Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1861, p. 4

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IRMFOR SALE. 7flDNsab.ariber ouTrs fer stale lot lie.92' la J. tI. thCoe. utai tto twnship of Whitlï~ omottllg M o arest moe.&o loeu. About 1 dant. cu a ]llT the ii ftlnd lu.nb éqéevad ,«ih goed laadweed îlilp, baélsaloot.dbotwoou the tva odl ;Zra mi tnW , .sU4 eng @vol 'ýl&o.0twi rainsa largo fnuibarn, dvalllng bouud earWd. Termes OMO00dawtienUtsrouutstulr te nuit the F~*sa Vor 4lah, purlait1 spply on 14 Abtn WIIIýTB.Y FAN Y MAIT OSigofi ttilargo ROCKING JIRSE, mauut>ee meNOTUit r SCIIFIED'8OLDSTMiND. r 'ýi> lilto t i ly tale !"tagocls 1 have IFO;- fale, là you'rc throngh tte Jengtliy lst, Sheur s4hauld net ha talJ. îa vilt af iumpetion, t0eRai gtmd lraruad clluton- o very klnd aud sorlî,ftoys bys l'O Pieuse yeiur huAPpy egirls and bo;- Tays tltat wantbruac , sud tire worll u bying CAriais ta stop ailtselai und caying. And of thelr niert-be Il spokaen- BlÈlindian Rîîbbcrq een't ba broen. li lufanay geadi 1 WeilîMay Bay, lht~ ilaver ooditlfore, Trhorea aastlas î rîtictansd bends, And conmbe, s noiicit almi sccl» And wnlîs amnd itgtIî, kutaitgnd nattilttg, Il>rfamîîary taelcetp off frcltinig. And IndiceslicItai, utndphuisu iii Igs, Arid fily otiier kiiitutortiirigit, Wblch ledivat-s.1 tisd îlwnys gel, Whom uke-tît auttdwiîit,t tet l1'va baskets, bouîrdes for uliack andJ chut And dountnoct, as .Yent plaiy kitens, Wlth cards for pliay auJ aiivarutin,- Oupera ghtitses for tue nation, ..ewolry ter rîttatt tiiti setation, Te be dima1la)-eîlnîi oceiin. Broochos, iFiglu. aîîd lialii, 911tl jîelidtuts, Fer ladias îaîli hdtllî'tttîi-laiiits. Il lt nafeetiali, to,l'aIt wîh!l itipplied, An.l tiies mhitiaotite tlîcy h le tiivieil Witt givestiy cagt-tiers sit li etiti e, My bîdetîs ailit ai-ns tienwii t iiid)i li1u11rC. OWeetttIaalst, aîttd Cal10ts, tîtîti pie-s, and lcîttdies 'Witltzl uzgtitm, anddruoiecail$.Il "1tuitdicîq" Vounlitî t autcî-îhrîîîîs, ,und cruckors, Illbby.Iiurne», tit and riakerg; LUions, oranges aud fruiti, Appa, nite, antd poursi tu itit, îltâtloncry ton lupeit,,Y Anu îtnvloles,-kln1dm uinnthittitweity I Bltte,andlpeiiello, jcit unîd Itolders, P'ortmeu'u iautturs, le% snr otivrit, Boxes for îwitie, alminbn s id tnry, Andtoy-bookit. Iin %%lilefi &nol tboys glory. Iliave 1Il aides. IiL, tel.e Al tliiigs ii woiid. anid %eillow -wtre, Plittes, Jimitas, lilis. hat iitMd pî)tîtàtders, Mîttihhiers, riit nd-uiir. tl IuJrs. Crailles fur lviii-m. i ui s l ls Cages tloi liiu,>nprtPtia1 i1liîlIs lîketst, the Cliîui-a L iiailiit-tiliie, 0f tîttit &greuiittlueirt. :iàtgster. Teobacoia, lin, I titi at atire, Clgars ýth u liait lit tl lilîîora, Ant îIJîesii t-cry stucnu IimJ il, To e it iatisit üLO diuc îîl îiîîd. lly utîi-ile, iio, îanddiiitriiia:etitm, Itetîluire jîtst lmtte or tlie 't-ilttltiitis, Bintg 1l:y titylf itî liet) e sluead, Noeitte ita cbeau uiîlit- elie CItail. pi aIl the goodi I île silîl, My eittiirs tolies 'tl try, NKy plieugestc-r will lie îi-'li NcwI lihe tinteîtlucoulue ii7ti lltuvy, Atad f<îr to a> inîtha iiia iti-ar, - l'ldo my cetry enidaavettr. IIUGII FELIIZ. Whltlay, May 7, 1861. 1 A Store to Ront. - N thte ViÃŽlltig(fii et lmîîlu, lentte - ru E nluir 'eke(iî icIkcring, May, là, 1801). 18-4ii-PJ 00 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN TIIE g. Now repMçe ivitwUý,a ti NÃ"& 1and 2, c/n - ~OMIi~fl8 815TilipiEDJTiAII! TI-I, iaubsriber would respoctfiully infoîrm the inliabitauts of Brooklij, sud stîfu ouîîdiu cuntry, that ho ha taken. the proises ILteiy ocecupiod ly Josephi Hultins Cco, whcîulw hm oponod out a comlote asortînent0o D}RY (O fRO~tLHARDWAR>E CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. Whlîiîho is dcterminod to soUl at the very LOW EST PRICES. The Dry Goods dopartment, will bc fouud repiete with ev'ery article suitable frhesason; cousisting in part of SPRJNG ANID SUMMER ]DRESSES, Delminos, Muslins, DereePitos lad arasos Flow- eti, Fenthers, Riibbons, nt@Shllclawýi, C nctin *p n Misses Rets, l3row Cottous, Illiauds, Sliectings, &o., with a large stock of FANCY COATINGS AND VESTINGS. GROCERIES, a largo aud well-nssrtcdl stock of Tons, Suas raty Rico, coffee, Spices, &é.Cart, 1-AI> WARKJU-A large stock suitabte for Counhtry Trade. SALT AND PLASTER always oui iand. Just reoivod a first-râte samuple of TIMOTIIY AND CLOVER SEEDS. Ail kinds of produe taleon ini exeliange for goods. ROBERT WARREN. D3rooklin, May 15, 1801. 18 THE subscriber mill pay Cash for any qantity of good Mcrchantable Whicnt delivered at his Store, or at Campïbell's 1%lil in l3rooklin. ROBERT WARREN, Droiclin, M1ay 15, 1861. 1 TOWN 0F WIIITBY SPRING & SUMMER ]DRY-GOODS AI>PLY TO 18 LOWES & POWVELL. F011 SALE.' r IlM Sulscilîers bting dairnes le retire .Lfriim the Feutilry buisitiesit ath'ar fer sala TEE WHITBY FOUNDRYS s;Ittuntoel ilustîo Town of Wltty, Capital af the UCV11111 1A -tuano A: îuy n of matoca upitil wiliSud tiIs riiu -liu)rtuuuiiy te itîven§t luis meanusli - l eet-nsf-îr a t"ouudry tut Cana ui-J price, enuisra uof(C. LYNDtE er LYNDE & 'OST. j Murait27, 1861. il 7 I ; uluscriber wî ii hdtttkt. tlile tuttjuod ef T.akekawhadgiutg lis ttuuutks for tha lilieritî putroruaga lia reciv-cd litu Inuiter, nîud wouîd fuaaret ate flit lie s i4 rreird te roecve To*macke lu CIcutlu or lis, nt tue fuliawing palace4, uamoiy: For Csruliug lollg, 5 Ce]tls eu-pend. grpr atinte at 37 ocute per yarid. or elnmi- 5uîet ()ceusîs par yardl. l<Ull Clotit 50 camuls ler yard, Tweeds.i, every stylea t iuy liaorderad, 50 cants p r yuiaîi.- 'AIl weol hliaukets, 31.5tvents lier Yard, fîîUled and napped. Mlecthng 80 cents par yard. Plain Flaiiiel Su cenuts 1-t ca cini. rarti luin tit brntg flui- i uy rty eut lt-s bQing %i-cake liii And the ttulil-rsliietl u t g c allI) $lies thuir owîîweiguit oft' v aiesfaor in lus nhtuwthtlîitir sorlu, tiuiy rnIs- oui it îeiuîg wall doue, aud ivitît dest-att-l. l'nriics Ibrlggl- Weeh a cIfletuitite, tutcurd itui R011.s,luuuy havttt doue btea ltue uit-lt tîeutu. JOHN ITAIGHlT. Pakaring, Mlay 13, 1801. rf m il ~ _ ell »e, ,.tt u 3oy ttn t o n 1 V a1 t C ri _ _ t o û m - n d i z a l mesI.. Aa Oro 'r o . 1 Begs to announce the arrivai of his Spring Stock, which ho is doternmined to seil at a small advance on cost consisting off the Latest Styles in Mantles, Straw Bonnets, and Hats, Rib .0ns, Gloves, Parasols, &c., Prints of a superior quality and ncw design, Factor and White Cottons Tal Linons, Towelings, Window llollan tsMarseiiles, Mitts, Tickiugs, Denims, White Shirting, Carpets,ý Dernasks, &c., Broad Cloths, Casimeros, Tweeds, Gamiboroons, Farmers Drill Rats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, J3racos. 0:7- READY-MADE CLOTHING. ~ In Mon and Boys Coats, Veste, and Pants, of eiaer>a style anîd qualiiy made on the promises, the fit and workmanship may bo depcnded on. TuIE TAILORING DEPARTMENT lu undor the superintendence off a first class Cutter, and gentie- monu favoriug hM witI t tîir erdcra, iusy rcly on hsviug their garmnuta mde Up luna woakmauliko utaunea, aud lu the Inat syle of fashion, 0:>- A ]FRESH STOCK 0F GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED. -C: Cail before purchaÉing eplsewbere. REMEMBER PERRY'S BRICK BULILDNGS, WIITTBY. April 17, 161. A large supply off ALL WOOL AND UNION TWEED .1.C IîOTIIING, from $4 1.2 per suit upwards. Also a lot oi superior Prints and Fanoy Drosti Goods. ---- 11,subseriber lias recoived his now stock of Staplo Dry Goods - to which ho would cull the attention of the publie generally, as he is dotcrmined to sel at a small advance on cost for Cash or Produco. Just reoived, a large lot of Timothy, Clover, Carrot, Mangold Wurtzel, &c., whidh ho offers at low pricos for Cash only. The largest and best assorted st ock off Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Rico, Raisins, Ourrants, Tobaccos, &o. Whikeys-domostic Malt Toddy and Scotch, Brandies, Ruma, Wines, Gins, &c., whiuh ho offexîs at rnannfactitrcrs prices. oflIae.aWhosfac ur Ir prodead by sejioii- rThuoubà 'bave busam ls uise, as ewaes taocen Mtayor f Lmmmiitittsd1 irakre.Kt iata,. Henry, ltggeeldue Kt, ad etlierx. Palserila r in b qean uct l oea fer 53. recaneer.ded fer ait. tintestlhemesfer wblaia ecary, k-c., rMiel auilyemployet iu vai., but tee otite lu thé aller irat fi2rslmh T cîtl u ipurelyd i icteva. suai ùl# bacellcinletiemce aunlthe systeme te wadcuaaab.- Prloe U& fusl 3, a baille1 alseassRVhmafI s CI. rimutio PÂTUICT CanOUtitTEt» usx g i r mnsD Ai» aeauuiaAtl-CATED aLestaNtJ. eautqtaued cf rreMm Iable guets, tciaiai aexîracts ar Cua hsa n uaîfur11 lim urofal*iuina te et.gu- latrlaas.all urethra lacimions, sedieiauuisry nii hlghu.-colredherraîioes. <hrsaI pPainsuai renul iuriieuieas la ctber s0x2;atilu nicthce a-lief lîy suleuiiug ie- damimateear etnu. p.cteiy atetens. stuti rataiiutiugai lime mme Lme ail the curative pewcrn uiasa alable Pi'tlanslltas. - ~ iaitcanses tf otolle ea.Cti. Sîritra, &c.. a i Iila trial mwilu prove thtehilcacy aul Ibis teequullaîh renedy; an il StiOttce sais îpca lime lîladilar. tutti tîta tidle-geiltiat ergnuis, ratortiug tic lu thym h1 ltli. l'raec I11io. ciai33.1. petr1 )%. Il JIiALTII DElPiiN>I4UION P'URE 11.001). sat iitfnllita cure frtaituttcas t t lshuctit stuitau servauy. gaucuia, utair-It. ils. hiîît-iî-.riui j lvuti ti lt, fae anal body, & c. l'rtce Ilus. tih3si. tîliex. ON NEftVOLUSNLt. tti-il,'AXATION, AND> i-:- IAAtJSTATiLIN. New miitisn. anhargin te190 pages. thhîusînti-a lel), io Ai.auîîinl Coineati Etu1gausitigioits tet4jusi iutulisiud prica 2àaGd. The Silant Friand. A MEDICAI, i'a'rk onîîti i atr. "rcaimest-eai Cre of irvous atie pliu-sti al lity, exiittuini sjteramiterrltoes, and ait uriio-guîiuiuul dite itf iue mervoussysît, n ait ailier uisetisea ilicitteutual 14t bath aexesl rwoailg il ilegriîerat-Yo e< ntal aui phyoical wiee iaaraiy ilucy wut be effcctually = avadby ihe ineit simple meuis, AlI l t a tsi tisai MImActlgetinleail partsofuime wouid, EXTRACT15 FR051 ,TUE BILENT PRIEND, Palet eti., wiuh cenatuns idirection*tsfor ltae getuice of patients, and al , liluadeai u iut ne iechargei fer the medicies. fiteM au Meure. R. & L, PERRY & Co.0s Wholtsale Deý(îulm.No. le, therie.. ftuea. Oxferailsuc, Lonaion. AgOilat IJAI1CLAY & Co., '75, faiein Sitret, FLUE AN2DJC 1;WF INSURANtCE ~1Ar OF ENGLANI. RcqldnsuraccJiuWlnr,aLzvcrpool AND Mo. 20, Lombard &rcet, Lundon. (0JA. PI1T AL: TWO MILLIONS SECRLINGJ ANI), LARGE RESERVE FUNI)5. PIRE DEPARIWÀENTr, TItis (e'mnpau1 Iusurca Buiidtirs auîd ail otiter desecrijutieut of i roert y rgnist Looas &P Doaage by ïé,o )a the iiia ost Libertd Tcrita. AtC.Il jueçt bià§s prouîîptly tittlad, withîcuît de- dîuatneu or discut, sud witliitit rcîcrettee tu The large Cîupittîl sud .iuloîus tuanagemenut oft tus Company mueras thea Mont liarfaci nnfely. LIFE DEPARTMENT,1 Isazemt pUltuieiplttiusn cf Profits entusl.tcteî witu tindmubtcul sacunty, anîd c%.er3 betiait aîuî- braeed un tha scentce of Lita Asiîrtutieathnidcd by !!le Royalh. Rcîtafer Nae Policiem ahona li six uscuittue- of thîe lst )-car. £900,000 STERLING!. iucotue freut al seturces lus1858 Exlilbitiuig an itiunreuiusnuncita ea uiocf £25,348, The fiutuis init-iiandxcecd Exhtubitiugan îîu îîurcae iuta eus atauloîta .f £801000 !t alta-tce,<teuttifiîg tuit- ('ulenduirs, withu iillladat-ails cf lIta ('eiptuiy's oetnuiis,tîtuti cvear ro-easitay infiorumaitioun futrtiu-huedva ilite cilije cf JOHN AGNEW, Agi-nt fa orTi of ut liy. WVlsitby, Feb. 25, 1850. DO YOU WANT A Brillant and Ohoap Light?7 0f the vary boit qniuiity, $1 par gallon, 2nà qtxallty 90 cetà. BEST KEROSENE $1 25. A largo asrtmaut of BTATIOSERY 0F MLL KINDS. GEO. YULE, Juu, Noxt door to, tha Pont 01filte Whltby, April lotît, 1881. r18 >FO0Rl-S A LE.M AIR0 l'i iatead lPoules (blak). Teruis A12 tuontîts eradit con epprcved julut notaes, luantestif net paid wlîeu due. G. 1IL DARTNELL, 1"-t Witby. TheirâWeki iow opleein tall te paalmentS, and containg all the nôy'elties of theseoa8 )I LAD4F$-DRESES S IAWIS, 'C.PiESý PÀIRASOLS , BO-NF4TS, RATS, 1UIBBNoÈ,-GLOVEs, -flOISEBRY, &o.ý, &C., AT GREATLY RIEDUCED PRIQES. A.64RQE STOCK-OF CLOT4LIW0.V HJVVV Clothing miade to, order on short notice by good worknlen, andat pricez that defy coinpetition. -~~ -WILBE POUND WELL STOUED WLTH CHOIOE TA, S'UGAIRS, O COCJJ1RANTS, RAISINSC, &Ce PROVISIONS-FLOUR, HAMS, CHEESE, &c.> A LARGE S TOCIK OF WINIES ANDI LItIUORS JUST REtCEIVIEII! - THE LARGEST, AND 'MOST COMPLE TE STOCK 0F HELD) IN THE COUNTY- AT WHOLESALE, PRICES. FARMERS AND GARDNERS TRY LOWES & POWELL FOR IF -'YO U WANT THEM CIIEA.P AND (00QD. LOW.ES & POWELL aro Selling Goodes Ton- por cent lers than thoir usual Low Prices. The- Colebrated Germau Oi01 F Roll th,,s8nds of testilmôulas to the Ialasay cf thiâivalîtaila rom <1), tlie fol- lowinr have boau salîctcd : I 1have ut;ad jyOur o01thfil stpi.ix ycar,,and uni t§alihnofln tutt i.i unequallcd fuor lhalii1 Ctit, aud aurtig frobt-bit4im. 1t» efllcacy s equally get t pplied tu instu or Ihuant." JAMS OIEIG To A. NKNOW LES, Etq , Pickeriug, lob.1,18. "ln justice te *on, enit ueaduty 1 cwn the public, 1 thijkil riglît toeruimaulinid your celtabràtaod Gorinan 011. My little girl get su- vryscaldal, se mualiso, tîît lier rccovery lwîulidloubtftl, but after the firit application or your oii,%ha got imuiediate relie!, and went iju a getit;l suber. Two applications ropautocd, cured har cDîinltcly, aud sha fi§ ttow nt MATTIIEW SWALLOM , Jr. Pickering, January 17, 1861. 11I got front bitta,,, aud was told tu use your Oi ; hliving doua soi, 1 saved bath nty grant tocs." W. TIIOMI'SON. J iuftcred rom naied ruitîîiug sura for two yaars witbont iuterniission. I was indnca dtu try your calab)rotad ail, sud ans now complota ly curcd."1 JAMES FITZGIB13ONS. 64 ),-n Sin;,-I'oir nil lis bcaîî thec nîcaus of suviîîg 'ha flfe cf îuy littie boy." IIENRY WILLIAMS. Ona cf tha flrst madîcalmn inlicaCouiîty w ri tes : IDEAi; tt-Ecîwlîare, ill evor lte world Oljuittly clabruica Germait Oi1 desarves te kon t ut prove a blossing te ita.n- kinfl. 1 hava usod it ithe aureaf ut ts, brui- ses, front bitas, &c., and ulkm ou aores et lonîg ti.liiîiîig t it lins titrer fniled toectlact a aura."1 'ru he fbud et G.A. JANSEI l>ruggist. &c., ]3roc Street, Wlît iiiu t cll tha prinipal plactis of busiii hf tia J'rovi,'ae. REIYIE e - Nos. 1 and 2, COMMERCIAL BLOCK, ________Brook Street, WMbtby. DiNovÂN, WA«r rLKElriY & Co. PUACTICAL CARP.IAGE MAKERS, AND MANUFACTURERS 0F BROCK STIREET, WHlITBY. DE7- OP~POSITE THE, TOWN hALL. -C9 Ail of the abovo work exocutod with neatuesse and despatoh. Allwork warrented. Cali and seca pcinians. Jemembor Ao addreu. 43 DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co rIUST BE SOLD! Tr Iîi 'igtcttluaclered before the Lat Jdi oufAg ilst *,et,'wll taken feor thte to - îuwiuig valuable prohîarty iluthtet viz :-Tluaiit well kîuowau two-story Buildiugsusd lot oasDumîdas l5trcot, formarî> ocelupiedtaltae t.TlM5$1' Prhnting Ofleuiceouîatiîîîg a large ALiSO. -)ne cerner lotnî lrnck Street, ucar Oie mrket. ALSO, Fivo aaJ a laitcsras oms Cocliraai $trcet, jun outiaide tha Towaî limtits. rThe tlwlllng itittie uf Jaitas Il.(Gort-le, wIt s4ix otls, (ueît lnck srost of Mr. J. Il. 1 erry's4 resideuico>. Tliti us the uuest hueautifamhy ituaI- cul ouprty for apa ln-ta rasîdeuco It theolcwis A pberfect titla will be givan. Apply tW 11, A. JOSEPH, Enq, 42 Fromît Sîreet, Toroite, Or, JAMES H. GERRIE, 2) Wliitby. Exporters of Lumber, AlE lierhy retsimded tlitt collîcora of cis tlui, thurcI2uglisut thea Provinîce, arcasuti-ht med tW REFUSE CLEARANC~ES To aIl vessails haviuug Luanhea oui Board, uîleas crtihlcates arc prodîîced troun the Loah Crownu "iuiler Aizents, tîmat t-hi ducesou iuclu L uber tinve bs-- attpuhu, or iseurcd, or tîatat theta iiyt Luîu ler is net suul.et te lituibar Duc;i, lust-li clint- tuli e. Te itn'uid cdeai u iite obtaninug cf Clenantces Viîe mccessury mtttenent sliouulil bafuritsuabtut t-l ic 'iubor Ageutti ,as carly in t-be saeu mtu P. M. 'N<U lET tîi,1i lffiiu u CAMPBELL & CO. i)luiîiuf.itiurcau et', uud denIers hut MILL FUJRNISIIINGS, OFFICE.-14 ST. PETERL STREET, MONT flE AL. SAWS, SAWS, Of oecy doer!aniîtiout,eu nluad ad tae te order CAMPBELL, & Co., 14 St. Peter Street, Moutroal. - FILES, FILES, - l7iemaa Fenrtk c&Seita, Breadgalua & 1Sons, Speta a& Jackson'., and oiher Ilakera. AIse, eveay description etFiPua-, RECUT aund wttrnted gootl as uew, at a s-ary muh lest prie tli6 latushiuy pcid for naw Piles. CAMPBELL & 00., 14 St. Peter Streot, Motreî.î O)IL, OIL, OIL, oprm. Whsl cSlar Sprut, Ephazit, ,Lsrd, oai OU1,c., ae, fergI3uralng or Msciiataery, aititar by lte barrel or ô te 10 gaIlou kea. CAMPBELL & CJo., 14 St PotoStreat, MontroaL LEATHERBILTING, Patent Streted Waterproof Cetuamted, Riait-i cd or Slitclued, warrantclu cvery respect; eau farnlslî alîher tis a dcor Consumer. et a/ lowcr price ttaîs ny otîter punrielu Canana.> SanJ for printod lista af prican. 14ASMPe e LLree & Cra1 Jioney,20 Lçnd on Improyed Farmne. TAS. P. BRIOWN, Brokar bau, EsitatqnauJ Q 4aenmAgéùt, 1Mnol all, Toronîto Strocot, Toronto. 20-h)i LAKE ONTARIO. STEAKBO4LT NOTICE 1861. THE STEAMER CAPT. G. SCHOlPIELD, IN conoction witltVietan td raRaiti ay, and Port Ilopeaned Lmndnuy Hifulroud froiu Port Ilcpa, and witl, tha Cobourg and Petarbo- ro' Iluilroad f.-r îvielirster, IBuffalo, -Niagara Faîlls, Aveu iti, runeA b ûqt , ose, New' York, 'h0udel plîla anîd thu estebern Stataïs. Tia stameur 2biple Leal will, until fiirtliar notice, ]cave Cobourg itt 10 a. iu., Port îîoe utI 'ok, a.«iii',or ontarrivai of thc trains train Tore ito, Lindaiay saudPatarbur 'Whvry avery vprnud erriva t et lomt4ir ln tiu teanet i. h and vaîiitg Trains ojiNaw York Central utnd N. Y. aîîd BEona ilreuils ar- riviug lu New Yo, k, ýos§tou or 1'hilaJelj'hla, tha uaxt uaeruitg. Thegitickets te ail peoints. Soutli,lasî,snd W tanbaproaurcd l'roiu the Cujitalnuon botîrd the bout. fme tga -hackod tlroiigli sud nc elittrg fcro bandhiug; tickets good Uuitil nscd. Thtis roate ufforîls tha Clictîpest, Qiie-s,, antd înest pleisinit inîternautinal ceiiiinttiii-allcii fer pasusciig -ri; etfreiglît frotît Port Hope, Co- bourg, cr Coiburna, to ail part» of theaUnited sttea. llatnriig ýtue Maple Tiif will]canve Roches- ter avery lday. Wt-d'teiluiyý, and Fridîîy avattiig nt il o'aloek, antd will arrive et Wliit- by, Coboutrg anid lPort litie, lu tinte tW cotîteat Wiîit trains, East. Was;t, sud Northt. Travern Stand Fo )1.SALE, n Store uand Tas-eauStantd ui thle Vilîtuge of Auidley, Let No. 2, in ture 4 cJ cfiecsiut' llearir, foruterly (lrin-Ilss Ceuira. ltrôais au Acrcet'f lanud nItaclîcd, cur i eu it k3a guet llrcluîrd. Th ie toismn tulrc batlu neurfrututtobuilihingit. Vlesat, (illec is kept !iit-le u140re selticl e lahirgo unud rucm tu - i tarnifi a wcl kueus-uttati liteI goo1 t.i iutu'sî site, lias large ueoltumoulatiou', eood-'stahuilîg, gitiuated lin the heuart cf Mli t lti),towuislul1i et' Pickerntg, and selit be dis oeo f oui vary libeaitîltc-nitistaito ra ett lreuie. F'or terris, &c., IuPpte th-le projirietor. BENJAMIN MADILL, LOCA'UED AT IIUFFAiO, - Gnter Seena=asuaiMaisu ttrece. Cor. Seecnaald Sapetr Licoyr tiliit"Atr Iuoi ALDANY, No. 448...uroadlway. 1Na. 't N, woaraiAve. Cor. '7tlu sndlChemie t&.Ina. Car. Clak antalWashtg. Cre i advieIt GENERAL INFORMKATION. -Oua standard o e erîcaeip la lta famou Stîîdaaits eau commence ut cny timtua>santhora ara ne vacatiens. Tho Prineipalai sud Toachars of titis Chiaai of Cellegeniuuve-nu axtoliatea scqutaiotance Inav-' au larga-cities, and uutwa connidar Il a pîtasura haà turther the boait intancuats of tîain gradustos, Studontu auterug âny eue of tticsa Collages by the paymout of $40, becoma entItled te buta privilagasen fthtIi.ntiro " ehàin," comprshi alght of 1tha meut thoreughounteusive, rael suïdepularButosiusleeN.shîthawonîd. For Catategees sud SCirs, ccli ut tîta Collage Btoomis, or adacîni s t uuuv. se BRYANT & STRATTON poenlal. ion., un îredlcel ion, sud ibla Ona. thouanudOf eviatonis tirou'gl £ fisw >ers o suffarhng clOwn te an iîtiinalY grava.,It 'de- sçtrovn ltha, aurvonai yatom rapidly,, wîslea swny tbecueriae41;4ecausesittaaialderange- Mont, proav he] prer develcupmaut of the. dispobed to conuluption "andstrain o'la more ta o J4rcnda411t" anatlteIt A MtST StE InC 'XVEl-Mey. Dr. Autos & lon tu tlaaatrelnan» ug that tay louve ivnc otia t lu- strumntn:fortcr e f ii bceI .il bua bcoau subjectcd to a cusotby thetemostemiucîtî physielcuitlà -Lonidei larisPhidlihia atdý Neaw York; il lian îeU ecarcd theaonly nsafu instrument- evar inventad for the cura of Sémuinal Weahctius, rany diseuse cf tlte ganital ortinie, cnseci by- tha secrt habits ci youti. 1Pries $10 t, mail or axprens. Dr. Amen &,Son,iu ordor te satiin,the tmolit skaptiotd as te the uîaar'ts of thuls i.Uutrimeliî plclgothiunsolves that ln any instance wliîere ut Il~iy prove uxsatiofaecî- ftx-r s lair trial Uta bcywil arofittude b> rcturning tlit Iîitrmnet n godorder. COUNMTRY 1N5ALIDS. Parsetin ce-y part of thîe MWurld mn>- li su c cestuîly troateci b> forwarling s correct dote of tlucir ceue, witlî a rotilitunc forMdile DR. AMOS & SON, 48 ZEst Genaea itstreet, tîtrea o ouraWast of EIlicott Sitreet, Bufauo, PhoeniX Pire A.ssu.rance Co. OnaueattosTiET AN<I)> RGCitu ilcose, LOxnos ESTAIT ISIIED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFBFAT -& Co., Agents far Canada. TNSURANOES aguintat LUSSES b> FIE atd s. dficted vii the ment flivoera"le trtesaud L<)SSES îînid witlîeut raforanca to tha hourd in Louidotu Il. -W, WOODWARD, Clomrninioneriffawant, IVlillp, Aben4 (YC&nnty or (hetario. VAUAIBLE TOWN PROPERZ MtoIillait'a Geuaral Store> a.edl ib.- - sou's Liver>-. Tiis proerty la abeut 100 feet front eut% Brock Street, tait)Jfoli fut deeptW a Jane 20 feet wlulc. Fer'a tuerantile sstad, n ors ut-aatasuel, tlla inciff i fineitt surpuinsd iii the TOWN 0F WHIT»BY. Txîcusas-To en as credit fo r tltree-foiirtlts-ef huae puraluitîse îeoney, sud but Uîa-aepar cent !Iîtcr steetf le -encfnîts.c tuttity utpureloaalng Ilic Prerty ata lyplo long crcdul5 cnd rod eecd ntrot. l w ji e 4ppl> te Wilihtby, 2lith Lî My,861. 24 I-mpOrtant te Breeders of DurhlamStock. T IIF 0,~ce o the imported Durham Bull, -Youîîg Eund, lits>bhoproonreul tItid setsoi b£ purîles desiroUn Oaf iningIWIclf-W"t stock., Tarms-4'or the saiou--Gnada Oows, $. TlsoroIil brel $10. iîubersef (lie Umnien Agricnltuîal, Sbciaty ut hule %XowIîlîip of Wlîitby and Fut Wititby, t-lîl Oun b ha hîrged $4 for grade eows. l'as'uritqe nt utoderatc atues. For peédigree and furtltar partielara apply - tu t. i ROIIERT MILER, Whilut>-, Ma1y 28, 1861. 20-t! OF TIIE 19CoUNîTLs Up-ý nitsiiaa li tuo ethe itita- hita nuts a lao Cuuîîîes efY'rk, Peel, and Otntario, for tute mausy fas'ors eonfcarad ujuota niue dnriug pastyýearn, 1 again ecutue bafèeaye6n sohîiitg your furthir stippert and cotîfideitre lu lte lfuttre. It seili as- c i un> dty ta mnit ltait Conul- detuce y 'u0uagosuaicarfuîhiy coiîflied lu nie. I'reuttitd uerLy, and theastrict-ast attention "dte it- 11lbnthe a tcqcIs1 aloil tuka te ALEXN. THOMPSON, Auctioneer, lIaif- wuuy Ileuse, Searbeo' 3t. joX ..lAI...Claruont. T.i Bu-neJroughuuî. DAU......... ..., ....roklut. A ýI LO K ... .. .. ... ..s. .. w lt e. AU hdcKlft tt the Olromucie offle,, ý au Ile-iitr cf all salait aJ stugaj'euuîotai18isTe- gtuLarly kept,' shll bc attende-ita. Pýrica»n an ratugeil anJd dys flxed, utitîtut' tueotrouble uot seiîg Nýir. Tiuoîuîpsoîî, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. MaugloGs, Washing Machines, Chu-rus, &e. TîlE uîîdersiguned beurs te announea te his I'c t-oinciandu thehîitblie, ltati e huas ra- faeuuulujrosnlà.d ' nDtndun Street. te hosSitl fCokra1uel' oi24rlz treet, itaritar of Duuilopu Street, a1 pared* teexceeaIl cadea,,lu Iiii,li-ma slài prompltitude- tad dispateli, sud at prica thst euîunot fail te giseo satlsfadtiou. ",ie csku no more thon s trial, and .trous bis leong experiafie in businessç, andlte nutccms wilmhi1ucbrto attaelddbis iiîveuiotai and workuuîanehuip, (lusvlng t4tkünî prisait tt ail the Sliowan whare thny wcrc cvlbited,) Mea Iupetet usantsa couttunuuco of putbliea ptronaga. t;îrl6ilouw (hn cauo t bc axealied, and shuould bho li cvcry iutult y rhtere butter la -o.one thaeddrasa JAMIES CLAX FMN, Brook Streai, 16 A feir deer Soths f rocke,r'IOtl ANDO FÂRMNG PLXNS T Il E ulndr e ntudirnighdathauks o MnI tu uinet-dcs cm lte cqualat làhfrcQ3f adtppub lc, thunt ha continuas te, ai1NU factura U0ron Plouglis, HIurcows, Ctivators,. Anid al ether kide s of Farnuing I, mpiama ut Itis placa of business in ASll2IURIý nie AUl ordersoxcutea sitt phnctuityt sud dispabcb, aud complote sstisthctien gesrettee. JAMIES WALKER. - A b ruAul 80, 1861. 16-Iy Blusiinesst connected uiti thte anJ other PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. uttauded Wo. Alse Sectured by tlie sts-it.Aildaits prapalîl. LandîJ nui iierai Agen, Quaheac. Muircîs lad, 1860. uee. GREBAT SALE 0F BANKRUPT STOCK! do- StLoves, Stoves AT A. LOGAN'S, Pulier's eld estbhlisliîmeîît, Brook St. Whltby. Apple Pitrers tt Lgcna lltf Bushel Mensuras ut Log=a Grain gooepe nt Iuogcn, - Tin-wutrc of every desaniptiesu Stoe-pipas &a. &o., In» factetveyhiiinlutia steve cind tinliûnt at Leg'. CoprPlis nd51 eotCopper ferala. Clgifor Iagit andlSietsit W Ilitby-, Oct. 24,li840. AIA I.40 1- I cpurtneu t'fCrosen Latiudu, Quebec Goyernmont Agenoy.D Woondsuand Fore8ts, t> k E J Gi St -~-. I T <ni 'I tait Oea i. F0 at W, coi 1 -ý- DETROIT PPILADL'-LPHIA, CHICAUO, 25T. L-ouiti lý'l

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