.1.~g 't farupprduS i ye,they usld impose silenceuMoi bib fisdér had dlseo'erid ts ,besen - l 1orun. hbadprpowedgok 'lltw it- uth Ue réal quesion ai fuce aiff --ev, mit J d « 4iaÃ"ÃŽblan 1boéatvâid but liuuovsib ufpt" uof EBq b. bbetveuld b. npou lse i toer loe) ý QéJast Couse t. Il In4 QVktsBpllbeî tt -I prfer ý 0~ Mq~dsndfng Iî $0 you, la MWs lïnet,"éitta able journal Yoais faltt'aily, CIýe, resui o<our Montroal cotempor. aq.u&-W4Inobigod tomiwtj5lib is. Issu. f vaut ooof-. Our,>corrpondepi viii pireelv. hbaet tey eno wu' ba~I Dr ovu vi,lwvich ver epsîaed before hIa etter (MMto-mm. WIsen the proprietoral. Fleming Bics, of Pitabcrgb, Ps., 0fe ibis iuvaiuabl e.s muedy pnrebasedIL 4(! 'Uhe inventery, thora vAS n dne Whlchbc descerved Ure aine,1 (Or te carieof Liver and Blionsacomplaiuto, notvt4iandiug the greai prvlisnce of the"e di"e"".lu thé United States. Iln te Seotth sud West particulariy, vitere t.e 'patient lu froqacntly unable to obtalu the servIces of a, regniar physiciesn, see .e wuedyvas rqulrcd, ai once sale snd effecc tuai, sd teopenstion or vbieb cosld iu no vise prove prejudicial ote oconstita. tienou.This' suediçi nelà suphlicd by Dr.ý ,M'Lope'lf Lover Pjila, prepsrqd by Fleming1 L'- roi, of I'itteburgb,. as bus been proed lu every Instance lu wblch IL bhâbd a trial. Aiwaywe b.nelicah not a soitaqy instance, b" aver 6ctiurrd In wbicb Its Weotbave beeu Injuricus. The Invention -of an duca. Lo d d atlugsised physician, fI bas noth. ,Idngiu commou viti lie quacir noflstuu iliposed upeuste public by abaov proton. drn to the miedical art. Experience bu nor prqod, bèyoud a doubt, ihat Doctor I'LmueWs Pfils isatebuti remedy tmer pro. poeed for te Lver Cosuplaint g.T.Prcbaucrs i vlI b.carelui te a.k for i'MLANE'sS (LEIJIATED VER-1 IdiPIU04-' miiutacturud _by FLEMING svraiwswuivu, PA, Ahiitches Ver.i *fg iconiparixow' are veribleux, . Dr ;e-MLne *genuine Vemuue, aiso bis coeibrated Liver Pilla, clin nov be bail at ailt.eis"ble drug atorea, FLEMING 11110. A Schoolomut.r, as a puuisbnieut te on., or,, 'Lupl4 .for qsulug profane language, ,,1 ké w blt apair of oig ns Sbl. nlié u bertiýtsihi bo baild0 t :, ,t~unu The boy béok the Longis soddsusurely wated for te Vwutor . Di- x"y ite ho aw ,tîqu .peepnt oui or th o :e uUioMi 'laclng I a t h .teln54,on elthor gilde ot0ih.bol, sgrpd tb ip» nd trua tgi, 0wl0,gng It, 'Tiso vld* of Balae u bsnrrhd te Gg- nouý, lte paluler and u4ert of t. Loaôrre. Theeoaudltlenu of, the zuarrls-4areratier' dsglau.' Shit tereginlu tie naineofe hIr.celeutla signing legs1 docaromulu, sud to, b. called lu ber domaesb ciraio by tne bahr Dmre tiis th"iof ber irai bus- * me krgmnof Tecumseh lu nov iving in' Natice.xiss. H.é: là a s ell edncateda a pbybieIssand lsAd by,,theF-,rea 2?a ,dr to b. sut eemllntoeue.là bis pbar- soepoeis is s loi o ia aru te ueeriof vieou curative povers bho derivedr froin bisgrandsnotwbar, vi va agreat the e ioviug lettor, s"vddrissd1 Geurl ' GuulbsJdte Captis Buo, aVeuellotia , Dais CmMie BOIO s.-I entirely ' Côncir lt Y«o111iW lu rplan uItalan m.,,de s.d 1 t1ilgrnli ta membure voruby ef a p.opi. viicitl te esled ho, rorgassl itu1! s& ail hsarda Wbas Z veoil xnet bave la the tle eorGeueralismo. "sY Wb.n y«uvaslme; bat.lIliM nsb e aliy foi 'se".o G3»&I)L (%m'.s, )Nor.- 26, 1869.ý jI~ppes tbat su, Intiewlv)Mistebn oaibal dISUdiii.turfs. , ri of umis, Mt #N4e. ,,Who *v0 f uopatttraito n iar.et 8o T'h. Now7"Xork 7~m' tMna .qs 1 dMWs IOuru font Wà slutWu thtt istuaut.r heu1 bas deiekWibat'e sE ee nnesq@ onbslunff0 be- S date Dors rie",w;5V'4 dOnu Tn cudon ed Suheyor <ortUrnse abov.Soy,. Md b lavi to annouup tii belse pnl to b. mad&, lm --o!d &Mnt,.audothê proer, f pfflvdvu, o OUne1berl mu spsdbyU.Oopsy WbfIstby, G3AND TRUNEBAIL WAY. T il'~I% GNy k Jin..4rWte oeuun. ery b.I'ure lot Airi, o o! <oi 1 100 Crdaof moo liard w«Ud âtb.éGrand Trouk Ealwisy tlon blie,ape gofethéii. compays ou1 "nd xsud suréa:» wood te b. u= be msa bhait (ut long. Ais w.ntd ny anl~ff od liard Wood to b. dellverod aet Ur M hb. Wlsltby, Dec. 24, 1ion. 79 CAME on the lpreniiesa ofthlusunderig, c let No. le, la t.s7 Con tFCe.ruta. fcw nouths r oadak l'us io0, iit lg ln forellîcad,hlI fect wilte. Tihe ownoc osu bave thse sainie, by provIng moler7ajpgylug expen*es on apeIwion tu OUR MUBICAL PRiEN» "f~KMUSICAL P111END" Il ars Com- pmniou forth. Wiît.r koztlile Erey iauler, 1 oho' l rre tht. weekly Evr$ingur, i 'býrlu"kn of Vocal and £Vary Toucher, 1 isiao Forte Mîîac com: itvery Pupil, Ilsi ut oi0 ocEïii s Evcry Amar Inuinlcr, anti pr'îsoned BY the. outire Pres of tise Country, tobho "TME BUT, AND ClIZAPEâT WVB]K 0F 'VUE RININ VITE WORLD."l Tvcolvo t(nlI-sl izc sgeo! fVomal aundJ.îno Forts nuale for 10 coula, oubacrube to "Our nr acl Find," ,oy ordsr It ftouei lie urwsreat ewsd.alor aliJ youi wili have >tuslc eiongh foryor eudre Ssusî> n#un lssiçjlessI-e.&rmn vIfZenwau. Mingie for theute Voll cosel i'400c, Aeeido &o., "*c, snbacdbeto the Cortiing 12 page#, cotilig î.îll le Ceuta a Nuniber; YVearir 02.50;j 0aI.ery 1.25. Ail thi iei k utnl;or a et10 t., ând Bôsus viplunugeoutaiisl 17 su lahes,aî $2.60 ".1à , C. 1B.5 YOI* 0 19 luff Namil , 1N 1ew York. The .AunDversary Meegt S of the Town cg Wbltby mw Irni ssmu,'y WIIl b. b.ld at the Wel.yan Meubodliu Chapel on FRDy BEENINOt AN. 61860. A Mlalonay 1Meting rIMÃILLboed at the Cougreia*onal, IOurchlin ibIs Town, on 7VEBD, A Y B VEXITG, J.LY, 10, 18U00 ~heRev. Msur. FnvIItof lKing- stou;- ILuIkie, olf novnanvilîe and Durant ot StoutrUile, and o Liera, wli addreue lb. meting, additon ~ rno. fningl Ë và l .eleetd to ekoatflMxiw il GZ 0&f6 illek tIl.y are detersuhusd te à mtat do&, eeipstltionu. "Ciab sudngo foi raslvus.",l J. B#, DUNÀLDBOK. ,Wbtbr, Dao. m loc 169 Chancy Notioo to OCroditors. rN OHANOERY. RZUBEK CSANDALL aud TRIME CRAN- ROBEET MOON An" FRANCES KOON, big Wif,dfndwa.. D[UESUÂYNT tto eDoreeuad. bIbi10 08se .L by tiiCourtefichsueefor u Wo5fad îheerditors 'of WilliaM ' btay, laieof lis. Tevusshp of!tbec, lu $lie Count ye n rio, yeoman, deg.eed, (wliodà part 0 Hete on oribout the lot day of Sepnil owier O ro on z orbrse 1 ft leiol istrou0 Woduday-toe lotnaryun, te eonMsiama p rovt sr debt* bfore#asmi . Qt è< 1oronto, orjudful brefUe *ii %,e 1 surlyszuddt.beE e oie 1 t t eoi utm-brnn tTu. FH g-sub,&iiber ha received, and is à ,now in à ily receiptôf VretArrvaI of ROCRIE ofevryIkid, nldu Ryson Skiz, Hyson Twsnikey, Gunpowder, &t1èrcnt reduction on Price heretofore charge&i -S yR Ir iFS Golden sud othor Syrups ati Andi other Wines. 10,0000 1 rim Wbikey $ugar-Loat Gruahetianti Tobaaoo for Smokin Pickles in vaniety. a" 1 fM'And evry article ini the Orocory LMme..a AN IMMENSE STOCK 'O? CLIOCKERY, CALJI AND EXAMINE? THOS. H. McMILLAN. Pcer Block, Brock Street 1 Wbhby, Nor. 24, 1859. f CIRCUJLAT ION Il OF THE -wmr,.wr 'CHRONICLE' ?~IethI~ ~bhronidt - ZU~I0. g-ff'JAtthI~ rnrn, .~ ~ - - - - î,~trn. ~otnI drtudafioiî IueekI~ ~,2U0 The CIRCULATION CHoIC 1 Pl" :1 B t8 a nnouuce to liii uumeroq.»4ou u atomlti Dul ovwary on hia éIjl'buuea t- CAR R1AGu I.,*MA,-Kýl'Nc 'l, IN ALL 178 BRANCHEq, On t.e premises heretofoe occsspied by Mr. N. RAt, on Mary Street, beiveen Byron end Brecilie, viere b. la pu'epared, e beretofor., t., execuate aIl orders, lntrstsed to bli asi AÇ,RRIAGES, BUGGIES, SL'EIGHS, CUIYIERS, &Col WamnnOwîred -aud fSoU ut thse Lowes remumeratiug PUices. ALL WORK ýWARtRANTz. LU>!Bb.ansd PROD UEJO 2AKENff ý"E XOHiKO, at MA RKET PRICES. D. FORD' long experience of tbirty ycara ln Lb. principal Ilaiutatories of tbe States and Canada bu. gireonibsat experieccolunvr branab ýof Use businesvhicb 1ew bave been ahi. to arrive at, and for bcaîuby of desg -1eegno f finisbý durability, sud solidity of vorknianuip, bis vont cars et ble d.' 1 W-Cafliaud sefi Speelimeu. 70s. 45w !O THE AGRICULTDUST. Artifloitil manur6 I Peculiarly sdapied te Fali Mita. Q ostalnlug lu a eouccntraw d É d mlubie <-,or:» vlsatevorlt.vnluabeienluFaîrn Tard muc., Quail , Bon.«. Ntrate of Soda, Vitro- lu Cheaper,, liu M ars. Yard' Emm- AND orxDi Aitt APPLICATION. Fric. $55 pertIon. Fron tbre 1tg iv.ewtn, aufficant for an acre. Put up ln barrei. oftbîr" e ch, sc To b bd of Il. W. WOODWÂI*D, Dan du Stret. WhiLby, Aug. 20t1,, 159. 4 Merr, IMerryhim _ ÀS aui- Onia&ood 0srsortnsent of Gi.- &,'rien, mong wiîclsiilb. souiA Tea#, Sutgars, CoZTee, Comas Shd Ci- cong Pood .r, Buncit sd Sulan RaiMt, OCuraent, itona"J Lemon PeéaJ, Flavorig Eaou, 1Mes Missiard, 2bbaceoc, e, #c. Tiîret gros, of YANCY 1'WES. Wlilthy, Dec. 15, 159. ev of the1 Than that of any other- local Paper in the Province, and The circulation, of ail the other papers in the County of Ontario united, W EEKLY CIIIONICLE ONLY The Chroniclo la -the papn t. Nfotice te thse Jtutepayert of thé Town of Whitby. <'9OPIES of tbe Rcvlscd By-lawa inay be 'obtained at the Town elerkm Office, (roui 10 o'clock a, ut., toi1 o'clock P. ni., ouelis day, THOMAS HUSTON, 48 Town Cheik. Rides 1 Rides 1 Rides!1 711lii wdcrignd iii pny the hlgbest L.itiEluahfr any quantity oi good B E F IlDES dciivered si bisi Tanueiylu Grceuwood. Ail kîndi of kept coustantly on baud for sale, very lev for Caeh. Greeuwood, Nov. 14ý 89.6 Jr Awaril Morgaiî, jet proeteait, anA fortWelveý AI f oslataI reli glie icTial.jtlp of W loitnt uanuuty cf Ontarios,sud havlng Lbeenlc or ouro n,o.t, a Marchanst. do ber.- by&W :ê notice tua I suteuid toprementia petiblon teZ]lieu a nilsa:»,J iJugsoftbeCounty Courtoth. Ue Couîsiy o( utâl, prsylug te h. est.suhed toioîl my dahua, estate a affecta, snd to b. prutectd froin &Ih preeees, uppu m*lk log, a fl digalosturs sund surrsuaer of! sch estato and eaffects for paymît ofniyjusit sud isvfi dbis;sudI heeyulrthrgale oe, isuth-iins vbere the niutter et isie uid poti'- üoýtiouisibu beardla te tbusdvertl.ed lutise Canada Gazette siud'lu the .Wbltby Cb.rolo nevaplaper, ooameinUs d itaM use date A* vltuemqa4 ' isdb tble tblrd day@91 De- esuber, littise yWoaro!CrLord, onetboumsd eigli IliUdrd uCIflnIne. N.ý'D G. iux DWE ORGAN. solicier for th1e Peiltione. do I L1. of aupeiqusIfs>'to 1»hid zad i - W. B. fflGGN&. 1 -CAOE 103XEDUCE Tie Uudersgnedlu pispared t. >AY <CASH FOR 40- ONLY $65 FOR ONE 0F SINGER'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACINES# TwTAIEANTED t t.bà is arn=ucu> epc stss olib .I.Sne o ut '17 mIttes<o $1 0Ihvenidaaiproesato 5iyi' irzeaz sulssb iîi PRIVES No. 1 MACHINE $65. No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND IMPROVED, $£0. 1 bave reccivrd nuîncreugs tsiusîsllJrc,î out uand $ileo snifcîîrTuitlora, Drus ak Orb, PrIve yrsiil,e, uid otiîc'rao, livous.lmlsg Iy molî t.alitelîclit recoiiuending tîsein forpresra ns. usAths41sitg cert 'ea rteu bly tihe îwo llu and mon:t hisive ligittu Sbe arisltrrer* loi Caiud. M1ontressi, Dùc. 19511. Montrent, Dcc. 18ui. We talcs piesure ln lcsirisg tiatiîuu»y to the, 'W, u inu osclaRoeis orfJr. J. Rugie'.sesving complote vonklng «tise Miselltie, sîîuuoîs- I. biss., i. Ounr f'eory fior thIse st ooain ontisa, ad b Misr. E, J, Nsgle, livlîig Il sdiroi, lisu non nd isuvo n i, I aljiltpuigtitthsey 1 1l fur thlest at ix mosithois. '.h'lyire of Sisîger's évery tes& eelt ati lit s nis apoe u- Pattern, and equal t to vuo ir sequslisîtu.see Sciasm 39",,iie,-of visis c ave ue verad ln o! the klnd. uft, BROWN & eli!LDR. ciUiLD$, sffLY'II S & AILES. Al coninincations relative to dcving M3achines, etc., muet b. prepaid, oïm noms otofire vilb. received 245 Notre Dame Street, Mossireal, C, 2. Fsictory over BArtlcy do "bohr,» Canaul ai», Mositesi, . E.bOsw-40v NOTICE. ,jLLprons having cahis sia s Lwll pisset tbelr'tccounts for pay. L. Il. SCIIOFIELD & Go, July li, 1858. 28-tf. DtTBLIC Not"e lu' rebbigiven thataSl peu. P. oona ooud renovlngo tauintiaey any mSd or gravel frein tisheachou tise lldaif Mr. Wffi. MclutoMh, 1.11e Oiore, Wbltby, vith-i ou it r obtoiuing persniao m ii nder-ý slgnsd viiib.prooseted seeordlng te Iâv. JACOB BRAIDEN - Pôilhltby. Port Wiritby, Feb.9,el8lm, 44 or NEW. 108K. Ca4A caitoe4 «paidiato *,1000,000. &vmover....-. 400,000. TIRE ANID MARINE. Tl'c (18»urancry A ro rpaed t o ae Poil- dego w unimopieLouQwde. lFre thé Dmsa- ger# of IlOulisif egîien ud"Tranmportuuoaa 8TEFi'MEK SEARLE, WOODS AS» PORESTO. Cs.ROWNeLà mua Dz?.aanesuýT. (Jcee, 4m1w <scu&ri19 NOTCEio llerehy jtiven Chat ttse folI.wiU4r NT!trner Barti, in the Upper (>ttavss Ter- nlt4rry, vIli b. "ifored for *de cby Public Aucion At the Crolwu T'nber OMS inlutlîe, Cfty of t- bava, on the SIXII day o1 DECEMBERliseit. Ko. PM 50squa.e n'ileson Lake Temi gue.' id ., & ' river Petoaav. The deaceription and pition of!41iC lis' tisi cfisn habc etis theaCrowss Tinber<>flie, of îtsa. Tise ertils et tisir eptinitstad areff,- nie o 'r blýZ sslç v ad a.vé btse orsiuary goand rer.t. Thei Bonus sud luit meni&on',. rent tab.pid in)medi.tely ut the ale. Lices','.t' isane vithin Oc i.- iontis <rom.tbe-.davv,ale. In alltitherrcâpecta tis#enb»rtisu l is aljteel 1 thse OGn" raTitue ' e , i' u ovl sie T liueiN dituhypiti'rtna% 'rsm frot, Ilibiilero sasmi lruprietorê t of e c tim1e. Tise buoiusseas, wiii 1Li futurse kti,-sikd on loy WA Ii.lloisogs, mleo wi i lisiCi I.ssa1 duc hi the Aria, ssud to whoui ail uees.ussî. duo mid Airmaiarpayable. W., II UGIENS. il A. tAlJIuiEh Whitby, DeC. ,lsli, 1b». PROWIMCE OF C' À NA A Departmentai Néticv. bLOJ e a cry glrtn thsgt b>'art orsier li N Contvîil berisig dute the 1j4;hliotîti $ts'directed dotiasuit a dr,,wbceqstri Ctl li., ,ralid, ble allOîwed tO ShIip luffirx on oducc .,er3 dteai'riptioui ausi vit ijol îi<l. 5rv, COolu;sr, lruia 'lslItw Mitsa ,r Zlî., dLU!,rs fctur4ii or is;uiluiîeactusally, uersiui~d 0 MI.ioîùd bglet" iloise blililoiîg siil rijegli;. 3ot$ol Iiiiiî witilisisll îs . (tIltPro'. vis«seaisirsp.,ss aIl uf whil i rticle,<is'ilfsg Uicu Cordtge), iîic, ut ofClihtb-s,, asus .sv beei POUlby ltisn o b>thil sersola 'r'îser- Bouls troin visona tise>'baini bave isurelsususLise Jasias), Isposs their iiuî;g)riîsioun tuto cassaia 'fa i rtdr ori t josîssclà îiIlss.rîireesctsst thse Slsip 1 iller applyiîîg for tise slruwlnse-k »sha (ursîlIlhp Cdi,ss'tr or ifuxia lg â aîîîitll. cationu ektise Cordige tondoîicr -wtî5, :,;ns wliail Le clsin, aucli Jrswbtel, ,'ir'is quontitlca ssiund vslîsca, by wîsom am. i,a ion- Ipar&iei snd'tise iii"inist Jjjjis. ul ~lau ise ussseo'ts litor*lhia iIltebsii~ an-d ritgiâg or w lî ile W1861e ut' tlis îale meustiîied &we-roe ud wlîeîs tiso ,ad lsIp r. nhiiiï elaaWlres a fins liuîs Fort, tise ,sîid aeî fttslcs toW teU l'e sup.td by Lis @stis l ts'.i hbi ui.5ê lafeclarfiîsassî 'qsîi i y Cc o!~ ~ ~ ~~L asesspeieas.Il Cut :uuliwuy usisie ia te moiol declisnistloai,1 Tule (.lliicts.r Jiauiilg tà autia.il-U iimwcf tilvs the -amont,î ut drnrfusc'.:ct iîlffi 1.0cIli 'v shall certil'> tise aîcclfitti iîd truntii;cl.1. smuse t l iepartnssswl.rui'u, sAstr '1ue exantiiiatilu, tite Cro]r wIJii sstlslotzeq*; to puynthe is ttt setiic'Ah!iJss" tlss.,dyupos irii v Is 2 lc.iîop; grand a drwh ack 4,tse ', Otulie mOs uuî .t abiew aflio u e m issa as ,eamc * *"is.. abl artnjsi laoussut cisPnifan i cs leiâfowubin 'Wïà ted. '.TOHNzÈNSH4, vWho ElilOgATEI> 0.t. CausdalnU»50,frein tiieaà rlala oflissal Stoko !male uiu Ais' nfonssaslops oommllg'sufoto M i iOmee g Moct n l iic he isnleelrscivd , his 1'rother, Chares Iloplna. Il. 10s. 45w 2 MAMINE $75.