'Att Ç1V~ '~ R. .1 ( fi \ If ~ auiI'i t n î I Udr f I Ofuu.INmbscie#r:'requeoCttspu blie atten tlof t. hl ni at.eket-superlor lve. Veýylutuuca'tiie foiiewing new 4JR RING 0F- fflt2 DAVY 'CROCKET- %VJ41 and4,omine ? c. ~lN L., LSU IOFIEL» & Cou ~tpI a~i~aeyDisOe& * Groeer~es, coeb~p'; t2iIna, Eart.hen AWD GLÂSBWÂR~ ~9çamtîr~ot»k4adb~uI~îflr&ueStraet*t, Whlt&~y ïtuu* 4. LùïLdi The 'CIRCULATION- of 'the CHRoNICLE 15 Than thae. Of any. other' local FAR- EXOEED.S The circulation of al the'other Papere in ýthe, Couinty.of Ontario unite4é ONLY SENL"EEKLY$.5 P PER A YN Ur', '~êChronicle Wthe ]Paver to A Merie n BRITS TE4WS. SIYOTT &~ NEW MONADéotsiue e publisha the folîow. jug Weing Britishu Peiodicavia - Tm w«DoI QUAJITSI4LY Cn&VIV -2. ~4i 'i I cestel- lféN*i5lClark, Kingstoajand l'ont HOeeand oth er coem-pndlnmg offie ', flafise im'élR.tuc4ilu1g ts tfle ioîmgBat li- citieg 'a1l1îplace<s on lime Wct ut Iqgstou, At à le».uI 1P. an~~d 7 nia. Up midis clug Wesgt, includiiig 1,î4-~ib Picke ,Tûpnp~Ia&lJI'5 roitol s~ta Q ~.i4Umive lmg' Pio, goimmg Wemt, C e4i ss7At in. aui] iut .M. Due fori eli venv lucre mut 10 s.m., aui@ mî.m Tîte '.<u~1çetlul simd imm ir ec --2p k8m~s-eû'; dîmhi atlite ~iil 'vert.)11. Port IOoer, Asti1buri, *ioiïa. utiéti amn] Uxliri lMc, aIse tor AUiithe eurrtOeuPmi4Of-ut ilde up mît manie timie for.4ud- soie duuhly, airai pu Tiaoii, Tliuriiy aid' atruy for" lenCaemmi mi] stil' à aVon - l FNOI Eii~,~AIL$-t'-tifl uSat et Apuil. l~UÀ~hetI'or <-ctbdnhlhsmatlpre- ý rAtýintIni]od lfitý<iroPc shli liebpost- e] belemo-7. o"tlekA. M3un- om91î1) chanée fto 1W 0ýigtrmtio6, ti add-'Itietu tii itpool- &4, On b(il9~ a ech lot eriz~ roeamîtyvý- icn tmrtAh Nort 1loi ncim, Id, Te any pla lu ittlaiSiatts (postage ego aipt be pmepaid aIse)7%d 'fou an place inflîa liritiali Colitua or Fomessas To ama place imm France, uothier Fureigu cumtuu- rIce, W*k iuudtpp oumit e'juai te thue post- .1ge rate. -uREL1p te 3Ibai. we44btcneum ent iy ptîst,imder e nculmtiomuteA-'-Is8].l1b. to be pretil h potite itunift Wid imybc regier Nu usas ae dspaclu'dor reccived ou Sulif utnlBookth alla pîdu te shi>teafpt b,> rapl States 5, lu I&Ià tl utl Wi îbcîttrfvfla tbclM itèd Stits,iitte ifiiil>cî.tuîge «ilu ha Aht,îa eutNwspmiI, imelnédimig iluse 1er Emglami], iîîus4bc prepîmici l-y FPosage SIItip or tiutcy cummti atc wum'led , r Newmparjuvralfur tipw riîi.=I Wctludics, or Ncswiîmumdliiiid, imiisi bu pm< y eId hy Pos.tage Siaiuli, Id tut ; immd ftrm i(IîIi,Ciima, Anita ligici titl ien plaices bu> ci] eS, 2K] ueli. oFFICE 1I[OURS,.-Week i]aysc, frie7 a. ni. te 7 P. mi. Sugi(uîmYK, eti'imt tla. ni. Postaige Stilaas Pd CWi bha ueîsad ut Lliea Iuet Wllt)Y Ari,18.5v. 6J4 Ja_____ DEÉTIS$!RYt iNTISTRY J.S.one,1I>..Surgeonmi D ttat, &e R ,T-JRNS lluc imcera thiika te the citizen% Wh ithiiîd vicimity, lothe mimav i'y la fpitroilligeîeuIiJ, olii ehii iluis 1M scu. ilac iumw t.tumlcui cive te iciiiiiilitlis îîîîîmîcroîî triemîdu> arîl cIme ;pubieî, tiat aliaiîs fiuliy conaîde- tedls ni enits tt uapcmniucutprmie Teali nîmîntmaie mmi Gl], platlmî, Cleofilastie Met4],&c. Tesc-thi fille] witl G(OLD AND STANIEL FÃ"IL, RE [1fSubseibLirS lm in it roc Ijtc6 ff Ikr and OI EIE Whg) u]with Ductor Joîe's nciw imveiton, lthe noin. L ivis ul timh io$ledic4iiet remu the. 8. iosiî'e pemrl eei u ite gold, luit iot se ugei<mit tnsi.. d Mt""à mac 1ev as any M NOM IIBîIISII'IIIVIEW (Frc Church.) - eeîtly. Tcîicxrctdb htîa i rveces .1bkuucim iiile triade W'est vt Meantreai. 4 wihoat pain. uuvE Liberal.). A f:îika <.il tweîîty ycîirs i l is profession~. 5. I48S EVE larIls rt.mofesimmualmtl aic Ol X'mis ':tiêomu Alage N 8 A'L Eq , tia l cmi J Mkilsl andiiîtexte lieriailini vamii] toc ofDry uoi. 'epIBLACKWOOD'8 EDINBVitOft XÂGAELIS (Trty.) t meenaîl'mchtirds milevilitit iiurîm uffeulrcing. oAâgetnalwnd.sokaDr ca. kp l ilt relitmîeîit ot ail affec'îiosf cime Te 1. iU. SCIIOFIV.LD & Ce. 'Ileso periodicala a6Iiý represent the D)r. JImuasuIîCratlis il5 ae ailways licen mtcmxd thrcec reat polticail partic etf' Great Bni- Wiîî l i tue graterst sui'tSs. CainW &gTory, a$ Iisjýa1-b- - poli.- ON $A L E ,tc oîsol uu 'air fthaircharact- FIEtte l eitiittiorJc âu"PW Mt f à l kMis eic't oier.,mand et. Aa Or Mue1ofthe -nicat piofounl] 1IVÃŽ owe Dry t<e Soe.]Diîltîu]oe o Liuox Cipeloe brsids Vif h. optQr5 0$) ,,Ltrtueý,omlt IiiYi î'ryý, Esq., Map tiu iag mithteVgid, ' as Ûthey eve Whitly; N. G. Iiîviîiis, ,s1 liil Ctîi tL. Il SC1IOIELD & Ce. bave.stobd,. unriva M,& 1h thîe world of let. W. Il. Trcnityie, Esq., lDr. Cliîcuîley lidi Dr 1 t . terg, being corsiier] indispgnsable te imii 30 Bergels of QI] Rectifie] Whiskey oy ri ,bShm and tlip>proiessiozi~miian, whlc oeiL#24ei iu tg thiw. ei intelligent reader of everyri8 lasé tE Y e4l i L.11 SlIM>IELD &Ce. furnish a more coréet and satis<à ctoW! N t iiX oîî '0. cor] cfltiîe cuitent liieritue o e >cday, - * - îlrouigiîut tht world, than cati bc pôssibly D S A okrUîî,obtnined frous nny othuit source.DR@, C.0C. JEROMEI Glwâa g Brb.mîic M kV ' E*Srgeona Deattut, L. 11 I. 011I'ELD C& YhTîrieptef ivik-c2 e ioçifrom t hae1Nret.ii'iiiig tituwmlis te) 1li nîîmîîroi$ fieuds' _______________________ ritish Imùlihbkts1g amcdièîl valua t ,îîrandg ~theibi ý' lekIv hrtvi i4r the. Reprintai, inas hclias they 9umxnow renwiuid urc mke icilsiimiteu,'tate te ailI 1A 1 f %3 43vc>be p1accýdii t hmU:Iluflmià bbiibt buttiewemre mîuriutitfc'il'remil. thuit lie as soon asthcoriginllieditions. bas îiuw nhtiuîued a Mî.eiiimc l'or wî'rkiiîg the ý_-1 9 vic.îv miied rîmb)liet, uiiîiui %liehi l(, wli i imiert TERMS iii kimds aid styles ei Teethi, rTehuîpar t/tan 44z tb&W ~c nt.lUdcre ~dee lfure 1 witii t iis J,1.tss. tb , o; r.$ 3 0 0 D . C . 1 J i ucm z w U I g a ru itu t ute fit' tic 8.to 8s.<9c* por lb. i t ny t tee ofthtolur, ciavws..7O wîl iml C'uni$, wiîiell isIilii every respect, ]BO3X01o Tobacco froM lg. to For ail four of the'Revic svb.........$00 tam s upeicr t6 ýîîî thcîr kitud ut' wei'kkîiowi 2~.6d.per1bFor Blackwool'a Magazine . .'8 i]00 lim iuse. This WQPlu la i ighlv ipptcvcd ut iby ail 2à .Bluckwoed an, eue ;1"' *5w ç olut dia eIadiig Dentiats iii l4ew York, amuIcpmiîî' 4 als meicnGry oto F~or Blackwod and toneIeteiw.. 7 1)0 e 4irugiothe oUitd Stal". owîm g ý 4 'Baxes "eicn re Cttn'orBiackwood au] tbt ecviews'.. .9 7)0 ture, umîiig ti ii-hliglitimel]ndcfa lion ctrusive .1For Ba odn ueeRves. 0 aue li t iilmiler naltomt ftiîrea yerms, Fut Blackwood and thefoiur llevicaWs.lO0 00 deeuicd hilicr îandl îîe apreferabIe titan guid Condes. lieJtI isuedort miui'othi7r iittilit plite. 10Bxs* Money morrent ïlit Le Stte we-. 8e Dit. JEtloum0 wlcmi whil te habuhorniiit mid 86 Cus 0< .i'quor. vili lie recied aut paf. ' *tlimt lie hmms ceetly rcdted the tîntes wbieb 2Q0 fSat»CLUB 1 G. lureltore vrthsttir].leuoî]me Baxrels mcf Baiflintlic lis littit eomtitiiitly tusiuîg 19É1.0Bare O f, erring. -dsotto wnyfepecetfo teav uie iiiatriuil tur suveul uifl nout IL. 1, CIIOIEL Co theabie piceswil bcalloud o cývx;à patit, durtiug wlîieh tintelie liat;puît up mu gtcuîl I~. l, CIIFIED &Ce.iitumer mof casies, admiii] iiittisnces tlic beet ordorici gtour or more cepiles ot any one ou t. stffttu ibbu iai'»,td h more of the above works. Thus : Fouir Whetibsctýberm bave esoi"ed On çomiîg te ~layeut 18110 te dute the ~VliehwiI ~tiaIo lîemmto mffl i nîclm eheaper, M4~Y g¶aal autiî.ftutiiolt. - dl L . i.sch1oF1Eij.iý & C,. ~~Yro LET. 3 ai~~i~t'ttti.ecmtiJiuJ io'wmt, ~ ~ ciseSi ube h relitlelor. -k j~.'u. si~îi~M~ÃŽrn~u. r -. i . i - j*,., :s~~ b. sent te eueemddrasa for $9; four copies of the four RêBýiewiB an] Biackwood for $80 ; and go on.- 1'iOs'rAGdE. ' Oanadian ûuîaIi sbseribers *'ill ,bc sup plie] frg.icfI pt. S.Psae tienn shouldi always beW=essd,.peutý.F pudttî ullishars, - -LËONAÃ.Rl SCOTT & 00. 46w No. 54, >Gel] Street, Naew Yerk TWO DOLLAURS oNNIr '~~~1 I -- tii tfii,~ -, -~i->jt'l~j J t~ lii I i i - ~3 ,1îfiid'h up in the Lateat Styles, .QCheaper thlsuî uucal, arid narraet. Alil Snrgliu operathîniiofet te Teetli on Guiimî 'ýkiJfu!ý prfore T.e xtrcîid witliont pIîiii bv jîeîtis of elvctr'icilty..î'artici lui' ,tteiiipu1giveitu ttrgtmluiu'Cii jreuislé rti.* I..Ciii mmid examine specimmape hi.e tswonk octane, gotiuag you touihimatii Iuue. (Jf1ee fa CAL)WICL'B BLOCK, JIt><V!"'Cg d PmveeWi kNte.t, ilrekib'ul, Wd& -Sept. 15, 1859. ly.aw w 4~É L nlchte pî, lto ". gopartue0Wm fb r ith xeeliin1 a ti:liâhmitm;qui letUl âdte, oqnibtýtbè1tfîà tbted i- 01ÂItKit Nov." e i4i& Âiex irehia rn. Peter hi~iui~i<piu nirea 'o! Lhe~eq a B. Le- I >euple.- j linWt4iim.ii. - limuson. 1 - - - 4tie dopua1î O'tbWi n 1Q4OPît Sdatbd Captal-OIe iêllion statlihugu Ci 1 uititd b s$qtlrlamneiit. i are reeaived sd lmaeltlel]. ÇÂPITL-TWOMILLIONS STG. - Init1~TIuM, 85'--To indrciThousand Peunn].Sterhhîî. on tl I ut Ma fli1 Ihl Ti cul a - h lm ui tic E. Se Ji-undre4 l7touand Pounda trUg and Merchitiidize, of evcry aesription, of. iort ptiot rlka taken un Mai chandizo for r m uore n i n ths.. P bý liiâtm'r#îîe on îery adrimutugeoustermiq 116 isrid, with anmnai boniuoiand divIsiot u fi ts e v c r y fiv e y em ir età H.A N W Agent, lVkitby. rbithy, Jiane, 15.20J L(ENIX iNSlIUANCE COMPFANY. BAREIORD, CONNEMTCUT. MPLIIES grant]IîueeLt ielyo mpplc .ion, withomih eference, te the îHea] Otlat. i -' - - 0. LYNDE, lianager eo Scottitih Provincial Asnsuramnce Compiany. abii*W< A. D. 1825, é-and Ineomst#d ln a ,pww Mi4Acqf Parlian'It. Moutreal, 9 Great $t. Janica Street. SucciimTîmi.-A&. Dtîidsen Parker. qmîmiltcd te pianuRe tlhig Cuîmmpltty's§ Prcspcc- viiwlerein it will 'e tolun] timmut aven y udran' 1,t coiimistetith i scurity, lu o11ered. rime mates et Prenilumit churgcd are low. vîmihe eBonses declare] wlll bcarcomparigmm vith 3 'retesmlit lte] by any ut lima otiier îeaing iatiuluhattention la ase odirecte] te aim equl- le reguition adepte] by iis Coinpay, up iurteimi]er valuts oftrlinqusicd 1olieies. VUITOre.-John Aguewi ..gent; Robent J. mîmui, M. D). Medicul Aciviser, 'aiaca ALisium.-Niven Agnew, M. D. Mcdi- %dviser. '- u te Pire Inaurance Company ut Lon. don, Emigland. ri .TAL... £W000 STEJLIN6 G. Ckairrnan-,Tlao llghtIlon, bL'-rd Linue. I. B. Sher'idan, M. P'. colonel jamsAdmiir. The Bey. W. Beau. Peter Caro§tuirs, Es q. The lBon. B. Both by John Jaimes Unwin Ciirhce, Emq Henury Clark, Eà §l . MD. Nicliolas Denmitys4,*ikq. Williain S. Potter, Esq. William Iîenry Rough, Esq., M1. A. . M. Wahts, Est. M ') Pedtr Mornmon, Millet, sq. & lctr. îsms. Miller & Homte. ScrI>yor.-Wliiihi Williaans§, Esq. Beiii'cra.-Met§si'5. Rimsonil Hecad ofc,-31atonic Hall, Tereute. E li» . q f D i r.e e r . C ? u u ir iii4îd tt m . M e Mtectr, Eq.-Viee-C/umirnai-W.P, tlowlmîrmd, Ps.-.F . Win. Boïgs, Emq., Wi»Hei' dersumi Esq. F;WI. Jarvi&s, Lsq., bimeriti', U. C. etfYorknand Peel. .lnks-The Bank et Monitreal Slcio' -Ross, Crîmwturd & Croîubie. Ccupmumy are gttaranlce by a rcupons§ible 1Pro- ÀiILossis willi lie ettîi] prenîptly witbeut eferemace toe ulard in ii Rgllu]. Tfie nîtsilimifutthe Tinies baving bueaii u- clwz§t], Pulicy -holderai are nuw guara tedby tha statê. ALEXANDEI 511'E IT JOIIN AGNEWV, Agent ttt W hi& y 5ibJm. 5,159 i' Protection agajnýt Louas and Damaget by Fire. Perry, anti Sarnia., Ai. â rwn Lots t he a e.therrds iosP, ~14 Wake th , IM ~ - II>~ J / î, il J. H. PI 7' iF O R SA L E c 'à yA P . ... w-~~~~ OTN 7iib ; qchsiR ~WI wijJd e iiu' âiti 515djoîaîug lie civu u0 1L12ù,E 4Bellvile, J. 'y., AM, Wbitby .lml1i. 1847. 2G Application te bc nmade t or N. MI LER, Wlltby, Match 2,1859. 7 MFà rm for gale. 20ACRES O? SPLENDID LAND.Loi Acres cosrçd. til alinl situatod witliîm four miles of Beaverton,, on the trae1rpidte M ata; th e la u d lu f tle beu q a tw i ut & 1Z l u' the centre of a g0W d settîcîngint, wit 8hol, anid a sawmnll aenvenieut. Aise Nurth.hdf of Lot 4, lu te lOth Conces- ion etë Thorýli, coiislatfirg of 05 acres'- 12 cml which. are clc.ared, aini fruutiflg ou'ikle korwie Road, near Cameron'o Mill. Apply to Bouert'eotô, luth J nty, 1857 26 FOR SALE, IN TRIE TOWN 0OF WIIITBY. ujmted oitDnnduic Street, bctweeu Mr. ý Ichmaie'mc and Lyntdcs Crcick. ALiaTSiOS.2ntebnid2.tReYAEST MUS. ANGeLIl WEST, Lot 83, 8th côun n Darliiigtoii. "Christian Offeriîg" P101 se'80 untl tw'bicl Hgouse and Lot4,oý Sale. ,nmi4 tc t t i ns on e.fDu J4 f e re e: cultivatioli. Tehumls bu d i]ln1 by 24, and coeînfortmbly fini ls ii- tedl iu a very jpleasmmit Par oft î h 11gu ut UN~- bridige. beLiiigueutlie chuireh-1, the sebooltip p es4t office, allad tue places of geîcmul businytess. terns easy uni] mumy ha kuowai by' cpplyliiJ( te W m. Walk r,.rorici r, ut Dr. Iiitiu's or to ,'.(A LDWIELL lBROW~N, Land Agent, Uxbridge. NIay, 15.1 LIVERPOOL. ~ *7> Sl rt e tLvrot rj«ENTY MILES EAST 0F TORONTO) <A tL )cpt miii] 8tatiou ut tue GrandTrmîuik Rail- way). Esch Shîp isasa Cottage an]t, quarter et un Acre et Land] attnc-hed. TheAe promises have becn hntely orccted witm. lu s Ahortdistm.ce ut the Kinîgston Ré], mini] the Huilway Deput. A. goci] businetin'iiboth tmmdem eau ba donc by uteady tan] goùd work- Eut further patticialgttu ip1y tPUo Y Liverpool, J aly 28.t857 FOR SALE. Q ac sef excellent Lan] lu thc S. F. angle i n fIt 8 l h . 1- ( o . ut' U xb ridg , th4 titber on the Lanmd is irat cimss piue. ' 1 Al.4o for sale or te let, 8 acres eof cleured lime] partS. W. amngla ot 21, 'ind ('*on. of Rch l'or- inerly - Vwic'hy M r. Ãub$rts. 'This laind la miuder cultivmufion,acmii i eéceehient order. It will be sol] tu suit lînrelîsers. or will bc Iet te a steady tenmant. For termes appi te 1ISTN Mâliomi, C. W. 'Xeromto 'rotvsichp. et te TBi>ýMAS BEALL, Whiitby. Mr. ismuceca]d will show the Ian] lu Uxbridge. Mlalton, Nov. lSth, 185e., 44 .FORLSALE. T OWN LOTS lu Wtaitby ucar the ]Bay.- Aise, Village Lots ut, Duilln' Creek, French- mamlles Bay, sud Port Ferry. ppu G H. DâRTNELL, Sol icîter, &c.. Broui Street, 'itl J iine 16, 1857. 22 FOR SALE. NbURANCE effacted . ouiBuildings and tuiet ' itiei atwrs h anStatDiiui ofhur.e taie .wn ut hitb, miai]d J.contents. Every iiifcnatiett supplie] on wicc'tii ow etret oithe iwofhtlm et-mina e - ,~OI1NAGNW, niants, lias an mexellent ceillar, and tulîcwi Traveelling Agent, :lrom Simeet, Whitby goodstablng sudanl uecessary on-buildings, ait] a superier punmp oftgood waturuuiie $pot. Blritish Anierica Asamralice CompalY itTr e c., îvbicu wiil bo fouui] vury TCO1(PORATED undean aut o t lte hé in]rA t 'A. MAYERÇIOFFER j. Sesaieuofet ic Elevgitl Provincial Pirlilai. Chronicle Office, Whidiy. mient of Uppr Canada-.__________________ RgrA V ERT ON, UYsManmca etleceaion Buildings and their culitelitta. }Ayry infor'mmation supplie] un ap plicatien te tue ntndcrtigned. Ilatrin Riakat, on the beaen or tom Prta. JOHN AGNEW, TravcI1izng Agent, Ilyroîti du'ect, Whitbj ]Phc<rù*x Pire- Assurance Co. ViTs'r.&Iuusùm IN 1782. GLSIu.MOFF.A.T & Co, À Aents fer Canada. RÂi~<BSa~rif5tLWSSESby. IRE sud api~ ut; H W. OODWARD, 48~44.]Wblby Aîg.10 »59 AMILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS 11.contgio-is te the -Beavertefl Wbir.At,A large and profitable Miîing busIness eau lia donc b o re.- F mvô b iae r ni me iy eb ua- mt ath e P ro p i t r b y ià P a ttim i aet., - 4I.JAMES -ÂRMSTRONÇQ,î N. B.-Thto a i lt rrat«. P anit es- BemvettefliJJîy 28, 1857. --Y u. VÂALiAILE 1>OPERTY for »ALE. tor « iuos lately oecupi8l4 ut Uiesit c ai ~. OAMPBELL, id iiiAs~b~1~flD.'U4~.aobi >4 illi i~ii, t i t mlix I b U t J ,& O G N ,L t 9, JBToXof l eontOE1 october à ý'18it9 5-i1w&B lst.-100 acres sôutýh bi fIo 19, 8r4 concession of Wbitby, nonas partotb u#nly two mi1eië froùi tlié TôwII>f Whitby. 2nd.-50 acres South -We;tq'uarteî.0f Lot >o., 28, thconcçssiul% of 1à r1ýpwon, a6out, eight miles ffronVBlhl V b11 8rd.-50 acreg SOut4 East qâarter of Lot No. 18, lltb,côlcessiôfl o«Marips à about 9 mriles from Lindâay,. The aboya wentioned Lots ore firste-dagË Furies. !P a higi Muite Of culCIaifl cOd Bui1dings, and rieur imlportat tu nÃuý'. W iii ha sold reasonablc, aud on faivurit- bic tems Annlv te TU ALîL TIII~ 1~UUDI &ND IJALP 0F TUE T yem lirai VI s, W il offli «qui rate lii prui MEA-3 '~ Towiniip cI flueeuistig et lieouf &w vu»tuelfor G Il o atém, h t icof B'us, uootnâ-oiim aud oft1 ' ,tMcRE d ELe Loe GawI lmrIicE, sa b'riiiie Bumilingus. lricc,, £250,9 !ft 1101l nal aimmîmimil iuistnliiiunta. with luterPL4t iut th ut ofcigliper ccit lier annuml, ur £20 lie Brook noes ie writiîn rccoînimendation, i.l nsittriuus jîlmlabitarîtgs là a'§tmilleit rcoiî ridatioti. For further particularà Stîp ly ti iS:S, MITCHELL, & Cci., M-rlîmmtrs, YU1mî eti Toronto, ur te the à sabsriber on, tii M. ýmç LADEN. Faià stn rm e.Set.o1Le tb. ut 't ,i. ut od g il ck- ioi ,i A Fru rt . to a tn. yas two miles enut uf Bowmunnville village,' Coi taiuing about~ 150 acres dentr, with gocd ,qildiigs. Aîî)ply on thc Fati te, * Mts. DANIE.L GALBRAITHT. Damington, Oct. UO. 1859. 4u-2w FOR SALE9 A Comifortiïble Fmumily Remi]trnce, s§ituated î the Vilugou f Liverpool, Towniship ut' Pick erirgudjuiniiig tht rîe &N- ~ Bi'Stiii Oe h Graud Tiuuk Iinilw;à y, 18 uilesg'roi i u routu. euiittistiiili ot'Ia Umnd Stable ntmeid; amnyer li'aiiiig wei)i ol m ter; clmc Groîmni]s are tuastefnlly laid out, mn] plante] witlî tihadîu'frets; aie, a Large Garden welI s5tocke] witlîlrtiiitTfrtm; -tic Wmia e ovemaf iwo aec t' f<roui,.Lti] emmjnt ie scuairpimse] ii thet 'uwmship ut'iiceemg o tcmiveni- ente ami] memm4,v aceis ote me]ail way. TeTris r.aude eay. ott'urtlietpamicihsiitsspllytitlte subsemiber, Yurkvile; or tuo Mm. W' jIlJuni hardy ilo tU lren ilse.I'sascn icn r- GEORGE' BOSTWICK. bokila ay, 1858. 17 Fo alorMMoDI NLe "'BRICK COTTAGE, with 1 et au acte ut land, ln the North Ward et tht Town ut Whitby, oîm the East éide'oet Bruck Street. For further particulnrs apply (v ly lat- ter, poat-pail]) at W. 1-I. Tramnayne's office Whîitby, or to the subscriber, C"ahill, S. .JENKINS, P1roprietor. Whitby, July 28th, 1059.. 36 Fo n ale l-Termdon e. s~E oonale farinm beows. Tiiorali, Counly et Ontrii, with provametits of, CO actes on cmch Lot. For particulmirs mppiy te, H. J. Macd ,ell, Whitby, Barrister, tir te D. Caniei fleaverton P. TO LET. STONE STORE,'i' itrithe ovinëf pplty tc issln ie Alpiy, ply8,188 4ME ït M OyAXJ F r iiitri ip et don- in'w 28 5. ý7, lu aht 81> by a e8 ou mlit. Hat - r. (udt 'o I 0.,OE~Oîl~î~ i 8 Wb y~j$b3J .11 DUxTY9Ofl~Oi~O~?!~7, the III ni aI e' ai ] F F ci s .1 Th* ~Ilai II .ltby Fcb. 1Xi 1860. CîtliVbItb7~f mon, will*b. sold by Publi'A&'et0f, At y ~e,~tbpUrI priPçn theTown ÃŽh Wblby, ber t, lit g, 41¶Iinterest ,raic, à the avïü d ulî ed l -d rtmly pesss ufi ut tttndad ni] teiemets ,vhereon, eizidty me min- let simd by virtue of certain Wirita f e 'Iol, iltiitfll s-Paul F WjWy, defun- à sunt. LotiS, J3itokén Frogt, n'tteÃŽlat couces- Ion thke-i Ljaclîlan L)avids8ou, pl;intit,, s. Irvine Johmsn,delen4ant Ai thaï parceçl -;ortracý,'t, ins>the T'owniship cf 1UrocA, lu tbe'Ãœ "Ummty or On- tario, beiug lot i utber :..Nitleteem, (19) in the Twelfth concefsui, oetbg, Mi] Town-- sbip et Bruck, vith ail ua;,,singjmiar, the ces-thtreuntô lu aIt3iywie ld lu 'tha Court et 41cen'r;BeAeh. JameeLaing plain fl"v. PeteStoutefl- burgli, defendiuitt.,4.- Ahl and Sig4ts t iat cem'taipR4pieOe or partel of lauîii%'stÇ(tedlunthe Tco*nsip of Rach. afoiee Ãi&iücr%-ieIng cosbposed ei partt fLot- mi ber.-Sîvemi, in thec Eighth concesusion ft&~sdTousandai]beîng ail that pr .reeeco veyçd by oe Trioaîasc]a; tethe uni] PeterStouten burgb, c6hntsnfitîree actéès, lIe lIe sumo umore *ér less. andl aise, ieh ibat -btfmccr pieco or pâmmel'ýal i îd sihuate] .imîtIuà uaid Town shipf e cIch, being compescd of part of Lot aumuber Seveu, lu the 'ýNinth* conmes ilion of the sali] *Towmliip oet ,Bà cl, and kriowu as ail the î-emainiug pai ofet ul] lm, whieh liasnet hitharto eeà insold fur taxes, or previoly eommvéeà yed. yJolin Wvaggouet te 'f iiumîiaa atti Wiich sald liti iierîtionci] piece o ret acl nmiy b. do- býribcc] as feilowt;, - coaînenciug-on treuit of sai] lot. ut or about the distance etý tw'elvechuins anmd eiglîtyilinki, ou a\coirbe 1 sônth sevemity-tot q egrees wcst, - frein s<muth cast angle etfuni] lot,aian ntlte s07 ttitemîslangle et lan] sel] for' taxes; ubience uortli sixteen degirees west eiglitecu chmalumiami] twenty'flve himîks ; thenoe north svnyfour degrees aia, to the-,we stern ll4,Uii t"()f lun]deced]te Th'onas Matin; twiee South Sijiten d-egrees, cash eight teen cimaimis.ami] wenty-tive links te the 1(f'oni t msii]lot';,themice lung the front of the snid lot-<te cplace etflieginning. NELISON G. REYNOLDS, SherigrC. O., SherlR'5s it1e o!L*is mit ofmOntearomne i]ite'ô Ym, ilnof a eaiment A>whclm er u Fi>",il Fte- .out 01Ho ectettlîCot i t'uç '1eim e tho îuaoiu' toEllei, nre dit , ted à aîrIt lit an(U andm'tduiitttu:sitiqwic eet A Clrthu':; oe- phaititd'. it.va s idnte 'nî.it e1lu the ut1 arlsoflîenFtirbchlIe l iidtbiîît Fate- 0. wclI, ldeeaid, ii ls ile iuit aiamt aiztbê Lieuy Pult 1 emtaliih iave e îm t'X1rlymeti ellth aui bimîIres.Wiéhtqeimittema ol>-.atbFe- swnel, eetbs, en deomapeacal eli' partme ofî Ilîîmubt if in r iilmesca] iocssono oUicnd boîing lmiet Fqiâkamiu-ksoraomc e the' wime re uilemis beengpaited mî44t î i f--"ofe lt elmnns îtmirty sav n tlasn] a hait sIf on of coue oJ§iQ ofventate creset ommi tIi oth wa ot alee sailte-'itt dk4tanst-o oef tciutii tour ees, EmundtwachlS5mon abs Toii îe imrhi sixîcet* cl egrsl eitrom ehn an tbweîy ileo hinkalmureunlWuath» e stiisv ient tueoulie xud,.btTioiee l',tb westeN TIlong.nthsti doiireei], b oiradiv.b eaiîac mni] sie1n limdi. 'à oýèohsis tomèth à six- itie et tegcuestid m ie lmnsnm~tJ astil ulna me or laaat io fie.id-P, ' q i umalng Iseiù ailth euvrti 1lk-T-eer6t tractt Iasi.tI ameUie], lyiiig au] eg'ie Vll DîmeOsa- link mon, biur comis oee-alart m ot ei IMl-tha'wi (n e haTwmsm t Emof Wlt amu, i] andtted mmd boute Naiflloa: esooha- waening lu/ fromtUt tue ual]]Epatcet iotN mitte distance el' enerclînin ,91V ltlksika outso *nôî-tl, sea'cluty fmrdgîa aima WoI'he ueeth woit tiîmgle el'amiid lot* tli(.nee-îwwith e"emub '*unE dcgot, eia ~omeiaimuîty Unko,Tiiue nom-lb sixtemiidekrees.4, wct ,oaie, e4e sevoniy omnt inks, Timance ôf mvcsylitdegrecs, wemil une cnnli ikThLtiéce i4uth saia dplt'a csuie chmîisîî evaumt3 oe, lhinks. *At biihhiâW ui t *momtthnon or o hait offao Ici t eaia mit P1,010 e eiýia follow4i vimi ýý-Tmc finitda.ibagId I'tte' qatéra ef au acre. -ôn-!lteé1,Pienulasmclt e~ s' lm , o Mon]am the Twçiy uhit] day et: 4ril,ÀA. D. 1880, ut ltme hout<ut TancÙ 4? Xi. Anthe liat deaarlbedin tha prouimessOsha*&- au Mouday the Tweutyhiida <tPlIA.D 160, Mat he lieut u<Twý> cýçlpc1cpn. ~EL~QNG. RE N eD She 8 & fW C.. Wh - t'do.. 400 to 6wtMn> B orsousoo, pr th& ab 6tonsô d *, ost 0. roui tobeý jr . .DARI Dh CnnrdiOutar i 3& JORN me j kRRISTFR, ATTOJI] sîte the Cab tand,) Terouti eCoty-ILL & Bl X Le Wing, ing n Mipesol WILlýAillTEX]1 Ke W To " ~~os W. *UTEm,OLcvIL taeAgent. Whlii 1 uly 15, 1 M-7. ERRY. litlýy., Oct. 6,1859. 56' 'Azil) 11ALY Op TIM eý@r TERMS LIBERAL. &J Sheriff's Oiffi'c'e, i7hitby, Nov. 28, 18591 ýv -WESTERN ASSLýRANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000 D. CAMIERON, 59-2in-a 40-2ir BEAVERTONO IiT ýAM-7- a l 1 1 1. 9 u steam - gnd 'Piaer Mill for, &Ie.ý c 1 tri 1 1 1 ý zý -1 %,Uq 1 1 1 il Wk 1 1 1 - --- Octùber 17, 1859. 1 1 1 i 1 - 1- 1 1 1 1- "lei ce lit Fn er alr dg F-i si t s -l - .1 a 1BYab)egtrfly in aivance. Tlie We1y Chroniele bsathe b tien of any other cebnntry pape, lunder ten fines... .. ... Aboya ten-4ineit flrst hxsert-poi, (p' Evcry 4nbs44dqi;iamP inrtion. !iopaper whlI bc dLscoltmnueii Lgîttereloidne eiii, if regietd the risk of the Pabli-iher when ~BOOK AND J Pial(l tfG ESTABLT1 r % 11E Poro1lt TROF Ti 1 "ClisOeNICL," WOUld re$speCtri public that lie liai; procuirW il o modern styles of Type from Ne'w er FoundrieK dnul i-i preptirci BOOK z&AMDJOB' Pl et av ry desel4ptign n Lu IpI witIr cdeilpatehi, 5%tui owest Aneti ou iliis, hersa Bis, and] l tions of 1riting furuislied %rit bcing ordere]. JOH l hALLà ,THO] TQ(.AË(T>EN <iF TUE COI, ZÂCHETIS x~t JUP(4 F,0F TBE CO U XTY -ESON G. RE-YN 1 tizERIÈ., t - OFFICE A Ilouse.____ JOHN fHAJm!'EI jEGÈITRtAP. OFFICE O. H. T. M CO JOHN y. IL& * the nRcgistry offilce, BhlrtkStre - i.PAXTON, OFFICE Rl ENGIN.EEI. c ourt Ilouse. = JHNGORD N*-,TIRof WEI<;IIT»t fo ieCcIuiiiv of (iliuir là IRIÈTER AND C( B Attornev: (Iffiee-In A' CAMERQN& A 1E1G I. DAI BRISTÈR, ATT0RXklý & cc lirdwitre $totrc, Bio pARRISTEUÂNII TT('. Bstrept, W hity .- Ii Ji F 1ACIT, E N) AI J. . GLDWE BR-18TLANM CO-i