1'smI~nt gOf.atto o*r ArgI.A- mW<#; m ?t. ldofzq mmU,-Dobl #bo.ut two bS.ulhper um. It does a tb.lot.rshu. f ormieZ~s prt!u-on good land! wbmafoiiowlag à ho..! oeï fat .u.plaaf# tethe p.ried indica Tv.e--o be. tor piaced togetsr ss/.a, or mai, sliiieMaat m>1J . <b. erk iay b. dono in elther or Ineh4. "~~ rinds Indloated, t<bau, vork makd/, »,l*i-P' O& MI; 1#Io ta ho st e11 1leU Waurun o.jar.e -v MM llmijum m1Wl, teUitheaidse ot de menth. 0fl8 tbai .d Jiustbefore hOIbing; W#& - ~tus sd .urumooev lthutwhlolahm se- (Fronbthe .Amorican.AgrIeulturUt.) CuMOul at om.the tisigh. sud inde,or the Iawb msy refl s e ti d Wsteh ae. Tbougb April bnings grestly iiiae l ad t lambing sesion to alfor. amy neeW.. labor upon the farce, I1<fi alied Viii pie s ugjm<., sure by the. cultivato,', vho tbaiWlted:Im. patiently ta recommence active opftstiongi. APamny CO0TUO...W~ <wl There le nov no tinie ta b. fonti f eer7. conclu.!., wbna.ieing a pretty itti. e, reà s. tbIng lI ot ln readineea for tb. Spuing foot tbtitl>elongsosbo4nta" oU# varie, vbieh viii soon deniand il 0mw ener. w Beht o gy and carte. - 1 î < 1vo 1<ba 1ât.,ll , Accounts-Keep a regulsr aeccunt viti eacii field, cbsrgiug it withall expense sud giviug eredit viien the. crop is returned; 4 wtbont <is it vil! b. -impossible te tell sceursteiy vlîat crops or' methoi of-treat ment are Most profitable. utalilcontracts wà vittbre.! ctu sud others, îvith a almae.s sud purchasus, bu plaiuly recorde.. 1< il!. mv. trouble.' Barley-Sow Spring vaiety, 1, on veli inanure.! ground, thoroughly prepred.-- Urne 21 ta 3- bushuls pur sure. Sosie the se.! 24 houri lu a weak salution of bine FIRE ÀND l,.LIFE, viîriol,- dryiný it. with air siaicked BlimeNC Bane-Allov noue ta bu vasted. Bresku .JACE COPJ.ANYI thum lu pieces viii a sledgu, uaoisteuiug 0F ENG a ID thuru vith dilutud uiphurio aci.!, if con-- veulent, an.! throv <hem inte the heap of Royal nuranaeBuUngtLfrpo<g liorst sianuru, whuru thuy wyul soon decay. £ If groun.! bones or boue sawiugs are ace«. X0. 20j, Lo Bar r ,Lno. ii., use them iu preference teanay "pat. tent" preparatiaus. ý L fluildinues-Remnove bauking from the ~ .PI r ides of the bouse. Repair damagesdoue T OIILOi T R IG by March wiuds. Seo that eavés-troughs AN AGE98£ 11FN*. and guitensa ru Irce from leaves or otier N AG ~8EEPXS obstruactions. Clear out rubbieh frora barns sud she-ds. Cloassoand wbitewash poultry F 1 R E D E P likRT M E N T,ý h'ouses, sud other out buildings, boti ta Thier Ca-npan Inhrà Bildnsand'ali otheir improve the appearance snd prevent ver- b îo-o h iotïulTro min. If vinem tire ta bu traine.!te parti. A'l jaiet lasmes promptl>' settlcI, withbut de-' coua or the sides of thp hanse, prepare pro. (Ilction or discoun~t, and! wvtlîent reforene t pèr supporte. A troîla made by uailing Knas.. sud pssiugwir ie large Capital sud judiclous management dlents ta flic building n psiz ftieIsCompani' mures thue mtperlects,î throu2h thema, or uailiiugou cross sîrips, is -. nualy prefeauhe ta attachiug vines direct. LIFE DEPARTMENT, ]y tethe boards. Largest paaticipation of Profits consistent Cabbages-For firsi crop sut-plants trami with nndoutbed sueunt>', sud every benoîttoum- flec bot-bcd, f. m, in rich înellow mil, lu brnced w t1be sciuncetfLîfuAsuranueaiforded foutspat, ud ft.disantin ii.bytlaRoyal. rowm 2j etpat ndfluisatinte RcoiptA for Nuvw1'olicies aloeuin six menths row. Early York i. a favorite. otthe pont year. Caivs-Raisac. nougbr of the beat ta keep £2009000 STERING 1 tii. uppl>' af stock ample. Teach tlium Incomte [rom .11 sources lu 1858 - te irnk twhen Iwo days aid. Commence£2589 with new milk, sud -graduaI!7 mix akimmu.! iui wiih Itbeir allowauca. Shtorts, ast Exhlbiting sn lucres.. lut one yenaslone of muail, or refuse whcat groun. may -bc given £25f348, atter a few wroulis. Keep puas; dry' sud Thea. un.!,lu ban.! cxc... len. £7(0000, Carras-Try s plot for winter feed for Exhitlnr uanemrt-as. lit er.c yar slan. cf hersesansd other stock. Sow lu di!!,l six. £80,,000 ! tees inelies Saat, ou heaviiy masure.! sud Alinaluses, Pautitin oaliseCaluncdare,vih deapiy tille.!osali, mode fiue snd frce froin ample detailis oft te uauapany'n aperans, sud every roeecseiry Information furiluid ait th stanes sud lumps. office of Catle-Ailow themu bo exurcise avhule JOHN AGNEW, i il, psardîi, u ont<n lu Agent for Town of Wlîîtby. B. ta pan.tiure until there la abundaut fued. If Vlby e.ti 80 you bave thom, glu e noots withh la7 at the barn. Workisg cati e. nec.! grain, witb roots I0 ouep up tbeir apputite. Attend csrefuliy ta breeding eaws ; tbey may ueed assistance. Kecp them separate lu roomy etalia.av. Fl Ce! iars-Opes,tT, snd removu ail decay1 M cd vegetaibies aud rubbish. Use brin. NfOTICE TO-' TmE PUBLC., fram enaptiud ment barrais for the asparagus- lied or upont a compost heap. Whitewaai. IMAILS FOR ENGiLA.ND. i ing valls sud bu'ama la impartînt.&0 Cloer-houh -somwba lae i m t 'H wuuter duspateli t thu Canadimn Malletici Ciavr-Tbugb omahst sf. t m tJ.for Europe by thelau Cidîsu OeenanMail yet lie on ono Winter grain,- fi, sud ih Steamers, saling every Suturdfly from Part.. 0 alwaya pays. Atter a coid uighî viien tic land for Derr>' sud v L i , v.a fl grocin.! laful of.cracýs, lu the besi timu tae a, YonesO snw. If sown on Spriug grain lb msay bu 13>'Tlautr.d.uy *koon Train Wli wrrlçid lu wiîh s rouler, or liglat brush Frein Iliauiltrno, % iaarraw. B luaa Evouini' Train Reacliliff Gari-Hve ful aappy of me.! of bath l>y }riday inornlng TraiL J aturdsi> laie sud early ripeuiug kinda. 'Thu improv. Prom Kînetan,aiP.1 cd King Phiiisl a supeiar usriy sort' for Prom >' FrdyAte ouTrinh ca M1trsSteamer viii localities far îîorth, sud for replanting wlaure B>' 'pcecial Train Prida aI> si ftoua ,he firat faila. Prepare ground for pîanting Nitriat, afier arrivai of Portlannfim- Toronto Fr1i,.ay ?aorMaug mediatcly ilaxt montla, by heavy manurlug snd Train. affur arrivai tioron -h piowing sud lisrrowir.g vien dry Prom qisbe, El TrfnetMontres! enoula.conneuthaig naiHlchiaitn Cranberni.!s...Select for a plantation a with Speuj Train frain svsmp which'can bu floode.! lu Wiuter aud Moutrual. Tite heur nt 'riuiiilueige Mails vil! b. lomed Spring. Drain the surface, remove brush, ai caca City', will bc ueiitied by the Postuasa. stumps, sud tussackrs, id if pracîlcablu, ters. caver with threc or four luche, of saud. -I SIDNEY SMITH, vil bc early enotigla ta plant vlues lu May. post Offi.ce parnenPoj§tmaster Generai Draiuiug...Read articles lib is sd n . Qu arîeemDe. f, 80 rcady toe pread it for plowiug. Cover the~rit licsps wiuli sali ne retain auoaa.Ad1~ i; ta compost iiuap tihe contents Of prlvios sud toos ainit drains, tic Cicaninga Of thu pouhîry TIIERE is Ato ban. a.! ood ah.!, vti hatever elsu JIVERY SIABLE ATTAOHED, "3r eau be turne.! toa ceount. Ruduce'msnura yuarsw ta as Ouel>' divided a siate as osbe u!Aidovurytliaîngeen!u<. l i ba t>! ry >'<n 1 posslyw, nd 001ductd la he bot sty e n cra -mix tlroughly viiihie soi iy nepeated Horses audi Carrnages balrrowitîg. .At ail banna teerder. "Diu Mos.!ows-KOaPOot ail stock frein th"e GIUTRL M LEIN S 'u young growtb. Rt-moira irush, or rowing ARCLUA NPE ET.av hedges. Scaiter the cattie d Pnslf nG. B11,e gntr sale et Pattergous'a d& Breth- Onu lumps. Top-dr&s a bre spots with fiun ose itatral eulmr.e ilnei!111 nts id la pruparud te clv all ndura. "DEA insnure, sa'v grass meca.!liburailly sud rol oi u or harrow utlu. IGEO »<0BS0 yeuI_ _ Oah&sowvit, about 3 bushels pur acre. Tia>' make a good iuccession ta lust scason'm iîood ciraps. Onions-Chooaa s ich lbais>'omil, ne. duce ita fine tîlîli, wavan uflue manui.u an.! alis liberal>', sud nak off alatones sud lumps. Sav, M,1, in drills , eue foot sipart, 4 Ibs. o! sac.!-pusera. Caver lightîfj, veed as soan au tic nows eau bc Pliéwing if vol! doua, avres. ranciatter cultr,in tluryu l a ca'>'sailis tua-n a vide furrow suice au.! iap -esci upon thc uext te shlow roata for partial drainage. Ploviug in nana-a v idgus iihdeep dus.! furnova beivuen, la adisable for sucx lande., If green sad en!L cross. ploee.! do iL ver>'- ligitl>', ta nat diîturb tic od. Deepen Lie ali an iu..i or ao ai o-aci piaviug. PonIltry-Fee.! libural!>' viti grainîansd occasions! bita of cioppod muat. Colloct egga daily. Sut tic bans, f, for carl>' 46 - Whluby. UCOMPETr'ION. IE SUn. -o rp40C1411 1 18 PRPARED To JsItalPn 00 o vrk Iils l»lina oft mml- tiessea oepr t<liaeuy cher e,'ibllilament cf the kîndn.!li lreekiu ati. s. isorklei nde tîp uiler fhi& evu ktIureion e .v flieving prlces villl psî mes ~ lu'Ware. Bcest Frenchu Cl! lf a "4 GevnLi::::..........45 "Lace Bbots .......... ......8 60 "Brogdn .............. 1 15 Ladies, Wft-e,. Beai Lace Boots .... 80 Common w4........." 1 0 CiBuiskin ...a................. 1 " and! ail ethor artIies lu tie aioe ne nteýr_ reepen.! vit-h pries. WILLIAM MOUlRIX Broklin, Murci 1 'seo. 103 t bu kue' staudi1 Lookets, FIEGOJLD - OS/AI£55 -CaOesfrom the Bookfi, shewing the DoDSftg of Lite A.Umunc** AME jRI C AN n o u s Kg 0,n4<iMaro, IUO. A.Bq, age.!85 dIe.!, ivnt Affected aAssurance on ils Lie, on SGLI Dèe., OF TIÊ BUST QUALTTY, AT 1the, atsu Aunas!Pretitinset£19 lie.Oui> four Premluxusverapal.!te, Fraja rPr On lat Manda, 18%9,CD., aged s, a d, jmiae otud au Asauranou ie on ie 4tii March 1858j,for £800, ut au Atanual proniuc of £7 11%s 9..liHe ouI> pal.! ee Iremlnm te the -ALSO.-Cpn' En " o A . Tiie fellaviug cases viiliinetrate Lb, benofita et Aasurance, la retonenue me apartiull>' ta & Sil« wâs Wthsi, Partiolpaman -tu <haProfits Oftbe Uo4tËapsiay JAMES JHNSTON, Ou 2ad Suptombur, 1859, G. il, <ied, epge.! 60, liaviug affecte.! n Assuranc, unis Litelu , ,g4,for........................... £100000 Brok e, liîby- Wtclmaar.Juvîir. iithre lvas dded b e opan', rin tie Profits ................1750o0 on 26ii Augnat, 1859, L. M., ci:oal agu.! 49, iaaviug *aff'éet..!la Asurac on hie Lite, in-1849, for .............................0 e And.! uwe eu ded b>' hi opn ri i rft.............. 70 0 Making thae um pa............................ 470 00- Man>' more snob examples migit b. quoted, but thae abovu cases are $naufaeut te illuetrate the perfect sud sijstktry nature of au Assuraco Provisionn tram <bu date etfithe Polie>' belpg et. - 13>' Ordur ofîbe Diretora. JAMES. G, DICK8ON, ~~ c~f theCOLONIAuLimLT RçAx IPNcecu4tstl assareeooP*dm vi. are mettl lu lt Airté4esu. tsTe tien ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Infe oud hae.mrlsusaePlus uave ne antennes et pro....!- Ing teau anunhiatiyellaaatu,4mreprepla teolsuePofii" wvthouiutheisua4iC.ditius u to rosi- Teoinch cnae apmeaw Isîsil uruBalb sseafi Lt sumc ictc agatBi tain, snd have nov ir.plussuru ofoetending It teBdrtâMtNofli Aui -Tii.or Peina t tIi. ele>fetthe Company haba lio'bien aÎîsne.I lia à ier Important respecte, se Agent for Whîby. M.m MÂNCIIE4STER WÂIRE fOUSE. f usrbr h îrig oen the Store lately erected at DRY GOODS, a choice assortment for'Winter. CLOTIING~~Oier.catsUnder-coats, Vests, Pants, al styles. GIROCERLES,-À fresh atîd complote assortment for family, use. CROCKERY,-Direct from the nianufacturers, Stafford- shire, England. IIARD)WARE-&c.1, &C. ALL IND OF&XILCETN.RBRS GIREAT SALE 0FP 3ANKRUPT STOCK! 3toves, Sotoves AT -A. LOGAN'S,- iler's ci.! uatbbiishmeaat, Brook St. Wbitby. l.ppie Parera st I.ogn's* Hitd Iluaiel Mosare Riet loaA~ TIn vaM uft V evc ru n 0- M w ~ d M dw di. ufaut evMryîilng a4.t<0;l,,'mP"d~ i1 s nai LoAn's. Wüf uAAS announice to Kis custoMerg-,and tn TO TZ-BEICTEoepublic, that bis Stock is now moat coplte in ipor Pie. andflb.eî Cppur for ase. -OP bas for Ragssnt&Sîicpsklaaa.BR OOfn . EL M L ABRAM LOGAN. £ S IUFtWL4>1 tb,Oct. 24, 1860. 40 " V Manties,ý Furs, Hosiery--aind, Gloires, Prints, Factory Cottons, Stnipo Shirtin,- Cettes Warp, Carpots, Damase, &c., Broad Clota, Ceasi- mores, Canadau Tweeds, FuIl-Ciothu, Satinette, &e., which. ho purchased per souaily in the Britieh and French M'inkets, sud whieh ho is dutermined te sel ata umali advance on the Sterliing COST FOR CASH. He wonld eaU spe cia! attebtion to bis extensive stock of CDP"READY-MADE CLOTING. jm Being made up on thepremises--the Fit and Workmanship may ba dépended on. 1,000 Meus sud Beys Top and Body Ceats. 1,000 Mens and Boys Veste. 1,500 Meus and Boys pairseof Panta, of eveny price sud X!P7esh Stock of Teas, Sugars, and Tobaccos, &o., juit received WANTED, 1,000 FERRINS 0F GOOD PACKED BUJTTER FOR WHICH THE IIIGHEST PRICE WILL BE 11AID. ~rCALL BEFORE P1JRCllASING ELSEWIIERE. REMEMBER IL 0., PERRY'S BRIOK BUILDINGS, WHTTBY. Whitby, Nevember 7, I1860. 42 Celorato GemaitOil BEO taannoncuta his nuîneru,îs fnicnds sud cuatomera liai he la 50w aarnying o e e r t - e aslB E s too bis ext n ive business ai t1< ihousands of teetimoiauls s 48t e ca ~ ~ oies> etofi iuuire m dy, the fol-Cj1A il I I î AE'IW 1 N e. AUJKIDS F RODCETAN.RBIT Whitb sund MancioSten I?ÂLL & WINTER DRY-GOOIDS. u av hua cletA:-ffl mis ma - j AML *-p h&%ne u8ed yonr oilthe lost ix vears,na. tiSe.! tint i le i uncqtiailld for henlitug IN ALL Il aud enring trogt-bitesi. lis etitea>' la lygreai applie.! ta n or buast."1 On lie nov promuises ately uecie.! b>' b h <rea tr.a ~ . J M ~ G I E I G p l t e e s a b lis h am e n t i u th e P ro v in c e , w he r -k rig, F o. 1*,' 18 1. ordes entr-n nJfeiie to ound ne i5a dut>' I ave the (DA1RIAGEjllSBUGGIES c, tbink ltru t orecotuneot,!yomîr1 rait Geranan Oul. My littti girl got tic- tsint-c-ura an.! Sols ai caide.!, goseth ie, tîat lber neoey oubit-il1, buteftr thte irai ppior iietALL IVORE oIl, ehe gRaiimiaîedistc relief, u!vn at IBR niPO 1B7.4E ie siambur. To apliaion" repente.!, LM I,?adP OUE XE buer compietel>', and. ah. !a nov quît. fD. FORD'S long expenience e! tiit>'. MATTITEW SWALLOVs, Jr. States sud Canada bas givus lihai oxperier knitag, Janaaary 17, 1861. few bave been able ta arrive ah, sud for bei f ~~ n roi -sdsolidai>' et vrkmansbip, bis vont ci tait bitten, ana.!wa, toi. ta tusa yotir I~alas 9-0'ting doue se, I savcd boilu'$u> great oclani W. Tl Illl So N.T H E N E W E STA B L ISI] Witiby, Sept. 4, 1880. n&-lred frein aà bu.!ruuîîiug soeafor ivo 'iîl-out interruisieti, 1 vuei; audeon aT VT f~(Y' nV" ,un celebrate.! ail, anad ana îuovcomploe fAtjjIN U ~j'IIAJa id."lBOBNONI OE JAMES FITZGIBBONS.' CAR S'A - Yonn ail bas beesuhiueasotufe the i. uîi. tm>' lîtleboy.", HENRÃ7 WILLIAMS. cf the firet muclical men lunitae Cenuit> CAit 9aa-EVeryvhuru, ail over <bu vor.! Uai>'0 celbrate.!Gfermon Oh 'desenve te - Zn. 133muettlaovu a biussIng te m n- I bave nc.! h ilu tte cure ef enta, bru- et bitos,a., an.! aise ou garuet01long- G.A. BANNIISTER, Druglgit &c Brook Street, (buy An.!eta&1ailtue Prà ncipal phacce ast businese Il' the, Province.1a -Business eauneated viii the sud otier PUBLIC »EPARTMENTS. I0TUýWr volt Ni Seoure.! b>' thu ubsunlber. Addrema prepsd. E . J. CUESLEY,. tond sudndGeneral Aent, No. 21-, AnetiSreet, Quebec, Mareh Srd, 18W.g 71f HE ubscibor,,requ=t publie attn t i n t i s n ow s o k a u e n i a oves. Tic>'Itnelde t-he olleig ev pattecrus: THE PRINCEL ALBERT, DA VY CROONE T, PROTWOTIONIST ORANVD TUJ MRON D 11E, JOHN BRYAN. Brok Street, Witby. ( l a n . ! e a m n 02 --cannot be comjerted hcornin part t ri FIEYING IJYSON -TEÂS, 'flo Pr m s, un ow er Tas from . 3s., bet Coffeesfreh gro und "V e i every moing, gobd"Curra"nts fr31 epono b. for r aies $1, good M.R asn or 19d per pouud, bright Muscovadot!giei Sugar for 5d. per poundf, or l3lbe. for $1.tIea.d snffermnit d otreva ib awaytbeeus? smis ev sSL etera, préq 140 t <lie eaedUm aufeeml uihl' hapiassu ea Dr. A"o8.& Sea. take pleasur, tln us <bat <hie> bave lavent..! a mo is m - in- strumentftoh<le cure o e-la ace 8 il has boun aubJectëi tOatut 4y the montenauitn nuaaiintrisent aven fn-rente. or the cure oft5emiaal Wuakn.ss, orany dieuseothe ?=laiogas cn 8. >'<usecret aisc yeu. Inu$0b>'malon e xpreaS. eo Dr. Amas, &$on, finonder t<e satlialythmobt a;kepiua! as ta <lhe menis ti is ifiitïiment pl eutbmseeles tuiin- amy instance wbere 1<me'are unatfafatony afflen sar trial- tbu moauvviii b. ro-fuudud b>' retunulnig--<b, instrumentin, go-!.! order. COUYNTRY INVALIDS. Persoasin auyPart 0et <leWarld me>' ba eue iv ttulytreaiedby r ofsstho ir iha rWarding a Correct detai- renaittanice for Mealicineg Addresa Dr. Ames & sou, coniau of main ma Qus>' Siracis, Italo. x- y Alarge quantity of prime Whiskey from the Celebrated Distille- ries of aler, Macklin, Thomas, and Go'oderham, which will be sold at Ris stock of Brandies, Ruina, Gins, Wines, &c., 18 very complote and.wiil be sold at Montreal prices.- He would cailparticular attention to bis Ay 1.y lbriquantity of Wintlow Glass of the following S'izes 10 by 12, 10 by 4, 2 by 18, 2 by 44. Which can ho bought at a bargain athe subacîe i wng up that braich of business. Will rec'eivethe Fn-st Week in.A.pril, bis importation of Fresh Field Seeds, consisting of Clover, Tirmothy, Turnip, Carrot, Man- goldwurzel, &c. &é. Now on hand a large supply of Garden Seeds -e--. x m,9 Will ehew the l5th of April, a complete assortment of -Stapie Dry Goods. T. il. MOMJLLÀAN. P .on ail accounts over due,:'interest wil be charged at the rate of ten per cent - w m- %PV -à b&w Y Vu mL&UJBbL %#Uu JohIinathoý artue eu qint n'a BeucIL.-- Steana MiII Conpauiy,-defondi-t. PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OP In<tie Court ou Queeu's Biruci. &Carlton Lynde nd! John IRam Prry, plain - lietitif, vis. the Wbitb>' Stem.i Mill Company>, de- fo tndaxits. RLY luInthe Cecuni>' Court.-- B ROCK ST]REb E.TWIIITBY. Calo md n ianPâ,panit a S OPPOSITE TH:E TOWN 1HALL. E Nlicholns thodowuitn,iam Pnt, andCarI- Lon>'nde, pluintiffs, vs. the Wilby Steacu Ail of the above work executed with neatues and dspatch. AU aind sigular tha certain ptrce or tract Al vonk vanneute..Cal! nsmec specimens. J2em.ember- La. alriaspnmi . in-~ly t beif inutenie. in th et Whiby m teCeuniy-e Otrointe Pravine.etfanasa, beiug cem- 43 DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co psd of tîit part et Loi No. Twi.fsix, in the sc ne onession o et uidmT.!ovnship ef Wlîitb, knownsud»dosn a usplan <bere!f ;5, madse b>' John S hei aq- Prov inal Lau.! Surýe>'or, as village lots Numor ixt>-tve, mi eigiaty-si x sud eigi<y-eoeu, usai ~ 18611. FÂLL I MPORTATIONS. >1861.ý in ltic TevaoetWhuîby, ou -:0.---- s4d pltaa. ~ "VlE EUPES'CIIE P C Sh YDR " lI <h.e<-ourt eo ommen "tes. 13 I GE L O Tii. enti-aitnd North-euti quarter et Lot Nuamîb1rELixin thu Third coneesatn f the fl!SRES e inimat tehi% Castomer., sd the publile, tint lbebas muid. Tshpet RuIlu<ueni'atOen. thà EIRESu oe ulît siy atetoTeh liheman f na.o D treIb tiai' Iî111 esvy imponuutii-iiuanticipation et s linge Crs.!. iniNLO . ENL Intcuding ptrhaera wiiî pieete aruuine bis stoak, aud be convincdt t hei ShOfficCe is establittc tiu upitist h f's an. s, un- fi-i. el viua i -og a ev jears of vun to:sn auntual'idY8v.' 1<de- neron, s ystena rapid>' as<m eeoflfé, cauaes meutat.!ernge. ESTADiI S]REI> E 182 GILLESPIE', MO"'AT &k (1. Agentsn for Canada. TNUENC5 ginet ILUSSE.! b>' IRE sud I effete.! vu the fbost hivers'le teme an.! LUSSES pai.! vitii ooireenncto the okr in London. B.W. WOODWAR%~ Commimimeiaere ant WhieS A enC'onnty V O nt (.'il1tar ,1 - _ y Wlaiîby, Amy- 10, 1859, ~'.. ~ . AA. A. 1.~ ~ Ç ) ~ ruasG oi, Rob ROY ud oter Checks, pritmed Cashmeres, di UR MUICL PREN " Rre Co TS- BRANCaHES, II X iCobeurga lu al coIenra. A large lot of Cainadian Tweeds, whitte nbon forICLWhriter keîîar. a n' s d e d F a n ue l , p n n e i a n d t i p e s i S h r t n g a , a t a b a r g a l u ; E - r P a i t , S o i r o un t u a v e h im en Breck Street, lhe largeat anddniait caun ýq r,- Tapesi v sud Twe ply Carpuis. A large lot et Druggeting, IUc E ver>' lger, Publication et Vocalsu se. he ae. d s ertfoetr -ue llCarpet ', &le. Ladies' Fuit Hais, la great- 'varsety; >', EvceiTochrPiano Porte- Musie cosit LSe ehiý ae Ever>' Pupil, ing but 1e CERi'T a hi,- Ladies' i Gentlemen'% Oloves, Pur Caps and Gauntiets. La. Even>' Aniateur iuruber, andt prouqunced S- M S lieR-S Levstrmuuatu 'cs Tuas, Sugars, Tobaccos, in great varîetîv, al a bargain. Butta. î "TUE BT AND CIIEAPEST WORK O ZW ARR ÀNTED 9 J.adtom', BMisses' ad Chiîdren l"- oois and Sh es. T Uel E Kizzd Pag e WroeL d p" g Gentlemen's Indes Hubber and BulTtalo lin,.! Ovur.Shoex a Muâ veven l ter 10 -ens.fy< sno pj0I IY BICHANGE, at MARKET FRICE&5 Muse tn cais yeasbarte gnîn, MauVetoie ofth , oo B5ko IaIkBlkaslalueara gnea, tok2o 50; Quarter]>',er *1.25; Qutdy,$125 yuanslu hi pninipaiManufctonia ettii. ehoolBook, Biak Bocs, icludig s gnoralstoce0f Sa"SurenMbusic"ur MuiesiPneuor" ororde me in everybtrasci of the business vîlci q onery, ai Publishcr's a-teies, It froreiitheusureat Nevadeaier, sud -ou vIll tsuty of design, elegance et finish, durabilit>' o4 aitiliLï estmblisbuaeiuî merked lu plain figures, nt the lea-auCASE hPaire uele enough .fen>'our nie"jatu flu t b u ex c l ued . ' t~ ~ p ric , r ita w ioh n e d evi atvi i i b u m a e.!..fu ioanf s a tr. u nai 'e fo Reoda E E ADDRESS, U dinaute V i .' C A oin 505th lute, Violin. RECoBRneMtei @MenT N0pEAR En BAK.THE PFEOLES' CIIEAP CASH STORE," &c. t.1 ssubiecibe tte u Aorl IETNAMEBN.JOEL BIGELOW, B04*1OEW ___________Wlaitby, Nov. 15, 1800. -Dnunds Street, Wbiîby. Ceutaiaiing 12 pages, eoattug on!>' TO TH INHAITÂU-'S ItemetnIwahoIas renmavud te laie nsyStore,nnou Dandas Streci, epposite 10 Conua Nimber; Yearlv 8.0 BJlaLfl.yAlbion 81.25. 0F TUIE COUNTIES 0F Al il buBoc N brs, t 026.,saBc Velumna$onuuî nbrims s. envi 0 ~.YjJ4jj ~ Atan a.!frtiate0"publicatiow<. rNc-eîa -yedîu,< a s e gtueihfois- C. B 5YMOUR,&.<10., N odb l y i No 1nst te1110 07 Nasau St., Nov Yoirk O a a t a n , o t Cli a i t i r o s o utue r a -, ] u p a n dsiao n: Onarofr (gemaylecnorduo o .1 2. IN oPherson's Block, V b P f r me dunlng put cars, 1oans oeubeor. yen a blV=$frS . fuoio t ugy rte un support au.! c nfid ene K IriI 1 'f l YOTS Nos. 7 & 18 lnîieTeanship t W h t. 1< vilieover bucni>'dut>' <e ha os B OC T EË ýW IT Li1 4a efermer onann.9 «oýn h deuce yau haire se obeorfuilly cenS.!..!fl me. B O-aisoirs ite. l h Promptiinde,enc s, ud! tle etrietest attention Pastad sud ity Oth9«ma t' uies wle omu i &atete t.ot- hueare nO 0acres et voods an.! oniae thmr desere It contnuano. à acres; -tlicnminder eI the ian.!bon beih deserv tuarcnei liso. le eiigiusî siale eo ulivauion, ALEX. THIOMPSON, Auctieneer, Are i e p f att mncnossiabl o h a ra-nir d nU4 olro hd laItvs' ouse, Scarberot ep MsOeu QC.d L AGIzqTe. seaon, vii:Denims, DrMi.Stiuets, IDoeîskiua, Csi u u esf~il~1olomi .Cil .e:-u- anIs an.! vat.r prlvlleges net te b. serpe .. "T. TEaiXPeOir..... ......Bugam m ores, D1o- Noticoil,ClifWzi Sheppard and Wash. Terme lieorà ,ai. t " o . Inav u . ................ Bo ugh m. m e r i , : o x & O . e taS , B . n l i i. cseex.............. .... . Bl3ags, crawles.,' June SSii, 1860 2v7.reGENTS IHATsIN V - STIE :TPIE.oeuva AhI ýordeoaleffintuthu e auu AROS TI.SATLW.RCE.WUA(>N,Fq., bft Y., a Rglotr- efal-oaes sd egiqemoîuî; hatru--- - - r .T K Â N,..~ hty gulal keit, hal bo atende.! t. Pais s*B'ithAmels Asuac C m a P e i g V r I,6d d > 'n , e N O O P MTii viihuî he trubleoBPUÈÂ TED undursan Act Of t1ià II r. emeen.~ ~ . Seelot'<ho Eloveuili ProvinoilParlat TQ LET& .,y ëd ù h o t.ment ofUppensRa,. ABlok. Byrateb,?ntpti- ',oW r- CAPITALimi £ledouerusMeassu'u8oOoso.hs b>'G H*.reU, &, Thiere te stsbling eé O OELvn.!rnu -atueasfor ssd ut~era-Insua-anoe ftooed on Buildings a. ii dan be, Pada on l ous".à ,pl <e garhavut5 uugaked as firat-eines Tailor sud (Cutter tie>' are pnopared t-o oxecute orderalu conte. Every inforanation supplie& osi deP«gnltARi. . FERY hieTailening Liie ,w'ith neatuessansd dcspatch. piO5iOt beunteeue.!. - - - Mricin oe nefroaon onfîPt. IL E pSSIITTJTTJOHN AiGNEIV Y, Wihiby. a.'JI.LjiJE.T. POWLL..j.Travelling Agent, ByrnStMrait, Wli7 bd y =aaw ceBRS . ýACore s.u Brick 1B -Whisby, c- s LWemi,01 tasusoftomtar tend Sales b>' merchaudize s commiasisi.L Osghava, Au - JO ?'dreà s: Carunin pe an *! reps Pagnere ur- i-- =,o CLERIC A2 c Ljovusbip t CHAI STORNEN AChsrcerý ]Brok sineet, W -10-a sbrauci >e Tovnship Ceun oftciauct - econdaci aul P suai cal - c - LPDOI AlTaONEt- --DRS. Fil BIR M. I - i - 1~ A LARGE SUPPLY, IN HALF-BARRELS. 1 1 Et,, V- 'l F 11