Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jun 1861, p. 2

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Y To Exportewu of'Lunmber. *oteo- Clown UÂnd flbpartmnui Fïnn for Sae-,Alex. Dulop.- )Ionsy avuid fi.Moneyearised. Soboul ýB6ou k b,-Yan&", NOlUOn Store. owaflnory-;. J. Otto, Goat for Bale. ONGLY ONE D(>IAÉ ifltA1 Work et tbe Coay Conl.e letii. unUi im.st Of .4m ,Ili , Sm Ont&rfo tIhe writ bas beets pire d yy reels-v" and vo l%416h.10 Ohe- lu-theq ,roc malien oft *î'aturnîng O0fceý £pjointil tie 22dinst., fth ie nouinatoa, ind.i drast e Juil>' fr peuiang ise polis. M MOvah v ie belles-e,lias eleewteti emi, for ]Kingstons. T -sl loslà y.wl 4hIastien cf ît.e(Joua eeâi~g orirrd-la he teadi ntil l~efosfronthtie présent aepect ofet fui'5 Ms" h t !iii' b. eleoteti by acoi molien. , 'hee à ye' UItile différence erry tage cOf Ibeia a -resiti@nt. a licter'b rd, ng t thé ai is wt su r 1'is.dCfont>'Cuincil et 1861 vi i. a..lisaaas tnMn.- Mevat. Re voulti le tise ;Ps ,uelieuedas ue if isoboet sishstise fArable of tise! twe candidates, in ee Ml ClouaI>' sf Ontarioe e-en is. In th ie e o vtt-tibsniclOnaoasei eusios otf thus year msuereail practical nga8tti; abiglu casnOtai s.wl wient bas beca gene tistouis, anti mensre nst i n caso fa4centesî'be 'we hec>botistisene fa:- IiuledouIù c gocti liasbeen dons for lte Cosit>' auast, t i onîiIosets: eo _el->' uuhiolé, tisa ins an> o'D r tiree preceding fat- beiiet. We's desandhaist isera yeari pet togethen. Anti letton stili tise a meetiagle- lie- l4Idtia- C0 cker's lote good itamupon observeti, andthie cotisidira. - atr onionstndduon-neietotp tiec ade pied by on- tie aticeciiaîrytoe tioafd y e~course visicis Mn. Levat'. toadiios at-qi i t presentatives of tocalitiei tovarda enci. is. p -e *nr- las-e causeti a fiendlinusof feeling lie. -se OuaoM.olteitr tvoon aIt partistif tiseCainat>'tisaI cannet tiseNmton et' tiser.Gt-l C oetin. tai te bave a niosl lseneflcinh efl'ect in filth Ointo f cfri oveto. tu .Tise preceedingiu vers free troins-ah 7digle rsrt 2 oeif is, andt lafotanMn. Farewell. Noitser bi'înoin g andt sectionai jeaiosy-and Tirt. Tisompion. Mn. Brabazon, no- Mu. avison-as obsers-etiiy TMlr. Fairbanks- -jf oreman attentieti. 'lse undonstandti iata suemheseni n 'ens peut vre tiltomasas-livi. jreqeisition lias been torvaet] thîe J(t inir, cntiug anti sisshing" ec t-b Iso, tise John Hilyanti Camrne, te conet t- dellberatiosofet'hie Cousitil of 1861-no ' te d o aii e-t far, have heen sanl-oytihe' eaeteit ibar. unen>', caurtes>', anti kinil>' bearing, anti Cemplisuetary 1 .juers. le eCouuîî tise t-ltsire on bise part et ail theise mbens fliirdually and collectivcly, ta act .iutly1 The Rocses anud Deput>' Reeves attend. anti libertiliy towards es-or>'section 6f tise ing IseCsnty (Jouncil wereoentertained et Cousit>',a complimnînery, dinnér by thea Cotsnty Ofice':i on Thursda>' evening laut. The Tisq work of tise Council-given in Outi' Grand Jury room in the Count>' buildings report of thse proedstino-will speak for was malie availablo for the occasion andi lise! f. Commericini- with th,, report of thse answered the pisrpôbc admrably. Amonget; Equaiizationý Comoittee, proecrty in the the inviteti guettas werc Captaits Rowe, Coun't>'wili ho Iound te bc more fairly bMayor of Wbi tby i;PD . 0.Ieweitt Esq., ex-Warden of )ièCoîniy, nti lRobert andi equiti>!>' eqszaiized tisan iertofore.- Spears Esq., of Uxbritigé. Nelson 0. Rosy- The report iras ear anti concise andtiei nolds Esq., Sherifi' of thse County occupied tii. p.çnt. Tise.ré was juil ossotigis f fi, the chair-lise Wartien ef tire Counity T. ýut nlot a wordn r figure to muccl. Tt wa, P. White Esq., 'boit>,, sentoi aI ixbriht vieil wortisy of the Cisairman, thse Reve-ofanth Mayor of Wbitbunhslf;I. Oshsawa, J. blactioneli Esq., County Cierlc, actinsg jas croupier., &fter fuit justice havisîg Tise report on tise Finances nt the Count- ben dune tbe gooti-thinge prerideti, (of t>' is, it wiil be seen quite an elaisorate do. wiich tisere was a cisoice anti abundat ernent, anti exîsibits thse state of tire finan. suppi>', servcd in goud style) ansd tise clotil C th Coni>' 50 ucit ns removeti - ces of h onyi s &ci ama eýIlte lstsof reisian ant iie flow if 'ouii begýii" tisat lthoaewiso i-un mn>' reat." Ncth The health of Her Mssijes4y tise Qacen was ing coulti ho more sadîsfactor>' than tise dranli with ail ise horers, saswau also Louritqhflig itate in wlieb tise finances or the hr-alîh of the Prince Consort and tise the Counny arc representi in the report. It~O>ai fam'Il> in flOioaiss bunspers. Hlow vory différent a state of thinga from, Tise healtis of the Wartin anti Conceil. lot-s cf tie Coulity or Ontario sîas nexi tirai whici oltabseti a tew years aga, wlisn propuoedt by the 'Shuntii, anti dmank with entiorsera 'got eue per cent for entiorsing ontisusiais. The Sherit? la a few prertaî. tise CeunI>' papert Thse Innance Coin. Ply remsinlus mentioedt ow tise agreeable m ittela- ieeieteiii.jsiet.rennion tisat evencoifg ýJvai tswingtoIsle wadtthe Corporae tetiosoWbijutbce atikinitnessi anti liberalit>' of the Ccsunty Offi. Owa. Sine Crep1raties f W prosail. ce rs. Hofeli sui4 pride anti pleasinret Oshaa. inc 185 th syternpreail inroferring.to the es-teti position cct.r ed'et detcing onl>' six pesr cent from tise pied hy tise Couniy Cotineil of Outarin, tentaIs cf those Corporations, wisaroas uon. andtat the iigi oise' anti sounti jutigment der the statute tbe reduction iibnulti1 eolat whit-h eharaceeized their ;rocedings.- 1 He mi"rhtlesit,'hulyasr th tse rate of tan prr cent. Even the rodieo- - ,la7 iitui li'asrwit out Ieas-iis. himselt open ta tise ecarze or tien or six per centt wus only matie en thse tiatters', tîsat tise Counîy Cîsuneil orst'Oita;i% Equrlizati'on, lLs-8 o euiti rtsuIt in ne rie conîti compare fas-orabi>' wiîh any othera a]s-anîa.-P to tire CorporEu ions whicîî il was in thP, Province. Tise rcnsarkssble systrm i sedt ieeit.Ina 8à6, wisen Mfers, on wlich tise busines.s was trasssactc-d, tise For-!wal, Dtide and Lametien, cmoe absence of illegal ieg'iadiion, andt ie goui ~Vencompsetitemper witis whicistisa isuin?%is orfdt tise Finance Committeo tise redur'îion wfl5 County wus discussed ail esitienceti that tiseV matie in tis; proper manner, but trom tisat County Council of Ontario knew tii buui- ti'une up te tira proment ypar tihe prisseipie ness, anti vene desers-ing ef ailtishe humble wsas lont sigisî t'. Mr.-Ps.rry hbas ail along liraise wiich lie tise SheriY> cotulti bestow heen niahlisg compladnî of this, anti we are U pon ise ibody,' The cleanely'assd orderi>'ointe of tise Courity buildinugs store aIse mcntiousedw glati te say Ilsat lie bai nowin bi is place in hy tise Sl,,,itT nsheing, tise uheme of geiierai Connil, as Chairman of Finance Com. p-aise of the Jutigns and ail wlso visttlC mittue, founi tise opporîîsnity te appi> tise tise Court Haouse, andti iis hoe saiti was proper rémeui>. lHe iais don a se etectual. owing te tise effiaiesIs of a Cousit> offleer ly, anti doserveI tise thanlts cf tise rate. who however hsumblie daserveti honorsable mention, ansdiwisoîe Part -wtasnot-tisa liglit- Ci payons of Osisawa anti Whitby, for saving est un adding te tiseir comfus't3 of tisa p-e- tise fe-rmer-es-en oitstbis ycar's ian!allls- senut occasion ;iabcieant Mr. Woiton. i *sesset about $150, andsth ie latter seule Itepeated colis vere' msiffs for tise War.s $300. The mattpr only reqairedt beh un. tien, wiso on rising suidthtiaftcr tise tory -e handtsome marnser ilii isiîstise toast linat derstoti anti place inlatisa proper liglit, been drank anti resptintedtiate e fclt isisîs. fer tise Warticn andthie intelligent Rocs-e slf placeti in an aiwkwàrti posidions t re. of Uxbrid,4e at once gare tise plan pursssed lily te It in suiblle termis. liii diffscuis ri b>' Mrl. Perr>'theoir appros-al visen tise>' hevser woulti net bc se erreat lwipi iosnie isoard bis clear anti satisfactor>' eilana. of tise otiser members of the Corporation wiso wes-e ineludet iun tise tost rnspeudséii,s tien. Tt iî now settle inii a mariner tisat for hoessw tisat tise>' would do sa inii sra, tise plan atiopteti cannes b. again departeti natiner it deser-eti.Ifie woîsld net tht-te. - fren. fui-e trespais on tiscir lime. -Ha miglit go * Tise liberal appropriations on ronds anti nt a ht.tor a oec ol briges'mkeperap, te bstfeaueint>' in Upper Canada, or iin ail Unitedtw brden 1e oiai ielts otr Canada, possessine snobi great naturel ad.in il tise proceedingsofethtie Cousit>' Coun. vanta-es as Ontae. Ant ieha siglit-spentiln cfi this Soision. It wilI, take 'Utile short heuri in discriug thelse. But it ws Df *10,000 te carry eut ai tise recosa. scarcel>' noecsssiry te do se. Rsspeiîdin î_w te the toasftte Cousit7 Council, hoe mendattiou¶s ln tise repent, whulo tise ac. saitilho feit tise comsplimenit paiti b>'tise al tpr-priations on ronds appreacis 8,.Si- eih nio b. aso aseiînus ~0.A refîtreusce te tise report wili hoe beMeved it was wfeil deaervei. 'Tise sow tisat thse appropriations lbas-e beon duties entrustedta te isse gentlemen were madei judiciotisi>, andt iat Mr. Rateliff, tise weill anti efficienti>' porformnet, anst it was ta thicstisat ail tisg credit vas due. A tisait-mein lavse.townsip net a penny lmatin igist lias,-e-e ' goi, a, st ni tise mnony vas appropriateti, deserves, if it vere net preperi>' w-oketi it von td ho veil cf tise Nertiserntownships fer liii ot littie comparative value, and ti lwas s50 iieralit>'. Tise grant of g200 10ecciset itis tise businsos of tise Coust>' Cosîscil I, liesitsst Agicuîsîal ociîy' va val.It reqisire in bchaproperi>' andti et-tin>'ant il ieni Coati vel mtie. SciTo Mr.asr>'eisesysteusaticali>' anti intelligentiy atteististite, t dme, nd wil ade TaMr.Pery aooin ,erente ho beneficiai, But tise Ceunit>' elongi tise ceoit tif secnr-ing tisis liberal 00k-ors, visose gueits tisa>' ere that even. na id te tise Agriculture tif tise Couit>'. Tise ing. tiestrs-edtat diside tise praise bestoweti 01 report recommending tise gramst vu a ol>' 13011 tise Ceunéil. It vasw truc tisat tise i earrieti en a tie vote, beutishe resieution for CKni st ai mpepoiinfrts symot va snbequeîly >' a ofilcers9 anti for tise performansce efthtie Myen vs ubeqeulypassed y vtedutles eutrnstedtatemn. Bait notwiîis. f 11 ta 6. standing ail tisai, if tise>' iatinot tise atvant. The enereuso in ttise salaries efthtie Cents. age of possessing officors of a superier grade F y Engtineer anti Treastiresva ei e;is ic -iyjstnd tise goireutLe i .. e MuuW4ssiu nus:>', ass vould -net spit ti before hI. Duperies., tihe Reyeof the toii re Who WÃ"nIad Iake blis lîtce. !J Iot in tle i. Joai>'as a visole andtei s ~Jlalions eft 1ocalities - toi-a-de et-'oac 'tss t"., Senteti byliseli<eeve f Oshsava lu sncb S. tt-ietiiy manner anti-vison lookiug at tI -reprosentativeiat tisaI Board, anti seses -o , -gtsej~&~. at tise, atrife vhi, Oprev'ailinsus rmper duys. lio conîti, ot, i saiul,to-odeeply 'express tise lappinesi I u' toit tisat oerning. Ho referre t te viaItit M Ceunt>' of Ontario vas Ivela'. years ag eison il was not thouglit avrts>'tise nitivôe .aCount>', anti wiaî it had jurovuto to-tia r.-Out ofthtie viole cf tise Couinties in Can' dia, Ontarilo stooti No. 7 in th isut tof pop - Istion, and ti ieaood A. No. 1, ln Intel st dence. ,lIn regard te Agriculture, it vs ,tse gardonn ef Canada. Mirt. Pers.'re ted transtise festive. boardth ie absence i tise-represesitalive oftoneno Buter townîshi (Gergina;) ut tisere wrasbe ssid,reason t Fý àiseils li7is îOt nïoief Jariýmeni i tie 'o~téfioaulti libc ieeing tisiso te tise t-ad famil>'. Mn. Penny sisortli- viewpd th ie lhappy clinracter of tise pt ceodinsssfuthIe Session tises far, anti cor cludeti b>' bpisg tisai tise barmen>' an rgeond feeling aviicitison existeti hetvPe rtise Count>' Coancil audstit Officeus vaul, long coninue, anstibh as cloue antifr-iand 1>' as tise fnlessdship belveon this ovcs- tise tovn ef Wiiîy andtihie Ceunt>' Regli Cten (iiseit.> Appnse anti langistet-) Mn. Fairbanks was next calietileposi anti rttcrneti sinceno tisanki ton tiseavarei mariner 1invisicli (as a unomber oetf i Cousicil) bis his aild een drarik. Tht ssesel gentlemeni who precoiet i hm liai %aitia grnt de!l, but ualteeo mucis, as pi-nise of tiseir splesditi Court>-, Onîsiri- ti-itveti ail tisut coulîl be sais] ansi Sng là its tarer. Remasiiig upon tise existing gais au'al getifeelisig beiveeon tise ropresietta tivea of tise duiiernst sunicipaluies, neouost coulti,lie saisi, ho botter pîcaseit it Ifisair himslf. It vas a gresît chansge for the botter. GentlesmenssPreseuut, oulti ne ot uet tise tes- alinvkirg, anti cuîîisg ndti îaâiissg tîe Usetite he, anti issubelirs-citie e n-i srt tIse lonsgth cf kidnapping~ upon occasion.- (lssuglsîcr.> Bsi' this bcd ail cîsangeti, anti ut tise prcssent lima,, tue, (Mn. Fairbas) believedtihtiat there avit net a Ct-mis>' (oajn' cil lu tIse land iviso nteti morelisarsooni- outil>'oronaduotetiltiseir bousiness more o tier n d>-nusi xliiittocuîy itans tise Ceunîs- Cousîcil et' Ontuario.fie cuarfi-set i hteseit tu haveaht-enrs inýiucl>' pposedti tesese- panation et'sise Coutisi> of Ontarmio, anti lis oppesitien.ass isucese ;buttut- bcd te stc- cusub, anti althsso' deleaieti aitîsaelime, lue sis- livettesec tise day tIsai heosias glati li vast so. Anti wiile tlsiusi-as tise case ite pas-tics whvistti!tocht, andtifouuht veil fer tise ebject, iii siew shusîect not be fergottes, nd tisane vaï; ne man more pro. msusenut, or muooeuýitiiring iii aiding in tise secceus ihitissuh gentulemani ut tise Chair' man's left, <Captaiii Rove) visase iscait ho prepitcdt. vs'e eu Tiseu toast wsresouttdedti on eiitisniasticall>', anti visausCaptait: arome te rel> ho vas Ieudly checreti.fIle rewtsituitss nîpnopriaco forme ferý tise menuier tiiisis is henîs il cdbeesn drausk, daîcrihedth uelisard vork between WViib>-andstiOisawna ttti ua-et tise.' îuanutuicu cf tise UnsisoiCocus ii.Uts cex pressati bln.4i-It'deli-.Aited at tse hisssnnu s-liiue i- puevauleti, andti ipe t i i-eulti îlwsîys Continsue se. hlr, Catnîlltsll. of Wluitus. asas cailati speus anti res1ionddsutthie toast isn a vs-y huappy uisins'r. Mm. Caimpbelîl, of Bucclu, matie a few -eu-y cloquanitrnaaku, t'on viiol voare senn>- use canusst fint iuiaot..auni ha ai-%e 'isitsetiie tise -cmîsany viti se tcw âiUgL lsss-iiugtIe es-enin-. Mn, Ib-etspolir tan Mr. Kennesdy', sun ins cîluti aisa>'on iuuincss. Mu-. S.in-yter, Mr-. Sursitis anti Mn. Rat. elif? isera aise ses-erai>' ecîliliupots cuti 'usci responticti is a feis- v oisss, ctid s-t-l d-lis-ores]itmakMn. Saugste. aise uîs-ening tIse Compsnanwti sn-ngisext- utlient taule. Quartr Sesinas P. P.,WiI'ITE - EsQ., " -suJàA. Rosa- Es~, Ms-st-1.50 JOussa R.îu'tCîrr EsA., TesD.&Y À-n e 1,1161 The Court of Genersil Qitarter Sessions f the P"eace and Cotinîy Court upenti [i day, the liane! of (Grand Juràor.4 wam ulleti over wlîes the toilowiisg an..wored Lo their naines andi were siwor>. Fit.Â%CLMKisaQlOs Fiti5i~. George Birodcrick. Georgu B ilbird, Do aid Chiristie, Rtoblartg Camplieli, Elinti 0iîapmar,, George J>srgy, Lewis Grass, Robxrt Jlobb, Thomas LanmbJohn Lip. 3>, Jas. Meek, Harvey Plumis, George Petit John Smith, James Stabbact, William Taylor. »i.b.t. Mc0y.-Âction for amont r account. Verdict Io defendant-S. B. ?airbans for, plaistifi'- R. J. Wiiîen for ,fendant. -Angelfne West va. MeCslug.-Ac. ion on Promissor' Note Verdict for Deý sidant. The defence wam tbat the note vas given to, the piaintioe without receiving s>' consideration, andi, to sie tise words of he record,"1in, consideratioetcof the piaintifl ben agreeing with 'the defendant unlawfui yand immoral> 'O ecohabiud ticoMmi ornjeation witis tie defendant." - QUARTER -SESSIONS. At the Qurter*Sesion"s thons were oni>' hre erinsinal cases, ail detaineti on the îe.rge7of Iarceby. A yônng boy nhaned se plil e4gniity of steïisg a watchs, andi ai s'nt to the reformatory' prison for çrve rnesstbo. Thsis waa tis, oniy erinsi- i s.ttied4c.thtli.Us we go to presa. on asvictng thoIi« lune>' aiongst -lte tdvtt, ilhip secie i i grant vers g is-Oéh t afi. On a division in eommlte a s..Aolttiti vua utiptet b>' lie ustl, o t eo tf te cluairmats, and ?oppbrlAd te- Colne1li efayot- of tise petitioa.- Subieqtiently ae- ui'etltion vas cest-ot on a voeoof iliteogaetioriissg tihe Tresi. Launer te pa>' $20 t el ef thtie Ageicul- etural Societies cf 'Norths anti SeutntiQu- rio' Mr. Cisnspbei (Roach) is)tîiuet i e ve pt-osent a piitien-pain fer aid on tise Br1ock t-ca. n T o (Jouncil adjaunet. THIRD DAY. Tise Wartien ,teek- tise thairt- , tonfe oeock. 0f Donald MeDernuiti and ti es pra>'. in.- for nid on tise Bnock ronti-Mr. Camp- bell (Rancis.) Ons motion tif Mn. Vernonitise Wartien lofti tisechair utîti! hai.Fpast tioe 'clack. AFTERINOON SSI EQt3As.uZATuON eW MSL93XsENT tiaLI-8 Mn. Fairbanks israngist cp tise report et tise standing Cusmittee, aisut on motion tise Cousitil veust into cstmsittee therean. Report reporteti as5tiado pteti aitheut amnt- meut, sis ewiusg tise vaine of propos-t>'sus b>' tise assessonis rellia fr tise sceesa! unicijsa- tities for tise yeas- 1860, austi'aise tise eqsua- lizatien et 1860, anduth ie value as oqîsalizoti b>' tise cetuuittee. C> C4 CM-s-s c-. -CI c CD 0&-C InsciO cc. N-~Q 5cî.u»eC M 'yf su CD -" -s On Motion et Mt-. Smith secantietib>' Mn nr>aneunlution pasasetialisot-z;ng îna>'eet'f$60 IteseCousnuyAutiitors. SPEi uAi.LEuOTrOr TII,Â*ttt-tus-t. A epecial repent ofthtie C--n - assînler selting forth tise suos-pu-rea en eu t>' deseritures, tisa amiaun te tise ses-oral ucuuiipal;tiep trfi es non nesideut' lanci a. ui a F'aises 1.150 TO TtSZ ODEIs'keut-siE Mr. Kennedyi>' sens»Idtbly Mër.uslmsi mos-edth ie Connoil fa suousoniuitise legiun- Cnrs rt-casmentiing tise ads-isability of pt-a s-iding for theo deattinsis anti bliuusof etC- nada West ;fti - nOs, Pe-sy, Fait-baîî anit Rut-tliff, bheaa ommisteetîotii'att sutch' ussemonial, anti tiatishe Cousiud gratuine liherai is tuuissimtd-;tise msipeoyteo(ne an lis-e pupuiI vicie parnts vi-re notlis cir tcsinstunees l Ic>' tonrItirsusîpport. 'Tse motion ct-rrieti naaimuaily. Oun motion et' Mr. Smiths, tSe Cuneii atijocriedl nsîlte-sor-ev marnissg allen FOURTH DAY. Tise Couacil rutt at teu o'ciock. Tise Wa-deu inlutisechair. Tisa Ilarden rend n coummîunicatinn rt- coi--s from tise Wanti-n nd Cstisncib of thc Usntd Csincilà of' Yorkc andtiPocri. t olosing cuipy' tinemria te HisE cceel- Ierio tise Gos-et-non Geusera! iinCnîsieil prfa* inur for an as-qisir>'into thée pause oet he risiss.r et the watt-etsîo ke Sîcae. anti rcqustin g tise co-eperationofethe Cosust-,ii ot Ontario, Mn. Sînicis presentedth ie peticisîn ofthtie Nortis Onîtario Teaciars, Assot-iationi for ais]. FINANCE 00ANtiASSsSSIENT. Mn. Pe-y r>'inot-t np tis eoet ot' tht., Committea, aundion mnotioni tie Curcil vent, iuut couimiîîoe nîseretus- Mn. Caump- bell, (Wisithy) ii tise chassir. "lie reptIarian cenzratfsuIsting tise Cous-cil o tisatiusiu-tony aand iilt-somne Msate ofthtie Court>' Finances, t-n, on to utile tisaI aocontiinu ta the audtilora' ai)- îinact oftassets anti liilitiof t'tise Count>' on 31sît Dec. 18C50, tisent-asas at balance in t'as-on of tisa Ctunty, oee anti alove ail tiutstandinff debenîcres anti liahiiitieî et' os-on>'description of $26,5r)6, siewisig an encrfase of ias s-an rliablities ft'ntisei yenn 1860 et $3.031. gTitthteînuditors;' report. aîsatract and ti ltemeritreces-t-itisei bet-s attt-ntien.ofth ie commite, ans]tisut tise>' lasdail imeon preparedti ri rant cane anti accma->'b>' tise Ceunt>' ausliînns. Ail tis uatemessis couirected ht heSsiouusitou-s' s report, tise cnmmittee t-Oonmons] io ha priuîteti vits tise Jounnais ton tis esnîts Session. Tise Tu-ecscreru itat-unt siiessq oasis os, isuuit, 41lsJune lit., 1 t-redit os' lie Count> '8,881 09. To is-iicis mustluec stiteti casi on hsanti of nen-nesitient landi Asnti $13,525 79, bot sainss asouutling to $22,406 88. 0f tise aisecmouîltis tera s an special deposit, Banic et Monîreal,r lruwinge inteneql at 4 par cent $9.000; cri leposit Basnk et Uppen Canada $5000 ; camh t inn isaust, Bank cof Montreiassommrent neosunt t $2,100 ; cash lu bands et' Shenltl'on accont d of non-resident in alne $4.479 76; cashs inanstof T-eacen*$1,827 12. la addition te ttîe *8,881 09, cash on t tanti applicablse to Cousit>'psirpoeo, tise follovîng ans tise eatimateti neceipta ton tise oemainden tif tise yenn 1890: Town tif Wisitby. 1860, Taxes, $1734~ blar anti Rama for 1859 ans! '60, $1797 tÀ 85i fines aad jury tees $7r; GOs-ertinsent oss ccc.ut et cnisinai justice *3,000 ;in, tereil oui apecial depeuis sus] Ceui-t>'nates $400; Goverameuit balance fer gaoi *2,- t 14. Total esîluenteti nceipta for 1861 c &18026 9.. Es -----epe-tiînr t d 0 0s il 'y -i 0- t' for 1862, Thie report States tliat la accrds avifthelse uggsonin- stise comnmittees 1 'port ofilast Jaunnty, $10,000 avre pin on Speciai depoit b> tise Tronuante-e per cent,.jus tise]Batik of Meî.îneei, ihi becalmo ri ecoîsa-> tetimnrw $1000 et' ameunit, andti t ilicre nomu-ernaine] spocisi tepeait draîing nirs~O0 In te-gairt etise sîn.-eufideist Lant'l tise 'oei-l States -tliat the nIet atins dtaced bly tise sale of istin-reaideat hanta taxes hast >'oar. cciirsirg te tise She- returris %assa $l,'7.15 Tisaitishe tu isat bt-en propeul>' crtiditediteeach te asip, anti nzairsst ashieil wsîlId ho icuar tise isou '-esid eaî iland fausti i eb nsurea, ln Jannar>' 1861. Tisat futîda suli vene eusis antifo t eot tis'e proportian r, ablie b>' ccistowsnshsip, exept Whi $1.21 antiTiseras $725,72. Tise report nocounietia tisaitishe Tu auner ativanco ont af tise Jg;eser3u fnnds tise Count>', tatoIî6'nous.neieist.lent-fu of Tiserais tise abseeOum; cliargiug t townshuip intuncst attse rate of six per e tiseroon, 'li!tise fui emeunt bu repaieti et isle seys o? tise sien esiderit lu tcssld cf tisat townïhip. Tise cesuisunlîes ceedingl>' negreýtbat îne Stops have b, taioneusb>'thIso t>iiilpCeulneilet Tisen te settie tise question otf taxes on1 Sboria'd village lots lisBoas-es-ton. T] tise props-t>' aas eeetifonsale hy i Siseif', andti iaItishere avare ne bidtiE anti tint unlesa tise siatten vene rasigeti betveen lIe towsnship ef Tison ansid Mn. Stsenîtaa, tisaprepent>' vault hi ta be set up a,-rain at tse rixt lux sale, cnnning ftmho ensuis, anti whsicis in t ca-uet ntî sir faims-o te Bsoi, aldîtios sîtit atitional c-outate ho ebargati tise toshslip of Tics--il on tise non ne.sidE lansdt funti neount. TIse conînsittea inu ci: lequeusce, strongi>- cngt-d upoîs tisetoma shi)of Thissish ie esmeiut' oaeuftiugt malter TieConusuuttes.fui-tierneomncu tisat a ansnt oetsimple justice tu tise r- et tisa Counle,tIsle niowsre4idlit tussldors' tous-siip et' TofIserai lie cliarged tiaili$10 isîss7 tht se proportion fosr as]settisissg $il vlfsugs itsl. '1int, rt-pot xasi-si st il t"omsssittee bdIsati ti-s i isi ealar-ge ln penîy i0 tse towititnp cfflieut-h mass su suri>' ciicumnstsuuseed,uandtiniiivi-aet'ofils t'acn, asîidsoft'hiesect i-asses] laiit 55'55i0 iisabling tuowansip Cuuiscil to tdispose i app-ala, for tis ecdtscutitsiet'f sesu-residpsi ruieas at i ast>'tnsjbaston tise ut it-n>' asds-nlti,4 fuor suili' use ommuitlao neessu mn , dlis iltIhe Ce'ity Tnt-eai-e- acce, ti issut- entitic-ane cf usynisent cf'luixes grasise s>, finy tosin, vl.!it]iss4- ou- isiifstt-easui nr iii tise Csuuti v, siiiste Cossisit- Trocasui c o sett- tsis nlinrcasi-it luntrinli, reluisin te n>'lssnictieWr lut or 15-ui-el of Ilandu, i secot-dance vs-is en>' iarsicuia e r etificat asioumntt o asi ii tic iatids ofthi Codti3)-st-I1s.sa5re-on seecotst--t4éus el 5il casitint 'luid tl sun výrani itoi ch, amanwt dise b>' cntlt tovwnsshisp 'Dnn holnài reiiidcttiistndfus;ti ds-lentsnt-lt-i elutins4 $4,479.76. diue b> tIse Siues-iàT tus titi ussunt>' in $4864 97, s-iz: itnuii$365 241.4. Mis-st nisilRaina $i54A G, Tl-cw f Wliitisy $74t.65. Tihet'si-etsi, i cnsut nt ilue r-resut oi uSd15 nssuuiit-ipuliiv, 5's- in umsusi- 'm suni titilsepais! h t1cii Csumty Treasurcu Tise ursliaiu nion rsssiubnt taxes te titi- mredit oft' csisnsis iissu ilit are ns: -Troii ihlp et' Wiiise$600, l'[sjls--inu u IsIPN130C tOacs $5340, Ss.-usro-z ýs5g0 Uxb-ridri 2200, Seustt 15450, Bs-sutli 1120. Tîssîssli 4P00. MiLra $6.300o, iauin s $21010, Tissais )f Wlsitsy $1564, T-usi-27.754. Tîts' s us-sslslli p cf Ru-ut--t. 'sla ms t diitina. anti 1P. Towns t-f %Vliitiiy bih r i-fr i.si-ou u'it izin g ofnt cai inupîonnti-n or il ion în- lidnttxs, JuiurCuiiitiui-ssrcoinin.iud se Cucdii to îis a Yl lutfor 5s55il55 i-tesi uiist landtiaisx tii-b-ut tu ss iiiili taI foras iis the lluuuiir nusclsisss usîltti Tssw sul si:ss etof uM ainaus Iit(] uusii 4.000. TowAs-isi, tf Bascls $3,500, Toi-su orisiitisy $1.005). T'ie reliert aiso rs'ciminvriti.ti tissfrusun o udiuienal dusi-tinsissdsîsi ss s-iiig eissrure of sîse Cssussîy iuilhitiss vi e.u;iplyissg tlia ssl le ais.o ungu-d -e t-amstf tisa 'lrestsrr, ulsOntionitur w tîî g-sil issiis]t'scusfofl n a.sst. te s lb 1is-t for sullowsnc - a îîtlcl, usssul 15w À ditsaluaul hi t--n tssdnased loy kejsiug -3 uuen'rcsidessit landsti sx nsu-sseuust. Tise n-usenrtwsadi opted viticut ameut. ent. Whiile is ciominittea Mn. Vaixson un-ad edîsuisas efthce Giîol-Sur0reus (Dr. Gssnnî) ran tent-aus- of alitry eus ccuîusî et'as]- lonui duties 'but tissuCuomiulîtea Cous lreti tuat the malter belenuedti te s unsaitteaeon Ceuusy proseni>, andti ta 'y souiti tieil vit i . Mr. GLlendenniibr. ebtainei bave tler. t a jsntiospnayinr ton a grain on tise )uni>' lino betîveen tis Ceun>' snti Pe. rbnouis andtiVictoria. M5r. Fairbanks hrocgit up tise report ot' is Cemmnitîce, antion"smotion tise Cen. vettinte Commsittea tiseen-M- trn>' in tiset-hai-. - [t being îweis-e 'clock boire tisa lauses we gene lineug tise Commuîîee rose d obLaî-seti leave te ait ajaisi, andtihie' miltlo-si rocess. AFTERNOON SESSION, At isfuît osttno tise Counicil r eueti dlise report efthtie Ctismittea on pt-lu. lai baàti Mnr. Fuirbalts rues] tist if approlîa. t i n s a n r e m u d e s ci s i c o ir i g t e t I e o n s s s i u n lions eft'he suos-eal Nlulliipaities a te ts fcots f tie Cuiii>'i,lu corporation seust t i e t - s i n a n ds t l i h i p a e tf ' t V l i t b > ' - o s l d as-o a iglt ta hae in tie apispiaien. Hea pr ý nipu t h Ie expeuslin g et' $2,000 on the Bmcic red, anti file inlu caryiisgr an îu sni d tsnsuu i in itin g t ie a m eu n t t e $ 1 .0 0 0 After agooti deal et' desutor>' disusssaion tîsa report as fitly repoteti fs-e Cou- mnitteeofthtiswvisle iliout amneidun. O ui t ie m otio ns f om dop tio s,M t. W i xso iu movedti trike eut tise $2,000eus tIse Bnock reati, anti make tise amust $1.000, ands $500 on thse Nenquon inateati et $1- 000. M . Fairbansks complain o th? ie cune tait-en b>'tise Depty> Reeve et' Pick-erinx whichlise assorteti, vas inintethei te 1'bunc' tht- report. lie soavedti ta $600 vas tise appropriation teeesmeuided on tise Non- qu n ro d, n i pt $ 1,000. 1 1 Mesînt. Wixaea anti Sangater vene tiso oui>' yens fer tise nnsdsentr as-icis vas necordingi>' teclareti lest. Mn imse, seoteti la>'Mnr. Wisite, et Racis, noveti an, amentiment aviii enitiu have tise 'lfect oet îkiing $1,000 oÃŽT tise Bneek reati anti pincing it ontise-Ceutro nroa-I, aviici vas alise lest, tisons beit.5oui>' tva yoe, tise moyen andti -ccoder.- îueô diture net is'Was-iîig been ilus ny muntasen f- 'atisciteti ,b>'tie Ctînny Couneil. '£ uceti aise alloveti anI> $2 60 on -Oiiver'is .t 4 ctiunt.tbisseuniuttg penticft oftie adci il> $5, 20, béing o.stseîîigiole tée -josùr4iietiQuarter suioniî isuelic ion C ct isati nuscisin z ta do. - T h e rap a t ca iclu d e ti as tl o w a - fax, 'Cotfl5tteeicaiiist eciulude tlseir repos ira. a' itiput epreaang th istticftioifî nI foi' sseirnsns-nwiiIsle minulet ifr.1 tise Ceunesi Isa e espninteti b>' suds Higgittm, 'tise lonIracIes-. - i.si A. résolution, moevotib>' M. Fait-a srtid passautioaiueiing pinysnt'ftise anoe due, meutianeti in ýti emoont. int SAAIEîSi tir-coCKs OP-a'v Rrtue.. s y . A i s > - i m i v fi x i n g d u c s a l a e t l ist e C t - lby t>' Rtisilicer anti Conutity Treasure-, lu 'dnceti b>'Mr. PFont->' psaetl. 'on- COLTiisY PA0PEs'Ts-ý s t-ut M n . S m i t h s l r ti lt u p t ie r e p e t o l"i 'ati committee, ands on motion lie Cnsi hit sett inte-cemmtted tier-eon -M. Versi !et isIsle chair. Tise report was adopi ot itiout amentmeri. It set te-lthiat1 ant- cammitîce sati visi:edth ie gaol anti for ex- tIse aitonatienus progt-essiug satisactor[ son cIl oet viitla oulti be fisialsed tiancol ah, date. I. T ie3 -reo en onti t h ie er ction -o [sut Bath is tise gaol yardti nIantcsatoe $14 he anti a stain sa nd te ho nîacat ou tise but -ns, usant efthtie Windows efthie Court Heu an- anti Oaui, alusc tise îsncuring et' atitiie -ais beadateetis, Le. s-e TIse connuittpe declinedti te ecommei in. tisa change in tise Court flouse, b> 't the building osf a petit jury nees. il> Tis eortenncomneed etitiapaymn ta et s-srions accounita nmeuniuug te $615]1 sut nomes ANI)1.510 i)Gsoa . agi- Tise Counoil avent isîto cemmittoa vit- iltsreport , isicis vas bn ngist ins b>' M ie Ba.,tclifl'-Mn. (lentiining iii tise c-hait-. isd Bat-roe proec-is l is tise report 3M est Par-> enquuin-i wiseîInentise cemmistea hk lise enusslieti -tiis Conel-ICsmei-un'e s-leurs 0, ssabing tise appropriatians on Marc, sîsitisi id isaIllue Ciunil niç,ist place iînpbiciî s, se liarice upons thc gallusut ColoniFa averti. e0 M s-. K en-nue dy>, tise Bteeve t'f M ai-a u n i lttn-, roîslied the is affiraitive. ais Ti'te nc-por-t r.conmended tise folles-h se appropriations. ot' On tise Cetreuraithie Tows-nshnip i i t M a r e u s m t i s e n e - e e ti s h- s c o n . , l e i l lt Tu1tusris-en $1000. l- Ouitie Ctntre oa iniiitie Tovnsip s utir Tisens, tnom tise noeeofthie is cous,$ Saut s] te Ton-n-lins-et'f Bt-c-$800. r- On thue Ncuiiquossisttie , Mirhsl, $600 'rOui SisacoeStreet, Roach, Nor-ths et'Bonif $400. si Ous tht Bnrch-oas] in lie 14h con., o ýe RpacciS 1000 ; Oui tht- Brook Rod, Sousl cri Ristii$lt000. Oi-c 0îsticdl conceession lineof tise Tous- sluRipnt 'sint-g.$1000. e O s t ie b sa m uis rou dti f io s U x b id -e V il Ui the Tîie btssuiis-elos 20 asutiZIr e tihe.3rl Colis., of Sc-tt $'tii. il O n t Ie T cia u - in e b o t s- c oi s M a a a n is MiRsma $100. k$600 as-et-e aise nacouamrreusiedti t ho apý t) nnriiitcsl farl iiillt-insg uaBrui ,î,acresu tse Tisiessisris-erntnucamomon's, illa. r A si t1isathei isutinîiisblrit-iga acrosa tisa I T a l b o t r i s e r n u s u r t i e L s l t e b t s r r i n t s - ud sn Ilse u'viiiita-oNICt!LP«Ins Iuuditg i-l sasulfi s'nssas a lnieiirsiy cds'os inu - sî s-tsi aill luesi e nt-itreusrus as]snsd tht t-sinissititSe t-me-ismsuiadisitisaeCossus a sEnuisevrno iisIsaîuetpl 1o inmse btut-, -insi tr itii vit u of u esedinz a ist-mnsn n-ut t arssutue efs th ne Tusîbot niveronlath,- vcist--sosu 11wa t-sf i liss t rie Roaît. l'lie usnsitspeo regret rite cmunI t oe senlis su-a tut-casisiionsth(!s C îsi ' S- gunrui. insui iai (nus iect-ssuufti lii i bsantern lit- uos-oto ls' ais-osas rilînitir n-e siopivd- fin tisaps-sent. l'iuy aiso etonuineui t u bi n, p us s i r z cf us b y l s u as - c i t i o r iz i n s u r t s e Wari-en tsi usspoiiit ans tiriit-sutu n eusials nr tie Couut, onus iss iibj'uof iiti xl- L iensos Ille liult- mis-r, sîsdioeus sisithte iCiuisi-ulCsuantiua cf Yen-k at-id Peel nefusesi in, tmlte-t-c-ionu. 1 Thie souît îlo rtcmnsifil-t h 'pais- i u,,nr nimi 1-'lui> clîinuimuilg 50 Ouiuha 9 or the- Coun. ,. Il ý ý, 1 .11. %, epeniedtise entime cosmmunication wvus S-ik scîeesiet. Iý She yealy sqtUtn. 1,19on dot-k bi-eanti stetioner s oma ti ore )ne>' asics vonîtiscurt-e t et-stofet'aIt' usutinessi. Welias-e sosey fer o-e- sg eue thontisat aviîcis viirenîl>' enefit FPresince. Oîr t-entiers k-nov tisereasos -Cartiert-otains vetes b>' tise expeditinos sntiuiges ij0 5 se groat'an exlest, wvite th West nusuesaoti<ea youd]deatre» tise siianc ofethlie FrencsCaundiuins, andi refone it is praisibiteL. Wbi.etse nistr lia-e froquevil>'protoaaetinuverdi usine te open lise' IfrtIr West terniemyr' t' havýe lwuya epposeiot in deetis. Tse>' mt-twtthtIe exectations eft'hie people t 'psi Canada until tise hpe et aw tisitionS csf lt-milan>' bey>ond tise Greet me bas selunost become deadtbi thlu . hi's mtate of tisin -s 10 baipenmilte t a tifluci? 4tise seritàge cf cen chuitirn A tse Amenican people, te pieuse tise ccl? A noiv ges-erument i S àpolie>' ouaed b>'tise- pssbiie opinion efthie Pro.' ut- weuld speedi>' os-ottuma tise Plans cor Cnartier, but boy eau vo' ôbtain tse- ect tiesireti, if succý cosunties as Neorth ace, deepiy 'isterestdtin atise trade ' of Nonts Wes5 elect nas tii-repreisutur ià thse slaves, of thse F.uuiekp.ees t . 0 reec wood's ýà Tise for.ti msorois curs-en lise r, Peurs'qi 'prico se tisat vw' Te di0 Spt-ing '92C. '-& Onts Baris te 21c i siemanti tisatiti- titi tast~ Sales - - iuiN( whteat 0 t fi t t f r c el ti hi i lu el Bu ONc s VEXINa $g$&s%. Pay. rsI. Mr. Campbeoll,, Jshtbjbyï-roigbt Uritise Tboy repart of thus Cam M ,iUoe, 'and . on nmotion il c tise (3tuneii vent liste ttedtusteec t1ereba. cunt, Mr. KCennedyI>'li the clsitr. )F".h Thse discussion cf. dvis report occspied- 1 te neani> tise ontire 'of tise es-oniag sson, - ant causé.cnsterbeflring and croms 'au- flring from ail aides. Thero w.as a generell ""pitching in" ail renîtid. lishe Tise report- coosre,îOod b>' statingr ths4. es Of tse co0mitie 1usd wsder ieir eîiiidè-' un ration tiseccitmuruieaiien tndsn Mn. ,Wns. MVeCutbemaster oetIlleseiouenCOUInu l>Gai ulsmat- Sciseoalrenewing luis proposition matie sents tae'titis contil inlaJanueir>' lait togetisr vili a meino rial frenitishe Boardi et Pubii instruction.nr,'ing tise advsantages of Mr. ,im- MeCalse's proposition. tise Commitîee, tro 'expresieth ie opilnion th istlntirer to car ryout tise objiect gdesireiiil vouliti hone- cessst1r>' tieir pernlaneniy asiseulti notdtepe nti Is I IpIsan'aid tisatIIn>' hoafferdeti b>'p ri sclil irale iusdividu'sls. -. snTise report- rocommondeti tise-endow. te&' msent etf-e scliOlnsisipÏa vits$40 eacs, tise anti recomiendedi fis-o'duvslions- of tise Irid Couit- for their propen distribution. ri>', Thsis clause vas objecteti te tu commit arly tee, anti lest on a division. Tise report recensmend thoi ieamenIs rt a intise scisedule fiereuntior te be les-led fei 0, scisool purposes. ase. Aise tisat tisevacancieslid tseBoari et oise Senior Grammar Scisool Trustees b Ile filieti mal up vitstise naines, Jutigo Burnisam S.' H. Cchrianse, anti D. rucker M. D., anti Res-. enti 'Datvid Watson, in tise pince et Chas. Robin. tho son Edq., as local snpernueteut for Tise: ras. - ICIt A clause -recammendin, $100 te nid 14. tise Teacisers Association of tXorts Ontario in tise Iurchase et a librar>' was aîrcck out 4 on in commnittee andtihie report tisen paîseti I.as amendeti. Sciatile te tise report of tise Comumit Ir. tee un Etications: ias] 'Pa nienst F-ýr lo-ai Townshsip et Wihit:;by. .164îSst-u95nc-s's S Wisitby ens ...485 48 57 s C~Ubnde......... 506 44 20 I md Therah ...........lost 2205 Scugo ....... 87 132 Seostt. .........2779 26 46 býech ...........766 70 56 of Picktriss,. . . .. .. ..1114 96 54 Mussia and Rama,. .262 30 60 50 rock ............ 624 70 56 of - ASSE55)tiisT OF COtIII h Tise b-I for tisis purpose fountiet upon tIsa equsilizatiou report,,anti the re 0. poert efth ie Finat-ce Committec vas brouilht ia iii is> Mn. Rtltcu:if fnstpasat. o'Tisa OCsi tien asJcsrnet. th FIFTH DAY.* fi - '~AT:a»TJunc S. a Tise Martien tank his sent ait 10 o'clocic, o anth ie soset-ni membona anîvrestu thisir il siames as tise raIllsi-as ciet. e tr Ft.ttR-ittA P LBOP FIn-eé r.R s-ibrtirsiin n by- ' la w _fonnslîd a n Ille report efthtIe Committee on -Ronds F ant igItes mailing tise appropriatîions. r pandtienergoIn tise rrnt uttsi-i cn leof Uorisire, from $long In $1500, ant i O zivi n'-ite SCaro10 sland $5 0. Tisa hy.P' ie la passeul tbrough ail its stages. Mc..fi ýoFairbanks modte sjome sliiAt oppobition te A i tIsle eticreise la tIse appropiatinîs, itidtg)lisCI il tise amnunt ris-en te thse Brocli roasi. but .1 -subis- id thse souiler tea-o itibcit dividuut In y tise ouuciW4- Rf'solcsios eraisasetiantisnrizin£r tIse WVsrdtis' usis ue d pisaistures cuider tise bi.v- lis- pus- ;(ti is session, oui tisE requtst orf i- t 1 ii t u uiii uuîlbiîa. to ho af fe te i lsere v. To uusyIsle Treasurrs(iftheu sssîist 'lý200 s-adi. Carrieti ssiia vote tsf 11 tofirl« dTus pa- the rîssenzrr$1.50 p.t- di>'. 1Tsil e II lssctiisg t IlleCousnrty EsîTiintpr tn dars- ouithi Itise SpW-iu tectsmuust-ndai ions lis uhe rpport b utf tIse Cîsmmiutee an T{oarls anti Biid es. "c1 - ~Yc u -3 c tut-ru' i ntPu gm-uits]tut fsnigtiaIler Mjssty treQ-eoi' A ituiti' u l -s-t- whvlo lut liksI>' te lue WI.nirsct isuI sus ai sui-lit idite-, t; Iut' snMsjuvI-s: a u iUitu,îf iisC5ii, IssIl lieeiea r tn t Jttstoil e-tir ' luî- Ie>- uti'sIlle -Uusluc-suu sotfKt %vitaVs "* taiketi" tisai tiis siiut'flier nsutilien.s it'tot i n vas e qîre-s finst faèce te fit-e eXpeuiellu ef- 4acah ; thsat mse ookliste,- liants] ef tise contrie, wliiah ois es/s-lo-îeu, au vent sahîili preciice th ie suosut-uuuhial)v. cOd= '4Buiaut is eti. iuiliabie anti ne one resulizes tise tact bet-sen tisasler Sates, mone Who expses tise deaire te" lt-cp ot eft iis quar-el," an tît re'joinnaiss,viso t-e. iterato tisa. Engaîti bas left'tvar-ucakia,, le yanssgon ani uure rsccklesa insi., O0 att vans asbe vili caler muaI retucantly'in, te tisai aviose casmoaiuru, visse firt-sthiuw., avianiti tike tram hler pesseasinua an om. pire.> We pllriai on uinetsen page a reeal article tram-tise Nor'- Wester, anenova palier publisheinjus-tse Red, River meula. ment, lIýiuS nerts et Minnesota, in, Use Beitiais ipossessionss. 'It is nul vritten lusVIes- et' tise pt-esan criais, but iss atemeuisiot conclusions are et fanrset-e sinificeuce nov ijan tsa> os-re nultIse titileest thein ndte- ransce. TisaI feeling 10tas-en ofthie Unitedi Stàsîls oxists in tIse Selkirk Settlement ne sosne old doubt vsehu bi] es-orjouneyed tbrouis or resitietinustiese ietlenest eutId use isurtber et haif bneeda, te say>' otiug- of oIson classes, vie -uis]pr *eferta Steo Assissiiboin steu i toitc ut tise UssittidStates 'allier 1tiai us etieiicy of' tGreat Bnisain ii yeuarly iirni . Tise Nor- Wers" la-es the ciuussa af thse se peaceici Amoni. saisizlin cf Reds] us-ct. 1:ILa- ýplaina that, !iiaieer those c-ansos.aral,tbLey must Opet-ats rýits cei-t'old terce avare Essgndt*andtihie Uitedti Sates to ceuse teIo jtilities. Tf, nsl fut-acofu! tises,tIsle>'have iug e lirkers ta duficcaauss nexatien 10le t, L-ni ti State, Painisn and Ruaseil avilI nord te gos-bunt iittle fut-iben te teacl tise P-o. lsce tseftisibîli>t' oaecsios tram Great rilaun. -1' us The loynialsueet te îsic sie linse anue- ced astrtios th- tauïea et tise grass-lg ocelin-in us a-our oe t' auîexaîiess. Tht-y anc is-loui>' sut-ias viii press cn aviniscume- ative terce.«'Toepposae tisasr, it .;ug<,eâts 1 iîsiie peftu alternative ;tse op-uuinS )f a rute fresus Casnicd.u te tise seulement etc sot Luake Spt-nior, via Font Wiliaur )r etsemusise. . If u-s ilinv but tiuis avili us-o AuilIsolt Enu-, ansd, Asuitibuia avil r>t ha Savesi,"Tfor tis bc ai viInois isÀ 't-sot. Hindi'c; explor ation efthe routes ron Font Williua nt&ILA d Ris-enrtimarua aât-s nus such reaulisa usill isss.u:o Jitisk uucgo aitls iant- at'EnArand notes, or' [i np dt-leitileessmneassesa avitis Cana. nusi cojipers. -Tise roeob>'tise nsstunl sctusl-.-Ett- Rltsen- -into tise Unitedi lusltis, is ulse t-na aii nuature pns-tiîter- lie] aund Aiseiit-s s hate opeît-t anti sed. -TIse iluituu's Bay Ciompany' 600t ioprofit, CuinatiIas.ne eet-at 1aut ieltindus]no itds-anta,e in opeuius s>' oulsn, suer ius anis-case viilAst-rican- ;ais li ho rucîssiipleti. 3leauunhiie tut-m rtendeur"e, liste-cati, intenbusckiag sympa hies, dommsuercilsî, sociail îand geuraphi#aI u)*Cftî lunonzssatatise griiiiliuî ofIls-s]Rivrn itIse Uniîtd Sisisci. A- van sii Gutat -iitia as-tui]lspecisititth ie rtsuiliti n. S'unisart ini bisS. Puaispeech t'orea ut issponued lu a riiore distanut future.- tuac eutlement ; lisuke i is fattaies t7 i-s, lhtf'Wisuioe Cslîis-uh!e anis] inaî.tiitable' ri trame]b>- tise Sacksiirhenan, ai us- eopleti emýjusnc, asans]tlisuiv. Again, be' sud th Ruckry Muntauina there lasue nes ales]onia-visiciith-ue >'eanssa&geGo-e-. r DusVh,,ass sati te labour isard ta preieat fi th ap Sîs ai cric Rial Lisa inI' c-rn the ls stuc bte Uie tint nie bts bec' us oet bui- îl 1i>' red p ise Mi ÃŽlen1 ti 'vi tisae Set eOit' mari" hms net seen nanseti. A nai for li!.*M'osv-at, il isxadivi tti oui)aillaides, 1,, tîssîtth ha lsawoe'tainî oui tisa Biduitg ,for tih s-e election, i, sias poslectiy sintistot, S snlsaus haovas finit electei for Sents Ostîri, 'An that ha vai not te ceuîsidar, h3 hall "di- wus i-ine s-igbla,'l andti pecia dlaimsbteso tie 'co .ttary , lie vas te re tire a t nn y im us las vis nan8itable local candidate of lisha, lot>'vas ivaidlable,' lir. Mowat fuil>'tic- tise cepte t hose coniftiesus. TIse tie as1118der- ssos nnsivcd, viseusanIltiuitabie locsl candi- moi date" isa rsailahie. Tise Tou.vslip of a C ' -Piclcein,,' (tise motlusr f local candidates tisir fe>r Souths Ontario) stande rend>' te prescrnt tise tuc usa nre f anotsen eof ber averts>' anti Mn. issnoneti sens. Ossn. tirosent Wantiusn, nov lie occupyissg tise liAes position tue C'ouny No dais give, I subusit, is tssai comingsnan." dgut Mn. Whiite, bo nislatise rsiinz, educated sos tse tisa riding, a resident in tise ising, anti - hvi se amatis bis ouame andi positionju a di tise idisîk b>' iis ove enery ef cliaacter, tseq .is theisens-afer tisheoît etenu» melctors plaj« of Onstario. Whuns. is thse Refer4'& ssoc- et 1 ation'? Lot a convention lie ~1eanti cq tise refrme ra tate th ia ater la ilei osu Lait isands, anti eu-locai candidate wihlibu tu-i.la t nsnipsausly electei. Teac Tenante thbat vo cartaise faitsful rept-escentativea on aur et eusn seil, andsti iat Sents Ontaro viii use0 Fre lon-er be madet a stepping atone to- pIacetit pover-anti position for eithes or ni ervatives -,, eo Reformens cf anadjeining City.'. M' Pickering, June 4,j81 'ii No suce Rhsenmain ftinssgVÀ' ie BY Bymuse 1

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