Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1860, p. 4

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I~ubI~ ~ronide - 2,111111 $tm~etkI~ 81111, o: ptr bMs~ * - - - 1,21111. -I r ~ot~I uIa~io~ ietkI~ ~,21111 4 Tue CJRCULA~ION M g. Than, that of. anyiA %etr1 -)PI Paper in the Proýuce, &nÇ4 TLhe circulation-of ail t1w. Ã"ther' papers in tIue County ýof. Ontario unitedc ONLY FER .ÂNNUM. The Chroniolo i. the Paper teý, iAdvertiïe in. AN<D BRITISII REV1EWSO TOARD SCOTT & CO-+ NEW -'YOEK, contiue o publish the felov. lng leading BriLlith Poiedîcals, via:- l'ilS LONDON QUAI1TEULY (Cotiserra tisa.)- 2. miu SEZNDuRuJIG IIViEW (Whig.) T!1* NORif TR IITIs1 EtVIsv(Fr-e Churcla.) 4. IRE WESTMINSTER REvlEw (Liberal.) 5. ]oLAdltwooiD'5 EBt1im» iBN GziNE (Tony.) These penlodîcals îbly represeut the. bhnee cpolilticil parties o! Great Bni. tain-J Wig, Tory, sud Radical-but polil. tics for-ma ouiy oune.feature of hbelr chsracf- or.; AuOrgane e! thcenient pofouud * viteran Science, Liferntum-e, Meraity,' and Religion, they stand, as bbey ever haire afood, 'unvivalied llictenrd ef let. k terg, boing considered Indispensable te, thle scioltn,&nd the protessional min, vile folioein telligent rnder o! eere' castbey ftirnitsit e more correct sud satisfactcry, re- cord o!fte curront literatu'ro- of the dey, titrougicu ttheia ot-d, lieu eau be poseibi>' obtaiiied (oiti mn>' oîbir source. BAILLY COPIES. ýThe receipt cf ADYAuVE BRUET fmoM lie * British publiehers gîvesaîdditienal value te fice Repninta,. insmuci as lime>' eaunov b. placediln the hands o! oubsenîbens about as a ccuas lhe originel edifiens. -Pet- sun. Poran>' ene e! lhc four Revîevm,. -$8 00 For, auy two o! thte four Review ... 5 00 For any U thrc !fe tour Reviews .. . 7 Q For BTiîckwood'a Magsizine-------...Sa00 Fur 1'îiackwo'>d and oume Revie "w... .5 0 For Bliickwood aund' cwo Roviews ... 7 00 For Bleekavooti sud tirce. Rviews ... 9 00 --For ltackwo d-and lie feur Beviews.10 00 Mony cuirent in the State wMer. isaued ý,#i11bc rêceived at par. -CLUBIJING. .4 .discount.o! twenty.five pcr cent. fretu -thte tîbove prices aili b-ilowed le cuuns ordenlng tour or more coples o!rau>' oneore - uor,of lte, above works. Tîtua: Four * copies of Blnckwood, or ni cute Reviow, viii be sent te ente addresu for $D; four copies o f tflu our Bcviews sud Blsckvood for $8 0 aid o on. POSTAGE. * -Ou6adan nmail ubecrlbers vili be sup. pIbfee o! V. Si Postage. * Remnittande. (rauy oethLe above publîca bleus têiouid slways bc addressed, peut.. -4 tn plbte publilsieru, - LEONARD SCOTT & 00. 46w No. 54, (4oId Street, New York 'eho, eterboro' Examinrer, Ti H URSDAV MO-RN ING, IWO DOLLÂNI 11 MUÈ., - u Vitr&iTWVU .âà L'ai... tu.lt.. scuversîsuug ta, zmVV, SttU =la tisel ersens ver>' IMeML IJrÇT Lturrhor notioe, Mails viiibc ho ésd suý d due fer deli"vr, At this. o mfol- iovos 1 manville, N.veate, 01à, nxw t udPr ,Iî sued oh.e respondlngola, aie m m G.. a B. . traveingPeal OfiejPiif Bet, ta Lettonsfor MonlresisupaoosEùtetXlè- itn anltdaptc«Îb' b..ltmalo 10 n. esonludlng Danbaitop e rig,&ontoensd&Ill places Wat cf To. rente, aise tie G. l'. R. E. nvellung Peut Ofice gongW eu ,lssat .n. uda .i Due for délivet7 haeeant10 a.ni., sud eaI7 .m. 1i~S ie t-rival cf the ' Breoklu, Manches-, dr, Manille, Ramu- ver~ett, Ejuom Utîca- sud, o fo- -' e Ime fer And-" * , X- et«band'm 5s y1r Ium. qntm. nd toe- lot of Aptil. issi, sU lenese bd pro- le -Fpenlêbe Poet- sa1de-7o.'l& . oit îq. ,ntstja lo Bt, (postage -fi 1~d .lâd(post-1 auooottlFmrFere qeun- 95 Ibo. velght-cau b. sont b>' tlqqa à$ la '8 d er-lbio b. smsatd nÏbi relsier -p il NomisOFe deapatoiod oýr rocelved ou Sun, da~ Bocks anodprinted-mter/or the United States, the Canadion IPostage mut ho pie p ai b> potafge utamps,,--nd on sueli piatter ,fr'om tiêéUlnlled Statua, fie Catadian Postage wiii be te clleet ou dcli nety;* Al trausiot, t Nevpapers I leling flics. for Eughîtnd, mulot be prepalci t' Postage stamp or lhey stuiol bo forwtbrdcd. .Neouecru for lte Brillis West Indcs, or Stanip, ffl eah; and for Inis Ci, Matra ins, sud otite: places beyoiîd son, 24d axcit. OFFICE IIOURS- Weelcédays, trom. 7 am. te 7 p. in. Sunda>%, tram 910 b1 a. ni. Postage stamps au cbepureiased sit the Pot A. MePIIERSON, P. M. Whlthy, Âpnll, 1859. 6s 18v. DMNTITRY 1 DENTITRY 1 R) ETJRNS hie ls sineo anka to lte citizens' I Witby and vîcînîl>', for thec ver>' liberai petronageoextended te hlm In hilprofssion.- tiiowtk s îve te acqualut ilts numerotîs trienda and lie publieltaI heibas fally coniple- ted bis arp'tirngemeuts lor lha permanent practice cf hilspfiofossion, In fie Tovu o! W fiby.- Teeti méunted on Gold, Platina, Cicoplastio Mtal. &o. Teeli llid vîi Or GOI) AND -STANIEL FOIL, JE aud willa Do.ter Jcne's new Invention lie non- coresive peari cemet-eoqus te gold, Unont Bo cesti>'. Teetli extructed b>' the usual proces' withoul patin. A prtietice et tvonly years lu hiA professIon, eneblos Dr. Joncs te guaraulee oli patients ail tint profesoonal ukIli sud axperienc eu aceomplisla toverdis aileviatiug human sufferingr. [n lic treutmont of ail affeo.ions o!flico Teeti, tuinosud facial, îerves-Tio-doloreaux &o Does oportions haveaivlays beau atcudea with ic egrestest suecesa. OFFICE aà the oid Dental Stand, ove: Je Blglev's Dry Geods Store. Rlnmxricz.-J. Ham Ferry, Esq., Ma yor et Whiîbv- N. G. Reynolds, . Shariff, C 0.; W. I i Ircmaynop Esq.,D1. Ceekiey sud Dr Novenil-er 241h, 1858. DENTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME, S urgeon Dentast, I N retumng thanit e lus nuirous friends u ad flic publie getîoraliy te: their libibe. rafoage ince- lie eemmetîced' pracliceua i i. oTwn, vonld bore fake ccasion te talite te al those'vie are requiring Artiflial Ted)h,,fihat ho ha. nov obtîutued a Machine for wtlrking dtt vuleiiiLe4 rubber, upon vîtich lie viii inîsert ail kindat and styles oi Teoti-, tý.waPcr as àa8 ever beau donsb&fore I wllh 'it ïaprocesa. Dr. C. C. -Jzxîaîviiigunal tao te lit the unost difficulttmae avi t. g test piecîsloti Int ai fullcases, parties eauhave Block Tgctli witi Soiid thanîs, viiclî Io, ln every resipect, fa: supenior 10 5iy t hier klnd of work kuovu' lit use. Thim vork lis ihiy sapproved o! b>'al £,f the leading DenliRs in N;ew York*, sud prin. cipal cides t1broîtgiout thc United State. owlr.g te lîs heitig miei lilghtor sud ofta non-curomive natture, and Il la, aflor a teo th Iree yearit, deemcd higlier suidnacre prefemabie tina gold or euy teîintalicjiale. Du. Jxaexs vouid wish 111t0 bc borne lu mind t,lie bt as greati>' rodîîced lie price..- whiteb lieretofore woee ie standard. île would. ri. furtîter stale fiat lie h8%boi. lc otsttliy uoing lte aliove smcd nialerlal te: severail.niopilita peut, duritig wlîieli tino lie liai put up a greal ituniber of cases atd lu ail Instances lte bcd4 of sariafacîlen <Les beau mnaifeisted b>'thue patients. Gelq id, f Ieandl Platina Plates mut op lu the Latent Styles, Cheaper than emal, andi Warrante& A l gurilsi peralmous cf lte Teetlitor Gumi skilfoll peformd. Teeti extracted drets £ealh. - Alterar-ne Contultat ion Pr. 'l o. à.ne P.S. CaIliand examine epecîuuuns et tiIs vomi betuegtigynteh0'e-e leiee 'Whitby B.rew!.ery,-- T US Sbsnbo rs are nov peredtefur- T nisi the patrons efthi- WbiBwr. vîian excellent srill la auci quantitis oe> .requied, and Wùt> o ale gt vottled aie *qual ltie uport.d article. WtbCLARK & WOODWARD. W tyNov. 151h, 1859. , 8à-44w. 'iï~~v2zL. Dlekson... 1NSPECTOR EO IS- Eamme- Tbe Colonid4-m» wa4sh4e& la 1848andia Su Oplta~OneMillion Stor1InÏ. ostlt tdbAct of arliament. 1 anen ies l aIthe.Colon1edî, where Premie are eelved iad-1imssettàed. Agent st Whitby+-4. B. DsrtMei1. Ay.eesnMrpart o fthe venid. ;19 RopIns 9100 omnpmny. Ã"PPOFICZ-22 TOBONTO EXCUIAN<&E. OAPI .LTWO ,.lMILL1ON8 STO. gz ur»smxu, l 185-Tvo, huindred Tbousand pounde Sterling. Rom# FuIndi on hand to meot aU daim, o do Hundrod 27..wmd .Poundù BkrUng. .F iltE JNSURAI(CEon Bnildings, Furulture atid Merchandize, cf evcry description, cf- feeted on lie imust faverable Ipruis. Short perlod riaka% takien on Morehaudîze for eue or more mntu. Mie Insuriauce ou çvery advantageous 'ternis for the sssured,,with annual bonus uddivlsion o! pàoitaetc!e ifve ea'ei5. - AN Agent, Wlitby. Whitby, June, 1859. 2 PHoeNIX INSURANCE COMiPANY* OPAID UP CAPITÂL,$200,000...- P OLICIES granted lmmediatcly ou applica- tion, wltleut reference te tha Iiwid Office. 0. LYNDE, - Whlth 'Feb. 2, 1859. The scottish Provincial Assnturice Company. &tei.ltUd À. D. 1825, and lnao7poratad1yià 4wp l ci t o! Paruament. CAPITAL - £19.000,000 cÂi<ADÂ-IIKAD on Mentreal, 9 Great St. James Street. SEiltAS.tu.-A. Davldseu Parker. TrNTENDING Assurer. unrceuapeclfuily ne .L qneasted te perugo this Cempany's Prospec- tus, whercln it wyul b. found thiat every advan- ta4e, consistant wlth soeurlty, la eltered. The ates of PrerImis eliarged are 1ev. whlle the Benuses declsred will bean cemparlson wlîh the Profitn allotted by auy ut thc otiior leedng ciflesa. .Particular attention lR alse directed te an equl- table regulation adopted by tis ACompany, op te surrender value cof relhnquililed Policies. WaiTBYi.-John Agneiw, ".gent; Robent 3. Gunn, M. D. Medical Advis§er. PituisAeaiu.-Niven Agnew, M. D. Modl- cal &cvier. 9-Bm Mate Pire uenance Company et Lon. don, E.gland. OHIAETESD BT ACT O0V1BRITIOS rAELIAME2IT. CAPITAL... £500,000 STERLINGû. BOARD Or DIIECTORS: Chalm-The Blght Hon. Lnrd.Keane. H. B. Sheridan, M. P. Colonel Jamnes Adair. Tie Bey. W. Beau. Peter Carntaira, 1!>Q. -- TheHen. 1B. ]oothby. John James Unwin Clarke, Enq. Heury' Clark, Fsq M. D. Nilioles t»Deuiya,kaï. Williamn S. Potter, Eaq. 'William Heénry Bough, Es8q., M. A. F. M. WellA, Esq. Peter Morrison, B&q.,Managinz Directer. .uditor.-A mbrose MiL, Esq. oltn- &fssr. Miller & Horne. Surveyor.-William 1. Wllllams, oesq. Bankrg.--Moes. Rauseni & Company. k'.retry.--Wm. Canwell, Esq. Heaud Offce,-Masonie Hall, Toronto. 2rute.-loiî. John Bons, John Crawford, Esq., Q. C., oard of Dfrctpr.-airman-Wm. Mo Monter E&q. Vi4-GChairmn-W.PHowland, Esq., à. P. P. Wm. Ruas, Esq.,, Wm. Heu. derson, Esq. F. W. Jarvis. Eaq., Sheriff, U. C. orkand Pool. Banker-The Bank of Montreal. Soikoo -Rosti, Crawford & Crouibie. The engagements efthte State lire Iusuane Company' are- guaranteed b>' a responsible Pro- prietary. Ail "oes vilii bosetticd prompt!>' vithout reference te titheIBoard ini Eng;.land. Tho business et tihe Timos having beon pur- ehaseil, Pelle>' -heldlerA are nov gulgranteed by teé ltae.. W Fiiîby, Jei XIaag.i-, BJJriUa rtk Amua.1 JOHN AGNEW, kn. 5, 1859. el.s u Protectieu-against Lou andl Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURO"N ftOMPANY, CAPITAL £100ffl TIUAN efeteld ok&7ýuildhipensd tuiler contente. Every W *qeVpplied on applicatIon te lte tîndon!g<eA JOHN AGNEW, Traveling Agent, Byron Str-eet, Wlîilby British Amenica Assurance Companîy, INCORPORATED unde-'r an Acf of thie Titird Seisalot cf tic .Eicvonti Provincial Pari!. tuent of!ilippor (Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. Irsurauce ettected on Buildings sud 1heur eçutouls. XBeye:' inorriatlen upplled ou sp plication teo tue undet-sIqiicd. Marine Riska. for thc besson or-for Pnts. - - JOIINAGNEW- -Travelling Agent, Byron Stireet, Whitbl Phoenix Rire Assurace -Co. OMBARD STEEF NT 1()CîlBuM<aÇRt005,LON OIL wL%&I, >IOFFAT à 00., Agents for Canada,, TNURNOag'a[ust LogiSSE13iFIRE au JLefool-ulma ict avra,io terni1,&an London'. B. W.; WOODWARD;, Mgent, cownty oVOntario. Whltby, Aug. 10, 1859. ottbç very1-st ,ln the Towfnship of iar- llgon rowniL t 1IiiBowmanville, Broohii'li, Mamtb>n, t 'Petry, and'SarnWa rAI». a few Town Lot.s m the Town of WHITBY For sale d Zoe Pfl 'Mechanfoe-and Ã"thera4ouf"rouùqof build-m lng eau bave *ëm irto 8ISith"M4 0make the flr4ipayment S.nd for a Ofrcular. Àddress ,J October 17, 1859. 89 FRSAM@. C> 5 c of excellent Land lu the .B. . an O t o 8, lu the ô Con. cf Uxbridgef tt tiberon the LUnd lJ irat bissespi 41s0 fori gelsor 10 Jet, Sacres of cleïred fia'd part S. W. ani.t4~i, id iC-on. of Beach for- merl! ownedby Mr. Enobents. Tis. Und le, under cultivation, sud lu excellent eider. It wlii bc sold te suit ;purebaa.r. or will b. let te a steady tenant. For terni& appiTto BRAS. JOHNSTON Malton, O. iv. Toronto Towaishlp. or te THOMAS BEAUL, Whltby. Mr. rom Rosea vîlishow As lsud ln Uxbridge iaItou, Nov. l8th, 1859. 4 Houe and lot for'Sale.. 1 iHfiIILot contains one-feurth of un acre o: Xexcelleut Iiud, whlc.b je in a hlgh state cf oultivation. Tlie house loa Fmianebuilding 18 by 24, and eomfortably 11niabed off., -Itis situa- ted. iu a very piesesut part ef the Vill tof Ux- bridge belngnear lie rcothesehb4ol the eost oïlee, ilî the places ef geueral business. WMINarorg ritobeOWlr.a1ppl ing te Ji cr c Wm.Waeo~:CLDWELL BX0ýN' Land Agent, Uxbrtdge. May, 1859. le FOR BALE CHEAP. Tr OT No.27, Inthe grd Concesqsion cf Whltby ..(the Wi.xnrs àatM) adjuiîîisg the Town of Whitby Apply te lhe Hon. B. C. WILEIN<59 csrry1 i teCLua. W ILznaa, Esq., Belleville, or te 3uly 15P 1857. J. V. HAMY Barriste:, Wiiby 2c Stcam and Pater MUi for Sale. T HE ASSIGNERS 0F 0. STONE, OFFER JLfor èale on easy terme lie Steuni Plaster Millud Furnîture thereln,>,t Port Whltby. Application te b.nmade te J. L. GRANGLR, or N. MILLIER, hty Whllby, Mgarci 2,1859. 7 Farm fors Sale. 2 Oo AOEEF SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010, lu lti Concession o! Thorai; 16 Acres ecoared. This Fain la iîuatad wilîiin four miles o! Beeverten, on lie travel rond te Mara; the land lesof the best qualit>', and in Iu lie centtre of a good sltaloment, with a Selicol, and a SavuIlîl cenvenient. AlIse North hlai!o! Lot 4, Inthie lti Couces- sIen e# Thoreli, eensistîng of 95 acres- 12 of vieh arcecered, and frontlng on lte l>ertge Boad, usa: Camerents Miil. - gW» TRNILIBEIIÂL. Apl oD CAMERON. Buevrlon, 101h Juiy, 1857 26 FOR BALE. T OWN LOTS lu Whitby' near the Bay,- Aise, Village Lots nt Dufln'% Creek,Fronci- man'n Bay, sud Port Perry. Apply te----- --- Jue 1857. - 0. H. DAR=LL4 Soicto &. .B,'oi fr t .it 1 FPORBALE IN TBRTOWN 0FP WiFlITBYî - L OTS NOS. , sud 22. TIIEY ARE SITU- ated on Dundas Street, belvecu Mr. 8: Cocirane'. sud Lyndo*s Creek. W TERN5 LInEItAL. _M Applcation te b. made te MS. ANGElLINE WEST, Lot88sihoocession Darlungln. Chisti=u Offring'pissocp>' nutil torbid L I VE R P OO - Blacksmlths & Waggonmkers Shops For Bale or te Loet ut Liverpool, IF WENTY MILUE AST 0F TOBONTO (A JLDeput and Station of lie Grand Trunk Rail- va>'). Enoli Siop hia*-a Cottage and a quarter et un Acre cf LUnd alfaehod. Tiýese praumsaharebeulatol>' .reoted wlh sia hot distau.cofethle Kingston Bond, sud tie Ruilvu>' Deot. A good buisinets in bath trades cen b. doue iL s teady sud good vork- mon. Fer furtier partîculanse >PPIl te URY Juiy 28, 1857. B A N excelent new' Fane Celtagýe, neryi the heurt c! tue 4cvon cf bsltb ' a within a fev yards ofthie Main'Otreet..]..,L.t Sîree--together.withUh tls oet-anm see e! land attueled. The icîue -coutalis six spart;- meute, lias au excellent collea:,sd lter.e la good stabling sud ail necessqar>' ou -bulldimîgs, and a au perler pump o! good vater cu ti. spot. For Terme, &o., vinia viiibqonpnd ver>' liberal. Appi>'t J. A. MAYEREOFFER l.Cinoulole <,ffiee, wild,'. BEAVERTON. roll BALE CHEBAF, A MILL. PRIVILEGE 'AND TO>WNLOTSý .Mcnoutlouste e ueverlcu Whtarf, A large sud preEtable Mlllng busiues eau b. dene bore. Favora4îble ternis 'May b. Made vifl lie Àrpreo 1y Ptclilr N. B.-There laeorfret-rate epeilstaIBas-i 1%,erten fur lie Eatshlihment cfa Fonndary. Beaverton, JulygS, 1851.-2 M HZStore sud romies 1tel>'oMapledi>'. 14fi J.At-MbMfliau.,aîUtiahlis Toa-ýW nab>'sluaedfa»' ,uItnm. The. Vîlliago M47U tm w lttetitTM hpsd i fhe tiivél emi thu, Brook rosit passes lrougli tW Ternisaii b. mode » sjuit puroemip.A- plication te b. Made té , -.1-F c JAS. B. OAMELL,4 Ashbum P. 0., Beach.l A qàtnjtyof go Octoer s 16b9 TH 1OIL&8HUSTONt Lo, for saleA tOdODAB c-eni W m 31IROEFRS lst.-100 cre south balf of Lo t No, 19, rd coWmin,nf Wiy, lkuownas pa;t ofthe- Only tve mil.. from»,ýhe Town e hl« y Lot No& 28, 61h, concessaion of Drigo, about elght miles lftom Bwavl 8~&5Oacrs eut Est uato~Ã"fLot No. 18, 'llth'conession' fmaniBoal bu 9 mniles from Lindsay. The above,mieitioned Lots ore firit-clais Farms, in a hlih state of cultivation, poil Buildings, dnoirimportant Towns. WilI Le old-reasonable, and on favora- ble terms. .Apply, t _ Agent/or thé,Oeojwr. Wbltby, Oct. 6, 1859. 5 TO MIL TIHE W1UD, A"» BALI? OP TEZ Tha nov offers te ol'o1Ient fer atermofe years, on very reasnabie terme -bis splendid prerilses ln the VILLAGIBEFVROOMANTONP Tovnship ef Brook, ounsiâtiujg et a STORE & DWELLING HOUSE, With tve Kitchens, ae Sltting-reom and Parlcer sud attaelîed te lie store la a veil fuimulohoc eflce and Warelîouse. The bujIdingaK arcfirat ciago Fronie Building. 1rie, £250, in four Poqual anîîal instahunents. vîth interest et the rate of ciglît per cent per aîînum, or 0925 per annum reuta? Brook needis no written-necommendaticu, Its ludustrleus iniabitants ln a sufficlent recoin- mendation. For further-partieulars api> te BOSS, MITCH1ELL, & Ce., Mre)iane, ouugn Stroet, Turente, or te the aubsoriber on thxe promses. M. MePHIADEN. Vroomantou, Brook, Sept. 17, 1859. 80v-tf Farm toe Let. AFan te Let for a .Lerm cf yeans, in the Township ef Danlington, about twe miles euf o! Bowznanvilie village, con- faining about 180 acrgs dean, viti good Buidýn. Aely onthe fanm to BuIdin s. AN1IEL on GALBRAITH. Dariiugton, Oct. 20, 1850. 40-2w FOR1 SÂLEP ACemfortabie Family Residence stuated in A the Villagaof Liverpeeowno p f1 ik eriug, adjoining lhe Freneimantis. Bey Statin e! he Grand Irunk Beilvay, 18 meiles frorn To- ronto, consiâtinir uta - Cottage ý centaining- Niue Rodms, w !th every enuvenlence requlsîte; ae argeBaru aud Stable &ýtuehed; a nover fiRilngwell et wa- ter; lie Groiuid #Te lastefil> laid ëul, aud plàiâtedwiti Sikde,'Prees; elso, etarge Gardon wellstoeked vwith Fruit Trees; the whele covers two acres of (4round #nd cauiîdt be snrpassod iu tis Townshîip of i1iékeien'g for its conveul- once aud ready aceesa te tdes5lRaiiway. Ternis it.adoeasiÉy. For fitllr parlleulars apply te the a;ubseriier, Yorkviile; or tu Mr. Willianmlurdy lupon lte promises. Posbesicaln given forth- wi't. GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkvilie, May, 1858. 17 For Sale, 6r to Lot. SACOMMODIOUS AND PLEA l'uititanly situeted BRICK 0COTTAGE, with J cf an acre ef land, in the North Ward cf the Town cf Whitby, on fliceBut aide of:Brock $treet. For funtiier pibficçulan apply (iîf by lot- ter, post-paid) ai 'W . H.tremayne's office Whitby, or le ii. subscriben, CashilI, SW.hitby, July 28th, ' D. 0. JENNI1ý, Propietr 1659. 8 For Sale Cheap, end on Rea- sonable Terms. THREE geod faims lu tic Tevuuiip of Tbcrah, C o f e Ontario, vit i m- provemenfa eft,0 ,acmés o6n oaci Lot. Fer particulanu appiy te, H. J. Macdon- ehl, Wiitby, Barnister, or le D. Camercui, Bo'averton P. 0. Octoebenl17. 1859. D). CAMERON.-1 59-2iu-s 40-2in-v -TO LET. TUE Store sud.dwelliuig'House uovocupied L James Pringle, sud kuovu su ftue ,STONE STOIRE,9 la iTo,Po.f Wlulby.ý eossin ý>n AppI>' tc TOBE 5OL~-~ABBG A ~ U NEDEL1 R08STUATED; aI n lie conter et BEAVERTON cemj 7ei-. h4yvkni lti, 8 59.i tipner>'aStoefe W. H IGOINS. SJan. 4tla 1860. - Abram >Logan,. BROOK BaEWHITIIYP Tin-Sm Ith and -Bel-Hauàgeri, &o., &W. B AVETroiglis p ut up on lie lasteatt Amer!- eau and Cainad!au îîîiproved styles4, witb iron liold-taatso.. alvanized L!gbtniing roda. C ounty ordera sent by post or oîierwiaoe pronîptly attleîideài te. 8-12m,. BLONDIN UU MUUEI T5HE subscriber requcasts publie alten ^~ ion b luis new stock of nuperiot- Stoves. The>' includelte following uew patterns : 7'H EKINU 0F 8 7YV ES, THE PRINCEI ALBER7, DAVY CROOKE Tl PROTECTONIST, GRAND TUB, MRON DUNE, tic.? 4-C., 4-C. Onu sudd examine? 162 JOHN BUYAN. Break Street, Whitby. ~JUST OPEN,ca CANTON T, COMPANY'S Nov Store 9 ,Kug At.. Fuel;ua:thue St. LavWrencee Hall, Toronte. 'T'H Cornpny, femned for 1h. importation of t u, unoclultkrat&iiTeas, dIrect frotu 'tiheicot owi o oente lte publie soîie et tie most Splendid T epo 'Te'ove soid iti Canada; aud ai priéer 'asienly,,tiuî vwiii ho sure toi aise a crs' aganut ni% b> interes- ted aies,' b eh ave been selling for yearsSe- conÂfass Teese'wu, aI ieavy profila. Taiemotte, 64 Short roû1e and qnîck returne,' yul bc istricti>' ibered te by 1h, Compati>. -Tees viii be rtoilod ut Wlioiemaie Pnîes ,tins enablin ai parties te BUY FRAGMA NNEW TEAS, aat heLoeet Possible Fegume Tic Conapan>'hlie beon careful te select, inon g h titeir Agents liti itia, senteetftiose s-plendid T~eas hy senttle lie London, sud Dublin Maretl, se tiit consuiner., wvi et- member lie dellicions liavor e! Tenss aeld thure nia>' nov bc enpplied with flînse checi ng auJi invigorating articles. 17e invite n trial te lest our-assolions. . Thé prucs vill-speak for them selves. ?Lok àaI thtn- Now on Sale, Five, }unrd hst Blac . per . ilrçcuper lb ...3a Goo pe lb =3: eod 'r lb ...4e supouior pt b.M Scs. 1'ECest lm.'rper l..cc Moôtel KeApers Sehool Prdprlotors CeunItry store, and B6nearig luse Keepers, Obi3EBVE 1 I~ Foly pudialpackages, «u4 mpm vîrds, o! TBA s'ent' carri 'erc0, te aur partý of Canada, on-rociptofethe (ASH Tlusewjiro do net bu>' se ia.qge a quantit>', vould do veli te club toetier vila 'eir frins St- faction, ..arraiio. ..autrtdoac a htfilententi tiatpaople »r!) gettlug ,larM,ý od., Tic- Company', .deireum cf ofYarng )pure and unedultrated antio1êe .quoist èstrial ofticir. deiiciougi TURKE'Y.COFFEE, nt 25dms. sud vo viii guarautei a tri'et eideiÙ enjoyed. Fine La Gusynu,, 2Octs. -. W emember tie'nunber, l1 Rig-Bt. i*ô doors freni Mtrket s4ua-e, sud pieuse dOm-e municat fis nova te yetîr tln Teronto, Sept. i2, 1859, - 8-Y -POTPONEMNT OF TIME. BWP -o Beaccfe 4p Srtfl> o LoI nquber Se en, in. the, Ninthcoe- io cfthe"seidi To bsýhi'p ofre'-aè6 iâý kne wnna al-l'th'.renleinlni '--part: eof6i Lot ivhichIha4îot hithenloIçnp sQIa-for,~ taxes, or preiv ouEily couyeycd by John Witagonèr to T ionias Mertin', wbi<éh àilZ-' test mnuidried Epee or percel. nîay bouzdei -ofcried u olo ut mtheugonro>. , cf~ ~~o eiltuorabout, te-distalice -cf twelccbIns 1 eighiiuonecrs soutti seventy1four de ee&ýweat, -to:-~ aeutb ,east,,angle ofsa!d lot, and uethle, aouth cast.ang e cf 1and,àold f6r taxeuj- thenenortbi aiteen de eawitigen - chainu aod twehtY.flve lînka ;thcuceuorth sevcnty- Our degrees eaýt, t te'ieW'ae lit o!Ipiddecded te Thomas MrlKin;, fience acuth i t tedegrees, ,earxt olgi - teen chaita6 nil tweity-five links tu tie front of said lot; thence along the front o! the. seid lot te the place of beginniug.:I NELSON G. BEYNOLDS9,. Sherif'a ~ Sheriff, Ç. O.,. Whitby, Nov. ~,15 4VNTED. Ridge! 1Hides! - Ride&, T Euitdersigned wili pay ti hest pric inCashforany qîaunity et 'gcod" BEEF HII)ES dciivered et bs Tnnery inu Greenivood. Ail kinds of ,L EAT I E R kept constantly un iand for sale, very low. for Cash. D. IreMURCIIY. Greenwood, Nov. 14, 18511. 67- CORD WOOD WiANTEID GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY.9 -o- ery beforu lst liil, cf fruri t 9l e'OCordaet goud Ilard NV cd, Ait tbe zfi'ni Trnnk Raiiwîy- stiltion hure, Mill) jcet to the Coinparîy't ilnepte- tien and îîut wrîcî.~ ood te bu eut tlîreci and a hll lO*.'ut long. Alto u ntïd :,uy quitltity of good-iard Wcood te lie deli vured ut the IIhîrbor. Port W hitbv. TIIOIAS MOOÙ1Y. Wlîitby, Dec. 26, 1854. 79 (JSH FOR'PROD'UCE.ý The Undersigued iii prepared toe PAY, CASH FOR ', anyqtie'ntity et1 THOMAS, MOODY, BALT FOR SALE, CHEAF. W!îitlîy, Sept. 28; 1850 Oate Wanted. HE sbcriberwvIl puythe ligliest mirket T rce tfor a, f a Riyo!goOtsclv by. QUI NTIN- McQ')WAK Wlihby, Jau. 10, 1860. Ma-in INFORMATION WANITED., - C.Jra, Contny of Clerc, Irelanid,,in 16,53 pr '54.Wo'laIhudulava tkigo i>osrd o!feueefthle Btaltimîor-e stcanie!;.- -n aîtfonniation cotcr ingl will bê tiankcîiwd7y reeeived b y-lis soit, Pîîtriek Quinlivau, wlio re- ei4cn uWiby, . .Upited .Statt Ptipers. poios.cep>'. - --AUotIInýBiis. Iforgél Rh tidus o! Printiug furnis leig oýdered. ZACHETJS Il UDf)>'.OF 111E Oilu J Courts. officuut il, sJou.A R3 EGISTIAn. OFFi4 ILJ. llACl C LERK 'OF. TTuE Pj lie Court flousc.- i JOIINVy, -SLEnR 0F TRE Coi thei gsr>Ciielruci W., PAXTa T REouIe- .OF H. J.MA~ iitîciL OtYle ut-tit -f1.)U2NTY RN<fl"NEEI C LiERKFMETDIVISI Jath1er lta i on-IfGO ..for lie Coîmttvof 0 W. H. TREJ ARRISTER, AND B Attornuey'. lc- [AIRISTEIS & ATT -B-.Soiieitira to tlue-Couui tilc'te AItih Court lic -- GEORGE Ir.D T)AIRISTER-,A-olA B.1 Streeut, Wititby,,t. IW 8.SB.9 FAIII ~OLUCTOR, NOTAM~ B ýR»ST "ANDAT 9tree, Wli liiy e STEPHEN is VIRE, LIFE AND MA -£Ageiat fer lie Coiiilv ovrDruldson's Hardavle Wîisy. SCOTT'8 10 Esutlof W. Luing's s ~J. W. CALDWE CIOIVEYANOI, -C0 sijonCouyt, Notar, Publie Uxbmidge. Otlee-Kiug Si N. JOHN IJIL LAW, OIIANCERY-'3 LOfice, Prince Albert. ----A, MALRS5 A ~ORNEY AT'LIAl iaerCou vcyutn PIRE»4D M?&INE. Whhy ov 18.

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