DO Y01UJ TSTYE GO TO G., ROBSON'$. ST. LÂWEENOE FOR *tu THEPROTEOTIONIST original) $28, TWO SIZES G0OLDEN FECle, VIOLA, * TEBAN, C.lebrate& Oalange mater, & Intendin¶>ir ohmm orfr cash will do wll to vama unsWor oîlng .îowliero .No houa. IVERY STABLE AITAOLED, And ovorytlulis s ondacttld la tIi. boit stylo Horses anti Carna*ges Xt sli hours te ors¶or. &GRICULTIJRAL LIPLEMENTS. G. R. les agent for nale of Pattersoi»a's & lirotil- "oi Agrieultural Impksnea;ta ofuticîhrtond 11111, andi là proparesi to roelvo ahiordeais. GEO. ROBSON, Brock Strcet, 46 Whiýtby. XItUSE AND LUT FOR SALE IN T M ndlersi~îoried ins for sale a largo tramie iîllý,20 ctly 40 togetlier with hit Tnhora lait seeI a gonîd woll of miter on aisepromises. TtiseproIporty la wl satited un Torossto asnd Wellngon irecto,lsx the douor. idhlng Village oftUxbridge, Coniity ut Osaarlo. Thîs proîserty wi111 o sac Id choap. For fasrdier prqlasro enriuIrof uýt tsbsribùr. (If by ALEXANDER THOMPSON, Bisslroad Ilotol, Csssiîîigton. or to JOHN TIIOMIPSO.N, 113 lJxbt ige Tthea style ud l iris ililligs & lsrd at Port Perry5 andIliard & iillsiga at lPrinre Albert, has.b~edoiul vod tsy- muintttnaI Conosnt. JOUN B IILLINGS LWCHANCERY, k CONVEANCING~ T. C. Foritsats'a tore. 12 STAGE H OUSE, ISAAC FENTON, . lProprictor. BEST Wiuc uai lij srS. n pri"r isccoan* B*ion ioilr trarsflr ;,goslsg and attentilve ssiiatl'r. 1 IVIIITBY PIANO FORtTE MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, Wliitby ~wv~ L~ T er=g f * i m k h f§Wbia o e Tms SlOdovnthé largedTtositt BCIIOMJQEI LD LANE. 14 R M Aubuetr. -o- 'Klu.d pubîlic lsten te My tale, Ansi mark thie mtodes 1have fil? aie, And wvisonyoma'ro tlrough tise lenrthy hast, Atintlier bheur siolo nîsi nthomissesd. Wlthoiit a vIsait ut Inspection, Unto îny ci and variosi coletion- Of oeory Isinsiandi sortif toys Tcoie oyrir hsmppy ginis ancà boys%; To>'. tîat wontbreak, sud arc worth bnylng Certain to *top sali suiks andi erying. Andi of theïa'lr erit--ba It spoken- Boing indien ombber, en'tbe broken. In tsny'goodS 1 Iwellay gay, 'Ihltlîy neva-r ua tise day Until f opcn'd my Fansz Store, Suels adisplav 0otgoods botore, There are astliseis, haîr brousiles, and hboae, Ansi combea, ansifeuen soap ansd ,oeih And issus anad moto, knittlng ansi notiing, Porfoanery to keep oit tettisa'g Ansi ladies boita, ansi pins qaa lings, Ard flfty otîsor klaidsoft-ismgs, Wisieiî lacica neosi ansi always get, Whîoairke the isansomest toile'. I'vobakets, boaards for ohecke ansichoes Ansd domisiocs, us yen niay Ploet Wlth cards for pluansdsiconversation,- Ofiera glasiues for. tiî neat ion, .Jswelry tor reale andl station, To bcstislpayed on Occsion. Broocss i nge.rîsîg ha îillot, anal pendlant*, For ladies andIniode' attenaîaaatu. lIn eciateetioiss3, ton, l'an well suppliesi An.i tise.wlsn once tiso> have been te y l is u easinars snob pieanre, ?syaie asst pruser wilîon aineasUre. C'wes l a n sd caeis, andi îica5 ansi esasslea 'aviti lozeisus-, andsidrois caileci 'branlies;' ,olnftas lemoss-uips, andacs oekers, llib>--isurssst, si Otsaisl reekors;l Lemesîs, osiagcs aildfrsait, Apiples, iss, u, isiisee)Crs tosuit, Sttttiont-ry too Inlapesîtr Assdi un%,lopets- k isîdo inna ethn twenty! Rîsite, asîsi j'eiieils. isons aundi loldenaé, Port morussiesi, islsttcrs, piuer toiders, Boîxe» fur tmmisiss, chosal iool , andi %tory, Ansi toy-ookoç, ii n ialis goosi boys% <1cr>. [ï.lae sel 1aIdo ioiore, Ail tlisista flawasod. ansi wilov.vore, """P 's siibee, tubts,itrisits ansi ponaaiero, ltn ide(rs, rollsng-piisi, ansi ronndars. ('raies fuir lsaless, 111ai1 l>tivaa <cis, Cages fortirais, Puaroas Ai.dpoila; ixikeis, tise eloixspt nissnauitettore, Ofi tiat iroat iriaker Msr. t3nigsCter. Tobacces, to, 1 have a store, Cigarai thue iet rosaglit livre bofore, Aansl ripes of nvery size an issid 1ssi To suit eaoîîtoaste, moaîey, ndl iasd. yiy tislr, ton, aadInisstrnuments, R qiaire is it e or two Commeata, lloisg h lsys self witis Carosecleutosi, Noioe ltit tise beissay bs>'lc expectosi. fls ali tisa goudg 1 I1<b141111 ly My cilistosîora tua pluse Iry, My prices uner wili ise iigîs, Now li tise tine te corne andi bny, Anssifor to gnisatusthey#sblie f4ssor, e 04OEPEL F. RAINE R, "(" oe cilUGIIFELT eI takois gnt peasnro in luH GI EIZ fsi'5.1011,1 tise puliiilâst lue lias W'litby, Ma 7,10.7 leteirasatreitîss;ij4c xtenisieepreinîsca t'rnierly , s' ,181. occciip les] b>' lr. O. Fordas a a Csrriage tictor' iseiri>' lrrslae ihouer JuigoBssruiaatn o, 50 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE ilc tise To»tf Whitby, andsi vern lie in nov euglisgeo1i f ise siaiifatre uofl'a-AN08, is ail t lsiuule(ru lisiprssesuaeîss, sii wibci lie IN TIUE wailuwarrasnttLu bcejiasilunbrilliasse>'of toue, dslieaey osut oissi, andal taîsrlorIn l lli, tu pfy~~r.4 JU VEIT ' Al Plinjesare matsloiy film nithia uli mts]. Ile transoe Wik utosetr g ut tissafile et 'usa- PLYT sqoîsasi t wbis sadinistrals ofthaSe finies. us.PY acriptiots. 18 LOWE$SL- POWELL. i. FI'm.. lg exparience of iteuri>' 20 ).Our%, botýis aAisare asai tiorinu,i as d a lis " -- tIse Unîtes] Stsaîco sud tbilss L'ouitrv, eusabses FOR ALE. fislmuto s4tes init ii ealliosis. ability to give comsplote satisafasciosa te ftisepublie. tw'Prlees wall b. onnal isicisLow piE Snlasirilserx bvnig da-iros gto rctire er than tiacua cf ImportesiInstrumen t TfrmitctIeunmiasr>' buseeinisoffor for -sale eflifîrior mf tnuotsclire.TluEL0 WM11TB 7 ND Y bis Octavie, (sinaecne,y; ........... $180 ~ BTB OU D Y 6V aie rondetils, ) ....las...2D .itasatesIin tise Tovn ut Whitby, Capital cf tlse 7 o d deo rsthsr) ......... ...50 Csssiity netOOntario 7ýj (etsavus, (Oi'ei-sti'iisg adouabl s'oausahased aSfirmtrperosu irityt sshor'maet b ii ins]uis legts) caxtra ....................425 aMiet-ruficteusporetsîti i fria s'st lamens la W~A giliirasitce ut Aix yessrs giu'en iiti a em iosse fmsest. scissfu oni eCn lnoriieti-.-Forur iseanal price, enquireosofC. Lyim sor Ahi wooal-morkI ltisebest rose e oul. IlUsomi1'(»uT. J. F. i's. Plisue ishasa taen d-fire ni tLYD POST. tlise P'rovinsci lxlihitioisi,, îîîssb has es, isi Vitis>' Marchi 27, 1861. I ligisi>'recnsîsstaimei s> t fiscJîulgre. lie cis ____________________ fio cier tu sa an'r ilties las WIsitlîy asnd T~ A., eluoviera sla tise Cosistr5 iseIalac, lian1tIse J J 0 IR.LN ID) " E boise0r to auîppi>', a Se tise îîqil>' utf ifsaiitru AETFO VA ESO S WAulII IcindssoftStriug Iitçtiasnetflsrepuireil ~ ~ plA~gsn Ail l'' u tsu"aiuiausictiru knptfia taaue o iJliA U lAJU Aj~) for eiu yosr e li-rer #v cte o oh'iie ro. gar ltentiber ftise Aliresse, 1 Ahi smraictu.f'A eâ o rebrihsedrom t- JOSPHF. RAINER, 9. 0., C. W . ra r~ssrol l > S-'ar iau ,issauh le carefasi nrt te srcit p 1 C 1K E a y N G tof sssauiii, atèstr (r iinm sio ire Agenut&a faor suB1ip )isg uraigis I issssos Ifrons lieuu~ 2'~' T~sN V uîI Nes at a tllatasliici. Stirlist houltue ui11fuiittcare. 'VIJJI:1 I:J;5 LIXIL B3ritîsis Aierica Assurance Company', JNCOI'olt'l'* indrasuirasArt'oric seTird !~"IE smalucarihaur sansisiisa etisis mahos] cf -s Soesasisut' tihe leu'eitlii lroeincial llala -hcasa ieiiselis thnns efur tise iberiai mont ot'lîIpîsercauslatîaL, uitriiiiLporlie rtuocivedatise inAi ,esur a. iat CurtITrALat e in esspreparesito reeelve irssuraasce a'smaciaihou101 i l iiîgs snd tisCîr Tu sia li Cctso Ro , esinteais. innry ,quraati>~iillleaion B'pneus, aîe l: .o Rit tue ftuioiug piltesa tot < ise stuslsuraicssnuh. Marisne lîlpaka. l'or the Ssuaeolia ar for i1sris4. Var 'r iiaig llig, 5 cenîtasper possusi. J7011X.ACGNE WI, Shsislisiss. eilssg sud HIl laliug sbeeps Travllig Aent liroistret,%Vlitly orue Satinette uaY7icets';per yard. Traviiiig ignit.B',roisStretWiati~ Var colioring-isnatieti 50 cents par yard. - ----~ ltIletIO, '0 itieier yard. DO YOU'W'ANT 'WV'ISRERS ,"'eedx, ev' s-ary le Sthusa>'y bcorderesi, 5() DO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.I YOwA T WfoKE S u ilusspai.tiltets, l35 centis per yard, foilesi DOYOUWAINTWIR SEMS Sbcia tiiig 10 Ocents per yard. DO you WANT a MUSTACHE hsui.issul2,5 cents uer yard. DOrie ti brlugsfinaooiluMyrl ) t DOyou WANT a MUSTACHE? baifin ore W1osIna> a>' i .BEL.LINGIIÀM'S UZM C' fflu VLtlUUFM CELBRAEDAnal tue ialisulnrsugneai i1en-lires togis-a ail par- CELEBRATED lstiseir novu vehgiit et Woci. Parties as-or- 5PT1VTTTTAI11TNTSingiiwtlsCtir verk, May rai>' cn ItI;salna 5TR LATNGONGUENT, vasSzI cosse, iu andis des. ataSi. Parties bringing For tise Wh » skrs and Hair. Wd n atutsaeoe ht cai -oa'haeu Thse mnbaisers t.ue pisuasmre in o annilig ho tisa Citizenssf tise Uiiitea i ltaissq, tîset tle>' bave elitie itise A'ency for, anai arcn enaua i- aishesi te cl'er te tise Amariessu public, tise aise- j usti>' ccasetrtesi misai orid.meîscvaaesi article, Thbe Ftmulatlng Onguent JOHN HAIGHIT. Pekering, Ma>'131861aI. 18 tplreOpa',rc&ýby r.C.- P. Balulauusi, an eminent et a Cide set out ' . ln irean tisree te six saceka. Tisie article i@ tise - ' oniv oes ut isekinsi oseaî b> tise Frouis, ansi e.2 Eu '9 In Loutlasuansi l'ria it 'is in unleerussi nue. e 0 " 3 Il lhi a beaitifiii, ecossa'îusleah, sootbiug %ýt t'_!.i os e stnetilaî,teipouîi, acing on if b>' ma'gie s't'î5û li oot'ut5'aisialuz a bosuis R 5.e. o = nucatisair. If dlupiieéd tte tacalp, it sajl rs oce bulaliest, sîssi cluste te sprlng np iu piaco s ef tue balai spotias tlu gov ftiet suaisïur- Appiiesi sseordin o lectousit wJ l tum'IN O Bse or tosa>' isir te aa aRS[as] rreatore gre%'isair i Er ~ ~ ua te is original elor, li5tavsag itooaft, umnetisansid g'&f flexible. Tise 5OOur"Il is an.ind6ipealissaisie 2.3 article Ineovecy gentlean's ollet, ansi after ore -0 Lî ie.~ week'as use tise>'volainet foran>' donsidera- . -r K %' loi2 tItan be wltbesisiIL.Il a Th iseunitserur are tise oni>' Agentsi for tise ff e article lu tise Unitedl States, te viscm ail ordare . mantbca adairesses]. r Prie. oue Voile r a box-for sale by UDuu-~ 'I>._ es aud Deair; orsa box et tise ýOugnue [a j lie tvaa to télis-e tise alaesi ileffect) wyul hoa g sont tea~ u s iywh esice It b>' mIl(direct.) se- ' ~ Cs oure-paoked, on roelops et' price, $1. AppI>' te ________________ HORACE L.EGEMEN h& Co., D. G A.CRoN uaseezurs,&0., 31-3an. 24 William Street, 1New Tok. 'fl tON STREET, sOUTII(0F TU 1Wg MNESSRS. T. BICKLE & SON, Bebsuîe'lfcatu, 'Whltby. - "7 tm Votgiven fle Clri idseuses, an«inme Gecrai Agents farthtie Crnedas. »OsswarTrIaa a oqror ne i"y. l Ns1 and'%, TILLS 131»M WIVXib rot~ F ~ ~. ~h~' 0-0 ans i : - - as- ~ 'L! s ) se 4a J à *!. C l ~ .~» nOz -o0 Lnt,' Pi,. cOI1'ITITIfI il TII LID91TlI!I- TH uatbciber woulid respeetfully inform the inhabitants of Brookiin, and o suiTonaning cotintry, that he lias taken the prermises lately occupied by Josephli Huekins & Co., wbero lie has opened ont a coinplote assortniscnt of« DRY G, OOPS" ~A~WAE CROCKERY, BOOTS & SIIOESI &c. Whioh lie lu deterninied to oeil nt the very LOWE13T PRICES. The Dry Goode department wiIl bo found roplete ivith every article seitable for the season; coaisting iu part of SPRIXG AND SUMMER DMESSES, Delaines, Mislins, Bore g os, Prints, Shawis, Capes, Cloakings, Parasols, Flows- crls, Featisers, Rîibboný, Chenille Nouas, Bonnets, Ladies and Misses Ilats,'l3rown Cottons, Liollands, Slicetiugs, &c., with a large stock of IUMMFACY CWI, SOAINVSTI<NZEEIu GROCEIZIES, a largo and wcll-assorted stock of Tous, San, Caîrrant Ag litsARtCL.AY5& Cos., 7',la, igai THtSTEeER, Rice, Coffee, Spices, &c.' LUP¶ HARDWAIiE-A larço stock suiblo for Coaîntry Trade. SALT AND PLASTEjR always on sasnd.- CAPT. G. SCIIOFIELD, Jaiet reocivcd a flrst-r-ate snim1le of TIMOTîIY AND CLOVER SEEDS. -a N connortin witli the Grand Trunk ilway, AIl kinde of prodîîcu taken in excîsange for goods. ani sd Port Hlope and LiasliIL'slrtcuid trousi ROBERT WARREN. Hope. ansi aiitiste Cubesîrr ansi Peterbai- ROBRTWA RE. re, Riiroaid, faa rtFos'lia'stetr, himffie, Nioguir Baooklin, Muy 15, 1861. 18 F(sAvnii 1York flgs Stit4 csjliatiitsWBoseon, New Yrk, iLdeýhia nd ficaWsTii States. Tise stpanser fapai- tof wili, until fsriie - nutiise, ]caive Cobourg ut lOua. tru.. P~ort Ilolie l ec i,à u W =5 M a s'- t 1 1 o 'c i o c k , . i . , a ur o u n s r r i a l o fil ' ti e t r i s frosu 'orositn, Liiiui'uav ead Peteiriss'c'es'rry THlE subseriber willi ay Cash for ay natty of good Merlantamble FiRE A ND LIPE TeCeerte sar>'atUrdiy, suarilve stI.set; rlu Wheat delivered at bis Store, or at Campbel?s Miiiin Brookli. 0 rmnOi 0ns ~,ti.sru ï sss usrsy said N.iY.taus'B RtOBERT WARREN. XIN SUR A NCE C~OMPANY ROMa f tenu.tiniôneie nesu otiis rîvng it i od k, cveiigor l'Ji sti elii- Brooklin, May 1.5, 1801. 18 0F ENGL.A.». IFeffletaicy cf t1,d. itis-slallemiss s>, ftise tol- tise asexi inornii'k51ioa i lhiiseîssa lumsisu i have beesa cifectesi: Throsîglî tickets to sali poilist,. sont11iiisE etaud s " ..i 5svsc i s on,ail ile les*t sx -cars, andas]wet eaulha procras] fron fiseC.iptaiu ou had DT)INT(' C~J1J1II'IAND essi, aaidcuniiig front-bites. Ita elflcus'>'il- B:iariago aisekesi tliaornsis, isus]no chiarge for SP ING &tSUR NEJ ].il-llTiLSnqsuslygseûteîsplieilte tusais or isisist." liîenîliag; tickets geos] sîstil amees. 2Vo. 29, Lombard Street, Londlon. K E JAMES GJIEIG Thais ror'te afurd. tIse Cîseapest, Qisickepat, Tb -o wi q su, ad inost plesesait insternsationa i 'c unieasîiou l5iaiering, Fb.fe 81.Sr pessp<sg ridast i'reiglat trust Port linîsu., Ce C, AP 1 A 1, :hourg, or Coihurnc5 te aIl parts ottîs Uistedl i ~ ' '~ WO ILLONS TERING <Il njustice !cd3051, ans i§sa dut>' 1 owa tise States. TWOMILIOS SERING pIi,1tis-5ak it rizlit te rascasmnensa yosmr Rewtng, tise AJ'iupie 1Jaf slit iave Roches- ANDLAEE IESE~' FUD'~ s"ilhr'aied airnsan 0O1. My uitile girl got se- ter enery Moiay. %WatdSaeiasiy, asd Finy> ANDLAR E R SER E F Nisavrelvse'ak,a i4 mi p o i n t Ilier recoesry aveniiu t lth 'clgxk, uns ill Siarrivaentt Ilîif- Be s o nn tice th arialofhi S rig' s uta ll s sfer ftiscfiist appli'umiîsas of m', Co somrg ua PortS hope. usitussne to couneet Stock, which he is determined to seli at a small advance on cost F IR E DE PA R TM EN T, ou ilsEugtt lssmiite reifaussi tinutbta wiis traine, Est, Wet, ini NrthI. consisting of the Latest Styles inl description ofPci i'yrzisLms r li inutge we Sr .1s1 sl, uts' s oeqxas TO 0 R E - /y Tare, o c i tUsaeu A'urd1Termej. M.ATTFIEW SWALLOTN, Jr. ri1UD. o n r 0ï~i~fi Ut10 A i jss.Sosaaeiaprcsssl;tlaiz eitieui, wjtliomt aie- Pisckerinsg, Jaussary 17l, 1841. -ND "ifl O @~D 1 '~~J' ' lj 5~ 5' ~ Jducti or diseusitut, ai J 'vitliosit meereuce te Manties, Straw Bonnets, aînd Rats, Riblons, Gloves, Parasols, , ~F~asd upts u siin lntWb mcilliait bittsi, ans as t oMtiet osr Prints of a superior quality and new design, Factory and White c s0m1 is sîue Cs1aiispelWtatl..tcs"svagdues, IsaOsi etS u>'g.te n fifi CW.n TIe fl MlltOMPSOsae±.T a er Stand Dottons Table Linons, Towelingiz, Wîndow Itollands, Mlarseîlles' LIF E A T ET-- frdrm alrnig cefrtoFOIR SA . Mtitts, Tickiîîgs, Denims, White Shirting, Carpets, Dernasks, &c. Ll EstpaD i:tinetP A roft o 4.T E T ; yor clebu d o- StoreiSlo ansip rgest min o lurflu cessinen vsar ichus tesi cilsina ni sace opa 'or.SALE, a SoeadTaveru Stand itn Broad Cloths, Casimeres, Tweeds, Gamberoons, Farmers Drili -1s î ycn'u~jssrm, il nu nry lîens'iic ciii- l?"ties." ' a. ioss ~iono eitiîe, Lato. , lu biees3 in tIsassence ci Liteé.A,,îeairisssceaaffurslod JAMtES FITZGIBBONS 4l oasscîofecristrsr ira-' Elats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces. isy tise Royal. Ci'ýrneris). Tiiere 15as>Acre et ea atuciiesi rtec~Lptx for Newin oiliees aloîse lu silxamontst id Ds.a.iSn,-Yossr aili lias beau ithecisesené i oun wiscis l3 a gfaoal )rcisîrd. 'le ioteles ire ~~~~~~~~~~~~o fl )V~AI)E (L>I'J N .u ic hast 70cr. svug sliefyime e. o ottanew tram ubniduig. Tie Pogt ffice ins 0 -7 R - D Y iM A E L O H I G .sa v ng 'l e if e of y i t ehI R Y W I L I S k e p t in ta ea sti re sa iici a ia rg c an dl ro o m y ; tlu e ~~~~~~~n~~~~_ Me.9d oyIoaIVet, ndPats f vWILtleaLIAMSO. TELIG tsveruis a wcii kuosan stansd in agoosi buelue-s In enan BysCotsVets ad ans, f vey tye nd Ineoma froru all asirees lunusa58550t, tfiac flrist mesileal mon nutIseCouasty andse bsi euomseltiron duoi sang jualiiy made on the premises, the fit and workmanship may ho e pitua a sTedini eum rcfese sir own sipi> £2588."DEAsusSin,-E%'erywhore,al over t ols ed of iteingandtiseiserc ifse of on us.ismp lepended on. EXt "s~~~~~~t~ ' ~ ~ :'ur'si;2? <(elsabrisacal Cerman Oilsieserveis toeflaoug niwl orsse nc> s s . î s o .E X I I) tn g a n s u c r e s e i n o n e y e a r a l o e rt e o f h e io w . it s u t r u e a bis s i u g t e m i n - l b r l t . t e a s o i s - e u t p i t r e s a e r . IH E T A.IL O RI N G )E PA. M E NT1'£25,348, tiid. 1 Iv se it in fitec curec tuts. brui- For termas, &o.,apa-si> te tise pieprietor. unds hesurinnd ofathet gas Cttr, udgeti- isafusi ii lsmof sucesi saaisuisan t ia ievc ttitui t etet crendNaA3lN ADLI, a -~r pbcfC ~ ise is ot 7 Andhe Post Offce. Pr ion favoring him wîth their orderît, nia>' rel>' on basin- their garments madle np an a£70 09 G. A. BANNISTIfI, --._________ta vorkmanlike mariuner, ans] in thse lateit stylo of fastalon. ËExliiîtinir su inersisse ial;'mi ycar aloîso al Druggis5t,.&o.,>1de FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED. 43 l £8ex onn OOO! Aussaennr, it i places cf su 'all before purhasn-elsewh ere. usînjle details of the Ccssspussy,' e aili.irous, assi_____________________ PCalîfli eny aeccsisary 5sts'uriatiuu ImraiýhutalciSthsemi REIIEMBER PERRY'S BRICK BUILDINGS, WIIITBY. Qutiles cf ,ent g nal JOHN AGNEW, ubcGyrnetAgny April 11, 1861. Agent for Tow Si uf Wh'mby.:: Wistby, Feis. 2.5, 18r'o. Butsiness cenneetes i*atha tho es" PU 81 Le aan otherno PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. 'BUFFALO, ALBANY, --attondesi te. Also Cesser Sease and aliIin No. 4w,... modway. Fà il C f~ la À N~ . Secured b>' tise asnbsribsr. Addresprepausl. Cr.N. 'ani uero M e M lNSE. J. ClIE8LEY, " ICooper ifttate,yy Asies Saresis. Landand enerl Agntplace, No tAn teatbie. PPILADZItPIIIA., DETROIT (t -ontthe -wSld -e T E 7 RE IT E(dINEJÇ 'flEraaovr flliigremaedy tee thse lt taisà l, ioWseraof lie wbaa ex tZky Iaabliei"r yoib, saurlty,or old age - lit lu a Cean l ulaifilJ8;1 sais orexxa nq cop ej i bity jardacealbyauly Imprudene, ai:l varSoa ille esauspinits ai. exisaistiou, ip"""yfor amie r alady. or busIness.. Indigestiio. *uio f trsail i.,nms. ofolgsa, glllassa, eiolici bowel anal billeaa 1i»rrinp conase ltipation andarelaailIon dymuntqryý aubna jaenilaa e, foere, lumisgnm lemisa ie.aoliireax.,teoiless mes' u igf al ehroaaledi&-eusos sud fesalaenuptimainas. Fiais Isayaieale -snedcisa à the mst w=nala.ful'ariasap of art aeor siers,,and io udad ia' at exe..filbas ahae elet eofyestos'ln ferle; from prsseion andI langagnr odra.albysejusa. lsag le colonsas or lact eiimaass.Tisaisanstahave lia,. reoered te hoealaisassit vi geor b>' li us&ea, s. worn tueon sets i storeathe Rgaflitn. lord.Mayor ofLondSicuandl aheeiiawiigAslemaai'4arPeier litarie. Kt. isair a., Deke. Bars.. hi. P.. kisJahiiA flmssgmovearS i8r <Ge. Carrel. EAîIcir lolsert %aiaer Ciartiesa, Kt., Osi WVIU!arn Wtre Wailams Cebt, Esq., hl. F., Mtr -Henary. Masgpjes' .ii aisitoshli *Pii'&ts pe botten~liasrnseiawa liat ou fais' nuis sves' 9 esfli; aua-t'ia£5 bouales, sifresinga eavlsig e 1 12 . aremely for any affaileternis of Seeosisary Symptonis, reeemmensled Aiait s1 sese aseg for wtsiea naarcary &.are net onl empoued isa valitnlait tonofîsaatash Damer smal: Cfliars is Tactsion le pareI>' iloersive. aMî Il$ lsaeteial inluaaen aihsysierani u sdriablc.... Prie il.andSa#tU, a boiala, aiass savisig et'its. PU!5NtsPATENaT dOiaCNTiuAsi EI ScE u CZ epà i aANDceuBSa eeessaCOATED g entoav . cosnpsafeai of rare veleable gains. assitaeextma riae Cflsilsa anal celis. for taeieurae iofoiaie glesa. go- norrhiltnda ssiail areibral elleemionsaa eniliginnary'sud *isigh.soaered,-eesiiai. dorsal pssinsaastd rriniarritationu an eiaher sex. asaisag Immiiaie relief r y.aitisg ls. flammaasry silos. peraurîl>' Taaele#4s. 05111 releiingat the a lme aiaI the curativ'e psswers vishse sasluable arellaz'stts. fl al rases cf Gunssrrinrm. Glrei. Ririnîmars, &C.. a sinagletanal vwiii arosie tiiecr>'fi l iais ieqiilei remsudy; an il ntiette sctia sapaitise 5îadder. anuIllme nisOsgenitoi orgesi.raseaslrissg etiaa tiir issaltis. Prie 5is. assit 331. plsriix. iFEALtHu firePNns UpON PURE i131À)OD. ans imafaillills nc mars 'r.i11j a',al Ieska. srse Peare>. seeioli. aiecrs.bit$ia.isisaies. 'inspiras altise tae assitibodys, &c. PrieIl.. aud 3. jane ox. ON NEflVCUsls$.RELAXATIONAD X iIAUS'ATItlN. AN E. Asaina.aiil ColuirnalEsîgramaîgu ona rsijees pabluissa p r c à O . T U as S u e n t F rie na l. A MED'ýICAt. SVors on fileasumre- Treaimenst sud cern s'mr'ie csaliri' Iul ii. 'aissioa openriamorrissrs. assaitsiti ani-ýit-tsi iu i' t mss ser-onus symisi. asu iser iissenir', hiiueiteii i, tonais sexes. praslauing a dug esiti-r i(i's srisasit isiairxSi ii5ily a a"isaprisl wtsn s rsias'tia.' csatueei'eaaolyremevel by Iabs tost nuimaleass I. s i ia , ph a t l ail A gr . s s1 lu a il ps's r is o f h e w o r kl , EXTRACTr5 PRONI TalE sllFNT FliMMU<, * rare at, wissis eroasiadi ractions l'or aise guidane of patientss. us nisa iaealini tise s'riee ebargel fermise rl '9 3, 4-4 U' IT B 'O LD. rHE ligîst prie. ofleresi beoro the lot da T t Augsist noxt, will bc takcn for tho fol- lowiýg.valuable property in the viz -Tsat well known two-tory Buildingandi lait on Dans Street, tormerly ocenpiesi os the " T l E " P rin rng O ffice, con ta-tg iag a larg o mtcro aend saven roomm. AILSO. One cerner lot on Brock Stroct, near the market. SALSO, Fire sud a half vacres on Cochrane Street1 juat outsiuie the-Town limitas. Tise dwalling bouase of Jamas Il. Gerrie, wltlî t'ix lots, (net block West, ofMr. J. Il. Ilerrys residoiicej. Tiias t#!o most bntiftilly vituai- cd frapsrty for a privae reggideuce iu the Town A pef6Lt iti. will bc given. Apply to IL. A. JOSEPHI, Esq., 42 Front Stresat, Toronto, Or, Whitby.9 euse May Sebc' -; To avbiadedlay lnathes bbà liug ofeià Ãii4a tse aeeesasry statuaient sesalal4bfdrisloO ti tse Timbor Agents,,.. êarlyU itise mssa a a possible. P.M.4NKOUGHrNT DopeIrtnIont oreCroliaLendib~ ' Woods sind Forest1s, Qohe, June 1, 1861. ) OQAMPE-LL &,-,CO. Mann4;sctoreriorf, anddelalors in OFFICE.-14 ST. PETER S1RET, MONT, RE AL. Of oeory desoripton,bnIinaand made teoorer 145St.-Peter Street, Montreal. AIse, e%'ory description -ot Flci, RECUT ansi wsarrainted goosi lis new, at a Verv Ililis [ons prie than lisnanfall pald for new iFiles." 4,g.,Pete LLSteet XCf). - 14,SL. Peter Street, Montreasi O ,OIt, On, PatSpern.Wee, SciWerpSrm, lophnt ad, v CdOl 031,&o.,cfiwr nuingVor Msdalnery, a1isti irb'tho brth reor ho O.gaion kess.t CAMPBELL &C~ 18m 14 St.Peter Street, Mfontreail. LEÂTHR BETRNG PtetStethi ATrpNOTCEmez i-181 5 jrý ULL ' n rtppi A Otiils V IL AND> UNION 'TWEED superior Prints and Fancy Dresir Goods. T HZ subs ibe as received bis new stock of Staple Dry Goodg as wc h e would eall the attention of the public generally, ash sdetermined to seli at a small advance on cost for Cash or Produce. m ni DO YOU WÂNT A Brillant ýand Cheap Llght?1 0f tise -en>' hast qtîaityi, $1 per galion, 2s'd BEST -KEROSENE $1 25.. A largo u'ssï,tout f GEO.VIlLE Jus., Next deo t Pa Ofc Wbatby, Aprîl litis, 1861. rPÂif u atbd Poie ac. u .1 1meutbas crédit ou appros-ei joint moas intenaut if net pais] vien due.- G. Il. DARTNELli, le-tf Wlsithy. GREAT SAILE F BANKRUpT STOCK! $tdves, Stoves~ A. LOGAN'S Fniim's4~sbbBsi~cs-Brook St. Whitby. Apple Parersaet Lcgcn'a lafiasi Mouapaies t f$u'a (fAix)Seope etaCLogeu'as. - Tin -warcof cf evegr>iesna, - Steve-pipas & C . , & o l t b o t ' e e r y t h a l n els > tl : a s f v e s d , *jn igMe tLogan's. - Cepr"PIts nSheet Copper fr a. CaZh for R*gs aialSiopokiis. - i ~ -ABRAM LOUGAN. Wisit\s-,ot. 4, 160.-40 Cen. 'lisseul CisesusSas. i nue. CIIJCAaso, Cen. Clark endtWsisng.Corai, lisa tress,-- Our Istand-rd cfr.pensuasiiip us tise fesiaas "Speneerien.", Stiuientit eau cmmence at ans>'time, as tiser. are ne vociations. Tise PrincpipasidTeacisers of Chias Chain'cf Collages have asl neqnsiintiunce in gev- en largae é,ans i ineider it a ploasure ta. turtiior tise seat inta'nastas cf their gradisates. Sindentia enterninais>'eeoe tliCoe Collaes hy th iseyent <f$4,becorqçentillea to tise pnuiees ise entio chi n," spnising Osle iead ioire apua Ie dl RoMu, or siresuB isel. ,P B3 1RYANT & STATTON 0,- Wmolîsari As-e. "I r liT. wLOUs rua Brst 55and alVisal, pari a pri esai 1 Mia I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l, Cc9*agts lcs ise F ars, illa P7ra t w1 = a u v ntaa freo r etcharge.-", 14 'Toronto. 14W of sooWho izive 'way te ,$sls perniel- on,, practico are aware ofthesa onl;eqin'ees, un, tl tisey flnd the nervoris sytein aatreresi, toe[ struge and i nsse.uitablo snsations, sand vaguefecaras in 't1w niiiid. ý ofaimi leof the nest orîria1ble cneý tWýnýof.hnnn iÉteqesescauses ss, dat.tuctiv. a drain tipon the hurmas, .yuc-a' drawizsg ita tlsor'tntlndssof victhuse i l rolngil a tew ýesre of asiatfl'rsalg dmvwn to au itsisely zrave. -It de- strorsie, iiersoi s.ysticsn 1r11piuily, vastes awny tlleeazergieaaoi ioosaunntdean. nient, pievents the properdueveopmst ofte si-ttesu, dissqn-tliflestfor snarriagoe sçcicty, bu- isaeis n i l rthly hl>uppineýs, ansi baves tise anll'or r.s?-kekl'!nbndy andi siindl preaz dlspso tconsnptoiiand uwtralin of erilo more to blieudraaed tisudeilimlsd. Dr. Amons& Son issko plégsnre lu announe t4t they have nventesia-»mot isuportanIe. strumesat forttise cure ottheais.e vo 4saoau. lsasboon asnbjeeted da test b>' the mostemiiuessi ~h' i iau la Lndou, Puris, Ililadelph*il m Ke ok t lias lbednas delaresi tuiseonI' r.aefdl inottmsneafl . ver invented , for tise durîtifSeîuinil Wenmesas, or any diease oft1s, olnitai Ã"rirons,eauscêJ, 1y- the secret habits et yonth. Priais Uc ln mafior exprosas. Dr. Amos & Son n order tu saîistv thei. tube slcep ieal amas te tffi eitiçs cf tlilit4 iistrisment ~ledgo ttiemmejivgs t l ii an>'insance avieraý it niaY Prove eat1~tor , A t af air, triai tise moue>' l f iddb>' retnrning tise COU~NTRY, rNYALXDS. P6rsons;In an>'psrtof the World me>' hip ute> cessAttnllv trgstesibr-forwarîiig a eorrect situil ottser ass, vaîs fs5sstan-ofor Medicinep DR. A M 0-% it ON, 4 9ae taen ss 1;te three dor est of ElcotStret ifto Phoenix Plie Assurance Ooi ONsHARsU iTiCZEAND CssAssIxo CUOs4, L0,O B-STAB11911TED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., AgiseNfor Canâae TNSUIiANCÇS azraissst Li>SSDS. by FIEE andi ..Let'aired u t setet ' rle têrme,, andi L<>SS pi w-S oi rtrec o tise Buà rd lu Lonadon. if. I.W. WODwALD, CmssuinerJercu-.ut, lYAitInj, Alient, Coud11 qT <'ntuîrio. wliits.A s 15Ù).,' f*1VEW 00011898 k- NEW GOODS AT Warribn's Store, Greentwood. l'omprizing l3ssisintu.- lLit-1.Feutisers, PareaotAs, Muisiin.a, Glovsjs, L Bicultrs, &Cs. Aiso, thit-., lgstoctssk ut' REDYMAE&LOHI9 Evr adinAl fANDfiw ±as-els-e usautsus credit aIIbev ta:il pa iug e-un assafi e Coisat silhojCiscl utsaill oasis salue. reasmos5April A) i1661. a Heusisick Sars.esU Important to Bree ders of Durham Stock. T -. ,'RF a ie imp o rte d -D u ria usB u ll, TYuIsIIg Esiglandai, b->'t...rocre i tls' asessasoîb>' liaies desiroi fruesi eload assock. Tecrnsiukr tiseof eaisi~l)z de lýrows $5. Tîuurosgi brou sao la-eo f tIlle U, ien Aria'slltflai seiety cf tise Towitslsp ut'tt',llitisyssi Lpt ity viii ottis- be cissrgeri 84 fs'graale coWS-. l'!§. isrirgent llt»iiasae rtame. eFur pcdTscree sans] Surtiser ;partielird p PROBEnT ILR OFr111 ECOýUNXTIF-J 0F [N tnderiuM iyiceret<,h. >nterlo,for t'ie-- matis- fuis-une c n aie dutring past 'car eroufemreana-o isieius ys r m, Coune beforo yen s tise 5it.src. suprt analco'nfidence Itwsa'sleermho us>' do"te nm mentthat coufi- etîce yiun lias-e.fsa0c churrfuli>' ceaslhios in mou reaumiîs]euer',.nais]Ille strictest attention leserve ite% coastinussu.ce AL.EXTMP.. TIMpS A cion o 16 JCn' 3e .......... ... .... rmun!tn. e&u. cnoc]Li... Broin.s AI) orders heft-'t Itue C6 son sc/lle','isr. friatr ci aillsales asiengaemflsic-s hré - % kePti f'htl becsattendeltosi t Pi epaa' e txesi, %uitiut re t rublArcf ceing Mm.Tiausnpseu. 86s 'ARMING IMPLEMENTS. [fanglee, Washing ahcs Cha-u-n5,&C. "¶1E underiiised hu te sanncusnec te is ILesetoineon u1atsaspublii that ie onasm- 's-sai 'fn(ms lia ls salaudon Dtsn.isSre.S cea Street, co)rner of' J)titsop $ treet. se res] to exceetto sali ,onder, i'u lais ha e t Omp it'de ans] dilCstei ,-aià t itet lieauke sousastisarias, ans] Inca biâ gZ expoersaco in iespa, laimaIllte ancesas n'Cdt hie iitierto atttasaaie. hies nuestioiias anad rkçnwnnltiP, <vlle sas akesprîzs- et ai, tise uw ieatits>'Were e<iîaiîtol) heéisopes ho,, crt a eoitineaiFo et publiae Ps'ronae NHi auiCh anmge. a' ýould bc in vcey laaa, anal ode'. r> tsiy-waherebaterie teusnaiser the.oneidress Afew as'd6rSouth cf.. iroer Sk treet, > Oker'a haote ANI) ' N inp so -16-ly k i 's fi B iIà rdwi M3 Au] COf cai D EPC oUk ri the COa ite tise Wa, over ILé mois Bris ANit mai, PrtK i reni (ioodl a Stabling touts et' tend susi Msesclial g"LEEI dresu: GC(;er PC Itln cil. Ahi b>'. LER C Tosa VictorIa Brook et Aise a fouiý Tes Cand Ael telu J. FOOT ItOV doon tesIE C. G. IIA siaert noS w-os tano% t vina'. p Juwt received, a large lot of Timothy, Clover, Carrot, Mangold Wurtzel, &o., which lie offers at Iow prices for Cash only. The largest end best aasorted stock of Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, Raisins, Currants, Tobaccos, &c. Lii Q t- xi, Whikeys-domestic Malt Toddy and Scotch, Brandies, Runm,j Wines, Gins, &c., whie.h he offers atnianufacturers prices. T. U4 MCMILAN.I 15 Brock Street, Whitby. ýf - 1 - 1 1 1 i 1 1