Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1861, p. 1

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Mtimititt4 0W ~bUsbmaa~,- W~tJ~~rî. ~ Q~s Db~LI~, 1~yg f.? LAWi aeCMULL. iO Ie 1CITOB 1(OTABY PUBLIC, &0. &e. ling »~>Recpct IRegstry ofice, llrock Street, Wllîby.'.1 SCOTT'8 MOTEL, ltid lrNASE* W*IiITBY,FIRST D00E and DL/Eut of W. Leting'sStore. - 16,11wf. n«u - J. W. CALDWELL DNOWNq, VYXNLhCO"tslSoNERFOR tIA-0 l'tdavtts, Accoontent LÀnd Divi. se es atry Pblie anal'e.m et sx g. Qlh1c-ling gtreet, liearly oppotilp d*- hbNffial il. Igà edîcal .uico ntrust.dto isa e wl premi4ylv ttended tb. 82 JOHX, DILLINGI, L AW, CIIANCERty & CONVEVANCINO O~ ~ffice. 1'rtineeAlbert. A TT(QRNEY AT IAW,'ý SOLICITOR IN CIsAuceO'y1 Conivoyanear, &o., Mlain Street .H.ARTNELL. 1WEUTY JIEGISTIIAR, 3MASTEIC EXTRA- ordinaryaend exanilner tn Chancer>' for JOUX, MONAB, 1> Â91118TER, ATTORINEY, &lc. Office- 3F Corner ai Clîîrcli end Contstreets, (oppo s114 theVaol)Iaiint,) 'foronto. WILLIAM TEMPE@T,M. 1IL irr;iNG STEET,,OSIIAWA, CANADA * K Wost. 17 W. fHe TREMNAY NE VIAUltIgTItit, CîUNTY CIIOWN A'riOft B îf~'& m. e., io# reinoveal te t1i, nornis -ve u oes *&l'owelI'm %Store, mesos. blcL'hîer- Poil Brick hblock, Itrock-St. Whlîiby, Aug. 9, itsio. 40 Amon W. CRtox? IHIffllT, CIVIL ZNGiN I -it AND ~AN-UFALuTitER AND IJEALEIL9 .1Ç -LI.Cigasru, andi Lent Trulscoiu; îlso Wlbia,, JTohns t-treet, Port Itou>.. 1'prt 0e, Mari tti, 18119s. W-il W ly ROBERIT J.WILSAON. 'DAIIIIISTEIJ&e- AT 7OHN EY AT LAW, J )olter on Chuancer', d&c. Wilîtby,'C. W. uf.ie.- Wuîlace'ehBlock, Brook $trcct, Wlibhy £011?. CIIECKLEY, M. D., SUAtGEON, ACCOUJCHIEUR, &oe. CORONER Sfor thie Coint>' of Ontanbo. ,1uEGEozN T10TUE COUXTY (*AOL Byro r tQWliitby. NEAIT WINDSOR hIOUIIE9 WHITDY 9 Wu. isAmIemaritis. .1.rettnuial part of tlîa Town, oi thie front rondi. ~Ç oecomnitidatioit lot travller».. oued ,n*sig saduattentive ostîcnia. 22 * HIJGU ELITZ, Y EACIiEt IN NMUSIeTu tnii Ilaîso Forte lIainoîsy tliruîil Il riuiui, auit al klils of St9lirg îîtrtîîssentm, le prepareal to %reccîve a 1ev llure l'upibm ut tîi or bs reldenua,4r AMBIRICAN 1MOTEL. W ALKEItde PATTEThIaN PROPilIP- lover, eornir of Young ufisal ront streuta. Tornto .W.. <D W. CIJTIIIERT. ~8na Proprietor. W. Il. @BILLINGI. B&tIRIII$TU-ttdeAVr'ORNEY AT LAW, . tolicitOrs lit leierWutly .W..- Qffiee.WsblIica.'s uilditiga, Brook-st, Wlîitby JOHN McGILL, L ICNSET AUC ME> R FR 1CANADA L ett olfers Ii, eoerviçes 10tIbis inuaII à aoretOlislarin n a Itil l îîcoulitiesf, te at- tend fiaiest by AictionaIiouttcbiold Fuiittine, Msrciaisdize und otba i lhuts, atsaneaionabîe eamnil*sloll. 1 Ollava, Ainnil Brio -lJOhIN DETCALF, lILBUK 0F TIIE FIFTI I lVffi(ON COURT, _/coinpr.miig tli. Tuwuslîip Brocîk Ad- are$#: Culitiniigtuti. 14 * LINOSÀY, c.W. B -. JPWETT, 1>OItO'ETOR. COMFO- t able amonii tisiton fur i raveliers.- A. K. RICE, nqABINET bMAKEII, UPIIi.tSTEuiER, d&., -Gerriels tisîl, ByTroi S treet, Wlitby. l'a- nr lien elî iiotly dette, asis al l kiîsds of job- gling, asal relualnbîîg of Fisrnitarèe altencleal b. Vntrniture canofituîy rîivd /'11 N Y I[ANÇADIt, ICItER OF COUNTY AND eSUl'E1tOR court*,UantI Messenurer bu tule ("Ottnt>' Colin- P Aloo ptl i aaloriiasmenlual puinit4,r, W luît A. PEINGLE, f LEXCIIANT TAILOR, BROCK STREET lVhWItby. ROBERT SPEARS. CJEEl< AN» TbIEASIJREI OF TIIE CTçyttohl p of Uxlsrilge. Adires., Uxhnidge. CIIARLES C. KELLERL, TTORNEY. AT L&W, -SOLICITOR IN Yul Lbsîcr>, Cîseyncrd». Office-lu Vîctrlis huilai g, aven Iis Chronid4 office, Zlk street, Wlilthy. .Aisn a braîueb office lis ti, village of Beaver- toun Tovnoitp of Thaorali, sud .onoty of on- tarie. 40 'r¶A4EBON & MACDI>N«LL'S LAW OF. I J ie I. reauove(i frone Ibe Court 1blous0 le 14 OlNePherion Dusldiugs,' Brock ASt. -Witby, Jonse ,180e. - 27 AUCTION B1USINESS A'TTENPED h o 1asiusuel, by J.C. Stieb, , AU orddors~lttng te Auctlan sales byt le sltoo laOdbe bftatsiheOlironloe of-< Mesie. e Mayen-lsoiyr. satile terme, dec., ud té,enter Ista iteaclaotier errsieents relating ho ifs>'&notitooubusiness se Use>' mai' pansider prqper ud tnecessor>. Ï sIsa'onbeabnd to'rship an>' agreement tIi.> sunoI arts of th1e Cotantry J. 0. STERLING. -iàr.W;. N.BIL LINGS HAVING MADE ôt csiâ esmtl otei e laifewroai lb -iejoas4aedîslA sutlexrnd bueims esirquing Srospt ouai.mroliiatteniîon, lathio ve I AI 8UOOEEDED DU. CHECKLBY IN Lhisl pruiice. -W"Eoomss-Býjan's fatal i .!'-'t * f 5>: -1-s i bL * :' * sXî;--t a, -I I - - - - ..: - aN go and .g ee patron Id1 Part.,Milpu the , arater Cf? hotela lu 13dm part of the cntysit ië âiâ for t le soi ingle YcaipS Brooll, Mayr loin, Mi COMMERCIAL M.OTELf JAMES CROCKEfl, nIOMMICtAl. TÊ1ýsVEEE8 WILLFIYND' V.)it conventeîît Atopjlng et tits hôtel, an lii.> enu barsit ron nthe Regliaer Book luept at the but thn routes. taken b>' ther prmleeenÎors. Theproprietor taken Ibis occasion tu tliank li1T numeronis, patrons andl friands for thie tIberal patrotngtsro htoi#cd o11 hlm ,inco l* eoliiicceînil or hi. basniii. a litby, Gocai tabing, snd attenttve Ostle*s. Wtîitby, 3Ma> 1.900. HURONJnous£, T IF nndersigned liqtaken the above Hotel, whicl a, li a.as newly llîttedui in tie bout mainer for lie aceommoôdation tIis tepubli.- Good stablIng, fine roomay sheds, anal e'.ery at- tentIou paad t10mien itd, bone. gW The besit winéos. liquors and elgars nt the, bar. WILLIAM TIIEW TIIE TEREAPIN. rq lIE PROPIET61l9 0F TIî8 WELL £ , knownl Saloon are now In Occupation ôf the old$lý' NICIIOILA$. Kliîg street, Toronto ýformery kep bg Mr. llnrie>'. Tihe preinîses hîave been newy renovated throughionts andl fittei l a-) inthe grit style. Xvcry procable deliecy in ceanon. A cligar divan fittealnia eue- paratel>' moý b wicli iol ebut thes bext brande are perînited to enter 28 CARLiSLE d& MO.CONKEX. Grand Trunk Rallway Moetel. (SenitA #W4uýf Rawq' yDepot, PMrtWitibi.) T 21fUMDRSINPD BIOS TO INF61RU Thic friands and tusn public, thut lie las îîow In possoessiiof tue iîbovu hotaîl, thhc lleans of whieb lia wilt liitifuture carry on, on sits nwn amusaint. Gond Liquors, Wittc# eîîdflrandies, Excellent esbiiî-aeu attention for nian and lirme. JOSEI'II RUEBoTTOM, Wlilhy,Jorn. 19, 1880. 'rp i d8 1UNION STATION HOTEL. Bloard, $1 par 1 y. Meula 25ets. Good Stab- lifig.W. OSBORlINE, ta l'rcpriatier ONTARIO HOTFL, TIF out#subser Igegi; to linfori Islits frîeil,, send thie travotting pablIc, thaI hclais. tek- en tue ahoi'e wtdlTknown i otel andl trnosb>' strictt et licn ta buiness, ana ly >endcavoring 10 do ail lis lits power for tIhe coînfort andl eon-> .eiîeneefgucei. f0mari& a&,alirofpubjie patronageGouod Lîquors iîîd Cigars.(,t.n fortablo iaccommonadationii'for mon land hOrso.- Ansttentivoend carottui, stlor. S. CON WAY. Aslîburns,Jlieal1, IL60. 2.5 ALBION MOTEL, EAST MARKET SQUARE TQRONTO,,ý J. SUITII, Proprictor. Lxccllciit accent- asociatbion. Every attention paid te dts comfort BAILROAIP MOTEL. CANNIPCUTON. r ru l ove lisbeen ncwt y fittei sis andre- A1 îîovîîtcî, andl la now fully prepareal for the recolition of gneesis. It In situatea oit the 12111 coticemoilurd of Brbuk, on tIse Inadiîig ronais- twccn %Wlîitby, Bcavcrtoit andl Lindsay. .Gooml acconi iisodattoîa, ansiatu rtivo Oàtlers. Caiiiiiîigtoi, Juîly lSrd, 1880. 35 BRITISH AIERIC 'AN HOTEL, siMOOt s-allE?, OSHAÂWA. T IOMAS DOIWNING, <tleofalîrondat Hotel, TWlîitby,) Proprietor. ]hest -hiics anal liqusors. Sup)erior iccijimodation f.rtravoilena. Goual Stabling, and attentive (Jtiers. 7 DLACK'S MOTEL. (braer f Brock and Bandai treeda, 1J1lby. TîîIE ABOVÉWELT, KNOWN, AND CEN- JLtrall] ituated liotel lias bison newly fitteal np), 2nil reuiiitcd ii amos4tcoinfortiulle jiisiii. uer b>' the prescut occupanit. No exucîise lits% hccn iparod 10 inutilec b ail gucKaud vinitoria a hosme. Thoi bout brandis cf Wineso, Liqiioîs and Cis- oltoiy asudlConvolaicnt lueda, good stabl'a lanîd ttentive tutierg. VIais liutoli' . ,ituisteai iis ftic vor>' hert ni tie Townî cf Wlîltiy, and wililic fonîîd te bc tb. moist coiveiiiont stoppig place for farme..anîd JAMES IBLACK. CENTRE MOTEL. B yltON S'REfT, Oîpos;ite lAiuof 3Mon- treal, Wlîlthy. D> B. 1INrOI'ro pletor. Gond Aienommoaltlons. wlîith', Juîîe il, 18613. S THIOMAS DEVERELL, B UILD R, c&., GRIEEN SThIEET, H. W. WOODWARD>, Ç OMMISSION M ERCIIA NT. INiURANCE a nal Geiseri Agenit. ' ceLteyoccu- pied lu> James Iliilimis, Wblbby, CI. W. lizrsiucza.-Tliuinas lenrksou, Eq., Pro. 9llent hicati f ruie Tornto; W G Cas e i, Eq Manager, BisnfBil.N.Amenau oono WW. Rans4oiu, Eq.,1Mallagor QUeCudBtik' T ;oi t0 WGainle Eq Milton ill 'Toi rou:iloe .IOiI sclttlui f'Lon: treîîl, Moisîrcal; Mesers. lMaitlanti, Tyleca d Ilaîtclîiussoîî, Toronte; Men.Adna rn dCa.oîtneal; MisnW. l'nice de Son,Qtie- bec.Ï Mcssrs. Il. J. Noaa& Cc. 52.4 EDWA W& deHOD)DER.' DRPE ,& OUTITfTERS, bis style. -103.1v ILB'iAR, SALOON, Vlchria by.8 ÇT'1aîxt door toe tcIs eg lry Olifce, Ult SAtho. Oysters, Cîgani dec. N0W 16 THE TIME. GET TOU LIKENE88 AT Je, A. Ctarkys lot PrIse FActure Osier>' I F yais deir. -a correct sud lifaliko Ambro-, t yp.e, Camneotype, Lettenraplh, or Letien Trsiferuî à,L en.ss>lnaTCk.t, Brooci Or' eu*in ig, for J. A. C. mando it1 tlu i ash style$' sud et short notice. saWILKCINSON'8 BLOCK< 88 BreckStfrui wZiub j.eHMin IEEWOPp, A TfORNE-AT-Io&W, SOLIC1TOU IN .iChaneer>' Nota 1%ublic, Couveyancer, * - D " . C AR;O14 4 -11 D -x tati. csu. il il, - BIT ATTO0RNEY AT LAW 80- B icior iu CiiasDcerkNoa1yPubliak.. t>ffio-iu Mlgelov's o lM l Street, Whilbv, -4 55 41 <- - Or t Tô o~C.W >,o6' i n oticéor.i 1h. qnuan0y tgo ttt t1..-parek.ser. , by j, LIÇBNSED AUCTIONER -FOR TIIE COUNTY (0F OXr'ARIO »Icg Most respestl>'10 tu'bsrotn t>' «t Ontario, for tlibéal ,arngè lie bas hem,--undronisoittIc-~a or- Licence, ho will punotually. atendl .orer for' sales lu any part or tdis Cont>'. Asale book und blank nOtrs will bc id niiËrlhed fre ofeharge Terniet,8i10 te 12 dellgro parers> T11IOMAS MYZWI*-, 'Brook et.,9 -Wbithy, Aug. 21,. 1860. 42 P1rofrati onaga1nst Lois and Damage WES1tERN 4ASURANCE COMPANY 1-NbUAXC£&etodon Rilding sunMter, IIontbvrynfration mupplied on Aptplication to 1116 undersigneal. 1i:-'-,JOHN AGNEW, Traveling .Agent, Byron Stireet, Wlîitby New Taiori ngEstablishment! SINPSOI &-FERggUSON. RESPCTË,TJLY announc tu the in. haiat fWhitby anal surroundhing ountry, tisat they have opened a Talor'.s@hop on Drock Street, oppogîte the "Ontario hôtel."l where ai orders entrustcd 10o theni wiii be donc witb neitneps and defipftch. Whitby, Oct 20th. 1859. 60. Whitby Browery. CZAR£ à WOUDWARDe T HF'Silbà5cll<"érm altonow preparcal 10 fAir- in mlà the patrons ofthe Whitby Brc-wery wltl, an excellent article l fincnehquanitîtîcas o mnay bc rcqui-ed, and on terinstoe-suit pur- Bottîcil aie eqnai to the iii;rear îticle'. CLARK & 001>OlW A 10). MsrkhaLm Union Lodga Né.'¶ K ETS AT TUE LODGE M Roont, Wellhngton oe 31arkiam village, Ott the finit Yriday of cach niotitî bufore th. fiîl in. W. H. HIGGINS, Secretar>'. il. R. COUSoN, W. M. SWCorxmiitca,îonn t> the Secretar>' shoîîld bu a4dressed tu W hitby i>ost Office. 29-ly îREMO VAL. AMIBROTYPE GALLERY. auAu . entM N N rclornsing tiauks te tise Puiblie for la.Ila- 5.berai patronage lae lia.. veceiveal silice coin- .sencisîgibusinsessain Mr. Ualdveîl's >Biock, baga !Cave te ltinsale thAt lie lias rentas-cdl bis Ain. brotype Gallery ttelmoins aven the.store et ltesener. Lsss& Powell, Brook Sîreet, vliene lac ls prepancal ta funiiiuh Arn&br'djpe Libouae lu thsehbst style. Mn. Groeois' aiciset moisns are lit'iteal frous the bop, are ver>' spaciouiia, isa coîttain ail tic appliiaucas fan taklnig the mont perfect ielikt ike'netss of ail kiridu,. Wbitbv,'Ma>' 28, 1860. FPARXK FOR SALE -o- I N tisa Towniship of Darliîic-tîil ;bein&, t lie Anorth parbtcof lob No. 3-4 iii t le 2Sud 4oifces- sioaî, coîîtalîîiîîg 70 aîcres, wltli 2 dvclliiig iiouses, ' ara anal stîcals, uriviiig shied, voaîb- Sic? salleidc.,lsrtai.Tiiere arc -- Isu 2 veils o splendid a..nuluîiii, sud a ncver-fuiliiig gsraa wicî crosses thîe fenîn. It ia s eiutifuily ait utealoui the Kingstons enîl 'Toronto roaua,thrce pilles foi(lnom01wp, îîîaîl lst rumBovinanville. Tijs Wais opcaiiig scidoîn offereal, Title per- fect. Pnbco Mocerate. Terme eau>'. For par- tieulars &c., aipply te f ~E. R. B. JIA YWARD Trenton, Ma>' 14, 180. Trentain, C. iv. FOR SALE. T OWNILOTS in Wiitby near tise Ita>'- Aie ilg ona ul' Crcck, Frencis- AppI> tai G. H. DARTNELL, Stolicitor &dC., BookSreet, lilk/atai. Jiune 16, 1857. MALT VINEGAR. j~[ALT VINEGAR eau nov h. had lu large orsunali quantiticesahth. Whitbv, Brewrerv. NEW" -S'rKUI-(-NERY,. A LARGE STOCK or' New Statbonery Envelopos of ail sortsanal iss. Also PoL*et Lefer#, Pôrimnnaies Playing Carde, Domitos, 7Tay Booké, Rade gain. mmn Bords, Boxe. of bea.Coloré ; Car. ,pontersawai éJer Peni#, Quis, 8eeej Pou, s. c., in great Parie4. Chrousicb' ofice 0roek St., Whbtby. T 8OU ofcallbng publla1etion lo bis .iJuEàg*meothô6d otbeatingdwellings andl roonts Patex4ted i8 9 ROfpet"ly mo6llttethose daiuuronà of secu- rnpg oufort id thoin oer ulsteisun Iug Wine toe pinne 't, at 'eltis touly 5Thli toa4erdtlfytlaeli I lav4juginmoe t J. CROOKER& Whitby, Oct. .02, 1860. 40-Oni Éls d xp #îïde "' ~attiékPru lî m es f h. n b;" J'c- ieit'l m MnSui1thiu1sJoet&Mi the i"- A mombapslsi, Tcket (Îu*Ce sI> cnstitutes thme lolde amemnber cutt'e: luit tule for'ttue Vear eading Oe li, 18610, spd entiles hisiîito the ose'of tie Library lor that perWo-and alo te admission tegether witli ana other ïmember of tle rame ~Lm 1y, or a. lady te the coutrte of A Lecture Tioket ý(pria. 60 cents) c9natitu.tus lie lîolaer atid'one La dy te admtiooti ticth course of Leetres. Tickets mii>'bhoobtained rom any of the offi- cen. of the lnistitu1e.' ýWlitby, Nos. 7, 1869. 42 DBNTISTRY! DRS,, CALLENDEfR .& CARD, Surgeons, Deatîstr, &àc., ]Reos sover mlr. Cmeo ynes~ore, T F"il 'l iedln thie mosgtZeyfect nueli- oai o-ecebut tIie bea auIbnmnt approv;eai mastenîl iqard. 'rie long expserioncn of Dreo. Coilenaler Canal ad blîir tioroîîgi kuovicaîge aoftise prise- lic er Denîbir>', nable heni ta appreelate tise grasat 1 ceite te 1ho deriveat frouna <curefurapne *ervaston cf tIbe oali-finpral.t, anl dbeaniani orgaîs tic tecti. Lpon Ibîcîr prcsenvehian a gr-at alca ll li îelti, Sapplîsego, andstionfort of nsuklaa depenal. Ticir areratloes lu tia brancbel of the profession canasot fatlu te give ot lsttaetlan. Lait the ofilictea itîh alienseattti. 0111). viithliuslu tins., bofone the diasamse tt Wou firnnasiolti. ARTIFICI ALTEETI! inasrteaýl tii (ld, 11- ver, Matiiins Plate aloa upon the celcbrated,and josti> reenaumentea vureadzal basc, alter the lotent andI noât oaprovoat nietbaals atopleat by tliteprofecueb§on. Theooreuois ofDr.. Caltais dler de Carol ores sa earofUly' perfonniec, anad ne bperlées;in tienîs;elvcs, tdint not onilte naton- al expreseilon lha presonved,bnt thi e seanal coni- fort uf the vearer of Ibeir artlficli lcethloi m onoteal ut dois saisie limne. li hie dtirablliby oa boie muterlul ocealanal the barman>' luthie llncliaife ufcs'-ir, theîc ýýrs.it st atlefractlon vili bc fou ~rd. l'arti'efflar uttiîsîlon given te the usine anal regutiîtui.,îi f cliildncn's lectis. Perentesbionld sotenitu thisnos a ver>' Important dot>' tu their. offspniiig. - Ait fjýtlans araueti tisietoi Tantp DO8 YOU WAN'r STOVES GO TO Gy. LOBSON'S (NYerf door tati e 1'qiyofe,) 130M919W Ud&T EXAMINE 1118 ST. LAWRENCE FOR'$28 THE KING $25 THE PROTECTIONIBT (original) $28, TWO SIZES , THE SYLVAN WITCH, GOLDEN FLEECE, VIOLA, THEBAN, Colobrate4-Oaasge-uoeatei, &o. Ilîtendbng prelsasers for cash vil do vebi 10 v a'a cclli bofore golngg eiiovlas. No os in tovu cau scIA cheaiper.boe ]talc TIIERE 18 A LIVERY STABLE ATrACIIED, Aîîd-cverYthiingla conductea la thse besi style Hors.. and Carrnages AtolIl hionusteoOraler. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME NT. >. I1.LIA agent for sale cf Patlerttnnlis de Brntb- Oni Agnicaltum rleinpeînnsof liicliiiund I1h11 anda is prepareti to receive aIl orderps. GEO. ROBSON, Bnoak Street, 46 fwhiiby. R. E. CAMPIBEL A U O T ION -E EIR. UTILL bis happy te attend ail ealcs; thint lae Vm'n",he f.avi.red,7iti, anal (rocu paiet x- peenlie Ihope# ta tuive ontire siiiisact soli. sales utteiideil utashort'notuon anal an reasanable termiq- liltby, Ang. 30, 186«.4- JAMESIH. GERRIE SELIS Water OÙ1 and Lampa, coal 0on am Lampa, Kerosen. 011 and ]Lampe, Bur mng Fluiti &lampe, Ciespr tisun tlîey cen bc bongit anvviere cls. Caliaadlexaminle befaiié goling tO*Torno. ta taepeea. itce sant' o'eor Lampe,Uan.p ana ha Iàùsuinginpà. Cinrcies stppiedttWhole- JAMES H. GERRIE,- ]Drog andjiiok Store. Whitb>', Oct. 8h. 1860o. 41-4w W-8'Sgu o1 the Roi 1'o 1 aal ýtî'nr., ~A ûAceuai iq~a<4 ~h on.,* j LVLFkcrnkbafn' le sltlli 10e 0 940o f it s, saa'a ba0ait.ol mio a îhniviisgss'ung orc &qfo usi 8vpg ti-lvUl.a therean.Il rifl beuol44a m Iwi oue4ortvo té tesuit -thée prases. w t For terma and fanhher'psetlaslr, pl> liii euboreibeote pr -f Tris.e t or nation, Or and wl, Fron t ir domain. CAUts Icomoti>n >T. aania'oie,- idrcreidevoîlon, w"*Strengt a Our lies,-.. Bind, iu communion On.esigisty bad- Goal gave oun no God save otanLandalb [The fotiowvul eney as sent inbu 'Miss Agneo,-B DOrnet* compete for tb. prise, giren b>')Er; -iggins, for the bout esa>' on- '-ni edaudalo that fornns thea yontb fis minci," Jus ashie 1tw igisut ie tree's lizscined. Thse word. 'educate Asetieriveal Irons a lAtin Word-vbick, aignifies ta leati, or drav forth. Éducation therefore nseans1 tise tirawinu g o f tise fealties of thse soul anti ealling intý'éXi ;> de -!and in uinvigorating lia MoratdluItell écioai povers. ' Eda- lionma nia>'edIided mbivt o classes : men- tai andi piyslcal. Educatiou la not asnian>' suppose, acquarçd su lise school-rooni tiione, but igisi&i raeandi ondewith- lifc's latest Migb, froua. tise finI t oment Of cor oxistee uhltiste enti, our edocation la beiug e-s aus1-.mhay addiug a lithoe ta Our ?sj g. Tise istuan bf g isite, as tbqy Come froua tise qmsm,bic.-frou tise isanof the scalp- terreeivea bautiful polisb,wsicisveaconld net othenvise bave supposctl thorn capable. Sa sÀocation does tise vert of tise sculpter, anti brtage toview tisose iseavcn.born'vir- lues visicis b>' tise naide ifluelunce of nie. ture, voait neyer bave matie tisein appear. anas, but ou tise contrer>', litastie gardon cf tiese lnggard, waulti have produceal no- tising'aud desîno>'ed tise sceda of visatever noble qoalit>', or iseavon>' vintus Me>' oncé bave heal a place tiser.. Geti Sas implant- S in bu ts a msinti sa vonderful ; tiat tise mare ski!! cf nman aundo but lutie aI aonipreisending i>s èapaisilities. WeII nia>' voexclilu sith thé ÉdPalniist Il We are fearful>' anti vondefuul>' madie." Diti Goal give s 5sa glorlens au inieritaicceout of halle aurlosiîy, or te feed our venu>' b>' ex- aitoti opinions of ounselves?7 Sorel>' ual, fer altisongih has givan ta oee ive ta- lents, anti to'anotser ton, if vas improve tise talents va have, vo are oni>' folfiuiiug tise enad cf onr existence. To prove thse bondi ts of education, lot us tae a isirals eye vies' cf tise iihabitants of the dent places cf tic earts, compare thisn vits those cf Great Bnitein, or aauy oiSon civilizieti naion, mark tise aoutrast, anti yot in man>' of those savages are iseerts preguant vits aelesîial fine, anti talents visics if cultivaieti nigbt compare fas'or asl> vils the highst intelligences liai ever playedtier part en tisis earisi> stage. Tise educatîtincf tise preseni de>' seenis te, ho ver>' mucais asuit, a great men>' of lthe nov calletl saholars havs gone lisnougs a certain routine vithozitievhaiing fnom tise proscribeti pahsone bair-breaet, tiseir, educaiion being situpl>' a long erra>' cf naines anti rules, tise isaîf ef lsics ny cf tison do nol know thea neing. Self- eduaated 'poçsous have man>' advufasages over bisa. calocatet inlutIesa aiool.noon,: everytsing tise>' kuov laobtainotyi>;n. tnse toti>', close application, anti uf mal. iug persevýaronce. Etiuaios citainea l l Ibis va>' l ike goli ,in tie- hanal 0ftise muser, wlen on-ce i30 possesekus cf, is matie close primer, isle tal btaine i l tise achooj-room;nia>' ie coanparod 10 thé le ;gacy lu tise Isand 'o~f lise spenathirftisosé mottelounas CO s>' go sy. .nit>' too i4eofien, purseti to.,q great çýx- tant lis aiooi-room, and .muais nvel,>' self-edacate4 peras, Iere laesoýcaae for nivair'ý djaca> e pi7nsnp> bécaso, tere la no competior. - Duwe mauF ssp, sîeçtedaçigtion.willildeey thp N.Mhaapplied learning bis been tise1 tqp,,f-nuadâ; andl vs sotald bai'sadly sutray w eyexe ligedly to malte it t e 4 riiq>,to m nne Mthe uan.- 8o~ o rbrjtest 'itrary isratn sa tasnealth.e eof hstr>, d teî w itis crimes, lb. blasetÎ> ain- s. Eiascationl u>'ts ~ep1on~a~t eems' be conidered scta4ýirypfi olm ts object toê muckasw malt. iaeladlwJç&iiçL ofýuefpl women. .Weretlae armsveD luW be t, d n~btg idTo1b> tise sides, d'r ofai'd or' nonçmt. If inuieta, 1aut o laliu uisemaellvete , titis is4bor sinsotbing iro; or 1tspe'érlutenaI lW isWar il vbula »Io onTjys uoris cotiiêh i ahb g'ssniiing tofuladdiug nýçs t tiseir ciseits, andibeasity'te tieir -coun- teisataeajviicb commhi -instoe f qprv ing oui>' deairo>'. I do not.vlahte bis un- ateratoodsas udervaining àccompliàimeutsý of viateverndjciudunies. viscre tise>'are of no, ose anal become injurions -to. Ihose hi punsuil of -tseni. Sonie _aeernt910 uppg"e tisat boegàptiseviseeloffontuase bas tsrnç lu tiseir fi.vore~Ijoy are w4eJrod .0hr bare amileti no.propitlouty,v1pa-niade for, pn Ietipy4fe~l u1 e htbem'sairq, cousid4r tiattise,»pplte 01 he viseel viicWs is nov uppnrjuoe, nia>' stand loweat lb. uext ltisn,; -Sunel>' tie dispemaatlonws o f providence are oas a firase,, bi4ais th ie' caaities of fortune votala seenz tte mdi' cate. Ar.other evil viiagsme terin du. cation, mugit abso be noniediedtou gooti ad- vaulage, th isanl, insteail of Sitting UP liià late isoon, cisasing a pisantons lu tis ape. of novei reading, aud uying lu beal tili tise bosi of tise day -in gone,, vers tise>' t re- tire isan>', anîd riis viti the momsing sui, tIse> voulci enje>' a picasureocf whieis 15e> knov but littho. 'ýSwcet la thse brcath'of nioru ls ianlg uveet IVith alîarns cfcarlicat birds."1 Anal viile tise>' enjoyed tise spankiing beautios lu nature, tise>' vulti byia ialing thse pure air, anal deriving education from, ali arona, put bod>' anal md lu betteý lrim qr5pefonnitag.teule4(tiseday, feven vouS! ho ýtiro"bhe*ti-a"dcs, andi moire ,ff ' W O s men. Nature nover iute nded'aisy of 1se 1 aisiltirea te be rààseà' as isothsousée pleut#, ' bot raison, tisat al aboulaI. bear tisel>o anal etsiunrf 1f., as wvéilas ia sunsisine and al n. "AGNES BUUNS. Brookuin Poil Wistby, C. W. Amuoslng elopemheat on am in aI ld. An ex teani atiecised. te a ioniser sical, anal bearing astnide of ils cross.iseatnsa coarse-graine oal>ong man anal a buxani gCirl cf about cigileon, dnaggçd its slow lengltis aloug Larneti street, >'estcnday, anal halîtdjlu front cf Justice Purd>"8. offici.- Tise couple disanouuietl anal eered tise office, viser tise>' madle knovu their vishes and requesiedto te i narnied imimnediate. 1>'. Tise expectant bridogrooni said bas bati conete otovu vwitis a leat cf produce for bis emiploy'er, viso ovuca tise teani, anal as Susan vanteal to bu>' e kaliken tircas, bis Sad bîeughî ber aiong ou top of tise bag. On tIse va>'us tise>' taîkedth ie mal- ter ever, antd, in viev of tie faci tisaitic>' sortor ikeil cacis oiises<and al siadoue con. oluerable aourtiia' en thse si>', cou.cludedti t got niarrical. teck Itie bonds for botter or for verse.- The bride-groom vas ver>' muais o!atod,nnd kissedth ie bride au unrcasonable nuniben cf tises. Then Se requosti the court ho lalas ier, anti oven s0 fur as lu inlimate, tisai ail respectable pensons among tise spea. tators mugit enjo>' the saine riviloge. He vas espocial>' olats cxitise newapaper qui- lice. IlPut ,er iu," ho saiti luaereakîass nner, "apot 'or nutise papor, anti mate Snaan's nanse aIl-apitale.li pa>' for big lettens., WisAts th?..- e in-, gotting marniet o -apaît>"gaI unui~s you can. gçî in he epapers<7" lunbthe îmslalsi cf ,Ibis: jubilation, the lisongit of this oS gontlo- nian ai isome, struat -hlm, anal e soiscreti dovu, as tisough ahlvèrstk 1usd fellen tapon lis Seïd..; ICConet Snsan!,osii ho tating hon banal, PloI'ago homne andisosài out, Lord, vdn6'I lWie. b.maazl," : xAnal - b. drewv alongug4 anal svilçheàti apie st- dle, -viose alow gait aseti ail f00 fiai for his paipitatisg isops a 4 -les.-Deiroii Frec Fre. A Meut nielouclaoly anti areating éimaun stance ocaeed ai t ÉiÉans ?Lincoinsisinre on Thnnaday I Tl. iêedaoglt er ., reaton oÉSornerby lie Rv..E. ij mn'.,Satta moniig m"n sarrie a tIe veiddii gbiëakuist vscsfollow e- votai social toasts ead bcea<gWez anid 'res;"- petsd-al te,,ad visii1àpa~ 'à aayiug aeré* wondai' 'le'Iaappy part>', lu i rel> ,i . tii à fl sid b*n hoalts, vith 1 but a moisentll> wariusg or previons. ladies. i dilouý,1 4~ ' ' î- dead-aasudi cf d igeo a , ~>ana1v17 co -lsoÎ *l't e r tobosoga>' i a Mieeting, X*n an instance lsarijng tise houa. of joy fnto murdhgudil 1ùnming hie fa.l imil>' luto a 51mbe of ixraible g,4t " bilhgsinsbM,W g«m»%Q7 *ffg vosg,,. i that tue. orginal lwlt was in the. posqçfsip gr Tomi.sayr,içwýk,!WUu8ing il in a &par rng ýtour lun- lb j's1eei fr wvieç-Meusra H. hp nwXa n4erod thse eit., Iieuseutofshe gv aighÇ tFano tqugb, blana aýoadîeacisJ Pprelinîedo;by pub.- li sabçnpUs.*wtlh a/tc *kOl f iti,. Tis . pregenýtatbou dol>' oot place, but- as tise boite von lot pai4fonler at reall>' receivedibis due.. naucock, indoe-47 vas Pa4 bolta Mr. Morris,,viso,44vaneed. tise mono>', solds tbis two boita tliitise pub. lasbc tou~ le .couspieteal. Itl a'b. reniembere l iat, At ibis lime, vo poloîcal ota tihe abourdýty oÇ lise whoio, proceeffing It le a crions.c onumauetary mpou. tise jutb'tee of Our remarks9 tt4,,vb!lo etsa> ad Henthave rçéceJvocIthotasands, of! pouuds- ili testimny >'of :public, approval., of Ibeir braver>', jý.,hm.- bçenand ti 11l a, ýfpuud iniposeibie-to rgio nie>' 'to givetisenitise boîta, viicis iowov.er, valuable, vers felt te he altogetier luappropriate ; 0 nmach la tisis tbe,»case sisallise subscription lith aît nover been pubied.r-a gooti proof thsat il is of vetcheti prorortious, anal bas no deceut names- or anmo attacheil te il. Tout Sapmit ILsooniladisguated with Ibis parI-af tise affair, anti, renonuaing!îhe beit vbich Mn.: Morris isoids,heas ondereal one. from Mr. Hauquek, vhich hle vili pi>' for himself in crder te continue bis sparr- ing toan. We suapposo thseý-4otutry folkt admire tise glitter Of- tiseaurer tropis>. To arani>'rey oi>,oserer,,that what people reall>' appreciat.e anal viii neyer forgel, in tise Britiis pluckwvlicis ho displa>'ed viien ho foogisi for one isoor and a balf vils oui>' one ai, nndern ever>' adverse, circuni- stance, againasî histrennous antagonis.t A'INCIDEKlI. AT PORT gStMT=,.TiO .Lýef'saUt Mona>' --las lie sofl f tise Baitimonlans viso rcceutly returucd froua Font Sonsten details an ins- -Presive iucidenttisatîooit place tisane on Major Anderson taking _possession..- 111ei kujowu tisattise ÀAerican dua- brougisae> froni Font Mouitrie vas raisedal a Suinter precisel>' at noou oii tic 27th ultimo, but tise incidente, of thut déraising" have not been relateal. I vas a scene that i i bc a memoniabie n eminisceuce lu tise lives of tisoso viso wituoîsed it.. A short t.ins before neon Major Anueienon essembieti the whoie of bis little force, vilS tise wo rkmen eniplo>'cd on tic foïb, arounal the foot of tise flag siafi Tise national ensigu was attacetist Lu $e.cord, ana lMajor Aaiderson, holding tis eanal f tiehe lu i bis banals, kneiî reverently dovu, The ofilcens, sol- dions analmnenusercal arounl, rnany cf tisonsoi tiseir knecs, ai] deepu>' mmprccacd with thesemiunit>' cf tic scone. Tic chap. lein made an cennest prayon-such an nIp. peal for support, encouragement and niera>' as oe u onaliie visafeit tisatIlman's ex tremil>' la Gods's epportuit" As tic earnosi, solouan word. of the speaker ceais ed, anal the men respanded '41nnietia"- itis a fcrvenc> tisai perisupa tise>'bail never ho. fore experionaed, Major Anderson drcw tise Ila star-spangbecl banner" np to the top cf tic staff', the banal broke euh vitis tic nu. 4-onni- a 0Ir'al l CoI 1- lomi, nlli1 A dreatifol occurrence bas jusi laksu place ln tise Epfiicopal Sonsinary, cf Bede. nia (Panna.) - domitory of tbe- esioib. lishuact isàVmng b~nnevi>'wviitewussed vies xiccuphetf on, tbiseitsb>' fifteen ef' -le pupils anal thuein, prethot; but as -tsas valîs voté stiiltiamp, ia steve isacF been - ligstei in lise rou'm. Wisether fro ns nilamanage -un o'b* 'tràùciibn, a quantit>" o carboni a it <a 5 ye5~ olved <rom tise istove alurhng lise uigistanti tthe rootu hav. ing bal Ivo doors, noi being anfliinîl>' vn. ted lu tiairbeda 'on tsasfolloving nior." ing. - -- uatU!,ays tisai 4obaec' en snewamke4.pr&. ve* tA~ erg'mais'a. e6ré !'Ihirati 'lt Sas - besasýsad Isat fevinstïnces of tiss' afirse. tibeitiaube 'ofsLobeoi> Ivpfob;âbl>' îp"alndie1 cousdhtlbu.'fatIse eirrouuduig. *ubéi~,~lbILsla.aure. 0-froib - certain Ibat theri onera must fbave 6éi,; og,eary,,,toLordFElgin,,tbmwma-, ýpreîm 'aoI noptamntaeutla will botoisn1 rchnnze.n, W. e tis aI a future miail, will .l3.p&u Ot0_l tise uevs of thsei.r releaie ýbuitafuil accouat of.isoir enty 3?o-ekinr. fçosn tis able peu visica lu enployed i Ia public is - isidecc sorve&t hieperil,éf' lifo ana limb, not.oi>'b>' tsoso iÎn officiai station, ,but b>' . zeaiena eu-euisgsainicofat4e, prSe. Ia adtien ta fatig-ue-anal sictteoy 1h isý no amaillniatton tbebisexpoal 10tainca, cpniingenicies8 as capture bysaucli an eue ml as.tise Chins. The Fre Prts-Caspe aund SalIt Ste (Fronthe Qîsebse Cuinoicie.) - Tse imita cffibis free port 1cf d«aip : ê'-r tend i"îhree ,ilies inla'ntifrotalow r val anar t"'rouanall itse sisorescf Gaspe ha- san, analn tisa district'ic ania la annêxncl 10 the poît, anal to viicigeotis na> o x porte froua taspe, frceé, eomproiendsti visele of tisecealÏr enti uslu, freil River* Chatte,- roud ho River Nouvelle (Wàay<ôf, Chale r'i,) slso thse Magdalen ýlSnds, 11e Llanalof Auticosti, analtise Nants slsore of the ,St. Lavrence -frent Peint des; Monts 1a Labretior. Vesse!. and goctia 161 have beon dol>' reportal anal entered i tben for dut>' or for the vartsouse aI any Ca.- netien port of enîr>' nay ho tfaken direct. froua sucS port ta Nev Canliale or- Paspo-' blea anal ta Perce, anal thene roportel, en- teroti anal landedti fes of dut>', as if lise>' vero enîcrea a spe. Tise exportatiora cf fishnia>' also ho macle direct froaa-isesq ouilposta, as veil, as front Guspe. Tic limita of tise free port of Seuilt téi Marie are ce-extensive vustiste tavu liserer- ald tise diitrict aunceie ti ti comproetand west Of lie nieridbsau-,SIi W. The Mhn-1 DIFICîILTIFS 11; QUESTr OF A Wlpgâ. -An EnAlss bacselon, of m icle egoè vise recent>' cause ta Glasgow ta oacopy u important pôst un a veil>' nevapaper haviîsg gel Isis business arrangements nide ta bis mind, adrertisel for a-wife. Ad luei vonlal have il, onse of bis subordinate mié employes enavereth ie ativertisemen, sign. in- hintacîf - Emma Gardon," vitluney anal propet>' in ber avun ýigis. A cres' pondence foiloweti-seven lutters on n>e ide anal ei-ht on thse other bavin- passeal ; and e few day g aon meeting b>' arreangement took place. When ibis bridegroon dcl arniveal, he vas uhcred iluto -tise presenar of-no fair one-but fasurteen uftishe sterrn- er sex, aillfellow vorkmnuu its - ÉFn Gardon." Tise geitlenin's fe'elings me>' be Setter luxa-inel than descibcd. -Scots- Tuao C.îaa aprCaLoinit. CoA%,.- Tise Court Martial lu Ihis case conveisu agalu yesteray, wheu tlie defendani re. pîled althIe Jualge adisocatu on the argu, ment of that cificer ta bis plan bar. Tise main argument vas directal ta twa points : That tise militia orgasizietion for the purpose cf lise deeucs of tise country in an cxigcuncy, and mmintenance cf public order; andl second, that tise performance cf socs militer exorcise us tisat cf the noaop. tien cfr îhc «Prince cfrWales, uv-. n&tcal df sevaral vihuesaca vuas tiscu laion, anti the Court adjeunisoat 10 Tistrsa.- --ý Coýrau's convichýo i almoêst a - natter of - - --Tisons lu a eeu's- I hingaàbout, Dnnss iv- ~tév;Houo~tas- 'achickt w,-d Co. LONDON a9N. . ud de- aua i. -a- .5

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