Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1860, p. 1

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-c'-- [eiWeeldýY wumwi ,AY&TrHURSDAYP ctt ock StreE)t, Whitby. 1401'a POOT t0 the Reïiatry Office. MSopi OFE2'F SUILSCRIPTION ARE $2 dva S all eèt, and $3150 vhou pcayablte or tOcen lc............... cto, ltc$t, firinerotion (j-cor lice) 90 oo insertiot................00 02 ci dvoattoîcg by ttte )*cac. * ioo .t'an ish rod biiaay WEEKLY CHROIOLEI 01,etcto etltie rcortttags of SATUIIDAY in ece wtelt, at DO01LAR IPER .&NNUM, i cetlttY'n adeence. gseiila anf ty otîttor cettOtr3' peîtcr pttthlteted tc etIO av- - - - - et e Otels fille, itret lc itotatt ier tino). 0 10 îL ~ 0, i,, nte ut i .......t ......- e 04 ILIC viii tloedleciaittd( atlil ait crr- ,Y i e . tetrcid oit. ,,t o , will be ai ii el, to et,,ctog aii regetc i t, de î,c IItabatotter whteti dtrceai.-d tek-c k e W. il. tIIIttINS, cf s, ~Whtty, C. W t BOOK AND JOB I NTt5l ]ESTABLISHMENT. fý 0KOIRE ANDn JBPI the ecce ,tiat 'a eue tpier Ofthte ,stidt 'ni t'o %.ltte. fTi e hic O Nooaet Yr kts tn-i til- lis Daitte tli ta tali-on tut05 i l o cl u tico its1- c e 105 ticsàî t.tl tu at Ni.ît %lat itc I la ,r tc1 AM~ itl lIs Tg5 .f dtt utt 1,0 esttttt eecuitoilq ote -, 1 îc laiea iiotoiote O OTtCt rtutg ou t tict t-tectd lit s-eiti iciee -cecotiaPritîtttcg Macitottr>-, lict1W, lo"hit, aduittietiatr ecrtp- f licttttg trtiited ,itictsiat i useof c7rcstcit Olc e, witu, CW. jotiN l tLL TIIOtl PSONP ZACIIEUS BUIINUAM,1 " e t tic Ott111t Iltano i. NESN(.IlEYNOLDst ' ttstJ$'aFICE AT TIIE COURt~ JOIII M t'l ERRY9 OttTtX.tFFICE ON ittcil K T - j.. 11,cDONELL-. b wOFTHIE EAE. OFFICE-AT J')jIN V. 111I, rii'tfii E atUTVcaUItT, ANI) flic ,Ci St r et.-ttt U tr i RSxi. XOt, Jir., it<oFFItLe AtT TElCO)URT jli% M ilER, ct ,Nr 1>-t E,111. i>FbtUE AT TIE lOIt oIIISON, lit CUtIf .] 'tatiT-'& IMEtSUlitS f.t e i 1.ttt-c tiri. RIt1titTiEIt AN D C015 NTY CRtSSN ttiu-ttiCee-lat Arîaittc »New Belote Fi$eecl Fte. lit C.tIlllON &MCOEL tttClltc strAl-ialNE& CAT LAW, ct-ttr the ttC-itat) Cuistî otatro.- tttli- it t cc ,tcri.tttebel il uIg. trORG(E I. DAIITNELL, itt'ithliýTER À t I>-lCt)N'JEIAN% -tr ,t-& . tliaeor àJ S. ISatiti icicel ccmtreutar,Btroce Streetl iait> ubiti» - Lb Èeui<LL WiI.h calma Primioc words, great thouihts madunticln.. jndustri, wc uavo cate Pec ce, Pro.«ree9, Knowledlge, Drothcthooai. 1V'T T . . - TV GEORGE DRADAZON, ' ~INVEYANCffl. COMSutSIaNER FORi ilteiaag Attlaits'n the Qseen's Ilsaaiisartc tri, Brck, C. W. ROBT. CHECKLET, M. D., SURGEON, ACCOuUtEUR, &c. CORONER Sfor te Coaaaty o!fiOntario. R.t J. GUMN, M. D. tUtRCe ON TI,TE COIJNTY (lAO1Z' S Byrons Street, iVîitliy. .4 EAST WIND9SOR RfOUSE, WVITBY, vwu. scmsv, PORsaem. ttE auFibee Uente estute i n a pleeclatand r eirel pars ttte o'rwt, ons lIe fron ailcs. Cotal aicmmottdation toc .Iciveiterei. Uceil Stctbitg ad tteutice taetler,. 22 HUGU IFELITZ, EFAViER IN JaUStU TTUE T a-..,aiae Forte, 1licraaaeay sitringaptu lritee l tt i.-ac,reIo et or latol reidetare. 4r J. C. JIANCOCK, fl"110T AND 9114)aE t51lE V bJWtittay. Wsrktmile taorties nt ' l'tt'Ot- t cricat,tain t>-exc5criet.o-a t crte- tmen. Atet r-'laeriuai te %vit iaicdeý i AIXERICAN SIIOTEL. w TAI.KIit& iPATriEIuSoN, IPltii-tIE- V terc, ccraatr oftc.atuguAd bFrontStrtechs. Tcrcat, C. W. 52 P . X. CLARK,! MwRCHT TAIDes ) t, la. 74, KING S IIAiITiN"S(Lite Wali'c IOTEL. T IIF'17Wl'IIItEIC ilAVîNte TAIE>- TI stoce it-tel fn'acliSeI. fitec, te mtu af- ford tîlie lieel.t, iloaato e ut'1talie. 44 JOSEPHS NOURSE, CLEttE TW V lart1 IVIIlOiN COURT 0F Ageit, Couve ca,î-,du.Atur. ce Viliiit batg avi, trrigritt. ONTARIO>XIlOTEs., t JRYtN l, PI'ttltIETtR, IttaaK CANTON ITOTEL, D UFFINe aItEtuXPICKEltcN(t. Gi %V. CUTIIIERT 4,'i lac,'riatritor. 'slooil-8 1) ÀN foRD. t Ittaito,r or Licees i the ï.uicipuit-- othec ro f 55tithy. 1 p tAIN ANIs)aaN.ME-AINTEIt, p ttcoier iicr asr,V. c, S'attty 2t W. 5H. 1tlILL.NG7t. BARIATEiî& VTt<iRiNEVATt.iW', t>lc-5ticeeltiiditg, Ut.:k- t, Wiiiti 3t I. SIe, tîru ti t iitcra ttic., to - teaîtt Stitc'c ho Atcticîsu Il,,î-lceIi kclýttire, c.ttaieea.tt fit. 185 j0155 IIIETi;ALF, 'Ireetltitiita.14 FRIANKCLINXISOUSE. uatno . cW. i)F .IEWETTr , a-lta'tttrtR. CailFOît- B. tomeeqol,xIstio uteufr Tracoliece. Wi itby an. 21, 1507. - -- --A.. K-ICE, ea(toerre'eO liail t , ren treel, '%itatt. l'a- i laniiir aii iiae iItilt kiaaclc cf-js.1 Iî.rad re1iriag of Furaitare cttidot l. Faeuituine iartfauti> reaacscd. RAIlI ROAD IOTEs., F.) FAIit , S T'R o'tB. ~WTIIIS Traetre Iaolttiiand matetlentiveliel- lerg. t WIIITBY_, C. W., ýSATURDAY,,J1IJLY 7-t 1860.- A y "Lie JL V T u 1httt,eite"tirs ccv prr1aretl ge fir-t Iay it ia--ct tranit crcus- î o cai ttel'Ur 5,-tit-i ae rqul gote i latecI article. W.attt, ov. tatItt, lu-9. C-4a AL.BION IlOTEs., i»-nii. it-ivty ict>iteulii iiisa thie co.tai-t-a UNIIOINSTATION JlOTEX asaT ttiiF tIt, EiN F s-t. Vra itttim.tt tttioa, T.'r..tt- [loutrd, $1 tee itit. Oit-e ue. iits t -hod tu- 13 P'epric'aot CENTRE IlOTEL.. Bia OTIfflT, li1poctnte tkao f ltia B ra-st. Wit-..tIl. Ot )ElN :NI'Pro Tlîstt>- -J ile i, tuti. ONTARIO HOTEL, IlE tioriortgo 10ictonnti laaiflicdc ~Tsaoiioîrceraicuataca.ii.;caait lie lu-stuau- el] tle ltq'et i il aelaacct, aa hta. oadlatauenriaa mSeo ttti tti e ,csrIolae eti.lttef saîi c-a J. V. IIA'K - ERIhANT TAILOli, ItItCK STrIIEE t, asar- ttl.i4t1m ircc ass tisic Ceont tirLut, %iliithIcAi-VE L, C ~.a~- Aat a ndti cîrarefaut hall-rtl - - -THIOMASDVRL. S. CO)N WAY. hI .. l. rl BANKS, IIS tI I. e, itEN STREET, A.olhtcr, Juanas18,ltee. 25i l e teiceciV, iW. JAON"Stin ____ LL1IE FOR SALE. JA E JOHNSTONM N. G. iAMtjWLE, O AsIiîtTIt:ANIS ATTLttINEYA,%TI.AW. cîNSTAýNTI. Y'OS>-IIANI) DURING TIIE 5 Tl5,tlt uJW-I, Il, ItiitailttîRIegiche> Il crik sBeReiaciiiuticleiiaate r-a taaST, VtITBY. tVllct>. Lunîe, w c wlul cslead fer Col al>, aI t i J. W. CORitON, m. D- 1t"£ lEhitlCARL, -yu ti ioloal I ute te ts Nec ___________________ k I)ci>ulzr e lo tfleN .Arodota,) IIOliLRT SPEARS. -Î;lo--,.ottia t ialcUp e Caituto,1 Ç dueFàS R It O I e lu. iaceis -tge ît ninaarclu I IRaI ANti TIIEASIYEER <aF TItIst e SCOTTINS HOTEL, - OSSi L'lmm be uthedi heu t ttrelsho raps cetil tu-cf 5. eiag'oStoe. e-lco ootutsor tsK sca ciuaiesssut, vuaelcs c ow ces.Je mcecdt m qulttc!O >.I'NitW ittgEE StoarIe FtiIST 01)011O 0 J. S.CA DIEL. IR W A leliiclIelceaceualaa TIac l'acacia J..cu AN , iOi'SîN, B 01 teoo.9sooittAtrati111oaircrîe.as- li ricltie eaof fiSle esttcraIesI 5terbar> 1 tigAl,îetAoeiauae ea.De sitdctiOtI. lIte ierltr)litîg sO i or tc tu lu 'tc C'îtc ta ibMeaueluro. SPO*taelas ta Lkn ttCNttyIl t ottitt4catchOsîsadAgois, tobta l ae1sa uîtt, r le stettac o ttica soiîs t ti c t -- ai et------ j, .bes Elr SCinsîoelicsOrta iîicit s1atitttyg :Iitgclr - ,tîtetl'ta >jll. s,.,e..~ .~ c ~ ~ atiinL Ii ce bliy a vorliie taske sî I ltAiil luetccorcsie Utca ii TIIOSAS H. poRFTAS. aoî,oîcn> tclilitl B.-Ai huincm oiirost- t)Ifisa 1 1- IGSTREEf EAST TWNO DO<RS WfttIiheso flsss. blwe e in-J iatI cttIaettIaecrus1ccrte.e.Caaaise c. enr duWrnaLMoi JOHIS IILLINGIl isail 1,.aiule.ir, Aaaeisteee, ArUiimtroe f doeile ttt It olutnfrr-ersî c At iitiV & CoNVE!ANC15 tuitlLaid AgeIjtall a baoultiera otacaacvUO n Alite 16,tISGhaaiins seto Mle trinb ac rlult. l rC-sc iia ncsoal dathpo.'l e Ari vto A . MAURS, B.3-A., coaeigiid ort iect. »YioeA lcetA - -- Otreslaic, critatC mchcherpINut kTTItîNlY T .5, SILCIORe5 !AXSIl DAILY STAGE iutkttcr,& al te mt qs l4Sts ent (If I aed asecrn tare - - ~~ the mmc os aihlte te idesoiitaati G. il.DARTNLL. p te W.»0yFoea>onoc epi f le BETITFIN WIIITBY AND 1LINDSAY 1n -t ule.Wrecated tort$titecî. ANDi 5 ITJITAlio BEAVERTON.î IluT! ltEltSTRAR, MASTER ETRA.- tl'tC-AiRK aUTCIIS 2-en Uaîtti p - uu> s-tSatace rsi-at, liL.. 47 s- Î lASI plaeRflicranineelthroa h l-s JONMNA HS. C. <KELLER.*cit210a tcsfotinmdy.dBvro r joul MOABATTOREE.ATI.AkW S StatCtTOU IN"etiTaie ecfrom ixeS, Sn >t ced eta- ARITER ATTORENEY, &e.-ii hnc ,Coavecetilicr, &du o. 0)lit 5N. R"Y tite Cebt cacco,) Tor eutta. l«, Se f s e etrIi~~îv i~cstc neîy COLVILL & HAMI-LTOJ, w . LA3LA-CKPS_____________ TTORNETO du COUNSELOffS &v LAW ('-%l tbwm'S ROuTamL. Red.tWing, Mintaea.______ qS W MILLINEE STORE. BROCK ST. (sc cvsacUassuc cva 1 WILLAM TMPET M B. Wlity. cors, - ,*ii st ciDam&# dffll 1iuO tSi SEE~ 8IAWa ADA . BABRE"9 & CO. IIE AL1s)týjWELL KNOWN, AND CEN- INGSTIET OSAWA CNAD? UAtFAUREERAND DEALEM N15 Oelloiuted Iselllas Isen sevtY aeai West 17 M Cigare and Lied Tolaceco; cl1s0aWhil% Pe, il i'ttactsd lena met cuirat l m- HEJ(RY HANXA-MI labiaS, " &- ongl t-rc ep. =Zu csaci. oeteet ItIER IF COUN-Ty AND SUPERIOR Wt W e Àee , Incd 0s eeth. eCd.sy Coe_ port Hope, Ma-el tIlTe00bv-cv y rsani, o e te ctlgasa ansier 511Temyot&betialenc itise, gdqe -casi*Ca àxKou W. CRON, TINEaR5sloue t ino Rth aeu*setwaeia leasgoisacu ltciiTEC, CIM LEOGDIZE.ZEEiaies- by Iad te rbu tisaids co eate eiaclu mte&e"heutÇA tise Eddie Agent WhiatSctet cIlletiecesa risoa cmat ieit mtapan UI p idundI l r barc t IL01il IU»Ir %a M IYat Il y "bimSed traelers. A E W;C - IIBRT . IlAT .laLAWed.lIerlI eui vl. A'IA*EBACI ARISTER o& AT 09 E ~ eea sc aceualmtue e Wh C. y. smI A-LU. TOMPS>~awcaiî.wssu - SON à&TMGUSDN. "ExON, Tifo 4»80%114 lem____________ - , vucar- mEm*Iy, tLcc asY »vmwmcS t hei 0KB A RTYiMloq mogsba-bt a W tmd mrmeD efOl VIM.mOl l a n h , ee - LEVho Iitent A3 *bu" 10 1 6 tmNMR mE, dc leh Vf ui 1tb" 'pmBc u« TO (JONSUMPTIVES T lI StTtJ<tttIRE, for ceocrai cesci c re- JLAedai Isa îaevcc le Ite,c sca aathe o d aai yre Seo ec c h e ili Tetltc attre ie l'a,1h dit ra thetîaiPre- alc,' c t fe$c fte taeoit-e, w.r k> ci fatid s tocukia'Il e.a'atina .î Netarte'aaaaîae laie. Ttt,ýec oLritthettIt t-eiedly eccitt itin il by rettin arial, It>- .ldreecoing J. FL CUTIactîsoT, Ne. 4Broi~adway-, NeYork. PRACTICA L EXPERIENCE lEciertmai mlScience. JIAILROAD HOTEIO, AVRO.OOD ACCOMMOIDATION B gc usabi a traîtal s etraa iey 15taasc C. J. M. FP.ASEII, Plapitcr. Dhltlsu AMEIItICAN HOTEL, siutcoi;svcccc£, osasAvA. ru'aIOMIS D0NVNINOt (ltle ltcIrecai Ilote l-WItthy ) lcpriatea. Beet clie atasc Ged ltîli, ad statteie (mcttera. IEDWARI[D$ & IOD ,AlttSDRAPRM-, & aTTEIS T ItttatStTet, tloaî etttlrtascsac,' gar- ment.,leJade cp liedI cul te ie at fcic hIes clte. O-. -TItE TERitAPtN. rîîî PitOPRIETOII . iO~TIIIS IVELL l. kta,avaal taI, c1 r0eov ic tvietuatieaa 0l tge nId -t- NiCIIOIAS- KîtagsiOretiTococto lauora e liy reieccalcteetaoglont, ad ali atit, lice trot style. Es-or..la p arumbt 1sreriv tcctO iita aattut th icctutbrande a CAeaniel RLISLE & NMCONKEY. (unsa rnte Ratls,%y Icsi.------ <&s) isaiioay a ec, Psn I tfidt.) T IF UINISIGNFt) iBECSiTO INFORIT T - tîtaliaadt,,pattc laait laie iac aficttcoOctftttaoe (trrO,aei- laotca aires1tatt. iicod LI,'aaor, Wiutaretudc Bradie, C'rojateler E"ttt,-et tali, igtýiret atetonfuOna AUCTION BUSINESS ATTF ED tC>te gee -a],tt, 3- .lte tring. A Au rders rtlttittcto itueon sice ,- te tatlriteltId te Iet ttc~traaoea lr a WIittt3. riletitua. xàt ttoy & aayerîteiTer, sertettrins-tte&-,adttiite -tlrut-, t' ai aaaler crratigeactlef ecailitta ul 0 asicOtii 'uiune- asmce dicto> taiT eatuer propevr-.11d Jrreec îtuitt etuklteagtaOantiîfS au%,-gre~-cnt taiey ,naoc aekc ttaut atf. "cieoctJtiddtasl prlt fthe, ..tcc J. C. STRiA itlO. pid 1te ,Icatalce Ictct ltt>,f 5 AgIalrt D'ad tf Trcide. t..tt' ttiec lotiq,. Ntictcctrr, litatIL.N. Attarit., Tra, w. W tta.aaaagRot., lanuacgt-r qatitoe ltaik, Taîrata.; W. Galiît.-.,.t,. i., i, Mil leg, To- resale: aIe,. P. l4Otl 'rt,sicttBat kor cf it- trc.1t, Mettuttrea; le. citt.satd. Ty tac & > î,,,,dteaa Taaattt loerg. iideroden, atae, - Mc- clr -se Mor. W. Irtcec& tSigtsaitac h-ctl Ierlt.J. NouacI&Cto. 52 l Whitby Bro-wery. ilo ilrtes.quel itala.itniet.loc o nv eriid tt ttieU thiîerealetî.uid sim c<Os.; le iicalpplicitiondlice eid-it fJ1ýearî hell Btatc- n"Itccraclitîl aialde, dCtillttîaîei, ieticiitau, latta. tîg..lereuasî rujtitace. i.- luctasataoîaItiiret Sit lîttt a lttecc ,citocicti tt.,ct, tr .,eodlt-,pCaittc, Stitt.lJointe, Tester, erelei Scctt.rs Wttitîdoo1 .1 iatiide. e t, iti>- I-Niao are ctaaittttîee t-ttu 1lltac-oork iiitai-er- itat'0i 1--k llît..t.IitraccaattrastIpte kicott; inla li pliild sen byhom-fce ti-t atdot4, a-oitactiioet a1Y rt%'Or or set ticsife aatttsu litscc es rteudiath ie tale ilttthra, telatIboteriott. uld it IaoleacnUtîaorv -cf Prefeote, tl a-c-tIblriticite asad lieuler. tis taleti- te %ainic.,at ta ,UnitedeSatestaecailteoivit- e.i wcrid, lst.cxes, t g3 o.fattt3Letectald$1 ~r e ie .tcctnsderable seeîac t eticg lie urr eioc. N- Ilt-1ai netiînîtflth îe gulItiatelo ai'ietia~ a cocoy diesrrart sc llse t ete e. box. 37 PUEIFYTUTIE ILOOD. MogntPs Lite FlilcçamaiPhoaensix Bitters Fcree frees cil Miserai Poisos. U il'ZîtFLic 'l')1UO.iRITY scIis-I MaF ité.ie ilte alui«tlli ii ttlre hlicit i- fccet,,I 1%tbeait->-:e, r.ie-ai i t atroc--ettrvor te la,0i1ri -tat,ecetier ini a paiitttr aoatIii. t tieir % ii-.~ ireaacor î,ecîcrico le',c tgeea ct,,. lIusltweat- yeretbeftro thcel.th- c, gaudba las- ucthceeaIailîsi teaiuitatoetoramort haa tlaco sttiliinsof ef 10% %'110 clate lic e le eloetro lthe eIitujeOaIetit aitf perfect linli ta>j îraata, it iu lticetl iucuat thaire 1t t-ticnta ri, ic-el tegetua<utneiritîCoe ottrtu eati titaslite t' au oliteo. laseatîtet ocer>- ci>- cat tIlct thetitc laitlstte-, tiare ste ee,) liih la Il.ca etîrif o hittu. (yiareloil lan roueii 17rfaltUero i er'vaor F.rsp tioaae ns-tus ekiti, the -jW'uutti 'f ti1e Lis-e Me tttettiOi Irait%' a-fleitaoittigini t Oi iotr- cti4e .o i ttec tccttlmiettue1 0eetr land. Agite, la)e1e1iei, Deel.aict l'use, ati -à aietti, tit OtaitOct bta~ ct.tat it- tiIt touii, , e- a Icir tittaltcO ;0taîtîvia suecria; a d o cîc ie , c oi- Ylie ont d . l led, 1- a Cutt . .Beaticter, tittt N UoT t CE. T C VN. pttrel th b e tiraeO 8te I0E IltaitielO& C 1., vrittia cum sdtien ea rze- A New Stock, -01 lm fhlatt er tore tIeeau grectatire stati' .tit tule il alho av er ce caith accii. losmPi huchENS à Ce. itnct.linc, N..aietacltîa, 83. 43 ATLAS IRON WOEKS tý" Frent stael, Tecestas. .-el CHARLES VALE & 00-i B1< t te lif..maslte 1ctalic tiatîtue> have Front Street. ;foere ll>-cta s a.thetc itr Brecwe>-ita theafsa- iccl onteestyte fer curr iaag enuIse btteti- et IronlFOUfdlfl&&Smit#s Wor in adt tts hraaaleee-.ll Ttee ntiicîP-1Oaio ohaeîr11n eeafsP tte .ort Ianse5al lroe Feseee, Ialeecia 5'rccslsb, estI Io.-aplaisnceailincrameatl wir1l irn,*PtoS Wcce Casit ai 0ARCHJITECTURA4L WORI< alec rydfptoy ;CeittisIl, Parler aMd B ftfla; Gat-, Cm en Lutl eCe5Idr eSal Kte-1-»C"Î- 'ccd Forgsgacll vac#O tSor.., sss57s-doms pal COMMERCIAIL HOTEL mmmasseaUEMT, Xvcr JAM CIOCKER. prell ~ysu1tlÂLTEVE MWHL ItM NOW 18 TUE TIIIiE. -- GET YOI LIKENEOS AT J. A. <lark's IcI Prize Pictiare GI'er IF.yon dè-ire a correct and ife-liko Actro- tye CreoeeLttergmrphi, or Lesîlor Teueyferl, or a Litecainnte c tece, Beouctitor intg, for J. A. C. ccc do it In tlheot ist 2cl, acd lit short notice. WILi<INSON'8 IILOCK, DIRECTORY 0F TUt COITNTY 0F ONTARIO. te -:0i:lcpsietd- ttesaret- cd ccci> t,lite ns 1tttî of Noeaîter cot. lit col contatansfl cptcetietc iet ttahie rect- deut ltoteaiIalder tcctid ,dltstders li hie Cattasat>- ,ee.îagthca ier ortce e A otIo itaee, lice sacceecien, or eatreot te tove.vili- 9toegaineitilis ttttheeai the Itosaitios, Oaeor aatitit, wtcc.tlereccer o eeper, .tat li t tos-atUrcf m i aittilt a itof Ce,.,îO Otttrc, Cartacro, MtitecCîat aa, !latcpCoaiaior. T le Cent>- sltd iaaga, Ooaty rntasuancd Cmn-nuSciasts anto A Su tftup(-riitcntottt, (droamnar uses CoteatlàunSettooe ataioe, tctelSecto, of cuchta owsap. cad Pr ciocriptietilee ons muelu. Tie leteltttaioi o! thte eerelt tova;accd 01ugu ttte Cossaity eojztratey trragcd li atplactatictîtartder,. cat it aîctetotey deeripb- ticast e. rc tCoifrtt e f tias)t>, naad e caîpter oita l aie eandtttlproctîtte. Aten ca liol of tah e .t f)tlic-o, let attdtr, mbli and Sti,-ctrelt te&. &e. steo, îrttoet. 011 a l er, oeitta i îlctel maitindexttf e ,,àittttint athttIm an acearale, tai vii wilce 1aut litetced let ONE DOtLLA.- 'Ttacre c-il hattil iseof 2,700 jpriatîcc. A iaitcd maa,îacatore rtcecaccat.i cotibc in.certed ai tul e f#2tc-1dt tepage;t8.0 fer titsatl'age, $5 ftac t- i titotr 9aîder. A poretiortiat ito eiocii al it.t vltha proo-ltitt, , id soicît etttuccttpt.ttc tnata -tt 'ttttoa. Pcrioocia aaacî,airtu itite Pcat- ieluer, cnd elcue ttteeriptjatt saadid covrtiae slLto t 1 G~LOBlE IOTEL, BROOKLIN. T II E UNDESle, NIDrAKIF.S tOCCASION te reteire ttt.eilicocre thikstete Iia pet ccr, tiad thte to tietpolie, Rfr tth itorait 1'trett- aigc rtodc, e dt cû ielcconiateeeti teeleceL. eit ltrootle. Iit d'tgmoite mr 1 t. y frtenot-tt.etai.effort itt t e ctcredl .1tIi,, jet-t . to,eep tailth lacreeter oet Sit Gloto tor1t c, tercetl.t et.cgolzt 1ttc.- tecete e hlthic part crntt t h, otitary. ricîdc , ttt cornlevetier, ,catîtitteildoitce, îUd mias tis Ttc fIè.t trcjttig petty 'Stock Birdl," etcttdc fur maires thi ic cîcut tt'etote.i.Tortco te leutre 8--, fer tt-c ocuoco e, singt e p $2, C. DAWES, Proprieter 1 11-li a.M.ty 860.16 Se, DR. FRED. DELLENBAUGIT, e or BUFFALO, N. Y., h AFTL1t ceOcprcctr.tc tefilnet ree of~ cf 0r tliirtc veeürs, tctctg etcctit rtrtsr th ti-mlc ectitc ,r.cielt lictterqcteteofillotrotc il I tri t e l lotrteof et t ticeoutry, 10co ecoot- 1' cd toeeetwo ttiie ,t î. rceurattcee, cipc dit ,ojtietitt he ln ICtecefct titceru o ,clkaoowtcttcc eftci.tetrxetooec, batst,,lotiltttt iti, Il ttic itti-rtct ,1rtil c*ctt fr Sil . Totthoewo are oýýi.- eetet l , ththect),etr nattine tc-ý' t4octi t, ii attt cessr v te c.WC tit,tt,,. eie for eeepreccrito', ttir fl-etc 4,- by t,. (nS unit)tercte.ecdc tcv tthle grettc ctace eü.e intt letttrIcfflid ottttratcdte!ca metn, 1tctttett reltity tetalictrettecct1atIdpter cor sttte tct' r.,a llt tttt.tr to its teutc4 clret. ite tice-ter, Ic lcortst'lothcrccte b titte cttre", toetrirr e%--r3tttitc! wittt eie pr rr tUe, bt it Ptit t I hitt;ledicitte lt,toobtttc. ci . wltieitrctttttotcd t1eand 2. VT itottbcr tle aof BLOOD PURIFIER1. 'Iiperior teottl.orptiret trctet reecrtttta Pl macctcctrctect c,,ttt,t ndleh c f tttc oc1 for'ttctt eettttrit, tile test prcpcrttcbocf wltnl t0 r arc trtrctld ttt. tire tewethuintet prooce-. SE It ce t incrgcrtl"etcni' ai) eteve PhYsc, il.bq elltlroleastiteritto orkiatg dicrtlv ttfie Ltvcr ctd Ktdy,tteximttatgii tl rretroi;i cil ,,aortid tetr, ttet1.ý rtct rtat te etoite htit tlic trpgtut ItaI tcy thtvelecaate iutti-,îtiea cad ictc) tte rett.t-d0ttctrLiriaaaldaiwgo an ùicid t o Oe ittt, jpi,aO0.e- ccstplacof, I Gejc;co encLera U.c1 Ofd «JLi- ceco, &eica.Pt.Oea a2P!e*, o, eg, eo, r e.ce MOotîy.Acedao,,dt9ecti0c, Ijuioeitiell < , tftaitdci cleetttid attttt Ieot iiet, CI vc ctîteir ertgiita l diseretertd or Imputre tttceof hltcd. Il tlattf ecctglcat natture, c-aat dît to-iet e eakeat or preotrate tthodty I le FEVER MEDICINE. ýeAn itt t i etavrtIer ,,cct plk c t , onctios c-e,, Ne. 1. fi wittcteet h<,hen ftroe c- ecU= ao i kimiqf »Forg ae .A' # lte octro effotof ttO, cd ,nu Poins, welles. Ccmt tic. Acute-Tltccc ,,,tdieittcc watt cIL-et CURES, t te net reaaeeat Ire,,,one îpart et thjetbody te theo cott.cr. g; rRoieierte Itrevet nordtfteioc, ttocai m celit s.lcewhlttccpritetteed tr it'uf Ia fetc oer27 pecre. To prrvcatt treit, asorreet tiktee of thte p.D,,tt ionelttc %e-rtcpt.ro etcle.îk and e- r Fred. llecteatrtt & Co., unitfiant N. Y,', Sabtewt atlite ie 1,e. Dire-cticaae ae ttettia - enctt cttte. Ne. 12lte cdlfor $SPT lcchitîr;1 Ne. 2 fer 7., ente. Wtlataic cStitple atttre id tltcy tee ,tfurel te W e tt, rcly tooa -Iîr t îrtçrtaeola reottcunttet Iag theacesc. Fer li JAS. Il. GEERTE, sotn Agenat Vtthy. cw Wttttby, Srpt. 14, 1959. w &c1-Y Drittcb Auscriccé Ciceular Deiveri & Geascrel Advcctlteg Ageaucy, 22 nt. t.Frameote Xevier Street, BMemîceal, Caueda Fauct. tPII o .c1prttcr recpfctly ua ottlleo te the T 1 atttr iie ntîto le nom p4rcle i).l îv OrcIers for I'nactaaag, Addrecaatc sad Dastralti- latat Bitt, circatar, &o., DItet lcttag t1ttert sud reelcice Advertoeaett fer laccrltiuit the vcrinee it, ait1Provioctt1Jottrnae. Slie witt takem te e pIrctiratd te reeeive, ccd te litrciit ao caaaaiie.taeAKent*, anrange for îticertion, Adertieetaeinath utce siocto 2*spune tttreegtttttt Upî.ralad t.wer Gateda, thae Lstvw- er i'ree-ttce, ced Ilic Untto.ISt.texs al" er o fite dttt acre of Cireaalarein Qtaebte,tl<istoe, Terett, tlastttoc, &ethOus oitt-cataate gser 1re doe>, cnd cli peretieaespittig le cetaregclata coan dc n ti t stactas pnotcity 1cr thiocr actacocee- tre mentaat ecrtsin and gepeetly ncer.ooftingsgo, Ty aOc gretla eoiacg of tite, troublte acnttefpecce. lie Arraemcent& teig Dow emelacl. ttc beg'4osolci frnt utiwty Ceaepsetoo, lMer- rk chts f tnO etie nrccoaocaaet, lielKee?- el, tlacrethe trcassttios niltsobbgs ,,ca, wtleh he bege te mesttre, thent yull te at- jet e'n ttcràLiqul hmt ti tu Ma lon .t. e x erie c i i E a g l , ite O U ,tin to f B si nm e sa e wis in connecion vils lIse MonteaI lerece s ho tl lasenataleai te give estire cati- BX ROBERT 1MOORE. adJ. 0. Dtccieeg, Req., Seeretry cf liae Berd e- of Truie, and Ilerehaul' Ezaeg. B 12 llomilton Fsoq ,Coutesan aclorvard- tom Aretta otthe ùrcUd Truk ltttcmsa. F. W. Mectieaw, Ro,iq Maiat. 'Cemeeieul de;Mtit, X L' , ides! Ri.î:a"".c!riur e o- Gemvmo& AUktadg f "k làIATHFI F le t- iti i- Holl-1oway's Ointment. CON'SOcLTO O I?9>11THEISUFFERINU. N EItIRiLYiflo oerc earitantasi ti i eveat lparteof tlsbiletegilo, eacenr Ila eat1oiir-icttIIlltue liil aoi uott, lis rovol tilac cile erteil opecf itaf ,lsi ad tpoinats, 'Clacilace îi ic vloctiileelfatîMails-tt, a r tucati.gipliuton torasîct IlEr e a etan, leutSI orm Nlierar l c o- tcs t ttatr lt ticigIle e i ataîrrted nit c et anduc Ricetasa dei, tie leteIcSrc.tOint o SSrociiult, Ecita tait vaiancl Staiat Reu- ca t*f iý4c,tto- a- .tttt, ltt r ia ttttc tia t. i, a-t- tà. oiiteltctaoctcrN . etlo ortrow-,ttccî, tccl uiî it etcnfluttetcea foc a1ctetinet c t uic îoteciriîi titca fe lin -s a l i c e . ai ra c epf ti i, 1 e r l tu a i e i't treaeilite ril tarir 1tattî oOtrIe-tatettor ett.,attiutittaettcat it ettratm-eltecittd ti>eeieitotii e t.initl, the ttnttatt liowere t, liel1 r aotcou ad coc dicfigttrettteiits os Ie s-ee. gll i-_ KING'8 DIVISIOI KVENION 0F MODERO FoJtMEBS. AND CONSEII TiVES AT MARKHAN OEIN HAM! PElRY NOME rho Convcentien o! Modevate R aervclire Doiegates, appointo pose of uomincting ac Candidea seut Kicg's Div'seien il, tisas iti vas ibelli ai Macehas1 ccday ]est, Jone 30'ah. Tisa ao! lie convention epenedai eu oe o5clocte. Tise large1 'Meshotet, vas quits lllled e caidspecteters. Colonel RichsmondlHill vaisappeinteai ermao, anad W. H. Biggies, Wsuarsc CnaRRONtcie mporai A -omittec ece liten appx a cepontea tise foiloving deiej Tew-, or Wnrys-James1 aider McPhttrsen, John Wate, iBlair, Robsert H. Lealder, cc >dy.-6. Tovesuir cor Wuotsc -Dat t-y Hopteis, Etvarai Ucagi ces, George Mtacaoald.-b. Wiuiai EAvr :-James Stasi ust, James Smila thbet Bel Lyle.-5. JelilvA :-Slas B. Fairisani Ill, John McEroy.-3. PtcKtsirte -Docot Tucke cKay, Nclson Cisapmcn, fout n. A. ticCuiloogs, James ins Chauler5 - Themas Var tir, Ce. Bttra-0 ScÀAucctO ~ H. Nerris, tII, Wm. Maseon, W. Ucîlia rocr, Paul Sisepparal-G.ý isAnccAM s-Jamcs Bevutasi sI R. Mercs, J Neviery, anc .A. Milaic, N-ButtsH.L t utIen, B. Marc, J. Hunier, 1 arlaer,.-13. liscoîRi-A. Wacd, se. vaeAey-3. (Absent ceen C. Fisher.) vÂccaasuc s-Cet. Brldg!fond, lai, K. Aranoldi,Captain FM rovn, Jas. Graha'm, W. A. awrance, G. MePhilips.-9. Totli umhoro! detege Pl The convecntil cctison oc, ppoiatiasg Coi. Beidg-ferd pers ce, asai W. H. liiggius ecreacy. It vas decidrai us cation siutulai te opent te s eo pubieo,cxcept viie tise bî aing feronarat. 0f the raeon . Pesms prvect, besidontce 1iaeiie, tisera cera Me. Et Ver'k Hatrad, Mîr. 0cr o! lae t caler ccd Mr. Bech5e! t'ctitchatacn. J. W. GeusaitEcquiro of1 ras lien nomittatea ccandidat )y Â.Wacd, Eeq., o! Etohieoe- Id iy R. Maret, Ecq., e! Mcc JaýU Pae, rEsquire a! ILI khit>y Wvise uct nemicatea iy Bilas B. Fairbascc, Esqoirt ida cecocaical Y Nelson Chapc f Picrkering. Cet. A. W. Tnomso, c copomeai by WV. Boîlcu, Euqý '.eeveocf tisetowncship o! Mil ecouttea l RJe-c W. H. Nol bôrougis. Acuts to sacc, Esq., 3 cam, proposeal by James McC and secosaical y George Bathe Pickering. Thc ocvoral ccadiates ver an, la inte oerofe!thein nomi loess tise convention. MIL Gsacca., vho spolte ioue, caimmeuteal his aitrocu thp aiclteg"a P---Uat tisaIho cary to state et lte etsaet, ti beenhi biientioni te appema to-day caid tict ho Wvas cc colme forvara t the Particule reqocot o! his fricuastt at ha bic owe feelinigs ho veslai is seing absuen lite aocasiex ieg o! tise convention, ce t net be scapposeai t ho letir, tho. voie o! asy alelegcie, hy ins referrai tuisis alefeat aI tie for West Yocte-vhiois be onmieaion bic Part,-& atfter ýhsî, ho ever expeetei fonrld again. That ho rec lerac e e praseniebatio! Of tclaly et tte outsoet î fisc te gene tissougis se mccy steag and m isicdlme o! 1115, ho 1 rcspoctihiity, caid the ilmu neeewary te go tisceugit a Bot hoe feit, frorn tise prattir hic frienais, liai ho coutat ne tiscir ac!jejlation; caid mc tisem liat if ho ehiaincai lie this convention ho vas rèai' self aI liteir dticposai. Tise beal taisen lu tise motter vi towneship, vlaeoa sselted alleatn t tseconiventioni Wucembly se pe t uiisîp ceci coudadi l e oaisl~ 0atpuM~e7~sle>v'h4q doub "ely iae a y cee o! thse parties. EspeP tafln tm ~ M , u! scm ata a aeUml cmeS te sadtise c'a to t e sse thtruvee 8 I 4 eF l seak mmS noh. A q ote of boLs cu. 11 e t uecenteiecaed th aeti1Pe-~ sa l" f t erni4 of t" meireN or m le ,kax. Maniou1 - C upS Jwme Mdbe ém eMt »I iw nm ho. m iuetted t he ) & m o .*6s o e I tha l ~ d 1 ha 1 1 1 te a dividig lie. Ho mkel vitat I*se Coo f Mn. Brov'c gitaton for i~ a seniaiioe by population? 'Wlat'hiai leho- , _____________Couaé or George Bnovu'a cr7 &ainssi-pot- N O . .25 ate.1cisoos y Ho (Mn. G.) vsc civaja op . coe t eperate ceooots; btut Mr. Brown. ________ad hic frie ds5 *cece o f oecce in tlieir op-' I, mauy fricuals ~hogsu l ucs h position, that cothhi eiJvouid do - the-m Division. Since ove. be bcd cflived ca hum e ta aihilate thic ucperato sciseol cym. ATE RE- theao geO f as-hooal ho Wightt Bay' htihctcmtisere and tisen, cl once. This 'mu tVA- hisa heeu in public lifes, acc d olai clie of corne lime cgc., ,Wbut bcd -heccus of tise' .orne ltiud, (cltiseogh hoenover obtcine.a s eparate echool cry co w, vith E r. Brown, peying office), front that Of Pcthutcstcr t c iepbyv pntea lDo vs [NATED. a represcnative of thse people jenlise Houe scetlie Gobe fu of reflectiluS, c as uils pf Asscmbly....Mr..G5bte euratlat ont upon gentleme holding diirent - te- tc-form cnd vallons posta fild by hlm ;me. Chairmen igflous ojonous? o.-lýutit sheveai,u- tel ferrithe Of Quarter Sestens, Commssioner of thc 1hledstateal, tisai oee id col l<sov viae- aip e r e- precect Toronto Gaol, vheu je course, of te liud tbeleo gêstemen. Mn. GamblencIie- Legisalivo crection, a rcprcseutecive lanlice Muicipal cd te Mr. lirow's cssscting Io having tise village, ou Couccil, c represettvo lutise Hoaue of cccl of 0 overumcot pised je Lover Coue e peceted- Ascemily, viscre ise staîrd tisatiehoLook ce de-je 3Montmal,. ct thc Urne of tise forma- about halai cve part lunisringiug about tise poecinv tion of thse Broveè--Dorien atriulstatmiicm, bail room of the prescrit Elective Legisîcrivo Coucil boy lic hcallgrecal toc pay- lie Seigeurm, a vush dcie- Bill, visicisgave ithc people- theorigis le s&c., mu provicg, tisaI Mr. Brown, asndibis Bridgford etect raprasenativec te lte Lpper Houce, party ted ne l.xcai principles, cnd î1at one 1lemporeancd in vîrtue Of visicis tise7 ere lae nas- d*alnst o ws whce ete find iiscm-,Ho 1uld editor of semisica i andt iaItishe pttcsiasg cf tise Le- no confidence le conctitution-ltstChangez. He ry Seereta- gisictive Couneiil Act vos in a greatl ieveti 0cr Oct coststutionut b h ie >ointd wh meauro wingtlise exertiont iemade. laet lu the vend assaidif ils, prici.les vec >gtes pre Tuat ihoeaiWcavocatotiau c.ttcccion of lhc mot canird out, it vms tise flat of tise peo Franchise, and atvays cupportcd evccyIlternectves, isecauo- liay i ict Ot cc [love, AIî. liisérataecccore lu tisat direction. Hc où- thae proper pereens te ncpccscott a.ioaa-- so wi'aîi- mitteqI that tisera vms c periotiof his 1fr That agitatore bttripou thuee liingsusaspe si 'Thomas whe iso ocan admirer of thse Amcricau rid o f distress and depreceio for tir! Constitution, ccd tisai there a e lime owu sclilolepurpoccaica.dineorder te W.,d- iei Lamon, v ie o eut ce fan ce te advocate ace eceo heir ocen celfictscutis. Dcc1vu is Clemeat elective (Jorcor, but tiset his ads-ocacy tise taciena as net, icse aai tise remcdy to jdid not appty te liceistond eftise gaversa- de cvay vitis disiccat erectoieve Commence bar1se, John ment, bust oniy in eue of c fodercîlce of or toeosteblics manufactuccra., We vaut-, atia, Peter tise Provinces te tise Govercoxta of ciscale profitable employmcut. Att sorts lo! Province. lie casccd tise Convtiou tisaiverte for ail sorts of people. And - 1tisai c, Patriote hiesamirtion for tise Amcriccaaytcm, of Mr. Galets po1icy, ho holieveai, 'aould. goecromont had bicu cluce completeiy lcai greatly liteabo iseduscîry; cead etaslàai a, Donald celde, aud tisat iehorcogrdeai it et prfet, manufacttres lu tise country, lI conclusion tuait Joncs, athtie mont corrupt geeernsiett ou.A-le -said ttsotI iaomýinaclcd ise velai use McCreieist, face of tise ers. TisaI iso hall ccrer eu cvcry peorsel exertion* te secue c com* raton, Johnis tertaineat opinions favori"-th ie priascilla of ple tctocy, antia iat, if eietd, ho vomit! ciective Jsdgcsa andi ttat if ctiswce hie cerve fiai'alflly, isonestlFaondt prlghtty 10Ï W. J. 3Mit- case il ccc certeinly uotatenvte bîccerîf. tis est of hb is iiy, anai more,ho coud wCcii Major lc otl ddcacteai an cective Mcgi'acey, net- de.- anai ilvais oving te hlm tot 1Doputy ,Tiso speaker oece gracîcai citis epecîcal Iljno. Cil>- Ieeves cere Justices cx-ltltrio. lHc ccc markes rtf cîplase t tise conclausioncf Iis . Robiosonl tborocJttly Oppoed 1tiste Costeituttotai speech as vcli ce dnring itasdetiveryc CrosyW. ctaceedeeciateai of lte, and didadnco. cp- i. solA rv of thc ntmc, or tise poa4y, vise atlo- Mr. P"rry as nexî calîrd oeon bytise R. cnl, .>poete ct lai*c nlieciSitltt.If, laras cd on caoting forvarti vas ce. catd scichnge inthecostiutin. chraotutnd ebiecr. 'Ucesi! ibat ho. H.NobleeP cticn laieM. CG.) hllasuot iside Itr. fora hieceerameneal te repent tise anticlota t B . L . D en . l B r o w n i n la t H o u s e , O f A s s e lm b l Y , a a lY f h b i s p e t i c a t f a i t lle h o u d - l r i a e otie bild ttte htaito tiMr. Brow oa atlait csscla-1rs a J. & l Ar - ever ave ad oc eed a Dissolution of tse t e opporlenity of expreornig is gratifié&- lattlis, John Proccies, laececotaiy couid net iseve Se- lion ct the ermntoarvdntyte Ore, C. E. iovea i t. Ssch e poticy hoc egaroete Conveccton te sllow tise reporters o! tise use a vulgýar expresiont, cf sctling off ene Opposition pres toi-be prescrit. IL sios'd )resent-GO, noce te spie nones face.,, Wisat coulai bcisov mucis more froecud opena ve stise - 1 gnizeai, by thouoist of ns vera vo te rive up tise navi- procedicgc of thîs conventice tisan 'aise accent Choir- gationnoe the St. Lawrence ? We voutl prssoceiiugs of that isolai ati MOntgomreo'a Spermanent te hauding ovor te tise Lovcr Canadiiene htel in Torocnoltst ceeS, viserW tise >ce- et theo con- tise power te tax eue gondas e ay pliea- porters of aise independent prersa vle . - Spressa andai s thoy unti'etdly coulatdeovere liscy a etualed. la shdisol taiihraiity, and ilnà. aIlotaing vas sparatti Cotony. Ttc grcat prosperity of penerce of chicS ceu pure- Otean Gsilu ccnttieO otthe Country, ils proUres caidadvasîcemeast, vece iccaae; aadhe .isnpcaitisaitishe te- caler f tse ai iscgooi cndiit. ofsit Prvincial portera te tratral coctl report correcty "d lwars of lise crdit in Englenda ora, ise argea, mcain ny cd s toc u ilic rp rso ts Osava Vie. owing 'tiste Union- People migtat acoi proeeeatigs cf tise respectable ý meeting tht W hitby about tise domination cf Lover UCaada, c(Mis; tiery c i ot a prece !,t ' tia t hic forHo but ., who, is c asiceal vos te blem e f r Iis ? t( al e ryy titi cOci e pp n ' '- o ri se o. u t Pine Grove, >wtty cwu IL?2Hai vonet an equa oum- 'an'Opoiil. t3.rt o ief-edh.i te--proposcd ber of reprasentalivcs in tise House ? JI ab.Pi.(Otst~ t ot eIol c,aasd second- ccc, tte anseed, te t tsore c ais at a- cc otd poîttical ctagacc, -hoee 4*lece tisem. etnion ameaigel the Lqver Canasdiasc, chicis vas isefose tise Country for c loeg caambu he~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' Tooo iî sva onag oeouit il cccof yearsecvcc befora théise ie hoW Pu .-propoceai tr-uotisat a consideratie amoont more of tis o ditcat st a e s erte4. lie ltils) se cf Oshava revenue wcc risea frOrnL gonds iniporite albd'ie,10bdexeefsupuis eaui, Esquire, mbt Upper Canaa, tisce thora vas ic influence to mereatlie passing efthçBloRic-' Lever Canada asdaita Lover Cacaati ae Iàicgislaaîve - Counleil bill amougo'a a!Mreica igbt havehai tise tio's sara of aise ex- other- Wtasures viicis he sopor1teot viscu ofir a D puî npuaitsre. But leok te Oucr tilvacys insas Parlismeut. Aandl viIe Mn. G auscie, ai-isut 'ccdUppor Cnd, u cto oss c io vas calteat, au elalTery, oad! ce cars, cf Scar- Post Offices, isill vitis Proviancial fuds P elaiConseatcîve, -vas atvo-etgt tisýte Wist~sc etcal i ticr isatiseu ar e cccvmensura, visicis gave tliemlawo-p r. p ofMare- nmsexpendteai in Lover Caecaefer btla- poniucity of affembtiaig tisera thai day ta treigisl, Esq., ing Ligst-houces, wco cet Upper Ccccada cominctc, ca l eet, a reprecenatilveo! ced, Eeq., of inleceetoal le the navigation of the Lever tise people te tise IegisiatlreCeocuceil ieo St. Lavrence, anti in the prosperitj of tise <(Mr. Peve7,) askeai viera vas Mn. George.- o ohn cllc comcao o th Prvine? l vselacBrocn ? Upon every occasiou n, l very lution te cd- cometri ceîthéProvyitc e e I aacle tage e! tise bill, Mr. Brown votea i Uaca iia0ont led s8ètea a îisccetthingele vcut caacrovit. Yea Mr. Bromn vas the ou' itevote cel on ctelk igihse vo ogisn b a aisose agntacrthe principte ofe!eeeaing uioctive ihy informing tisinge as concerniug tise Provitace as a mahr els elcaiOCuact hl fet ilceee- isoo. isereslt f tse reeastpotcyMe. Giatelle'voîrd for caid ctppotcaltbs e flt t nces whle. The reuitof he resritPOlc a rncee Analtfit vers left vitla M. ba t iih a eu o t - r o d s -tise -casai, - h o l m ssu ais e al, b e - g re c . P P ,: à n i -b d t e- t w - " à r h ora îisem prosp rity fortise visole of Cceadc. licatu- n b c, uh o basai 'aie omit, te l mdiida ]y indoceai te factures voutai ho promolcal lasLover Ca- mthto ra ts .iso-ay t e mial e ,a Mr.a an desira anai neda, ad U pper Canada vasalal hbie te to f r K ig e D. a ian.an(Ch ls tra> ioeofMth id lie felloweal raice lte produce te sppiy luem vitis food. P.T aetsia n laceto fls lave praferneal Won il not lieu tise ecleecet of Upper Ca- prncuip!eo,ansadîtêecosnsistency cf Mr. Brown, au of the mcci- ncde te giceecvrry eucoiscagemealtte10tlicand oft tiose asse ah atîteof t! sa, as tais ya doancemcut of tise eastecaipart of thbis honor fhoAsbo(r tiercusy isWotethe red te influence Provisace? Mr. Gamble raferred te bisi - ofbigbeoete onr bf"* isbis presence. career lu tise Hoccceof Assatiily, sa aa oiitiel eSpirant; h voWeal o!Ceue» ho tie asot elec- stabat îisct lie hedalays been an iseaepen e.pecetait ho aboulai informa titme pue. h le attegeai te dent member-that hee bcd 1ulvrYactea cent vht b ic poîrtical optimm vere. Mr. ad stiatedaitisa viera e e ctl-vwiîh his fiendeibut visera Gaeabi'apolittcal cvee<l vas vnlatou jltise 1te bic brocght se cealai net do se conscientioualy lho srtcd booke, anal un tisis respect ho isa thé a m- reivel tise mat- accoseing te tise dicttes O! hicl cyn con- tagle ovor hlm (Mr. Penny) vira vums cen King a Divicion scicence t Anal ho assitaed is shecets tstpelles ta subimt hic hora. And l' i eastl e oe viso hWa ho woven gond sàiising - cOaamcioatioms uinecm le h o f is aslite tor isc - l t e i ,gles as ise iscl, rner litY vas, co e ce lus po l lî vwas c p aite no! ah c p o rit hea p e rm mi euno n oIbis felt te great most incouveiout tlaiag. 'W itit rgard te ap ino ace. i eeo iciiusg asa io o!ts mene exertion tise pracent Administration ho liccegiithat Provices. îl f oe olaiot sympahflSandi m eit a co nstent aiey isai eviaeai a gavat r dogra. o! d- wth ofpîrinp .eof ti o v s tse ealu is amo ct! g on ra ties o! m initrativo abillty anal vigor li aas c y o! tint oo!tp eiurip t.el ni ao n. WiS s e ret e longrldectine tiseir preaicemscm Hle relerrealpacticulmu- tîne! tieh a rtingoni ag ist cem tis codigt tldiy'aUM. Galt'c iemectel tale, ced Moltevteaaiotds gt nt r a nomnaio o!etlel isa fc icmmsagmaai o!ti, cr..i.eaolti.m Tier. _asLhc.f4ea.!..d .

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