I %EATMENT I iICÂL DISPIENSARY i ]FOR TUE ewma cr . DobWiy, >hi.er aid .4s. aMit, dt~ G,.umgIOW~Uai 4 JZOM~, Pimplug, 4* J Cba.aomptmea, lsfraimko o05 de SN V PH>YSICIANB IN TUE mie iieubara -of lia. Royal Loumbom, mn>'beOoauliutd e inmrlg, mnih i a0t niglt, rmuptoaî oni Diasa. ýy ainlal la ti e i-aant of lp. tamiive mand ainecesuful prao. :3 PARTICULAR IÇOTO, bhit 1%aanmlea Indtitgcd lin 0oton ltmowmau tp wftà and wlmiou, If neit rsfraic.cId ýy bottlaciom mlil'qt«Lo-a ismeabuit Kgîve.riste T'- rive way to0 1lis pormlci- e oif tuah mmaqma uns am voima mymtLfili aiiîri, toi retiutîmie au menuiOloi.,and lama. tmiai maint fo li-îdaible eie. 1m0iltaiar iae hlim e dieu m m- siail aaeiiiauaa mfm aI.,4mmcll tlarmiatt ufait eà 54i-5<> ri iîumiehy' vgi-ve.. it ml- i i,la Undi'ama uid, pro., 1tt'im iamliil mitîtOr$vl imn'rat N'trToo l ie iiiantia!mflo ag . .uim limm.mil inohmol lii- i)ý1 o itlua vimm iteume. Il ai lémIial»iyVie ummot etiltmaeam tm, mii alia l tb duhi iudrai lîly nllmm, li mi ilai-sa.eof ai4% mu -ailaiaut liati nia m,t 1i s fhaIuatrimnt litlui ammy irimtnioo wiaui sal l' là cmivia fnhur trial rulimhd hy retiiilag h rder. 4-lait$miI criai mn> b. a# lminlititilg mi lir-mtilui P,4 Eliot (Iltaifme.0 tieqt?, Assuranée Ce.ý cusAIito iitoi, teNDON JII N1782. MOFIaAT & CO., Aa.'teimmafr ('aîals. amui i irile lurimia, imi it i-ajtrin-iIr t il miwrclal rOWN ,F-mÃ"OERU ýt iA LE. LA Umm1E P lla')'ETITY iî'a loraýl. maîl tactiraie i * diiiîal Store, aid Itib- ,mit W>0 fmut fti 0-mît e rak irti)l a it iata20 fautwil la. sraaia, ,ri irit alamm iiiîatlh saî listti it h i,- 'a imimi i iQaimi hll'i mmmi',, mom i minppnr. li Jrtmîîri v iut a ow l es. te Droodors of m Stock. Les qý uiaiIumon TUE XOEIi<o O **-w m lasPriaaIing EaLblà ian l3-rOok Street, Yhty t oor 0 te the gltry Office. I'AREt8I8 de ATTOENEYS AT LAW, Ud8imito!sto lime Cotnty Conoil Ontmrlo.- W'oafw Mat tu Comrm1itlso-som±th Wimg. E AulTERAI'FOENzY, C(NVEYAN l q.erl d&o., l&o. Oflioover G. C. Oros'ai "m 4pr.toro, Brook Stroot Wlmtby. Aittl»ER-T-LW.OlFICE--BiIUCK 0. B. FAIRDANK8, SICTOI,-NTAUY PUBLW, &e. d&c. ne G. lIAM, J. W. CALDWELL IBROWN, p 14~VEYANCYR, COMMISSIONR FOUZ tak AgdavtmAOcouimaatî l.an1iaivi lon Coux Ncary Pubul lic ifi (tbmfml zkgommî, .;brdgo. lleeo-KlnjlSti-et, amomri>'opposjite ii.médical hall. ,g N. B.-211 buamineas itroatad te hi§a oewll b. promma;tiy attemidod te. 82 JuxIN ILLINOi44, L AW CHNCEY &CON VEYANCING A. M, ricoAlert. A. AT'ToRNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOIZ IN m emlncty, oîomîir&eIiialt-t flEUTY REOISTiIAI, MASTEIZ EXTRA- J ordlnary,îand exaîmner Iii CIiitiiauery l'or JOhLN McNAIJ, 1ARRISTEiI, ATTOILtNE', d&o. Ofic- JJCornuer of C l treIru'Ilmid Cou rt Streuts, (oippo tc theCfab ataîdaî Toroi itai. WILLIAM TThU'EST, M. D1. INO STEUT,,O$IIAWA,ICANAhI.% K Vm'et. 17 * W, Il. TR1qMAY NE B AILtifTEIt COUN'1Y <htîaWN A'l"T(ilf Jauc>', &o., dle., lins noamavo filia larooiri 5 citer Lowea t & 'owit-li store, iMesar". Mliîcr- boen Brick lmîoe, iîomk-lt. Wility, Aug. 0, 1860. 40 AMON W. CUON, A ROIIITEUT, CIVIL, ENUINIeeR. ANI) A 9ititeAgenit Wiltip i M. JIARNi", &Co. MANUFACTIiEJIANI IRIA ,ll4 INl MCîguan md Lcimf Tolhîmmecaîs ; a %hi m ts, i Jaîhmi treut, ParIn hhe. Port Hojae, March StIa, 1860. W -a W ROIERT J. WILSON- BAIISTEII a&mATroICNEY A'T LW Slmîia-itoîr m (i anceury,a&ec. MWli hya, mC. W'. Vile.- Walna"s 4 lhock, ll-oek iltrecmi , W litl.y1 IL J.e U N .B LURGOlN TO TUIE COIJNTY GJAOL, S Blyron Sftreet, Wliitlay. 4 ÃŽAST WINDSOR 1[UVSE, W IJITJJY, wid. oAiiimm, a1iioi-ammwroî. -r iiE maove I ictel la etititomldi ima îmIULeMsI&ilt muimî retlrcd lmap ar tii i'mîî ii thui lîît i-il.u OeêA .eeomimfiiuditiomî for traîtllcis. <Jo J 15*hhiaug anad altitito oaitori. UFFiINII CHEEKI 1 1~iCKERINU. 000» - W. LCUTIIBERT, 1)AltItmTEU d& ATT'ORN EYATLAW S1> oîlicitoris iitilamci>,WhimiyL> CW.- JOHN l>cGILL, L IlISETIamYION RER FOR1 CANADA L Vep4t, omerslimis services tu tliliabi tâtoota ait alio madi)uî imma iliiei, 1tumut- Stomnd SaIta by Almticu Iliauschuod Fuiriilire, moroimand e nad oimralea treasomiulilo ol§imawa. Aeamiuimt 8 30O1N MI8TCALI$, f-LJ4K F TIE FIFTII IIVISION (tmtURTl, ~Jorîîraua itoituma h i'c.Ad- dra4sCanningl011. 14 FRANKLIN IIO0USE. aainrsAyilC. W. sB e tie iiaccmiîmomdationulo la-vlm Wlîllby, Jeui. 21, 181a7.1 A. K. RICE, C ABIN ETMIA 1<Rit, UCVIl u>i10 1 Idi. %_)crrie'aa iMat l ei tremet, Whiiby. l'a- lier iamgimmg miatiy anime, aiil aiii kialim mftjobh- billg,Uminairaîýlittiri tg O ti urimittir i-e iemlm ÇHIERE OFt' uUNTY AND StUiîElCitR ciP . Alio palai ILIII matu a ll iiathliailiir, %Il ilt by. -2 muIERCIIANT TAIirîll!i, B 8aTIR 'rEE'r, Li.Wathîy. IIOIEIIT SiEAJIS. C LEIpIa<ANI) TItIEAiUJiLItI mmiF TILE' UIIAItLEIS C. ICELLER, A TOINEY AT LWStOLCTOR'îm1 N Victorle iîatlmmî i e i t/a iiid e iîî, Broek si-miel, a'lt>y Alama ianmaîci olmlicein tlia ltv illage ofmIleu'vmtr- Leoni, '1owitîýlila uoft' lioteitlm * mmiii tiîiuy oci jî tarie.40 C.. >t. IIT, lemlad l ci - lo -i e crimas. ii J. HAMIR EiI CiIEENIOOD, A T1fINEY 'A'I'JAW. SO(LIIuuTOR lI A illiimumeery1Nîîiîry imPublie, ('<aimama) milmr, noxt tue igimier> imlle, oit Brook 't-aa. 48 DULS. FOOTE & IVARLREN, llUOOi<IN, C. W. J. FOOTE, M. 1). I. WAEh1iN, 31. 1). I&NNINLi & USI - RIOVlNClAL Latmtmi tinmeyore, Cvii En p gilicmea ndi ail 1id imaa.Oflulemixt door te Dr. â1ieid'i, Cari- Boviiiaimvilim, a. 0. HANNIse, a- L. s. E. I. USSImam, îP. L. Il. 5"Desorlptýosia for lDmeula driuwi u>mil short notice. 46 in W, O. EARTWOOI>, A. B. Ml. D., O)RONEEVPIIYSICIAN, SURGUEON &cmm.. c whltby.* a-car WHUTBI'. rTIEundaraigneai lini a tunotthe aove ulo,1 - Tj.wlil lie ha as owiY fitted 1t)aiii île bout1 amaor fer lite amimiiodotioiaoor tue public.-t (40dcaI l ue tnorouiy Iahmeda, and cyory ml-m tentimon (aomai mid Iorae. UM T'rie lîmmtF Win". lqaorm aimaicigara at tIam bar. WILLIAM TIIEWV ANGLO.AJEEUIC-AN TL 1119e sticnoiter lias ftteai up lh ia.mbe oola Teatablifhih ea, with lime viow cof afford ia oer>' aoceunmodmttioia tue mitravellingphuC~ (lv lmac.Geed éaliiia aMuî atieris.1 Cliv imin a TIlOtMdAS 91 GtJIDOE. VOL, V. PARlm POR A. B IGtho Lat-liai! cf the, 2Northh.alfef L 11 otexo. 5, In the 2nd concosmlon ef Rmbc eoatalniimg Iifty Acres, wili a 190d FRAJIE BARN ANI) LOG IOISE, For partlonlars onqtilr. of lime mthauderr. J. Se M. Wlumx. Whltby. Dec. 2U, 160<. < Hfouse and lot forBa. a A lqw TWO STllaobrk woii aihod lia every *~, respect, aimdilu a geod buelmacs lcX17- ity. Tierc la a quarter acre -of land attamlecil et miod ffimnobaru, manonver faillng wcîîviflltli) 'Ilrle aaar miuatdon Brook St.,aiMjaiie Southî Ward asimai hniiidlntoý 1>' oppmîito î.Tho iiurom ilote?." Teri. easy. Foi- toi-msasiîd fimitîmar pmrlamrsanpjaiy te FAIRBANKS & MACDONELL, Aueilucurs, Wlaitb>'. COMMEROIAL' HOTRýL, aimaCoit TUXtit ili-, tT WrOpposite Hlamiltoni & Roberts.ýM JAMESCROOKER, C aM MiCIAL TUA VELERS WIi.L FINI) iteemîmemleuot atcppiog a u laià § Ioel, a limey cutleibu-mu -ia lm imgileiBock kojillut t]tir thr ie roatauii 4kea by lioîr prodocousera. Tii. iroîani tiakoal imtiiocemcu te thtib Id., mumuroama ipamreis uandmlftiuduifoi- the lillertîl îumtroîaage hetaiv i l iil î~ amit limhe ofimaimîm Iaii»hasbuasimesa fli m'aiuhy, Goud afablingg and mttlentive Osîlers. aahithy, May- 18610. m-tf 'l'îE TEURAPIX. r IE I'IOI'iIET6OUS OF TItIS WELL tuhe ohai ST. NICIIaILAS. Kitmg sirnet, foî-omto 1(f'ciaei-iy icit la)'Mi-. 'l'lf Ti.e promiscs i1am I'CL tama icivly il'mioi tea olimle1.ut, iii liltuaiui g.) ime Iiast atylo Em'oiy hrocirmalale alelicimilhi aismnsmli. A elgar divan imfittud muja ao- uîarately hin mahilIlimluit the boitIlî-mumda mre 1aumitcd tam enter, 28 CAHLISLE & McCONIZEY. (eoiemeati ( I f .tamilaaafmpmt, Pâu mrtJf7Lf.) TFîtNhaF.tgluNFI) EOSaiTO lE FORSI IsiA flondt ushdmipbuic, muauat lie isà Slow Ii laoscaaioma (f Lia, above Iiotmii, the imiamaimesa4 of W1IaLIlaime ilhi lai filOuuir iniy (cii ni Ka lisci iecauiit. (loaiLiaimiois,-WVau ima âi liiidioai, Execl1etiiî tahli iig--,eoiatstentlion foi- nian imi iiormae. JOSCIIII UEDoITom, Whaiîly, Jian. 19, 1860. Priopilto-. s UNION fSTATIOri HOTEL. FO OFi> YORUK &T., SECOIND IIOUSE Ffomîi De et, VmUima f6StatliimTononto. lionral, $1 lier aità .ma>'. ttita lcts. (âood staub. hhig. W. oSIitiNlt, ALBION 110TELo FA T MuARKET SQJAlE TatEONTO- Fili à 1T1,ltroierietoi-. *xcchi.mmt aeaem-. îmmnaflîîli. Every ntimîîioîî pal o te o mintrt RAILROAD IKOTEL. CANNENUTON. Imemin Wlitby, 13oavi,-rteiauid Liniaiy. - (boom aiccom a tiallon, uu and a iLivte<alici-m. Camuaîiîagtema, Juiy 28rd, 1860. 85 IITIMII ARLEERICAN IOTEle 1'h-BAS IL>OWN N, Oul atliroud lo:cI r IVlthy,) Ili-itricitor. l3et tuimeniia t]3uiaiStmbiig, aim attentite Otlera. I IILACI4'S HOTEL. Ctrai- if lîic/ranid Ltandmeai--trW8 Il'kWar, 1 1"11i1 AiIIVEW LL~ KNOWN, AN» CEN- J lmhittl4kumt,ai mtch limateu mmmiliii>' 1111.0d mi, sudlei-cmiammcii ima momeslcomimrtaaile inan- lmi-r îiy tliai liloccuantm. No cXliote hums tacciiud to iimmamaleteallitmetandamimaiitito atiai bliaIt baii o! Wliiea, Liqimeia andCi C- lbcaîmy aimaIconvemiuteul aeda, goed ataihiai atal etum-mîve cailera. 'ia lamîl i miliaiea Inlitte ver>' mheurt eh lthe afaiîà utail iiitfi,aia i miu efeumnd le b. lima maittiuuiveiueit kt4illaig placec for tarmea mimai B IJ111 , EI, d&e. &ci., (U REEN STREET, Wlujitb)y, C. W'. Il. W. WOODWAIi), SObIIMISSiON MEliCIANT, INSURANCVi v ndmal tioraiAgentl. Olltem-lnîch>- oece- îIald aîy Jaties lloaia<on, Wiîiy, C. W. Uazrmiaauama.~ih Clua ia-ton, Esia., Pr.- Midlait Bond ot 'raîde Toronmto; W. C('lbCaos Esaa,, Mammger, ]JLLamJi. NAîîaera.m ro-oto;- W. W. Emmîm'oaaa, Esm., Managerur iLe Batik, Toonto- %V. atuihe Eq.,a iltaimiMiii. 'ru- roli; 1i'm. Il. .1cIii',lramidcultllniuk utf livma- tri-ah, Nloiitre4tl; Mesara. Mmultland, 'ryhm'o d& lituîtehiîiî, Toronuto; Mmar.AmdaacEvumusi &i le., Mîîutreal; NI tsurs. IV. l'rico d, Sommhhie- lece; M cssis. Il. J. N fad &i leCe. 5 12 1> JEDWARI)S & IlODDlER. T ALORS ÂRAERS&-, UTFITTERS, hi e tilyhc. lOly NUW 18 TIIE 'rIME. (lCET YcOURL IKEE S A-r J. A. Chmrk'a lIt mixe idure Gallery> IrFti dimerii c crranad i hilite Aimre -J t aype, uiiy1c i-cîtci-g rumîl, or Lctumtar 'lranisiiîi- mi i Lu keuesa i "-i L-eket, lui-aît air Rimlig l'or J. A1. c. caii doît l a lim e best atyle, aind mlutliuit llituic. WILKINSONî" BLOICiK, iii Brai raiuSiei I3ktly. S. Il. COCHRiANE, L. L. B. S tir-ect, P, 1,; t 1). 42 S6. INE'TT, M AN UFACTtIIICIIAND IE4LEU lN mCigm andmiLcf Tohacees ; aiae Whipa, Lasulei, mit., dic. JoliuîmSureeu, lPort hope. Porit Iloîme, 1ami-ha S, 18610. 1iy WHISxrEY! WISKEyI I 11V TUE IJAHIEL, AT YAIRBANKS di MACDONELL'B, Stperior article o! Fainily lour. Clacmp A for Casi, u FAI!1ANKS dia MACDONELL'S. ZWICKEyI'S IIOTEIL. T 1- lIEmbcriter doaurca te hà !crm lis hi-louai ad ltme travellinmg public, tiat lie lias nom- iy pupea, paiitýandama furniauacai lie above lionteioorirl occupomi by bMm. Alilusn) anai lIant tite traumellmg 11111nmuity ilI ind eom- fortaibi. accoune aion antuodairalerates. Tite iailale Iela lipmplmi iriit oerytîiug lu aiea ,son. <Jodai tuaLiiiaig mi carfai caillera enlihe JOHN ZWICKEY. Saddlery and Harness. RfhE unaicraigneai aiso e hcnte mtaI limat lic j cuntintme, his business mm in ie ahave lhne, auJ la i-eu ai>' )leaîpy overy matiche juil'-trado urmenpti>' amîd miliua atitîoail>. JOHN ZWICKEY. Ml.uceiel Iy 3, lbôl. 10 WIIITBYI OW., TIIII P W., BOnSSIL. B Pi YSICIn, stJuGozK, AOCOUCHB mec.ClaeIcatC. W& eO GLOBE BOTELe ROOKILIN. balmt h lrepar.d toattend teth. wats of thé~ tirvo 8 tifig lolaaht>' Wanvory nem(iOsly TetbawlII bc alwayskptplant4faiyup plitd withtlie booutiasoaon. G9d Wie, Liqnr, mand Cigris, excellent Stablng,uan'i na refel mimîtattentive catler. A. ALEXANDMIR go P1ropriotor. POR SALE CHEAP. ANIout and s ubsaial Brick Ceitapmite ted on Colbol-ne TOWN OF WUITDY,, formaie>' oceepled 1--y ChIABLES 1>EBON. Tui-re ià hlf aacre of! Limitattmacimoalon whlqh thoro a lrg Sablo1 witha ngood Weil.l.1hero lâais à i oa latora u cI nection with 1h. dwelilng. Apîply tu - tI W.IIl TR£MAYNE, Ba;rriator, &om., Iilithi>'. Whatby, MYY 21, 1861. 19 R. E. CAMPBELL AUCOT IO NE E R. w .1LL bh appy le ntleîid al mubes thut ho VYima>' liefavomre I Wlim, and froi a 1aI x- periemice 1im1 acga te uivo ceitre sttisfaotiom. silcia matýn mîddnai mrt mnoticiee md mmoi rceîmablo teai S. - Wîmh1tby, Aig. 30, 1860. 40-t Plrotecti on agatimmt Loos andi Damiage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £l00,OOP INIaUICANÇCE eftoctod on Bimildlngs and taler cimamtcîtaî. Evmiry limformitionmîlîplioim01 aîaîlmeatio to thiaimaideriiiad. JOHN A&'YEW, Travellinig Agont, Ilyron Bai-oct, Wimithy New Tailoring Establialment! SIMPSON & FERGUSON. RESPEUTFULLY announcc to thoin ihambltmnta of Wliitby and aurronaîding ountr>', that lime>' have oîîoned a Talior'. Shop on Brook 1St-et, opposite tho l'Ontario Ibide," 'lmcre alil orders ent-usted to thcm wilh bc donc with nuatao8s andi dempateli. Whillay, Oct. 201h, 1859. on. Whitby Prowery. O!I.LBE à WOODWARD. 112 tlmbchersar aireîow prepar i te fui- T aimi tuse pamtronsiraet ti 'mvimli -v eer> wuthun ai execlaiit article lai aneh qaitî mca. in>' te reqni"ed, anmdpnmaei teWaastuait pur. olîmicra B 1ed Iod neqaal te the linimrtedar icale. OVAL. AMBROTYPE GALLERY.1 Aa A. carma N No,, rotunimmg uJiouth0ato11ulia. )i i c loi- t .iî bei- ta harimmr0hahums reccimeati viume mmmii- mmeumiebug business liiiMi-. eCaîllel'aBlucet,icge ClaimVa Le iltiîmfio u t iLle imiuarcîuaeî cd hala Ain- hrotyp1 a ialry ltiate mi-nas over lte toîremic taleiaro. Les ma Broi'i, ioc tfîreet., ualii-- tu aiiciam e fai-uimili li/îaîyLikemim smii ba thm.hebt style. tai. (ineci's hroeeut mi-csa mrclilitom fi-oui lie. top, arc i-en>' au un md cottain i mli lim Ipljne fo uli tua.eumot peramiel la-lit.d Whiith', Mn>' 2b, 1980. FARM FOR SALES. -o- T N Ime Townshiip of Darlimagoma ; heing lie J. aitIi upart coh utNo. 34 latue o2nd Coiesn- sien, contaiaiimg 70 acres, mitia 2 dmeiIimg fumemi, hai ii a mtoala, lrim'iumg shed, mucai - slica' lm ieitiroa.Tlîcrc mure a mie 2 wali amKi aludiaiorouard, aimn aalvur-aiiiiig ,treom mhmIS-ha crisse. ltme tarin., Itlinaoauifuiiy ait umteai on telima nmgstona mini Toromte iotil,thii- atilesi frona <)aluuîmmm, maml ax friai lowîmmuîumile. Tutila uinan opomciiiaig aclaicumaofl'erea, Tille pur tede. PiceModeirate. Terima oaa>. Foip- i- iecalis&., aimai>'tai E. R. Bi.Li, Y WAIID 'Trentlon, C. <' 'rentona, Mauy 14, 1-360). 15 FOR SALE. T oîaWN LO(TS liVataitIa> ieair theay. A Aise, Vil lage Lotsi mt 1)lhluo k Frret ictli A p]) >tu- J'l'le 1 C, 1857. GIl. DARTNELL, Solicitor, &lo., lB-euSet Smic, hill>'. IVILLIAIM KAIJFFMANN ARCHITEOT. Q::- 144, Day Etreot Toronto. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. tifh--UU MUSICAL FlUEN)," ma Rure o- Ever>' liauit, fOlo uhaipraicuro lIais mook> Eî'ery Suiger, 1 l'umiîticaliumý, i ma iacil mîmi Nier>' ijli, tumi la 10 aCNTS a ICi-y min> uiîailci iuiiimr, musi1h1-1 cumac1 lhy dlicltirai imi-esia of lit i uumr>, t e - auj'jIy 1110CrANI) (IAI'iEmaT I' OF: ( 'M'FlEKINI N TIIJC 'OII1LI)." Trevfli'cl-icdg.m-moum aml itimraFoi-la mumi. for lO euiai. Yeori>', $8; llalf-yorly, $2.110; Quai-terI>, $1.253. Suibsuielotcir Musical Fi-lana," or erder l fren iloImemcneal Novadeuler, amndi yenwilI have.Mui. emogli for ;,oui enîmre fam;il> mit mi insgii ttcs; andit i t Miaic foi &cm., dic., suaincriho te the Ceîîlainaiag 12 pages, coting onij 10 Centa a Number ; Yearlv $2.50; HaLC.yeairly, $1.25. Allae llack Emmabena nIt10 oe., mindai ina Volomnama, ccmtaiing 17 Nuaubera, at $L5i-taa.l. coualanti>' on baud. EWAgeaila vantail for timese publicaîlon. C. B. SEYMOUR d& Go., 9 ~10-7 Naui St., Newr York ]BrooklUnHoua. T 1IE Salisciber biiileaseel thoBrookîhu Ilotnae, ana l itteal ut tp as o finat l a. Ilatl iiane i proparcai le aceommodaloeh t traveling Puibliei, wmhai-eyi.'wtilfilIahe oat1 q uaiily o! Lt q norm us, anl;latablaipi-ovideal mit lIa. lcalthee Soaa llrda, mii omramti naliert aima iiimsoIf alwuiya on hanai, ho aolicitma armin o! thic publiepatronage.1 6GEORGE MeLEA N, t Propihtor.1 N. B.-Alsoou hiair d hir...anal Boggies te aiutctraroom-a cu any part cf lime Calat>'. Broukîhu, lmi-cia 27Iialiatîl. -il Pi'articmmhor ateta-ioni Rljnite lime naremnai ltteumaftu ttiiuis m avon>' lmmuuîtait dut>'tulai thir Afsi u aio wtmitdTri reaaoauum ide. Caîuatiom fi-mi. 2o A. 13. SALTER, N'etrinary-Surgeon. liA ltUATE ofutheia.iCohiceIZutorVutoriuit>' G Smi-gcaa amaiMel - hiai, lloaaioi, U. S., muit asalalamitimt ofthraime lirs-alhms ianntioma.i-a, Irntm tliacoiiamgc, iciuiia, Eamgaud. iiil.lac natiema- daneoni TUY,8I)A*i"Odmriiîg mcli meek, ut Mn. Jaummca Crackr'ai lil, N'Vîithy, mure lac tiny bc o umsmleodoaa utli crîmin of ciisumao lu mi lior.i-a mmmid cotle ire suiaîjmcî. Mai. Sai- ter- feha confideint timat aiter aev.nui yenrs aue- cemtafuipracîlce, lacie ilieuale ta griv'e ama tactiomi tua ahiwio min>' lied 018 ii-re Maca13; 1861. 91 DENTISTRY. FOSTER & JACKSON, Surgeon Dentista, 1 ESinmti-mimc-slcttltuuhla aunmncctle m .L>iihmaiIiulbno:st iW hmithy am .an uarreumnai- ing eemmîtry,tlital, iaim'îmg tliisaa 'bouaglit mmm Dr C C1 Juaine', m--zjtru alock,anii ataosI in tlia.D en tlufmiot, ftohi c<Juait>' cf 0mà - tar oit) l to aviimsi n~owe:le miiaiigo ti s olai 5 uriý,c ve, Iemme. ows 8 1,w(I-ill'saloi-c, ]BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Wiucietreu ui' hîvreprdti acî h uiimi-tkak il oîîmruuîmonseas iiulai I to -Iaamu i mliilii inomt u attend te ilenliai, by whe 1 ý1ey1111Y u livt>ru ut llite. rec-tum umîseirtea ita Golai, Simyci-, and .Vulcatizcd Ruliber baiia t very I3îadcratc Chargea, Anim a a n meci- mettubi mrimased. Tecîh 1111-ai mith (ul tiîc Stuinmch tuil, muid lîau larohiuaatioais. 'lceltitixriac-41iviLilithe gi-emal est aso aimaiciiitirt tltheplim etu. l'urtieut- Iarinaltoougimen uit tio iieà auaii eguuhliom ut o W~rAI1 mUoaraiincated ho giiue aîîtiamcdoi-o- ) aumac/at-g. Vl'c lmc-a lir i lu. Mamemntien tic place, ommi-, LOWJis ale&lOWELL'io STORE, Bro'ck Sarelt, Wituy-, Muai-clu 13, îo10 31ii Farm for Salé. iN tii-e'I'oîgi-m iia matPick -%ring hein aoau l (,afla liat mt' Laot Nu. 1h1lunIfhe irai ceai. anda Nia. t1iniiitic 41lm i 'jmtai iililt 21X.acaares omf ý landua. Tiîho i c a veu 1 maýi i a 3riua amjamis .im e îaroîîeriy cflii-. Ahix. iîhaa, ouat iteo 'eauuia as m i îip hel kmîoîvu utai i'c(hiire lio i artlumr lem- ciiiuiaFor plarticulhui-rs amly>ntathliaPuaitmof- lu A. MocPIla(RSON. ]FAIRBAKS & MACDONEL (IENEIIAL AG(aENTSa Commlsîon Morvlianth & Anctioneers ]BROCK STREET, WIIITBY, C. W. <Ompoa.ilc Ilegiuain>' lhlie.> /RFpîcaooletuattend S alesi in a ahiparti; cf L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. 1). C. RACDO NELL-- EEFEIIENCES.-Z. tunmlunaEaq., Juago. Cauu Ontamrio ; Wiauing, 1-1;W.,hîtbya; B. Warren Eq.,MngrOtroBank D nia. RUSSZEil'"S IIOTEL, QUEBEÇ. ~I ITE ndorg nad Prepielorso! the abovo j naaid1101 EL, begrca§poolfmuly lumppriz. thoir friands anad potrenu, lhtthmy avylathem- rougl>'remevted thoeii aliiiaauamt dîîraag lia miala-, wiha nablea tiioni noirte ciler te lie Mombirs cf ttheLogialaturo, anal the Tra- velling Public anacrier mmiomaion. I addition tu tue mpartmonla Ihe>' hailast min- ter, thue>' havei nom P'arioea mnaiBd--ocms i a lai-go lacus ica thme otaI, muih, for ccmmtrt aud couîvcaiemuoe, ai-e unsurpiaaad ian thityci>. WM. RUSSELL & SON. qimube, tali 11, 1861. ioýn AgeWt hi Cloineut's Lina, - 3JBj¶G h southa eaI quarter o Lt0e.1 Iîtot Coan. cf Whltby, eoalatniuig 80 aoi-cjýumG itanethltwo tanmd al! m lles et tlmo leva cf Whlîiy. FoJýr torns m,C - S. IL COCIRANE, - Wh tbai-Mater, »ôc. Soute ftud Lot for Sale. sss-he Toua of Wlîitb immci>'lit il.m 55i llOaioJS.Douiaaou. Fer Prl" aad <ei-.aoppi>' 1c out Loadon Tern"s mapecetof citeryd-' ,adUueleé on LICENSED AOI~ES ?on THE COUN'TY O0 OTA:IO.i tii. Coif asi- t> f t'ro or tiieLiberal mimaport tho>' hu4i~ recoived ±i'romoi thoîn. and wotildkindly solicUt a fuirthe onatinnmation of theoanislaigà I.cnofrtewhwoo unty, thoy tare prepar- od te attend ail ordus aw1tii prompte... aili On' liberai torisma. Addram, ALBBI$T PEING, TIIos. MYEU, (irooubank, 1., 0. Whitbr1 P. 0. DRAIN T=LB. arIEiubscihbr liaifur Salo nt thec Tii. Yard I ti Con.lVliitby, (iiniiedim±oly Emmèî of Mr. G. Oggton's ain) a quaaxtity ut Drain 'rilui;, ail ie, und at moderato price. Tiio Tiles have bea pronotencod by ponipotent 4 mdgeK Io b.cof tii voay be-t qualit>'. 1,00 £ilea wiill ay 70 ifoda. i'rie list ftîrniaalie'l ond carderaitako b>' Meini. liamajion & Robhert%. Whhtby. JAMES SMILLIE. Decoanhor, 1800. * 40 LUNBER 1 LUNBER 1 T IIF stsibimriho1)gato 1nfor einolabitni of ol ime tiOtorr tl, tivi vîooued a Laibei Yard ait Omawma, foîr the.sale of cMamara. PLIxo & Cos., colobralod Leîimber, ho wlil be aIjie tu aujip>lim aîne at reunambio prîcea for c"mIl or mpprovodjoliit inotea. 0. W- SMITII. Osaa, Jan.a 80, 180 1. 8 1)ENTJSTRY! DRS. CALLENDER & CARD Sufgeonst flintiîm> d&c., Rtoome over EIr. Carleton Lynde's f9tore DJUNDA8 STIIEI1 WIIITBY. T~ 1fillod In the om.tm rfec iasir 'lhm long oxpueiotioo of Dra. Citllentair & Cmmrd nmd thmir tlmmîromigla kmîowlodgre ut timeplise lice tyfDtiutiatry, minabl tliimon te aparomilatothe gront 1Iitmelti tai lie aberived froimi a mirofu1 ro- it'irri&lîon of tijiamo ahl-iiîmraeniiînt, anda boittirItu) orgiimmatic tiah. U t luer proaarvaioi a Kreat demi ortme hoiiiallmsand coinfort .f Iimaîkimîd dmipoîd. 'Ihicr opirtionm In thias branîemof lihe profemmion oamînot feu ite givo aat. lafactimi. lot lime nfllieted wlîh dlaoaod teoth, oiily ishit timefiîli t Unie, boforo lime dltiamua gotb too lin n hold. AIITIFICIALTEET1I liîiwrtcd li (bld, 811- ver, Pmatlmim Platei almo npen theic hbrated,and Iutl rçinelJed lmifmuiilted habeuci te e iiteot and imot aproved id mothodsandmiptelby the imofoiggion. TI me mmarîmai ofo!Drm. (lalomi (ier & Card ar e e artcllily porfriomihuaimai oý purrect fmu tloime1ivom, thaîn t il thy ie matur- aml oxarealoi lma preimrvod.but the casie andai ii- fort ofthlie wcmror of timoir artîfelal k-o$mle1 pro. IMI>ROVED FARMS AFD I iAcres o! Land, 45 miis u lwiried, coinpo- acai et tue W X u LaitsENas. a0;ammdi7, i tii. 2udneseasieo of lU-rIdge, Co-tityatOaa- taie, toelet]orwitli aimaexcmilmîit iaw Mii, and twofgoed DIwciliîg ilims, Fimîii fui-m, mamd 100 acres, 015 ace-ca miiod, mianpoam-i o!fliha W 34 ef 17, iam tii.lit eoiuemsioîu aitUxliiidgo Coumiuy oturie, witm Dwa-liiig I iis, 11îmmîummi lBirnanaiaiStabtlcs. WILD LANDS. Lot No. 21,!Lu the 9tii ('oim. EnaîisamýOnm, 20 acmres, Coumiiy cf 'Victoiam. Lot No. 14, imithl 31h Coui. Sonmcrvillc, 210 immrmi, Cota îtp ai Victoniii. Wet Yu Lot Nia. 30, iii thie lit Cwi. Futîmcii.iî, 1o00 acres;, Commty0*Victoiau. Southli% Lot Ni.17, iii tlie1I 11h Comm. Ptort- landî 100 merne ioinity o i' -iîitllc. Wèst YLot îo 28, li tai uOIt'o. Vasa- noali, h10ares, Cculiiiy 'Pt Hurona. Wecst 14 Lot No. 18, iii tiotLl Con. iaai i0ûiaei-e, Coemîty of Laubtomi. Pak ltof a acrsmih fi-aine imoi-emiadmîimoît- buidigs as J) eon diiii i rc t the ic Cii- Ire wmui. Aiao 20 tuwiilots. Ftou triiii of hprovmidfowmî pnoaîcm'y lokemain echaiîge for time wail ands aboie iimcitiolmmea. Ch1AULES Cj. KELLER, 8olicitan, %W'Iiîhiy, /Office imi Viclerimi Uilldimigm, mvertci-tI. 'aioi- CASH! FOR EVERYBODY! Wîio iraiea to e mi.il, , fly tirming Surplus Stock into !vloney Tue aiidoraignod recoivea eonisigiacata sfur Whcr, hlilIgimat pricetî an cm oobimoal. Ali parties consigning goudea mn>'i-l>'on PIIOMPT SAL-ES, AND T. F. NICHOLL, Auctieucer d& Gomerai Comimi'iu Merchaînt, lmetorhonough, V. W. 'N. B-Tia Town là acn-kuowiodgod b>'lime Comnmrcinli oommumit>'te ho th. h'est lulime p'rovimnce for b isiiii. hîoterboa.ol, C. W., Dac., 18600 5i-0m. STORE AND IWELLING ON CROC£ wlsVENDlu, FOR SALE O N oa>' ter-ra, or wiil h. ercluangeai for utier RomiemaFtate. Apply te J(>EL BIGELOW. W~im¶ltsi liii Mmm>', hituhi - - -- - h -- 1 t li à i. su In o FOR 'SALE OR TO REN2I1 o! Lot No. 3 lu lime 111h comicuiemi et hmikoî iag. Tà cela mq get I lieueamnd ii-a, ima. cmt.etlCee8. AIaoi large aimai iiitfii Orcam- Th rimo o p tuiuiaare mail wiraIeta, uad atumalomili o mmim~tbmliith aioat>', waimm 7s 0 mliimi of tie Tomi c! Walt~'.To-tuea lberual. IIENRY LAWRENCE, ai ~ Blsaiui, P. b. 76 Or on tie larcîuisea. Sale ýof Mortgaged Premmies IDY oe fa poerof et ,ale ceotiieaiinn 1 .) oW or gaugai madehol>'Aii-cm Cli-alnia ut GUeo, In lime ComuIty of York, and Phra- a, e 94'13cmm1111, Of lIme fina Part, tû cuihr i-r, tlu ller. o!lia.e'owimaiip of Brook , >ly of Oulaiminm etftua.siai 1'iovmic, 'e ëf tieo meoonai ait, fo iain aconaicla- rataon acmuilo! $27518, M'ithlicuefrnt fm lie ala e!, ai a iat thcle oisîowcluo on salai co loifmtrea $53 Su, ilaukilug hi ail dlu a'$328 59, amui uîmes» tii. mioln cfit umionimo, boti: coýssundmaliotau-a, 1 acuo i- paît, 1 wil, oit lat day of Augus' - k liatlime foroîoum, proccea to j, r0o0nmuahIleroof as mvil 'eremtoal b ymii iaortgnaga, a litc, and mii <thimr cocaâ * Ihimiroiviti:A saii iîioitga- Pd P. ni-I e!ofLat Nn. 2t, inaflia lirait Co-i<imin luithe. Coity 0t York go D'imla>'iîîii utteiaasnii-tiam1ii sa al 0nioà oorns., mumai fuliy woounLtae pi-cuiaca. lu. Motiragae mtë9 i% irat (auy e! Aprih, 18611. NEW GOODS AT Warren's Store, Greenwood ala>m pisimtr lionm. Itl.tm, Feaahi-s, tPai-,solx um e ia , (i o , Luadimia l klis, & . A iso, tuai hai-geat stock cf READY-MADE .CLOTIIING, a"Mo ANDt) Xa Ever lid liatlIme Twuii1 Alh tif mlich im ii ta. miaim uit thme lomoat li'imng 1rofil. Tuletaoitlîs cedit %mi l1i1t0.givmm te >.e,. tmatia lau iog steinirat, idtaleacpur ciait lla- coaint alomeai on al iiaala91s. WM. WVARREN, Jr. Gre6miroca, Apnril 29 161. lb N. l.Ciu fer Wlieet, Wooi, Ilîleaiunît 86i.t -a a hd J cla,4 dmAà g ý"t NÙ siUko .Ua Kamowlmlgei. Wim, LI§suaesjthe brigiat so rlehmsalelm ewaluumung, thatutIgu1 Dcti1ke au Ihhlop bideapa. My Saulerwiaau dct liffilhsdi And Hsavonwird ales, The Alasîglt>' myaterles 10rend 1 hi Uiclarde Vointac cflia.skies. For tie brlght furmatliltlit Ahoots forth nie flame 8o ulleut biat;lu ne eipqmuot i 0pmiliag the. Creator,&U nme;t No unregardeai8star Cont-ectotaet g Into soe mmii a ohýanter. licmnor'd fur ficcron t oiu mmaight But af we aitsafast looek W. aihalui ttiecUlhi Ia 1t,a In a omiefimol>' book. IIow nmain>' yheavumi>'knowlalodgeere. Ilteillimte eonqummor, Thait far-aitreoteme power, Wiieila is prend dangers trahie for, Io but theii. nlmpîiof an heuer. Thîmat frein the firtist noflrim, Boule nation mime> Yot umdiacoover'd laiano forth, Aimd 'mar il mmcmvgot coaquitaiai>'. scm. nation, yet alait li With ialhh of tca, Mlay bc le~t ont le aiceurgo lai-maina, Till timo>' a !equni Ibin avice. Anmd tiftu thcy likew limie aial Tueuir rulu 1mvev; For asayoenaejlvea ymaui empires fnlh, Aajid ovor>' kîmgoinliati ngrave. Thmua thoauu eehoatiah l i-om,, Tlaoughaoceinmg iamte, Thme faue'tir iii- Iilîla Aim ai mli l imlade utoe.ceiafmao. For tlime>' ave wmteim'd almice final Tho world had butu; Anal fonnîa isadn a Isatcuar"ad, Amudi aoling permanent oaa csrth. SOUTH ONTARIO. TH1Le NOMINATION. shà o* an, the vaY-I iof lat oR su'ad States- mnbprmMi. Movsi vws bis' ifortgage bill--clculated to nain the nforlianate1 debtr, and bis bull about nmail piileges specaally gÃ"t, rap to beufiÉt s feu lnterested parties. mr.",Fairbault à oelu -b>' telI-- ling tbhe ectori tinat tha'y b.dnon-reuldents long enouklu, and advisipgîbem te vote foi, a résident-saa an woan tboy ail kaneir, Whoelivedan d moved among -tineni", Who haHong expenlence in public affaira, and a Ivont>' >ears practicà l acqaiùtan2e uiti the vorking et the muaieip4linutitorlu .of lte conntry'asud, îhatnma' was lb i rondm Captain Boy.. (Checra.), Mr. OMpnter in'scodi g lb.nomima tien tf Mr. Clapma nslilImat for a long' lime Lis foelings iri-oin (avor ef uclmatag a canididate fi-cm a mougal eni-selvos. Thu lac believeai tinre vas as gocai timber inthme 80 th Riding of Ontaio am'an'laIoii be iinpurtcd from' Toronto or eiuewlaore, and lic likeaite see oui ewn materlal mode use eo. is candidate was bbeai-nlutho CeunI>' mndi wlathmar lte cioice fell upon hum or net, bai (Mr. Carpeulomj waa it fa vor cf a i-cident candidate before'au>' ont- aidor. Mr. diapihan ln prepoiing Dr. Tueker atatad thal hocvois fer a number cf yoarg'eppeaed te lino introduction et out- sider.ale itopresant tho lliding. Ho lied kept back froan timam al, andl ho fond Iliat their cvci-y oct, snai atudy vas how te make ue et their positon le msrve thai- own. in'- tercuf& HoRe eloglsea lte moits et Dr. Tuciter andl ukeai wli,-if thno principie wore coacedeai, as Il appeareai lu bc-hIma ail titinga boing agrecd-a roulient ire the bout mon, tharo coulai' bu an>' diff'érence o! opinion lu regard te lte seleetion of n residout. Mu. White lte Wai-e) eancntiaoned thait iu seeonding Mi-. Di-par'a nomination lie did ail thuat ho latendeai t vas te give the. gentlemuitan Su portuauity cf expresima lia scntiments. Semiet ofthe ethr oreniaîornsud se. couder. upoke buill faver cf ltaoi, -eu- pectivo canddates, afler whieit the Reiai-ma iag officer staled ltat as ltai-o ucre se main>'candidates t0u peak-twclve ale-. gether beforo tiie electoru, and os mon>' persons fi-cm o distance vci-c ne donbt, deuirieus cf roluîming home aI a ucasonablo Leur ho suld divide te rcmaiuin time impaial>' batireen lteé severuil caundianîca s-j as thal eneh wonid bave a fu opportu. ait>' cf addroeing the elactor., anai îLot eue speaker mcIduc* t occui>'theo vole et 1h. lim e run i r eteecuine i t ou Ibonielai 6y1a ni inNortb armai ý81Zl à - Ontario, anal ant to labe lection for ing*î Division. The lime te aach speaker irould 3.ie tus ton miaules, but as sonne et the ~.génîlemnuneminntcd mannt blieasiromua cf îpeaking Lie(time -Rictnrniug OGERcer) ,yroniai exteuui te tino tb iftten minutes s- ecne. H o oulai cli upon tho candiates bn ttcerdar in.mlibcht ttc>'ici-cnominateai ýd andi 5-et calical upon Mi. Moira; or lii q agentinlucase fe iai gel oeue pi-uc.- Mr. Br-own alcai-ad te spcak as lime Agent a f Mi. Moant, but as te produccai ne mail -. ton anIanit>' te miel for imait gentleman,- anai in repi>' to ,thme Jetumining Ollicer, ystatea ltaIteovai not au electer cfthe * R Id lug, Lie coulai unle o p erm it oal tee speaIe M-. Farewrell steppeai foi-yard. Hlo sal lie aibainot expeelilirasu nacessar> ferrlina Lonorable Oliver MoiraI le lie pieseal, and lImantltaIt gentleman undertead mImait ie uns about. Hlo salal bu repi>' le Mi. Fair- bamaks as te mImat Mi. Momat tact donc- 1 hlm lic lid opposoal ttc Minati-. Thai lie Iad actedcd oamisoatl>' aidmastraiglittor. uni-ainb voting against tIme Admninistation, -and thtimule lad umaurgene dem ta King- sIen le alefeaitJaohn A. Macdonaldl,lte leaderi ofthte Upper Canada section ofthtt Ministr>'. P Hon. Mr. Brama stateaitethl e ln.ccora tat lhe came tiare la ropresont timeir ala anai meli-trlid rcpresatluiv-Mr.Moirait, andai liIh ad t otle sligheint uemntion » f being o canididateo imnseit: Neuiy Ite rcnuinder of lime lime abiaucal mai e cc- pied b>' Air. Bramnnai uo met unjustifiuble attetck uponemilie Uurniaig Officer ferlimi- ting ttc lime. Ho conteaimu icai uîmait ill 1 stutimmg tuatho coulai net iritiittho tino allomeai diseuse lhe affaira ofthlie viole Provinme as ho vaated ta do, uadtint it mas lhe dut>' a! tie electors le reiunaMa. Moat, the mniauwimo id hais duly li vouiag? againautcarrulat Minist!y. Caiptain Roereas uext colica upan, anai stated liaIte hu laiallourealhimscîf te lic brougilt formatai as a candidate witi a igoondeaJouia!reluctennce, for limai ismeai la u ee a reniaient cf tic Ridig, maore capable af ropronenfing Ilttan hianseit bronght out. It mas lime, hamever, teotitougtt, ta loaokut tameo fr ai reproiculmilive ;ttc connîbtuenc>' lid iea toc lang represent- cd, an natter hmainqnil sut>' fais-reprcîmented b>' outaiders. It vos higli lime thot v. ookcd fun onr epresentativcu uit home lu- stale Iof geing ta Toronto fer theni. Cap. taln Roeepointleaiont ttc dangorous strecgîitta hici Toi-auto influence iras attaiiing mnthie nepresentuitian cf lteecn- Iy, anal aid thal if il mre nt steppea it manilniramp thte rural constiltencies. Thme Canl>'of Ontaiolahio saai tedmany iluer- ert la nagngimati o h-ihomo o! Toronto, anal utile Ibis mas theime asanal v Imai Ibe- tom mon uit heme, ire snoalai look anongat, ena-salves . instada of imporig a Toronto iam>'er. Wtcre, lie akeul, ias Mr. Momat to dayi-uns iinlaSentht Ontario 1 No.-. Gntaiovais cul>' a make-it ithliilm. And utere, ito askod, iroula ihe be, if elece- cd for Kingtn-ueulai ho ait for Ontaiolu Net a bit o!iL. Mr-. MoraI Lua s aoun lIbtie game te pla>', anal mule ho iras pie>'. bmg iî, anai coquctig miLh Kingston, ho1 vas fsuting Soutim Octario, Andi Sauthm G.atario, lic iqped, lia 1hespirit te roent1 the insuuît. Il maas plit indacai, sud lho ragmoteta Iat such asaIe o! tinuga shonlai9 conte opa$, Wh en îuch a Suinliing as1 Ontaioi ias louereai te play' eoai-filddle1 te a pailîcian et Mmr. Mewaî's standin- 1 Wiat clii ho amikeal, ha Mr- MoiraI upon1 tieceoctona et Ontario 1 Noue except ysresient ;-an& as -fei lairycr, b. tinougins ob1ud toc i n ' f the t mIiË -. liaient airaai, peuplexing tMu cohii ltia haire. He concluda b" eauru ubat Mir. Mcug la d aie.uile int a-lian- ment, sud said thst ims supptorters hallmailî aed te Pouint oonue Si4ge selt bË iiteet tg te Ring, or bmneficW o thfie Povine.a Dr. Tucb.e awunazi called nbiH simad commecied by etting the- crowd in a, rmi cf -good-hunnoirmd lanigihar.- tgt lieue present ho 8uppoea<ffroquemf4ly 88 Lers.raiiag, satdikuc ltai lime practioi iiams to have al Le hast Lerses i-un Si-atl imi aftervarlds le inave a douke>' race. If was laiacae snob wny tinat be as pr-opes. cd as a candidate 1e enter thus canteat, for ho Imai ne0iintntio n hinseif of onteuiag Uic limts. ,Courtes>' biowver, lhe sali, requrmi frean uima fui verd, ifilirai-e ami>'la return lhanks le bisniovor andl soder, aimai unile limaaking tiiose gentlemen h. baggeai of tem te transfer 'tlicievotes luI th, i-cident rcpi-eaentativo. til faiùdïcl lte electeru lthatnt ead cf seimdin- a moe simpi>' te oppose tIe Mialâty, it vas ther dut>' to senama o e aîcliandlooek after ýiteir intoealaandllte ,intercala oft lie Province at large. Thore vas, Le assertoal, tooch uet i s .so-t or fting-too macich f evility ta Part>' te te negIet of -ticoaid ite."eh ut lb c an a l - . U L o t i m u n s e l e c t n r a.I i a u u l c t m c a presentatire-elsier Captainu fowe, or Mr-. T. P. Wiil e,w oulaile salimfied miih et i me r ; b u t v i n ee v e r th e y>' s eIe c tu .d , I i~ t l viseai thea nont.te maeo choiceof a politieuai friand à ail supporter of tuaI ma, wiho n lie reiof th p Honne o! Asaenbl>',-tbaut- eneai te lcok te Washingtoitta raidresa the- grievouces cf Upper Canada. Ho leokeai upon M-. Mant te be the. Chiiain polit1- c ia b ce lia ipr ocîntim e al lim se oit b cli, anda on timat acount, lie uns'indeaosra>' te me-3 hlM allied ta mà party, am)iéaofvimaso loadimai tireateed telook ta Washington, and uaa seri thie coneellea wit the moîlmer coti- Ir>'. Ho racommouadIoa t seamd a main te Pair- hmaanne h favorcai the conocîioîi lie. Ieen Gi-al Bi-i anmd lher Callones, and mIma instead otfilaloking le Wasimngtcaît" ireulal endea ior te fluîk U i m aie los cfy td- . fthst gi-col natjoa,whoao fraie institutioffs w>) ejyed, e v>bch wmc iraie btobifuror unexampleti irospeibt>',anal muse pamer. fui protection il mas oui- high previlcge zta cauja>. The- Doctor concinded b>' ielatiag au anecdote of an ArrIcin PrAcôwmie, si-cal te kmci the. uccefttcf Qucen Viclo' oftL e o o rteuemembertlus aisillustra- ting lte uEred Irnts ai lime fatinaittionof Id thair frec 4avcîninunt anal mien deisjuiaw 10mon woug te voaekon tti loimct 18 mdtlImi-respcetfoi ccnîiîuîcd uîhom-iuy )b>' atirAng np par>- feelinganda aippei ' ai a forelga pecruolt t omget il. (Lou4 5Cliaera.) - Mi., Draper afîci- aumering ait tic vcry 5 llttcrifallahin madL temurais ibIy bi l ncoadcr.m.(Mr. White) sali imait lue vas nt ail tImnluinfoyer cf a i-sialuumîcani- didate; bat ltaI Mr. Mourut mm-aibroughit -doua lier. mmndci.iciy pecuuiar circunsma 'sces, anal that te (Mnr. Draper) mas acter. a nbnea lomielt10sacrifice pnincipie Iccause i, ,ymau mas a local candidate, lie conijli- meiteai Mn. Fairell as baiaug a mon, mie 1 far lime sake et his pnrty, mas capable ut loIoking aboya amail thiaga, maid tiat b! IMi-. Moat aucceedea inlu ingnistou it ioulai 3 bc lIme poîbîlcai dot cf JoinA. Mucitmi a nia. On titat accouait cveryîluiag'- liat Jie acoulai do ï,uid bc donac le raturaiýi lltumi; t Mn. Momat. a Mn. Peter Taylor aftar stating lImat ne- coi-ding teoDoctar Tmcker's timeer> ho mas anc O! thedoukeya, iciai up to iiidigiatiany ana s a sel offtla tic sîatcnent cf Mr. Mac. dlougaui about ibokin, ta Washington, thaI a -supporter o! the gavernmait saai Loiî-c Canada miht look ta France. 3i-.h Main t mas nul imm utpsîiain la do ami> porilî'cm good lilt.eilcusua, miat lue alli wais ne.-g tilte 0-od. Dr. Gnmn-smouiai like if te laiou. Ur, Mourut iere prestac te pue equestioni lu g m-o i as_»j:at lue could. as ut can- sitet itialn ait amma voe lîgnmt cm-ciy memaîurc , poi aimai ld-me ialtmIr uoi' excellent ar imai nacesaur>' timý good mut> ie, îiuaîîly icamse it auJ nul como fi-cm lais imurl>' ?He rai'graitteai that thme relpre- seibtima o! lie alle didiai iding cf G ati rl mAlommia buemode tlimecans ofîerviag an>' man's pari>' ouais, aimai lat parI>' blîmmaness âhuon ia'pace il ailtlime disposaI cf Mr. Mcwaî ta norve is omo seiuuLpurpems. Dr. Guami rertreaihou limaI lma Chaneci-* Ioraiip mas lie lîrize miou exeilod Mr-. Momut'a piical uanition, unai hy il bc mas atîruteeaito runaia tilt agaut Mi-. Macedonalai ,i iCngstonu. Ho riaicul- ed 1 ho ga-ovancen cf lime Globe andl aimiered lili e>' bal vtiutile eximaeucc oxcept la theo bypochuamdiaca i nad of thme edilci- o! ilat paiper. (Citerea mnailaugli- ter-.) Look a',rond, saailime Doctor, ut thlie proaperity' mnai abunance miiet abounai even>awiîme; look ait oui-gi-ont public I morks-om- canais, lock, linos a! rallia>', ligim Ioume, piers, hai-bora, aud public bunildinîgaand ain>'if re have mtiiaa le t anal enlagiseai- mai-splendid acbooi syaiteni aur municipal syntem, anal ihiaheva>' of hogIslation, lic peinhea eut irlant tat been dune *ithin lthe Liat fewu ara, flich Setîlement efthIle acigucil teunre questlin, o! lime speomi>' sctlmemî cf tue cIaii-gy i- serveý and Reoai>'question, duee cusoli- atinanad assimlaton -cf Oana- las, the cpcniag ap o a ies oi-an, uadaael- ti m n f a n d r i d - n , lIm ah e n o u r a g e . ment la immigraton, anal zau'merouschier gocai acte, mnist cunducive ta the truc inter- east o!ft'bc Pro ince, is-acvaucic-0n, anal morea colcd adianeéà ostenoGm-anai Triak, flpaesent govonnmmmt, tho ducter caaid cOulai val liejutfici. Ttc>' mer. n ot, lie sai>, adrances prpomrl>a speakiag, f'or, uit tIme exception £130,00 temie 'adrance were fo mno> lie ll'du. odamnoonimeca ttclitent ~imad ofan ppal tu Wà âliug Ion,~d eiaaclmniecl Mi- ucdeugai asla i I * ~ ~ '~ei.a - ItmCalm print6e *Wo, gat Uaonghts ad a ;t Storti>' afler eue o'lock cn 8atu-aa, ttc Rcluing GERicer, J. HamiFPar->, Esq îîascandeal lIma uatingu, anal iaving i-ndl8he iproclamation anai writ annoaaced bis resadi neu to receire nominations et candidatei ec douiromas 'et iepi-oseutiug Sentit Ontario in >f tho Provincial Pamlament. Y Thte foilcmbng nominations vere tuer mode, lu tueeider ilu mmci îLe>'arc HoN. 0. MOWATj--fifovad b>' Jainnt Cmwiahaei, O04d otidgd 44 nder Esqirosî. liv>. Gaza. Btaw',-mavod b>' Wnu SIleoei and accondea b>' Peter Tay>lor E& JAimzS Revu Esqtî'îa,-mcvad b>'S. il. Fairbanks said soeicib>' Daubil a M.- E Esqui.4n. M. C, CAImEuoF, Eimaauîua,-mareai li Dr. Can, sec endea b>' John WatsonaEs- quire. AuiÂAmaFà ÂIIa-tw:., Eîii;-O b>' Chester Draper anai secuîuded by Jocl Bigelow tEsquires. NEisusas CHArmA>' EsQîtitt,-moyed by iEliioit Sproivie, anal sonddca lm aB. Carpanler Esqnures. CamszanDuÂixutEmaQuiaa,-maveai by Jota Watson, andal ccondoc b>' T. P. White, FEsqui-es. PirilTzaTAYLOa, EsQcîa,-moved b3 Daui. Smni, aud secendeai b>'Neah Hue. kims Esqubires- R. J Guys 'Emmauit;e M. D.,-meved by Thos. Mooh>a, anal acedaib>'Heur>'Hop- kins, Esquires. DAmYia, Tecmaz, Esqc-îua M. D.,-movad b>' Nolaum Cimapman, Esquire, andacscon- deai b>' Jr. (ntima. T. P. WeHITxE EQuiat,-moroa b>' Da- vidl Matteus andi uccendeaib>' Geo. Haruri- son, Esquires.a. 3Tiimaa N. Cuin s Eauima,-moved b>' R. H. Lamaler anda secendeai by Leuis Hall, Eimqnres. Mr. Carmicimiol iii aomiuating Mr. Maivat, saai tiat teoallisa uiîh mach piami- siurec;anai tuaItcomas glad of bs caandi- date'a absence, beconue bt gave is s uppor- tcrs un appertnil>' ofproviag tour ho pas- nescal thaiconfidence at bis part>'- Inai-- pi>' toan.au ectar Mi-. Carnîlcumool cutencai bute an expimnatian ot iow Mn. MoiraIhai goet-ta K%'iigten for the naikeofet bsparI>' lu onder la defeat thetcorla-mey Generail. M1r. Alexanaicr.saliduit SoutOufntaib main the bonI cenatiîuncy imu Uppor Canada, anda dcnervcd te have Mr-. Moirat for a i- prcscmtmive. He regroledai Iat limera vero parties ln thecocuaatry~, who thougml wrng. 1>' o! Mi-.Mourut'. mavo. Mr. Faibanks oxprmasec ismu appbneuu at havîtinc theanai of praposbng as a manier for Senti Ontario, Captain Roue; -a gentlemanu, te saidut a s mcii knomn ta lte clectara, a gentleman mita mas long a reniaIent a! ttc Riding, mite atI an la- timate acquaintauce wit oun municipal affaira, andi tte vrkingofo!unr municipal institutiona; a boîter knoedageocf thme i- qubrements cf ltho constiluene>', anal a bot- toi- daim to the snffl'rges efthlie eloclors, than an>' protensionutatcoulai b. put for- un-a on behait of Mr. Mearat. Healli expedl, ho estateai, ltaI th. gentleman wuta pioposea Mi-. Moual uroula ivlvomne rea- son ut>' lic houlai bc re-eiocteai. Mr. Moirat hada gone to, Kingston, aad ioulai certaill ait forihtlat conuhituane>' if alacîcai. HIe niaucal timnb>'this net, ttlIh iedd not came one snap for lime iatei-mste of Soutit Ontaio. Ho> ainpî>' pla>'eai uit the Rid- buaai-trlidd411ih ilt taserve lis oun pur. pouse. -Iliras sali lmait Mr. MoiraI L ad consultea Lis fa-louas. Hou ailiLe doseo? Ho came domvu anai converseai mIL litice or tour iuai'nduaiu--part>-mcn ljed iunSte weol-tll Ihose obadient toolu, bis viii anai piceurc--and tbis foi-scellavas con- snltîng the vishos ef tie elootôra i [A. four aiiaomdaly (Imits ln ttc croir areio gare soma interruption te lime speaker, wmcli iras piomptly suprpieused b>' lbe Retunuig Offlcer.J Mr. 'Fairbanks aeullaued te alate ltaIt nit one vord Ladlicou said, wL>'tue eloclors u elai beinmluced le roturu Mi-. Moirat te Pariament again. Wterc Lad Lie loft hbi impress ii'a atatosmait or a polit1. 7-MY ix-- 1-1-j