IRCUAION--,fi lia- 1 an tà - of a.ny other local Paper ini the Province, and FAR EXCEEDS The circulation 'of 4~11 the other papers in the County of Ontario United. U- C 4>IvrtiWse jR. , BR1T$'RWES -T.FONARD ~~ . ~~ hsg leadimg Baitisfis Peroiedtls, vis .793 LONDUON QATIb CnevLv liÉPIi OpUsGUacaavicw (whig.) ISEOJTII BITSlitiivt'iw(FeeChuvcb.) - . i 4. - - bIE WIffTINST.R -uEviEw (Liberal.) Theseo pertondicaîs ably tepresent tue ,ihree reat pollîleal1 parties! of Great Bni- tain-FNWlsig, Tory, mnd adical-lut poli- tics, f oanul>'one feat une elercharacl-1 -orc. Ai Organe o! t'ho Moet profouuda wvrterc n Science, -Literattre, bMeralit>', i aud 'Religion, they sta nd, as tise>' evor have etood, - unrivalledAnlu-the, world o!file ton!, bëtiu cnnt4ideed - indisp)eniable te iseeholucltr anmd thîe prof eusiomal man, while Ote éIntelligent r'cader o! over>'clanetise>' fofilusis a more> correct and satisfactor>' vo. tord o! thse currcnt iterature of thse day, throughoaut tise vonid,' than cain le possibi>' *bt#tiiad front muy, other source. -Z AIILY COPIES. 1ue recelpt cf, AI>vAwcII SEET frou tise vilhpublihene givea additiemal value te tlse' eprne, h nucuas the>' can nov ~>oj~aedl tie hmacof Mubecribers, about a onatieoriginal cditipns. - - TR81S~ Pcv an.7 onv~iiyee of> hie fourReviews ... $8 00 jor aay two of filefou? Reviews ...5 00 -- J For eby îhrce uf tbe tour Reviews... .7 00 or' aif four of thse Rvleqah.......800 l'or' B1,tltwùd's Magazin e-...... 800 Vor Blnctvoed and- une ReÃiew... 5 00 Iror Blackwood end twolteiw... 7 00 ,Ve'r Biackvoocl snd tre fIWVIOW$s. .. 9 00 F'or Bljackwciodan4 thutour Beviews.1O 00 - Hone>' 'inS<thi; Ytati <oh.r iasued jill be rucived at par., À dtscoumt et *eý'tv'five per cent.(veau tb. above prices' viii Imo ailowed le CLUBS *vdcv.cs g tour or more Co 1 et o! any one or more of the aleova wo iks. Thus -.Feur copies o! Blackis' ,orot one Review, wili .Seont Wot e ot~mmfr$;-,four copie. elc the four Refi'%iw. ad Blackwood-for $8;anciso on. - ' Ctnadian mail L4ubecoribers vili be sup- plied frete o! lu. 8. pomtage. t P<nittfice f r any'of 1h. aboève publica 4I~u~ mh~ atuq ýbe -addreseecl, pont-. LOA RD SCOTT & 00i' 40wj~~q,-54, Uold Strect, New York ha iP eterboro' Examiner, TW0 -DOLLAE5 F* ..uw ANNUE. vet, Port eloover, entlabnrn, Epsoî» n litIma- Aïd la ii git l»oforallthe orrepoxdts o- MAtîtare agounde np At Osatitmé for Ând., la>, Brougliaus, BaIssai, Greenwood andM- sale dal>' anc on Tuesda>', Thuredar and Satuirda>' jor .Altona, Claremoan d Io vOille, M iails are (lue fôr doliler>' ftom thse"oflé e about ô 80 1). ni. p ENGT.ISH MAIL.-Proan thse leit o! April.' 1859, aU lettere for <Greut Britain"aut i-- pela!, b'-po tag otmp. Lteeiutendedfor Europe houId be pmtI- ed b.ore 7. oloek A. M. on Monla>'.. RIgerSTEATJON O 0F1S.TTERS.-Tise charge for Ragitratlon, 1,1 addUcn toau.Poi- ca8, 10eaufolleoa neac latbter VIE à oenyuplace u in tà h North à &enica, Id; Toeau>' place 1lu tho United St&tes, (postage mnWt bcprepaiaiso )Sd - To att> place lu Great lBritain and Irolinc(poet.' cge muet bu prcpaid alec) 7Xadý To an>' piacein lthe Britleh Colonies or )Pou«e. mous, pet caa Englaund,ý(postage muet ue pro- Tuai>'p lace lu france, orother Foreignacctin- agat rate. j - PAIICEI.S up teS8 Ibn. veigist cmbe sent by' post utade orulnations antl» 8d par lb.te be pread b>' Pcsages taasan d :na>' boregis5ter No malle'I are deepalced or rmcived on Snu sBooksjogipdpted mastterior tiseUnited l ETUTRN 8 hissincero thanieto tîto citizene 1l'Whltb>' and vicinity, for the 1véry IibelaI trcnià çoxtetdd o ilm la hie ?rté1bsion.- e now tlesm e'otecqausast bis 'tnumoue -trioidsand tise publie that ho bas feU>' fcenapie- ted h ts arrangemecnts ?Ã"r the permanent practice of bis proteaen, la the Towna o! Wliby.- .Veeth. mntoti on" GoId, Platina, Cheoplastie 2Metal., &o. TcethIl flled witlî igrGOLD AND STANIEL FOIL,M atna-,itla Déçtor Jene's ne* invention,bth e n-n cromiVe eoi-lr ceme*t-eqn tat o gold, but atos costi>'. Teeh extraohed by tise uouai procs without latin. A pr:tdtisa cf tvonty yeaîrs lu.hie professions, aaab esDf. Jones te guaranhtc te lis pttenie aIt-that proeseotial hili aind'expenietice ean icecoitplisia tuuwards allcvitiag human sufferng ia the trotmot lof al ailféc' oue cf thu Teetta, gcnr.i amad facial,&4,-. Dir. Ioîtea eperaîitcase Iaitvaîalvaysbeuen attondeul witisl te greahec;t sueces. OFFICE et tae old Dental Stand, ovor Je Bigeolw Dry Geedi4 Store. IlilEiiKOtt5-J. ansPerr>', Eeq., Mityor ot Witbv N. G. Reynolis Li., Shen, C'o.; W. il.1 remna>'n, q. 1r. Ciseckley atnd Dr Noemi-r 24th, 18,58. 1)ENTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME9 surgeon Dentzst, I N rehnuiug ,ihanulce hoq ui amroul; frienèx 1and théa publie gateralnly for their liberpl ulroige Ince, liecomrnctsced praotice tri thie rown, oiud hure taku ocensacu to state tu al tiiope who are rcquiing Artificial Tolh, that lao hue uow obtamuedi a Machine for working~ the vnicanimed riibluor, upon wlich ho willii ert guI kindi and styles o, Teeth, WDc&eap&-,.than ha# sac,- bas un wbf ore 1 *!th titis procens. Dr. C. C. JInmMEwili guartuabse tu fit the mcml diffiitî(mae vilI te greatest precisiiota lu ail f nu cases, parties cati have Block Teotb witiî SONidOnuts, wlaicla le, In cvcry respect, fur superior tuauaty otber klnid of work kuown li use. This vorkila higll;approvcd cf b>' al c! the le3adlng DentiliseluNew York, and pria. cipuai cilice titroughouttlite United Statu.. owlrg to lîs heing mmch ligiter and cf a non-curosive neturel aD Il le, faler a test cf thrce yearis doemod Ihigluer and more preferoblo titan gcld or amay other mboIle Plate. . lebrel i -t)s m Jasnwonld wislîI o cbre nmn that lie bas groati>' reduoed the prices wlalah hieretofore were the standard. Ile wouild rIsc furtlair state that ho e lmaboms ortitîtly enîg tialuebve aamed material 1cr meverail nacutit past, during wlioh tine ho baes put up a great number of mues anud lu aIl ilnbtncelte bec: o! satislfation 1 Né ebocen mauifeo§ted b>'lte (4oldj, Suler and - Platina Plates mut upia the Latent Styles, Al 'Surgical operations of the Teetia or Gumi skiiifuilly 1erformnod. là VTeeth osrracted withoux painibu lib> of lechricit>'. Ptrtlet fr attention glfv e tte rugulatoticf Chlk Cona'ultation Fru. Ail eobrk Wa",aiitM, P.S. Caleil ad examine speelmnans oet iiiworÇ beore gottiiut you teuth iîtscrted eîseohere. ALD à tw»LL'a BLooi, ors,-Lown c5 T HE S~uboribero are no ropared to'fUr-' ,4lelu thse potrone cof the WLitby BrOwy> Itis au excellent 'aitileeln sueh qtjntitiee as Mey>li be qujved, and on terme -foesuit pur- Bouoalelequel to tlsaimaported article. - CL U&WOIWAD Agenntew 111ep A =Qottb ill OfflwOFÃŽ.2¶!ORNTi>» cn"u ,CAPITAL ý-TWOI -1ILL1Q$S% M0. i>i PMýwaxe,1 86$-Tw% huidïed 'Thon.sand * P~~Ou terlluîg, E 1 NSURAN!CE on Build1ugs, Furniture xndmerhfdize, ofovcry. descript -. foc oà n iio moit favo)rablter ghort perlod riekA taken on Merohandlue 'foi one or more monthit. Lite Inanrance on tery' advantageous terme fefrl.eured, wlt b annual bonus £,nddivietn cflt~Aevery flV.yean. Whltby, Jane, 1859. 2 p OLICIESgastdIneitl'n sprs. .tien, wlthct roferance to the 1[oad Office. Wbitb Veb. 2, 1859. .1, '.tizg* Tbe, igot 3là h ProvUmoiaI Assrnace ZetbZlÃod A. D. 1825,'«nd lnoatdtJb OÂ-PITÂL - £1010001000 - AtADA-EEAD OFFICE: Montroal, 9 Greait, st.iamncestret. SEOprEityE.-A., Davidson Parker. ..qquoted to Iporue. tbLleCompany'e Proseo- tue, whéeini it wlll be fonfid tliat every advan- taço, conistent with secnrit>', is olibredi rho rates ofPremiume chargcd uro low. wlailo the Bonunes declared will boaroomar.eun with, the Profite allotted by an>' ut theo otherloading officos.:<1 .Partticalar attontion le alec dirocted te on oqul- table rogulation adoptcd by thia Compai>',aie te aurrendor value of rolinuixhed Policîe. 1WnîITB.-Joian Agnoa., -'gent; Robert J. Gunn, M. D. Modical Adviser. P.niNcs ALuuan'.-Niven .Agnow, M. D. Mcdi- cal Aà dviser. 9-8n1 Stato FeLre Insurance Comapany of Lon- don, Eagland. OHjUiEIED ta? ACT 01? tItTt9Ii PARLIAXENT. CAPITAL ...£5o00OOSTERLING. BOARD OF DIJIECTOIIS atdirman-jrhe liight lion. Lord Kcaue. Il. B. Sheridan, M. P. Colonel Jgtmet Adair. Tho Boy. W. 1.euiu. Peter Cartirt, Le q. The lIon. B. Boothb. John Jame Uwin Slarko, Enq. Henry Clark, Eeq M. D. 'Nicliolax Dcnnsys,*k;q. William S. Potter, Eeq. Willitam Heurv Rdugli, Eeq., M. A. F. M. Wells, iËsq. Poter Morrison, Esq., Managir flroctor. Àudior.-AmbroeMiller, Eeq.&lctr. Mesmrs. Miller & Horne. Surwyor.-Williapx E. Williams, Esq. Bank6r*.-Moseru. 'Ransotn &Company., éei.e5y-Wm. Canwell, Eiq. CANADA"BRANCLI Ilcad Offic,-Maeoie Hall, Toronto. Trudte.-Hon. JohusRoase, John Crawfcrd. Eeq, . 1. '.Wm. Rocs4, Eq., IVin.llii- dereots Esi4 F. W. Jarvie. Eoq., Shteniff, U. C. cf Y'ork aud Pool., Banker-Tbile Baink cf BMouireo.. Solicitor -BsCrawford d& Croanlue. Thec leîaaciteuitsof lte Stato Fine Isseuraitcc Comapany' arc guttrenteud b>' a respousible P'ro- prietain>. Al l ceses wi be moethlu.prouptly vitisout refercucu lte eBoard lu EngLnad. Vlie bueinese cI the '1irnee laviaag becu pur- clsaied, Pclicy-hloders are nov gu.arautecd b>' tiie SIale. 1 Wfliltb>', Jet Xknciger, litiih Nùartk Aiaeriea. JOHN AGNE W, s. 5, ,0849. utWhitku by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANX, CAPITAL £100,000 I NhURANCE offected on Biildînge and Inier contents. Ever>'iformation supplied on application toelise unders§igaaed. JOHN AGNEW, -Travelling Agent, Byron Street, Whilby 'Brittish Amorica Assurance Companyo lT CôORPoRÀTED'under an Act f tise Titird 1. Seeienof the Eluveutît ProvliclParlie mnent cf Lppercîuuads. CAPITAL £100e000. Ircurancoe etoeted on- Buildings'and tb 1 ir contenti.* E7if e>nforînidtiou enppllod on ap plitoion toe undersigned.* . -- Marine Riskb for the easÃon or fornrts. Travelling Aîiènt, IBYrbiittcet, Wib Phoenix 'PTite Absurance (Co. OMBAIID BIEET Ail» ttLAIXG-ame, LONDON ESTABLIHE» IN12., Aient, W~siti Y9 acres ooe 'fenma 't1ic S. B. angl. OotLoti8, 1iths SCon. 0oU bidge, tAia o f oi mae r to e $a r « ~~edlà â porta. W. angrle cpf 21, 2nd po1n. 'ofltench or- meJyowled y . 1 Ã"b, nô Thl ad Il wlll ho eold to xuit purchuiseere. or wlll b. lot teo a steady touant. For terni 0Appl 9ASJOflNSTON, Mttlfent C. W., or WTU14 ZAL Wbitby, wlll Rhow the land ln Uxbrldge. géoiïdeand là t- fà -labo rMj3gL-t contaînaono-tourtisof on acre or ..L excellent land, wbloli i# in a hlih %tâte of 'tultlvdtlon. oeYac homit fle a Fritmb 1buildtre 18 by 24, and côrmf9vtablyflrnishiod-pZf. l~ahî~ tre a Y Prth chtoh, the ut<rl0, the WCeee, and inly'e b aptyin9t Wýi4waîgor "i P i ofils orto 'L1~tALD ELL BROWN, FO -ALE HAP Whitby. Apply to tho 1lion. JI. C. WILcîr<e, iCSr+yIÙOingPl CHAS. WZLKIINU, Eeq., Belleville, or lu. JaîlylS, 1S57.~ 2C SemandPlastr MI for -SaI0u rIEASSIGNES 0F O. STONE, OFFER ..fraeon ee sy tortue. th, Steaus Plaster IMMi and Furnittairo thoreini,6e ort Whitby. Applioaliolawto lbemode to or N.MILL.ER, Whitby, Morduh 2,1059. 7 Earm f or Sale. 2OOACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 201o, lu lott Côn)cet4sion cf Tlaorah; 15 Acres clearod. Tisie arani l% ituatcd within four miles of ]eavrtop, on the travel roaid te Mara;thie laild i *le f'ebeà t qualftyv,-and le lu lte contre cf a good seuloenent, witit a Sehool, sud a Sawruill convenient. 41lec North ltho! Lot 4, in te 101h Cotucea- blou 0 ot~Tralu, consisling o! 95 acrese-12 of which are cieared, and fronting on the l'ortaigo Roaid, noar CamoronaeMiII. STEIINS L1DERA1. AppI>' 10 W CAMERON. Boavorton, lulth jut>', 1857 20 FOR SALE. TO NLOTS In Whitby near thlie ay.- Ai;o, Villae liote at Dufini'ïrcek, French nsai's Biay, and orPoi. Apply te_ Jsie16, i.187 BokSif,-urt, Whitbe. FOR SALI ÈTHE TOW14 0F WH ITIY. L OS NS.2, nd22. TIIEY ARE SITU Cochratielo aad Lyndeeâ Creek. ArTEEXI L.IEEIAL. . Application te bc asade to MUS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot.83, Stix ccuceèeiou Drlinigloas. Chritians Offoring'" ploasu cp>'matil forbid L-1I V E R P O O L. Blacksmtms & Waggonmkers Shops For gale or to Let at Liverpooi, T WENTY MILES EAST 0F TORONTO <A JLDepotandd htation o! the G rand Tmunlo Rail- way). iiach Shop La a Cottage and a quarter of ait Acre cf Lanid attaiebed. Theao preuîsigeehavo.beuta latel>' erected with ln a short distabce cf tho Kiitelcu oad, and the Raulvwa> Dopot. A gocd buieinetae ia bollu brades -can be donc b>' teady and good work- maon. For f4rtiser partioalare > ~Yte SPURDY, Liverpool Jatly 28,1857. 28 F011 SALE. A N excellent new Fraue Côttag, noarl>' ia the heuart of t»e 4kown cf W hlbtb, ,withiu a few yards e! the Main Street-eanad' Streel-to ether with two-fltlue1cf an acre o land attacliod. The housecentain@ six apat- monts, has ant excellent celi4 and there le gcod sîabling aad all nocese;ar>' ont-buildings, aânda stpeior puaspôo!geodvatr on tho spot. For Tonne, &c., whieli i viilube found very liboral... Apply te'- _ej. A. MAYERIIOFFER Chrianicle 'Offie, WhiLdy. BEAVIERTON.' FOR SBAiLECHEAF. A MILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS _ÈLcontigions te the *Boaverteal Wharf.' A large and profitable Millnaig business con be don, bere.. ýFavarable terismeuay le u40ld h 6 ýPrôjwictôti b>'aritciMify.~ ~ 4e N. 2~er t a~rt-at oe0 a mt Boa- ýVAÂLUAILE ÉIROPBIRTY',for SALE. -45 ,cdreâhbirt l.t.-0 sre mouth baif £>f Lot NO. T9 r ocessîouû of Whitbyknown-as 1,~l , thé ARiMSTU8NGI ESTATe y 0u4 ,t'wmle rà i tihe Town of Whitby. 2n.-0acres Sou h cl uartro LtN.28, 6th, concessio~n of arhingtn 4bont'eight mil2e (rom Rowîià anivf 1 Brd.-50 acres South Eaet qiiarter of Lot, No. 18t llth conceasion of Maripoga, about STho abov mentionied Lots are fimlrat-ld F ar'n es l i g h t t f c u t v t o , g o d Buill ry:d ean~oTtl ndon uie. ble tÃœei. &à ly-to cii.PRY A geît foi' tue Camer. TUaI1L TI LWULB FTUI ubecr-er havinsn sspende& bueince, J..he ncw,0 «Ors tà soilor lient for a terni of ycar~ onvoa~iaaoabIo torn&hie splendid VIL.GE0FVROOKNTMON, Township cf Brook, conaisting cf î STORE & DWELLING HOSE, With two Xiiteliene, a and Ptilî'r and attaclaed to the etoro e a woll fumniabou office and Warchouse. The buildingse are tirst ces Framo Buildings. Prico, £2509 in fonr tiquaiannai instalmonts, with intorestat the rat e of eWoiiuet cent i*er annmn or 'M~5 per alnnuni rentai. - I3rock needi; ne writteu reconuendation, ite induetrione iuhabitants le a sufficicut rccomi- mcsdition. For furthcr particaîars apply to ROSS, MITCHELL, & Co, gcroiiauîts, Younz Street, Toronto, or to te ubscribor ou the M. McPHADEN. Vroomanton, Brcok. Sept. 17, 185q. 36%w-tf Faxmù to Lot. A Farm te Lot for a term of ycars, lu ." the Township of Darlingtor., about two miles east of Bowmanvillc village, con- taining about 150 acres clear, witlrgocd Buildings. Apply on the Parini t lira. DANIEL GIALBRAITIT. Darlington, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w FOR SALE, A Comfortable Famlly Resdece eIttîstod la the Village of Liverpool, Townes ip o! Plick- ornîg, adjciiîtg the Francliman'e Baiy Station cf lise Graind Trnuk Railway, 18 utile from, To- -onte, coneistiag o! a Cottage contaîning Nine Rooma,, willîever>' convesaluec requiselle; a large Bara isatd Stable atticied; a never fitaliatg well cf wa- ter; the (rounds are lustefill>'laid out; -and plantod with Shaidu Treem; al ec, a Large Gardon well étocked with Fruit Trocs; the whole envers two acres cf (l'rouaîd, aind eannot bu snrpai4sod lu tho Township ot' l'ickureug ftor it4s coaveni- ene and read.ý1 cces toelte Iaiî way. Terme suisecriber, yorkvillo; or ho bîr. Williamî Fard>' tapon the 'promise-%. 1'ossceion given forth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Ycrkvilie, May', 1858. 17 For gale, or to Let. A COMMODIOUS AND PLEA. "BRICK COTTAGE, witis 1 of an acre of ]anud,. in the North Ward cf the Town of Whitby, on the Etat aide of Brock Street. Fo r fuithor particularg appi>' (if by lot- ter poatpaid) at W. H. Tremayne'a office W tby, or to the subscriber, Cashill,, Markham JJ. 1. Whitby, July 28tb, pprpouauay, er o>' loe Ja. r TD[smffTHSe Abram,-Logan, BitOCJ< STREET, IHITBY9 Coulnty orders sont by post or otltirwise prtptl:>,t tv.ndod ta. 84-12un. TUHE aubscriber requoste publie otten l, ion tb his udw stockc ci supenior Stoves. They incl4de the follcwiîag mew patternis: TH.E KING 0F ST7-0VES, THE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY OROCKET, PROTECTJONJSTe GRAND TUBE, MRON DlUNE, 4-c., 4c, 4c Call and examine? 612 ]3rock Street, Whitby. zJIJST OPEN-,m - rME- CANTON T. CO¶PAN-Y'S NvStore,11 iN -t., Enet, aseuir lIte St. PLavroncu ha-11l. Torcanto. TIE Company, forned fr the itaaortiion of T Pmac ,d ulauîdlteritcd 'rontadirect f rom the. p ala' 'rowi, ? ofre t tepublic soutle t IlIle riacat Spleadcid Cropcf Tuis ever scld lsis Cunamda ; aaaid ai pricegfur Cash only, thait wili bc 1suri, te taiese c-' gailt lne b>'inter(»..- ted parties, vîtoi have beetelliaig for yeiars Se- codClaisTous, nt ltcavy profliie. 'l'îe mollo, "Short profits iaaad quick rettumns," -A-111lic t4tricîl>' adhiared to hy theG Company>. Teas wiii bu rotalicd et Wholemale Priceti tas eî £shi ugi4 nIl pîîrtiie 10 nUYFLAG;RANT NEW '?.Lxs; ail fliau Loet Poseible Figure. lhruugh teir Ageshs li Clma, soulae cf ftice ,quliAid Tuas, only saisI to tIse Lonadoni and Dlublin Markets, se lutil consaîmers, wlao ru- anember the delciotis thvor of Tons eold tiser. may st.v ho sappliud wilh thoffe cisccriîsg aa invigorittitax arttioeci. Wc invite a tniial btos otan assolions. Thse puces wll tspcak for thoita selves. Look atiaemin roreo.Now -on Sale, Five }Iandra LUhsts!1 For Sale Cheap, and on lea- souable Termes. TERBE 9good farma la the Tèwnsahipof TIserais, Ccunty o! Ontario, vils ian- prevementa e! 20 acres on ecci Lot. For particulairs apply to H. J. Macdon- elI, Whitby, Borrister, oir ho D. Cameron, Boaverton P.O. - D. CAMERON. 1Octobet 17T, 1859. 59-21én.s .40-2in-w TO LET. lai Wore 'cifa'welîni ose tov oceupiedl Ty b'Jaumes Pritugiel,ancdknown as tisa inïtiie T6* cf Wliitb>'. Possiossingiven on tbe firest cf Sptembe? niaIz.- Whitb>'u JulY2S, 1858. '. -- 9 FARM - FOR SALE. Wls. Oi onoossuOnofle ,- about Bo - 'au a ,f Blaud pur IL. SU&'- fJGree lb . 4dm. Splend per lb. 4 cU.- ioSlnd dper b... 4et. tiaperlor pet Il...Oct.fEtuesit . Pear ib.,. 1lQclm. Ilotel Kýeepers;, Seltool rroîniotors Cuatrv Store, aunaBoarcliug liuse Kepere, OMhS.Éel gIW Fort>' pound packages, and upui warde, cf TEA, ctt carage fruc, toanay part' of Csal, on receiplcf the.tCAR Those who de net bu>' su luigo a.quaxitit>', voîld do vell te club togelbiirvtli thoir fniotsds. -I'Sea- factionWdrraated. ç-Coftree, le an article aditrtatc'ta mnei cd. Thoie Comupany, dosircîts cof olferlng pure &sud nnadnitrated articie r4aqneet a trial, of ther delicious TVRXIE Y COFFE, at 25ctm. and vo will guarautae a treait seldous opioye 4. Fine L~Recuaberthenumber, 151 KlnguSt. îwo dôr fo Makt'îquare, anîd pietise cou- municate thii aeve te your frlonde. Toronto, Sept. 22, 1859, 8-- Publie ,Buildinp -Ottawa., PO$ tfQIMX~T -QOF EUE.- ,'T'H PL N.AN SPEcTPIOTION5 feri JOH.î.lN 8N.m PUB 101h te, I Thom jburghi ýLot whicivbas taxes, orprei ,.Wsggqner ,tp', ofisdid lot, nt tor acîtc u t alà 'isace ié'o twclvc chaiis and eà ty links as k'o4U go'ufli *s&er ty-foulr îleese1' watsIfrèro sîouth écà iiagle 'ef snid ict, and a'.- tht soùth eai;tialgle of land d- L'foe- taxs thenccnqrff-xe dsrc eeegte .shains m#4d tweity-filclinuks; £henco!$býe seventy four. dcgrpes cast4o 1 .0 ',wgçm lif it of 'lad deuded thelomliai Mfrtin; ilbenèu 'oüth ýixtep degrees. enst* éigbtt tco'n dhaà ina aid twenty-.fiv'e' Ilinkrn t&t front of saidlot; thlence aà ilg th0lront of thé uaid lot te' the'pla c f bebinling.'.. Shrf C . O01 Whitby, -Nove-28,.fj59Çf 'WANTED. CORDII WOO WANTED-i' GRAND TRUNK RA-,MIL WÀAY r1îlUNDLISIGNIEI), viii recejvoofters unir tiîi r'dîv 51h Son. exfrh'Ii or y oe'r c hI f flous 150 te IïCOCôrdeôof !ood Iaurd Wooôd, ant tc ùGrand Trunk Ualway, 8L uit urtiilibjectt l ise Ccmpaaay'eis pe lion afid i;ea&nrenieut. 'o te lunt'tbree aind &II aliasîf culonag. ' Alîec wixited aony quantity cf goullard Wood 10 Le dêliveredâaIthic liarbor. ffortWhitby. Wlsiiby, Dec. 26, 1859.- '. 79 Oats, Waited.' iL pricas l'or tiny qaaauity cf good tIa<ti'déliv-J erecd ut hic millith te Srd cotîCes1aias ufWhlit- by.QUINTIN MeC>WAN. Wlilbyi Jain. 1o, 1540. 76-Smn INFORMATION &WANTED.._ 0\F WILLIAM QUINLIVAN, whôleft KiI- ruala. cÇuriuyut cl-Irc, Irelaad, ina153$ or 'b4., W lien lstt heard ot I 1ise uew6rking, on boaîrdlofa of tub<4 li*eBltinsore ateauriei. Aà iy insformation concerning hlm wiII 1u thankIully receiveýd Lv hit4 cota,'Patrick Qr.inlivian, whio r» midelu Whiîby, C. W. Uie tteP.ea Jaaîuary 9, 1860, 8 Hfides! Hidesi! Rides! I-E undersigned will pay tie, ghet price un Cash for. anequiantityeofgoed BEEF HIDES delivcred at his Tannery in Greenwo.od. Ail kinda o! kept ccnstantly onlband for sale, ver>' lov for Cash. D, MelMURCIIY. Grcenwood,.Nov. 14, 185.--e CASH FOR PRODVÙZý, Thse Undersîgn:èd- laprepar-ed to PAY CA'SH JFORQl amy quantity et,, Wheat Barë lqy, eas,'4iBI&é. * THOMAS MOODYI ZÂCHEUIS Courts. Offlae nt S IERF. JOUX Eu 1LZRK' 0F TUE 4 ~ .Jt4tCourt Houe.. &7tL-R -F TUE crr f the 8 thé Resiy Oflice, Bi SOLICITOR, & CL Coune. officei JOUI aOUNTY ENGLN N/court Uonse. LFA £1LERK FIRST Dl' Jat thae Court Rou, TNPECE>R corIW J'for tise County W' H. Tm ARRISTER 42 CÂMERO)N A r)ARRISTERIS&à . .USolicitor» to tise C sý0ffie et thé cour &Coe. Hardware Stb . BAI~STER-AT-1 8. B.FPA SOnLezTtrn, Nol S Oshava C- W- BARe"I-T"EPANel SALT.FOR" SAL E, Ci WhibySop.l- . ; 185 w HEome Ca8h Ca.pital, aU ,u2Zso.e...., PIREAN :IL( IUULI. vu 1 1 T)- ()-.IFINKINS. 1 1