Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1860, p. 1

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. ........... 00 02 Q erhants sud man ntéOid Thé> W..ouly Chroele obus thé largnot iroula )Jnn et %iy othier oountry paper> publithedin UkA~ te~ liss..-............'~* 0 Àboveton lineos irgt Insertion,- (Per Une). -0 10- rk'vory autbmçequeuit insertion ... ... ....0 04 N!opaper *Ilibedhtcontinuued uintil al arreur-1 t Ià4tter* ielnc Jg cslîf rogiàted, will be nt. jhe i rk of theoI>ublshrwliena4drc&ssd Whiiby, C..W 'P »OK- A ND J0B- VNigNT14NG ESTABLISHIMENT. ýIME PR)PRIETOR 0F' TUE WIIITBY S"Colbox1ç;%'1 wô ouîd eetflly Inifor i tue publie tht lie ha . procuired one of thé nost p.4pon .ty)om of ype frein New York and otii- or Fou drle8,snd i. prepareod te execute ý,OOK AND JOB PRINTING of every d'tesér1ition' lu ns sperior'atyle and wIth d.spote, ut tle owest reîuuuerating Fir0t-itlamA iPresse, 1%arid I rintlng bachiricry, .Auctlun ilis, Ior;e Bll,i,îd sirnilir (eScori j- tions ,ofJrluitîg-furlshîcid witii aunýlîouir of b.Ingordord. ,W. il. HIGOINS, ýJOYIN HALL TIIOMPSON, w TARDIEN (OFl'ME COUNTY QO' ON- J UDOE OF TVIE COUNTY & sURROGirE "'NELSON G. RteYXOLPS, 11-JtERFF. te- OFFICE AT TME COURT Iliue. _-ÃŽ____-_ 1 JOIEN UAM V -RRY, lb IISTRt.R. OFFICE ON BRlOCK ST, Aow tWhitby. 11. J. MACDONEJL.« CLERK OF VTIE 1EC.OFFIE-ATr cithe Court flonuse. JOhIN V.IAmeI ClMR0FTHE COUNTY COURT, AND the ltegistry Office, Brook itct W. PAXTON, Jir., T'IAULER.OFFICE AT TIE. COURT ilus. J i)NIL ~OLCrTOR, & (LERK OF VIEICCOUNTY J coenli. <illeit thle court 1lotise. I JOhIN SUIEýR, Ç .UNY E«INEEO.OFFICE AT TUIE C(1 RFI1LSTI1>1VISION CIOURT. OFFICE ~itt tue court i11011140 JONGORI)ON9, 1'NSIMYCEOR of WEIMII'S & MEASURES ~...forthue CouîLtty cfr (Ontario. W. Il. TRE~iAYNE,ý À AIl RI ST HlIl ANI) COUNTY ('11W N Attcr-neý'. Ofllc-liî Arîîîîll'm New Bu-ek CbAMERON F11& A'DNEI.ATLA, L.rollec st-t-le C,'iutrt- oie$ituWi C4EOIlGE Il. DARTNELLe k BATTOTINEY CONVuCTAN - --étCo's. Hardware Store, Brook treet W'hi'.' J. V. ]IIAM, * AgURISTER-ATr-IýAW. OFF CE-BIZOCK BStreet-, WVlitby, C. W. 1 *s )bICITOU NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. &o. CjOlau,(. W. ' k N. G.ohIAlIl »ARRSlTERt AND ATTOItNEY-AT-I,AW. 13 Office-eppositu t-le Regimtry 0flîce, Brock -- Street, Whîitby. 1 STEPHEN SEARLE, F IRE, LIFE ANI) MARIEJSTAC .2Agent for t-le Ciuîuty of Ontario. Offec- ovor Doultison'. Hardwaîre Store, Brook St-eet- Whlt-byi SCOTT'S HOTEL9 kTUNDASt3TItET'W IITBTY,FiIRST DOOR * ./ ast o? W. Lelng'Rstore. 1m-1 I v. - J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, C ONVEYAN;CER, COMMîSSIONER FORt t-king Aflidatlt, Acconuit-aft, Lanid Div! RÂRI8TR &AMOIUEY AL-AW, uR irt-s e t. reisot iip8.1niltn ALE~PONc p-- VEVIFABATqKS, Jr., I3 LTPPTRI' XVIIO~COURT. Ad ç INVEYANOER. COMMISSIONER POIL (taklng,àfdsutsît the Queen'sEenech, &e. ItOBTU: CHECKLEBY, NI. ýD., sfor thie Couinty.,cf Ontario. * R. J. GTNN, M. De S URGEON TO TI E COUNTY (JAOL, jByrzoîfStreet, WI[dtby * 4 3. 8S. JONES, IOCAL DENTIST.-OFF1CE IN BHIOCK R.a Street, over J. Blgeow's Store, sud opposite Vlie Iegistry Office. AU operatiens warrante&. KM v ronce, a fir trial. 1 G. A. CARSON,9 D. 1). DIJYSICIAN, $UlGEOzN, ACCOUCHiER, JEU&o. >Office uand rduc.-eUnr ttel, Wlîithy. larticuler attenîtion giveui te Chronme disea4elq. N. B.-Advice te, the poor every hlondîuy, gra- tis . 48. EAST WINDSOR 110115E, WIIITI3Y-l Wi.ei>niRo-i'troR. Irvabove ltotel i.s itnated lu a ploetanutand r retircd part of the Town, on the front rond. Gond acconm-odation for trwvellerst. Gond Stabling and îattenîtive oi-,tlrt. 2 JUST RECEIVIED, Oobitels CoîII, 50 fllisheîs CLovEIL SaED 100 AÙbuâholo Timoriv yzx, foir gale Iow. Il. W. Wuî>DWARiD 92 (Conmission Merchiant, Dundaîs t HUGII FELITZ, rEACIIER IN MUSîC1, TI-E -LOrgan hlaîle Forte llariony - tlbrouigh ltriss ani ul-al iuds of Strîig luîstriinentg, Is properedta t ; 9 reccive a 1gw lucre I>upll ett thiel or-. is rcuidcucc. 4r J. C. IIANý%COCK, gWBOOT ANI) SiiOlý MAKZEI,Ol f.i L-.'< uil o otter et gi> i '> i..î Iculb>exptricuicu-ti wurk. mon. Aiei.aîuguuîeni uu-tuîs id desputelu. .4AMERItCAN HOTEL. tors, crner of Yoiig andi Front Streets. Toroeini, C.VuI ' OAKWOOI) TIOTEL, O AlZWOOP1, W.1lUAN KS, 1PIOPMIETOR. P.ORT w aiTaI', <C. W., I.G. ond A eu-euh iiodiion, i 1". 1DI. CLARK, lA.TI ai;n& Ce., E IZC 11A N'i' -fA1ID)R, No. 74, RI1N G ST liWest. -ro-nto. Ic- 3IAR'rIN'S (Late Walsli's) IIOTELý. T IlE SUIISCRI BER TAVINO TM<XEN TITE mîtbpve I[ct-el froina M r. Ceoke, is able t-cuit'- ford t-luee tcecmmodttioi-te t-hopu olio. 44 C LERK TWELFTII DIVISION CO>URT OF Northuumbcrlandu îutuout îtrluuuui, Iluiurace Al t, Conv~eyaucer, &c. Alurss-Williionus bu rglu, Caîrt-wright. ONTARIO lIOTEL, 1.IIYAN Jr. PROI'RIETOR, BRI>C1 Si*treeat-, Vitby. Gooti Stabling and at-tua- ti e tsers.i DUFFINS CREEK, lICK-ERING. GOt'D D aciitîuuodetioiu foür iruivllers. W. CUIIIBERT, 414 emluîuProprietor. PIILADERM.CLARK, GlI CONSTABLE, COUNTY ONTARIO), îuuîi tus î ector of License s lu the Municipal- ty cof tlue To>wn of' Whit-bv. 1. W. CORSON, M. D. F ORMERLY î'IIYSICIAN TO TllI BROOK. Flymu Ilospit-al- lut-e plysioiuîn 1to eNoir l'ork Dimpeuusury; lclelow oi thle N. Y. Actienuy of Mýndicuuîc ; Liccuultute ef tycpr Caiîua, &c. Ro-ululcce :-Muîrktium village, one inile nortiu cf t- 0ht-Eonemis oflicc. BOUQUET SALOON5 BETWEBEN TuIE TIE ATRE AND ROSSI N B 'Iîoîus,i King Street- West, Toronto.(am slippors, J)unucrs, 0ysters, &c. Ait k-lods of Guilue in Season. A cuice s;elcct-ioaî et fine Iinef; anti Segars;. 30J. IL FAillAit Agent-. HENRY IIANNAM, PLAIN AND ORNA'MENTAL PAINTER,, PG(lazior, Palier Ilunger, &c., Wlîîtby 2i W. H. JILLIN(IS. B ARRISTER & ATTOICKEY AT LAW Solicit-orsiluCluneclv, Whithy, C. W, N NTUE LEADING ST,% GÊ ROAb1ILF ,way-,etwoa',WhtbyaDdUxbridge. Th14 kpôtl hsbeenrufitteend ~ffnrnis ip4JnWëniZ Mtacommodat~joo4ion r rnu 1-w A ÉsEeu y ot l p i ed t attle nd NATIONAL, Hq9TeL,9 PORT 1ý111T13'Y. Ggodliiquora, Ivines und Briuçlieo. :Excellent' * EDWARD RAY. *Wh1tbylMay6ti, -1857..lie , TH~0FXE~AX J~ 8BxS TBNP A ý 1C.. OSLI ' ROPRIBTOR,;. TPIS A.hoteliatielnrgeitin thb Province, and' pads~ofuoilitice for affurding i.upelorr ncee- Iontu hetraellngPublie, eqAl tW the eitErort&n >îotelsa, or Wo any other estabish meto ,tle ùericaîî Conýtinent. 28 - RAILROAD HOTEL, IEAVERTO!4. GOOD ACCOMMODATION E) pgoil Stabling, and aref ni Otleri§ always la attendance. 15 0.,J. M.yFRASeýRProprIetor. AXES !î.,AXES1!! p ERS(RS- in waut of a good axe, ean bave S t1le ue Do apilyýing to the ulndergigned t to WNiliby Fonudry. Axes rephired 0o1 the cri; notice. Witrrutnted t tel., CLARK UTIN' 12-4i'n A xc-inaler, ~hty A SITUATION WANTED ayugman 22 years of age, lie can B wiea go d lhad, and is Willing Lo make himei f useful in any capicity. 72 Addrca'q C. D., Whitby Post Ofice. WOOL C' AR]DING-. T E Stibsriher is prepitred tcdo DUllkindsof Wool-Ctirditug, Cotaesug &. u ii,. Wuj<j crditig uaV2d. per If). LEVI E, PIKE Wvliitby, Mfuy 240îl, 1R.50. 1\'LALT VINEG'(3AR. MA14T VINEG,%R citn îîow h liîd in large utri;iinll qnntitioi;, ut tle Whitbv Brewerv. VINE<w,*A]R. 1 VINEGAR Il fITE undc(lrftigîtd tulies icuve to informi the .Lillýluitttiits v? %V hitby, anîd the pnbIic, thut lielenow pinilIlituciritig Viegir oi t nurior qîulity which lie is pru1iared to stiîpply W liole- sZl ti lvirdîatst and ouliers, iut greatly redueud piees. 'Tui Trie liberully deult %with. AI' orderb hy -nuuil puncttîîufly ttte»icled te. NAIIIAN MILLER, JVhilby. DAILY STAGE. 110~M3I'GIM TO FRENCIIMAN'S A. 3v stzltigon, onnOte "sruîd Triink lailrond, coliticctiîîg witil the :W- Morning and Evening Trains. _ZZ! JAMES HUBBARD, N ovcîîîher lir(l, 1 S5 ÃŽ, 42 LIME Folt SALE. C INSTANT,%)l%'ON TANI) DIURING TIIE enui~stiuuum t-iiand tstînnar Fresh Burit- Lima, wcl mill I ho suld fur Cash oily', et-2é 6d MNATHIEW CARL, 7 1Port JWlitliy TUST rcecleivd, a conuignnant o? Wislicy, tri fiuounone cftue lucmt- Iiutiliry'o; ho t-lro- t-ho subsriber utrers for Sale ut- a îcry law flur fr it-çi. THOMAS MOODY, Cemmimsiu'i uon- WV ESTERN flOUSE, T)UNDAMS sTREtET, wiivivY. T IE A130VI PREMISES hIAVE BEEN tiopcuiu-d ijyt-ti uîudcî-siguîutd. M-lure travaillors citIiluWiud 44,(1Ue-iecoiluuuuuiitiau.- Thea lieuse o> M'ull ftimnilueuic, ivlli k-e1t, andt tlu seiga îgpartmenuts rooxny endtiry. Tlie is sgoodcort-uble Stuibîiug, andti t- betttn- tien i. puid t-e mutindîi urs.Thue ar-rauuun i. large and c ouveuieut, mnd iveill iiphlied wit-I thîe bout- Wiuie,, iuors cuti Cigars a.Iinti- sancîy itted np) sittitîg rmoins for lirieuto pair- tics. MTIhAEL McCAULEY, - ~-QUINN'S HOTEL, NO. 8, MAITLT-AU-MATItLOT STRiEET, 1,0WFR TOWN QUEBERC. ;.ý (loue fto le- teamt'ifLadinq and opposite Mhe irifisuAimarivan Livprcs 8 fie.qr IRAVELIACRS AND VISITORS to t-le Ani. dient-City o? Quobe will finti siperier ec- comnmodaîtionut Moulrate eluerges ant t-liaabove luel. The houaI is very couavemîct-lytituat-eti -near t-hea unk", t-oamiloat- ivarvesm cuti prin- cipual business plues o? tthe City. 'rhe table anditibuirtresupplied with every procuirable cut-ableanduildrinkabe.Vislior i Il2 tibd cvcry utt-ntiou p1îid t-o t-lîir couîfort andt cauvcuîianccauand every intommet-lon anti direct-lou as t-o t-ha surroundiig [ocalit-les, principaul places of resort, sccnery, &c.. JHN AQIX 18 i'ropricter. GLOBE JIOTEL, BROOKLIN. BE'rWEEN WI T~rD~À~ AND WHIýBY AND BEAVgRTOÃ"N. Tbie Stages froin Lindâay' aud B ,ýf na> 7 rive ltlktimO * f ecas ig eaitàxnd west. Stage oflice, vw uitny, TAVING purehaaod tliie etire .stoec, f ii -e flatter-otrseives thatwe canigictIe mt f"tionto al! who niuy fuvor ue withi acii 3'OSEPII IITJCKINS &Ce.' ýBroolcliq, Novexuber lOtîî, 1857. 4 Old- Newegpaperls for Sale. A lare qînttt of l ewpaperit pipplied A 1,2q-at t on' le W4litbyReaidîugBdom during the past year, for elule cep.85 AUCTION BUSINESS A TTENDEI) te as usuel, by 3. 0, Sterling.. AIl orders rolatiing te Atuction sne$ by the uiîders ga.d, ,Iiouid be loft at the Chgp icle* 0f. fe, Whitby. 'Mesirs. 1'"4,ggins arhoffer, are dilyaut-horized te aýjp6intt my ,dÂyo cfsale,, t;(ttie terms, &c., and tu enter intn muccl otiier arrangexiientis reîutdng te niy auction butiiricsâ4 ,as tlîcy uuuy conider proper and pgcessary. 1 sliill be on haud to ratify ay agréeeeut they, n8ay Mak.e on My belluît., Salemuttcîdcd i ail parti; of the Caunty. - .r.c:STERLING. Wheat and Wool. r 'UE unclcrsigned bas just receiveti or- mders We purchage several tbeufsand huîllîcls of Feu nand Spring WHJEAT, aIse, aïay quantity of WOOL, for which the higyhest market price will be paid. Cash for POTATOES. TO ASM DY Commisséion/1Agent. Wliitby, IMay, 1959. 16 M. MOPHÂDEN, LICENSET> A1JCONBER, For thie County 01, Ontrio. OSUC1 F NiAICIIAGE L1CE"ksýs 'CON- J.V i Y ANCEIC anti COMMISSONàR for tak'itîg Ailidsî'its mii4. B. anud C. 1'. Atidresm, VROOMANTON, P. O. Townoltiip toflilrock. A ioviu &.ared .eige, iuîd 'twaa helticonsulte ti--li, Wluielî is tuie unt-hod for fortification A grave skill'îul îusoî gava iv hi. eopinion, That iuît ing but stone eutît st-uire the do tuiiii -l, A cur)eiittitiii, liathiuat ivasî,-c-ilspoke, 'Twas butter tîytfir te dienulit with cîak : A currier b)eiiig hy, ier thau botl tlIoee to- gettier, I;iUd try wliat- yon pieuse, tiiere is notliink 11ke Ieut-ier. -SO ..M SAYS- WILLI-IAM McBRtIEN, Laélie' uiul Guetlcncn't; Fashioriable Buot and shlcMaue eir, 13ROOKLIN, C. W. The ahove, hfisfor the lest seven yero tek-en t-ho firt îrizc for Boots anîd Shjoes at the C'oun- ty siui.w. Noiielbiit- thabu-st iaterial -and bcst work- ipiuui-sj il- modee up on the puemises. Ilis I od tnt-nuls uitinoie tustoiners wili bu reidily ut- teiîded, aindifuruished witlî gooti andtiucip wu'rk ii lsual. Brooklun, 1uly4, 18.59. NOW 19 THIE TINE. GE'r xOuu IIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's îst rrize Picture Gallery IF youi dosiire a correct andi life-lika Amblre tyl îe, Cuéietype, Lcttergrapli, or Leatlher 'Traiisitr, ur a LUteuem. in e Louokot, Broachl or Ring, for .l. A. C. enu do it iin the hest style,1 andt ut Short n ieu. Wl LINSON'S BLO(CK, 88, -Beak Streei W/i Uyi. H. W. WOODWARD, C OMMISSION MEIIANT, INSURANCE %Jandi Geaieral'Agent. Ofllce-Litteiy uccuii pied by Jameis llodgson, Whithy, C. VW. liFEF-mi-NcEi.-Thoinas Cliark-son, Esq., Pre- sident Beauicf' Tratie, Toronto; WV. G. Casscls, Ezq, Manager, Banîk IBN. Americh Toronto.; W. W~. Itaîioin, EqManager QueLec Banîk, Toront- W. Ganuble, Esq., Milton MIII. To- route; lieu. P. MoGill, Presîdet Batik of'lon treul, It-ontreafl; McsAis. .Maitîanti, Tylco & lutcliiuson, Toronto; Messrs. Antierson, Evans & Co., Meitrecal; Munitrs. W. Price & Son,Qu- bec; Mesmrm. Il. J . Noati & Ce. 512 ly GERDMAN flOUSE, FRONT STRIEET, TILPNTON4. slon 4.-ourÃŽ, iot-ry Piuioic and Ucuarai IAgenia, tIce-Watlaca's Building,'4; reek-sti, Whibt lBinlr4ge hvn a oms Uxbrldge. Omlc-Klng Street-, neaurly opposite -T81 f te bvo well k-nown uoteI, îvluucuwfil l IE Suhscriber liega t-o auînotmnqe te t-be lu- t-ho Médical Irth. ____________,______ ?h S. N.B.-AII busiuuei4fiitruisted t-o hIltiti e wilPR AON bu continctotias ltferi'aly vitii ttic strict-ast pro Thabit-st-s of Treuîteu and ti-le Trauvelling ha preuijitî at-tantict t-eL'O8, jriety andtiregard for tluee c'imfrt anti eonvomî ieunnuuîuit-y t-tat t-le uîhove firot-chassIlieuse huis IIILLNUS,-. -FARlRAIH, LA'rE 0F TUIE "YOUNGoence of t-le publie,.licou fit-t-c-Iuiii a uîaw anti couvanleaut naînar. JON11LNGqaCLlat, orth oa ycun ig The ropriît-or assures lis nany friands t-lai is-(lulieieere tti ftl JOHN i * uinad," reur -be Ryal ycenm, Kiitt- t-fiing is nîuaîareaudvms fornerly t-o enter- A W, CHANCERY & CONVEYANCING Stroet-, West,-,Torontot. CiieaSutpeors and ain hy 11t he 11e loe],tiithe howiî Al Liiiuors kapt- on t-hiepromisas ara o? t-li 'L14Office, 1PrieeAlbant. 5 Rafres.lumetit n at- alliouriu. 15 btanin l rsn o ietii uc e 0tIutlily, cluice Ce unstr. AIs, a Livemyv A. MIRS B.A., - JHN ETCLFCept-ion as wuus luis wont-. stable lu colinecticu witi t-le aboya premises., A TTRNE ATLAW, SOLICITOR IN (LERK OFTIIE FIFTII DIVSION COURT, 'oles uu euthrull eeei lAtGSIOEAE A.Cbuery CNEY A er : . ai tee coiilirio4iiig tha Towanahip Bok. -painteu au d renmvutd, antilis fit-ted np lia'ery J. S. GERMAiN, Proprietoir d akai.tres.: (.aniîngt-on. 14 t-lau. The humr înd table sn1iplieeh, as fortnely Trent-un, A ng. 8, 1859. 806'W - - ' ~ '~ " - - with t-lia hst cet-ables anti dninkenbei;.,Cellandi-8-m - j G Il DRTNLL -FRA1NKLINInous E. sec. E~IAli ~tSTI~ XTR - LIND0SAY, C. W. 5-iy. C. DAWES, Popu-etor. A T LAS IR O NW O RRS i% Cisiîemy orDF.-.YRWETT, PROPRIETO%. C'<IMFOPR- - U ~RAI.5 ~mt tet Frno ~ (j n 1>ï,-B ks.,wib.471>Betatule aeeonuuuodation tfon Travellers. T P_________________ci_____ W hit-hi, jeu. 21. 1857. 1 - ru.1 IE PICOPRIETORS 0F TIN-S WELL C A L SV L 'o ARRIW1ouN'TOINEYD9c fiq- BNTknowmu Salooun are ;nôw in occupation m, CH RLfVAit C . AR %iZE TTN lEYA, &. kffce . - A. K. RICeut IR&ot-e laoliST. N1CIIOLAi8. King streat-, Toronto EG t-o inforn t-ha pbic t-bat't-bey baye mee 1)0 luoftýjtrehi asudiCourt Street$, (opd Af NETMAKEII, UP11Ot-STERERt, &o., emaly kept- by Mr. Iicrley. Tbe premies cntutt -os xesv rmséon 1feterbtij4f orPP $I8 cGarnie' IHall, By ou Strecît- uVît-y.ly- i-hava heen newly moîovat-ed thmýeghbut, and& Front Street, (Ior 1,Fî),ceupio,,,thet-liîlao uT~,t-b C.u ~tbdv-'IerOno. ' -enhangbg neatly donc, anti aiûikinis o? job fittati un, in t-l ie rt-styla. Every, proonrable Breweryr,lu t-be 'os4t comploe style for catrry- SCOL-yuL& JIAMIILTON, ing and repaining cf Furnit-ure attended t-o. delîcecy 1h seasen. A cigar-tilven fitted lip se- lngkca -t-ho bshiess of ~tT0RN~Sk &COUNSEORS A LAW nint-nmae arefully removed.- parataiy bit, whichi neuie but t-he beit- brautsIonFudng mthsw r _________à__________________are pernit-tatit-c ente ~ WngMifuncota 8 RAIL ROAÙ MOTEL,2$ALSE&MoOK. in allits brancheg. -- - ~WîLIMTMPST M.~. lARERPOlRT PXRi. RaRADHUE ~in tspeetion of t-birixiumerensat F MRPROPIIIETOB. OrTRI$ S NR0F11OKADUDS8f- eadb «C 1 N G STE , SlAACNAAe n*e1essasoeCti pemmeodationfr ONROPBOKAD-UDSs- -rsc raeiili'RVnaBiene Ki 8T. . -' - 1OSHAWA,ôaîtiCANADAgsudattntiefor . ~Whit-by, (Luit-e-iWiclo u'ns,> The 8Mb 't rO?çuîp.,idwCWenad - A>«>S CRON, 1e~~rs. - Gnhl-bvani thot-gv11nandnuntyat le jyri. rWbitIllyM -ij ly - ih o A ;Ga-eCo HANNAXa î teî t nbobs éM mefens - - - I e;1ral1Àsuc! e- K - l10-,audMossonIVIG 4 rtbttduhi,&OOUaf ltYû1 f ver dsl- r, 'EN DtÉ, AND.i&e, GrEE 8RE ,-- >à!O oný to - ls'r b i ta -Kete lin-C$iiý rne ~ec 1fkir -4'ZframtiTrnsof t e,ûtof ness of PArties,, residipg in UpperCanàda or elsewhero, with any of t-héGovernmet-l DepaiTt-n3ents; '-'k k - - ~Poronadeei~n ofe~minPatents for enis,~r a~& Claliii Of pyqylýer kad Laisns dil1b nt te ox 38P6, lie tOffime, Quebhe iltl> ro buinessmmdiatientl ttenn o b W ' 'i Quebcc. ep;;t 28, rn1859. 87w . Patfia vinos Mlodenouns-- , i& - Pian tar er cfPians, i!&od.us &c, anti gtecral workmau >for th&r epair of aIl kunds ocf Musical Ihiûtriiniento,,. dcors entrusted to ini. i Iworkmain factîired' b y hihm'-ill ho'gunantccd cf equial workmau. Amkpto awy lu t-ia province. Pialios froin $150 te $800, aeéordinir to qua'ui- ty o utnuit Pianos. Molodeons;, andi other Musicalimatru- monts niânufaetured t-loerder. lPart pitymcutut tal<eii iitrade. AIl orders by mîutil directed- 1. <.Whitby, cf left ait him own bouse, rear Qf tle (*rainîaar solînol, wilI bu .il.ttnd o. 2 Jr UST OPEN CANTON T. COM,,PANY'S Now Store 151, Kinge-st., East-, uear"the St-. ijwreuce Hall, Torotito. 'IIE Coin pany, fommeti for the inportuuitinnof lu îîrc aniiti îinduiterîucd 'cs, direct f rom the placee of grou'th, now offer to the public sonie ot t-ie niost Splendlid Cro p of Tes ever selul ii Canada; andi ai priecs for Cash only, thet will ha mure te îuuaise a cry. agit utsttiby iutres- ted part-les, Mho liave been seî,-litug for y-earLs Se- cond Clasi Tos,atet- iavyproflis. Tneinotto, 1- 'hort p refit. anid qukck rteîuLrtis," will l'ut stctl dlîered to by thc-Coiinp-n.y. Tcasuwill be rotallti t Wholcsalel'rices, ti seiiahlitîg titl particsate BUY FR'A(4,R;NT INEW Ii.ASý, at the Lowest Possgible Figure. The Comipany have heen carofil to select, tlirotugli"-tlîeir Agcîitm litiChina, moine of tiese Pplerdid Tons, enuy tsent te t-he 1ondon and Dlublin Mairkets, ise hi h io re- incinhor the detiUeinns flavor ef'reas soîti thore, !nay now be uppliod witlî thtsa e ereing andi iliivigerîtiuucaritcles. We iiivite e trial to test our uuiuuetiona. TVie prices m-iII speak for t-eiueîî selves. Lookut tliein* 1 -- NOW On SlFive I-iundred, Chests!1 Bilakper 16. Oi.Geen per lb .... 3W Gocxdlier Ili. 4Oct. I(,r peor Iiîu.... 4ec Splendid per lb.. Mets. Splidiul pcr lb. ed Superior pet l... 2tî. 1 Elicmt lin, per I.. - 7ke:. jif tel Keapers> Selinol Proprictors; Conatitrv Store, and Botrdîig , leuse Keeiiers, OW>SERVJg! t.-îr Fort-y pouned âpackages, amid UP- wards, cf 'rEA, s4eit carriuige fraue, t-, nv nrit- of Canadha, oui reeci lit of t-be CASR- Thesa wli ,do uîot- bnyait) làî.ge e q1îa1tit-y, i01-161l awell t-o ciiiu togoLtier wui t-luir frienuis. L tis facetion Warreat-teti. I 9r kiWCoffée, la anl article udiutrated t-n siiol a frigutfaul -xteut, tluu.t- hieoIlola ire get-tiimg aarm- cd.i Mie Comîpany, -lesirouis cf offu.riig pîure amadti unaduîlt-itteuI art-ics r 'qou-et riaul o? tîeir dalicoos TUEKET COFFItE, at-25ets. aud iieMi1 uimtuutt- m treitsuîicuîuuoyd.Fine ~ ioncuburt-icnumiier, 151 King-St. t-w tmon founMak-t square, andt pleut-sacen-- imnuiicat-e t-lus uewstcte yoîur fneuîds. Teromute, Sept. 22, 185V, 85-i-y CORD WOOD WANTED AT GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY. T IE UNDERSIGNYDI wilI recave ofers un- til Tlauriav ft-J.an. tuaxt-, for t-ho tiçliv- ery bferels-Arh, cf'fruîuuîA0 lii1000 Cords o? gnouj 11urtiWodjt- t-haGraind Tmunk iinilway St-t-bu here, stulueet te lue uiuuuy's iîspuAc- lion andtinirironent. Woodi te ba eut tlarce aîid.a liai? lcet Iloug. Also îvutit-eti uîy quiuutitv o? goot iarmdIWood t-o be dalivereti ut t-hoflîarbor. Port Whitby. Whitby, Dec. 2h, 1 8 5 9.7 9 CASH FOR PRODUCE. The Undersignedi l prapared t-e PAY CASHa FO-R nny quan tity nt Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THIOMAS MOODY, Commissivn Ag SALT FOR SALÊ, CHEAP. Whithy, Sept.- 28, 1859 5 M. MOPHADEN .Conveyancer, Comltsslonln Q.B. & B.C. ISSUEIl 0F MARRIAGE ICENSES, AUCTIONEER, AND AGENT, IDIVISION COltUT-&AGENT, 40&. -Wili-bc williuug to attelli p-roinlitly anti eamui- full, t-o auîy business -xitl wluich honay ha ReaWuenooe-VnoomnntI1-rook, -Courut-y ot Ont-ano. ' -8-t ExcelsiorIlluminatu KEOSNE ,lOIL. TIfUS S THE ,PUREST -CGOAL 011, ?t fyrom nW1, anti 16 cheuiper tliat) CHARLES RO1IT1SQN, Xsq., HiaesL Ides. Hdes 1 YJIEundersigned. 'will p'ay hëbbghogt T prieer Cnalifor'anyquie$ity'c4goed flEEË' UDES del*v edatbgTnryl Greenwood..,; IILJdnds oIýf kopt cdnstantly on baud fôr sale, verýy low Greeuwood, Nov. 14, ISSu, - 67 H[ome IJnsuranoce k oman 0F NEW YORK. Cce&Çcpital, ailpaidin, *1,000,000 Surp U8 -ver. ........400,000. PIRE AND MARINE. T HF nndrignýéd, igentof lie sove firsi clama coanpanyz fi. repared te is-int-Poli- cias notrauc 1e agiiîîîstLost; ylivFe tho Danv- gereso ff uand Negotatiomi aud Iýrrnsportaaioîîs. k SDEPIIEN, SEARLE,. DndsSt. WIîhh', Nov. 29, 1859. 72w46w-ly 'TNE Underuigned )ezgs te ilitimite te0luis AFrieuîds anfti tluSPublie Fc-naraily,,thaut he liais o p <ucu aiu Office for t-le COLLECTION 0F, DEUTS. auid ot-ter b usiiuesu., j --ai-t-les eitruating '-hlmt- wltlr-cnriisou %vilu fisîd their lut-rasîs pnaîctuelly attaudet t-o ilivisloh Cot tColleti<4ns partieaîarly re- -ARTHUR HAWES. P-S. Refèranceskindly pklinitted t-c otGc0ý G. H. Lennon Esquires. i C arik n POIKAJS, S GALLOPS, QUADRILLE8, -~ . .SONO-% Anti Miçc arrangeti for t-be Piano Forte. DaUiy's New Quadrileo. W. H. lllGGI.NS,ý llrock Street, Wkitly N. W. BROWN'S AGRIOULTURAL, WORKS: BI1 OCK STREET, WVHITeY, (A few id sont-h cf t-ha Bank cf 3MontreaL) Manuf'act-urer and Dealer lu ail kinds of AGRICUITURAL IMPLEMENTS Market and Bob Sleiglîs, Two-hore'Cuiiti vat-ors, Ploughý cf varion 'sma e <and style' Sebrufflers, Col7n and Pot-:toc Cultivators Secd anti Tuîrnip Drills, l4oad Scrapes &c. 2'krashing 2Ieclt;nn ep qired on. Short Every thin lu t-be above lino attended te wit-h Punctueîity and C'heapneaa. Agenlt for Patterson's coinbincd Reaper and Mfow- er., Wlîitby October 12, 1859. 58 Ooal Oil and Lampe. T RE subsriber ha just recived a very fine assortmè'ýt of CeaI Ou Lampa ci t.he neweuut pattern,and with t-he lateat Ian- proved buraers. Prices From $1 and Upwardsu. His CeaI Oil is-deodenizoti parfaotly pure anti free from n ayunupleasuint timeil, andi la sol t t Toronto Pnices. It -ives a liglît equiel te gas, at- bas t-han haîf thbe cotut. Fluiti and ceanmn 011 Lncips aiteredtu - buru Cciii011 i t-ai> heurs notice. GRO. YULE, J. P.S-Statienery, Sebool Books, VioliIms, Fhutcui, Accordeoi is, anti supaerici' Viôhia Strings, for sale cheump. 74 CIEAP COAL OILS!I $1 25 cts. per Gallon. I3EST COAL 011!, $125 cts. pe r Gallon at Geo. Yule!'s Telëgraph Stor e. A NEW STOCK 0P JuÈt reeiveti, at- prices frein 75Ltae$8 Altered te buru CeOS u.0l 'TUEAN] LTte lot-in t-he o Te fi QDWh"y.' ýpoasesmLOTion glvenlnlmmedlately, 't8Oprmcilth. yiO - -k - L L t Fehur 8,;U186. -: - - . On.- OFFIC4> MS VEPARTMEXT, i.cucuea, L-i~uL-1Yqvem7WeT, LOl.iî~u forîEi~i~rc~tgi-tii hey ajiordar in lii directlmt1uÈ rhbak.'"êOui1 to thle dut-s pii, bce allowed to sbip lkilaye n'Corae et' evet-y< duecription and on al aorticjem of ion,. fatutiretl or uuimanufaetnred, Petüally useti and ei:nplye-1-lyAhem lu t-habuildingmi gItg o? tyei bailt" titliin theRietuofs (ieiC elu iozue),'4uùie» cf Ctigtn~ig s hblu bave beemi p-i"'dlivthein (or by_ t-be pceon or Par- sons roni '*kom tbey shaihà hue.Wrcluaituoit-be 81h1me), tupon fheiziipoi' i(, ifto Canaulsi < The Qrdqr iii CouneilYr-hruiros -utf4u Su p Bildr plyilag for bth"ýiewbick siheilI flîruuish'th- Coletor cf CuID)Iiswitli uu specifi- état-ionýo?- tlieCordage sdotla-atclsapezi wiîiclî haelaIius sncbi drawbaec. tshcNNiug t-ha quantitit.us anti values, bywliom anti wlef inh- ported anti t-hoeuut o<dutiçe, pelî, illi-l atse t-be naineof the 411up eralipsun Mttue biiiîlib udrging e? wlieh tIfe wiiqo tlc rice natn iori woc neded"w ftu tellsIi' si jus icar1 d or fere e ei r; IÏ sîiis1c siuitiuîtto apored iy Uue ctl ift- t-.ui Bilerteu tib'hui tir tlic h Depetlactit-fuflrUïijt -uetri - 'ueei-ylcuit o? su; sp~itlèution -o li atlceti cuide oa t-ch tîer-elaratii u. -b itceu rS-a 'I~h~0oIeetr hviil -etjjsfied îuiunee1f't-huit tlue - ucuunt-"drawttealceliied is c--rrect, shall cartify tiieçpecfieatiinaud ftruîumit -t-le saine te the Di-partmnent, wii,-uuî>oui, vuter due oxamï,;atien,tiîe Colîcet-rwill ba aut-borizetu t pay t-lie uannt-elaîiia. '- Tuieti)ruk hereinoofore uentionel te ep plyýto %suel luportalous cal>-, cfth -luepcifieti ar-.is,swera ruade tnto t-bis Proviicle .uuhiue- quentlyto t-ha Saven.thl y ftuust' 1, 5s the -day upoiiclî t-uic 'Act22 Vie. c.ip. 7>, grantinitia dru rbek oit tieipruution ou Ont- able articles lu certain caties, cume luto force R .M. ROUCIIETTE,. . - 71 'Comn iiouer cf Cuxit-0m8 and ~.ci -D'1FB-RD.'DELLEN13ÀUGjHi. 0IF B1UFFAILOX. Y.,y A FTER annnprctameiàteacucceisfnîpract'îca 1l o? ovei'tuirtvycara, beiuug imbôuit- iring frein activ'eatîce mut theîêrqfcuatofuinoiti cus fu-londi lîll parti; of tlue conmtry, liasicu.uîusutit- cd tornaie two -unedical propa'tiens, uirirn which, lie bas býtowfth -le cure a ti knjw litge cfluis long expcrieuue, ati'lues Ieft tlutni aitl 4tbe diffreît ruiggiste for m'a'.- To t-l'osu M-ho arca uquuuiuted witl tie Douter notiuug uic-ad beL sata-te e-luerst, it i. hut iteoessiry -te suuy, t-bat hbasb"fer yeurs prescribea for roui 4.u,00 to 5,0- O peruionst, mmd'alwuiyewit-ftlic greutitt -suem-s. Caset4 tiait- hatvebalCieterudcl muci, >'ieldad ruuudily te u is 6tretnent>nd u pr- saons camne damly frem in riiîurets of inulè.to he enreti. The LDocor, iuo aitc, hiîotbeen able. like ct-be, t u vrt Wur ith ona prtpar- t-l, butlbas -t-ut tup !iu ua Iol ntwo ltett-Ieis whieh are ajinlfai eti iaund 2. Tue iciubier 1is a 1r BLOOD PURIFIERÉ. Superior totle urea-teXtrmet ýoSiariili m anade etirelyeorroot.- andti turbi% o? tf usaid for-igil toammutriek,, tt-mabtst pmn-Pert-ie- o?' NIlehc are extruictet by>ai-cuit-ire uîaw cmancuil pruîueus. It ncts in'i.ierr tîses îus aut active p'hysie, in omalar omes, as ait, lteralive' work-ig. ircctîy on ttuaLiver cund Kiuliit-s, ox;uciliiitg lîretroni Ili inorbiti mattar, t-ins %bringiniriutÏoaruion auli t-le orgitiat uiauy hutvabectima lilul itive, anud nia> lic e rluc on t- etiume Limer Cliptein, and~ the~Ii;scf Itanu1s, îu.mpnt Cî'n- duempf ion,, Dyur)pvria. &'ene,-rai Iet1, 0141 U/- cers, S-fiz d-tei>Pmis >~,!e- -' outu ct-elAqe, ci al-1her .hiséau5cts * wîuieh tiavzs tueir origiuili a dis;ordereti or liimpuire stute of ilooti. lti-i ofusrautî-iaug inature, und will nevg ea zkan or prostrate th-le body. .'rhe ninîbt-r 2 ip a-1 - lVER>NEDWCINE* And mut uitver be-ýakeii eceptin'aorncetibn wituî No. i. h tuill theon cure 1«/icmrnctoil Reu- rntsailkinds ol anî- cd À ies the -rs e/ecsCf (el, aiÏd aiu 1>aila, wlcrtluer CJÛ-oaie or Acute.-,Týluesc uuudiciiles; wiII efflect CURES, not reauovauf roubuae-part ct-tle body, tet-ha otler. T-Remenîber t-o prevent conf-asion, t-buse Medicine:; are prepured by t>iu »ouivc E>-- t-inca DItLLE',1aAt:,ou, wlîo bas'pncticc4'iii Boýf- rfatle over 27 yeai. 'ru pmut:veat urunti, a correct 11k-ess. o? t-li DoctOr is ouat-lie wrapu'er 'cf ccl bottle anti I'Dr. Fred. Dullenbuugh & Co,., Buffulo, iNý. Y,', blewn lu the gas.Dircctiuus uuccoîmupuuuîyuuag cadil bu-tt-l,..No. 1 i.siai for $1 par-titt-le ; eNo. 2 for 7.5 cents. Witlut-lis simplle notice tucy are ofr1et t-etle publie, ralylug on their tvirtuei§lu rceoineuîdiuig thienselvea. For sale by Soie Agenit W littoy. Whitby, Sept. 14, 1859. w&s1-Y PRIVÀTE BLS [)ARTIES -'INTE14-DING TO MAE ~-apilication to the 'Legikldtive -Assein bîy fer Private' or, tôcalt Bills, ,eîit-er fer granting exclusive prîvilcea or conferriDg cerporate, pewrers,:for cominercile o other purpotues of prclt, for -,ezulutingsùrveyst or.boundaries, or fer doing anyt-hinK tend- ing, t-b eNct thbe righte of preperty of Ct-er perîieiuîý-are herehy notiflei t-hut they are rëqiiired by'tiie 62rf'd, 68rd; uan-d 64th Rules [w hich' afrekpuiii'lhed' lu fuilli nt-be Canada anîd aise lu sQoe nuewpaper publiî.bed, lu tbQCeunt-yc.f tîuiopÇourut-les uifected; isendinuz eenîes cf t-hofrst nti lost of sucli kLIOENS-ED-A'UCI 'COUNTYr 1f~r~,,T~f~4Ig, iI6~k.~ t 17 VOL., lé 1 - ----

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