Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1860, p. 1

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rjEýDAY &THURSDAY, t'riuting Eatoblishiiiet, j3r00b Street., Wlhýitby. ffl pleutor te the Regietry Office. tjlRS opSUilCiItTION A RE $2 - advi' udul, and (t3 50 %vieit paya ble * cales1>r8iaed word., grat thought u aý nd'ttring lndutry, wi VOL. IV. va ,atlycatu Peace, Projs ieoire Justices of the Pee forthet County of:Ont- r tratismitted by Justices whos* ae.aeanxd n Statute 4 and 5 «Vic., Cliap 12'. liiJ~ 1Ëame ztf Proscotor. nea Bcnlrown ..... ouas 'sYnîer....... cbin Davidon ...... hoi ......i ... t> s il 99 Nanan of Defendant. Duncan Carniicbael. iobert Brookso.... David Broin ....1 James Nichlnl..... Peter Ryckman, Jr... ThomsaLaky ...... 'Ciin D ido.......... nw i Caffée.. thew Murphy...... a i O'Connsor ...... . Nedham .......1 bert Ghent ........ brt McBaroey...... cr Wilson..... alane% Carl...... Michael Welh . John Doyle ....i: Sylvanus Brown ..... WilliamnaBlow ........ Win. Needham....... Jobhn Orr..ý ........... . J. B. Carpeter. ... George Jlnts.. Nature of char-el. Date. ...... 1............................. jly 71 1860. Leaving service ... ..... ....Aog. 4, Asault .................;;............ Jno 29, " Non-performance of Statuts Labor......July 21, " do "21, do 5>21, " Aiding i a destruction of fonces. ;.... 5 10, s Non.paymenttoe! WagcS.o do do Ansunt ...... ;........... Non.pnmnnt of Wa.gon.......... lA.aault ... ....i....................... il BrllnJh r..................1Obtinidg goadasner falgn pretencts... Ae. 13, "c Johs Canjab........... 0h Clark............. ( AphonoCanphe..I,.: Aaaault ...............:....... d 24, ci Ereotea Moter. . <John Crawly... . lionneln Murray..... aud Anunult .....;....... .;...... *............. April 10, > Hugls Marray ..... J ci. Iama«e ........John M CIl ............... do Jane 29, C aul SlcLeun ............ fiofi............. ................... I 29, S )naid Rtons............. John lirady ............. tt......... ..... ........... Jly 19, aca...... Johns Carksacr.............. do Au*. 28, 41 ni 1elay ............Ç Leiglton Carbier.....0 sonder Rbliinaon... .~ and Treopas s............. ' 31, 4 s SElizabetha lraaaddas... cnret liunt .............aes Stewart .........R fuig ta puy wages.................. sept. 8, raid btcDonald ....Janaes PcAdana--- ..... tefuiag ta attend ,nuawer an S. Militia mensJue 19, 91J .îaaiaale Gander ....Jams Mcl>heraon... . Breach of Township Bylaw ....i......... July 5,4 fi tg Patrick Iely ............. do 4'1 5, t i il James Helîn....... ; do fi 5, 4 tg il Mlatin Tahnhçy ............ do tg 5, C il Hngh MeRinnon.......... do ci 5iI si Johan Harrahy..-.. . do tg 6,c fi di Jon ODouncl............ do "i 6, t 1r Capell ....... Asdrew Aleader... . .. AunLuit ................ ;............. Joe 15, 3 Weia~Vbter......:. 'Joh> A. Stevenso....j4..Drsk ................... ......... 1..... d 15, s' >5 ~Janaco Camepbelli.......... do"1,~ 14 !Peter Camapbel.... . i d1d 15, 41 bun Iloopen ........... . orna Harper........ Exponuire of peison ....;....... ...... ;... Jnly lOj Ionien Deercîl... . ýJlon Plomb.......... Nonpaymou0lt of 'sageas.................. " 9, t bu Cre..n ............ wm. 1Norton...... Stling idqoor after bourim; ............. Atg. 17, J ury Barr............. Peter Ctupel. . rnit,....... .......................Jly19, " rtin Sawye ........ Frederick Carrer..... Assult............................... .. >5dé26, il drue Kiause ..... t.. ichard Mure........ Non.paysseat of Wagè5 ..............A.9,> una IleGuellan. ... Edward Laharre...... Careles diviasg un lsighway........ 1> 2: hl Mayen ............ Jaaca ýSonna ........... Trepasa ............................... JuIy t8, ' iip Sparing ...... Jams Shier............ tlinig te puy Wages ................. Aug. 4,1 ' os. Cffy ............. ue Cobbleworth..... do ids0, d' ( Elizabeth Pileh.... Ausland Trespsà ...... ............ ci 7, cs sauond Cndidàg..H... enry Pileh ....i. . do tg 7, di ( Noah PileL ....... do >9 7 1 'c 'lird Lahe............ John ReldOsd...... . f5g te puy Wagca................... i 25, -fi rick ol . W.Mira...... Trpss................ . ............e....... i. o ........ g 2 di brt Lunod............. joeph Bigetow.Aaal................................ july Ù, s waril Burton........ John B. Taylor..... ...... do 66' 28, " y Plton ............TVisollas Eaglish .... . Breach o! Towuohip Bylaw............. Joue 19t illip Bouck....***...... Phillip Motson...... "clnan injury to property ........ ;.... April 3, ci orge Sile.............Thoasa Scott ..... Selling liquor without license ............June 19, '4 S. Vaulien IV............. %Y do do do..............do o doJuly il, dé es Capbell...... Andrw Alexander .... Aasdslt and bttery.................... Joans 18, c Leakher ............ tobet Greenwnll ....... Asult ...........i.... " ...d &22,"c Iln. Leaker ..... hi. Greeaowell. J ..... sud Thresting and laed lauguage on the rond, l 5, ii' 1 Alouzo Hayward .... 1 l2ic aguaTaylor,..... Joha Lewis ,............ efesug te do statui.ë lalor............ 5 C sdrew Alsuander.. nl Steveaso.......... Thomas :er .Anul... ...... ........July 4, (Win. 'Netherby .. os Deecti............ John Plage.............. eusing to pa, lOnges....... ...~19,û s 00000 Ilayward .... Hugh Lowy..s............ do gli o......... ... d 20, ~ lh liarudoar .. Esily Sombunger.... d. 1utcrupting Couanon Sehool...... et ,' B.MeFarlane.d... .....r. . . D oonNon.attenad.sue ati Maita mnstr . ....... laae 12, 5 SW . Jordon....... J. Townsend ... S. Hubbard ....i J. Spear.y...... ndi j do do do.. ......... Jane 19, 5 ' )alln...... C i r.......... do , ......e................... Â. 20, ileacn ..J.........Milrd............... Aà.. do...........................>* . 20, * liabon ............... ELCusIs .. ....... d o ......................... Sept. 8 ny Actais.............e..Marina .............. .. .... jy~ Os. hoiglirlo........ Alex. York .. .... .. seùt............... ug 1a s table Haücock.....James Clifford ...... kuik aud D'tnrde«ly....... ......... JOu5, astale Causerais. Mar.. y Reilly............ ! D socderly House. o.4.............. Jui i 7l 5 id fiAn Flegg ............. Frcqueisa£disorderî hue........ et s Il 41 John ipetrie .....i .... du a da du i..~....1..... 41 dé Noble XMliii.........I)m..... 041,d fi 4; Cahierine K09%0u.. .. Feueniiflgdisodalrlboues...... ...... K 1 à il di James Morgtn...i i . do dd dd ............. "ce 13," nue Richards ...i. M. . HaiItou . .... Asli .. . ...J. ........ .L . 14, " ehie ...... John Iornieý. ...... Dreak... . ir .. ...... .......'1,s attable Hmpre . aheriueHo[as-....i. à ordriy............... . . .44 17, dé aftalebueriSt. ha Simson,........o....... .......O.do4O. Ici.'e20, il hIeBaeusn..... hnueWla. ..................o....1ý........ iNaie, cf cossvicting jli ,ce JO rhn Hall Thompuol. n.. do do lalcalsaGillespie...... do do do do... do do' ..... Malcolm Gilespie.. Mnthow Cownn.I John. H. Thonapson. assd John Hart....... 0.Lyndé ........ . do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do ......... do .......... do .......... do .......... -C. tynde ..... and 1 . Gotan. Michael McDoua..) and Charlesa Rohinon ....) Caarles iRobinson.... do ...... do .... do Michael McDonngh ... do d do ..... do ..... do .... do ..... do ..... do ..... John Itatelilfe........ do .. *»*1 do ......., do ....... tJohn Ittliffe... and Luthser Haruden.. John Iýatdlid' ......... IJohn Bateliffe ... and LutherHanden .. C. Camapbell .......... do ........ A.Bagnabaw .......... do ... .... do ......1.. do ........ do .....i... do o....ý do Georare -Curmn....%- do do L. llambsi do do do ..... dod John Raicliffo. b.Haraden... do .... A. Fluaisi.. do .... do do IJosepa Gùld. and Wm.Sais. de H. J. MWAoUaaLl do do do do do do do do do Amount If uni pais1 tifPenalty fie or domi- 38 00 2 0 1 50 4 00 1 50 *l80 21 73 19988 3 0 S0 10 00 6 00 4 00 1 00 4 38 20 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 200 4 00 1 00 t10 100 Fine> when paidx or to be paîd tosaid Justice witiain one week ................... Fine renaitted.................. Forthwith ... ............. .... do . . . . . . . . do .. .. . .. . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . Witlain ten days One ieeek froni date........ Forthavith ..................... 21 dayo........................ 21 dais........................ 21 dayd............ ........... ..rth............................ ..1.da.............. ............ To whompitd "over by sad JuTmtEï do do County Tresaurer. Pathmnnter. do 151Llu >5 ..ant.... . . . .. . . . . . . . do dd do ÇCeiny Ten r C.. p.... . . . .. . . . Frowt....................... toaîyTreautirer. Puiol M. McDonagli .................. County Treaurer; conimitcd ta Ca. Oaoll ,ontb, hbard labdr Q Comunitted for 14 days at bard labor: Paid defendant Forthwith ....................... Onu uonth ...................... do . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . Four days ........................ do .. . . . . . . . . Forthwitb ...................... do . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . do .,.. . . . . . . . . sent tu fisel fii nea month. ......Dinmissd with admonition o'n Puyiug COsts. Assistant Adjulanti Generailiiid.W Tow<nship Treaurer. do do do do 40 4d1 do do do do do do Couuîy Tressumer. Township Treusurer. Not yei paid. .do 2 00 riothîith ................ . . .a..County Triaudrer. .4 30 do.......... ............... Élaiti., 1 0 do........................ Towship Trenaidrei. 10 do........ . Prossetor. S0 fàdayss. ......... do 4 88J do.......................... d 200o 8 dupe. 4î....................... do 0 do ..........i.................. do 80 do............ .................. do ïlx 0 21disys ............................ d 6 00o 18 dayS.............................do i00 lanediate ........ ...............Cnty Tresurer. 2o Two w50ks .............. ...... do 2 00 Forthwith......................... Tonship Treaaarerj .. .- For..with............. onbpreaer 6 ou do.......................... -Twnhip TreaureF; t DO do...........................Townhip TreaseSer; 240 Net pet paid. 0,0o Net pt paîd-nlo propely Hable. .Dismied. Plaintiff Ordûed ta Pay cestkp ......Settled loy the paitinsB. }. . D'sotsni8c1aifftiff ordreà ta puy coess 9 00 Augut 29.................... 4 . Plaiitif. ....... 10 septemben 4. ; ; ... .. chusetod 25 do 125 25 :do 25 do 25 dd 25 do 25 Jun 19 ...... 25 do ...... 1 80 Sepismuher th... ...... .......... Townshp Tiassuren 1 00 do .i................. .... ;'.............. ........... b 2 00 Octeher 8ih. 25 0 Paid on.c.......o................ TwsapTaaà~ 2 0 .T.....id.i .......... 4........ ................. .....Pa.i..............i.......... .. ...*ihp~e.t~ .... i ......................... TwTefrè .............. . ....J.. . ... 5.......................... . . . wTs~ ....... . ........ ................... ....... . Seat to, Quarter sesiauS. do ,do Cosuniitted for trial., feet cf the roc1 Jusi reail ab baeen aaus a&d cf m-sfarng me ebe had netuck roiuates, fori nasbt neensagotreiusu tisy never coul4have lh Noý-if she hadt gaie te àhonld have beau eluiost Issllao a- ng saï miles froainsd, in 6 di woffld have ecapes1 ' Dn,.",hulm -saianajlv cauldton overi 'Par fabecongsý i knehere for lfepremea ju i iulngkig' tu=erayoo, mm îhr a diee'w -cte&On sie oufat ni rsebnu, keê i enit el smong'8I flmt smiout nI fafe rock, sand*6 es Tv. igd coaA iuBw yo" pai.It ow. #.il d lpdl& Oa)niifia<Wor30 dario ý14 èJ* - 1~ f£~ssass i~4cs~R*~itvg r( 1kZ1aAl certify that the' above is a truc copy of the Ue twn of COUviction87md 0 "' ".,ua ~ - ----- in Sept., 1860.n. l1Â~ ýWIIITBY*, -C. W., SATUIDAY, SEPTE]% lioti, M sioçd ateppeli offby the IDo'e Whao Lad ~idon v abc <1.50 c" l w Dot P814, 1 ý 1 I-ý . iiot let paiti. ýfiýl

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