lSpea4s. Court off gvloi, on-R. pear N.w Dri' GQoà -T. Ir..X~ol£im Seeda &-o ,-T. H. KmWà [Iii . 1VaIt~a wf- ,eroolI. Whltby, Thurday, April! s5, 1861. . w The Publie acconts, togetber wýit tb he report of thei Finance Ministîr, u poW tIti <~'a1oad lnai4*ecf Lb. coultry bavel beonpubllsbed. I lit'" sMay bé eceted, a bulliy volume, with ene'rmous- rowâ, squares and.columns cf figures, arrayed In te not trentondous form. The report cf Uri ,Galt, Wlich prefaces tIi. aciowts la, however, very ample, and Sleair Io, and front it, we gain the follcwing information. 19 contins facts rlâting -Agriculture, Emi- gration, &c., iu weli as Trade andI Naviga. tien itatistiie. The transactions conuected with the Publie Debt are set forth rit tcngth ; and the conversion ohme-the cost cf the operatin-the annual saving eftctel-and lte amount cf debt wlticà , une i. uhrty of >rliament, wili bc bcnceiorward in procosa cf liquidation, are- ail carerully shown, and placed ln a clearc liglt, ab us te bo undcrstoodl without dif.f ficulty.1 The following is a sumrnary cf the posi.t tion cf the Public Dubt ne affected by tec Logislation pust ycargw t The fise , prià r(à I155ý ia« iot. prnfn 186%b1 lus........ DO1M62e 1Lt# es, reteme<i .... 408655ne i255rI&i3 Pritr m n 1879..... 42691M063 J..ufiintOO.$2OO.1011 77 loanr itntdi N. ii(id Id. C.........71 000 .1? 7 es02il403 a8I0CS64 est 18M0..1580M0 42t eil ii E<(I v.I * 'nwIluk 111000 0M0 4576s 5317017 95 Predlcnt Dl ... ................ #mi o81i Against which are iteld funds te redeem w' *lte otitstanding, Municipalt Loan Fund m Bonde $2,936,544. 0f the present debt, th IT neoaiiy nocd1alf, or *27,264,01,is' issued ti oi'ttt a oding, for ils ultimat4 liquida. fO a4underc tho auîteoriîy already mi granted by parliament, il may bc espected IY titat the whole îcrnainins, debt will te gra. en duaily placed ini a sirilar position; while in, thé resilta already obtained eonclnsively Di yehat ne increasced charge cf any im- di Pd'-tance will bc placcd upon the Revenues YO cf thra'Previiico. of 31i. Onît daims that by lte amal annu. se aI additional payment cf $17,781 over the th former charge for intercal alone cf *614ý. n 052, the moans are absolutely providec fer cil lIeentire liquidation ln fîfty years, cf an l amout equat, before lte conversion, te Wi $109249t200, cal The new Stock and Bondio are guaran. îPi teed le bear 5 per cent, interest for twenty an file yoars. Afier which they are redeem. 101 able on six months notice by Govrun t. Bhonld therefore tbe credit of tite ceuntry impreve, as may boho epeolr~î may hcreafter bc posaile0 eerreplaccet, by securities bearing a lowor rate' f Interest, by takicg advantage cf a favor able maney market. The Province k laie protocted agninat the- visil of an utifaverable markct wicn te fornterdebit matured-which being payable at a specie date, must have been met. The &îîiter's report smates the whole qutatanding dubt, direct Ala Iiuîlirct ai...........65592-169 'Dintfron ttiis maithedoduatos! tite antaunt of Indien Gov't StocksItoula inmaIstfer tise Provitîca hy tise Impemiai - 'Trsur>', te a py aIt aturiîy lte Impanlal Lotito0<......7300000 Tise achuildahet cf tisa Pravinco inclusive cf evcry engagement' direct soi indirect, ut tise baudsaOf tise public, fer visicli Wia cdit aud revenuca are lu anY Way pîedgei, le tisere. fore ......................8292466 Tis Oardinary inoond oiErpnnditure of lte year prasants' no unusaal foatunes. lie Cutonti sud Crovu Lands reluros, aheur s steaiiy sivance made iu tise revenues denivable trous thi>se sources; viiî, as rincrited in tue repart, boat ibuscte te taterlal pragrea cf tisa ceuntry. Tise reiuobd Retumus fron thie Public Works lis wloliy sîtributable Ici tise userai polie>' adoptai lusI year ef rominig lte -burîhen of Tolas frrn thle traie cf lte coun. lry, soi was <nil>' aiieipated. Tise siTuaI pftise relief tIhus afrordes ta tisa truie, sni aonseqtvcutly tise bonofil ierived te lte gru uitZrleuitueal interi, la heal ahovo hytis Traie 1it*oni, viicit give tise fol. Ioting caitparalissa a-caMUs: TMnaie or prnprty "P imal Toitingo of Velo Up ai141 devin Caisa....... MM tkiff5561alio Tai..........77s61 460285 60148 Considoring LlIant ilvasulise latter uni of MXay vison te nev policy camse into fcrce, $cd tisaI tiorefora lte eauly sprln, traie b,'ai aircay re4OeidILdirection, ih lu vory 9 Mifiyià o 10 oeev lte onrked Increaso. * the fou 1.great activtty u>ov observa, luesmog ur hiovursangaged la titi yest@rn traie , iay'nyhoptopatisIfret fis plègnitude tlis nal lois of revenue vilI oroe1,ong bc eparially-or in vitelo, maie lap, oven et thee very roduces ates tov in *fo In lu acases vloooa burthise hba "enitremoveal lu ether contniis, tbuloe of teveipe isan occessarily bceau itediatoq the relier. In tha pusent ce»,the -l458 mile od Moemnt Ibrougla car Osasbus oct a greut developuent W our cM mua et aaply compensa r té the present year for then revenue. The amount receiveêfor O0 a~utg fh W d;i"e"u inavg en luthe dtail[of mail .xob"sges witb Great Britain an8 .... Foreign CoiuUes Te&Tae new ÃllIy ut, . lmp 758? toi Or -00MUneIaswiil b. fully' xPrt of thi .mo fein frein minle., the prp i'nditrfrom spe- itsel tel h~ ee ..*0W,721 i9lflthOflWm The tescipt of 8%i.cial Funds' travl-pri .........O~ ......... 60 ~ emtd )Perma"yqt, ublic lWorks à t but theippi Ot:.,wa nd ewhre '7210151 'ý00. uatIsftito~ Reception cf .L'H. the Tliof Prince of W a ~ 0,8 4merdikfaci Pureasecf lug ~oa~ers 93,$ O0maintenà ne Adraeii o 9Peas Lnoeod Stoamehipu on ~cun'ty of tructiti c neW ships te be repaid in the Lqg from subsidy of 1861 ...... 19 98 Lkeand New Coinage.......... 10,7 l toemeîy use MimScllanoous avus 43406 1I e1,263,332 82 Titi Pott Offies la also chargedwiîh tite setîlomnt ocf oulstanuing, accauts with Railways, prier te 1858,eti$25Ç,89l 97. Tito item of Mlcollanecus Revenue -ap, peara iucreued by sale, cf new coinage sud profit titereen, $229,691 83. Thse summary cf tite year's transactions, excluing ltespecial fiindsatd redimption cf deht, Publie worlu, sud citer items, for wbich apecial P#rliamntualry provision, ha heen maie-or witicit are,, in tise na. turc cf aivances teho e overed hy the antis. arlzed sei4Vice cf 1861-and aIma excîudiuig th. arreari cf, Rail service for 1856-27.j8 -ateunt la *8,884,518 56-against wviic the Receipîs front aH sources, ordinary sud incidontal, have amntned te $8,1157725.81. The apparent deflciency, $168,19à 35, la, lavever, reaily subjee toe considerable ro- ducticu-upcn tise final adjustment cf lthe Intareit aceounta ccuneeted witi lte con- version cf thc Public Debt. Thse fcllowiiig Table gives lte rosulta of lie Immigration b7 se& iuriog esci af lthe ast ton years. It is iustructivei as abowing, tho oxtenl ho whicisilitau fafen off, aud idiGstes tse propniety cf niepîing mensures eisereby lte surplus population cf Europe may hobc dci te select nov hantes upon the fertile isudnocf Canada. Te Emigra- tion tite Province la principaliy iudebted for ils progreas, aud lunen way cau tise materlwcalîth of tise country lie se rapid ly increased, sud its burdens cf taxatian se easiIy dimitlisei, as by lte rincten cf sioticu andI frugikl mnigrants front the Britishs Iles sud Europe. No donst lise diminution lu nuthora for tIi. lait îbvee, years fa maiuly atîributable te lte failure f te itarveata lu 1857 sud 1858, sud con. sequeul entire absence cf emple>'ntîfer ýhse emigmunts vto, have la rely nt firat jpan Ilieir daily wagos; but, nov tisaittis muse la isappily rmeoved, il may ho haped à aI tise diffusion of informeation, eoupled vils s systinatie plan for .proteeing aoi îring for those witc seols cur stores, wilI i.eedily again resterealte flow of capital- mi laisar, by visicislte Province bsas hitre- tiare gainecl me lsrgeiy. ~I ~ __ ~ I i il, ~; _______ i ~ il ~* ~ I ~ n p Al I lit cenneetion vils Immigration, il is li. Ieroating tote thie progrreas of selîlemtu ln te Ivo sections cfrlise Province; sud tier la, therefore,,subjinci : L.CÂLA UCACD YEAR Acre» 1851.... . 130400 18M......544700 1853 .... .355250 185r4 .....220960 1855 ......471916 1856. ...280420 1857...... 210000 1858 ....214608 1859 . 3... 66495 1860.o ..... 2838 Total..3123378 Tise numbor nf acreis sels! Acres 266856 423275& 1034906 2906901 117946 4495794 aud titi tota amouul of Isies in Canada Buat e ni Wost frontlit Jan., 1851, ta 31aî Dec., 1860, viere: Acres. *4ies Creva Tistya!., I ....... is2 7725du evw arIsai,,C. P,..... .. 4411 Ui70t70 le2l'mguids.W 5=7 21872M 8Si tum y -db .- ...1 45tM45 Cousn c O& Lst9881 208350e 42 Omsn, Bebo .......115906 27595641 Total...... ....iîq'76059546 To renier lte unocoupied pagr ocf titi Country assmible, tboeebave becs ». atructos! ainces1853,under théent. c f CooniQzaliOu MRosi-luUpper Oatada,481 miles of nov rosi; and, lu Lover Canada e ay a roci lte feard io 1852, and1 1854, and1 1856, ... 1857,... 185a,. 1959. Tote oe oof'h cswy,' ' ' awn oyý nber of offiçer,ùnmiesotfmail, roie Lt,6*erts'made te meot the mâd nêcosslties of thé- conlry. iicatioîïi cf lb.depe ebas aIsei Mo are ual yetavailabîe for 1860, 'rv ysmfe yars, give most iris utade te develop our cern. ciilkes b th ompîelioit aud' ie cfý Our Canal Systeult'ash.cen- rÉ tnerons LigIt RHanss,,bothi or &t. Lawrenc aud the Great- ,nany- other' works cf an ex. efui character, catiho hest judg. cgai of the sumos expended byý of Worlo-in- 18 ...........19523 15.....i.........,1,0 .... ......1629,124 .1......... 6I5,640 ........ ....1,042,656 .................. 844,76,9 ..........,452,224 a...........1,O95 bu cannectien vit thlie ôuîlay 'exclusive. Iy front Provincial sources upon public womka, it may.ho weIi ber to note thue ex. totisive-iîîtraducîiau cof Railways visicishan occnrred sunce 1851, in vItiei year there were cnly 91 m iles lu opemation. bI 1852 thore 1853 185-1 1853 1856 1857 1858 1859 186é vere do do do do do do do do Of tisese undertakinga tise followiisg are indebted for Provincial aid: Tise Grand Tmunk, incînding tise St. Lav.- ronce sud Atlantic, and Quehec uni Ricismcnd Lines, 853 miles, $15,172,931 Tise I.NWestern, 228 d ... 2,81.,500 The Nortiteru, 06 do ... 2,311,666 $209295,097 Tise itale expeuditure ineurred upen Railvays itas probiubly flot beau leds tItan o».ý Itundred millions of dollars, cf wbicli a large portion hà sbeea-exp - lise Province, lu lahyor sud mafeuials, cpened 98 miles. 212 do 331) do 236 do 435 de 7D do 140 do 251 do 29 de iug ta develope ils qpurces,, wlýIÇle up[ly. ig tise greateslt facilitierfr er, iseitemnsl traie cf lise Country. On lise subjeet of Commerce the report Baye: Il la salisfaclory 1e ncîic te facî, litaI, uatwiltstauiing tisa change tisaI have ta- kten place in tise Dues levigi on varions articles, the proportion of charge upon the- witele importatinocf lte Province is not nov higiter titan it vas lu 1851 and 1852, proving that the large en-agcementi con- tracted lu tise va, lana important amoliara. tiens in tise pisysical cobdition cf tise coun- try, ie tI hen shenici by auy in- creusai presuire upon its iniustry. Talcing anoîher view of tite question of Taxation by Cuatoma Dutici, iL. may ho .,rcmamkcd tisat theti atcunt levici per bead iu 1851, vas about eue dollar sud sixly cents, or eigisI shllings; viinlu1860 il vili cer- taiuîy net oxceei eue dollar and sevepîy cents, tir eigitt shillings and six-pence, net. witisslandiig tise Onormous iincreoswicis bas nndouhleily taken place in tise aggrc- gale of iuîdividual wealth vith in tise last Dece. Tiho Forcign Traie hualtais been sisewu le ha satinactory.' Tise internai Traie by te canais appears te have experieucci sud aitntluuiformly stendy augmentation. Tise Revenue aod Expoditure ihave, iu commet viti aIH tie groal intereâls cf lte 'Province, expericuced a progressive lu. creasi. The fort lu wiich tise Public Ac- Cenie were subntitted prier te 1858 pro. vents s complete comparison, but lte fol- iowing table bas bien prepard cf lte In. came and Expenditure cf tise Cnsalidatci Funi, sino 1850. Vear igirninc. Expes. 1851 ...............383=1 30501.19 18"8.................. 67M 09M90 1851.,...... 2......M26317 3978126 18584....-1,................ A4110 417890i1 155.................. 4370160 177e022 ...................6989542 - 51436-241 1.........7........2794 -5«5942 ................... 42909 0402741 1M59................. 648579 6l50 lm......... ......... 7900 75360179 Tise charge for 1860, includes *490,218 aiditionial intrst, transformai hy thc cou- version ef dehî fret guaantoci acanunit tb censelidatei Fund. Tise Finance Minister observes:.It doos1 nt falvititin lte scape cf s report Opon1 the Finances sud Traie of te Couutry, ta0 advert parlicuîarîy te ils legilaîzon, but as te Ivo important questions of tise Clorgy RserveEs sud Seignoriai Tenure', bath bave Itai a vital hearing an tise peace aud pregýesa cf tise couutry, sud have also muAseiIly affectei tise charges upon tise, levenue, il may net heamia la record tem faet, ltaite eClemgy Reairvos vere sottled lu 1854, by a euasre cf commutatiom cf aIl existiog daims, laaviug tise eidue cf tIti fonds sud lanis, ta the Municipalitios cf Upper sud Laver Canada. Under tià i Aet thon Shu hein psu ta the Musiaipali. ties cf Upper Canada tIhe sut cf........ ' $2825691 6 And a furtiter suin la iu Itsnd for distribution at lit July 1861, cf .............. .310060 33 WitBih Ostinlated amounlte b» leriafter raslizei fret lands scai, . nt1a csold of sn etos tu.. ......3659à 9 0OU aUcunt ttte Conodad MucipaLouai 'Vaudof te repeaI eof he-Lower aaaMncpîL dei tioder whicb thse right tg borrdia~~ feu ntlioawfc lîrrmà inei stli un- CaaaMunicipalLonFnafrdd~ ïMei ofudjustigg the, Seiguorial Tenîra, qpesatien- witit fairues@ tovajrds uppo r C Ada, iL îay bh o prrte state lthai ude lte Upper Canada Mûùi!cipal ,Laa, Fuidl Act, ltheýMnic pa1itîescf titateii n sa Itorrawed almoat.lte witole Sut authcrlzed, *7,294,800.00, wlereaainu Lewer Canadw eis amonut borrowed isas heen, up te titis date ouIyi,$2);62,04Q.00. t imà iiingefor Lover Canada, tise paver -4e borrov uas ealed Àt lieeetof about $4,000, 0O-îthe balance beiug held fer By- ia~v sactioedbut net, acted, apgn,',,p taibis tin.. Tiseintereet aIsix. per cent.1 thererfore, oen tito Upper- Canada debt, is *4788;on tise >Lower Canada, e 752. Djy tise Auditom'a Report, lthe rate,? one shilling in thse pound wili yield, lu Upper Canada ý$240,25aad in 'LÃ"Wer, Canada estimated at $100,00,evin- a. deicieucy for Upper Canada of $197,603, and fer Laor Canada $35,752. . I view, theofare, ef tise excosa cf charge' fer Upper Canada, a sut oqual tealthe Seigîîienial Permanent A unuites wusylaçpd attise credit of the Upper CanadA Fnnd, and, te prevent amy increase cf uiabiily fretm Love-r canada, their Act vas repealïd ; while te campensate the Upper Canada Municipatities-.who were net debtors la tho Pravince,-ho revenues af tise Muni. cipalities (Clergy Reserve) Funi vure ex. prcssly madeoever te themnto tise exclusion of altsoso lu icfault,;-au arrangement urbicit at lthe valulion ýmade cf thei Fund ($2,565,959).wiîh tise addition cf $511,. "Sa2,68 paidin 1860, sud payable lu _1861, ýideraoified,,Ibem for their sitare in thse relief af6rici te lIte Municipalieies Alu ndefanit. It was aiea pmovided thaI wicncver a Muni- cipality diaciturged its defanît te thse Pro- vince, ils iniereit in tise Ciergy Reserve l'uni rovived. À direct mail o"n eatsrton sud vas adoptes ta tise Past Office- Departnient aeelring la have a direct mail establiised, semi-veekly, belveen Beaverton ami Oril. lia. A memarial vas doly forvarded te tise Departmcnî setting fot lte greut ne. cessity whieis oxistîd for ils saption. An ansver came frou tise Departmsent a -fow days ago, givin- tise foliowingr reasens -exraced front tise oficial repart roceivai by tite Depatment-decliniug la ccmply vils tite requect cf lte Concil. Il'Tise nnual ceaI af a semi-weekly mail "helveen Beavertan and Oilîlia (25 miles) "vouid, 1 estimahe ho £80. Deiucting "front ti i u£ 12 par aunum, 0ev psud &(for tite canvoyance of tise mail helvison "l'Omillia sud Athemlcy, sud £20 per aununt Ilfor lise cenveyanco of tise mntilbelveu lé Beavemîcu sond Mara, togotiser £32, lte -6 aiditienal yeanly exponsa vouli ho £48. "Tbe correapondrnc bolvcou lIcavertan "soin Orillia le very trlfliug, not excecdiog 'iu antount 2:4 par veek, soi ibere luta di. trt commnication six limes par vcak, in lé'vinler, via Barrie and Rolland Laoiig, iland lu summîr by steambeal. I de ual 4éthink that lise aivantagos viticis vauli lé reauît fronthtie opening- of tise propesed "ldirect route, vonli ho suais as ta compon. "l aiefor theoneulay ltaI veul ho cacca. «sioned.P Unior titese circntstances tise Poatntas. ter General regrets Ihat il viii net ho lu hie pover ta corply vit thtie req'à est of tise Council. 1 Wo very muait regret tise 'ecusion arriv. ed aI by tise Post Office Departusoul; but, of course it coli ha neoalter, Iaking tise alaitemente u inte Ilnspector's repent for ,grantbi. Tisa firsI tesson assigucdisl, Ihat lise conveyauce cf a somi-wcekuy mail, betwéen Beavorton soi Orillia vonli coat £80 per' annt. We have good antitority, for siating ltaI the estimatae of£80, la exces- Sive, unulithal if tenders veme aski'd for,thet sarvice vanli be perfrtai fer £50. Tise nexl reson givenla, i taItIhe cor- epoudeuce bhteleoOrillia sud Beaverlon is very triflit,<net excîeding 2a par veck. Il latms truisaI in conseqnonce of tise pro. seul mail arrang-ementts, lte carrespondance PA~g~tcat,.Qflice hetween lixose pointa i. tory, li,,itei. Persotsat itite Peint, or antltae iulteieiate villages cf Âthorly sud Mara profer tedIing tiseir cor- rospondence by lisnd, or iransactinjhai- teas *,th cacit other porsoaliy, înastead of mailing lettens, vitiet vauli have te ho scnt ameuta a di4tance cf a<'cr a hunirci miles, ail tise vay hy Rollandi Landing sni Barrie,' viitt all the stopages, dîlsys, snunucor. tainîles -w hicItarisé. But il la ual alone te correspcoldenoo eeet Beavorten soi Orilla, ltat siouli be taken mIaacamant. AIl lte correspeudence cf Whiîhy ans! Os. baansdlte Tolvus And Villages beiWeou lte front sud Beaverlon, witl Aîterly,,sud, Orillis, vwould, if tise direct roule vemo es- tabhiabeal, bho nvayed that wy lhui tiser il a adirect..coumuni aIon betwoon WhiLby amî'l, ahlte corrospan- sim"od. prossecd t beitlwar .wbek ttbroi;~lt v throw cf the American Republie progresse'a apace:and centinues_, tho srehgi am vlmedai. esfeas nOtreniý corcefer 'e aod uucontprornlsing,, Mouand moy.i matlint are raisedam dprfr red on b& hýsides ready ta juin is thte îmor. lal sirggl. Vtil Seatutirers, say tkqa îhey uever will subtailte any Black Repub. licanu goyertntent cf thse Norths, ani ltat te7 are rsyi~:~0lait cf Iheir bleai aud treasurein resisîting tite govern. ment, and presorviug titeir newly- fornued Confedracy; ,Northoenrsvounuteer lu th'ousanis, and mancy aud mon are offered on every side. te put. down te demon cf rebelliony andi te punish .Soutiserti conta. maey. Tise Ialest- item cf uews tisaItbas reacisci us is le the efi'ect ltatte COU. fedate-trceps weu-e in undispulci ,passes. sien. of Harper's Ferry, and ltaIlBaltimore was thorougitly masterci, by thon% à nd compleîely at their merey. ,Tise railwà y tricks wero tom nop, bridges burned dewu, telegraph wires culanda evcry ter posai. bic menus laken la preventLte marcit cf Federai forces *ta Washington, aud ta cnt off all commluication witlsthe city. The Adminiistration wus cempletely caaped np, and natising but tise immedinte pusiig for. vwar of largo bodies of Ireops cao ke.cp the routes of communication open. Traops are moving in ail directions, ami confusion ani terrer prevait. on all aides.. lauy iTe- sà idenîts of the States are flying lao Canada. The public cacrly -await deisils of "jpc. led encounlers. Mnayor9s Court. Wbitby, Ilondity,'Ap-il 22, 1861. DEMIE HI& WOltSMTIIî uE MAYOR, ARD J011Z lux PERRY £BQ. J. 1P. assWE. KEP Na USE OFr î1.tXBni.-Mrs. Glass was brought before thte court on lte charge cf ktepinz a hanse of ili-fame. Tise îiformaîiou was laid. by tise cbief constable, wito gave lu evidenco tisaI ho saw mon aefndat tee epefus solm dmtasu, udho lhmeatered tg shoot hlm wlith a Ioaded pis. Mrs. l3ut.hery avare ltatsite know lte0 defendaut keplý a Itonse of ili-fame ;tisaI she was iu the bause and saw men tisera int conhpany wiitiste defendaut, aud tisat lte defendant camne to ber (lluilery's) hanse; and emaiped luniser bed-roem lu the cet. pany cf men. Titis witness gave cîlier r evidence unfiL for publication. Thomas Wallace, aud Tisats Baleman were alsa examincdin1 support cf the cent. piaint. Mr. Ward appeared for tise defendaut, and tise case wuas ajourned until Wednos-t day mamning et 9 o'cleck. -fFrnc ..---- Cthlis culd b. ecaj Xarady- ex. inaies) we Theo Rev. Mr. O'Kafe ivii doliver a Frencis discaumse nexi Suudsy at tise 8 e dlock mass, in tise Catitehie Scisool Hanse aI tItis place. A mongdt aur ohiîusry notels wyl ha fejUnd recenied lise destis cf Mn. Josepht Athat theo publications vîiais tîsoughiseo nglci was omittes! up ta-tItis tinte. A friand bas promisad ta snpply ns vitis a few particul- ara of ltae decoased'e ifa fort veek. Tus Bzut,.INcPOST Orrîcz RonEny.- W. Dessavrn as founi guity on Saturday lest, aItte Toronto aseizes cf donspiracy deirsua tisa Post Office. Tisejury gave a stmang mcotirceniatian le mancy. Thse Globe finis fault vitithtie verdict, sud aika fer s nov trial. Txs BÂxNE*T BîîL.-WO haveMe-' ceivai s capy of tItis bill inlroiuced hy tisa Hon. Attorney Geucral West. Il is quite s voltsmulaus affiri, centprising 86 CIloaaiy printes! folio pages. Tisere vili bu litîlo timo to diecusa ils ntorits, or make soggres. liens: if lte 1lbih oames la, tise preseul Sessian. Appoitasmeatoat-a Regixtrar. Tise Off iciaI Gazette anoutncea lte ap. pelutînant of William S. Scott, of lise Taown ai Prescoit, Roq., ta is e Rgistmar of tise (Ceinty cf Grinville, l inte roaincf John Patton, Esq., deceaiqed. Newvs by lte- Columbia. By the stesmsitip 0olumbia vici ar. rvi aI St. Jaltus, an tise 20th vo have Liverpool datas up tte t9titlit Mar- kpts are repartes! Il .Tise Britisht Par. vas mprtei ltaI France tsi seul a f igale te Chsarleston at the sugesti of otresideeut Davis. Il vas nsserted is aI a treaty' bai hyecri concluici 'betveeu Rkusiaisd France:ý sand tieOpinione Nglionale 5ays ltatinl lte avant af a callsion, France bas seutrs! tte,supprtof [luiisaa Anstria,.5War., likorepens v*ere prevalont. Tcamy su Lyons il a b ohoiçreasd, te 100,000 mon, sud MarsýIsaCauroerl l l t -o81'000 mon aIoog lte BastemaFraudier. prince Alfrd of e ugland fer 'King of prisent isigitcîles It la dode iisIti tt'great Eastern takea 1,200 Mormons ta Nov York. 1 in the ConioliWitt the rcléof ScliaitcÉ ticn. siie Febrdary, 18601, vwhhonl- aseat iwctheHopeand bis retention cf office 'After beig againirejaed yte«poplo at a recont-eloctioni are subvoreofste irai Priu.,Mmet and a cpI t neros vidÀ,tle, '-f e spirtnl, theosiîto~ 'The ilebato wau vry warm- and lleilinp 2mnV 'cleç1a ity.'exuressginsprge.te mpes t brl dl epsi h onscae tdfirm speakersoi btsd th e lnieuse twase ivr , M arrian.Te nû,61ten,Timet wasne igtheayt f6 t 0 h ol iugastbeurd ivins el, iggrBo. YeasMesrs. ikis Bl, ligge r, u OrikDraus3d, Finîsyscu, Fgîey, Ceuld, Hùcart, alt,, HotJebi, Lberge, Lafr4mbdise, Lrmieu' Lorangor, J. S. Macdonald, Mà ckenzie , A. P. McDônald, .Macdoungall, McGee, McKeliar, MowVat, Mure, NôlIà ffapin.Èeau, Patrick-,I'iche, W.Powell, Purdy, Robinson, Samnes nosm, -Ryker1 Rynsal, Wm Seatt, Short, Siccitte, Sonierville, Siarnes, Stirton, Thibaudeau, White, Wilson, Wirlgbtî-e0. Nays-Mèsrs.Abbott,* Alleyn, Arcitant 'bault,' Baby, Beauben Benjamin Burton, ;Camoran, ýCarling, caran, Atty. Gen. Car. tier, Caucîson, Chapais, Cimon, Coutlee, Daly, Dacunt, Diawsen, Desueltiers, dianne, Dufresue, Dunkin, Ferres, Fortier, Gaît, Gaucet, Gui, Gewan, Acath, Heberi, La. E ballet Lacese-,Lungevin, Luparle,1 LeBen t tiloLumcllçîb, Aà ty'.Gen. Macdon 1 aid, McLeod, McGà en, McMicken, Meagit. 4 or, Mengenais, Matin, Morrisan, Onimet, 1 Panet, Pinyfair, W.--F. Powell, Prices, Rab. lin, Rose, Sherwood, 'Simuard, 'Sipsan, Sin-. cannes, Sydney Smith, Tasse, Tett, T1ur- cotte-CI. 'Up te Salurday theocnly malters cf note which conmo'bfore lthe Âsembly were the debate on Reprosentatian by population and lthe Shefford olecti.on frands, lu the latter lthe oflcers in-custody were discharg. cd, us every ý eue expected thcy would ber- tise bringing cf officers before thte bar cft the HNose at any tintebeing little botter than. an expensivo farce. Thse dehate oun Reprosentaîlen ahi! continues te drag its( slow longth along. Thse Committee on the Haldiutand c-. lion have reported Mrr. Harcourt to hi du- Iy elected, but thst tue petitien was nat fr. vilous or voxalieus. Monday lu the Asse:bly Bills w re intre- t luccd ;esp'tctin& mining rigitta-to amcnd law cf 1U. CI pqetngregistraticu cf b ad vills îIt w a Ou ;motian cf Mr. Dunkini t was, 1. vci-t'4at the-HNose go mbeCommItte ~f. te Whole aou Wednesday next te cousdéi tie Reselutien te cmpoer the Montreal ti lydranlie o ad Dock Co. ta levy ou ail ahips, vesois, beau, barges, qteanibeats, and alther floaiing craft eniering titi docks 8 or baà ins af said Company', or departing terefroti.C On matien cf Mr. Simcon, an address ' was voted for capies of aIl papers and cor- respondence li tcasee cf Juhn Cowley vIte wus a dlaim againsîtithe Board cf Warks. IE On motion of Mr. Daly, an address was g' voted for copies cf aIl carresppndence be. c wcn tie Bard f Works and the lae 3& contractors fer court haonses and jails lu S Lawer Cs<oa a. On Motion of lthe Han. Jas. Ross nL addrcus was voted for a returu cf amaunts aIlocaîc&xis an impravement fund te cacit rnnnicipalily 'inCa. Wellington, ilu cct year since establishmsent af said fnnd te cod T of year 1860.1" Tise Congregazione Ecdesiasiica Siraordissaria, a Council camposed of dis- tinguished churcisuen, uni creatci by tise Pope ta clolihemnie an extntariinary siaclo. siastical affaira, isas declarci hy a voeo of 15 te 2, tisaItishe possession cf temporal paver la ual eseutial le tise Papaay. To the Editor of thelthilby Chrotide. Wurrns-, Aprii 19, 1à 6l. DzAn Sn,_ I vas plesuai te sec by a communi- caiou in yanm infinanîlal paper af the 161t, tisai O. K. hai brougisl tie condition cf Dundas streel under tise notice of tise Cam. mittea ouri.Streots and Improvententa. 1 agree vilshlm as te thse state cf tise sîreel, sud vnu daid Itshe varat placia Ocam lte Ceoper'a aisop, ans! is cviienitiy cansod hy tise Ceeper filliing np tise aida dnnin,tu tuming tisevaten ute thte tmile cf lise almool. Ther oneanchar îlsiog connec viti th lite întt, sud I tisink roquires entend- in-, visicI if, net dangeraus I titink dis. gntaefà l. b sîlude tte eanner in visici il la tam up by hega, pamtiéulamly neat tise Shorifi',. Yark. Il tas hecu seggested te us taI if a common road.scraper vero providei, such, as usedla it i Townshtip af Pickeriug soid alter places at titis sesson of lte yoam, for ievlii.sgr4mmoré roseai odouli ho asvawy ,of Ievéll ing sud su cetis. iug lteareots - W luancday than by tvonty mon'sftervaa i ven lise grans hCante isamdned. Tise use of ,sjcb air implement would cause te main bte ioff the ibreets, 'il up hales sud prvest lte resmiû tvneswiil tttsssc cf tibu yuuarsntsItboggis sndaletrees. Tise eornmitteeo on streetsasud 'impreve. ry %ct ive asi, V ry zeaous l in e 4sm:go ofloieir dty, sud ltey vili, vo feul quit. certain, d c a l ' b' t I i ' c nsi t en ly a ti do te romedy lte griovances, complainà ci cf- ity ourcorrosapondentl. Mr. pBell so IIO Grn ni;. e ci1set Mrsp. e'i oretlo' ra in. h u.'yTe luettil WeIi novid -Mr. Arm~s.te ttMr mcrely, iafcle n the1fr Artsîong liat.aI Ril, aer uat ith PothcelierslOsl wh wa, ws seqaiute witl litepori n wi 1fr Bellîmade tise remnark lu anaver te à oinig ssid ~ r s oiItes iy. ani wit'ItltÃn ding te.cast any blame epon the Grand Jury.- ,Yôtïrobedicut servant, W.1H. TREMAYNE. The Es0timà ates for 1861.é * Wobav airrai lu ur arliantentar Summary, given tise leading figures; et,,theo eatintated Revenue ani Expendiluro fori 1861. iu addition wegive tite fallowiug letail of lthe prapased expenditure:- ESTI3ATE Of the sarvices fer itîcIt a Voeoaf the lie-islture le reqnired. ,--ýI Civil Gavernnen.-Geveruar Generalls lecretary's Office, $810; Provincial Score- turyfs Office, $13,246; ?r&iucial Regis. *rar's Office, $4,81-7; Beceiver. Geuneral'a Office, $11,125; Finance Ministcra De. partment, $1,620; Dil<to Custürts Braucs $12,110 ; Ditta Audit Branche, *5,560 ; Eie: cuive Cannei! Office, $9,244; DepartJmcnt ; of Publie Works, $15,472 ; Bureau cf Ag. r4cultiare, $6, 200 ; Post Office Departten±, $231980; Crowo Luniditte, *39,431; t aorney and Solicitor'General Eaat, *2,110; EDitto, ditto West, $3,750; Coniingencies of Public Deparîmenîs, $60,000. Total $221,471. ,Adm inistration of jumstice, a gt-To neot Centingeunt Expeuses of lthe Adminl. 3- tration of Justice lu L C., net etitervse ,u-oviicd for, $119-,486. Total $11 9,486. Adminiattratio f Juglice,let-Sa. 9 laies, Court of Chaocery, $5,050; Ditta, ( Court cf Qneen's Bencit sud Cammon Pleus I $10,220 ; Toenioel Contingent Expenses of 1 te Administration of Justice, U. C., ual E liserivise pravîied for, $23,100. Total $38,370.a POlice.-Atounî require te meet lthe ixpenses Of tisa Water PolicçsQuobec, for te present year, $1,200; Ditto, for titie Expcnses of lise River Police, Motreal, Fr 1861, $10,700, af viticitota e berne by tht Haritaur Commisaieners $3,700, bal ueo, -ea--- --7.00. , na ,t , Poie.:V? Penitenfiry Refostmat,-ega 4sd i4.r cmn Inospection.-Fer -support of ]Provin. lail Penitcniamy, $30,000; Dilte Refarma. ory Prisons, $24,000 ; Ditta Roalsvaad Establishsment, *12,000, Eroction ef Racl !oai Buildings, *18,300 ; Inspectioýn of Prisons sud Asylusu, *10,500. Total $94,- 300. Legislative Cowcii.- Salary of tbe Olemk, $2,000 ; Ditto, Assistant Ciemk sud Freunit Translater, $1,600;. Ditto, Lav Ilerk, $1,000; Ditia, CItaplain sud Libma- îan, *800; Ditte, Gentleman Usiser oftise glsck Roi, $400 ; Ditta, Sergqaa Arma, .400; Ditte Head Moasenger, $00 ; Ditto, Dear Kepen, $240; Ditte, Threo Messen- ors fer lise Session aI *180 osais, $5401 Douliogeul Expensea, $70,000. Toal $ 77,. 380. Legiulative Assembly.--Saary of the poalier, (p art) $1,200; Ditto Clerk, $2,- )0; Ditte Assistaint Clemk, *1,600; Ditta LwClerk and English TTrýnslator, $2,000- tll ClerI cf tise CraonlunCbancery M40 ; Coutingeuçies of ditto iîto ditoa 1,000 ; Sslary of tise Sergeant aI Armas, 400; Contingent Expenses, $106,000','- 'otal $114,840. General Eaxpense.-For Expense cf ýrinting soid Binding thse Le, *16,000ý liteo Disîrihuting ditta, *3,400, Ditto ?rinting fer tise Commissien for tise Revi. io cf lthe Staintee, *24,000; Grant te sarliamntay Librar>', *4,000. Total $47,. Mo. 2ý Educal"e.-Addiioual Sut fan Cent. ao Scisooi, ûUpper sund'Lover Canada, 168,000; (*6,000 ef vitici eut aftheLov., rCanada sitare te ho appliei ta Normal ;Iteels.) Aid tovamis Supeyiar EBina. iou bucoeeuni, Lever Canada, $20e. 00, Upper Canada 20,000. Total $208, la AJllge, Cobourg., *5,000 -.Quiein' ,'ol egee, Kiingston $5,f'00; Reglapolis Cal. gor, ditto, $3,000 ; SI. Mlichaél's Cailege, GronIe, *2,000 ; Bytovu Callege, *1l,400; Assomption Calloge, Sandwich, $400; irammar SaIcaol Puni. Upper Canada, $i, 00. Total *20,000. Literary and .Sclniflc. Ingtituion.... id bo Medical Faaty, 3MeGili Cellege, anti eai, *1,000 ; Dilla ditte -Vidtons Col. ge, Cobourg, U,000; DiIte 'Seioci cf ldiaine Moutreal, $1,000o; Ditta ditto :ingartan, *1,000 ; Ditte ileto, Toronto $1 .- 00; Ditta Canadian lnsiituto ditto,'41, '00; Ditte Natural History Society, Men. hal, $1,000 ; Dite aIte Queeaê, $1,000; Ãtte Canalig lusîiîule Ottawag 400;, lbt Atitoenumdie.$ iJ 0b ,eratcry, soeac te efry xpese tf, OO iat Toronto ditte $4 ,; Dt oKin' n 'la <$500; DifftoTale éJess dito$500;. lIao ditta for purcie cfr.Instruments, 1004. Total $17500, IIospItâls ald~charitie.-Aiî le lth. rontot~p~1,*90G; itto filosr qunçyeP;tients, $6,000.; Ditto dittHsss an's Homo sud Female Aid Sodi ety:T. en $800 ; Dine oR. C. 'Ã"rplhaiAsy1ut Iment9, $800 .,,Dift Lyiugisýn eit1 te*0;DitidDoaf sud Dbit1Inalitù!. su it0e *100 ;, Ditto Publie Nnaseq.fer. i ani-Emigrant Hospital, Queho11, wl Ditto iidignt, ik"ds0** 0 Lbt Asylut cf the GeooiShepserd ditto MO; Ditto Hospice do 1 Mat'ernito ditto 0;Ditto R.0O. OrpiinAsylumt i& D0 Dito M-anagers f Prtestant Y?. ~1eOrptanAsyutd14i ? 400.'i-/ula ylunm, dilto, $400; Dittc Maie "Ompisut p' D p si p 4( le, Sg mi C Ieý Gri Ai Di c ci MI Tu dit Ci TM is e ,di Aus $20,000.- Total $275,500. Mit~ EnroYed Fore.-Saaj60 oif twcflePuty Àijutants General, U. rid LCat $2240 echl 4,480- Sala Y Qiief Clerk sud Accountaul $1,800; a._ ies cf Ivo Clerks, aI $1, 000 ech, *2,400; D)itte ltre ditta, ai *1,000 eaeh, *3,000 Dittaonee Ditto, at *, -$90*500; Dittj, Reunse Keeper and Messeuer*'500. To 12 ,6 8 0 . " ' Sa oie f tIve InpeetingField Office [U. ani L, C., 'aI,6 ech$31200J Ditto 8 Slorekeepeo o f Âtureai #390', each,. $2,400 ; Care of Ame*- roui c f AW4ý .sauies,DrilRoats, (;un 8itedsaudMagu. zino,ý and pà yr orStbroenz idOà rifakms sf Armoures cf tise Active F re _ - lucl for, estahllaied Arnotries sud h ,*aams trisoîat Ithe Province during oer, 8. Itatutonna sd Drill of thse Active VoV auteer Force: 10 Troopa af Cavalry, 6 days dm111 fori 30 mou per Troop -Including pay cf drillin.- stmnctarjs$1,890'1 ;7Freld ,Batteries" 12 isys dril for 70'mon sud 36 herses parllater, includiug Ypsy of Sergeant Majârs,'$10,so0 50 Feat Amtillery sud Rifle Corps, 6 days rilfor 30>mets per Corpsiuicledig tie isy of the drill Inatruct6is $9,450. Total Contingent. Expenses for postageé%l&A. tiney,'Printixg; Ammunition. for Field Bateries, Rpairi of Arma and Accoutre. seusî,_ transport cf Arme asud Stores, Tra.' veling expenses of 1I'nspecting ieId-Oficers and ahl cter expeuses iuidèttal to tie Active forie $8,000; Salary 4idde-Camp 1,840 ; Compe sitii'Pen. louera -in lieu cf LaniT Mukcry Inalmncln *10 $60,974. A r s A gri é tU e aI 4,0 0 0 oae Expenses for tItiprose, cf CeimitteSea ta tise Laver Canada, *400 ; Jo Messeuger cf ditto, *80 ; - le , LgalaioAsmbly, *72. toal$55 G. B., Faribsuit, 4s late Assistant l of îLe Loegisiative Assenbly $1,400; Widov Antroas *700'; Mra. Wiioi__#r Cornick40O: -PierreBeeisrd,for Wihs-s eeived lulie Public Service 100 ; Jacqes Brion, Dilte, -dillot $80. Total 217§0. Indian Annuiiio-Nev Imian Anu. idies *4,409ý; Aid lte indians, lover Canaa' lu addition blte teParlai ar Gan. undar Act 14 snd 15 Vie. cap. 106,,*400.- Tctal $4,?00. Roads aad Bridges.-Coanizatiot Roas, Ocen and Rivcr team Sevics..Tug Service holveen Montréal ans! Kingatoni *20,000. Ligzt-hou ses and Coast Bervce-Ssi. amies cf tva keepors cf 'Deoas for provis., lone at Anticosti, for- thse-relief of SItip- vreakad pansons for: 1861, ah $200 osait, D400; fer 'proviiing provisions foar, sucliL Dpai 140b.- Total $1800. : Allovaulfete Pierre BraocIu for resiiing at LaIte Metapedi*de, on tise Rompt Rosi, bo assiai travellers titemeon $100 - Ditto te Marcel 'Brecitu, Ditto .aI Petit L$c, dilbo *100; Diîle te Thomas Evans, Ditto aI La Fourche, ditto *100 ; Ditta ta Thomas Evins; Ditto aI .Asmtquaga, diîîa *100 -, Ligitt.iteses. on leles cf St Paul sud Scat- tarie, i'u tise Gulf $.I,000. Fiskerie......Expenses o roc tig: Fisitemies l inti -:Gulf, $2,5 0 Miscefloneona tem.-For subsriptias boanni aivorliaing l ite OmeiiaI Gwomette, $5,000. Fer Mlscellaiqons-priutiug $5,000. Ta ntoeÊ If i c ans peîîy'expenses cf the Publice orvice 600 Epes c Comntissiora spipointuii te coquniin te msttçru'hn ectç4 vltiste Public Service umier A jet-cCap. 38, *6,000._ Total -$22,00 0. Te ifil là ss vrices ineidental ex- p en ses ne trr oal d r îu ti e ym w r 5 a datailed-in, Stiatemett, No. 59,part tise Puisliéýcècanta laid heore ltea lalume, *39hl,4e1; Total *1,867,133. Trt, li sd Business. Wo inteni appyg in4utum % a ort- uigitly rePart cf bise Experts sud itiportff st Por W4iY,ssalso4iteper G.T.B. TateThéicports for the phnsent seasou -t am ar mfolîcu: 4an. lot, per Scbr. Albiona 150 brIs. alI -Tk lmwlfr.- 4'Id, i1pur Soir,a* 3 tons 'eooa-T.ILuvIer. 'April t, per $Cbr. Cà ,-,uiaU. 35' bis. -plasier-Â.-T- Bulton &o.' April 2tis, pur ScItr. RoyWl 0a1c13 bÂlf ciliosti tes-C0. ILysd. April13thiper Stosper Ma$le Leaf 2 tierces laswr-Yule; 1 hcg esn4. H. Hi-gins; -4 pieco@', W. H. Doel; If caseas ata, G. M. Currie - 4cases bat oel Bigelov; 1 box tatzels, Mattewst &Ã"c ;23 bo xes glass.vare, W. Beutie>' i boxes 'roos, Jns, Grey. April 20tt, perm Steamner lMuplaLesf- boxes seel Ti H. MeMillan; 2 Cà fflutri' iF. TýEd< fà krk~O*W basla'to1'it.¶ &C. 3esoast' j4 PR 3 bar eueeé ton Brpuw ton 4 *dry g baxem 23rd, ,hu bavet By Bay, Renat brig 1 Wm. 6,10f ~Per 9 lujube Oak j Sextai -1 2300 for C Wood .fanua te 25 Beach trial; caillev The tiI tise bas gei saison exertic lite, a is doue -The furtiser Salem çieek a Bufflo iseavyt Tise Fait Sprir Onts Ilay sud ri" veuteilsi as BRIS whiecid l uy brai dams', 0 Evens' TOL'8Il ct iltish( jnasIiy ce nsaîrend ý,mousdat hls WII ofthe bc sud yitti sta, i Salent be aidre 2%8 ma for au S 1 Total now open fýr tmff