Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1860, p. 3

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an ie GW USv.. Jve.Taw ela, q ; j'obn Wilder & Som, .11k manrufieturer cf Mclakold, fàlle4'for £16,0009 audILe.'ý criE iil!Lndon agent" for £700.- Tihé papera announoe a dispateh report., log the. uçoppoied diiembarkation of G&-' >'lbiïdl near Reggieo, buthe' nigiitcftii.è The. mare dispatelit-reporta thi.e e ua Of Scyllaby tii Neapditasi. 'Bath doubt. foi. TaIUeOTc, Wodneuday. it là belleved îhtlia arbaldi "intendo te attaclc Austris, flot on the Venotian but on tÉe* Crotian cosat, by attemptiflg'adiseU1. SS bïrlation at Fiume. The &uîtian Aùuthor- idem believe that h. will finit endeavor 'to proi'oke a revolution in Croati. and Hni gary before ptocoeding- to Venetia. Al the coats vere vigorous!y watcbed by the. !npo.iam iser.. GICiroÂ,Aug. 15. The. Grand Duachoma Annie of Raessie, aiter of Ring !4eopold, died to-Jay et Ber. lin. Rcoported by IL XE. rgi, Esq. AtIguIst 24, 180o. Pcac., 45C. @050C. Bnley 45c, < « b c. * It'e 150c. 0 60eu Ileef$4 @0$M. silecp $3 k* $4 50. Jotatoeg, 2ic- - Y gg% ilicti. 11 dor. Ilidide $51'. Cord WVoiol $'),01),,f3 $2 25 'L cord Wool 275c.ý@ 28C. NEW ADVERTISEME NT$. 0~ I4Vr~~ MPI~f3 ta -i. Pla %M4 P~'o o 0,fr c~e 'd'h .4.3 lt O a 01> ".4 il 9"- o'; roi-> il 4.3 a.. o w' o EALEI) TENI)lC1t acldrect'dt t e the l'ttt intitetetr Geniel, îî'cImniakel, "TendeIrs felr Mai i ervice," wiIl bc reeeived ît i uhee lirtil 12 u' ciock, noOln, on Friearv, teeê 14111 SePteln- lier, for te cou Clioteoft1lie r m1tý tty'teMai Ill Cr week, ench wei, betei'ccil Wh'ty Post of- lce n,i il wuy sîtitto'. , Thuonoiveystucc to he ceed iaaocnt- ter, eletiîgie, or pàteeeeeiecr É4:e teeieOpticn of the coitract4)r. Tite coinî1eitblhe disuie'e b' twŽel Whitby Poet iofillitid Railvav SLettigltreit' is rode-. .Tite rate nftravcti to hbe iet legsathifive mieis lier lioteer, lnclerdineg topp ess for j iiii eirC. 'rie dayms and toîtres ot clrvîiadepartîrro 5 o, bc t oileswe, sui icet le a right iltheicPolt- mailter tioerzi ai arrl enie, sholîod lie consider it uelvieieîtlce we to do: To lenve Whitby Pest oftie tes oftln as ma!y bc requireci, aS eeh ieoitre ile.;will tenable te <arrter SA teehrie. s , iî!. rcciî.earryl Ceg illetm, ansd bho rtîrtee utte m kt om- . ...eýCUel lateiy after aaid t.eohîc go. Tite contritet, if matittactrry excelcd, wil eontinue in force foer a tevmiect cnt exce'eding - four ycurs: the 'nstrue.'îer (ieerai ruservitig the igitto ternijonate tIll i gle lloent ct any tin rvceot ieepece iméote fouir3yeuree -MIL "o1011( the puieic in1tert'e in IliOpinion, re- qutircit, upo(fi gi',ice ie 'notre 'ra3inonthes preVtoet. netiCe of 111 ltei ieîîeie. Eaelittendeer te statitte euree dper trip, le wordee t lenvtie, and Ire be e"' ?petied bhy the wrîtteniereelraetee oft wi" re'..i,ie 11 r tics, unidert4iking., Sicat cue, teecî 'evjqtAthe JToit- der bing twJCOtel, tut e 'eceet celi h rltll ny exceee, by teero t 1e'%eeei', tor Sse price identaaddd:-tieeiert:e k eeialte ilceou, e ottnd svwitiîtire eoutrectnr ire fleuic lit' t$300 for tihe «au e Perfornîttn ce ofnec service. J'riintud fuerees et 'rier rend erraranitec nia" be 1)ilohîî ittse u *>e14"t ffc'tes, sel VIitby, or ut the (lic o f th(.eeeleeelbr. J. DE IV, Post office Inspector. Toronto, Aug. 1, I860. 4 LEVVI FAiRiBANKSj,, :3. V ppruiiaere, for te Connty of Ouetuer IW" Auctloi, taie,.,ttended to, ln ail Iunltltity tced regaiellltV lun every porticon jar. withite c!' tet *t5utiolt, gsiteil bocte Ioums tken Ji). tile. ýtideraigitud toecasure cotilite 1satilfiution Ïw'si-1 who rnsey rfvor hlm W,'th their hetreos, j44IR ANKSJr., Ail Ordcres liýt lit hfcmno*ie offi,.wl1ere 4 Ieglisr 01 itîl rsai5itt au tpmeiiIs1 e ,1' ijkcpt, eeiceIi ib $ceîde 'to, rces ar ti b. usfor"ltihe wecslor we" of the 'wVh6eprovince, are -griSur ~bjectg for lotir consiïderation ; aniî I frank'lr Cenfeai, that, it Im not withentniany -donbtsss Rt<py own abiiity tÃ"repi'èent your interests, as efficien tiy as -thpeug ht te be, and,, as J coÛld desre t*do, tte Tnow prcsét mry. rîeskfnte ii lviiii f,r ean>' A- quarter of a.century, I bellieve rneif te b., penally newn to a - majorty et the' iEactors, who will therefore be the botter able tejudge correesly whether in the event ofniy being pleced aSn the- hped,,f tii. pol4 1 wouid proteet 17our 'mWtereits, ý"advecat. your views anidopiniong, on quîhtions qf~ pubIcpolcy,. ndzealo 1ly garCW'u rights,-as the inhabitants cf one ef îthe wealthleât, nîost' pop'ousù, and Intelligent Divisionso! Canada. A Oanadîan born, I cari>' iearned those great go verniental' prixciples of progrena and reforu», tIsaS have been se happily and' benctlcialiy o')ncecdto us by the Jifother Country. ltu>pntiblu.- Goe rnffiemst- seccuring the rnost valuabie ighiss-en- joyed undèr tIhe Btiil Consgtittion, 1 congider the form of Governineîet besS udspted to tItis country, wlien lion- efftiy adiniistercd, accoeding tte icweli undcriîood wisliee of the peopie. Shoïrld T bo honored wlithyoGroupport, and bu your clisoeie repicesentntive, 1, wiii to the utmost of iny nbiity advocato te (oiiusing pincipii 1, Maintenance of flic Union oft5he twe 2. Itercsentntion - ccording to popula. lation, irrespective of a dividinlg lino bc- tween IJpper and lL<uwer Canada. 3. Enîcouragernent to Emigration. 4. Free grabts 50 emigrantas Rd of lands ,ithors, heitsg ntuil settierg. 5. A Ilotlesterid Iaw. 0. No expendittîre ofpîshilic mono>'witlis %ltth flecotasart ol P:srliitnent. 7, Provirecial workss only, to bc taken nip b>' the 6(overtnent; amati no expendciture ot pubilic mrneny to bu, inadu oni wurki. of a local chatrsctar., S. Rutrenc.larent in every deirartinent of' tise pulic expendlituiro Putttitug ici tlue prnnirug kiirait'aSte top." P. Rleduction of tise Cri>toins Duties-Tie burîlro! oftaxititen 50tee pinced on the uixtiries opf the uies, aund noS on tire aeces. saries of thue people. 10. A Judicioum siliirupt Law. 11. ileduction ot Law Costts, l'2. Simipification o!'te proccecdings of' Courts of Laiw. 18. Revision of the Court of Cîsencer'. 14, Exteuision o!' the Municipal Lauw. 15. iîectioru of Reeves -aud i)epîuties, and Wardeim o!'Couttieg he tie cpie. tlhe s-tiv- ni;' ?sîey o<f ltlV5US7l(Wti5. lai. %ssimilation of the litws o!' Upper aisd Ldwer Cienani. 17. Tise restrieting of'dime right.s of Mrt. gaesto tîce prep.mty licld itn :ortg:ug- witheust nEowirrg thi ilte riglîit 50 corne ispou tire other lsrsîerSy, ruaI or personal of'th Nie ortgîttllo r. 18. lilng iliau'ianintary Electi- ons on.onu dac>. 19. A better cmode of settling contesed Ehuctiolig. 20. A Prohileitor>' Liqior Law. _ 21. Payuueet of' Crinuinai witnesseq. 22. Abolition o! Newspap)el Postsage.. 2:1. Abolition of the Frantisig privilage. 1 behieve Ltt te abovo p'inciples in- volve mary valurieble nmd im rtant nuca- ss .11eq of' ieformn,cvhiclt wroulitenud to tIse material advtincemneat o!' ouý social antd polikicai progroas; but in Sirepresent dis- tmrbed state o! politieni opirion, and con- siderin- tIse violeunt agitation Ihr a contji le disruption o! our ,oars.titthnal relations wtiîh Lowur Canada, I féebound to state freel>', snd cadiehi>, tliatilsu Union or te Swo Provinces., 1 conei toe Ste grand point ait issue in this eloclon. A ny disse- Irution o ettir ic avlioh iow bmnds lus te- gother to our great radva inge, mustt prove disastroSîs. DissoluSitin ith a vscw 5te a. foderal conneclion of tire to Proviunces, 1 belieVu tae 4, ot ofily Ra rograjecaned un- juriouna policy, but, ue v bced b>'tire vote Of Loiver Canada ut hast mio! o Panlia. moQnt, pes'fectiy tînattaineile. l)i ssoiitioîs of Lire Union, 'c pure an dixn)l, oi> strongl>' advocated in s<l e qtearLtere ap- pears to me to ho so obvi4siy absuîrd, and in its coraseqînences so fi 1, that 1 cannoS rbelieve in tire-sincerity ipatiotisi of iLs suppor-ters. Loîver Cau$da toSite Easet, and t-o UniLtd States taille Souths, wotuld thon leave UpperC n nner their con- trol and entir el>' ut titef iercy. Hostile tariffs, ariel injmraous r trk-tions, hure or there, or penliaps botir,INvord hamper ils on over>' sido, 60 Shat eof'i mrolal disadran- Sages anrd our isolatod usitnn wotîld drive Upper Canada into sonoI, nw unforeseen, but-o-b drededcarretin, and wonld mnott probab>" i1-A te a ment for an nexation te 0-e United StaS'. Gentlemren, I hope no nceiy for sucir e mos'Cmettna>' ever ar)s Yonu and I arc, British subjecte,otir ho>'rSy is duc to a Queen distinguishcd for evpry grace rand virtuse tisaS cati adorti '10r position, our irearts andl sympathies ire witir the ]and whloh offere es refuge b tire exiles and viotisns of Lyrana>', coin(t foni w-iaScoun- tr>' tire>'na>'; Sire historr « tiraS ousrtry, hon associations, ber strsg4es, rare durs; heor.noney, lier credit, liersupport, have ussisted our noble Procrncp throîrgh al our dangers, difficulties aidg~isadvantages. Tise>'arec'with it;usstiil. Let lis ing then to our presett ointctioi, and innanimnous- 1>' oppoése an>' and whatrver policy, that would be Iikely te endaurer it. Tirequestion o! a Ëedrration of alh Sire Provinôes of Bitish Nartir Amenice fa, evon now, generaliI> andi ver>' tavourable ,entertainjed. j OopfIi4efltf>'anticipas. the rerly eccenrplisitiett O!sucir a sehenie, and most eernestly luope lotitis consuni- mgticn. -1 will zealoushy 'and cordiali>' ,support ever>' stop calculatçt to se cure iLs attaifneft. I holuevo Sthatb>'the conso. Ilidation cf, cun mutuel iptrests nnd strengtir, w. shahlui>' tire fotinebtion or' e groat*.'Nortir AMenicen Nations, iinked to. ýetber b> " roboda cf mutu~i commercial ildavantages, and, té cen Mother Càntry' by tire strengest ties, of origine kitid'ed in- stitutions, and indentit>' of interosa. I heblieve tiret tuasistii. orsi> plan, b>' whlch ,we Ma>' hope te noot oct freni emonget us, .tiret -bitter spirit cf seçtionalism ana local will endeavou'r te Rot, ltmatrlly W'h whiflé, wihois 'd'e ~ o 4y, ereérec ç L ~ 1f;h Tlere are twe.qi neasi ons o! a local nqtûreý affeèitng teD in ewheh I deireo. -;lt. The.lao1 ôo d'Whitby R silway. that werk, lisa %a een decI'ded b thé- ratepe'rsc (nre With tiretde ison I'arn cottnd wll nat quseMy, lnflueèncet, or- p6Éti,ý, ,ti)bring, thet sb- jeot again before tue p(cp.,0orpeeuniar, "ssitance. -The chart'Po'r ha .pread riîould aubtier oves'b granted, it is evi-_ dent tiaSthe rond. mst cther bho con- qtruç,ted by privete a s,çrpiption or with 2nd. With. refereneà te the separatien cf tire County'et Yorkc rom the City of Te. rnnto forjudiciil pùi es'lame i> favor1 ofShe passage ôf a 'il for thaitpurposle, to take effeot se sonmr asppprovcd of b>' the retepayers of the Cou t>' o!Yorkç. Gentlemen :-In sol citing your support, am a candidate for tire presentation o!'tire, King Divimion in te egislative Council, i mu>' sai in conclus on, tiret I have no peu'sonal anabitiouite 8s rve, nor private oh- jtcS Su gain; uand shoar 4Id 1have tise lionor tob c. eiected, I viii go 5te he ouge fre and unt-tnelled tnins! umeiged. to thse support cf any politie i parsy or suet of Sment,"for thue 8se eOf t ce pairtVI." MY Po. iticai viewes on the publc questiocas of the dri>'cefaini>' hefo o eyoetithose urin- - iîsles are smch as I bel ove the truc inter- est' ô!' the Province d mend, and wili un- der ever>' circumsstaîtc and conditionu tlnd in rmau a witîrm advocrt. Monsmn>' couse inSiti power to-day, and ro out to-inorrom,. - Ministries May exisS two ituuyst or tevo years; but the welfarc of the -Province, anrd tire future gpetnt osof in>' native country, wiii alweîys he my uirsS consider- ationi. 1 have tirelhoior, to beGentlemnen, Yoîsr ob'S hum .bre servant, JOHN HAM PERRY. Wiitby, Juiy 10, 1860, Wheat, Barley, Oats. Peas. TII E mtkriCee iii jay CAS!! for ceuiy T qilitmtity of Witailru, aand l>us, deliverciaC tite Icairbor le ne. . DRAPER. whidriw, Airer. 14, 1560O. 41 Hoirs~tti;e pît 1ccrîy Horo ost'j~,4 Raward! A smneeli lie rwîti lier te> lieu Far.qe l letrtctnsprSl <)t te Towian lV ltitiry,v ruwatrd. w 1LF14 , 1 WVlitiîy, Atirg. '4, 1m',Oe.1 NE W AR] Afth lirtroceryv und Tua biefzr, lilrelz 1-t., whiliim ver'> bIc), euil]raîd eaein .Tt >1 Whiitby, Alignet? 80 Il wiie seripe down ite Itetteil eez: strels rils' percolicf teeiligietg qierttY. onp icie iiortil viii reccive lime cbove 1) C. -S('IIEIBER. 22 àIVALS AND 'c A Store, iii<eilt.i' il bu soid fur (ASI ýtue stock. W' ETIIElRAIT). ss Mail Oontraet S EALED TEN%DE4RS;. etflrplte.sscsltre itePogt- mnester(G'ecrai, ccn<J r;îerkci, '"Treicts for maccil service," mil[et'rceeiveei ntIQncbce itlitil 12 O'ciookie1001, e4ît1ffrîtav', titra14tie Sep- iîe't forethte cotieyco ce of lier Mejesty"s Niailse six tinîies lieur wack, eaeuit vet, hetwcetî l'xieidgeuncid 'W'hibtly, o 1 aîd froru Sire firvtt 'rie coieantee to e it (le Iina waggon, visI- ter Weeigie ut piesemeren tLe U5 ite option of tire eeeuttteetot. I- The emtuit ut'el istencel hetwecn Uxeltidp e aird U ' lithe' is 25 mtiles. 'lise"rate' ;f trevel lte be nit iets s-Ian flvp miles pet [tour, itnclcdiung ste)pjai -es firf8Iipurirosus. "The dauîys nti hontes ut aiveiiel deptl)jrtit-e0 10 ire8As foiiowt',mtenbjeet 10 ai igiesoflieu PotS- tuttstér G(Ser ttil 1 tur the 1saine, sitildlite considen it advlsaibieso0 10o: Lerve Uxbtid'ze dail>', Si nd ay excerrtcd, at 9 c. îi, arrive nt lbitbyLet 2 1. tni., ]ceiv'O ai go:,te te p-sitle !tetee' ct11-4%.1 f tete etttitg train ireerties-ct arnd wegt, andl rrivii nat iJxhrudge cvitlitiee ive lcoursiaftrvitrd4. 'rhe.contrieet, if matis-f et trii>'exectted, avil contiuint foree foer a ternitrot exceeeding foeur yce-s: 'The Postniaster G cerai nescrviegtghSe rigiet Iretetmittirle tee ireneur-n t eny tirttr prev'tîns SueStee expirtlioiu of te foir eru rs, mllitctd tise p;eînhiiiuteregt tire lits Opinion, ne- quire it, ieil ngivis- e terntraor aS ne(etlrs iîrev'iosis neotice ol lis intention. E,:telir'tentier Ire stete te î nc e iikel,in words Ut letegtie ,11i tt5 O cecetîr l iedtlh Ie writîcn tini1rteiteect' two reneponesi hi parties, snuî<irtcîk tgc, taS in s-hec ueirS t'fSi e Tender he i c- cep-ted, te coatreet siîîil h desi>' xcetterd, b>' the perrty teicderiteg, for te prieee .ean-tttded nradentek ir g ilse> to heo ste hoîîed witit tule countnacStor ita tire eui of $0e) for the due pen. t'orurrere te s-eu'vie- P>rit ted fot'meot' Tender and guaruuîtte innuy be obteicîed it the Ponet flieus it Uxbridge, ]Irooklin, und W hitby or at tire office of the sehesciber. J. D1iýEj Postc Toronto, Aug. 7, 1860. sffce Inspecteor.. TJIAYED or Stolen on ;ho 81tt day of July Sfroin ilot No. il in the-Stî Con. ofl'icker- reî; a large red uni white luilele cow, she hua nearli' liaif of lier rierht e r eut ofL' wiecever ,wili give giscli enforaîctilt am wil Iead to the recover, ofthe marmie, wiil rceiv.e theabovo re-- ', .1< !I ITAW, 32-8îr-w Lot No, , th Con. Picke1g. SFULL atttirdeno oft B. A. 0. of Gond Tou next lVedneiçday eveîinug, sinmts of importance ija li tiho Lodge.TI E.- ho, members of Mire rg5ijcqnei;ted I-fAS CLEGG, lSe. pro. tom. 'T'ÇE Connoil -of the Corportioou esrleng: ;eJntend on thetraf, tday of bepbehr noe, estiblighng a portion sof the Broek Eoad neraoss Lent-No.' 8 ~,d'17, li tti'f th ýonceossion ci ShisTownitlp' fir-qnmts ail îersoinsinter- ese ogvrîtlemselves 5%SeOrdijly Leld aS ooing, ttislqh iusgfJt Y 1860. ' , <a'c ny HECOR IIEATONe, Ontaro',Bank Div'mzi-a No. 6. ' O1TICl IAs iuereby givens that a divldendo .L'~four po ceut.POU tise pald ,rp Capital 'tf titi* iiîstitmtiloiu for thte maureunt hall ytAr, (liteiotî itI te ratte of eipclct pur cent per sum.rnjilc tItis dny hois dc-eltreel, aut iatite t'aime irili né payaible at tise Bank and ils Branchais, on Asîaý seter'Satîrday, thee tirgtS dry <(A Septernber next. 'rie Traunsfer llooks; wiIl bc edo' from tise 1l-t 5te 81st sitgetet, hotla doy inccumivo. * --By Order'ot hlecBonul <>nturmnoBaînk. Bowmeînivilier, 2lst Jîîiy, 1840S. 37 S e For,"- eýe THOMAS MYERS, LI<2EN'I) AUCTI<)NEEI F011 TUE COUNTY 0F 0?L 2Ailt10. B (~rinot reslietcly to rptturn hi:. touetstin- B eret1ieik~s te I'ie ililiaiiitm ftee teC"ogen- lv 'ef Oetario, fior tire lilereil patroc lio er iie recuiwed front cthicin-iid wecnild seeliit ilfr i lier coltitiiierautioliof the r eeeie. IlIs"eip oliit'v Lieerr;ca. line -wî<l) reeeettiy atimit lrrpr.' ft*r saîles il il uy lpart (ofth ie ('<lune vy. A salc eeeekVi alise1pilakik se)tes will buferci'iXdfreet-efclearge Ternee, Ci, 8, 10 tb 12 d'ellcr.. lier Iav. Wlieth)Y, Alig. 21, 1860. 42 NOTICE. Coun1t> oft-)ntar!o li erche' eie'en thret the 'luoWlt: .Cut~'esiQre' ter 'SetiOtes cof te Pence, aird the Coeeît *v Cocrrl vv'ielib iie t l u cui t ad or î1îi lct o it'i' et Oltîar- o lt the< Ceurt huître, in te t le Wtîcf hitIey, ou'ii thA('tiee-bi"LE NTb1 lit of Sùl" 1 tetis- er, 18e0, ltl112 deo' llo caei tlwiltiei tel bCoer Otets, Juttcv., ît'lieu lucaceand ietiterue aend ciii otitt erceritel, cviii tako uiotiecande goverrtîr'cei'o acotdinirly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, tsiecnIifr',C. O. SîrriesOffice, W'litiey, Aîniz 14, 1860 41 Taire Notice. Lbpersolus iullubl)éte thte firmnrf Il. air- A 1 iu !o& C'",or tu theietOscfl.lîîe', rire reqnested tr settiu tue saune evirtirtre - dcemigned hy the fini t ofOctober n tmd cve ctots. - E.J .NAGÊE'~ CELEBRIATED SE W1N« MAIRINI At 25 per cent ,,under New'York prices!!' TI"s ~ahines are uscd ini ahi Sue principal towns snd citiewfreni Qutrhec te Port 0>They have never failed to 'gi-va satisfacto.-<-C AU the leading Boot sud Shoe inanufisturersg teitify to tnoir ouvepoieity ovor any oticor machiye. ever soli in Canada.* Niigie's Sowung Mýachines are 'capable of d6irug an>' kind ef work, from shirt collirs to harness traces. NO. 1 MACHINE$75. No. 2 MACHINE $.Oë No. 3 MACHINE, WVITU EXTRA. LARGE 4,SHUTTLEi,$">5e EVERY 31ACIIINE IS WARRANTED.. Ail communications relative to Sicwing Machines, etc., nùist be preýpaid, as none others ill bc received. 1-1J E. J. NAGLE, CANADIÂN SJIWFTNG UMCIJ!E ESTABIL1SIMMT, 29.5 Notre Daine Street, Montreid, C. E. Faetory ovcr flrrtley & (ilbort's Canal1kwen, montreal, C. E. 590W40w it i i 41r 'de~ B EGS to annotice to lus numnenoeus friands alird entomers tiraS hie is <~ am"aýo e business ou now zarrying i C ARRIAGIE MAKIN-1&1 IN ALL ITs BlANCHES, On the premises heretofore occupied hv Mr- N.RAi, on Mary Street, betwecfl J3Yron and Brock Streots, whcre he is pr-epatred, us lîretofure, to ceecute ail orders trte to Isis cure. CA RR ll AGES, 'BIJGGI ES, SLE[G IlS, C UTERS, &C., lW-itInnufactured and SoId ut the Lowcst remueîerating 'Pnicei5. ALI, W(>IK NARRANTlEI) LU3J,1DPLJIand 1>RODUCE 7L1JU Y n EIIAXVGL u t J!A KET 1'RIGES D. FORD'S long experience of thirty ycars in the principal M,%anufactorie.% of the States and Canaida lias given tat expoaience in cvery brani of the business which few have been able to arrive t, and t-oi beauty of design, elegeince ot finish, dtîrability, and solidity of workrnansipgij, his work calinot bu excellcd. wilibyAliilsta. 8.5 . r Cali and see Specimenes. COMPET [TmN. T IIE SUi1q'lIZiBI',IZI;; i'llil "e s4el ail kietti,' t'cvork iut uis eilee4"bus-4 nemct iece>er ttiti attY' teie sitîtiisilmcieittet the kiti n Bronklieeii-, eei etes i. erk is irrede enp Itnder iris own'in rstruictiorn, itcittlu %ere t tocIted ta giv ,ettiefFeori.Stcliceciuets the fohitrwiteg pricces ail I spele Mens' Ware. BecS Frenehe Ctlf loohi. ...... .... $4 50 &4't... . ..... 4 1-2- pis .......................... . 25 co ew hile .................. 3 50 1es tt3t Beet54............ 1 75 ceBrogaet......................2 00 Ladies' Ware. IBect Lace Boots.,................ $2 dO0 Comtonor.iBe>ut.;..... ..... ....1 51) ce6 lleskirrs.................... 1 25 aund aloaller articles in tire abo'e I(biete 0cor- nesîond witi pnceu.- WILLIAM eviMBRIEN! Broolîi, Maiete1 180ll. '103 t Chritopher Ilodgons'a Assaugnment. X OTICE ls leerehy giveul Sîrcît (3liistophrc 'Il>egcoui, forîeerlv of tht e .ctshipe of Wh'citbly, beut nrew ei the'Town'mship of Scer-coeg, iniS ti '<ermte' ni Ot nario Yeotrtii, liie'ic y lit dentuire becritcg date, the 17tir ca:.' ofialy, 186ee, isined oa'ur aIl li, nre csSaIe atliel ere piojeurS>', tb John 1liisiop, Of 0e4l>i'e, 1er eteCtelc ecrwti. Preweon utof t-eteieî te Towevi eie if ofRettch, Aecoutetamet aud 1Coevea'aunlct, i1 trungt ton tIre beiseflt of nliluis' creditteret evîo uta <tonie in unidexceite te scebd Imiteutnnt2etiitril tmvlvemoîntlis. And nsotice its ]etuie' îter sztc on, tieat tàh cicii lîndeture ic edelier the Office of thee scid lVnî. lowsoiî fierinspeclJot and signature. Whitby, Aitg. 3, 1860. 8 V.PWO - Manchester Road, Jul>' ITth, 1860.» T HF Muncipl Coinci attie Township of Uxbrd-OintndnShe 4tlh ut Septenihes next, to procceel te pase ai By-law for the pur- peose oftestahlishing thctpertion efthtie Brook roncd ruutnimg ccrot's lots No. , 2, ce part of 3, in near of the 451r Con. of thiet Townshlip, as smrveyed b>' John SîtienEq, P. L~ S., toand ru- qttestceii pensions ititerested, to cuovera Sio-cen laeulct Uxbridge7 this gril day oet Angust, 1860.ct tl' tS 30-4in-w Townieiipolork. Old Newspapers for Sale, A ag nanttyofoldNeýwmpapêraitepplietd A S1 Srgthe Whithv Readineg Ronimnduring tise last 10car, for s'aie ehiap. 2-5 34 NOTICE. AIDP.ISS TO HIIS RLOYAL 191G1{NESS 'TiË P RINCB Op WALES@. W E umesue cmntion that tl enkie towo ppies ot tîrleawl- cl-osa to e ogiseste to Ii '1ýfoyiil Hlghmieuc *hle ]'?iiteofo! wVîl s, from tire qnnvivores etSIe, wVe rf 1812, croSs r'ot, fon-liae eunpot'e of po o istitr tisan Monday, Oird Se1tesnibr.- ai Sic e, letenvel, snoh tb e tnos resais i-ike' mot yot aigned the'Add rem, wi- v teoppor- tis'o! oimg so; eaadas ieronas tlae 'Situe and Pl 'forSipo5t.ttioil to'i-is ioyaal Hghatess msseeétauedisO of tishe mné vibu giveul which it la 0xpeotod cli alTordi suffeiet tlime for as ee> m anie>' yftnd it eernvýniernt 10attend to'be preseoirt on the ocaion. « 4 Shoriff's Sale of Lands, Ionu' rof1 l lrtarioô, lt (N Satirrdacy tIhé I2th, 11,tre*ir : i0k)decvof TN'e'rfhen, A. P., 186<", at 12 o'cleckunoon, ei1l ireseldàt pnb- lie eeîîetieeirsitlniv ' eeIitCli te 5Conrt fHouse Ior tire Tocemeét'f 'lctlhe', tire irndertner.tioncdl tlanedscrliiii (lt itt ercerr, scizeile>'mite len- der tttd ey e'ittuec if certain Nwrite oS jiê'ie- acias to tire dircctud, v-la -111 the Cornnly court. George Soin>', plaimtii, evs. William Mcltctoi;h Al tleslittb!d cfetrlant'a riglît. titice. andiun- terest of, in anrd to theitu orin eaf of lot No. 20, lirokeit Front. irc tire Toewnshtip otfîVhitby cote- tainitlg 100 acrtes morene0or lest'. Inth ie Cont et c ommon l Pirs.e P onalA Cunirton, defendaîst, att' Alexanider Ctlletn'en, pi'ttfl ,il0lieteeii l'c.ititifl"ic iglet, tilJe, tnid inter- ens- of, ii i torilolt INet1. 7, i11h Coen, anrd îorth lîetlt of 7, in the l0tir Coni. of Tiitel' NELSe>N G. RiEYNIiýLDS, i5eifC. 0 Per C..Xourcsu. whithy, Au. 1860 i 1 m 891 TO THE INHABITANTS OF TIWE COU2NTIES.0F IN tcrrdcreeeig rrrN eteeccro thanks toe te ila- bi talits oftlice Coqeeties ot Yerk, Peel, tard (>ettario, tfrtthe raiyfavorscoenferred Upou .ni diuring pae't e ergeftiiti O0îrttbefore you tzolicîing yoerr ferther stipperrtiud confidénce jit tie hertere3. Tt aili ever be ny derty to, mnt tirat confi- denice )-on lhave so circerfîrlly confided iir, nie. Promîptitnde, enurg-y, tieed thé'striecst attention Su buinîes, -wilc beftire ereenn 1 i ai te tc deerve ils contineî-ince, ' r ALEX. TIIOMPSON, AýéIneeéj~ M.oH eîA............. . Ciront . Tane............... rodh, i ". o. lAWi<S.................«.... ooiby. June 201tiv83, 2. To VÇarriag&Biles n shàIl b.lawful fortfibe 'Ware oe'f SIis'(Joùunty'te direct avDe- benitur..' or Debeétaieï tôe bo'nd.om for such sum or sumt,.Of ý on noS lessthan 'Twenty.five -poun'da'ee.6 mu noS exceeding in tire wh eletres s u,,j 'T*otv--thousand dollars with nrs thoreon, 5asBbi7 j)eTmon or poi'ons, b;edy ,or bodies, corporate or pelitîc,trny ar te l-end- or -adrance upon -such Debwt- Stures * and sueii said Dehenturies -,iel behoi lu mciiforn as tihe Wareén of tire Oeâuâty' shnii deom xpediputand sisal beundem' the Corporate Sealbf '-1e C,. ty, and shall 'he ,signed by tl» 'Wnre'n and Treasurer tiereef, -and hmansiaî hoe niade paà'abIe aS such tirnes M' d in susrl att"and dischar&e~-tbe said loan iit 8rd. Tiret'theinterest'upon theeh"u heirtures shall he payable aStii he < e! Montreal, Wiritby, on tire firstdLcy sof Jairuar>' in each asnd evor>'y.. uî tho currene>' cf said Debetfel 4th. TheS the respeettvW"a n7ah Speciti,, rates lu the. Sceduho 1rciaftoe mentinneal end fornring ,part of tliii y4'w' saoliea raisod'levied and cOted ovet and ipote ah ether rates, ç0etbe year's hein iret-- tioned, upon -1 rAteabie property in ttit said CountJf Ontanrie, fer the puirposeo!' payitig titi said sum c Twenty-thorrsanti dolla, snd tire interestf thereon, s afetre- spu and Sire proceeds pf sucii speciel rie shal1 he, applied sui>' otire payment ;and satisfaction of' such îDehèntýurosand the ine- SLerest.thereon, until tireé whole cf ~ii'l Debentures, and tireinterestSthereen silali. ho paid la luli. Refer red te in tire foregoing By.lew, rird fornaing part theneof, -oIae itt tthe iuu1561, & provide (fur cies.62ý'2ffl 542217 - .0- i tou7n I 512!211 12625 5i'221'T U12217 S15 54221 1775 542211 IL 1865, 1866, tS 1867, à& " 156 1864. ' 9. 565, 2se21 et 18M7.1900s " 1869, -' 1870. 1720 " 1871, e e ' isinîseho e 1812,16910 - 1923.1510 Ct 1973, 187,480-ti ec 1814, C' 1876. r92li " 1928, e 1876, 1360 1817:1300 1818, t240 15111. 115(0 1880, 1120 i55e~ " iSSi. 1060 6" 15h. That 'this By.Law schall not- takce effect, or corne into operation until - from and afLer the tirne the saine sehalt be -ulti- înateiy prsssed ftt a înecting of the, Côîrîry Councli, specially to be calied,>for the-. pur- pose of considering the same, nt leut ieire calendair months after a copy hereof shall have been parhlished, and notice thereof gienacording to. the force and stat ten uccae mode and providede eI The above:. is istruc co Ofa, proposed 13y-laW 50 be trtken into consideration b>' tlleMuénicipality of' the *County of Ontario, ut the Court Bouse. in'the Town ef Wlîit- by, in the, said, County, -on the Twenisy- fiftb-day of September 1860, et the hour of 'L'i'velve oft te.Ciock, noon, atwhich tiîne and place, th-e Members of the Counili are hercby required te attend for the purpose aforesaid. - H. J, MACDONELL, Clerk mm AvT à -or e )LE? e fpn' trýn "Ç ya"; d0l i t),tIai lfl tclsaSate oellCnr si-uiueei teTonÃ" -HEC ( t K L E Y, Whxh'AI t4 0doPentbn J1oaeslntand-us reioved to tire honse litul>' oeonpied hy ttci>'. P y ? . -'e' Mmes. erry, on ~~astr. DUNDAS STR~EET. 'W'1hit 1h>', Angaî. t 5, 1880. 21-t! 'Whitby', Maneh 26' 1880. iround 1 offing suite, a the ethy rt1wtla le boat ras net fie PO. rdne empo. )l Limua. à freigiit St - the, MI WSU F the, ;rest fn',1' me i eo~s , y £et tvry- 1. mûe a day.a'nd ýferent ?weath. he cre- r, for it amernu ont the, end th6 &-d naarhy mi of pre. 4 but it ia Io wil Dot dicemrner. ION. #! 'ide. idmewn to' tlat paper, lis apeecbg le Watdsc Il made a e, becarsa.- Dissoluition ecii wich s"IMII -but mnt oel, a Mr. Re0'- 114 aya tire a genertal piýng tireir ie aIm IItY lierions BALSAX. IOln ite clare- --e ,sW ;pa.- - bhard,- acted. generAl Lintps34' e eleo-' -k"---e 1 .4 lui, is l8r>jý 2m gr- 1 1 1 ma IDE 039

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