Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1860, p. 4

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i n u l.e u eitue laanizd E bnfiodé étoves. Thev, Include th IUJ KINU 0F '87V ' '211E PRINCE A .bAVY CROC Call and examine?, os P0ST~ - 2,LTITD iuftk - Thé CIRCUL4TION ýOf "I ock cf ouperlor HOICE3 se, following nov ALBERT,BILE 0 TIONIS T, Than that of apy othèer..'li' AND TRK, -Paper ini the r4neac M ION 13UK.È, ,ica JONBRYAN. Brock StreetWbty -LIVERY STABLES#' L11Sci OFIELII & Co# Staple apd'Fane Dry Goods UENffAL STOCK OF G~ooerIé~ Croikey lîa, Earthon FARI.l'EXOEE*D<S The circulation of ail the other papers ini the Oounty of Ontario united. WEEKLY CHROMICLE ONLY SEYI-WEEKL-Y $2.50 P>ER ÀNNU.L The Chronicle'is the Paper to Advertise in. lýj4eko's3~~ZQ 'c-. IiçRIti - "ISII REVIEWS. tuoteainit lurseit -,COTT CO0., NEW .l o tu sbIihitise follow- NTMWfuit% Tlit- oseil and de Wdelliery t tuu office s efoi- Do".wf# gitIi ýt viZ ksr)&hwa, Bow- manvlW, Ne1vpastie, LJI4 . ton ii lPort R' ise n& otiet'orTeM lte g é, aiea tise 4..iLtévell VPfi iigFiât, is 18II US id 5 ms~j<uetue Dlue i6r d2leFy'et 10e.sséis 7P. i. LetterAs for )(9htr"Is l,04 lasIFÀWsst f Klng- *ton isre-çnly'thuu#sit4hed by lls*rnlgit mi lng *ssst. et 'DP. mu. Up. MAIuile0 g gWent, eiu41nnats Ploid iit.tosjtte sud $11place, West of Ti> vyolsi stho G. T. R. I. traveilisgput office goi«W tcl ai t?7 a. rm., ansd sut> 6 p. in. ThseMîils for ickertng eundDustbartun tire Ã"nly nisslled by tise morqiu >tma&gl n g Wivet. T'srih Miils lebvel désiy.ti -tie sisiu lte traits froint Toronto, for;lnosuklil, Meucsusu- tgr, Port Perr Restai, Lisîdsssv, Manille,, 1ts-, verton,:Port Ioover, Aâhhutlg £psbm. Lties sund UÀxiI go &Ibu for ail tIhe Côrrespodtngpf- Malle areaslAcmade upc ssametlsst# for Asu- Str1yev, vsonglstu aleisusn, (Gneenwoodassd Kin- SuudyfrAltesse, Ciarnisont ansd htastt- M%11% arc due for delivery fro thsofe fl osseie nt ilsot 5 80 1). us. ~EIfQl8IIM lL6.-rlsthlie luit 0< Aý;1l. 1859,- aU i cîteofor U'rcat liritulu i* uetSe pr-- paid, by postsage uit:551p. rp eù djsut Letteo ntlîuosed for Eurldeintbc s- BEGJSTRATI(>N 0F ] fr E S. - M)se ergo lfor BRegisration, i» addition Luto cyse ot- qdg seuefeilovus 1u nai lutter. vin; : ý To ainyplsace l i 'Brulis urtis ArMerlons, 14 - Tu ausy place Ili tie Uàlted 8ta4-»i, ( potsg nuuelbe .proepldilah"»$ >84 ,; Tu îuny pIîeelInGreat IBntatilanud Ireland(poet- cge inuit be, prcpssid aueo) 7Xd 'S îssy poisce lu the Unitisol seior Poaoi- gsî, sesît ia Essissudnc, (pokielaz îsit bepro- Te any place its Frsinee,ootlierFreinecoitss- triela, Via Essglansl, au amant equailu thé post- cge rate. PARCELS fil)te 8 Ibe. vueigîsl cun bite etby piuit sder resnslatiôse t let 8d per lb. tsi be îsrepald by poussge tanui g.sandsssay bu regicton cd h y Payumenst of, Id ssddtiousul. dtNo __alleare deepatuised or rnuasived utsSuns las~ Books and printeu iisusssur,fiî'r tie.Viiitce titales, tise Censudisui l'stetge 111,114t bc prepaïd. ( b potuigu stempi, ud on u .ti t ssttor froas ttîe United Stustom, the Cn&ýiaiisuegcwili bu teo olicet uts delivury. Ali trssssient, Ncwi4psipire, inechssuinglthssss lor Eugiusnd, tsîscet bu prcîssid by 1>otqtssge -tainp or tisey easnt be tarwards'îl. Newuspsqsere for the BlrilhhIs'lset Is(iie, or Nowoutmiffiand, nunit bu prs >.sid by P'ostae sltnp,1 d essch; sssdtforltucîsa,Cissia, Atsetra Il*a, tud tlsâer plaîccs btyosd mou, 2ý4d etuelt., OFFICE 11OUES.- Week dssys, frcnl7 a. m. te 7 p. ni. Sudssfrsasîti>f 0 a. su.' P'ostaeStasup a uîtie psîruhssîd at the Posi 011leus. Whithy, April, 180. oit 1 w. DENTISTRYf , DENTIS TRYI Jes.Joneoe M..pSirgeoniDenlist,&c R TJPRNg;1ie siticero tbtiks lu tise citizons Whitby msssd vliisity. for tise vory'liSsrai fstronnuge cxteruscl ito lml hi iWprofessn, le now tokeluavo lu ssquatit hies snrous Irlande smud tjiepssbilie tist ise lisse fslly cosssple- ted hie srrssngE-itîtut.s# ie pommsîsent pnssulsuu ut bis profesioln, ln the Town of Whiy.- Teeth mounted oitu Çold, Plastinas, Cheopîssetie Moine, E*1 aq., kbr 'Panque a~~p ilsq~ . B T1 Es~, Mot.isSant TlqColonial visetablii,lmhdIii 146and Its Sub.orlbedCapital-ý-Une bIIi tesriing êA.l.nglteUolotlosi, wber, remýss Aient ut wislty-Ç,Dattnoii. .geinOlîý 4very ýa!týofthe world. 1 RoyaIZmuranos Compgny. OYPICE--22 TOBONTO, EXCIIANUE. CAPITAL-TWO MtILIONS $T0. Fmai Pamisume lSfh-Two hundrcd Thounand Re&.erv' Amis eus1ad tr to M ,Ufim eZam iUi FIRF, Nât-RANCE 'ou BuildingM, Funittre F and M cwlic-fvr-doecerption, et Short perloiotlki ehonu Mochituliee for ,.lite Inaurauseeen vue4adventssgeotiss terme ton the eeested, witls atussunil bossussnd divielosi oftP piteeveny ilvéyesur9i JOH-N AONEW, Agent, Wkitlnj. Whitby, June,1t 5». 205 1'JmiNix INSIJRÂNqCE COMIPANY. SEÂRTY61ID, CONNECTICUT. gPADýUP CAPITAL, $200,00-& p OIISgranted issmciiatly on pplilc- P tien, without reteressue ta lte lead Office. C., LYNDE, The Scot tieh Provincial Assurasnce Comspany@ fbUiolsed A. D. 182,5, ansd 1Iacorporat4d b1i a kpecial Act qf P'srliainelis. CAPITAL_ -1,00,000 Montreal, 9 russt St. Jassies Street. Ss(usnT&Y.-A. Duvidston Parker. TrNTEND1NG Astçurere aire repcetfully voe JLqsted tu rorssso thisu Coinliatiy's Iromec- tua, wlserein It wUl ho fossnd tisut every sdass-' toy~, consistant with scecsrity, le ottired. fie rates nt 1'reriurns hsrgcd ire iow. wilie the liossuses declared wil buercarss'ass with isie Profits aliottcd by susy of the otbcr lessdisig offices. Particuisr attentions LA also direced to an cquni- lable regulatiots atdo)tcd 1-y ths Cosnpsny,tsu te sturrajîder value of rellsquislsud Pülluis. WsssTssY.-JOlsflAgnUtý-, ..gent; Bobert J. Gusin, M. D. Miediessi Advissur. Pniscs ALM0iuT.-iNiveus Agnew, M. 1). Modi- rai tdviser. 9-Snis slute Fire Insurance Comnsy of Lon- donj, lEsglasid. OBAWr355ED DY ÂOT OrFi5RtTIast PA5UIAMXET. CA~4PITAL..£500,000 STERLING. BOARD OF D5JtSCTORS Cwirmur-Thoc Right lion. Lord Kene. Il. 1B. Sheridasn, M. P. of ýtii. ývey but In the Township of Dar- Perry, ýaid Sms Mmoo a em Town Lots ini the Town of WHITBY i F~r al*Aboahsd on& Lonzg Qf'edil. ., iechanice and others deâirouý of build- in avea from 3,2 to 18 sotsl ';sSnd *r ~Ofr~Is, Addresu, poas.aid,; - 9 9 ~J~Y Octoer .J,1 X, ipýra59 ... tise Wss.x»iFiiw) cdjoiôssng lIse Tewn ut Wlsitby.: 'ppi7 !toi tise Hain. -B. C. WiLtNO or lu 'J. HM JulviS. 1857. 2ehib Steam and Piaster Mlii for Sale. T 1E .A SIG NqE E S 0 FO. ST O N ,. F E ,,,fo toiale uts nternss atieola ,in'] u'ster biii and Fmîaetsrlse otWity Application to b. smade to J. L. GAGR or N. MILLER, Whitby, Marph 2,1859. F4r4 for Sale. Oo CRE6 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 20010, in lothis Csteeiois utThorsls; là ,&ore#; clesired. Thisi Farm la situatud withiu tour muiles of Beavertan, outh ie travel rossd 'ta Moro; thse land je of thse beet qnality, asnd is' iii lte centre of ci good seulemsent, with ns Scisool, and a Sawsnill cenvenient. Almo North hlai of L.ot 4, iu the li ot Csu- glou oi Tisorlis, coneietiniz ot f 95acre; -12 of wlich orue leured, ansd fronting on tihe Iortage Rond, neur Cssmeron's Mili. Apply to - -DCMRN FOR BSALE IN THE TOWN OF, WUITBY. LOTS NOS. 2, and 22. THEY ARE SITU L teil on-Dundes4 Street, butwccn Mr. S.- aohsrs' nd Lynde)e Creck. g-TEII5S L55555A. _do Appication bu bocsuade lu MRS. ANGELINE.WEiST, Lot 83, Sth ocuesulsu )SIrlissigtoiu. "Chrlttian Offoriig" pieuse eosîY ulsîli fonlsid House and Lot for Sale. T ile, Lt cntains ou-fuurth utfnacre as exceliltnt Land, ivilt iinsuaeigli claie of aullivution. T'.c houîne su airasuteliuilitiig 18 by 24, anud uosasorttsby flsiduised off. Itleiosimiss- týud ils a very pleessitt paint uthtie Vill.gge ai lji- bridlge, bciiugsieur tise uluttoit, tistcisool, tIhe pet office, mitd tise plumeu of getnril htsness. rens aev nd nsay bo kuowss by isppiviSI)g su W u. aslerpruritor C ]). sstui'sortu J..<ALDW ELL BEI >1ýý N, LaTnsd Agent, Uxbridge. May, 1859. 1i LI VERPOO0L. Blacksmths & Waggonnikers Shops -ý4 ASW RE oiVtia AIL OPTee CW.retins. For Bale or oLetaI t Liverpool* Corner of Bu"14I Cjlbtirsie Strete,Wýhlihy riE LOI4DOffi QIJUSIVHIII(0t,'GL ADSTNELFIL Ie ev.rssi. - 2 X and witlm Doatun bone'u' new netiste nont- Tise Irous. B. Bots.rIWENYMLSE$ FTRNO( invntin, ~ .LDcOt llas Station ofthtie Granrd Tnunk Rail- ci lIEilbuinîu»' aa iu uuepCfF~sss mr-ru~EDiCIVEliEVIW (W'sti.> b)corugIive Per esîn etl-eqnsi luguils, but tt80' Juohn JamssUnwis nlua, Es '1' 8.. ausiy. TuetisgrénInted by tise isasai praceer-il <isir)Clark, ]suq M. D.way). EcisShop ;jseaeCollage and a qusarter01 unis asd as' ,so l se ow sue ass v te osu itBttTI H i!VI W c w ti>u ut h n cte Niheisuice oc os1e nyof . -u n ssuAcre o ftL ans d taclsad. >Mu qt i is AndA ýÀprîstice ut twessîy yessnsin isuliiprofessions, Williamn S. IPatter, q.lceprsiseleu ieesaayncldwt- onabisian..Puiserlu usWestsîoftoisepastissuis WiliaIuslcurv Bongh, Ee§q.,IM. A. lua shart dletus.ce outhtie Kinugston Rondd.,sand 1osoptsetde u o tri,4.. nboqD.Jojt agirtteI Apsilii h ala eo, odbsnê nbt . tmS W5TM55Tz555 umrw (Libes'el) Il thiut proft&i;ioiitsskil siid cxpserieù1e e nu F .M. Wells, Ésct. ts ulsyDpa.Ag0 sisesl oi ô N &-A L E ,-S Ansut'O3l.Auditor.-Ambruiqe Es. irte. on.deeubdoeyctiymidgdwnk BLACKWODIs vilquxen NGAZIWC tretilien of Al rlrc, 'rong ostheseoïh For fsrther perticulstro pyt BLACKOOD'5EDIUDEGH ~OÂZ1~ ~r...dtruta tal al&a.tsiftie esirs,. Miller & Blone. Nq apulytu rian lasetud vssnied Srtock ef Dry Chuds kepi In tlb ailsevcTesotets, CE wkr.MenRsuuuMR.S. PURDY, gmlargo tperutionîs hitu alwssye4bes ettestdeuj Williaîua, Eeq. cestfitly estissuîd. ersa b ", . ii iegai u mC.npaty.. uenits' . u.Caîswell, Esiq. -LiverpooP s L. il. SC1FIFELD diCe. -Thoe .10cîaaW J28.1857 ~ thnec greet poitical Parties cf (iroat'Br'i 40~ CANADA BRANCHFO SAE îtain-WhiSr Tory, and Radcal-but sell. ' j .. lI onsîsl twsîd, uu'er .iJoOR AL81 nly ue fesuref thoir bserat- ls fle-baoi 1,Trno O N S A LKEr (sfrm uyos esue roVd EyICE cs isee înu aresu ut excellent Land iluflicSE. a nsileil cr l raso h Iý udBigluwv'î Dry Gpoule b. Penny, F*q. Msayon oh Ouf Lot 18, iilise il(Con. of Uxbridge,IsleM cospfusil hi o k Ls1siurl se'ssl ls'of su idu-wnts$onSieseLtreue lrei ,uotcs.-Hoss. John Rosc, Johsn Crawford. tituberon theis Lesîle finsît cla plue. tauie1851, sud Religkon they Stand, as tlsey evelr Wh itîv - 19. G. Re fIiekly sle' Me C~Alcu for esle on ta lt, 8 tacresi et cleared Iland h. l.SiCls>IEI)& ut btt euo, nfvaecd lu the wèrld of let- W. ll.i1e1mayssa ,q.iuir. . MseEq - i, W' part S. W. asngle of 21, 2nd C'on. out Recisfor- -- fr~t, beng eonaideyed ind1spensable 1 ist.,~EqM. P.P. Wi.usuc. > wnd une 1, ýowned -by gr.. Rube-rîu. Ibis 1usd im 9 dts rbeuee ss iie Novemi-er 24t1s, l1$i.. dOrcn Eq .W ari.Eq. ieif i , oeu ltiviutidn,stflulhf1 excellent arden. It hsyfothtie <cioa athépo sm a, hl eqon s.Y .Jri.FqBirfU ilbe euld ta suit piqrclisasrs. un wiliiho C. utl uth n.ý7teu be urB neiy-sd 'n)eel. of îlieet tus tessdy relianst. 17 iskcrt-Tlse Bu Te-oDEoNumSeaa. S licitue For term e app il te Cisippove:' oliEliD- Ce. frng a1 tcorrect ed iint @i e -RoL~iO JI .<se;, Cnawf'ard & Crontiie. HS.J0BNST~ON. L.i.lu lH soird ttih- e ari! iert ftedTise essgaceusie t ftise State Fine lis"ssraisce Isisltan, C. W. o C O t i tr o u g i s o u t t e v o n 4 , t -a n c e n b . p o s îb IY D C C J E P , E , r l t sp iu y a v r g ra u t t e d b y a r e s up o uss i b l c p r o - oro u t a T w s s i qi p . çsbmtna frin en çtisr or O t- liT' nte T HOIMAS BEALL, chieadill îses'untssî'sst cirockernv Culua ,EÂRILY C4;rIEs. urgeoi Diif,"" ,osucs il c iii§ettlud prtty without Wlitby. olct% ad lu <il xu1N retursilng sîilnsta is i sinaroryo eneuiai utiseBdl îgusd eupu-Mn. Ieuc enouA liishow the land it Uibnldge. ail thuie l' r i tlus r i rossi n (efuus c sm nj t th ise 'ru..,. ng s..s.... (Ilca nitEanisesWsr.& C Thse receipt of ÀDYÀWCe cniltT troin the u ll ulegetertily l'or t.sudnesren wgsietcdy altots, NOV. itis, 1859. 44 British spubîlisene givenadtoa ale_____________________ idJIer'tisooL<stithe a 'lslete ' ANPER STEWART, pou SALE. 3X 4--'l be placedti thse bande ut oubscibere about thuo se tiser ,' Jlritiehr Nfirtttk Aîaua'icuih. -M haisnas t e r Éi Jtdi i n u ois t 'Pt )"su ci i sll in ert Ja u vr J O HIN A G N WO N L O T S lu W iitby, ser tie B y.- 'TEES al ind ad tycios uetinsA ent et W'uitbi/ Ali;u, V taetêntDufin Crock, Frnchui- àT5. unsuiwUguemsto '>fit thteWtlb, e. > 15. 1mun's Bey, u lPat erry. an n f h or eiw ..$ etiuo urectultpreuislisn G. H. DARTNELL, ,uFn uec lefu vewa....S r .~ wt lio estse Soictu, a. 640hst Fesh Teas from 2s. Fory Ioo1ie o1e1w. 5O ~i5 , ate fiNre 1VisBluik * PobeLue Bt1uJ)ai»&ge For .an wQo fMtegfot Re 00onulu suf eul09,ricS cn pn Protetiin ga. bl LoosJu%,uelS, 185.c. 3d.to s. d. er b.Fer any uhrec of thse îtr Review .. . 7 OU wi. Solà Gante;, which iî e.IrectYrupe, y ie Broek strbet, Vii'sib1' 27 ~xa obcc fom le. to For al four ufthlie 1ev ewbà.........S OU0 fts uperis>r ta eisv ailier kiid <of W 1kksoi 2. es.Fo B -Qo0dlasudgaune ....e... .. 8 , it iai~ ostl' s .e Ynusl, tu' E"RN ASSUR INCE 0OMPA~ 4 DalesA .merican Grey Cotton For Biackwood and :vo Reviw. 0 0 tails leiiig mucit igluei C1iatousv ~ AL 100A Nccietirw nCata e, rncsly iu 40 BxesSoa~. -For Blackvood uand treReviewse...90 sur p ltlq Ïti ltest t fthrco es<, oWîlig 0 X is ur ô s0ist u 1Btôoney/ ut lLr ad ilv'7Lf"eu8 mmangod cnust E7Y,îîjspîî<% ud tr Nheetotse1rwt wbilSoratceu' Fo10ac Boïn tefor sle Ca ndles. o' tet- unu 1 0 1 3 'X i ýa u ' .d u i i c) x w o ul w ls h i l o b e h a ns in I in d co te n t .su u"' - 1 it bi at sso thw i A t h l- t lb e t - n da so BQCswo qo.that his]obai grestty rasliswut"isahe ices wiich application fo tise lj5nigsd and attised. Tise11ue cnteuili c cixapr- ~w Brrea ofSaI. .ilt be hcvtoor wnete etsueri.Li par.H -JONAGbI;jW, suentt, ihau au exehltlitt alan uJtseOs WO BrrleofSat.CLUB13ING. furir suissie tîset se Isasi lJOetsgouud stabling and ail iueceseâry 9ouibuilSusýs', 10 Ba lOîS of H<ring. A difcount c w nvfv e'cn. trou s s hove mamied nmeuli fr severis nmutisi Travelling Agelt,BIyron ;u1 Ius~ speruar p ampdf'eoo watur ot tisspat., L. ~.SCIOLEL ~ tie bus pics illb.hovd t CUB psit, clung wisaistint le ultt u pua grusat , F or îeLut , ywie L111bc'horond vcs'y ordrsn fuirus'moe a pis f ay ue r tnnurc eeue, t nd iiial l Of4tistIC tIse beet British Amenia'Asrnce Compas- 'îteai î?Y elS- orehuouarmoecoisof&'yoeot o satlsifuotlon luais bectmnsiiic8ated by thse 1 RORTDutder an Ac t htie Tlsird J~.MYBOFR mure ut tise.above worke. . s:Four >patiente. LSessionu eftho EloevesitisProvincial iteilitu le. lsuaiOfcWhty Tltsa Suearberi >have rosolved on ccmlng ta copies oftBleckwood, or ciloue Review, wh Goifi, Bf ver andFPltia Plates onut ment of Upper Cnudité tbo veas' 18001, te aditeve tsi te boseet te one aidrees for $9 ; four coptes up intheliatest511 StylesCAITL£îC5O0.B EAVE RXO)N. o f thse tour Reviev simnd Blaekwood for ha.)rtatuglndWrni«CAIL£100. -AS 1_ S'Y ST BM. $80; end so on. Voit Sea thn Uual an Waranea *hsal gueni uttiuctoni- - 1ST GE -Ah rl l opeeunit ftisaTeetis or Gums t Irsuunae etted un Bulildings undtilteir I VL G AN TO N OS sud s«)ethr u elmuhceekilliutlly pertunususi. igr'eeth extrneted ceontet%!l. very lnferssatioiu tpledoap MILL XrViLEANTWNOS 1Rcqufittmnce fur any cf tise aboveë publicaesls 'e li. JOHN AGNEW bore- Fav aitei5n5oSc-tt fi 2 ~~tienis siould evas readds'ecslldpost- ag4ainFi. ZtrtWratd Travelling 481esu3TIyOnDtref3 WslttN > pp1Y erteuIMle publisbe JAMESin(L _STRONG, - PilL OARD SCOTT CO0. ynteet itierlc eîîwbere Ph'A, 40w o. 4,OodSteey0 MW etis~,ASSUranOCe o.- rï.13.the ctil Aot . < qn ec NêW la o Atii DWSILI e ioctu ei oew Y.-sutflfi ud hilrit No. Dé, Ntoc,. cobutew, W/ W'g. OIiAw CYorkANIsaguuio 3Psi.dnt5lY Ss , r WO* ecîittluhiedwehlng ioîies l tse__________________________Ï4 c ntre at ie To wn , t u rsut ow . APPjaY W-s p .i te» y sw WB e nl l 8 8 1 SCIIOIEL».etOkauv&vW IlAli Wîty reer. IBTARLISHEI' IN 1752. VALUA P EITlt <or BALE IULIHE ENR -* G(ILLESPIE Ë>OFEAT &Co'is" ltely tOMePled by C> »115t23Ël45 tise v ti e- a quarter tuer ot - l'~ons oriiia lat, t Ulea latit5, lil THURSDAV MORIeING, 4rwt ure ceo & ~ TNSURANCPS gaismît LOSSMSby FIXIE aud shlp Out Beach oislioOsietv ?rWO DOLLAMrS Y U . aantW andU.A UstW hoetc fss or l A lJ ~l' ~"" ~ 1 1*at ch.Leffdeu d this uavm ternie, sdLid0t05 ie 2 .,.,.e4 i t ,t:heattt'ei- jRE EXAMINER )issu ùi the l re ow gesttcircul-atioavon teBut'4l aslesi thucoate aecs. éT e ,nh a ilt .t.bers e -tt bsuecka(iout.1or #ny papes'publi.hed lu Peterburo wlth 4a1 emletltartiole aa lleniis LSSSpl lhotrfrsst "'Tb~eîu$~ qsttqriiJmplts> 0,q tiseretore the boat advertising medînse la e bre"c nA<' trm e ui vs' p.il'Uulwra. . BOW asul taîbhe, Nov. li tis o- saé. ~ht u 01 and -'i - - ne- Ter Wisltby; Plokunusul - LuMJ, , > Town 'ut bt@ ttie rineh!W J AS.,MeALLAN, 4A5 LOGM, LvtêIroken Front, bepdrblot Y;seseot3on te iteeof i»es fýr, Thss Hqpel i.. tise besit. stsstsln th$ q 2 AÏs" ~ 4~ty.- pply 1ç&>SIT kUbrldge, A îuàstity uf gOOd & A ?ST. -POor te October 8 511'9 AIL 5-usiw & ans c-- rbonie le C ls.40ureia aouth 3buai 1 LtNo SiRIFF'8 AÂLE O!F1 U3D16 19, Brd autteesicis utW itbykotnas part of U CUTTe;O'rns flN Sàturdày, the l'O Wi t: '-TiTd day of .rlA. D. 18609,t;Twl ô 'cloek, .(»iiey twù"è isfrôin tise Towns ut WIItbyf. u pn, wv>iii bc sôd 'bhPubio *nctien, et 2nd.-S ce oshWst quartere. y Office, in the Court.Hui7Ut~os Lut u. 2, Oh ceseesionut Drligtuu otWhitby, the Tigl,!t_ title, ýand interest abucight nulles frein Bewnanviika. wisich tise ùndërmuenïioned'àCte, ndants scv- 8ed.-50 acres South sntqurutLt et'ily îsB 115 the sndermentioned land& No. 18, lii uieuir f Manipôsa, about a nd tenee"ntâ thereori,. neszt;d'by nw nui 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e evanbyireoferanWrits of' Tien truiles frosu Lindsasy,., ~andtu useirèâo..ctin The aboveîI neutiuned Luts ore Çrst-cias", lute ouéîdrt t e enaBt Permig, in a hilgh.s tste ot cultivation, geod WInliahe. Cortd éeud JohBn Char Buildinugs, antd reur important Towus. Fibliatiffn vs. P and J.hneChares WiII bu noici reasonable, sand ou fsvur oa- det.h litfsv.Pu .htedf ble t.rm. APERRY. Lot 28, Brokenî Fron ,t, in the lot conces- .~. s.. t...... ots ofPickering -, - rlu ALL TREI WORUJII AND) HALF 0P TUE T l,) lsec ribuIr Isavisi issus tfor a tents of y*eàsrss,.utsvery resisisîsubie ttrslnî Issu eilsdsd 1,re'is'ntins theIlý VILLAG F ]?VROOMANTON, Townmlsip uofIlrock, coisetsslg (fai STORE & -DWELL1«NG flOUSE, IX itîs two Kitclsunr.,, s . -itiisg-ro'isisssssd ['ui tr, iiiil suîîsieud tu tise mdre sm tg wuil I fssrti4lsud oltlice siisd W irlsoîsse. Vise u ffiiliiius une final eîssst Frnse Bssildissrs. lric, 8 ý25O, list fos- stqssil usiisi lssaituusnutsts, wit liesteut 1Ille re of! ulisi r cuct ulir ulitussî, or £25 pr B rouk ssetds n owrittuss rco mssnenditias, lts isidssetiosisihabiaisî- jçst, a sufllciust ricoss- sseusts tiois. For fîth r psmtiulssrs sspîl y sus RO)'S, MITCHELL, & Co, IM.rulsusst, 1'ss11ig, $tncsr, T oistî, on tu tis i l.u us Ise proses. 31. iMcPI-IADEN. Vroon ssto ts, Bro k. Sp . 17. ItIti. 311w-tf ]F'.rm to Lot. A Farin tlu 3et for a trm of ycasîr, in tise Townsship u of sisstoabout two tuiless entst o Bowssssnviile villasge, con- îainitsg about 150 acres clar, witti good luiidissgs. Apply os1 the Fans, ta Mirs. I),t NIEI, GALBRAMTII. Darlihgors, Oct.*.20,, 1859 .' 40-2w FOR SAILE, Aig dusis ieFuilna' a tsia fùj theVie Grof Tnîskruulusu, 18 vrisl faulus- rutto. coiutisîti ],or a cottage coîstaiîsing Nine Rooma, - itis uvery c<isvnteiuuts nqutiilo; silarge Benis nd StUble tsttasclsud ; asu eer fisiig %sudS ot %a tr; thc Gnouitsearc îssseteusll> fuid 'ut, nd lantesi wih Ssau'lr.;aio, a Liarge Guardu wcii stockaîl wilis FruitT'rcs; tise wsuuuves e§ twu acres t'f Groisisul, Laititi asiuut bcu sirspisuod is tise Tuusuelip of' liiekerensil'or l144uustsveli- eusue sîsd rcuudy acue tu ttihe Bsilway. Tersus nsude eîssy.. For fssiurîîartici irens pply tus the sulscril)er , Yonki'illc ; or ta Silr. W ilissiui Pst rîî tpan tis e suisce. possseeiusgisuntslti- n,'h. G;EORGE BOSTWICK. ýorkviîi1e, May, 185s. 17 For Sale, or-to Let. a,. CObIMODIOUS AND PLEA 'BRICK COTTAGE, initis & of an acre uofIland, in the Northt Ward of the Town af Wltitby, ou thse Eatt side of Break Street. For furtiser particiutris spply (if by lut- er, pot-pald) et W. H. '1Ireiusîytse'g office Wliitby, r te tise ubuicibar, CabsIill, Mvarkbain. 1659. 36.. For Sale Cheap, and on Rea- aonable Terma. T HREE guud farine in tise Towushsip ut Thrais, Counly oe tisniu. vith iri- provemesiti tf 20 acres on esais Lut.- For isarticuiers appiy lu Il. J. Meedun'- eh, Whiitby, Barristes', ounlu D. Camuerun, ilaetnP. O. D. CAMERON. Octübr 1,186. - 9-2in-s404Q2in-w -TO JLEI5. ripE store and dwollissg Ilolsit, ia'7voccupiesi Ib> JasstePrisîgle, ausd kuowu ttwisu STONE STORE, us tise Tuoau ef W titluY. Peemeesien gîvusu on t'ho first ot'$uptember suent. -JAMES ROWE. « AVisIbyuiy8s 15e.28 FAIRM FOR SALE.: Lachiasu Davidsou, i Paintifi vYs. Irvine Julitsson, defendarit. All that parcel or tract cf land in the. Towsslip ut Bruck, in the Cuty uf On- tario, being Lot nunshur Ninetosu, (19) un the Tweifth costacusieon of thse said Town-~ ship ef Jirock, witb ail and singula', lte tenententis, beditasssenls'and'eppurtencon- ces thercunto in any vise be-lenging. lu the Cuurtef Quèen'n Bencis. James Lai ng, plainLif vs. Peter Stonten- burgh, dafendent. All and sinriir, tint certain piece or~ îsssn;el aofllasd, sltîiated lu thse Townsisip et Reucît. nfunesaid. and being cozssposed, cf part suf Lot nimber Severs, lu thé risgbth oicsiosof tise uiid'row nihip,:ansi bes ng ss1i that îsit emetutoee ouýveyed by une 0I'hmnas Bidens, te tise Raid Peter Stouten itmstgh, coulaining tlsree acren, butise sanie Msore or les, andd ilsn, ail tisat ether piece or parcel cf, lasnd siluated itithi s#nid Town s.hip) cf Rech, being cosaposacd 0 part o lit isumber Seven, i tte Nintis ceucetf- sjois of tuc said Townr-liip cf Beach, atnd kn>w isa si llte retai;siug part ot csid Lsst wviiislias neot hitiserte been sols fosr taxes, or, previomts4ly conveyed by John IvaggoIncr te onoss Marin, which said laîst isestiontusIPice uor iarsstl nsfy be, de- ,cribeîl as followe;, - cmmetscing un front <if'suid lot, mt or aibout the' distance ut twuilve chisins aud eig-hty 110ks, on a course stoutî sesventy-futs.-rdegreca west, -frum sauth eagt augle <of said lot, sud et the soath east-angle ut hsnd aeld for -taxes; thncu oth ixten degffec witgisflteen ehsa ins .a isgd tweu ty-ftive li nkus ; tlisence n 1 rtis scvs'uty.four degreca easl.ý telihe western. lismit cf land. decded to Ttemesa Martin; tisence south sixteecu degreeo, ,ecet elgilI teen aliitainsansi twenty-five links te the .front of aisi lot; tiseuce eiung the front cf tise ,aid lot tp:tueqpl4ce;pf4egi!!Ping.% 4 NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Siserifi', C. (1. Siscrifl"s Office, Wltitby, N11~28,18591Ç Sheirifty'Sd-ae of Lande.- Te Wir:.111J.>F19eni-Facies, tituc out et Her-Msjeusté's Court' of Qsseess's Benein st Tenante, ciaonuvne ditectid iqanit tlanuds~ aud tenemenla whtsWer.'of Cornwall Fisc- WllàIý dcess tI îe lineutfluis dealluinu-thse - hsssîîs i.1 la lriewel, ditilnti.m pîsiutift. 1- lsve 14iedai t d isuen la exeaution aili tise I6ten'ttw t hosuî urn aii re- uvli. dut;eàlîsëd', isbei mMdAt tUne of' lidp& deuIls idlu fël tat ceýtis hreel or tract ut issuilbaiisiti-e atete îl e esbe tise sisnie nibre unlesblli é umy<iw of part et kspsttmwn irr ftécn si -îise mecOnd atemiion et thése 1T7,ôvnihi p of!Pickerhsmg-eomniin ',vlsre dsu uelias buen pla'ntes! ah7adicsance cut tioesiu hirty sieven àld auds.isf lf ke ýou a course -fortit ecvettw o degrees eatt frein tbe Soausths etsstl i ssss i id ltlscssèioétorth ev- enlwyfouvdoges'e%, SasIt cMaIe Usee ki, 'g.os1ée ntortilsiktecû dcgreea, wet tbree ettâs0 uund twciy fye linsks mure or lae to he seuth sidft cpublicressà, Tîse,:e epnth weaterly îiong tise ssssitii ida uf lhàise uipchslWx"-dwo ultiss' ii eeu'it hss.* Tiene .0ae1Y Ij, e-' tecut dt%çeoe ssIttr. bisa ud5t rI linskiié);c Jr' lesâi t lise oa f 1 e umalniIk«' Alis, ilIthot'éertip,ir 1cel qr trtct etfiaàdsut-' utile1td. linesrsl ing istueYillstd ut Omble- ~ we, 11.1cl e'olslyoeêd- etc pa -t iINo. ton lis tise *uIl (ons'. t le Towiitsir uçF Duel wlit- - by, aiîd bnttrd -uxd bouissdaïàllowcs -. oon- niessimsg in front ofth'iseeld'Concusieon ut thse ditsuce ueste ichath îftyliks ena cour ll nos thu, isevenît firdegree oust frbti ise couls west inglu o tddiot tiietico uturti saev.uty four deg.s'ce, esfut ts.nefuduls flft - lihikê, Theuve. isis ith es egeo, est -une chWli' avenly une l1ds ï leuc intIl eovezsty tesur deTm--- wes oua lînîtfity inkà,ýTisenée sioîth sxîea degcéS'eiesswcse elitin u'eveut>î r'cn&lnks.- uta eijuien s oeeaor, tise Msid dcfenid»stst etçtoriiuesettheréIi, 1 Bhtull ciTer fut ceOl u t PbiAutusefolowem, viz :-4_i7j fitet de4onltsd thYe àr stert of e acve. .ou tis Prernilseus 'tt l)fflfis*'Creek osi Mondv thTvul th tird'da - of ; Arti; X,3D. Igiés eerlbed uon the iprosmses-'lt Chavc- ou Mondsr ieTwe ,n ttisld dy0<6'4riA. ID. ceiek, iwo ooiÃ"o - dé Fd;sa nu ;aB OiAIp 'îbil.tIssorecl.a rcr wsti desit. o4IC t tif tbAue ourtl, _Horse.ls c LEUK OIIE CC TITêi,4ENro thie .U T ltlmuxiER.- JOH ' ) CoutBMCur. Q JOHN,( U/R~istrsr f se55n tise hieitOie , ruu e W. TI B -teÀSeyi. OFhSI Uicssstek li C GELIlORGE& CLEI (j Cosnt, itheeC ICIC JBST V F"Aws tise Cor t C&s JOHN G J. IV. CA]LD1 I ~' ~ nN E . -A114,usne -a 'hcpr)Ospitlttded kTrOENEY AT i l% Týias~rO 'I2iJOUN L ýËEIS EATI cite tiseCcia~,b To midLt IC K NGTEETý Wesul. 1QSJEthie ITu lshat t çNu. , in Witby, Jets 21" W. F,çJ ' tiUe j.9h'Coneiiut utulà, about 80 acres elesi'ed Tise fhilii% Weil wateredbya- tie treittbr"' ëln i rexe n VIL TQXL't<5Ni I -Gsoeuiratk . ., r ~ , - beseti. to tstisg lot, ouneceica, Reas asssy ls 64. 5W84v o nej4160 1 Agentjor me uwner. 9. 56 Whitby, Oct. 6, 1859 1 Whitby, July 28th, : 1

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