Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1861, p. 2

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:ads ad Poisr> Te. mante, do 1gO d p7osî'vs'sase, do s ' MkSnCit upand acets-I upas las a vigas-ous tiannor, Il coulti ualfai fa Le suceessful, anti more tiais ay os-bas- s-ing vouldit has caeseulat-islto ps-tote Ils-aihsteseste cf tise Socipty, niaidecosfer upan i liasting anti per- manent htin-fits ln lima ta Ca ma. Ilasites r rovis-iiinv îe-emoasv accommodation, asnt xhs-'ies- foe'-s-nnas, anti the producte, anti oo,-s-arsticles o f oxhisiitors, noîhing couiti *ha"s.as- 'oft-rs- ffect suit itsdissg s-be members cf thi 4tes--is-stv îs-soetises-, ncs-casing ils nom- bs-se, ft- sI sss-vaul,s-In!thtisacause of Agricul- turo midnt i fsustî,e t hin tise district. Thlis-- suss-lr o-s f ms-suisrs wouldti ul isn, M a st -s~~ntmt)oir hatitis riais anti Yt-iwIî, s-jss-s-s-s, a ss-tsats-ycouplo cf hon- * is--s-J bs-s-s s-ss- uis- iqs'-sus- sms-sny Ilootisi. * T:I- ai-ts-sts-5si'-llts-z-s-sor cfhin4 Isundredei s-y-s-is-~i1sseu*ndg-if il-s-8-, tiae list of1 * raiLs- ,~ s- n--s - jctsL' s -- i il S h tis e usn Srtn:I1si tiserae OUs4id )W- ts W-s- s-y t»ht-s'liltion ie- -s-'-5 t s-st! - 555 t ts- Ilise- loeality ceuil 1 - ts ' -ti -'s-t- o ebat(>e Pýis-ce.t s s" s- -s s- rsus-îini'iebut easy cf1 0 1t l-ais - lsr Csun$Ceicîons * ---~s s'-ststs-s s--,,peas-yitgeti be-1 * -s i t ic s-ss-si rcaiy isaitaete 1I - .s ttrtss-tsl a-ssu -ebots tisa CauntyZ s--. f -ilsth tindSouths Onleitre ss--s-tis---f WIas-ilfuls Iaseves- yet faleti taà s-j, -~s-s-- - a -- si-imurean t -at- a nt---ss--- tis-ussas-, os-at an amaunt,( s-s-'.t--s-.-t 1Vs-tu d-ss- uit l ustteti by tise Caun. J i- -]~-t s-s <;~s-t.ed. t>ivattobscrip-i s-t-ss-s-- s-sas-ss-bf lsu tinsledti te a large f il)sst;ns s--tht Us-s-s-sand, duubtlees,' s-s- s--tss--~ the ts Counîy. Lot tisei ts-ibs-e s-ass-i, antis-as vo have aireatiy tistird, s-s-ilths-i ie aececsas-y is a vigos-ous1 ults-d unis--s esfurtt so ensure soacees. A Dfis-'u-yes-lComplimenst. s- Os-s-n rt-iay lis-s, tasbus-gregation cf Si. .Jeltts Chus-ai, Wiiby, prs.seted t0se >7ev. juhn Peutianti, A. B., icaaMbent cf - -*hc, bs-s-s-a hu a vos-y marke4 tokon cf tises- Wdues Aeii hasioROf Vatuabloý articlestc»ictiag cf veasing apparel for s- i a nsd f&oily, s-td a qusnthty cf 6ail kiatis cf ps-avision#, Sota-ning ln value40 a - S'îles.tisan $50, vas fos-vardedt talà, re. gidanto un Oshsawa, Thtisgif4, leîibes vus doatio onVlwstma% day cf equal - usmit, eviaces a vasy- goneous atikinti s-a~we audes-tai, vas raaeivedvitis oe Anasual Meleting cfrfise auts outiarlo AgrieutuiSaociety. Eleetiosi of Officers. Tis ananual mseetinsg cf tisa mombers cf tise Souths Ontaria' Agriculturai Society, vasel bo t aiCrockes-'s Commues-ialt*as-el au Saius-day. Tise attenstance vas numes-- oue and respectable, tise las-go dinlng s-ons of tise isetibin; quito fil let. Mr, James Pile, tise Pnosient of tise past yens-, an takiung tise chahs-, expisinoti tisatishe ps-moi. pul btliase cf the meeting vas s-e ehectian of offices-s for tisee usrouI 7er, anti reaeiv- ing tisa annuni report of tise ant.gaing cf- flea-boldars. Besaintiosas puset gsatlng $10 te Tisas. Pierson for eericeu, "anti0*so th ie laIe Secs-oary-Treuutrers Ms-. Shias-, tise laie Sees-etas-Treastres-, rend tiseanunual report, fs-am visic i i- p. peas-edttist tise soaiety numbereti 195 moas- bers,tisaltisera voe8e utistleya exk hbiion', naI iici $392 75 inps-miums vol-e avardeti, hasideg 27 tilansi. Aise sislving tise total roceipte af tise Saceoty te lie 1510 13 ; ise expenditare $1478 28 ; anti tise bahanee 051 isattd $31 185. Tise report asua eetfortis dots-ils cf tise plaugising, match, aeknow1etgedC- tbs'4donatiouss of s mireros-cap vained t i$4, fs-cm--Jases BIak. a set cf lhameauosetvalue-htai $10 fions Jas. Cracices, anti a prize cf $10 eentsihnted by James Pile for tisa Seat blacd hanse, vih vas avasdedttaTisomsas Dovning, tise pro. priatos- af Yung Sir- Taltan. 'It eaecno- tices- tise'psogres. of drainage, id esmn. mentieti Ms-Sailie's drain tues. In s-aply ta Mn. Ina B. Caspeter, lhe Frecitient, (Mr. Pie,-the Secretas-y, (Mr. Siir,) antiMs-. J. J. Davitieca, coecf tise Commis-tee aitishe Cowuîy Ploisging match) gave saifactcs-y expianations la relation ta tise msundrstanding visicis led ta tise sut cf Tweetie againsitishe Society. Tise repart s-as ananinsously as-opted. The election cf office boss-eseas thon praceotd iet i-. John Siies-, Esq., vas psopased as Ps-e stoaty bl Gosgo McGillivrayy Esquire, seeadeti by James J. Davitican Esq., JohnaERamin r, Esq., 'vas ps-eposed by Ina B. *Carpentpe-, Eq., J. P.,scntiet b> J. B.'M. Wil)Ucox, EL, .P. James~J. avidoa, ~q.,vapsoce b>'171-obriMhlo4 Aq. "bti *Daidusn vitirew. - Ma'. l'es-,y zpsmed i:i desinete je@, ai ý!e to1-40 lu, d. ioac'd.4ldbl of thï*e. phsalaar itis Ms.Prsyi1hat Moal d m4issoc o aqd van ' b r ci ~~~~la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o the~f~eh spre~jZ<1f Pdays, eil t-byaa ila lmcte.Mre tliv. «Pear obtastýise as fte si cf hi soet ud .co4 the ijbt l* ipbail notohnelsoisn qvgiaa.std woul eis moc re ondessui nheetiounyogf thste 1r oedeuss PObài balab.. ae. duetti iserto mm lsri tef ter' s rers tact dO s halai se, of tasti t lsey 1r-arldene. sceoulh ieelcinc J1cs ohnets, Esq, 'cf Eastiurrte *Dmais 'ICoas.-Mossrc. Ira B. Carpentes-, Towna of Whisîby;- Jamnes J. Davideon, anti Jos litPlékeaingr; C. Daves, and Tisoasa Pies-con, 'Tovnsisip cf Wihisy; Samnel Bell sud Thoaseasny, Eaut Whitby. Momiors cfise lBoard o f Agriclre.- Hon. Adans Ferguscas, Walondovn; Hon. Davidi Christie,- Brantford;~ Asa A. Barn. hans, Esq., Cobsourg; Wm. Fea-guson, Esq., Kinagston. Delegates to Prov'incial Exhibition- John Hans Pers-y, q., and William Mil. ler, Ësq. Ses-oral"consnsutscatiaons voie rond by tsPrezident-one a lengtisy oeafrinstise Bureau cf Agriculture. A erasointica passetientitlhng imemiiers 1iib ~ *-~-- n- pieslident of t6. 9ooüt1hOn 'À 'aÀ; WhltbY, Tbur*dYi-JauQary 24i 1861. ebii'nfeuin d fre4ue'îiy ntn 1IDcàW1 '1_w w rable Ion tahom r ü M ié haë ld el, O~L O ~ BDL R YAR cd as Set i -,y d Trý gr 6, So Thce Wwdîlncb ip 4tihe C. ioy pra ut Crai.and a iiw, gr t" ido li * The IReeve of Phckerlng, Mr. T. P. truast viiclithse ocietrrpoîéeluaiWlmwôui Wbuitet lms beseeeted hy vitay 117be have 1reained )fr. Bheir 'in thie, officea eonslderedth ie ananimous vote of tiseoun long asobe côneeasle4. o dta ut tise ili tu thea Warden's cbalr the preadst 7parWhiîbyIfz masii iit1.$hi Apat fais Mi WIhoc .mited ltnsc ugit fo b. lurneil out. Ï làdolog so ibut fn e11 tliseoffic, e, k~re macet pleàsed on unconeuusiy add -o",r.'b i'seti ouiscr grounde ant his 010019çn, The WMr- 'ab1f%ýî6 e1rrand'thse ýonbeqursco,wua dans for tise ltasîiaf ,loon yeamwbave tisai by an unau-mo eho-@v lao l--eetn nvariabiy ciecît fs-c'atise Nos-thorasplIESIDENT of tise Socie ty -i * Municir anîi. sd l soniy' proper and 1Mr. Sisair veli desorvod ie ccmplhwient. joui thssf Illse lits-n of sousaof tise Loves in It vsw u îa nd eriti e nite ftaliseffi- 8nrh ntoi i old corne round. Mr-. ciency. Vader -hie pré& idea cy,-andtise di., WIit-, Ifss ect. raîss-ned for Pickcering 'rection of tisen vy eced ficrv 0i- .ysnrs n' cucceee i ýve eprs ir oqcce-fn and vo are giad Ithe oui 'lta tosie Ùunty Aricuitural'So. *choico qfs-ll sspon him., PickerinZtie one ofithe clely a o S o Otario flourfih andp :a 'oalhiest-..if flot lgisensi weathy-and per.: ý Mlpos ~ tn swntillips in tise Counîy, andi Mr. -Is these emè-palper thise, personal "char. lVitin il ie fis-si of it@ represeufatives actore of Ms. Franciia!Celler and Mr. clclleîtd1tr i Wasdpn's chah r.: Pickosiag John Kelier are aeeailad by the villainous hail a F s-s-wL of clii noltise ionos-. h l0 caluaniiatois of tis atacluman. tise' lu - pitesasît to ha Oltiba tacf îe tisai lie 1pliti. ferai-c a 10be dran ntromn titis vii haosist ca-l Oý)inisof the candidates wes-e alto. cama Asi that in the case of Mr. Sheir.. The, gifflss-r i.-noseti in the lecticîs. This is cals*mny if tise #Walclman woald ,b. a just iiiç it sould be'. With thse votW o f sure neconsmendssîion befora tise public.- M4casre. Pcs-y, Faibrainks and Wation, Ms-. But'is ilisot tzo bad :-this utter dusre- Thlo,n e o loetion en-uiti have been easily gardt for theselcncies of privata Ilfe? Mi, eSee..îed; but tise gentleman prefansed- Francis Keller is flot in public lufe ;h' va tsese wh iso îtsow îie vltould expect is flot attacked o ulcgo ndi ur tlls- wo-isl do-toact opn princip1e, And have bis acte giva"n tisee iaadow cf a cause laYiig 0f politicai icanintis acide ýo vote for publie cerisure. John Keller isfur for Mr. White on acceuint cf thse claas away, -and bas ivad oui of tise locaiisy nomse 'if fle townusip which hae represen.- threo jears, ans-h lose vise knev hins wili This ciincas excellent evidenca of the bar. net fail ta rencmaber boy uittle bie quiet M0.1y andi kindly spirit visicis la likeiy ta uhassuîningagnsd olisiniu chai-acter de- pa-evail in tise present Council. 1:itis e sari-ad, pnrticulas-ly at tisis data, lobe as- beui Counci tisa Cotinty hauisad ince 1856. sileti by tise bhnckguard and unmanly Ian Tisa najcsity of thse niambers arc enon f guage of tise vritere in thse Wisitby IVala4. -standing hontise County soea cftinscf Man. PUty hisl'acledatind ses-y ar~e ve supes-hos- attainmcssts, maîty cf of tison pas. t 0-s-e tise day tisai tise hononable profession seeseti cf a iigisorties - fintQlligence and ocf lie journiîil suad tise noble mission cf adoration, and baivitsg an inlinse acquain. tise Preesssculd be dagradcd in tise bande cf tance vils Iheir dattîe andth ie wariing of Persoaswio se s oua andthie other oaly as Our Municipal Institut uns. We mise tise a mçncss fg4Çyn0rvisems. - <lndly heanshng face ansd dignifioti mien cfWit-le tise private iitory cf tise personas Mfr hlweî,t, andtoe or twa otson ; but cennacted vîis tise 17a(ckman 'le, as vo except on personal grounds, wearan far have ais-aady menticngl, en vos-y vulnes-abto, frosit eaying tisat tisa intpreats cf tise Ceun. tisistof tise Kellers cau, Weil bear tise open ty Wiit st ail curter in tiseisandis cf tise gen- ligisi cf day. Tbay are nc fuigtives fs-cm tlensen sent ias thiailsaces, tiseir native country. Tisey are aneabere cf a respectable faimiiy, ait bDrm anad reareti County Agrlcuitinni Buildinags. un tis a ajoiaing tovnesip, visera thisas pa Mr. Ferry anade an excellent sugegtion nents are katcvn and vos-e rovaetid anti ras- at tise nnuni meeting of lte nm embens cf pectati, andt if tise lasiguage cf lise covanti- lise Souths Ontarin Agriculturai Society, as ly HVatc/&rnan ware ued vitiiftise euas. la proeas-lnx a suitabie -Pair greound, ant i sg cf ar.y aoitecf tise six brothers, it voulti lthe érection of permanent buildin,;c. If b. trust dcwq tise titrat cf tise stterer. . Tise foluoiag gentlemen as-e tisa offleers ahecteti for tLe ps-sent yens-. W. cangra - Inlate tise Society on tise soectian. Il couiti searcely have been betfos-. RoSi. Spoars, Esq., Presitient. Robi. Ward, Eeoq., lot Vice do. G. Biabazasa, Esq., 2nti Vice doc. Josepis Dickey, Esq., Searetas-y. Wm. Boyaton, Esq., Treaus-és-. DzaCCTaRSi.-Messrs. Ja'hn Smiîi,Scoîî; Jas. Jevett, Boria ; -1. N. Mors-ioas, Ep- sans; A. Spsing, Gsenbnk ; Etivarti Major, Baratt; 1B. Piips, Seatt; anti J. P. Plank, tTzhitige. Jioeis afleugog Agicaltural Socies-y Tise fclicving are tise cificerse oleateti for tise currsatyess-. william Peasl, Esq., Presiteat. Josephis CI ngia, sq., Vice do. Duncan Christie. Eeq., Seceeasy. Wm. Boyatôn, Eist1. Treatarer., Dmascrou.-Nmess. L. Major, Tisos. Coste% James Jovet4tJ. Engil ,Tisonsa Clous-ice an- Warulemse lecteuI. - Yez Aad-Puea-J. P. Whoeelor, Loeve cf S«ossio.t - BaiQwý.-7.. .Jotb", Love of Bsy. - Pu4Provcioal.>-. C Hytie,Raove 0f tbi5sç Qt iift-away., -,Sd if hbc b. not ' hQazoy-yot h ave nppp"ity o Binding il osxjMs'd Pper beaqa ýe nanie of being 'àvery artrur matie ad ýllpper -_; artaI4iejtyno meap îtesbpI. Mani, oPQUO l isiih e~t, Ti tie Globe eanieauily leasa. la ôr¶er tbat tbis.may not escape thed notice of or con- temporiry, vro ocônd >Kr. »raper'i' 4eki-ý-o be t known ishahashsch au animal scpsîileç bobiad and isefore hirn, t* clip h t and enclose'.U Îi. t bb ditor cf of gr. Drgper'a clectima for -th@eNorb Ward. Thse arkàam Counase!. ..An enlise Tory Concil, iays thse Markbam;Economige bas been elacted ia tetoroUsh eor Township of Mark. bans. Politicés ehould not be iutroduced inito Our municipal elections, and it is un. just of the Econoist f find lisait withiss Municipa ou 'lon stich a ground. The Legisative Coueillor whioedits thea Led., nomiat should noti,.e o dieposad tc find fault in advanca. We have tisa bener of an acquinîtanu with. thse netvlyelected Councillors, asd havýe 11111edoubîtbey vili discharge thaeir duties iwell, ansd ta the coin- piele satiafaction of the people of Mark. ham. L3t 1Mr. Reesor avai thie trial be fore condemnin& themns. Tempe-nas-c. We have m-eeived fs-rn our friand Mn. Chas. Clark, tise foliowing- observations taken by iinsuring tisa coiti tiys lasi veek. Jauua-y l2t, 8 c'clock p. ns., Tbermoneter60 beiow zero. Jan. ils-i, 9 a'cick p. ns. 240 i'l Otis, il .9 t6 181= 46 13t-i, 3 il a. ns. 280e tg Lt 5 tg à& 180 L iL 6.30 Il t4--140D fti51 7 f5i &1 120 >-Inviiations la, a sapper party bs-sie boan issueti by ise nevly eleeati Yss-den s-l is col' - - ï, ,- " t 1s---~ tise Masycr anti meaniers of s-Le Tovis fousî- ci, antiscaeps-uvale fa-ienii. Tise s--:s takea pince ai Bnyana -isetel Ibis (Thura- day) evaning. Mn. Wiseoler, tise Wnrden af Yoak asnd Peel, le aman-st the isus-is-et guesîs expecieti. Bleettion of Ollicens cf L. 0. L. 167. Tisa regolar nsous-ily meeting cf tise abos'e Lodse tLok place on tisa 28tis, cf Dacambes- 1860, attise L. O. fHall, Green- vooti, aI visicis a large numbr o f Offices resulteti in s-be. follcving membars. A. MeKay W. M., viso vas relurnua for tisa tii-t yens- by an unatoimous voe. Johsu Wais-, D. M., F. Green, Cisapiain, John Boddy, Treasurer, Win. MeCoullougis anti S. Os-ean, Sees-etas-y's, AIs-w. Tata, Senias- Committea-man. Tise sale cf Cs-cckery anti Chiisa by Meusrs. Fairbanks Mactouell continues oves-y evoning this veek,) anti an Monday next- a catalogua eale-of valucabia coutes-y, Pra os-namo seA., vulube boit. Tis sale le vrtansu-tendin;. LECTURE ET MRs. McGZ.-Mr. MOGee Lecturs-a attise meebanias' Hall, an Fs-i. day evoning. Tisose vishing ta, secura gacti places sisonîti bo ainsie. Mxssbaos-Lav Mss-âs-s-s.-Wo as-e raquait. eti ta insimato tisat a Missiotiary Meeting "I ba iseitinlastiseCongrregatiossai Chus-ch, On Tuesday evening. Fabs-uary itis, of viih fustiser notice viiliehas-îly ha gi-en. Townu Connaît of Whitby. Jouaisa L Pzsstv, Esq., RZEs'e. Joas-s-WÀToroiçs, Eeq,Dzrva'vRus-as-n. Tisa fis-et mao.hng cf tise nevly electeti Ceuncil taak place aItishe Tawn Hall au Monday last,lise 21t. Jam.e Rave, Esq., tise nes-iy aleceot Mayas-, having been ps-e- viousiy svas-n la, took the chairs- ai ivîe oclcck, noou. Tiseaies-ks-as thieses-us-ns ai, the newhy oleceotimoes-is, visa allan- sve redtotetbisas-names, sud Look s-he necas- sasy tieclas-ations oc fceanti qualifica- tsan. Ms-. Dai-erel, secntieti by Ms-. Watsa n, ps-9ppcsoti John Hans Pers-y, Esq., as Lo've. Ms-. Drapes- matie a speech, tise gisi of vitais v atisigrs. Per-y vasuin favar of sepasatica fs-'m tisa Cocnty, adougist fot tiseseforo ha sent- ta tLe Caanly Caucil-. Mr. 1raper di t aisay tisat Leovas lie persoqn tisai sisousit e,,olecteti W tise Cana ty Counacly1 1such. was tisé plain infus-é. ene nibstoue anti mannen. vas that - cf a ,very disapahateti aspirant. Ms.Pae rs- rectetiMs-. Drapes-, stating tisaiiisai,geiesIffan,8lecture oies shoot as >ssgby as hielot toys, at sau a U4eti 5 lusi ed-distinétly tisai leovwu iot lafaet' ~- àf separatien fs-cm tise conuni,; eiii'uinmdi other mewb>ér'e of îhe Oou'hiel <MrýPérry bme except0d,j voted t4y 'otM. Perry vas efected, aes nearlr as m4%ht be, Mr. LyXnde,, eeconded by k, Goba, 'pro- as Deputy Reeve, nd the elocf ion vent by na ominated, by ballot t, nominale iii. itaadingcolemitties. The ~altrate iiitie favor of Mýessie. Perry, DevýeriiI, Wateo, Dormolt and Brown. Tisa Major, having leit the chair fàr fîle minutes, tis committee reti 'red to aale up the ir report, vhich having helen, datte thse atiopleti as foîlova. Bs-ovn,-Draper, Waitscn.-- STR-EESANseLD' INPiOVECMEs-TS.--POry, Deveriulanti IeDos-matt. F--aE &AçD WÂAa.0-Ounu, Lynde, -anti Camoen. ;Paîecl-aa; -Lyndé, Broya, anti Mefer- Cames-on. E.- rpsGns ît AsPP-'LîcÂtîOXS TU OrrFicE-Dveil, Watasn, anti Per-y. L icxsEa...- T he M ay -o-, uas, M cD r. mo-t, anti Lyisde. BoLARu or Hricrss.-Tho Coaneil. Tise gentleman fis-st namet i caenaiscns. ,inittée ta, be tisechai-arman biseaf. On motion of Dr. Gussi, secondeti by Mi-, Br-own, Mn. Wm. MaiePses-son vas aippvlit- eti one cf Lise audiers, andtihie Mayas- nu- minatetiMs-. R- H. Lavties, thse second. Tise Cauncil tissu adjous-neti util Mon- day evaning tise 28thista. COTJNTY COUJNiIL. JANUARY SESSION. Wiiby, Toesday, Jaun. 22, 1801. Sises-îy after tvc co'chock, this day, H. J. Mactionell, Esq., Couus-y Clos-k, calseti s-be Ceuncil te orties-, anti rend ces-tificatses cf ratura cf tisa foliiei-g meaibers, vîso anaves-edtit tis namnes - T7own of Witby-Josn Hans Pers-y, Reeve; Jobis Watson, Dopuîy Reeva. Tonship of Whitby.-Rohe-t Camp. bell, Ileeve; Wm. White, Depus-y Reeva. Last Wlitby.-Jeisn Raiclitfe, Reve; W. Bas-lIait, Dapnty Becse. R*eads.-James B, Campsbell, tees-ei W. White, Doputy Beeva. &cugog.-E. W. Gambie, Rocs-a.- Brock-Jeisn Hall Thempacu, Beauia J. Glandaniu g, Deputy Becs-a. Uxbrfdge.--Wmù. Smithi, Reava ; J. A. Sangstes-, Deputy LRes-c. Pcering-T. P. Wisite, Bessi-aiJus. Wixeon, Jr., Deputy Beeva. Absent, anti certificatas not fsl-lt Scotst.- Thtorat.- Mas-a and Ramssa- The clark infermtsd tisa asaembliea eves atnd Deputie sats-bt fist business cf tisa Council vas te eleet a Wns-deu, andti -ai tiesain aacous-sevaulti ba pus-suetias isare- tofsore, by puîîing tise nomisaaîione lu tisa as-des-in wviicitisay wveamatie. Ms-. Fairbanks snggeeied s-bat hintise ais- sauce of tise tisrce raprs-en--stives fs-osa Scoti, Tisos-ai anti Mas-a, it veulti be dies- rable tise clark lenve tisa chais- util tvo a dlock ta-aies-s-cv, han thosa gentlemen vaisit be ps-sent. -Tan o'clocle vas su, aetl as tise heur loy soi-ai members.- 1fr. Fairbanks acquiescat iun tise sugges- tien, anti secoutiat a motion moeat by Ms-. Snaitis, that tisa Clark leave tIse chais- uns-lt shaitSous-. Clark lef tisa Chais-. SECOND I)ÂY. Wctisay, Jan. 23. Tise clark aniiedth Ie Ceuneil taondes- ni haîfs-past tes-e ock ibis morniag, ant inta farmodth ie Canailttiait cast- bficates of ra- tturas c f tise 'fallavwing Réeavs, had bean letigeti. Mas-a and Rama.-Kennedy~. 7IhPra.-Jmes Murray. 2&ott.-J. K. Vas-non. Mr. Campbell, RLove cf Wisitby Tavn- esip, cecoutietiby Mx,. GaiPslo1a, Levaeof Seogog, proposeti. Johu Hait Thompeon, Eaq., Rees'e,,af Braci, as Wasden of tise Caunty of Ontâs-tu for tise presenî yens-. .Mr-. Smiuths, -Leeva cf Uxîritige, eeccndeti byr Ms.Roli év f îEastj Wbitby, propose-iaus-zaaP. White, Pds" Loe of-Pickorlng, as Wandea.t Campbeit, (Wbiîby,.5.) Konaety, MûraMy, *uucontinune dur. t torneti hi$ siascere tisancebtiste cooar- cil' fTise usueoactis or office vas tison talion beforeHi#sôb .Jg ý1 vise.Wh s -saent. la tseC canaitP>&sebarj on motion cf.TMr. Saiuîis,, econid'1is 1Mr. ýÈatoéli, a sj.eeiai eomm iît-e cf Fflvè ,*auballolc& for t ýe,ïlh s sading coin. ite.*Tise ballot inedl favar 7ýsf lmer. Camspbell (Wbiyty), 'Pers-y. Rat- Onton ofmr. HIatlur, socontiat by TMr. Tisýorns, tise Warden tisai lef-tishe chair' for fifleon minutes, tpabnseleh special ccminittee ta repart. Ms-. TlaompsaPn's,,Fepq4 ~fs-slie spacial committea vas isdqtsed, reomenning tise fQowne>standing cçFmmt-ee. Finance and Assesmenl. -PeryBas-t. loti and. Verastn. education. - Tiseapson, Campbell, *Count!IPr-opery.-Smitb, Wixoon, andi Watson. Roadsand J5idge.-Ratcliff, Kenne. Prisseing.-Firbanks, Whsite (Rc-acis,) Hurs-ny. Cont f-ogencies. - Campbell, (Reaci,) Gambit, White, (Wisitby.) Ms-. Smiths gave notice for to-mas-s-v cs a by-lav ta appoint the auditers. Ms-. Thompson gave notice cf a ly-law s-o amandth ie by-inv spprap-ias-iug £150, on s-be costruction cf tise bridge aiesose lise Blaick sivr. Fron tisa Secratas-y of tise Boardtiof Prison Inspectors. Prom W. MeCnbe principal cf tise Wht- by Grammes- Sebaci offesing sesoinrsips as prizes an cestain conditions. PETITsIoNs. For nid ta canas-s-et a eansevay on tise Fs-cmnlise Board cf Publie Instruction- Mr-E. Smih-. MOTITeS-s. On motion of Ms-. Thoam psn, secendeti by Olendenig tisas-ail commonicas-ious Le., he sens- vitiso-ssfus-tises-mesion, tes-ho se- s-oral Cemmiîîees te visicis tiobeiossg. On motiXn of Ms-. Ratelif, secondet loy Ms-. Tiso-ipsusi, tisst s-be Waisden do bcave tisa chair eneis day during tise-prsosnt ses.- sion aetisaîf-pasi s-valve o'clock for an bous- anti a isaîf, anti at six o dlock for ona heur. Conneil adjourneti uns-il tan o*ciock teo- mors-av mes-ingf Montiay; Jais. 21, 1860.,- Tise Caunnaitcf tise corpos-ationaaf Pick- es-us-g met ait tise bavashaIl Brengisas, anti os-gainizati by chacting T. P. Witie, Racva, anti Joepis Wixan, Jr., Depuiy Reava- On inetiesi of Ms-. Cisapsan, a, by lais was pauseti appainting John Philiips, Ânses- sas-, anti A.Folianten anti W. A. lîcCul- langis, Auditors fas- tiseans-s-nt yens-, anti aieoa s y-hnw appainting Elijais Bostvick, George Long, Etivarti Jackson, Tisonsas W. Vas-dan anti Mas-tia Nigisvanias, In- cpectors csf Licenasee for bise prseont yens-.. On mas-ion af Ms-. Cisapsan, a by-lanv vas passedtg -Qamoati iy-las- Ne. 152, an- titheti a by.lav bo previda for tisa iicansing of Taives-as, Siseps, &c. On motion of Ms-. Cisapan, an as-des- vas granteti on tise Treasuros- ha favos- of George Gibson, for six dollars, os s-amusa- oration for ces-vices rendes-ad as inspectai fos- 18u0. On motion cf Mr-. Cisapman, an as-tes- vas granteti on tise Treasu-es- in fais-es of William MaKmay, for'tisa suai of nine.dal- las being auseunt tua is for taikiug cas-a of Miss MaDonalti for tise> lasi six veeke, aIea anbisaizingY saiti Wm. McKay ta taka cas-o of saiti Miss MaDonalti fer thea spaca cf fous- mens-lis fs-anstisis data, pravidadti iait lie viii do sa for lise sans of six dollars pas- On motion cfMs-. MeCriegisi, os-ters vas-c grauteot n ieTreasus-ar- tiste Trus- tees of:îLe.-foltwing seisoot - sectians , viz - Section -Na. 2, fo-tisa suai of $1-1.91, sac- s- ssNo. 31 $20.94, union - -sectWon Nos- 8, $32.619 b eing tie'se mnunl cf aislootaxes due uu - no--saidesa-lisastis la this esCpac unve sections. Ms-. ýmeCreigisi moyeu,, secatieti syMs-. Wixsonqas , isi eaies- Beaton hanatisesizeti anti empovereti ta calle.-l ail taxes -due tise Tovnshsip of Pickering for tise yens- 1860. Ms-. Ciapsan, moves thal James Me- Creiisiiseauthorize t leaid Ms-e. Bennett, cf -tLe 2nd Wsndti laun amsanai sufficient te maiseher consfontaiste dus-s-g thse-present èon motion f Ms-g 'b1apasasa n rd 4t< that poôple:lsoild- e i'cuof- tei- vwâisli eds nt àitVbcSurs i1~~ksuan cbeas-fully"set a'ùt'iaaiting rcaring firee, géttin.- us tea ready, and setling hafros-ons 'the but teir hoües u ff r ieY h4tý m v'io bsad nqî Isat expes-ience of- uchistlhiags, tse ilaeuity antdi diîese'nsagaife sbed la eV- es-y case5-and I bad a good zuany oppci'-. tuashlhes of, proving thseoreponie.d. chaise- teritice cf the -Frenci r uWs-hspopltlOfn- exchted my greateet admirgtion. la apn case vas intimation gi-en tisaipay ment vas- cxpecteibut60aeti lmardly tlaUycu, that- it vas ves-y villingiy' offes-eti.,Iisati' _trW ,4 pâti aîo cfetsae r ond a gootiinapy yen-s gubutba Dont Led: Occ , i, tisnv asysailf out la private bouseés -lu tisé' mitidle cf tbéisaisgi as on tisis occasion. I rememberishoveevs, tisai even tisais1I asý pieasingiy impreau i vh h ie evidauces cf prospas-iîy cba-s-cteriziasgf.""thle ,dwetli-sgs andi oit-buildingsa of tise country-yfin 'Rivier du Loup np fo Quebec,. On, tisi tn Isavelled' uearly twa bandreti s ;c jls tise -isauks of tise River, an t i ees-ed te' me-tise faistiser ic remisoved, trom tise eity, tise bettes- tisé buildings be- came. I founs aIse tisat ii tIse maltas- cf drss, b - , uresvehieles7 fusl--ituire, diot, &c. Thesu Laver Parisses, vos-e in7 noîising iseisindti tse iinmediatcly neur tise' tcvn. Ti-ne, I found -tisa aid spinising, viseei at wos-k, and tiohaer evidancet; of tlisift atwr ~-ancien- fasIshon, but IL May bu questioncd visether suc f-sishios-jar ns -ot praferabie s-e atme mode-n, modes of gel- ti-sn tisieugisthe losg eveuing(,s in more ad- vanced cos-au-ities Hoyreve- un course- of a ride of lity sniles onu blusterng nigisi tre fouis-tis-s-erai haouses liAhted op andi had ps-sofa tisai es-en hue, ii muïie anti dalincinsg, and s-li-vi-e <sf is-irthi" st-Ose weil recoguized ini-stis-utionB. 1 wss airdly ps-a. pa-et te fs-id cent ehl lampa n has iat out -of' tise way region, bu- in e-a-ral csf tise bouses 1 %tojped ait tsy waro uii use, and iniitisa Ion-est pasis1 visitati, I founti a young, rirench is-sndinn, vise iat bs-ongh- doi-n a vell upiitet cabin on viseels, lia wbiclî ha ps-acicad tis as-i of 'pios-egraiphy, vus uasconragiu--succaiss. I -exasninad soine of bis performansces vwhichs asee axceedingiy creditablo, and wanld lia-e douecisono- to> City artias especiaily some vos-y fine star- eoscopie s-hs-ws. By tise vny ils-aceasi about Bic is tise Most piefus-asqué counts-yIcee sias ins,nd if it vas. accassible by s-nulvay, ht woulti -iiply s-epay tse loi-era of tise wsilti anthé e-rand iinisni ualssenas-y.- The isismple as-d tinsaiful bonesy of tise peo- ple Iscres-toutâ vas apparent ina maaiy ways, aud I suppose robiseries mois- bui-es-y uts rrequent, or tisey vouid-n'ot leas-e cas ihy s- suon-et proper-y oui of doors ai ni,,ht, as we fouud ut in many pls-aces. But- enougli tof tbis for fo.dny. I will onde-s-s- so s-e s-urne my cos-se.pondenca, aidd lb kaep it s-p regunrs- afs-er ibis, for it dace no- seesa probable isthaI 1sil s-ou a aue sny shahl YIgnin.C. COON. Tisa Spectaler, of Sas-ut-day, relîa tsa foluos-ing meiaasciohy accidaens- s-An la- quasi vas iselti yass-esday, befora H. B.' Bull, Esq., Coroner, on s-be bodiy of a ailIt nameti Etien McCus-sy, s-ho s-a bur. ne to f0tati in a sisan-ty on tise lina cf thse Hamilton anti-Port Dos-ar llaii-aiy. Ihnp- pearet iniu aideace s-ba*- tises-e vaisonee in tise sisnnty as-tise lima tise occurrence bock place, tIse motles- hving lafitishe. chilti alunewvilsit ie vent furs- omavates-; ou iser ratura vutisa nenigihbos-antiope ing thie deer, ssa faui iser- chaud 'ons-eIpedia ssake, ahi tisa loves- part of is clos-sas saivinS-g een cueumati, tise uppar aiatiig s t.iu Sidrnie-uganti bus-aiug t thie chut'. body. Tisa aiilti iveti butnas-es-y sos-t tima. On Fs-ldaiy laut a sisockiug accident oc- curet la tise tevu cf Bs-Lghîn,ecaaiug tise dons-I by fis-a of a utile gis-i siss-aas -of age, namedt s. Degan. Tise pas-ente cf, tisa chutd hait been away fs-eau tisa boase- tisa motises-ffor a few 'mi notea, antivisai sbe ratunnetiase foui-tth ise tàirlenicvai. apet ha finses, ant -naiag aises-st tise soas ins-gi-eau anises-y. -T ha affrigisietivo- main vos neas-y, poves-lesvis-bfrigisi, lies seras-ss bs-anghtinlasoea men-visa vas-e neas- and disey pu oîIisùé fis-o, bicb bisadt>nbas-ly cousumeti tise cioîhing of tis cisilti. ' Thës, lutile.inna'ceut vas, isovve-, 4taliy issineti sud onhy ingeret .tilit -Salas-day-anerniug, win se -vas relioveti hy dents- fs-ans-ler agonz. A lady v4hkiag ina àrural -district s-bser-. vedt, taier gentleman t' cosas-pan lth - a nul sc Sad gisehree4t, thha.gis q-s-lYoung vas Iull.t1-ý6tYéIïtb repIetheisainsuiting fello, "il islike a 'c ou gla4ièéiyoing 1Ivas noani>' nuinedtie ictin My jifel anti oace visaaIgainati co, -- s-uesce. Ile Oeac The Ifrn frQ;Lourwfte 2nd eayis *ESàrlyyéstsesdry #Or 'ýle iinlsabftqnts cf JaTofrson Cusay voe thrown int a statc ofe ie n h 'nesw i tiat ire , bs-c- tis ns -is-ist bées s s- aly m asd e ed b y a b a n d cf ruffiang. Il aPpears that tln- oéboies sait Hill, Who' reside 5v.nilleecut un ,tise Nashillhe Lil-cad, trere attackeas- Itisais- resitience tlui i a,ýcrut 4 o'elock by a gangt-itiwioe, héaded by'Jim Waiker anti JeÎf Rogers. William Hilas asIep ha betýi 1i bis i rîo we, ise he fatal wôulid -vas 'irs-iicéd, aud sa close wa i hý m pis-scadti thetia id, tisatishe posvtir buruat aidesà ia sale house, -vwas alSýo "'sbt îin bisé baiekandIls-se-k, causiug ,immiediaàte dcatb. Th ise - ty tison vont te tise hduse of Russait , 5~, st-So aann.ai af miles fs-cm tsip-uwiscs- bie otiservo vos-a mus-des-ad, nsisi-hile 'bhisou ande vare ss-iltt vas- vis-h tisse l,,,yd cf tueur otiser victime, aud ils-ee irisLa s-i'Cause or piovoCa n sisos Rosel udt-LAla 'his'osuin iose.-' vili bcs-am-sin!',-edti iaitishese 'saine 1pas- tics, saut tongtist à .dadifisculty ai Ssihp. hon Wall, in tsishtie Watkas-s ies-e con- Tise fojllovisj strange case la r-elsted in a Moi--seau pape- s-A aingula- casaof s-rance ia supposat teaxialst*' inI is it7. Tise tnugisier cf a gentleman cannactei vitsoe o fbise depaitmnts of tise Corpo - ratio-f (appà-en-ly) dieti ouà Weëdft-edny 1Isît mens an ns-tack of influenza. Dash look pince rather sn'ieialy, tise' decoasei, ~ auly fis-e yens-eof nge, ls-aving rensm kei fs-s- minu-es befere tisat ashe tid ti iik Bie vas dý'ing. Tisa friands of ts a mîly lssivinc bien aippriseti of tisa mou-saul f«etý assembilet on Saturday mo-ai-g b tccem- pany tis e a-ins teatisa place -of lites-uent. To s-Selsirent, sus-prise, hovever, thay focindis tisai -ie corpse gava na hdastion of de-tîi lowver, exeepi Lise suspension of bsts- lu-. Tise fsimiy pisysican having haeen, sussmoncti, atisot ta tise. body bis-las-s ousdisturbeti uns-ut semae symptiome éf de- composition'.appeased. T ha family-and fai s-nde cf tise li-sle one renssi un astate csf diit-eseing suepenia, wi-h, canaibe re- lies-ad titi tisecase be -dacidei ont o-tise SA» AýJSokT-A fes- days s-sgo-an uns- fors-uate sasa v is esupposad tla be sus- uect t lis, fell iet an open fis-e-placeeai tise bouse 6f His-gis T..Wilson -q. s-hua tovnsip. Wisen ex-sica-etilie p-- sens-iadais sfui appoananea. HRie nase vas bus-ni off bis face'; cinecf iis eyee burat ou- one ai-mrodocedta as-cnduer;, bogets. er- vitss nuibar cf minas- injui-os inflicteti on s-as-ionsportions. cf liibody.,.No oe vas, iu tiseisousent t sha lima.: Tiie poo- misass-isos3e nAma is e fide- ton-vos immedins-oiy rernovedtaLutisa gen- es-ai Hospital, Tes-Dnte. When h ast heard fs-cm isesti11 sus-vived.Beaerion P± - TRANQUILITY AT WASH1NêITONý Waslihugîon, Jans- tO-Wsson le"" sows mo--efree faina xeiîamaaî tsanitlas been a- nuy time since tise session csf da- grsza. TIsa appreisension of any diffl- ties atteninsg tisa inauguration cf Prasiiant Lincoln exist but ta a h imiteti extont.- Elovee, te guard, aigainst, passible titu- bances atmpl1io ensliane been -acen ta ps-ese--s-ttise'pâlsie pence.- CJLIMAX 0F THE-SECESSrON MOVE Wiîh tIsa probable action- this veqekîîcf Lousiong the.. gCessi -n mosvemtent viii ha -abardeti asf- IaheSautsersStates. *A eompany of aappers anti minons fs-en WVest Peint, ;aetiinî aiuÇauir7, as-nlvedl liera tadyanti as-e qnnrte-od naitse CýtiumaIiâ 'HE LICOL Ns. C ABINET.' - --;Lnai i-eai las-enumbos-of BopUuslies mo oe- f Çoagress fs-anNev"Engaad, s esroug, ecammeadatinî~M~Lnca te appoint Mr. Calfas, 'oflat. sPsaa' les- Genes-al. --- e 0 m fi n b 9 ti L E b p c L Y tc ai Id ir -I SECESSION O] s- Mllgàviiîe-G., Ji- an e de la in - the s (rou 4tie UnritediStaît PJcnyeption ai tvc c'a - lldevllJaa. toise o u eni ;i4Iûs-iQ orn ps# -n -. j,,ý * Ysk" This relut ntiuscuely. DECLINEO Wl &.4frbarPort Sumpi marien cas en Satu cape by- japipi-gos-t ten tlsey vas-e pineedii .ed by fle of Statoa Gôvéri&PIcenz on fresh provls:ans te M hie êcispiimexts. Mil -tcacepl usmbut s-e * tse conutcsy, sayisig a se wosld have ýadec *tiiag tntil lie hkups I n t Waehin.-ton is-tend tain- le quiet bas-e gunas have beau fs-n SLButes. Tsa'effles- cf *gsaa p>utse peuple i * demeuration liaï Yi on fi t s Baltimore, .Jauer Tiins enk-ins, o B lodtôn lina, sistas-,hip -e*hhvas cha-te ,.nnt as aicidcleny GAyesterday. EPXA NÀTION ;C * SLA' Vclevelauti, Janua-y -el nLucy was brsou ht tCou-t tsis miorina,, - onderati hen disharge tise Sbenff Sisewi tse United Sat-es Ma-n tse United s-as-es ýcou undorgcing exansinati tse Uniiedi States Ci- FROM WASI report -from, tie commi * igned by, Taylor of i Raid of As-k, Whàsi 10,w lyof 11. C., emb-ace fciloving:---Tse repo diffleutties eau. oniy bc; * aneto-tseeossti-uCi- amienamentans propo yesoltneifis-dopîed quili-y butiste cs-iitusry, on, on ssch a foundati ot 1e ahakeni. The thisaifaing -b issters- -a convention of s-he St poaccabie sepas-tnie, -par-tition cf tse prol 8wte5 sattling tes-ms -merdiai inter-etuse bL ,States shal be condus - permanent sisraingemes navigIation 'of tisa Mis Kansas wyul ha adin 7FRON PE.XSACOLA TO ]BE ATý New OrlJe'$,ai bas teleg-sspith ie M Cfpr 2.",00mcte totake sacola. _*,Tho !s-ayor mon could lebai s.sd s- vculd equip tisem. /graphadt rtimn to whe thesamilita-ybo Sion te ns-m tse men. catiedti t-mors-ev. TI - P s-ev a iis .th ro u -iso ut ls-s c ti d si d b ti ai A. rlotion'l passas-i viael va as-rdes-et tô bé trasacmtfedto, tie0 Se cta f tise Bard-t cf 'Agri.tslture, &k., s-tcmoending tise repeal of tise clause of tLe asfr limis-ing tise numbe- cf Dinectcrs. Ms-. Per-y'u'rgodth ie tiesiraiihy cf tise socieky9s nsakiuig an effort to put up Agri- culalssa Buildings, sud procure an oxiil tian grcuud cf thair ova.1 County Can- cils, ho clateti, Lad tise' paves- te grant nid for suais a pus-pceoj anti if opr County Counefil couiti bc pret-niieti pon ta make an apprcps-ation-tiividing i equaiiy boîveen Norths anti SeuthsOntario-the Town cf Wiiby, as a Corporation, ha (Ms-. Pers-y,) -felt sure vouitidcocometig, anti a gocdly sans vouiti b. obtainod'tihs hape cf ps- atae subscriptians for tise pus-pose. Ho trsastedti tis tise aovly electeti alDeers anat direalers voulti take up tise malte-, anti ifsa ats-cng anibeti'efflort were matie, be ba4-sc doubi that tise schety veuiti be able ta soii tiseir fahl meeting an tiseir ovn graunti, and untiar caver cf their ovas building. Tise business of lise meeting canclutieti wius votes cf *tMi ak tiste oat-gcing Pro- aident anti Secretary, wh-iaeh paset unani- siouoly." No aitensiion hantise tise turing visicis thbe Exhibiion is ta be isoiti as matie, so thâI itvili continue for ivo tisys, tis ame se hast yeai. Nortla OaaltMniAgirlcultaral soti.

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