tange-t Isle urusuai uaturéet'f the estiamit>', andti <Iss alîhougi thtie touves of Wbitby ndtLindtsay' might lle coissidéired te -ertie oxteut rivais, yet thé tîicrutliest teelinrgsaolways existet betuveen tisé people et bofl places, acîst his net cf dtf>'ant t'rientslip wus ce tisai uoulti trai- tlséa stili mo- oisel>' togothen. 'fLot iftRis Vosship IthoMaornlà soe thé opinion tieseaenee aube leguil>' tasse, Ibis Corporation tél"a'ijahi zisg iîstIste Corporatiern et Lindîso>, usn- tIr their cfflictissg tispeusatisus, le-g te ps-e-sent te thé hayon et thé Ruit Ces-pore lien et Lindtsay, tise sen tu con,îsusîidrét tola-s t lue b>' iiu pait os-et-to tIse chtai-- mou et thé commutéee, for tiset-elle-t cf thé testituté suffes-ens b>'théehuIstsnér,vits a ré- quet tIsaI thé sait auneblue x1endiut th le pureluifsetoffoot ncntohin- -(Cu-nied narsirnousi>'.) A i-esolutioin iras tht-n passeti authsot-izin, flue 'l'ecsur-te pus>- te tubeoanout ta tt-îes-det of Ile Mayor. aTREcTS-nsASIt ,siss-sovésulTiSr. 'lué7tu m'pnrt of this cnmmit<eé iras lîs-uglît up b>' Mr. Potr>' anti adoptet.Il seiforths flaItIsée corutriset cf Mr. James Forsyth on 1Brode ainéeet li-ibeers cenmpe- ted, eut tltatîbhe etoui--icîudsg exîmas for cuivs-tl-cama toe $244, etfvîsiclu hé lunt reccielset$130, nstpayment et thé blanco vos meeoritiésdt-d. Thé repût also 'iédoinmouitietthe porcisséetof10,000 atiiional te of 3-mis p ink, an't ad.ut vértsumesut for <erîdéers 'for 20 cers-to f cîcas gu-cel t<elle telis-é ndartlaitdevisa netbh etf Poilars-' ltel on Bu-ode att-cet. Mn. Purstatét thaet tIse iosunt le Fersyts dit-mt Inciads titiceai t'fa large cuit-srt opposite Mits. Coleman'& place whicis wasbeirsg termeby tinys verk. Oun motion et' Dr. Gunu liberty' vas grututedtileMn. Leiriig le cccupy that Isor- tien etfi3rock streot opposito bis vacant lot witis building smaeriluss. lIs u'épIy teDr. Gene tisée lusirmon ce sitrectestindim p'otemususfs statêdt lItIitwva net thé intention tole lu>'douven acoeî-d train fot- passiag tIse vatér ilirougbht-s. Ceîemaîu's lot. On motion et Mr. Watson, couneil ut- jouruedti t Monda>' evenîng Juiy 291lu, aI Isqjf puaI 7 o'cleck. -Boand of Behool Trostoe. - --Tuzss,0 yJul>'10, 1861. 1 At tIse meeting et thé Board <bis day, thero vêt-e présent Mesars. Honck, (choi-c man), Blow, Doei, Frie-, an4i Watsen. 1 Thé Seerea-y vas instruottitemtif>'1 tIse Reéve, anti Superintesuteni ofthIe Town-i ship ~ o cfWibca méeting tel h boit 1 the Teuvu Hali ou Thnn""Y" Jul>' lstb,1 (le-day,), for thé purpoe of onuidéning thé 1propti- lot>'etattaceing 'certain lots <c thé love, for acheel purpobes. Payménî cf iuntir>'accounts, amennting1 Pl $82à vas ordoroti. -Atijoturcèdi <oieit t li.Tewns Hal onj !8-tIs Jul>'. . tue. mia. . 81C 55as a grossit 5UYlJ'O 'poblià h;4-iIsmoto u,' ate'aile:from"thi eîoctossof ie's'anti mone partlculariy tfl Cs ý,Bet. nIsOntario, shcUWd bécouse, faila itIsthé stylé qEtof4bIrnémber.- And -as-an- anisuer, 1. ask yon te pnint -f same, thé MIiiJ-,Ipt-»eïdoe"lqalter plans of Towns ýaîsl Villages,. Thse vitîgar tirade anti abuséi, proves Mr - Réesor té e idà t , bU prove u mte,;0hé ea convicte4 hanie Thusl's my Irsetanwé. liideaL wiiath à i và rdly lieon personil;, on;mono -ftturO 'occasion.' AoursR&ER. Murkluam, July 11, '61. mon,'Mn. Win. Scott, go vol aûnti fvonabi>' keowd, in ent ont of the tova c f 'wluiîl, ii noue locuiei nt Prince Albsert, vhéne ho tocs tise honora at thé ViiTreus BOTIIL.- Siuuce Mn. Seoti's purchase et' thèse prom: ses frou tIse loto propritor-Mr. Boyeton, hé bas tmrbehTimprod>thé,'intelierof the bouse, aind, iwe are gladto tbchable <o say tIsat le is doius.rt excellant business. Tisé Usio.N HUTol.--Mr, bucCleve is nov tIse prepnieten eft<bat olti establishet bote! situatéti at Manchester, femmènly. occupiet byMr.,RuinaI!. Hé viii bts hîappy toýse lus feinist u u tintés; and ail vho visit lMinvii be sure te fint chui ging cis-ilit>', anti gondt troutmeist. O-MR. RsserWÂosuxa's nov stOre at Brookl is la ys weél supplicti vish a lit-st cinsa stock ot' goots. Cricket. PRINCE ALaESST vs. UXBRInEa. A fnientil>'gume cf cricket came off on Saturte>' ai, osn tisé'Primée Albert cricket grouet, bétuveco thséUxbrligé ont Pt-nce Alhert Clubs.. Wickets vene pitchet ai 12 o'elocls, non, cnd <lue gaine comméncoti by Uxb-idge b tiuiiiszthé bat. -Bdw 1 gis-e yen thé score. Thsé match vas a tight cee, ansd lpla>'c-d wvlis spirit et lotIs sites, Prtince Albsertvont ly 'itisé skia et IlIum 3. FOuan,. us "ur-------------- M. Cusîsu,. Il 1,,sr----------- G5. ei'ts-er. 5, W. Ilovîilon .............4 Rt flirriksi-.1, %V. R--' si--us-------------......o 5V îtî-irntsl. 1W. Blviffin--------------....t J. 13RXTTM t1) M'. tt"sstr--------------...... %V. feisoans . . .W. btV. ..........- 9 . Pikeu. ru-, -'r--------------- Il. Sroiieb fisirtt-------------------.....3 B-.- - - - - - - -'... 1.............. Side. ........--... ---................i 37 G. %'1ser tIl<'nrdiisr---------------ut....1 J1. PuesCOr i isuet. .... ....... ............. A. Snsîse lilitti' I. rut-lnsi--------------....5 J. -ians- . 1lssst.-ti s)flactiser----------.... J. 0,-nus. t, R. I15,-ii-ses------------------...., '%. le I'stsr'-én . , n er ~u.. -.....i Wv. la 11.s-,, sRu. Irrsî'ts,---------------.... ST utie e Il, Csust 5rii-u--------------...O J. Iliku' c W. 15'vi'sn hb(5,rdsscr ..-----------.é ..t ..-"n .............................u s Oî',-i22, l ii-nntbill------------------.... Dn5. rA flts'ut. s-tii,..........---------------.. A 5. ir <Ssstsr v f'-i lsu 1itrittou-----------...4 St tr,,sqs-tih lSi1tiii....-----------------..t T. 1tssts.'rmt',s1)..t....i.....----------------- J. lli-bStIJnsntts,"î. .................... e lire P î ."ii .... .t..........................-5 -57 t'fNL5e ALUIEmeT.2ou5 rutiisg. 'IV. TJ;,ts-,stsssn r u<ii tt 1 1cilt-usi .--------.3 ut. sr-estnfostmiusut---------------------....5 J. T1isiu ii t 0191r..........................---s e G5. Itnitiu'n îuti,---------------------..... Qi. 0St'5s-ruiuuid s1,e-uarn .... . t....1 T. Ii'si euru',,,vs- (ldii-,s1)uflera ........2 1). tuis- rlnulsuan.---------------- IL Piu rnli .1t.0 1) u:s,: u'Bas-tr*m.---------- i. r'sislpuni uuoui---------------------....2 44 Fi-st lmuissgu-------------....u' Prince'Aihént %viccing b> ' , at lunee uviokets te go devis. TIse grsé eutde tiét t-tsu o'clci, p. n., wheis tlbépiyeivitb miac>' of theun -ftiê'dé mode fer <lue YicIoia;Hôtel,:vbene dinner nvitedti lcm. ,Aftêr hoving dame justice tollée édibies, tisaeevere ses-oraliteais gis-on, andti s-plied te, anti sôngs iSunguntil' tIse pýq'YIy- roSé up, about -, 'cloc44. wî-Ien <ho Uxbi-gengosaleft amiti sudcisceers- as vouîtihure doué isonor' <o a Prince. Youu-s , PRINCE ALBERT. BLONIN ECumsnîCséu..,-Âi Lonton. h talteg cf, anti uunnicgafter Blondin, tîmé French. Aee, h ibhiseck atI thè palace tfor sôÃ"ameliiung likSe £10' O4tIse - per- feu-nana.. T'flfots of tItis manonppn.tise, nope au-o porfécl>' astoanding. Yen sIsudtdr os-en vhile you rend oetb<em. 'Yét tIse béant>' anti fashion cf thé metropellas&train their eyes anti ueaks te loIs on tIse roalit'. It la nôt off on tbat aà Ituian -,ein -'u"seen <o place himseIt voluntanil>' illun a, loup of et9meity ;_ anti thé lovéetofthéeIsoribie, andti bal Mtnie ausieéty vhicis le4as' vn deicatd-nnîeetilades te ledok on dreadèti Scelnes, crowd the Crystal PNaee. Tiss mon, theugs lue basthé< gïfts"e a menlsy, ma>' die in bis 'bot, but ho i. just as 'like1ý soeéday te tu. is ibaies lu>' talcihsg; ; taise stop; andi thsasd go ýprobbi, speeusating os suaI co'utýinge'ne>'. 1 au net rîd s8c4sspctacle s a érditbee ols-ilization. Whuutgoond n;th<is man'a feats possib>a'»t~? Pl)slge>aven con- tribute te rat-louaio:r dicetamusement?ý Loadn ces-respcosdent ôf thte Claagew Ilerald. - - South Grýnenml-Patnck . 1,i' tý .u.......... A 10 0, Jf~ ' ' 1 O0f Pg.J4ameeeoe, . ' O O DurhsamE. B.-J S-9.rSmth. .. i0 O EÀ nN.' 0-&b1-0I E#8e.v-4'Baskia;.0 O0O1 Hlo*-.-ýWltê ....-----0,1 O KecUn -SieKelf.----------....0 1 0 MiddeexER 1oktan i 0 Niaga-ra SimeR. c l a- - ... .10 1 0 Prince Edwùarà -Antianson-.....O 0O Rti8sell- Bell.----...- ..-.---.-r o o Wfaterloo N.-R.m-Felcy--------o. i o Il'enlwortls N. R.-N]ýotrnan-O I.. O1 York N.',,.-Wlsn-----O 0 Y'orkc E. R.-Wnigbt---------O. 0i1O Grey-Jackson ...... ........10 0 Hastings N. BR-Benjamin -i...... 1 O, Huron and'Bruce.-Dixson-.......0 O Lasark S. R.-Mcr'is--------......1O0O Leèds and G4-essille N.R.-Jones..l,. 0 O Leeds S. R.-Tett-----------......1O0O Oxford S. BR-Connor-------.....0i1O Pert/-Fo...-- ---'.'. - O'- i-. O01 P-eterboro-ýHaultain-----------...O0i1O Jelingtou N. RCakiý Wies'uwor.lt 2. R.-Rý-ymal-......i0 oý 33 29 3 lis e rtures froin Leer Canatiaus fas- us aseertainat inticate tIse'élections'te bo in tIsé proporti on of 40 <c 20 in favor ef <lue Miiiis tny. TIsé Grand Lutige of Bilasons. (FrosathetséLondon 1L'r..tdtyré, Jîily 18.) Thé business cf tIse Grand Ledge et' Canaavas brouglute a close yestertay. Thé fellosving ila alist of thé neviy eletot grandtiofflces M. W. l3rouher T- D. Haringuon, Gandi Mastr, e-elece.0 IL W. Brother W.- B.Simpusonu, Dcputy Grand Master, re-elé oued. R. W. Broiher Edwvin IlcathislIdi-grand- Senior Warten- Rl. W. Brother Charles Osgoed, Granud Junsior do. R. W. Brother Vincent Cleîneéîs, Grand Cluaplaisu. R. W. Brother Il. Groff, Grand Treasu rer, re-elééted. R. W. Bi-ether D. C. Curtis, Grand liu. R. W. Brother T. I. Harnris, Grand Se, cretar>', re'eiectsîd. Brother J. Morrisen, Gransd Tyler. Thé M W. G M, vas pieaet u cotufimnu tIse uornation by iodgcs cf tîséir respe. tivé districts', as follova Huron District, R. W. Brother E. Ir- London do, I. W. Bu-otison G. Mason. Wilson do, R. W. BUtother G. W. Whsite- Hamilton do, R. W. Brother Fitchs. Toronsto do, R. W. Bi-otluer G. W. Shor- Ontario te, R. W. Brother W. H. Wel- 1er. Censtral te, R. W. Brother G. La Sert-e. Pt-mce Eduard do, R. W. Brothen A. A. CampllI. Munit-éal te, R. W. Bi-otIsat A. A. Sté- asternTownsc-hip te, I. W. Brethén G. J. Morebonse. Quebuc do, ne appointnet, Tise M. W. the GOnîsi hston ivilliop- peuhi the toltowissg offloons, 'et vhieh tue uîoico urilîl e gis-on. Grand Soutier Deacon, Junior do, Super. intentent et Wot-ks, Dinécton ut Cérèmno- aies, AIssistant, Secrè<ary, Suvemt'Bpareri Assiituitiector cf Ce6nusiele, Orgu- nisî, Assistant de, Pursuivaat usuti-elI Grand Stewvards. Thle Grant Lodge viiimeét nazI yocar, Si S- thnel J>' - TIse van in <ho-Amnenican States conti- asses te drug 'iÃsalow 'iomgth along ;but ver>' ver>' elovl>'. >hene have béon soe akisitnlhés anti-sut-prisés in wisicis, ai hast, somebot>' bas gel lut-t,and et haoboe thé followinug aceount of"i .ea-t botthe" ai Canricksburg, Vu. vhiclu la thé latesi ver ,ucvs. It"-easLVa., Jul>' 15. "To Col. E. D. 'fouvseust, Assistant At- jutant Génrais 6. Genéna i Odreoit anti bis forcés bavé boe noutot, anti his buggage arud one gun <sîken. Mas uomy l'escompietel>' demorali- zet. 'Oefiu-al Ganict iras kilhéd visile 1nùtém pting ,rte mull- his tomées -ut CarrmeS- fend, nelai-8<S. 'George. -1V W e o tuu- photo1>' aneihitaiet < ha enéminlaWestent Virgisuta;,.* Qssjr loss--hut 13 killetianti net mou-e than1,40,- wpunRdet, -vhuléthse ee- nîya hqla mot fat- ft-om,200 billet, anti thé asum6e,-oet pt-isomèerea vohave toison vilI amoumi t o at léast 1,000. 'We>have talionts ae éf thé enemy s guns in 'il. A poto fGarnis'forces mortreateti, but 1 lookt fer tfboii- 'capture'b>' Gênerai Hill) Who pursuedtheun.' TII>' tncepsJhtIsiGar- aett bot entier bis cousiant are suidti t be thé crack s'égiibenti cf -Emsés-m Vinginiîa,ý qiaih crVgiaj, -,- nnessééaus, ant Caroliniane; 'Cen succese, lacomplets, anti firmâly béfloe IhatLse1oèsioal'0 llt iu <is ýsection et théecntry. - - îý 't(Signod> -GRO. B. 'MéOLULL&î,; Ç4iocéral Gai ott's re ah 'eii héo- H. $iuarp, T.,BP.Stewart,, SJ i,éyPJé, ý ADJUTAT-H. L, E; Hssrinti oldflýaihurat BItreet farecksw. ÈýO5 'ecrS-Who can 'Ltt b. c6Itdki b moine 'tiik of iuéGo ernés t sbi,1a- appropuii'do tiiq!US !of on0 fthée(Gé- nerals sand MIisustà #fwho 'dre"abbi té vieiL Canada tët'c mktdd' tIse tr oops. The ap- co eotiatio u f o: hoth aidldiérs anti nen'us; le a sheft 'tiime,,ls6ti ;" é viii bc An 4cl -ofrespeciing 3Mapaon Plana cf Toýwnaor illages in (4per Canada.' leameniment ot the 'thinty-4iftu ied: feîîowieg :scetions of thé Act rsjsecfin'- the survey of landaïn ùUppér Pisatia,'1 Her Majesty, 4y anti ith thé at4iicéanticon- sent of thé Le-gisative, Councîl andi Asseex- 1. Acy ûuweFrarownerseof aey: Tôwn or Village, ýorcf a4y,.origriul.ivisLon of any Towri ' ilael ppïî-caît-aday cf vhioh aplaît or nîap bhas h mate,'ceai- éd,~ ~ ~~~~l inoiei st écr~~j pursuaac0 of thse provisions cf'tIse saiti setionis, May, cause a -iov surveyý anti plan' luereof, alter- iîscà or Whely or part .ly ai ceIjg, nîd. makingr voidthtIe first survey asd plan thene: etf, audthe division cf.- tIseland ithereby into lots and aliow ance s ,fur ronds, sîreets, anticoauekisse h pefe'edmad ecerti- fied, deposited anîd recorded, ie pursance ci. ssuch provisions i and ±Isereupoe sacl firât survcy and-pllirsball >ho .,alterei, or* whelly or liaîtially canceiled,ut matie voii. accordingly; provideti, alwuys,,thut nepart of any Street or streots sîsaîllhé altçeét or< eîosed up, upon irhelu auy lot cf land solti' iu sncb tevu or village or original divisiin theroof abuta, or uvhics connecta any aucli soIt lot with or eaffo)rts maus cf acceas uherofronuI te uenearest public, h iglway; anti provideti, aise <bat.notliusg containati in tItis Act sha lainaey. va7 interfere Wt'h <ho poirers now possosseti by imunicipalitios le referenceto luighways"t "2. Se tend fthe provisions oet tIe ait sections as aiecîlot ineonsistent vith tîsose of this Aet salît-apply <to, urveys, as, and planus, perfermet ani sudintii parsustcet'ftItis Aet.9" the Dublin cousis. Thse 'fllcwo iîs th sterY - " lu a cause entitîed 1'Foote v. M 'G ie go r.' a S ua m e £ 0 0wf l c é d lu the C uist eo f C h uîc ry ln L eed oî" ' hi suin Maria lliggfins hati power te dispose of by ivill, provided she dieti vithout issue. A %vili was'prôpoundeti by <tho'prisoners, Cha-les Hi-giits andi He nry William Do. vereux, lu ias preved to 'bo -drauvne'up in the luasdwriting ot'thé latter, anti on tise 2lst et' Auguat, 1858,,he appliédti t tIse Cour4-ct' Probato enE nglnatio thu 25tur1r'Mtrchi 1859, th1 andcfn£500 va s p id. T h es e p ro ce di ugse r ta u On the allégation <bat Maria Hilggins m dent. Rer 'menta nemaitîs véré W poset te ho 'irak-et' un a houa. IniBahp gate atreet, sho being uat the saime tinte allie anti vol!, and rcsiduîsg in thé ciuy 1ut llsîttington-Routi Terrace. A coffin vas obtainét wviîls an inscription on tho liti asQsungforfstîteusante and ug0ocf thé lady' There vas a fumerai, irith a heansé anti two mnîiing -concues, usîd thé romains, wore internéti vith' ail tiue sclemcity in <ho Rom:an iatholic e emètenycf' Giasne. cviîu. Thé borcaveti vidq ver hâdticrape luit bat, andi otherwîise mounsiéti in an . eiuplary manner; But tIe secret Vas dis- closét, andi thé Policé icspocto-. font suothisu; iintIhe coffin but a hag of Sand, an& somoe loose clay. Devereux .sait, ie biSý défonce <luat ho vas tirava mb < he frauti by thé otheis; that lue got On y £,14, for- lus ahane in thé tracaction , titat Hiein sisonîibhliife, a se vas-matie a 'Party te tho deeti of sale. n.Crn eon îlot sitewu the tiaugluter et Mn. Breail, ttsite enteredti ho boue n en us companios to bis cluild*ren,,'t hébcofTr-' cd <to mnary her, ant <at they wén èe mur. net i le lant le, 1822, anti subsequéau4î le ScotIanti. Lottérs vexe put inshoviag, that Mn. Cet-ny aîwaya ackuowledged ber as bis vifé. Thore anc <vto, ,que ,stions in- vas thé vife oet Thon,> asChanles Steua-t Conry; ýif <btat is proveti., Dr. Ce00r>', oý Bl3fast, <ho isase cf tho 'maniage, *la!"- morne next <here iéil'bluethé question 'cf thé deéti of convéyance. iMr. Wbiteside is couesel for Misi. Coer,: Tua GÂL 1wÂT S'uBsswv To usERasTenueD. -thé Freemans. Joursial stts pônj whatW il' enu îI'i4ecj labo autrà ity, that the Go*vénet, cving.' te tioréjI vIsat rolentédti .ards'the Galvay Oom, 5paey,j,asd'a-o'ëouisdoffng thé vrepriéty of nencviusg tise suboitiy. ' -T' ' '1 ai ,aù gthe- a'btimeýeaa L w i SUl impu otis, Ua&Vmag the bair SoAtantd k1ouye < écoitIoad is iue to -tIhpq la ei o anartiÃle.2 eltier <o restb&4. Ja~ the Town of, Whilby, en the 1 t inst., - the wifé of L.HIL Bhofied,Fed.-Y Rev. Jà hnBiaird, M. A Jamest-Mackie ~Esq.;Bà lsa>,w , o' atherinei tilird dator of. the Jate,&. 'onMngmer~ Wh haven,_Scotlaed. 337 thé ev: L.Warner,, on Thursday,. the il1h fiast., ,'at 1the retidence of ti< brlde's father, Mr. 'Chaà . J. Robinson, ,f Orillia, to. MissMay I.nn, third daughte .r -'f Robt, Litôn, Vsq., Lake Shoô Piier. We b'W ave to1 Isote qonltineti ulînésandi amuait tielive ,-ies cf- ail kintis of produc.. , -'--. 1 :Fuli Wheai.-TVie fewvloa nicfgcd -m saplea offereti are purchà t taot$, oo pop luuhel' for tfuir, to$iOS for"es-lmé %am ples. -- Sp -egWhct-Isbc'bgpurcbast-fe lo-cali Milieu-a at,-About t75ctst for sountdryq sauls tanytluing ever <bis shippérs to Montreal or Név Yonk an icipsetd - te ôperato, u s Chicago 'ant i Miwankie ' $prnng anti Club Whieat con hopînchet- at, these points, ai figures whicb, coat- laid tove at due'séaboard, ýmach léa thon-pur. cbsiue,4 hes-eý, ýThese kints, cf wrIeat pe pre ,fernot te Canatilus, as beîng more7safe <o rli upon, for keoping sunt ant iyteet ou Oéan voýg Péus.-Are bougluht ut' about. 43clt'.- Tisa hovness et' pneu la suttrihutohiele ose immense qunruit>' anti citap psicéeto Wesýtern cou- .Wcl-Is dm11, oviug te unfavorable neya from Etulant, anti for gooi lots ntsà ô,ver 22cts cun ho got. Oats-Aré tube -for local consumption at 23 tà .725cts. Montreat anti New York markets stili, cd'ntinué 'dulI. '~ - tii exes-t the bostpiust t!fir ta e. Uttn, tui Lruternli-st or Illué iiuéa; tl1ey- Itle saiset»bauti alt certan ure nt-earéa ebl.24 lakien but Pu-suuaut fvniaà t-s <su siag sheflrssMu»O as Ilio' igt eie<) t'mn ô Lé 1lsru.égum ii, btisa ai ohua pis ithe5iir stan tlsneruicsuy sati-. Ne. n.--oue uiul15sin etuu auî- ssrizeut Agt i-il! eiacre.pac-kage ofPthtaby Ceinttrcf ai. C.1CR0,4113V. Ceuserai Ageunt. - Fort Efie. C. W'., ttUiIUl. N. Y. CAU-u-ist.-eleei- t~,éasimterfuef w, the geiuîctiebhu-e b. r oistrste fC. LCROSBY-cO te écisnss asmppeé. For ale l'ità l speasîbusu-ar. s TUE IGREAT ]ENGILISU RIEr SIRt JAMSCLAtSKÈS .00 CleIerated'Feinale Ppl1s,' l>rcparaéefrvla, eproscription ocf.îir»J.CruM j~ ~~ ~~~~~n RI rl uti-uSidcu , impésitioo, huitRatré sîgst ite -einuudy fat- Feisuatla1Di- t1hclesauî <bt.titonsn uc e-us us-at- lieret-nusd ,sl,,lÃtgau oivot-tiIrèu ths-ey cotnn iln-,~ ,sfil s-ii a tséea*1tstsuiié. ToMu- -ledsutè i ta pecullaris aitét.,Il uilI, la a suicn té, ebnissg Ottthisnuasihi pet-led îuiîlsré gulanlîs. Ttteutèl'ills bissu eve-r kbacuvo a < uBlueré tiul diréétieuta oft' the 2ndpauge of ijlehle ns-o wèll oherms-é1, te Iît ottîorizoît Aýgesst, sillanutré a bos-lé 0f tie bihs y réiu nru aîsiI For saie inu WhIsi lus- C. A. Èunuiién assît W.ll. Dol. I.1 é t5e-. - - eifla'réa Minutes. nte ms mit ea i s»ejreey'remely eCr -disrertes <fer aU Ltis of te Chst eand Luags. Cnégci, î CZs4uIiuCeuusstptmot. Brutnchusju. JnJia.- catr, Ileér&-eaan Ds'Jjleult Breatsiuuî, *-ES NAP-ffl gis-e ibhéamuir imsrusesaeés iisaud 1 pert'eet relierrinui vhuu csefrereu5 willi ariecitlu dîreéttési, i eu-ét-ita eaffect a riplut and la»tuis U Met. Thltsuiuu,-has-e bes mélorued se pert-ferslth w5i' hature ot-kuer néons iisaisi.Tus al' clssm saadtCI esuSstistuionshe>' yau-e eqoislls- a lcsut da cru- pouinte.il d.pair.unu tmeitecfoluon bg r e dteéi5Y has-e exissu-u, or îîauu-csvs es-èevre i m e , -pru'tsi an fme1 rn~ua5trial 'ie VaCALISTO AND, PmraBl ré&Ksau.these 't-skis are fmééuialy Satenlîls ; shs- tite in N£DAY'OiiuVO rue umiur es-èe aèeoit it h irm ; anoeimer rage- la ue fout- tefé .ay'ss-ii, ai ail tins,isucréasé1116 paiver osal fiexittiit- et the voice, gs-eîît5]y isusrilt toiue. rauandarulcreteu s, forirvbscl peu-paeésues are regul rs11861 mutiry-prot'éuuial vecaIL4tU. .JOB 3111m SotétéPucuprieui, it ochester. 5X. Y. Fu-me 26bmtra peu-box,. i Pa-r mai 1yo. A. Bassntmer.a1sd '% T . fi B. ODýTl(ebuiGueux-mjmg, ui5 IT u1 - TIS CANADIAN PAIN DESTISOYEL TS-A M EIICINE ,foutlué inlimjiate ana ipr-- j. munnesut' nusunivsi oftuilhauts fs-oui tise systen T/te-OanadiaiPain De8troyer eut-os Uhénimatu, iIleurisni and pain lu lthe f l u a on d Si e . 'T/te Onadian Pain Detroyser relie-s te u h oî a49i-seieé 27he-Casadian Pain Destroyer - cures BilitirCliheeaut e ramnpe lutise Stounsci - n Cie(anâian Pain Deatroe-r eu-ca Chicoer, Clile- ;Mabuts, Dyseule>' i ad Bnsvdll Comp'iast. Pam Canadian Pain Destroyer cnteé udt~e'Cols as<SeéTbreai.' Tise CanadWiaWPain Destroyer ourrnNduralgis, Tiodonlonireux, anti Toothsch5.' Tise-Canadiin Pain Déegroyer ocraldan e ouis, n Sduhin f ori-btos, SilIsial T& eClanadian Pain Destroyer price 25 é'enta pet BoUlet -Ail orders atdreeto --2IORTURC1M LYMANS -Fo- Sale lu Wluitbyb G. A, iSdsîelst.t unitd ~ . Il . Pý p l.1 . 'L3). li tb ra geis, U b ý'rt o - anud an iiuiiiéisdo,s'lce L -1- ~WIsitby à /c 7 t N Pl '-1 Jiliui l ietu, du 'the Ious - lasit, api (Tais-ual No,. 2î, il mlstp of V Sree tIll * A parti !r noil tu-auship- S-V, usalaLot, acné, ou-i son, née front of itee On' iunatau sents tél luelueen in n pari geod tls 6-mh 25, boue, cimg on Windtsor frein andi thé sou- Btalé k17 <benne n Ftréan <A t Ne.itair 89 degrk * ,afresaid of begitn taiuli4g c tovn of1 oui thé la AIse an t le",. -Se the. préa tse Sil c ao IsuilMi Tsé pli cf salé, v thein Sou ee,vitb] oimlc . ,il Isèslu Funilbe Çsv b, Il te nd ai Tomant w Vl WbsPijs5 e