Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1860, p. 2

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5k,. .J..W#e21e a... laioS 5U1 an1 dÇthse pi-sasuhati J51 5iMI >AýwuV -1Y 18...5~3, P. nu -Te 4 ue~ 4 ~ asta ÃŽ $Ws...... 4,.n~sv or l is 'ame asn iùéptent finle Zps e.......... .... 2 ,5PT. i.O ~_ _ _ _ tlw 25 miuatteâ fi&tdr tbân > e dîWtle., Ùn,-bu eÃŽoî oaet ~ i'ib, >ws*~TIhe scSceis licisbas attended M1r. t*pe QiLadr n& . P09, a- u.Gats fluanisl ache BD - iiet eetis ,:£Rot d e . joï)<i T.#. -' ~<i "8h061, onvmUton- for- thse County cf 1'û. th.'v! W.st ~ ~ ~ ~~' will gir. thea Mlniitay a ot stn"S are aeid in theTown, Hall je~ 09iou, Uabldge - tfe opening of tise session, as mwe bave, ne Town, o a'Meay-ti6-20h njst., 2pIre- kek suEtUoui...............th. z p auaiga -tJi iaif goddly tnii eut cf C-unty ofcas;tno * ~ , b~opjhauus,, ~ ~housse!l gud og ioau 1we'ibservotied lier. Dr. er wme iishcns~'~auk....... a. us.humeur. - Ioîto~> Ler E.Mente atis, E. Birrehi tu -gel tii.it .......' FasnLW.C ~cwu,$sui's ebes os r ...e ......... 7»1'Poi. îý' htô pri.*hIutL 1,4iie A Tert, PorVt Fera - sry, ui...6 3 Mt0 p.,u u. hsCost.We aîso observed t! terpro- e - ~ ~l'~' Uab~'mp ý o<T" "mru xxpp ns nris -,lot. sineat oIein othe oCunt krèeit, charg ~ 12 f > i* lus- su excellenit article imt ýtise F r '*, , ~eDr.MGi, T. N.;hie p -'*At t m1v lle a, very Monay Sa> uwn4etn , t <of ýhe 17th h i,tha isiu asaket! Gihhs S. BéFairbanksi,- Esquires, fr. pauy,' &0 ?1 aý uu,,--- - 'J r+ t~are tseMayo&Modneà S~ hériff Reynold!s, body, ,v wn ly i eeîag, na' hue i'Qwu Hid, i, Cap. Eie, l. The fie meting ap. hey- et e-,q l4n " @ ? eyj J 're a u e oi» Wtd M . Ratlui', Rýeevai et tise T ,Ow n. lé a c oeGSaaSs aeaarroit p Fret Nuiou 11.1, Victoria Buiildingm, Brock "be ta filet! te dnsg le ýigit thte idden 8siP Of 'BushWhitby, Chalîiman,ad Mr., eut a StraI, moisI rtTliursdu.y beoere faflmeniiero r ere bn'ie tts elici15 eelS-rtn iecbairruamhn -s - ' - r o'thi s- y cfl eigma. Ad yet, dazzlet! by thse îsMe o( iimahrdmt! Dr. Ryemnono tise metingtie buiun evejy léent, 4cittvoslli" ' '1 "3ock tret Reform"-a naine that hm" heen p 1)7. ýD-w went vcrctise iole ichôl lam hotissuit c Lod~e ~ ~ comt! Fndmi h evergtate "<> hand ajé -mon, la a viy lucit!-ant! ln il I1110Ne. 80, 0o muos uevr 4dtoý9 tsefis#ý*' sistp 0 t raaua ut!c :miî ç, pi*iwiole 1otel, Port Wutby. ýT. Il-,- arten!tebwllug o liero,Sertary. tieOr peuil ople amihh ndtse w- i - -- as inable manner. Hie remanIa met every'ut. 'Th- on î11% F ir lo t Hgi-pieisotuies entlveiy iisteued toaad iigbî prcae!ci ). 4. lys4e. 8, imsct veled myshories, sait!betomne pt â*u,.Y rochh lil rit f nuati~ i iy ini everyfmo itis. bya lr e e p ct le si! utlien nu bo s I, <.L., No.957#, mce un Heud's flotel, cec of asjociely mitose . objectas ,hiddea dience, if me ruay ho aliowet!te judge freru memi Incaulo ..éw. Jmii lut evesay In svery fou t Éagzý of, theIiis tet!themaîe.tise'troquent and tesrty hurats of appiause Mr surisairVuiiieuiîce Wiltv N. Ad if enquiring mimdo- havë eei usabie tisat more elicitet! Tise Dr. mas excoot!- tact, '0 , G <i <oilTcnuîlhro, ant- errie lîs IL, to4etçrmz*ne bat tise objeet songist foait nglY humerons in soeofet is remaniai. your »Wiltbdy I'hlliruouîe , city,9t.SnsHull, reahly l, vbhat shal b. sait! et-tise cendi- Atter the Dr. ceucludet! issaddress, there Hat -odu M r i it1,'fteeayeveaîg tiensof tise multitde-tise uniuquir!usg, mas censiderahie discussion en tise sabjeet ont0 ua~ueuoe suxanee.. mhoefoilev, jusi whcre seme-'noisy leader, ogamrsboa iihedt apu.li ýi»copef (Clittrli, St . .John's, Ring Street, mise heads tisoruby thse eaa chsoo, to- go? ing a tom resohutiens, etfmlich tise foli- init a. ae,sifitd 3 o'eloçk, P. It.(llr is plain tisaI they are bluuidering ia tise ing la a biet epileme. moul, Rnuhye J. PENTLAND. dark, adnt! i"my ho sait!of t tem mit It vas declanetelobe tiseopinion et the Di Fl',. l(otelî (3lîmrh, Meehaiules' Inatlituue, 'Conventien, tisat Coualy Ceuncils sitouit! ho Iy fai cernui]corlB. rom, amatI Mary Stroots, 11 e'cloek, sinigular tnttfuinu, they seek tisey kueir requinet! te levy sud colleet trom lise taxa- .msdà cek p n 1EV. T. LOWBRY, net ibat.11 bic pnoponty la tise Connty a anuah least Congrasgit . toul a reli, corner of Byron sud Tiese Reforru" aseociaties, or tise "Be- equal tetise Geverument grant fer grain- tbrol Mary ti gota, Iloleck, a. M., ausdi6 p.un.a colproebt httelclt eb BE.J .BYRN E. torm Organization or visatever else ih may maresintsool 18poses,'u attse oalityf te. Melyo "tsoutîsI <Jai rcis, corner ofCquntre ho' calledat!, ait ahps-ent stands, la uotis- mTri iesho ssiutt hut sr ahiny ec>-3 lëo a . ad-nisis tise ecessary buildings,' snd tiat sucis * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n moreuk, orl -ilNT g Wi4sthan a clsusuwoui teP ceheel ho free tiie isole County. nudt BE. . ia An invention et Mr. Brown for tihe On eotio fMr.n. Gb etofOhaamon Unihted 230,o ock p.mu purp9le oet agitation--sa endorsemeut of -a resolutieu mas put te the meeting ente Uv. JB. il. TII(>RNT0ON. bis p6litical bill et compiaint te "neferru" suit cariet!, declaiuing -that ail deficen- BgbltCtrl,3 ouokp n, e).Sn h insr u ffeadp r e cies lanLGrammar Sciteol Teacher's salaries se ilailst Csmacis o'lue p.mn. evry un-tis Miisly et eeffce utlplae M. "Ge bhopait! eut oe o Cunty funda. se BEV. IL. LLOYD- Brown ln office. Tis is latise efonm et To Ibis Motion Mn. J. W. C. Brown, ainei - tise present day, as advanced hy Clear Giit secneudt by E. Berrili Esq., mevet! ia E Auction Sales. patnl6ts. amendusent, that tise Municipal Ceuncil etf' t odMu-tise Township, Town, or Village, laintwiis I~J .&erling'a lBook& of Sales Tieir cry reseublega tIof tise ot! such, Grammar Scisool 15 lecatet!, ho ne- luqiC bAie a#s umuaL. lays appointed, salmal user, il hegins grauad-iose, aud quired, on petitien et Trustees tisereof, te Ma) antid terfm »made at the offire of this onde manket-ose. $4n tise nameofe the previde for tise deficlencies lu teaciteu sal- coui p«jxr, A t! -a dr ot/reci. 1i aýïd Prepiselfig." These ergsuizatien-tuik are anses auudincideatal expences. fore arrarugernteny md fo ot' e Ct st akint! otpolitical treadmili. They -bave Tisese hie nesolutieuis elicitet! considera- Mr. Auctonur' &d8. he discussion la whieb Dr. Therntno-T. Auetious Bill* prilstei!lunthis tne dlean pat te a mo eiet su. i . ibEq.-J; W. C. IBrown Esq., ts satyle ah <mrber reuluceil pricea. are made up of revolvinsg quîestions, et cou,- E. Berrili Esq., and! several others tout a Toç - >jPartics prueuîiî'Ç/ ýt/uwir lills «<Ireosuies uviicit are aimnys isegiîniag unominout pr.Teaedetw lr uder the p op e /te, fi-cef ethe agaîn. The Grils wirbo felow tule Brown lest. Tise requiret! motion mas re-lo! y il un il Ui t sh e oh ftce o caredsn<itt, atopt ouse set et pineiplea. Thoe s m uail msjority. A motionimas tisen in-mai J4ajeýeiiqe fii Feekly idsadr troducecl, "t!ecîniinug il te be expediesat bu &mi- Wveekly C/romic/e. mise fellom tise talentet! editorfethtie Ham-. eleel fivo Cerumoui Sciseel Trustees is-escit neft ------ -ilton Times, (recentîy cemnecte!. ilS tise Section inatent! et thrce usa nom doue." me' XNw » Advertlsements this Day. Globe) go for the fuil figure, te *it-, a dis- Anotisor motion was cariet! declaining it tihe -solution efthCbiteuon. Te dispute betireen te ho expedlient le mate every Ssturt!ay a y ,£Bave Celst-J. S. I>emaldsous & Co. tlser, is about as inherealing es that ho- holiday lantte Common Sciseols, mastent!ofet iBileDepsil)y-JtiesT. yre. tweea tise ertisodox Lilliputiaus andt!htseevery etiien Saturt!sy. Titis resoîntioma h ~Biho DpusiiryJssîes . Byne.breugitt Dr. MQGiIi te Sis foot mise muxet Ce' u,ýAtvertiéiisg .geney-Rohert Moere. heretieni Blufoscudiana, (as naratet! by cloquent la eppssaiag this veny mise me- te Jilife- Aseeiln et Sctland-J. Grsant. Swift,) about tise big endiandsut!tIle en&du tien. mu fberift's Sale of Latidii-N. G. Reynolds. of eggs. Tisey migist jusl as Weil peste On motion et Mr. Gibs secended b1» tic à1 É2uilcture-Elilsu Btrritl. - about misat is tiseiigisest go - wht SgiseiffReynols biat ihprever practicabie, h - PintngOffceforsal-W H.Higius. pain ho au evil-misetieraiot i setera-Ceunty Superinteudants ho appointet! iu- tit -Printhn, Ofiaelfotiting. H.ho ta. .stýat! etTownuship. -carried.ci 'JFor oae-very lui--J. S. Donaldson. ted-miseîier me eau ho cet-talus et any- -'A voleetftisauks mas temderet! Dr. ltye- oui thse uinisteriaî ueasures may be.Tisa is taIr-1 reqesst, it la tise oid ensteru dry, "sun the hi ing unr Grilti-jiendsataI adisadvantarre, whmisanme ot tisePropet-igs 1'" Thoy are a tst e arebg cnng1 h mue! i have prematurely expean thlsir hautde i! andernaleus, decîaiisti,cautin, m rasigliugn e. C1liiIsw l bst st a--- la -Ioiug se, discloeo th ie meakuessansut!lut. Tisey uevor seeintu tejbable te racisctrthu et ieietiel otsw copéadlsrganizatlua et tise oppesitions. termard ; hey uaemly maiùsgtiise. Wouid drtat n.Frylûievitm tot - comploteWatclcm&ens ire. Thseithbie Town 4"atinka s The nepiy te tise Gevenor Geusenah>aut!- that tisey mould t! r ta case!1 They la intise 1neeb-lis et the County." Again tIse &regs milI, et course, hoctise irat peint et mind us efthtie great Baco's exrresin ati el lbta* eaytt nub attack, Anut on thiis, me nay expecl te "lise>' are neither like a vineyard, user au sec tise isole questioni et a permanent sout olive grousut, -but rallier, titoy resemble auiî ng, suit! Mr. l'es-iy, fulluw suit ; ut! wist etf(Iprerument veutilatot aiseir. Mr. Si- -imricate w" of etbu-ars suit!tiiîsîes, fromnhlentss n.eb:"iesiiia -- ef e - intormet!, mili have change miicis -tisosp wmi se ctseruselves lu il, Towî"-Captain Rowcanit John Hum s ef sucs a resolutien, andth ie mheîe Git brng bnct' many scratches, su!a etot! erry, Mr. Jaunes Wallace'És papon Isas a force, t lsanssertet!, have agscad te amp. Lot tisoes'eero iatiefl organisersu'gel uphsyimeti.Tepanapurluav po iin tise erîdeaver te, have Hem Ma- somelhing îmnngible, feasible, practicable. beesa publishset! soiely auss exclmsively tu at- pet1 ort isio rcnieeadtessLe foito eg wti tisee. tend neligieusly ote se.subjects. Thsey jesty'deOlUisi recussidured, are tis seatuot refu-matribbegatmitnstisoruccuis cf-oeverssîneut lontet! et Lewer Canada I Tise happinemisoftevery seciely musî depeat! ire lystour gi-cad triutioîîs',le ceu Oms îfsis move tisey jlace theiminirelie on tise virtue oet is members. Legishation, eîrai merynut jielale ht as. te defeal tise Goverumeuil. Tisey and Legisiative 7tnntmetet camauob pruduce duc c curehaeaer e, o>fii h 'esle efally admit, ta h e We jusî supply tise speech et Mr. Ferry for eemodeliug tise-coustiîuties, &; but snimetfGoveramieut, ougisî-te ho tise weil ibiciscalot! torIs tise great wrathanit!de- tbie mliiho- al ahamn. - eing -efthtie peéplo. 0f ISis eut!,' me aà. nneliations efthtie Watcistnsis nt ek 0f tise prtiosi legisiluti9u nicsmiihwt iaisepeon oemmu bsn t tdit! mate ltise gsl'dljasde isîe." likel>' teo ccupytise semblet! mist!om cf hoonnegleetui. The moansunieS tisey IHo mas uhreugchs eue pî'iuting scene, lu canada, milii ho snom I3aukrupt Law;iln- suppertet! for et!tcaien, for carryiug eut tise Cesausil, and! lie dit! net mant te go Woved administration lunlise morkiuig et literal municipal intituttioni, for imprniug titre' anuter. They hat! heait! a greut deal osruuicipal isyten, -se as te admit-;et our judicial, finauselial, anit - comsmercial sys.. about titis printiusg matter ; but as tar as. -**.erectior eofIleeves tint!Deput>' Reoirea touseuder uticis mealtis may ho accumu- humble jut!gemenh ceuit! tutm ais opinion,. - by the peeple, tise paynacsal et Coauty late!, sut! personsl secaîity enjoyid,,su-e tise great t!lffioult»was tisat, nom tenders Codunillers &o,, a charge lu lithe Postage iomehiag bhoUer rtisa Git thader-nt hat! net beau given euh at sumîner itou Aso et tt siieui, s as to emeOO the in- Gril fgs-Ift ie>' eau point eut auty et- tise Frintiug Compainy came inte existence. peut on usepapers .pussiug tisougis1 tise fectuai relnet!y tor any positive evil, -lot ladth iis beaui doue, se as te give tisis pro- 'osi Ofice; penhAspe ' 1' ,,te curtiismig or ade. tietudo ici me gay, "jus tise mine of the cious é"Prlutingr Companîy" tise job, ail iq ebalm,,etehercf tise trnkiuig.privc- Propheh" -bs-ue "fg." In tise inleniln1 euit! have beau pertectiy rlght. Bat tise ,îege, vic iWould Se saunotjut!ieioOetsopwe oeubel -but laugis ah these 9"Convenion-'Corporationdit! netmail for tise '"Friuhiuag ~n ofatr teauppl>' thIe postalt!efi 1ciene7.To- mougors"-7tieao'Joint mitisoul velunteers" 'CoupaY .11tise Printiusg Cempanyi' dit! oith>ar ilSpatchthruseiigçsae -tacie dissolution et the uinuî-mngea. net geltIshe contraceatndthie consequëe. - ,t bý,sve descriptiies, we rua>' expecl tu Tisey emiat! us oethlise exoet Freietheust, isy, aitl la mroag., Te say tise ver>' least et a .U* Or4 SotheraBlawy, tise Netbi i1 s leet moul shapet! bide, stuffet! iitis' tsis.iahlori, tise course pursuedt omards thée Shs>jW 571,tw604he AeaosioBf' t u bbih ;goûdl>' enoughst oIoek atbut coa. contrater exhibibtd auytin- Sut thisa of th hé 'd bt,tbpsil moult! nO(w eousid- el befor ,hy weuwlend Ilsenselvea ting.t1e; sanie escéd@S. J i sâe ilien Wîroe i.esissouae iezas issa resent,. and-ivhat di4tey. al 'amuun Just Samuiohemâpty- claîour, ~h ;es ruaýde now more macle byresponsi- ~whose naines were unkaewn te auy. *whe couit! net be suet! fo'rtthe libels. -psbliBli, sn& werertiitCocanuilgoog, i.upousshargtuude h p b 8wih .niy aee4ountgbiliili tisedprjegent;;casé nesa-whetei tuy remsebçréd the re-- of similar chargea madleimaire seriously- ie Mayr-Order I I amn sorry. te jhe.geîstlemau te order, but the, motion re the chair is simply onse te refers iorial te bbe Printiug Committoe. r.ý Ferry, I arn perfectly nwnre ef the Mr. Mayor. It la te the resointion, in' h ando that 1 deise 10 nddress myseif. yeur WVersbip ruied thal resolabion of order, -anc1 decidet! that the memer- wouît! bave gone te tise Frinting Cern- ieeau a malter uf couse, the discussion ld bave heen saved. r. Gunn-Mr. Mayor, I thinle It la bard. ir hocause- àr. Ferry - Order 1 1 am not' quite ugit yet, unless the Mayor declares me e eut of order. 'ho Mayor-Mr. Ferry bas the floor, ho bus a perfect rigb.4t te say why the morial should not ho referret!, but net tc er inte matter foreiga t o the resolution. gr. Lanu-I tbink the fault is that the tIrer bas been allowcd tho u ch latitude eady. Dr. Gunn-I wish to speak te the rese ion.Mr. Mayor. Mr. Ferry-I have theo fluor. bAnd, Mr. ior, I think, Sir, tIsaI I have strict: nfined my remarks te thse resolutien bc. , yen, as weil as te, the _memorial itself .Ferry continuet t say for tise; sake a 3goot! feeling of the Council, ndt of th( >wn-ualesas smebhing7 more titan lia( 3ady Iranspiret! came hefore the Council would not be adv4able te, enter inhe thi ither. The saine charges werc unade ii erence te thse Coui'ty printing mitiel ýre mnade ils refereisce to bue printing c eTewns, and let tlîem aco hoiv tise Cour malter came eut. If il were foandt! ,ail a bag ef mnoonsisine before th aunty, thse Counicil Isere woult! know ho, act. Ho aIse arg1ucd tbat tise resolutio as detective ; that it contained ne instrug ons te thse Friaîinig Contmibtee ns te whi iy sheult! do, and agnin adviset! the Coui Jte, malt and sec hem the matter cau: ut hefore the County Council. Some gei eae aI thoeCenurcil wisitet, doubtlessa btaus a little noteriety by uacddiing is ussatber; and! ho (Mr. Ferry) fer oe muld. doudîless get bis share, unsougit i iid unisolicited. The irresponsible pap awlie li lue at!alludet! would lb moult!1 een corne ont on 'fhurst!ay siext ever-fie ag wiîls viituous inidignaation, that Y 0rr col0aetsusrnet e ut! wiît tise saine falcsity m tuver. T, veuld Mr. Ferry obtalîs tIsat noteri vlsicb ether genatlemen ut the Coui Board appeard se anxiously te scek aftt office fer this purpese bas been opened MIr. R. MuoaE, aI Montreai. A is es, lislimeuh ef the kisîd mli prove a greal d detatuai, andt!wc have nu doubt, froru higit manuer lanmiticit Mr. Moore ila spo et, ltaI he is just the mais lu flîl il. mëenttof Orýý eiemeuY i abwviy ttýlbéEà thau09 'Fuiuies. te ene idbepoth b4~eir oxis- tenace inOur u4tdstý" ' - 1fr. John Haàerysoqp'aot twenty uates. on the ssijçct; lus speech, tar eof-Cnadim zmatufactues, t -éiut e et tise best eff'orts, ,meihave ,eh hard him make. yWç'iulr' ïü4>l as as4s we c --Mr., John B Agng jr, td.oler cili. Zék54 À1 Pýve exppessoQn -to; ,lufr .seui- ïmo<t, -sttie fol1.iing reselutionu mo'wto passet!. j Mevet! hy Mr. jýe, secondet! by -Mr, ReWoved.-T 4titis, meeting la cf opi., dfon tisatit1h ould greatly promnote the iu- terest et tho' T o f Whitbý,, to sêcre theo establisshf'manufaétures théfisee. XéMvedl y Mr. ~ngough, seecndet! by Mr. Shawr sud- .1 esqlVed.-That inwonder te carry out tiseintention - oxpresset! in tiseforergoing' nosoDlutio, a" cenatitteeoftîwenty ho eap- peintet!, te enquire mb itiste best, and mosi pr 4be~le Iint! ofzunufachne e eo tabhished, tise providiug et meanuseferthu purpese, the mode etf paymeat et sbsock &c.' aut! te report ah tafture meeting. Tise follewing more name t t act on the> Ceruruittee Wm. Laing, Captain Roe, J. H. Ferry, John Wa4tsen, Wm. MeFleiesn, C. Draper, Jas. Walissce, H. J. Mact!onel (thie Mayor)tDr.-Ouna, lchent Camupbel qeo. Bobsen, Ira B. Carpeuter, John Boa- geugis, jr., C. Lynde, Chtas. Roberts, John Sheir, N. W. Brown, Ina Vale, L. Houcki Psud Joisn Staw. 11 Mr. Spcnce introducet! a resolmtien in )refereuco e tiste necessity ef a fine organi: . zation, * ina v-u s iîdraw n, n tisean. % surance of tie M ayor, tia I e oult! sec 1 îisat tise uatter mas immediatehy brougll ebetore tise Town Council. Tise meeting tison separatet!, a vote ci thanka iseiiag teuderedto tehie Mayor, fci te able and digniflet! manor l inicit hW presidet!. -fR- ,f thim c l a v i l in(di of phi la- bel tO Co se me' DW of on ha. ac. Col dl( a- wl [se sh. te )ne for Per be 'w. Nir. up T Sn- ler- SE d ch t c ras1 ita vas P iey il Met! ait et, a the' one 9ver ia or de, rieLyc ter. -An iby desi.' athe lken - j4Tso at!vetisemneuit17is - anethor ce- lumu calliig tise atteîstion te tise Bible De- pusitary in titis town, desenves tise notice et ail tise frienda te tise Britishs snd Foreigns Bible Society', aut! me.,seatty tope, tise seniptures, -tisnongybis instrnmcntaiitl, miii bave au extensive circulation. -s-----n M. Merlustise new So itstor-General, fôr Lomen Canada, bas iseen re-cléetet for tise,' County et Tereobosie, hy a rusjoyity of 29<> cvr the Oppesilloît cuiao, Mr. Lune.- MIST1IEftEDITIIOR-- So yez pit the cum-hether el im varmiiît agin, an got the Connty prititi iyo.r 1 Musha mure pour te yer cibl ck 1 May ye live tii. yer shin-bon, ts tobaccy, an tbat's the grabagt harm h yer 4 boies. I liard a grate stor tirely about the cosipetiâhun for the coi ract, an so I cusa tu Town in diskis lu't imagin 'tiras frum nothix' sthrong-, iiiu wathcr) te watch îlîû eury-fixes of th ilisteens, do ye persave ? Well, Io ait hould ye 1 wasu't.stashioed long aut th oort bouse steps 0bin wbat a funîîy sdg et me vision,-ie quarist thinsug ye evt Lw at titis maysoa of the year, in the de fwintber. The Drarnatis' personaei aven' t forgot my iatissity ye àeci) il rps diplomnatiquse, tu ispake Frinchilke fWatchmius, Vindicathors, an wiiangrdo ls appeered in full view-riprisintid, rat d'ye think ? Well, ipon mecec lance I must put it in rhyme for ye. oneua 5i5 gatc- Wtiusliii afiher a Yil- -WhhyIel3>iUd n"e a Wal-s Or nioîitatî ai ail!1 Tis as ha wis brupwobi- AÀsap-tiesued B«isl, With iieech-iluii .go sour 11mw the doiîkey diii sorech 1 Trhe I3aacl ld tha Ass, Au it li uriha wio ,leil lty-what d'ye tlink? Wby--a grciiei Greci a ibbage-beaid. eoW ivriit lquarc, ila the depl u f aowkd winti ro-see thetta thre tlîiigs he Coort Home Io isi] Well it wus a fuuuy siglit te hoe shtIrc ;e0 thitu three go in; but oh be theopPc ý se thse three of im cuin eut agi rTwould surpals the jaynius of the d- f a Diokins te discribo the conthrast. [e piethure cossld bc taken at the hlme *oor ma would ruake bid forthin bc0 sel t. Go into the piether thrade an cc mince with this. I ara glad te, sce that ye intent!-d, sumthin in Whitby'about manufacthures Io it titrue that soute modicai namini about petitionin the County Counsil to amine the aceounts of Doether Gua rail, Sargeant. Cood bte medicia ho m sured by a practhical printher ? Yer titrue frint!, TIM 0O'DAY, Union Frayer Meeting, Owiag te eother publie meetings b6 held at thse saine time, the Union ei cises wili be cenfined te tire evenil The first wili be beidý on Wednegday ci ing next, at half past 7 o'cieck, in theC gregationai Churcit, irenaunaddress, bc delivered by the Rev. Dr. Thorn otiters taking part ia the exereises. Tbursday Eveuiug, the meeting will be in the We8leyan Methedisit Churcb, Theruto ttepreside. ]Lecture bf Elihu lJuartt. Mr. Elihu Ilurrit ansones bis ir tien in eur audvertising celuma, of del iug a Lecture aItiseè Mechanies' Hal Ibis Towa, on Saturclay evening. ' wili bo a trent wicçl noue of Pur cii should fail te partake ini. A lecture- on 50 interea ing k sttjeet,-"4the P: qoegy 9f -Nations,"-liy the world.ren cd "Larne fllakmbib, ust attn big crowïd in',th Town et Wlsilby.: , an opp9frtli!tyX ô hein' oeeoe the'me ýtluguished nmeu-the, greateet M ote tanguage ofthtie ago, which may, uAovel ; 4urgthl. Our friends from lieé et Con. iii ho ready for thse ;mornius rmail, and! Facj.X mii -ili proceedt! o thte West a h ise anme hume - atnthat thse lettersanit!sumiaries et corres 'T'1IE astbseribei to pendents, sudt!hie manuscrlpt reports fer IPuiffie tisat On tise Leader, Globe int! other papors go for. Ojndeniforl(rinlia boit! mard, if in face efthtie issue et the Murer andI réelevine , 'Adu ' itesenvperions> tva Dr. hhey continue hogv nepnatreports. teh, îicmi - ' Thus all he hewsss asîd cilles eat et Toron- by ianms oft l i i te mwiii bave opperbnnity ut procurnug a tisil iperttlm-Ade pitdreport et tise debates and! proceet!- OrlirieC1t Upn iugs, heforo tie dai'y jouruals et that ciîy tise dolivery of C ileus- get the mantiseript trom mnicit- they have 'lorio LIusumiitx iie nd aIl! pâh livor- to produce teir uext days accounts o e isesd. yicuas same- transactions. If the Mirror lsaul usnsaorm aQ nt!impartial, as tiscrei a ne re en,-t s$nns suts Ths dutitwil e PesoiOttawa, Brook bog e soiîtr izeuts Rile ings ton, Belleville," (Jeburg, Port Ç4ý - aIU -ant!, Hope, flowmaaviillojast! Whîtby, sut! ailnota, -'wirh lie >isysi- thse amaller places'aloug tise raiimay, if îhey etricbiy sitended choose, milii hoable le knew tie dings in -pattel and! fattel parliameut frein tWenty-four ttihsrty.stx asmlas an c ract 'ii ithussooner tbate ry.Lut ie Tomas- FreN,,,o Mii bu 1h i sudCihiï es ofetToronto will, bave an llbOi th di-am é quai -atvautage. Tise enterprs ~~~r,-nd etanbQt osd miii neot! jiberal centw'! . :Dnl r uc t blanc frein the publc, btihaene t!oubt et rauseand 1h mU ho ,be prepely appreciated ont! sua- z h suntry. e . WMesushu SOUJO- YToutrs faithfiiliy,-Jae >uJ COON. Cenanerelusl Ad phulosephy, istery, artas de~iC5ô theoghtia spîe of pli4s*oîld ;gývo st Oesgd4au liOr ltq!nbelonge hi& T4ç qutiV,,o f peU ~ ~ b ~ ~ st!li t uaken. ' Auny asahave deelisi, 7hi' as ùtckled wmihis >uas 6ý ~cé , ~ uIihont thé as0r tbea ats are pleat siece! it isitaregternis as i"heUl, Pdrbk uetbsg doià dâti i' d sn!ifséllkê, or w m -e t!sIie onnudicul i ýaik-nbout ýdeatht' a;t i- -future statet, caia10w aotsf peut!-dan.bii&5 adsy merning- ai-n Hayin fairs'uppJ Xonoreali- ' uch mnoie agrefebl y tha u i $41 per ton. ae s t i s fl em us i'iw the C hu c iso e ts *W heat -F ul4, $1. SMeuiah'(1) utidthe benutifûl menoothf dis. Dtt4Sprlnýg, aert.ahle ef ii tsaccemuplihe Msnister en1tie Flu$5@$. e d g i$y of lab tr, 41sa'4uties oft k ndnessf Pes , bLc,ý a 5q%, 'itesy, su uprWiéuès li tsé niesk ble- (c.a415u - (»tbsL1, , - 8U'<.82e l-ausactiÃ"nss.o thse cruelhies etoartie Rye DOC. a 60., wickednessof lavery, the love of lierty, -u '. - 1. tishe-perception cf tise'trùie ont! ithe beaurtu.; Poirl erk$~t,$ fusi!other ki ndredt tpies,- ail exce lleé" f*375@$ w in'their may ant! very appropriate for Me- Slsoop -$3 e $4 Z t chaule' ussîtute and Lirary A socition -.Potatotim ô .- ïL11eites -as ieast such 18 tthe described! Butr5 e character et the general miilsitrutiôns ia Fois 25e. <Io'St that tem ple and! freint .bc prited p ee ches 'î,iikws 5 . ý8 ef thse able gentlemen at tise $estivals eOf (6e e a 2 5c @3 5c . e thse National Sucieties and otiter JIustitutium>s A pple% SU50e w- e 1iicth ave otteus rend atl I litl te ho iles $04. Icorrect. Tisere mas nottmuchBneet! for Sat $1 20 j?ýbâ, aaraifront tIquarter, for tbo peculear Cpd od 4 1gospel M. Cidier ps-aches bas net pro.7ci i- eret! hlm n very large influenc uMn- NE 'A V i treal, ou tise coutrary, any tbingr from bis- Cpeu is receivet! witit extreme caution, ani!d 1IB tise fuset tisaI Ise serminsl te be liat! gratis tjustifies the lifereusce tIsatIt1hcould asot , i- eitherie bhave bat! a very wide circulation. j j j a- This veluutary Ç) secins te have becus play- ,e cd jat latise uic-of utlime te ifitiflence the wiII dclivei àl Terretcsune electiots, whichivs a nmateýr oet echanics ' lite ant! deat telutIse ]Ionge-Grit coalition, if but-bte consiîtuents oethtie new Solicitor- r Geaseral bave îlot been willin, te dansce to Saturday Eç le Cisurcis music, for Mr. Morin bat! a major- ity et over 200 tise fi-st dssy, miten Mous. La Violette (tise Violet) retiret!,an i m iii The Phys4ioI continue te blusit ulîscee as violets 1,,ould,1 The Lecture willc if nul te shed a fraguant pes-fume iu tise Admii:4n for a n quiet waiks uf lite, toir miicis 'se ls sa'idt! t for a gentlemian ar in be se emnsneu* ly fttud. T iis la a sd dis- puid auithte. d oor., bu appointmcuît to tIse Montreal maîconhelisa wilitby, Fub. 21 ne w is, certaily ovnutet! pn u mch greater i succes, if l'ut postive victory. ry Tise Fesmaster-Geral bas returssed ant! >i. Iunderstant! oo qit q ie jolly. 1ewîIl lin- ise inediately proceet! etwardt te met, Ilup- er Pose, bis expectant friend's aI Cubourg,.9mho CuotuY eotOutie 1 e seesa dterminedt ltI bis gret services te T-) %it: id tise Province s ll't ouueere rento, taid te ume hoi Tise idea appeara te be îsuw tseriusly en- 1iisd rcimeut- ihiuci .h tertaiused that we migisl bave a god opens T. L.n.nr. efenls-i 'or itarbour ius Wiuter ut Bic, soumo 50 or 60 A', nu ls l egtu estb ut! miles beloi R iviere du Loupa prejedb irbicis!f-.-iW. Li. untuint ( <I maentertainet boe-emany years ao, andt! Eustvluin o té' the, te mnicis I bave ailudet! lu seie former Couaesiil-usiid th ,d bIter ho yen. If titis cau ho donc ah amail Twel ve ini the Thiri 'rowuuslîlip of Ree h, Do- ces, ail wmc shah mwant lu ordor te secure AIo Lot .iuiber1 bu uniaterruptet! communication mitis the oIt! Front t osicessiots'0 wor- mot irengi Cansadian. Territery, ant! Ca- tlluCousitY et Ontî nadian maters miii he an extension efthtie ,st- or intereat Grand T"ukteBc We shall then ho sale:a à&, teAs idpuet ftise United! States, Court us-,b i perfeclly iidpeaeu ncayhur Tv.stv- ant! evea efthbie siater Provinces, thoLugis I --u-t alieloref's do net believe tits iii prev it a cnuec- «N L tien miti thîem simuce tise at!vanhsges ofl'ered q1leriffs' Office by te aulicipatet! lubercouirse mIll ot Lscif Wititl, Fos. l. .il ho Suffiucent te hringr about a junction eof u~ & lins ah a very early day.FO A I bave a private letter tromn Ottema frot NE i4lok Cat wmiscis1Ilearn that tie preliminary wors fo-J0douible su aLIt ier, tise lieuses t farliament are progressinug- ~~ne ajoî- her? mitit greal vigour, anitiaItishe cilisft- a te fiiling mp mitit labourons and! artizans trom PRtTN Iurs ter parts. M y tien t! la str ng la tie ' ' - ,in faitis tiat Parliament miii net be debanciset TRE M£ -, t ute e nustrous folly et iguoriuig its sol- -1 .1 - 1_ )SHTiA W M ludion Mlare, 9 years OUIt, ue ced' fhiniiy Sleigh,'. ono ligit; 4) >Èruîg gicatp. OPFOCE FOI SA=Z TEUL1AL 0F-THE DINTA1RIO TIME) cempriuing, priting. ùdý job type,ý'a*nd overy-, for,.a good country newài- F H. Hgis Whitby' eib1eDeI)posi8-tory. iactiou ofBibIcàae nd Tests- iiilyýbound in. Morrocco aJ' 0r hcp have-recently beel' '2of th Wiib Brancbyuind antyýd et lhfren iât the rStoret i, tho Dioposltory. We res- epee iud'prompt attention té MS T. flYRNE7 S'iretary. Lan CLacular IeU*ry vertiai.; Ageqçy; 22 Ste àvier Shtrey, lontreawl rë preettnlly netiÉO8 s te 'h usnuprepnre&-to recoure WA, Addreuoinx >and Diu>ribu- [aïýAeýiaio Iesing iPlacards î utioneusfôr $rteiiin sud.Prov.inelal Jelinualb. 'c hoe prepaetm1torcoive, sand susuorgnisi'Ag enits, ArTU1198 tdi rioeuts lu th c-varions Pspors ir suid Lowver.CanaRdq, the làoW- àlhio Ullitlud st4 ~alse for Ciociulxre inQuebséc, Kinguton, ton,:&(j., tiliîns offêrlig te advr- rti(x% wisliug t e sootro regulal ps1h-lldity for tiscir aisnoSUce enud s5pcoty' Uean< çfdeug s0, *f ise tr Uble 4 expense. iudbing. .iow ,eeinýieted, lie rm éailwey tiomnaimeix.Mer-'- Jfr hn ssR. ?Mrl -E RýfW411I and rife, le T>Yw" L&ua ascuaberx ci ofi guai --;biso a fuseuse st- -.-AaUaiuser pwet ofi --in mthue ai.ove CeMnp i5a-G cd tPark Lm o aueor Ite au furu5aer - bo emerubied prende m sanber lvuiyOeun - <i a pklasofilue suih-dr BaaicCailte aeti musuf.UGpermuesuuu ing misait tIir nr - lot ul titioffnuriS iad 8,H(X ouge ýL aud eansiula sm huida- leunt fri agow 1 pi-or-d. Bsiding-A- fat6iebsa-ns. Uniher pnwof u$a Powellsudlw- e.to uua-sut etLa uusert t mjon oftise Touilii iiuuberhud miiituîaisi amura or les&i-An ex- dwelluig housse, smo t -bg ho~riig woud , 14,1s.W'5ts. per y raging lrom $0 Io I1 te $1 4c. 1 T 50, doz. 75C. ecdi. l0@$225/ý9cord. ERTSEMNTS. LECT1U1REP la Lect'are, in Ibo Ha1il!Whtbye reninge, . 20. ogy of NA!1ONS?. comîmence at -7,4. 'eloek. i ingIe 'per4o-ni 25 cents; idà lady, 37î cenýts, te ber tY ire f a Writ or ÉcEirie Fa:î, 1536180 ?A -'urt or tîètllIk' m eeh zît ) firocted i-izin.'tt ul ila. muq, ut the it i 6fThorniu% 'F. lin% e tcize.i allad nÂken iin ex- Lor is.tei- t of the sid Cha:r- G. T.ý Lonul Lot Nitiubor géeeîîh' 4ine.n4n. Tite Kumber Oêl h orl he FaImi»t :îtf Lot N uinbe-r riécit'h CWicessiois, ail of ilie hi 1 t1ie (Uonitiv 4Ontaro- litirtv-saeviluin he fBrokeni f thè Townilla rjýAlÏïàsImi t4rio; iait wfîic ï lud ,and ni, or Uteic siik- fenâàstsr P-; creinu. 1,liail ofar for no, ce, inl the iîfTnWn '< of t,y, on it sixrýh da1% .,f ly A. 1). 1b&) 1 'G UYNLDS, 3>hcritt C. 0. P(-. 1'rk ourse, -i -J - 1 - ileNonhlshali.Co 4,f the T4rwiiasip ut o Norui Weg anseo ag ui mt5tri- Vditn.-ui iiiid Lot tlietuie it, thue isuih ess anigle inla as-esterlvr- strrti uI a t weîiiy cha angle of @i Iit.iof eri- dirction alolîg ehais.' Io ee pua.- e(afuei aira-.-, nM suusira. iiiedss a o-uer *sl wi.. 5,i 'Ttunsulp i.f3aitr- uwor k- im. Aie usouaier t-sehr- inh mhtp of Iaiuvem.- frsulauuk . 'I Bllydiil uosdig fia musicia, i- cannai Win he adeiu ckues RJ. A. ACDO T iercby gir-e - t - Ite theirovi j siOi, forain--Ar -tiuîg tise Fort il BY- ABg--kuW to e of Roiid ai VAons. an- ia tu 6 ftib ridge,-,- ili t-li 7th Coud âLsiurey nmade as dot-h appea, whitbv Julie ent Ibis' sn i s Býout!orighwe NO, 3, ut un un5 roaid, survcye( 1554, adsut! -ui -thviseelN. 16Q liq:>W, à5chi &" - lutins 18 linksu usuce or sifid,' *iost. Tise su vide, assdthe -; asouth mostenili And be ibfai voyet! by, and t'ait! Jofn Sb estublisisedaus taitusc sca 32e là WIfrul il, lu theo 7th >. 61=W, 1 C W, .5 Chalsus au la cialiii tises jlot-No.1 nt te l bsone chahr lins (,i isil se-erai seigles thse fnaa1 ass of. Bed eces : i. 1 1 lette.

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