Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1861, p. 4

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war4oh of thIe Retontaory as li la eiiv bc u bieIicouuêéed with ot4.i 1..flon. Datte3 lis, abieinte thé~ prlsoinwu trikon in char.geby tladepaty wgrde*, ADd nI t edeparuruevryhng wuvas uperfeot * crdr~.al im ~nioaI~W*re wormI I Jt7-ay lat noeosar.y te 1statut IW * priddomrns ofittu ltllon aie dividied lu. te (mob sa..Âda î o'pr.viouýs toa theo oûbnealchthae civicta pnuet.4a poLI' tlon t he .Waien m.qqasting lesve te bO ilowed ho roein o#oiJnt f ce S p. Instoati being loced up, iamediatily &fta# BITISHI REVIEW86 EONARD C4T' Cbt, :' ?#Xg#9ind'4 ta Iubis the fallow. MiWa LONDOI( QuàuAtET(Conseenvative.) upptrau hentofore. Titis requtié4vus2. <grautcd tael.ti re. drit clauses sid ref-151r IWiitfUIE WlI ed ,tha tios o(the. foarlla. Niglut 8m'.l" Râ lnrnËIW Fecbý. itelaut retlrod to hbêfr colis ait tiieaunai 4 hoor; buto ana uamed FranclisWarren ne- PIas WETZIN8'1iR eM'lw (Liberl' fasadtaob.y the. orden of Deputy Wardea. Thes iet day thiat çfficiai ardéred ana cf N4At ai7 11i0 suhoainates ta Place Warren lu ,Irons. Te«eetcltaJsae~ lio wau about ta, do -.ao when Warren affaira wiIl rendar thiese publications u* »truck imnon- tho Iliess iti a apiee o! usually luterealing duriug th-im.*tbw,ýa- mrou lihad ocased lu lis Jacket. The ear. Tîaay wIII,oe5py a:2 gou blow wau th. signal for aatWik by thes crtw oaeloietâ Attfl a.fa urv o of the pisaner's assoclabes on the. warden; th. dai! , ounâuà end fl ý iIl3 ero anmod wiîla axes samd rou fonts tiiy naslied Tome of lb. futur to lai %y rtteu afler lapon hiu eslIiiig pon lte ather priaceers t livingin vosits ndfýed i é eoshahe ta follow theîr example sud escape. ojve paàied 'w1.111 otsieaPana. Th ree of thue wrdere wiao came \teii. th 4108klhsl readara utustlopk fpr'the auly (onie'unsiatue vrewoude o lte Intellgibleansd reliàbl'e 1halit'ry of current formli ssitane wre ouned n ve nsd naesuchlin dditibn(to e lieni an i aianssasd hostau down, the &s e- aI.etabiished Ilieraas, s*eiuifl,an sd mailasits oiîawed by twaolumaer prlsonae tlmolaglcsl charseter, we ur~ge ltent upon thconslderation.t thera4ijag, piuýJc. îlaea ran u oti he prison and cscsped lavenr iercltfAW leea'srmti tuhe river Richliiiea inta the. villiage of St. British publihuitr gires tdalitlonal valueto Vslenthmo, îiere lhey 'vre disananed sud th. Reprints, inaemueIas th. am ao ho pîsced In tmitndfa s a b abot ea2tured hiy ierder Benjamin loe with as son "0~a 9rguîtdtca. tie assistance Ofthtie habiiqaaa of the, neigia ESS Reoe 4e. l(ai-lioad, At lte lime warder Haînies sn ires wihs nusuber of pianers waiking on For any onuo(, tho four iciav. $8 1)0 the lice iad theum, thougit urgently requested For any twa of the four Rovieýves. .1..5 06~ la>' tho fsriiu'es 10 n asi wfth t am, Faor au> th ree of the four Reiews...1 0O Por ail four af the Rovlewva. $S 00, ijnic:kly rotun'ed te thse primaot by tlat offi. For Bîsekwood'>e Magazine. à 00 1 colas ordersewhsile ho wu secnningltae lera For Blaekwaad ansi ane Roview. -- 5 01) Fan Blackwaod sudtva Reviews. . à 7 o(10 a! liberty'. T1he six piouers Implicated FrBî-wodsd(ln.Raiii..1 )0Y hiaili buit locoat np ta avait tise order of For Blaekwoad and the four BevievLi 0 00 tise (;ovlunusnicsit. .hbne1, ourren! <n LA. 8tiate weréie'Iud ioel ,roeeb d r it par. Arcnutt FnaiaitIlua-Âo.-ban ~ Osuadian una'laubsibenivlIbsup t'a'îaa:k yesterdaay moruing, or a littho plietl Ireceaf V.1 S. Posta ,ge. wl i 1. iter perîsaipa, a liare braIte ont in the ex. g9rRonaittancog muat, lu al easea b.be toisi'.'atabacco malnufaceory af .James mode direct Ltote P'adblL./ers,, for a hme' Aduns & a., u Wlpncesno co:mission eau be ýalaweëd ta cent ta thso Poil office. wbich destrayod a LEONARD SCOTT & CO. large partion o! the building, sud th. 40w No. 54, Gold Street, New York gr'eler' part af ils vaîuablle contents. 'Ex. icail.ouildtiasasiï aivo- bicumade ta th. i.'.rîullislsratîurt withlia the hast few monthe, a~as~itrO! twa capaciaus stores on Wesh.u 3# z irtaaî atet, turtît ideoattise building, ~ aiv.ï. t8» alid i a'arga, Wirg at tise saine aide, at thé 1 aai, furi'lie accomnmordtion of tise intimes. rd nisir, iaictîaiu uperatiosis o! tho finm. Theslo saeîv aîinlufront woeastili utaflaisit- t'ai thesa rai'uditian was atrostiy occupied LCi.DA 'l'hie laatuialani w 'uith teulmn ..ar...... i.i. - L AEDA ii)ltai,%vassletY sî "isilulcoîssurned, tho front itmI' iîta, aid alrusav, ascajing 'eith osIly Cosnîau'sti'itv.y email denga, iu tise upper lorivis, froîs tuhie fine, but recciviug s alra'eiiin a!ofi'aft'i'wlich efYadînally des. îs'îyed iho contenue a! tîsooccupied pan. tion. Thue builinag desîî'oyed, or gutted hy ire, cuvesed anaurec, of 76 hy 6.1 (ect And relrtour atonies iu hight, Tut, fine issupposeai, 'vil ltae boit of a'easons WC thirul, la hava beam tb. worik O! tIultlo& suataiaetib>' tisArfie thoa castiouI>', o! course, ho approxiznsha esîl- route mcdo ns yeî. Tisa stock in tise huilai. '; ing aiaurautetitodI valueo ta about $40,000. Of Ibis sana $6,j000 ta $6000 Worths was takeis rom tlie stores lu front, eonisîiug of elgars, prcssed tobacco, AnniT', &C. Ou tiesetaock tisera 's's inaursuce la lte amouat o! about $18,000, lu varions eau- paue.-Bulaeffdo tnpsm. wintar Ries. 'Naver-go ta boid vitis eohd or dsump feet. In gaiug itho a colder airt, keep lte mnuatlî reaolutoiy cîomed, liant b> compehi. lng tisa air to pasre ircnitously thiroogi thle nease sud Isoai, it mny becomo wsaamed ho. fora il. roacises lte longs, sud titis prçvent thaose suadéen shacles sud chilis which Ire. * quouîîy endainl plourisy, pneumionia, sud otîsur serions Crma o! dissases. Neyer stand eii a aïonteimt out o! doors, especiaîlly at stracî corners ater bsvin,1 waletai ven a short distane- Nover ride ucar thé open wlndav af a %leliielu for a single liaaf miaule, espociaiîy If it haut beu p'recedéti b>' à alk , valua- lilo liveii hava tIare. beén lait on gooti ieahtb peruaneautîy deatroyed. Neyer wear hla nrubbers in calai dry 'rimaswho aro eas>' aiillati an goiug &rit o! dor rs, isould isa'r sorne cotton bat- girl C taacis'aalta lise vest on outer garnients am as laa Imaoataoî tie spaco botaaeen the 4is.ulder' laleuesbehincl, the longs bcbng üttacdtila tih.body at tisat point ; àa itlît -tisera le Wortis fve hunes tise amount aven 'tisa chest la fronat. aNeyer boaIi a jaurna>' outil breakfast AItêr apeakiug, siugbug an praaaitlng ln a sWarinmrouni bin wiaier, doa ual bave -la fan atIclat tan minutatand evenutissa eloso tisa anoutis, put an liae glaves, wnsp up lte neel4and litIon eloak on overcoat beforeliuàsstglg out o!flise door; îtae ueg. el oft îosq bai laid man>' a gaad and une- *folImn a laepremahure grave. Neyer spaskunader s boarsneas, ospe. cially If il nequiros anefo, or gîves s *hst7uliug or s pelutul feeling- for it allen reuunewlat a perimanent lais of vaice an bang life o!faabim BUFI»KA1 1 AilANY, carrier Seliaca sua Main No. 448..Bradway. N. Y. CITY, Cor, VeIacaaspND, ooper tnstitaie," Aieor trucis. PPIL A *IPIA, DIEI Na. 10, Woodwardl Ave. Cen. 17ih aand C 'saailes, nue. CIIICAU 8 T. LOUIS Car. Clark andraI i taiit- Cener 'its andal Vis l4to lait sirei)i GENERAL INFORMATION. Osar itandîtrd of Fenmeéefiip lai thie fanmo tdni a ommetce nt auy tlane, as thora ara tirocaetîniai 'l'tcPl>isepalaisand Toslettera of t1iîisChinuof Coaiegc* iîeve aitextumî,it aalniaaiititnuciepav- en large cubaig, anatl lwaiyai caniler il a Irless4*re to fianther the boit luteniasts of thoir graidtaffs. 8tundats emttrirjc siy one o! Ilaca. Collese l'y the payurio!o $40, becitinceantIield tauIec privîhrgeîo! fthe cierreaIlcialn, *oon6prltlu g cigilt ol't'.tnoat ttloroihentcu,îive, ratcsl Caatarlogames snd Clreaîltirs, oell at' tise Calege Riootais, or sddrems ab ahove. sa BRYANT & STRATTON PIRE AND ILIFE IN8URANCE-COPN '0F ENGLAND. Royalnsurance Ic ligj,,po NYm. 209 Lombard tre, London, OAPITAL : TWO lVILLIOHDBSTERLINGi, ANDh LARGE RESERVE FUNDO. PIRE DEPA 'RTMENT daserh PtInlnort rgauit i lac rD 01ne blloi0rs, au hieuteitL0 e raisg. Al is Jlsos 90%pnaîptly îettied, ihhoiil de- dustlon or discount, and wthont nufoenco ta Engianti. Tise l'ange CupitaI art ndlelauu oussaniepîcjt oft lIis Compan>' hsssreb the moat peniectînfet>'. LIFE DEPA'RTLMENt,ý Largeat panticipation cf Profitae oasistent wîit nndoubîad muar,îy, ui avery'benéfit aua- braced msascieence oeue Asauraaaeoaffordoda hy the Royal. noatîpt* for New Polilees alonoîatsix moutme a! tise puât yoesr. £»00000 STERG I Ineonte freintail sources lu 1858 £285,889. Exhîbitiag au Inereas;>i icie yaar alan. c! 12258489 Tho fonds le hasad exead .£700e000, Exhiitîl ultlg n lurease luna ie>lear alona of Altnaao*e, conthlroe ousé Calenite, wltl ample detidls of ttei l m1A ysoporatîans, and. oven' nocéaqry ln!arnanlo1min bs hia'at :the JOHN' &GNEW, Agoajtîfer Tovu ,o! Wbib Whlthy, Pcb. 25, 110.lt, r,àgolita wanted for tl-azo ptibllaatlont. ýC. B. SEIYMOUR & au., ~VI f1ÇEr99 AJ o4 'y nr urI çeLiesem. .8. rF11E ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY J...aîglu purqnanae o! the Aot ta VIa. chuap. sa, cntied aun Act harelation to Rire In.- snrane Cnpaei9l1aopr+clwhanthe Unden tltpprQloionsof thaeccnd claume of!tîi salt A aInsnr-anc Coiimpani>'la mow iiarby 3leouti d la car y ou the'6iness of, Inanrance agliluait Fine 'wtîhhi t 'Ia Provine, o! 1861, subjaiet te ail the, conditions#samd requIn. meiîtw ai tIse eid aboya mnentionjid Aetî Inouesi (rouithie eepartmant o!thue Mlsilete' ofFnamnat heCat a Qiebc,'luCanada, hlas g9tia day o! Docenîher, 1880., A. T. GALT, Mitera! Finanei JON AGNEW, M-0,TIRE !4fAMIANTS 0F TiHE COUNTIES 0F fNtud ram iuy ailacem thnkto the ua- L itaiatht, Couiatleti of-crit, riel, and Ontario, for the nYieay vors o ufefrred npoa .ne darlîîg past caras, 4 agaltit couit bofore you oololt.ag yuaar urthor stippt e. nd confidence ln the Afttare., It wi ova>r bc amy dnty ta merit-that confl- ,dane yu baie iQ clicerfully confided ln ana. Il CaUîdeýen*rfv, uind tilt îtet wattention to b lullcadue.wiit .lathe îneafts 1i 'si alitke te, doservo itat coutlneance. ALU. TIIOMPSON, Auotioncer, zx4lt- ay dlou»o, Scarboro' ME. QDN QNA...........Clraont. T. THloMuIx ..............o-: aaî' o . oAwZ5............. ... .. Broklin. jo e23t1a, 1860,. 27. AUl endors§ lç (t et th, <Troail.k ofivc, where e Helitr .01 ail sales and eîiga",enmaits is re- gnIarly iept, shailibe aîatead dta. F rics Ar. ruedanuddasixc without .lie trouble aof ieelng Mir. Taar>pan. . si' Caution 'to Veagsr i h Publie Foreste. NTOTICE 10iiereby givaii thssî ail parions et. cittiîite Tiniaer osa Publhic Lands wltlaout aseutilioiiay aO' Licetn, wili Le puniailsi siutise LuAW proavidim That 161, tise)" il] loti îscir 'rinaber iauid aoat a!~~~~ *t nssfsea;nd articai reinovig or 0staigto a an rsss.al r tasistig lu rvmia'.- iug eiss ulîsbr eut a'laIse rLais c f thL ofilcor ai ?ieupssta es ut U'îuwîîLuniîds, iujet th enaeles to a cîsiY of $3lier Tic, witlî Para,uai s isderiirg ,ny Ofnleor or Agent a1 tut, DepartîmsrutolCruwn Liginds hautthé dis- charge ot hie ddty l iziir iaTinber iilegally eut-or taktng away-ur cansirig ta ha tsslïeii awa, ay Tiîuber soizod utîdur the Act 12 Vie. Csî.8,arc guiity of Fciozly. Partie, cuttiaîg Timuher on Lands îurchseid hyieni ast prêtanteaci settlerisnt, butîetisliy folrttise purpose of cuttis g tise Tisuber, are Trcb- rhâor ls bO9.1'. M. VANKOUGIINET, Counimîiseýr. Departmout a! Crîîwn Laîîdai, Quece, Otia Novembor, 180i). TOY ]BOOKS- FUR CHISTMAS 1'RESENTS, YANKEE NOTION STORtE. 'IOYS 1 TOYS 1 TOYS 1 SÂANTA CLAUIS le COaiING 6 CASES JUST RiLCEIrED. At the YANKE E NOTION STORE. Tha Wonten ilu btla Y WililoCollins, At tha 'YAKEEKI'IONSTORE. Violins, Flut -s9 & Accordeans A Ilew lot Juaiêt Rceived st tIie 48 YANKEE NOTION STORE. *>~To the Affiioted,..Ço TRIE CELUJRATEz> GIERMAN OIL! Cuti Br1 ises03andal al klnds or FIuak Woaluda Incident t the6.umait Ini Eottles at 25 to 5Octs mAoh Auaclrilng ta sIre, Tiî()mi 1t II e l 1frogi wouîis, and le e:'jia liItla raane'iy for the ro. liefoi HIORSES & CATTLE 511izaiare inom ?*IN, .'.xuavie HEALING 0F ALL WOVNDB lualcted aoa animais. ja- -t; lias ýbcen, nee4d sneeîsfuiiy for tIse Lait Svnletsolbi A-KNOWLES plecenriiig, C. iv. Wls~iay Je, 24 180. ly T REwIntor deai% h o i = an al und frDcrY and4 frpoo ,»t5 fo Frèïm eadoà c'W. 3y Thnrsy koôni T sin) EyThuns Ë venlng Trint eaalituorà FroawTcorbntô,' - "-:1 ýPortland ]jPriday ntarnlng TIsil. Seatüray,: B~'8NollTralaiFtldsy sali ftaa, Nlgbt, ftar arrivai o!fPortland li>, Trtin. df r îwvul Front ueoe, of Montreal ey Fclay Evealng Trilu .*Trali Conne 'ot ll tianîaa with Specual Tran troni .Montréal. oui '.io xo h t bIathaemamids tyil ha clososi atý e -hCity, wil bunotilled b4y tht Poutants. tors. PostOffa'o SIDNEY SMITH, :ostauPostmaster <honoraI. Quebeb, Duo,. ,1880. 4 Wagon-Kaker's Shop for Sale or to Lot. IL~E coinnidicu oemiieeo*t Eaaner'at Cor- îaer'i racetitly occaîpied bhy Mn. Jumes Claytèn as a wacoa nd alranng inpleuîe:at mantifactory. There là a good tairden mui about a poîarter acre of land. Tho premîsai buse, aîd lIlho a old or l ot h .,,l1ýý Apply .H E o RY Or tu JOHN 1110E, 47-Bu, Blaclcinith, opposite tIhe proisilsci. Farm Servante Wanted. AMAN AND 1118 WlFB who wil niake ri aaa nevegenersiîy uefai, end iitnder- etià veryîlaiag eotineeted witiî farininar. No one iaeesl i I ilo ores AppIy ta Tise Ferquason pro v,,~ Doceib.r21, 1860. 51' Buts Agricultural Notice. T il E Annuai bicetiiiag of te ConnityAgicl.- tairai Society ofSo'ntla Ostarlo, M-1111ha Iseli nit Crocker's 1l'tel, m itby, aos Saurday the otii Iluit., nt 1 o'cloei, P. an. JOIhN SIII, Secrctary, Whîthy, Jan.2, 18 0. 5l 18iis Publie Lands. D EBITOIRS to 'tîe Croîva i wili talia Nic tlIit the IRgutisim iroqiîirling piivnîeiaî or areid e pulie larmabaliri lu (il force, wîtla thet sanelonoftlisaît Squatttris are a'ipiad tlint tlîey cein ossiy acqiairea arighli isiblie LandR hi' urrhiame (rani the, Crowiaind tisat tlsc laCIXis lire uaitl tu tilîe'frât epplicalit. P. M. VA NKOUO 1.1 ET, Departinctît of Crown Lande, :IfQobe, Octobur Olot, 1860,o GREBAT SALE OF BANKRUPT STl'OCK! Stoves, StovIfes AT A. LOGAN'S, Filltr's oid estlmbiieisrsîesst, Brook St. Whitby. Apple Paînors at Logan's liaI! Iususel Meassure et Loga'i; Giralin Scoapsat Lo-au', Titi warc aô( atcry deerionc, Sto re'Pi Pe lit& fiiletsacteryiiag lu t: eitave sud liin incas Logasa sq. WO WTZN-1034THB1 Couper Pits ansd Siseet Coppar for amale. liii (ur Rage BaIaSheej'sliiaî. ABRAM LOGAN. Whltby, Oct. 24, 1860. 40 WIIITBY PIANO FORTE é XANUFACTORY, 1 Mary Street, Whitby. " OSEPU F. RAINER, (nisig tliseplihtîat lie lies iataly ettredtthse extesîsîve preimilses rorniurl accuù led by 3Mr. 1). Ford ai a C.arriage factory nery opposIte Ris Boston Jutdge Uirsaini', ii tise Townt of Whithy, asîd wîaarA lis lai nawi engaigesiln tht, nlnisi'utura of 111 N 8, with 1 ail tliamniodsrn lmpnovei ci 1s,9a111d hîihe will warrant tobe eqimailia brilliey o!toile, delicaicy or toteIsh, snd nupej ni bufinisihLà esîv ln: Amerii:A. Ail Plianios arýo ninale by him with (sîl incutel- le iraines, wiM oceer atrLite, o! the bail -oe-- tioied tituber, 'siamd mteriadeolisofstlas. 1qarîption. J. F. Wi. 1 aig expenieuce aof sseerly 20 yc.ars, bath Ili t Aîîtr aal irai is>, as 'seil as bis tle Uanited S ttes alla timVonmtr>', iaie hlmt te state wi'tilt aoasfilenec. lhseihllity to Rive couplete s§ati,4f4etion ta the, publie. WrPrAcawall be founal macla Low. er iu those of Importoal Instruments of inferlor nmanufactnre. Six Octave, (square case,).. -. ......$10 8% do round corneri) ...........225 7 o d o.. ........ ..0 7 do (oier-strlng) e.... 8. 25 7X~Otv, ynsnn d oerouînd earvodi log#t) extra.................... ... 425 SgrA guearsutte of!six yesrs gîven with cach Instrument. Ai wood-wark ln the bast rose wood. J.F Fn1'o. Plinai have taeaî firât prime ut lte Provncial Exbhitions, ansd ha been blgçhty rdSicaionded b y the Jutiges. Ha n eau ase rotor ta sovprai!aniiies lia Whltbe anti eieewhere listishe Ceunty, '.'orni h1hu bas boa e IlIiaaortg iUppiy, as laeltme quauity o! hie lustra liants go»Ahl hInds of Stalag Insàtnnmeuts reasred .*JP~anhcf Mv au asottira kept In ta.e nuyear Gît &MI. É Renimbor the Addnesi,, JOSyopH F.,RAINER P. e,-araies ebonlalb. cane(ilnôt Lta oedt tl:e stolemments of intenealod plions 'who are A4exfitaor upplyistg forelgu Planas front, houl. seos AIt a distance. Support bonis msnufsotmire; a.Te Stock of Teau, Sugars,,a44,çbal oc ugeçv WANTED, l 000 FERKIýNSO Gg,9:ôfrPAÇKED BUTTTER PQB -IICII THE IIIGHZST, PRIE WILL. DE PAID.- C IALL BEyvO11' "PIUýHASINU 'ELS1EWHEIE. BEMEIRE ~LO, PF4ZSRIW$1 BdUtIL)IeOGSi WHITBY. Wbiîby, Navenberi7 1860 .42 DONOYANWTJEY& o PRAOTIQAL CARRI&GE MAXERS, AND»ý MANUIPAOTURERS 0F BROC& STREIET, WIITB.Y. O~OPIPOSITE .THEË "OWe HLL<E AUl of the aboie work ezecuted eith neatness atnd despatch. .Al ,work warronted. Cail anad 50e speiumens. Romaemlier t/teail <reui 43. DONOVAX, WAtLKY &co- No,, 1, Commercial Buildings. Clothing without seam, made entirely without the use of the needie, other than attaching buttons & button holes lste juBt reccavc4 s shapinent of thla alst noveit>' AI~~SS~I~IN &OVMt COATI~ lu great vaniel>', sud o! tîme naast desirablo styles ; sud as tîae y anc liklcey ho upenceàic theolad style ta so largo an extont, wo wauld respectfuiiy ccli yonn attention ta aur stock hefore purchesixug eisowhcore.1 Tlacse fabnica are aIl waven lu tha Wooi, withaut au> soa;t, on thse cross fibre systens, which ceulains the grcalcst ebasticity, '.ith tlao greatesl îtrcugtis and -durability ; will neithen shrnk, nor strclch outl o! chape, non crack ; auid aImait ttatcrproof, oad ina point of wan'mtli, durabilil>', and al ather deinaube sîua'lities, utiquebtiouaiaIy superior ta ans> othacr styles, as ail wit est ltin uust cordial!>' adumit. We dlaim Ihat the Scaruloîs Coat la s'armer, and wiiI '.eun longer titan any two ordi. Nos.1 i naai2, Conmamrcial Buildings, L Bnock St~cet, ~Visitby, Nov. 27, 1860. JWES & POWELL.1 fU 144, Bay Etreet; Toronto. f Brtismh AmeriaAsmurance Compalr, wa ItOif)n&TD under ail ket of the Thr&, 'tl ou1 PgporCaina# Irisnr ce, etrcctç4 on Buildintgs and their ta caite t ï Every i forin àotan supplled an ap &or i pliention to tue ç letlged.,, e "maimQlafký wotholeniaon o r rnrte, TraeýIiàg .Agent, iByrouiitreet, Whitby miea HEsubscriber requcots publie atten Tr tion tahis uow stock ai' buperior Slaves. They luclude thse followiug uew paitterns - TUJE KINÈ; 0F S7~vE~sl THE PRINCE ALBER7, DAVY CROOKET, PR0TECT0N>ST, GRAND TURR, MRON VD(IRE, Cali and exaimine? JOHN BRYAX. 62 Brock Street, Wlîitby. Buiraness casusecttd msith thec anud otîsor PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attonsded ta. Ala Soecnrod b>'Ila t hesseihr. Addrs pncpaid. E. J. CIIF$E9' Lanmd ansd Ge--istra Agent, Quobee, 3ilaînci rai, ISCIO. B~EGS ta annaunca ta hiii uusneu'u,ss friesmds sind culaiomens liant ho is noti' ntrrviisg oaa lis extensaivebusiness ,on CARRIÂGE MAKING, IN ALL l'lS R CES Onu the non' promsises laId>' crcctcd b>' him an Brocit Strcet, theo lagest sud ruosî cana-, plela establishmaent us the Provinîce, "'Iche le rcpared, as litîetofore, la exceute ahi ondens outraaeted 10 lais camp. SW-.Iuaiiufactured tend Sold ait the Loivest nemuuenating Prices. ALL WORK WARRANTED LUMfB±PR aznd PJIODUTECE EK LT L'XYCIANGE ,af MAJUCET IC S D. FORfiS lonag experionce of thint>' ycars iuslte principal Mfanufactories o!flte States and Causidaiu given tisat expeniensco lu even>' branch o! tse business which 'a tew haive acuti ble ho ari-ivo ah, tadi'tor beaul>' o! design, elegance of! ilsil, durabilit>', and eclidît>' of wonkmatisisip, hiai work cannaI ho cxcchhcd. 14r<JaIi utad oe pecimens. THE NEW ESTrABLTIIMlE'NT NEAR TTUE BANK. Wlsithy, Sept. 4, 1860. CH1RISTMýAS & NEW YIiARS GIFTS Cn, 9e JAMES H. GERRIE, c - s ;e 1 a ï'! 1 i U2 'A r -i- 'e0- rtgl' a"' et '0, = - Shr:t ae of ands. ('eit's Sale of Landey, . D. 1501, ut 12 ololc iluoîs, wiilbcb soid ai lubliiaueîioîsnahi* affier, uilishe court Ilact, uun thé Towna cf W Sihby, th iseuadernextioimed leaidA sîad tenseusseuits îs ous eiztd'by nié un- sIný ansd b>' virttu aof Certîaan its o!fîeri Fa-, Cles ta mec iccîd, via:ý Ini tho'Conuiit>'Coirt. George Souiy,'Plintiff, vsi. William Moiatosit dtfeuaat. Ail theé mad defondauî's nrght, 1111e, anti In- toetat o!, lu andtih ie souithi ianI! a!lot ?No. 20, Broken rot lu tht, Tawamslaip of Whltby, contaiaslag 100n ac iat, oeorks. lu tise COUnrt of(Comîuon Ploas. Donald Caunorno, defendaut, aIs Alexander. CasneronapialittfY. Ail thée ddialti atiff'e rîgimI, tIlle,>antinLiter, est aof, il i d talot N.7 lhCon., and ucrti, hai(.oPT, luais tihe.o'Taa. Site if' OffcePer C. Noursa. Witby, Nov. JO, 1860. PRSALE' U. wYoidbc exchaugeal or Cordwood, an FaamPrduc, 'ntBrofiMare 'lu F oal, sud- ané"Filly rimlnq lvpyeans aId.' C a c son nt, Set a 1..l ait o! Llng' sZre'- Dtiadàa OFFICE FOR THI 1SUL< OF MAflRIAO-E LICENSES (By Authwrity.) AT TII M~ C: POST OFFICE, WHIITBY. 46 Agent. Sherfft's Sale of Lands foi Taxes. T RE alde of Lanid#4 for Taxes lu the oui of Onîtario: whieh wils Iald nt tut, Court lionneinlthe, 'lown of Whitby, on the th îtof Octabe.' 1$60? end aidjorid1 i',Sh î frout thbc Otît te o tlht, lOt, fOctobor, and froia the Ila ta tthe, l7th, anud frontthe, l7tlîteoftica 24t1i of October ;ud frout thence poâtponed utIl Miondaay, the 4tia day of M4ardli, 1861i, it the honr of fg o'lelck, noon, will take place ait the Court Dense ith the Towr. of Whhhby, on the day aîid t the ]jour List above muietioned. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheoriaf' Offiec, SParifC. Noti. Whilthy, Oct. 24, 1860 ÇL WANTED# AGOOD procticuai Tanner and Carrier mur- rtdo hn le, witli ONE TI-10U1AND D0LLAH-4 CA ~TAL, te taire that amanst of isiterojttas psirtucer luittho Brougham Tauuery, This Tannery fi macaad te noua ina tlo Connaty. No rival Tauiaarýy withlnutniles, of It. It là st. nated ln tho Centraeaof te Towrnship ea icik- erhaig fva mlles froin e station on the Grand Traanl suis, wlitbout doulbt, the baatopenitig for tho but§inotisbatwoeu Ki ngàtoanad Tai auto. The Teuner7 eams 28 large vets, Coolers ta,'k, and eaghî hoersa, power engie a tli other roquiiten ta lit ont e first oiasuTsunery. AiU new auad proved. Bark lu eblndae u nd -"nveulont. ne iueed apply buta a tead'yano ber in, aud a good w<rimais ln ail depart- mnent,, of tdis bimaieses. Apply, Il by letter puait p#id, to J. RAMER GREENWOOD, 49 89ilcitor, &C., Wlîîtby. N. B.-A Lease for à Ue 4jaeyc affcctaid on the above prupertyý Tu a cuisrable purclia- $or~ a- utile asiea, witaî great advatntego ta thse purohawr, umal bc 1104ot <the el»vi pruniaies and ouc re of land. 1>ROVINCIAL Lond Sunrvoyars, Civil - P , *ineers and Lanud Agents. Uffieu-nexi door ta Dr. loidoï Churoiî-St., Bowmàevl o,ý jCeG, UIÀmhau., 1. 1.: a E . iaa w .s 'D.sorpt!oné, for Vecrts drawu up ai' short nôtice. 46.ýefi DRUG AND BOOK STORE. WHITBY. 49 JIJST ]RECEIYED, I>uspar, Penai, Ink aîsd iitststndt§, in gresat vaie- ty. AI-s a quiiitity o! 61M~ CONVERSATION CARDS, of thsa îuomai auaiig c'taraeter. Sibyline lssavrea, or the nîaîrry fortuna teller. MACLEAR'S CANADIAN ALMANACS. )iîarlcs for 1801, af! ery description, and for Salle hîy Btrook Street, Wiiby. Sheriff's Sale of Lands, Countv of GOntario, fN $Sauunaay, ltaeThir- ' 10 Vt; [s.)tîsth du y o! Mitral,, A. 156, taeicocît, itoit, wiil be îold by I>lleAtcio t my Oficain the Cotant lusa lu tîaa Townî $litby, tIr ight tilla -,îd an- teret wicih the undermeutlauetl dcfcadaists isevcrelly îîseIain tise cudarnieoutiod lands, and tessameut.t thercon, maiezd b>'lite tirciar anad by virtue o! certasin Write cf lienr Fadans, via : -1 In tise Court o! Queun's ltduch. Blener Carson, I'leusîtbl' vs. Joisu Gaêdike, Defondeut. Lots 40, 41 aud 42, la Broken Front concesi- sionî, Townshsip o! Renia, coutslsiug 886 seras. In tito Counuy Court. Jantes Weilace, PlaIntif vu. John Oreen, DeF- fendaint. Ail the saad defauclsnt's r! ht, titia and iter. est, int liet part of tIsé 8,4 oP Lot '27 l u tue lat cancessions a! lie rownsip of! WlatLy, iaatwn uposu John ' Shir's plan aif the, aa, as Town Loýts, Ianda2 I n Block 46 ,"1 ai tiseTownî o! W hstby. eostaining l'y adaeasnremùnt P-5tLs o! ait acre, maore or loiss. NELSON G. RE'YNOLýDS, Sîsierilf, C. O. F-in C. Nourca, Shoelifs Office W hltby, Fec. 9 1, 1860. 80 NOTICE. rH¶1E Aniatlsa Meetn f lte Stackiaoldans of ite Windsor Bkoaci Comipany, will take, -pIfa n- hÀolday, the 461S day of Vebruary aext- A t 12o'ei.alok, noon, at T. N. SarIptnrae iHatel, for lIse cleetion of DireetorsAand. (Ozoocré fo-r se eanxROBERTsB- ROBERT E. PERRY, - PnesWaut. 62 ý2.'d U~n. 1861. sutie.., ac eaa'.nq ',ulappaaeie,-adea leSTes the sufferer wrecaked luabçdy'ap4doiadpre. tisuipaea to consnmptioan id a traiaovll mono, ta bc dreetded tuaaadaath ItselL,, à UOST SCîavzKcTIlviMETrIaN. Dr. Aumos & soSautlaIte pletsure lin anuniln1 t a i t e > ' h a vï e l i a i' n t ad -a . I M c t If Î ,- r a a l a ialnamentfan thecone, o-tte abova diaess%. 1h itaaon sbJealed tca testby tit aotéuahai phitysit ln asLondon Pjari laIIp 1hbaai Naw Yank; il bason a Mecimnea tis on1 useful Inztrno"nt et'er; n hvcuteal' flûr ,tho cure o(Satiainai Weakuae, oramiy dhseo f tii génatluognio, canios1I by thé. scenot'habits ci yot.Pnicer $19>by sal or, expres.. Dr. Amuaa & Son, lu ardor otia lfy lac moi.! aiepiala ta tho monita of tiinstrument dledgo thomaielv-es tîat lu eny luetance where at ay proveoatifiâtony atter s figr triai t1ie uaoney wiii bc ne(nndad y neturula th Inetrumtin îigoad order. th COUNTiRY'INt'ÀLIDB. Persons lu auy part otf lit World umny ha sie cesidlhi>'rcateci 1iv fonwart1aig a correct deteuil of thicasam, -%ii ha nemittanee for Modicitseu &ac. Asidroe sDr. A mn & Ei-n, coanr o!Man d qita> Streets. a tala N- Y NEW JEWELLRYIiuâ>o' bc lumud wmdl irthy ofa! tttion, afiti among whluilise aauw litaian essorînseîsî of Silver-plated Forks, .Spconsi8 &ec.1 a! tiheitquidit>'. liii astock baI Jeweuio. r v er t'n'lara c oupnisiaug Came*, Coral Etnniscitus, eai PliGold l Setta,. ntinel>' ne4 styles Emiialial havSies Wattjms Spectacles, Fisse Gaid I'cddihug Rings, &a.' JAMES JOU1NSTO.N,ý bepiix~er , 180. Brook Street, WhaulW-* Phoenix Pire Assiurance Coi OàC.'.tl> iTatEET ICAxaculiNeaeo s1 OLaO?ôo ESTADI ISIIED lx171d% GILlFSPIE , MOFFÂT & C0., Agestaifon Canada.' I NP~U1ANCES again»t hiSSES b>' FIE ud Iett'cctedvu thue mail faî.mA' e Irmm, andi LffSSES paiti witluout neecrene b the Jicard ha L u o . H . W . W CO O D W A R D . ' - " AtJent, Connrty o; Ontario. Whlîby, Ang 10, 1869ý Lande and Saw Nifi for Salee0 jy Acresaoa!prme oLand-80kocres cleered.' 10 0 eainpased of(the Wasî hlai ot Lot No. 7.l he 2ud Coiu. o!ftJxbridge, Couuit> Ontario; togoe,'.ltuî au excellent Oaw Mill snd Ivie goad D'.vlling buses, mwitit out oca tcrc- on. Aiea 7 acres adjuinîng, eaaiposed ofîlme f.oat Fart af Lot No. os, in the aime coliaccaion. Theahavîprotyinlai laelthfiiIl '..dde- iaituy iînctin a pleassiattlocalit>', suddlit (Iue o!flise aldeai snd lestettleel taivuatlaipg ha thse Countyo! Osstamio. Il le withini 234 miles an tisa Village o! Stauffvile, abaul 10 mâles (nom Uxhnidge villaige, anal 20 mâiliaifrons the Towu af Wisitby, thé caleitulof the Canýotfo! uitarn. Top'o erty inili hc solditiYe>chcap for aa-à ir uditiputable. A 1 te) Or t Eetatno.Il~ FRANCIS RELIER, Old Newspapera for, Bale. A Iarg n4 ia ld Naive nâ tliplical ai te Wil yrIReadintg Raaa't dnnlug the iaait, iroan, fansalitelcalu. Notice. AL hparties lndoimhed ta tisée ptateoeaithe I.atwillamn Bulle>'1l'y Martgag oran tit- erwiie. arc lséreby netificd t halu nmedlsta pny- Inaeît le roquinedalind ail parties laaving caim ageiit seid Eitate are euetdoliandl tht, mame ta th ise ca. ensedt dl JOHN BRADLEY, Lot No.' ,S SiCon. Wlaitby, 42 Admhisaxtrator. Valuable Parins for ýsaie. T OTS Not. 17 de 18 la the Tow abip a!f .Ls by-lao former counaig 0,acresau. latten »070Çacres sitnastedin tetovnsaips'et Eesl anal West 'V'htby. Oiu tise go acre f.rm thera are lai acres o! voods and- ioita 'qher l6 aec; theto raneor o! thet, i'sn o mth flimas je nader tlhsgîsete of enkivetion, aud tlsnra good buildlige, oceurn , shesae samd ont-hanses on'both; a Vio fine yong oenh- airds and water pnivileges, nat ta 3m sarpaas cd. Terme liberal. ÀJIlMaI.WQç or ta S, B. F Â 1RANC *- E.JT. WILSON, s., -i or W. H.,Tt AN4 I PAR-1 FOR SALE. . H., 'EPUTY REGIQ, ordiuny,ud Ib Jut foli' iARIIESTER, A i)riiçur ot hr tite thle cl) stand,> WILLIAM1I *. ING $TE£E eAlIsTER. C eoifUlck ]5iick, 13 7WIsrilby, Aug. i,ý ïlF. Etatte Agent i d8. Bdi. ROB. C URGEON, Acea bfurn tisa Cuwty * URGtUN To iS Byron Street, 1 e1tirrd part of '#tbinc cisd atieut rE~ 4 / tnc. Wtrs, coasser 'Foromata, C. W. 'CANTE flUFFINS 011E. WV. ut ARlIrTIIR& I3Solieitsris -its L JYE NSE1D AU( ~l'cait, allers4 hauts. fo!Iuarlo ui tentd Saies hy .Anc monqiscudiz8asuda Oaquawci, Annt JOHN 3F. JEWETT, 1 Whiitby, JaM.'01.- A.é MAHiN T A' 1IENIiE Vitoiarîsud ma BrI. (Aâtieuîriuii aiai MERUNT T-M .m A ild rig.e troete, uht .IVisi gr I lyaùthON d M te ut lersocau WiotitbyelàJonc2 "U l osidi nndeeigad oi fiesWil. BMes mare l>'atonieit Laîy nacitt on c ' baLi 52-3«- 1 i

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