Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1861, p. 2

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ONLY NE UO LA~À ~ iiceplsGotsld îsweîu WhlLby; ~DODGING VOTU u n lt $Iaiy 4, isole portant questions Outhe. mÉE ÉL IONS. vàs oexvswssI Aum.And vise 3OUTH ONTARIO.ste 4 w~ 1fr. >rowat lias been eeleW bY,%a larp Of fiscoenttuent&- But Ad sun #n ms 4nt,- n~îo nman, aàt, iser *1,, la f0 dw<o Au Mx dUm d.- - tie Riding, expecew any euhez' 1resit- A f' 1çstainâs'eut of a iund C*ptaîn BRow. atooci in tIse -breseis IUsCae thie rt.lkly f dsfiubefore blas. Butus tisera vere apprebanslens entertslued(ess- vIssaMv. cKàdse. uvd hia ssecesarily va are pîusaéed btl nd otu)tbat ûti0tho bield-t e nd <tihe àa"sday thse ciaptar of accidents mgit insèsme Vehy Ridlssg l humtboviunc& -Wbsre way &vor Mr. Mowat's succes in Kings- Ootsld I ABSENT.' ted against tIsa AttorneyGenersl, ln Wteh Se55io5-1854, Page 885-On loti avent, tiare would bc a nev eleetlon 'for , XP. wlienthq rtqeslpc Iè $outlm Ontarlo, the frlends of tbonstlittitn. iwridi TMr. of Lâiwer aada vu 41 Qovernyuent, andof Britias conectlon, for. e t e 'o , Whitdu, 114bas tu1Upper, d'OMOsd It botter ho have tlsaîr man I ienid&,milli cuwdll , - pl; 1n o iheld, te encounter tîhe next comer after effor-t vas issde o hijutîcoto Upper Mfr. Moxat, lis a cuitest wheve thi.chsam- 1"4.Wiersvw« Geuld ? ABSENT pions ot bti parties wonld bu morefeanly 0911 21eh Nov, 18341, vien -1fr. Pco iâsteled. So fat asCajitain Rca#e l i m e.d, IlTiat tTpper Canada sieuhd h corused, tise resuît of ti election bas prov. an equlvaient ln nmono or Déeaitui ed thia muaistthat ho lias ln the Ridu ng dlstrlbuted ansong tise Oeuntiesý" tei 874 friands, wloo, slnk ors'wigns,were rasdy amouni te obe pald thse &g in lsLoil te go wlth iis. '1'ey knew tiat Captain Canada. Wha re vas Gouid?1 ABSEb -&WC could not be clactad, but casting -On tisaIdaY twentyeOne saperai, J d thefr votas dlsinterestadly s Ley dld, asiW s wmSlil latise ieus., on t provaci tîseir atîschmult luelise Man.- question, uvary une ut vià ois Q Captain Ilowe vas not ln tIse field until GUULD DODUE»). tIse elaventl'liour, lia nade no canrea-.Session -1854, Page 5NO-On tbe 11 andî, as va bave aaid, lie tIsrew iumissîfin De&. vIsn tise resolution wae bofore1 -ise breac iîtîmtisa cei-sty of 's,~ - Blouse, affirouilng tIse principle liai- Thse resmaît bas net disappointeti aitiser tise public monoy ssusîtib. expended, by I Captaîn or lsis friands. But hovIolit Governusant wîtiout i frsi obtaîln'g il wiîlî Mowat ? The total nuneier of votes cotisent of Parliament. WIers vas Goui cast fer him wns 10335.1,tha contoat U DODGED TRE VOTE. witis 1r. IMornisois in Dec, 1851, lie re- Session-1854, Page 516-7n Ilth ceivet 1,508 Votes, and -in tiat witb 1Mr. Doc.-When Mr. bMcKenzie nioveci i Laing in Sepît., 1858, ha pelied 1 344 votas. th@Ooffie of Queen's Piinter sIsould Tis in rdaed shows a sud falling off in 1fr. aboltsbed, andt iat ail publie prlntîng'1 Mowat's ratîser eva nesment populrity.- don. b>' contract, tiaeroby savlog tans £iuingtIse tour short years thug io bau thoumandu cf dollars te tise Province, a represeutati Ontario, is. folowing bu nusîl>'. Whoeo as (Iomld f SIRKE falan off nearly b00. THE VOTE. And George Brown, (aftervars ïAa NORTIlI ONTARIO. thse Hon. George Brown,) voted AGAIN,4 lustIe erî 7- * tise motion i1fr. lfcKanzie. tcost eiering, adtr a i D esn o ýe. n 1 654 , Pagte520-Oitbe 121 encurae te iopetha Mr Ciieriswll fretD Iou.15, sne, r stin on w9,00b ha succes.4fmsl agaiist that parsonificaton oetefouemsnig 1900 nf (irîthaun and ign)ornc-" Je Gould.' $438,400 for landing Piero b.low Quebe 14 triust tosee thifine constituency r,.. wbrowas Gould 1lHE DODGEID ou isîichi bas aI tichîed to t, in thé parson ci Sesson-1855, Page 2022-On tIse It soistl a rîipro4e'ltitive as 1Mr. Josephs 0t May , when 1Mr. MeKenzie moved i f#'enil As miiih4 scn by onr repent Caissenon lsad thie shlow of lis-l flythneBill, axempting the hoinesteatis cf familic te ue. d ulthé under £ _.- ram czecutlt. Whai -- vas Gould ? lIE DODGED TUIE VOT] K iNJUN Session-t555, Pagc 1126-On tIsa lot .At tIse final clooee oftise pull, tise figures- of Msy, viahn tise question vas buera th ms-ct- flouse, to increase tise salaries cf ahi il Atty. Cc MACDONALD.. -785 membars ofthtIe Government te FIV NOIV,%t .................474 iIIOUSANI) DOLLARS. par annut - maorit-311 Whera vas Guuld ? As usual ABSEN' [r.Macorald maerty ~3Il Wian nione>' votes and Important que il AMI1 1.30N. tiens vere batore tise Bouse, lncreasiu 1ou r Publiceflebt fros yaar te year.- mit. OuiItà5 SI AJOusry825, GOULW WAS ABSENT. MNI. l 'sss.N' sujeitY emer thse Grit Session-1855, Page 2209-On 22ns ii l mhi 3,25. 'llie figures ah-a May', vian Mr. Brown moved tut th ..shsmmiu...............991 Lunatîe Asyluin tax levied in Uppor Can Freousist-----------860 ada bc abolimhed, wiere vas (ould 1 lir. Buclsrsnati's mjrt.-35 ALWAYS ABSENT. Session-1855, Page 1216-On tiseusas BIIUC VILE. dY, vian tise resolution te grant $0,00 01thtie Public money to thse Port Hlop TNh ULCCV4VEhlII ENt,4AL'a 5AJOiIITY 150, liarbour vas batore tise flouse, vIser Rececver CaneraIdSitritwmoonDias Iseen rea- vas GeulId? sîst uoD'MvElsVOTE. let-lhy a rnîsjuity uf 159) over fr. Romm, Session-1195b, Page l239-On thc 25t the (mril candiaite. Msay, vianftise question of hoaning $100, COINWAL. - 000 et Provincial Debantures, zo buil il CORNWALL.CourtIlieuse inlontreal vas before tlb nis: (MITîrCANiuDuIDAE TFiD. Ilieuse, visera vas (loulti? ABSENT. Sasion-l856, Page 465-On the 1811 Mn. -iioïîto Mcissau's Isajority Juna, visen tise question vas tltP for giving overNfrn, E sliT, tho Uit candidate, là; FOUR MILLION ACRES OF LAND te - tise Ottava anal Lake linson Rtailva>' Co., CMU.ETON- vere 'was GoultiI E DODUED THE VOTE. Four million acres of landi vere As tir as; heana frein Mfr. Pvvell vas such a trifing matter in tie estimation of soue lisîmdretis.attend. Mn. Gould, tIiat bie cenveniently dodgad Nxoti'ii simcoE. lha veo t Session-I 857. Page 328--On 4tli Mny, MrIi. Mmîise ijeity klà neprcsented vhan tIse quhestion et Representation by as large. Population vas iseforo tise fouse, visons vas Gonîti? ABSENT. Wisercelase vonkd SOUTIi SEICOE. hae bc but absent on sucis interesting ecca siens. Thîcre isano 'loubt ctbolit Mn. FsRuse'is Session-I 857, Page 5Q 1- On 261Is Ma>' retus h y a large msîîjoity. ' wmhan McKenzie'a reolutie n to prevent - tIse expeuditure of Publlc nione>-, vithsoul WEST DIJRIIAM. frai. obtaining tise consent et Parliament vas bafore the lieuse, vIae v as Gouti 7 Mourea elected la> a oumsjeity et '329. îlE AGAIN DODGED TUJE VOTE, e E4%ST NOItTIIUMBERLAND. - Iis question, tIse saune as ha titi betone oms 1lths Dec., 1854. TIsaratuuron.4e-Ive are incooîphete, ,)lit s-s, fanr iiew a usaijesuit>' un favor-or Sassien-1857, Page 6O-On 2nti Juno, liiggar. vîsen tisa question vas beore thee flouse -- etf granting One million flre hundred th&uro VICTOhlA. gnd oecs of land te aid tiseIMrec Rivers lis ictriaDîssto-tivas511-am, b t Rilwoty, viero vas Goulti ? Wisanalha thero are sema townshiîps frein vicis c W8 vus eustIafoui- million hanti vote. - ceunIts vene net neceiveti. GOULD DODGED. SOUTIT VELNIfON- The tcnegeing instances are but a faw eut eftIhe litundreds eh votes DODGED b>' DaidmlStirton huai broeacteti ithueut Jeosepi Qoulti. opposition. - During tise sessions of 1851, '4, '5, anti lIO~TRAt,. '6, tIsera vera fln Hundred aad Ten dis- éios ofe yeas anti nays cilleti in Lie flouse. Close cf Pl i3rt dai>' ehatmssof NortIs Ontario, Isov san>' Ilosît lit]mojoît>'. dtses tIink you Josepis Gouli voted is CArTiFn 95 maj'unty. ihese tirea sasions? Juet SOl limes bis Our Public DebI. ns por, ats bseh DODUBO, S IIIRKED, andi vas ABSENT As an exmmple of tisa insus> ways Oui-lit FIVE IItTNDRED AND N[NE VOTES.- Public I)ebt lias beisc icrcassed, va giva ReflecItfor neemsoment h Your represen- tisa teilowming extract freintise Journmîs ofi tative DoDOnnan ns-va rýrn f th-'- i vtn 1 , t wlf c oser- fr trcesassions in succession i An ex. 'cd, voicil for thIs Lmitnu te Ia Sonieiy. ailOie etfIvanton negligence te jour inter- 1 escal, anti tisahastmInes-esta of tise Pro- Law -Society ils Toute, vince, unparasleledj in Parliamentar>' ex. Ou 1lOtis cf Ms> 1857. -A resolution in peiene. Yes,vhilo millionsof acres cf lanti fateor et lesning FOîITY TIiOUSAND vena grantati te Lever Canada R aiîvayss, DOLLARS OF C.N-XDT.AN JEBE. viswile millions of dollari wero be4ng atitiat TUBES tcte tLii Social>' otToronto vas te our national dabi b>' increaseti grants passati eus a vote et 55 te 7--GOULD SUP. te tise Grand Taunk Railwa>', wie PORTEL) TH1E RES(>LUTfQ.N, aW ithe Pert lhope gets is $40),00, andi Ifontreal Bill1 foutîde(ltl Ilonnut citer>'stage. luis $100,00() te bîîiitiCourt lieuses, josephu isi tise va>'tise Deo the ts Country bus!Geulti WAS CONTINIJOUSLY AND heon lnecased, anîd (oulti nov teoits you SYSVF.NMmTICALLY Plkayrr Lua Tn s oDEa that IL !s $70,û00,000, but forgets to etlsos NORErONTARImO. joli tIss i usvote ut titiere:ît limes vas IVC hava nottilia te Sn" uor ex. given in tavor of thso large lbans. auninatien ofthtIs Journais for 1858, tg# '80, anti 18011, but have no u estion la saylasg SrÀslsx.-Tise las-gesanid lineraiMr. Goulti dodged, a/cjskM lanti lisabseni loeking kintis et tîs a douous fruit viici aisa number of dilvisions lin teLiBuse, las vo have sean, anyvhera, are greving ai lise years. lIse gsi-demiscf Levi Fairbankp, Esq-, Mi-. Repi-sentatives are sent t. tise Rouse 1'. wilhiploise acapt our acknoms laugements 10 WORK, akulkhng Out Of tIsa Pens, anti - fer tiasplodilot sent tLia offc o m oe layini; truarsl ihuli fnot bo tbparisa.1 ot'tha barries et vbucls measurati neari>' arand cepeela imosa otan>' samber-1 tii-ce anti a hait inolues lus eircussference mach, less the reps-esa ive rj tise impor.1 snd a mans, asinal viiotu eeutajbànw agn. Brown bus Dot ne VIord ýï dred r. )OrY trs- ae r., ii. the no- b]. Le o -ti Lae fT e e ho T. ide ti sud admire.Tisai solç1L ce aVEIl On. 0f l4r. (betld 'Vurel hobbies atls Grand T~i-nktRail""Y. Li - f~a Mo vili aind tisi loa w.. JN$TRUKNTA&I and RESPONSIBLE for a -large portion o tise Grand Tvîsnk â4xWditùtol. Original 1>' wf.(ol u one oftsegreatesi friands and admirer, et tisa rnd Trtsnk, and 1118g ousi> of late yearu, vian aIl tise mlseilef usd lbeen 'donc, tIsaI buocanged ,aides on Liais queàýtion. I vsGeuld'u vote in favorof lIme luscrem uso b09o$4,- 500,000, and bis dodgiusg theo vota on tic $10,000,000 ban,* that go maheriahly inereasad lis. Public Debi cof Canàda- Rkad thse tollowingextracto (rouitise Jour. nas efthe leuse: On tic 4L1s May Iâ5b, Bon. Mfr. Cayley mnoved liaitIt; la axpedient te INCREASE tIsa Provincial Aid ta tIse'Grand Trnnk Ilaiîvay te an amunut not exccding iÉ00, 000 Sterling (t4,500,QO> MNAKINU FIF. TY ?ER, CENT in ail on tisai -porhieus ot tic lina vilci hies between St. Th omas. EAST 00f QUEBEC, and Strattord WEST 0F TORONTO." Carrlad on a vote of 01 te 86. Joseph Goulci voted IN FAVOXI of this $4,50(),000 advanca e tute Grand Trunk [haihway. (Se Journals flouse of Assena- bI>' 1855.) On the. iStI Juna lSS.-On tise quses- tion te grant FURTIIER AID to tise Grauti Trunk Raila>' cf £2,000,000 Sterling iqual to TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the shapeopreserontinl bonds TO TAKE PIROILITY, and ta, statnd in place.oft lie aecurit>' vici thc Province ah tint tume hehd for aivancex tban umade. JOSÉ I1II #OULD WAS AtENT. Three divisionsa tf tise flouse vare takes on tise saine day on that questiorn, anmd Josephs. Ciuld )ODGED EVERY VOTE. On tise 201h of June.-Tse Bill vas iremîgit up ter a second Beasding. GOULD )ODGEI> FOUR VOTES ON TUIE QUJ S- LION TIIAT DAY. Mr-. Geuhd on Procestantiom - Pericsdically about electien times MN. Gouhd seisîtensehy Protestant. '-Nunner- ls are bouses )f ili-fisme," and thse Catse- [les of Lever Canada are ruling tise Pro- rince in Mr. Gouhd'a estimation. But iect uns once, andi iev soon lbe changes tha key-note. Once safel>' in tise Ileuse, and Iso dwesnet hasitate to confirm by is gatberingoftwe the Yémj>sendet hbpre1finary ýui xxit ealle o the n mu qý te -"'gy GOIJ, ilEsq.1i, Qlld4oe Carde, Paq.,,ýof-Pi-inca'Albert, andietoud- ed by Malcolm Gllespie, Esq,oÇBr ç b>' Colonel Cameron, of -Thorsisjatl se * conded by Ueo. flmabsszon, Ftsq., -of Drock ; JAMEs Corrox, EIiq.,movcd b>' Mr. Thos Boistar, sp4 sosWd d b>' Mr6J. W. C. DBrown oftUxbridge. Âaaiw FÂtaWs.t, sq., mrovi4'b>' s1rGereWlshen, et Uxbriýdgè,.- se- *cousded by Un- John Nett,,of-BorelliL. UEo. H. Gaxsuos, Esq., moved ey 1r Irvine, of Uxibridge, andi secondeci by Mr., -Holdeu, of Prince Aberi. 1ýj1H[M4A8 Bu ,s Eqmaife y i- B 1n-yBreiour, ofdirocIc, adse ded by gr- B3aker; Timus Moeuv, Esq, movcd sy 1Mr.- WihhiaiusStevenson.,oet-Victoria Cefimers, andi secondad by 'Mn. Jamnes Richards, ot J. W.C.,Baovx, BEsq., moved by lfr, M. Moadenet Brocli, and secondée by *A.W. Ewzas,Eà q. tna-vcd by Ur. .Çinis- îl!e, sid seeonded b>' Mr. WFigh& otEeacis. ýjoas1È W am uv &q., m ove d .,b4y M n. Pisèc, 6f Beacoh,, and saconded M~ 1r. Strattýonï, of Umnde P. A BeauD, Esq., moved by Mn. T. C, Foreman, et Prince Albert, and socoideti b>' Mr. A. Boss. This gave a liaI of ciaven candidtes- juat as many as ware uîeminated fer Seutis Ontarie, and it being theis lhpust oe e'eleck, and tisera being twenîy-twe moyens and secondera, and eloven canidsates'te speak, tise Retnroing Officor aisnuced blis intiention et economizing the time, 0 na t0 close tisa proceedings at five o'cloek in .ecosdanee mmiitiste lractica Isretore pursncd by is. For tIsat purpose lie ex- 1ressedl bis intenstion of a1Iowing the tnovens andl secondons those minlutàe acht se as te give as suds timse as issible te tIs ecas- didatea. Mn. Curnie then came fonmard, anti saiti tIsai ho hach nomninated Mr. Gouhd becausa Ise beliava I lis ti ha a proer penson to receiva tise suffrages efthtIe electers. ibat aîthough Mn. Gould did net accomplish mucis in Ilanliamont, hae diti wbat lie ceW te oppose corruption, and usha cdîda tIsai an>' unan cesshd (le ilsthe positions is vas plnced as ais Opuition member.-, flavine acted tliuae h thîeught that Gould as entitted te tIe votes o 1 elactors. Mn. Gillespie expresseul his graat pleasnne in secondung the nemitaion,-tmted that q Mn. Gould visauee of- tisa taw iniiiduals a1uil t s;ta gint;)crrutinanad w t vote thst an Urangeman M *not qul«i r .iIILr;mt~prIAOUiw 4noit gai.t erli on the conmutaon 'of the to lieU ofllee. Such is Mr. Oould's opin. the feet of Lowcr Canada; that t Ise ' ,poAce, bat bu îold them tliâtlsat would be buko h taxation was id Oh'], Ion of the Orangemen, .04 Fo2teotantè ofCndandpnti owr nda >1Owbl I. 'Upper Canada. Wbat say yoms electors of theze iings wera dune ..u cbirds, for tïi-1i-. nitr Ppo int tbeir oWn 'fies PONorth Ontario 1 lit that tIse man to repre. Ministry-who, if retur-ied, Mr. *Cameron .Sa id thst there was one suppo1fr of ' resent you in thse Couneils of the nation ý- would support, and that as tbis state of G*o-eneît réeteCony(Vco In your opinion aro you unftt to hold ci, things could net bc allowed to go on, ho rial, who pretli'ltd t be independent, fico undet thc Qovernmont?1 If thoïe arc [31r. Gillespie], wu in ilfavr Or Mr- and thnt for veiiis., with the Governinent, your views, veo for Ueuld. But if you Gould. bie got $4000 for an old brick bouse at Sdeuiro an honest representative, who in Colonel Caîneron said -Mlr. Shierili' and Urillia-that %vas bis friendUr. Cansuron. Cnflt ail thin-pi tii alimen, of one principle Gentlemen:- 1 have the honor te noniinate Mr. Cameron -who ? to.dicy, and another toýmorrow, vote for Mr, Mattlicw Crouks Carneron, as a fit and Mr. Gouid - I duni't alimide to yen. SM. C. C.%MEIION. proper person to rcpresent théi "forth llid- Mfr. Canrn-W(.l then yon shonld Rcdtig loing etatfon u n of thse Ceunty of Ontasrio in Parliamant. have said go, aud not convey a wrong ium. IJoRalso theflise trc fon h As the liruited iuob allowPd te address 700 pression. On th arc, 160,Mr.McGinu very shor-and perbape if it was nsucb Mr. Oould, eontsined-"11 nin't in the p, O 8thMarc, 180, M. Mccnioved longer, I eould not avait nyeif Of it toermarket fer sale, nor neyer was"-tliat the .a tiat in thse opinion of tîsis Hou.qe. no avow- make a speech-I shali simply Say te Yeu, Administration "4nover gave auy good mes- Sed Chief or Leader of nny exclusive, sa- there is Mr. Camocron's address; you eau sures"-tbat the Jury jaw was bad,1 and èrt oilé,rlgon o-t, hndb jndge of what he says; and 1 pled.-e my. that the Baîikrupt bill wal"a more east.ofl' appointed te the prosecution of Justice on Sel hth ilcryot talterol nii a buisîf of the Crown in this Province. every item containied in it,-nnjd become A voice-So muettthe better lipenhaps r M. ?ley inameduint ove tl.5this security that lie will do as hoe says- yen want a Yaiik-ee law"-[Cheers sud Mbis flu e e ls in a t t e p ntent s t And ho hoped that ail would co ue te the Laughter.] a h r ose culstors thorprt ethes conclusion that ho did, aud believc Utht'N. Anm electr-Why did net the Opposi- aCrown roeuoso ate hte C Camoroii was thse "man for Galway, " tien amnend it, or bring "Eforward oue thoin- *pROTESTAST OU HOMAN (ATHOLIC, Wlho ire [dremst ceerin-, and cries of "Haelàis ly s ?" V members oeoma Secret S&aieties must "lie is"J lLMr. Gould contintied te state that bie r tend te dminish that publie confidence in Mr. Brabazon regîietted tho short tirno was oppesed te public grants te education- tthe impartial administration of Justice, allowed him and feared thimt it would flot al and other esîtablishments. t wlich it go desirable te niaintain. Who guffico te enable hu te sUite ail hoe had te Mr. Brabazn-.9 yonr opinion the samne endrsc tu ~rteYou lae mmbe, sy. o ould commn'ce however by cal- with rcrard te Mthodist preachers-did JOSELI OUL ~se Jurnîs. in, thein what Mr. Cameron's opponients net yen say that tisey should flot lia allow- P JOEPH OULD(secJourals. said of hum te show how werthy hoe was ed- ef the sufFrages of the eleetors. The fol. Mr. Geuld-I did net say it-if yen Lower Canada Preneh Domination. lewing was fren tihe Prince Albert Obser, 5hov it me in thse Globe, l'Il believe it.- -ver: [Hisses and greanu]. 1fr.Goul is ontiusll haring n Ith "Bar this n ii1. l'bi i s a aùrs Mr. Brabazon ealled upon witnassas ini Mub.etG0fLds oer Caadl aFri nch tDe irlity. Mr. Camnerois ixot te 1)0 tImPcred whoeese nc r ol aeueo h subectof owe Cnad--Fenc Doi-with, frein thse tact that ha iii a mans who is pren oseer (iooulwado se eîha nation. Onu day ive are ruled by Lomver connands the respect (<fil ml classes etf S ins-lt îî hescrvtotowictia rtepMetboit Canada; tien thse Cstholic's are ruling the ciety, a mn o f li,h repuitation, grrat peces.wihu lc 0g el ri Proinc, md ccodig t 1f. eul'sahi lity, and unflin chin. îtertv hoo1r. Gould, and in tIse middle of the disputa Proinceand du in[aot ecti. ourns]i n' s e ii ryngte eagrvhty. heit-the finished eratien et the late enlighteded5 sayngsanddOigs abot eecton imé] td by il te ha correct. Yeu kîîov sehàt memiser fer Norths Ontario was concludad1 Upper Cansada is tied heîuI and heels te geu hava te do-do il." hy tise SharifF amnonning tisai tI te tume1 4ower Canada. Now4et us examine Mr. Hie tisenglit thsat after that Mr. Camrer- was p Oonld's own vote as recorded in thse Jour- on ought te hie "thse trmi. fer Galway.'- Mr. M. C. Caineron next came forward, 1 nials of the. flouse.ÇCer. If'aili thimîgs wara equal bis and wns reeived with most enthusiastie On IselOt o Auuat188. SeaJo r l.e;r. Braazeni's) prefarenees would ha in cheering and wavin- ef hats and other de.E nai fluseof ssmbl oftha dae- or of a local candidate, but ho coutl meustratiens of satisfaction. He said, I i nalsHous ofAssebly f tat dte-discever nothin, in Mr. Gonld that could appear before yen gentlemen, very mucisc page 978.) upon thse question that the place him ou an equmlity with 'Mr. Camne to thse di"satisfactien eo fMr. GFold.- Speaker issue bis Warrant for the éection ren. Lnt, ho nakcd, Mfr. Gould or any cof (Charma.) liaI I feel that I doe net comae a of a muember in the room of George Sher- uis supporters show any oee hing hae had amengst yen as an intruier, I bave beeuni Wood. doue for SrI Ontarie during thesevmen immfluecdl te selicit yeur suffrages by men i 1 Mr. Picîse, seconded by M.%r. Biuernu, in Yaars hoi waï in Parliamoent ? Thare was of influence and standing amengst you, sud n amendment moveci that the foillwing t'le Na' rows bridge-and ho M r. (Branha. 1 have the satisfaction of knowing that I h Words be sdded tc the end of the original zen> kno e bi-s own knewleoge white possacss a reputatîia whicls bas preceded n resoutin. hatthisIlose ithtitchairman of tîme Comunittce on Itoads and me cen from my oppoents. This baing t wisingta etad te ssung f aWri f ridges in the County Conneil, tsaitishe case, I amn satisfied that I anm entitled h tihn el et hesun of a mebr o te towner zustcad cf thea memsber fer Nerth Octarie te corne forward for thse reprasantation of a tBrolcionefaregrets forateTown of boicbale te obtain a sixpence fer ils re- yenr splendid Ceuntry. Mr. Cameren wentv PrOPUvlAIOregres tîlothficentyFREC pair, it was 1Mr. Hewett, the laie Beeve Of on te cendemîsn the endonver meade by Mr. m sOPUnTadiIOthNDis t suites, and upon Mara and Riama who wns instrumental in Geuld, te fastan upon lus (Nir. Cameron) 8s etha qusin te tipos,tioicynssnddiracting tise attention of thse Covernusent thecharges against.the presen$ nministry, ti the uesionboig poposd, he oasandte thse attcr and procurimsg s grant for tisa and mvithwbich he bad nothing wbateverp nays wrere callid for, andi among thse yens purpese. Wisare, hoa aked, wns tise use te d,-and this netwitbstanding ho an- ti stands tIsat of- JOSEPH G OULD. of senusg sa man te Parliainent tisat did neunced himself not a Ministerialist. Ha c ~Mnk locor ts i tsesane oenothing?7 Thora wns the butl fer the divi- claimedti t be a Censarvative, as.he always il Goulci wi o s ia es ainyur oesion of thse township eof Beach, and if ho was, and his father before bim, and clais-C tal yo intIsaiUpCanaa s frui e& (Mr. Geuld,) told the truth n latter that ha in,, te bha aConsurvative...a Libaral Con. tI telch domiation, randa nis rued y (Mr. Brahazeis) wrote down te Quebehail servative of Libesal opinions-..Mr. Gould F Freluen otesatioandt iFrnbilc e in more effectiniiidestroyin,, tisat bill than ail was wrong in charging im te be a Minis. C 'th Ilusevots hattheFrechpopula- Mfr. (Ienld's advecaey iisoeking te get it terialist, and dcnonnicing him for thse sinsF tie are NOT suffluiently rcpresonted in passed. But tis was neot nl-Mr. Gould of tise prCsentbiisîry. Hec. (Mr. Camer- ri -e Government of thse country. The told an nnwarraîstod falaeood et hum (Mr. on), understood it to, bu a true principle of oi Cabluet contalned tire. Lower CJanadla lrabazen) at Prine-s Albert, when atidreas. legislation te support~'nseasnres nlot mon.' cc Catiolies. 1Mr. Gould wanted more mmsg tise electors tiere. .(Mfr. I3rabazoiî's Hie annoumscod that lha wus insfa-1voer of the bj tros eve Cnaa t b b turn having expirad, ho was eaoablo to principle of liuprasentation by poîulation. iwý Cathoflca finish.)anda Hoho 1,newas opposed te tic Govorumeut gram. o thse Govarnment. The Brown-Dorion Thse remaries of tise remaining nonmina. ing any further aid eut ofthie fund efthtIe Te Cabinet eoutalned six Catholics, and torsud secondera woe contiised te a faw Province,, te the Grand Trunis Ralway an Gould by bis vote says ho vilI b. satisfleci words, being te the effeet tisait teY Iad Company. If thea presant Gevernmerst du vils noting less. Electors 1 this is thse propesed ubheir candidates rnerely for thse breught in a messure for thse settlamatst of ch same Gould Who la now bobbing and purpose of giving tises an oppertuuity et tthe question et representation,-..giving Up. ai. playing for Protestant votes. mark Weil expressing their opinions, par Canada tIsa additionai nutuber of repre- th, the man, and show at the polis yotis dis. It vWu tien arranged batwecn tise savon- sentaives to mmhich thecouesuasbowed ac i approval of ail dottble deahing. ai candidates sud tisa Roturninu'r(Jificar wau entitled, ha could net, ns an houait ini Id net, --çon u u a olnun htW 6adjuego or i lq*laffby. blaoIr Bts au -itt4MfiUi ferméus, anti srieset-go huas-n yens-lai MIultrJ 1r. Gcul&d ueif Copi4 a d'oft'îisrisa lu thc tad ri wtmmpo Canada majO rui-niaiUppeas", àdsr redkpurgseariss O/il *ie" '-. his Grand Ti-ank ativait ver nxt alanuy ls ntirer, ni, tis ot vWiiai Mn. 'Goùlt saîd tisai, ho vas 'atr ho vas tiroug i viii stise." Tise1 turning Officer informed i isit»at tiseft allotati v :aa , Ifl ébttusd yei Mn. Goulti' ceastisseta ndenouncei gaiernsauul for. making aivances 1te Grand Rnnnk kisowing ih te bu Banklrn1t tse tis, and nepeateciltise étéicomplu Isov tIsai b>'tige inineni>' etUpper Ci da tak ing hold te t najou'it>' etLeo Canada, ULpper Canadavas pa>'ing 70' cent etftIse -taxeitsf ;.the visole Provin, Be mmcxt aceuseti the Governuacat cfp eisasiisg Parliasestar- support, et boyi up with 9ù1varueutiss-ienras figrure aisore tIse msk vle'at that iL vas provetil batoru Lie comm;ittleý Publie accoîotsa ta a certain represai tiva, who vwantei someîIsing fi-os gove-iment for ýis support, vas telti uscuishrs ofet laAdministration Iliat if coulul punebase Mutiieipal-taisentures Che tisa gevermonî veultibu>' thas froua i at thisoi-fah vaine,_ anti that lu this w Hamilten dobeisnres vere bougbt ai and tolti 10 tie gevenieni at 97 & per ce puttilîg $14000, into tise banda o et i hinasentativa. [Cries of nasae J TMr. Gou -Dt Cla-Ie.'Tisis, ha contsnuad, vasc 1>' s part et tise corruptien nesenteti te, b his address *ýeifîCà hetiasail oui. if1 Iunnd ostise î,iedent occasionjïuc lie put ont tlose moen anti put in otis. IBrown tissenveti a trial; ant i ovn's mniisataien did nxtggai as tbey cught -tsa piivilages et the ativisers of Il Cu-ewn f nointhe Goeanr Genanal, ai tise/a di oderalion ofthe- couituti, But, lie saiti, "misaGovanunlai those Mt 'Ooe ini anti take up tise olti offices."- John Bllyant Cameron, ha saiti vasmni a tool uftaeoppose Bromn-(Groana.) d"a I haLve did aillusinu>' pewer Io oppose tl -,Prasent TMinilry." Mn. Uould next vai îîf te ay>'that ha vas -oppeseti "te Jan( bling locked up in mentmairi for revenue -andiihsat vhilu iîe "vas cbanget il iloing nothin,,,,.oaIl tisa lime voteti agani tle cerruls itmisitraîiau, ant henefone f cotutt net geti suîasiio." Beosait thatE t 'se ,mi > r ëcai e ri a ne -a ail& pet ca. et sta. tiht b, Ima va> eut ne- nIld ons- but ne- aid ad- te thse tnd aen ide Lnd tha nt le', L'th ist bo iur 1 .v lêc -4 we ut to p rov o tia t: M s-.'G S U v s m i e o t a l e t r u s t e d t i sa n t i s e - n Adnldsîisiuu vimeliluerepeui s- o1-b steepedti thlime-lips ini cOrrmptior, ge Mr. qouldbad tIse soo r of ain îv iilt s. as a mýss'er i iof t issaeibly te go Id Quiobaditô FSaathe Prince et Wales. - e . it vas au bhor anc voul t insik-se s, an iOs i-xtu ~y saresniatilve-in id countrY-tuiae tise personinvijed ou-,b id to, ,ud - payng rfor iL." Kntid sl è- sait héti "ho siad a e 0 bj0' i us ü - le Cý,4d'1â tak'afing pay, 'lIe, sane ma- oh id mçmbers of the lieuse.Ilu.'vîs e lu. lias Rotithe ismaculate sai lia0WC le vie people beleve i:m tii ha', M.' (X nt bsamdto t i ay cisargei uileage Àj" hi &couifos- Uîbidge te WhiLby, fi a.Wiitb5' te 'Toronito, anti fros Toronsto 3r Quebac, anti back again. Of càwtr'sa va ws e111Y whist r-~ou calodýila -*11 e ,b u t t h o nu oýgtra , ïs- sis e'v -i o v " tse v -blew"-"(Chera). P phïiï s oaulcl g ,arguedi that this vas a. mistak-tit ,j 9ýGould vas an;unediscateti nias, ant Il~ d -this ovencharge' fonr mileagovas tise ýnsuIt of ai, errer in bis aitisetie. [ChE 1.anti Laugrhten.j But il dit net prove)1 ýeGenîi tetolietisa geond pure man that ry nsnedii ltpb.Absent col>' t ays in Quebec on, tat occasion, and pstua4 cf*1 'voing on b Ottava comin;hem ai anti attenvards accepîiug ,py for s yteen days' (Chaers.) Thse total c e fth tricp te Mn.., Goulti wag ab -t e5, anti' ie pocketed $200. (Crias e. "O h!1 Ch Il"5 Tiat Mn. G uîd eaid va . d trille. "Ah I Josephs h Josephs 1" saiti 3 i.Casaron, 'thon art ver>' vintueus, h t vwhen Temptation catcliestbaecb>'the ce i.tails, vent>', lh e takes p cîcets nnd aIll v ý 1hsm, andl thon-nulike tis> naussisake - ld-inewîthisesuthiae epene of t puilie"-(Geat, laughbtorn sld eers.) Are yen, asked Mn. Cameren, tise yt manry eft tiis troe landi, preparet t justi ibtis littIf meannees Jon your rapreosentats anti allow him ta justif>' himacît, b>' tellii yoo, '"Oh, 'Ivas oni>' a trille ?'l (Cries "No,""e.> Mr. Camenon won, on 3stte thaît if hae vare cbosan their nepi 1seniatire, his veice voulti ha raised again ail such abuses, anti on bebaît et -o4 L Legialation and geeci Govennmont, anti 1 behievedtata vien tiosa vie listesseti hius lîoand lim speak te-day, tise> vomi behieve tIsai lie ad a veice that cousît 1 raiseti in tise peeples cause. In re~,frd thse qestion f nepreseutation b>' popul tien, ha was ssiativocat ofethtie measuna but while deinv, justice te, Up1îor Canati bc ou nît nver seaek te do an act ot isîju tiee te Lever Canada. Attse ti otti -sonmtieuiëgt, in giving' a liistoi-y cf ti a langer population, ansd aceepteteii ar numbor et neprasentatuves ns Upper Cmmn ta. The Lover Canadians, ho aid, vos British snbjecti-,Twas true tise>'vene coiiqnaned peoplea; but neventheless, thE as Britons, veuiti net souk to ineat tha Lever Canadian telîov subjets njustli but in that spiit otfIBitishs fair-play, i vîsich tise>' basîed. Ne honestman voul seek te do se, sud it voulti net ba an lsom est thing tte ilnd-tisat gave tIses hinth (Grat heorngl) Mn. Gousît bai saitinc net ena vend te tises about representatie by population, but ha simpl>' contente hisoîf lu> condeuning 'le luinistry. an, appeanod te tbink tIsa in doiog this, b vas tieingr bis viihaol>' tyas their rapni santativa. Anti vien Mn. Geuiti's leader George Brown, forsei a Minisr>' with M? Dorien, thea question of reprasentation b population vits vlbicis hahati agitate t l country' vas tiroppeti b>'bis, or ai a avents thron overboanti attse tise, an aacrifsced te tise gniati et office, anti o course Mr. Goulti as satitfia. But i vas tie ma>'itk ,peitiiaisa et that ois te naise, anti vion il auiîed tIait purposa te fhsng ava>' an>' cr7 at pleasure, in onde, te put their bands in tisa public punse, an( tatien on tise flash pots. (Clseens). Up per Canada, it vas uascrtainet b>' the hst mera tem in tat spirit et conciliations and gootiili tiai cotlt gain tisir appro- val., On tisa contrar>, iî vas demnanded wiii insulta, andt isir arouseti prejudices eought te ha oevrcoise by trats anti ho- lii>- If Upper Caunadins mate an im- rbvitent bargain ai tIsa buginningr, aid le>' vans not ar-eging en uig i to dis- eoven iow tie popuiàtin et Upper Cana- la woutdsos.opu autnmbar tIsaIt fLeser C a n ala , t isa i va s I be ir o v ta u t, a n d ti m s t th falt ofthtIe Leer Canadians- Mnr. Farewell, tvbe vas tIare te ppak. on Mnr. leult, voulti ne douistecains againsî lthe rnch, anti sa>' that Upper Canada vas sleti Is> Laver Canada. But Ie [Mfr Canr. Dn] illusînated the existingastatuet thngi by :omparnig tie Uni >on te a bargain mate by a farman itIs laborer foir digging a ael. Tie farsr believedthtsasoilteIole )fa steus> anti rock>' nature thai voud 7quie greai labor, anti tipti of bosing,' id se gave a large pice; Lhe, laborer, iscveret the sout t e hofeta favorable ffaracter anti tiatIse vork coudi be ver>' ail>' acomt)lisled, vaos it tIs ay>'te gui ae laborariorte rainquisis is bargain b>' Bling bisx ill-naînes anti abissing his, asud sîltiug hlm vi h auner oe t iicas?7 Odîeclc ln théêIIous. Antia' 45810'. 1 qr QoiWforbid, nidMr-.' ,ta Iê pot-, guine cuir fraceu hapupy native lansd 1-ý ntaiý Â4t Goti toybid -hat 'lia day ,%hiould, efer ýi ý,arrive, that 'tise'tii-est of mun ispeso sou5 W'aiMugtod us onl ecariud lath; xa- te t.101 It vas Mi-.,Maedougýa,ool Ms. &tsd Gotsld's 'leaders, wiso tbneaieàed ta appa n îiitaWaaiingtcsia'if isglaud dii ot give ms thse redresa. JAnd zaFrancbmais-'-snda d'astor- netý 1>'expressieux ýt <waç-,nJA d,- at in tisai .iaevpuut Lever Oanis vomuit look to oeh Mfr. France I Sce; sai 1fr. Çaiperon, frpns' thi- wiat smalithinga groat avants ima>'spring? huv Feoin vioeui 'eXméosiensl e se 'ule inîi les, -giatoa iso tus pn oed tlsat théy" uld nover teisrve.d ta pouss, a seat in..s de-ý is libenistivu assesil; niucis'lest u"îisk Caln-.' -os cils oethild' coýrty,'fnatia vas teahW ta plunged into civil var-su apasi vwas te- Ibis bu sade to Washiusgton on one. aida, - nd le", to France dis lie -cher, anti va were ta Fid embroit tise mothetir commitr'. leà"a lvtIs be France, iba cvii- Danséqneisces et vbips sit-. ne suan couiforcel, ssii vici, ai al fai avents, coolti net fait Io rasfuhtinlaruiinto re- us, and'iti ercioàn 4oboui- beioeaicouiatr. . -ers '[Enthuaai sÉlue.-1r. ' Came -efen i Mir. next retennedti thle GranidTrmnk ifailva>', lia and snid Ilsae wvile la . onimnoi an>'. si x thing in tise shape ef aclvanesltse Coin- in- pan>', 1)spirit et fai;rpis',ssenhi prompt mse, people a te tul Ie trisili. Ha expiainati1 six- boy tIsai lthegeveruman t gave ùp tle Pro g Otvincial lien in entier te -comple'the verle, Oust andl tiat tiesane as ne doubit but tiat tise1 et intercala; of the people v"ena prejodicai ,a theneby. But tisat fi shoolt be remember-1 cdr eti usaItIe rond ceai £11,000 par milei but viile tiseumeuni ativanat b>' tise Pro.-9 )ai- vince vas but £31000- -per mile, sud tisai ush va hati £8,000;ci tiserlooney oethtie peoea of osf 19ngaiood expendeti in tise Province forr ha aven>' £3,000 otof ui-ovis. -(At ibis pe- - icul the ram bagan in descend rathan lien-1 o- vil>', sud tisa -Ihturning' Officer net vsbn c [ fy te keecp tise electors in tie ran nid hat r e, Mn. Camenon vonit cesse speaciisg -for a ng fov minutes anti ragume as seous as tisa et nain abateti.) Mn. Camenon saiti that eaven te in tIse' nain lie coulti stand up for tise nigis c e- efthtie people, anti vas greatati vith ciseers il ,st and crias ot "'go on"' "go en"~. Afier tIsa odi lapse et a fev minutes Mr. Casanon re- lue sumed.' Ho allutiat ta Mn. Gomlt'a changey te against tIse Ministry et puneliasisg Partin. d ld mentan>' suport, anti saidti aat ise knaw I be notiuei about it. But that ini reterancýe tl te te givinx, $150,000 te P. A. McDousalti I la- vI-ici Mnr.; Goulti etated appeare inbistisav )'- publisisee public accoonts cf tisa Province, p a, tisai no goeanmmaisi orsîti une tIse anti-E s- cil>' te do sncb a tiig,'-andsi ta for hum- i he self ho was satisfied tiaIit liauhti bufouetl ii hs tinirthat coald nems o iui i ai lc a th net prepare ta10anaver honestl>' ant i i se straight-forvardl>', antiý alîntictti tohis a- charge azainst tis e-verusent enî>' is tise0 -c spirit et fair-play-bn tioing 80hos ate rati Id a ta tie charge et tise goveraimani isving Il 7y given Mn. Benjamin $1000, and explainat in in hov that il vas fer extra services noSs-an- th y, tared turing tise sessionin aupenintenti- i in ing thse publie printing, and in vhich Mn. ar Id Benjamin rsl'cted a great saviug te ýthe tu s- countny; andti tît tise amount vas given s. by tise flouse. Be aglain asserteat siif hi Dî hae fount the Minisir>' tealia connupi ise cc n veniti oppose tisas, but tisatieb wonld L Jd nover de se iucensistesîl>-, iliougli ibick- t] Id andttîirs, throu-îs gooti andi tisough es-il, wi te as tidtihie Itinti snreasening folowers oeti i. George Brown, uimpli- baiuse thaey vere in rtisaMinistny. .. Bis moîto vas &"mensures Il tnet mou" [Cheers 1Mr. Cameron next Gd 'y vent ir.to a iistor>' of tisa Brovru-Denion th oe Adiministrations, asîs ssaedtitat it vas ha- r Il caise the representatives etf the people G, d ivero tisem justtmash fi-ostIse country that t)ý tf Bis Excellane>', the Goves-nor Genea m . IL it tused Mn. -Brovîs a dissolution, and sov tm ;s tisat the vote -on vhsici tisa govenmenu ti v as dcfeated vas a factious ene,-us tisaohf ýr sent et gevernnwviera tise Minestry en* te h teas-oreti te uPholti. as vas their dut>' te w- -Our betoveti Seveneigu, atten asieing hae ;a ae lec t a eat o f g o e vrn sm e n t ton s, t isa d e_ a i 1statesmisis, liSte lMn.Gunîtha trustedati I tunt ha [ %n. Causeronj hadthe tbniiit>' te tearu îhl ant uat vban lia caine betore lIse alectors vitl 1at thse endi et toun yaars, bis pai-hiamentau.y lin cancer 'vouidti o a alanie page. [Cheens] is n Ho, [lin. Camcreni voulti Support gooti Mr. measunas, virever the>' case troua,wila tIse Mn. Gonhd voulti enl>' supportlise sea-'amid ures etfiis part>'. This vas tise difierenca vitl hetween thseu. Anti ho vas sonry te ay> "bo thuat in tîsis prosp eri-us fre c untry - m.. or e TM r. troc anti presperous tîsan an>' ether utiadr the tIse sun-ihe spiilf part>', anthIe serviliîy clud -et liant>' tooS, vas thcene great o-vil PISc amongît dtI. Be trusteaita"lii.veuht vo, net contine te buehcase, anthst our Tor native lausd, and tIse aund otoui- adoptiont coul oulti, tespite ihis, stili costinue tle gi-evaIel pi-oui, preslseneus, anti- happy. CG-ast Y checring.] MI-. Camerca uext Isanthailr; vas Gouiti as a litenan>' eitic,aand iai tbM. and Gotiltibing-as the liafîlkue,. gras-, not] mai-ian, took upen Iissît le citiciso tis emint diction in bis 31fr.Canaeroi,'s adtinau..... asý Mrn. Cateros. proceedet teead liiiai- ihat tineas giveus in e ýi cotninns, ' ivalllisg alect upea eacb pas-agmapisas be pIrocaedý vitl ati uuslil lhocame b tiste' tcllovlisg isU' I as in favor cf Ieýpresantation 1 >' Po. bu, pulatbohî,aîa aesure of Instice o ppa ac "Jý&"àf - flo" a 1 UL i wilam mi mu te a oSusUy 4eut #3,MOêper day, and abpwod L -hwtbatý vhit SI a tsy as uSnam M rfi>' oped ds ÊÏb téx use that a enieul ý,cfuqry He next refer. law simd dveit upesu thse efit f1,t memauh-es 1ing perfFect d udmatmred, a earried i ~ oa eqcet, sujs$a ta tisa wanlg and rajusirement, maid tfd w rieu. aceàoftise people. Mr-. Camai-on concladed b>' uin;- tisat mas>'outtise alactors of tisa Ridinz mcrt.But thas± ti, az sun isonest mail lueqoldtiaoi do, tisai luebadl fWe~ntl blôd ilium dthg is aiddes, tisi bis final p rinciple inppjities luS 1 oloe, for mea- mures,,nOt smen, nand tIssu le lias neyer yes the mans te$tate* tisai isavomuitd o, tai - wluich le iumen'ded Dot 4oPerferm. If good' meusurpu case froni tIsa Minisn>' ha voulId vote for tibse wassmras, if bad mamr isa vouiti voteleaiott han. a"Yon lue saici -lant 'a a, te. avocata yhmr rigits, 'sid yonr isterests. ' Tises. Iausprepa-ed7 te de. 1Mr. Gonlcl&told yo en lwvssvais yenrs lin Pîariantand ibat bise id -.notiing sud cosiid do iîotbing, sud ha -could flot succerd iii getting.f anything,,maid I ail yen- vhether, yau'l hava a man, tse saute as yon bave-gb patkutyfistaned ta mue, or vlsatisr- yon'-ih retain sncb a massas your late represeritasive, vise. deficieàces are ts nstpromuinnt traits in bis pehitictl caEér 7 1 do no't lill i.te ba untiersteet tuaitI -dégina to, esat an>' sanon 1r..Gould for is. ant of eduseation. I,myselt liai no oppotuities a î-ýcolage aducatus. Earlyiu hiý1e I aat -witb au accident snd s>'é feinge et pridu coahd net allow me le singl lis tichenni>' ysports et col lage cou-. panions ini which I coniti not tako a tii-st part." Mn. Camenen'is rafarance te bis sishap axciteil -arm feelings of émo- tien, and wiseu lué telcibis hsears-aa ise onl>' ruceis-ed 'twensty - vo montsà et actuni seboolin>r, the expressions et. surpriuse anti - eestion wene ver>' great. "Withis aeh opa unities"le oncisded,, "lyen can juigé ieha r thea anergia. cf thse man vise ad I resses youl bave net ovez- coama a great dal, andi if sppliad te your interesta after a Iseven. eans axpaniance ini ' Parhiausest, buc vouldýbe likel>' te haveace complishual soiusmunt et gooti. Many of rou bave eiuployèd ime tea aivocate jour lin. dividual cause professionally; yonknow hos I bave perforedis>'dot>', andi believe me ihat as Ï have devoted mnysaîf te serve your private interesîs, 0se wonlcl Ialsu 1mise a>' voice on beaaItetf e people, andt for tise pubie goot.Coihtl'nGouît iile in tisa lieuse, sa>' anything,ý on bis own beaaitE« stisitteilbu baldofeand could do uotbis- and tisatibe vas as useless-to advncate-jouar e'a etl in as p0$ uýprige. Mr.- rounds of ebeena viiui e repeated dur- ing serersi minutes. lu ieing vriuhin a fev minutes of 4 ,'clock v.ian Mr, Cameron ccinciuded, the Retunxsing Officar annonnced tisat bchasd in accortianca wjîlh tise arrangèment entered ie,, clivided tiseremaining tise between th Dîne csndiistes vwho lera ta speak by aiîewing taeeais peak-er eoven m»inutes? and that eazh voult coame forwati in ouru. bin. Cotton vas fi-et called upon, and lis remujîrls wlent te sbav 1Mr. Gomîld's mus eonsistene>' visn -tfiaigentleman spoeeoe lower Canada domination. Ha instancad thc case efthIe motion for tIsa issue etftisa wri for the election oetas member fer inokvlle'lus 1858, liban Mr. Picse mov-ee s ameudmaent, sacontitti y Mr-. Bureau, tmi the ministry d-id 1et; pessess mthe con- Edence et tne Cenntny, fas coaiseqssence of !e Frescc derntesi nuuebeiong axoeciew1y rePre8ealed in lthe Ca&hset anduthat 3r. neudsarne was fousd recorded W9l4 ie zleas infaror of t/cat amendussnt.-. Eow aise -vus grants for charitable purpo- es. TMr. Ferguson sovei iii ameutisant te se supply bill, te bave tan per cent atucek fftbe estimates ton charitable purposes,anri en par cent- per annum,util thse visle are doncaaa' itb. That Mn. MacDo- 'l], Mn- Genid's leader.caled ibis é9csese- ish a etem of hissas anti cries of "Ts se en udU." TiseUMiniut->,.ha contisueti, ioa Cons&envative but a Re>tenu minist>', '. Camarou ia nen-pehitician anti >ou ara i gncatest set et foolsl-(Gne.at axcitament - i crias of-"Plti Iiasm devni-l"devi .is hs" &C-) Tiseâo~ise end biasing sud cuoing"Pcoss Gnerontinued wit eveg effort of r.Giro omake hisalt beard during eremlaindee t hus' ddress, anti liecon-. duel by requejslng thse electers net iD ace tIsomselves, in thsa ame position as vere linlin South Ontario viare va lbdèa s-oisto lavyur, aàZtut uthe davil hIssaIt uId no'g r id of bim ntil bu iesd Ilveti bjiusalf. Laghter]. Mrn Farewell neai took tise staud, and 'huled wiulu groans anti issesa, wca-allà il "iî ffSpouturs." Bne said be did knov iow to comme 1nc to a&Ls a qevea nutes speech, ilmat be- did net coma for- l'ias acandidateuand.vas not placed ir iprend position. HalI appearei as an, eter, ai i ii tereats -vere indesiified î ls tse intareste of litams. ieat itiat ha ne foi-yard'to' osltupn ieec155 bc taken, sudtbai Lie Cou-se bo woohd - 1 hmMend tiem, ahItte take vis to vola baviug 1 sinehe speak aà tIsat ame reai troi lise effec -cet tlà'- vas tsa ling tse rien A( ?Mr Bro eba-actei for avar. uis cabun yo ueus tsaItMr. tration ir Iran F-en ~Yei Mr, ( criai oui lion. 'B down-a macine i hlm. W expect fi .Brovn-Dc eael nuls leaders of tisah i to bci lad- vas prove it, but se lue av pi vas telti. *Gould. an tsa if tse t ouc that if ti "appual te tse tangua leaders et' s ruapensi be thase sn stitulion v< Canada; ti as the Am vant te lnt aten day in Etitute, fer tens vhiçb TIse agitatil OY Brown, i fraterniy that thene su tsa ioun North Ont tse aupeno institutions. who vas 31 anti buit ct visosa i"noi isron,-ht tsa --Jtcleali Came-on or anti faine fi: vera tisa gr et tise Prex ai M. C. t i-on and B mon,, anti 1 fibing desn Igfriand TMr. Meut receivei vit elactors tsai ou which isE tisat ha apuî ing vits vi vas net bis parhiament i Nth Ontai penisars ho i capable te Mn. Brovs bu vas alva Bnitenonaýýisi et Bnitisli lim anti descend tiese ma-n sv ashei tsa aI betore tises, bilities. On pus-pose, but (Cries' et "N, Ne tigm&a c ale cisaracte b>' lmai Most Mfr. Brown ce abOut the eus, aountry..and es-mient, aber OV". Uc uneMburs in t tIsa tseul 120 at $6 paer Pllsiou, sud Bs-usent oet I --ant haîtM31 leters et tii riat Mr-. Us exponmos lr 1 1 iý

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