Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1861, p. 3

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the North aud_ Centre Wards, end the. lat- ter ini th South Ward. The. eïdmated tzot oTfthe ston* uand gravel wap s.t d6wn â* $66~0, and wu. reeommendd to be'al. * toUr plaSdeêon ;Brok utreet. The. ebarmau o e iCommnits. tsted that thoir chierfdiftleulty W04 t m at . w t s b. don wtb Broek street, sud that tii.y voie determnnesl at ail eveuts that wbat- eveî Improvomen.a. were made aiiouid b. bogulatIn tiis Sommet and shoulti partait.of aS permanent hehaater. Tit tey, woold begin st Dunda street laylng: con the, rubblestons, sud that 1 h. gravel would b. ýpiaced ou tii. portion of the rond I¶ft«"thes Lakte. Tii. r epot alsie re. coomeneded tW habie ekralmn sdvertise for 25,000 feet ef lembur and 8010 eet er scantiling to b, d.livered befmre te. lit ef Xai, an to te b laid down. as tii. commit- te.eulieuld pont eut. T own ?ttOl'ET.Y.6 Mr. Driaper bronght up the. report of the. commutte whlçh wua adopted witbout amendment recemmending the. paymeut of uccount.s a mountleg te, $40. FINANCE &o., fi Bvwn' broagbt up the. report ef * 't'bo comiittec reommiending the. pfyment ef aeeonnta ef Retarning efficers amonnt ing te $77 ô50 cli. Conaîtli djourned antil Monday evcpiug sext nt & tslt1 7 eloek. 'Eztraordlnary Murder. of a Child nt Glasgow, MnFIa '~Stray uti.tIle The Gîmagoir inter Court vwu engaged young min, paâmed loba M'Fadyeiq, vie ut' was accuseti ef bavlng, on the 25th 'ot Au- 1' - guat lu.t, on the South vemt batik efthlie et river Clyde,' opposite tet Ciytevaie Work, Hutcheiontuvn, Glasgow, strippeS a boy naméd Alexander Shields, about twe andi a hait yconrm oid, etfliie clothes, censisting ot a freck, twe petticoats, a iannel shirt, L and a liandkerehiet, anti thon thi-em the. Y, citild listho river, pusiietithe. body imb >f deepiwator wiîii a long stick, sud lîeid il a under water tili lite wu. extinctý 'he pbn. ner, who liaS a dull, tepid-oolcino ex- pression cf dteuntenanceewu. îaid te be 21 Joeurs, although lu appotranco lie diS net accru te be uuy moi-e Iliat 12 or. 14 er IL appoat-ed frou the evidenc-thiat on Buturday, the, 25th et Auguit, sliortiy attar 'Ime o'cloucîlautho aftcruooîî, ltaedeeeased r ~chul tthils parents hcusa for theu purposo r oftmectitîglis father on hies way home te dinuer, Tii.e liild diS net neturu, and searcli wus tîen made, mien it transpircd tint the irisenbr liaS met the child Inl Coin suercial-road, Hutcbesontownlifted hlm ini l 4 imst=anSdeaurieS hilm te the river side, o te Clydevale Werk, a distunce et t ilf aitnailla, stripped off bis clothes, thrown hintm mb heoilvor, holding ltme boy undernatitic vater with a stick. - A youug mati me va. resting hirusoîf on the grecen, -ouithe. opposite iSe of lte river, * -oboerved, tho prlmonar looir.; semething, ansd lmajiu.d ho va. about te commence0 Moihng. EUthon saw im nithiow a white% objouLt into the. vaterand bolS il down withà a mik, sud ho theuglit lie wu. drewningt adog. Atten the objoet lu lie water had coasdd struggling, the. prisonter i-en ut, the etibkmnt, and taiS two girl, ho met that s wotnuhad drowiied a child, anS if0 thtmy catie te the river sido ho wouid pointc çut lie pace. Ho did se, und then i-an A off wit h Le ehid's clothus; but ho had t not proceeded fan whcn-io wus met by the motherof t ho boy. Site saw lier chid's c * clotiies lu the nmurdorr's possession, und 0 aaked huu for ber chuSd. Ho replicd that r a vomnan hbuS birownu hlm into the river, The prisouer wus Lien seizcd,aud the youncg moua, wvi a aSobiorved his Materins ne-L tiens troru the opposite midu oftheicriver, l came up unîd askeS hlm what lho baS doue.F nie rcpllcd Limat lie had donc noîhiîug. Af- w toi- being tlicen te the spot micro th. iur- h der had boum committotd, lhe confesseS liat P i. had thrown tho chulutte tho river, andSeu that lie lad "doue it foi- notling." 'I'he p( prisioîer had heen previously convicled for child-otrilipingjand, Liftci- sutfring imprison- ment, lue vas sent te the Re-formuai-ry Sehol for live yeai-s. Ho vas ut the ru-M qe¶kuofet is parnits, dismitised fî-om thi. lu * - titutidu uit tie expiry ot four aund a huit e Jeans. Ha voîîld not eai-n ta rend or A write, ner venid ho Icarun ny rade. Ho iras efthle malt violentl tumpor, anSdc- ligliiuS lu al l ciids oetricks. r *Suveral surgeons were examitied regard. a] i ng bils sanily, anS the geticial opinion ex- u presseS va. dm1t, alîiiough et veak mind, th lie mas net intinct but lieom ighît ram ar WlW, unS mus perfcctiy aile la contrai dr Iliiu!as.iens. The jury haviuag been addressed for tise prosecutionendanSSfeuice, anS bis Iuardsltip baving simnmed top. Thie jury rotai-noS a vedict fiîîdiag the primer glilty, as libellaebpe necoummeutd- ing bunt taMosray'. Tih, ludge tlieupronauneed eio sentence et Seath, te o, ccestnieS aIeexecution ut GIa.gewt on'the i9th of luatmny. lI Se- ltg se bis J4oi-ship saiS that theietroug reêcommetda0eu te met-ô>'-muihohejury baS tieugi 11roper le introduce lie otlii verdict would ha imineeialely transmiîted te tbues-ponrquaner, iroe he baS ne d ilu vtouid receive full coasideruliony viti ever>' desie. t e part oethle officers efthle Crowu la give it effect. Tho ircak- neasO otheb.pi-Ioten'.intellect mga oneofe theimost dimrsig circummlauces lu buis asm. Il va. impossible liss i. (bils Lard- iip) 'could look te, the evidonce mithout gocumrnig ut-le remilt auriveS ut by Lb. jury, but ho toit il menuS be idie for hlm ta Pîale an>r suçi obqeçrvat;ouas ainladiffenent At theA nnud Coaveýâoiatloeîb cOlsp. ter, belti ln the. ma ne Hwl ' ' 4 t3bureljand, Colbornte streese, oa--FMd- the 25tb lanuary .1861, the totowiu4mO. cer wers duly inqaljed by IL .CPia len) Francia Elcbaidsbn, Gr"at 8uoetlý dent, Toronto Disutr, u.lmstodby rV~ Vit Principal. 74. R.P. zCein. lKivma Tuliy, V~it Prlin V. E. Cent. Aioxendeî Manie, (re elet E. Cam. Ollo-,er, Glei, Third Principal -V. E. Coun. DÀniel Spry, r. elected>, Scribe B. Coin. Willisin-Aithuu, Scribe H. £~James Adamo, Treasrer.î "George LFn. Barl, Principal So- journor. " ThomnsSurgant, Senior Soere Si-. "Robert J. Kimbail, Junior Se- jeurner. il Wm. Moore, (re-appolnted) Mau, ter of Vilb. il H. R. Corsoji, Standard Bearer. lé Wo. J. L'Estag., Mauter et Cen'- meules. "James Bovuan, Sworti Bearer. Slait.. Spoeee, Charles Jacqes stewards. "John Claik, Juniter. DzISTREss eS uxeîo: nD U CLEVZELAS.- Tho 11ev. R. C. $ice, eue et th. Most dil tinguished divines of Kentueuy, cemmitte, suicide lu Clevelandi an Sunday heo.13t' instant, my -shoting iimselt thu-ougli th head witi a pistol. R e anriyred late oi Satuuday evotming, and pue up nt lthe Speri cor Hanse. :Not apposa-fn; the next day bis deor-ivao terceS, anS liis lifelous bob ira. discovered iyiqg oithei. led viti td i notrumeaî et deati in bis baud. Oun a te bu. va. fou md tue tellowiugr letter, atdi-esi eS te --ieeMayor: -'ePieue havoein Poo body put lu a gont.ei case unS sent milli Ont utolestation, te Eminence, Kentucky vhraie I hope lb viii bu 'laid beside nmj dear Eiiza. 31y Chtristian chaaiater i. in peaclîud, and by mistertuxte the. meau -0e vindicatian eut off. I have been a ti mani, haçc lived fur the gond et matikico and giory of GoS. I neyer i'îjured a bu manbeiîng itenbiorially. 1 have preachoi taiîhtully lthe truc Gospel et Christ, and lc tie Cross et Christ I have ever cluag ai lihe grenundetfiy liepes. Take charge ei my ti-unk, mauey, anS clatîtes bcore, te puy nit charges. But ail is ls-my mid trautic-my iajarterusbed. R. C. Rtcz-"' Mr. Rice hati beon Imice marrieS. His se- cond unien iras.-net productive etfliappi- nios f au esti-ageunenî sprung mp betmoon himt aud hie mite wmmciiinduced on bis part melancioliy, and f aalil neaultud lu the aboeoriub set. The revernîd gentleman ma smemben et the Campbellîte persua-. sion,s haniSbeidt! h. igbest; position la the, gift oet hoe huncb. Àu littho exeitemeuit ha. iateiy been ai-ea- teS at Lougueul, L. C,q by Lb. abstraction ot moine sevea or eight bodies, sud tbir claties, frein a grave -yard lunbtai place. A ma ameS Pilletto muSe cemplaint te tbe- polie.eofthe body o e s itfe buriag been i-.moved. The higi ceustable pro- ceedcS La inake seureh in ana of tho sehools of Medicine fer tho body, but tbh-e ttdents -esisted-and se tie malter stands ut pro. sent. As Ma-. Calvin, Dry goads merebal, et London, C. W., va. enherin., tie gale euaditmg tais hanse, on North st-cet, on Friday la.t, after Icaving tb. store, havin- witi hlm ibis cash box caiitaining $100 00, te vau seizod by tire persouis, ontaetfwiem aa-îially choked him, white tie other se- 'ni-eS the -box. Both ian ou!; und ses- Mr-. F-uer bus been appointeS te oe- fce et Post-Master ton Montreal, vice Dr. Ieillettsiah, undethle nomai-rangements wIll take tint of thi. Iuspectoruiip et th. District, vill Mi-. Edwin King-, nom Se. cary et tho Depai-trent 4t Quebea, a.t Assistant Inspectei-. The Nov York Herald suys :-"Oui reporters baye uscortained liaI the distresu among tii. labariig elamsaeinluthis oity 15 unpi-ecedented. À& mauy as lmouly elgit baousand porions, able andi wiiling to mark aru naw idle. The stuperintendent et eut oi-, poar bai received no e lsu han teu tieusaudapplcations for ceai Suring the. !uL tme or tlaree meeku. Tic sme officiai bcuives rlaily applications freru muechanies wie wisb la b. committed tthe va-kiouse, leond tItis thero is et course an immense imoant et muiTrng which is canceaiod traugi fais. pi-id. and mhame."5 Fiarther by lie Etutia Tgg; C04E os'TISE Bîi4VE ANDERSON INe £No- UNDi.a r leW York, jan, 28. The Jur-a anS Berffmus arriveS oe:t et the Ut5h. I lie Court of! Qn eeu's banchp, Edwin James uapplied for a wmit et habeas 4-orpus, li tie eetfAndersn, lime fugitive qIava il) Pr-isn lu Toi-outo. Tic motion via founded on au.- stfavit et the Socretar>' et British anS Foreign anti Siaver>' Society', The Court ater s consultation grantai a muit Chiot Justice Cockbnrn admittoci tha iu Seing so i igit be vegardetina. incein- patiblç mjth polenisu $udcpendence, bat w ai tb ueétlh*> Ile >sait! doty te blinug4abeqî 1 he: jýati£ ig ifiaueltiesé ]le .rei$erated bis -bleui- tion te romain Nittlful te tihe prlnciplem lie baS slrendj annuitnad. Apolitical amaest'y bat be n piociaimet! ia 'Prui. Th~e finsapital presure lu r'sneig n- PO*dte continue. There are uois P'p a prebapile additions! adrauce intebt mInimum. nti al Aruivât of the obemlaa. Theot steamer Bomian arnired boe about 9 O!Clock tht. morcwg.. Tii. Fulton anlved off tii.Noeesie.ut-non lSth. Semioffiiai xpe tetoeappear declar. ing ikionit!Pieduiont make ir on Austris &ho mutI expeot ne aidf-oit France. Mlitaiy preparationsojn Franceo ra tua gnitûde. - cetget BIAIX. The,. ministry stsited te tith. Coites that the epanlsh navy receiveti strict Oi-ders te set in eonformity with the. poliey of nea- trality. It wau coneqnently fais. tat a Spubish vesse! ut GaeLa iignalled Bourbon troojo. directions te, fi-e. It i. believed tint firlng'will bc resumed on Monday ext ut Gueta. Ti.Sadnians are remolvet t attack by soa without delay. Al mid about substitation shlps of ether comtrtries for thome eof rance pur. inven- tiait as ireli as non-recognition of Blocade of Guitta whether by Russia or Spain, uuy sthip *fter lUth, couming te uncior befor. thc placýe wil iexpose lîmelf. Englil utnds fi-m ut commencement but ciesing prices uitimmituly arne us yesten. dsy. Bank et England rate et iscount ut pi- sent ha. adivanced. Tic Timest depi-oette the secessien more- ment. The ceufederntuou veuld ba'came the i-cal United States, as tan sa.tenritery pre. sont and prospective la concerneS. It lu doubtual vetien couneetian bo- tveen New York anuS NewEngland n thie eue hanS, -amdISllinois and neigiborin; matés on tlic other, cauid-long survive total mparation. Lryznrooy.Jan, 17. Business bau been seriously impeded ince Friday, bowing to the canais being fromnmn andi railways boing biocked up witb goods. Flour maintaine l ut former prie.. Wbeat ln fair denland ut alight doctine, white and îr.ixed 13o a 14, Od per lOQIba, red Il@ a 13s. WUITBY JIAJIKETS. Jan. 30, 1801. The mnarket, thus fur this week, bas been ýrery liberuliy supplied, the. deliveries amnounting dail7 te 7 or ",00 bushels of ail kinds of grain, the gretater portion bc- ing wheat.- Price. have beun well sus- tauned, notv'ltbstandini bua'yer. agrce thut the figures shouid lbe Iowe'-. $pring là ac- tive at $1, and fali $1 15 a $1 20.' Peas arc vcry firin at 58o a 56c. Oats plenty ut 22e a 24c. Barl.7 50c. In pork there is nlot mueh doing, pricei remain steady $5 a $5 Iboc. There I s not less than 750 hogs in store waiting ehip- ment. *Pouitry is source and high. Fresh butter Iboca 18c. Cordwood $2 a $2 50c. SPEOIAL NOTICES, THE GREAT ENGLISII REDMED'y BER LUAES CLIKE'S Oelebrated Femnale PilL3,, P.-epaeud/rom a PregeriptUon of/Sir J. Cakil U., Phygicoin £e4a-eorinary tt A. eee«.J r11118 wcli hinown rnedicine lm n inpniinn, Ibut uai-e and srife remedy fer Faumir Di tllcultiussund Obatructionus,frurn ans- cause whuî- "eur; and althotigh a powerful 'reinedï, they conltain notliinp bnrtilte the aunstituntn.* "l'O hfarried Ladies% It la peenililri sitfcd. It wlli, in a âhort tiqne, bring on theii. hl Perod wltlî reuluri t V. mtl T 3 ,e illi a e ine er kn own to lii!wiîeru tlib direction» of the tnld pago of pamphlet are well obéereryd. For fou lpuriteulars, get a pamphlet, fi-eu, ef thie agent. N. B.-$1,00 and 6 Postaqe stampa enclnscd teoi uanîrlzud Agent, will ensure a botte of the Pila by ruturn mail. For sauto in WhIiîly byG.A. BLuniîier and W;VIl Douel. IL. h. Uufliringtou, Uxbriàgj, snd ail ndiinc dul. A CGOOD TEINfG.-TRY IT 1 Tlllt ANADIAN PAtIN DE5TIOIEt. Ts S AMEDICINE fou-tie Immoilute n i er- J.mâast nemoval et all pauma fi-oisthme symrom 71he Canadian Pain Degtrbyer oui-ei Blieumutiarn, Pli.urt anS pain lu the ç Back and 8d. 774e Canaian Paint Deitroyer a-ulieces !Palulu lie lieuS end Blok headache. ne4 Canadien Pain Destroer cures Billons Ciolle and Crampe lu the Stomacli TUw Canadien Patin Destroyer cures Cholema, Choiera Morbus, Dysente-y sud Bamweli ConipluSut. Tae Canadian Pain Destroyer onu-ou SuSSon CalS.suad Soi-e Tinout. T&I Canadian Pain 'Desatroyer cuierNendagia, TiaSouloareux, unS Toothceime TUt Canadien Pain Destroyer enros.Bua-as, Seaids, FiesI-bites, Cblblalu .&o. 77W. Canadien Pain Destroyer le ulso an excellentthDg, fon Stralus, dpri-ans, Wouds anti Braises. ILtakes ava>' ail Pain the metment iLlu uppiied. No Famil>' ihoald be vîthent a bolîl, et 771 Canadiap Pq#n Destroyer 11 Jprîoe2» ceit. per Boible. 41norsr addrteswd le NORTHROQP& LYMANS Newceastle, d. W. Fer daIsla inW41uby> G. A. Baunlîmî n d W. I. Doel. IL D. Hehiringtaui, Uxbrldge, aud ailMedliine dçujços, OU iSa- S Uni ,ibe ., pp ij ib ture u mt kus q;4e PiO for eauh oiqprvedji otes. O-sheava, ani, 1o, 0.Wlui.~ 1 WRDI EWARD 1 OR ythe ubseribor àa slato-colored nie- ALreew>pocet book, oipaa eca noteâ audreédpto; one noeulà fuor oflItielimid Hu'ispybet nie ; aseontàlulu!t $2 50. ouitably r.wurded 1,y ruturiig the no!o tec papvrà to HAMILTON DU.NLV>P, Lot No. 8, 4th con.,lokcrlng, or Iy Ioaving ltho sarne ut the 1CIIRONICLE OFFICE.." I'lkorlng, Jan. 80, 1881., . B.,PÂTTESON, M. -D. B) FGCS to iay to theo Pullc that morne porion 1>or personum have rolpnrted thet I wds goinig to leave whiîbv. suelà là uuît tho case, 1 hava nu mmcili Intentions nt proice, I will bc feund ut iny old astund,Byroun dIrett, when not pi'o- fta%oi c .ng -It c loewstu 1r Cîrnion 1415 rported duit bc bai beeglit ont IIIy interost lu thlj town. SUCH EFlORTà ARE VALSE. 9' . Thee;pnblic svilI hear frein tue ajrer iff reiqoired, when ali partsculara wll bc 1PUB_ Wlsitby, Jan, al, 1861, TENDERS _70R PRINTING. i t-nus, Reprts, Adrerî.ni, &e ,,e tise ConilyCsiticil, (>iturtoi, vIi t>. reiv ed -ut Lite@Cheks OOiU, Court hsiou -Saturday, the 9t1i day of Febr-iary neit, antuie ianu- or tmoeu 'teue!ciaocut. FllMlut Tnions onn buci-ect-iiyeu I*bc eterk#s ilIe-ispoit application, if by i.-Iet.r- U. J, M4CDOKULL, CQuisty Clu# k's Office, FOR LUMBER, TIMBE119 STONE AND GRAVEL. T ~ENDERS viii bc reect t liteutile ot J.lte Tova Cloa-k, %Viîtby, istil Monday, Pebruary 11, 1861, ut lte fleur ot 12 o'clock ncon. For 25,000 fuel (iiismunsumn,) of 1-34mclc phaik, 12 fect long; autd elbtwveen 8 anS L., uches vide. 8,000 fouel X 4 Seatlitig. -- isces crobsiigis 4 >0,i 12 ilîiets, 12 fuet; long, ansdmmii-h litirtiser qiunitîit3, oftLtnb- as tuny ho reqîmireid for diause u ut fL.ct T.wu nCtil ditritig tlieyeair 1861, thc contractai- tu rerels-e notice Dy i lie lust day et Mai>'ncxt, ut the amautut required. Ail tihe Ltimibecto bucSallieS lait .uco plates wiîh loictieCoi-po-tiotsi as nia>' uec di eeed' tue S txiuimag Coinitteu on iti-eets and e1- ioeiitlimbtvunte lut day of MayaId sqmre<lie i it ileiglthisftuîu its 16t 40 bu ý o ý le t u e t P o rt 'aV îitby o o r lo fai-e fli c Clla day ut Mariit next. ,&MO0, 3,600 fuel, inch ummasure, Plme Piank 10 touel long, lces hiick, and4train 10 la 14 luches »ile. To lbu slelivea-eS a, l'u-tW litbyè i.> lie 1.51h day out Apa-Iiletes.l. ALSO, 50 perdis of lînlblu $toie. To bu de- ltcil bo-t he 1.lut d ay of Api-il, utmauch placeslut lime Northm and Cuistre Il at-dm s usn ay be dit-ecd by theic- cuiitittce oit îreetis and luisproeuniits. ALiu>, 5:) crda of denpure GraviS frec fi-ont sanS. 'ru bu dulicered ni thse tharf pi-e- pitred fur- ituapruasciltlPart Wllh- îe- isair belloru the 151h day of May, acel ltet-e- mîmnmder befure lthe lut Sssy oft4mîjy nemt, t AIl ufthle toregoimg aricele: 1e0bhofeta goodf inet-ebental'le qoalit>', 4nd idproycd of by lise Tuwn CmniL. TENDERS ta bc a(drietsued, Teuideru fort - tmbrs SicareTiui.bua," *'Stoue,"ý J. HAII PERRY, Cîsaimin s Streuts sud ltnpros-,uionts Wnitby, Jalis, 2, 1861. NEW JEWELLERIY. ENGLISH & .A31ERICAN Broacheu, Ear-Ringe, Lookete, SiIver PIaled Forks, Spoos, FINE GOLD1 WEDDING 1RI1N GS. SPECTACLES -t SUIT ail SIGETS AMERIUAN ILOg.K8 0F TRE BEST QtJALTTY, AT Ir mDffa :Fumg -ALSO,-- Engih & Swiss Wat.ohes. JAMES JOHNSTON, Wfàtehmater &Jewoer. Brook-st, Wlitby. 2 Lr OST on thé'. ?tblnst,, atPoýrtpry a Wal- le-eptIpmm s150 00#, thii adr uîay robisn tii,,reward byrewlttlug t ii. blan. 11 Fort Jper->, jaun. 28, le# ILL RONNOATROLIC flIEST r Pq RESS, :sut ehi!ly i*ul h publialied~ trEtY. V. P. HVloF?; 1, A ,,obo PREEfASNSAND ORNGENENBzl 0F CANADA, B, N. A. The Bookc will eortoln neamly 400 pages, 1~2 me., bound lu clots, price. $1, The. above rik mil cqittqlm n 'oi.lent litences ofthéi auitlor, toguthier witi lits apte grap.Tts t liogr.pliy extomds; rver a pe- rso& f uv nt-l 0uye.orsatam i ainelua many iîiteostlng parilotnlard ceîieerisilng the Waro of Napoleon the. Firet, WÏIl s nimoseVerv avent of which M.Mvr hoffer vasporsonilyucqneintcd.Iaviingbeu appointedMilitai-y Cliapui nata the Hlungarien RéigIment of Cout Igtnatz Gyiiluy, h. w.,, pi-u- *ent at te Durntng of Ifoscow ln the yusr 18 12. And wus wthi lsiregîment duringîho whoie ef the cain palgu whieb termninated linlime battit. et Di-cadon und Lelpsig. After the IJATTLE OF WATERLOO, And dowafifl OlNalpnoon. the anthony.,, pr- seuleS a. a rward for hi»servics with tueo P'Ansh et Klinirelntnscr lu Boivuria. wlîenu ho ronabind until lilas depai-turu for Aîuici-icaln time yeai- 1819. 'rhli aik, treatmng a.a it d1ec, of a paoot gene- ratluio. and ef avents wiriielu iîînthe recent ex- cllitinz ers lii-iopo,> hisve bêun partiiiliy bast sliglit of, pnAses.ia iniy ttures that viii render t lîglily linruasting 10 ltie ruading piille,- Atîoodoteof ut li eiarkuile miou ci those liii-, littie koowii bc) ond the ltimediato loea- lities, it wlik-li tlîey eccurred, abuund thi-ongi- nie anod othor Uungarlaîi triee, ineyer yast pub- limiicd, are precuented te lime routier, willte the l'rotestutit %wui-lotlaesitups boy wiîleh ashîgl- ly eduesteol -muai wlio fur 12 youoru land buen a Rifomîielî l'a-est lecitma a eonvert to the Refui cdI Falîli, inuit abound witlî lit-esot. Tite wijlîcoitoieo orflic work es liant cofageitlcman und na mciiohir. Tieo neq"tlilaiscofethle anthor la Cunt'du hifig liten vroiiy ttemlmsic, tlure are thou- a.iidptwlîao wiil recugnize thi tyle euS mannua- or thie aitor licrut-y ,ptor te ebook. Illo hltli 'rtesnntpaiioe, foumîdcd as they wuru traisrercit and convictiona, wec well kiiown te al his bratser Orangeoneîî, oet vblh Frntenîiity lie liaS the boîmor ut lîiîmng Gins tiuplitin fe oi- uerol yeus. i-. layerlloti'r(, wax aiuu a IRoval A-cii Fi-c magot, sudfor r san ecr irnid t3laplaitn ut that O rlJi-tla Canaeda.- lis a word, tliia word yil bo foîîmmd oneo gueral itîtercut tu aIl cliasâssoe renelIers, anmd wilI go titthur la expioâsig the ubmurd prutets- uloiaî um înîoral rat-tiuti, anod unoripnloua de- captionsiofuthte . linreh of Itomu tîtit a y yul îîroecnted te the. publie., lPai-ties wl.hlug te seur.a un etrly copy et the atbuo work cati du se b y reiniîtintr une dollar te Mns..Mayi-o11rbo .6 0 ., lruuîtu, C. W., when, thu <moulc will 'bu ment tre hy petit te any part oftippur or Lowor Ca- ta u d s .1I . R O W S E L L . 4 Tormato,-Jia. 15, 189o1. 1 Sheriff's Sale of Lancds. '1!oWit~ <'e~ dayet Ai-1, A. 1D by PttblIe ue thaem cfieli io ourt lauuue, inî hue Towia of Netilîby, tlîc rIglit, titie, and lualereast wib the uînderuueatioued Sethii- sînt uoer-aly pssis itite umtdcnnentionect Sur an ly cii-tue o! certain Writs o' Fieni Isolas ta une directeS, vise: Iunlthe Connt>' Court. Staphen Gi-ose, piaiuitili, ci- the Wlilby Steeni MiII Company', Setendant,,. lu lhio;Comrt ot Quron'r, Mencli. Jouît Vimdal Ilnm, plaitiff, ys. tiseWihiby lilenîn Mill Comipany, dofun<iints. lu tho Court on Qtueen'u t§ noi. Carlton Lynde ansd John lsuui Petr>', plaiti titI, va.lte Whitby Stseni 11111 Compniqy, Se- fenmdants. Iu th.e (' ,ttty Cournt. Carlton Lynde and lBit-arn Post, plainîtiftva. thue WVitby Sto'.n MIIIl Compaîny, Seft-ndunlu. In lie CoturI t fCoimmn aos. Brilus' o wnlrvu, linm 1oR,,lanS carl- ton Lynueplsiliîiffs, va. lIse Wluilby Sbeam Mili Compan>', da-lndaimte. All and singmia.- tîmat ermtain putreel or tract of landl anS pu-einiaeu a itts-ste. 1>ing mnd ooiuîg lu the 't10 ual of Wtîitby iii lte Cuuuity of Ottario. iti te Provine a i umat1u, bcbng coina- poseS efthut part of Lot No. haventy-ai, lutt he secoud concession oft'le smid Toirnsiii ut WlilIiy, kuiomu anSdScut-ibed oui a plat iereot matIe ly JolIit Sii-, Eus1 -' Irovneisd Luind r'lu rasvillage lots Ntmimheo imxty-Iwa, ixylrueigiy-uix attd eigiy-muven, catit if Brook Sî et, li tiie Tuof tW bu said plan. Iu lie court ot Commîun 1leas, Robert Javies piaintiff, co. Asi Jaynca, Admnist-atrmc et>PFàsflauder Jnyuueadefeitmdsit. he Senti-hait andS Nerli,ast quarter ot Lot Ntumnier six, lIn ltae Tub-S polimeesion Ofthle romtA.hlp oftReichin lutise Count>' et Ontario. NEILSON G. REYNOLDS Sl-ierii. 0<0. thorlffs Ofllce, P 1er C. Neourso. DOG LOSTO A Yoagf n, 4mntlis. id, Coliy bsteci- A i y black, whlto ring uaroxind nek, wh tae on bell7, fore-houlder, and about tail. 1A a lîttie laine on onuo fore-fot lu coni- seqiiuno et viug a elaw ont off. Answurs te the numoof "Boxer." WhaevervUllbrlng hlm bo the siubacrber will bu rewarded. WILLIAM -BLAIR. Whltby, Jun. 20., 1881, 2 (NFiidldyte ilsth [ust,,on tlime Riotn ?»Ad u~wen Lynde'. Crs.k &ldi«e anid whiltlmy, a dark browià Balaie obe, ý wthout linmmgom-trimmuluga. Tha finder will bu imita- bj 70* ïrded by leaing Il ut Bioa sIlotol, G. ARtMSRorGu pe.. Pom JAMES'4t CSMITH'Slrn PotPp? >JinIN.os h lm. ikolg LAGER RAISINS, STJLTANT.RSIN The usual supply,"bes t RoYQI Loch-na-,gar, &e., &c.- ilAMILTON & ROBERTS. CH LEMON PEEL, ORINGR PEÉL, CITRLON PEEL,. ALMONýDS, BRAZILSI WYAtI¶TUTS &, FILBERTS nds"y of Brandies, Wines and rom t rs a 8andO p r e s n t e t o î î s e u u i l , p r a y e d t h a t , , n naleowalmee fer: eut! Should b. estrtlishcd lu ie te et the 4th cnceszin, fi-rn tic Sidè lin. betireen lots Nos. 30 end 31, ue .u.i s MaOS tiO iui-yeT et siuape. '18 1. ÂL 'MP RT TINS. 86-tldonsmonitibe gran teti anS the> roads, ut M EPW -.o' CE---------- rEg y Therefone the munIcIPîlorortien ;'f AA1II rAtMrII~ S L~IIAP 1A511STflE,"thic TownblJiP OfUiriâgu emc f -ci.î - - ~~~lemu, lia: 'Fiat -Lie si loa'ci 0 El G T£r u.ioad be and Lihe $atie alccyctbih D E I S te Intim ate o lbis Cum t& m lyeu-s anS lmpublie, ilat lie las cl ned c ni t e s a p b i uumoro h1lan usualy icuy mpon iioîs-,In atieptomhalmtg rsl i hti e aemlrcn uts thode mono than isaly go d ime..tQliR ib a rb e t a o t el im te lie contre et the said conessio,rd t- Ta E cuPtlJ1uunImmphJEtIB'Cîly - ]Y«p ning»ticce N 161v, Oithle ceatre cf [i-C "THE PEOPLEug 00d S'ac Qth f heAtpecW ut Tetl oR uE," g prsuiS concosdion,189 chains tuore or I14-, rt Th oegGooI re vRoly thi pea abnii fateuln u-le sou tlterly fuit of thse nîs'oe~' chair-uCecsprstd.ig - oaS, beîeutn lie 'ownslmip e of i~- D-ss o s a Ro dole Ceks rltd-cAlmleuamiSScott. The Raid roaS to e . 1e,5 Coborgmla Il elors.A large lot Of Canadiau Tweeft, ilt wdmidit bedeeie lnt h un d r e ti F l a n ue l u , p r n t c i a n d s t r p e d S î r i'd t b'ga n l d e t m et h e r c o f. d e ,4 c Tapestry and Two ply Carpel. A-i0,got Iof Duggeting, lemp *- f.- Carpets, &e. LadIes9 FeIt Ents, lia greut vsrbety ; lolery. - Titlihé aaid prop6-sed road is noW Luejeg~ant Geulemai' GlresPurCap ani Gauticu.La-manked on Lhe gratinS by pesta planteS - Ladiuy nd euteme9s lovs, Fr Cps mi auniet., amionlime astem-n and venteiri limits thereof, dles' Vlctorinest Cafs, »lits, &e.adabac n n i etameei Tous, Sugaîs, Tobuccos, ln gi-euh varletv, al a bargain. BEnfamda. p ass ies h iuhn teir,-wee Io Robesi.passtouhuglnd Ladie6', missés9 andi Chlidren's Boots anti Sitoes. ArtS il is turlicrenacted l'y lic authn-i Gentlemen'. initia Rubber anS Bunfalo-linoS Ovea-.Sheu, ut a ty aforcuaid, tin-t ho nopant anS Siagraru bargain. oft aniS aliowance for*ronLd as survecd iy Sehool Blooks, Dlatîk ooks, itulna a geucrul1 stock oft Sm- Johni Shein, Esq, P. L. S., aîîd-'ercuntu tiouery., ut Publier', Prions. attacheS, shall fou-m part anSdlie a portion Gou)d»alut1h1cs-bi!istii 11il-kad illsitf4irUre3, nt l112 lOWVSt C.4311 oet'lbie By.hn-%.- priee, froi vliii nu deîhsatnoîil-tiU bè maSo. W-EUE51BER TIE A îiE1,Notice, 46THE P EOPIES9 CIIEt.1P CAsHX STORE," e -- - - JÃ"ô-ÊL BIGELO i- 73' 1E aboe l a truc copy of à proposcol Wiiby, Ner. -f , 1800. --Iiidi Strèct, Wlsi:by. -& Byîaw le bu taken int consideration !~7Ruiueiibr u liirtovU% o 111ïljis vîStore, (tri . nd:is St1'ect, opposite y the 1uniçipal <inuricil of the 'Vovrshi>i Dlack's Aibisli 'l. et UXbndr- rit tic Vllsoa-iof Pranraî-nbs- MANCIIESTER WTAREIIOUSE. IIEsubcriershaiinc opnedthe Store lately crected at DRY GOODS, a éhoie asuiortmont for Winter. CLOTHLING,-Ove.r-coats, Under-conts, Vests, GROCERIES.-A fresh and coluplete assortment for f4rnily C1- FA.RL IOACIT, [XRCICRYy-Direct froîn the manufliCturers Stafford----------- . A A slîire, Enu'1'rnd, Wuliii , a.nata- A'uýè .Arrt FI ADWTAE,~c., c. Dee_24d, 1h50. AL KINDS 0F PRODUCE TAKEN. U1AMILTON & ROBERTSv_ Whitby anSd!fancliosteî lun iaid towuslii o n Tcresdaî, Cthe 51ht day o!f eiburary, 1861, Atllen o'clocklu ite forenoon,.,ah whicli imue andS Plce l the nters of the ratid Municipal Cotamîîl are lirsby requi-ed f4 attend ton Lhe purpose a u e c d ROBERT SPE.%RS, 51 Township Cleri. MONEY, MONEY!Il T IE CANADA A E C S O I T O 0F LONDON, ENGLAND, atre prpr- cte iseguciclta Ionis aut 8 pouroeit intueral np- o n1 im p u csd F a rin e. T ie m oit-v ca, he o b .h tauseS tus ogn auti ropant>' Licsbeîs ap- proveS orf' A Stipe-ior artiele of Famil>' Flouer, Clscap A H F R EV YB D I FAIRANI-S ÏACDÀ'.ELL,;,Wlio wishes la have il, BY turuncig Surplus Stock into Money he umderigitaS receicus eansigiienîs foi- P UB LIC0 NOTICE. Wectehgctpie a colaid Citovee LsxnDs Dtt'1ArMaENTe,Wleete sgelp-esiitcohsoe. Quebcc, 171hI Janmeay, 1861. All hat-ies couu"iguimmg gouda may rely oui Ci ElZ TAIN Puiblie Landu iulh ll bfred aht PR 0 M P iTr'S A LàE S.) Publie Suetiomi, an follemu:AN AI Santsicht, on FRIDAY, the TWENTY-AD SECWOND FEBiIUAMY. AI Chatham, on '.TIXESDAY, the TWENTY. T .NCOL SIX'ru FEBIIiJA[t'. T .NCO At Landon, on FRIDAY, lie FIRST MAIECII Auclianeer & Gomî'cral Comm'mMoi-chat, AI Toronto, coi TUESI>AY, lte FIFTH ePstcruiml, C. W. MARCII.0 At Barrie, on FIIIDAY, tue) E 1 G Il 'F Il N. B.-Tiisu Towno vu lao-kîwledgetl lsy tIse MARCIF. Provincic for bnnutly1 uheheîmils At Sarnîiua, an WEIJNESDAY, the TIIIR- Poioefi coes T.ZENTi mARiCIL. Poerboro', C. W., Dole., 1960. S6tu. Lià§ts oithtie landI; anS ollîci-pmi-uiculars mnoy - - - - -- --- bu oblalîted fi-oui lte respective LonS Ageon- a Excopting at T mu-asile iit mmte abhu tu-ou Mtisi-s. Wakefield & Ca. - yea P . .VANKu)UGIINET, 2 Cumniiiisuiooscu-. SherlttelsSue of iL'îds. Coun or utan, bN8ATUDAY, lie o %vit:s 10 Twentieffi <boy oi Ap-il A.D. 1861, nItîcwelve o'aloek, nuiCo, tîil :eied Imy i tillkAns lion, ut mi Office lu tise Cour, Hi e us iitlîo hTo-nt0f th hit<my, the riglit, hItle ýnts luterest wmisbcitlIsa tnSeenc- tiaîard Sefeuidantsmcer-sII>- pasas làetlieun- Departint oet rowu Landsa. Sermeuitioned las uasd temeneuta lieu-con, ir00D Sienweumasma eized b intc tuuder ansI byt vittue oet set-tain WOO2 » OREMwritde ichi âeutome diret,vz: Qiutb., 181/I .lanuary,1861. lu thec-Coant>' Caurt, <ITTICE lu heroby gietaru ia lnrchitsunsetf Tieas ousier auiltI a N1 Puablic latnds, net utider Licsimm, bc'iug Pat flu N L8,*ite ?tî constsion, atonal isetlIers, vitit certain mroveutunts eau aSIIZ u1 abtuiiiliceuis fi-eaunlte respect vo CreovpUndLand o at,late th coimessaloisof lxbidhg. an Cromu himben Agents, te eu'. and disposa etf Inlutise Count>'Catitt. the timnicu-growinug oui tue Iota piinehuused b>' TiQÏiq eitr PlaInt1il vs Airama. Wcb- theni, pi- vmle1-luô VALU eofthile titbi- mno nIer anS hleur>' *eimmter, DofelaSita. ont asau dopolaoi of, lu appiied lut pnymetl t f Villacritlot 284, lb Biaclu C. C, uxbridge. lite ptinboeunone>' ditetthe Ct-owit), olit tair bcatecSfi-on pt-ittaSFoi-ma tW.ho laSiiiuthe aneDvisoPInt!vu<> Office et thet Crovu Titaemibund*olC-wn Landm aI nue DartatephenniSýâ Agent*, andi of ory l>omlMutor anS Cut;toînu iei>,Dertlul Ofiteers tiureughaut lie Pi-oviuce. lnt ili Court et Quceut'. Beuc!jIiIifoieor Jua- P. M. VANKOUG1INIT., eto S ~~~~~(ommlau'iouoî. James DPnSdmelelî, u Jitaaé~i HANNNU &USSHII, Ailcimenig, tlluit ltLfe. cftue o naned SufeuauilnluanSdo te aîja. -19, su hie DItROVIECIA-L Land Suîrvoes li -Villea aI Bau-al!%a1lu -tbo > T~vsl tBa J. glueer anS Laiid Agents. fimo-nexl n Cutl t(haai-Jo oIt hIlls a l'aven;£ Sùoan te Di-. hid's Ciarolistt., Beirnman'théoIl omrnas ; - - C. G. Hàmmos, P. a.s . .t1amn. s. G5 JIYNOLUS ~Dserlo fo ia-Deeda lrow tput Ieieftm ffc, Shuriff, C. C-o lohort noticem. éd-ontWiithy Ja.5 1861 *imi BET IW LEN ELI3AHJOH'NSTON5 Plaintiff AND Williaun Powisu, Mary' Cisise, Joal Blet b s - assd lte uapurpoasuot of tse lsoso'At Recl,, (by Bih, )ammd Hirati stsnteibu-1 P URSUAXT ta a Veciue (-f the Cs-ý ttsnicruy, muaziom '01bos cai'v -r- t tlise Sevetuiitsdau ofMec "oitý5, a-t' - ýr : ie esadcoit boosilIg s-sss- 5-. s'2-- 4r,> of Gyosrgu Il. fltîutotiil, M. sqt- ;rM tf siioCour-t il it 1 - -"11ý soltI inuit', lot an Satu i v:t- - ýXe day 0f Jaultiai-y, 1S81, aLti--u-ic-csn eueloii ht- foret-oii-uî.t l ie. - - iithe leVillioof ut nemte-m i i-n-thct 0fl' %!, lo y -. Chales s s. itLi tti uit cet-iissillece r -parce flii et Lot tstttubert isirteus. i t uset,-stht ms'eI,-a1 - >1I oft he e idlTuwsaslp r cf' ictsis, std - usi folisuvu, tahâ 10 là, y-t'rsmo -rcI t ptost 1 ioisisIuitdunthise lst 11 if Il t»s eo tî,l , aI lise clis-ou1cc >is : t Il ilfu>' lisu, noma rostrâe Nrsth , '<s- t i gi-ee Eat from lithenültlslW s L s!r- 'Lotnember tlirtucs l-eC ly-fua- Sareta. L lqssat 1;.uIr _t r t tsi usuid coîîceiualîti u-ehIiiîîo ssîs1 ixs, lhi ainelmutil"1eal-s,to t'hoasI- ttiiît,-t tiene Nos it ti-c-e deg-ro-s, 'lest lic amiS ninety-îhre)u1ilukus, ms'reore, tî o ptsst ibm isuted on tIehte tUc iîitîts ssrC liiaof water, sien rsd.c'd tso a ssifi,"s sî ltoigl-l tebckl top fisc' -trenfoî, tusspu ir ici Satt-tain, sot a distanlce s sico'r 6us- - tlweîsu iitika fi-untis l-e utlO t -; .I tie isd Lot;lic-ncemueres is t-t lhe Esostai lisit,, uttite rutssd sa] Wsstcss,uý s tie oeil Lot- numbur tlimrteeu,.-ssns Lt Is;srusu twolvo - tience Sout ittelicia sg+tuhs alang the Emtarn liloits oathe telStd al ancu tliitcUon haluts nS ti-ly4ix iuks ; iseuten North sevea&y-fosmr segrdes, Ei»t tour'ohls- nS flitly lIsiks; thoice Southi msxeu tIcgi-cs, EnusIx chii uins ansiJsIxi>' six lunilra ta tic- pie et begiiuing, eosstani;itg ii aiesst-tnt sevellecn acr-es, be Ibe sà,m m nai' or lsue. -A paritcf ttse saiS pico-e-elLssau'ki-ntu on thOe centre i-onj, aitd is about foiir iles und eahit'f îroru tiibVillage eof s iesci- îo t u f FI-aîie Dveliiotg hosie upoua limni lototlsi, allie a Mil .îm wîihan omS Mill ilnpou It. Thto pisrc!sser %viii lue ruqsjirs-'.;sI li t ine cf %:usat 10pa>'dostas aa depsa.-it n ospusamis or hi& puruiesunonioye>' t lýi ymtVsori-hi?. Soit- ellor, anS ho ps-y toc a-clialuiduiut'tlsuf) parcîtuie ueaey, foa itteruat, jua (one une - hiafter tleî day ei sale. hTbo iller osimitoni (if sale mmsý lihe standing cndtinset it, aiicrt - Fna-tbhye PmiânI ari rîho Obh-oI ied.iitbtj110 f- tiee of oo a-ndersignct t aIWL-tnv;- alsut. et , ' ia hrd & eBalluig.i, irucce4A4b@ n W.,nl.1remaiynlo, Whith -- i - aeBiti tmiaa8 cIisu,,CtI t - - t - - - t-t- - - t 1 Pants, a Ill

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