Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1859, p. 4

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end à en bd tise1 viel 14W ACCOUNT BOOXSe 'LedgerojilJutOaloi ]MY, Onoand uiiiliJ Boo,>vsi-' for thé ,aew deelasal carrenVBIan k a et every descrIption m-e o rdo,rnld te 'an>'pattain, pa ed .d'- Wuznd lna s upe sari inner., bool'Eooka' W*it4tuWna,. WRITING PAPEItS-Poo.t, Note, LUt., te. Copyng Fooisoap, Blank Pont, Pot anti Bu.if vitlng papes., ail set colora WRAPPINO PAPERS boni. miao. tUreàfd l aliaj.Dtvwn, C'ommercial,VE.. pliantand Grey 'wnapplng paper-ilI sizes and welgisto. - ENVELOPE-Laid, BIlue, 13u11, Colon. ed&ii'les msandi varlous quaUitics, IILANK FORMS-InCaneQse' Nencis and Cosamon Pissas, ounty ,anit surrojat. courst, Insolsent Court, Dlvi-' s oiss.ut,, Corn ),s, agintrateoa,'Notae. ,ries Clarofetthe ace, Clark& et Coun- tioiown:, Vilages and'ToWnsbipoaf2Dees, sutggaad alfra eai teth (aouuveYAnoe'et ROSI Estate. SiIERIPPE', Bsilllfs'ant i ('ertablea Blank* b y tlao doazen, lsszndned, os. tiso-- uand,.at Tornato prices Conaianlng 12 siseets fine rîîlod Lettes. Papes., 12 iheets Note, 12 oolf.gcafln' Let- twernivelopea, 12 self.sosjsling Note Easve- topes, A Fenson bullious Peau anti Iloldes., one sheet etflilottinig Papes., antI one Bot. lIe of Iek-alt fur <a Quar ter Dollar. TO P RIN'T ERSt . Ail kintis ef Psuam îo GPAritERNowI, J'ob andi: oolos.d-noid at smarket pices, tor cas&. J .4111 (sithon fleductiosi in ail kinds et Pri'otfng for Cash. The. SPMI-WEIEKLY CIIRON1CLE at $2.50 a Yens.. W"The WVEEILY CHRONCLE, tise chaispeet iewmpapov in- Cassactaat One Dollar -a loir, ià adounc. W.Jil. JiIOGINS, .lrinter anti .tatloner, Wlaltbyý, <Yly'4, 185(p NEW STÂTIONA1Y W'. LIGGINS, BG(s te cali attentIon <o hi. ilarge stock on New stationar>', wiscis ihicîndes alil kiadm et 'Plain andi Fane>' Writlng Paperu, MercisautuW rappisig Pap.rm, Seisool "eka, siatesm, Peucal., Fane, lukpPdpet# Se. AloLau Ste. tionary.oeteyery description aucluuitng Blackt Deado, Leaa, Mertgagea, As.. lgninental, Bonda, iIReleaoeo%* lmîsas Warrante, die* LAWYER'S 1BLANKS Queuas Beach, Consmon FleaeChamn. cor> andl CossaI> Court Forme. Pivn.ion Court Bisait. at Fit>' Centa - . per Isusntied. Maglstrate'm Dianst,Notarial Biait., JIl for sale nt Toronto Prie.. P R 1 N T -N G; 0f ever>' description, neati>', axpe. ditloasely, and eleapiy cxeeutad, M Me acWhigby tsangBgom wlll leueend al l te Dal>' Paperu, and thse 'latest publicatios home aprA FerelU. W, il. IIIUGINO. YNE1 ~!NEWSII CHRONCLE UILDNGS,(Brook St.) able qsiartrly, lus adtisse. Lasw>ien' and" X MarOhauta' iClark.. asnd otispm, Whsomaues0 t,22', rayenltishent ftMesi>iemrt- t'O ti iul turing tise de>' viii en"n'ylu sdvassoe.2pr, senm, payable quar. Wltls, Febrasary ULti, 188 STATiONÉ,Y. 01YA KiNS LWYZI -BLANiE, T9PETERBOROUGH RE'VIEW- FRI;DA,V M 0R N 1N G At OeDcsItLyper auuumm, payable l ii0vanc.' laaan> n lade beat ativertlalainodiumiiliathae OIt! Newawutîc' À&Il trd s addrôesd tetho Pssillebiens yli bo e iooiyatne te. T ILWHITE , POR SALE' "NE iapiovati ai a Wituq,100 One Impioyesi Faim la DUril nÉteai60 One "~ acres, Wiid Lands las Mars, fiomes.viUop, Eu. CuIves., ÇIsatliaa, et tise Tory.e>l' te ownasip of Da>s. Town ]Lots In Bownsanvile, Brookli, Hampton;, Port Pers.>, anti Sarnia. Aito a few Towe Lt. utise Towii ef For- sale Lmiis«dt on Long Ot.edut. Mechanilcuand theros desirons of build- ing ea av e afrein12 te 18 imenthe to inako tIse tiret paymosst. Sentifor a Cireulas.. Addraisu, poet-paid, October 17, 18Wh9,b5. For Sale Choap, and on Bea. oq"IbeTerme. TI'RZE g as larsi tie Townsip ot Torab, County et Ontario withImi- proveMents et 20 acres on euch Ut, For pantlcuWsr appi> te H., J. Macdon. e11, Whitby, Barristes., is. te D. Camnon, licavos.ton P. O. D. CAMBRON. Octoeos.11, 1850, Dt.2i-s 40.2in-w TO LET, 1W L L N a l a t ly o c c ap l e m i Iusii.J bi 1 larsoil "l'cnrylmBiock'O One 8110P> on BRUCI STREET, aouth et 011e081101> AND) DWELLING on Bîseez BT»ris,, mutis1'olluard's Ilotel. uunvoal "Bnlldiuigs luavarions parts J. il, PERRY. Wlatiby, itict., 1859. 41ni 0. -ia ]POSTPONEEENT. FARM-FOR SAL. bI outla-lsailf of lut No. 20, broens front, dtetownslir it hy,,eo4ainlng, lbut 10e iaces Ilbcud w oltb Saturday l3ituary 7th, 1MO ueotlLetb15.aseîosi dats.. #Te îirst.elaaa moa eoeJ %s4pde litfén, g6,oa Fefartlserpatlarapiyto tt Town& )a 8.ptÉ1 Z id 0on *k'çs-'v Lvrjs t.~ ~ ~ O B ~s. 0 ALEO rBale, vitillin fo-eft éim It1eetssndaa etü-tuttevits îw%4this eoaa roe ef ofo lr e atstue at'l.tio iema.îtma uMlSpr.t- eta maeQ sena, bia an excellent eellaw, enditise.le' es bigla state <01 geedti tblissg assd ail neemaary ou-tilldinga 'ai bînlldinîs16Ld ata uperor pnmp of goodvator on thieat. nfoIi am- For Tirma, q eiss viii W. feas VllçoUx.Ilierai. -AppIly tc 5 lie tsetl, tite . J A AYEEIIOFFE oral bsainema. le. -- " lroioloe-ee wisi«. iva nltor to May, 850, Latul'Agent, Uî,rdm, CT ile -hit ltis iti Coneesi .feWlibï asjitlssgtliseTowns et W1lty Appi>' te tihe 101s. 11. C. Wiljgrsa, 'Steama ad'Plasior IiI' for-aie. thse risinz- louud, one mfl.'nosh et tise tbîseoxfe ail 1kindus et Producç and, Gar. ^den"Vgtbletsi aiing tise efthtie bout Market Towns eaut ofthtie City of Tononto.: thée ,Grand lnfisnk Stution distance two miles, witb a fl uview olLake Ontario and ternas et payant, i f parties wish te pur. Teatia :-Eitben te lot on for sale, a rbe known iby applyin DA ',NRL .Solicitor, Witby. on b>' lette os , > -i.e JOIIN A. DONALDSON, Peut-Mlaster, IVeston. Possession given thse iist e April sext. Whîtby, Mov. 15, 1850. 08s44ýW;si TrO LEt. ~ [IM well knova Dnaig'sisop los uad tiwelling a t present oc. acupieti by G. A. Bannistes., sitaiated on tise cornier of Dundas andi Bynon' Stroots, Witby. Poamuooslon can bo hati on or. attes tise lotI sSeptesobes.. F'on panticulars apply, If b>' lette pre- paid toB. ItOUSE. Whitby, Aug. 31h, 1859. 4 TO BE SOLD-A BARGAIN 'NEAT I>WILLi NU II-OUR99ITUÂITE» Jin th ,is onr f BEAVEETON ouai- rlig IîX ooms.,,-e'1 AjipI', if b>' lettes poat pali, lVisltliy, Ap'il lOt0, 159. Iraiiru AM&A. OMDOSADP M&aBRIOK OOTTAGE,' with* W tun 'acre o e la n btise Mot;h Ward et tise Towneàt si oùu4 E uttat For furth.r.parteulrm appl!y (ItbY lot- ter,?etpold) at .W Il.Trtsmayne~s eitie W týjvF or tIste stscribcr, CubiilI, -markhâan. Di 0. JBNKIN$, 1; pro t <Wht l o, AWSWW , BEAVERTO N POURISALE CIJEAF..' A MILLjZ »DUJLG A] TOWN LOTS .Lieond l à. ~' ieDe'tnhr luargo sndprofiable Milingbuinessecou b. dono boere. Favorable trns'rnf itsodewthie 11'rprictor by f' ca ma1r. N. B.Tiere laanlat- Boonlg ae- .ecrtoss for detlab ishmeslnst oI'a -ound %lavorton, Jly28, 1857. 2 VLUAIJLE PIEOFEET-Y for'SALE. r "E Store and i l 'atcId enid « gi. , M ilaiiOtUtica, In thse own- 1l4O¶at"li thietoer lt4.p a quarter areot rabi>' itsutcs.foriasyhisis orTol l1 oo Ulica M lnth h nlssof t . Tise VI î,sandeA teca lolio o crondt lb.'essêhip, md IL tierm travlinltmadeBrooksrait lpussies lro.Ap-hI Tliatlnat&ib mde te maip',rh.aer.<Ap; plication tB.bCAMPBELt, 45 Aýibssrn P. Ã"., lBoucli. TOWN LO. laiaef Lotus Nos. 122 auid 123, F0mnt itreot Weat stof Brook- Street ln t4s i»wn flVJidy.The alivo Ltéotareineet ilhigjls 0t g ,frbuilding puryoaen-iîo> Tovj,ssand w1 b. diapoaed eo liberal tenna JW A cal eur loi vwiiib. gtvem, free freinai A leply te r.V. O MÀ Y=gJiF', Witby, TO LET. ALAMGE TWO STOBY BRicK SmTRE A wiîisaportme.nts ln thesomne teacomano- ds'to a rooapeulablo funiy,. andi another large Woodon Frum ois omjo joisag tîsexame, Con- talning altcsgttlsOr 10 roomO ant iglrge collai nie excliont weil o? wstcr.witi a pumnp, asdasi il sinemoar>'ont bui'dingi, anid a go gardon- Thsé lot contisins -bl au acre, situato on tihe conerof Dssndaa andi Aiorson a0tr4eslns tihe Town oef Whitbyonly afow, miutes walk fror thse doýôL- -: 1 1e AIse another voq lssndoneTwo 5107 Houime litihe MaMneumaity oppoisite tihe romi- donc.e of, lano-.peddvarassduls ronsad tise sane, a gooti vlolif water andti ci- tenu of moft vater vitit a pssmp lu oemi, tise fronat part la laid ont tory liandaorseiy-and orna- .vm~geena visibqi apmîor lilce a Iittle prlie lnssuunsantllere arcotwo garden, anid aV7l rge bsi'Ud prodiuelng m in rcetu Slsril, . (.. e olda, Edq.,, and I ethcr gei- tlenesofrapeabiit viiluasiaaisigia roccsi. zaodtonr 'tise pinueo itIsout furtiser oue- mont.,lient Modlerate. Fur sast'ulana 1 to Eq Wlthall, witiby, C. W. TO LET. ~TIEStjire andi d wolliaig leuse ssow oceupWe A 'b' Jainso sPnisgle, anid kaiown s t ise 6 r ONE STORE, Lni tIhe Tiwss of Wlsitby. Posmlsmien given on t la irit of Smptemaber iairt. Appi>' te IO iiitly, Jilyts, 1858. 28 Valuable Parm for Sale. T NAT ianissable Paraisconapeseti et N. E.1 ci Lut No. 4, is tise 4th oneamîifef1lo Oontainlng 50 Acres;' About,20 aerem ebopîlcd, Titea alsve Fais a inmitasatesi las lise ntre of arn exoJIeait what-grôwingl ocùIit>', and within aboustsixsailles ef tise irport it Town ef Wiltby. Tersai nnéit'rte, Tille Indlapotablo. Appltiot t bcmadie te J#M8, cALLA'N, Wiekirfss, or * À)GAN, LUt i#'JBroken Front, Also, for Sale A assait' f eeiCEPAR l'USTS, AlI'LY A8 AIJVE. octoberase18'5-nver 'à , buALl1 FoTUE yeqiaonaVry nfms, ndIis slnmA prenimseIlithecmssbetnn aesinit VILA OYRXOOAXTON, Townisl t ÈbBrook, eenlitlsg of a: STORE &DWEILING flOTSge Wih'twoK sun,' ~ti~roÇ id Par11'r as1'èjelsI o -ishostore Aasw v Plfrnme 0ffd- sii Wërrcop4o. Tire busflin 04aretiwt elea~ ~ ~ g Prss Bsldrg-Fice £Ag 0a ini our *al ansissl itlwments, WltZm1temêtis te ratoe egi r eetp-or aanniai, or' per oneoru.ared loasee mieis Mreandlzeà,v for theoinmsured, vitb ai or piolite otan>' *veYeu Whithy, Jane, 1859. ' .~ PIIRNI ýxoiNN VRMÇCB Cýqgeàxydter, NFATOiW, CO2INECTIOU '. sud, WPAID UP CAPITL, 2'0,ooM P LCE tin aset~s leiun. Met Whlt ~~n aif3~<$ &E5abkd À. D. and5, cnet aeePoow b>' i CAPITAIL :£,00,000 mentrosl, b Great lit.James Street, TrNTENDINGAmirn erepefl'e JL qaiemtedt tporsas. thl Cospassy's Pnoepee- Tiserates ofpresiits eisrgeti are Io;vishle to ise e Bssa doclarom ill bearcensaiaon vîtis the I'nefhu sslltttsd b>'ais>' et ise otlor ieudng offices. Partlessirattention lal,. direoteonequl-' table rcguiatioai adetetib>'tise Cmpn>' to sairreaider vaineefotnqumiuoti Pouîcle.. Willnry.JehaiAgnew,.'gent; Eebert . 1 tissai, M. D. Medieni Adsrsmer.I PaisinAaxsr-lvnA NeM.D. MdI igtate Pitre Insurance Company of Lon. BO D, OF DIRY 1,,. Colonel Jameos Adain. Thee Ber. W. Boat. I'oter Ca miir,, Ys£m Tise(%on4a.>Q William S. ottcRougsEaq. ..A y. I alli q.iul, s. .A Koaa iler osoi FI.,0 aaffnzDiroater. E. Will-aaasbroqbil Rear.-.ass. Ilenosi Se(osnpaîay. &r p-1a.OsvlE liaiOffle,-mnie HllI, Toronto. 2huatm l.,Jo , Jli Crwferd, qP d sseiaým Me Emjq., M. P. 1'.. Waa. Bos, Eaq., Wzn. 1,heu. dormon .emq. F W. Janvis. Eaq., SBif . C. cf Y'ork.and iléal. .rnkr-Tlse B@Wk ot-,MonrnL &Neikpas Tenggsesstm o ei' stao Fire i»nanrn mo -an'aro gaaarnteed bya rempoasible-Pro- prictar>'. Ail Loese vii be ottled prompti>' vîtiout rofortenco te the Board in Raig44-5 Tita tissinoas et th isaTse* baving bee 'par-- elsasmd, lll>' holdor* are no gurmteedby ALEXANDEË' STEWA*iRT' JVhltby, Ju. ;IP4.- JH A MW P'rotection against Loga and Damag ,WE8TERN ASSIUANCE coMýPANt, ' UBANCE aoteoien Buildting# sud huer n. n te n t m . Re s >' -in f orn a t len ap p le d o n o us. 1 application te tie und m gnedi. I as JOHN ANEW, il iii Tnromp nAient, Py"ofili'eea$ Wlltby Aie.j o. - &RAND :tCal anti examine? a - - -. - _ J O H N 1, (ParemOnendasti toË- I.-lrosn tiralot, or Apii. Lra ILoitais - k pa,w- EEGI8TIIATON CF B'ES-b dhe for llegatrniion, inr tte eCI et ig, owsmfliowis 0eeelil tter viz To-asyplacet Bsu m1sNortb k&nSro, id; 2ybsis an ilatIsa UsstesiSaus,<otg nsstbi.repid aime )s ti - -1 t a ý " To an>' piaeein GreatBnitalnasudIrelaud(post- age zonaibeêprqépAdais> ?d To sus,>iypiscoîn tlïBeibnltaColonlei orPoses- mma,"t i«0Eîgnti, (postage muai W pro- âge nsate. PAJIC o p te 8Ibo. veiglit eau b4 sent 1,> popt, undor régiatioumsAt la Id par lis, to W; pr1sd b>'poostm04esaboand na>be negiston IÇQ ma la are cdospatchetior recolvet ou $an Mas Neok#eandi prmnted suatter/ar tieUnlted States, tise CadOian Postage mabc pnepoid hypetoge stampa,ýo anti ou snob mater(rcm tis untti Statdo, thé, ounailan Postage valS b. te cllect on tielliiir>. Alitannient NevaPoPoriersjloingiiuose or Engluod, linaI S-e propai i ui>o st mp; 1 orlie> cassaat W.forvwaied. Nowap ns for tisaBnitistisot ladie, on NewvtÃ"uaa. Ld, nimust bes pnîpaitib>' 1'ostagc OFF pICE ROE . ek daasfrein 7a.m Sap.n.endeys,freni9to Ion. m. Pemtage&niup m isb. puroisames aIt he Pest - A.:McPIIERsON, P. M. DENTITET!DNTIBTRY 1 nwtoIses fne vto eqsiaiat lit s mnmeos frienim andi the pubic thaï ho bas al01! emaie- or idsa proteal o, la the,. Tàvn f W lby- Teelli aseitedi on' GeldPltnà,iCheeplastle with t pr i,&e Telj fiti nvithrou anti vll]otente' aluvenl» touson, Jeelv ou eeto- qilteet 1Id 6nt»Se m in theiatsta,.0 l tu e.th s' wit th grat eis.to viu.: lse reaemtney un Dr v*nu- -lxim-aoo W .m escue, vits In tise Court e lsms iu Wlliam!Venlgalplaintiff, va. sylvestr-siad le>', dofthuat. ;In tb e C oust y C ourt., William Cerulgal, pilitlif, vs. 8ylviiîeIq. Wati laiOretlmtnoOila îtise leventis eau- ceumon et Beiagog. - tise Ce.'ity Court. Jacoh ohieri juIsstlft vp. -John Suies' madS ?oln ao zetauti>rofaetl, lut WIIl andi Teosteont èotenling lngseteaud e -Ail th iselteeat isilthe,àM tSteriseraamg. mon> tiseemeet, i lais lite<tlm nnt tidwin etis desth Wisati orntiseut My âmeéof Lot No;' ', hlntise sevouth eoues.seon ofthe lo tise Counrt of Qsaeess'n Bossai. ' Tise Zisumnnian Baunk,plaitif vs. Jaue Loohant.and Anidrvow u, deilnefuunm. Lo0ts Noe?'i 5, aud 13, ia ise anti boe"aien_ of Secott. -Lot 15, lu tlaê Sudeoueamalon of Stt. Lot 19. la tise 4th concession oet Stt. PoiPartoflti9, insi 'ti 11h onofsiUs- ý Luq t . 9,luts,8 a 11h ]s eonee.iozezeSm NELS -.REYNOLDS, -porc. 1, . Wbltby, Sp.2,89 htai SIBJF' A-LE 0F rLARD&. Go"Tr-Y ? OMmê.3? flN Saturda>', the .ro W,, rY .Ç d a o Maei, A. D.A-860' et 'Tsreli'e du ?' noon, viii b. aom by Piblit4 Àuctlon,--et ym Ofice inthe oùr floxé,ln téTowns visicis' tise iskde*,mentienetd &fèanlairtaaav effli'y posgéa n2 the ndernmsieoned uands augd tenemepta - tises.aei, faeszd by me un- dei, and b7 vis.iue, of certain WrltÏoetreu .v a " si u to u lt &d fr e te a & v i : - -' r' ". TsIn the'Cossrt f Qee'a eh. William P. Howland and John b.ls7 Ysitcis, plaintiffe vu. PaulîF. ited(s dent. ' - he' Lot 28,- Broken Front bas t Is lat es- aiea of Pickering./ l Is.theCourt t, ,ComnioS Plama. iàclnDavidmo4',Ë_luintift vs. Irvine ZACHEUS BU TDEF TJt E C' tUF' <kr..Oflot aM-tlio-4 ARD>EN. IBeMDE2N WTiserais. NELSON G RE JOHN HA)! i lR>F.1AR. <>FFiCK H. Je NACO( (YLEUR -OF TUB PEA tise Cosurt lionse. - JOIhN V. l XOOF TUE C(iQU2< Eegmtrser oftiheSsgsh t he -is t egl t fiom c, B rook s W. PAXTOI Contisse. at tie Court Ilouase JOHN GO)!! 1NSPECEO'P. .,r w>'(Ini W. ne TRItJA -"OWEONdiMA£ I>AgKiBSTEUIi SIL ATTOX teffimnst tisa4 Cou.rt 110111-C -GÉORGE 11. DAUM raI Store, Broc B rowisitby,(2. W. Britlis Amoeo. AomraceCeapan>', ozi' TNCCIPUEATEl)nd0r as> Ad0ettise Tisird ih-S su.iSon >of'tise Elovonth provincial 1Pafla ta upOI -~ (1<IÀLflOob. lpal deh Iraursise llecetion Enlidinga ntithelr deoss cooatesstx e. soîr fslôretiois aUppileti eU ap oraiS>' t Plilatlon te tise untlerslgned. ' i--'-_ IsliunloBi" for ths onson ortfor Pirta tint ise: M - IMA'lMl euauaa evasr Asticueesumo, zstoCf mata patins EsTABLIHE» III 1782 GILLESPIE, MOFFÀT kCO. - '-'-'..Aente for Cgadati. I TN$RA~CS eanaLCSeswhi FmaïsisvoIs tTHURS A '1 orgy p DENTISTRY. DR. CmO. ýJEROME, mla tue pýjjw»,qg«,c o May ý ý4 1 pd ý robi,

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